TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1905. fore,-OMAHA DAILY Dee. K. BOREWATER. EDITOR. . PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TEftMB OF SUBSCRIPTION., fnllr R w1tho.it Sunday!. on year..M Dul y Bee and Sunday, one year j Illustrated Bp, on year iw satnuV.yVTne DKUVERED BY CARRIER. i pally B Delly n. (Evening r. , rM,,...-. K. . --- - finr im NiiTuit v l npr otvh . i v. i - nA. rlltinnt Unnrluvt wr WffK T I Sunday Bee. per ropy -o Addreaa complaints of Irregularities in de- ttvery to City circulation Department. OFFICES. otyB Hall" building. New Tork liw Home Lire Ina. Building. BBIIIIIIU'IWM ruin iriiui ...... CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and ed itorial matter should he addressed: Omaha b. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, snyabie to The Bee Publishing Company. Only I-cent stamps received as payment or mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. &?C?v2$ ?X:v?T&?. (ay that the actual number of full and Somplete. copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening ttnA Hunday Bee printed during tha month of September, 1906, was aa fol lows 1 80.400 1 ...... si.unn I S8.6SO 4 80,noO I ao,TTo t B0.N20 7 80.TRO 31,000 t 8100 i zn.oso II , SO.MOO 12 80.TS0 I) , Ko.no 14 eo.sfto 15 Sl.OftO ; Tota I.... Lesa unsold copies... Nat total sales. ....... Dally avsrag 1 81.700 j7 jtw.oiol 18 Sotoo so!!!!!'.'.!"!! sa!4to a.-. nu.iu 2J 80.WOO 7t 81.08O 34. so.ono 25 26 27 a SO... 81.080 10,10:1 " C. C. ROSE WATER, Secy. Subscribed In mv presence and sworn to before ms this tuth day of September, 190G. (Seal) M. B. H UNGATE, Notary Public. WHEN OUT OF TOW. Rabaerlbara leading; the city te m peravrllr shoal 4 hsTt The Bee saallesl t thea. II la better than dally letter (rasa home. Ad dress rrlll h chanajea aa often as rnaste O. M. Hitchcock has a long standing grievance against County Treasurer Fink that's very evident. When talking of, the action of the Fed- ration of Churches Rev. Mlnot J. Sav age Is almost true to name. President Roosevelt took a Sunday I wlra in Florida waters, bnt no alligator dared come within reach of his heel. Judge Vlnsonhaler has made several attemnta tA eealim In farni rt til . rVtitP clerkbut be has ner Vet explained the reason whv . - In arranging for a1 "square deal" with China Uncle Sam will take the usual precautions to see that the Asiatics do not "stack the deck." The outcome, of the election this fall will be decided at the registration booth. The party that registers most of the rotes wl)l get there. I In the death of Jerry Simpson popu-lcess tum lost tho man who did more than ny other to make its vagaries popular : In Kansas; but, after all, he survived his party.' Japan's naval display lu which cap- tured Russian ships took part may not hart been as barbaric as the auclcnt Roman triumphs, but the vanquished pay the. penalty Just the same. "By their fruits shall ye know them." Is a favorita text of President Roosevelt and circumstances indicate that it is to be applied mora closely than fa the past to departmental clerks at Washington. Drug clerks are tn demand at Kansas City. Kan., since Governor Hoeh closed 105 Joints In one day. How prohibition must have been prohibiting In Kansas, with that many Illicit saloons tn one town. With Santo Domingo ln the hands of a receiver and Morocco rapidly heading tn that direction, the sultan of Turkey should be careful how he treats the pow ers who want to administer the affairs of Macedonia. Tha extent of railroad building In the west would Indicate that the railroad managers either believe they have de feated the presidential plan for freight rate regulation or they are not as much afraid of It as tbey pretend to be. : .. ... 1 ;' , judging rrom me uwuargo or uonrjie- shotted editorials that are being fired by tb Omaha Jack ass battery one would Judging from the discbargo of double- Imagine Chancellor Andrews and John I. Rockefeller were running for re gents of the Nebraska university. South Omaha Is preiwrlug to add an other jusrter of a tullllon to Its bonded debt.; Mortgaging" the future Is a very popular pastime In the Magic City, which confidently, expects Omaha to as sUQit s'l tha bonded debt created by tt. While all tha railroads now projected nd under construction west of the Mis- sourt do not lead to Omaha, they will all tap a territory that will eventually become tributary to Omaha and materl- ally tatYMse tha volume of trsfflc i0 every branch of its Jobbing trade. The pretildeut of the Prison congress deplores the existence of "isms" in the matter ol charities and corrections in the United States; but ha must admit tbat bat for these "isms" the men who have studied tha subject would b loueaows when tha cong reaa Is called to order. TAIH TREATMENT vy BOTH 8WES. I It la on of the very strong points In the atUtude of Mr. Kooeevelt toward the corporations that he nsk for thom .ho- lutely fair treatment. There la no bitter- nou di,, )., i.i.i ...ii no desire to crush them. All the preal- , . ., . ,t . ., dent asks In that those corporations Rre gngod m commerce among tne stsjo snail be subjected to such governments stinerr on am n- 1 r. - - - .tivln 4V.n,-rt WAn. .... I . .1 - . - - - and abuses against the public and com- . . , . , pel them to regard the laws. In respect to this the prealdent made n's position Tery clear In his Atlanta ad- Junt treatment on both sided on the part of the people toward the corporations and on the part of the corporations to ward the people. He said that If we penalize Industry we will ourselves In the end have to pay a considerable part of the penalty. "If we make conditions such that the men of exceptional ability are able to secure marked benefits ty the exercise of that ability, then we shs.! ourselves benefit somewhat. It 1. our Interest no loss than our duty to treat them falrly-on the other hand. It Is no less their interest to treat us fairly by us I mean the great body of the people, the men of moderate or small fortunes, ,f,e faru,er81 ,he 'wnge workers, the anialler business men and professional men. lie runner declared tnat "we cannot afford In this country to draw the distinction as between rich men and Poor men. The distinction upon wh ch ' . . so.eoo - '. "'ct-j'-'j'". umana business men towara ponucai 8O.T70 unchangeable dlsUnction between the candidates who are endeavoring to se 8i!no honeHt man nnd th dishonest man. le- cure Bupport from members of orgnnlned iween tne mnn wuo acts decently and ' ! " n. sense or nis oi.ugatlons, and the man Who ncknOMicdges no Internal law save that of his own will and appetite." If the men in control of the railway and other corporations could be Induced to accept these views and act In accord with them, there would be no serious controversy or difficulty In settling the qufBuoiia iwiween mem ana mo public, It is because they persist In demanding conditions and privileges which are not fair to the public that there is an urgent and insistent call for regulatory legisla- tion designed to Insure the people fair I treatment. Mr. Roosevelt is not In I sympathy with those who would strike I down corporations. He does not pro-1 nJrth,n revolutionary. He con- iriu'iuit-B iiu uvi-i iui mills nuu Ucbu lltl I Ive warfare upon any Interest. His I slmple aim Is to secure obedience to the I laws, fairness and honesty on the part of I the corporations. His purpose Is to . . .... . cure, not to kill; to regulate, not to de- etroy. Having with him in this an over-1 whelming popular support the eventual ' assured. The corporations, with their aitomeys ana creatures in congress, I m' able t0 dpla-T ,tg w"tlon, but lne,r OPP" to strengtuen a Pub,Ic mand the ultimate triumph of which is certain, j-air treatment on both sides Is what the American people want and w,n inevitably obtain LjICK of skilled labor In most of the cities of the country there Is a demand for skilled labor in ex- of the supply. Building operations I generally have been making fair prog- 6 . . .. v 8 ress during the summer, but with the approach of winter there is necessity for hurrying them forward and hence an in creased demand for labor. The prospect is that a great deal of work will have to g0 over to next spring. According to a leading trade Journal, some large In- dustrial centers are actually bidding against each other and shops are losing men to neighboring establishments which are wnnng t0 ofrpr morc attractive terms. That Journal remarks that a tlni0 lI)ny when the labor bureau dea wm have developed Into a clearing holl.e of labo. whloh will obviate the almost 'fierce striving of the Dresent Umis to enolliru of cood mM peclay flr8t clnRfl mechanics, to meet volume of business which the raanu- facturers ln metal lines have in band. Never before bas there been so pros perous a time for American wage work ers. In every line of Industrial effort there is a demand for Ialxr and espe cially in the building trades the com pensation is better than ever before. The situation Is in striking contrast with that ln European countries. In Eng land, for example, the question aa to what shall be done for the unemployed Is seriously engaging public attention. In Germany conditions are not very much better, while those who are em- ployed are not enjoying the usual share of the necessaries of life, owing to the high prices tbat prevail. Only In this country ts the demand for labor, par- - w . . .To" . t,',r,T workmen. In excess of the "uPP,y and th compensation pro- portlonate. Intelligent worklngmen fully understand to what this ts due. They do not need to have pointed out to them that it Is the result of a policy which bas fostered and developed our industries and brought wealth to the country within recent years tn unprece - dented measure. HAVEHLY FOH COUNT X CLERK The candidacy of D. M. Haverly for I th Position of county clerk shonld com- men(l Ue1' not merely to republicans, but to men of all classes and political creeds. Mr. Haverly Is eminently qua!- Ined for the position and can point with J pride to the record he made In tbat offica during two consecutive terms that were terminated by nis voluntary retirement I four years ago. I When be was county clerk Mr. Haverly did not transact the business of his office by substitute deputies, but at all times during his four years' service not only actively, superintended . the work, but participated in it and as- sumed all It! responsibilities. It la nBn,lT n""""" " n""! tb ,in' flm,,,yl PPon or an repuonnins mr Mr. Haverly. He has always received " wh''n h WM """11,lBt ' ,h people and will, undoubtedly, again head ,he procession on the 7th of No- venjuer. I BUSINESS AXn POLITICS. The adage that politics Is business and business Is politics Is not a mere platitude, but Is literally true. Unfor tunately business men rarely take part In the active work of politics, excualpg themselves on the plea that tbey do not want to soil their skirts In the dirty po litical cesspool. Once In a while, how ever, business men break loose, like a bull In the china shop, and smash crock cry right and left Just to show that they I are really mad. But such spasmodic re- rorra is generally Bnori-nveu uu uu- productive of lasting results. I Th trntihle with the business man In I .,.., h. , llnwnn(. to nlnce ,h .., IMl oth4l, tuiem nuu rAirio ui ""i'ij- liver their votes to the candidates he r.vnr. Vr nftan a hiislnena man's . -,-... . I fnirr vuum.. him by corporation managers and aup- ,n con,truction, however attractive In ap pointed by him even when they are no- I pea. ranee, will pasa muster. Tha people torlonslT nntrustworthv or incompetent. Another peculiarity of tbe business c,p" nd ndh ?! ' . , an open fight upon It. In the president s man in politics Is his lack of tolerance empnatlc wor,B ..,t out of tho question and his unwillingness to concede to Otll- for the government not to exercise a super era the same rlehts aud Drivileces be vlaory and regulatory right over the rall- cnmfl for himself. A striking example hla anlrlt la found in the attitude of or tnis spirit is rouua m tne atutuae oi jaDor. It has been given out cold that any canamate nnng nis name wnn me Central Labor union for preference by referendum will he nlrrhforked br the bu8lness men at the election. yet the business men of Omaha, and especially the retail merchants, are not onlv willlna- to trade with the working- men and their wlvea and daughters, but I " I they are actually spending thousand, of dollars every montn in advertising ror their patronage. What Is the difference between the business man who Is hold- ing out all kinds of Inducements for the patronage of worklngmen and the pollti- clan who Is bidding for support of the I worklngmen at the polls? One wants his money and the other wants his vote, and both have a right to solicit the favor of worklngmen regardless of each Ouier. The retail merchant who would lock out his union labor patrons would soon I go to the wall and the Jobber who would I refuse to sell to the retail merchant who . . , , accepted patronage from working people would close his doors In a very short time, and the political candidate who I would spcrn the labor vote and put his ""T T would be snowed under In the election anu mum iw w rraunn i uuui briel blows hla horn A HOT CAMPAIGN- The New York mayoralty campaign is waxing hot and promises to be one of the most Interesting and exciting in the history of that city. No confident pre- dlcUon can be made as to the result, but present conditions seem to ravor tne re- part in the transaction is closed. The election of Mayor McClellan, the Tarn- piece of paper which la given to the drug mun .nuinto Timr ho trill .oi. Kist la retained by him merely as a record . 1 . . . . , - ' "" , 1 however, is not assured, it being quite possible that Hearst, the municipal nwnerahln on ndl.l.ie will drw fmm th , ... '.. ...j n- t-n-uic.n unuoiijr auiuuicu many. He is making a strong fight and of course is able to put Into the cam- Borne patients would like to get the pre palgn all the money that may be re- scriptlon back to use elsewhere and obiig . . .i .n. Ing- drugglata will usually furnish a copy of yuireu. .1 aujiisiru uini aitviu may get some republican votes through fear of Hearst. The republican candt-1 date, William M. Ivins, is carrying on a , ( v. , . as nis sniDDoietn. une isew iorK Mail expresses the opinion that if he should poll every republican vote he will b elected, but It is not probable that be j can do so. The danger of Hearst is very likely to send some republican voters to McClellan. Not the least interesting feature of the campaign Is the Independent candl- - . . dacy or district Attorney Jerome ror re-election. lie bas made a fine record ln office and has a large and enthusiastic following It is a verv'livelv contest. with the chances ln favor of the success of the Tammany candidate. If Douglas county property owners i-,- t.Yoa hw hnnM ot nty commissioners who I boaru VI cwuilljr rouiuiliwiuueri w no atand for retrenchment and economy in tne management of county affairs. Two .h m.n Wllllm n T'r nn.1 Cn.mtt G. Uon. are candidate- on the re- publican county ticket Mr. Cre has actively Identified with the Real E8tate exchange ln the battle for equitn- ble taxation and Mr. Solomon has ren- derea invaluable service in the county verk'a and auditor's department aud la thoroughly familisr with the duties that wouid devolve upon him as coinmls- .loner. I The first intimation of the provisions 1 of the proposed German tariff law would lead one to believe that the farmers of tbat country are the real protectionists; but Great Britain will probably not dread the enactment of its discarded "corn laws" by a commercial rival. When that referendum la ordered ln Norway the real progress of republican Ideas ln the north will be measured; and It Is by no means certain that the ma jority of the people will be willing to discard the traditions of monarchy. The Frealaeat ava n Traveler. New Tork Tribune. In his speech at Fredericksburg, Vs., President Roosevelt made tha Interesting statement that when ha la threugh his pres ent trip he will hava been In and spoken In every atate In the union during his term as president. That will be a record, su far .1 as we are aware, not equalled by any re cent president and perhaps not by any president during hla term of office. A Real Standpatter. Chicago Tribune. President Roosevelt's views a to the nM.ullv ftf rftllwpv rat. r m-i 1 1 H nri An not appear , have undergone ny change alma siarrra on nis eoutnern trip. rZi...Z kTZ. M m Whpn u rMl(l tha, ,thl foot ball teams will be in condition to play on Thanksgiving dsy you get a chance to aea what a great thing modern surgery really la. Baltimore vAmerlcan. A man In Dakota hanged for murder sans a song of his own composition on tha way to the gallows. Such an Incident must tend to reconcile many opposed to the In- flictlon of capital punishment. '' Minneapolis Journal. The gentlemen who have been convli cine tha president that he ought to Chang hl vlewa on the railroad question now sea that they have succeeded. He has traded torm" v,ew' 'et closer knit than the others. "' nearniaiiosi lirnnnurg Chicago Record-Herald No shams, however artistic and ingenloua re In no mooA to be humbugged. The Is rol." not ahadowy right, and rl,nl mu" lBKe ln" ,orm correct abuses promptly and effectively. War on Hostut Graft. Sprlngflcld Republican. "Where did you get it?" drove Richard Croker from New Tork. Mr. Jerome has begun to ask the same question concerning Croker's successor, Murphy, and he win conUnue asking it until election. Since "k, . T". ' , 7Z rom. v. Murohv haa an' "estate- on Long island, and liveried servants. Whether he should be elected or not, Mr. Jerome's slashing campaign will serve a a IT. aicta what Uatiftl oTrg, did nineVecn yerT ago. when an emissary from one of the great parties, trying to dissuade Mr. George from being independent candidate, had pointed out that aa he could not oe eieciea n run- nlng would only raise hell." Then, said Oeorge, gladly. "I will mn. I do not want to be mayor, but 1 do want to raise hell WHO OWNS THUS PRESCRIPTION t Hovel Question nnd Kovel Answer. Philadelphia Press. The question, who owns the prescription given by a physician to his patient? oc- cuplee In its discussion twelve columns In tha Druggists' Circular. It aeema that the Physician, the patient and the druggist an have claima, which, however, are conflict- ,ng E(ich cftn pXemA wlth pIauB,bluly that the tltIe to the document la in him. The. physician, because he wrote it for a special purpose and has the right to re iyl. b ri8.ht of on and the necessities oi tne rase, a iij w mr mm a nceipi record-ot the niedrana he delivered The dispute Is- clouded by treating tha prescription as substantial property. It la -l ... 1 An .Lntlnn nf oroDerty that the patent seeks to acquire. when the physician has given the order to his patlcnt'and, received his pay hie part nd money lntret ln th8, matt7 termU and 'receivea and pays for the medicine hla of & completed sale of an article made ac cording to the apedflcationa of the preacnp- ion. The naner is necessary to the drug- I gist aa a protection should any queatlon arise aa to the nature of the medicine sold. " is necessary to nobody else. Therefore 4. -,1, ,hn .allv retains It. in- j pears to have the best right to It. ,t nuM..rt. Thl. we take it. Is rather ft courtesy than an acceded right. We do not believe, however, that the apothecary's right to retain a prescription on which he baIJ mlnln. n tw Hiirn.f II 11 v Aim I 1 1 o a MVJIU V . . " ..... NOTORIOl S TRI STS. L,,,,,..,,, combine. Deservi.- At. tentlon front Law Officers. Chicago Tribune. The Structural Steel association met the other day ln New York City to consider the advisability of advancing prices. After lively discussion It waa decided to make no change. If a majority of the -membera had I favored an Increase the cost of construction . . whAM. ..rllr,llrBl , ,1Rprt W0Uld have been Increased throughout the United States. A few men meeting In New Yor,t arbitrarily raise or lower the cost. The other day notice waa sent out that there waa to be a meeting of the ateel plate pool at Pittsburg to consider the expedl ency of raising prices. The steel rail pool I haa Its meetings. So have other assocla- uons wnicn control tne manuiaciure ana th pr,ea r var,ou" ,ron ana teM Proaucl- I There, is no upr nhout the meetings or the action taken at them. The consumers are promptly notified of changes in price, The various branches of the iron and ateel TDT. ZlTy whxisTeTc. i. a matter of common knowledge. The anti-trust law has no terrors for the ateel h00'" Bnd ns. of them has eaubiished a profitable monopoly and will not reI,nqlll8,u U(ltl, forced to do so by the courts. It la certainly time that the courts should be appealed to for that purpose. There can be no difficulty about getting evidence agalnat the steel rail pool, for Instance. It haa a perfect monopoly. The Department of Justice ran with the greatest ease make out a case against that pool and half a dosen others tn the Iron and steel business. When will It take the matter In hand and I deliver the community from the exactions 1 of notorious combines? There la another trust which calls ror ac- tlon by tha Department of Justice. That Is the anthracite coal trust It haa beeu ln existence for years, but has caver been mo lasted. The combine la perfecting Its mo nopoly. Only the other day the Lehigh Val. ley railroad absorbed the Arm of Coxe Bros. tt Co., and the Central Railroad of New Jersey Is negotiating for the Lehigh Coal and Navigation company's mines, railroads and canals. Tha Arm of Coxe Bros, was the largest of the Independent producers of coaL When all those producers shall have been absorbed the monopoly of the coal roads will b complete. Th more compact and stronger tha coal trust becomes the more exacting will It Ix. To gf t the evidence needed for a successful prosecution should not be a difficult matter. If suit were to be begun the public would rejoice at the prospect of relief from a mo nopoly which baa plundered It for years- ARMY OOSSIP m WASHt?fOTO?r. Cnrrent Events C.lennea fram th Arntr ana Kavy Register. The war department haa decided It may be more liberal In the construction of tho law which rclatea to the militia allotment. Certain cavalry troops of the mllltla of South Dakota engaged ln a practice march for Instruction and In that connection It be came necessary to make use of wagon transportation to some extent. The In structions of the War department hava hitherto been to the effect that such ex penditures are not payable out of the atate allotment, but It Is now the ruling of the department that the view hitherto held la based upon what may perhaps be regarded aa too strict an Interpretation of the law and It la decided that tn cases ilk tha present, where the expenditure Is reason able and necessary Ho the movements of troops, etc., who are engaged In practice marches' it will be allowed. Reporta received at the War department continue to give gratifying Information concerning the success of tha training school for bakers and cooks at Fort Riley, Kan., In the conduct of which Captain M. S, Murray of the subsistence department haa been rendering valuable service. It Is considered aa a good Idea that there be In augurated an army cookery competition after tha fashion of the English, who en courage work and skill In that line with eminent profit to the system. A reoord is kept of achlevementa and marks are given on a basis of l.OOe, with a challenge shield for the winner and sliver medals for other artists. There are so many far-reaching re sults of good cooking In the army that the conduct of a training school for bakers and cooks must be regarded as one of the Influ ential factors toward the contentment of soldiers and the discouragement of deser tion. "The Btar-Spangled Banner," when played at a military post, will be received here after with additional marks of respect. This Is a decision of the War department based on the recommendation of the gen eral staff, It having been concluded to amend the army regulations so aa to pre scribe a salute to be rendered when the national anthem Is played, the position of salute being retained during the playing of the air. It will also be ordered that at military posts where there Is no band the field music will sound "to the color" when the colors ars lowered at retreat. Another change will be In the signal for the bat- taliona to assemble to form regiment, the signal being "adjutant's call" Instead of "to the color," as the latter Is properly a saluta to the color and not a formation call. The army signal officers believe they have made Important discoveries In regard to the procesa of generating hydrogen In con nection with the operation of the balloon train. This has been one of the Important objects of Investigation at home and abroad, and It appears that this govern ment haa made substantial progress In the develqpmcnt of the means of providing hydrogen by a system which la simple and economical in operation. Hitherto the diffi culties In providing gas for a balloon have well nigh rendered that vehicle of little use In a military way, although the Euro peans have accomplished considerable In their experiments. It la not known generally to just what extent the balloon serves a military purpose, and there have always been those who doubted Its value when It was taken into consideration that It waa not easy to provide hydrogen. If this ob stacle haa been removed. It Is realised that an Important contribution bas been made to. the efficiency of the military balloon, to say nothing of Its value to aeronautics generally. The chief of staff of the army haa before him the text of the bill providing for a national reserve, together with an argu ment which waa prepared by Captain Joseph T. Dick man, of the Eighth cavalry, and of the Third division of the general staff. The draft and an explanation were submitted from the Third division with a simple letter of transmittal. Copies of the bill and the accompanying document have been furnished to membera of the general staff In confidence with the request that there be a careful examination of the measure with a view to a full and frank discussion of Its provisions ln a session of the full committee to be held at an early date. The project does not go beyond the provision of a force which may be utilised In time of war or la, the emergency of It to the extent of Increasing the regular army to Its authorised strength of 100,000 men. There Is no attempt to create a reserve force by the employment of the militia or to encroach ln any degree upon the state soldiery organisation or to form a large volunteer body beyond the limitations of augumentlng the regular establishment. This is considered of the utmost import ance and quite within the legitimate scope of the national authorities. It la a con servative measure which provides the ready and certain means of acquiring trained soldiers who shall be able to go 'into the field fully equipped and fill out to their complement the infantry, oavalry and artillery commands. It ought to be appre ciated by congress that tbat much may be properly accomplished as a measure of precaution; the lack of such provision Is apt to be a costly negligence In the end. Such a reserve force. It is proposed, shall be composed of soldiers and marlnea who have demonstrated their ability to shoot, who have had at leaat two years' military service and Who possess honorable dis charges. It 'is provided that membera of the reserves shall aerve at least ten days in every year ln drill or on the target ranges; that they shall be provided with a uniform; that, during the actual annual service, they shall receive the pay and al lowances allowed by law to enlisted men of their resepctlve positions; that they ahall be divided Into three classes sharpshooters, who shall receive 130 per year; marksmen, who shall receive t per year, and men In the first class, who ahall receive- J6 per year. A reservist of the latter clasa may be advanced if at any time he ahall demonstrate his right to belong to the other two classes. Of course, congress will promptly ask the expense of all thla and, It will be ahown that the coat of main tenance haa the quality of a good invest ment. The reserve rorce will pronamy require an increase of lea than t per cent of the annual army appropriation, which ia modest enough when It is con sidered that without .auch a reserve body In thla country the haste, hasarda and eost of recruiting an untrained body of soldiers in. the last hour before a conflict would be calamatous. Heroes and Heroines. Baltimore American. Out of ten heroic savers of life to re ceive Carnegie medals three were women, which Is quite an encouraging showing for the weaker sex. But, after all, herolam la something which. In spite of tha cynlra, la latent to all human nature, and nothing la more aurprlslng often than tha people tn whom It develops or the occasion which call it forth. Getting; on solid Gronnd. St. Louis Olobe Democrat. In speaking of public ownership now Mayor Dunne of Chicago lias dropped the word "Immediate" and substituted "aa soon aa practicable." Just give a democrat time and he Is certain to work around te a re publican pUtfouu. Fifty Ycaro TO A WIM, A Cream of Tartar Powder Ulade From Grapea No Alum THE FINAL RESPONSIBILITY. Baals of Legislative Grafting Trace able the Voters, Detroit Free Press. In the critical view of the people of the United States President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia college arrived at the conclusion that statutes will not put moral principles where they do not exist. In a less general way, but following the same courae of reasoning. Mr. James M. Beck, a prominent fire insurance man, hat ar rived at a conclusion which is Identical In efTect, If not In form. In a speech to the Fire Underwriters' association in Chi cago, Mr. Beck said: "Let those who complain of the large aums expended by inaurance to defeat op pressive legislation remember that the in surance companies rarely spend a dollar to secure favorable legislation. They ask no appropriation, they claim no right of way. Let our stern moralists visit their greatest condemnation upon the legislative highwaymen, who hold up these great busi ness Interests, and, above all, upon an in different people, Vho clothe these highway men with the power to hold up their vic tims." This is aettlngr back to the fundamentals. It Is. of course, not true that the Insurance companlea and . other corporations are to be classed as unwilling victims of legis lative rapacity, but the responsibility la about evenly divided. The corporations are willing to be held up and the legislatures are willing to hold them up. Just now a committee of the New Tork legislature ts making a splendid Inquiry Into wrongs which are in a large degree directly trace able to the legislature Itself. The legis lature Is the representative body elected by the people, often with full knowledge of the ahortcomlnga of the men elected and never with complete absence of suspicion of their susceptibility to corrupt Influences. It would be an Insult on the Integrity of our governmental institutions as theoretically conceived to say that the legislatures, cor rupt or otherwlae, do not fairly and truly represent the prevailing aentlment of the voters. Time after time ln Michigan we have been the unwilling wltneseses of the fatuity of a hundred conatltuenclea which persistently returned men. to the legis lature whoae fitness waa told In public records black with shame. The same people who do tha voting cry for the passage of statutes that will make them honest, in charging the responsibility to the people through the legislatures. Mr. BecK is ap proximately correct. It Is within the power of the leglslaturea to correct nan me civiu and economlo evils whose correction Is demanded. It is within the power of the neonle to elect legislatures that wouia make auch corrections. The Inevitable con clusion Is that the crimes of industry., the commercial evils, the financial wrongs, tne reflations. thieveries, briberies and grafts refleot the aentlment of the people and mark the morality or. ma num. Wiley's Itude Alarms. Chicago Chronicle. Prof. Wiley might be better engaged than In trying to raise a hullabaloo about v soldlarS ln the League Island navy yard being fed on oleomargarine colored with "coal tar dyes." If there Is anything more wholesome than oleomargarine or more harmless than aniline dyes we do not know it. The professor ought to revive the alarming intelligence that the carbonlo acid gas In soda water la "made out of" marble dust and sulphuric acid. Man's Inhnmaaltr to Woman. Baltimore American. It haa been Judicially decided that a wife has a right to go through her husband's pockets while he Is asleep. But now comes another ruling, that a husband haa as good a right to keep a rat trap In his pockets to protect hla money. Exasperated women, in reading thla ruling, will reassert the old complaint of a feminine kind that men have a horrid, mean way ot atandlng by one another. THE DOst OAytsrs Cherry Pectoral i MaS SMn.. SO MM SMS tMifiM sons I UpMM .IIHMMW KJ I 10 M m4 lOSItMM HI l!MlK IUIIMS I fyJ rmmf .! Ittrmm Bfn ... I traps 1 T (aa .., SSrap Ja IfW aM....k SSrap ; inn i i PM 1 MB aunti nsfiiKisti w Uahesnuoi -ferk-l I ssnasassaTsi ' Uj saul aaW a 4W b tho Standard 7 PERSONAL SOTES. Colorado has set up a rather disconcert Ing habit ot putting crooked bankers on the straight path to prison. Jumes Riley, the dialect and humorous poet of Irish life, now a resident of Boa ton, Mnss., Is visiting southern battle fields gathering material for a new book. Who will now deny that civilisation la advancing ln the 1'hlllppinea? A Filipino woman has been granted a divorce front her American husband, with 100 pecoa a month alimony. The average man, reading current criti cisms of the design of the new twenty-dollar certificate, confesses to a feeling that he would like to see several of them, for pur poses of comparison. A. D. Parker, the new vice president ot the Colorado ft Southern company, owes hla good fortune to the fact that ha once "grub-staked" a proapector. Thla was five years ago. Today he is worth fully $800,000 and has some new mining ventures. Charles Denby, Just appointed chief clerk of the State department, la a son of the late Charles Denby, formerly mln- la,. aw . "'!,(.. 11. a . - M 1 l5l VU Vll'ltO, 1C IB p. K'AUUtlc OI X I lilt. B- . ton and spent thirteen years as secretary I I l n -u.i.. mi.. - .li.j -1 . V , irnnuuii m ,iiiiiaw j lie new vniet Ciera ' m speaks and writes Chinese fluently and is a thorough French scholar. Ell Hlokl, the first secretair of the Japanese legation at Washington, will ad dress tho Cleveland Chamber of Commerce today, which will be the first expresalon from official Japanese circles since the peace treaty was signed, and it Is ex pected that It will be of great significance aa to the policy to be adopted by the mikado's empire toward the rest of the world, particularly the United States. MIRTHFIL REMARKS. Tommy Paw. what is a camnalsn mln. gan? Paw It la the political watchword, or rallying cry, of our . political party, may aon. Tommy Don't tha other fellows hava aloaan, too? liaw No, my aon. Theirs Is a yawn Chicago Tribune. She Do you know . anything worse than the odor of onions T He Yes see na: somone else eatinn them when I don't dare! Detroit Free Press. "Is Mr. Davis a man of high breeding?" "Ke Is, Indeed. Why. the other day he raised his hat to me when he kqew ha naan t ma wig on. Judge. "Did you ever contribute to a campaign fund?" "Not conaclously. But I have paid pre mluina on a life Insurance policy. Wash ington Star. Dumley Say, you'd better take some thing for that cold, old man. Now Wise Don't offer me any more, please,. I've taken too much already. Dumley Too much what? Wise Advice. Philadelphia Press. Mohberly Is your picture going to be hung? Dohberly I don't know. I heard a mem ber of the committee say that hanging waa too good for it. Cleveland Leader. "The apartments on the tenth floor, said the manager of the Skyscraper flats, "com mand a higher rent than any oihera be cause they're, the safest In the building." "Indeed?" remarked the homeneeker. "Oh, yes; you see, few airships ever fl that low and automobiles never Jump that high'" Philadelphia Ledger. PHILOSOPHY. 8o:nervlle Journal. ' Don't fret If things go wrong today, They'll ell come right tomorrow. A tune of Joy, the wise men say. Will follow every sorrow. If you have failed, don't sit and mourn. Just get to work and hustle, i Success 1m sure to come in time J To active brain and music. j The man who mopes, and frets, and plnea Will never be a winner. He'a ln great luck If every day He gets a decent dlnnsr. The souKht-for secret of success I'll tell you. on the level: Just hustle! hustle! that's tha way To circumvent the devil! Do not undervalue the services of a skilful phy sician. Even the best medicine cannot take the place of the family doctor. Therefore we say: Con sult your physician freely about your case and ask him what he thinks about your taking Ayers Cherry Pectoral for your cough. If he says take it, then take it. If he says do not take it, then follow his advice. ataae jr the . O. ar.r Oe., lewsll. atata. Aim uulHtuart ef ATTEB'S PILLS Per coastipattas. AYKS'S HAIR YIOOK-Fof tee half. ATER'8 SARBaPAKILLA For the hlaoi. ATEB-a AO US COiUrrevaiahuiaaUagaa. f I i