Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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i '
Consider the
Soala Cracker
MsTemsnt for Low Fir Bcbedules to Bo
Eentwod by Lommsroial Club.
Cltr Elecfrlclam Retaras from Inter
view' 'of Writer! Controllers
t'ovlrtre4 that Properly rl
reeled Efforts Woald Bneceed.
' i tie Commercial club again la preparing
to take up the matter of local fire insur
itnce rates with the Intention of securing
more favorable terms in Omaha from the
bis; companies.
City Electrician Mlchaelsen has just re
turned from s trip to Chicago, made speci
ally to interview the western fire Insurance
controllers ''and 'find out why the key rate
has not - been cut in Omaha in view of
much . better pr teotlon against lire than
existed years ago, when the rate was made.
"I discovered the tactics of the insur
ance people in matters of this kind are
bused chiefly on bluff and partly evasion,"
says the electrician, "but from Interviews
I had .with, j men highest in authority I
came to the conclusion this town might
have . material reduction in fire rates, if
the thing was gone after In the right way.
I am Informed that from $300,000 to 1500,000
Is paid out of Omaha every year for fire
insuranoe premiums. I believe the amount
can be cut from 26 to 60 per cent, if the
right effort is put forth.
Virtues of Alarm System.
"I pointed out to tha Insurance people
how quick and accurate fire alarm ser
vice had been installed and properly main
tained since the key rate was made, showed
how this service ,was Inferior to none in
the country; explained the reorganization
of the Are. department unoer a chief whom
event tbe -Insuranoe. heads admit without
a superior; went into tbe matter of addi
tional " engine houses and increased facili
ties and apparatus, and Anally went into
the matter of underground wiring and
showed how the downtown district has
been cleared of nearly all obstructions of
this kind. ;
l"In reply to my arguments for a lower
key rate I was informed the rates out here
had been too low and that a penalty of 1
points, amounting to $16,000 to 120,000 in the
aggregate, had never been enforced for
overhead trolleys and feeders.
" 'That statement is ridiculous,' I ex
claimed. 'You do not think I can tell the
people of Omaha anything of the sort
that the insurance companies ever .made
any mistakes of that kind and you know
I will not.'
flow to Get Redaettos.
"In my opinion the best way to get a re
duction la to follow the example of the
Insurance combines and bluff. Tell them
we are t an end with our Improvements
as to fire protection-and that we do not
propose to expend any more money until
the rates are . reduced. We cannot get
lower rates without a fight, but I think it
111 would pay the business men well to make
J'.iJV this fight. It, (s as plain as day that
1 Omaha has a big reduction coming in view
of what .lt has done. It is now a ques
tion of saving the money or 'paying it Into
the coffers of the big fire Insurance com
panies." s '
The Commercial club probably will start
In on the matter Tuesday at the regular
weekly meeting of the executive committee.
The electrician is co-operating with club
Pbmuapk ah onsTRtATg cam rather
than Ush it Into action Ifjon want to see
good pnmts made. This U at true
when U Is ft faulty human system M
whn It Is a baulky mule.
Alcoholic stimulants and alcoholic med
icines whip the digestive function Into
quick action but do not prevent the weak
ening reaction which follow $o cloeely.
In cases of Impaired appetite and diges
tlon maUnutrltlon and wasting away, a
safe and reliable tonic Is needed and Is
the only thing that can be rolled upon.
Ir. Pierce discovered, forty years ago,
that Nature had provided freely for these
needs of her children and that tn her to
buraUiry were the remedies. Glyceric
extracts of Golden Seal root. Queen' root,
bume root, black Cherrybark, Blood root
and Msndraks root, as prepared, com
bined and preserved without alcohol. In
Dr. Pierce' QuUUn Metllcal Discovery,
constitute the most effective and certain
tonic, alterative and tissue rebuilding
remedy ever offered to the public.
A prominent merchant, Mr. J. Alfred
A rosed, of Saint Latrrenre Street Moo
treat. Csnsds. writes: I hTe Uied Doctor
Pierre's Gul&n Medical Discovery off and
on for nine sears, w ben I be it In lbs
liouse I need no doctor or other medicine.
Nine yean aco I was troubled wltn rheu
mUm. Your 'Golden Medical Discovery
llmlustod the urio acid from the system.
Sutos thai time I he ner been without
it In the house. There Is no olfcsr meUU-lne
think so much ot, nor none I think Its
equal. Every one to nbom I recommended
It la pleawHt vIlo the results, and all Uiank
sns f.r d villus Its use. It Is a aplnnUld
. sn ir auMiiui for sioiaai
V t a few Usjri. and Is i
. X W fu La Orippa.'
T Pr. Flare' C
kioiaarn trouoie; cures cuius in
the oiUf sure cure I know
Common Renaa Medical
I Adviser ts sent tree on receipt of stamp
to pay axpeuM of mailing only, bond
tl one-ennt stamp for the paper-covered
book, or SI uamt for the rloth-bouud.
.IMrees ht. U. V. Hon, feuAaiu. M. Y.
Science has proved and established the fact that the
soda cracker is the most nutritious and healthful article
of food made from flour.
When it is considered that UflCCda BiSCUlt
are the perfect soda crackers it is no wonder that
nearly 400,000,000 packages have been sold the only
wonder being that any one can go a day without
Unceda Biscuit
Well Attended -Meeting Hears
Speeches from Edward Hoi.
rater and Others.
The rally at the Benson Republican club,
held in the new Odd Fellow's hall las night,
was fairly well attended, considering. th
rain and darkness of the evening. Forty
or fifty members listened with appreciation
to speeches from a number of the candi
dates and to Edward Rosewster, the princi
pal speaker of the occasion. Mr. Rose
water's reiflaks were along general republi
can lines, a discussion of the fundamental
principals of the party. Among the candi
dates. Emmet O. Solomon. Edwin F. Brai-
ley, David M. Haverly and William Q. Ure
were present and gave short addresses, de
fining their positions. These were all
greeted with enthusiasm. O. W. Wattles
was to nave to have spoken at the meeting,
but urgent business called him out of the
city. John Butler spoke in Mr. Wattles'
Soma Seasonable Advlee.
It may be a piece of superfluous advice
to urge people at this season of the year to
lay In a supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It Is almost sure to be needed
before winter Is over, and much more
prompt and satisfactory results are ob
tained when taken as soon as a cold Is con
tracted and before It has become settled in
the system, which can only be done by
keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy
Is so widely known and so altogether good
that no one should hesitate about buying
It in preference to any other.
Announcements of the Theaters.
May Irwin's charm of personal manner
Is what makes her such a never falling
source of delight to her audlonces. She
has about her that merry way of taking
her hearers Into her confidence that never
falls to establish the sympathetic wave
currents, and she has never yet had .occa
sion: to worry about her reception, And
now she Is coming back to give us another
taste of Mrs. Black under more favor
ing circumstances. The little comedy Is
one of the most laughahie she has ever
had. It is bright and witty from first to
last. Miss Irwin has rehearsed several new
songs since opening the season, and Is
offering them each evening. Her Omaha
engagement begins at the Boyd on Wednes
day evening, closing Thursday evening.
The "professional" matinee at the Bur
wood this afternoon bids fair to exceed
any of Its predecessors in point of inter
est. The play offered is an attractive one
and is being done splendidly by the Wood
ward Stock company.
Reward. .
The Omaha Automobile club hereby offers
a reward of $3.00 for Information which
will lead to the detection and arrest of
I the person or persons driving an automo
bile and who collided with a .buggy driven
by a boy at or near 85th and Farnam
streets, last Sunday evening at about I
o'clock. i
Stori Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer Is a popu
lar beverage. Tel. 1260. '
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1220.
X)R. A. W. &AS0N
Several Local Financiers Will At
tend Meeting- of the State As
sociation This Week.
At least ten bankers of Omaha will be
In attendance at the annual convention
of the Nebraska Bankers' association,
which meets In Lincoln Tuesday and Wed
nesday. They are: President H. W. Tates
of the Nebraska National, President Luther
Drake of the Merchants National. Vice
President C. F. McGrew, Cashier C. E.
Walte and Assistant Cashier Frank Boyd of
the Omaha National, Vice Presidents O. W.
Wattles and Victor Caldwell of the United
States National, President John F.
Flack and Treasurer W. S. HilHs
of the City Savings bank, and
Cashier F. W. Davis and AsslsUnt
Cashier C. T. Kountze of the First Na
tional. Others may go to Lincoln for a
part of the session. W. B. Hughes, secre
tary of the association, left for Lincoln
Monday morning. Omaha men on the pro
gram are: H. W. Yates, W. B. Hughes,
C. F. McQrew and Q. W. Wattles. The part
of the program which will attract the
most att.jtion will be an address Wednes
day afternoon by Leslie M. Shaw, secretary
of the treasury. Charles Q. Dawes, ex
comptroller of the currency, will talk Tues
day afternoon on "Modern Corporations
and Their delations to Existing Laws."
Files Instrument Conveying- Irge
Holdings In Local Real Kstato
to Tr.nat Company.
Count John A. Cretghton has placed on
file In the office of the register of deeds
an instrument, conveying to the John A.
Creighton Real Estate and Trust company
all his right, title and interest In a large
group or realty holdings in Omaha and
Douglas county.. The company to which
the property has been transferred was in
corporated recently for the express purpose
of handling the Creighton properties. The
real estate named In tha deed comprises
twenty-five separate pieces of farm land
and over forty lots In the city proper and
its various additions.
Splendid Rerord.
' Dr. King's New Life Pills have made a
splendid record by curing headache, bilious
ness, constipation, etc.; SS cents. Try. For
sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
Monument to J. Sterling- Morton.
For the unveiling ceremonies of the mon
ument to the late J. Sterling Morton at
Nebraska City. October 28, the Burlington
will run a special train to Nebraska City
on that date, leaving Omaha at 9 a. m.
Returning special will leave Nebraska City
at 7 p. m. Ex-President Grover Cleveland
will deliver the, oration. Ex-Vice President
Adlal E. Stevenson and, It Is expected, alt
other living members of his cabinet will
be present. J. B. Reynolds, City Passenger
Agent, 1602 Farnam St.
Llndsey Cnnnot Come.
The formal opening of the detention
home of the Juvenile court on South Tenth
street will take place Friday, but without
the presence of Judge Ben Llndsey of
Denver, who, it was hoped, could be there.
The Judge sent word from Lincoln yester
day he would have to hurry home on ad
journment of the National Prison congress,
which he is attending.
- Locating tbe Cavity
Orgtiiutioi Will Siloot Ticket to Sap
psrtby Prints Preliaiitriet,
Every Member Is Reqnlred to Vote
t Polls for Men Chosen by .
Majority of All the
I nlons.
Tuesday will mark the first Induction of
organised labor into local politics as a
unit, when an election will be held at Labor
Temple to determine what candidates the
unions will support at Vhe November elec
tion. Practically all the candidates on both re
publican and democratlo tickets have Aled
their names on the ballot and a large vote
Is looked for. The' polls will open at I
o'clock in the morning and close at 10 at
night. The officers of the election will be
B. J. Keegan of the teamsters, William
Wardlaw of the laundry workers, John
Korff of the painters, Ed Baker of the bar
bers and Bert Murray of the team drivers.
Every member of the bona Ada labor or
ganisation in Omaha who Is a member of
good standing can vote. The only creden
tials necessary are a. union card or mem
bership book. Women may participate un
der these conditions as well as men.
Plan Decidedly Popnlnr.
By a referendum vote the members of the
various unions decided by an overwhelming
majority to go Into politics In this manner,
and by the strictest obligations possible
every union man In the city is bound to
abide by the result. Not only must he vote
for the nominees endorsed, but he must re
frain from aiding or assisting tha opposition
candidates. For these reasons the action
of the union members Tuesday Is regarded
as of considerable moment in Its relation
to the result of the general election. As It
will be the first attempt of the kind made
In Omaha, the outcome will be watched
with special care by politicians, publicists
and persons Interested In political sociology.
Louis V. Quye, president of Central La
bor union, announced the list of filings
would not be given out until tonight.
Board Will Not Let Contracts
g applies Intll First of
the Year.
At the regular session of the Board of
Fire and Police commissioners last night
the principal topic of discussion was the
matter of contracts for supplies for the com
ing year. Under the old charter the con
tracts expired in September, but under the
new charter it Is intended that contracts
shall be dated from the first of January.
The secretary of the board was instructed
to communicate with the chiefs of the Are
and police departments who will make llbts
of supplies needed and submit them before
the Arst of December. These lists will be
Aled with the county clerk, who will ad
vertise bids for supplies In these depart
ments, separate from the other city con
tracts. Tools, Implements and vehicles will
not be included In these lists, as they come
under special supplies. Curing the balance
of this year supplies will be furnished under
the old terms of the old contracts.
Julius Donnermeyer was transferred from
the list of probationers to the regular list
of firemen, having served the required sixty
days In a satisfactory manner.
Warrants were Issued to Charles E. El
lington, $8; and W. H. Oalllgan, 112; from
the, regular sick beneBt funds'. T. J. Bohen
was given ten days leavsttf absence follow
ing a special petition. C ! Madren, C. O.
Sandstrom and Martin Shields were allowed
ten days' leave of absence, with pay, an
nual leave.
Ico Machine Plant Will Orcnnv
Large Quarters with More
The Larsen-Baker Ice Machine company
will occupy the former power house of the
Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway
company, at Nineteenth and Nicholas. The
announcement is made that the purchuee
has Just been closed. The company will
Increase its capital from 1150,000 tq $250,000
and expects to occupy the new plant in
about three weeks. A Jarge force of me
chanics will be put on to supply the rapidly
mi-i ramus umhuu mr ic macninery. rne
company will make the Larsen Ice cutter.
n apparatus for ice msklng, as well as
refrigerators and appliances of all kinds.
The Increase of capital Is for the purpose
of purchasing additional shop equipment. It
is said that the building is particularly well
adapted for their purposes.
Snpposed to Be Seriously Sick,
Married or Single , Her
Friends Know Kot.
Chief of Police Donahue is In receipt of
a letter of inquiry from Mount Vernon, la.,
asking information regarding Miss Maud
Harper, or, If married. Mrs. Maud Harper
Rooup. She is supposed to be seriously
sick somewhere In Omaha at the home of
friends. No person of that name could be
located at any of the hospitals. The in
quiry Is made by Eva Neldheiser of Mount
Vernon. Accompanying the letter Is a copy
of a telegram, which says: "Have Amos
Harper come at once. Maud Is very low."
This telegram was directed to Will Neid
helser at Ely. Ia. The letter further asks
that If Maud Harper or Rooup Is dead to
notify Eva Neldhelser.
Deputy Clerk Andy Gallagher of Clerk
Broadwell's force, was passing around
cigars to the men and randy to the girls
at the court house Monday. The oocaxion
for these exhibitions of joy was the safe
arrival at the Galluvher home f a new
girl baby, who came Sunday morning. This
manes me secona girl in tne home, with
everybody doing well.
Dr. Bye, the great Cancer Specialist
gad Scientist of Kansas City, Mo.,
send to the- world a message, which
will bring nappinesa to all suffering
from Cancer. He makes an absolute
and positive statement that Cancer
can be cured, and he Is in a position to
prove it. He simply asks every suf
ferer from Cancer, no matter of how
long standing, to send their name and
address, and he will without delay or
charge send them his grand new book
entitled, "A Message of Hope," treat
ing on Cancer and other malignant
diseases. Remember it costs you noth
ing, and the information may save
your life. Write today to Dr. Bye,
8038 Broadway, Kanas City, Mo.
Garbed in
Suit or Overcoa t,
lor Men ot Taste
you have a sense of style or a liking for good clothes, youca?tt
help but respond to our showing of Suits and Overcoats which zve
are sure will please the i)iost exacting demands. Making clothes is
ranked as an "industry." But half a dozen American tailoring
houses have elevated it to the pinaclcof high art. All their workmen
are graduates of good custom tailoring establishments, with cutters
who are the "princes' of their pro few ion. These high clan garments are the ones ice call
your special attention to today at Fifteen Dollars v V
On Farnam
at 15th St.
Under the auspices of the educational de
partment. Mrs. E. G. McGllton, chairman,
the social science department of the
Woman's club devoted Monday afternoon's
session to a discussion of truancy. Miss
Margaret McCarthy, principal of Pacific
school; Superintendent McLean of South
Omaha; Will Parker, the city truant
officer; Miss Magee. city missionary,
and Superintendent Davidson were the
speakers. As a result of the session
a resolution was passed recommending to
the Board of Education that serious
consideration be given to the es
tablishment In the near future of an un
graded school for the benefit of the truants
who have fallen behind their classes and
are still of school age. Without excep
tion the speakers all advocated some In
stitution outside of the school where these
children, who, having no Interest in their
school work, are getting nothing out of it
themselves and are a detriment to the
other pupils, might have practical in
struction combined with authoritative di
rection. The manual training feature was
mentioned by all.
Miss McCarthy talked first on "Some
of the Causes of Truancy." "Some
cases of truancy border on the realms of
comedy," she said, "but there are others
that touch the tragic." Under the first
class she mentioned the truant who is at
tracted by the first fine day in spring, a
circus parade or a swimming excursion,
and such cases she does not count serious.
In the other class she named the children
who are habitual truants and who have
gotten into bad company and are drifting
from bad to worse. With the responsibil
ity for these cases she charged the too
kind parent who would shield his child
In wrong doing; the over harsh parent who
drives his child out of his home with his
.harshness and the Indifferent parent who
has no Interest In his child welfare ex
cept as it affects his bwn.
Superintendent McLean spoke on "Tru
ancy in Its Relation to Delinquency." De
nied the influence of the school through
his absenuce from it. the child's home and
street environment are the great Influences
of his life, he said, and, considering the
children from the poorer classes of homes,
he argued that such children are greatly
handicapped In their competition with chil
dren who are well cared for. "Truancy
Is the natural result of getting behind In
school, and opens the way to all forms of
tellnquency. When a truant has gone so
far he becomes a detriment to the class and
some other school becomes necessary." As
a remedy he suggested-the detention of
such children under proper environment
and authority until the habits of Industry
and moral and physical cleanliness should
supercede the habits of Indolence an un
cleanllness. He laid especial stress Wpon
the necessity of directing a child In It play
as well as In its work.
Miss Magee spoke of the children in the
Third ward who are out of school and
whn drift Into the City mission. She
charged the liquor traffic and Its attendant
evils with the responsibility. After giving
cases from her own experience In trying
to teach the unfortunate children who for
various reasons are out of school, she
suggested that In each ward of the city
an ungraded school be maintained for these
children who, many of them through de
ficiency, tre unable to sit through the reg
ular school session and that something be
given them to do with their bands.
Mr. Parker talked next of the general
work of the truant officer and some of the
agencies that help and hinder it. He made
a decided distinction between the child who
stayed out of school through choice and
one who Is kept out through necessity,
and objected to the latter class being
called truants. He condemned the night
school as an Institution that in too many
cases only makes possible the further over
working of the tired bodies and brains
of the children who work during the day.
and maintained that If the parents would
put forth the effort they owe to their chil
dren there would be little real necessity
for children remaining out Of the day
i schools. He advocated corporal punish
ment As the most enecuve remeay ir
many cases of truancy and the imposing
of the fine that the law provides upon
parents who sre too Indifferent to do their
part In keeping their children In school.
He further advocated that the time for
circus parades to pass through the streets
should be regulated by an ordinance and
placed at a time when all children might
see them without playing truant or being
absent by consent of the parent.
The district conventions are coming thick
and fast in Iowa. The districts are admir
ably organized and with the numerous good
sited towns, the attendance at the conven
tion is large and the meetings enthusiastic.
The Tenth district held Its meeting last
week at Iowa Falls. The evening preceding
the convention a reception waa held at the
home of Mrs. E. L. Jones, about ISO women
being present. Assisting the hostess and
the district chairman, Mrs. J. C. Jackson,
w,ere the state president, Mrs. J. J. Seerley
of Burlington, Mrs. A. C. Bailey of Des
Moines an ex-president, and the presi
dents of the local clubs. There were forty
delegates at the convention which opened
the following morning. In her address Mrs.
Beerley emphasised the desirability and ths
necessity of federation If tha clubs wouli
attain their highest usefulness. A paper
on child labor by the ex-State President
Mrs. T. J. Fletcher was read. Mrs.
Fletcher made an appeal to the women
to bend their energies to educate public
a Stylish
opinion and influence the next legislature
In favor of adequate child tabor legislation,
reciting some of the conditions that made
necessary such protection of the children.
Mrs. Bailey gave a talk on "Some Phases
of Modern Education" as exemplified In
manual training. Mrs. Warren Garst of
Coon Rapids conducted an Interesting ses
sion on household economics and Miss Alice
8. Tyler of Des Moines, secretary of the
state library commission, spoke on library
In Its local relations. At the close of the
session an invitation was extended from
Marshalltown to hold the next meeting
there, and It will probably be accepted.
The annual convention of the Iowa
Suffrage association will be held November
9, 10 and 11 at Panora, Guthrie county. The
basis of representation Is one delegate for
every ten or fraction of ten paid up mem
bers. State officers, county and local pres
idents and state superintendents of depart
ments ore ex-offlclo members of the conven
tion and entitled to all privileges. Fraternal
delegates from other organisations wilt be
welcomed. Mrs. Mary J. Coggshalt Is pres
ident and Mrs. Bertha Wilcox recording
secretary of the association.
Mr. Davidson spoke only briefly. "The
cause of much of the truancy Is in the
home," he said, "and while Drummond
claimed that love Is the greatest thing in
the world, It Is not all In this case. We
need love plus power to enforce obedience."
The Second district held Its convention at
Storm Lake last Wednesday. The Seventh
district will hold Its meeting at Colfax
November 2 and S, and the Fifth district
wilt meet at Glenwood November 7 and 8.
Sew Week Starts with Urg Crowd
and Mneh Interest "in the
The attendance at tha Orphanage Fair
'he Auditorium Mnnrtnv
encouraging. The booths were all resplend
ent In their new decorations and many
much Improved over the display made last
week in the hurry of getting ready.
The chief feature of interest was a hand
some plaster replica of the new St. Ce
celia's cathedral now In process of erection
at Fortieth and Burt street. The model
was only received from Chicago Monday
morning, and has Just been placed In posi
tion near the stage on a targe dais. It la
made on a scale sufficiently large to give
an excellent Idea of the appearance of
the cathedral when completed. The rep
lica Is about four feet in length by two
In height, with the towers half a foot
higher. The design is of the Spanish ren
naisance style of architecture. The dimen
sions of the structure will be 262 feet In-
length, HO feet In breadth, height of towers
18J feet, height of nsve .70 feet. Thomas
R. Kimball Is the architect of the struc
ture, which may cost anywheres from $,
000 to $1,500,000. The foundations are now
laid to the water tables. The structure
will be of stone.
The program of Monday evening com
prised musio hy Dlmtrk's orchestra, the
Apollo Zither and Mandolin club, and a
selection by the Undeland Juvenile orches
tra, sll of which were excellently given.
The drill by the Boys of Woodcraft was an
exceptionally attractive feature, the boys
acquitting themselves Hke veteran souaves.
Visitors must not overlook the basement,
where there are numerous attractions, not
ably "Fan tuna, the Mysterious" and "Prin
cess Zobelda, the Bodyless Phenomena."
Both of these illusions are worth visiting.
No woman who uses ''Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
i t i.i i j
aiso neaiuiy. Biruug uiu p.
good naturea. Our book
its weight in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
Drad field Regulator Co. Atlanta. Ga.
fr TheXanptier Fot
The durability of fur garment! depends
largely upon the f reshness of the skins, and
the inside construction. We buy only the
best skins from first hands, and pay particular
attention to inside construction, interlining and
staying by hand. Our garments are made
in the best styles, and fit properly.
The Lanpher label is your guarantee.
Lanpher, Skinner & Co,
St. Paul, Minnesota
If turn sWW daw ast asrnr mm las, nss as tad w nl
On Farnam
at 15th St;
as are the other attraction along ths sub
terranean "Midway."
Tonight will be Elks and Royal Achate
night. Special decorations will adorn all
the booths, the colors being those of ths
respective orders, and the general pro
gram will be arranged accordingly.
Madam Kevlve of Vladivostok, has bees
secured at great expense through the ef
forts of Dave O'Brien and Dan Riley, and
she has promised to tell the fortune of all
applicants at St. John's booth this even
ing. , .
The management of the fair announce!
that matinees will be given Thursday and
Saturday afternoons for the accommoda
tion of those who prefer visiting the. fair in
the day time. Excellent programs will b
given at both matinees.
H. Sweeney Assessed Twentr-Flve
Dollars fori. Taking; Money'
I'nder False Pretenses.' '
M. Sweeney, an employment agent, wn
given a turn In police court Monday room
ing, on the charge of obtaining W under
false pretenses from a laborer whom he
promised to send to Coffeyvllle, Kan., to
engage In a lucrative job. Judge Berka
thought $36 and cost would about square
matters for Sweeney and assessed him to
that extent. ... .
Telephone 1360 and aecure a case cf Stori
Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer, delivered at
your home. . .
Marrlaare Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been
Name and Residence. Age.
William 11. Brown, Lincoln. Neb,,..,.
pnnry ir"uwe, jc.inn, in eo
William Burton, Ottmta.-.i,..;...
Leona B. McCampbell, Kansas City......
W. Maurice Howard. Lincoln..
Alma Wadem, Omaha ...r...
Franklin R. Camp, 6outh Omaha
Ila May Phillips. South Otnahsv... j.v......
22-K wedding rings. Ed holm, jeweler.
O. B. Htckox of Fremont is a guet at ths
Robert Moody and Charles Boboock of
Crawford are at the Arcade.
Norris Brown, attorney general of the
state of Nebraska, is registered at the Iter
Mrs. O. C. Britt of Humbolt, Neb., I s
guest at the home of her brother, W. C.
C. P. Wilson and wife and H. B. Robin
son of Columbus and J. B. . Murray of
Arapahoe are at the Henshaw.
James Stirling. - C. D. Meechen and A.
Warstabb of Upton, Wyo., and R. D. Salis
bury of Linden, Wyo., alt large cattlemen,
are at the Arcade.
" C. J. Classen of Jansen, F. Whltmore and
E. B. Stephen of Lincoln, W. M. Hopewell
of Tekamah and E. M. Kerns of Auburn
are registered at the Paxton.
The evening register shows the following
state people at the Her Grand: 8. J. Alex
ander and O. H. Scott of Lincoln and Mrs.
A. C. Feet and son of Superior. ,
C. T. Brown of Butte. O. W. Sewell ot
Bassett. S. A. Austin of Wllsonvllle, E. J.
Blstol of Pawlet, O. Jeffries of Grand In
land. A. J. Mlslnger of Alden, D. E. Smith
of Shelby, W. Brown of Seward, William
Frankle of Fremont and C. H. Shore ot
Lincoln are guests of the Merchants.
At the Millard: J. A. Osborne nd wife,
Genoa; H. J. Ellis, Alliance; C. M. Ma
Monies, Lyons; G. H. Haase, Bniereon;
William Mauer, Dakota City; Robert Wli
lar. Wayne: I,. L. Lipe, West Point: J. M.
Manna, Ell Sawyer, .Alnsworth; W. E.
Tipton, Mitchell.
At the Murray: M. J. MoCrlllls, F. B.
Kemmcot, Nebraska City; George A. Heart,
T. 1 Stuckman, Day kin: W. O. Hyer,
L. M. Munyan. Lincoln; F. E. Well, Au
burn: H. N. Moore. D. B. Palmer, Seward;
W. M. Hill. J. D. Jordan, Alliance; 8.
Wlllty, Hastings; Daisy Adams, Falrbury:
C. C. Barnes, Bancroft; R. J. Clark. Central
City; A. L. Spearman. O. ,F. Burbauk,
W. J. Mumford. Springfield.
And many otlier painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
Mothers Fries! This great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.