Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 694.
We open Is our
new etore floo-
'lsy, October 40
during the removal of our stocks
of this kind is a great task .and to
ot great importance to reduce it
Extraordinary Sale of Colored and
Clack Dress Goods Remnants
' ' In
The last grand sweeping clearing imio of
dress good remnant before moving. Not
A remnant or ahort length to be taken to
our new store. No matter how nine the
good or what they cost they alt Must go
quick we are right on the point of mov
ing. As for quality,' you know by long
experience that we buy nothing hut the
beet, consequently, we hava no cheap
trashy gods to deceive you with here.
Waist length, lengths for children's
dresses, skirt lengths and a fine linn of
Ore lengths uch as 'cream brlllla ilines,
serges, cheviots, silk and wool .ere) de
rarls. brilllantlnea. suitings, etc.. all to
go fin sale Tuesday, morning, 8 a. tn.
NK'W AUTUMN PLAID In !ark rich
colors, 4S yards double width In rem-
nant. for 11.19.' ''" '
tones Of rel. 3H yards In remnant, for 9o.
NOVELTY PLAID-In bright colors, for
children's dresses, 4Vi yards In remnant,
for fee.
r.avy blue ground, with Just a igi;estlon
of hair stripes, 7' yards In remnnt, for
of red and blue, 3H yds. In remnmt, 49c.
DATfsTE In the. new. French gray, 44
Inch regular U.00 quality, SV4j yards lit rem
nant, for 12.97.
MOHAIR PLAID In tho new tartun col
un. regular 11.00 quality, 2 yards In rem
nant,' fot Wc.
In remnant, for l.!8, .
ALL WOOL PANAMA-Color hunter s
pieen, one of this season's most popular
fabrics. 4X varda in remnant, for 1.39. "v
C'i ards In remnant, for 2.19.
brown, 54 yards In remnant, for $2.37.
Prutty black and white check, here and
there tiny dots of red, 4 yards in remnant,
for $1.19.
ELTY Color French gray, regular $1.60
quality, SVi yards In remnant, for $4.79.
Color, navy blue, regular $1.00 quality,
7i yards In remnant, for $3.98.
dark brown, 44 Inch regular $1.00 quality,
6'i yards In remnant, for $2.29.
ALL WOOL- PANAMA Color, dark gar
net, 6 yards In remnant, for $2.43.
NOVELTY SUITINO-Dark red, around,
with tiny colored threads "here and there,
favored the' Nicaraugua route, but when It
was demonstrated that It must be the Pan
ama canttl or nothlnsvhe favored the Pan
ama route, as he wanted to see the canal
built, and one will be built, Notwithstand
ing the effort of certain people who are
striving by their circulation of false rumor
or other method to delay the construction
of the canal, the president said they wilt
be disappointed for there 1 going to be a
canal.-: Health' condition on the Isthmus,
h said; are better now than ever -before.
The president said:
If we build the canal we must protect It
and- poUee it ourselves. We must there
for bring up and keen up our navy to
the highest point of efficiency.
In th eveat of war the American- people
must rely mainly upon its volunteer sol
dier, whit It I comparatively a simple act
to turn a- man Into quite a good soldier,
we cannot neither Improvise a battleship
or the crw of a battleship. It Is not
necessary that we should have a particu
larly large navy, but It is necessary that
hip for ship it should b a little the beat
in tha world.. ,.t.
The president concluded hi speech by
-referring; to his pleasure at seeing tha
children, the future cltisen of this coun
try. '..
"Tha father and mother must see to
It that the children are properly trained
In order to ..Veep up the standard of our
country." 1
President Roosevelt will spend the night
outilde the city of Montgomery. His train
will be sidetracked In the country near
Montgomery and will leave at 7 o'clock to
morrow morning for Tuskogee, where it Is
scheduled to arrive at $ JO a. m.
Kathaslasas at Other Palais.
B PRAGUE JUNCTION. Ala.. Oct. 23 -At
many of th little elation through which
" , . ' T ' .... , . . , .,...
rreaiucni. n"1"""' - ... ...... -",
thl morning people were gathered ahd
cheered and waved their flag as the
special ped by en route to Mobile. Here
and there along the railroad farm house
displayed flag. At Troy, Ala., the student
of the normal school were grouped along
side the track and greeted the president
with cheer. H appeared on th rear plat
form of b.1 car and bowed In acknowledgment.'-.
' ...
' aadltlagt BanU's Accounts.
PITTSBURG. Oct. 23 The auditing of ,
the. account of the Enterprise National1
bank Of Allegheny will not be completed I
before the end of this week. The directors I
and atpek holder of the Danjc are still in
a i . Y -T " '-' I
MoClufe's for Novembr
. Published Tomorrow
CI I rnre tatbl of con-7i-ant
can describe) the
November number of Mo-Clure's-
, No other publica
tion at any price offers such
a varied, such an Interest
ing, such an important and
such a profitable collection
oratories, papers and articles
as the number ofMoClura's
whioh will appear to-morrow.
- Kipling, Carl Schurz, Ray
Stannard Baker, Andre Cav
talgne, Louis Loeb, Mrs.
Wil.on Wood row, are soma
.ofthe names which help to
make thi number great.
U-m East i:M 8irel
We Move -this Week
At last we are pleased to announce the date of our moving to
our new store in the new retail center, Howard and Sixteenth Sts.
This store will bo closed Thursday, Friday and Saturday
and will open Monday morning in our new store. Moving a stock
lighten the work we are going to make the next two days' selling
as much as possible.
4 yards In remnant, for tl.S6.
ENNE Regular ft 50 quality, 44 Inch. T4
yards In remnant, for $4.11.
- r l i . r-. - -
Kcmndius oi gioxk urc& uuuus
deep rich black 6V yards In remnant, for
yards In remnant, for $2.49.
TINE Handsome rich glossy black, regu
lar $1.00 quality, 9 yards In remnant, $3.98.
$1.00 quality, 7 yards in remnant, for $3.09.
rich black, Vi yards In remnant, for $2.98.
BLACK PRINCESS Much like crepe de
chine only heavier, very dressy, 7'4 yards
In remnant, for $2.27.
BLACK PANAMA One of this season's
most popular fabrics. 44 Inch, regular $1.00
quality. 64 yards In remnant, for $3.09.
BLACK ETA MINE Regular $1.28 qual
ity, 5V4 yards In remnant, for $1.21.
dressy, light weighty regular 75c quality,
H yard In remnsnt, for $1.99.
some silk luster, 8 yards In" remnant, for
fnbrlc, very dressy In appearance, regular
$1,00 quality, 7 yards In remnant, $3.74.
NOTE There are hundreds more to
choose from than the paper'ever hints of.
We. mention only a few, that you (an see
what sweeping reductions for Tuesday's
sale, 8 a. m.
Men's Ties I2ic Each
We arc, going to clean up our stock of
string ties before we move.
A special lot of fine silk string ties, me
dium and dark colors, either stripes or fig.
ures, no old shelf worn goods, hut ties
that were bought for this season's selling.
regular price Is 23c each TUESDAY'S !
early as the quanlty Is not large
Some Rare Bargains in Our Cloak
Department Tuesday
We are anxious to reduce our stock
previous to moving Into our new tore to
do so quickly we offer some bargains for a
juick clearance.
We have about 8 ahort fitted covert coats
in sixes 38, 40. 42 regularly iold at $10.00
and $12.00 Tuesday's clearing dale price
Separate gray skirts for stout ItuiLes
new and beautiful medium weight skirt in
pretty shades of gray all new this season
at the following reduced prices
Skirts worth $18.60, Tuesday $11.00.
A-.Building; Corrier. Sixteenth
the dark concerning the deficit and do not
know whethT the. private loans made by
Cashier Clark will reach $700,000 or greatly
exceed that amount.
Insurance Department laveatfa-atlna-Payment
af 4IS.OOO by Illinois
I.lf Company.
CHICAGO. Oct. 23.-Offlclal of the IllI
nol .Life Insurance company who have
been called upon by the state insurance
department to explain a transaction Involv
ing the alleged payment of some $65,000
expended In 1903 at a time when a measure
was pending before the Kansas legislature
providing for the taking over of the Kansas
Mutual Life Insurance company by the
Illinois concern, say the entire affair will
be cleared up Wednesday. Twelve interro
gates In all. It Is said, were propounded
by the state Insurance department. What
those interrogatlvea were the officials of
the Illinois Life decline to say. President
James W. Steven of the Illinois Life to
day said:
Not one dollar of the monev was naM hv
. i. . ..I. i .
hib miiiuia mi co mpany or any
one In Ita intxreat f,i- tha nnrnnj.
fluenclng legislation in Kansas. It Is a
matter of record that the so-called enabling
act which was passed by the Kansas legis
lature authorising the re-Insurance to be
effected was procured to be passed by
persons Interested In the old company long
a , . . f ..
Deiore ne Illinois uie
nsurance comoanv
wa invited to present a proposition for
re-insurance. All the money paid out on
account of the re-lnfeurance was to take
care i mo oiuaiunuinK renewal coniracis
policyholders convention to coimlder the
I matter and sundry expenses incident to the
rr- versh D and examination of the com
pany's affairs by the actuaries of the
Kansas and Illinois departnienta
Government to stand Sponsor for
sites Selected, on Kevv Rail
road I. lne.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 23.-Two towns, for
which the United States government will
act as sponsor, will be created next month
In southern Idaho, on site which now
are an absolute desert waste. Names al
ready have been chosen for them Hay
burn for the first, which officially Is to be
created November 11 and Rupert for the
second, which Is to be created one week
The two towns will be seven miles apart.
Hale of town lot will be conducted under
government auspices on the days the town
are erected. The lot will be sold to the
highest bidder. While the country is now
a desert, it Is expected that the great
irrigating canals which the government is
constructing at a cost In excess of $3,000.
000, will make It very productive. The
towns are located on the recently con
structed branch of the Oregon Short Line
Blasa Caasea Heavy Da mas ta
Esecatlve Manias at Jef
fersoa City.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Oct. 23. Th
governor' .mansion at Jefferson City was ;
damaged to the extent of $10,000 by fire
this morning at S o'clock. Governor Folk,
his, wife and guest had to aek quarters
at a nearby hotel.
Governor Folk was aroused by th crack
ling of the flame and telephoned th fire
department and then attempted to ex
tinguish the fire, burning la the second- I
story hallway, with two fire extinguishers.
This proved Ineffective, and after seeing
his wife and their five gvests were safely
out of the mansion the governor devoted
himself to saving the portraits of hi pre-
Bee. Oct, 23. 1908.
Skirts worth $15.00. Tuesday $1000.
Skirts worth $12.00. Tuesday $7.50.
Skirts worth $10.00, Tuesday $6.50.
. Skirts worth $6.60, Tuesday $3.75.
Notice None of these skirts will be fitted.
Bargains In medium weight fancy mixed
Special Moving Sate of White
Goods, Linens and Bed Spreads
1 case of S1.2S Hemmed Bed Spreads, in
this sale S9c each.
1 case of $1.75 Fringed Bed Spreads, In
this sale $1.29 each.
1 case of $1.85 Frinaed Bed Spreads, In
this sate $1.39 each.
1 case of $200 Fringed Bed Spreads, In
this sale, $1.43 each.
10 pieces of 40-Inch 15c White Batiste, In
this sale 10c per yard.
20 pieces of 40-Inch 20c White Batiste, In
this sale 12Hc per yard. '
10 pieces of 25c White Dotted Swiss, in
this sate 18c per yard.
25 nieces of 10c White India Lawn, in
this sale 6c per yard.
18 pieces of 12WC White India Lawn, In
this sale 84c per yard.
5ft pieces of 18e White India Lawn, In
this sale 12Hc per ysTrd.
11.50 Bleached Table Damask. In this
sale $1.00 per yard.
50c Bleached Table Damask. In this sale
23c per yard.
$1.00 Bleached Table Damask, in- this,
sale 75c per yard.
65c Silver Bleached Damask, in this sale
49c per yard.
10c Towels, In this sate 5c each.
20c Towels, In this sale 12Hc each.
25c Towels, In this sale 16 2-3c each.
75o Towels, in this sale 49c each.
10c Crash Toweling, in this sal So yard.
I 15c Huck Toweling, In this sale 9o yard.
In Our Basement
Goods that you'll be Interested In, when
you see the quality.
Outing Flannels, at 6c, 7c, 8c, 9c, lne, Uc,
15c per yard.
Fleece Lined Flannelettes, at 10c, 12Vc,
15c per yard.
Fleeced Cotton Swansdown, at lCc, 15o
25c per yard.
Imported "Velutine" at 35c per yard.
Scotch Flannel wool, cotton mixed, at
30c, 40c, 60c, 60c, 75c a yard.
Silk Embroidered Cream Flannels, JW in,
wide, at 65o per yard.
Baby Crib Blankets, at 40c a pair.
Bllkollne Comforters, fine cotton, large
size, at $1.00 each.
Cotton Blankets, 10-4 sise; clean, white,
gray or tan, at 60c per pair.
and Douglas Sts.
decessors In office, pending the arrival of
firemen. The fire is believed to bave
started from a flue In the hallway. After
more than an hour's labor the fire was ex
The mansion was erected in 1872 at a cost
of $75,000. Since then frequent appropria
tion have been made by the legislature
and th improvement and furnishings
have cost $75,000 more. The loss la fully
covered by Insurance. .
Treasurer of Pennsylvania Talk af
Funds la Defunct Allegheny
HARR1SBURG. Pa.. Oct. 2S.-State Treas
urer Mathuews wa at his office today for
the first time since the failure of the
Enterprise National bank of Allegheny, in
which more than $1,000,000 of public fund
were deposited. He said that at the time
of the failure there wa $1,030,000 of state
money In the bank, of which $632,000 be
longed to the general fund and the bal-
.(. tn the sink-Ins- fund
I ant lo lne S'nKing runJ.
Asked about the report that security
which had been furnished by the bauk to
protect the state from any loss In cask of
failure was worthless, Mr. Mathuews said
he bad every reason to believe that the
state wa amply protected. He also said
that these bonds would more than cover
the amount of the state's deposit and that
i h . irlvliiir
himself any concern
about this feature of the case.
A receiver waa appointed this afternoon
for the National Cable and Wire company,
a corporation of which the late T. Lee
Clark, cashier of the Enterprise bank, was
president. J. H. Hunter was named as
receiver and a preliminary Injunction was
granted by the court restraining the com
pany from disposing of or Incumbering
the assets In favor of any particular credi
tor. The company Is capitalized at $500,000,
half of which Is preferred stock. None of
the common stock ha been Issued, but
$151,400 worth of the preferred stock ha
been sold and Is now outstanding.
Help for Bjoberar.
A meeting wa held last night In the
rooms of the county commissioners to
devise means for aiding Albert Sjoberg of
il3 WOolworth avenue, who has been an
invalid for the last two years as the result
of an injury received at that time In the
Kimball laundry building, where he was
hurt by falling through an elevator shaft.
Ills leg waa broken and never proiierly
united, so that several operations have
been required. A committee of ten wa
appointed to circulate a subscription list
and was empowered to use any other
means of raising money that would be
practicable. A committee was appointed
to look Into the suit which Is pending and
ascertain why the case has not come to a
trial. .
During the progress of the meeting a
delegate from the democratic central com
mittee of Douglas county presented a reso
lution of appreciation for the services and
ability of Albert BJoberg and gave with
the resolution a check for $jO as a starter
for the relief fund.
"We had
for breakfast and never be-
fore did I kpo the cob.
centratioa of nourish
ment sod th mt ' deli
cious of all flavor." '
Rtid the "ffoaa f WtlMtlt'
In gwvr pftg.
y 'i en is. nmm m !,, ...,.,.
Dltghtatof tbi Friirn-lrriTM at San
Fraioifoo 6tt4nt Siberia.
Party Starts F.aat at pset Over 1 aloa
Faelne and .will Try 4a Make
New Regard from the
SAN FRANCISCO. -Cal.. Oct. 23. -The Pa
cific Mall Steamship, company's liner Si
beria, which arrived from Yokohama to
day, established a new record between this
city and the Japanese port, having made
the trip In ten day ten hour and twenty
right minutes. The -host previous time
between this port and Yokohama was made
by the Korea, a sister ship of the Siberia,
In ten day eleven hour and five minutes.
The Siberia's time I sixteen hour and
twenty-eight minute longer than the
transpacific record held by the Canadian
Pacific' liner Empress of China, plying
between Yokohama and Vancouver, B. C,
but it covered a greater distance.
There were many distinguished passen
gers on the Siberia, 'among them being
Mis Alio Roosevelt, United States Sena
tor Newland of Nevada and wife. United
States Senator Warren of Wyoming. Repre
sentative Longworth of Ohio. Brigadier
General H. T. Allen, chief of the Philip
pine constabulary; E. H. Harrlman.
president of the Southern Pacific Company;
R. P. Schwerln, vice president and gen
eral manager of the Pacific Mall Steamship
Companyand Miss Mabel Boardman and
Mis Amy McMillan of Washington, D. C,
th latter being traveling companion of
Miss Roosevelt. M. Shoralshl, vice presi
dent of the Toy'o Klen Kalsha, Japanese
steamship Unet . alio came over from the
Although It was expected that Miss
Roosevelt would' spend a few day In and
around San Francisco, all the previous
plans were changed during the voyage, and
neither her party nor that of Mr. Harrlman
landed in this city at all. Instead they
were transferred from the Slborla to the
tug Arab and -taken direct to the Oakland
mole on the eastern side of the bay.' They
left there at , $: this -afternoon for the
east over the central route of the Southern
Pacific, connecting with the Union Pacific
and Northwestern" lines via Omaha and
Chicago for their homes. An attempt is
being made to . beat ' all previous records
between Yokohama and the big cities of the
ease. -. . '
Mlsa Roosevelt' Presents.
AH the presents . that arrived . were
merely Inexpensive mementoes of the trip,
uch as any one traveling In a strange
country would receive," ald the presi
dent's daughter, "There wa really noth
ing so remarkable about my trip and I
cannot understand why co much fuss waa
made about It. I iad an. exceptionally fine
time and enjoyed every moment that I waa
away. The only thing that I regret Is
that so many, ponseosical stories were
circulated regarding me."
Mr. Harrlman said:
"Our visit to the orient ha been one not
only of much pleasure to us all, but inter
esting and Instructive. We were treated
by all classes, ' especially In Japan, with
the utmost courtesy and consideration.
While our visit .was solely for rest and
recreation,, we were enabled to learn many
things which Will help In our. future rela
tions. i i . .
"Japan Is w or ling out It own destiny.
Ita ruler, are tr4ijgent and alive to the
interest anii-y "Vng . In close alliance
with the peoplCnV will continue devetop
Ingr the rbrnmefvtju' welfare' of the. whole
country, , ' ' ... . ""'...
"China is beginning to wake-up and will
probably ,-epen-tKselfJ-Thls awakening
ha been brought about by the develop
ment of railroad - constructed during the
last mix or seven- year.. Were It possible
for that, country to organise and the peo
ple work together as haa been the ease In
Japan, the future development might be
quick and phenomenal. -
"Corea Is still a problem, and its destiny
wil probably .be .worked out by the aid of
Japan. My opinion 1' that the Japanese
are the dominant' factor In th orient, and
that there, will, be large future development
though, not. Immediate. It -the United
State la to participate therein to any ex
tent it will have to be by co-operation
by It statesmen; and those representing
it business Interests and. by close com
mercial alliance with the Japanese."
(Continued ..from First Page.)
for. Persons In Omaha and elsewhere in
Nebraska who have money on hand would
see an opportunity to make money by en
gaging in the raising of cattle, the gras
now going to watc would be turned Into
beef, the Idle money lying In the bank
would be freely furnished to stock the
western prairies of Nebraska, the visit and
dread of a visit 'from a fence inspector
would pas Into history and every one In
terested would be better satisfied. Thl
plan appear the most practical for solv
ing the problem of any proposed.
There is no doubt that this plan would
put an end to the big concerns In Ne
braska, but it .would multiply many fold
th number of email stockmen, which
would 'be far better for the state. Dozen
of men In Omaha' would buy these lands
In tract of say four section each and put
all the stock on the land that it would
properly care for. This plan would not
play Into the hand of the big concern
and result In the continuation of large
pastures, for the reason that the cattle
Industry la a profitable Industry, and the
owner of four-section ' tract could make
much more money oy using the land for
their own slock or by taking stock on
the shares or to Care for by the season
than the big conoerns would pay them
for its use. The practical way to raise cat
tie In Nebraska 1 to raise the stuff to
$-year-olds in the grating districts and
ship It Into the corn district to be fat
tened for market. Farmer in the corn
belt under a law such a I proposed above
could then have stock of their own to feed
thejr grain to, and (n thl Way be a much
Interested in this part of the state a tho
eastern part of Nebraska.
Plaa. laOaeratloa.
For example, a farmer In the eastern
part of Nfbraska who owns 160 acre or
more of good farm land Is out of debt and
ha money in th bank and there are lota
of them who have money In the bank-t
could profitably enter the market to buy
four section of thl gracing land to use
to raise cattle to feed on hi farm for
market. Hi hired hand, who usually haa
but little money, could also buy a four
section tract adjolnlnff th tract of hi em
ployer, and engage ta vara for the Stock of
hi employer on the graslng ranch, use hi
wage to buy acme stock of Ms own or
tak in stock for hi employer on th
hare and neither of them- would want to
lease their land to th big concern for
the reason that they could make more
money by using it themselves. This would
solve the problem a nothing else will, and
the country would have a many actual
settler a it la likely to have tinder present
practice, and everybody In the state would
have an opportunity to derive some benefit
from this Immense amount of gras fhat la
going to waste. Many doctors snd lawyer
In eastern Nebraska would like to invest
their Idl4 money In the" cattle business If
It had any assurance of stability. A lawyer
or doctor who desired to go into this busi
ness would have an opportunity. He could
buy a four-section . tract for himself, he
could employ a man to go and take care
of his stock, who with his wages could also
buy a four-section tract for himself, and
earn the money to ray for his land nd
stock hi land In wages. Many banks are
anxious to make cattle loans to permit per
sons to buy cattle.
Here is the greatest opportunity for capi
tal and labor to work together that exists
In the state. The men who have money will
as a rule refuse to bear the hardships at
tendant upon going Into Uie rattle business.
The men who come here and take a home
stead, who have no money to stock their
land might as well go to Jericho. They are
compelled to work out to earn money to
live on. They meet with reverses and find
themselves unable to mane a living on the
homestead, and many, very many, good
men have to abandon their claims srfter
having spent what little money they hud
saved up in trying to stay on their claims.
If capital Is given a chance to go along
with labor they can work together In this
country and both make money, but'undr
th present practice there is little Induce
ment to take money out of a bank and in
vest In the cattle business In Nebraska.
Practice I Dad.
No man can mingle with these pioneers
and think they are a bad people. It I only
the practice of settling the country that Is
wrong and the unsatisfactory and unset
tled conditions In this part of the state may
be expected to continue If the practice at
present in vogue is not changed. Under such
a law as la proposed here the number
of persona who would Invest money In this
locality who would not come here to
live would likely be equalled by the num
ber who have no money to Invest but would
be willing to come here tn live if assured
they could become Independent by meeting
the hardships.
Society of the Windy City Tarns Oat
Knmaase for First Sight
CHICAGO. Oct. 23.-The Chicago horse
how opened this afternoon In a manner
'that promised to eclipse all previous affairs
of this kind ever held in the west. While
the opening proper was in the afternoon,
oclety understood that the first session
wa in the nature of a prelude, and not
until tonight did it turn out In force. Prac
tically every city within 100 miles of Chi
cago was represented In the boxes, and
these, with the thousands of people from
Chicago, who filled the great Coliseum to
Its utmost capacity, made the exhibition
from the social point of view a most bril
liant success.
The horses on exhibition were of a class
and in number superior to any other ex
hibition of the kind in this city.
. The first awards during the afternoon
Coach horses, mares, 4 years or over:
HUdred, owned by E. D. Jordan.
Pacers, standard or non-standard, $ vear
or over: Teddy Roosevelt, owned by D.
Harness ponies: General Shafter, owned
by Charles E. Bunn.
Coach horses, $ years or older: Tiger
Lily, owned by Reginald Vandernllt.
i. Harness norses in . pairs, over nrteen
nana ijikii: rvnia wumi aviiu oaiujr, uwnvu
by J. H. Moore.
The first awards given at night were as
follows: ...
Four-in-hands: Harold H., Sidney C.
Burllngham and Burlingame, owned by J.
H. Moore.
Green hunters: Glendale, owned by George
Pepper & t-o.
Trotters: Rhea W., owned by Miss K. L.
Harness horses, runaboflt class: Fancy,
owned by Reginald VanderbUt..
'Road tandems:' Plymouth t'namplon and
Laodamla, owned ny K. B. Jordan.
Saddle horses, three gaits: Llghtfoot,
owned by Mrs. v H. Moore.
Commissioners Pronty and Flfer Pre.
para Matter to Be Beat to
CLEVELAND. O., Oct. 23. -Commission.
er Prouty and Fifer of the Interstate Com.
merce commission began a hearing here
today in connection with the complaint
of unjust discrimination in rates filed by
W. E. Wall, president of the Fred Clark
Oil company, against the New York, New
Haven & Hartford Railroad company.
Th Clark Oil company Is laid to be the
largest producers of lubricating oil in ex
istence outside of the Standard Oil com- I
pany. The complaint was filed several
month ago and the burden of It 1 that
It I impossible for the oil company to se
cure through rate to New England point
on any product which come into competi
tion with the Standard Oil company. The
contention ef tin railroad company 1 that
it could not grant rate because of the
combustible nature of the oil company's
products. To offset this allegation the
oil company Introduced an analytical
chemist at the hearing today and he tes
tified that the product in question were
not as combustible as vegetable and lard
oil products, on which through rate wer
obtained without difficulty. President Wall
made a statement setting forth the oil
company' table in detail. He stated that
the company' vegetable and lard oil
product did not compete with the Standard
It 1 understood that the findings of the
commission in thl cae are to oe ror
warded to President Roosevelt, who may
use the data In connection with his forth
coming annual mesaage to congress.
Bailors Create Uravrl Brcaaae Com
pelled to Man Pnmpa oa
Coastwise Trip.
NEW YORK. Oct. IS. Four men were
badly wounded In a series of battles be
tween the officers and crew of the lumber
schooner Ida B. Gibson of Seaford, Del.,
and afterward between Milton Cordery
the cook of the Gibson, and the police
early today. For an hour about daybreak
the cook, armed with a shotgun, stood oft
th police reserves, who endeavored to
ascertain the cause of the trouble, and
wounded a detective and night watchman.
Frank H. Medley, the mate of the Gib
son, was missing today and may have been
murdered by the crew of the Gibson, who
were compelled to pump the leaky craft
all the way from Norfolk, Va.. to New
York, despite their protests. It was this
that first started the brawl.
Staadard Oil Company Will
Aaether Plpa from Kansas
INDEPENDENCE, Kan.. Oct. 2$.-A
party Of Standard Oil officials headed by
Henry H. Rogers and John D. Archibald
arrived here today and were met by many
of the producers. After visiting Hum
boldt, Kan., they will proceed direct to
Whiting, Ind., to Inspect the refinery there.
Member of the party announced that a
a result of a survey of the Kansas field
It had been definitely decided to build an
other pip line to Whiting at once, at a
cost of $3.Ou0.0QU.
E. W. Grave' signature 1 on each box ?Se.
lake I-axatire Brnms Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund :ncii if it (alls ta cure.
Itcordiag of Voter on Frimirr Baj D
oidd IoTklid br Jad Troup, .
Court Molds Title of fn Lam
Defective and that Section
of Old KtatBte I Not
Judge Troup has declared null and void
that section of the Dodae primary law
which soiiKht to make primary day the
first day for registration., L'nder this deci
sion every person who registered Septem
ber 19 must register again in order to
vote November 7.
The suit which called out this decision
was brought through Jefferls A Howell.
The election officers in the First precinct
of the Sixth ward. James A. Daliey, F. H.
MtfCormlck and G. R. Ruthbun, were named
as respondents. .They were represented by
Byron G. Burbank.
Mr. Howell presented to the court two
points on which he based his argument
that the law was unconstitutional as to
fixing the first day of registration, First,
that the title did not embrace the proposed
change in the old registration law and was
not, therefore, comprehensive enough to
comply with the constitutional provision.
Second, that the Dodge primary law does
not, either directly or by Implication, re
peal the section of the old law providing
for registration of voters.
Mr. Burbank argued that the law was
plain enough In Its Intent and should be
allowed to stand. He dwelt also on the
expediency of the provision which con
stituted the primary day as the first day
for registration.
Judge Troup took the case under ad
visement until 2 o'clock, at which time he
gave an oral decision nullifying the law.
The republican county committee already
has taken steps to notify every Individual
republican who registered and voted 'Sep
tember 19 that he must register anew In
order to protect his right to vote on No
vember 7. This work of notification Is no
small task, as there are more than 6,000
notices to be sent out.
Bert C. Miner, who wa defeated In the
republican county committee meeting for
the nomination for register of deeds, says:
I understand Frank Bandlo circulated
the story Saturday that I wa not a candi
date for county clerk prior to th prlmarle
In September, for the reason that I could
not get any backing. A a matter of fact
I was asked by party managers to With
draw my candidacy for county clerk in
Mr. Bandle's favor, also to do all In my
power for him. I did both of these things.
Mr. Bandle was defeated at the primaries
for county clerk. ,
"In connection with the register of deeds
matter it was unfair of him to say that
I had not withdrawn to help his candidacy
for county clerk. I merely wish to make
this statement to set myself right before
all who have any Interest In the matter
and to correct reports printed In another
"Notwithstanding all this talk I am out
for the whole ticket, bowing to the will of
the majority and the people. The tory
that I refueed to make Mr. Bandle's nomi
nation for register of deeds unanimous is
not true."
Theodore Galllgher and J. B. Carter have
applied to County Clerk Drexel for blank
petition, which they are circulating for
filing a candidates for Justice of the peace.
Most of the men offered by the county
committees a candidates for the office-of
Justice and constable will not attempt to
get the 260 petitioners necessary to have
their names placed on the Official 'ballot.
They reside in rural precinct and within
the last six months the Board of County
Commissioners have received halt a dozen
resignations of rural Justices. There Is no
money In the Job and no one seems to
care much about having the distinction
that attaches to the office.
Atorney C W. Brltt, as a matter of pre
caution, ha filed with County Clerk 'Drexel
a protest against the placing on the official
ballot of the candidates for Justice of the
peace and constable offered by the demo
cratic county committee. Under Judge
Sutton's decision all candidates for these
offices must go' on the ballot by petition, if
at all.
The Eleventh Ward Republican club will
hold a smoker Wednesday at 4008 Hamil
ton street. Hon. John L. Kennedy will be
the Speaker of the evening. Alt republicans
and candidates are cordially Invited.
Judge 8utton Monday afternoon granted
to Attorney C. G.'McDonald, representing
the republican county c n mlttee, a writ
of mandamus against District Clerk Broad-
well, returnable for hearing Wednesday
morning at 10 O'clock Ir. Judge Button's
sj bsea weed br Million of If others tor their
aUldraa while TaeUiluf for orer rtfty Teaie,
It suouica the ohild, surtaoa ta gnma, allays
all pain, otiras wind ouUo, aod 1 toe bl
lacjar for dlarrtuea-
XMrafti'i-rivE okvts A steTTLX.
Home Visitors'
Nov. 27th, 1905
To Many Points In
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
Western Hew York and
Western Pennsylvania
Rate Fare and One
Third for the Round
Return Limit Twenty-One Days
For further information call or
1823 Faraaat St., Omaha.
court, this was on the suit' brought by
Chairman Clhson against Bmadwrir to
compel the recognition of the law In par
celing out representation' for Judge and
clerk ef election. : " " ' ' ' 1
It has been decided by those having the t'
matter in charge that a formal writ -
mandamus will be asked of Judge Sutton,
directed to County Clerk Drexel, to hav .
the name of Frank Bandle placed on the
official ballot. This course will be' pursued
ft a precaution against any - possible
"fluke" In tho making up of the official
Father Mioots Himself at Faneml of
Son Who Kneed His Life by
lahallaa" lias.
NEW VORK. Oet. 23.-Craxed with grief
over the death of his son, who committed
suicide with illuminating gas last week,
Herman Rcliulti shot himself through the
head today while the funeral service waa
being read over the body of his son, and
fell prostrate across the coffin, dead.
Mrs. Srhults and her three daughter
fainted and the funeral of the non was
postponed that both father and son might
be burled together. ,
llowardWailam. . .
W. Maurice Howard of Lincoln and Mis
Alma Wadum were, married Sunday at I
p. m.. by Hev, C. W. Savldgo.
nt AHATEi:i t'l'HK FOR. PILF..
Itching.' blind, bleeding or protruding piles.
Your drUKKlst will refund money if Paso
Ointment fa'ls to cure you in ( to 14 day, 60o
Ciovernor Appoluta Jadae.
PIERRE. S. D., Oct. J3 tSpeclaJ Tele
gram.) Governor Elrod has commissioned
John Edmunds of Hunley county judge
of Turner county to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of Judge William Elliott. ,
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forevor.
DR. T. Felix Oouraud'a Oriental
Cream or Megloal Baautifler.
'IN ' -arS!. Tan. rimpla.,
f- n f rw:are. jioia ratenra,
nw at'wxiion. it
ha toed tti tfwt
of 67 .year, and
It m tiftrinlvM w
IMIAU tetttftUIV
It prrptrly mailt.
Aoctpl no rxmtilris
If it of tun liar
rim". TV U A.
rUvrt ti4 lo a
dy of t L bant
to ift patient 1 1
" At you ladiei
VlU OM t-lftTJ.
X 8otn$nd
narnttrB Trail m u ttit Irut hmrmfu. of til tho
tku prnantttonf." For Bait by til dnutf lW tnd f ancy
Good Dealer la tht C&Utt. Swot. Ganaii ad Europo.
raiT. HOPKINS. Proa, 37 Brat km SW New Tori
Fine er roughened by needlework
catch every stain and look hopelessly
dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only
the dirt, but also the loosened, ipjured
cuticle, and restores tba finger to
their natural beauty.
Wcodward A Burgess,
C. T. DAZEY'B American Play -
BOYD and an Excellent Company.'
Ton of Equipment, Score of People.
Wednesday and Thursday MAT IR
WIN and Her Own Company,' In
Frl., Bat. Mat. and Night-Charles
Frohman Present MRS, LEFJ'INU
DtlDUflfin Nights Sua. Mats. Wc, 2&a
OUnnUUU Tue.,Thur.,Bat.Mat,10-;o
SIXTH BIO WEEK Toalght snd
All Weelt
Mat. Thursday Double Orchestra.
I Ate of Paris Academy of Sciences,
perfutv Doctor to Mmes. Bernhardt,
La Tour, Patti and Langtry.
Assisted by one of the most beautiful
women of her age, ,
Monday Afternoon's Lecture ls'Free.
Tuesday Afternoon' Admission Doc.
KRUC Pricea loo. luc, 50c, It.
That Merry Musical Whirl
Thursday-"A WIFE'S SECRET."
Mr. and Mrs. Chambers1 l
School 'of Dancing How Open,
Adult oeglnnerg. Monday and Thurs
days. 8 P. M. .
Assembly dates furnished on appli
cation. Children, Tuesday and Saturday.
MUses and masters advanced Satur
day 4 P. M.
High School class opens Friday. Oo
tober 20th. S P. M.
Telephone F-1871.
'I'hoae 4f4. ... ,
Every Night Mstlnees Thur.. St., Bun.
Rose Slab) A Co.. Burton's Dovs. Bvir.L
Fluher. Carver ac Pollard. Redford A Win
cheater; 4 Emperor of Music, Jojaon,
Palmer A Jolon and the Klnodrume.
t'rlrea toe, Alia.