THi: OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1905. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Relo.ll. BURGESS -GRANDtN CO, Formerly F. M. RUSSELL h IXTURB CO. lli South 16th St. Telephone 881. RE J$ Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Cuioiauo and Wyoming; low prices; ten years time. Lnnd Dept. U. P. R. It.. Omaha. Neb., Dept. "A." HE 830 FOR BALE Large houm, two be ma and two full lorn, on North 18th St., only U.buO. This Is a bargain. 'IHUMA8 KKtNNAN, Room 1, New York Life Rldg. RE-M168 c,k!ab Williamson Co.u- B-,5kFS,drf- it E 831 WRITK for Illustrated pamphlet describ ing two ranches In the corn and alfalfa belt. WUlia Cad ell, Broken How, Neb. RE J FOR SALE or trade, $20 acrea Cueter and Lincoln Co. liMid at M per acre, for mer chandise, hardware or dry goods stock. Address Vlck Bros., Gretna, Neb. RE M2Z7 21 1 HAVE many customers for houses and tots, acre property ana rami tanu. la your property with inc. Bllas Robbius, rreuaer block. RE M 247 22x MONTHLY PAYMENT BARGAIN Five rooms; corner lot; right on car line: city water In kitchen; only mile and half from postofflue. $1,850. 8200 cash, $.'0 monthly. BEMIS, Paxton block. RE-M26S 28 IK VOl J want to got right prices en farm land In Custer county, write Willis Cad well, Broken Bow, Neb., for list. RE MSG N20 CALIFORNIA Hoineseekers' Guide free; end today. Bhcperd-Teague Co., 1123 "J" St. Fresno, Cal. RB-444 22x THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS Of TITLE are the safest. You a. protected bv a $lo.fluO bond against loss by errors. "You don't buy a lawsuit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract, 10u$ N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1244. RE FOR SALE Improved farms, eastern Ne braska, -three miles from court house. Owner, box US, Omaha Neb. RE ON EASY TERM 8. 21st and Grace. $1,100. Slat and Farker, $1,700. 28th Ave. and Dodge, S1.1K. 38th and Rrown, $6fi0. lHth and Brown, $.'00. 27th and Ersklne, $750. 29th and Emmet, $1,600. 41st and Brown, $700. 2Mb and Pratt, $750. 29th and Douglas. $1,500. 6 8 & 6 4 4 8 6 6 5 rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, SILAS ROBBINS, Kramer Blk. Tel. 2842. RE449 22x CALIFORNIA alfalfa and fruit land. Free Information about the famous Grldley Colony. Write for It. Garden spot of California, ideal place for a home. Rich farming country. Dairying, stockralalnx. fruit a-rowlng. Fine climate. Charles F. O'Brien, General Manager, JJept 24. 30 Montgomery at., Ban francisco. RE- BARGAINS. 4-rnom artificial stone house, $1,250. Southeast comer 16th and Castellar, $1,600, Cuming, near 21st, 30x130, $1,800. 3217 Cass, I rooms, modern, $3,600. Two new brick flats, rental $:). $3,500. 3 brick houses, rental $1.33), $10,000. brick flats, rental 12.5JO, $1,0U0. 10 acres southwest, $125. 10 aores east of Benson, $200. 40 acres good Douglass county, $65. 40 acres close In, $126. 80 acres, Washington county, $fifj. 100 acres, Washington county, $66. 80 acres good, Barpy county, $. 80 acres, 2V4 miles city limits, $126. 140 acres, Washington county, at $00. 200 acres, Barpy county, at $70. 215 acres, Barpy county, at $t!6. , JOHN N. FRENZER. Opposite old P. O. RE HI 21 MT SIX-ROOM HOUSE! MUST HELL. Near 28th and Blondo, south front, lot also reaches another street, only $1,400 and only $s5 cash and $17 per month. If not sola win rent, writ at once tor pamcu lars. D 51, Bee. RB-604 U SOUTH TEXAS will fill your nocketbook, renew your health and give you a new lease of life. It's the "new California" In everything but prloe. GREATEST FARMING COUNTRY IN UNITED STATES. Fine land sells at $10 to $25 per acre. ask me. HlhAND P, LOCKWOOD. Col. Agt.. a A. A. P. Ry. Northern office, 105 Bryant Bldg., Kanaaa City, Mo.; southern office, 5u24 Houston Bt., tun Antonio, Texas. RE 463 28 Come and see us right quick about this property. Offered at prices that can't be duplicated for quick sale. Lot 38th and California; another at S9th and Chicago; both choice building lots. Choice Inside cottage. A beautiful sit for flats, right downtown THE PUTNAM CO.. 604 New York Life. Cadet Taylor, Pres. W. B. Taylor, 8eo. REH84 21 COTTAGE and lot, part cash: balance 6 per rent. Come and sea ma while In city at ?4U aoutn im Bt. J. jvnoy. RE356 22x BARGAIN New 8-room house, all modern. near two car lines; lot 50x140; will be ready for occupancy Nov. 1. 2407 N. 18th at. inquire 2403 no. mn Bt. RE-364 Ri FOUR BARGAINS. Two lota, 3th and Farnam, for only $3,000. iwn iota, ua, oeiweeu w rigni una uoia re eacn. Acreage In Hillsdale addition, S8th and Cur tis Ave.. $50 per tot. Fine trackage propertv near 16th and Nicholas, cheap at $9,ou0. Will make easy terms on any of above. OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO. Tel. 230. I D. Spaulding. Secretary. RE 47S 22 CHEAP HOMES 4 rooms, new, cemented cellar, east front lot 46x1, owner says reduce to only $jf0. Near 36th and Ames. 6 rooms, 25-foot lot, located near 33d and California, city water and gas; a snap at 51.100. 0-rooni cottage, south front, lot 33x165, near crclghton college; can make easy terms on this; price for this week only $l,26o. Any of the above are good buys, s be your own landlord and put your rent re ceipts Into a home. Sweet & Best SU N. Y. Life. Tel. 1472. Hlj 4ti 22 If YOT wish to buy, sell or exchange. If you want flrst-ulaiui Insurance at coat. If you ljh to rent or purchase a nics home, go to U. F. Carson, General Agent, 413 N. Y. Life. RE 468 21 ANNOUNCEMENT. The properly between bt. Mary's avenue and Lravunworth street, east of Twenty fourth stieet, has juat bet-n platted and for the hist time lots are now ottered for itale. Get a plat, see the property and se cure one of theoe beautiful Ma, which for Watton and desirability are not coualled In Omaha. W. J. CONN ELL. RE OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. 308 Bee. Insurance and Loans. We are still holding this beautiful -room modern, except furnaco. on farker. Paving all paid. Nice luwn. The best offer buys It tins week. One S-rouin and one T-room NEW HOI'bES ou ManderMon, modern except furnace; on corners; south front; full lots: permanent walks; easy terms. See us quick. Never occupied. Ready to move in. Some choice acreage, north part, for $100 to $JbO. We have all kinds of trading property In other cities for Omaha homes. We build on payments. Cull Monday KAHLY. RK-341 a WANTED TO BORROW WANTED to borrow $4u0 home money on ample city real estate security at 7 per rent, without commission. Address soon V U, Bee. -MU Of w have on hand Omaha city war ' tO rants. These are in such amounts tout you can in eat as small as $1'J. CHAb. E. WILLIAMSON CO., ttruund. Flvtor, ljul Faruam bt. -fcr. 23 FOR SALE FARMS Free LandsirCorn Belt Are a Thing of the Past Cheap Lands Will Soon Be a Thing of the Past Did you ever stop to consider that the CORN BELT of the world Is practically embraced within a half dozen states of the United States? That the belt is limited? That it is alrady fully occupied? That "Uncle Sam" has no more free land to offer you? That the RAILROADS of the country haTe disposed of all their CORN LANDS? That our population is Increasing at the rate of one million per year? That eastern and central Nebraska, acre for acre and one year with another, produces more and better corn than any state within the belt? These Are Facts Then did you ever stop to consider that lands in central Illinois (no bet ter than ours) are selling at from $126 to $150 per acre and that these prices are based upon their ability to raise corn? If not, think it over and draw your AND CENTRAL NEBRASKA LANDS will If you ever expect to own a farm THE TIME TO BUY. If you wish to establish your sons as have the farms of Illinois and Iowa, If you want to make an investment the next five years, NOW IS THE TIME We own and control about ten thousand acres of carefully selected farm ing lands located in the southern part within the corn belt, and will at some wheat and grass section of our state. They are within less than a day's la the U. P. or the B. & M. R. R. rHiiai rates are In effect on Tuesday and Friday of each week, and railroad fare from Omaha will bo refunded to purchasers of 160 acres or more. We offer these lands for sale for from $12.50 to $20.00 per acre, according Remember, these lands are among the prices named are a bargain. We also have several thousand acres of wheat and grating lands located in the western part of the state at from $2.00 to $5.00 per acre. Call or write for lists and further Information. BENSON & MYERS, 318 N. Y. Life Building, OMAHA. IDAHO Irrigated Lands Produce Immense crops every year with out fail. Excellent market and shipping facilities. Within five miles of town of 4.000. Beet sugar factory, flouring mills, elevators, packing house, main line of O 8. L. R. R-, Ideal climate, abundance of pure water. No alkali, no gumbo, no hall storms, cyclones, floods or drouth. Cheap building material. $600 will elve a start. No homestead proposition. A permanent water right included In price of all lands. Good level raw land (sage brush) $10 per acre up. Nicely Improved farms $35 per acre up. As an Investment buy at $.8 to $56 well Improved farm land and rented under contract tor $7 to $18 cash per annum. Write for particulars to WILLIAM LAMPMANN L. & 1. A. Oregon Short Line R. R. Co. 261 J Parker St, Omaha. 465 a O. F. Carson & Co., 41 J N. Y. Life. 840-a. Improved farm near Omaha. 1,760-a. ranch In Custer Co., Neb. 220-a. finely Improved farm near Kansas City. Will sill or exchange. 451 22 FARM LANDS 160 acres, Frontier county, near Curtis, WO acres In cultivation, practically all smooth, excellent soil; next year's crop of wheat will practically pay tor it; $1,N cash for immediate sale. Will show land. C40 acres, Custer county, southwest of Cal laway, on Tulane table, over 400 acres In one body; absolutely smooth, level, land; about 100 acres of valley bottom hay land, balance the very best of pasture, with soma canyons. We have been over every foot of this; it Is absolutely the best grain and stock farm you can find. Blue stem 4 and S feet tall; immense buffalo and other grasses. Price, $12.60 l r acre. Will show this land and pay expenses If you buy, or refund the money If not as represented. Soil can't be beat anywhere. CHASE, DUNDY & HITCHCOCK COUNTIES We can offer some of the very Quest table land, deep black soil, no sand or alkali, absolutely smooth and level, fine crops, excellent road to market, from $1,200 to $2,0uo per quarter. We have Just made a careful examination of this table land and there is nothing finer In the country anywhere, bpeuial rates and salesmen to accompany you to show the land. You will surely buy If you see It. This Is sure winter wheat and one crop of wheat will practically pay for $10 land. Don't be a renter when you can get a farm Ilka this. We have personally examined these lands In the pat ten days and can absolutely guarantee to be as represented. Rallroud fare refunded to those who buy. Write for particulars. Get ready to go, as land is selling rapidly and is sure to double or treble In value within the next few years. LAND SNAP t 6u0 acres, eastern Colorado1, about o0 miles west of Nebraska line, on main line of the B. Sc. M. road between Yuma and Akron; all carefully selected homestead land: one fine set of Improvements, with 10-room house; one or two small sets, with good wells and windmills; all good, hard soil that will raise good crops; splendid com bination farm and stock proposition. Land is a little scattered, but mostly all con nects or corners. For Immediate sale, price XL 3 per acre. Quarters are selling rapidly In this section for $3.6o per acre singly. A chance to double your money here quick. Write for particulars and plat. D. V. Sholes Company 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. EXCURSION TO $5 AND $10 FARM LANDS IN SOUTH DAKOTA. NEXT TUESDAY. WE HAD A VERY GOOD EXCURSION PARTY TO SOUTH DAKOTA ON TUESDAY. IK YOU WANT SOME REAL BARGAINS IN CHEAP FARM LANDS. JOIN OVH EXCURSION ON TUESDAY NEXT. ROUND TRIP $'1.36. NEW RAILWAY JUS C OPEN. 1N1 UP GREAT WHITE RIVER VAL-1.KV-OUJ INDIAN RESERVATION. WE OO WITH NEXT EXCURSION. FvR MAPS AND FULL PARTICU LARS. WRITE OR CALL ON THE PUTNAM CO, &"4 N Y. Ufe. Omaha. Cadsl Taylor, Frcs't. W. B. Tftjlor. 8c. FOR SALEFARMS wtn Corn Belt own conclusions as to what EASTERN be worth within the next fire years. within the great corn belt, NOW IS upon lands that wilt enhance In value NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. that will net you 100 per cent within TO BUY. of Custer county. These lands are time be within the greatest winter ride of Omaha and can be reached either the next sixty days at prices ranging to location and improvements. the best in central NebrasKa, ana ai RE H Good Land Cheap DeeD Rich Soil H Will Raise Anything Crops on farms adjoining this land are as good as any In the stats of Nebraska wheat, 25 to 40 bushels; corn, So to 60 bushels; rye, oats and barley In the same proportion. . . We have a number of quarters owned by eastern people, who have put their prices down to from $6 to $12 an acre for quick sal. A few pieces of the $12 land Is im proved. , , . If you are looking for smooth, level land that will make big crops and double in price soon, come and see us or write us when you can go out and see the4 best farm land In Nebraska. Don't delay or put off until tomorrow, be cause all of this land will be sold soon. Hastings & Heyden. 160W4 Farnam St., Omaha, or Oxford, Neb. $22.50 PER ACRE buys SOO acres choice, well Improved clay farm land, about 360 acres cultivated, 600 acres level, fenced and cross-fenced, six miles McCook, Neb. An excellent bargain. R.Beecher Howell & Co. ICarbach Blk. 368 22 IF YOU wish to double your money lu short time invest in Hanover irrigated lands. Agents wanted. For terms and excursion rates call on or address O. F. Carson, General Agent, 413 N. Y. Life. 4a2 22 2.iJ-ACRE STOCK FARM. The best stock farm in north Nebraska, Running water, timber, hay and pasture; with Mjo-acres good farm land In cultiva tion; two sets of buildings, H miles of fence, R. F. 1)., lung distance 'phone. Ten miles north of Altiswortn, on stage line, convenient to church, school on the farm; produced bushels wheat this year. Rent on wheat land in I'M, $6.aU acre; In 1W03, $4 60. Will take general merchandise store or well improved farm near high school In full payment. Will sell with stock, feed and nachlnarv If desired. Price, $20 per acre. F. A. Stephenson, owner, Alnsworth, Neb. 417 22 FOR BALE A corn farm of 600 acres In Harrison county, Iowa, only thirty miles from Omaha; 6u0 acres lu . one Held, bo bubhels to the acre: near station, good roads; high, level, rich, black bottom land, above overflow. Price $06 per acre; worth $so an acre. Will consider some ex change. R. Mather, Cedar Rapids, la. -456 22 BUT OF OWNER. 4&0 acres, $20 cultivated. 160 pasture, $2,000 improvements, R. F. D., telephone, H mile from school, 100 acres wheat, springs, within 4 miles three good towns, 7 eleva tors, $ flour mills and alfalfa meal null; good neighborhood. Price, $2S an acre. I will guarantee you cannot duplicate this farm In Harlan county at this price. H. J. Hill, owner. Alma, Neb. 387 22 240 acres fine bottom land, 2t miles from Ash ton, fenced, running waiter, good Im provements. 1M acres cultivated; $9 600 Fine farm. 320 acres, 44 miles from Litch field. Sherman county; 25 acres culti vated, 80 acres pasture, 10 acres alfalfa; new houve and barn; $8,600. Inquire owner, 1. R. Holllster, Litchfield, Neb. -36 22 240 acres, 4 miles from Mason. Custer county, fenced, well and windmill, good stock, farm; $2,600. D. H. Watson, owner, Litchfield, Neb. US s FARM 120 acres near lrvington. $80 per acre; terms to right partv. BEMIS, PAXTON BI,OCK. 661-22 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weakly goes to SO, oca homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertiaeiuent la small s cents per word In small lyoa ar U per ltica U hi la Urge type. FOR SALE FARMS I WANT TO BUY A FARM. I have got $ji.0OO I want to Invest In A good grain or stock farm near Omaha, or a paying business of some kind. Bond de scription to D 65. Omaha Bee. M460 24 x OWNER MUST 8EU, QUICK. ONE of the bst fnrms In the county; fair Improvements; fine grove and apple orchard, 110 acres wheat, 2H miles to good town, $7.fn per acre, cheap at $76. Mitchell & Faugh. Wood River, Neb. FARMS TO SELL KEMP, Blair. Neb. 325 N20 FARMS FOR RENT FOR RENT A farm of 120 acres In Doug las county, Nebraska. Rlker Cham hers, Room 4Q)j, Bee Bldg. 861 21 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-841 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 844 GARVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W 45 BUILDING loans on residence property; 5 per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W 846 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-847 PRIVATE: money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas W-848 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-4$ WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-860 FARM and city loans: lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 851 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can pay It back In monthly payments. Hastings & Heyden, 1"9S4) Farnam St W 833 FOR SALE BONDS AND FARM Mortgages. Citizens' State Bank, Blair, Neb. W Low Rites. Private Money. $100 and Up, CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON CO. W FOR RENT HOUSES PIANO moving lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1625, Scbmoller V Mueller. D KS 7-ROOM, all modern house, N. E. corner 22d and Ohio, hot water heat ,$26.00, Turkington, 002 Bee Bldg. D 769 FOR RENT Modem 14-ioom tirlck dwell ing, 19th and Leavenworth; In good oider, Just papered and painted throughout; steam heat. Milton Rogers Sons Co., 14th and Farnam 8te. D 5 LI -v CUC In all parts of the city, K. nUUOCJ c. Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. D biO THE Omaha Van Storage Co. pack, move and store 11. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Ottlco, Ulltt Farnam, Tel. 1559. D-821 WjS MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. TeL lli Office, 1712 Webster St. D-aa UnilCCC In all parts If the city. The O. nwUouJ F. Davis Co., 60S Bee Bldg. HOUSES, insurance, Ringwalt, Barker Blk. D-4U4 FOR RENT 8-room uiodern house, except furnace, 8u6 N. 80' h t-, -"X 4 li ice large rooms, ua N. IMh St., $11. C. M. 1ACHMANN. 4tf Paxtou bl)C D-304 FOR RENT Seven room house, 28th and Farnam Sis.; &. Inquire at 607 N. 19th , street. D-M.-7 FOR RENT Residence of J. H. Macomber, 2010 Emmet St.; nine rooms; raouern. Ap ply D-85. Bee. M 271 U FOR .RENT 7-room house, $15; 6-rootn house, $10; both newly papered. William K. Potter, Rec. 01 Brown Blk. New 7-room modern house, east front, paved - . u mnt WAlkS IH bV M ft h H I ! A fin neighborhood; M. S712 N. 24th. 613 N. Y. Ufa. SWEET & BEST. Tel. 72 FOR RENT. 9- room modern house, 422, North 39th St., $30. 10- room modern brick house, 1124 South 81st St., $46. -room modern house, 1612 Sherwood Ave., $30. room modern brick house, 8060 Woolworth Ave., $30. T-room modern house, 2620 Manderson St., $22.60. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room No. 1, New York Life Bldg. D Wrt 26 FOR RENT Eleven-room modern house, newly papered and in good repair: will be vacant Oct. 20; rent, $36 and water. In quire 119 South 26th St., B. Tzschuck. D-1SI WHAT Is known as the Fred M. Young house, 6003 Florence boulevard, 8 rooms, all modern, good barn; two rooms can be sublet if desired. For particulars see Harrison tt Morton. Tel. 356. D 210 FOR RENT Desirable nine-room modern house, 4117 Farnam Street,' $40. Alfred C. Kennedy, real estate, loans, Insurance, rentals. 209 First National Bank Building. Omaha, Neb., Telephone 72. D M3u9 HOUSES FOR RENT. . 638 S. 24th, new 8-room brick, modern, $40. 707 8 28th, new 6-room brick, mod ern, $27.50. 1210 N. 24th, rooms, bath, fcS. 1746 S. 28th, 8 rooms, bath, etc., $20. 236 Webster, 8 rooms, gas. city water, $20. lv N. 26th. rooms, bath, etc., M. 1210 8. 27th, 6 rooms, $10. 3')16 Ames Ave, 6-room fiat, $. Oak, 4-roora house, $6. 1W9 Mason, .4 rooms, $7. 2214 D St., South Omaha. 4 rooms, $9 GARVIN BROS., 1604 rarnaj FOR RENT 10-room modern house. 2921 Mason. Inquire at . r. inruenuau y., 1118 Harney St. D-Si52! FOR RENT All or part of -room furnished modern house. 2519 Ames Ave. D M37$ 24 HOUSES FURNISHED on six hours no. tlce. Our prices are at least 26 per cent below Installment stores. Best stock In Omaha. TermB. 2B wortn. i a weea. amaiu FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13lh on Farnam 6reet- U 3U M T-ROOM bouse, furnished or unfurnished, A bargain to good party. 22u4 Wirt St. D 4i4 22X FOR RENT. The Dundy residence and barn, (Ji and Leavenworth $50.00 7- room modern cottage. 3002 Mason. .tV. 60 8- room modern house, 1060 Oeorria Ave $35.00 8-room modern bouse, 613 8. 28th Ave .$16 -r. modern cottage, 2644 Dnven port. .$26.00 8-room modern house. 4624 Capitol Ave $18.00 Btore, No. 1414 S. ISth St $11 K JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM 8T. D 349 22 partly modem . 1615 Marcv St. house, first-class condition inquire ai corner. D345 22 x 2602 Poppleton Ave., s-room house, all mod ero . 18 Dewey Ave., I rooms $32.j0. 3ju8 Cuming St.. 7 rooms, strictly modern, a beauty $32 50. 3408 Emmet St., rooms, strictly modem, with barn $30. 281$ Leavenworth St., rooms, modern ex cept furnace $X. 38th and Dewey Avt., 3 7-room brick flats, modem except furnace $22.60. 3440 a toth St., 7-room house, modem ex cept furnace; bam, psved street $22 60. 2636 Wirt 8t., 6 rooms, porcelain bath, marble washstand. toilet; good repair $16. 3323 8. '-'9th St., 2d-floor, 6 rooms, city water $9. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. First Floor N. Y. U Bldg. Tel. 17IL D 485 22 $30 NEW, all modern. 7-room house KA and Marcy. "Phone 678. D M.VW We are remodeling the flats at 661, and 667 South 28rh St., Into four and five modem apartments and they will be ready for oucupanc" about November 1st to 10th and will rent from $15 to $30. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. D-461 23 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES OMAHA Seymour Camp No. If will ni"et at Myrtle Hall, commencing Wedneeday evenll-g, Oc tober 4th. 1916. M. IT. REDFIKLD, Consul Commander. JNO. N. CRAWFORD. Clerk. FOR RENT HOUSES 2510 Foppleton Ave., 7-room, furnished i.ouee, modern, not water neat. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. D 469 22 SEVEN-ROOM all modern brick house; porcelnln bath, etc; foment walks. No. 4:23 Douglas. $26. 'I'hone 230. L. D. Spalding, Omaha National Bank. D4S0 22 FOR RENT newly furnished rooms; mortem except furnace; ib. M8 in. tist Ave. D 362 22x FOR RENT Five acres and new cottage and barn; ready November 1; near 48th and Martha. Rent $1 per month. 8. Arlon Lewis, agent, 906 New Ynr? Life. D396-22 x 4-ROOM cottage, 3568 Leavenworth, $12.0. -room modern and barn ex. furnace, 2423 Emmett, $30. t-room modern and barn ex. furnace, 1202 So. 9th, $30. 8-room modern nlcs home, 2712 Caldwell, $23. 8-room modern, 2tC!) Seward, $20. 8-room modern, 1314. So. 31st, $25. 12-room modern and barn, 2018 No. 21st, $30. F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. D-619 22 HOU8E8 TO LET. 1102 S. 82d, 9 rooms, modem, barn, $40. 1M7 Park Ave., 9 rooms, modern; $35. 8701 N. 21st, 8 rooms, modern except fur nace: $17.50.' 1914 N. 27th. 8 rooms: $17.60. w. farnam smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. U 157 22 WE havs a fine; strictly modern dwelling in west rarnam aistnct to let to nrst class party. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. D 458 22 7-room all modern house; state rent and location to Insure answer. Address D 60, Bee. D 644 22x COZY cottage home, furnished or unfur- nicnea; rooms, polished floors, full lot, car line one block. 914 South 40th St. D M543 28x O TT7"0 T A T niBiltTva 8035 S. 18th avenue., 3-room, city water; cioon 10 ooum umnni car, only 17, 1412 N. 17th St.. S-room. city water, $8. Close In. 1620 Canton St., 4-room, city water. Inside mi niceiy pnereu, only f. 110 N. 37th St., 6-room, city water Inside, only $12.fO. 533 Park avenue. 7-room, all modern, fine location, only $32.60. Special Inducements If taken at once. 613 N. 41st St., 7-room, bath and gas, only 2857 Farrjam St., 8-room. modern, except We have Others. See nur Umt hefnra move. Payne. Bostwlck k Co.. 601 N. Y. Ufe. D629 22 MOVINO expenses pa4d on either of the following houses. If taken this week. 1646 and 1548 S. 27th street: seven rooms each; strictly modern; $25.00; water paid by owner; only two blocks from Park car line; good neighborhood; needed re pairs promptly made. Look at these to day. Payne. Bostwlck & Co., 601 N. Y. Ufe. D532 22 2009 CALIFORNIA St.. 7 rooms furnished. Call afternoon. D M514 24 FOR RENT 10-r. mod. house and barn, 2913 Hickory. $30. 8-r. house. 3239 Lalk, $10. J. H. Parrotte, Paxton Blk. D--613 22 HOUSES FOR RENT. $30. 623 So. 20th St.. 6 rooms furnished, modern except furnace; barn. $25. 4216 Farnam St., 8 rooms, modem. ' $25. Z11S Locust St., 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. $15. 8334 Spalding St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace. Inquire R. C. PETERS A CO., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. ' D 627 28 WANTED TO BUY Antiquarian Book Store. 1220 Farj highest price paid for 2d-hand books. Tel. F-4629. N-861 Nli SHETLAND pony, young mare: must ba gentle and sound, broke to ride and drive. Call 4 to 6 p. m. 4026 Isard. N 182 HIGHEST price paid for second-hand goods. Telephone 103S. N 292 N19 COTTAGE, 4 to rooms, In Omaha. Ad dress D 4. Bee. N 826 27x CENTURY DICTIONARY" and Modem Eloquence. Will pay good 2d-hand price. 8t'e edition and binding. Address C 23, DaTly Bee. N 460 23 WANTED Complete second handed ma chinery outfit for steam laundry must be In first class condition. 2427 Harney St. N-623 22x DANCING ACADEMY Mr. and Mrs. Morand's School for Dan cing now open. Children classes meet In our new academy, 18th St. near Far nam: beginners, Saturday 10 a. m. and Wednesday 4:1A n in.; season, 6 months, $10. Children advanced, Saturday 8 p. m.; season, ( months, $6. Adults meet at 15th : Farnam, Tusdays and Fridays p. m. Private lessons dally. Tel. 1041. -T17-N9 NEW class formed for adults, beginners, at Morand's. 16th tnd Harney, Tuesday and Friday, this week, 8 p. ni.; Individual and thorough instruction our forte; our pupils enjoy every minute of their lessons. LOST WILL, the lady who was seen to pick up pocketbook at 16th and Farnam Friday. 6 p. in., kindly leave it at this office. Lost 331 22x LOST $57, Wednesday evening, between 6;30 and t o'clock, between Boston store and Bennett's; reward If (returned to Be offc- Lost M524 23 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON InsUtute, 615 N. Y. Ufs. TeL 1664. 875 MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK. Osteopathy Phy sician. Office. Neville Blk. Tel. 2823. 7 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. -: In Families, Miss Sturdy. TeL Harnsy 102. -874 PRINTING PRINTING MEMORIAL CARDS; ar ivurcTr ,Ut' JsTs. 8. E. Cor. LYNGSTAU 16th St. and Capitol Ave. FLORISTS HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam. -477 U HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. Tel. 12SH -87 BLANKETS YOUR HORSE NEEDS ONE We have both stable and street styles In great variety. PUMMOIID'O EJ 18TH AND HARNEY DH.PUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCIOTTL D. V. S. CITY VfcTRIARIA. Office and Infirmary, 3tU and Mason 8Ls OMAHA, NEB. Jelcphone tta. CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES ELECTION PROCLAMATION BY MAYOR. Proclamation and notice to the electors and legal voters of the City of Omaha of a Special City Election of said cltv, to be held Tuesday, the 7th day of November. IS, for the purpose of submitting to said electors a proposition to vole Klre Englno House Bonds, a proposition to vote In tersection Bonds, and a proposition to vote Sewer Bonds: To the Electors and Legal Voters of the City of Omaha: Under and by virtue of the authority In me vested by the laws of the State of Ne braska, and by Ordinance ?o. 661$ and Ordinance No. 5627, I. Frank E. Moores, Mayor of the City of Omaha, do hereby proclaim and give public notice of a Spe cial City Election of said City of Omalia. which Is hereby called to be held at the time of the general election to be held In aid city on Tuesday. November 7, 1SM5. for the purpose of submitting to the legal electors of said city the questions and propositions of Issuing bonds, to be called 'Fire Engine House Ronds," bonds to be called "Intersection Bonds," and bonds to be called "Sewer Bonds," the said ques tions and propositions being as follows, towlt: Question and Proposition of Issuing Firs Engine House Bonds. "Shall tht bonds of the City of Omaha In the sum of sixty thousand ($60 000) dol lars be issued for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing fire engine houses for the use of the Fire Department of the City of Omaha, such fire engine houses to be In the locality and at the estimated and approximate cost as follows, towlt: "North 50 fet of lot 13, block 1, Arm strong's First adltion, estimated cost of thirty thousand ($1)0.000) dollars. "For the purchase of a site and the erection of a fire engine house thereon In the district lying north of Willis avenue, west of the east lino of Sherman avenue and east of the west line of 24th tret, estimated coat of thirty thousnnd ($30,0uo) dollars. "The Mild bonds to be called 'Fire En gine House Bonds' of the City of Omaha, the same to be Issued In tne denomination of one thousand $1,000) dollars each, at such times and in such amounts as may be necessary for such purpose, at any time during the years ISM and 1907, and to run twenty ' (20) years from the date .if Issue thereof, and to bear Interest, payable semi annually, at a rate no exceeding four (4) por centum per annum, with Interest cou pons attached, payable at the fiscal agency of the State of Nebraska In New York City, and not to be sold for less than par, the proceeds thereof to be used for no other purpose than for the construction of fire engine houses for ths City of Omaha?" QUESTION AND PROPOSITION OF IS SUING INTERSECTION BONDS. "Shall bonds of the City of Omaha in the sum of fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars be Issutd as may be required during the years 1906 and 1907, for the purpose of paying the " cost of paving, repaying or macadamising and curbing the Inter sections of streets and spaces opposite alleys In said city and In front of real estate not subject to assessment of special taxes fgr paving purposes; said bonds to run twenty years from the date thereof, and to bear Interest payable semi-annually at a rate not exceeding 4 per cent per an num, with Interest coupons attached; said bonds to be called 'Intersection Bonds' and not to be sold for less than par, the pro ceeds thereof to be used for no other purpose than paying the cost of paving, repaying or macadamizing and curbing the intersections of streets and spaces op posite alleys and In front of reil estate not subject to assessment of special taxes for paving purposes?" QUESTION AND PROPOSITION OF IS SUING SEWER BOND3. "Shall bonds of the City of Omaha in the sum of ninety thousand ($9C,'J0O) dollars be Issued, as niuy be required during the year 1906, for the purpose of paying the cost of construc-lon, maintenance and ac quiring right of way for main sewers of the City of Omaja; said bond! to run for twenty years frtm the date thereof, and to bear interest payable semi-annually at a rate not excetdlng 4 per cent per an num, with Intercut coupons attached; said bonds to be cal'ed Sewer Bonds,' and not to be sold for less than par, the pro ceeds thereof to be used for no other purpose than paying the cost of con struction, maintenance and acquiring right of way for ma'-n sewers In the City of Omaha?" The said questions and propositions shall be submitted to tbs electors of the City of Omaha en. ire Ir the proper form provided by Uw ft, official ballots, with the word "Ys" ane. the woro "No" In separate lines prlntod thereon. All official ballots of said legal electors marked with an "X" mark the word "Yes" upon said official bs.llots cast at said lection shall be counted In favor of the Issuing of said bonds opposite which said "X" mark Is placed, tinr1 all official ballots of said legal electors with an "X" mark following the word ' No" .upon said official ballots cast at said election shall be coui.ted and considered as against the Issuing of said boni s opposite which said "X" mark la placed. Provided, That If voting machines be used at said election pursuant to law, the statement of the questions and propositions submitted shall be prepared and Inserted on the ballot label for questions on such voting machines, with the word "Yes" and the word "No" for the voter to Indicate his affirmative or negative vote on such questions and propositions by operating the roper device therefor. The polls shall be open on the day of said election at 8 o'clock In the morning and shall continue open until 6 o'clock In the evening of the same day, at the respective voting places, following, towlt: FIR8T WARD. First District 11)9 South th street. Second Dlstrlot 1013 South 10th street. Third District 1703 South 10th street. Fourth District 919 Bancroft street, SECOND WARD. First District 2415 Georgia avenue. Second District 3202 South 24th street. Third District 1501 Vinton street. Fourth District 1624 Vinton street. Fifth District 2204 South 16th street. THIRD WARD. First District 1619 Webster street. Becond District 322 South 10th street. Third District 302 North 15th street. Fourth District 410 South 13th street. Fifth District 1417 Jackson street. FOURTH WARD. First District 1614 Capitol avenue. Becond District 422 South 18lh street. Third District 718 South 16th street. Fourth District 316 South 2oth street. Fifth District 2S07 Davenport street. FIFTH WARD. First District 3820 Sherman avenue. Second District 2825 Sherman avenue. Third District 2601 Sherman avenue (bam.) Fourth District 1846 Sherman avenue. Fifth District 1156 North 16th street. SIXTH WARD. First District 2307 North 24th street. Second District 1710 North 24th street. Third District 2004 North 28th street. Fourth District 2213 Military avenue (up stairs.) SEVENTH WARD. First District 2719 Leavenworth street (rear.) Second District 1525 Georgia avenue (barn, rear.) Third District 1338 Park avenue. Fourth District 210 South 33d street (bain, rear.) EIGHTH WARD. First Dlstrlct-1318 North 24th street. Second District 1721 Cuming street. Third Dlstrlct-612 North 16th street. Fourth District 2423 Cuming street. NINTH WARD. First District 2603 Cuming street. Second District 229 Cuming street. Third District 8304 Davenport street (barn.) Fourth District 211 South 36th street (bam.) Fifth District 2116 Farnam street. TENTH WARD. First District 1018 South 10th street. Becond District 1623 Leavenworth street. Third District 2121 Leavenworth street. Fourth District 1424 South 16th street. Fifth District 1323 William street. ELEVENTH WARD. First District 4008 Hamilton street. Second Dlstrlot 40th and Farnam streets (tent.) Third District 4V424 Leavenworth street. Fourth District "06 South 27th street. TWELFTH WARD. First District 4314 North 24th street. Second District 3624 Ames avenue. Third District 21$ North iuth street (barn.) Fourth District 8102 North 24th street. In wltneaa whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand as Mayor of said City of Omaha this 18th day of October, 19uJ. Atteat: W. H. ELBOURN. City Clerk. (Seal.) FRANK E. MOURNS. OcU8d20t. . Mayor. PROPOSALS FOR STREET IMPROVE MENT. Sualed proposals are invited and will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Omaha on Tuesday. October 24, 1S. at 8 o'clock p. in., lu the Council Chamber In the City Hall for the following street Im provements, towii: Nineteenth street, from Leavenworth street to St. Mary's avenue, In Street Im provement District No. 88, by repavlnx, readjusting the old curbs and replacing all defective curbing, in accordance with Ordi nance No. 6621. Eighteenth street, from Spencer street to l.mniel street, in Street Improvement District No. 84. by curbing and paving, tn accordance with Ordinance No. 6tii2. Twentieth street, from Lake street te south line at Florence Boulevard, ly Street Improvement District No svo, by curbing CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES and paving. In accordance with Ordinance No. fc'Ml. Dodge street, from th street to 48' h street, In Stieet Iimnovemrnt District No. 861, by curbing and guttering, in accord ance with Ordinance No. C;u3. Bids for such improvements must be upon asphalt, stone, vltrllled brick, vitri fied brick blocV, artificial stone or maca dam, and all bidders are required to desig nate the locality, quarry, kiln or factory from which will be furnished the specific material to be used by tliem, with its coniineiclal designation. Proposals must be submitted for each district separately and must be made upon printed blanks to he furnished by the City Engineer, who will also furnlsn Instructions to bidders, together with specifications and forms of contract and bond, upon application at his office; and as evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will be entered into and good and sufficient bond furnished, should award be made thereon, each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the City of Omaha, In an amount not less than 10 er cent of the total of each bid, but In no case to be es3 than $H. Proposals must bo addressed to W. H Elbourn, Cll' Ork, Cour.c!: Chamber. City Hall, and marked "Proposals for Street Improvement District No. .," giving the number of the district hid upon. The City Council of the City of Omaha reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Omaha, Nebraska, October 11, 19nR. W. IL ELROL RN. Octll i-tt City Clerk LEGAL NOTICES BOND SALE. Office of the city clerk, South Omaha, Neb., October K, A. D. 1905. Sealed bids addressed to the undersigned, and plainly marked "Proposals for Relund Ing Bonds," will be received at the oihre of the City Clerk, South Omaha, Neb., until I o'clock p. in. October toth, A. D. 1906. For the purchase of the following de scribed issue of city bonds of the City of South Omaha, these said bonds so offered for sale being general obligations of the city, namely: Seventy thousand and eight ($79,008) dol lars of city refunding bonds. Issued for the purpose of refunding seventy thousand and eight ($70,008) dollars in city funding bonds, dated November 1. HM). now outstanding under a reserved option. These bonds so offered will be Issued and numbered, consecutively, from one to 140, or 70, both Inclusive (except number one, which shall be of the denomination of $V0I or $1,008, as the case may be), and will be of the denomination of $t0 or $1,000 each at the option of the purchaser, dated Novem ber 1, A. D. Ii6, due and payable in twenty (3o) years after date, unless sooner re deemed under the legal option of the city at any time after five (6) years from date, bearing Interest at the rate ef four and one half (4V) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. May and November 1 of each year. Interest Installments evidenced by coupons attached to the bonds, bonds and the Interest coupons payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska, In the City of New York, state of New York, United States of America. These said refunding bonds are issued foi the purpose of redeeming and refundlni certain outstanding funding bonds of serial dated November 1, A. D. 1900, which fund ing bonds were Issued and sold under ex isting constitutional and statutory provis ions of the City of South Omaha, Neb., and it Is further certified that the faith and credit of the City of South Omaha are firmly bound and revenue powers are Irre vokably pledged for the prompt payment of these said refunding bonds and interest thereof semi-annually, and at maturity thereof. Also that the total Indebtedness of the city. Including this Issue of bonds, has not exceeded the constitutional and statutory limits, and that an annual tax, and other taxes and assessments to pay principal and Interest, as the same respectively fall due, shall be levied and made. Each bidder must state separately the amount he wljl offer for this Issue entire, as to "principal and premium," and that "accrued Interest," will be paid to the date and delivery of said bonds, also as to the amount of the charge, If any, that will be made additional, by the purchaser, for the printing and lithographing of this said series of bonds. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, or an unconditional certified check on a registered national bank, In the sum of one thousand ($1 000) dollars, and made pavsble to the City of South Omaha, Neb., as an ev idence of good faith on the part of the said bidder. The City ef South Omaha, through Its City Council, reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive defects should they appear. . . By order of the City Council. JOHN J. GILL1N, City clerk. OctlS 18t CERTIFICATE) OF PUBLICATION. State of Nebraska, Office of Auditor of Public Accounts, Lincoln, October 20, 1H06. It Is hereby certified that the State Life Insurance Company of Indianapolis, In the state' of Indiana, has compiled with th Insurance law of this state, applicable to such companies, and la therefore authorized to transact the business of life insurance In this state for the current year ending January 31, 1906. Summary of report filed for the year end ing December 81, 1904: INCOME. Premiums $2,04H.9O7.7T All other sources 197,126.01 Total $2,244,032.78 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holdors...$ 496.631. IS All other payments... 918,614.41 Total $1,41.24G.5 Admitted assets $3,160,083.31 LIABILITIES. Net reserve $2,540,511.00 Net policy claims 69,500.00 All other liabilities.... 16,486.63 $2,615,497.63 Surplus beyond capital stock and other lia bilities 644,685.68-$ 644,685.68 Total $3,160,083.81 Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor of Public Accounts the day and year first above written. E. M. 8T5ARLB, JR.. Auditor of Public Accounts. JOHN L. PIERCE, Deputy. Oct 23d-lt. NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received ut the office of the county clerk of Dawson county, Lexington, Ne braska, up to noon of the 17th day of No vember, 1906. for the furnishing of all material and construction of any and all wooden bridges in nuld county fur one year, beginning January 1, 1906. All bidders to bid on plans and specifica tions adopted by county commissioners, which sre on file in the office of the county clerk of said county. All bids to he accom panied by certified check for $500 and a rood and sufficient bond In ths sum of $1,0UU. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of County Coos mlsslonera. R. S. THORNTON, Clerk of Puwson County, Nebrasks. Islington, Neb. 022-29 N6-13 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposals will be received for the pur chase of the brick and stone residence at t l,o southwest corner of Seventeenth and Douglas streets and Its removal by Janu ary 1 next. For detailed Information and opportunity to Inspect the building apply to R. W. Baker, superintendent Bee build ing, who will also receive the bids, reserv ing right for the owners to reject any or all. STEAMSHIPS. CLARK'SSSVmsORIENT ana IMIUrrtDMn, Including Spain, br poUllr ubartarafl S. S. Arable. 14.0UO tona. atarts Fab. sta A erulM of To daya, apendlnf It aaya la Palaatlne and Sfrpt. eoatlm only 4uo and up, including ahore aipanaea, betala. drltu, (tea. and all saoaasary as- Forll!utrataa' Daarripilva Beoklat addraaa FRANK. C CLAhK. Broadway. N York, geund the World partlas start Nor. lib and Dae. t. REUCIOIS NOTES. Daniel Francis of Des Moines, la., has given $30,000 for the erection In that city of a home for aged and wornout ministers of the Methodist Episcopal church. Ira D. Sankey has started to rewrite his unpublished book, "The Story of the Gospol Hymns." the original manuscript of which was destroyed by lire a few years ago. Rev. F. E. Clark, president of ths Chris tian Endeavorers, has sailed for Genoa, Italy, and after a few weeks' rest be ex pects to begin the preparation of the quar ter century' history of Christian Endeavor. Ian Maclaren (the Rev. Dr. John Wat soni, wiio is Just leaving tho Liverpool church, where ho has been minister for a quarter of a century, has made a col lection of his sermons as a sort of farewell volume. The Calvation Army Is making much prosit a in Oeri.iany under the inadersblp of Commander Ollphant, who, the Frank furter Zeilung declares, la almost as in teresting a rhaiiictcr as Ociivral Booth. Ha Is tall and lean, has a very high fore head, bushy eyebrows and a lung, black beard. Though an Englishman, be Speaks German fluently and his citations evince thorough aA4iUrlty sriUt ftsroistra