Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha: Daily Bee. Registration Dai .'" $ r . . from 8 a. m. Registration Day '. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 171. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1003-TEX TAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE GENTS. FIGHT FOR CONTROL Hallway. Will At'.empVta Captura Inter tat Commerce taw Conation. MOVE TO EXCLUDE "RAILROAD DELEGATES Committea Says Man Opaoied to Purpoia f . Maeti.g Will Hot Admitted. OPfOSITION IS HEADED BY D. M. TAR fcays Delegates Are Recnlarly Appoi- and Will Iaiiat on Hearing. " , c 1 ' HOT TIME IS EXPECTEB THIS MO' G it Is Mora Than Police Ollleers Needed to Pi Order, Probable Will Br iat CHICAGO. Oct. 2&.-Pollee may be nfiary to prevent a clash between the two factions of delegates to the Interstate commerce law convention which will hcg,n a two day's session In Stelnway hall at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Officials of the association assert that the railroads have brought hundreds of deleKates to Chicago from all parts of the country for the purpose of packing the convention and preventing an endorsement of President Roosevelt's plan of governmental regulation of freight rates by Increasing the power of the Interstate commerce commission. The executive commltrtee of the Inter state Commerce Law association met to day to arrange the . preliminaries for the meeting to be held to-morrow. After much debate It was decided that It would be un fair to the business Interests of the coun try, who ere unaware of the attempts which the members of the commlttte de clare will be made to pack the convention to allow any delegate to participate In the convention with the purpose of which they are manifestly at variance. Therefore It was decided to have blanks prepared by the secretary containing the following extracts from the president's last message to con gress as the sole subject to be discussed snd conldered at the conventllon: Ths Interstate ' commerce should be in vested with the power where a given rate ha been challenged and after full power of hearing found to be unreasonable to decide, subject to Judicial review, what shall be a reasonable rate to taka Its place, the ruling of the commerce commission to take effect Immediately and to obtain unless it is reversed by the court of reviews. Will Exclude the Antla. To all delegates claiming to be entitled to participation In the proceedings of the convention these blanks are offered and such aa refuse to sign them will be declared Ineligible. . The executive commit tee declared: It le not 1 the Intention to shut off or curtail the free discussion of all questions aa to the best method of securing leglala tlon in accordance with the president's recommendations, but those who are not In favor of auch legislation have as a matter St course tiie great American privilege of Irlng 1 hall and holding a meeting of their own. Judge 8. H. Cowan of Port Worth, Tex., chJTTnaa't-h..neutlve committee, "naM tonlghU'1 " - , This call for the convention was Issued for a BDeclfled mirnase to endorse Presi dent Roosevelt's Interstate commerce com mission policy, aa expressed in his last message to conaress. We have been in formed and are certain that men have been sent here In the Interests of railroads, and that their expenses have been paid by the railroads. It la the boast of the henchmen . or the railroads here that they will capture the convention, but I do not believe that hev will be able to do anything of th kind, and In my opinion is would be most injudicious tor mem to attempt it. Parry Heada the Opposition. D. M. Parry, president of the National Manufacturers' association, who Is leading the opposition faotlon, said: This convention will be composed of fair- minded and conservative ousiness men rrom all nans of the country who are regularly appointed under the Invitation and call for the convention. Many of them are opposed to the proposed remedy of President Roose velt for the abatement of the rate evil and they have a right to be heard. We will rimnt admission on our credentials and If this la denied we will Insist upon our rights.- We want free speech and a fair discussion of the question on the floor of the convention without the application of gag rule. The matter of credentials . on which Mr. Parry base his claim of right of admission Is founded on the fact that 500 commercial organisations from all parts of the country have appointed delegates on the basis of one for each 100 member and th governor of each state was asked to appoint one delegate each congressional district. A large number of delegates appointed are opposed to the policy, of the president, aud they claim that Inasmuch as they were regularly appointed their views either for or against the president should not be an issue deciding their eligibility as delegates. Tight Waxes Waraa. About 2u0 delegates had arrived In the city this evening and both factions dad opened headquarters In the Auditorium hotel. Feeling ran high and both sides had numerous committees at work buttonhol ing and Interviewing every delegate who appeared on the scene. Both sides were outspoken In their determination to control the convention tomorrow and unless some body's action In the morning is weaker than his words of tonight there will be a warm time In Stelnway hall before noon tomorrow. TAFT IS NOT A CANDIDATE Secretary of War says He I Not Plan. ulna; a Campaign for the Presidency. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. The Post tomor row morning will suy: Secretary of War Taft is not planning to enter a campaign for the tiiiency, haa no inifnUlMl Wi WW,,, - v-uiurm Willi ItlS a...t In the .ahlnet and means to atuv ehr.. ss long as the president desires It. Such Is the substance of an announcement made by liliu yrslerduy and which will tend to put si rest, temporarily at least, the talk of his being a presidential candidate. "I am satisfied with my present place and shall be pleased to remain In the cabinet as long a I ran." added Mr. Taft. "1 have al ready said that I bad no intention of be coming a candidate for the presidency and lutnorisea no on' io inn nm ii raiurnuai boom.' has been called. The Post adds that Secretary Taft's state ment was called forth by published reports In connection with his recent Akron, O., rpeech that he has no presidential ambi tions. " FLAMMER QUITS THE RACE Mepnbllcan Nominee for District at torney In Sew York Advises His Friends to Vote for Jerome. . . NEW YORK, Oct. 2ft. Charles A. Flain mer tonight announced tils resignation aa republican candidate fur district attorney and appealed to the members of the party lo support the candklaoy of William T ravers itreme. , RUSSIAN STRIKE IS COMPLETE tsar's Government Confronted by One of the Moat Crucial Situations In Its History. 8T. PETERSRUTtO. Oct. 26.-4 a. m Con fronted by a situation more crucial than any since the beginning of the political and social upheaval of Russia, and which at the time this dispatch Is filed shows no signs of amelioration, the emperor's ministers, under the leadership of Count Wltte, spent nearly all of yesterday In conferences In the hope .' seeing some way out of the disordered ondltlon Into which the revolutionists and .he socialists have cast the country. The general strike on the railroads Is complete except In a few border provinces, snd St. Petersburg. Moscow snd other large cities are. almost as closely beleaguered as If they were Invested by besieging srmles. At the same time, the Indnstrlsl strike hss assumed large dimensions, and the tur bulent elements In several localities are of fering open resistance to (the troops. The Finland railroad to Helslngfors and the steamers constitute St. Petersburg's only means of communication with the outer world this morning. The postal au thorities are now refusing to accept ordi nary mail and commercial correspondence Is at a standstill. The strike Is complete In the great fac tory region on both banks of the Neva above the city, and In several other indus trial quarters. Forty thousand men are out, but they are conducting themselves In a most orderly manner. I.arge meetings, mainly of workmen, were held lust night in the university and the higher echools. at which the sentiment was inanlmous for continuing the strike on the railroads to the bitter end. The proceed- ngs at several of the meetings were of a strong revolutionary character, the speak ers calling n their auditors to arise and slay all "chlnovnlks" and the police and to meet the troops with armed force. These speeches were received with enthusiastic Cheers. The police were powerless to Inter fere, the precincts of the university being forbidden ground to them under an Imperial ukase. EKATERINOSLAV, Oct. 25-Flfteen per sons were killed and twenty-six Injured yesterday In a conflict between troops and strikers at the Briansk works, where the strikers had erected wire entanglements. The courts, hanks and other public offices have been closed. LOAN NEGOTIATIONS COMPLETE Paris Bankers gar French Get 120,000,000 with $20,000,000 to I nlted states. PARIS, Oct. 25 Banker forming the syndicate which Is taking up the French portion of the Russian loan received a dis patch today from the French delegates at St. Petersburg announcing that the negotia tion have been completed, that the con tract I signed ' and - that the delegate are returning to Paris October 27. The local banker say the French portion is $120,000,000; the German portion 180.000,000 and Great Britain and the United States will take $30,000,000 each. - The rate of In terest I said to be 4 per cent and it Is expected to sell the bonds at about 90. ORDER -RESTORED IN;. CHILE Three Tboasand Troops Arrive nt Santiago Where Sixty Per sons Are Killed. LONDON, Oct. IS. A dispatch to Reuter's Telegram- company from Santiago, Chile, today, states that 3,000 troops arrived there last night and that order has been restored The troops are still patrolling the streets Probably sixty persons were killed and 200 were wounded drulng the recent rioting. Negotiating- for a King;. CHRISTIANIA, Norway, Oct, 25.-The government at a secret session of the storthing today asked to be endowed with full power to negotiate with Prince Charles of Denmark for his acceptance of the crown of Norway on the understanding that the' peogle of Norway endorae ths position ot the storthing and the govern ment by a referendum vote to be taken August 13 on the question of the dissolu tion of ths union. The debate was post poned until Friday. MOB GOES AFTER WRONG MAN Driver of Automobile, Assisting In jured Woman, Mistaken for Man Who Hnrt Her. LOS ANGELES Cat.. Oct. 26-Mra. Thomas Langhelm of this city, waa so se verely injured in alighting from a street car last night that death may result, and Willlum Ruins, salesman for an automobile concern, was threatened ' with lynching at the hands of a mob of excited persons, who misconstrued the motive of the tat ter's kiudnebs In removing the crippled woman to her home, Mm. Langhelm stepped from a car while It was in inotlou, was throw: violently to the pavement and seriously hurt. Immediately following the accident, Kuess, driving an automobile, rounded the corner, and. comprehending the situation, with the assistance of other passenger on the car, lifted the woman Into his automobile and started for a physician's office. An im mense crowd !:ad juthered In th mean time and the Idea gained circulation that he iiad run her down with his automobile and for several minutes an aspect of serl- ou.ncs. surrounaea the scene, cries of lynch bin." filled the air and the vahew. enc of ths txprcswions of the crowd mads U imperative mai nurss gee away IlUr- rledly. Leaving explanations to his friends he departed at full speed and Mrs. Lang helm was soon under the care of a doctor and was later removed to her home, where she luy in au unconscious condition . ,,,,.,,,..,, h throughout the night COLORADO STRIKE RENEWED Attempt of Mine Owners to Force "Closed Shop" Role Results In Trooalc. Tl,"l I I'RinB" I ILUXKIUE, (.'OIO., Oct. 2S Eighty I . imiwn, j minors employed at the Alia mines and I Poke for an hour on "Eauallty of Oppor I mills struck last night when notices were tunity." and ths tenor of his remarks was I posted reouestina all emnlove. tn tak. nnf I uct that at the conclusion Mr. C. M. cards of membership In the Mine Owner.- association. When the great strike In this district was called off about a year ago by ths Western Federation of Miners, the Mine Owners association made a rule that all men working In the mines and mills must Join their association. For a time this rule was enforced, but of late has been allowed to become Inert. Recently ths owners of the Alia " properties gave notioe to the leasers that they must hire only such men as were Saiallwotd by member ship in the Mine Owners' organisation An attempt to carry out this ordsr caused the Aita men to strike. SHAW ON MERCHANT MARINE Secretary Point Oat Wee.neei of Country in Trade Extension Campaign. BANKER BROWN AGAIN STARTS SOMETHING Takes Exception to Remark of Lien tenant Governor Sherman of Illi nois, Who Thinks Monopolies Are Here to May. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Oct. l.-(8peclal.)-Lelle M. Bhaw, secretary of the treaauay, addressed the State Bankers' association this after noon on "Trade Expansion." His address followed thst of Chancellor Andrew of the University of Nebraska, who spoke on the reclamation of the arid lands of the west and tho possibilities of their productiveness. Fraternity hall. In which the meetings are being held, wss packed to the door and many people were unable to gain entrance. Seated on the platform were Senator Bur kett. Governor Mk key and President Tren- ery. ! In beginning his talk Secretary Shaw said i he had recently made an address before the American Bankers' association and the members had afterward complained because he had not told them to collect interest on deposits or something along the lines of their business, and he hoped the Nebraska bankers would not say the same thing when he concluded his present address. "I Just want to 'call your attention to a few Important question which you will be called upon to solve. I do not want to offer a remedy or a solution to these problems, but I want to say something that will make you think about public affairs, f hope the next time jAir wife comes into the library and finds you In deep thought and she asks you what you are thinking about you will tell her 'public affairs.' If you do, telegraph me at my expense." Then Secretary Shaw launched Into a dis cussion ot the trade relations existing be tween the I'nited States and foreign coun tries, with every thought tending to a ship subsidy as a solution, but before he con cluded he said: t "I don't want any one to go away from here and quote me as being In favor of a ship subsidy. I have never said I was In favor of ship subsidy. I am in favor ot a merchant mi.rlne, and I don't want to be quoted as favoring anything else. I leave it to you to discover the way to get the merchant marine." Shortly after beginning his speech and Just after he had announced his subject, "Trade Expansion," some carpentera on the " "P "'rime nammenng. wnicn for a while almost stopped the speaker. "If that is some one erecting a building," he said, "don't stop him. That 1 what I am In favor of." Secretary Shaw's Address. Secretary Bhaw said in substance: The nations of the earth export annually tlo.ism.tmu.uiO worth of products, of which amount one-eighth originates in America and one-ninth of whicn finds consumption here. While the nations are selling to each nt hflr t)i( aiiiirni.m. a ,.. . n-..w4,.nd Americans are selling to each other IJ5.000.-1 OuO.tM) worth of domestic products. This is not Decause we are great International Quarters of all lha rntinn that la keted. The world 'has' to come here for us cor ion, we nave the . only country The world never had- more than six months' supply on hand and It Is neceswarv for I the world, to come where it can get the products. We produce 500.000.0ti0 tons of copper, 73 per cent of refined petroleum, rsow, men. me standard Oil company haa found it good to own Its own ships. The Standard Oil company, the meat pack ers and the International Harvester com pany have done many bad things, but 'I think It right to give them credit for doing more than any one else In securing mar kets. I do not say I am defending these corporations, but-if they are abused for their sins then they should get some tittle credit for what they have done for the country. We are going to need more markets. That la the comina- problem that must 1a tj I .1 How will we gt these markets? We have not sold much by going out after mar kets, but because outsiders have come to ua for the goods. It is now coming to- the time when there must be an . outlet for the products of the factorv n ... -a,., not always depend upon furnishing the food supply of the world. foreign snh etM,TOnMi",d " two-American porta As a result we have ine oest and meanest service along the American coasts. That law still remains. America nas always helped the promoter. The railroads were given money and as sisted In spanning the continent. The re sult is we have more miles of railroad than any other country. . Bv means of subsidy we have developed the country. Just at this. time, though, we are going to see that the railroads do not unmake us. though they have made us. , We have subsidized harbors and rivers; we have subsidised railroads and we have started in to subsidize commerce. Ships Are Needed. , . At this time we have better railroad fa cilities and cheaper freight lutes than any country on earth. We can get our goods to the coast line and there we stop. We I nave nu snips nying me American nug We have started in to dig a ditch which I the right to dig cost us $5u.0uo,0u0. It will cost 0u0.0(0,000 more to dig ll; more mil - lions to maintain It; more millions to de fend it. We are under contract to allow other countries to use it at the same rale we have to pay. We have done this be cause at the present lime it Is the same dis tance from New .York to San Francisco as It Is from Ixmdon. when our ships go around Cape Horn. When this rrnul i. dug It will be the aamo distance from New were tn the thick of the tight Joined forces York to Hong Kong as it Is from London j as soon as they saw the approaching patrol to Hong Kong. That la why we are build- j ... . IV lng it. We are doing It in the Interest of ! aon8 nd the blue t--t!' were attacked on commerce. 1 all sides with stones and vegetables whpe But we have po ships. Foreign ships go water was poured on them by students ru" gzjniZf Wu ; 'it lhe uTr;rle; .r :,ie co"ee-wwie bring them to New York and then take a ! tnl" ta" of flflllr" had ht:en going on for load of goods to F.urone. We buy feu per i some time and the police were getting de cent of what Braxil sells and It liuvs ono- i ..i.wiu- h ..f th- k.,i. i.k... JaPVn war Ve LluTd mn n""; I d r haul our products. Even Spain furnishes ar u-a. Mr ,i,r nniu II.VJ, OUI Willi ernmeni agreed to pay the expenses of these ships. What would he the result? kio'.'lloTeS t.o77Kr!,'Umbtr f 'hem suffered sever, cut. about Everywhere agenta would hustle for trade! ; their heads and faces from the puntshnient But don't say that I am in tavor of shiii i administered by . the police, subsidy. I am lust saying some things to An Investigation has been beaun bv the you to get vou to thinking. I want a mer churl marine. DUt i uon t know how to get It. Brown Aaala starts Somethlaa. At the morning session of the bankers a second Incident as exciting as the Dawes Brown Incident was averted only by a hasty adjournment. ! r,rown' president of the First National bank of Cambridge, who was Mr. Dawes1 antagonist yesterday, arose to question the truth and logic of some of the statements. Mr. Brown began by calling attention to the fact that Mr. Sherman's speech was simply a continuation of thst of Mr. Dawes, snd he was proceeding to express bis disapprobation with the sentiments ex pressed, when the hankers, hungry and anxious to avoid any more controversy, rushed through a motion to adjourn. Mr. Sherman is a very rapid talker, and spoke without notes. He uses homely, but striking metaphors, and many of his hits (Continued on Second Page ) METHODIST BISHOPS GATHER Seml-Annual Session of College I In Progress ajl the National Caipltal. -I WASHINGTON, fyet. 25.-The college of bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church, comprising the governing body of that denomination, met In Semi-annual confer ence here today. Several matters of Interest and Impor tance to Methodism are to be dealt with during the sessions which are to be held daily during the week. Particularly Inter esting will be tho assignments which the bishops will give themselves In presiding over the spring conferences. The disposition of the case of Prof. Hlnk ley O. Mitchell, elected by the board of trusteees of . the Boston university, to fill the chair of Hhrew, Is perhaps tho ques tion of most popular Interest. Six months ago the bishops refused to confirm tho selection of Prof. Mitchell on the ground that his Interest In the "higher criticism" of the Flhle unfitted him to teach the fundamentals of Methodism. The trustee of the university have refused to concur In thl decision and have reappointed the proressor. five years ago Prof. Mitchell was before the bishops and explained hla beliefs to their satisfaction. Since that time he has published a book called "Tho World Before Abraham." In which It Is alleged by many churchmen he ha made heretical statements -concerning the Old Testament, It was this which was the basis of the adverse action six months ago at which time t equally divided over i bishops were nearly It he question. The sessions of tao conference are all held behind closed nors that there may be the greatest freedom in the presentation and discussion of biinsB and other mat ters. It is expected that the first three days of the conference will be devoted to hearing reports from the' superlnten- dents on the work' of their particular fields. Each bishop has practically abso lute authority In hi bishopric and an effort Is made at the semi-annual confer ence to make their work and decisions harmonious. Of the total of twenty-eight bishops com prising the college about, twenty are pres ent. (OFFICIALS PROBE FOR CRIME Department of Jostle fends Special Kanmlner to Take Charge of AJlegheny Bank.' WASHINGTON', Oct. 23.-The comptroller of the currency has been called upon by '. the department of lustlce to send a sneclal examiner o Pittsburg to make an lnvestl- gation of the affairs of the Enterprise Na tlonal bank of ' Allegheny, Pa., recently closed by order of the comptroller. The examiner will make his report directly to the United States district attorney of Pitts burg, whom he will assist In case legal pro. ceedin'gs are instituted. This, It Is stated. Is the usual course followed In such cases and Is taken in order that the district at torney may be placed! In .possession of the ac" necessary to . kermlne whether or not action is require by him. j Fdward p Mrirev national bank exam- 'ln of the Plttsburi district, will make the examinationa l PITTSBURG. -Oct. employe was at work today with the books of the Enterprise National bank. ' All the i old employes, except the bank messenger, 1 ....a w their services were no longer needed and the new clerks were at once put to work. I Receiver Cunningham refused to assign his reasons for making the change. William B. Rldgely, comptroller of :the currency, who report said yesterday was In Pittsburg or coming to this city to take charge of the affairs of the Enterprise Na tional bank ot Allegheny, has not yet been located and Hrls not believed he Is here or is coming at this time. ... ' John Mar rem, a promlfient attorney here. Is authority for the statement that legal proceedings, both criminal and civil, are to be brought in connection I he brought in connection with the Enter- prise bank failure, just aa soon as the I papers can be prepared. Mr. Marron says ! that Cashier Clark left confession, giving 1 de,all of hls operations. DENTAL STUDENTS IN RIOT Chicago Police Attacked When At tempt Is Made to Preserve Order . During Clnss Rush. CHICAGO. Oct. 26. Twenty-five police men and 200 students ot the Chicago Col lege of Dental Surgery engaged In a fierce fight this afternoon and before order hud been restored fifteen of the students hud been arrested. At one point during' the fight the police were forced to fire shots over the heads of the students' to scare ! the latter back. ! Tlie frebnien and Junior clusses of the Institution met in their annual- class rush j today and the battle became so desperate that a call was sent to two police aations in the vicinity. When the police arrived on the scene, the battle between ths students had been in progress for half an hour, and ,mu muvvu u". """el cr na wagon traffic In nearby streeta. The students who drew their revolvers and tired several This brought the students to their ! senses and they ran In all directions but n.,H, e aueeerrled In nukli.1 tiff.,. captures. All the students bore slg-us of the conflict in their rent afcirments ami & faculty and the ringleaders of the disturb- a nee will be punished. AFTER DISTILLING COMPANY Government Alleges that North Caro lina Company Failed to Comply with Law. GREENSBORO, N. C, Oct. 25. Interest ing litigation has been begun In the federal court here in the case of the United States against N. Glenn Williams, D. F. Ken nedy and the Old Nick Williams Distilling company, Indicted In fifteen counts for al leged frauds against the government In con ducting a big ' distillery, rectifying and wholesale whiskey plant In Yadkin county. Ths trial began yesterday. On lhe part of the prosecution, besides many govern ment documents, there are seventy-five witnesses, some from California, The pur pose of ths trial Is to show that the defend ants transported and sold thousands of gallons of whiskey more than thelf sworn reports to ths government for payment of taxes. SMALL RANCHERS PROSPER Stock Feeden in Short Gran Coin try An Doing Bight Well. WINTER RANGE AND IMPORTED FEED Combination that Makes Prosperity Possible to Those Who Have Secared Title to Lands In Western Nebraska. fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) CRAWFORD. Neh Oct. 25.-(Speclal.)- Crawford Is located In ths territory that may he strlclly railed the "short grass country" and the evidences of waste of beef producing material are Just a notice able here as fsrther east, although the grass does not grow so tall. Tnd In this pa-t of th state doe not produce ss much feed per cre as In Sheridan. Cherry, Brown ana Kocg counties, though the grsss cures on the ground and make better winter feed for cattle, than does the grsss fsrther esst when not cut for hay. Chadron Is the center of the large cattle companies of Nebraska, and at Chadron exists some sentiment In fsvor of the leasing proposi tion, although when questioned, the advo cates of the leasing theory admit that to lease the public lands would only serve as a makeshift and would not settle the ques tion. The bro'sd prairies In this part of Ne braska are covered with grasses from two to four Inches high, and hut little hay can be harvested except along the valleys, which are few and far between. In many places a Jack rabbit maV be aeen for miles. the country being so level In some parts. On those brond expanses of prairie only an occasional fence may be seen snd an occasional bunch of cattle. If cattle can be kept In a pasture, the owner or care taker can. by visiting the stock every few days during the summer to see that they have water and salt, take good care of a large number with very little effort. In fact It is pleasant work In the summer and fall, hut during th winter, sheds and feed should be supplied and this cannot be done without moving the cattle aome distance. Sammer nnd Winter Ranare. . Most of the rattle raisers here have a summer range and a winter rane. The winter range Is usualy where feed ran be easily obtained on short notice tT meet the effects of the cold rains and snow storms. The practice of supplying sheds for the cattle Is not as generally observed here as It Is farther east, and this causes a certain percentage of loss eaeh winter and frequently a heavy loss. ' Whvn the cattle are taken from the summer ranges to the winter rangea there In nothing left to look after, and It Is Idle to pass laws requiring people to live out on these bleak, lonesome prairies. They will not do It. It would be Just as sensible to pass a law requiring members of the Omaha city coun cil io iaae ineir lamines ana reside on top of the city ' hall during their terms i of office as to try to get people to live out on the. prairie where there are no ! comforts, especially In this "short grass" country. Several small ranchers located south of Crawford own their own lands, but they usually have a residence for I heir families In some of the small towns. In practically- every instance where" ranch men own their own land they are doing well, and such persons have no trouble In borrowing all the money, they care to Invest to enlarge their business. 2ome of the small cattle raisers market consider able cream, and the cream Industry gives promise of great things In the future. While some Irrigation Is done. It s only by Individuals and In ' comparison to the great extent of the country can be con sdered only, as a small factor In the de velopment of the natural resources here awaiting the co-operation of capital and labor. Interest in Irrlaatlon. The close proximity of this county to the Irrigable lands on and along the North Platte river and the convenience of railroad transportation furnishes a prac tical way of securing winter feed In the future when the government has com pleted Us plans to Irrigate the rich valley land of the Nortn Platte. Many of the cattlemen In this county have bought land along the irrigation route and expect to seed It down to alfalfa aa soon as the gov ernment turns the water, on. No finer alfalfa producing' land Is found in the country than above and below Bridgeport, and all of that district is made uvallable to furnish hay to the cattle raisers of this country by the new Burlington line south from Alliance. It will probably be two years . before the government has com pleted Its Irrigation ditches, but in the meantime the private enterprises- have de- veloped rapidly along the North Platte and the valley is now raising a large Unnuge of hay eauh year. Omaha business men j should look' out for the trade of this part of Nebraska, for Denver Is In evidence in almost all lines of trade. , - Have Faith in President. In talks with stockmen who reside in Sioux county it Is learned that the same ' general conditions of unrest exist there as In the other parts of western Nebraska. They appear to-be at a loss to know what the outcome will be. None of them blame the president In the least. They consider that he Is simply enforcing the law against fencing the public lands, the same as he is enforcing other laws.- In fact, they con sider htm one of themselves and believe that he so well understands the difficulties under which they are laboring that if prac tical relief Is proposed he will give It his hearty and effective support. The plan pro posed, to sell the remaining public lands in Nebraska in limited tracts on annual pay ments covering five or six years, and re quiring that proof of use of the land tor grazing purposes be made before patent cun be Issued, appears to be the most pop ular of any of the several plans that have been discussed and considered by the cattle raisers. It is a mistake to believe that these men do not want people to come Into the coun try. Isolated cases are known where per sons engaged In raising cattle on the ranges have made It unpleasant for homesteaders, but It can safely be said thst the blame has not been all on one side. So far as the sel fish Interest of each warring factor Is con cerned. It nisy be stated that one side is Just about as bad, or Just about aa good, as the case may be, as the other. As a mat ter of fact, the difficulties between the various Individuals about ths division of the range has not, as a general rule, amounted to much more than are the usual neighborhood rows over slock on the farms In the eastern part of ths state, but cases of dispute about the range, when either of the contending parties hss any right to It under the law, gives each side, an oppor tunity to say bad things about the other. Nearly every ranchman In the country, and especially, the small ranchers, want lo ses mors people settle In their localities and Incoming settlers will find as good neigh bors here ss any place they can go, but tbe difficulty now is thst actual settlers are so few snd far between ss to make It undeslrsbls to go out on the pralrls to raise a family. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Tharsday nnd f older Portion. Friday Fair. In West Tcmperntare at Omaha Yestrrdayi Ifonr. Dear. . . .IT . . nr . . .17 . . .i . . to . . -f.t . . 4H , . IV.1 llonr. 1 P. m . 2" p. m. S p. m. 4 p. m . .1 p. m . A p. at. T p. m, H p. m , ft p. m , Dew. IS a. m . . , A a. m : . , T n. m , . , a. m. . . A n. m . . , to n. m . . , 11 a. m. . , 12 m , . . Alt , .. T , . . , .. ST , .. B.1 , .. .VI , . . M , . . KO YELLOW FEVER SITUATION Officials Say President Will Re Comparatively f,lttle Danger from Plaane Today. In NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 85. Report to p. m. of yellow fever situation: New rases Total 9 .S7 2 X Tteaths (Total New foci 4 Cases under treatment M Cases discharged 2,W While the eve of the president's visit does not And yellow fever stamped out In New Orleans It Is the conviction of all federal and other scientists who are gathered here iiini 1 1 1 " i l-n 1 1 r lunn in turning lu n i Orleans for a day Is Infinitely small. The I crowded programme which has been ar ranged will keep him constantly on the move and If therf are Infected stegomyla at large in the city they will have little opportunity to attack him. But while the ! fever has not been entirely stamped out It Is so nearly completely eradicated that there Is considered little danger either for natives or for visitors. There was a slight rise In the number of cases todny. the victims being found In sections already affected. The deat'i list continues Insig nificant. FALL RIVER SKIES CLEAR Manufacturers Ask for Farther Con ference Monday nnd Strike Is Son Improbable. PALL RIVER. Oct. 25-At the very mo ment when a atrike of more than 25.nort textile operatives employed In seventy-five mills In this city seemed a certainty, the situation was suddenly cleared by the action of the Manufacturers' association and the outlook tonight is brighter than at any time since the wage question, haa come to the front. I The manufacturers expressed a hope that a compromise might be reached and re quested that the unions take no action on declaring a atrike before next Monday night. This request was made, it was stated. In order that the manufacturers and their representatives might hold further conferences. A conference between the manufacturers and operatives will be held at 2:30 o'clock next Monday afternoon. It Is now believed In tinlun rtrcles that there will he no strike. The manufacturers have shown a desire to effect a compromise and it is thought thai the wage question will be adjusted satisfactorily. CHICAGO HORSE SHOW AWARDS James H. Moore -Wins First Prise from - B. I. . Jsrasa and Tlchenor ''. - c Co. In , Harness Clnss. CHICAOO, Oct. 26. Interest In the horse show today centered In the harness horse class. In which three , great stables com peted. James H. Moore of Chicago carried off the prise In this event from E. D. Jor don of Boston and M. H. Tlchenor & Co. of Chicago. The first awards follow: Trotters: Strange will, owned by Will Pa via Ponies: Tangerine, owned by E. D. Jor don. Saddle horses: Eudora, owned by Miss Rhea H. Reld. High steppers: Hlldred, owned by E. D. Jordon. Harness horses: Nlcorn, Lord Russell, Lord Roberts and Harold H, owned by James H. Moore. Cobs under saddle: May Morning, owned bv Miss Helen F. Fargo. Single harnesa horses: Burllngame, owned bv James H. Moore. Harness ponies: General Shafter, owned by Charles E. Bunn. Harness horses, heavyweights: Astonlsh- ! ment and Amaxement, owned by Reginald Vanderbllt. Polo ponies Love. Jennie, owned by Sydney C. SLING'S DAUGHTER TO MARRY Child of Chinaman Well Known in Omaha to Wed Prominent Compatriot. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 25.-E. Lung, one i of ,he bevi , k""W"t. Ta. ; untrymen In the United St among his States because of his position as grand master of Chinese Masons, is to marry on the evening of October SO Soo S:e of Chicago. Lung has never seen the young woman aud he will not feant bis eyes on her' until the hour of the ceremony. This Is in accordance with Chinese customs. Soo See Is the daughter ot Henry Sling, one of the wealthiest Chi nese In America, WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Knral Routes Established and rlers Appointed In South ' Dakota. Car- (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. (Special Tele graui. South Dakota rural routes ordered established January 2: Bristol, Day county, route 2; population. 610: houses, 102. Brit ton, Marshall county, route 1; population, 500; houses, lu. Roy Lotiguker has been appointed regular and Charles Belts substitute rural carrier for route at Lapone City, la. CALLS COMMERCE COMMITTEE Senator Elklns Issnes .Nolle of Meeting to Be Held Novem ber Twenty-One. WASHINGTON, Oct. 2t--Senator Elklns, chairman of the senate committee on Inter- slate commerce today called a meeting of thai committee fop November 21, fpr the purpose of considering the testimony taken early in the summer relative to the regula tion of railroad rates with the ultimate vlsw of reporting a bill to the senate. Movements of Ocean Vessels Oct. StS. At New York Arrived: Frledrlch Der Grouse from Bremen; Armenian from Liver pool. Sailed: Teutonic for Liverpool; Nordum for Rotterdam: Hellg Olav for Copenhagen; Gallia fur Marseilles. At Naples Arrived: Cltla di Napoll from New York. At (jiuenstown Sailed: Saxonla for Boston. At Liverpool Sailed: Carthegenlan for New York: Fri-land for Philadelphia; Cedrle for New Yprk. Al Antwerp Arrived: Kroonland from New York. At Cupenhagon Arrived: Omar II. from New York. At Plymouth Arrived: Deutrhland from New York. At I lover Arrived: Pennsylvania, from VISITS LITTLE ROCK (hief EieentiT Spends Seten Strenuous Henri in ArkaDiM. REVIEWS TROOPS AT FORT LOGAN H. ROOT Fart Drirei from Peat Through Argent to the Capital. ESCORT OF VETERANS IN BLUE AND GRAY Thii Feature Especially Fleaeei President and He Shakes Hand of Each Member. GREAT MULTITUDE AT CITY PARK Here Mr. Roosevelt Speaks to Crowd F.atlmated at Fortr Tboasand Short Stop Made Memphis. at LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. Oct. a.-Presldent Roosevelt spent seven crowded hours . ... " B"'1 -Jnn Little Rock today, and h . Journey from Fort Logan H. Root, on Big Rock, on the north side of the Arkansas river to the city park In Little Rock was marked by enthusiastic demonstration of welcome on the part of thousands of people appearing on the streets for tho occasion. While in Little Rock the president de livered two speeches. In one of which he denounced lynching and In doing so elicited hearty applause. After Inspecting Fort Logan H. Root, whence the party was escorted from the special train which arrived from Memphis. Tenn., at the foot of trig Rock, at 9M a. m., the president and his traveling com panions were taken In rarrtages through the city of Argenta, where he waa liberally cheered along the route. Crossing the river the party proceeded through the heart of Little Rock on Main street. The president, standing In his carriage, was kept busy acknowledging the cordial greetings from the great throng of people. At the city park the crowd that had gathered to participate tn the format welcome waa Conservatively esti mated at 40,ono. After the exercises and the president's address, the party was taken to the Albert Pike Scottish rite consistory, where a luncheon was given to the presi dent. This function concluded at 3:30 p. m. and the visitors then repaired to the special train In waiting at the Rock Island station to convey the party to Memphis. Creeled by the Governor. Governor Jefferson Davis was the first to greet the president when the latter left the train at the foot of Big Rock. A re ception committee which Included I'nited States Senators James H. Berry and James P. Clarke, Mayor W. E. Lenon and Presi dent George W. Rogers of the Little Rock Board of Trade and twenty other prominent ritlxens, united with the governor In wel coming the chief executive and his pari . Carriages were then tsken and within fifteen minutes Fort Logan H. Root on the summit of the big rock, overlooking the city of Little Rock, was reached. Here a salute of twenty-ono guns was fired 'and the president after Inspeotlng the buildings and grounds and the garrison companies E. and F., Thirtieth I'nited States In-1 fantry, spent a half an hour In the officer's quarters as the guest of Lieutenant Colonel A. C. Bharpe,' commandant, and the other officers of the post. Esoort of Blue and Gray. An Impressive Incident followed the pres ident's exit from the officers' quarters. Tho guard of honor, composed ot twelve union army veterans,- headed by Colonfl A. S. Fowler, and twelve former confederates, head by former Governor Daniel W. Jonos. had met the presidential party and accom panied It to the army post. They rode In pairs, each former confederate by lhe side of a federal army veteran. As the presi dent was being escorted to his carriage for the Journey from Fort Logan H. Rool to the city, he left those accompanying hlni and walked to. where the guard of honor stood. Each of the soldiers was given a handclasp and a verbal greeting by the president, who had remarked on approach ing the group: "Gentlemen. It does me good to see the blue and the gray riding together." He called each, veteran "com rade." As the presidential party reached the river bridge the tooting of mill whistles was the signal for cheering on tne uuuo Rock side. The city's principal thorough fare. Main street, was picturesque with Us decorations of flags and buntings, and the great outpouring of people was evidence that cloudiness could not Interfere with the popular welcome. As the party enierea ins cuy para . . I. I.. a.,n, "T.lttla an arcn pearing i iu.i Rock greets you," twelve white doves were liberated from the apex ot the arch, di rectly over the president's carriage. This feature caused great cheering and the pres ident smiled his approval. Exercises in City Park. The exercises at the city park opened promptly at 11:30 a. m. Governor Davis delivered an address of welcome, in which lie drew a word picture of the rciources of Arkansas, touched lightly upon the race question and assured lhe president the people of Arkansas were glad he had come among them. The governor'e tribute to southern women was applauded by the president. When reforence was made by Governor Davis to the famous "rebel yell" the proceedings were interrupted by a man ifest desire on the pari of many In the crowd lo give a semblance of this yell. The president seemed pleased with the effort. United Slates District Judge Jacob Trle-bei- folk-wed In an address of welcome In behalf of Little Rock. He declared the peo ple of this state, regardless of political opinions, were proud lo honor President Roosevelt The president's opening words. "Fellow Americans," produced a renewal of the demonstration. His utterances wer. followed closely by the large audience and at Intervals he had to desist while his hear ers gave their approbation of his remarks. When he declared thut ths menace and re proach of lynch law should be driven out of the United States there was much earnest cheering. A large poryon or tne president's audience was composed of negroes and the chief executive's words pertaining Jo lynch ing were apparently deeply Impressed upon them. The president's declaration that ' If a president Is worth his salt he's the presi dent of the whole country" waa given so earnestly that It speedily drew forth plaudits from the assembled thousands. I.asirb at Scottish Rite Consistory. Ths exercises In the City park were brought to a close at 12 30 p. ni. and the presidential party was then escorted through streets densely packed with cheer ing men, women and children to tbe Albert Pike consistory, where the luncheon was given, beginning at 2 p, in. One hundred representative men of the state sat at tha tables, snd several hundred others occupied balcony seats overlooking ths scene. I At President Roosevelt g rig at gat Lleu 4cw sera.