THE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1905. V HELPING CP THE CRIMINAL XtkiigQoed Citiieoi Bather TsanPiDuh mnt th Trns Aim. M'CIAUGHRY, TAKES ISSUE WITH GARVIN lodge Madsey of Denver peaks at the Kvenlasr Session ok the Jovnlle Court ill It Workings. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. 24. (Special.) Delegate and visitors crowded to the doors thla morning the class room In Bt. Paul's church. In which wm held the meeting of the warden's department of the National Prison association, and listened with in terest to the speeches that were delivered by some of the greatest students of crimi nology In the United States. The same Interest was taken In the afternoon session, which was given over to the chaplains' department, while the wardens held a busi ness session, though some excused them selves from this meeting to visit the state penitentiary and others to visit the Coun try club. The personnel of the prison association has been a complete surprise to many who are not familiar with the association, In that Instead of the delegates being fanatics. bubbling over with sentiment and sym pathy for the convict, they are level- beaded, conservative business and profes slonal men, who have the Inclination and the means to spend some of their tlm and to give some of their talent to the uplifting of humanity. The congress Is anything but a gathering of fanatics. The meeting Is well up to the expectation of the local committee and the officials of the congress. President Oarvin said "This Is a splendid meeting. In point of attendance it beats any meeting we have ever held. The arrangements are abso lutely perfect and have never been excelled In any other city. In many of the places twice the stxe of Lincoln the attendance has not been h.iif as large as It Is here. This I attribute to the interest In the work by the p-.,.le of Nebraska and of Lincoln." MeClagghry Opposes Garvin. The principal address of the morning ses alon and the one In which the congress probably was more Interested than any other, because of the reputation of the speaker, was that by Mar R. W. - Mc Claughry, warden of the United States prison of Leavenworth,. Kan. Major Mc Claughry took Issue with President Oarvin on the indeterminate sentence law in thac he upheld the law and pointed out the good that would result under Its provisions. He expressed himself as having absolutely no sympathy fcr that class of reformers and prison helpers who flocked to a prison cell armed with flowers and tears to smooth the way for a convict: The question of making good citizens out of convicts, he aid, was one where good common sense was needed and not tears and flowers. The speaker referred to the old days when All prisoners had to wear the striped suit and had to walk with the lock step and when everything, possible .was done to humiliate the convict and to Impress upon him the fact that he was being pun ished. The thing in view then was humlll tlon and not compassion. In those days, e said, the guards were selected because they could shoot straight and that was :heir best recommendation. Then the prls jntr was not allowed to read the news paper and was absolutely cut .off from all knowledge of the world. Society has ' Improved to such an extent that now news papers are furnished the convict -and tho VtrinujtT1stpr1ttS done away -wfth, '.-' together with the locksten. ; - ., V Business Today. The program for Tuesday will be more of a business nature than any of the other meetings.. The day will be taken up In the reports of committers appointed at the last "national meeting. Tomorrow night Freder ick H. Mills of New York City will deliver an address on 'The, Essentials of a Prison System." Gives Chanec for Reform. Now the question was reformation and not punishment. He believed the Indeter minate sentence law was the greatest help to bflng this condition of affairs about and make good cltixens out of convicts who In . the old days would have been lost without ' an effbrt on the part of society to save him. The prisoner should be made to understand that the warden was his friend and not ' his enemy. The convict should be confined until he Is reformed and under the inde ' terminate sentence this could be done, and If the man failed he could be brought back Into the prison and given further assistance. It should not be the purpose, he said, to - make saints out of convicts, but to make good, useful cltlsens, and if the prisoner refused to become tractable he should be confined tintll he does become good or be confined permanently. The prisoner should be taught that he has made war on society and that society Is not making war on him. When this Is done, he said, the convict will become like a tamed wild steed and will look upon society as his friend and will become a good cittien. Major McClaughry was In favor of pro bation schools for first offenders and tn- slsted that the person who committed his Piles Cured Suffering for Tears, and Bed-Ridden from Piles, . a Cob tractor of Marion, Indiana, is Cured ' by Pyramid Tile Cure. Trial Psekast X 1 Free to All Who Bead Kaut ' AddVesa. "I was troubled piles for several years before I would ict it be known. But at last they became so severe that I could not walk and I had to take my bed. I tried everything and anything the doctors pre scribed, and took their treatments for a long time. But nothing ever did jn any good. I hod seen your ad. in different newspapers, so I got a 60-cent box and be gun "nsrmt them. From the very rtrst I got y u lik relief and by th time I was alarting on my. third box I saw I was cured. have not been troubled with them since. Now you can use this as you please, be cause it Is genuine. Yours, T. A, Sutton, atone and Cemeut Contractor, Marlon, lnd." Instant relief can be gotten by using th marvelous pyramid Pile Cure. it immedi ately reduces oil congestion and swelling, heals all sores, ulcers and irritated pans. The moment you start to use It your suffering ends and the cur of your dread disease s In sight. 'I'tiu Pyramid Plls Cure renders a surgical operation foolhardy. Dou't hack to pieces lliose tender muscles which must oa intact If a satisfactory cure is to be obtained. The Pyramid Pile Cure is put up In the form of "essy-io-use," specially made, sup positoiies. They are soothing, painless. instant and certain. A trial treatment will be sent you once oy Will, in plain. Sealed wrapper, without a cent of expense to you. If you send your name and address to Pyramid Drug Co., 444 Pyramid Building, Mar shall. Mich. Auer you receive ine sample, you can get a regular-slse package of Pyramid Pile Cure at your druggist's for 40 cents, or if hs hasn't it. send us the mousy and .We win send it to you first offense should not be confined with the old criminals. He believed that all offenders should be given a chance, something prob ably they had never been given before, but he desired In giving the criminal a chance that society be protected and the persons attending to the prisoner should use com mon sense and not try to make a reforma tion with flowers and wasted sympathy. Attacks ( ssstr Jails. Colonel Charles E. Felton of Chlcsgo, once superintendent of police of thst city and once shorlff of Erie county. New Terk, went after the county Jail system In his paper. "This sssoclatlnn should spend Its time and talent," he said, "In changing the present county Jail system. Prisoners, good, bad and Indifferent, are herded together, and there Uie first offender, whose hesrt Is good. Is taught to be a criminal." He wanted the wardens of the country to have power to remove those who served under them at will In order to get better discipline, and he wanted the officers in charge given the greatest latitude In deal ing with the affairs of their institutions. He gave many personal experiences of his work with prisoners, and he warned the association about choosing from among the convicts Instructors for prison schools. This system, he said, had resulted In many In stances In much harm. Handling of Women. Mrs. Frances A. Morton, superintendent of the women's reformatory at Shanborn, Mass., delivered an Interesting address on the work In her Institution and what was done for the uplifting of the fallen women. ' Mrs. Morton said her system was to get well acquainted with the Inmates and work with them Individually and to keep them constantly busy. In most Instances, how ever, she said, the sentence of the women was too short for the Impression made upon them to continue, resulting in many of the women who under careful teaching might be made Into good cltlsens falling back Into theltvllves of sin. Of the 233 women who were discharged last year she said 16 per cent came back to the Institu tion. This, she said, was due to the fact that In many cases when the women were released they found their husbands had secured divorces and their children had scattered, and, discouraged, there was little to prevent them from falling. Patience and self-control on the part of the officials of the Institution, she said, were essential to success In dealing with criminals. Miss Rhodes, superintendent of the girls' reformatory of Indiana, In a short address said the young girls and the older women were kept separated In their institution and that many families in the town had their washing done at the institution and the girls were always kept busy. They are taught music and from among the In mates there had been organised two bands and an orchestra. She is endeavoring, she said, to secure for her Institution all women who had been given Jail sentences. Frank L Randell of St. Cloud. Minn., presided at the meeting. Meeting- of Chaplains. At the meeting of the chaplains' depart ment this afternoon President William J. Batt of Massachusetts eulogised the late Chaplain Hlckox of the Michigan prison and then Introduced Rev. David Judson Starr, who delivered the principal address of the session. Mn Starr spoke of the improvements that had been made In the conduct of prisons during recent years and neia out strong hopo for the future. Chap lain D. R. Imbrle of the Allegheney county, rrnnsyivania, workhouse, and Rev. M. A. uuilock of Lincoln both delivered talks. me lauer on "The Chaplain's Work from the Outside Pastor's View." CaDtaln C. Wright, for tilrty-three years the chaplain at Allegheney, Pa., told of the develop ment of the prison from the old bastile down to the present time. Captain Wright naa atienaea every meetln of th. ' tlgnal congress since Its organisation and was given a hearty reception by the dele gates.' Llndsey Compliment Nebraska. ' St. Paul s church tonight was crowded to hear Judge Ben B. Llndsey of Denver on "Childhood and Crime." Judge Llndsey gave a number of his experiences with the Juvenile court, law and complimented Ne braska for the best law that has ever been enacted by any of the states. In discus sing bis method of sending boys to the industrial school without an officer, he said some day oneof them may fall to get there, but if that ever happened he would call It one of his failures and not a failure on the part of the boy. Under the Juvenile court law the child was not made a felon and was not convicted of crime or the stigma of a convict placed on him; that he was looked after and helped and given confidence In himself. He pleaded for the appointment of probation officers and Judges who really loved the work and who would look after the child like a father. He said: Reforming; tho Children. A child Is the most valuable thlnr in the world. Nothing on earth has within It the same Possibilities. Nothlnr Is mnru delicately ami wonderfully constituted. It is me wonueriui Human machine and yet we very often expect to accomplish results with this wonderful little machine by placing it In charge of the most brutal and unskillful of men, as In the case of placing It In Jail with hardened criminals and men who are educated In the ways of force and violence and the methods of hate and despair. Therefore, the first step has been to take the child odt of the Jail and away from the contaminating sur roundings, to place It under good Influ ences, with skillful men and women whose labor is a labor of love; whose ways are those of kindness and helDfulness anil vt a firmness that commands respect and that aoes noi prouuee nate. And so in dealing witn these children you must provide the necessary machinery or vou will ha linhia to fail. Tou must have the detention home or school; you must look upon this work as the most sacred which the state can perform; you must provide the most skill ful men and women in dealing with the errors and weaknesses, the failings and the faults of children. You must never consider the question of expense. Jails will never reform children. Jails may scare children and they may refrain from unlawful acts because of fear, but In the end, unless some higher and nobier principle comes Into the life of the child ss a reason for righteousness, his future will never be safe. The child must be made to understand that he is making his own future; that his character Is everything; that If he cuts off his finger he can never use It; his Anger is useful. It is easy to teach htm this, but he must be taught that his character Is useful; thst his solemn word of honor Is worth more than 'gold and silver and to cut It off Is to cut off more than his finger and his hand; his responsi bilities for the hereafter In the now and what happens today must be thoroughly drilled into his little soul. Judge Ben 3. Llndsey of Denver, who is considered the greatest authority on juve nile courts In the United States, Is one of the men In whom much Interest is being taken by all the delegates. Judge Llndsey is ,one of the few, if not th only, judge In the country who never sends an officer to accompany a prisoner who has been sentenced to the penitentiary or a boy to the reform school. He merely gives the prisoner his committment ' papers and money to pay his fare and starts him out During the last three years Judge Llndsey has been doing this and he has never yet had a prisoner abuse his confidence. In some Instances It requires three or four days to get a return of the committment papers, but Judge Lindsey said he never felt any uneasiness. In reaching the re form school it Is necessary for the boys to travel over 200 miles and change cars three time. "I never send an officer with the prisoner." said the judge, "because I want to show him that I have confidence in him. It places responsibility upon him, and so far I have never been deceived in one. Some of the boys I hsve started out slpne are about to years old. but they have every one gone through all right. The first boy I sent was fHjred unmercifully by the Other boys because he came alone, but now it la considered a disgrace by the other boys and the convicts to hsve to be ac companied by an officer. Police Object at First. 'The police objected seriously to rny wsy of doing things, but now I am getting great assistance from them. We are trying to teach the boy that we are his friends and not his enemies. Under our Juvenile court law we have been very successful, but Ne braska, I think, has the best Juvenile court law In the United States. "The Nebraska law defines what Is meant by delinquent children and delinquent pa rents, and It places the responsibility upon the parent as well as upon the court. If a boy Is srrested for running around th railroad yards, the parent Is arrested and asked why he doesn't keep the boy at home. He Is fined for not looking after the little fellow unless he can prove that he has done the best he can and If that Is the case and the parent cannot look after the 5hlld, the I probation officer steps In. "I believe the law In Nebraska will result In great good. I have had a talk with Judge Day of Omaha and he mentioned about go ing to the homes of some of these children. That Is the kind of man wanted In this work. A man who will go right Into the homes and Investigate personally." Warden Beemer's Views. Warden Beemer of Nebraska, who is one of the busiest men In Lincoln and therefore not given to making speeches before the congress, but who Is really one of the big men In the association, and whose advice about prison affairs has much weight with the members of the association, desires at least two of the present customs changed. "I am In favor and have always been In favor of a law which would not permit the trial judge to sentence a person to prison. The sentence should be passed by a Judge other than the trial Judge. While th judge may not admit It and may not be lieve It himself, he can hardly help being prejudiced against the prisoner who stand trial and makes a fight for his liberty and is then found guilty. H Is favorable, though he may be unconsciously so, to th prisoner who pleads guilty and causes the court and officials no trouble. I have seen too many Instances where a person who pleaded guilty to an offense got two or three years, while the one charged with the same offense who stood trial and fought every Inch of the way received ten or fif teen years. I want this association to bring about a change In the present sys tern. Another thing I hope the convention will take up Is a change In the present system whereby all prisoners are huddled together In a Jail. There should be sepa rate cells fop every prisoner, and they should not be permitted to communicate with each other. A first offender who Is put In a cell with a confirmed criminal will in twenty-four hours learn more about corruption than he will ever get over, Many a young man has been absolutely ruined In twenty-four hours spent with an oia criminal In a cell. These are two things I would like to see changed." At the meeting tonight Secretary Mllll gan was presented with a diamond scarf pin by the association. F. Q. Henderson of Chicago, who made the presentation speech, spoke of tho splendid work of the secretary and praised him for what he had done. Secretary Milllgan responded with much feeling. MOXCMEST DEDICATION PROGRAM principal Address to Be Delivered liy Ex-President Cleveland. NEBRASKA CITY, .Oct. 2S.-(Speclal Tel e gram.) The official program of the un veiling exercises of the Arbor day memo rial monument has been completed. The exercises will begin at 2 o'clock Saturday, October 28. Former President Orover Cleveland will deliver the principal ad dress and his time will not be limited. The other speakers will be given fifteen min utes each. The speakers' stand will be east of the monument and seats which will accom modate 15,000 people are being built In front of the stand. - Mr. Cleveland and the former members of his cabinet will arrive at 9:30 Saturday morning and will be driven In carriages to Arbor lodge, where they will be the guests of Joy Morton. The program as arranged la as follows: Presiding officer. John W. Steinhnrt. chairman executive committee Arbor Day Music, Nelson's band. Invocation, Rev. A. L. Williams, D. D. Address of welcome. Hon. John H, Mickey, governor or Nebraska. Address, Hon. Orover Cleveland.- Address, Hon. Hilary A. Herbert, Address, Hon. Judson Harmon. Address, Hon. David ' R. Francis. Address, Hon. Adlal E. Stevenson. Address, Dr. Oeorge L. Miller. Benediction, Dr. James O. K. McClure. Unveiling Arbor day memorial monument to the author and founder of Arbor day, J. Bterllng Morton, by his eldest grand son. Sterling Morton. Music, Loeb's Concert band. TRAIN HAS A RUN OF HARD IACK Wrecked Twice oa Oao Trip and On Man Killed. M'COOK. Neb., Oct. 23.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Burlington fast freight No. 78 had It second wreck last night. In which one man was killed and much damage done, Saturday night at Otis, Colo., a light en gine ran Into the rear of the train, smash ing the way car and Injuring two stock men, one of them being severely burned about the legs by the stove. Sunday night at Eckley another freight ran Into Its rear, killing one stock man, T. P. Mallory, killing a number of sheep and causing great damage. Gas Company Defa'ts. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 2$. (Special Tele. gram.) J. O. Moore, deputy United States marshal, was her today and served sum mons upon Albert Maxwell, president of the City Gas company. In an aotion brought by th Farmer' Loan A Trust company of New York, trustees for the mortgagees. The City Gas company was sold last spring to eastern parties, subject to a mortgage of 230,000, Mr. Maxwell having no financial Interest and simply retaining one share in order that ha might act as Its president and manager. Th plant has been a pay ing proposition and Mr. Maxwell does not understand why It la In default. If vou want an underwear that wears better, better, and fteU protects bitter than any other in the mar ket, you must have Ja.eger," eeven weights to choose from. C(italtjut (xplaiivi tcerythinj. Free, tcilh samples. For Sal by ALBERT CAHN 1311 FARNAM ST. BANKERS ARE COMING TODAY Isoistarj , Bhaw and HnmVcr of Other frsaiisBt Ipsaiera to Attend. DR. HEINER STAYS WITH TABITHA HOME Goveraor Mickey and Others Fay it Visit and as Resalt Agree to Assist Rim la a Financial Way. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct, 2.-(Speelal.)-The State Bankers' association will begin Its meet ing tomorrow and continue over Wednes day.. The program Includes addresses by NLeslle M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury; Charles O. Dawes, ex-comptroller of the treasury, and Lieutenant Governor L. Y. Sherman of Illinois, besides a number of prominent Nebraskans, Including Cancellor Andrews and Gurdon W. Wattles of Omaha. Mr. Dawes will speak Tuesday afternoon. Lieutenant Governor Sherman Wednesday morning and Secretary Shaw and Chan cellor Andrews Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday evening a banquet will be given the visitors by the Lincoln clearing house at the Lincoln hotel and on Tuesday even ing a smoker will be given at the Elks club rooms. The program In full is as follows: OCTOBER 24. 10:20 a. m. Call to order. Prlrint 3 T Trenery. Invocation, Rev. J. J3. Tuttle, D. D., First Congregational church, Lincoln. Aaaress or welcome in behalf of city, F. W. Brown, mayor of Lincoln. Address Of Welcome In hehalf r.t t.lnnnM banks, P. L. Hall, cashier. Columbia Na tional bank. Response. Julius Beckman. cashier. Fre mont National bank. Fremont. Annual address. President J. T. Trenerv. president. Farmers' National bank, Paw nee City. Secretary's report William B. Hughes. Treasurer's report. F. T. Hamilton. Report of the executive nmnnll TT W Yates, chairman. Appointment of committees. . - Address. "The iResourees of Wtrn Ne braska." A. C. Shallenberger, president. Bank of Alma. 2:30 p. m. Reports of group presidents: Group No. 1 J. W. Ftelnhart, Nebraska City; Group No. C. W. Wechbach, Crete; Group No. 2 W. E. Smalls. Fremont; tlroup No. 4 A. L. Cull. Oakland; Group No. 5 F. W. Sloan. Geneva; Group No. 6 li. M. fenny, wood River; Group No. 7 I. E. Deck, Atkinson; Group No. 8 C. A. Mlnlck, Crawford; Group No. 9 Carson Hlldreth, Franklin. Legal questions and answers, conductor, H. W. Yates, president Nebraska National bank, Omaha. Address. "Bankers and Public Opinion." Hon. C. M. Brown, president First Na tional hank, Cambridge. Address, "Modern Corporations and Their Relation to Existing Laws," Charles G. Dawes. sx-comDtroller of the currency. president Central Trust company, Chicago, 111. 8:00 p. m. Smoker at Elks club rooms. Entertainment and program . to be an. nounced. OCTOBER 25. 10:00 a. m Report of committee on group revision, George B. Dare, chairman. Report of committee on state legislation, 8. H. Burnham, chairman. Report of committee on national legis lation, H. W. Yates, chairman. Report of educational committee, W. B. Ryons. chairman. Report of meeting of American bankers' association. C. F. McGrew. Omaha. Memorial, the late Hon;, Frank Murphy, presioem ox oiercnams National Dana, Omaha, H. W. Yates, chairman. Report of committee on resolutions. Address, "Observations on Foreign Bank ing, ijl win jeary, president First National bank. Klmwood. Address. "The Banker of the Future." G. W. Wattles, vice president United States National bank, Omaha. Address, "Equality of Opportunity," L. Y. Sherman, lieutenant governor of Illinois, 2:00 p. m. Address. "Nebraska." Chan cellor Et Benjamins Andrews, Nebraska state university, s Address. Leslie M. BU-Jv. secretary United States treasury. Unfinished business, new business, report of committee on nomination of officers, in stallation oi omcers, sojournment. Helner Stands His Groand. Rev. D. R. Helner, ' superintendent of the Tabltha Home for Children and Old People will not transfer his property to a self-appointed committee of Lincoln people who recently visited the home In great force and gave him the ultimatum of either getting out or going under. Instead he will continue at the head of the in stitution and he will have the support and the backing of some of the most responsible people In Lincoln, including Governor Mickey, and everything possible will be done to encourage him and help him In his work. The committee which ho bean hammering Dr. Helner for a couple of year and which as a otlmox took about twenty-five persons to the horn on a tour of Investigation to "create sentiment" against Dr. Helner finally prevailed upon. Governor Mickey to make a trip to the home. The governor, Mrs. Mickey, Mrs. Sarah Harris and A. L. Blxby visited the home a day or two ago and as a result of the visit Governor Mickey found the reports about Dr. Heln er's conduct of the home had been greatly exaggerated. Upon leaving he wished Dr. Helner success and asked him to call on htm at any time for assistance and en couragement. "We agreed to say nothing of the visit said Governor Mickey, "but I will say that I found the home much better than I expected and some of the committee told me It had been greatly Improved during the last few months. I talked with the In mates and all of them seemed satisfied and I never saw a more rugged and happy lot of children anywhere. I told Dr.. Helner, however, that unless he could care for the Inmates that I would proceed through the legal department to annul hi charter. He told me he would report to me the condition of hi finance and he assured me he could car for the home. I think Mrs. Helner Is a very worthy woman and she deserves great credit for what she has done. A physician from Chi cago has been employed by Dr. Helner and will be here shortly to make her home at th Institution and help look after things. The boilers have been recently over hauled and fled up and I think there will be no trouble In the future. It Is a splen did location for such an Institution and I believe with proper assistance Dr. and Mrs. Helner will do a wonderful good." INDICATIONS POINT TO HlRDER Father and Brother Investigate Death of Elmo Stafford. FREMONT, Neb., Oct. 2S. (Special.) The remains of Elmo Stafford of this city, who was killed at Harrington, Kan., lost week, were brought her today for burial. Th funeral was held at the Methodist Episcopal church and was very largely attended. Rev. Dr. Struker conducted the services. Mr. Stafford's parents are of the opinion that their son was murdered and indica tions point strongly in that direction. His body was found Wednesday morning along side the Missouri, Kansas A Texas tracks, a quarter of a mile from the depot at Herrtngton, near the residence part of the town, not far from the walk usually taken by persons going to the depot, by a busi ness man going to his office. The legs were entirely severed at the hips and were some distance from th rest of the body. On the back of the head was a cut or bruise, evidently made by some blunt In strument. There was only a slight scratch on the face. His grip containing clothing and sign painters' tools was undisturbed near lilm. A valuable ring which he al ways wore was missing. No money was found on his person. His father and brother, who Investigated the affair at Herrlngton, ar of th opinion that, while ojther going to or from th depot last Tuesday night, he was held up snd slugged In the back and his body thrown squarely across the rails. They scout the report In a Kansas paper that he was beating his way, for he was a man of standing in this city, possessed of means and never In th habit of traveling any other way than first class. They propose to have the matter further Investigated. Northwestern Bnllda to Norfolk. NORFOLK. Neb., Oct. 23 (Special.) The Northwestern Railroad company today an nounced that a new headquarters building will be built In Norfolk at once to accom modate the overflow of officials who have been located here. The officials now lo cated here are General Superintendent C. C. Hughes, Assistant General Superin tendent Frank. Walters, Division Superin tendent C. H. Reynolds, General Roadmas ter C. F. King. Trainmaster C. E. Mount and Chief Dispatcher Bley. Assistant Gen eral Superintendent Walters has decided to move his family from Sioux City to Nor folk at once. He has Just returned from a trip over the route of the new extension from Pierre to Rapid City. The report that work on that line will stop Is denied her by officials. Neves of Nebraska. GIBBON Water bonds election was held I today and the bonds carried. oeiA iKKiJ A. w . uram, an om resi dent of thin city, was stricken with paraly sis Sunday and his condition Is regarded, as serious. WEST POINT The former editor of the West Point Republican, Anton J. Danger, Is located at Davenport, Okl., where he Is now engaged In the business of banking. NORFOLK Brakeman John Merrlon fell under a car at Wlsner last night and was dragged a car length. -He waa badly bruised but will recover. He lives at Nor folk. WEST POINT Albort Radler. who was so seriously Injured In a railroad accident two weeks ago, is getting along nicely and strong hopes are entertained for his ulti mate recovery. BEATRICE The Gage Rural Letter Car riers' association held a meeting Saturday night at Wymore and transacted consider able business. Two new members were ad mitted to the association. PAPILLION Six hundred soldiers camped in town last night. They were on their trial march from Fort Crook to Columbus and return. The bugles sounded at daylight and they were on the march at 7 o clock. HUMBOLDT Rev. L. Richmond Smith has been installed as pastor of the local Presbyterian church. Rev. A. R. des Jardlen of Pawnee City officiated, assisted oy evs. jviurpny or TaDie hock ana unt fln of Falls City. HUMBOLDT The laraest crowd which has gathered In Humboldt for years on a similar occasion came Sunday afternoon to pay a last tribute to the memory of Mrs. O. A. Cooper, whose funeral was held at the family home. HUMBOLDT Hnlzda A Sons, local mer chants, have traded their stock to Will Carsh, a former resident of this section, receiving in exchange the latter's farm near Irving, Kan., and an invoice is being taken looking to an immediate transfer. WEST POINT Ex-Senator D. C. Gif- fert has sold his fine residence property, to be used as a nucleus for the proposea Home for the Aged, operations upon which. on a large scale, will be commenced in the spring under the direction of Dean Reusing. BEATRICE D. C. Jenkins has been se cured as director of the Beatrice Military band to succeed L. E. Hansen. Mr. Jen kins and family, who have been making their home at Abilene, Kan., for the past few months, will arrive in tne city tnis week to make their home. BEATRICE Robbers "entered R. P. Dunn's second-hand store Sunday night and secured a small amount of goods. A Mex ican named Kersund, supposed to be one of the robbers and who resisted arrest, was badly beaten by the officers before he was locked up. Nothing was found on his per son to Implicate him In the robbery. ROGERS Mrs. Henry Goettsch, a farm er's wife living at Pleasant Valley, about ten miles north of this place, was taken to the Insane asylum at Norfolk today. Mrs. Goettsch has been afflicted for a long time, having been In the asylum three times before. She Is a woman about 40 years old aiid the mother of four children. WEST POINT Very Rev. Joseph Reus ing, rector of Bt. Mary's Cathollo church. Is rapidly recovering from his serious Ill ness of several .week's duration The dedi cation ceremonies of the new CatHollc church at St. Charles, which was set for last Sunday, has been Indefinitely post poned on account of the serious Illness of Father Reusing. WEST POINT Corn husking has been generally commenced over this county. The crop has been thoroughly matured without the aid of frost, a condition which has not obtained in many years. The yield In fields already husked shows a little above the average and th quality 1 ex cellent. Weather Is now Ideal for this work, the air being cold and dry. HUMBOLDT Two runaway accident occurred here yesterday, and In one 1 young woman living south of the city Miss Shears by name, was thrown from a rla and sustained a fracture of the bone at the knee Joint. In the other vehicle three girls of the city, Florence Hummel, Mary Gaudy and Ine Neher, were riding, when the horse took fright at a traction enirine and ran north on Central avenue, throwing all of the occupants from the buggy and bruising them up more or less DAKOTA CITY The regular fall term of district court for Dakota county was con vened in this ulace this morning by Judge Guy T. Graves of Pender. The day was spent In hearing motions, submitting de murrers and setting cases for trial. Th first criminal case to be tried will be that of the State of Nebraska against William H. O'Keefe, who Is charged with robbing the depot or the Great Northern railway at Goodwin, on the night of July 25th last, and taking fishing tackle to the amount of 165 and about I1H In money. 1 BEATRICE Dr. G. . W. Crofts yesterday afternoon delivered a farewell talk to the firemen of Beatrice In the department rooms, at the close of which he read an original poem, entitled, "Farewell to the Fire Laddies." President John Ellis, on hehalf of the fire department, then pre' sented Dr. Crofts with a puree containing 70 in sold as a token of the esteem In which he Is held by the firemen of this city. Brief addresses were made by Sena tor H. W. L. Jackson, Mayor Shults and others following the presentation speech of Mr. Ellis. -OSCEOnX The grand rally that was so extensively advertised by the independents and democrats last Saturday night was not such a great demonstration after all. Con gressman Stark could not be there on ac count of the illness of his wife, so that the speaking was done by home talent, Hon. W. B. Jones and Deputy County Clerk C. M. Grovener. The audience at the opera house was a very small one, said by those that were present to at no time during the speaking to amount to more than twenty-five. Attempt to Wreck Trala. HARRISBURO. Pa., OcC 23 It was learned today that an attempt to wreck the Southern Express on the Philadelphia A Erie was prevented yesterday by the dis covery of the track walker of large pieces of Iron on the track near Dauphin. With difficulty he carried the obstructions to the side of the track and reported the matter to this city. BOTH FOOD AND MEDICINE. We like best to call Scott's Emulsion a food-medicine. It is a term that aptly describes the character ana action of our Emulsion. More than a medicine more than a food, yet combining the vital prin ciples of both. It is for this reason that Scott's Emulsion has a distinct and special value in all wasting diseases. There is nothing better to remedy the troubles of im Eerfect growth and delicate ealth in children. The action of Scott's Emulsion is just as effective in treating weak ness and wasting in adults. SCOTT 0w"N, ( Paul tuvet. Men Yerk. Men May Live Happily and Usefully for loO Years Is the Welcome Statement of Dr. Lyman Beecher Speny In His Recent Address on the "Science of Life," Before the Y. M. C. A. of Chicago. The fact that a person can live to be over a hundred vesrs old has been proven for many years by physicians, scientists, ministers of the Gospel and 4.ono hale and hearty old ni"n and women, atl of whom either by pnctlce or actual use, have be come familiar with the life-giving powers of Duffy Pure Malt Whiskey. This wonderful tonlc-st Imudant during the past fifty years has made tho matchless record of 4.ono,onn cures. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is the only positive cure and proventlv' of con sumption, pneumonia, grip, mnlarln, low fevers, coughs, colds, bronchitis, diseases of the throat and lungs, nervous prostration, stomach troubles and all weakening, wast ing conditions due to sickness, worry or old age. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey con tains no fnscl oil and Is the only whiskey recognised by the government as a medicine. Following are a few short words of appreciation from thankful men and women Rev. W. N. Dunham. D. D.. Cheyenne, Wyo. "I do not believe I would be nlive tndnv were it not for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey." Mrs. Susan Baker. Elmlra. N. Y., 101 years old "I am well and strong, thanks to Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey." Dr. J. S Ijimbert, Arhovale. W. Vn. "Duffy's Pure Mnlt Whiskey Is a grand medicine and I prescribe It for old age." John Eminger. Harrlsburg, Ta.. 92 years old "I consider Duffy's a great tonic stimulant for the aged" and Infirm." Mrs. Mary Trnmblee, Genoa Junction, n years old "I am hale and hearty. Mv only doctor Is Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey." C'Al TIO Avoid anbstltates and yon get the aennlne. In sealed bottles only never In flask or hnlk. Yoa'll know the aennlne by the "Old Chemist" trade-mark on the label. Look for It carefully aad refose everything- else. ' It will core yon after alt other medicines have failed. Price ft per bottle. Medical booklet free. Do Jy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, V Y. A COAL WITTE IN FULL CONTROL Our Appoiiti Him Premier with Portfolio of Miniitsr of Finanoe. MAY HEAD RESPONSIBLE CABINET Reception of. Countess Wltte, Who Is a Jewess, by the tsarina Creates a Great Sen sation. I ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 24 3:46 a. m. It was persistently reported In the clubs and In government circles late at night that the emperor, late yesterday, hud ap pointed Count Witte premier, with the portfolio of minister of finance. All the papers this morning give prominence to the report. Count Witte, It now seems, has definitely come into Imperial favor, and the shrewdest observers consider It certain that he will shortly be In active direction of the gov ernment as premier and head of a respon slble cabinet. Since his return from the United States Count Wltte has boldly ranged himself on the side of the liberals and has not only advocated complete' lib erty of speech, of the press and of the assembly as a corollory of the coming douma, but has urged the extension of the powers of the douma along the lines de manded by the reformers, as well as a broader franchise so as to admit of fuller representation from the ranks of labor and the cultured classes. Wltte In Fall Control. The emperor, to whom the count person ally outlined his views, displayed sympa thy with them and it is learned, favored a number of ministers suggested by the count, including General Trepoff, aeslstant minister of the Interior, who now ranks as one of the most broadmlnded of his majesty's counsellors and who Is under stood to be working harmoniously with Count Witte. VThe question of appointing a cabinet with a responsible premier, to which a faction in the ministerial ranks has been offering stubborn opposition In special conference. Is likely to be decided Wednesday next. The newly formulated statute governing the right of assembly was generally recog nised as not being broad enough, and Its promulgation, and the Solsky reform com mission Is now at work on a more liberal draft. Csarlaa Receives Countess Wltte. The reception of the Countess Wltte by the empress today Is considered a singular evidence of the emperor's determination to confide his fortunes to the hands of Count Wltte. No other Interpretation is placed upon the court circles, where the reception of the countess created a tremendous sen sation. The countess is a Jewess of ordi nary birth, and had never before been received at court. When M. Wltte was appointed minister In the nineties the em peror was reported to have said to him: "Remember, you are not married." The fixing of his wife's social Status, which has been one of Count Wltte's ambitions, must rank as one of the triumphs of his life. Disgrace of Grand Dukes. The decrease of the Influence of the grand dukes perhaps made It easier for his majesty to turn to Count Wltte. The resignation of Grand Duke Vladimir, the emperor's uncle, as commander-in-chief of the military district of St. Petersburg, however, has not yet been accepted. In tendering his resignation the grand duke wrote to the emperor substantially as fol lows: "I have served your grandfather, your father and yourself; but now that your majesty has disgraced my son, I no longer have the heart to serve you." The' emperor Is said to favor even de priving Grand Duke Cyril of the title of grand duke, saying that he should bo known as "Monsieur Romanoff." ' SERIOUS RI0T IN CHILE Tronblo Follows Meetlns Called to Petition for Free Admis sion of Cattle. SANTIAGO, Chile, Oct. 23.-A meeUng yesterday called to petition the government to abolish the Import tax on Argentina cat tle degenerated Into a most serious riot owing to ths absence of the troops, who are now engaged In maneuvers a day's march from the capital. The police, who were unable to maintain order, charged the crowd and killed ten persons and wounded hundreds. The rioters destroyed street cars and smashed electric lights. At. S o'clock yesterday evening the rioting wss at its highest pitch and the fire depart ment was called out to restore order. The mansion of Senator Urmenets Errasurls was attacked by a mob. The rioting waa continued today, and many persons were killed or wounded. ' Th rioter attacked the gas works, but war repulsed. The troop expected to return here tonight. The department has been declared In state of siege. At ( O'clock tonight th strtsts vers Dr. J. W. Horter. Scotch Tlslns, N. J "Duffy's Pure Mnlt Whiskey Is a reli able, effective and agreeable tonlc-stlmu-innt.V Mrs. William Pratt. Chelsea. Mass, 91 years old "It Is a wonderful tonic and has been the mainstay of my old age." Rev. A. Mcleod. D. D.. Greenleaf, Mich. "I thank Ood there Is such a medclnn as Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey." Samuel Pike. LIslHin. N. H 90 years old "Every man of advanced years should keep It In his house." Captain Frank Myers. Atlanta. G "Duffv's has cured me and I heartily rec ommend It to old men. dangerous Imitations and he sore CoaJ Weather This "cold snap" Is a Efntle re minder that winter Is here. We wlsn to give you a gentle reminder that our KEYHTOXE COAL Is the best for any use where good coal Is desired. Fully guaranteed and sold only by us. Nut, $6.00. Lump, f.A.25 All grades of hard and soft coal. KEYSTONE COAL AND SUPPLY CO., t. A. Johnson. Pres. O. F. Brucker. Tree a J. F. Myers. Secy. 1819 Far oam St 'Phona 130 7 comparatively tranquil, but prevails. ' great alarm How to Cnro Corns and Banlons. First, soak the corn or bunion In warm water to soften It; then pare It down as closely as possible without drawing blood, and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice dally, rubbing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn a few days to proteot It from the shoe. As a general liniment . for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism. Pain Balm Is unequaled. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Rain Today In Nebraska and Kansas Tomorrow Fnlr and ColderRain In Iowa Tonight. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. Forecast of th weather for Tuesday and Wednesday: For Nebraska'' nd"Kanas-i-Ratn Tues day; Wednesday, " fair and colder. For Iowa and 'Missouri RAIn Tuesday night; Wednesday, fair and colder. For Colorado Fair in west and north,' rain and colder In southeast portions Tues day ; Wednesday, fair.' , ' For ' Wyoming Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; colder Tneeday in- east por tion. For Montana Rain or snow Tuesday, colder In the north, central portion; Wednesday, fair. . . , For South Dakota Cloudy , Tuesday, probably rain or snow and colder; Wednes day, fair. , Local Record. OFF'CE OF THE WEATHER. BUREAU, OMAHA, Oct. 23. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years. lP"t. 1. 19f3- W'-'- Maximum temperature.... H II Minimum temperature .... 38 J4 37 m Mean temperature .. u Precipitation 06 .00 .00 T Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha sine March 1 and comparisons witn tne lasi two years: Normal temperature -.....-i 60 Deficiency for the day i..r V Total excess since March 1, 190... 4?J Normal precipitation ; .07 Inch Deficiency for th day .2 Inch Total rainfall since March 1a.. J4.tR inches Deficiency since March 1. live...:. inches Deficiency for cor. period 1904.... S.R3 Inches Excess for cor. period 1903 i. 2 83 Inches Renorti from Stations at T P. M. Station and State ' of Weather. . Bismarck, cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Chicago, clear Davenport, clear Denver, clear Havre, partly cloudy. Helena, cloudy Huron, partly cloudy. Tern. Mas. Rain fall. .00 .00 .00 .on .00 .02 T .oa .08 .02 .05 .00 .0" .00 .00 .on T 1p.m. Tern. ..34 ,.:.f4 ....64 .,..M ,...4fl ....48 ...42 Kansas City, raining ..50 North Platte, partly cloudy 48 Omaha raining Bf Rapid City, partly cloudy. .42 St. Louis, cloudy ............ .82 St. Paul, clear 48 SrH Ike City, clear 52 Valentine, clear 48 Williston. cloudv ..: 34 T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Clothes at from $15.03 to $25.00 that appeal to those who have paid merchant tailors $35.00 to $60.00. These garments are tbe celebrated Ely Meyer make only. The regular prlcea of these Baits and Overcoats range from 120.00 to f 40.00. The assortment of both Is complete. You can buy now at ' the same price that we paid per garment, as we wilt discon tinue the clothing business I when this stock Is disposed of. Underwear . . to Measure At no advance regular prices. over the PEASE BROS. CO. 1417 Faraam St. B 10-23