Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1905, Page 3, Image 3
TTTE EMAILS DAILY BEE . THUBSP AT, OCTOBER 2(1, lf03. E&dly Baltimore tft ' '!"' art 4 . A iff A. ByOWENWISTER Author of The Virginian T WAS at King's Port not its map name, of course that Mr. Wister found Lady Baltimore and laid the scene of his love-story of the Carolinas. Imagine the most charming of Southern cities; old and shabby, hushed and gray but peopled with a high-bred society more ex clusive and self-sufficient than that of any court in Europe; a . town where the atmosphere and the small talk of the j forties are still preserved. In this rarified atmosphere rear .'a native lover, and at last confront him with a fiancee who ' spends her summers with the Newport "smart set" playing bridge, drinking high-balls and smoking cigarettes. Alf A. bull in a china-shop would be a more welcome guest 111 than was this young woman when she descended on King's Port. Was it any wonder that the old town was set by the ears, that the young man wondered if he hadn't made a mistake, and as many social tangles presented themselves as a dozen chapters would scarce unravel ? In this week's number of Z THE &MTU$pjZT EVENING g0$T A high-grade weekly magazine, illustrated and beautifully printed. 5 Cents the Copy of Dealers Everywhere THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DOCTORS OCCUfI THE DAY Vadioal Side of Crime ani Handling Crim inals Ditousiad. SOUTHERN DOCTOR SPEAKS OF THE NlGRO liprtitM Belief that Race im Doomed to Extinction la Thla Coaatr jr . Through the Ravages of Disease. . (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) 1 -?COLN, Oct. ffi.-rtSpeelal Telegram.! fire nwionaj prison eongr- wholha " btr -V!seEglui here since "last Saturday closed, Its meeting- unexpectedly Tonight Bit Ur an address by Chancellor Andrews of the Statie,' university. . ' ' ' v It was decided to close tonight. Inasmuch as Judge Deemer of Iowa, who was to have , delivered an address Thursday night, could not get here and the remainder of the prog-ram Was merely committee reports. Uofore adjourning, the association adopted resolutions thanking the people of Lincoln for the Interest they took In the congress and the local committee for the splendid arrangements made for the meeting. As was anticipated by The Bee thla morning. A. C. Collins of New York was selected president and Amos W. But ler of Indiana was elected secretary, there being no dissenting votes on the proposi tion to adopt the committee reports. N. N. Jones, warden of the penitentiary at Fort Madison, la., was chosen president of the warden's department. Neither tar. Collins nor Mr. Butler were In the city when their, election occurred. Mr. Collins failed to attend the. meeting and Mr. Butler left yesterday morning, consequently the choice of the association will be a surprise to each of them. Albany was' selected as a place of meeting only fter delegates from Chicago, Columbus, O., and, several other cities had exhausted their persuasive powers. ' : ' ' President Garvin and Secretary Mllligan ' Hrth announced that they would not be candidates for re-election, practically re fusing the places. Amos W. Butler, the new secretary, lives- at Indianapolis,. Ind.', And Is secretary of the State Board of r'harltles of that state. Mr. Collins resides I . U I . i ' 1 1 I f 1(1' f..v THE DANGER TO THE CHILD Mar be real or the snake may be a harm leas one. but there is danger that menmvri every child's life if the mother is deli cieut la womanly health and functional vitality. . Thousands of women have borne their sufferings ami kept their troubles to themselves from motives of delicacy and feeble childhood has paid for IU Dr. Pierce, fort years ago, xmultri Suture, and found that she had provided remedies in abundance for the cure of woman's peculiar ailment and weak nesses, lie found that non-alcoholic, glyceric extracts Of Golden Seal root Iifue Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Black Cohosh root and Lady's Slipper root, combined in Just tho right proportions, gave such surprising results that this compound soon became a standard fa vorite of his In the treatment of such cases, la a little time the demand for it became so great that he determined to put H up and provide for Its general sale so that the multitudes needlug it could readily supply themselves. ThU Is now known all over the civil ized world as Dr. rVra'i lawn-it iV cripUon, and lis unparalleled record of hundreds of thousand of cures, in the las forty year. Jus tiht all that can be aid of il li ti nu-alx Nolle, noH-naroottc. it is Kft a rut relkiMs for any woman, of any age and In any condition, to use. Dr. Pierce Pleasant Pellets -only one r two a day will regulate and cleanse and invigorate a foul, bad Stomach, tor pid Liver, -or sluggish Bowels. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, fur tl one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 tamps. Over 100 page and illustrated, dtirv Dr. B. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. in, New York City and has long been iden tified with the National Prison association and with works of charity and prison af fairs. That the meeting has been the most suc cessful In the history of the association Is attested by President Garvin, Secretary Mllligan, ' Warden Murphy of Jollet and other equally as prominent In the affairs of the association. TLIst of Officers. "A citizen of Nebraska who 'deserves much praise at the hands of the news papers and at the hands of the associa tion," said Warden Murphy, "Is Secretary Davis of the Nebraska Board of Charities and Correction. He has worked as no other man to make this meeting a success. .He Is everywhere all the time and he looks after everything. He Is certainly a good man in this association,' and much of- the success of the meeting is due to his untiring energy and his hard and faithful work." . The complete list of the officer selected, together with 'the standing committees. Is as follows: - s President C. V. Collins, Albany, N. T. Vice Presidents J. L. Mllligan, Allegheny, N. Y. : Frederick Howard Wines, LL. D., Springfield, III.; Samuel Smith, -D. I)., St. Paul, Minn.; Samuel J. Barrows, D. D.i New York City; Ben B. Lindsey, Denver; William O. Burr, Hartford. Conn.; Lieu tenant Colonel A. G. Irvine, Stoney Moun tain, Manitoba, Canada; T. S. Robinson, Des Moines, Ia, Honr.-ary Vice Presidents Frank B. Sand born, Concord, Mass.; Michael Heymann, New Orleans, La.; Frederick G. Pettlgrove, Boston, Mass.; John J. Lytle, Philadelphia; A. K. Sanders, Hagood, S. C: M. B. Reese, Lincoln, Neb.; O. B. Gould, St. Paul, Minn.; James B Reed, Allegheny, Pa.; David B. Oliver, Pittsburg, Pa.; Martin Dewey Fol lette. Marietta, O.; August Drahms, D. D., San Quentln, Cal.; John C. Whyte, New Westminster, Canada; David Howard Trl bou, D. D.. IT. 8 N., Boston. Mass.; Dr. C. D. Hart. Philadelphia: V M. Hart, In dianapolis, Ind.; H. C. Swearlngen, Lincoln, Neb.; H. E. Deemer. Des Moines, la.; Ed ward A. Fulks, Suffleld. Conn.; Samuel Fal lows. Chicago; Henry Focon, Waupin, Wis.; Phillip E. Mullln, Kansas City, Mo.; Timothy Nicholson, Richmond, Ind.; A. 8. Meserve, Wilmington, Del.; E. J.- Murphy, Jollet, III.; William F. Slocum, Colorado springs, Colo.; Frank C. Sumner, Hartford, Conn.; A. E. Elmore, Green Bay, Wis.; John Davis, Lincoln, Neb.; F. W. Blackmar, I.Awrence, Kan.; George O. Osborn, Tren ton, N. J.; C. P. Hoyt, Golden, Colo.; Doug lass Stewart. Ottawa. Canada: James D. Reid, Michigan City. Ind.; John D. Milll ken, Mcpherson, Kan.; F. H. Mills, New lorn uiit. General Secretary Amos W. Butler, In dianapolis, Ind. Flnunclal Secretary Joseph P. Byers New York. Assistant Secretaries TT. Rhlrer. Cn. lumbus, O. ; L. C. Storrs, Lansing, Mich.; Fred II. Mills, New York City. Treasurer Charles M. Jesup, New York City. Odlclal Stenographer Mrs. Isabel C. Bar rows, 136 East Fifteenth street. New York. Board of Directors Henry Walter, chair man, Stillwater. Minn.; Joseph F. Scott, Elmira, N. Y.; Charles R. Henderson. Chi cago, ill.; K. KrlntterrmlT. Mansneld, O.; James W. Cheney; South Manchester, Conn.; R. W, McClaughry, Fort Leaven worth, Kan.; G. V. Green, Hopklnsville, Ky.: P. R. Costello, Cincinnati. O.; Rev. William J. Halt, Concord, Mass.; A. T. Hert, Louisville. Ky.; William McC. John son, Allegheny, Pa.j E. 8. Wright, Pitts burg, Ps.; Frank L. Randall, St. Cloud, Minn.; James A. Leonard. Mansfield, O.; Otis Fuller, Iona, Mich.; J. F. Tilmorer, Toronto, Can.; A. V. Vincent. Jackson, Mich.; N. V. Poucher, Bismarck. 8. D.; Charles A. Hook, Baltimore. Md.; T. B. Patton. Huntingdon. Pa.; T. 13. Wells, Hartford. Conn.; Eugene Smith, New York City; Albert Garvin, Wet herstield, - Conn. ; C. E. Haddox, Moumisvllle, W. Va.; Z. R. Brockway, Elmira. "N. Y.; Judge- L. G. Kinne, Des Molnos. la.; O. W. Bowman, Green Bay, Wis.; J, M. Piatt, M. D., Kings ton, Ontario; A, I). Reemer. Lincoln, Neb.; N. H. Jones, Fort Madison. Ia. . Executive Committee Joseph F.' Scott, Elmira, N. Y.; Abbott. Garvin, Nethernold, Conn.; Henry Wolfer, Btlllws'er, Minn.; R. W. McClaughry, Fort l-ven worth, R. Henderson, Chicago, 111.; N. F. Boucher, ; .TiiNiiiarrK. i. u. ntanuing Committee on Criminal Law Re form Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin. New Huven, Conn.; Julius M. Mayer. New York; Hon. G. 8. Robinson, Des Moines, la.; Hod. Murtin Dewey Foilett. Marietta-. O. ; E. A. Sherman, Ronton; Hon. M. B. Reese, Lin coln. Nrb. , , Standing Committee on Preventive- and Reformatory Work C. W. Bouron, Green Bay. Wis.; F. H. Paddloford. Golden. Colo.; P. R. Costello, Cincinnati. O.; Charles 8. Hart, Concord Junction, Mass ; Miss R. B. Davis. Bedford. N. Y.; B. D. Hayward. Kearney. Neb.; W. H. Whlttaker, Jeffer Konvlllc, Ind. Standing Committee on Prevention and Probation W. V. Spalding, Cambridge, Masa..; Hon. Ben B. Lindsey. Denver, Colo ; Joiteph Bufflngton. Pittsburg, Pa.; J. a. Pbeli. Stokem New York; Mrs. Elisabeth Tuttle, Boston. Mass.: Mrs. Ophelia. L. Amlgh." Geneva. III.; F. A. Whittler, Red Wing, Minn. Standing Committee on Prison Discipline C. K. Haddox. Mouudsvllle, N. Y. : Doug las Stewart, Ottawa. Can.; George Dyo, Dannemora, N. Y.: Mrs. Anna M. Welsh, Auburn, N. Y.; Mrs. Frances A. Morton, Kherborn, Mass.; John L. Whitman Chl caso. III.; W. II lltwkell, IjtnHing. Mich. Standing Committee on I nm-hartred Pris oners Samuel Fallows. Chicago, III.; Wal ter P. Archibald. Toronto. Can.; Rev. A. M. Fish. Trenton. N. J.j Rev. E. A.- Fred enhagen. Topeka. Kan.; Rev. J. W. Com fort. JeffersouvUle, Ind.; Mrs. Maude Ball- tngton Booth, New York; F. Emory Lyons, Chicago, Hi.; John C. Taylor, Hartford, Conn. Standing Committee on Statistics of Crime S. J. Barrows, New York; Charles R. Henderson. Chicago: F. H. Wines, Springfield. 111.; John Koren, United States census, Washington; Amos w. tsuuer, In dianapolis, Ind. Wardens' Association President.. N. N, Jones, warden Fort Madison, Ia. Vice presidents, Charles S. Hart, superintendent state reformatory, Concord Junction, Mass. Joseph P. Byers, Randall's Island, N. J.; Frank L. Randall, St. Cloud, Minn. Discusses Negro Criminal. The morning session was given over to the physicians' department and a number of Interesting papers were read, while this afternoon the association met at the state penitentiary where, after the session, War den Beemer served a lunch and the entire delegation Inspected the. Institution. ,In discussing , the negro, rl.mlnar Presi dent S. H. Blltch of the physicians' de partment of the National association pre dicted the -extinction of , the negro raoe through disease, principally tuberoulosla and syphilis. The negro Is growing weaker every day through the ravages of these diseases. The time will soon come when he will be ex tinct. He cannot mix with any other race, and therefore I see nothing In the future for him except death. The people of. my state, Florida, are doing what they can to help him, but it is Impossible to save him. We build him a school wherever we build a white school and he has assimilated all the education that it Is possible for him to assimilate. It Is the younger gen eration of negroes that Is afflicted with these diseases and that bespeaks the utter ruin of the race. Dr. Blltch then contrasted the condition of the negro before the civil war and at the present time, making the point that he waa in a much worse condition now than then. Before the war the negro was well fed, well clothed and given plenty of outside work. It was to the Interest of his mas ter that he be healthy and that he In crease. Since the rebellion the negro has left the farm and flocked to the thickly settled cities. There he lives as best he may, living In Idleness and want, crowded into tenement houses abounding with filth, and he sleeps where he can. He does not get wholesome food and the outdoor work that Is necessary for him. His condition Is pitiful. In Florida, Dr. Blltch explained, the negro prisoner was leased to contractors and worked constantly out of doors. This he said had proven the best system that the south had ever tried because the negro waa of an outdoor race and could not survive If locked In the prison by day and by night. "How many of them do the guards shoot?" asked a delegate. "Very few," replied Dr. Blltch, "but I have not the statistics with me. I will say. however, that the death rate among the ' negroes In our prisons Is less than In any ; state In the union." In Florida there are thirty prisons and they contain about 1,400 convicts of whom 90 per cent are negroes. It is not the white race that Is treating the negro unfairly. Dr. Blltch said, but the negro waa treating himself unfairly. Other than offering the outdoor air treatment for the negro crim inal. Dr. Blltch made no suggestion a to Improving his condition. Tnbercalosla ia Prisons. Dr. Walter M. Thayer read a paper pre pared by Dr. Ransom of the clinic prison. Dannemora, N. Y., on the "Necessity for a More Rigid Entrance Examination for Con victs With Reference to Tuberculosis Dr. Thayer said replies to inquiries on this subject had been received from seventy- nine institutions and from nearly every In stltutlon had come the Information that tuberculosis waa prevalent. Dr. Thayer furnished considerable statistics on the death rate from tuberculosis which he used to prove the necessity for quick and heroic action at once. He prescribed the open air treatment and Insisted that every prisoner brought to an institution be thoroughly ex amlned for symptoms of the disease. Snrgery m Car for Crime. Dr. Kolmer, with charts to Illustrate. spoke of the good of surgery for a cure of criminals. Dr. Kolmer cited a number of cases where children who were addicted to crime had been cured by an operation on the brain. He had only been doing this kind of work for a few years, however, he said, and he was unwilling to say the practice would result in permanent cures because of the short time It had been In vosue. Dr. H. C. Sharp of the state reformatory of Jeffersonvllle. Ind., spoke of the needed Improvements necessary to the physician's department of a prison. At noon the association adjourned to meet at the penitentiary t I o'cock. where Major Archibald, the patrol officer of Canada, delivered an addreasa. The Prisoner's Aid society of Canada, with headquarters In . Toronto, waa the oldest society of the kind la Canada, said Major Archibald. They have active agents who daily go to the Jails and police courts and meet the discharged prisoners and ex tend them a helping hand and secure for them' employment. "And many of the reform laws passed In Canada," said Mr. Archibald "had their Inspiration In this society." The Prisoners' Aid society of Montreal another society that looked after dis charged prisoners. This society has Just decided to appoint an active agent to meet and assist every prisoner discharged from 6t. Vincent de Paul penitentiary. In Winne peg a local organisation is now at work and doing great good. A. movement Is also on foot to organise a society of the same kind at St. John, while the Salvation Army keeps a prison agent busy constantly. Major Archibald expressed himself as he Ing heartily In favor of the parole system. 'The wisdom of the parole system and tho discretion exercised In Its administration can be' Judged by results," he said. "From the adoption of the system In 1899 until tho close of the last fiscal year there were 1,082 paroles granted. Of this number 657, or about 1 per cent have completed their sentencea under license without violation of the conditions imposed, while 8:5, or about per cent ' additional have thus far respected ' the conditions Imposed, al though their licenses are still operative. Those who forfeited their licenses by sub sequent conviction and who represent the really criminal element of those under li cense number twenty-four, or but per cent. The remaning 7 per cent have been recommitted for non-compliance with the conditions of the license but without chargj of criminality against them during the period fhey were at large." In discussing the parole system and the Indeterminate sentence law, Major Archi bald said: "The question Is not one of substituting for penal laws a sort of philosophical in difference which wllp compromise public security. It Is the question of stimulating moral forces and developing generous in stincts which are able to prevent the of fense or the crime committed and after the downfall of raising and rehabilitating the guilty. No -one possessed of logic or honest sense maintains the Irresponsibility of the being who has done wrong. That would be to affirm the inutility of correc tion or recompense. It Is true that phys ical constitution, education, heredity and misery exercise a direct Influence on crimi nality. Legislators have taken account of these Inevitable reactions In the prepara tion of laws and the graduation of pen alties. "We hold the system of parole and the Indefinite sentence systems are Just. Chas tisement without a ..possibility of pardon and forgetfulness discourages and de grades; the hope of parole or of a pardon provokes to effort and restores." Disposition of Condemned. In a speech to the association tonight. Chancellor Andrews of the Nebraska uni versity, after defending the Indeterminate sentence law and opposing the definite sen tence, suggested that, in cases of murder where the condemned convict proved ob durate that instead of being put to death he could voluntarily give his person to physicians for experimental purposes. Of this he said: A recent Issue of the Lancet reminds us that Herophllus of Alexandria used in the lounn century . c to dissect living crimi nals sent him bv the state for this nurnoso. In the middle age crlmUifUs were handed c-Tl to physicians for experimentation with poisons and reputed remedies. Perhaps this was suggested by Cleopatra, who, when she meditated suicide, would go down among the prison vaults beneath the palace, have slaves drag Into her presence those con demned to die and try upon these one poi son and another to see which seemed to froduce death the most Instantly and the east painfully. 8he thus found the asp's bite the best, as It killed by quiet sleep, like chloroform now. A Parisian lady is said to have secured a handsome competence by letting out her body to physiologists for experimental pur noses, while all remember with admiration our soldiers who willingly occupied beds vacated by dead victlmn-of yellow fever or et themselves be bitten by Infected stego- myla In order to get evidence how that fever Is conveyed. It Is, I suppose, fL fact that no further knowledge of the human body Is to be hoped for by studying the cadaver. All ad vance in anatomy and physlo'otry for the behoof of medicine ana surgery, helping against disease, pain and death, must come rrom tne examination or living specimens, preferably human. One of the most UHeful services to humanity which a live human body could perform would be letting itself be experimented with, under anestheela or otherwise, to help solve outstanding phys iological or biological problems. A body used that way might easily produce benefit to the race compared with which that of a soldier's death In battle would seem trifling. One would not ko so far as to wlsn hard ened murderers under condemnation forced against their wills to serve science in the way named, but if sucn a suDject voluntar ily submitted himself for such service under the strictest and most benevolent guardian ship, It would seem that the death penalty, even of an Incorrigible murderer, might Justly be commuted therefor. HUNDREDS OF HOSPITALS SAY PE-RU-NA DOES WONDERS 25E5S5tI5E5H5I IN RELIEVING ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES. R:u; .. rx X ' , . .v.. -. ... . . .- i .-. .. ' .. v.V....' i f ' f V.." Af VH 'tr. ft V 1 '' 1 ' .:.rwWW(c-)(vMtifllA, xc-x.. a i ..JWij(.-...JW(. l:yyvmmmt,''''''l . ...-... , - , Vi HOSPITALS ILL OYER AMERICA USE PE-RU-NA FOR CATARRH AND ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES. SISTERS OF MERCY, Montreal, Canada, write: "Although we have used Tenina for only three of four weeks, we ure happy to state thnt It has KXCEM.KST HESIXTS FltOM PE-Rl -A. been with excel lent results. Sev eral persons suffer ing from dyspep sia and constipation have been benefitted by its use." A later letter from the same Institution Is as follows: "We are pleased to say that we have found Peruna a very good and useful remedy In several cases, and we .ire happy to recommend It to others." The winters of Canada are long and severe. Catarrh of the head and throat prevails for at least seven months of the year. As soon as Peruna wns Introduced Into Canada, Its use spread like wild-fire, for it exactly met the climatic diseases which abounded. Gatarrh, . when it once fastens itself upon the system, Is not to be dislodged by the use of local I.OCAI REMEDIES ARE . , WORTHLESS, remedies. A sys temic remedy Is needed to eradicate the disease. Peruna exactly meets this necessity. In the whole history of medicine, no remedy was ever devised that has Deen so unlverslally recognized as a specific for catarrh. It not only breaks up pVomptly coughs and colds, but It can bo relied upon to permanently cure catarrh In Its worst stages and forms. People who have been afflicted with catarrh for twenty years have found Peruna to be a prompt and effloient remedy. Sisters of Good Shepherd, of Montreal, write: "Having . used Peruna for the psst mm 'm few months for FOR THE SICK. I our sick and poor, ASO I we are happy to THE POOR. ay that lt ha nessxBwsswnsiam. given US great satisfaction. In a Inter letter, dated Novcrmber 7, 1903, the same institution writes: "We found Peruna a relief In several cases. We can say It Is a good tonic and we are very thankful." The following letter is from Hospital Mont St. Jean de Dieu. near Montreal: "We have been using your Peruna dur ing the past month and we take rleasure In stating that the results obtained thus far are most satisfactory." A later letter from this Institution Is as follows: "XI-a ho.. ,BA -nt. .. m.,,,, lM A n ,, m her of different cases and the result ob tained is very gooa. Convent of St. Laurent, St. Laurent, neat Montreal, recommends Peruna: "After using Peruna for two or three months, several MsMMawsa members of the I r kco l M ic D i community hare I PK-Rt-NA. I experienced such "n"""' good effects that tney i use to others." Hospital St. John, of St. John. Provlnci of Quebec, writes: "We are happy to tell you that yout Peruna has given us satisfaction. Thres patients have tried It, one years old, Renoul Dupuls, afflicted with catarrh. Is much relieved, more than he haa been for a number of years. "A young girl, IB years old, had an obstinate cough, which half a bottle of Peruna caused to disappear. ' "As to myself, , two bottles have con vinced me that Peruna Is magnificent as a tonic. Before the treatment I could not walk .for a quarter of an hour I A LETTER TO I without exper- THE FtDtlf. lencing much fa- tlgue. Now I can walk a mile easily. Through these three cases we desire to make known to the public the efficiency of your remedy." ... ganlzatlon of York county and in its growth. For years Mr. George has been afflicted and w.ts a great sufferer. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the residence. Public Documents In Pern Library. PERU, Neb.. Oct. 26. Speclal.)-Through the kindness of State Superintendent J. L. McBrlen. a valuable collection of public documents was added to the library of the State Normal school at this place. Miss Stoner sends her students to the library to consult the documents and thus teaches civics from the best sources. The addi tion of this collection Increases the fa cilities for reference work along this line. Passing; of a Pioneer. YORK, Neb., Oct. 25. (Special.) In the death of Daniel George, one of York county' earliest settlers will be missed. Daniel George was the first settler on the Blue in the south part of York county, locating there at a time when there were no white men within 100 mile, and his only companions were Indians,, who were not al together as good : as they might be. They barricaded their home to protect them selves from Indian attaeks and a all was prairie they plowed furrows around their buildings to save them from prairie fires. For years they operated a ranch, raising cattle on the buffalo grass, and for a time they did not realise the wonderful fertility and productiveness of York county soil. The deceased was Identified with the or- A QUESTION OF COST. In any number of stores youH see various prepara tions of cod liver oil at as many different prices. You'll wonder, perhaps, why Scott's Emulsion costs more than some other kind in as large a bottle. Hearing only one side of the question you may be led into buying the "just as good as Scott's" at the lower price. That's false economy. Scott's Emulsion costs more because its more expensive to make. Every ingredient is tested and guar anteed of the purest quality. No adulteration, no shaving of quality. There's no econ omy in bargain medicine. If you can afford to experiment with your health, substitutes may satisfy you. We take it, however, that you want a pure preparation, a reliable remedy and something that's going to help you. That's what you get in Scott's Emulsion. Thirty years the standard. . COTT BOWNJt, 4 StI" Vork. News of NehrnsUn. HUMBOLDT Otto Stutheit and Miss Emma Volker were united In marriage by Rev. Guyer at the German Lutheran church, northwest of the city. YORK The T. J. Kelly Grain company, a board of trade concern, quit business last Saturday at York. This summer Sleu man & Co. closed their office and now York has no broker of any description. BEATRICE Mrs. Fred Mitlowskl died at her home In West Beatrice yesterday after an Illness of three weeks of typhoid Eneumonia, aged 18 years. She Is survived y her husband and a daughter 4 months old. BEATRICE Paul Lynde, for some time past stenographer in the uptown office of the Rock Island here, has been promoted to the office of Superintendent Wilson-of Fairbury. He is succceaea Dy neroeri Conlee. WRATRICE W. F. Ashford. who is em ployed upon the new Rock Island bridge here, was quite badly hurt yesterday by being struck on the head by an Iron block. which fell rrom tne structure auove wnere he was at work. T3TP A -T-13 f rv TnVin Ttflnn vl-MIa enirnfreft in shingling the African klethodist Epis copal church, slipped and fell from the roof yesterday, a distance of fifteen feet. He sustained a severe injury to his spine and painful bruises aooui tne Doay. HUMHOLDT The Metnoaist ministers or this section have recently made nn agree ment to assiiit each other in conducting revival work during the coming winter in preference to the old custom of importing professional evangelism ,rum uuirr injima. ASHLAND News of the death of Ellis C. nenn. oldest son of Dennis Dean of this city, which occurred at Oklahoma City, has been receivea nere. ivi r. Ltvan wao hkph oi years and excepting a few years spent in Missouri and Oklahoma had resided here since lwH. BUTTON The Sutton post of the Grand Arrnv of the Republic, assisted by the Woman's Relief corps, tempered Comrade R. A. laulv and Mrs. rauiy a rarewen re rent ion in the Grand Army hall on the eve of their departure for their new home on the Pacific coast.. Hl'MBOLDT A aulet wedding took place at 11 o'clock this afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nitns, in the east srt of the city, when their daughter, liss Anna, was united In marriage to James Holman, son of John Holman and wife, also of this city. FREMONT The Standard Bridge com pany today began putting in twi 100-foot steel spans on the wagon bridge across the Platte river south of this city to re place the temporary work put in after the high water of last spring. All perma nent repairs on the bridge hereafter will be of steel. GRAND ISLAND-Cortes B. Handv. an old resident of Nebraska, died at Hood River, Ore., October '2J. where he had gone in the hope of benefiting ills heulth, which had been falling for the last few years. Mr. Handy located In Grand Inland in 1S75 and -has been a continuous resident of the state since that time. FREMONT Rev. John Doane of this city has received a call to the pastorate of the First Congregational church of Greeley, Colo., and will probauly accept He recently tendered tils resignation as pastor of the Congregational church of this city, which was accepted. He has been prominent in his denomination ill this state for the past fifteen years. HUMBOLDT Acetylene gas it used In lighting the large store of Joseph Zulek who went into a rear room carrying lighted kerosene lamp, when he noticed a loosened lid on the too of a can used for storing carbide, from which the gas Is made. He lifted the lid and went to look into the ran when the kus exploded and Zulek received severe burns about the lace and nauds. FREMONT What bid fair to be a rather complicated state of affairs in regard to the candidates for register of deeds and fcu pervlsors lias been settled to the sat in fac tion of all concerned by the county clerk, though no official announcement of It has been made. All the candidates for the above offices are to appear on the ticket under their party designations ss though nominated at conventions. ASHLAND The Great Northern's blidge over Suit creek, near Ashland, was com pleted this week, but the work of laving; tracks fruin tu south end of the Blum City extension, preparations for which hnve been going on in the east end of the Bur lington yards here for several weeks, Mias been postponed until next month. BEATRICE Three revolvers stolen from Dunn's second-hand store were found yes terday by the police at Charley Tomblln son's place of business. They had been left there by Percy Kersand, The Mexican, who was lodged In Jail Monday afternoon after feceivlng a severe beating from the officers. A complaint charging Kersand with petit larceny and resisting an otllcer will be filed against him. AUBURNMrs. Llttitia J. Cottrell died at her home in this clly yenterday evening at 7:15 o'clock, the cause of her death being heart trouble. 8he was 64 years of age. Mrs. Cottrell has been a resident of Auburn for the last twenty years and for about fifteen years was engaged in the hotel busi ness. During this time she was manager and proprietor of the Cottrell house. She Is survived hv three nn rMn.-u o,,.i tj Cottrell and Attorney Edgar Ferneau. kiai KICE Susnn O. Sample, divorced wife of Ihomas H. Sample of thrs city, yesterday riled her petition In the district court asking to have the decree of 'vorrs recently granted Thomae Sample set aslda and also asking that she be given alimony. Mrs. Sample has been living in the east since she and her husband separated, anfl she alleges that she was not served with due notice when Mr. Sample necured thj divorce from her. Mr. Sample and MT Grace Raekley were married recently M Council Bluffs. Ia. A petition for dlvoro was also filed by Thomas. Jackman against Birdy Jackman. Extreme cruelty is the charge. - ' '" -' ' ASHLAND-Two weddings of note were soleinnlr.ed here today. Frank H. Lang of Grand Island and Miss Nellie Jardlne, daughter of D. D. Jtif-dlne, were married at the bride's home at I o'clock this after noun by Rev. George F. Rabbltt of the Im manuel Baptist church. They will reside at Havelock. where the groom has- a position In the Burlington repair shops. Frank Ledwith of Lincoln and Miss Carrie FiileS were married at the home of the bride's, parents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Fate, by Rev. George W. Palmer, rector of St. Stephen'a Episcopal church. They will reside in Lin coln. The groom Is a freight conductor on the Burlington railroad. i Satisfied Piano Buyers What a splendid thing it Is after you have spent several hundred dollars for an article to be satisfied and know that you Rot your money's worth. There are certainly no better satisfied Piano buyers anywhere than those who own a Kimball Piano. The Kimball tone has a distinctive character easily recognized, and for home use Is certainly satisfactory. It has the rich, melodious qualify of tone, backed up by refined material and workmanship which produces it. This tone stays with the Kimball and does not wear tin panny. These are some of the reasons why the owners of Kimball Pianos declare that they are better pleased with their- Pianos as the years bo by. Thousands of the best people In this great west will tes tify to the above. A few minutes' Investigation of the new Kimball Pianos will quickly satisfy you as to the supremacy; rf the Kimball over any other Piano that can be bought for anything like tho nrrfiuey. We sell a new, beautiful, up-to-date Kimball Piano ioj; $360, 110 a' A. Hospe Co. 1513-1515 Douglas Street. Omaha, Neb. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A PIANO. You Must Register Again! BECAUSE your Registration of September 19, 1905, (Primary Day,) has been declared " illegal and void by the Courts. m REGISTER AGAIN on FRIDAY, OCT. 27th, 1905, or you cannot vote ON NOV. 7th, OR AT THE ELECTION NEXT SPRING. Register Again!' Register Again! Registration Day: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1905. REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE, M. J. Greevy, Secretary. L. C. Gibson, Chairman. GOUDA POTTERY. r Our Importation of Oouda Art Pottery, selected by "Mr, , Ryan while In Holland, la now. on display. This la the handsomest line we have ever shown. Come in and look at It. MAWHINNEY RYAN co; is ur and oouaiAS jrs. OMAMAJMUS.