10 y THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTORER 20, 1005. CURREIT LITERATURE. Ml Carolyn Wells h don much that In miiKlnit nd witty and her fame a a rhymrr In mo well established and her work no cWvrr that her new book, "The Matri monial Pureau." need no further recom mendation than the bar fart that It cornea from her tx-n. Nevertheless It la perhaps writ to fay that It contalna her beat work and that It furnishes the reader with eevsral hour of tady and forfetfut en joyment. Mlaa Kther Adama, a middle fd ninld-n lady, hnn a German maid who wlna a very ' decent huaband through a matri monial bureau. On thinking this over the Idea cornea to Mlea Adams that aha will ptiraue the mrthoda of aurh a bureau and make marches for three attractive young friend In her Ule town. Bhe aets about It at one and Invites to her house her nephew, a young; army lieutenant whoae arrlvul forma the nucleus of a house party which noon grown to a jolly The altua tlon develop rapidly and In urprlsina; di rections, until the bewildered matchmaker la brought nearly to distraction. The com plication are finally untangled, but only after a aerlea of andacloualy humorous situations. The rapid fire of conversation, of which the book Is largely composed, has all the spirit of lightness and fun. Mlsa Wells and Mr. Taber have collaborated on several occasions, but never before with such marked surcess. Published by Hough ton, Mifflin A Co. In- literary distinction, art work and gen eral variety of Interest the November number of Harper's la a striking example of what can be done nowadays In making a mapailne. There are fifty-six Illustra tions, of which eleven are In color and tint. Resides Mr. Nevlnson's further revelations of the Iniquities of the African slave trsde there are the concluding articles of Dr. Charcot's anartlc expedition, an article, by Mr. Howells upon Bath as It now Is and as It was In Thackeray's time and earlier, a very suggestive paper upon ani mal Immortality by a well known natural ist writing under the pseudonym of "Peter Rabbit." Ernest Rhys' concluding critical comment on Shakespeare's "King Henry VI," with i Mr. Abbey's Illustrations, an article on a music school settlement In New York by Philip Verrlll Mlghels, and Dr. Jl. C. MfCook's account of the cow keeping ants -jindcr the title "Insect Herds and Herders."- Rooth Tarklngton's novel, "The Conquest of Canaan," draws towards Its conclusion and sustains the impression that It is the strongest work Mr. Tarklngton lias ever done. There Is a group of un usually fine short stories. The editor' study and easy chair departments are re plete with Individual Interest and the drawer department bright and amusing. Men's a Underwear u Sale Saturday i 1 in J cry Saturday Men's .-all M KnN tO underwear ' -W&gU,ja 5c ,n4 69c RARE BARGAINS FOIL Tomorrow we place on sale on Bargain Squares, the most Phenomenal Remnant Bargains of the year. $1 and $1.50 CLOTHS for 39c Yard 11 the accumulated short length remnants from our tremendous dress goods business, including Broadcloths, Ladies' Cloths, Silk and Wool Imported Fabrics, Panamas, Serges, Mohairs in dress lengths, waist lengths and many bright colored fabrics for children's dresses; go on two immense dress goods bargain squares, in main building; at.YARD. 39c i Highest fT r alike-for Traveler' Sample Lengths at 35c Each Highest grade imported goods, 4 to 8 pieces coats, skirts and dresses at Shorter lengths, 4 to 10 alike: heavy cloth tor coats and Qn lighter weights for skirts, etc.; at, each IC French Flannels Waistings and all wool double width bright colored dress goods, yard Dress Goods in Basement at 15c Each Fine English and German cloths and rich French dress goods ZX and V& in length, for coats, children's dresses, etc. each. . .. 111 All shorter lengths, each 5c EXTRAORDINARY SILK SPECIALS 19c $1.00 Silk Velvets at 29c Another lot of those Silk Velvets in plain colors, also Printed Velvets In Persian pat terns. Metallic Velvets, In walat lengths, skirt lengths, or enough for entire costume- on sale In New Annex at, yard. iveis, in waist. 29c 75c Chiffon at 25c a Yard Double width Silk Chiffon, exceptional quality, in lengths from 2 to 10 yards, blacks, whites and all the colors of the rainbow at, yard 25c If V) f MUsTKZm I'll""1 uni OM.11 WEATHER FOREC AST Frl.ln r Kalr. Colder. U u M U GREEN TRADING STAMP BOOTH ON MAIN FLOOR In the Dry Goods Section We will make several very low prices in lauus Ft R XKC K SCARF: neck furs for Friday and Saturday. Importer's samples and pieces of fine black velvet, also great lot lrt fine plain and colored silks, all at, each JC'IUC OX BARGAIN SQUARE All the accumulations from the entire week's busi ness, many pretty silks for waists, trimmings, etc 'iC all go at, only ijC "The Yellow War," by "O," Is a book cf unusual and powerful sketches, bringing out the personal side of the Russo-Japanese war. The author has given vividly the romance and drama of the conflict and takes the reader right Into the trenches with the men on the firing line. The au thor's personal and political Importance rave him opportunities for being in the thlrk of things, enjoyed by no correspond ent or no other person who has written of the war. McClure, Phillips 4 Co., are the , publishers. "An Old Man's Idyl" Is a "middle-aged love story," describing the simple happi ness of a romance which was none the less Ideal, If belated, by Wolcott Johnson. The first half Is largely devoted to an intimate and personal chronicle of the dally life of his children two little girls, who go to the reafter'a heart at once. The he goes back to his honeymoon' In Europe and the episodes of his later married life, after the children have grown lip. It is a book that will appeal strongly to fathers and mothers. A. C. McClurg Co. publishers. Tha Baker Taylor Co. announces for fall an exceptionally attractive list of books. Among the principal titles are "When Tou Were a Boy," by Edwin L. Rabin; "The Poet, Miss Kate and I," by Margaret P. Montague; "The Appreciation of Flctures" a companion to "How to J urine Architecture" and "The Appreciation of Sculpture," by Russell Sturgls; "Impres slons of Japanese Architecture and the Allied Arts," by Ralph Adams Cram, and "Romances of Old France," by Richard Le Galllenne. "Tho House of the Black Ring," by F. l Pattee, Is a story of a group of "Pennsyl vania Dutch," In a valley among the Seven mountains. It tells of the squire, a sort cf feudal lord, his enemies, his fate, his daughter and how she would have her way In love. The entire Influence of the "House of the Blacl: Ring" is ever present, but there Is much humor too. Henry Holt & t'o. publishers. Great lot of Faucjr Silks Broche, chameleon, hair stripes, Persian, fancy silk, worth up to II, will go at 49c Plain and Changeable Taffetas 100 pieces rustling taffeta, pure silk, guaranteed, very special, CCI will go at OlC Remnants of Fall and Winter Goods On Sal In Basement. 6ic Long useful lengths finest- quality light and dark outing nanneis. regular uiP 12V4C quality, for, per yard OJW Yard wide Percale, new dark styles for fall . wear, tne ic quality, tor, Tin per yard 1" Heavy Xw"'pd Sateens, suitable for re-cov. hams In all shades of blue, pells for 12c rrom tne nolt, special oner lor remnant day, at, per yard Drapery Denims and Cretonnes In floral and hundreds of other desirable print ings, go In mill lengths, for 7ir per yard 3 Heavy Twilled Satlnes, suitable for re-cov. erlng comforts and drapery pur- tSc1 poses, very special, for, yard New Persian and Jap Patterns, In 36-lnch flannelettes, lo.noo yards to choose tlin from here Friday, for, per yard 1VW Finest quality Mercerised Sateens In black and colors, soft or hard finish, you will pay 40c per yard from the bolt. In Cr long mill lengths, for, yard lvJ Good grade of light or dark Outing Flan nels, a regular 10c quality, will en go at, per yard Sample Twilled Cotton Blankets lo . white and colors, sells for $1.60 palrIJr,or on bargain square, for, each"'' U"" Best grade Standard Dresa Prints, blue and white, black and white, gray and white, and fancy mercerized prints, all new,! fall patterns for fall wear, yard a Half yard lengths finest quality Brussels and velvet Carpet Samples, nicely fl tzn finished edges, go at, each IC7W Ingrain Carpet Samples. 1' yard square, worth up to 75c per yard, go as Ct0 long as they last, for, each IcV T5e Table Damask 2fie yard Another new lot of extra fine mercerized table damask mill remnants In lengths of 1ft to S yards, on big bargain square OSZn Friday, per yard 500 dozen Turkish Halt Towels, each one will make two to four wash cloths, Friday, each lie oori3 ADVANCE NOTICE Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 123 South Fifteenth street. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1228. iWEATERS We are now ready to take all kinds of Sweater orders and are showing the latest styles of men's and ladles' Jackets and Norfolks, Boys' Buster Brown Sweaters made In any color you desire. Men's Sweaters la all styles and colors und.for all purposes hunting, Ash Iiik, golf sweaters and jackets. Foot ball liose In all colors. All orders filled the same day. (Jive us a call. Our goods are all made In Omaha. Best quality at lowest prices. I 0i Sale Beginning SATURDAY THE CHOICE OP THE M Jos. F. Bilz, 322 S. 16th St., OMAHA. Entire Wholesale Stock en's. Clothing' !2E Levy-Weinstein Co. m" w-4I s(" N. Y. Retiring From Business. Men's Fine Suits Overcoats BLKXDKH BELGIAN II.VJtF, 48 Inches long, six nat- CH-1 7 Q , ural tails, very full i.f NATURAL WATKR MINK 37 luches long, six natural H C talis, will go at NATURAL OPOSSUM Sable and Isabella shades, six tails, IOC 44 Inches long, at JJf BLACK AND BROWN MARTEN Very full, 4 5 Inches long, A Q C six tells, at tJt AMKRICAN FOX BOAS Sable and Isabella shades, 66 In. A C C long, four paws, two natural tails nfJJ LADIES' CRAVEXETTE COATS A factory clean-up. Colors C CI C medium tan, very latest models, worth 19.90, at JiJ -BOYS' WAISTS AND BLOUCES Outing flannel and best f CI, wool flannel, regular prices 35c to $1.00, In 2 lots. . . . TOC'lW LADIES OUTING NIGHT GOWNS Heavy outing flannel, neat trimming, very full, all colors and fancy AO. CH stripes, will go at IOC JC-OUC . Remntvnts of Wool Dress Goods Bla.dc and Colored Owing to the immense business of the past bIx weeks, we have too many remnants on hand. Remnants of all colors and designs, all qualities, all weights, from kersey cloth to voiles, lengths from 1H to 8 yards In three lots: Lot' 1 Worth from 75c to $1.25 a vard, per yard, at 25c Lot 12 Worth from $1.25 to $2.00 yard, per yard, at fOc -worth from $2.00 yard upwards, per yard, at iuru- 5c 3c face, 5c Lot CHEAP SALE OF NECKWEAR Ladles' fancy embroidered over collars and stocks, in white and colors, worth to 25c each special Friday, at HANDKERCHIEF SALE. HANDKERCHIEFS, 8C Ladies' plain hemstitched sheer linen handkerchiefs, worth 10c sale price Friday, each. TORCHON LACES, 5C PER YARD Wide and narrow torchon in cream and white, insertions to match, worth 10c yard sale price Friday, per yard ODD NATKIXNS 200 dozen odd napkins, come six In a package, in 2 lots 18x18 and 20x20. worth $2 and $2.26 per dozen. ..Lot J 18x18 Friday six for 1 63c ..Lot 220x20, Friday six for 75c BLEACHED HUCK TOWELS 17x36, worth 10c Ql Friday, at each OiC REMNANTS SHORT LENGTHS OF APRON GINGHAMS Apron gingnams, Dlue, green and brown checks worth 8c yard, Friday, at, per yard WRAFPER FLANNELETTES In dark colors, 26 inches wide, Friday, at, per yard OUTING FLANNELS In lengths from 2 to 14 yards, extra heavy quality, worth 16c yard Friday, per yard, only . . . . i.MiJDtnt,u .ntsua tjxira. nne quality, in lengths from 3 to 14 yards, worth 8 l-3c, Friday, per yard, only OC COTTON BLANKETS 10-4 size, heavy fleece, special Friday. p per pair JVC COMFORTS Covered with floral silkoilnes, filled with white nn cotton. Friday each, only OC Best Underwear, Bargains Iter Shown. Great Sate Sample Garments pfPB THE RELIABLE HTORK. Great Sate Of Sample Under wear Continues Fridaj. ECONOMICALY INTERESTING FRIDAY BARGAINS In the Crest Domestic Room moil GRADE REMNANTS AT VNMATCHACLY LOW PRICKB. 41c 4c 9c Sale of Ladles' and Children's , Fleeced rinse. Fine ribbed combed yarn hose, fleeced llnd. fast black, spliced heel and toe. worth 19e a pair; special ' Fri day, a pair ) IOe ' . . Children's Under wearA Bargain Jersey r I b,b g d, fleeced lined shirts end drawers, In sizes 12 to 34. Worth to 39c; special, per garment 25c. ISe 3c Belt Sale From 9 to 11 A. M. Odds and ends In belts, made of silk, satin and wash belts, worth to 25c; all f o Friday morning, each 3o BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY , Tlie Finest Line of Bulk Olives and Pickles. Just received, an original package of finest larga Qnern Olives from Seville. Delicious fruit. Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pint large Seville Olives. Friday only 23c TJ,7 ,9reen Trading Stamps with quart medium 'Sour Pickles Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart Chow " Chow Pickles j5e Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart Sweet Pickles. 20c Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart Piccalilli Pickles . New German Dill Pickles dozen ., ,'lOc Early June Peas, J cans. 26c Salmon, 1-lb. can 10e Bennett's Capitol Cocoa, Table Syrup, fine qual- -"lb- 180 I. ca" loo ,crn, 2-lb. can 6c Pickles, assorted, bot.... 9o Baked Beans. 1-lb. can.. Be Horseradish, bottle c Thirty Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Grape Juice i .;.250 Twenty Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can Diamond "S" Fruits, assorted., .- 28e Twenty pounds Granulated Sugar $1.00 Gillette's Washing Crystal, three packages 6o One dozen packages igc Ten Green Trading Stamp with pound full New Tork Cream Cheese 20c BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. FRIDAY BPECIAL-Old fashioned Hoarhound drops, pound ioo Dont' Fall to get some at this low price Friday. 1240 Curtain Swisses. SS-ln. wide, pretty patterns, at. vd 10c Favoy Flannelettes from the uoii, ai. ya l!Hc Twilled shirting, extra heavy, at, yd.... French Flannelettes. Percales and In long mill ends, at, yd Renii'anu of 1?4- qualltv, plain Boby Flannel, nt, yd Remnants of Kp quality, light and dark Outing Flannel, at, yd .41c. Standard Dress Prints and fall ...... .... K -A l"""1" J- , 8'tc Heavy Brown Sheeting, great Jc Y Imigaln Friday, at yd cw Remnants of Table Linen of all .kinds on sale at less than hair price. 6ic 5c 61c Cretonnes, worth up to 15c a yard, Dl. I Remnants of 15c quality, cotton .OJl Flannel, at, yd ftlnl Special bargain In all kinds of blankets ,U2v and comforters. Oic 81c Silks and Velvets Specials Friday Plain and fancv velvets and vel veteetis, at, yd Pressed velvets for suits and waists, A 1 24-ln, wide, Friday, at, yd Broadtail velvet, tl.00 value at, yd Colored silk velvets. 100 shades to select from, at. yd Small samples of silks and velvets,, in 19c 59c 69c 1-6, Vj and 4 of a yard each, your choice for A large line of silks for Friday sale, at 4fc. 39o and 36-In black Peau De Sole, yard 36-In. black Taffeta, yard 36-ln. black Taffeta, yard 5c ...29c ...89c ...69c ...95c Remnants of Wool Dress Goods FRON 8:30 TO 11:30 A. M.-We will sell 10,000 yards of high grade Wool Dress Goods In remnants of from 3H to 8 yards (no traveling men's samples or patch work pieces), but the very best goods made, and sell from $1.00 to $3.98 yard; serges, cheviots, kerseys, broadcloths In fact all kinds of goods. 06B at, per yard, Wo. 49c. 89c and "OC FROM 2 TO 4 P. M.-Another grand Remnants of high grade Wool at, per yard, 49c, inc. 6c, lbo and KcM.NAMb OF iiiUU URADU GOODS. Flannelettes, percaleen, tioclmported and fancy linens, organdies and oilier goods, at per yd., ioc, Vc St. Remnants of 35o to BSe Lining, at, per yard sale of Uoods, 12, c WASH madras 5c IOC Two Friday Hat Specials LOT 1-MEN'S SOFT FELT HATS In Tourist, Alpine, Fedoras and all the new shapes, In black, tan. brown, gray, maple, eto. worth up to 12.50, greatest 70c nap ever shown at, choice zJs MEN'S AND ROTS' CAP8-In plain and novelty fabrics, yscht. Tourlsh or Golf Shanes, Just the thing for everyday wear, worth tip to il.on. your choice Friday at , 39c Grocery Prices for the People Hayden's give the largest quantity of highest quality goods for the least money, a lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for 1.00 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap ....26c 48-pound sacks fancy high patent Minnesota Flour H-35 (-pound pails Pure Fruit Jelly 17Ho Jello, Jeflycon. or Advo Jell, per pkg..7tc OH or Mustared Sardines, per can 3c 1-pound can assorted Soups 7Ho 1- pound cans Fancy Alaska Salmon.... 9c S-pound can Sweet Sugar Corn 5c 2- pound cans Wax. or String Beans 6c 18-ounc can condensed Cream THc 1-pound Pure Fruit Preserves 74C Xcelo Breakfast Food, per pkg 7Vo Vanilla and Lemon Wafers, per oound.Juc. Raspberry Bar Cookies, per pound 10c The best Sofia or Oyster crackers, per pound BHe BUTTER, BUTTER. CHEESE. CHEESE Choice Dairy Butter, per pound ISo Fancy Dairy Table Butter, per pound. Jn Choice Beparator Creaming Butter, per pound , 31 n Fancy Separator Creaming Butter, per .pound 12Hc Cholrce Wisconsin Brick, per pound.... lie Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per pound .15c Fancy New Tork Whit Cheese, pr pound 15c Sap Sago Cheese, each OMAHA'S GKEATEHT FRESH FKUU' DEPARTMENT. J? Fancy Belflower Apples, per doien lBc'f Fancy Tokay Grayes. per pound 8so ranrjr j-w r ig" yvi iiNvAnur ,u Large Juicy -Lemons, per dozen ..,..16o 8 measure Fresh Roasted Peanuts lrto Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck )o u bushel basket fancy New Tork Duchess Pear SOc &-.AYDER3 BROS. r (fill M wiuuiiuuiui, CALIFORNIA II SUITS, OVERCOATS fM3 and-return pj LION BRAND - " ?t SUITS, OVERCOATS flfi For the und Tr,p . Brands, Worth 530 g! UNION PACIFIC j"H sM ) JFlP SiTteen hours quicker than any other line rSS BOYS' SUITS 'ST p.ity ticket tsFncEiM farnam st . I M Worth up to $3.95 $1.95 4 .-Phon. f And Watch With Every 3.05 Hull. V1 j . irSfe Worth up to $5.95 $2.95 .X i Friday ii the Crockefy 22 fancy decorated lamps handsome colors, must Bell Friday. Prices range from $2.00 to $12.00, yours at ONE-HALF THE PRICE 50 PER CENT OFF FOR FRIDAY ONLY ONLY ONE LAMP OF A KIND. Look Out for ibt Guessing Contest 0i Tetley's Iftdia. and Ceylon Teas No guees about quality it's a guess regarding quantity of packages in a fhow caee. at less than cost to make Positively the most extraordinary clothing offer ever made in Omaha. r Special Cut Glass A Line of Hawkes Glass . Just Received Intptclion Invlttd. tow Rate Elomeseekers' Excursion via Illinois Central H R. ALABAMA GEORGIA KENTUCKY MISSISSIPPI Tuesday, Nov. 7, to points in SOUTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE VIRGINIA ' LOUISIANA NORTH CAROLINA (Including New Orleans) Tuesday, November 14th, to all points in Florida ex cept Key "West. AT ONLY 80 PER CENT OF THE ONE WAY RATE FOR THE ROUND TRIP. Tickets good for return twenty-one days from date of sale. Information and Tickets at 1402 Farn&m Street. SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. I A Deplorable Habit That's what a good many people call bargain hunting. We are not prepared to dispute this; in fact, we are not pugnacious at all. Still, we must maintain that circumstances niter cuses; we know bargains that are bargains and are prepared to name a case in point All tail week we shall sell ALL ROGERS BROS." CELEBRATED 1847 WARE. Six Knives and Forks k...... $3.40 Six Tea Spoons (Vintage pattern) $1.05 Six Dessert Spoons (Vintage pattern) ,...$3.25 Six Table Spoons (Vintage pattern) , .93.89 Now, this is an opportunity worth using. And while you get your supply of the articles named above, take a look at our magnificent stock of Watches, Diamonds, all kinds of Jewelry, imported novelties. Cut Glass in the latest and most artistic designs and fancy handpainted China. At the Sign of the Crown 115 S. 16th Street. Opposite the Boston Store. Fine watch repairing. All work guaranteed. Watch inspectors for C, St P., M. & 0. It. R. and inspectors of clocks for all the city schools. OUR CUT CUSS ROOM -X " muke nd th price 1 very little more than th Inferior food oied a cut flag. A few mlnuU apent with T'Cr'VX 1 14 - " " r - v S.W. LINDSY. Jeweler. 1S1 Doug 1 trt B I ll.aBIMfSin "J- J.l . ,l iHIMP t Va,. A jf iffflH'Iiin'iiTJjm i