Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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DemanJ for tfc lfaj WtettlncrcMet Prie
Otm Dctabr.
Tl 4alt, at t aaertoao Firm
l.arn Bailor Dob la Mar
Cora All Options
Are l.lltli Higher.
OMAHA. Oct. , 1906.
Wheat waa quiet, but the undertone wil
firm. The future of tha market wm that
th spread between December and May wet
increased c, December falling off c and
Mar gaining 4c. Several large houses wer
fellers of December and purrhssers of May.
fha tendency of JuW wan upward Decem
ber cloned at iVoic. May at t7c and
July at 83V.
Considerable activity was displayed In
corn and price were He better. A large
buKlneaa wa dona In May. December
closed at 4T4t4Sc. old December at 46HC
May at 44ic and July at 44Hc.
Oats wete up He, On Chicago ' house
bouaht l.unj bushels May and another .A).
Uti buahela. A report wna current through
the aeenlon that Ruania had prohibited tha
export of oata, but thla found later not
to be true. Iw-ember rlnaed at 2e28Sic,
May at 31(&aiV! and July at 0Hc.
Liverpool closed SHd higher on wheat
and Veld higher on corn. Serious atrlkea
are reported In Russia and Russian' offer
ings of wheat ar advanced J per quarter.
KuKula in anxlmi to move wheat befora the
close of navigation.
Clearance were 17,000 bushels of corn,
117,000 bushels of oata. 8H3.kpO buahela of
wheat and 10.000 barrels of flour. Primary
Wheat receipt were 1.613,000 buahela and
shipments 6.V buahela, againnt receipts
laat year of l,a2.0n0 buahela and shipments
of 730,000 buahela. Primary corn receipts
were 33A.O0O bushels and ah I omenta lo
bushels, agalnpt receipts last year of 332,000
nuaneis ami shipments or 236.000 buahela.
The world's amiimenta are a iiirnriMA at
;:,(il.onn bushels, against 10,672.000 bushels
a weeK ago and J0.fl20.0H0 bushels a year
ngo. They are, however, not so great a
emprise as tha American total of 4.312,000
bushels for the week, which bears out the
rlalm thnt there has been a persistent
suppressing of the extant of the American
ex(Hrt sales. The large sales are now be
ginning to clear. The gain In the American
total Just about represents the Increase of
1.400,000 bushels over the Broomhall esti
mate of the world's shipments made Sat
urday. World's shipments of corn were
1.903,000 bushels, against 1,833,000 a week
C B. Murray of the Cincinnati Price Cur
rent aaya: "The Benson's aggregate re
ceipts of wheat at primary markets now
Indicate a gain of about 18 per cent over
last year's record for the corresponding
period, and a gain or nearly 10 per cent In
comparison with 1903, but short of a series
nf years previously. There Is much In
the general situation of the world's wheat
raOa to lend confidence In the maintenance
3t prices for this grain."
The following wire came from the City
tf Mexico: "The shortness of the wheat
rop is greater than was estimated a few
weeks ago and millers are looking for tha
, ntlre removal of the duty on American
ind Canadian wheat by the first of next
year. There are soma stocks of wheat In
;he hands of the large farmers here, but
tot enough to bring down the price, which
a steadily Increasing."
Omaha Castt galas.
WHfcAT No. S hard, 1 car at 8Me, 1
car at 80Vc 1 car at Wc; No. t hard. 1
lar at 78Vic, 1 car at 78c, 1 car at 77Vo, 1
;ar at 77c; No. 4 hard, 1 car at 76c.
OATS-No. 4. 1 car at 24c.
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. X hard. 8tVfT81c: No. 3 hard,
77jt79c; No. 4 hard, 75c; No. i Spring, 'ib
W; No. I spring. 73&77c.
CORN-No. I. 46Hc; No. S yellow, 47c;
No. I white, 48c.
OATS-No. S mixed, 2526tte: No. 1
ivhlte, 2V627V4o: No. 4 white. ;Si26Vc
KYE No. 2, 63i6c; No. 3. 6186Jo.
C'arlot Receipts,
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 148 ltt M4
Kansas City
Duluth ,
Bt. Louis
Mlnaeapolls drain Market.
cember, 82c; May, 8tic; No. hard, 85c;
No. 1 northern, 84Hc; No1. 2 JWirthern, 82c.
KLOUR First patents, 4. 70 4.76; first
clears, 33.7043-90; second clears, 2.32.&0.
BRAN In bulk, f 11.004211.26.
(Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery). The range of prices, as reported by
the Edwards-Wood Grain company, 110-1U
Board of Trade building, waa:
Article. I Open. Hlgh. Lew. Close.j Sat'y.
Wheat I
Dec....82H 824 82H 82H 82
May... bfruWa 86H 851 86 M
Qaotatloae af the Day Tarloas
NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-FLOUlv-Receipts,
82. (KJ bbls exports, 9,6X2 bbls.; sales, (.600
bbls. ; market steady with fair inquiry;
Minnesota patents, $4.036.1u; Minne
sota bakers, 3.k-4 00; winter patanta, 34.26
ti4.5; winter straights, K0Ufe4.10; winter
extras, U.h5a3.36; winter low grades, S3. 76
8.30. Rye flour, quiet: fair to good, $3.86(y
4.16; choice to fancy, (4.1&o4.40. Buckwheat
flour, dull; spot and to arrive, 81. Ina 2.00.
BUCKWHEAT-VIUiet; delivered In Naw
York, WHc
CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and yel
low, 1126; coarse, 11.141.16; kiln dried.
U.uxa.i us. .
K VE Quiet; No,
Nlw York.
S western, v76c, c. L f
CORN MEAL Firm; fine whits and yel
low, ii.jxui.iu; course, ii.ittQi.iH; kiln dried,
63.15ft 3. 26.
BARLEY Firm; feeding, 40Kc, c.,1. f..
New York; malting. 4!Uiilitc. o. I. t. New
WHt AT Receipts, 16L600 bu.: export,
rft.769 bu.; a pot market steady; No. t red,
trie, elevator; No. 8 red, 834c, f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 88c, f. o.
b.. afloat; No. 1 nortliern. Manitoba. 84Ao.
. f. o. b., afloat. The opening market was
nrmer on bullish cablea. but yielded to
realising and bid world's shlpmento. A
sveeond upturn on bull support and cov
erlng was followed by late unloading and
' an easy close at a partial Ho net advance.
Tha visible aupply, exclusive of Port
William, Port Arthur and tha lakes, in-
Creased i.tcn.ouu du. May, nvi i-ibc, cloaed
at fclVc; December, Viti 15-ltc, closed at
CORN Receipts, 48,875 bu.; exporta, 840
bu.; sales, 26,000 bu.; futureo, 80,0u0 bu,
vator, and tUWc, f. o. b.. afloat; No. X yel
low and No. 3 white. 82c. Option market
was mooeraieiy active ana nigner on nrm
sables ana covering witn lust iTiees show
tn Wfti: vain. January closed at KtWci
May, 5i'S'U&JV'. closed at 60S0; December.
Ilk. A.JTIn nl,,UA a jTz n
OATt Rcceipta. m.HU bu.; exports, 89.360
bu. ; spot market firm; mixed oats, 28 to
tt pounds, iV-'4c; natural white, 80 to 82
. pounds, H4Hti6c; clipped white, 38 to 40
pouniis, ikiitC.
rEED yulet; spring bran; $18.65; mid'
llliig J4o; city, J7.Usi:3.oo.
HAY 8t-ady; spring, 6u4j6ac; good to
. choice. 754jn2'. .
HOPS (iteady; state, common to choice,
eron. Mrac: IVA crou. 18tr21c: olrta.
IB lie Pacific coast. 1906 crop, 14ial8c; 19u4
:rop. lJ'oi.c; oias, 'llc.
HIDES Firm: Oulveston. 20 to X lbs.
So; California, a to 25 lbs., 19V; "Texas
dry, 34 to 80 iis., iic.
l.EATH ER Steady ; acid. 23:70.
PKOVISIONH Reef, steaoy; family, $11 50
R12 0U; meas, 89 tt(i 1" 00; beef hama. t-'
UM: packet, iiulmko m.w: city extra India
meaa. $17.6wU !8.5o. Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies, x.fM10.wi; picsieo stiouldcrs.
K.5iHl'w; pickled minis, aj.mminu). ljir.1
teady: western steamed. (7.60; rcflnd
aSy; continent, 17 16; (South America, $.30;
((impound, IS VA -H- rnrk. steitcy; fam
ily. I17.50i518.li0; short clear. 814.501660;
res. lll"til S
TALLOW guiet; city (12 per pkg). 4c;
ountry ipkgs. flee), 4S4j4c
BL'TTEK Klnu; street price, extra
creamery, JSa-'S'c; omclal prices, vreamery
Common to extra, l6lfT3c; wefcterv Imitation
creamery, extras, 'lulKc; westerns firsts,
IVvlSc; stats dairy, common to extra,
bHwlc; renovated, common to extra; li-tf
toe; western factory, common to extra,
CHEESE Steady and strong; state full
cream, large and small colored and whits
lancy, l?Wc; state fair to choice, HVlSc.
EOGaV Firm: western extra firsts, 25c;
western seconds, JOjji.'c. s
POL'LTRY Live, weak; chickens. 8c;
fowls. l"c. Dressed, steady; weatera chlck
ns, 8417c; fowls. loi;13c; turkeys,
Psorla Market,
PEORIA. Oct. !S.-OORN-Lower; No. 8
yellow. LautZ'ic; new, No. 4. 46c;
livw, no graile, 43q44Sc.
OATS Hi tu : No. 3 ahlte. u3Sc; No.
4 white, rrviv.
WHISKY On tue baia of 81.80 for tin-..
Uhvd goods.
Ualalh tirala Market.
Dl'Ll'TM. Oi't 33 - WH EAT To jrrl.e.
No. 1 northetn. 84'rc: Nik 3 ixwtlM-t-n. ki'tc;
oa track. No. 1 uoi lt.cin, M Ku. 3 r.ortb-
em. MHc; No. 1,'TBHe; October, Mc; De
cern rwr. nc; May, vc.
OATH To arrive and on track, Bc.
Featares of tha Tradlaar an rioelac
Prices eta Hoard ot Trade.
CHICAGO, Oct. TS-Hlgher prices for
wheat at Liverpool had a steadying effect
today on the wheat market here, offsetting
to a considerable extent the effect of
favorable weather for the movement of the
spring sown crop In the I'nlted States.
At the close the December option was off
only He. Corn Is practically unchanged.
Oat are up Sc. Provision are down fro to
The wheat market was steady the entire
session, notwithstanding a bearish atti
tude on the part of pit traders who were
Influenced chleflv by clear weather In tha
northwest. Buying of the May delivery by
commission houses was a feature of trad
ing. Another feature was support of De
cember by a leading long. The Arm tone
of the IJverpool market said to be due to
an advance of d in Russian offerings. Im
parted more or less firmness to the market
here from the start. Initial quotations on
December being a shade to Vao higher
at 87cfi 87'4jO. Weekly statistics were con
sidered bearish. The amount of bread
stuff on passnga for the week Increased
1.48K,ttnr bushels, compared with the total
for the previous week. There was an al
most similar amount of decrease for the
corresponding week last year. World's
shipments were liberal, totalling ll.01s.000
bushels against 1.S7S.W0 bushels last week
and lo.920.0ii0 bushels a year ago. The statis
tics In conjunction with weather conditions
In the United States seemed to leave a de
pressing tendency on the minds of many
traders. The bears, however, were held
In check by demand from a prominent bull
who bought on every Indication of a slump
In values. In consequence selling was not
of great volume. For December the range
In price for tha day was confined within
He, the lowest point being reached at Sti4o.
Openlng quotations marked the highest
point of the day. The close was steady
with December selling at 86VfR7c. Clear
ances of wheat and flour were equal to
328.000 bushels. Primary receipts were
1,613,000 bushels against 1.3(11.000 bushels a
year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago
reported receipts of 1.208 cars compared with
1.2S8 cars laat week and 858 oars a year
A sharp advance tn the price of corn at
Liverpool caused firmness In the market
for that cereal here. Shorts and commis
sion houses were moderate buyers. Weather
throughout the corn belt was ravoranie lor
the movement, hut. nevertheless, local re
ceipts were small. Belling of December by
a local packer was a feature or trading.
The market closed firm. December opened
Lc hla-her to UiiiUo hlirher at 4!Vfi45e. sold
off to 447Ac and closed at 441Vn45c. Local
receipts were 167 cars with sixty-two cars
of contract frarie.
Exceptional Interest was manifested In
the oats market. One of the principal
sources of atrene-th waa a cablegram allcg-
ng that tlie Russian government Had ne
eded to nrohlblt the eiDortatlon of oata
from Baltic ports, demand waa active the
entire session, one commission house being
credited with purchases of over I.OOO.OOO
nusneis. me market ciosea ai pracucauy
the highest point of the day. December
opened a shade to M&SkC higher at Va
i!Hc, sold between 29 c and 2HVic and closed
at 2S)l.i&'AU.c T.ocaI renelnta were 523 cars.
Provisions were easier on selling of lard
and ribs by leading packers. At the close
Januarv lurk waa off 1012V4C at 31Z.27H9
1130. Lard was down 60 at l.ZH.7&. Ribs
were 7Hc lower at 16.4JH. , ,
Katlmated recelnts for tomorrow! Wheat,
148 cars: corn. 147 cars: oats. 473 cars: bogs.
,' neaa.
The leading future ranged as follows:
Articles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Safy,
44 V !!&
' SffvJ
2u.. 291
16 16
16 16
It 10 16 10 IS 13
is 27H an 13 40
7 00 7 02 7 10
8 97H 7 00 7 10
72V 76 6 60
7 86 7 65 7 CS
6 i t 42 6 50 '
62Vk 8 65 6 70
13 87V
12 87H
7 05
7 05
7 10
7 8B
7 65
6 47V4
S 62Vk-6
6 47V4
No. t tOld. JNew.
Cash nuotattons were as follows:
FLOUR Firm; winter patents, $3,809
4.20: stralKhta. 83.&oii4.oo; spring patents.
84.00ijM.8O; straights, $3.803.80; bakers', $3.20
en 9n
WHKAI-wo, spring, ooic, nu, e, i itj
86o ; No. 8 red, 86f 87o.
CORN No. 8. tutaviw. imo, i yeuow,
OATS No. 1 20c; No. 2 white, 80c; No,
I white, 2Mg30Vic.
BARLEY Good feeding. 87c; fair to
choice malting, 4l4i-4bc.
BEKDS no. i nax, zc; no. i nortnweat-
ern, 88c. Prime timothy, $3.20, clover, con
tract grade. 313.35.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $14.50
em. 75. Lard, per iw its., s.oh- Short
ribs sides, (loose), $7.607. 65. Short clear
sides (boxed). $8.0008.25.
Following were the receipts and ship
ments ot nour ana grain:
Receipts. Shipments,
Flour, bbls 29.500 83.4O0
Wheat, bu 97.6i0 42.900
Corn, bu . .102.200 255.000
Oata, bu 373, a) 818, SO
Rye. bu 8.000 t,OJ0
Barley, bu 163.400 98.100
On tha Produce exchange today the butter
market was firm: creameries. 17Vi4ac;
dairies, 16V0il9c. Eggs, best firm; others,
easy, at mark, cases included. 18c: firsts,
21c; prime firsts, 23c; extras, 24c. Cbeaae,
firm at HVi312c.
Kaaaas City Grain aad Provlaloaa.
cember, T7o; May, 74,c. Caah: No. 2
hard. 79i&2c; No. 8. 76'n80V4c; No. 4, 74
78c; No. 8 red, 89ie90c; No. 8, 8SK&xc.
CORN December, 40c; lay, 40c. Cash:
No. $ mixed, old, 46c; new. 45348c; No. 8,
45c; No. 2 white. 49c; No. 8. 48c.
OATS No. i white. 28ft28c; No. t mixed,
RYH-Steady at SK3o.
HAY Steady; choice timothy, $10.00910.60;
choice prairie, $8.26.
EOOS Steady : Missouri and Kanaas, new
No. 3 whltewood cases Included, 19c; case
count, 18c; cases returned, c less.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 30c; packing,
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 448.000 153.000
Corn, bu W.0U0 67,000
Oats, bu 33,000 .000
Tha range of prices paid tn Kansas City
as reported, by the Edwards-Wood com
pany, 110-111 Board of Trad building, was:
Article. I Open. I High. Low. Close. Sat y.
Dec.... 77 77 77 77 77
May... 7i) 79 79 79 79
Dec... 39fT 39 $ $9 S
May... 39 39 89 89 89
Dec... 27 28 27 28 27
May... 2M 29 28 . 29 28
Pork- V.
Oct.... 18 05 18 05 18 00 1800 18 01
Jan.... 13 37 12 27 12 17 11 17 12 30
JaltT!.. 873 872 887 $7 872
Oct.... 7 02 T02 $86 $ 96 7 06
Jan.... 8 42 $ 42 8 40 $ 40 8 42
St. t.ea!a Grarral Market.
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 28. WHEAT Eaay; No.
2 red. caah. elevator, Wv'y io; track. 81
2c; December. Boat6c; May, 86c; No.
I bard. 82(i7oc.
CORN Higher; No. I caah, 60c; track.
tlrolc; December. 42442c; May, 424y
OATS-Higher; No. 2 caah, 28c; No. 1
track. L9c; No. 2 white, ic.
riXJCR Steady; red winter patenta. $4.20
414 36; extra fancy and straight, 4.064U;
Clear. $2 iS6JO'3.70.
SEED Timothy, steady; $2.6043$ 00.
Ct iRNM E A I Steady ; $3 80.
BRAN Sacked, eaat track, Min7c.
HAY Steudy; Timothy, 80.O0.3 14 00; prai
rie. $7 00fioe.
PROVI8ION8 Pork. steady; jobbing.
$16.00. Lard, lower; prims steam, $885.
Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts,
$7.75; clear ribs, $8.00; short clears, $8.36.
Bacon, lower: boxed extra shorts, $8.50;
clear ribs. $8.76: short clear. $9.00.
POCLTRY-Dull; chickens. c; springs,
lnUo; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9429c; geese,
Bl'TTER Steady; creamery, 1&&23c;
dairy. tTbKJc.
tuOGS bleady at 17 He. raae count.
Receipta. Shipmente
Flour, bbla 11 "00 8.U4)
Wheat, bu lulUO 83.1
Corn, bu Ss.oiO 50.000
Oats, bu tt.oOO tt.Oou
Patlaarlala Prod see Market.
Half cent higher; weatern creamery, I3c.
KGGS-Half cent higher; weatern. 2fc at
4.VHEESE Firm; Ntw York full craain. 11
Bpssuls-tite omtnt Begin Last Wik
ContinuM and Marktt Li Actif.
Ceaspleaoas Featar la the Tradlasj
la the Lower Urade ladaatrlals
ties I Easy a Prafit
NEW YORK. Oct. 28 -The day s market
Continued the speculative movement In
augurated the latter part or laat week.
The market was broad, active and strong
and showed itself susceptible to soma of
the normal Influences inseparable from a
speculative movement. That Is to say, it
was under the necessity of absorbing the
large amount of profit taking today as
the result of the attractive profits accrued
on last wek's advancea. It was found
that the livelier tone of the speculation
of last week had Induced some growth of
outside demand for stocks. Thla facilitated
the process of digesting 'profits, and It
was accomplished without serious damage
to values. Some of the stocks which were
strong last week were held back by this
process throughout the session, but the
strength nevertheless was wall diffused and
pretty general.
The conspicuous feature of tha trading
was by all odda the prominent part still
Jilayed by the Industrial stocks of the
ower grade tn tha soeculatlon. In tha list
of grains of one point and upwards on
ins nay a transactions, no leas than forty
stocks ana lnaustriais will be round to
figure. While the railroad Hat waa not
lacking In strength, this showing serves
to inrow mat part or the list into tha
background. Only a handful of the most
prominent active stocks moved as much
aa a point, and they were late coming Into
the movement. St. Paul wua tha first nf
the railroads to show strength, which was
coupled with professed expectstlon of an
early announcement of the supposed pro
ject of an extension of the line to -.he Pa
cific. The railroad enulnmant stocks nat
urally held the foremost nlsce In the move
ment In tha Industrials. The extraordinary
demand for all kinds of equipment for
railroads explains the large degree of tha
demand for these securities. The extraordi
nary SUCCeSB Of tha Mtnnnlrn In American
Locomotive In breaking the deadlock In
the speculation laat week and giving the
professionals their first taate of blood,
recommended the fellow members of the
group for experiment on similar lines. Re
ports were in circulation before the open
ing of the stock market giving extraordi
nary figures of the orders received by tha
Preaaed Steel Car company, and. In pur
suance to this Intimation of speculation In
favor of the stock was a leader of tha
upward movement.
The condition of railroad traffic Is pro
nounced to be unnrarwdenteH in the ex
perience of the oldest managers, who pro-
icti i in maaing every effort in their
power to avoid committing their companies
to greater obligations for transportation,
being quit overwhelmed hv the tnmn
offered and Its constantly Increased tide.
nin cunomon or congestion Is said to hava
arrived at a state where general business
is likely to suffer to an extent from de
layed deliveries and insufficient supplies.
The extraordinary efforts required to keep
the heavy volume of freight In movement
and to prevent blockaflea. Is said also to be
raising the proportion of operating expenses
on the margin of traffic above normal ca
pacity. Call money In London rose In
connection with the mittln a.i,i. n uwi" ?nk, ot England for the India
..-..i;,,. m- Discount rate at Berlin also
hardened again and sterling exchange at
Paris dropped back. With the approaoh of
the foreign exehanre rate hero to the
gold export point the course of forelan
money markets Is scrutinised very oloselv.
iUhJf.i,'5',i? of Pront on the day's rise
Impaired the gains considerably, end tha
closing tone was easy
W;7.?ti",ly- .Tot"1 rr value.
m70,000. United States 2s declined on
Quotations on the New York Stoe ex
change ranged as follows i
Sales. High. Low. Close.
. 27,700 85 u
. 23,600 43 41 41
. 800 102 102 103
. 800 33 S2 3S
...... rt '94
Adams Express....
Anial. Copper
Amer. Car & P....
do pfd
Amer. Cotton Oil..
do pfd 4
Amer. Express.,..,
Amer. Hide A L...
Amer. Ice Sec
Amer. Linseed Oil,
do pfd
Amer. Locomotive.
83 83
88 7
18 18
& 87 8
do pfd
1.600 117 116 U84
Jiiiicr. oiiiviiing ok It. 8,IJ0 13l 12914 130
do pfd
J.ZW 132 121V 131
Amer. Sugar Ref
Amer. Tob. pfd cert.
Anaconda Minina Co.
1.000 1427,4. 142 14
4,000 1(12 102 102
108 11 liwj 118
9,400 DO R0 l
800 1047, jo,-
800 164 14 163
t.iO 11S4 113 113
100 971 974 98
2,4O0 78 77 77
7.500 178 172 173
230 229 228
1,500 58 67 87
00 pra
Atlantic Coast Line..
B. A O
do pfd
Brooklyn R. T
Can. Pacific
Central of N. J
Chea. A Ohio
Chicago & A
Chicago Ot. .Western ,8no
22 21. 21 Ti
c. dt N. w ,
C. M. A St P
Chicago T. & T ,
do pfd ,
C. C. C. 4 St. L....,
Colo. Fuel & I
Colo. & Southern....,
do 1st pfd
do 3d pfd
Con. Oas .
Corn Products
do pfd
Del. A Hudson ,
Del., lx A W ,
D. 4 R. Q
do pfd
Distillers' Securities
do 1st pfd
300 221 L'0 51 "til
22,700 182 181 162
1,100 looy. 100
2,000 214
500 63
600 44
200 1M
7,700 16
1.500 67
l.tsiO 236
800. 4a0
18o4 1S5
16 15
M 65
229 228
4u 4W
100 34
81 i
6,2110 4!
1.1O0 81 'Z
& 72
$.500 190
do 2d pfd
General Klectrlc
Hocking Valley
111. Central
Inter. Paper..;........
do pfd
Inter. Pump
do pfd
Iowa. Central
do pfd
K. C. Southern
do pfd
I A. & N
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
Met. St Ry
189 1S9
800 loo 178 180
11.4O0 23 311 2'
2.DO0 82 81
14,2110 154 152 163
iw joo jon 1 Vi
1.600 Sl 61 81
I, 127 12614 rxw
$.600 25 26 26
.. 80
fc 137 137 137
Mexican Central
Minn. & St L
M., St. P. A S. Ste. M.
do Dfd
Mo. Pacific 3.200 106 lie
. 47
. 7Vi
M., K. & T.
do pfd ..,
Nat'I Lead
Nat l R. R. of M. pfd
N. Y. Central
N. Y., Ont. at W
Norfolk & W
do pfd
No. ' American
Pacific Mall
People's Gas
P., C C. St. L
Pressed Steel Car....
27,8ii0 154 162
1.100 64 54
13,3PO K7 86
7 93 92
) lik 9S
8,700 4t-C 46
oi.vnj Jttv1.
10.0UO 1U6
io206 63
2.300 101
144 146
106 U6
. . 80
60 62
100 100
do pfd
Pullman P. C
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd.. ex-div..
Republic Steel
do pfd
Rock Island Co
do pfd
Rubber Goods
do pfd
St U & 8. F. 2d pfd
St. L. 8. W
do pfd
So. Pacific
do pfd
66.300 124 123 123
.. 92
100 - 9 98 97
16.310 27 27 26
6.1 9 8i' 97
12.HI0 32 32 32
6.000 76 76 76
84 6H
24 24
60 6"4,
1 71
100 12'4 120V lui
80. Railway..
4.401 37 34. 87
do pra
Tenn. Coal A I
Texaa oi Pacific
Tol.. St. L. A W
do pfd
t'nlon Pacific
do pfd
IT. g. Express
I". 8. Really
V. 8. Rubber
do pfd
V. 8. Steel
do pfd
Vs. Cam. Chemical..
do pfd...,
do pfd
WellS-Kargo Expreaa
Weatlngh. Electric.
Weatern I'nion
W. A Ike Erie
Wis. Central
do pfd
No. Pacific
Central Leather.
do pfd .'
Sloan Sheffield
$8 6 0 1 6 13, 1?4
100 t 96 96
300 M o9 14
l.0 54 68 63
100 110 110 110
64.7"0 4 8S
12.7iO 1j6 liA lrsj
1.3") 34 34 35
2"0 1117 107 I117
600 2! 21 21
1.100 42 42
800 177
5.D 93
ht 31
2.1 2(16 2i4
47 46
3 )'1 1'6 16
4.900 73 71
Total sales for th day, 1.080.000 share.
Trrataff gtateateat.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 23 -Today's state
ment of the treasury balance in the general
fund exclusive of the $lf u.uu gold re
serve allows: Available cash balance, (UL-
387,396; gold coin and bullion, $7.S34,7o:;
gold certificates, $48.U.2.
Jts Ysrk Maaey Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. ffl.-MONEY-On rati,
steady; 44J4 per cent; cloeing bid, 4 per
cent; offered at 4'fi per cent. Time monev,
slightly essler; sixty snd ninety days, 63
6 per cent; six months, 4 per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 86759
4 360 for demand and at $4.KU04 R316 for
slxty-dar bills; posted rates. 84.K34r4.M
snd $4.8794.87; commercial bills, HlC'Vt
SILVER Bar, S2c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS-Covemment, easy; railroad.
Closing quotations ot, vends were as fol
lows: r. s rat t. ret . l'ti JP,n M. M serin.. 1H
to coupon 11 V Sk 4s. rert ,l4
V. S. J, n IM't i M serlei
4o wntnoa 10 '4 L A N. unl. 4n....l04
V. 8. nl4 4s, raa....l"4H Manhattan c. a 4a ..104
to reopen i Meili-sn Central 4i.. )
t. 8. new 4a, rag. ...151 n lat Ino 1&
in coupnn IM Minn. Bt U n
Amor. Tob 4o, eert. M ,M . K. T. 4o I"l
4o Sa. cert 114 I 4a It si
Atrhlm ton. 4 t H. R. R. at at. t. 4a UMj
ao a41. 4o N. T. 0. son. IVM . H
Atlantic Cooot L. 4o. .10114 N. i. C. to
Boltlmor A O. 4a.lA.ts Nerthern PalAe 4o...liM
So S "' in so 1"
Kroektm R. T. CT. 4s M Norfolk A W. c. 4o..iml
Central of Oa. 8a 114 O B. L. rfj 4a.... 1
do let Inr P- roan. cost. IHo 106a
4o td Ine tl Roadlnt son. 4s. ...10
do Id Hie......... 7T St U f. M. e. li.lltv,
Ch. A Ohio. 440..1M St. L. 8. T. f. 4o. M
Chlcoto A A. 34S.. 1H fM. U f. W. 4o M
C, B. A Q. n. 4s...liis Soaboord A. U 4a.... t
C, R. 1. A P. 4a.... So. PaolSo 4a 4
So ml. ts.. M I do 1st 4s, rort.... ST
CCC. A 8t. . 4a. ...lOIH so. Rsllwar sa 1I0H
Colo. Ind. ts asr. A.. 14 IToiss A P. Is 114
asr. B 11 T . Rt. L. ft W, to. II
Colo. Mid. 4a 74 Itlnloa Psolts 4s lot
Colo. A Southern 4s.. da cenr. 4s 14
Cab fa, t 8. stool 14 ta. ... M
Denver A R. O. 4s..10ts w'sbash Is 1144
plstlllors' Sao. ta... n4l 4 dab. B 7l4
Brio prior lion 4s.. .. lei. Western M4. 4a 17
do sn. 4s 44 W. A L. S. 4s 4S
Hock cna Val. 4s....lll I Wis. Control 4 1
Jspaa 4a, cort. ...... 4
fnstoa Stock and Roads.
BOSTON. Oct. 23 Call loans, 5f per
cent; time loans, 648 per cent. Official
?uotatlons or. stocks and bonds were a
Atchlso ad. 4s.
.. AdTOntnr ....
.. 10 ! Amalgamate .
.. Atlantic
..144 Blnahsm
do 4s
kUi Ootral 4a...
do Dfd
.. 44
.. E'H
.. 17
.. 78
.. 14
.. U
.. S.
.. re
.. 1014
.. U"
.. 4t4
.. 37
Rriton A Albany
.34' it'slumot A H .
Boston m Maine
Poaton ElOYSted .
HI Centennial
14 iCopper Rons ...
14 Dslr West
84 Franklin
Jo4 flranbr
1S4U, ,io Roral
ntrhbort pfd...
Moilcan central .
N T.. N H. A H
Union Pact Bo
Amor. Arso.
do pfd ....
Chew..K Mass. Mlnlnt
. w iMIrhlfan
. 444 Mohawk
.141 Mont. Cost A C.
Old Domlnloa ....
.111 lOacoola
. 41 Parrot
Amor. Pnou. Tuba
Amor. Sugar
do pfd
Amor. Tol. A Tol
Amor. Woolen . . .
do pfd
PomlnJoa T A
n Shannon
B4laon Rise. A 111.1411 Tamarack
Oonoral Eloctna
Maaa. Rlootrlc
do pfd
Maaa. Oaa a.
Volted Prult ,
Vnltcd Copper
U. S. MlBlUf..
U. 8. Oil
.. n
.. ltvs
.. 474,
... 11
... 64
10H4 t'tah
Unltod I boo Mack.
do pfd
C. 8 Stool.
do pfd
Westtngbouso com...
Bid. Asked.
Victoria ....
1 H
North Butt
Losdoa Claalasr Starka.
LONDON, Oct. 33 Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were aa follows:
Consols, aioaoy 444, Norfolk A W fit
do account U44l do pfd at
Anaconda 4!! Ontario A W. .
Atchison Hi1: PennslTsnla .
do pfd lai Rand Mlnoa ...
Baltimore A Oblo...r4H Hoadlna
Canadian Pacific ....177 do 1st pfd....
Chos. A Ohio...
44 I do 2d pfd....
Chicago Ot. W..
C. M. A St. r
D. A R. O
do pfd
do 1st pfd
Illinois Central
Louis. A Nash,
M , K. A T
fino. ttauwajr ...
.144 do pfd
. 1TI8o. Pacl8c ..
. l414t'nlon Factno
. ti do pfd
. V V. 8. Staol tt
."74- da pfd 104
:1U Wabash M
.147 do pfd tl
. 44 H flpaalsh 4a 13
N. T. Central
BILVER Bar, 28 -lBd per ounce.
mujnj:;x '4 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 4 per cent; for three
months' bills, 4 per cent. '
New York Mtnlnar Htoeks.
NEW TORK, Oct. 2$. Closing quotations
on mining stocks were as follows:
Adam Con t., J8
Little Chief ..
. 3
. 1
. 11
. 44
. :t
. 34
Alloa (7
Breoc 44 lopl
Brunswick Con. ...... tfrf
Comstock Tannal ... t.
Coa. Col. A Va. .:...
Mora Silror 170
lror SIlTor i.fM
Loadvllla ,Cea t-
Slorra Hada
Small Hopca
Porelga . Flaaacial. . .
LONDON, Oct. 23. Money was wanted In
the market today and the rates hardened
owing to the payment of $18,600,000 new
treasury bills and the retention of the
$B,000,000 In F.gypt shipped for the sccount of
the Indian secretary as cabled on Saturday.
Discounts were firm. Trading on the
Stock exchange waa 1 cheerful and mod
erately active, though approaching settle,
ments restricted operations. Consols were
steady. Home rails were firm, especially
tha Scotch lines. Americans opened ilrm
at rather above parity, helped by the New
York bank statement, and the monetary
outlook was fairly active and hardened on
New York buying. The demand for Amcrl.
cans moderated later and closed Arm, some
of them slightly below the best of the day.
Foreigners ruled good. Japanese hardened.
Rio tlntos were strong. Japanese Imperial
6s of 1906 were quoted at 107.00.
BERLIN, Oct. 23. Trading on the bourse
today opened quiet. Th money market
was favorably affected by the report that
the Japanese government's balances here
will not be withdrawn.
Baak Clear lags.
OMAHA, Oct. 23. Bank clearings for to
day were $1,911,817.26 and' for the corre
sponding date last yesr $1,639,393.22.
Metal Market.
London tin market was about 10s higher,
with spot closing at 149 and futures at
148. Locally the market continued quiet,
but price were more firmly held, ana the
market closed with spot quoted at $32.6tvqi
82.76. Copper was also higher abroad, clos
ing at 72 12s 6d for spot and 70 17s 6d
for futures In ths London market. Locally
no change is apparent. Demand Is said to
be light, but some large dealers report the
market In a firm position. Lake is minted
St $16.37g,16,75, electrolytic at $16.2&il.62
and casting at $16.00816.37. Lead was a
shade lower at 14 15s In London. Locally
the market was firm and quotations are
more or less nominal. It Is said that sup
plies for forward shipments are still avail
able to large consumers st ths old rate
of $4.85, but generally speaking orders for
future delivery are subioct to Quotations
at date of shipment. The spot market la
quoted at lo.lMi6.40. Iron was higher
abroad. Standard foundry closed at 62a 4d
and Cleveland warrants at 64s ld. Locally
iron was firm, with No. 1 northern foundry
quoted at $18. 26& 18.60. No. 2 northern
foundry at $ No.' 1 southern
foundry at $17.76ij 18.25 and No. $ southern
foundry at $17.25&17.35. Spelter was firm
abroad at 2M 15a and firm and unchanged
locally at .ioib.zn.
ST. LOUIS. Oct 23.-METALS-I.ead,
firm, $510. Spelter, firm. $6 10.
Cotton Market.
closed quiet; 10 points higher; middling up
lands, 10.60c; middling gulf, 10. 75c; sales,
3,2(0 bales.
BT. LOUIS, Oct. 23 COTTON Firm ;
middling, loc; sales, 181 bales: receipts,
660 bales; shipments, 82 bales; stock, 8.612
'"NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 23.-COTTON-Firm;
sales, 8.4i0 bales; ordinary. 7c; good
ordinary, 8 13-l6c; low middling. 9 ll-16c;
middling, 10 6-lc: good middling. 10 8-16c;
middling fair, 10c; receipts, 8.168 bales;
stock. 116 668 bales.
moderate business done; prices, 8 points
higher; American middling, fair, 4 ltd;
good middling. 6 76d; middling. 6.62d: low
middling. 6.46V1; good ordinary, 6.2M; or
dinary. Slid. The sales of the day were
SUM bales, of which 60u were for specula
tion and export and included 7,800 Amer
ican; receipts, 8.O0O bates, all American.
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 23.-WHEAT-8pot.
steady; No. 2 red. western, winter, s 8d.
Futures steady; December, 6 Ud; March,
6 10d.
CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, 6s lOd.
Futures, ateadv; December, 6s ld; Janu
ary. 4s6Vd; March, 4s 4d.
HOPS In London (Pacific coast), dull.
Mllwaake Ural a Market.
MILWAUKEE. Oct. 23. WHEAT -Strong:
No. 1 northern, 87fj7c; No. 3
northern, 82fi8Rc; December, i:c asked.
CORN Strong; May, 44c asked.
RYE Firm; No. 1, 698ii9c.
BAkLtl-ettrong; No. 3. 64c; sample, $6
Elgia Batter Market.
ELODV. Oct 28 Butter advanced n a
pound hr today, being quoted ct o.
Bales (or t-Us wk wr 69,uuo pound.
Eetf 8tt$n tad Ttadin 8teadj witb
Cows Lowtr.
Very Heavy R reel at a at a beep aad
lAnalta Desirable Killers 4Sea
ers Mostly steady.
80VTH OMAHA, Oct. J8. 1906.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hots. Sheep
Official Monday 7, HO 8.eir 29.HOO
Same day last week 10.731 $ 34.014
Same week before 8.R10 1.734 1S.7I4
Sams three weeks ao... 8.413 1.718 37.S)
Pains four Weeks atto.... 8,5 1,738 17.58
Same day last year $.821 3.513 1.33
Tha following: table shows ths receipts of
cattle, hog and aheep at South Omaha .for
In year to date, comparing with lst year:
. 1805. 104. Inc.
801.1W9 733.S30 68.039
'1"K8 1,8,I13 1,864.5:14 34.33
8,iT'P l,56,b 1,411.155 154.444
Th following table snows tba average
prlc Of hors at South Omaha for tha Uat
ever I days, with comparisons:
.Date. I 104. )jM.lfM.tlM.1901.iim.U8.
Oct. 1,
Oct. 1.
7 141 fl 751 13!
e I I 61 T 20 6 R8
t 18 i
Oct. 8
8 711 66
61 B 1
4 42
4 9
4 87
4 $1
4 81
4 S
I 0$
$ 0$
I 08
I 04
4 99
5 07
t 06
s 74
T 82
t 64
5 16
$ 11
I 63
7 42
T 39
S 41
$ 48
6 831
6 13
I 19
S 19
1 B
1 14
7 04
7 07
6 03
4 2
S 62
4 S
4 3$
4 81
4 23
4 20
4 24
4 20
4 1
4 10
4 15
4 II
4 18
4 16
I 211
4 o
4 3
4 93
4 62
4 72
4 64
4 62
6 31
$ rt
Oot. 13
5 18
6 37
Oct. 14.
Oct 15.
Oct. 18.
6 08'
6 11
6 43
t 49
T 16
$ 28
$ 18
S 11
T 00
t 11
s 10
6 88
6 81
Oct. 17...
t 0?
4 7
t 02
22) 7 15
t 291
Uct. 18.
Oct. 19.
Oct. to.
Oct. 21.
Oct. 32.
Oct. X8.
6 10
7 02
$ 27
$ an
6 03
D iz
6 14
6 15
B 11
4 51
5 071
5 03
6 07
4 68;
5 13
6 82
6 17
6 16
4 62
I 6 141 6 76
5 99
4 61
Indicate Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's.
C. m . ok Bt. 1 , Ry
Mo. Pac. Ry 12
t'nlon Pac. System 104
C. ft N. W Ry 1
F., K. M. V. R. R..124
C. Bt. P., M. ft O. Ry 4
B. & M. Ry....: 48
C, B. ft Q. ky 1
C. R. I. A P. east
C. R. I. ft P. west.... 16
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Great W
Total receipts 811
'' ' 44 'l
10 .. I
12 23
8 16
7 ..
65 8!
The disposition of the day's receipts Waa
as follows, each buyer purcnasing me
number of head Indicated: '
Cattle Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 674
Swift and Company 1.065
Cudahy Packing Co 607
Armour ft Co 1,164
Cudahy P. Co. (country)
Vansant ft Co 128
Carev ft Benton 197
Lobman ft R 370
MeCreary ft Carey 304
Hill ft Son 122
Huston ft Co 62
Hamilton 619
L. F. Hum 86
Wolf 216
Mike Haggerty 61
Sol Degan 2
J. B. Root & Co 269
J. H. Bulla 56
Other buyers 724
...6.404 . 3.448 16,611
CATTLE 'Receipts this morning were the
lightest for Monday for over a month,
only about 260 cars being reported In the
yards. Of this number the big end con
stated of feeders, there being no great
number of fat cattle In sight.
There were hardly enough corn-fed
steers In to make a test of the market, and
what few there were sold at Just about
steady prices. The supply of western
steers that would do for killers was also
small, and they, too. did not sell very dif
ferent from last week's close. The fact Is,
the market this- morning was something
of a surprise. Chicago last week declined
heavily, while prices at this point advanced
so that the market here was generelly re
garded as most too high as compared with
others. Most everyone tn consequence was
anticipating an easier market, but the light
supply of fat cattle prevented It.
Cows and heifers experienced the most
advance last week of anything, and buyers
this morning were all complaining that thlB
market was out of line with others. Hence
they started out to bear prices right from
the first As there was quite a sprinkling
of cows and heifers In the yards, buyers
efforts to bear the market were more suc
cessful than with fat cattle, with the re
sult that while a few cows and heifers
that Just happened to strike some one's
fancy did not sell jmich off th general
market was weak to 10c lower.
Stockers and feeders of desirable quality
were generally steady, and there was a
very fair demand, ss usual the first of the
week. While the trade did not open par
ticularly active there was a fair movement
of the good kinds, and the most of the cat
tle that would answer to that description
changed hands In good season. The prices
paid were generally about the same as pre
vailed at the close of last week.
Representative sales:
No. At. It. m. A. Pr.
84 iril I M 1 11M 4 a
cow a.
1 114 I 04 t 40 I 80
I .751 I 10 1 1044 I 4S
11 Ill I II 1 1011 44
M 110 3 H 8 1044 8 44
1 .'. IN IX 1 1110 I 16
1 470 I 40 It 444 I 44
444 I 44 1 t 40
I 644 I 44 I M IN
1 144 4 I") 1 11 I 44
II 154 4 0 i 1N I 40
1 130 I 00 1 1V I 60 .
8 160 IU 1 .'. 170 I 76
4 494 I 00 81
II 1174 I 411
.1171 8 M
17 cows...
995 2 65 2 cows
770 2 40
. sM) 2 10
. 200 8 00
11 rows 1015 2 75
1 cow.
4 calves... 395 8 00
1 bull 1CO0 2 So
1 feeder... 910 2 60
1 feeder... 760 2 60
1 calf
13 feeders.. 1074 3 66
8 feeders.. S47 2 36
26 feeders.. 760 2 60
1 feeder... 750 2 60
14 heifers... 6(6 2 60 feeders. . 870 8 60
4 feeders.. 563 3 00 16 heifers .. 691 2 45
24 feeders.. 949 3 20 13 heifers... 603 3 60
16 oows 849 $ 45 33 cows 840 2 80
18 cows 938 2 46
C. D. Meeks, Wyoming.
23 sters,...1227 3 60 1 steer 1080 8 00
1 steer 1330 8 60
A. Wagstaff, Wyoming.'
20 steers.. 1247 3 66
Salsburg ft Sterling, Wyoming.
107 steers.. 1375 3 40
J. Davis, Wyoming.
21 8teers....l376 4 00
J. N. Harey ft Bro. 8. D.
80 COWS 944 2 36
A. R. Smith Neb.
$0 cows 851 3 56 13 cows 917 2 05
16 cows 980 2 56 1 cow 960 2 66
I feeder... 1O30 8 00
$ feeders.. 780 2 90
28 steers.... 1236 8 75
4 steers.. ..1120 $ 35
66 steers.... 90 2 66
13 steers. ...1123 3 36
2 steers.. ..126 8 3D
t feeders.. jo 3 60
15 faedera .1066 $ 08 6 cows 1220 8 00
Clttsejia State Bank Idaho.
20 cows 976 2 40 3 cows 942 2 60
91 feeders.. 918 $ 05
HOGS-Receipts of hogs wer feirly good
for a Monday, flfty-on care being reported
In the yards. This Is more than three
limes as many as came in last Monday
and is about the same as the run for same
date laat year. The market opened fairly
active on good llht stuff and closed Just
about steady. Choice light butcher stuff
was steady to strong, with a fairly good
demand for that kind and all the good lots
In that grade of hoga found readv aale at
prices that were steady to strong. Hogs
of this kind went at from $5 10 to $5.26.
Packers opened steady with th trad
fairly actlv at the first, but It closed alow
and a trifle lower. Light to medium
weight packers wer more In demand than
the heavy (tuff and brought better price.
The market had a alight lower tendency,
but the fact that with th larger run of
hog In Chicago th market at that point
remained steady helped to keep the prices
up here and hold the market steady. The
top price, 90. at. iaiu lunar was tor nngs
on th light weight order, while the bulk
of the aluft went at from $6.10 to $6.17.
To Bum the whole thing up in as few
words as possible the situation was as
follows: Good light butcher stuff waa
steady lo Btrong, with medium and heavy
weight hogs oiK-ned steady and closed a
trifle lower. Representative sales:
N At. SB. rr. a At. E. Ft
154 ... 4 00
44 4 Oil
341 44 4 04
l IU I
as - 4 as
n. .
44 .
tt .
44 .
:st 40 t 14
.23 10 4 14
.214 40 4 14
I J.i 4 14
?7t so 4 14
25 so 4 It
.341 14 4 14
41 .
:.! iw 4 .
44 lat w 8 ul
I Ill ... I S74 t7 40 6 18
rr Ji in 1 in n 770 p in
44 tn ... l 111 : 12n 4 II
47 rT ' as is 4t tl 40 4 II
4 T s 4 7 lit ... 6 I7S
4 7I fo I f fi IU 4 I7'
a t-i ir ip i 4A 1 it4
17 17(1 1? I Uv T ?J 4 I 17
II it 144 I 11 74 til 40 4 It
4t 871 1J I II II Jt W IN
44 114 144 I 111 II 114 It l!t
71 ... I 1J 71 IU e I M
II 144 14 111 7 114 44 1 in
47 M (! I IS 44 tJl ... 4 IS
41 151 10 I 1 44 HI ... I fl
17 Kl 40 I 1.1 74 127 40 I 14
41 Ml ... 4 1
SHEEP Receipts tni morning were very
large, th largest this year since October
3. There were nearly twenty more car
of .heep In this morning than there were
last Monday. As has been the case for
kfme 11, Ih. I ..I... In,. I n .a, I
iw tits- nJt a irw ..t in
esrlv the buvers were able to
puying ail morning. The large tiuik ot tne
arrivals consisted of feeders with a large
portion of them ewes.
Fat aheep were not very plentiful and St
the same time the demand for them was
active on the part of the packers, who
have been hungrv for supplies of this kind
for the laat week. The market opened
steady on everything desirable wth a
slight tendency lo stronger prices on good
tat stuff. Yearling wethers wet trong
and a large bunch of them sold for $6.00,
which Is the highest price paid for this
kind of stuff this yesr.
There were a large number of feeders
on the market, but In spite of this prices
remained about steady on the choice kinds
of stuff, while the common stuff was not
so active. Iiocal buyers were In the barns
early and had plenty of' orders In hand
and there was also a good alsed aprlnkllng
of country buyers, so that the feeder mar
ket was falny well supported on good
stuff, which went early at good prices. The
later stuff snd the more common grades
were not so strong, but still met with fair
sale. . .
Quotation on fat sheep and lambs: Oood
to choice lamb. $7.00iy:7.4fl; good to choice
yearling wether. $5.6(ti.00; good to choloe
old wethers, $5.l)0.60; good to choice ewes.
$4165.00. , .
Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs:
Oood feeding lambs, $6.00"a6.60; good feed
ing yearlings, $6.0rtiri5.25: good feeding weth
ers, $4.60fi4.75; feeder ewes, $4.0O'4.4O; breed
ing ewes, $4.40fM.75.
Representative sales:
No- Av.' FL.
11 Nebraska ewe 08 2 00
267 Nebraska feeder ewes 76 3 85
70 Nebraska cull lamb 8 ?0
2S1 Nebraska feeder lambs 48 6 (5
60 Idaho ewes M 4 00
4 Idaho ewes and feeders 86 4 36
111 Idaho ewes 1 J o
78 Idaho ewes V6 4 60
723 Idaho ewes 7 ?
112 Idaho ewes 11
83 Idaho ewes BO f '"J
132 fed wethers f
118 fed wethers J J
141 Idaho wethers snd yearlings. 86 '
6 Idaho wethors and yearllngs 76 6 j
180 Iaaho lambs and feeders.... 63 6 1"
240 fed yearlings w
Best Grade of Cattle and Hogs Firm
All Otfcers Lower.
CHICAGO, Oct. 23-CATTLE-Recelpts.
22,000 head; market for beat, firm: others,
10c lower; steers, $3.30.2S; stockers and
feeders, $2.3584.16: cows and cnn?rSj5
j4 25; bulls. $1.75(34.10; heifers, $1.50tT5.3o;
csives. $2.2667.26.
HOGS Receipts. 35.000 head; market for
best, steady; others. 2c lower; shipping
and selected. $5.364166: mixed and heavy,
packing. $4.90(n6.32; light. $6.ay6.45; pigs
and roughs. $3.26(86.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 42,000
head; market, mostly steady; "hP
4Ji.7d; yearlings, $5.50(S.oo; lambs. $5.00t
St. I, oats Live Btock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Oct. 23. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 8.500 head, Including 1.300 lexans;
market steady; native shipping and export
steers $4.50&fi.75; dressed beef and butcher
steers, $3.006.15; steers under 1,000 pound".
$3,004x4.50; stockers and feeders, $2.0((13 25,
cows snd heifers, $2.0O4.30: canners, $1.50W
2 00- bulls, $2.254i3.50: calves, $3.6006.60; Texas
and Indian steers. $2,004)3.60; cows and helf-
e'l02GWSReclptB. 7,000 head:, market
steady; pigs and light $4.75(ti5.S5: packers.
$4,7545.30; butchers and best heavy, $o.20(t)
6 40
oureo A KM LAMBS Receipts. 2.000
head; market, strong; native muttons. $4.00
trS.10; lambs, $5.00Ca7.40: cull and lu;k?.
$3OO4f4.00; stockers. $1903 .40; Texans, $3.00
Kansas City Lire Btock Market.
KANSAS CITY. Mo Oct. 28.-CATTLK--te.w,int
DOOort bead, including 2,500 south
erns; market, steady to loc lower; choice
exports and dressed beef steers, $5.2Ho.90,
fair to good. $4.CO(f(tU6; western steers, $2.75
414.40: stockers and feeders, $2.404j4.6; south
ern steers. $2.364iS.75; southern cows, $1.75
U2.75: native cows, $1.7T(i3.26; ."stive helfei-s,
$2 5tv?i4.75; bulls, $2.0045'2.90; calves, $2.6O4i6.50.
HOGS-Recelpts, 7.0H0 head; market,
steady; top. $6.20; bulk of sales, Ja.lOtlS.l .;
heavy, $5.10i5.2O; packers. $6,104)5.20; pigs
"SHEEP 'a'nD LAMBS Receipts, 4,0
head; market, strong; native lambs. $i.75t
7 50; western lambs, $6.75fi7.50; ewes and
yearlings, $4 264i5.76; western clipped year
ling. $5.OO4i6.O0: western clipped sheep, $4.00
4)5.40; stockers and feeders, $3.7564.76.
St. Joseph I. We Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Oct. 13. CATTLE
Receipts 3.277 head: market steady to 100
lower; natives. 33.60(85.90; cows and heifers.
il.SOrSI.CO; stockers and feeders. $3.754?4.0O.
urmsu Rnc.elnta. 8.117 head: market
'steady to 6c lower: light. $5.10416.22: me
dium and neavy, o.ur'i o. i ; nun, u.i!
''SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 245 head:
market, steady; lambs. $7.00.
Slooa Cltv Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, Oct. 23.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) - CATTLE Receipts. 6.500 head;
market 10c lower, stockers steady: beeves.
13.8O416 66; cows, .bulls and mixed, $2.0oj3.2o;
stockers and feeders, $2,754)3.90; calves and
yearlings, $2.254iS.40.
HOGS Receipts, 2.600 hesd; market
steadv, selling at $6. 066.20; bulk of sules,
Stock in Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 7.8"0 $.800 29,000
Sioux City 6.5"0 2.500
Kanaas City 29.000 7.000 4.000
St. Joseph 3.277 3,117 245
St. Louis 3.500 7.600 2.0e0
Chicago 32,000 .15.000 42,000
.80,577 58,817 77,240
Co ffre Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 23. COFFEE Market
for future opened steady at a decline of
6&10 points and during the seaslon in
creaaed the loss to a mattei of 10g20 points
under moderate liquidation, lower French
By authority of a
of Directors adopted at
14th, 1905, the
fol PEr HE" r
Offers for sale 100,000 shares of Treasury Stock at par
For further information, maps, prospectus,
reports, etc., apply to the Company's Office,
24 Broad Street, New York City. The Com
pany reserves the right to withdraw this offer
at any time or to reject any subscription.
Make all checks for subscriptions payable
to the order of the
cables and Kuropeaft acllln. Toward t tie
rlose there waa a sllshl Improvement on
buying bv trading interests. Tha mark, t
whs fiiinliy stivirty at n net decline of 5i 15
points Bales were reported of .'VJW baas,
Ini liidlns Novt niher at 8.74c; ' Decemh-r,
ATMlti.Scc; January. 6 CV; March. Jul 7 If"-;
July, 7 So.-; Hcptemher. 7 4fv-66c. 8int,
quli-t; No. 7 Rli. invoice, 8c.
atari aad Foacr ProAac.
prjns Candled Btock, 18c
LIVK IIU'LTRY Hens, 9110c: rooeters,
to, turkeys, I.V.1I60; ducks, Pu9c; spring
chickens. 8'6 liV.
Bl'TTER 1'acklng stock. 16c; choice t
fancy dairy, 16iil9v; creamery. 3i4llCj
, ,.,,-.-,.,. i.,. . ,
C. I VI f r - 1 c nun, ' 1 .,..',. ..-.. a ' , " " - ,
$5.66 per cwt.; cubes. $6 40 per cwt; cut
loaf. $Ys per cwt; No. 6 extra C, $6 40 par
cwt: No. 10 extra C, $5.26 oer wt. : No. II
yellow. $6.10 per "wu; XX Ax , powdered.
16 20 per cwt
FRESH FISH-Trout. IMJlles halllbut. He;
buffalo, dressed. 9c; pickerel, dressed, 8o
white bass, dressed, 12c; sun fish 6c; perch,
scaled and di eased. 8c; pike, 11c: catfish.
16c; red snapper. 10c; salmon, He; crapptes,
L'c; eels. isc: bull heads. 11c: black hass, K&cj
Whitehall, 100 lie; frog legs, per do., 35c;
lobster, green. 87u. boiled lobster. Surf
had roe. 6c; bluertah. 8c.
HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesal
Hay Dealers' a validation: No, 1 upland,
$7; medium, $60iHj.60; coarse, $6.
BRAN Per ton, $12.00
ORANGES Valencia, nil si sea, $6.00Oe.60;
Florida, nil slsea, $3 76HJ4.06.
LEMONS Lemoniera. extra fancy, 24$
sixe. 16 00 ; 3(4 and 860 staes, $$.00.
DATES Psr box f $0 1-lt. pkg., $2;
Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c;
walnut stuffed, 1-lb. pkgs., $2.00 per dos.
FIGS-Callfornla, per 10-lb. cu. ;nn. 7541
85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; 6
crown. 13c. . '. .
BANANAS Per medlum-elsed bunch, $1.71
03-25; Jumbos, $2.6til Of.
FEARS Utnh. Klefeis and Vicars, $2.00;
D Ango. $1.76. '
PLUMS Utah and Colorado, per 4-bakt
crate, $1.00; Italian prunes. $1.10.
APPLES Bet Davis and Winesaps. In
3-lni, bills., t.'iMT3 oo; In bu. baskets, $1.00;
California Bellfiowers. $1.U; Colorado Jona
than and Grimes' Golden. $2.W'Ef3.10.
GRAPES New York Concords, per l-lb.
basket, 22c; Muscats, per t-bsket crate,
$1.76; Toknys, per 4-basket crate, $1.78.
QUINCES California, per boii. $'..7.
CRAN HERRI EH Early Blacks. $8.26 per .
bbl.; Jerseys, $x.60.
POTATOES New. per ou., 50o.
UNIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and
white, per bu., 6uc; Mpanlsti, per crte, $1.40.
WAX BEANS Per j-bu. a-krel, 43io;
string bcai.s, per -bu box. ',4ic
BEANS Navy, tmT bu., $2.00.
CUCUMBERS Per do.. 26o
TOMATOES Horn grown, -bu. baskets.
Ion 00c.
CAHBAGB Home-grown. In crates, per
lb., lc. , ,
BEETS New. per bu.. 70c.
CELERY Kalarnn 100, per dot., 25c.
SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per t-bu.
bbl., $2.60.
Wholesale prices tor beet cuts: Ribs No.
J, lie; No. 2. 8c; No. 8, sc. I-olns No. L lc;
No. 2, 11c; No. 3. 7c Chucks-No. 1. 4c;
No. 2, 4c; No. 3, 8c. Rounds No. 1, 1c;
No. 2, 6c: No. 8, 6a. Plates No. 1, 3c;
No. 2, 8c; No. 3. 2c.
HONEY New, per 24 lb., $3.28.
CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c( WlseonBla
brick, 14c; Wlueonln llmherger. 18c; twins,
12c, younfc Americas, iao.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, rier
crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb., 13c:
No. 2 soft shells, p-r lb.. 12c; No. 3 hard
shells, per lb , 12a Pecans, ,args, per lb..
12c; small, per lb.. SOc. Peanut, per lb., To;
roasted, per lb.. Sc. cniii walnuts, per lb.,
12tiiac. Almonds, soft ahells, per lb., 17c;
hard shells, per lb., l&c. Shellbsrk hickory
nuls, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per
bu., $1.50. Chestnuts. 20c per lb, Cocoanuts,
$4.00 per sack of 100.
HIDES No. I green, c; No. 2 green, 80
No. 1 suited, 10c; No. 2 salted. 8c; No. 1
veal calf. Ho; Fo. t veal calf. 80: dry salted,
7fil4c; sheep pelts, 26c?1.00; kora hides.
lagar and Molasses,
nominal; fHlr refining, 2 15-16c; centrifugal,
96 teat, 3 9-16c; molasses sugar, 3 H-16c;
refined, quiet; No. 8, 4.10c; No. 7. 4.16c; No.
8. S96c; No. 9, 3.80c; No. 10, 8.85c; No. II,
3.7Sc; No. 12, 3.70c; No. 13, 3.60c; No. 14.
2.55c; confectioners' A, 4.55c; mould A. 6.05c;
cut loaf, 6.40c; crushed. 6.40c; powdered,
4.80c; granulated. 4.70c; cubes. 4.95c.
MOLASSES Steady; no opdn kettle; good
to choice, 2M(30c.
Quiet; open kettle centrifugal, 3Va3 7-16c;
centrifugal whites, 444c yellows, 84l
3 13-16c; seconds, 24i3c.
SYRUP-New cane. 3K6 32C.
N Wool Market.
ST. I,OUIS, Oct. 23.-WOOL Steady; me.
dlum grades, combing and, clothing, 264$
31c; light fine. 22ii27c; heavy fine, 19o-3c;
tub washed, 33&42C
Bine th publicities of our last review, a
umtier of important developments touching
th Wheat situation ksve com to light. Amer
ican Wheat ia practically on a balls wher ax
ports raay be made, but the shorugs of cara
to tramport tha grain to tidewater his proved
S considerable obstacle to a Ire foreign move
ment. Aa s result, stock have increased at
Several of the primary points, detail th
aormal foreign demand. 1
In the Northwest, howevel, th intern
activity of the mill ha a tendency to hold
down undiis accumulations, and th shipment
af Hour ar something tremendoua.
The speculative Wheat market la strongly
supported on each' decline by th most power
ful interests in th trade. This support i
given openly, but without aay blr of trum
pets. Aa a direct consequence ol th Miriness
in our markets, th foreigner ha been ob
liged to com 10 us, and not w to him, as
kas been tlvr ruatom in years psst.
Alarmist rumors of locusts ia the' Wheat
Celds ol Argentina hsv been published snd
denied several time. Tt may be thst th insect
pests will shorten th yield of that important
country, but ft ia too early to mak ( deftnit
statement mi that sobiertj yiisregardiag th
locust stories, wa advis purchases ol Wheat
en condititioni which art mora dearly kfiue
Skip Yssr Grain to Is,
Branch offlco, llO-Ul Hoard of Trails
Rlriu.. Omaha, Kelt. Telephone 81114.
212-214 Exchange Bdg., South Omaha.
Bell 'Phone 216. . Independent 'Phone 6.
Resolution of the Board
a meeting held October