Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
ntgistration Day ''ff'" s"
J Today ,0,,.ra.
fjtglstration Day Qirm si
IV Today
from $ a. m.
Attempt of Bailwaj to Faok Commerce
Contention it Thwartad.
Ken Wh Bofuifl to 8if o Eoosetalt Pledge
Hot Allowed to Enter;
Chicago IxecntifeSayi Bate Questioi Row
Greatest Before Country.
"RnllrMd" Faction Orl r
Flectla Jf. XV. MrOe-ud Chairman
ml Annonnres that It la
the Real Thine
' fl
CHICAGO, Oct. 28. Refusing to stand for
President Roosevelt's policy for the regula
tion of railroad rates, a large number of
delegates to the Interstate Commerce Ijiw
convention were barred from the convention
cf the organisation today, and thereupon
held separate meeting to give expression
to their Ideas on the subject.
The original convention was held In Btein
way hall, while the "antl" convention met
In Music or Btudehaker hall. Aware of al
leged attempts to thwart the purpose of the
convention the delegates at Stelnway hall
refused to admit delegates, although prop
erly accredited, unless they would agree to
support the president's rate plan. These
delegates ohlected to the procedure, de
manding they be given the right of free
speech, -while the opposition charged that
they were sent by the railroads and other
alleged unfair Interests to pack the con
vention. A number of exciting scenes fol
lowed before the meetings were called to
order In the conventions of both sides.
The number of delegates at each conven
tion was shout equal, ranging between 400
and Bno. The convention will continue In
session tomorrow, when resolutions will be
adopted by the Btelnway. ball convention In
favor of the president's policy.
ftnardla Aa-alnst Trouble.
Following the plan decided upon by an
executive committee to avoid a clash with
the dissenting or Parry faction, no dele
gate.! had been ndmltted to the conventlin
except those who subscribed to what the
offlcrr. of the organization called "the
creed and articles of faith," which en
dorsed President Roosevelt's message, ask
ing onibllng legislation by congress en
larging the powera of the Interstate Com
merce commission.' so that It may regulate
freight rates, subject to Judicial review.
Tn addition to police, half a dozen "regu
lar" delegates guarded every door leading
to the hall, and all who had not signed
the endorsement of President Roosevelt's
message were denied admission. Among
the first delegates to subscribe to the prin
ciples of the convention and gain admit
tance was L. W. Neves, representing the
Illinois Manufacturers', association. Mayor
limine" was also an' early arrival and he
chastened to congratulate the officers on
their decision to oar delegates charged
with being In sympathy with the railroads.
"I will see that you have all the police
men necessary 'o hold your convention
without Interference from the railroad lob
byists' said Mayor Dunne as he was
greeted by. 8. H. Cowan of Texas, one of
the leaders In the convention.
Among later arrivals were Governor Cum
mins of Iowa and Former Governor Lar
rabee of Iowa.
Itak Man Starts Xol.e.
The first disturbance was created by F.
J. Kietel, Ogden, t'tah, said to be a repre
sentative of the railroad faction. He en
tered the nntc-rooni of the hall and de
manded ti nt the statement which delegates
Were asked to sign bo lead aloud. The clerk
In charge of the registration declined and
Delegate Klesel shouted:
t'All in favor of my suggestion say aye."
Three voices responded. Then somebody
asked for those opposed and there was a
lusty shout of "no" from a score or more
of delegate.
"I will never surrender my rights aa an
American cltlsen by putting my name In
that book." shouted Delegate Klesel. "I
will not sign away my birthrights."
Followed by several friends the delegate
then left the room.
In the absence of E. C. Bacon, .chairman
of the executive committee, who - Is 111,
Judge 8. H. Cowan of Texaa called the con
vention to order. "I know that the dele
rates who are here this morning will abide
by the action of the executive committee
and Indorse the railroad rate legislation
advocated by our great president, Theodore
Roosevelt," said Judge Cowan. t "We might
have had more delegates had we the means
to bring them here. We paid our own ex
penses and we have a thoroughly repre
sentatlve body present.. I hope the eonven
tlon will be peaceful and that Its disinfla
tions will result In much good."
The mention of President Roosevelt'
name 'was greeted with long continued ap
plause, i
R.. W. Hlgble of New York was chosen
chairman ot the convention.
Parry1. Follower Leave.
Meanwhile the Parry procession of dele
gate had approached from the Auditorium
tnnex, two squares distant, and had
earned Btelnway hall. The Buffalo dele
gation of the Parry element, headed by r"
H. Mason, secretary of the Chamber of
Commerce, wax the first to ask for admit
tance. As they neared the portals of Stein
I Way ball the doorkeeper offered the dele
tiuttfs the pledge already prepared. After
looking at tbe pledge Delegate Mason said:
"I am a regularly accredited delegate and
1 ask to be admitted," offering his creden
tials at the same time.
"You must sign this to be admitted."
"I will not do so," returned Mason.
H. C. Elwood, chairman of the Buffalo
delegation, was the next to be refused ad
mittance. The same ceremony of the offer
ing of the pledge and It refusal was gone
through. Then one by on. the other Parry
delegate went' to the door and were le -
fused. When th last man had been re-
Parry party went In a body to ntudebaker
Nearly 300 delegates assembled lu Stude
Wker hall for a so-called "rump" conven
tion, after they had been refused admission
to the Btelnway hall convention.
Criticism of Regular..
F. J. Bradley of Haverhill. Maas., wa.
elected a temporary chairman ot the Stude
taker hall' convention. In accepting Mr.
Hrsdley made a brief speech advocating
alii) and dispassionate discussion of the
natter under consideration.
T. B. Aldiieh of Colorado na elected
Delegate W. A. UrM, In a short spt-sch,
sharactaiiaed the "Bacon" meeting at
tCuulinutd on Bvcool Page.)
Tnmlr.Flir Prrnoni Injured. Tw
"erlooaly, When (art Meet
la Sew York.
NEW YORK, Oct. N. A runaway street
car on the Sfw Williamsburg suspension
bridge across the East rlyer today caused
the Injury of twenty five persons, two of
'.hem probably being fatally hurt. For a
thousand feet down the Incline on the Man
hattan approach h. bridge a Christopher
street ear ran 1 I brake out of order
until It hit and i i: hed a standing Four
teenth street i z 'which were seventy
icenitl sireei c - wnicn wrrtj i-ev.-m.-flve
passengers T he latter car most of
the Injuries oe j ',. It was ten mlnutee
before the brc
this car could
passenger whe
John Holds
pher street ct
of his runau
the last ten :'
of, sldea and floor of
iken off from the last
turled under the wreck
orman or the Chrlsto
o remained on the front
trying to stop it up to
.f the downhill rush, was
je two cars, receiving a
caught btw.
fracture of the skull and Internal Injuries
from which he Is expected to die.
Oeorge Bryld, n employe of the Western
Electric company, also suffered a fractured
skull and was taken to the hospital not
expected to live.
The Fourteenth street car, blockaded by a
truck, was standing near the end of the
bridge above Attorney street. Its passen
gers saw the other car bearing down on
them with Its frantic motorman making
signs that he could not stop. The men on
the rear platform of the standing car
Jumped off In safety. The three score pas
sengers Inside the car fought wildly with
each other to escape, but blocked the door
ways. As the runaway car approached the
rear platform those near the doorway
piilled back the passengers who were step
ping out on the platform, thereby undoubt
edly saving several lives. This platform
was spilt Into two dozen pieces a few sec
onds later.
The sides of the Fourteenth street car
became detached from the roof and col
lapsed Inward, while the roof came down
on the heads of the imprisoned passenger.
Men broke out the windows and crawling
out of these openings drew the women
after them.
The Christopher street car was not so
badly damaged, although flying glass cut
some of Its occupants badly. The Delancey
street police station was converted Into a
temporary hospital, fourteen Injured per
sons h"lng cared for there by surgeons who
were summoned with all possible speed.
Ordered to Prison and to Pay Fine
and nam ages for Mnn
alanarhter. PARIS, Oct. 2. Tne, ninth correctional
trlbunal of the Seine today sentenced Elll- versity, the cathedral and other buildings,
ott Fitch Shepard. son of the late Colonel ' threw up barricades, constructed a regular
Elliott F. Shepard of New York and a ; fortress and elected a provisional govem
grandson of the late W. H. Vanderbllt. to , ment, but cool beads on either side effected
three months' Imprisonment and 1130 fine, : n arrangement, which made It unneces- eentin; voice and acting tinfler a legal opln
and to pay KOflO damages to the parent ; sary for the troops to storm the revolution-! lnn rendered by Joseph 11. Choate, the
of Madallne Maradul, who was killed by , ary citadel, the defenders of which marched j executive committee .of ..the republican
Shepard'a automobile at Bt. Ouen April 24.
The Imprisonment part of the sentence
will not te carried out while awaiting li.e
future course of procedure, on the. part of
tWr. Tn'epa-rd, who wa present-in court.
Friends of Mr. Shepard said later that
he Intended to appeal from the fine and
Imprisonment part of the sentence, but
that the country Insuring the automobile
would not appeal from the award or M.'wi
damages to the parents. The appeal will
.!, ln,n,l.nnrr..n until
decision ts given
Me Rhenard aavs he deenlv ree-rets the' ur- mini in mw - , . t . tne S4U acre Dill allowed., ii win ob re
Mr. Shepard says ne deeply regrets me ,,.,, . ,..iKi-, ., i. was stiirrested for the renuhlimn ticket . .. . ..... , . .
affair, but feels that the prosecution as
sumed undue proportions owing to the
recent popular agitation aalnst fast
Maltre Polncare. counsel for the prose
cution, emphasized the need of making;
an example of Mr. Shepard. declaring that
American millionaires had the habit of
coming to France
nd running over pea-
ants like chlgkenc.
Freedom of City 1. Conferred I'pon
Leader of the Salvation
LONDON. Oct. 28.-The freedom of tho
city of London, a distinction on which
many statesmen, and warrior have set
great store, was today bestowed on Gen- Moscow the revolutionary committee ts
eral Booth of the Salvation Army, who paying strikers 15 cents dally and ha tn
accepted it a a recognition of th world- vested large sum In rm and ammunition,
wide work of the army. The presentation 1 The rifles and cartridges taken tn Finland
was made In the presence of a dlstln- j nd Poland were part of those purchased
gulshed company. Including civic officials, by the committee. It Is conjectured that
several thousand church officials and financial aid 1. being received from Social
many officers of the Salvation ' lata and revolutionists abroad, and that
Army. The addresses referred In ; some of it may pome from America, in re
glowtng terms to the work of . "Pons to an appeal published recently In
General Booth and hi organization, not j Ne" Tr newspapar on behalf of the
only In London, but throughout the world. ' Jewish band. The tactics of the revolu
Tha general In reply referred to the dlffl- i tionists In St, Petersburg are apparently
culties which beset him In his early days j l create a reign of terror. Warnings have
and which are only now becoming ofti- been sent to merchants on the Nevsky,
dully recognized. ! Morskala, Ascension and other fashionable
Insteud of the usual gold casket, the j thoroughfares to close In order to avoid
address was enclosed In an oaken casket, i p"lige and the torch. Th doctors are re-
the balance of the money voted by the celvlug notifications, ordering them to dls
munlclpal council being, at the request of i continue vlBlt to the sick on penalty of
General Booth, given- In the shape of a
check towards the funds f the organiza
Two Aft Fined and seut
to jal
nud Agent of Swift'
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 28. -The cases of
Burt & Dennis, grocers, and Frederick
Hall, local manager for Swift and Com
pany, charged with furnishing impure food
to the League Island nuvy yard, came up
today before Judgi McMlchail In the irlm-
Inal court.
John F. Burt and William F. DenulB,
trading as Burt A Dennis, were charged
with supplying oleomargarine to the navy
yard a a subbtltute tor butter. They
pleaded guilty and were fined tZO and
cost and sentenced to sixty days in th
countv Prison
I Mr "" cnargea wun selling meat in
whlch boraclc add was used, was lined IKK), i
the cost of prosecution and expense of
the analysis.
Man Arrested for Emoesslemeat
It 1. HI Brother Who
I Wanted.
Mo.. Oct. 28. ( Special
Telegram. )-A man believed by the police
to be Archibald Kuptan, wanted at Omaha
for alleged embezzlement of tl.M from
Stewart Brother, wholesale grocers of
Omaha, November 1, 1904, was arrested at
the home of his sister, 238 West Fourth
street, this afternoon. The prisoner claims
that he Is Arthur Kuptan, and that It Is
his brother who Is wanted. He ul be
held for IdcuiLucauun.
Alarming Earners Cane Shopkeepers to
Cleie loon and People 8tay is Homes.
few Tralaa Are Rsaslst and Strike
Has Had Effect of Causing; Gov
ernment to Posh Reform
Proa ram.
ST. PETERSBtRG. Oct. tti.-St. Fetcrs
burg was In a panic today, but to a large
extent apparently without reason. The
most alarming rumors were tn circulation
and the shopkeepers on all except a few
of the principal afreets closed their stores
and boarded up the doors and windows,
while peaceful-minded Inhabitants kept
within door. Anxiety was evidenced In the
whole atmosphere of the city, but so far
nothing has occurred to Justify these
fears. There were no disorders.
General Trepoff, who has been placed In
command of the 8t. Petersburg garrison
and given an additional division of rein
forcements, declares that he Is amply able
to maintain order and the police are al
lowing the strikers to vent their enthus
iasm so ss to avoid a conflict. General
Trepoff Instructed the police not to Inter
fere with the parades so long as they were
orderly, but herave notice tonight that he
was prepared to cope firmly with any dis
order He had printed In all the evening
papers a notification that the troops would
tomorrow be ordered to use boll cartridges
in case there should be any outbreak.
Pew Trains Movlna-.
By the' greatest exertions the government
succeeded in moving trains manned by
military operatives on a few railroads.
Traffic was resumed Irregularly on the
Moscow-St. Petersburg line, and on lines
to Prest and Kazan. The first efforts were
directed to the moving of cattle trains so
as to meet the pinch of approaching famine family left the. train at Arden, N. Y.,
In the two capitals, and one train load of . where Mr. Harrlman' country place Is lo
cattle arrived at St. Petersburg and an- cated. The only members of ,the original
other at Moscow. A scanty supply of I Taft party who came through on the train
milk, butter and eggs Is arriving In St. I were Miss Roosevelt and her traveling
Petersburg over the Finland railroad, the companions. Misses Boh rd man and McMIl-
employes of whlct) refuse to strike. The
situation cannot be regarded as much Im- i
proved. The strikers at their meetings to
day were as determined as ever to continue
the strike and the full force of the rail- i
road battalions Is almost helpless in the
face of the general strike on the railroads.
The most encouraging feature of the situ
ation Is the absence of any widespread dis
order. .
Picturesque details Jjave been received of
the uprising at Kharkoff. where students
and strikers took possession of the locality
In the center of the city containing the unl-
out with full honors of war.
Minor tumults are reported from other 1
cities, but In general the strikers are ad-
herlng to thalc determination in pink, the.,
protest In orrierTy?a'hInn,, In order to show '
tnemseives to be nt for "lf government,
Force. Oorernmcht to Act.
The strike has proved most effective In
forcing the government to speedy action
mM.llr.. w.. . ..... ' .
.,, . .
,,... - - ....... - - ....". ,...., i riim-imay
night the ministers after a five hour
' a.i.i.1 H...1 -M -.
- ii iiiiuif-ifii.
and toaay completed the revision of the j l"w ween. Bo. conomon. created a two.gecton homestead Instead of one sec
statute granting freedom of assembly, both DV ,he campaign caused a change In senll- j Uon b(Jt a Bectlon looked so large to con
of which will be taken to Emperor Nicholas nt among the republican leader, which, g,,, from oth,r ,,,ates. and especially
for signature. Tonight the member held culminated last night In the withdrawal ( ea8tern ,tates, that It was Impossible to
" "" "" - -,.,
etln. but In reality a. Count Witts',
nouier munn nominally as a, noiBKy
' u"'"' -"-"ion regulation.
... Hi , . , eilun eession ana
mainly concerned the elections In Siberia,
,h,,,M1VI11; flmultane-
e ...... ..... ,' . . hi 1 1 . i
statute will issue
proclamation defining
his policy and asking the nation to give a
fair trial to the new governmental system,
and resist the efforts of the revolutionaries
to throw the entire country Into a state of
Strikers Have Plenty of Fnnda.
The source of the fnuds at the command
of the revolutionists Is a mystery. In
death. Word has been passed among ser
vants mysteriously that a mob wa pre
paring to sack the residence of the better
I class. Apprehension apparently prevails In
i Tt't'd th-." th. i . . . .
i It la reported that the Imperial yacht
Polar Star Is lying off Cronstodt, constantly
under steam, anu mat tne smaller yacht
Strt-lla is held In waiting at the wharf at
Peterhof for any emergency.
Mutiny In Hu.alan aty.
LONDON. Oct. 28. A dispatch to the
Evening Stundard from Odeatia says It is j
reported there from Sevastopol that the
Russian battleship Pateleimou (formerly
I the Knluz rotemKine) lias neen destroyed
j tX Incendiaries.
I A dispatch lo the news agency from Su
j Petersburg iws that two squadrons of
Cossack, today attacked 7.000 workmen, who
I wer holding a meeting at the Nuvskl
I 'r- Ab" hundred workmen. It Is
! P"""1- wre wounded and seven Cossack
were injured by stones.
The railroad bridge across the Obvodny
canal at St. Petersburg has been destroyed.
Aaltattoa at Warsaw.
WARSAW. Russian Poland. Oct. 28.
Agitator art) organising revolutionary
meeting In the factory district and a
ie"ral. 'trt!il,""c,?1 tuter
4 l.O f,a.vv-J V. w. . ..KIJ ,U-t Ml Illl,.
Telephone communication with Lodz is in
ten Ui led.
hew at Washington. .
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. The Stale de
partment bas Just received new from Bt
, Petersburg that I.6U) workmen are on ilrtk.
; i Warsaw and the government of Prokow
I has asked that martial law be declared
I The employes of tbe Vistula railroad are
I o on strike.
W-omlnir Land Withdrawn.
WASHINGTON. Oct. J8. The secretary
of the interior has ordered the withdrawal
of entry of 3"0tt acre, of land In the
Cheyenne, Wyo., land district sriili a i.n
i to crcaUns a lures, rtwvt,
Reqaeat Northwestern Sot tn tarry
Ont schedule of Klaht and
Half Honrs.
Had It not been (for t)t expressed wish
of E. H. Harrlman that dignitary would
have been snatched across the state of
Iowa and Into Chicago from Omaha by the
Northwestern railroad at even a greater
rate of speed than he had blown over the
vast west from the coast tnto Omaha. When
his special train, bearing Miss Alice Roose
velt, arrived at Omaha the Northwestern,
which took It from the I'nlon Pacific, was
prepared to carry hlra, from here to Chi
cago In eight and one-half hours, but Mr.
Harrlman Interposed a request for a little
slower schedule and the Northwestern, com
plying with this request, made the time ten
and one-half hour, a couple of hours un
der the fast schedule time.
The North western's time was between
fifty-live and sixty miles an hour. It
storped Its trnln at Boone and Clinton, la.,
to change engines and never slipped the
slightest cog on the Jaunt. It had been
arranged for the 'fnioclal supervision
of the train by Northwestern officials from
here to Chicago and the right-of-way was
all the special's, all train watting, wher
ever they happened to be, thirty minutes
for the Harrlman train.
ELMIRA, N. Y., Oct. atThe Harrlman
special left Elmlra over the Erie railroad
at 2 p, m. Miss Roosevelt did not appear
during the stop here, Mr. Harrlman an
nouncing to the crowd which had gathered
at the station that she was til.
BINGHAMTON. N. Y.. Oct. 26.-The
Harrlman special passed through Blug
hamton without stopping at 2:23 p. m. Miss
Roosevelt was seen in the dining car, eat
ing. Bl'FFALO, N. T.. Oct. J6.-The Harrlman
special left here for New York over the
Erie road at 8:06 thin morning.
NEW YORK, Oct. IS The E. H. Harrl
man special train with Miss Alice Roose
velt on board arrived In Jersey City over
the Erie railroad tonight at 7:46 o'clock
Mr. Harrlman and the members of his
lan. Congressman Glllett of New York and
J. C. McKnlght. Miss Roosevelt was driven
directly to the home of her
Douglas Robinson, 103 -TEast
aunt, Mrs.
street, New York, where nhe will spend the
night, leaving for Washington at 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning. Members of the party
denied that Miss Roosevelt had been sick
during the trip.
peclal Meeting; of Conaty Convention
f oiled to Place His Name
on the Ticket.
NEW YORK. Oct. 28. With only one dls-
county committee late today decided to re
convene the New Yerk county convention
tomorrow night In.MOrray Hill lyceum. the
-call JhnV the, conventtp. -j-crrymf - with-it
teco'mrrrendatkm -that William. .Travers
j Jerome ie nominated aa district attorney
to fill the vacant -created yesterday by the
1 ""l-"a,'n ' Charlea A. Flammer. who.
! ,n retlrl"K tTOm th advise hi. fol-
, lowers to vote for Mr. Je,
! The committee., which a
y ' - uv.., '
vo,M ror Mr Jromo today, opposed hi
'. nomination bv 27 votes to 8 when bis name
' - ---
ui .u-mmt-r ma reBunca irraay in me
-. . .. "-""""-- """
naming of Mr. Jerome for nomination by
, ine cown y coenuon tomorrow
.... oiuy tu.c m oppoemon to
the course determined upon by the execu -
j live committee was that of Abraham
, uiliuri, ail tw.niiii,ij irauri, , flu ueciureu
his constituents would not vote for Mr.
No difficulty in carrying through the
executive committee' program at tomor
row night's convention Is anticipated.
Over Three Hundred Thousand Acre.
Reserved for thnt Purpose In
Wyoming. .
(From. a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28-(8peclal Tele
gram,) The secretary of the Interior today
Instructed the register and receiver at
Cheyenne, Wyo., to withdraw from all
forms -of disposal, except under the mineral
laws, 308.120 acre of public land tn Chey
enne land district. The land Is situated
In Carbon county and Is for the purpose of
creating a new forest reserve, which will
be known a. the Sierra Madre forest re
serve. The land Withdrawn are thus described:
Townships 13, 14, 15, ranges 88, 87; township
IS, range 84, 86; the north half of township
12, ranges 84 to 87, Inclusive; section 30,
31, township 15, rang 85; section 4 to 10,
Inclusive, and 13 to 38. Inclusive, township
14, range 85: sections 6 to 8. inclusive. 17
to 20, Inclusive, 29 to 32, inclusive, township
13, range 83; sections i to 8, Inclusive, sec
tions 17, 18, township IX range 83.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Unit,
Sioux county, Edward Schmidt vice J.
Iloldorf. resigned. Iowa, Hesper, Winne
shiek county. B Burreson vice E. J.'Wold,
removed; Montour, Tama county, Chancey
G. Stevens vice Esther Buttle, resigned.
Rural routes 7 and 8 have been ordered
established January 2 at N.wlon; Jasper
county, Iowa, serving IMG people and 197
Hotel at Hot Sprlna.,,
Burn. With Several of
HOT SPRINGS, Ark.. Oct. 2S.-The Rail
road Men' hotel, located a block below the
Iron Mountain railroad depot, on Elm
street, wa. destroyed by fire this morning,
and when the Are wa. gotten under control
six badly charred bodies were found tn
the ruins.
At the Inquest this afternoon they were
Unentitled aa follows:
A. L. MANN, railway conductor, Denver.
MRS. MACK, pluntst, city,
ED. SNYDER, hotel porter.
H ARK Y BRADLEY, waiter. Llltla Gem
H. ROBERTS. Tacnma, Wash.
JOHN M LEAN. Austin, Tex.
Frank Overton was badly, burned, but
will probably recover.
The structure was a two-story frame
building and the flame spread rapidly.
cutting on escape by nauway, both up
and down stairs.
The fire was thought to have been caused
by a lamp explosion, but incendiarism 1
now tuapected.
n n-s
Land ii Arid Nebraska Should Be Parcelled
in Large Tncta.
Author of the Section-Homestead Law
Discusses the Situation a
at Present and Suggests
Farther Legislation.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
ALLIANCE, Neb., Oct. if6.-(8peclal
Judge Klnkald, the congressman from the
Big Sixth and author of the tlio-acre home
stead bill, has more friends to the square
mile In this part of the country- than most
any one. A message was dispatched to
Judge Klnkald at his home In O'Neill ask
ing his opinion about the articles pub
lished in The Bee Monday and Tuesday re
garding conditions In the cattle country of
western Nebraska. The following reply was
received this evening, which shows that the
author of the big homestead bill' fully un
derstands the situation and stands ready at
aril times to do what he can to further the
Interests of the farmers and cattle raisers
of Nebraska. Congressman Klnkald replied
as follows: . ..
I have read both of the articles published
In The Bee In its issues of the 23d and 241 h.
If those arc the ones to which you refer.
You wish to know whether the 4V-acre law
hns.ln Its operation come up to my expc
tatinns In solving the public land question
of western Nebraska. I am pleased, na
turally, to Ire able to say the law hBS oper
ated more advantageously, promoted more
ftood and received much greater approval,
ocal and widespread, than I anticipated
w-ould be the case. I did not expect and. I
may add, the committees did not contem
plate that the act would completely clear
up our Nebraska public land problem.
Attitude of t'onarreaa.
I use the word problem" advisedly, for
such It hss been for some time, most of
these lands having been open for settlement
lor over ioriy years. Aty mil asiica ior two
sections, but the house committee amended
It, reducing the area to one section, which,
frankly, did not surprise me. Equitably, the
lands should have been classified, giving
one section of the best for the first class
and two or three or four sections for a
homestead of the second and third classes;
but It was not practicable to secure such
provisions. It was discussed witli and by
the committees that after It had been ascer
tained that not all of the Unds would be
desirable or taken in one section home
stends, that the size of the homestead
might be doubled, if not quadrupled, as to
the remaining portion, and it whs also dis
cussed that, as another alternative, after
audi experiment, an act might be passed
authorizing the sale of the remaining lands.
giving adjacent land owners a preference
right to purchase at a minimum price, ana
It was well understood that it would cer
tainly become expedient, sooner or later, to
further legislate for the complete clearing
up of the proposition by providing for the
sale of Isolated tracts containing less thsn
one section, corresponding with the old law
as It now exists for the sale of Isolated
tracts of less than 160 acres. But you wish
to know what I think of the Ideas advanced
In the two publications. .1 construe the
articles as approving the A4o-acre act. yet
favoring sunnlementnl legislation thereto
by authorizing the sale of the remaining
lands. For my part, 1 have expected all the
time that there would have to be supple
mental legislation, and unless a larger
homestead be considered an adequate solu
tion that provisions lie made for the sale of
the untaken portion, when It may seem to
the Department of the Interior that further
homesteadlng will be so slow on account ot
tne undeslratililty qi remaining isnoa aa w
render It .iuU-uwile to sell ii. and so far 1
agree with the writer of the articles.
Congress Mast Determine. '
It will be observed that Judge" Klnkald
expected further legislation would be neces
sary In order to solve the public land
problem 4n western Nebraskn. It will also
fe observed that Congressman Klnkald wa
: , f 0f even a larger homestead than
i .. . ... ... . ... L.
' memnerea in.i nia original diii proviaea lur
pass a bill granting a larger acreage than
. m acre Tn, matt(.r of delall M t0 what
I methods are best to eltle the country
j must flnaU jeft tQ the wl of congrc(
I and , or(Jer , t the t ofon.
; ,or a meaBure ,ultpd to tho
needs of Nebraska It will be necessary for
Nebraskans to be united upon the meas
ure they want passed by congress. It is
believed by many of the cattle raisers
that a system of purchase tn limited tracts
will better solve the problem than, any
plan that will require actual residence the
year around and it Is pointed out that the
revenue received from the sale of the lands
would .greatly augment the irrigation fund
for reclaiming Irrigable lands.
Dead Cashier of enterprise National
Destroyed Paper Which Would
Explain Financial Scheme.
PITT8BURG, Oct. 28 -It I not probable
that the Enterprise National bank will ever
reopen it doors. Such is the opinion of
many of the directors, of whom It ts said
that their main hope now la to save the de
posltora as much as possible.
Th books of the Institution are said to
be in such a hopelessly muddled condition
that It may take many weeks to arrive at
anything like a lucid statement of the con
dition of affair. Collateral to the amount
of ITO.OoO deposited by Arthur Kennedy to
secure a loan of 120,000 Is today reported
in last ng.
The fact that Cashier Clark' last report
to the comptroller of the currency showed
only 8160.000 of rediscounts, while in one
Pittsburg bank $J0o,0u0 of such paper has
been discovered. Is pointed to as an evl- I
dence of the cashier's peculiar financial
methods. In this connection Judge Oldham
This Is not an ordinary case. There are
feat lues In this affair usually lacking In In
solvent Institutions. There seems to be no
doubt that Cashier Clark destroyed nan Ii i
of the evidencu that would uncover his
nnuiiclal schemes. Had Clark been living
or had he nutadeslroyed the papers he did
this examination could nave been made
with greater expediency.
In regard to the reimbursement of the
state of Pennsylvania for tl.3oz.000 deposited
former Governor William A. Stone, of
counsel for one of the sureties, said:
Arrangements are being made now to pay
the stale treasurer the amount of the re
port of the Enterprise bank, tl. 302.000. and it
was slated that the money would be paid
within one week.
hew Department Will B Added to
West Polut'a Coar.o of
tody. (
WASHINGTON. Oct. 1!8.-An order has
been Issued by the War department creat
ing a department of military hygiene In
the Military academy at West Point. The
object la to Instruct the cadet, in medicine
and adrgery to the extent of Imparting
knowledge of the troops from a hygienic
standpoint, and also In the use of medi
cine fur the more common ailments likely
to happen In small command. There la
no Intention of graduating cadets for the
lnul H at rvu r t mean f Ci t I ha armty In i
mxW W
fair Friday folder o Sooth Portion.
Saturday Fair and Svarmer.
Tenineratnre at Omaha Yesterday i
. . 4H
. . 48
. . 44
. 44
.. 4H
. . 4N
. . ft
, . 54
1 P
S n.
4 p.
fi p.
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N p.
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. . mi
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. . It".
. . 62
. .
. . 4T
. . 4T
H a. m.,
H a. m .
T a. rn .
N a. m.,
n. m.
10 a. m. ,
11 a. m.
na .
tn .
18 m . , . .
Special Train Leaves that till
for ebraska This
CHICAGO. Oct. 28. (Special Telegram.)
Former 'President Cleveland. Mr. Cleve
land and the party of former cabinet offi
cer and others on the way to Nebraska
City for the dedication of the J. Sterling
Morton monument will arrive In Chicago at
8 or 8:46 a. m. tomorrow over the Pennsyl
vania rallroadT ' ' .
Mr. Paul Morton probably will entertain
Mrs. Cleveland at an Informal luncheon.
The former president will spend the day
quietly, probably taking a ride around the
city. The party will leave for the west at
S p. m.
On the special train for Nebraska City
with Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland will be ex
Ylre President Adlal Stevenson. Dr. and
Mrs. Bryant of New York. Taut Morton
and daughter, Miss Pauline Morton, Joy
Morton, Mark Morton, H. A. Herbert, sec
retary of the navy under Mr. Cleveland; ex-
Governor David R. Francis of St. Louis
and Judson Harmon, Robert Greer, B, P.
Ripley, Michael Cudahy. James H. Eckels.
G. B. Harris. B. T. Cable. F. L. Evans and
others of Chicago.
PRINCETON, N. J.. Oct. 26-Ex-Presl-dent
Grover Cleveland,' accompanied by
Mrs. Cleveland, left here today for Ne
braska City, where Mr. Cleveland will de
liver an address on the occasion of the
unveiling of a monument to the late J.
Sterling Morton, secretary of agriculture
In Mr. Cleveland's second cabinet.
rrlghton and Crrlarhton II Win Sec.
ond Prise for Harnc.a Horace
Shown to fort or Phaeton.
CHICAGO. Oct. 28. At the fourth day of
the Chicago horse s,how today the following
prizes were awarded:
Harness horses, shown before brou-rham
challenge cup: First prlie, l,ord Itonert
and Harold H., owned by James 1 lobar t
Roadsters, shown to wagon: First prize,
Rhea V owned by Miss K. L. Wilkes;
second prize, McMaleon, owned by M. H.
Heavyweight harness horses: First prize.
Dr. Selwonk, owned by Reginald Vander
bllt; second prise. Amazement, owned by
rieginaia vanaernnt.
Saddle horses: First prize, Ixird Elgln
fi"ld. owned hy Dr. Schilling: second prize,
Ireland's Arrow, owned by Miss Vera Mor
ris. Harness ponies, pair: First prize. Rose
nd Squirrel, owned by T. 8. Simpson;
second "prize. Acme Jim and Minnie, owned
by T. 8. Simpson.
Hnrnewi horses, pair to cart or phaeton:
First prise. Ixrd Burleigh and Lord Bel
fastawned by. HLD. Jordan: se.-vind prlsa,
Cr4hton ' and Cretghten II, cjwned . by
George Pepper & Co.
Heavyweight, green hunter: First prize,
Confidence, owned by Crow 4k Murray;
second prize. Ireland's Arrow, owned by
.Miss vera Morns.
Heavyweight qualified hunter: First
prize. Frost, owned by Mr. Barnes; second
prize. Jack, owned by Howard Wlllecs.
Paymaster General Harris Snaae.t.
Improvement of Condition of
' Clerk of Department.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 26. -Recommendation
Is contained In the annual report of
the paymaster general of the navy for the
Immediate warranting of paymasters'
clerk In the navy and for the creation of
a retired list for this branch of the service.
"The present anomalous position of pay
masters' clerks in the navy could not be
more aptly Illustrated," say Paymaster
General Harris, "than by the sad case of
Henry O. Metlus, who lost hi life In the
Bennington disaster. No right to pension.
no hope of retirement, none of, the priv
ilege which pertain to all other officers
just hard work la their lot, absolutely noth
ing to look forward to except to wear out
or rust out, or perchance to die In the line
of duty, leaving no provision for dependent
Attention 1 called to the serious embar
rassment caused the bureau of supplies and
accounts by' It lack of an adequate clerical
force; to the fuct that supplies are not in
pected a satisfactorily and expeditiously
a they would be if more officer were
available for duty at various navy yards,
and a recommendation Is made that the
navy supply funds be Immediately in
creased from $2,700,000 to 85,000.000.
Henry Tomllnarson of Chanute, Kan.,
Shot to Death In HI Home,
Where He Lived Alone.
' CHANUTE. Kan.. Oct. 28. Henry Tom
llngson. a farmer aged 70 years, was mur
dered at his borne near here today and
Lem Rice, aged It years, an employe ot
Tomiingson, who was arrested at Hum
boldt, Kan., today while trying to dispose
of a horse and buggy wlUcU belonged to
the dead man. Is believed to have com
mitted the crime. Both charges of a
double-barrelled shot gun had been fired
into Tomlingson's body, blowing parts ot
the skull across the room In which the
body was fuund, and the position of the
body and gun, which was left near tbe
body, destroys the theory of suicide. Rice
a shurl time ago was employed for a few
days by Tomiingson. The boy left here
yesterday for the Toinllugson farm and was
next located at Humboldt today. Tomiing
son was an old resident of the county and
hud been living alone.
south Dakota Bunk Robbed.
REDKIELD. 8. D.. Oct. L-8-The state
bank at Rockhani, a village niticn miles
weal of hre, was robbed ai an early hour
this morning of il.Ouo. Citizens heard un
explosion but the burglars made their es
cm. '
Movement, of Oeean Ve.ael. u-t. lt.
At New York Arrived: Pretoria from
Hamburg: Princess Irene from Genoa:
Nurd America from Genoa. Bulled: Koma
for Naples; La Tuuralne for ll.ivie; Rheln
for Bremen; Amerika for Hamburg.
At Queenstow ii Arrived: Wesleriiliind
from Philadelphia: Arabic from Boston.
Sailed: Cedrtc for New York; Erieslund for
At Glaagow Arrived: Corean from
At IJverpool Arrived: Bultic from New
York; ottoman from Portland; Coinishiuan
from Montreal.
At Palermo--Sailed: Sicilian Prince for
New York
Al Bouthaninion Railed: Kaiser Wll
helm II. for New York.
At Manchester Arrived: ( aledonian from
I Boaton. '
I "vr-Arrived; -.vol. trout New
People of New Orleani G th Chief
Executive a Vtgnificent Welcome.
Confusion Wai So Great that Mr. Rooievelt
Could Not Finish Hia Ipeeek.
President' to Herelo Fight
Againit TeTer ProTokea Frantio Ctiera,
We.t Virginia, the Fastest Teasel la
th nvy. Will Carry th
Parly to Hampton
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 38 -At the end of
nine etrenuous hour of varied entertain
ment In New Orleans which brought his
exceptionally pleasant trip thrnn.h the
outh to a close. President Roosevelt at
8:30 o'clock tonight boarded the lighthouse
renaer Magnolia and began the (lr.f ..-.
of his return lomnev ti, ik.
capital. The newspaper representatives
accompanied him and he will he out of
touch with the world throughout the night,
but daylight tomorrow Is expected to bring
news of hi successful transfer to the
armored cruiser West Virginia, which lies
at anchor off the mouth of the river to
receive him and of the beginning of the
second stage of the Journey. For four das
he will be absent from American soil,
which never heretofore happened to a presi
dent during his Incurnbency, but through
the means of wireless telegraphy It is
promised that he will be. seldom out of
communication with the ahore.
Demonstration I. Mna-nlfleent.
The president's reception In New Orleans
was a signal testimonial of popular esteem
and of grateful recognition of the service
which he has rendered the city In its period
of stres. Now Orleans today remembered
not only that tho president had acted with
characteristic promptness when asked to
send federal surgeons to take charge of
the fever struggle, but throughout th flirht
had sustained the people of the stricken
city with expression of unfailing ym
pathy and when a large share of the public
opinion of the country opposed hi ventur
ing Into New Orleans with the fever still
raging he refused to consider the element
of personal danger and declared his pur
pose to keep his promise made when he
accepted the original Invitation to come.
The densely crowded street, the elaborate
decorations, the wild applause which
greeted hlra along the whole route of the
procession, the reception of his address to
the people tn I-afayette Square, and the
demonstration In hi honor at the luncheon
were manifestation of the spirit In which
the people welcomed him.
peecb. la Abandoned. f
Probably fr'th.firet..Uin In -bin pnMlo-
career the prqsidont wa compelled to
abandon a public address before he had
got well started on It. It wa contem
plated that the military and civic parade
should pass tn review before the president
at the city hall, but the crowd which
gathered at this point was so tremendous
that neither the police nor the troop wer
able to move It, and the president foresee
ing a possible catastrophe in the event of a
panic, finally gavo up the attempt to speak
and left the platform. -
The crowd Jammed treet from the
property line to the property line all the
way from Poydra to Ninth street and It
spread over Lafayette Square almost from
St. Charles to Camp street. Probably
600,000 people were gathered In and around
the stand from which the president was
to have delivered the address. When th
president decided to abandon hi effort, he
shouted to the throng to go home and be
good citizens, and then disappeared Into
the mayor's parlors, well nigh exhausted.
To those about him he expressed himself
as Immensely pleased with the demonstra
tion In his honor, which was far beyond hi.
expectation, or the expectation of the
member of hi party, and said that th
reception 'was the greatest that he had
aecn since he started on hi trip.
Demon. trntlon at Luncheon.
The demonstration at the luncheon wa.
scarcely less exuberant. When the presi
dent entered the gaily decorated dining
room the 826 banqueter ros aa on roan
and gave way to frantio cheer. Every
thought he uttered wa the signal for an
extraordinary exhibition ot enthusiasm,
and his speech dealt almost entirely with
local subject and had special reference to
the fight against yellow fever. The banquet
developed Into an Increasing ovation. An
Immense crowd packed Gravler and St,
Charles streets a the dinner ended and tba
appearance of the president on hi way to
thi rlvtr provoked thunderou applause.
A the Mugnolla left the landing a presi
dential salute was fired and the Indescrib
able din of the whistle of the factories
and river craft mingled with th lustily
cheering throng of people who had collected
on the wharf.
No where did th president see evidence
of the slightest remnant of the fever. He
aw on every band immense gathering of
apparently happy and contented people
and it may reasonably be believed that bo
carried away with him the Impression that
however serious the visitation of disease
may have been It is now little mere than a
Description of the West Virginia,
Lara-eat Wnr.hlp of Navy.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 28. The armored
cruiser West Virginia, the vessel which
carriea President Roosevelt from New Or
leans to Hampton Roads on hi return
from the southluud. 1 the flagship of th.
armored cruiser division of the North Atlan
tic fleet, which consists of th Colorado,
Pennsylvania and Maryland, In addition to
the West Virginia. Those vessel are prac
tically Identical In .every way and the larg
est warships of the American navy now In
cominlfslon. I hey represent the highest
. alld ul that Is modern In naval arohl-
teclure. This luriniuanie aivision will laae
Its place for the first time tn the North
Atlantic fleet in time to participate tn the
reception ot the British squadron, com
manded by Prince Louis or Battenburg,
about to visit l.'nlled States waters. The
West Virginia is built on beautiful line
and cuts the water with the grace of an
ocean greyhound, at a sjieed of twenty-two
knots an hour. Its machinery I capable
of developing '.'3,uut horse power to drlv
Its twin screws.
The West Virginia ha a normal dis
placement of 13.6!) loos, while Its full load
displacement Is 15.138 tons. It is 603 feet
locc uid liZ aa eatrcae u-eadlb. fit ft