Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1905, Page 10, Image 10
11 THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1905. Iff CURRENT LITERATURE. Lunch at Our New In the Line." by A. T. Dudley. Is one , f the seasonable books for boys, and the j third volume of the Phillips Exeter eertot. The story tolls bow a stalwart young stu dent won lit position " guard. Hnd at the ame time made equally marked proess In the formation of character. It 1 In the ame vein as Ills first lnok, "following the Pall." which gave the fortunes of a player In the back field In connection with his general si hool life, and like that book fives much information regarding the name iind the best way of playing some of Its important positions. The story also Introduce- the leading arguments for and against foot ball In connection with the dlfflcultiea to be overcome before the hero's father l,na!lv consents to allow his eon to represent his academy In this way. As In the case of the former books of this series, the boys will like It for Its good fellowship and nccurate presentation of athletic Informa tion, Mr. Dudley being an athlete as well us an educator, and their older friends will approve of It for the Inherent manliness which la never lacking In Mr. Dudley's hook. Lnthrop, Iee & Shepard publishers. ir -srrrN n rv n rr f.ran T7 I T"" I IS n II 1 LSfl -.,- Visit Hew Tea Room Moderate Prices. r--i rvn n rvn a l a SA L Immense selling of the fall season leaves us with short ends, odd lots, etc., which we sell on remnant day at the exceptional bar gains Omaha shoppers always expect at Brandeis. BARGAINS OF SPECIAL IMPORTANCE For Friday we announce many specials of most important kind. Scores of chances for bargain lovers. $1 and $1.50 Dress Goods Remnants at 39c YardHeavy cloths, skirtings, fine weaves, finest black goods, dainty stuffs. Every piece skirt lengths, suit lengths, children's dress lengths, thousands of ends left over from the enormous dress goods .business of this season. Without regard to cost, at main entrance on big stretch of bargain, at . . . . '39c When congress settles down to Its labors, after the Christmas holidays, will there be legislation affecting rnllroad rate? Will the ftirlff be revised? These are the two Important queries of the hour, In "Ameri can Politics." according to Henry Litchfield West. In Ills leading contribution to the October-December Forum. This writer also Inquires Into the prospects of the election of t'nlted States senators by the direct vote of the peoplo. the revelations of politi cal dishonesty in Pennsylvania and various phases of Interest in other states of the union. "The Traveler's Handbook" Is a practical book prepared on new lines by Josephine Toiler for travelers Intending to visit Eu rope for the first time. It is not Intended to take the place of "guide books." but has been compiled with the object of col lecting in one volume enough hints and suggestions to anslst travelers contemplat ing a Journey abroad to make the neces sary preliminaries for accomplishing the crossing of the Atlantic comfortably and understanding the conditions of transporta tion and other Items directly concerned with traveling on the other side of the ocean. The book Is published by Funk & Wijgi-.alls. 25c FRKXCH FLANNEL at lc YARD For kimonos and waists. Also Scotch flannels, challies, double width wool dress goods In annex, at, per yard IN THE ANNEX at 25c YARD Thousands of remnants of all wool dress poods, every Imaginable color and stvle. for coats, Bkirts, and children's wear, 75c and $1 value, at, yard. . . Travelers' Samples, 20c Each Four and six pieces alike of the best imported, at, each IN THE BASEMENT A larger and better lot of remnants of drees goods than last week, will go at High tirade Imported Goods that can be used for coats, skirts and children's dresses, at lJ5c each. .For the shorter pieces, each. . . . 19c 29c 15c ... 5c EXTR.A SPECIALS IN SILKS 2,500 Yards Pure S.Ik Chiffon All double width and in every color of i rat'nfcotr loorth in regular p way up to 75 rents, at, f.wt per yard mmr Pretty Silk Scarfs with ombre borders, all full 'It yards long on sale, at, fcQt per yard - J Importers' Samples of Fine Velvets, also fresh lot silk samples ( Ifln for fancy work, trimmings, etc., each C"lUC All the remnants of splendid silks In lengths from 2 to 10 yards ) C all colors kinds of silks, bargain square, at, only, yard Fancy silk, plaid, messaline, black and colored taffetas, bro- yf CI CI caded satin for linings, 27-in. and 36-ln. shirt waist silk. . . .ffVUl "The Marathon Mystery," by Burton E. Stevenson. Is a thrilling detective story. which comes us a sequel to the popular "Ilolladay Case," which has been printed six times, republished In England and trans lated into German. Here again a refined young woman seems to be responsible for a 'cold-blooded murder in a New York apartment house, which Is followed by a second, still more mysterious. Implicating her lover. There Is a very uncanny busi ness about a vampire, human or other. The story is illustrated by Ave pictures by Kliot Keen, reproduced in colors. Henry Holt & Co. publishers. Big Remnant Bargains B.cmcnt Fashionable new Cotton Broadcloth twa utlful finish and rich in appear ance win De lounrj in ati snaaes oi uroaciciotn sale Friday per yard '. 15c 1 2k 8ic "The Harvest of the Sea," by W. T. Orenfell, la a talo of both sides of the Atlantic, in which fact Is presented In Action form. It la a story of the deep sea fisherman's life on the Dogger banks In the North sea and off the coast of New foundland and Ibrador. It la full of thrilling heroic adventure, In which men count not their lives as dear. Dr. Grenfell has lived with the deep sea fishermen afloat and ashore and tells in most readable form tha hardships, danger of adventure and romance that are Included In "the price of fish." The Fleming II. Rcvell Co. Is the publishers. "John Van Buren, Politician," a novel I of today. Is the story of a young lawyer'i rise In politics In present-day New York. The police courts, the city hall, the politi cal clubs and Tammany Hall are fully por trayed and the fund of political experi ences and anecdotes recounted Is of great and singular attraction. It purports to be ! the work of one who has gone though the mill, as the hero goes through It, and who vouches for Its unvarnished truth. The authorship la credited "Anonymous." Harper A Bros, publishers. "Down to the Sea" Is another book from the pen of Morgan Robertson. Mr. Robert son has no equal as a writer of tales of the sea. Himself a sailor for many years. these stories have a tremendous power ot realty in them and are told In the blunt. forcible style of a man of action. They reflect a variety of moods, tales of broad humor, deep pathos, clever ingenuity and thrilling horror. Flnnegan, a rough and ready old salt, who figures In several of the stories. Is as real and amusing a char acter as Kipling's Mulvaney. The recent ovation riven in Tlu t Secretary Taft and his party might have j been foreseen In many Japanese signs of cordiality towards the Occident. Clarence Ludlow Brownell tells In his book. "The Heart of Japan," of several he saw over Japanese shops.. Here are some nf thm. "Barber to Shave Beard or to rr xjair'. way," "The Genuinely Bleribuy the Health zor unnn, -or smokes our tobacco Is preasure to Our Tongue and give the Jieunnuiess to Hers and Hea! Also All feople by It, "Cowmeut and Plrm... and 'Ramune gouda Sasupre Zinzlnblya Jlnjyael." This last perhaps needs trans lation, u means -xcraon Soda, Barsapa- iino, uiugrr xiver ana lunger Ale. Anne warner, author of the "Susan Clegg" stories, which first appeared In the veniury. nas jUBt fiulahed a short ous serial, which that magazine will print, beginning In an early number. Th .r.. Is told largely in the form of letters to ner motner rrom a young American girl, ' i j wiiu re me guests of a uiimwun iraacioie uncle, whose mono logues are interspersed with his niece's ciever letters. The setting of the story is i in r i a nee. "Sweethearts and Beaux." by Minna i nomas Antrim, author of "Naked Truths" and 'Veiled Illusions," is a clever little volume arranged In an artistic and catchy siyie. n IS dedicated to the Following iiuotuUoiis IikIk-mi . hr, i, . '. of the blight siiylnKs the honk cm...i.. One might u. well try to photograph air a. 10 say wny one loves;" "Levels some. times snncr uecauw. ihry use all their fuel at once;" - During quarrel, to have &ia 100 nine may be mendtd; to hav saia too much, not always;- "Long tem pera and short tempers should never marry. New brocaded, fleece back. Waisting. light grounds with colored dots and all new plain shades for fall wear shown for first time at Bran- dels per yard Yard wide Washable Flannelette large va riety desirable styles for dressing sacques, kimonos, wrappers, etc. cannot be duplicated for less than 15c per yard will go at per yard J2-lnch Cream Shaker Flannel, good grade Mottled Flannel, light and dnrk f Outing Flannel special bargains .If. at per yard Plain and fancy I.inen Finish Scrim the kind you buy for fancy work and 71 pay Sftc per yard win he sola M at per yard " Large and small figured Drapery and Com fort Satlnes and KIlKollnes every yard worth KVic will go at per yard Big bargain square of Table I A great lot Linen remnants, m lengtns nan roweis of 1A to 3V4 yards at very end will make 4 much below regular prices. I wash cloths, each. 5c Half yard lengths Imported Cretonnes- many pieces to match suitable for laun nry bags, sofa pillow tops, etc. will go at each piece Thousands of yards finest quality light and oara uuung flannels neat stripes and vnecKs cno-ce nere rrom largest assortment every shown at one time per yard New lot Japanese Crepe suitable for long kimonos, dressing sacques splendid for drapery purposes regular price 29c per yard will go at per yard Various qualities plain and white striped White cjurtaln Bwiss in mill ends will go at per yard 35c it and and 8!c 75c trlped 3k and 5c Assorted qualities Bleached Muslin and Cambrics all 3H inches wide worth up to 124c will go at per yard...; , of Turkish last All Linen Toweling remnants worth up to uw m i yard while they floC JC.U "I Si, We Announce the Biggest, Most Remarkable jFTrsinMirP mom EVER KNOWN WEST OF CHICAGO. BEGIN MONDAY, OCTOBER 30. Immense assortment of extreme novelties at rare bargains, Plain and fancy ribbons at prices never thought possible. MORE RIBBONS, MORE VARIETIES AND MORE BAR GAINS THAN EVER OFFERED AT A SALE IN THE WEST. You Must Register Again! BECAUSE your Registration of September 19, 1905, (Primary Day,) has been declared illegal and void by the Courts. . REGISTER AGAIN on FRIDAY, OCT. 27th, 1905, or you cannot vote ON NOV. 7th, OR AT THE ELECTION NEXT SPRING. Register Again! v Register Again! Registration Day: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1905. -REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE, M. J. Greevy, Secretary. L. C. Gibson, Chairman. - I . I . "" uutins at lowest retail prices. Aiaunews. izi South Fifteenth street. Free Sample French Sachet Powder Saturday Villi a recent import order of Fiver' ftrfumes we reit-lvrj several d f.retty little Sachet of the Perfume I "AZrHir'A." We bhall give these away I H;'tur.1ay to the hint ltU cui.t..ntin a.-k-lng thiin. Tli.y ure Miiall, tut putty ami sweet smelling. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. frekcriptton 1 liarmurlsn and I'urvtyois el 'eriumes. Corner J" ni Judge SlrceU. Wedding Gifts Sterling Silver Cut Class HONKST GOODS .1 HONKST PHICK3. v--vtji -"n m i in.i -' DEPl'TY STATE VETERI:AU AN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S- ITV YETEKISAKI.. Office and Infirmary. 28th and Mason eta. OMAUA, Is'EU. TtlefUon W SWEATERS We are now ready to take all kind of Sweater orders and are snowing the latest style of men's and ladles' Jackets and Norfolk, boys' Buster Krowu - Sweaters uiiule in any color you desire. Men's Sweaters In all styles and colors and for all purposes buntiut;, fish ing, golf sweater aud jackets. Foot ball nose in all colors. All orders filled the same day. (Jive us a call. Our goods are all made iu Omaba. IieU quality at lowest price. Jos. F. Bilz, 322 S. 16th St, OMAHA. OMAIIA WEATDEK FORECAST KrlUy Fair. , VJ ' 6nen Trading Stamp Booth, Main Floor S Ladies9 Cravcncltc Coats A great bargain made from fine cravenette cloth halt-fitting back pleats and stitched bands a regular $9.90 Rain Coat 95 LADIES' NAVAJO BLANKET ROBES Very attractive colors a five dollar robe 3 50 AN HOrR WRAPPER SALE. Friday from 9 to 12 a. m. ladies' fleeced House Wrappers worth $1.23 at T.C INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S TOQUES. A most complete stock in the Infants' Department plain C and fancy, silk and wool prices, 75c, 50c and. C BOYS' WAISTS AND BLOUSES. Nearly 1.000 to select from, all In two lots in the Indies' and f ( Children's Ready-to-Wep.r Department prices, 48c and UC PURSES, nAND BAGS AND CHATELAINE BAOS. A new and complete stock on sale Friday for the first time in the Dry Goods Department all the latest fads prices from r . $5.00 down td ZDC NEW HAND PAINTED AND APPLIQUE LEATHER PILLOW TOPS. AND TABLE CENTERS. Beautiful goods. In the Art Department. Come and see them. LADIES' SPUN ULASS PETTICOATS. . Very deep flounce and ruffles our 95c Petticoat Friday Wool Dress Goods Remnants All short lengths mviHt go Friday regardless of cost. 1 Vi to 8 yards in length. Black and Colored Voiles. Crepe de Paris, Eollennes, Tamlae, Nuns Veilings, Serges, Cheviots. Henriettas, Granites, Plaids and Checks, Tweeds, Coverts, Broadcloths and -Kerseys. Goods worth up to m Goods worth from m $1.25 per yard $1.25 to $3 yard Slip only per yard per yanj oniy wV SHORT LENGTHS OF APRON GINGHAMS. The eight and one-third-cent grade A i per yard KC S.OOO REMNANTS OF OUTING FLANNELS. FLANNELETTES, KIMONO AND WOOL FLANNELS. In lengths of 1 to 8 yards goods worth 12 V&c to 45c for Q i for Frlda.v per yard only OjC SAMPLE N4PKINS. 26 dozen manufacturer's sample Napkins they come 6 In a package worth $226 dozen Frldav only for a package of n C sx tOC HANDKERCHIEF SALE. Ladles' Sheer Linnen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs worth 10c l each Friday each JC LADIES' NECKWEAR Be EACH. Fancy Embroidered Turnover Collars and Wash Stocks all C colors worth to 25c each Friday each )C Bennett's Big Grocery Our stocks are turned so quickly that we cannot handle stale goods at any time. . Twenty Green Trailing Stamps with pound fresh roasted Golden Santos Coffee 2ic Twenty Green Trading Stamps with - pound B. F. Japan Tea 48c Fifty Green Trading Stamps with 5-lb. can Bennett's Capitol Baking Pow der Thirty Green ' Trading Stamps with pint bottle finest Grape Juice 25c Granulated Sugar, twenty pounds II. 'W Ten Green Trading Stamps with S-lb. can BurnhnWi's Clam Chowder.. 20c Ten Green Ttfldlng Stamps with three packages Jiftlyhon, assorted 26c Fresh Roasted Coffee, per pound.. Inc Bennett's Bargain Laundry Soap, ten bars for ...i 25c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond "8" Chill Sauce 25c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bats via fancy Salmon 2.1c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond "H" Fruits, asst'd. 2Xc Fifty Green Trading Stamps with five pounds splendid Tapioca 35c Ten Green Trading Stamps with glass tumbler Cranberry Sauce 10c BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Five hundred pounds vanilla flavored Chocolate Creams, pound.., l!c Five Green Trading Stamps with Bon Bon box filled with candies. Hal lowe'en Novelllea, up from each.. 6c $1.25 Cook Book, 58c "WHITE HOUSE." On Sale Saturday, new edition of "White House Cook Book," regular price $1.25, 5SG $3 Fountain Peri', $1 SPECIAL SALE. A solid 14-k. Gold Pen, for school or business use, that sells regu larly lat $3 and is guar- - fr teed,1 while they last J..UU 10c Ink Tablets, 5c . SPECIAL SALE. Large quantities 10c Ink Tablets, linen bond and plate finish, as sorted sizes and grades, JfC0 while they last. . iJij We Give Five Green Trading Stamps With Every Two Tablets. . First Floor Near Elevator. See Onr New Eton Suits in Cloak Department. THE RELIABLE STORE. Friday's Bargain Bulletin 4 Ore at Sale of Winter Underwear, Great Bargain Event in Silk and Velvet Remnants We have given sol?ndid bargains In the past, but we believe these to be t.uVor U any ever offered. Plain silk velvet and velveteen lOc Remnants will go at, per yard ," Remnants of Fancy Velvets, LOc 22 in. wide. at. per yard Plain and fancy silk Remnants. IQc areat assortment, at, per yard " Plain and fancy silk Remnants, 20c best value ever shown, at i Remnants .Ifi-ln. black Peau ds Sole, worth up to J150 : 36-ln. black Taffeta, worth up to $2.00; 8t-ln. colored Putins, worth up to J1.B0; 27-ln. black and colored Silks, worth up to $2.00. and 20 In. plain colored or fancy Silks, worth up to $1.75; fQc entire lot at one price, per yd vfW Wool Dress Goods Remnant and Pattern Sale FROM :) TO 12 NOON We will sell 10,000 yards of all wool and silk end wove Dress Goods In lengths from 2' to 10 yards, regular $2.00. $3.00 and $4.00 dress goods, all colors and black, In four lots, at yd., 6ic, 4!e. 39c and.."-' FROM 2 TO 4 P. M We will have an other grade wool Dress Goods sale, all wool, silk and wool, and heavy suitings, In lengths from 2 yards to 8 yards, worth from $1.00 to $-1.00 yard. In five Id iots, at, yd., 49c, 39c, 26c, 19c & 10c ..5c Friday in the Great Domestic Room ...3ic FLANNELETTES In all the new patterns, 2 to 10-yd. lengths, worth up to 18c yard, while they last. Kf. f rt,- varri J SVirt Rtandard Dress Prints, great snap at. per yard 124c heavy twilled Shirting, file special at, per yard u" 10c Washington hookfold Percales full sized clasp patterns for ladles' wrap- En Fiers. per yard -,3c Outing Flannel. In light and file dark colors, at. per yard tJJw 15c Shaker Flannel. S3 In. wide, fZlr at, per yard 02 w In Our Cloak Department In New Tork secured many splendid bargains, a few of which Gigantic Picture Sale, Saturday. OIL. PAINTINGS, WATER COL ORS, CARBONS. CHRISTY PIC TURES. ETC., ETC. THE SALE YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. . WATCH ADS. FRIDAY. SEE DISPLAY 16th St. Window. Our buyer while we offer Friday. CHILDREN'S BEAR 8KIN COATS In cardinals, navy blue, greens, pinks and whites. In ages 1 to years. O QU good value at $5, choice Friday WOMEN'S SILK COATS Made of an ex cellent quality Peau de Sole, lined throughout and with extra full A QU aleeves. values up to $10, choice 100 WOMEN'S COATS, small lots. In all Aerordeon pleated Skirts, made of an ex cellent quality of Henrietta, coma in all colors, regular $6.00 values, J Qtt great bargain at NOBBY SUITS In the short Eton and long Chesterfield style, garments made to sell at $18.60 and $20.00, fi great snap at ,u,uu colors, secured at about their real LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS, made from good quality of outing flannel or Jersey street, extra full fine patterns, IQc worth 39c and Mr, at choice Friday. Ladles' Vests and Pants, heavy ribbed, good winter weights, worth regu- Q larly ?9c, at, per garment s 1 MILLINERY! A Rousing Hat Sale for Saturday 21 lbs. pure cane granulated Sugar for $1 00 48-lb. sacks Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap .5c 10-lb. sacks best granulated white of yellow Cornmeal luc The best Pearl Tapioca. Sago, Barley or Farina, per lb So The best hand picked Navy Beans. per lb 8;c Choice Japan Rice, per lb 4 1-lb. can Rumford Baking Powder 19c 1- lb. package Cornstarch 4c Gibson Polish, large can, each 8'.v; 2- lb. can Sweet Sugar Corn 5c bee the Windows for Display of Styles. We manufacture our own trunks, traveling bags and auil cases. We make thorn of the beat material. Our workman ship Is unexcelled. W sell them or less than Inferior gradb would coat you elsewhere. If you buy of us y.u will get the best you will save inoney you will be better eatlafled. Leather Bound Matting Suit Cases. $3.60. $$.75 and ?4 OU. Wa do repairing. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam Straat. (r FOLLOW THE FLAG n D n just One Chance Nov. 27th is the day the Wabash will sell round trip tickets to many points' in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio. Ken tucky, West Virginia, Western New York'and Pennsylvania, at Greatly Reduced Rates The line with free reclining chair cars, rock ballast, solid road-bed. AH information call at Wabash City Office1, 1601 Farnam St., or address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. rizui . . . . .inzzn u 2.49 i g mm EVERYDAY , II To October 31. 1905. $25 I J SHORT M.VK FAST TRAINS XO DELAYS I j 1 fie turt your tickets read over thU line I I Inquire at ft y VS. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. V" 'Phone 316. .T n s" 42 During the day we will sell H.oon yards et all linen suitings. Imported high grade Madras, fine dress ginghams, cotton suiting", flannelettes, etc., worth from 10c to 76c yard. at. per yard. Rp tA mrtA lW . " " " Forenoon, 26c to Rc Linings, st. per yard Afternoon. 26c to 36c Linings, st, per yard 5c 71c 5c 8V Zephyr Oinghama. in great assort ent or preMv irii paiieroc, nimv tiiirgrtinn Frldav, at, per yard... 12'4c Bed Seal Zephyr Olnghams. .1. !.... at Tin VtH fit-o nir.urhr.r1 Mlllln Mnft finish. 12Hc English Long Cloth, !W In wide, Qj from the bolt, at, per ynrd 10c Outing Flannel. In plain colors file ami fancy atrlps. at. per yard. ...... Pllk Embroidered Flannel of all tftU"'S at lust hnlf price. GRRAT 8ALK OF SAMPLB BED BLANKETS Best bargains ever offered la Omaha. -alue, worth $10.00 and I12.S0, on sale Friday, in two lots, 2.50 at J6.00 and m,m Four Furnishing Goods Bargains Men s Shirts and Drawers, heavy neeos lined rarmenta. good 60c and 76o qualities, in two lots. Friday at, , 2."Sc per garment. 6c and Ladles' and children's Hose. In heavy win ter weights, worth regularly K; 16c, at, per pair Hayden's Grocery Prices are Trade Winners. Read Them. 3-lb. can Baked Beans THe Fancy Brick Cheese, per lb 120 Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb..l6o Choice Dairy Butter, per lb 18o Fresh, crisp Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb 6Ho Xcelo Breakfast Food, per pkg 7to FRUIT! FRl'IT!! FKU1T!!! bushel baskets of Fancy Duchess Can ning Pears 60o New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb 2o Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart iVdo Fancy shelled Popcorn, per lb 3o Fancy Tokay flrapcs. per Ib.v .....So 3 measures Fresh Roasted Peanuts lOo The Best Ihated Office Building in Omaha Is The Bee Building . Don't wait till cold weather; there are aeteral choice offlcea vacant now they never stay empty long. Borne fine offlcea at from $16.00 to $20.00 ptr month. Including heat, light, water and janitor service Ground Floor, R. C. Peters Co.. e Du4,g Keutal Agents. 1 JUST TWO MONTHS Before ChrUtmaa. Would it not he wle to select and f have your gill laid ui ' while Hie ati Its are un- T k T ki i. l .. 1 1. I. . ii. 1m, hi wKt line it tfilitrlM ivi. hiiVM r ever liou a.'.iu t If" iniiiut-K in our sioie. lx.ik for tl. name. 5. W. LIND5Y, Jeweler, i51fl DougUa bU .11 r ft