Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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w e even la ear new
store Meats y, Ort. HO,
at fliAO . ai.
Our store -will be closed Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
We open Monday morning at 8:30 in our new store, located
'n the new retail center, Howard and Sixteenth Sts.
The gentlemen, as well as the ladies, are expected to come.
JHOM P5 ON. fiELD EN &.fiQ
tenant Governor John P. Lee. 1'nlted States
Senator Retry and Clark and General
Powtll Clayton,, former tniUd Slates ara
Imaeador to Mexico, were mong those oc
cupying seats of honor. Judge V. M. Rose
of thl dir. former president of tha Amer
ican Der. association. Vli presented by the
toastroaster. President Rogers of the Board
of Trade, to deliver the. Opening addreaa on
"Tha president f tha United 8tates." In
hi addreaa President Rogera eald that
President Kooaevelt had' proved himself the
prealdent of no political Prty. but the
prealdent of erery man, . woman and child
under the protection of the American nag.
The president himself led In the applause
which greeted the remark.
Tha prealdent was given a great ovation
aa he arose, to respond. . . ........
rnllowlhg thla Lieutenant Governor John
P. Lee responded to the toast, "The Stat
of Arkansas.", -At
g.M the presidential party began th
trip to theRoek Island railroad station
along a route which was lined with people.
The special train left for Memphis promptly
nt 4 p. m r
hart Stoat at Memphis.
MTEMPHIS. Tenn., Oct. 2. President
Koosevelt and his party arrived her to
night at 8:30. The president's Itinerary did
not Include a atop here, .longer than was
necessary to switch his cars to the Illi
nois Central;, the. orglnal program was
that he .. would att once proceed to
New Orleans. These plana were somewhat
modified when a large crowd of cltlsena
appeared at the Calhoun street depot and
loudly cheered the president and called on
him for a speech. The president acknowl
edged these greetings and proceeded to a
hastily Improvised stand, from which he
made a short address, dwelling on what
constitutes good cltlsenshlp.
Several members of the president's party
left the train here and departed for Wash
ington. The president, Secretary Loeb,
Surgeon Oeieral Rlxey and John A. Mc
Ilheny left for New Orleans over the Illi
nois Central at 1:60 o'clock. ,
Kew Orleans Is Ready.
NEW ORLEANS, Oct, M.-Showe'rs were
predicted for New Orleans with the prob
ability of cooler weather tomorrow. The
outlook therefore Is for a- successful re
ception to the president, whose visit is re
garded a having largely contributed to
the early removal of quarantine restrlo
Small Gala la Receipts of Hogs as
Compared with the Previous
CINCINNATI, Oct. 25. -(Special Tele
gram.) The Price Current Says: There has
been a small gain n the marketing of hogs
the past week and quite an Increase over
the corresponding week last year. The
total western packing was 80000, compared
with 430,000 the preceding week and 385,000
last year. 8lnce March 1 the total la 14,370,
000, against IS. 080,000 a year ago. Prominent
places compare aa follows:
106. 1904
Kcnsa Cltv .
South Omaha
0t. Louis
St. Joseph ...
Indianapolis .
Milwaukee ..
Cincinnati ...
Ottumwa ....
Cedar Rapids
Bloux City ...
St. Paul ......
Cleveland ....
....3.440.000 4.0W.0OO
....l.,000 1.S15.OI0
....VSfio.oon l.aioono
.'...i.orio.imo 1,106,000
... .1.073.000 870.000
.... STI3.0U0
.... ftS.OOO
...i 872,000
.... 34O.000
.... 273.000
.... 693,000
.... 475,000
.... 376.000
A tenant which Is quickly dispossessed
hy Dr. King's New Discovery is a cough or
-old. to cents and $1. For sale by Sher
man 4-. McConnell Drug Co.
Stockvlll Wants a Railroad.
STOCKVILLE, Neb., Oot. 28. (Special.)
A meeting of the leading cltlsena of Stock
vllle was held laat evening to organise
with reference to a railroad.' . It' appears
that a Kansas company la planning to put
a tine north from Great Bend, going
through Beaver City, Cambridge and up
the Medicine creek through Stockvllle and
Curtis and north ' through North Platte,
Neb. A committee was. appointed con-
d 4 mm aw srl
Th most sever head
aches will field in a fw
,-J miaates to Bromo-Lss
t contains no uuinios).
on't suffer any longer.
litt a bos today ask your druggist for
the Orinri Colored Boa
Alldnuigitli. ix.ot by mail.
Utile Things Essential
f"kW .12
There are quite a number of little article belonging to baby
wardrobe which are quite necenaary to baby's health and comfort. We
are better prepared to supply baby's needs now than ever before.
x Babys' Knit Leggings
All wool knit drawer laggings, with
ft In black and white. XUr
at $1.00 and OOC
All wool knit drawer Leggings, with
out feet. In black and while,
at $1.00. 85c and OUW
Wool fleeced Jersey Drawer Leggings,
In while, brown and black, s tiH
alaes 3 to t years, $2.26 and...
Knee length knit Leggings, in black,
whit and red, alses 1 to 6 2 Or"
years, ISc and
Baby's Mittens
All wool Mituns. in whit,
pink or blue, (or 36o, 3uc and.
Fine silk and wool Mlttena, In white.
pina or blue, wun single or 4
double wrist bands, 46c, 3&o &
. w
Pin all silk Mittens, In
at 76o and A...
hll 50c
Baby's knit silk Palls,
at &0c and
Write for illustrated catalogue.
m w ar m w m mm a
slstlng of John C. Gammlll. Loyal M. Gra
ham, James A. Williams, John L Banders
and Richard D. Logan to meet the engi
neers at Cambridge," who will make a pre
liminary survey on the proposed route In
the course of ten days and show them
the best route. The parties having the
matter In hand are confident that a road
will be built In the near future. Data as
to the resources of th country has been
collected for some time by those Inter
ested In the project, ..' .
Ranarrs Oradnally HemeTln Fences
la Compliance with Orders of
lacle Bam.
"We are constantly In receipt of com
munications from the cattle and ranch
men saying the unlawful fences are com-
Ing down." said District Attorney Baxter I
Wednesday. "We have received two or
three such letters today, and It begins to
look as if a majority of (he illegal fences
will have to be removed before the as
sembling of the November term of the
Ur.lted States courts. The cattlemen have
come to realise the fact the government
Is In earnest and I am disposed to think
but few of them will care to fRCe a trial.
"It is discretionary with the attorney
general to push these cased to trial, and
of course no prosecutions will follow where
the orders for removal of the fencoa are
compiled with. The government lias no
disposition to persecute.
"In the cases against Bartlett Richards,
Collins and the Standard Cattle company,
where they are charged with conspiring
with the Oregon land fraud parties in
buying fraudulent relinquishments of pub
lic school lands in order to apply them
on land filings in Nebraska, they will be
given "until December to answer.
"Nothing new- has yet been heard of
the Lambert case. In which Lambert Is
wanted here for subornation of perjury
In certain filings of soldiers' homestead
claims and who is resisting extradition
from Oregon to Nebraska. Register White
aide of Broken Bow Is now at Portland,
Ore., to appear before the United States
commissioner there aa a witness in the case
against Lambert."
Battleship on Bollder' Trial.
Qt'INCY, Mass., Oct. 26. The battleship
Rhode Island, constructed by the Fore
River Shipbuilding company, left the com
pany's yards here today for Its builders'
trial The Rhode Island will go direptly to
Provlncetown and will be given standard
ising testa on the government's measured
mile course off that point. Later it will
proceed to Rockland. Me., for further teats
along the Maine coast.
E. W. Grove's signature is on each box.SSe.
Take - Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta
Druggists refund money if It Jails to cure.
Fair Today and Tomorrow la .Ne
braska and lown Colder la West
era Nebraska ' Today.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. Forecast of the
weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska Fair Thursday, colder In
west portion; Friday fair.
For Iowa Fair Thursday, warmer In east
portion; Friday fair, colder in central and
east portions.
For North and South Dakota Fair and
colder Thursday; Friday fair.
luteal Record.
OMAHA, Oct. 26. Official record of tem
Derature and precipitation comiard with
the corresponding day or the last three
years. vn. in, isoa. lyuz.
Maximum temperature.... 68 62 M 78
Minimum temperature.,.. 38 86 44 63
Mean temperature 47 44 65 66
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparisons with the last two years:
Normal temperature 49
Deficiency for the day , 2
Total excess since March 1, 1906 427
Normal precipitation 07 inch
Deficiency for the day ... 07 Inch
Total since March 1. 19T 44 Inches
Deficiency since March 1. 1906.... 8.32 inches
Deficiency for cor, period 1904.... 3.67 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 19U3 1.68 inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and Stat Tern,
of Weather. 7 p. m.
Bismarck, clear ..65
Cheyenne, clear 62
Chicago, clear 44
Dnvenport,' clear 44
Denver, pt. cloudy 62
Havre, cloudy 46
Helena, cloudy 44
Max. Rain
Tern, fall.
70 T
60 00
44 00
60 00
70 00
64 00
62 T
60 00
66 00
72 flu
63 00
68 00
64 12
68 T
66 00
68 00
64 T
Huron, pt. cloudy 66
Kansas City, clear
North Platte, clear
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, pt. cloudy..
St. Ijou.1s, clear..
St. Paul, cloudy
Bait Lake City, cloudy
Valentine, clear
WilllHton, cloudy ,
r di
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
to Baby's Wardrobe
Stork Goods
Btork catch-all bibs, Just the thing for
baby at the table, 50c
Stork Diapers, laoe trimmed, en.
small, medium and larga, at...
Stork Sheeting, heavyweight, 36 and
64 inches, lift
at $1.60 and I.UU
Cloth Diapers
Shaped knit Diaper, edgs bound ready
for use, at 26c each, or, y ci t
per dosen 0
Our famous pin less Diaper, come In
inrtt sue. I in I dux,
at, per box ,.,
Ask to see them.
Table Bibs
Oilcloth Bibs in whit or
colors, at
Table Blba mad of heavy quality
ducking or fleeced back g
maierlal, at. each, j and....OC
Eattag Bibs, with sleeves. r
whit or blue, at ew and OOC
Dirsotort of th Company Will Look Into
Metbsdi of th Offlosrs.
Distribution of Profits to Policy
holders Depend I boo J aug
ment of Aetaary, Say
Mr. McCllntock.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26.-More startling than
the testimony before the legislative com
mit te Investigating the methods of the In
surance companies to-day was the an
nouncement by President Richard, A. Mc-
Curdy of the Mutual Life Insurance com
pany that a meeting of the board of trustees
of his company had been appointed to In
vestigate the company and Its methods.
The members of the committee are:
William H. Truesdale, Effingham B. Morris
John W. Auchincloss, ail prominent In the
financial and business world. This ac
tion was taken at a meeting of the board
to-day and waa a result of the Insurance
Investigation. The matter waa brought be
fore the board by Mr. McCurdy and the
committee, will begin work at once.
Eqnltable Net Receipts Increase.
A still more important development was
the statement issued to-day by President
Morton of the Equitable Life showing that
the receipts of that company for the nine
months of this year exceeded th expendi
tures by flrt.723.lH7, an increase of over
$500,000 compared with the same period last
year. Receipts from premiums on policies
for the third quarter this year were over
$1,000,000 less than 1904. The expenses of
the third quarter of thla year were $839,918
eM tnan laBt yar but for the flrBt ilx
months there was an Increase over last
year of $414,943.
After an entire day given over to exami
nation of Emory McCllntock, actuary of
the Mutual Life company, and to the read
ing of column after column of figures, the
legislative committee adjourned until No
vember 8, the day after the municipal elec
tions. This extended adjournment was taken to
enable the commltttee who are candidates
for re-election to, the assembly to meet
their constituencies and conduct their
McCllatock oa Dividends. .
The testimony of Mr. McCllntock was of
technical nature. A number of his ex
planations brought out the fact that his
Ideas were In many respects at variance
with the established methods of Insurance
companies, and that of his own company
In particular. This was especially apparent
when the subject of deferred dividend poli
cies were being Inquired Into. He said
the word "deferred" waa ambiguous and
misleading, as it implied that dividends
were accumulating or were paid at the end
of each year. The company, he said, re
served the right when It wrote a policy
to say what amount should be apportioned
at the end of each dividend period.
Mr. McCllntock also aaid he was strongly
in favor of limiting the amount of business
a 'company should write. He said an at
tempt had been made to come to an agree
ment with the New York Life and the
Equitable to limit the amount of business
done by each company to $1,000,000,000. This
was finally Increased to $1,600,000,000, but
James H. Hyde of th Equitable first de
clined to enter the agreement and then
George W. Perkins of the New York Life
objected. Mr. Hyde's reason waa his am
bition to make the Equitable the largest
Insurance company In the world. Mr. Mc-
Cllntock thought a law limiting the amount !
of business would be a good thing and felt
sure the Mutual Life would tender. Its sup
port to such legislation. -
These views are contrary to those ex
pressed by President. McCdrdy of the
Mutual when he was on the stand. Mr.
McCurdy did not think that any company's
business should be limited even at the point
when that business failed to be profitable to
the company. '
Mr, McCllntock also thought that a law
compelling the declaration of dividends at
stated periods would be unwise;
Dividend Are Estimated.
As to the method of computing the divi
dends that should- be paid on a policy he
said the apportionment was made upon his
Judgment. It was not a matter of accurate
calculation, out was oasea on me experi-
ence of previous years. The Interest esrned
by the company or the increase in the mar
ket valuation of the securities held by the
company, Mr, McCllntock said, were not
taken Into 'consideration in apportioning
these dividends. He said that in 1903, when
tho dividends were reduced, the market
value of tha company'a securities had de-
creased. In 1904, however, the securities
ros in vaiue so mm o.wu.uw. ioi oy me
decrease the year before, were regained
and $1,000,000 In addition. The dividends were
not Increased for 1904, yet they were not
cut. He wax still on the stand at adjourn
ment. '
Connectleat Board of Trade Heara
Report from Its Committee.
HARTFORD. Conn., Oct. 36. At ?i meet
ing of the State Board of Trade held here
today the report of the committee of under
writers on the proposed federal supervision
of Insurance was presented.
The report says that the occasion for
present action on the matter is due to a
letter upon the subject from Senator Dry
den, asking for expressions of opinion and
answers to his inquiries.
The report says that it is conceded that
federal supervision of Insurance run be
accomplished In but one way, namely, by
a constitutional law declaring Insurance to
b commerce; and also, that If Insurance
is not commerce, congress has not xwer
proposed regulation of power rests oti these
The report continues:
It is sought to establish federal control
of Insurance and to tak the chances on
the constitutional quemtlons. through a bill
In the next congresa, modelled on ihe Dry
den bill of th lust sexslon "with UkIu
modifications;" that is, through an nmend- nt Mn met to eStatillHh the T),nu rlnint
of iJibor and Commerce; adding to the
division to be called the division of Insur.
a nee and following in general lines the
powers and duties that already obtain In
the legislation of various states aa to su-
pervlalon of Insurance.
In oud belief, all these proposition.! are
theoretical; they rest on Inference and con-
all await demonstration.
Thev are
11 confronted by aerioua . oh.
t among them Is tho con
etaclea. Chief among them
trolling fact that In a series of dui-Uions
the supreme court of the United fUate
has declared and affirmed that lnaurrinve la
not commerce.
Government Report on Cotton binned
Crentea Considerable Excitement
la New York.
NEW YORK. Oct. a.-The report of the
census bureau Issued today giving the
amount of cotton ginned to October It aa
4 40,7 bales, against .417.S91 bales to the
same date last year, caused sensational
fluctuations In the late session of today's
cotton market. Before the report waa Is
sued the market had been very nervous
and unsettled owing to rumors that the
report would show fully $.000,000 bales
ginned and prices Just before the report
wss Isvved showed a net los of about
1S'20 points, with January selling at 10.S3C.
Few People Know How I sefal It Is
la Preserving Heajtk and Reaaly.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal Is
the safest alid most efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realise Its
value when taken Into the human system
for the same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal Is a rertiedy that the more you
take of It the better; It is not a drug at
all, but simply absorbs the gases and im
purities always present in the stomach and
Intestines and carries them out of the
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables; '
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion. It whitens the teeth and
furthtr acts as a natural and eminently
safe cathartic
. It absorbs the Injurious gases which col
lect In the stomach and bowels; it disin
fects the mouth and throat from the poison
of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal In one form or
another, but probably : the best charcoal
and the most for the money la In Stuart's
Charcoal Losenges.'. They are composed of
the finest powdered willow charcoal and
other harmless antiseptics in tablet form,
of, rather, in the form of large, pleasant
tasting losenges, the charcoal being mixed
with honey. .
The dally use of these losenges will soon
tell In a much Improved Condition of th
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
it is that no possible harm can result from
their continued use, but, on th contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician. In speaking of the
benefits of charcoal, says: advls
Stuart's Charcoal Losenges to all patients
suffering from gas In the stomach and
bowels, and to clear the complexion and
purify the breath, mouth and throat; I
also believe the - liver Is greatly benefited
by th dally use of, them, they cost but
26 cent a box at drug stores, and although
In some sense a patent preparation, yet I
believe I get more and better charodal In
Stuart's Charcoal Losenges' thaa In any of
tbo ordinary charcoal tablets."
Inside of ten minutes after the figures
were published January shot up $7 points
to 10.70c, and eve it with th highest point
of yesterday morning. The market was
feverishly excited 'with aborts active buy
ers and longs taking on fresh lines on
small crop theories.' Of! th bulge leading
bears became very aggtesslve, however,
and the market reacted almost as rapidly
a It had advanced."
NEW ORLEANS, Oct.' 25.-Wben the re
port of the census bureau' Was read show
ing how muoh cotton hall -been ginned up
to October 18 pMres shot tip 4483 points
higher than the lowest- 6f the day, or as
much as $3.16 per bale' "December, at 1:10
p. m., was 10. fce; January, 1.0.74c, 44 points
higher, and March. 1030, 63 points higher.
The report effectually controverted the
false report sent out earlier in the day.
City Electrician Make Reply to
Statements of Fire laaarance
Inspector Beckon.
City Electrician '.MIchaelsen has come
back at Insurance. Inspector A. G. Beeson
with a statement defending his position and
declaring he Is In the fight for lower fire
Insurance rates t etay.t He says:'
'Aa to the stand; I have taken on Insur
ance rates, nothing But facts and figures
can nnr my lvlfci Jt I"aW'r of th"
"ert tn'P,r'a",(.tw - ! c,t,"n
atonal. n,4 M. tlhi, T " I, . . 1 S
to Ignore th, enentM -I ahall thereby In
vite, then I clajmno respeotable cltiaen
has m shadow -of .'rtght to ' question my
mm Ives. v- V,.;- .
"To Illustrate tU eslsttpg '.conditions
let me say: The rats of A certain risk car
ried by the,' trust"! companies In', this . cjty
has for years bein . 73 rents. Improve
ment, after improvement was made to re
duce the' fire, hatardi' but every time the
companies were -.asked to reduce the rates
they found some,. nw suggestion for add!'
ttonal ttnprovenirnt; t,o waj-rant further der
lay in reduction. -Ater getting thoroughly
tired of working ud spendlrtg money for
the oroflt of the insurance' coanDanles with.
out receiving any JbenefH! for himself, the
' insured bad his. policies cancelled-in the
i tru-t companies an, placed his Insurance
with mutual companies at 18 cents! After
this was done th trust oom"anles havs
'scaled' their prices, and brought about a
material reduction Dt rates., with a view of
'catching the business' for Hjext year.
"With a full knowledge Of th above and
other matters, pertaining to Insurance, am
I a crook, a corporation tool, a scoundrel
I OP a 'hogwasher,' when I start In earnest
to advocate relief from excessive . fire in
surance rates for th citizens of Omaha?
"At to the statements and quotations In
some dally, papers of ft year ago, vlx: that
I was attacking the light company and
protecting the lllegl procedure of the street
railway company as wall as the state
ments of th present, which perchance
happen to be exactly the opposite, I feel
at liberty to say: I never was and don't
believe I ever shall be owned by any in-
' dividual, public service corporation or In
surance trust. Whether or not I remain In
the position I now have the honor to hold
shall on my part be entirely left to the
Judgment of th people I .serve, but whil
When I'sed aa a Food Is Bound to
Make Trouble.
Th average cereal food, as frequently
prepared, - forma a . paaty, gas-generating
mass in the stomach, which gives the di
gestive apparatus considerable trouble and
i .g write, from Trenton. N. J., to tell
what It did for him.. .
"1 lived in a boarding house for three
years before I was ruarrtd," h says,
"and every blessed morning there was sup
plied me some sort- of cereal breakfast
food, which I ate simply because I bad
i Iimii trained ' to eat what waa set before
! r rK cuw,r,y rtUt ny
! of It. ' It used to lie heavily on my atom-
I ach and within An hour fUl me full of gas,
making m very uncomfortable. At last
'. . . .k! ,
thla sort of thing brought on a serious
disturbance of my dlf estiva apparatus, with
oaa of appetite, and in tim I ,iad to go
undr he o010 ar.
Ha put me on a diet of milk and toast.
which in a week or fwd lost me 1$ pounds
in weight. I had a package of Grape-Nuts
food in my room, which I bad bought aa a
matter of curiosity, but bad never opened.
When I finally tired of milk and toast I
thought I would try Grape-Nuts, without
any expectation that I would like it, think
ing that it waa probably similar to all the
rest of the prepared foods.
"I liked it with cream from, the start,
however finding It entirely different from
anything else that I had ever eaten, and
Indulged In It freely. In one week (I aay
It on, my honor) I regained nine pounds in
weight and the Grape-Nut gave me the
power to digest other kinds of food. It put
me on my feet in a few days and now is
and .always will be a regular food item in
our bouse. My only trouble is to keep my
wife from eating too tauch of it, she Ukes
It so well." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a reason.
Read th little book, "Th Road to
Wellvllle," In each pkg.
I hold It I shall serve the people and the
people" tmli".
I anl' fortunate enough to have a pro
fession, by which I for twenty yesrs hav
been able to support myself and those de
pendent upon me In as good and sometimes
better manner than my present salary per
mits. For this very reason I look forward
to a bright future with expectations that
I may never have to depend on pol'Ucs
or charity for support. During the re
mainder of my term "as city electrician
I do most sincerely hope the good people
Of Omaha will so guard their remarks as
to show that they realise that there ought
to be a difference between a city officer
and a city prisoner."
(Continued from First Page.)
were heartily applauded. lie said that most
of us were not engaged In philanthropic or
missionary effort, but to reap the rewards
of our toll. Society In its primal elements
was but an organisation to promote private
affairs, and that the principal aim of gov
ernment was not so much to protect people
as to Insure them - In their possession of
their personal rights. It Is the duty of
every man to live aa well as he can. and
the speaker digressed to take a shot at th
men and women who neglect their homes
to travel on reform missions. It Is the
right and duty of a business man to carry
on his business, to mak as much money
aa he can without doing Injury to his
neighbors. He declared that he did not
bellev a millionaire waa a hostile element
In ft community necessarily, nor a persAn
to be always used as a horrible example
for th youth of the country. The fact
that a man possessed a million does not
necessarily mean that he has lived ft life
of crime, and he believed that a man could
accumulate any number of millions honestly
because we have s'uch instruments ready
at hand to make It possible In this day and
age. .:.
.Mr. Sherman took the position that ther
was nothing hurtful In ft corporation In
Itself. There were gootl and bad corpora
tions, just as there are good and bad men.
He deplored the sectional animosity that
the west displayed toward the east be
cause of the disclosures of corporation ras
cality In Wall street. New York, and
La Salle street, Chlcagd. He said that
the west had sold the east about as many
shares' of mining stock as . the east had
disposed of watered stock In corporations.
The only difference was that the eastern
people "didn't holler when they got hit.
They 'kept quiet. It hurt just as bad aa
you felt, but It was internal," he said. Just
because one man In a community Is ft horse
thief is no reason for calling every resi
dent a thief, and just because there was
one lawless corporation In a town gave no
cause for calling them all law breakers.
Do Not Destroy Corporation.
The apeaker insisted that we ought not
to destroy the corporation. Simply reduce
Ik to a law-obeying basis. Railroads ar
necessary agencies. Every shipper Is en
titled to an equa' opportunity. The roads
ought to be open to every man on equal
terms. He did not bellev much in legis
lative control. State legislatures, he said,
were the weakest branch, of government
and the least to be trusted and he had
been ten' years ft member of one. Control
bit therii was Ineffective. . They responded
to ground swells, but their energies were
spasmodic. Courts were created to settle
all differences, and they can settle this
question. Carriers must submit the ques
tion of reasonable rates and rebates to
shippers. He was against government
ownership. .
' He said that his way would be not to de
stroy these monopolies, but to treat them
as' monopolies,. They are the development
of, .competition,, of the . operation of the
laws of nature, and Can't be crushed out,
fta maHy deWiand." "
"I think they will become more and more
monopolies. I ' believe that the railroads
wlir get still closer together and control
be more and more centralised. I look upon
this as Inevitable, and I think they should
be so treated. Let the government treat
them as monopolies. There is no socialism
there. Regulative monopoly must be the
metfiod of the future. . Compel them to
furnish service at reasonable rates or fix
a" maximum of' charges, just aa you do
fpr your municipal monopolies. ' This is not
socialism,; but one of the purposes of gov
ernment.'' This afternoon Chancellor Andrews spoke
on what better knowledge of agriculture
and It application had done for Nebraska.
. Wattles oa Loan.
O. W, Wattles of Omaha spoke on "Safe
Loans." His address was delivered at the
morning session. , He said in part:
The greatest problem which any banker
has to solve Is how to make safe loans,
Bliow me a bank where the loans are clean
and good and I will show you a successful .
Institution. The losses on bad loans during ;
the last business depression will teach a
I .... V. 1 1A.AM . t V.,.m . V, I
ture. Perhaps the greatest losses came to j
tne city Dana inrougn loans secureu ai
rectly or indirectly on city real estate.
Other serious losses were made by granting
excessive loans to new and untried buai
nees ventures, which did not have sufficient
capital behind them.. In their anxiety for
business banks granted to customers what
was known as "lines of credits," which
means that banks agreed to loan certain 1
amounts to business men, which they could ;
invest In their business as capital, and I
which they would not be called upon to pay
back for an indefinite period. This fruitful
source of loss Is still practiced by some
banks, but must be discarded by the banker
of the future, who must loan his depositors'
money for the temporary needs of business
only, and never to a borrower who must go
out of business to pay it back. There are
many business men in th west today who
are doing too much business on their capital
invested, and what they need is more paid
up capital stock, not mora borrowed money.
No Gueaslna; Now.
But how is the banker to know the finan
cial conditions of his customers? He may
have been able to guess fairly accurately
in the past, but we have passed tt6 sge
of guesswork, and he must in the future
act only on knowledge. A business man
who will not dlBcloaa to his banker an
accurate statement In writing of his finan
cial condition will not be able to borrow
of the auccessful banker of the future.
An honest man Is never offended when
requested to show his hooks to the. banker
and to furnish him with all necesstry In
formation from which he can act with
knowledge. A business man has no right
to expect his bank to take a business
chance. A banker has no right. Wal or
n oral, to knowingly take chances with his
depositors' funds. The banker of th
future will require borrowers to maintain
balances which will Justify their loans. He
will require collateral In all caa-s where
the condition of the borrower Joes not
warrant credit without, or where the bor
rower is acting as trustee or custodian
for others snd borrows for tha btmellt of
his clients or customers. Among ih latter
may be classed banks and bankers who
borrow for the temporary demands of their
depositors. He will assist the borrower
and the borrower will anslai himself by se
curing such chanres in the laws of tha
stat aa will make It possible to plrdee
grain and other rarm products aa security
for loins, for all our people mus .oon learn
that the better h security and Hie more
strlntrent the collection law, the lower the
rate of interest will be. Perhaos I he best
security for loans In Nebraska is grain
and other food products. These commodi
ties ran always be sold for cssh, but as
yet eur laws ar imperfect in th manner
of pledging the products. .
haw Oaest at Laacheon.
Secretary Shaw was tha guest of honor
today at an Informal luncheon given at the
! Lincoln hotel at 1 o'clock by Collector of
Internal Revenue Elmer . Stephenson.
Mr.. Stephenson had invited a number of
gentlemen to meet th secretary, who in bis
rapacity as head of the Treasury depart
ment, represents the administration.
Aside from the guest of honor and the
host, there were I'nlled State Senator
Burkett, Governor Mickey, Mayor F. W.
Brown, Hon. N. V. Harlan, United B La tee
district attorney for Alaska; Hon. W. P.
Warner, chairman of the republican atata
committee; I. M. Raymoad, S. H. Burn-
For occasional or habitual constipation.
As a safe, ordinary, and gentle laxative.
To relieve the kidneys.
In bilious attacks and disorders of the
For improving the complexion.
Jor persons inclined to inflammation,
congestion, and gouty or rheumatic
In fatty degeneration of virions organs.
Against undue deposition of fat in gen
eral, and the evil consequences of
indiscretion in eating or drinking.
A Wineglassful before Breakfast.
Cheap, Effective, Palatable,
Sparkling Apenta in Splits;:
Natural Apenta Carbonated,
A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient
for Morning Use. f
Sole Exporters: THE APOLLINA RIS CO., Ld., London.
The ConservatlTt Sitings & Loin Ass'n.
Our rat of dividend has never been
less than t per cent per annum, com
pounded semi-annually.
In our thirteen years of business we
have handled over $8,000,000.00 without the
loss of a cent to anyone, and distributed
among our members over J3OO,0O0.0O In divid
ends. Fifty rents opens an accojnt, to
which you can add any amount at any
time, or you may Invest from JViO.oo to '
15,000.00 any daft on which we pay cash
dividends. "
Fifty dollars may be withdrawn In any
month, without notice. Present assets,
$1,460,000.00; reserve and undivided profits,
Lioans made promptly pn Improved prop
erty. Call or write for information. '
The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n,'
206 So. 16th St.. Omaha. Neb.
hm nrenident of the First National bank;
3 T Tr.rn.rr of Pawnee City, president
... - - . . i ' .uniatlnn' 1" .
or tne weorasaa oani. "-""" - .
r i.. mi A w T nnbhtns.'.' -' "ft"'
The Bankers' association tin afternoon
elected the following officers:
n Harvev of Beatrice, prealdent.
executive council C. T. Kountae of Omaha;
v T. u.ll nf TJncoln: C. B. Anoeraon 01
Crete; J. J. Mcintosh of Sidney, both of
the latter members at large and J. P. A.
Black representing group five.
The office of vice president was abol
ished. The .association concluded Its meeting
with a banquet at the Lincoln hotel at
which 300 were present. The banquet was
given by the Lincoln Clearing house.
H. P. Cutting.
OSCEOLA, Neb., Oct.' 28. (8pecial.)
With the death of H. P. Cutting df Com
pany C, Sixth Iowa Infantry, whose resi
dence was at Stromsburg. there passed
away a soldier of the civil war 66 years of
age. who waa the oldest pensioner In Polk
county, - his certificate being numbered
49,998. He drew the largest pension of any
comrade In the county it being $56 a month
for the loss of hia left arm at tne snoumer
W. P. Dewey.
W. P. Dewey, who was a retired lawyer
of distinction, who died Tuesday at Yank
ton. S. V.. was a brother of Mrs. W. W.
Eastman of 2602 Seward street, this city.
Mr. Dewey was surveyor general of the
territory of South Dakota under President
Orant and was a fifth cousin or Admiral
Dewey. The death of Mr. Dewey leavea
Mrs. Eastman the only surviving member j
OI lamuy ui icii uinumn. .
Aa Ontrnae.
It's an outrage to let your skin aufTer
without help, when burned or wounded.
Use Bucklen'a Arnica Salve; 25 cents. For
sale by 8herman 4 McConnell Drug Co.
Sale of Capitol Lands.
PIERRE. & D., Oct. 25. (Special.) State
i rnmmluliiner Bach left this after
noon for Edmunds and McPherson counties.
where he will offer the nrsi of tn state
capitol land for sale. While the Inquiries
h.v. hn numerous, the amount which Will
be sold Is a matter of much concern to th
capitol commission.
nas. vmsum's
Vaa beea need br Mllllanj of Mothers for their
aklldrao while Te
hit tidJo. tor otst Vitty Tnrt.
It suoum it esiid. sulteo lbs gnsus, allsrt (
all p&ln. eora wind cuiie, aad
IS ut
Pnoaa 404.
Children lOe.
Tonight Silo Price, to. He. SO.
ft U V r,r lie. M, too. It
The Oreat Melodramatic Success
A Story of Intense Heart Interest.
W V.
V tl
l" tl Iks w. . Ikn
Wcodward & Burgee. - "W
And Her Own Company. In MRS.
BLACK IS BACK. Hear Miss Irwin's
New Songs. .
Fri., Sat. Mat. and Night-Charles
Frohman Presents Augustus Thomas'
Greatest Comedy Triumph
Laat Season's Fashionable Furor in
New York. ,
BlIRWnnfl Nights Sun. Mats. 10c, 28e'
OUnilUUU Tues..Thurs..8at.MaU.10-$tlc
Telephone 1506.
SIXTH BIG WEEK Tonight aad
All Week
AT 2l80 O'CLOCK.
Lat of Pari Academy of Sciences. '
Beauty Doctor to Mmea. Bernhardt,
La Tour, Pattl and Langlry.
Assisted by one of the most beautiful
women of. her age.
Three Concerts;
WEDNESDAY Evening - NOV. 1.
Program As Played Before
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King Edwavrd The First' '.
And The BrhUK Court
At Balmortvl And
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Prices tBoxes $1 .00) 75c, 0e, . tfe.;
Children 260.
Mr. and- Mrs.- Chambers'
School of Dancing How Op 21
Adult beginners, Mondays and Hur
days. P. M. .
Assembly dates furnished on applV
cation. Children, Tuesdays and Saturdays.
' Misses and masters advanced Satur
days 4 P. M. , ' -
High School Class ops as Friday, Oe
tober tOth, I P. M. , ,
Telephone F-1871,
4 I " " - -t-I
W w - ' VTVB