Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Pages 1 to 8.
The Bee's Sunday Magazine
Features Out-top Those of
All Comoetitors.
Michigan, Enron and Erie LtBhed to Tnrj
bj Fierce Okie.
Btorm Etill Raging and Complete Lilt Will
Be Greater.
Prompt Work f Life Baring Crewe
Many Sailore.
Unfit Btago of Water In Many
Vrari U Canard by Hlh Wind
from the Sooth-nt,
CHICAGO, Oct. 20. The storm which laat
light swept over northern Lake Michigan.
Lko Huron and Lake Erie, was one of the
' lcrcest on record. Aa far as learned to
ilght elevrn vessels have been wrecked and
.n or fifteen ethers seriously damaged.
Twelve lives are known to have been lost,
ind as the gale on southern Lake Huron
ird Lake Erie Is still blowing fiercely to
llght It Is feared that other losses, both of
if and property, will be reported within
he next twenty-four hours.
The boats wrecked are as follows:
Tug Frank Perry, sunk off Root Island In
he Chemaux group.
Steamer Joseph H. Fay, run ashore near
Roger City, Mich... and broken to pieces
the waves. The mote. Jose Syze. was
Irowned. The boat m owned by M. A.
rlvnriley of Cleveland.
Barge I). P. Rhodes, In tow of steamer J.
Fay, driven ashore near Cheboygan.
Schooner Emma L. Nellson. stranded in
Presque Isle Harbor. The boat was badly glowing tribute concluding with the word:
Infringed but the crew was saved. th hundred years have only made his
Schooner Mlnnedosa, foundered two and1 , ' ' '
ine-half miles off Harbor Reach In Lake : glory brighter.
Huron early todHy and carried down the en- V The Nelson centenary exhibition will be
Anniversary- of Trafalgar Will lie
Celebrated with Klahornte Cere
monies In London Today.
LONDON, Oct. 20. The national celebia
tlon In honor of Lord Nelson, the hero of
Trafalgar, which will culminate tomorrow
In cer'monles at the Nelson monument In
Trafalgar square, on the occasion of the
centenary of the hero's death, were ush
ered In tonight by a banquet In Fishmong
ers' hall at which were present Raron Hay
ashl, the Japanese minister; Lord Strath
eona, the high commissioner of Canada:
Lord Hrassey and representatives of all
clnsss. especially of the army and navy,
the latter Including many admirals and gen
erals. Lord Prassey presented to the Fish
mongers' company a piece of oak from Nel
son's flagship, the Victory.
In the course of the proceedings a tele
gram was received from Vice Admiral Togo
expressing on the occasion of this centen
ary "our ever Increasing admiration for
and devotion to the great admiral."
Baron Hayashl, in ft speech, declared that
Lord Nelson's memory was as much revered
In the Japanese navy as It was In that of
Great Britain
The Nelson column In Trafalgar square
has been beautifully decorated by the Navy
league, and around Its base will be arranged
floral tributes sent from all parts of the
empire, which have been pouring In for the
last week. From the top of the column will
wave numerous flags and the immortal sig
nal "England expects this day that every
man shall do his duty." Concerts, ban
quets and celebrations of varltiua kinds have
been arranged throughout the kingdom, and
on Sunday In nil the churches memorial
services will be held, the principal one be
ing at St. raul's cathedral, which will be
attended by the mayor and corporation of
the city of London, and at Salisbury ca
thedral, where the present Lord Nelson will
read the lessons. A feature of most of the
celebrations will be the recital of Kip
ling's "Recessional."
Among the telegrams already received Is
one from Admiral Dewey, who snds a
Former Nebraek. Hewipaper Man Hamad
ai Consul to Calouita.
Court of Inquiry In Case of Paymaster
Ring of Boston Xavy Yard
Finds Him egll-atent.
Cashier Clark of Enterprise Satlnaal
Bank Left Affairs In Bad
riTTSBT RG. Oct. 20 As the investiga
tion Into the affairs of the Enterprise Na
tions) bank proceeds It shows Cashier
Clark, who committed suicide, was Inter
ested In many corporations and that his
associates were prominent men. Startling
revelations are being rnsde as to the man
ner In which the dead csshler managed the
moneys of the bank.
Pome of the directors, on the f
whst has been discovered, lntf
Clark was defaulter to a large I
la believed that President Fredei
nrr and the wealthier men of the bank's
directorate will mRke some effort to get
Total Production of Precieue Metals for
1904 Leu Than Half Billion.
Improvement of Methods of Frospect
tngr and Milling More Than Keep
rac with the Increased
Oct. 20 George E. Rob
II At f""innr f the mint, has prepared
he world's production of
gold and silver or the calendar year 1SK4.
It la as fnllnws the flu-ures betas- resnec-
control of the Santa Fe Central railway j tlvely-flrst. gold value; second, silver In
and the Pennsylvanlan Development com- , 0unce8i tni thlrAt gliver m commercial
f-nj. . ...-n .uuvi:i no w i? ru iiiurn I value.
.Ire crew of eight men
Schooner Mautenee, ashore elfbteen miles
s est of Erie, Pa.
Schooner, supposed to be either the Tas
mania or Ashland of the Corrigun fleet,
sunk two and one-half miles southwest of
Southeast shoal lightship on Ijke r.-lc.
Carried crew of eight men, of whom noth
Itiu Is known.
Schooner Nirvana, foundered near Grand
Murals. Mich.
Steamer Sarah E. Sheldon, beached and
wrecked near Loralne, O.
Schooner Kingfisher, beaten to pieces off
Tug Walter Metcalf, sunk near break
water light, Cleveland.
Mne Drown on Mlnnedosa.
The Mlnnedosa, on which so far aa known
tonight the greatest loss of life occurred,
was coming down from Fort William,
Canada, bound for some Lake Ontario port
WASHINGTON. Oct. 20. The appoint
ment of Colonel W. H. Michael, chief clerk
of the Department of State, to be consul
general at Calcutta was announced at the
SUte department today. Colonel Michael
succeeds Stanley Stoner.
It is said at the State department that
only recently appointed to Caicutta. waa J" he bank's affairs. By doing this as in- j This statement' shows total gold valued at
entirely voluntary. The Illness of a mem- j dividual, the directors may hope to save , iM'.m.m, sn aggregate of 16MM.63S fine
..i-mw.s ,. ,n.y re compenea to man ounces of silver and a commercial value of
good to the state any shortage In the funds. , ellv.r totalling $!7.72l.300. the coinage value
It Is further said that the directors will j ot wnch is $a7.8j0.2.
lose nothing. Funeral services over the North America- Silver. Value of
body of the late cashier were held this aft- I Gold. Fine os. Sliver.
ernoon at the family residence. Onlv lm- '. J"nlted States.... $SO,72.1.200 75.786.ltiO 133.616.000
mediate relatives were In attendance. Canada. '.'.!!!!".".'."
It was reported this afternoon that. ' Africa
among the private papere of T. Lee Clark Australasia
the dead cashier of the Enterprise National RupslaP'
bank, la a complete confession of the op- ' Austria-Hungary
eratlons which brought about his ruin and Germany
ui way
ber of his family which occurred subse
quent to his appointment causes him to
request the department to permit him to
resign. It Is announced that hla record waa
entirely satisfactory.
The appointment to Calcutta Is a de
cliad promotion for Colonel Michael. As
chief clerk his salary was $3,000. while as
consul general to Calcutta he receives a
salary of $6,000 and fees bringing the com
pensation up to $6,000.
Censure for Ring.
The court of Inquiry In the case of Pay
master Ring, general storekeeper at the
Boston navy yard, has found him to have
been careless and negligent In the perform
ance of his duty, but does not impeach his
Integrity, and recommends no further pro
ceedings. While .approving this finding, the secre
tary of the navy refuses the officer's re
quest to be retained aa general storekeeper
at Boston.
Consul to Trinidad Removed.
Announcement was made at the State de
partment today that Alvln W. Smith, Amer-
12.u6.aOO 60.!.H78 3.3rtU'.
16.4K'.() 3.718.WS8 iUh,M"l
87,V6J.;iOO 14,56.lttr.i
S, 444,200
24.808.200 172.91!
. 2,117.3iiO J.SWt.TW
64,700 fi.7KM.13
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Saturday
and Monday, Tilth Mnnlt Rising
Pa are.
1 Great Storm Sweeps Over lkea.
Nebraska Man Is Sent to India.
World's Kold and silver Output.
President Gets Orstloa In Sooth.
S Police Find More of Stolen Cash.
3 Kews from All Parts of Nebraska.
4 Churches Occasion Lively Debate.
Waste In Government Printing.
Irvlng's Ashes Are loir at Rest.
0 Mnrket House to lleeome a Too.
Waterworks Ofllclal Makes Reply.
Affairs at South Omaha.
T Orphans' Fair Drawls Well.
1'rge Republicans to Vote Straight.
I Season's Weddings Finest Ever.
County Attorney Slabauah Pleased
Kew Block Signal System Shown.
Takes Issue with the Doctora.
lO Editorial.
It Dresell Waits on the Court.
Drop In Charge on F.xrhange.
13 Booth'a Cornhuakers Confident.
Commercial Review of the Week.
13 Financial nod Commercial.
IS Council Bluffs and low News.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
23., 02
urn ciuning oi me Dana. l nis coniession, Sweden
it is said, narrates minutely all the steps ltaiy
in the tiroeeedlnrs nttendlnv the mriirinr Spain
of the bank's funds and how the loans Turker (V6
were made, together with politicians con- ; France 6f9.6S8
eerned. The paper Is said to have been Oreat Britain.... 102,400 1.4.M
found In the vault of the bank and Is. now , .Argentina ....."7
In the hands of Bank Examiner Cunning-! Bolivia
ham. temnnrArv reialviti I Chile ;
Walter Lyon, ex-Ileutenant governor of : Kouador !."!"
Pennsylvania and counsel for the enter- j Bratil
prises headed by Messrs. Andrews. Tor- en""el
ranee & Kennedy, stated today that If 1 rutch i Gumea
the Investigation ahowed that loans had French Guinea... l,7f,Ri0
been made by Cashier Clark for the pro- .:''ru
9.200 66,1m
8,010 6.083,333
63H,9i10 8i8.(i67
132.90 .
2,043,600 .
,000 .
1.6H8.8O0 ,
4Sl.Sii0 .
lean consul at Trinidad, has been removed , mot,on of the gantft Fe CentrM Rad CefrTAmerica
from ofllce. The cause Is failure to render ' mpanv an(1 tno Pennsylvania Develop- j Asia- '
opened tomorrow at the British museum.
Nelson's ship, the Victory, which is lying
at Portsmouth, will be brilliantly illumi
nated tomorrow night and British warships j
throughout the, empire will parade their
Governor Folk Commutes Sentence of
Kansas City Martlerer to Mnety
Mnc Years' Imprisonment.
JEFFERSON CITT. Mo.. Oct. 20.-Ee-cause
of recent heavy rains direct railroad
traffic from St. Louis lias been Interrupted,
and in-order to arrive here today from St.
with a cargo of wheat. It was In tow of i Louis Governor Folk went to Mexico. Mo..
the steamer Westmount, which was also
towing the barge Melrose. The tow lines
broke during the Btorm and the Melrose
nnd Westmount were separated from the
Mlnnedosa. They managed to make a
landing at Harbor Beach late in the after
noon and reported that they had seen the
, UlanertosR g down. It was In command I sentence for Edward Bailey, condemned to
ui vniwd c iiiuii, niiu uu ilia , nuq ob (lUlleeu 111 IXi&IlBaa VsllJ- utiuuiiun,
last night on a train and securing a special
engine there rode the Intervening fifty
miles In the locomotive cab. He got Into
the cab ojt midnight and reached here this
morning. The trip was made la order to
listen to attorneys who came here from
Kansas City to appeal for commutation of
his accounts and Is attributed solely to nvg
lect and carelessness. His successor has
not been selected.
riagoe In Manchuria.
Vnder date of October 17, 1905, the Amer
ican consul general at Nleuchwang cables
the Department of State that the Japanese
military authorities there have agreed to
relax . the trade restrictions as much as
possible, at the same time maintaining
precautions to protect the men ot the
Japanese army from the plague, from which
three deaths are reported, and it la prob
able that military trains will be utilized to
curry goods Inland.
Texas Wins Appeal.
Secretary Taft today decided In favor of
tlic contention of representatives of Texas
regarding the improvement of the Brazos
1,3.'9.K) S.OCSJ-iS
23.000 1.C93
1,120.700 6io,te7
ment cammnv the notes would be nald W1" r?''"'
ti V n. i . t.'iilna 4 tKi.m
as soon as Bank Examiner Cunningham Corea 3.0i,0.OfK
has ascertained the amounts. iSiam , 61.800
Attorney Lyon further alleges that If , l'ash"W -lAdVe-
any money was secured from the Enter- : Dutch E. Indies 662,500
prise National bank through paper of
either company or the Individuals con
nected with them the money went to the
personal Use of the former cashier, Clark.
2.SJS 100
1,745. 100
H a. m . . . ,
O a. us ... i
T a. m. . . ,
8 a. m . . . ,
n a. ra , . , ,
10 a. m . . . .
11 a. m . . . .
13 m
. . 8rt
. . an
. . .14
. . an
. . arc
. . mi
. . no
. . 4.1
1 P- m
2 p. m
3 p. m
4 p. m
R p. m ..... .
41 p. m
T p. m
8 p. m ..... .
O p. m ..... .
President EoaseTelt Given Enthuiiaitio
Greeting at Metropolis af Georgia,
Shippers Over , Many Railroads Mot
Allowed 'to Ise Their Own
Refrigerator Cars.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 20.-The private car
I line inquiry was continued before the In-
rlver. The last river and harbor bill appro- I terstate Commerce commission today,
prlated $75,000 for beginning the work, which ' Chairman Knapp announced that the taking
will ultimately cost several million. If the ! of testimony In relation to the Atchison.
entire project is approved by future legis
lation. The decision of the secretary allows
the expenditure of $75,000 for beginning the
aboard. The names of the other members
of the craw are not known. The boat was
owned by the Montreal Transportation
company of Montreal, Canada.
The schooner Mautenee struck a rock
Tha governor later commuted Bailey's
sentence to ninety-nine years in the peni
tentiary. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 20 Governor Folk
today commuted the sentenco of Edgar G.
eighteen miles west of Erie, Pa,, early this Bailey, who was to have been hanged here
morning and pounded by the terrific seas ' for murder, to imprisonment for nlnety-
rommenced breaking up almost immedi
itely. Tha wavea were so high that It
was Impossible to launch the lifeboat and
me of the seamen, whose name Is unknown,
7rformed the feat of swimming to shore
Alth a line. A breeches buoy made of 'a
viaket was soon rigged up and the entire
lew, together with the cook, Mrs. Kate
July, was brought safely to shore. The
mat was without cargo and was bound
rom Buffalo to Duluth.
Eight More Men Probably Drown.
nine years.
The crime fof which Bailey was con
victed occurred at 3 o'clock on the morn
ing of March 19, 1904. Bailey was a mem
ber of the Hack Drivers' union, which was
on strike. Ferguson was a non-union driver
who had taken the place of a striker.
Bailey, with three confederates, enticed
Ferguson to Fifteenth and Central streets,
an unfrequented spot, and there Ferguson
was killed.
Powerful influences were exerted In
Two and a half miles aouthwest of the Balley'a behalf. Members of labor organlza-
Joutheast Shoal lightship on Lake Erie I tlona, members of the Jury which convicted
he masts of a achooner are Just visible I hlm the tr,al JrtBe and politicians petl
ibove the water. From one of the spars Uoned the governor to show clemency in
h flying tha colors of the Corrlgan fleet ! t,ie c86- ine lacl lnal ferguson. wnom
Mrs. Clara M. Buckley of Chicngro
Shoots and Instantly Kills Mrs.
Clara, McCluske).
CHICAGO, Oct. 20. Mrs. Clara McClusky. j
Topeka & Santa Fe and the Southern Pa-
clflc. the two transcontinental lines in
volved, will be postponed until November
1 at 10 o'clock.
The existence ot exclusive contracts be
tween railroads and private car Unas, of
wh-kjj.tha , lutler -um the business "'o?
refrigerating perishable freight, waa
brought out strongly today In tho hearlnga
now in progress before the Interstate
Commerce commission. It was developed i rise. Tho mine owner would' have to give
by the testimony of H. M. Emerson, traffic , Vn&ulS iTl-
ituB ut. hib niaiiiiu vuaoi junta, Vliiil
BIk Increase In Gold.
These figures show an Increase of about
$22,000,100 In gold over the bureau's esti
mate for the calendar year 1903. The United
States shows a gain of about $7,000,000 and
South Africa Of $18,000,000. The director says
that both of these countries are still upon a
rising scale of production. Australia, on
the other hand. Is an Important producer
which shows a tendency to reduce its con
tributions, although the fulling off Is not
large and may be temporary. Considering
developments In well known fields It seems
a reasonable forecast to expect the world's
output In 1905 to exceed that of 1904 by $26,
000,000, with another gain probable In 1906.
In view of current discussion upon the In
fluence of the Increasing gold supplies upon
commodity prices and wagca the bureau haa
been at some paina to collect data to show
the Influence ot higher coats upon the gold
mining industry Itself. Tha director says:
, , A-fiorn1ng that new supplies of gold should
otnrie UtX'ii the markets so muh faster than
thv can be absorbed In the natural expan
sion of business that a new relation is
forced between gold and commodities, of
course the costs of gold production would
Third Consecutive Day Passes With
out Any Deaths from Epidemic
at ew Orleans.
NEW. ORLEANS. Oct. 20 Report of yel
low fever situation to 6 p. m. Friday:
New cases 4
Total 3.S62
Deaths None
Total 4oj
New foci 1
Cases under treatment SW
Cases discharged 2,819
For the third day In succession and for
the fifth time since the fever appeared
here, there have been no deaths reported. A
cold spell appeared here this afternoon, but
as yet there are no Indications of frost.
The news from the country consisted
principally in the raising of quarantines.
Reports of new cases were:
Patterson, 1; Lake Providence, 2; near
Jeanetta, 1; Franklin, 8; Baldwin. 1.
PENSACOLA. Fla., Oct. 20. Five new
yellow fever cases and two deaths were re
ported in the twenty-four hours ending at
noon today.
NATCHEZ, Miss., Oct. 30. One new case
of yellow fever was reported up to noon to
day. There were no deaths.
who was shot down at the rear door of hr 1 t,le ahlppers would be compelled, undor the
saloon, 666 West Madison street, at 2 o'jlook contract with the Armour car lines, to
this morning, was murdered by her forn-er us cars ot this company exclusively or
friend, Mrs. Clara M. Buckley. Jealousy I t railroad would not transport their
over the friendship of Mrs. McClusky w ith ! freight. At the same , time, he said, the
property. The effect of rising costs upon
the production of gold would depend upon
tha marginal profits of the Industry, which
varv with almost every mine. In every
mining district there are mines producing at
good profits, mines producing at small
protlts, mines barelv paylb,? expenses and
mines operating at a loss, but with the hope
Albert Tyrman, an electrician, led to the j schedule of the road would permit the use j ,hat they wlil do better. ' Every Increase in
crime. Mrs. Buckley1, who waa arrested this I f other private cars, and that the ap-
mornlng. denied all knowledge of the crime, parent inconsistency Is a matter '.hat the
but tonight, after being questioned for sevtn j Ie"al department of the road would have
hours by the police, she broke down and to aolve if brought Into controversy. Offl
confessed. She said: j rials of the Central of Georgia, the
I shot her. I went to her saloon last ! Southern, and the Sea Board Air Line
night and ordered two drinks. I had a I testified that the Armour car lines have
hMVTC contract, with their roads to
tnd the boat is unquestionably either the
ichooner Tasmania or the schooner Ash
and. The two schooners last night passed
Detroit In tow of the steamer Bulgaria.
The Bulgaria was sighted in lee of the
sland, but neither the Tasmania nor the
Xshland was with It. It is not known
hat became of the other schooner and It
tiay have been driven further into the
ake and sunk in deep water. Both tha
Tasmania and tha Ashland carried crews
f eight men.
The steamer Joseph F. Fay was run
ignore near Rogers
md waa soon broke
ivas bound up Lake
rhooner D. P. Rhodes, both coal laden,
!ound for Chicago. When off Forty-Mile
Bailey killed, was an ex-convlct, was used
effectively In Bailey's behalf.
Hoadley gays He Lost Three Million
Dollars In One Day Trying; to
Protect the Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 20. The names of John
Jacob Aster and Cornelius Vanderbllt were
the place. I went away and in a Hi tie
while after midnight I called her up on the
telephone to see if she was there. Later I
called her up again and told her that hn
had wronged me and I would get even with
ner. men I went down to her place and
handle all refrigerator business.
cost would submerge the latter more deeply
and add to the Hat of the unprontaoie ana
close Borne of them.
Cost of Mining Decreases
The conclusion reached Is that "although
aome Items of mining costs have increased.
the tendency on the whole Is still down
ward. Improvements In mechanical ap
pliances and metallurgical methods have so
far more than offset the Influences making
for higher costs."
The report says:
The most Important gold field In the world
Is that of the Transvaal, and for that the
data for working costs and profits is quite
Incomplete. Their working profits, after
paying the 10 per cent tax on profits to the
government, are reported at $20,402,163. The
amount actually divided in dividends was
NEW TORK. Oct. 20,-Rather than take 'H4-7-,0'.",2r Y.' mlalXJl
Mew York Cashier Who Confesses
Crime Changes Her Story
Under Oath.
NEW TORK, Oct. 20.-TO aupply money
to a man with whom she waa In love May
E. Holding of Buffalo, cashier of the New
Tork branch of the Larkin company of
Buffalo, stated in a written confession in
court today that ahe had been stealing from
her employers for over two yeara. Her
confession admitted thefts to the amount
of at least $2,000, but the manager, K. E.
May. testified that he believed the amount
stolen was about $8,000.
When arrested recently Miss Goldlng
made an oral confession In which she said
she took the money to help her parents and
a sister In Buffalo. In the new confession
today, which is sworn to, the girl says that
she met a man on a street car crossing tho
Brooklyn bridge in 1903 and that she later
fell in love with him. She says that sev
eral times a week Blnce she has given the
man money In various sums, all stolen from
her employer.
rapped on the back door Just as though I Government Accepts Check for Duty
was coining for some beer. I knew she ' OB Jewels Smuggled by
would answer the rapping and then I would I
get her. She came to the door and I American Woman.
grabbed her by the throat and fired a bliot I
into her. Then I ran and threw the re-
volver Into a yard as I passed up the alliv. I
told him what I had done. Then 1 went $22,000 pearl necklace, which Is now in the ton of rock handled was practically the
ThML t0ld 'Conne11 and Mr6' ! cuto1y of Collector Stranahan. the gov- 8BBAliitl produced in IMS $42,685,226
.rr..,. , fc. . i rnment will accept a check for the amount ln K,lld. of whtch 6 per cent was by twenty-
Abranama when arrested last night i-Y of due8 and return the Jewels to tha woman four tenoning companies, and these com
tho police, flenied all knowledge of H e ; .. ,Vl. ..... ,hA tim pamles paid In dividends 9,B33 811, or 35 per
" ' ' I" . UI In 1 1 kA th tnlal
T til nirti Y'i v.. ... .w. ... ..-v. .... -
d of all Australasia was h,tuii.a.'a, ana
dividends by listed companies amounted
Illinois Central and Southern Secure
Control of the Nashville Ter
minal Company.
eph F. Fay was run I today brought Into testimony concerning crime. After the confession of Mrs. BuM ley . . . fh , , -ht.ii T.n t ! cnt
City. Mich., last night , the buying and selling of the International he was rearrested on a charge of aiding a ' u, . l.,J ' V , " " , i J'lSf.
n to pieces. The boat 1 Power company's stock Just preceding it. criminal to escape. B'mw' reta ' th treasurj reached Jha divl
le Huron, . towing the Wg fall In value in April. 19. This test!- j a'"r conferring with Mr. Stranahan yes- " 'J
NASHVILLE. Tenn., Oct. 20. President
Fish of the Illinois Central road today gave
out the following official announcement
For tho account of the Southern Railway
company and the Illinois Central Railway
company the Standard Trust compunv of
New York has obtained a three-year option
upon a controlling interest In the stocks
and bonds of the Tennessee Central tallrOad
and the Nawhville Terminal company.
i-enomg ine nie ui mis opium ilie sei-url-
' A Xlltl-J
'V!fc 'rom
( Uavy
1 , ts onl
mony was given by Joseph H. Hoadley in
the suit which William B. Ftanklin and
Point at T o'clock last night the towline ' George I. Scott are bringing against Mr.
ai ted and the Rhoudes was swept away I Hoadley. Joseph Deiter and Cyrus F. Jud-
Hs consort. The Fay made Buch ' "" lo wtucn tne plaintiffs claim
weather that It was decided that
nly salvation was to run-upon the sand,
waa promptly done. The crew es
caped, but the boat waa soon destroyed by
the terrlllo seas.. The crew of the Rhoades,
as soon aa separated from the Fay, made
Mil and started for the Straits of Macki
nac. For a time they made excellent prog-
less, but when off Cheboygan Point the gale
they lost while operating a pool for the
three defendants.
Describing the disappearance of stock
which Judaon Is alleged to have had charge
of Mr. Hoadley said:
"Judson told me that he had about sold
all the stock to John Jacob Astor and
i Cornelius Vanderbllt. These two paid $1"0
la share for the stock."
Mr. Hoadley added that Mr. Judson had
-naino no rlght to se thlll ,tHCk AakM about
.... ... ...u w.y h, was what h. httd dom, t0 prot,ct ln markt
after the crash in the International Power
iriven ashore. Tha crew was taken off by a
tug. The boat is badly damaged.
Tha Emma L. Nellson had a terrific ex-i-erlenre
In the glo coming up I.ake Huron,
lis masts being carried away and Its derk
Inad of lumber swept overboard. The boat
was finally stranded In Presque Isle harbor
end Is being rapidly broken up.
The barge Golden Age. which waa in tow
of the steamer William Edwards, was
blown ashore on the east shore of the chan
nel In Ike St. Clplr and Is In a bad posi
tion, but It is thought It will be saved with
out great damage.
C.ale Creates Great Sea.
The gale rreated such a sea as has not
been experienced on the lakes In the last
fifteen years. Many of the large steel
liarges which make nothing of the heavy
via prevailing at this time of the year
were compelled to seek shelter In the near
t ports. As an evidence of the severity
if the wind it Is said the storm lowered the
water on JMinekilns Crossing at the mouth
if the Detroit river by over two feet and
onipletely stopped all navigation during
the day. There the water la eighteen feet
two inches, but this morning, during the
height of the gale, it was down to fourteen
feet one Inch, the lowest ever known.
Although the gale on Lake Michigan was
not as severe as that on Lake Huron and
l.ske Erie, It has been the worst experi
enced this year. The boats around Chicago
were comparatively safe, as the gale was
off shore In this locality and the steamer
this city and Milwaukee
ikt their usual trips by
swhat closer to shore that
plying between t
I , jT were able to ma
1 1 standing in some
(.Continued on Second Page.)
company's stocks, the witness said that
he had bought stock often at 90 points
above tho price at which he had sold it to
Judson. In this effort to protect the mar
ket. Mr. Hoadley said, ho lost $3.0n0,(iv0 In
a single day.
Grand Jnry Investigating- Alleged
Bribery of Legislators by
Insurance Lobby.
ST. PACL. Minn.. Oct. 20 The scene of
the Investigation by the Hennepin grand
Jury of the old officers of tha Northwestern
Natlojial Life Insurance company of Min
neapolis may be transferred to St. Paul.
Payments of money have come to light,
U is said, for corrupt purposes made in St.
Testimony already placed before tha
grand Jury Involves two former state offi
cials, the alleged payment In a room at tha
Ryan hotel of a $5,000 check for the sup
pression of a report exposing the condition
of the company, and a voluntary contribu
tion of $l,0. ea-h to the two democratic
and republican state central committees.
Another state oir.cial Is credited with re
ceiving $..00 In Installments of $130 each for
Sunday work dnno In a clerical capacity.
As to the oampulgn contributions they are
said to be vouched for in a confession made
by one of the old officers, but Its receipt
Is denied In the case of the democrats.
The Northwestern 14fe Insurance com
pany as reorganised is not concerned in
thia investigation.
Federal Grand Jury Investlsratlng
Charges Against Soldiers from
Transport Sherman.
The necklace was brought Into the coun
try without the payment of duty by a
woman whose name the customs officials
have concealed. She was followed by se
cret service agents, from this city to Phil
adelphia. Boston and Chicago and waa
finally informed that customs officials were
watching her. A lawyer then called upon
tha collector and offered a check for $13,000
In payment of the duty.
Mr. Stranahan Insisted upon the surren
der of tho necklace.
HONOLULU. Oct. 20. The federal grand
Jury is investigating the case of alleged
counterfeiting by men who sailed from
this port on the army transport Sherman.
It is reported that a confession has been
made by one of the defendants which Im
plicates others. It is expected ' that In
dictments will be found against the two
prisoners who are under arrest In San
rrancisco, ana mat tney win oe brought zenaa Crane of Dolton
back here for trial.
Of the alx men who were arrested when I
the trnninort was here. IhrAu .,rt i.i.. I
. ' - - - ,'ivi7nui I
will be released Indictments are likely .
to be found against two or three of the I ST. P.VfL. Minn.. Oct. 20. Onlv nt
men for having counterfeit currency ln I change was made In the directorate of the
their possession. Chicago, gt Taul. Minneapolis & Omaha
Several local Cases Of counterfeiting ir.lrH whon the nnmlll meeting waa hot.1
also before tne courts here. Private Cooper. 1 today at Hudson. Wis. Zi.-nas Crane rt Dal
Mass.. Suc
ceeds Horace G. Burt as Member
of Board of Directors.
tiiui These flaures for dividends i t"" nHV """" "'Posited subject to the con-
nts of privately operaiea properties .-;,,, k. j . ;, ''.:
he added. The tendency of costs la i "V" ,'' ' U'Z ,
..ill ,4 . inc - " ,.ii ...... v 1 1 1 1 1 1 -D rt j ao vii KIVU
BB Bllll l unun.iu. I
The gold field of India is one of small " "
area with a few large produoers.i Its yield
in IWt was r uui i-wiiijiiit-B,
ducing about $10,000,000 of this, paid divi
dends amounting to about K.OOO.OOO.
them an entrance Into the city of Nash
Mining In I'nlted States.
In the United States the conditiona vary
widely with districts and mines and It la
difficult to give any figures for costs and
profits of general significance.
The Homestake mine ln the Black Hills
bas produced $80,000,000 and paid $20,000,000
in dividends. The Treadwell mine, a great
producer of extremely low grade ores has
realized about 40 per cent of its product
In profits. The Cripple Creek -ilstriet has
been estimated by the Engineering and
Mining Journal and tha Colorado Springs
It Is probable that $2,000,000 will be spent
in Nashville ln extending termlnH facilities,
building new shops and ln making other Improvements.
George Falrbnrn of Fonda. Elected a
Member of Supreme Council of
Scottish Rite Masons.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 20. The aupreme
council of Scottish Rite Masons for the
southern Jurisdiction today elected and
j crowned George lrnlrburn of Fonda. Ia.,
Mining Stork association, to have proluced ; an active member of that body, to succeed
$139,000,0('0 to January 1, 1906. These figures ; Governor Buren Robinson Sherman, who
include the estimate of the Stale bureau
of mines since they have become availa
ble In 1897.' The Mining Investor gives
the amount paid in publicly announced
who was arrested here in August, pleaded i ton. Mass.. was" elected to succeed H. G. i dividends by Incorporated companies, as
guilty to making T10 counterfeits, and ' Burt of Omaha, whose term had expired.
Private 11 11 son pleaded guilty to having j Mr. Burt was formerly general manager of
counterfeits In his possession. The others
accused will fight the cases.
Dominican Order Receives -'t.22,()(K)
for Its Lands In the Philip,
plno Islands.
MANILA, Oct. 30.-The question of the
friar lands purchase was practically settled
today, when the commission paid tha
Dominican order $3,225,000, which Is the last
WASHINGTON. Oct. DO.-The War de
partment today, upon the cable request of
the Philippine commission, directed the In
ternational Banking corporation of New
Tork to pay to Francisco Outlerres. repte
aentlng the Philippine Sugar Estates De
velopment company and tb University of
St. Tbnmss. the sum of fgnldi Is
settlement of the friar lands purchase. Tha
payment Is to be made in New Tork City,
except the sum of $300,000, which is to be
paid In Manila. This Is the Anal act In the
consummation of tha friar lands deal.
the Omaha road vice president of the
Northwestern road and later president of
the Union Pacific.
No changes appeared In tha annual meet
ing of the St. Paul A Sioux company, an
adjunct of the Omaha, held In St. Paul to
day. The directors and officers are prac
tically the same as thoee of the Omaha.
Attorneys Say So Application for
Habeas Corpus Will Bo
Made tor Teacher.
PEORIA, III, Oct. . Attorneys for N.
apiroxlmatcly $35,000,000. and says thi
would be materially Increased by the
profits of Individual operators and leasers.
In all fields an Important percentage of
the output has come from properties that
have not yielded a profit, and Urje ex
penditures have been made ln prospecting
which have never yielded any returns. A j
striking demonstration oi mis willingness
to spend money ln hunting for the precious
metals is shown by the history of the
Comstock lode.
Of twenty-eight companies operating on
died last year. The election was on the
motion of Grand Commander Richardson.
Mr. Falrbum, who has been serving as
a deputy for Iowa, was immediately in
ducted Into office. The supreme council
then adjourned until tomorrow, which Is
expected to mark the final session.
Devotes Tim to Ditcuiiicn of Commerce
and Indsi'rial Belatieis.
Chief Executive Vakei a flea for a Eqtare
Deal All Around.
Bollock Mansion Which She Lett aa a
Bride ia Hotf the Property of
J. D. W tng, a Lumber
ATLANTA. Ga., Oct. 20. The president'
visit to Atlanta was a marked 'event In the
history ot the state. He was greeted on
his arrival by the city's most distinguished
citiiens and throughout the day on every
hand were shouted words of welcome that
left no room for doubt of their sincerity.
The city was In gala attire and business
was practically suspended, that all might
greet the distinguished guest. South Caro
lina, In the person of Governor Heyward,
added its welcome to the south. The
threatening clouds of the early morning
failed to loose their weight of rain, and
although a chilling wind prevailed through
the entrre day. It failed to cool the ardor
of the welcome.
Numerous extra trains brought their
burdens from the surrounding country and
It was estimated that not less than lOO.OOO
persona saw and welcomed the presldont.
The presidential train came Into the hand
some station exactly on time and aa It
appeared threading Its way through the
mase of tracks ln the yards It waa given a
noisy welcome by all the ateam whistles
ln that part of the city, the demonstration
increased ln volume as the train etopped.
Waiting to receive the president was the
committee, headed by Governor Terrlll.
and composed of Senator Clay, Congress
man Livingstone, Mayor J. G. Woodward
and Bishop C. K. Nelson of tha Episcopal
diocese ot Georgia.
Reception for Mrs. Roosevelt.
A committee of women, headed by Mrs.
Terrell and Mrs. Clark Howell, waa ln
readiness to receive Mrs. Roosevelt. As
the train stopped Governor Terrell and
Senator Clay, accompanied by Mrs. Terrell
and Mrs. Howell, stepped aboard and
greeted the president and Mrs. Roosevelt.
A moment later the party emerged and
Introductions followed. Mrs. Roosevelt and
her party departed almost Immediately for
the governor's mansion, while the president
and party were escorted to carriages in
waiting back of the atatlon. The line of
march waa quickly formed and the presi
dent and hla escort started for Piedmont
park, where the atate fair la being held.
Tha dlatanca from the atatlon to tha park
la about three miles and througiiaut the.
entire - route, which -rn -. along- - Uiatorlc -
Peach Tree atreet, crowds lined the side
walk and gave the president round attar
round of cheers, which the executive smil
ingly acknowledged, hat In hand. It was
a few minutes past eleven when the presi
dent reached the park and again ha was
greeted by the noise of steam whistles from
all the engines In the fair grounds and by
the cheers of tmany thousands who were
waiting his arrival. After a review of the
Seventeenth Infantry, which had recently
returned to Fort McPherson from the
Philippines, the president delivered his ad
dress. President Hughes of the fair as
sociation Introduced Governor Terrell, who
presented Mayor Woodward to welcome
the chief executive. Senator Clay intro
duced the president. As the president roB
to speak the throng cheered him heartily
and waved their liats, umbrellas and hand
kerchiefs. Address by President.
The prebldent spoke aa follows:
Here ln this great Industrial center, In
this city which is a typical southern cltv,
and therefore a typical American city. It Is
natural to consider certain phases of tho
many-sided Industrial problem which this
generation has to solve. In this world of
ours it Is practically Impoanlble to get suc
cess of any kind on a large scale without
paying something for It. The exceptions
to the rule are too few to warrant our pay
ing heed to them; and as a rule it may be
said that something must be puld aa an off
set for everything we get and 'or every
thing we accomplish. This Is notably true
of our Industrial life. The problems which
we of America have to luce today are very
serious, hut we will do well to reuicmher
that after all they are only part of the
price which we have to pay for the tri
umphs we have won. for the high position
to which we have attained. If we were a
backward and stationary country we would
not have to face these problems at all; but
1 think that most of us are agreed that to
be backward and stationary would be alto
gether too heavy a price to pay for the
avoidance of the problems in question.
There are no lnlior troubles where there is
no work to be done by labor. There are no
troubles about corporations where the pov
erty of the community Is such that It la
not worth while to form corporations. There
Is no difficulty In regulating railroads where
the resources of a region are so few that It
does not pay to build railroads. There are
many excellent r'-ople who shake their
heads over trm difficulties that as a nation
we now have to face; but their melancholy
Is not warranted save In a very partial de
gree, for most of the things of which they
complain are the Inevitable accompani
ments of the growth and greatness ot which
we s re proud.
Now, 1 do not wish to be misunderstood.
I do not for one moment mean to say thst
there are not many and serious evils with
which we have to grapple, or that there are
not unhealthy signs in the body s-x-tal ami
politic; but I do mean to say that while
we must not show a foolish optimism wo
must no less beware of a mere blind pes
simism. There Is every reason why we
should be vlgllHiit in seHrchlng out what is
wrong and unflinchingly resolute ln striv
ing to remedy it. Rut at the Hume time we
must not blind ourselves to what hus been
accomplished for good, and above all w
must not lose our heads and become either
hysterical or rancorous In grappling witl
what Is bad.
Kehraskan and Captain Clover of the
Wlsronsln Introduce! to Ills
TOKIO, Oct. 21.-11:80 a. m. The Ameri
can minister, Lloyd C. Griscom, presented
W. J. Bryan and Captain Clover of tha
thia lode, from l85t to IS -2, Ave were auc- I Battleship Wisconsin to the emperor today,
C. Dougherty denied today the story that ' frre'" . ' . "
their client would seek hi. liberty on a I P"P or. mad. expendit
. . . . . " in that vicinity of which no record
unit of habeas corpus or a change of venue "I Th. utnll, . .
eesstul. paying dividends aggregating
$117,772,100, with assessments aggregating
$10,Slfi.lWt. The stockholders of the other
twenty-three paid $9,2,879 ln assessments
and received $15,501, 7 in dividends. A
great many companies and a great many
when bis rase was called for trial.
The school board baa let the contract to
an auditing eompsvny of Chicago to go over
the books of the board for twenty yeara
past, with the request that tha company
suggest Mine method ot bookkeeping that
will prevent a recurrence of affairs like
that of the present.
made. Tbe total output In gold aud sli
ver of the Comstock mine to Januaiy i,
1801. is estimated to have been n.4o,288,
and tun total dividends $m.2ii.
Buch disregard of losses is doubtless due
to the tart that so many people inex
perienced ln mining are willing- to 'try
(.Continued on Second, I'age.
After the audience Mr. Bryan left for
Nlkko. He will return to Toklo tomorrow
and address the Toung Men's Christian
Movements of Ocean Vessels Oct. So.
At New Tork Arrived : Amerlka, from
At Queenstown Arrived: Cedrlc, from
New York: Etrurla, from New York; Oyru
rlc, from Boston.
At Dover Balled: Bluerher. for New York.
At Naples Arrived: Sicilian Prince, from
New York: l'tnnplc. from Hnstnn
At Havre Arrived: La Bretagnji, from
New York.
At Genoa Arrived: Konig Albert, from
New Yurk.
At Plymouth Arrived: Moltke. from New
York: St. Louis, from New York.
At Gibraltar iSailtd. liovic. tor New Tork,
Regulation of Corporations.
Take such a question, for Instance, as the
qUHStlniivr rather the group of questions,
connected with the growth of corporation!
In this country. This growth lias meant, of
course, the growth of individual fortunes.
I'ndoubtedly the growth of wealth in 'his
country has had some very unfortunate ac
companiments, but It seems to me that
mucii the worst damage that people of
wealth ran do the rest of us Is not any ac.
tual physical harm, but the awakening In
our breasts of either the mean vice of wor
shiping mere wealth, and the man of mere
wealth, for the wealth's sake, or the equally
mean vice of viewing with rancorous envy
and hatred the nun of wealth merely be
cause they lire men of wealth. Envy Is, of
course, merely s kind ot crooked admira
tion; and we often see the very man who
In public Is most Intemperate tn bis de
nunciation f wealth, in nis private life
most eager to obtain wealth, In no matter
what fashion, and at no matter what moral
I'ndoubtedly there Is reed of regulation
by the govei In the Interest of the
public, of these great corporations which
in modern life hive shown Ibeinselvss to
tie tbe most efficient bjsiness implements,
and which are. therefore, the implements
commonly employed by the owners of large
fortune. Tbe corporation is tr.a creature
of the state. It should always be tsld ac
countable to sonic sovereign, and this ac
countability should be real end not sham.
Therefore, ln my Judgment, all corporations
doing an tuttraiai busiAts, and Uua ueaoa