Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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ARE you looking for a family tree, or a
. Revolutionary ancestor? Would you
like to be a "Selected Salic Scion," a
chosen vessel, a royal seed, one in the
most exalted circle of men and women
upon our coasts? Then remember what
Owen Wister says in Lady Baltimore:
"Whenever a few people gather together and style
themselves something, and choose a president, and
'eight or nine vice-presidents, and a secretary and
a treasurer, and a committee on elections, and then
let it be known that almost nobody else is qualified
to belong to it, there springs up immediately in
hundreds and thousands of breasts a fiery craving
to get into that body."
Mr. Wister's new love story of Southern
Society his first novel since The Virginian v
begins in this week's issue of
Of All Dealers at 5 Cents the Copy
Dnj Star Thtjr Ara Diwatiifiid with
Treatment looerded Them.
GoTfrior Mlrkcr Stands to Pat Vp
T2 for rrlTllvae f 'radian- Hit
Children to the Lincoln
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. J8.-AII of the delcaVtes
who attended the National Prison assoela
tlon convention have left the city, having
concluded their session btst night, and all
constitute a capital stock. The question
has been put to him by Insurance Deputy
Fierce. Vnder the old Insurance laws of
Nebraska an Insurance company must have
a capital If It does business In the state.
A mutual company haa no capital under
that name. Mr. Pierce haa In mind a mu
tual company with a guarantee of HW.ono
which wantx to do business In Nebraska
and he wnnts the opinion of the legal de
partment whether to admit it.
Von llaller Appeal.
Oeorge von Halier, sentenced to the peni
tentiary for twelve years for the murder
of Morris D. Roes nt Omaha soma time
ago, haa appealed the case to the supreme
Brown Declines to Answer.
Attorney General Norris Brown haa been
besieged with inquiries from county clerks
regarding the validity of the law enacted
by the last legislature providing that
have gone away convinced that tho ses- county commissioners should not be elected
Ion waa the best la-point of attendance, j ,hl" fal1- Mr- Brown refused to declare
Interest and In the papers and addresses ! the law unconstitutional and as the case
Tjnioi Faoillo Haa Burlington Enjoiied
frem lata rfe ring with Eoute.
Complaint Holds that Defendant Com
pany geeks to Hinder Build
Ins; by Loeatlna; Rlght-of-Wtr
Across Road.
Shortly before noon Thursday Judge
Munger granted an application for a tem
porary injunction' restraining the Chicago,
WSrllngton' A"vQtlln'cy, 'and the. 'NebianKa,
Wyoming - & Western Hallway company
from interfering with the construction of
ths branch of the Union Pacific road, now
being built near C Fallon, on the North
Datte, up the North Platte river to New
port, Neb., In Scotts' Bluff county. The
hearing upon the application -is set for
10 a. m., October 31. The application fur
ther aaks that the injunction be made per
petual. ' In the meanwhile the Union Pa
cific haa tiled its bond for $10,000 to secure
the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the
Nebraska. Wyoming & Western railway
from any loss, should the final Judgment of
the court be In favor of the latter.
The petition alleges. that a long time since
the Union Paclflo Railway company estab
lished a line of railway by placing proper
stakes and surveys from a point about half
a mile east of O'Fallon, extending from
the main line of the Union Pacific into Lin
coln county, thence along the North. Platte
river to Northport In Bcott's Bluff county.
This Una was adopted as a definite location
and route to e constructed, and construc
tion has already begun, and that the Union
Pacific has acquired the right-of-way by
purchase, and that on October 21 ' plats
thereof were filed with the secretary of
state at Lincoln.
In the meanwhile, the petition says, the
defendants in order to hinder and delay the
construction of this line have undertaken
to, and pretend to, locate a line across the
right-of-way of the .Union Pacific, and that
their operations are not in good faith, and
that they do not intend to build any such
line. The Union Pacific claims the supreme
right for the construction of its line, and
the court is asked to restrain the defend
ants from constructing their alleged line
and to give to the Union Paclflo peaceful
and Quiet possession.
William H. Hassard.
i WUliatn (I. Hansard jwaa born. at'Beatord..
Deh," Jtiner 22, OA, descenataej from long
line of sturdy residents -ot that common
wealth. He was married to Miss Martha
Morgan of the- same state 'October 23, 1861,
and took up Ms residence in . Minnesota,
where he had resided temporarily for two
years. He waa a resident of Minnesota
until 1887, when he came with his family
to Omaha. - He was a member of Company
B, First Minnesota regiment, mounted ran
gers, and did faithful service for fourteen
months In the Indian wars that menaced
the state. He enlisted ,tn 1862. To the
time of his death he was a member of the
Grand Army of. the Republic and was
greatly loved by. his comrades in that
order. In Omaha he had been well known
and highly esteemed by a large circle of
friends for years. ' For the last ten years
he had been secretary of the Omaha- Pro
duce exchange, and previous to that time
he was for years a commercial agent for
some of the large produce firms of the
east. He was a member of the Hanscom
Park Methodist church at the time of his
death and served for years as 'the chair
man of Its board of stewards. Before his
last Illness he had been one of the most
prominent workers In that church and
was well beloved by everyone In It. About
offers tailor made suits which"
are beyond competition.
In claiming that the Tailor Made Suit offering vre
have aranged for tomorrow positively eclipses
anything of the kind ever attempted in Omaha, we
wish the public to understand that the claim is based
on knowledge which we secured from a thorough
painstaking investigation of the Eastern and Foreign
markets. The remarkable price inducements we
- offer tomorrow in the, latest novelties in
furnishes striking proof of our determination to live
up to our ability.
S. Fredrick Berger & Co.
Cloaks Suits. Skirts and Furs.
1517 Farttam Street
five years ago he received a stroke of
paralysis, from which he never recovered,
and to the end he was ministered to by
many loving friends and relatives. He
died Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock.
surrounded by the Immediate members of
his family. He Is survived by his wife and
three children, Fred Hassard and Mrs. W,
O. Timmerman of Minneapolis and Miss
Anna Hassard of this city; also by one
brother, residing In Missouri, and a sister.
residing in Ocean Grove, N. J. The
funeral service will be held from his late
residence, 1549 South Twenty-sixth street.
Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, conducted
by his pastor, .Rev. Clyde Clay Clssell of
the Hanscom Park church. The Interment
will be at Minneapolis.
, , George W. Bnrket.
The, funeral of George w. Burke t-oc
curred here this afternoon at I o'clock.
The deceased came to Iowa In 1870 and
was an old resident of Missouri Valley.
He was born March 10, 1830, In Perry
county, Ohio, and married Martha Turner
September 27, 1863. He was the father of
four children of whom three survive their
father. County Attorney I W. Fellon's
wife of Logan was a daughter of the de
ceased. -
A Home Made Happy by Chamber
Iain's Coaa-b. Remedy.
About two months ago our baby girl had
measles which settled on her lungs and at
last resulted in a severe attack of bron
chltis. We had two doctors, but no relief
was obtained. Everybody thought she
would die. I went to eight different stores
to find a certain remedy which had been
recommended to me and failed to get It,
when one ot the storekeepers Insisted that
I try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I did
so and our baby Is alive and well today.
Oeorge W. Spence, Holly Springs, N. C.
There Is no better preparation on the mar
ket than this remedy for a cough, as well
as colds, croup and whooping cough. It Is
especially good for children, as It contains
nothing Injurious and is pleasant to take.
The annual harvest home festival will be
celebrated In Trinity Cathedral Sunday,
October 29, at which time the annual offer
ing for Clarkson hospital will be received.
Gifts of canned fruits, vegetables or other
supplies will be received at the hospital
on Saturday, October 28, from 10 a. m. to
4 p. m.,
CoaJ Weather
This "cold snap" la a gentle re
minder that Winter la here. We wish
to give you a gentle reminder that our
ia the best for any use where good coal
la desired. Fully guaranteed and aold
only by ua.
Nut. $6.00. Lump, 6.23
All grades of hard and soft coal.
i. A. Johnson. Pres. O. F. Bruckor. Tree.
J. ST. Myers. w';.
IS 19 Farnam St 'Pnoas 130 7
Fair Today la Nebraska, Colder
. Booth Portion Fair aad
Warmer Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 2ft.--orecast" of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska Fair Friday, colder in
south portions; Saturday fair, warmer.
For Iowa Fair, colder Friday; Saturday
fair, warmer in west and central portions.
For Kansas Fair, colder Friday; Satur
day colder.
- For Colorado Fair, colder In west, rain or
snow and colder In east portion Friday;
Saturday fair.
For Wyoming Partly cloudy Friday,
probably snow In southeast portion; Satur
day fair, warmer.
For Montana Fair Friday and Saturday.
For South Dakota Fair Friday, colder In
central portion; Saturday fair, warmer.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Oct. 26. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
I the corresponding day of the last three
' years. 9no. 1914. 1903. Wus.
Maximum temperature.... 57 63 59 60
minimum temperature.... 43 77 37 47
Mean temperature 60 46 48 64
Precipitation 00 no 00 T
Temperature and precipitation departures
irom me normal at vmana since March
and comparisons with the last two vun'
Normal temperature 4
Excess for the day 4
r.xcess since marcn 1 431
rsormai precipitation 7 Inch
Iieflciency for the day u7 inch
Total since March 1, la 24.44 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 139 inches
lM-nciency for cor. period, 1904... 3.74 inches
Eiceas fur cor. period, lvui it. si Inches
Reports from Stattoaa at T P. M
Station and Stats Tern. Max. Rain
of Weather. 1 n in Tm fail
Hlsmarck, clear S3 42 .00
1 neyenne, ciouay 34 62 .00
l tili-ago. cloudy 64 .V .00
Davenport, cloudy M 58 .00
nenvn, ciouay 52 ,0
Havre, partly cloudy 8H 42 . .01
Helena, cHiir 18 44
Huron. clar , 40 , f0 .01
Kansas lily, clear HZ fig .00
rsorlh fin lie cloudy fi 64
Omaha, cloudy 49 67 .00
Knpid City, cloudy 38 42 .02
Hi. lyouia, clear W t .a
Bt. Paul, clear 44 '
Bait iJika City, cloudy.... 62 68
alt-nu ue. cloudy 41 44 .00
WltllHlon, cloudy 10 14 .1
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. YVKLslf. Local Forecaster.
presented that the association has ever
A number ot the delegates will visit some
of the state Institutions before leaving the
state and this morning a number went
down to Mllford to visit the Old Soldiers'
home while others went to Grand Island.
The delegates are all returning to their
homes over different roads from those
over which they came, because the rail
road did not grant the one and one-third
fare owing to the fact that not enough
tickets were sold to bring the number up
to that required by the corporations.
Yesterday afternoon the Lincoln Star
printed a story to the effect that the dele
gates were disappointed In the much talked
ot hospitality of the people of Lincoln
and were leaving much aggrieved at the
treatment accorded them. P. R. Costello
of Cincinnati, one of the delegates who
has attended the national meeting for the
last eight years.! expressed the sentiment
of the other delegates, so he claimed, when
he gave out this Interview regarding the
Lincoln sto-y:
"I hare Just read In a Lincoln paper that
the delegates are disappointed at the treat
ment they have received at the hands of
the people of Lincoln. I desire to say that
the Lincoln paper has no foundation for
such an article. The delegates to this con
vention were never better treated any
where. The people of Lincoln have been
more than kind to ua. Your governor has
attended our meeting, so have your United
States senator, your mayor and your prom
inent cltlsens, and everything possible has
been done to make us fall In love with this
beautiful city and Its hospitable people.
The hotel at which the headquarters were
established treated us with the greatest
consideration and furnished us the best
possible entertainment. One hotel In your
city refused to furnish rooms to some pf
the delegates who applied there. They
claimed their rooms had all been engaged
by the bankers. Some Of the delegates
were very much put out at this hotel, but
thta Is not charged up to the citizens of
Lincoln. From every standpoint the meet
ing was a grand success."
State Officials Mast Psy.
It is up to the state officers, who though
residing in Lincoln retain their cltlsenshlp
In the counties from which they were
elected, and who have chldren In the pub
lic schools here, to pay the tuition cf such
children at the same rate as charged non
resident pupils, or to furnish the School
board with a satisfactory reason for not
doing so.
Secretary Morris of the School board
discussed the matter with Governor Mickey
this afternoon and it is understood to be
his Intention to present bills to the state
officers and their deputies and employes j
fa the tuition of thels shildreiu, .Governor
Mickey discussed the proposition with At
torney General Norris Brown, and will
take no action about paying the bill until
he has looked Into It further. Should the
School board have , a right to make the
collection, the governor will pay, but It Is
understood that the governor and the' others
who have been called upon seriously doubt
the legality of the clojm, while they have
no doubt about the Injustice ot It.
The rate of tuition Is U a month for the
high school and 12 for the graded school.
At these rates, owing to Governor Mickey's
numerous progeny, he will be stuck for
about $72 for tuition, while Norris Brown
will get off with $40 or $50. while four of
the employes of Land Commissioner
Eaton's office would come In for emaller
amounts, as would nearly all of the other
state officers and deputies. It Is said the
total amount of money that would be taken
out of the state house would be In the
neighborhood of $400.
Governor In Omaba Snnday.
Governor Mickey will spend Sunday in
Omaha. At I o'clock In the afternoon he
will officiate at the laying of the corner
stone of the Joyce Memorial church, which
to be erected south of the Burlington
station. That evening he will deliver an
address at the Seward Street Methodist
church. On Saturday the governor will go
to Nebraska City to attend the ceremonies
Incident to the unveiling of the Morton
monument. Wednesday the governor will
shake off his church robes, go down to Peru
and there pull the eagle's tall, hurrah for
the flag and talk republican politics at a
rally In which all the people, not otherwise
engaged, of Nemaha county will partici
Rock Island Amends Articles.
The Rock Island railroad this morning
filed In the office of the secretary of statu
the minutes of the last meeting of the
board of directors. The minutes show that
resolution was adopted increasing the
amount of indebtedness which the company
was allowed to assume to $J75,000.000, not
counting the bonds Issued for the construc
tion or accession of new roads. The former
indebtedness of the road was limited to
two-thirds of the capital stock.
sir a. Culver Has Accident.
Mrs. J. H. Culver, wife of Adjutant Gen-
ral Culver, as a result of "Faculty Fool
ishness" Is laid up In bed with a dislocated
shoulder. Yesterday afternoon' Mrs. Culver
was returning home on her horse from
practice for the "Foolishness" today and
in cutting across a neighbor's back yard
ran Into a clothes line and was thrown from
her horse and her shoulder dislocated.
Mce Point in Insurance Uw,
It is up to Attorney General Norris Brown
to decide whether the assets and the guar
antee of a mutual fire insurance company
has not yet come up to the supreme court,
though It Is now In the Douglas county
court, the matter Is up to the county clerks.
However, it Is believed that It would be
safe for the county clerks to put the
names of candidates on the ticket.
Speaks lllahly of Work of the New
KEARNEY, Neb., Oct. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) State Superintendent J. L. McBrien
spent today at the Normal school. He was
most enthusiastically greeted at chapel and
addressed the school, exhorting the stu
dents and faculty to remember and not de
spise the day of small things. He spoke
highly of the work ho observed In progress
In the various classes and contrasted the
ancient method of completing a school
building and then watching, waiting and
praying for students to enter, with the
present approved plan of students appear
ing on the ground in time to study the
architecture of the building during the
process of construction. Mr. McBrien gave
a lucid exposition of the new school law
relative to the qualifications of teachers
and county superintendents, and urged the
proper preparation on the part of Normal
students to meet th new requirements.
The Normal school orchestra appeared for
the first time In chapel this morning and
gave two nuirbers that were highly appreciated.
Fatally Injured by Horses.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Oct. 26. (Special.)
John Manion. Jr., aged about 25 years, a
laborer. Is lying at the door of death t the
St. Francis hospital, In this city, the vic
tim of an accident at the McDonald sheep
ranch. Foreman Pat Fagan engaged Manion
to work at the ranch and took him out and
showed him his apartments. While nearly
all of the men were at supper. It appears,
Manion went out to the barn and was later
found under one of the heaviest teams of
horses on the ranch. His skull had been
crushed, the horses having recently been
sharply shod, and when a physician had
been summoned to the ranch it was plain
that there was little hope for recovery.
Whether he was kicked by the animals or
fell under them and was later stepped upon
Is not known.
!0 Years Old Active
as a Man of
Mr. J. C. Prentiss of Raventm, Ohio, Cured of Indi
gestion and finable i to Toke Lonz Walks, iSays
that His Vigorous, Robust Health is Pus liutircly
to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
"It Keeps Me In Good Flesh, Makes Me Strong nwl Hearty, and I W'nuW
Not lk Without It."
. v.-.
4 vv
!V. ''ytVVo'i:-
A:.'.--:-'-:--vlx :
X ... .
s v.;..:.x.:.v.:.v.
i't,v. :
Chara-ea of Perjury to Be Filed.
TECUMSEH. Neb., Oct. 26.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The county attorney will file pro
ceedings against W. R. Barton and Franklin
Taylor in the district court here tomorrow.
In the Nemaha court last week during the
progress of the Chamberlain case Judge
B. F. Good ordered charges of perjury filed
against these two. They claim they will
have no trouble to convince the court
they are not guilty. Both will waive ser
vice and come Into court when wanted.
Promotion for Burlington Man.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Oct. 28.-(Spec!al Tele
gram.) E. P. Bracken, who has been road
maBter of the Burlington with headquarters
at Table Rock for some time, has been pro
moted to assistant superintendent of the
Lincoln division. He will move his family
from Table Rock to Lincoln at once.'
Mr. Prentiss writes: "I am over eighty years old and feel as ncllve and spry m
I did fifty years ago. I take long walks, go up town every dny, and I am In good
health and splrltH, better than 1 used to be. I tell all the neighbors that there is onlv
one medicine In our family, and that Is Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. It bus cured my
Indigestion and keeps me in good flesh, strong and hearty, und 1 Would not know
what to do without it." J. C. PRENTISS, Ravenna, Ohio.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
The sincere and earnest tribute of Mr. Prentiss to the Invigorating, henlt h-mi-inc,
life-prolonging powers of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is similar to the testimoninlii of
thousands of grateful men and women who have passed the century murk and who
owe their advanced 'years and splendid mental and physical vitality to the nourishing
and strengthening qualities of this wonderful safeguard against the infirmities itntl
weaknesses of the aged.
In order to enjoy the blessing of health, in either youth or old ago. It Is abso
lutely necessary that the stomach the great fortress and bulwark of the body be kpt
in a strong and healthy condition, so as to resist and repel the attacks of disease. For
over fifty years Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has been prescribed by doctors anil used
In hospitals In the treatment of dyspepsia, indigesiion, constipation and all forms of
stomach troubles. It quickens the circulation, purities and enriches the blood, builds
new nerves, muscle and brain tissue and gives fresh life and vitality to every part of
the body.
It is the only whiskey recognised by the government as a medicine and Is a posi
tive cure and preventive of pneumonia, consumption, bronchitis, grip and all bowel,
throat and lung troubles.
Sold by all droKsrlats and sjrroeers, or direct. In sealed bottles only.
Price 1. Hrfnae all substitutes, as they are positively harmful and are
sold by unreliable dealers for profit only. Insist on the srenulne nnd see
that tho "Old Chemist" trnde-mnrk Is on the label. Pictorial booklet and
medical advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.. Rochester, N. A',.; ij
Sen, of Nebraska.
TABLE ROCK-Mrs. May Smith, wife of
Ed. M. Smith, died this morning after a
lingering illness. .
BEATRICE Mart Adklns was brought
here toduy from Wymore to serve a sen
tence of ninety days for wife-beating.
OSCEOLA John E. Holt has bought a
half Interest in the business of A. A. Young
and the firm name will be Young & Holt.
BEATRICE Mrs. Flora B. Morris, wife
of Albert Marris, died yesterday morning
at her home in this city, aged 29 years.
OSCEOLA Hon. E. L. King and wife
who have been rusticating among friends
dowji in Kansas for a couple of weeks, re
turned home last night.
BEATRICE Ernest Guthrie, aged 13
years, was up before Judge Borune on the
charge of robbing the home of James Hoy.
He was sentenced to the reform school.
OSCEOLA John B. McFadden, one of
the oldest settlers of Polk county, and now
at the Soldiers' home at Viuincy. 111., ia
greeting old friends, relatives and neigh-
no rs.
BEATRICE At a meeting of the Beatrice
Volunteer Fire department last night a
minstrel company was organized. The
company will soon put on an entertainment.
j the proceeds of which is to go to the lire
PAPILLION The cement sidewalk now
being put In between North and South Pa
pllllon is almost completed. It will be
much appreciated by residents on the north
side as it connects with the high school
on the south aide.
PAPILLION In district court the time
has been occupied two days in the trial
of the Brandt will case. It is attracting a
great deal of attention. The case involves
about $18,100. The litigants live at Gretna,
Sarpy county.
BEATRICE The board of directors of
the Beatrice Chautauqua association met
last night and organized for the year by
the election of these officers: M. V.
Nichols, president; Samuel Rlnuker, vice
president; Q. L. Reed, secretary; F. B.
Sheldon, treasurer.
PLATTSMOl'TH A small rear end col
lision occurred at an early hour this morn
ing at Creapolis, at which time a flat car
was smashed into kindling and a car loaded
with meat from South Omaha ditched.
There were several persons In the caboose
at the time, but fortunately all escaped
without injury.
OSCEOLA Quite a number of Osceola
men, including Dr. liyers. Dr. Shaw,
Teddy Denkhoff. Clint Arnold, John Shults,
Carl Shulta and Sam Snider have Just re
turned from their fishing and hunting trip.
They tell big stories of what they captured
and they supplied their neighbors with
plenty of ducks.
BEATRICE Percy Kersand pleaded
guilty yesterday in police court to the
charge of petit larceny and waa sentenced
to five days In the county Jail by Judge
Callison. A charge of resisting an oftlcer
will be held against him, ana If he does
not leave town at the expiration of his
sentence he will be re-arrested. He is a
Mexican and Is regarded by the officers as
an all-round crook.
PLATTSMOl'TH The Burlington has
placed an order for fifty K-4 class freight
engines to be delivered here next January
and February. The company now has
twenty-five of these machines in use, which
are the largest engines in the freight ser
vice. A number of balanced compound
machines for the passenger service will be
received here for the lines went of the
Missouri river within a few weeks. These
are the same as the P-3 class now In use
on the Mci'ook division, which have given
great satisfaction and have proved them
selves capable of handling an enormous
tonnage at a high rate of speed.
PLATTSMOUTH-Cass camp No. 332.
Modern Woodmen of America, held a large
class Initiation in this city last evening,
at which time twenty-five candidates were
adopted into the mysteries of woodcraft.
State Deputy E. E. Kester of Lincoln was
assisted by several of his field men, who
have been working on this class during the
month. The ritualistic degrees were con
ferred by special deputies, appointed for
that purpose. At the conclusion of the
initiation refreshments were served and a
social hour enjoyed. Speeches were made
for the good of the order by E. Pearman,
special deputy of Kansas City, Kan., and
Ralph Johnson of Lincoln, supreme or
mnizer. J. O. Burgess of Hastings. Neb..
a special organizer, and E. I. Littletield
of Council Bluffs, Ia., a district deputy
for the state of Iowa, were also present.
Announcements of the Theaters.
At the Boyd this evening Omaha people
will be given their first glimpse of what
New York folks last winter pronounced the
comedy hit of the season, "Mrs. Leffing
well's Boots." This piece Is by Augustine
Thomas, who has given us so many clever
plays, and not a failure In the lot. Last
season we enjoyed immensely two of his
comedies, "The Earl of Pawtucket" and
"The Other Girl " This, say the New York
critics, surpasses both of thoee. Its story
Is one that admits of more cleverness in
treatment. Indeed, requires It, but it is
carried out capitally and Its Interest and
humor never fii'.gs. The company, which is
a Frohman organization, Is headed by
William Courtenay, who Ih well recalled
locally, and Jane Laurel, who made such
an Impression In Omaha two seasons ago,
when she was with Mr. Sothern In "The
Proud Prince." The engagement Is for
two nights and a matinee on Saturday.
Three more performances of "The Lost
Paradise" will be given at the Burwood,
Including a matinee on Saturday. On Sun
day afternoon the bill for the new werk.
"The Llttlt Minister," will go on. The
care taken to give this fine comedy a
proper presentation promises a splendid
production. Mr. Long has not only been
giving bis company extra rehearsals In
the roles, but has had special scenery built
for the piece and has provided everything
that may be needed to muke It go right
and from the first.
are easily found hut it Is
nioro (lillltult to discover
garments in wlilcli (lie coat
for instance, is cut and made
to satisfy younjt men Svho
dren Kmurlly. .
The regular prices of , our
suits and overcoats rang
from $20 to I0. You have
the advantage of buying
these new at the same price
we paid per garment, as we
will discontinue the clothing
business when this stock is
Suits S Overcoats
315 to $25
Inderwenr to Measure at
no advance In price over sizes
carried regularly In stock
1417 Farnam St.
To correct a false rumor the undersigned
wishes to announce that tho business of tin.
Maul I'ndertaklng Co. Is not discontinued
but is now located at 1317 Capitol Ave.
Mrs. M. O. MAUL.
Fin PbotuHjraplilc 111 u rwttun.
What Ex-Governor Matthews of
Indiana Says of the Keeley Cure:
"This Keeley treatment and
Keeley Cure has now passed be-
yond the experimental stage, and
It Is a fixed and absolute fact that
'a tremendous per cent of Inebriety
ran be cured."
of Indiana.
Tho oldost, safest and most rollablo
euro for Drunlconnoss, Morphine
and other drug addictions, Tobucco
and Cigarette Ilahlt.
Phone 1478.
Now Located at Cor. 25th and Cass Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Only place in the State where the genuine Keeley llemedles and
treatment are given. All communications confidential.
"I tested this cure; I selected a half
dozen of the toughest products cf alco
holism which the Chicago (j loons had been
able to turn out, and the drunke.rd-mik ng
shojta in no other city tan brat them in
their line of workmanship. The experi
mental cases were sent duwu to wlt;!it,
one at a time, eitendlng over a prriod of
several weeks. And lit due time tlwy were
all returned to me. looking a- if a vent
able miracle hud been wrought uiuii th in.
1 lie change for the belter w Hu (s'et
that 1 Bcarcely recognized l!i.'.-n. l'hey
went away"ijs siul ntmntd fct'iith-im n. ,
It was''';. and converted me t a
lellef In the eftlcicy of Dr. keeley s 'Ould
Cuts' fur alcoholtMii and opium."
Hon. joski'h Mi:nit.L.
Late KJitor Chicago Tribune