Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1903. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Batter Price Bole in Month i. Wbett in All DECEMIER IS ESPECIALLY STRONG ' Still Holds Control of the Market-Shortage of Or. Be Bias to Be a Serloos 'Problems. OMAHA. Oct. 18, 1906. Wheat was strong again In all month. "iirciiny m ufcpmwr, wnere trie gam w. -c npiii. jt wu a bull market. All received wag of bullish tendency. Armour still holds control. December c sed at 8787c, Way at 87c and July at . "rn wan a little better and wan c higher. The export demand continue! Iftrg", but shortage ot cars makes exporters timid about rraking contracts. December closed i 4to44',,o, old December at 44ic, May at 44(x44c and July at 440.. There was a heavy demand for oats at prices He higher. December closed at JOc, May at 31o and Julv at 80Ve. Liverpool cloned d higher on wheat and 71 -tu nigner on corn. The car situation throughout the country has reached an acute stage. Every west ern road In short of cars and snippers are complaining. The roads have anywhere from to 1.500 more cars than last year, but the traffic Is largor than ever was known at this season. With the millions of bushels of corn and oats that have been old for December and later export there Is a prospect of losses for western ship pers and seaboard exporters. Clearances were 2GS.0UO bu. of corn, 171,000 bu. of oats, 139,000 bu. of wheat and 40,000 bbls. of flour. Primary wheat receipts were 1,063,000 bu. and shipments 316,000 bu., against receipts last year of 1,114,000 bu. nd shipments of 625,000 bu. Primary corn receipts were 441, two bu. and shipments 467,000 bu., against receipts laet year of 244.000 bu. and shipments of 282. CM bu. Des Moines wired: "Thr. rush of oats from this state eastward Is over. We are getting Mitjlo more than Chicago prices to shin south. Oats are going from western Iowa to Missouri river points for shipment ior export via tne guir. " Rankin of Chicago says about oats: "Ex port demand for oats in Chicago Is phe nomenal, with the bulk of the recent bids for shipment bv the middle of next month. Shippers, however, were unable to get the cars. There is not a shipping house in the traae nere mat nas not already so mucn sold that It Is timid about selling more. The oats are held In elevators awaiting the cars, thus making the total stock In private elevators look large. The train capacity from Kansas soulh to the gulf could be quadrupled without trouble It rolling stock and motive power were available. Bales of 240,000 bushels of oats were made Monday and reported yesterday for export from Iowa points by way of the gulf. Oat stocks In all positions In Chicago are 11.670,0o0 bushels, the largest on record, exceeding the previous high mark of last year by 692.000 hunhr n." A prominent Duluth exporter says the de mand for grains and flour is unftllable and almost unbelievable, Omaha Casft Sales. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 1 car. 80c; No. 1 hard, 2 cars, 78c: 1 car. 77 Vic; No. 4 hard. 1 car, 75c. OATS No grade. 1 car, 2Sc. Omaba Cash Prices. n- . try ... - , uuafln.. VT e V A 76h"79c; No. 4 hard, 744i;5c; No. 2 prlng, SOfislc; No. 8 spring, 734t76c. CORN No. 3, 4c; No. yellow, 47c; No. $ white, 47H4(4c. OATS-No. 2 mixed, 26c; No. S white, 27c; ro. wnite, roc. RYE No. 2. 64c; No. I. 602c. Carlof Receipts. . . Wheat. Corn. and keys, 14c. Dressed, dull: western chickens. 9fc74c; fowls, 104jlSc; turkeys, l-j20c CHICAGO ORAM ASD PROVISIONS Fea tares of the Trad I a a- and Closing Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAOO. Oct. IB. Damage by locusts to the Argentina wheat crop was one of the main factors creating a strong market for wheal here today. Wet weather In the United States was another factor. At the Close wheat for December delivery was Sc. Oats show a gain of o. Corn a provisions are practically unchanged. The wheat market opened firm, Iecember being up a shade to 'ul4o at Mfi7r. General rains over a large part of the United Stafs formed the chief source of firmness. During the first half hour the market experienced an easier tone, owing tn selling by commission houses and by the leading long. For December the lowest point of the day was reached at 8Ko. Upon withdrawal of offerings from the bull leader the market quickly recovered its early firm ness and with persistent buying by snorts firmness was supplanted by decided strength. The demand from shorts was largely the outcome of a report from Ho- sarlo claiming that locusts are making serious Inroads In the crops In the province of Santa Fe. Strength of cash Vheat In the northwest helped to stimulate demand for options here. Late In the session that mar ket was further strengthened by a report to the effect that famine Is threatened in parts of India on account or drouth. Tne highest point of the sec-ion for December was touched at 8e. The market closed strong, with December st 87flS7Ic. Clear ances of wheat and flour were equal to 319. 000 bushels. Primary receipts were l.OKK.000 bushels, against 1,114,000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 619 cars, against 606 cars last week and 776 a year ago. The corn market was firm throughout tne entire session. Cold, wet weather, light re ceipts and a good export demand were In fluences contributing to the strength. A leading bull was an active buyer, com mission houses also bought freely. The market closed firm. December opened un changed to a shade higher at 44c to 44 44e, sold up to 46c ana ciosea at m4hwc. Local receipts were 128 cars, with 41 of con tract grade. Excellent export and shipping demand continued to be the chief Influences In the oats market. Sentiment In the pit was quite bullish. A leading long was an active Surchaser. December opened unchanged at le, sold up to 29o and closed at 29c. Local receipts were 275 cars. Provisions were a trine easier on m on ers te profit-taking In October products. Packers were sellers of January products. At the close January pork was off a shade at tl2.47H'ffl2.50. Ijtrd and ribs were each flown a shade at ana'v.oo, re spectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wneai. 74 cars: corn. 196 cars; oats. 287 cars; hogs, Sl.onn head. The leading futures ranged as rouows: SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Wall Street Vtrstt Coatinnes to 8bow a Tendtnoj Toward Iatmobilitj. Articles Open. High, I J.nw. Close. Yesy, Wheat 1 " ' I Dc. 87 86 87 M May 874j 87!874 87 87fl Corn Oct. 60 60 50 60 50 Dec. 45'Er 45 46 45 4BfH $Doc. 444j" 45 44 44'3 44 May 44Q 44 44 444 44 Oats Oct 2 Dec. 287i? 28 29 2x May am 31 SI 31 81 Pork Oct. 16 06 1 20 16 05 18 20 16 10 Jan. 12 60 12 62 13 45 12 60 12 60 Lard- Oot. . 7 07 7 12 7 06 7 12 6 SB Nov. 7 10 7 12 7 07 7 12 7 07 Jan. 6 80 6 82 6 80 6 82 7 12 Ribs Oct. $00 8 00 7 96 796 820 Jan. 6 52 6 66 6 52 6 65 6 65 May 6 72 6 72H 721 6 72 6 72H Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth 4 ...210 ...277 ... 24 .193 126 11 Oats. 275 8 "27 '0 BU Louis .. 77 48 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 18.-WHEAT-De cember, K2H4(82Vc; May, 85'!68tc; No. 1 hard, 84'ao; No. 1 northern, Mc; No. 2 northern, 81To. FLOUR First patents,. S4.9fH95.00: second patents, i4.7W.r4.80; first clears, 3.7uaa.w; second clears, fz.xir-.M. BRAN In bulk. 111.50. ' (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The ruin of prices, as reported by tbs' ldwaxa-Wo9d Grain v company! .uo-iu uoara or Trade ouiming, was: ArUcles.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Closo. Yes'y. Wheat i j Dec... 82fi, t& 82 82 82' May.-.l'ta 80 86 85 86 WEATHER THE GRAIM BELT Ko Relief Yot from Cloads and Rain. OMAHA, Oct. 18, 1906. The pressure continues over the south west and a trough, of relatively low pres' sure extends from the upper lake region southwest over the middle Mississippi val ley. An area of high pressure overlies the northwest and Is moving down over the Missouri valley. This high Is accompanied oy very cold weatner in the extreme north west and has caused a decided drop In temperature over the country lying be tween the Mississippi river and the Rocky mountains. The weather Is much warmer tn the eastern and slightly warmer In the southern states. It continues unsettled In the centra) valleys and will remain cool and unsettled In this vicinity tonight and Thursday. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding uay OI tne last tnree years: 1906. 1904. 190S. 1902 Minimum temperature.... 40 65 39 46 Precipitation 00 .83 .00 . Normal temperature for today, 62 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March L I S) incnea. Deficiency corresponding period in 1904. 1.57 inches. Excess corresponding period In 1903, 8.23 Inches. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, No. 1 tOld. New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm; wlister patents. HH9 A On. .,.nUI,l. Iff KAl ftft. vnrlntf nQ Unt4 4.l634.20; straights, M.t&S.90; bakers, 12.80 3.00. , wheat-no. i spring, sxasc; ino. s, tcp 86c: No. 1 red. 86lHi'6f87c. CORN NO. 2, 62416ZVic; NO. Z yellow, WCI 64 C. . OAT8 NO. I White, zswasoc; rxo. 3 wnue, BARLEY Good feeding. 36S37c; fair to choice malting. 404fic. SEED No. 1 flax. 93c: No. l northwestern, PROVISIONS Mess pork, per 001., iib.w rt6.12. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.12. Short ribs sides (loose), Bnort ciear sides (boxed), 18.00(8.26. Following were the receipts and ship ments 0 fltmr.and grain t ; : .- r . Keceipis. enipmenis. Flour, bbls....;.... W.3O0 18.900 Wheat bu 96.000 27.i0 Corn, bu....; 20,309 4o.wio Oats, bu 642.800 Rye, bu 14.WJ0 z,") Barley, bu 211.100 8.700 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries. 17tf 21c; dairies. 10'alw. fgs, firm; at mark, cases Included, 17c; firsts, 20c; prime firsts, 22c; extras, 23. Cheese, firm; Kansas City General Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 18. WHEAT - Steady to higher; December, 77c: May, SELECTED LIST OF SHARES PUSHED UP Trading; Is Generally glagglsh, CIos las; Easy, with Valaes at Lowest Polat of the i NEW YORK, Oct. 18, Business decreased at the Stock exchange today, although It did not fall back to the low level of Mon day. The market continued to show a tendency to Immobility or to vary narrow fluctuations with a disposition to return 10 a given level, as there was some early pressure against the market today the de clining tendency was contested by push ing up a selected list of stocks. American Locomotive was the feature of the day and the Indifference of the general market to so conspicuous a feature made a striking demonstration of the im- passlveness of the speculation. This stock has engendered a Considerable advance of late, but Its movement came to a stop yes- tenlay with the announcement of rhina in the directorate. Renewed Importance seemed to be attached to these changes today which eliminated a conspicuous stock market element from the board by the substitution of Oeneral Electric and United States Steel stocks. There was abundant news also of the enormous requirements of railroads for locomotives and. In fact, all kinds of equipment. With occasional setbacks Locomotive made successive Jumps on very heavy absorption, the ex treme advance reaching 6 points. Other railroad equipment stocks and the electrical Industrials showed moderate sympathy. Reading also made a show of strength at one time In the first resistance to the de pression and current reports of further extensive combination of anthracite Inter ests were used to help the stock. The supporting points In the market were of moderate effect In contesting the general sagging tendency. The (V.gproval of several of the day's rumors pointed to operations by a bear element in the trading. These Included re ports of the illness of J. Plerpont Morgan and of financial difficulties caused by the collapse of Chicago Subway stocks. The reports were sufficiently definite to call for publlo repudiations. There was a reaction In discounts In Berlin and an advance In sterling exchange at Paris and the ques tion of a further decrease In the Hank of England discount rate tomorrow was left open. The bank has succeeded In arrest ing the demand upon London for gold by raising the price of the metal and securing open market supplies for Its own vaults. This being the case the threatened rise In the bank rate may be avoided. Foreign ex change made a further notable advance In the market, serving to strengthen the supposition that Japanese funds In New York were In course of remittance to Lon don. The statement of this country's for eign trade for September, however, threw light on the previous strength of foreign exchange. The value of Imports rose more than $18,000,0(0 over the preceding Septem ber to $102,138,031, a record for a month's Imports. At the same time the value of exports Increased less than $2,000,000, leav ing the excess value of exports of only $33,867,791, while the trade balance In our favor for September of last year amounted to over $60,000,000. There were no changes of Importance In the local money market, but New York exchange at Chicago slipped back to paT after having ruled at a premium for several days. The announcement of the closing of a national bank In Allegheny made a depression on sentiment. The closing was easy with the general list at about the lowest. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. $3,246,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Following wero the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Bales. High. Low. Close. $13,on.T51: gold coin and bullion, $74,828, 263; gold certificates. $46.S.9iA new York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 18 MONEY On call, steady, 4it per cent: closing bid, 4 per een; offered at 4 per cent; time money, steady; sixty days, 'J?5 per cent: ninety days, 6fif per cent; six months, 4ti5 per C'rRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 6Pt per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual biielness In bankers' bills st $4 Bfifvg 4 M6 for demand and at $4 81i4 8270 for sixty-dav bills; posted rates. $4 M and $4.86 64 87; commercial bills, $4 8iV.e4.2!S. SILVER Bar, 62c; Mexican dollars, 47V, c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: U. 0. rf. as, nt W4 Jrn . M rls 4o toapon W da 4Hs. rtfs V . to. rag 1M4 do tl mMm do etrapna U N. ant. 4S... U. 8. aw 4a, Manhattan . a. 4s de coupon i'N Vn. rontrml tl. S. old 4a. ra....l04. do lat In do couaon I'M Mlnn. St. L. ta Am. Tobaoco 4a otfa. ft M . K. T. 4a.... do la. etra IU'4 da la Atchlena tan. 4....;.lai N. R. A. of M. c. do adj. 4 N. T. C. . IVta.. Atlaatlc C. L. 4a. ....11 N. J. C. f. Sa.... tal. a Ohio 4a 1M No. Pacific 4a de t , to4i do at Central of 0. aa....ll N. A W. c. 4a... do lat In M O. 8. L. rfdt. 4a. do Id lo- II Ptnn. odt. ma. Chat. Ohio 4a. 1M4, Raadlni fan. (a.. Chlroso A A. Sta.... Sl4 St. U A I. M. e. C, . Q. n. ia....l0i Su L. ft 8 F. ft 4a.. C. P.. I. ft P. do col. 4a CCO. ft 8t. L. (. Chicago Tar. 4a. Colorado Mid. 4a... Colo, ft 80. 4a Colo. Ind. la, sat A. do art B Cuba la, ftta D. A It. O 4a Platlllara' 8ac. la... Brio prior lias 4a... do tn. 4a Kit, St. L. 8. W. . 4a.. .... S3 Seaboard A. U 4a.. ta. .1"S 80. Parlflo 4a ....100 I do lat 4a cl fa 1.... 71 'go. Railway ta. .... (. Tnaa ft t. la . 72 T , St. U ft W. 4s 71 Union Pacific 4a.,.. Jfltui do tonv. 4a 1014 V. 8. 8tMl Id la..... 0 iWabaah la 1014 do dab. B M wwuni Mil. a. a m 10a II M T 101 .... 4a M .... M14 ....IMVt ,...IMH .... TH4 ....101 .... 17 ....lo ls..llr4 S r. W. ft D. C. la....m W. ft L. Hocklns Val. 4Via....lll I Wis. Cantral 4a. Japan a, ft fa. ? I Offered. ,. to ,. H Bl 744 . 1 4a. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Oct 18.-Call loans, 6t Pr cent; time loans, 6y6 per cent. Official ? violations on stocks and Donas were at ollows: .. Alloura ..10i Amalaamated .. .. 10 American tine .. 7 Atlantic .A Bingham ..xfl Cal. ft Hacla... ..171 Cantannlal ..lnlVa Coppar Ranco .. ..141 Pair Waat ...... .. iili Franklin ..104 Ortnbj ...11144 Rnrala Atchleon ad. do 4a Mai. Cantral Atchlaon do pfd Boaton ft Albanr Bnnton ft Malna Boaton Glavatad . Pltchburf pfd ... Mexican Cantral . N. V., N. H. ft H Vnlon Pacific Antr, Area. Cham Amar. Pnau. Tuba.. Amer. Sugar do pti Amar. T. ft T Amar. Woolaa do pfd Dominion 1. ft 8... Oenaral Eltctrlo ... Maaa. Eleotrle do pfd Maaa. Oaa 1'nlted Fruit United Bhoa Mach.. do pfd U. 8. Steal do pfd Waatlng. commos . AdTonturo Bid. Asked. ... 474 ... ... ... rr ... s; ... I0V4 ... 71 ... 14 ... l-4 ... IS ... Nil ... 11 ... 1144 ... 51 ... 314 ... II 110 it Maaa. Mining .. I Michigan ..119 Mohawk ..HI Munt. C. ft C. ..13714 Old Dominion . .. M4 Oecoola ..102. Parrot tl .. U Qulncy 107V4 shannon H .. lk Tamarack 12 .. el Trlnltr 144 .. 4"4 l olled Copper 14 ..104S4 V. 8. Mining ii .. 71 ,fl. 8. Oil 10J4 .. ii 4 I tan .... .. i1 Victoria . ..IOJ44 Winona .. .. 17 1 Wolverine 4T ..110 OMAHA LIVE ST0C1 MARKET Bef 8tttn Btttdj and Cowi Stttd to 8om 8' roner. HOGS OPEN UP JUST ABOUT STEADY Receipts of Sheep aad I.nmbs Con tlnne Moderate wltk Dealrafcle Killers strong and Feeders Generally Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 18, 1905. Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday.. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 6.718 7,000 18.638 12.148 12o60 13774 11.9"9 11,410 24,014 18 4.6 12,000 mS $4.b 63.616 50.6-$ 43 948 64.316 The early market averaged up Just about steady with yesterday. Some of the best hogs sold st prices that looked If anything a little stronger, as high ss $6 o being paM for choice, light butcher weights, as against a top yesterday of $5 26. On the other hand, the strong sales were offset by others thst looked easier, so that the aver age, as noted above, was no more than steady. While the early market was not what might be called active, the movement was fair, so that the most of the seasonable arrivals changed hands In fair season. As will be noted from the sales, the most of the hogs sold inside the range of lo.OO'tf' S.SO. with a very considerable proportion of them at $S06fifi 16. Representative sales: to greater nrmncs. Buyers wore ronsorva tlvr. but recosnir.-d the scarcity which ex isted tin many llns. Jobbers trade wet of fair volume. Three days this week..a.27 Three days last week . . . . 23 952 Same week before 29.44 Same three weeks ago..Z4.91rl Same tour weeks ago.... 13. 242 Same days last year. ...17,818 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATK. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: . , 1906. 1904. Inc, CattU 78.19 719820 6,3i4 Hogs I.8A2.196 1.852,778 20.417 Bhecp 1.50O.40 M'6.n 1S0.67 The folloying table snows the aversge price of hogs at South Omaha for the last "'ral days, with comparlsonsi tate. 1006. 104. 19W.lO2.19Cl.;i00.189S. Sept. Sept. Sept Sopt. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Bept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Ort. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 10. 21.. 12. 28. 24. K. 26. 27. 28. 29.. 80. 8.... f ... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 16.. 18.. 17.. 18.. 6 89 6 80 7 88 78 622 60 6 81 681 6 86 5 23 6 23 6 75 t 80 7 49 6 21 t t8 6 76 8 77 7 1 89 8 78 I 74 7 67 6 14 5 27H 5 ft? 7 66 6 18 4 41 6 v $87 669 JH 76 6 18 6 W 6 fW 7 84 6 79 6 lb 6 16 6 74 8 69 81 6 16 6 19 6 04 6 71 7 Jl . 6 17 13 6 hi 6 ; 7 L"l c 6 ."4' o r 7 1 ' 751 6 13 6 18 I 8 61 7 20 68 i 18 6 09! I 711 6 6 6 f.9l 6 191 4 42 6 06 5 74 7 82 6 671 6 20 6 04 6 76 6 66 6 621 6 16 6 08 6 09 6 64 7 42 I 6 11 6 06 6 68 5 41 7 3? 6 49 B54 6 19 7 28 8 S36W tM 6 19 7 14 6 18l 6 02 6 04 6 62 6 21 7 04 14 4 92 4 994 8 1 6 6 K. 4 9 5 07 6 81 6 80 6 20 4 93 1(4 5 1 5 37 7 07 4 93 6 09T 6 11 6 43! 7 16 6 58 6 11 6 49 7 00 18 4 65 5 11 6 36 6 91 23 4 72 6 10 6 05 5 22 7 IK 6 29 4 64 4 97 7 02 6 27 4 52 4 81 4 81 4 36 4 41 8 77 4 7 4 34 4 44 4 17 4 M 4 29 4 M 4 87 4 81 4 34 4 35 4 35 4 33 4 81 4 23 4 20 4 24 a 4 50 4 IS 4 10 Ks 4 . 11.. II.. 41.. 17.. 47.. II.. II.. 41.. 41.. II.. 7.. 41 . 17.. 41.. la.... 41.... II.... II.... 11.... .... 14.... 4 ... 71... .... II.... 14.... II.... .... 4.... 7.... 41 ... 71.... M AT. SB. .... II ... ....171 ... ....til ....111 ....j:? ....171 ....101 ....1KI ...171 ....171 ... Il ....171 ...rsl ....s4 .... .....124 ....161 ll ! ...Kl ....IM ....111 ....171 .tn .i?o .in Ml .171 .144 .137 111 IM iio iio 110 lis iio 40 IM uo 140 40 140 IM iio Pf. 4 tl 4 10 I 0 I 00 I 04 I 00 I M 6 00 M4 I 01 I M I w I OS I OS I 01 I 07 H 07' 07V4 I 7 I 07 I 07l4j I 01 V I 07 07 I 10 I II I 1 ( II I II 10 I II 6 10 1 1 I 10 No. A. en. 71 141 IM 10 M 71. 10 II 17 II 1 I! a T.... 7 T...., B 71 .... . Tl It..... II ... . .... 1.... 17..... tl.... .... 70 71 1 77...., 14 ... 74... IS ... . at... I.... .... 71.. m .."i ..t7 ..141 ..14 ..IAS . f xt .14 ..147 ..HI ..141 ..Ml .1..4 . .111 ..114 .144 ..!? ..H7 ...til ..140 ..141 ..130 .117 . ..144 ,.K ..111 . .KO .121 ..U0 40 M ao IM 40 10 40 40 110 40 IM '0 40 'io 10 IM 140 100 4 110 144 40 'Jo 0 140 40 FT. 1 I 10 I 1 I II I II I 10 I II I II I 10 I 10 I 14 I 10 I II I II t II I II I II 1 11 I II 1 11 1 11 1 11 It I II I II IS I II I IS I If I M I 0 10 I IS I 14 London Closlngr Stocks. LONDON. Oct. 18. Closing quotations on the Stock exenange wore as follows: 7Hc; cash, No. 1 hard, 78&lc; No. 3, 76(9 78o; No. 4, 7Vi7oo: rejected, iv&iic; no. t red, 8td9c; No. 3, 87(Sl8c. CORN Steady and unchanged; December, SDc; May, 3!c; cash, No. 2 mixed, old, 47c; new, 4Hc; No. 8. new, 45tc; No. t white. 61c: No. 8, 60&fr4o. OATS Higher: No. white. 2Si?128V4o; No. 2 mixed, 2627c. RYE Steady, 630. HAY 8teady: choice timothy. $10.00(310.60; choice prairie. $8.26ii.60. E.GGS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 3 whltewood cases Included, ic; case count, 16c; cases returned, Ho less. BUTTER Firm; creamery, auc; packing. UVsC Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu 171,000 ltt.000 Corn, bu 20,000 35.0H0 Oats, bu 1.000 11,000 The range of prices paid tn Kansas City as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, uu-m Board or lraae ounaing, was; Articles ! Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y HEW YORK GEEHAL HAHKK'f llaotatloas of the Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK. Oct. 18 FI.Ol'R-Recelpts, Z2.168 bbls.: Market firm, with light trade Minnesota patents,; Minnesota bakers, $3.0ui4.00; winter patents. H-'mt 466: winter straights. I3.40.'u.6o: winter low grades, tdibu2i0. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $3e6t4 46; choice to fancy, $4.16ii4.4tl. Buckwheat flour, dull; $1.9uU2.00 for spot and to arrive. BUCK WH KAT Dull, o0lc, nominal, c, 1. f. New lurk. CORN MEAL Steady: fine white and yel low $1.!6; uoAise, 4l.i4bl.16; kiln dried, 1.U0 nam. , BARLEY Firm ; feeding. 89o. c. I t. BuhmIo, malting. 63t(bov, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 29.2U0 bu. 6uot mar ket firm; No. 2 red, 910 In elevator; No. 1 red. WV, f. o. b, afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, fciV f- o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba. DlkiC. t. o. b.. afloat. Reports of serious dainane by locusts In Argentina had a bullish effect on wheat traders today most of whom were short. The market was Arm all day and closed SoSo net higher, aided by light northwest receipts and a flood cash demand; May. 90 9-lrty'JlSc, clos ng at lo; December, 91 7-ltJ92 7-ltic, clos ing at i.a. CORN Receipts. $3,166 bu.: exports, 2$,StiO bu. bpol market steady; ooc r. o. o.. afloat. Options quiet but firmer, on cover ing and clnaml UnV net higher: May. ttS60W, closing at We; December, 64 o1 Bk. f,,Hlnar at &Vt4C. OATS-Receipts. H6,700 bu. ; exports. 0 bu. fcnot market steady: mixed oats, 26 to at lbs.. 83til33Vc: clipped white. $6 to 40 lbs . JMjJoc; natural white, 30 to 83 lbs., UnltrW HAY Steady, ihipplng. tOfloSc; good to MiifS Firm: state common to choice 19"5, laVri ijc: lH. ltittUc: olds, so all; Pacifle 190&. 14fflc: lo4. 14117c: olds. 84tloc. ninFH Kirni: Galveston. JO to 35 pounds, Kjc: California. $1 to J pounds. r,c; Texas dry. 54 to 30 pounds, lajO. t path btr Firm : acid. t4AMc. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; . family, til bt-(il2 00: mess. IS.wafflO ou; beef hams. $:l OD(h22.bu: pucket. $ 011.00; city extra India mess. 817 6JlnA Cut ineata qulat: pickled bellies. U 5010 50; plcVled shoulders, $o6ar7.00: pickled hams, $a.6.jy 10.00. IJtrd oni.i- iyiirn steamed. $7.auui.ia; refined, quiet; continent. $mJ; South Amer ica. $8 60; compound. $6 Vtj 6 K7. Pork, steady; family. $17 6itJ18 1); short clear. li4 kktllB 6u: mesa. $14 2f.iJ bo. TALLOW Firm; city. ic; country, 4Hif M,e RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3S4 fine: Japnr, nominal. BUTTER Steady and unchanged: state creamery. ?.4:Wc- Official t rices: Cream' ery. common io extra, li:o; renovated. ISA. CHEESE-Steady; state, full cream, small and large, colored and white, fancy, 1ViJ Live. EUQ8 Julet; extra western firsts. 23f Hc; wesiern ffonoB. iv-"-PtCLTRlf-AUve, slaad) , fowls. 14c; tur Dec.., May. Corn- Dec. May. Oats Dec. May. Pork Oct.. Jan.. Lard Oct.. Jan.. Rlha- Oct.. Jan... 774,i9'4 T7 . TTVb T7V W, 7H 79! 74 89H 3 S9H 39 39H 8S S9Vs $9k 27V, 27H 27 27H 28V, 2bH . 16 06 16 10 18 06 16 10 . 12 40 11 43 13 37 12 $7 . 7 02 7 06 7 02 7 06 . 76 ( 77 ( 76 ( 77 .785 796 790 790 . 6 47 6 60 47 6 47 St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 18-WHEAT-Futures. higher; cash, easy; No. 8 red. cash, ele vator. 86i8V4c; track, 91yjHc; Decem ber. 83c; May, 86V; No. 3 hard, R3-aftic. CORN Higner; no. 3 casn, &oc: track. 610 61c: December. 42Sc; May, 424,c. OATS Higher: ISO. 3 cash. OCX track. tc; No. 1 white, 2e. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. 14 S Ci43; extra fancy and straight, $3.6604.16; clear. $J.5va3.10. SK ED Timothy, steady, n.fjf..oo. CORN M EAL Steady ; $2.6a BRAN Steady ; sacked east track. 66f$ 66c. HAY Steady; timothy, $8.004313.00; prairie $7 n.W. IRON COTTON TIES-99C. BAOOINO-8c. HEMP TWINE 60. PROVISIONS Pork. steady; Jobbing, $14.75. Lard, higher; prime steam, lu.92. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shortn, $x.00; clear ribs, $7.75; short clear. $8.75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $o.o2; clear ribs, $9.26; short clears, $9.50. POULTRY Dull; chickens, 9c; springs. $Hllc; turkeys. l3Vt15c; ducks. 9Vc; geeso. 6HOQ. BUTTER JVlrtn; creamery, ta'c; parking, dairy, 17tri'.''o. KOaT-FIrm, 17c. case count. ' . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, t Is 6,i 14)0 Wheat. I, , A 77.0"0 Corn, bu.4 48.1V1O Oats, bu.. ou.OuO Adams Express Amal. Copper 49,600 Am. Car 4k Foundry. 10,200 do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... do pfd Amer. Express Amer. H. & L., pfd.. Amer. Ice Securities Amer. Linseed OH.... , do pfd Amer. Locomotive .. do pfd Amer. Smelt. t Ref. do pfd AmAt- flitvur D.f We ftS 1 Am' ToD- Pfd ceriif". Anaconda Mln. Co.. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast L Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Brooklyn Rapid T... (.anaaian pacino .... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago at. Western Chicago & N. W C, M. & St. Paul.... Chicago T. & T do pfd C, C, C. & St. Louis Colo. Fuel and Iron.. Colo. & Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gag Corn Products do pfd Del. & Hudson Del., L. & West Denver & Rio Q do pfd Distillers' Sea Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Oeneral Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. Sc Nash Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mexican Central ..... Minn. St. L M . St. P. & S. 8. M. do pfd Mo. Paciflo Mo., Kan. & Texas.. do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd.. N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. A'W Norfolk & W do pfd North American .... Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People s Oaa Pitts., C. C. & St. L. Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Pal. Car.... Reading 100 31 77U 79 Vi 271, 28 V, 16 02 12 40 7 06 77 I 16 60 3,100 3U0 100 9o!ioo 1.900 17,500 3u0 2il0 900 400 4,000 h"0 200 1.0U0 li'.m 7.000 100 2,300 1.200 300 4,500 &600 6i0 700 LOCK) l.OftO 200 '200 1.7U0 200 1,800 'ioo 300 400 2C900 1,0U0 600 4.600 'ioo 100 32 27Vi 17 ' 114V 127 V, 121 139 Vs 103 118 88 104 162 112V4 72' 1707, 224 60V 359 79 21H I797, 19V4 41 43 6iH 18o" 13 64 V, 224Vs 33 87 43Vi 4 V4 81 V4j 71H 183 179-" 22V4 84Vs 87 Vk si" 17vt 6H 11344 126' 120 139V4 101 V 117V 87 104 162 11114 Tiii 170V, 224 66V4 84 78 21.V4 179" 19 40 45V4 27-fc 62 185" 134 64 222 V, 83i4 87 43 47V4' 81 71 V 179 178V4 22 '4 43 fIO 45,0110 ' Dnlntk Grain Market. DULT'TH. Minn.. Oct. IS WHIT AT To arrive, No. 1 northern. 84c: No. 1 northern. o2u; on track. No. 1 northern. e-4Sc: No. 1 northern. 8:Uc: Demhr. ii'yc; May. 854, 1 OA To To arrive and on track, 28c. reorla Market. PEORIA, 111., Oct. 18. - CORN Steady; No. $ old, 62c; new. 46c; No. 4 old, 61c; new, 4V: no grade, new. 45c. OATS Strong; No. $ whits. 28c; No. 4 wMte. y7V95'c. WHISKY-On the basis of $1.30, Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, Oct. 18 SEED Clover, cash. $8 15; October. Dereirier and January. ji ta. prime alamo. $;.; prime tot:'' tl.tU. 100 4,600 l',i6 1.600 I.60O 2' 6u0 1600 7 410 400 100 1. 0 700 1.300 luO 4iiO 1,100 30.2(0 1.4U0 6.50U 2, (M) 414 151H 12574 24H 63 1374 1034 33 69 46 36 149 63 84 92 97 4ti 14.i 103 40 99 24 iii" 80 125 24 81 137 102 83 69 46 36 14 63 85 92 97 46 143 1U3 98 60,00 iz; do 1st pfd 2u0 94 94 do 2d pfd n Republic Steel 6 40 25 26 do pfd 4.200 96 94 Rock Inland Co 8,40 35 32 do pfd 6I0 78 77 Rubber Goods luO 87 37 do pfd St. L & 8. F. 2d pfd 0 6f 60 St. Louis S. W too 24 23 do pfd 2uo 60 60 Southern Paclllc .... 26.9U0 fe 68 do pfd So. Railway 2.IW0 35 35'i do pfd 60 99 s Tenn. Coal and Iron ai0 5 H5 Texas A Pacific 100 34 34 Tol.. St. L. 4 W 3m W 36 do ptd l'l fcrt 6n Union Pacific 61.4u0 131 131 do pfd 3u0 97 i V. S. Express. U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel., do pfd Va.-Caro Chemical. do pfd Wabaah do pfd Wells-Fsrgo Exp.... Westlnghouse Elec. Western Union Wheeling L. E Wis. Central do pfd No. Pacific, ex-dlv.. Central Leather do pfd Sloss-Sheffleld ....... 4 62 61 42. 17.1"0 JoO 100 o 2a t.OKO 10 loo loo 4(a) t ftoO 1.64 1 100 37 14 21 106 21 41 rii" 97t 1? 31 45 IM 69 37 108 1 II 51 1 1 93 nvj 31 a 1"4 s"4 Total sales for the day, 4uO,7uO shares. $30 84 38 100 30 92 222 80 27 17 , 40 64 114 126 121 139 102 117 87 104 161 112 66 71 171 222 66 84 79 21 215 179 18 40 80 46 28 61 42 184 13 63 223 470 S3 86 43 47 80 71 182 8n 178 22 80 26 B4 28 56 25 52 IM 1' 1 24 78 136 161 103 33 t 40 36 148 53 85 ) 96 46 143 108 80 46 H 26 151 3 ftri 56 94 32 77 86 103 67 23 0 68 119 35 80 34 3o 56 131 96 61 111 87 10374 32 luf. 21 41 230 Id 93 17 31 62 S 44 101 Conaols. tnonoy .. do aorount Anaconda Atchlaon 4o Vf4 , Bal. A Ohio Canadian Paelftd . Che,. A Ohio , Chicago Ot. W... c. m. a Bt. P... DeBeora Denrer At K. O... do sfd Brie do lat sfd , do Id sfd tlllnola Control .. LouIotIIIo A Naak M K. T SILVER Bar, It l-ll N. Y. Cantral 161 H 11-14 Norfolk A W 17 ... 11 do pfd 16 ... 10 'Ontario A W ts ...107 irennarlranla 74 ...11441 Rand Mlooa I ...171 IReadlns II ... 17 do lat pfd 41 .. 11 do Id pfd 60 ...14 Southern Railway ... 36 ... IT do pfd lot ..1 44 8n,than Pacts 70 ... a talon Paciao Mft ... 411 do pfd H ... U U. I. Bteel ...74 do pfd 1H ...114 Wabaah a ...1 do pfd 43 U Spanlah 4s to steady. 28 U-16d per ounce. MONEY 80 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 4 per cent; for three months' bills. 4(54 per cent. New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK, Oct. 18Closing quotations on mining stock wore as follows: Adams Con Alice Breeco Brunawick Cob .. Comatoc-k Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Horn Silver Iron BUrer LaadTlll Coa ... ; IS fHtTe Chief 7 , M Omarto 10 , 46 nphlr 637 , 84 Phoenix t 1 I Potoai 13 .110 lataia 47 17 Sierra Nevada 17 tun Small Hopes 10 . standard 176 Foreign Financial. ' LONDON, Oct. 18 Money was In active demand In the market today and chantred hands freely In connection with various dlvldond distributions t nd the payment of $5,000,000 on the last exchequer bond Issue. Discounts were maintained though thre wns an easier feeling and less apprehension about an increase in the Bank of England's rate ot discount. Trading on the st03k ex change was more cheerful but quiet, owing to the uncertainty of money. Consols are steady, sustaining kindred securities. The market cloaed a shade off. Americans opened dull at about parity, advanced a fraction, reacted later and closed flat and slightly above the lowest quotations on moderate New York support. Grand Trunks was steady on the traffic increase. Jaian ese Imperial sixes of 1904. were quoted at 10174- BERLIN, Oct. 18 Prices on the Bourse today are somewhat firmer. Business was quiet. PARIS Oct. 18 Prices on the Bourse to day opened Arm but became heavy. Rus sian Imperial fours were not quoted. Rus sian bonds of 1904 were quoted at 626. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Oct. 18. Bank clearings for to day were $1,468,310.75 and for the correspond ing date last year $1.809.470.62. Wool Market. Boston, uct. is. wuolt-There is an especially .- eady call In the wool market for the grades that are most wanted by the manufacturers of wool. Meantime the worsted mills cannot ne said to have retired from the market, prices are general y firm Territory wools continue to move as well as offerings permit, puiiea wools are quiet and steady. Foreign grades are an let and Arm. Quotations: Territory and Idaho- Fine. 24 -c; heavy nne, 21 iio; fine me dlum. 2S4c: medium, 27S'2fc: low medium 2&iS29c; heavy fine, 19fii0c; fine medium, ntl 29o. Wyoming Fine, 22tf23o; heavy fine, 190 30c; nne medium, ijcw; meaium, z.tgzsc; low medium, zao. utan ana rxevada Fine, if.Ha; heavy fine, 1920c; fine me dium, 23iii!4o; medium, 27p28c; low medium, iHfilSc. Dakota Fine. 22&23c; fine medium 22-i23c; medium, 27C28C; low medium, tk 9c. Montana Fine choice, &VaJ7c: fine average. 24ia25c: fine medium choice. 26S27c: average, 27'a2so; staple, 2t;(fj30c; medium choice. 28i30r. medium grades combing and clothing. M 6 Sic; light fine, r.'ttiic; heavy fine, ltfiaic; tub washed, 33r4Zc. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 18 COFFEE Futures opened steady at uncnanged prices In re sponse to steady European cables. There was further bearish liquidation and the market lost a partial 6 points during the early trading. Later the market was stead ied by an increased demand from Europe and trade Interests and the close was steady net unchanged to 5 points hlgTier. A considerable proportion of the business consisted of switching from near to late months at the Increase In differences. Sales were reported at rt.OuO bags. Including De cember at s.7oai.soc; May, T . mi . 30c ; July, 7.40c; August, 7.50c; September, 7. 667. SOo, Bpol, steady; no. i. invoice, 1 v-ioc. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 18. BUTTER Firm; western creamery, 23c; extra nearby prints, 24o. EOaJS Firm. 1c higher; nearby fresh, loss off, 30c; nearby fresh, 24c at mark; western iresn. ztc st mark. CHEESE Dull; New York full cream, fancy, Mc; New York full creaiu, fair to good, 11U'11VC Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Oct. 18 WHEAT Btt-ady: fo. 1 northern, e; no. 3 north em. MBlOic; December, i7c bid. RYrJ-8t-ady; No. 1, 6ac. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 64c; sample, C63c CORN Firm; May. 44c bid. Totals 6,729 7.144 18.99S CATTLE Receipts this morning were only moderate, a few over 200 cars being re ported In the yards, which was consider ably smaller than a week ago. For the three days, however, the receipts have been Just about the same as for the corre sponding period of last week. As was the case yesterday, a very considerable pro portion of all the cattle here consisted of feeders. Range beef steers were far from being plentiful, there being only a moderate sprinkling of cattle good enough for killers. There were a few loads of Corn-fed steers, tn fact more than there have been here for some days ot late, and there were among them some pretty decent cattle. There was fair demand on tne part 01 local packers and the market was Just about steady with yesterday. The trade, nowever, was de layed by the late arrival of several trains, so that It was well along toward midday bofore very much was done toward effect ing a clearance. Cows and neirers were not in very large supply, while there was a good demand. The result was that good fat cows and heifers were generally a little stronger than yesterday and were free sellers. The com mon and medium tunas soia at juri aoout steady prices. The trade as a whole was In very fair condition as viewed from a seller's standpoint. There were a good many stockers and feeders in the yards, but there was also a very fair demand on the part of local oper ators and speculators. The general market on feeders was just about steady, but at the same time some of the best heavy cattle, which wore sought after, com manded good, strong prices, and the same was true of yearlings of good quality. Representative sales: STEERS. AT. ....1164 ....1147 ....1110 ....1311 Treasnrr Statement. WASHINGTON. Oct. 14.-Today s state ment of the treasury balanrrs In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $!SV0OO,'j0 gold rcsarrt. show a: Available i-aa talaace. Minneapolis Grata Market. Minneapolis Cash Closing Prices Wheat No. 1 hard. 84c; No. 1 northern, 4e; No. I northern. 11 vac: Na. I northern. 7i4k. No. 1 durum, 73oV74c; No. 3 durum, TlSio Corn: No. 2. 4a: No. $. 4.c. Oats: No. I whits, 36c; No. 3, a'ifcc Barley, M4F one na, ii'flvis. 1 tax, f 14,0. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct . WHEAT Spot ovemujr , a I wj weiiara winter, as Sd futures, firm; December, is 10V.1. CRl-Bpot, steady; American mixed. nwwa omhm ri'wivwi eat 1, 2 1 i 27 29 6 32 $ 1 22 15 'i 8 103 48 Indicates Sundny. The number if cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. i. ot ot. f. fty 3 Missouri Pacific 4 Union Pacific system.... 32 C. A N. W. Ry 3 F.. R & M. V. R. R 76 C. St. P., M. & O. Ry... 2 B. & M. Ry ItS C. B. & Q. Ry 3 C, R. I. A P. Ry., east.. 1 C, R. I. & P. Ry.. west. 3 Chicago Gt. Western.... 1 Total receipts 263 The disposition ot the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 43 677 2 Swift and Company 1.245 1.821 9 Cudahy Packing Co 930 '.art bX Armour A CO 72 2,350 2,780 Vansant A Co 207 Carey A Benton 218 Lohman A Co 219 McCreary A Clark 71 W. I. Stephen 22 Hill A Huntslnger 167 Huston A Co..., 60 N. Morris 86 Hamilton A Rothschild .. 442 Wolf A Murnan 6G3 Mike Haggerty 129 .... boi uegan 1 . B. Root A Co 120 Bulla A Kline 155 Other buyers 798 .... 10,707 No. 17... W... 41... .. tlO .1000 . 131 Pr. No, At. Pr. 4 40 11 mi t II 4 45 14 1271 I 15 I 00 11 1414 I H 10 - 86 1341 i tl COW 8. 1 M II H4 t 10 I 10 tO 1014 1 N ? HULLS. 1 1416 I CALVES. 1 104 I 10 I M IH 14 Ml I 00 1 140 I 60 1 4J0 I W 1 171 t 50 8TOCK.LKS AND FEr.Dh.R3. 1 lis t 14 Ill i to 17 171 1 WESTERNS. Baling M. and Live Stock Co. Utah. 66 feeders.. 909 8 16 87 feeders.. 1053 3 25 Dunn A Lesdaie wyo. 9 feeders.. 7o0 $ 65 97 feeders.. 900 60 feeders.. 873 3 60 4 feeders.. 900 04 feeders.. 1119 3 70 24 cows 1021 pryor cattle CO. Mont. 64 steers.. ..136 4 M 24 cows 1079 40 steers.. ..1375 4 30 18 steers.. ..1037 C. Phelps Mont. $1 steers. ...1242 4 00 C. N. Cooper Mont. 32 steers.. ..1121 3 55 32 steers.. ..1227 J. D. Allen Wyo. 61 feeders.. 1177 4 20 Edgar Bolce Wyo. I bulls 1346 2 00 63 cows 998 $ 00 Jones A C Wyo. 1$ steers.. ..1177 4 00 J. B. Elllff-Kan. 20 cows 707 3 25 11 cows 1036 $ 40 17 cows 842 $ 00 Pawnee Cattle Co. Colo. 8 cows 813 3 00 33 cows 1003 O. Craft-Colo. 17 cows..... 973 3 60 9 feeders. 1057 J. Snethen Neb. 116 feeders. 10u4 8 76 96 feeders.. 1029 23 feeders.. 1033 3 70 6 feeders.. 10-9 6 feeders . 10O4 3 26 P. T. Walteman Neb. 30 feeders.. 964 $66 11 cows 928 NEBRASKA. 3 60 3 60 t 10 8 10 3 40 3 55 8 70 3 60 t 60 3 00 1 70 , 948 948 877 ers.. 7iJ 3 1 or,.. 640 I $6 era.. 815 3 10 24 feeders. 1 feeder.., 7 feeders. 1 feeder... 877 10 feeders.. 412 11 feeders.. 5 feeders.. 8V4 11 feedei 10 feeders. f feedei 13 feeders.. 844 1 calf 3 calves... 3 calves... 7 heifers.., 1 hxlfer.... 7 16 feeders., nil 27 feeder.. 1 14 feeders.. IO46 17 steers.... W0 41 cows 925 8 cows lost) 3 50 8 00 3 60 8 00 $ 60 $ 40 $ 10 6 heifers... 602 2 heifers... 446 6 hetfnrs. 11 heifers. 16 cows... 1 cow.... 21 cows... 1 cow 1 cow $ cows... 260 110 104 (;; I cows. 14 yr 8 feeders. 11 cows 40 934 3 40 $ 00 6 60 6 60 t W 3 10 $ 86 JW 40 3 60 1 60 t 50 WYOMING. 8 50 12 cows $84 12 cows COLORADO. 611 . 792 . 9Sei .1) .1j2 . 910 . 9"0 . 973 .1036 rings... 6!4 11 yrlngs... 647 14 cows 847 24 feeders.. "1 12 feeders.. 7-6 ii feeders.. ft 6 feeders. .104 26 feeders.. 972 8 cows.. 1$ cows.. 875 950 ...WM ... 997 a 40 1 90 2 60 $ 10 1 t 3 65 2 10 $ (O $ 40 3 (O 3 00 3 10 3 60 $ 20 $ 35 $ 26 $ 60 $ 56 3 50 2 16 1 65 3 76 SHEEP Rncelnta rllrl not look very lara this morning, only about fifty cars being reported In the yards. The fact is they have not looked very large any day this week so far, but still the total for the three days amounts to about 1W cars, as against 129 for the corresponding days of last week. Two weeks ago there arrived at the yards during the first half of the week 236 cars. B01110 of the sheep trains ar rived at the yards in fair season this morn ing, but a considerable proportion of the receipts did not put In an appearance until late In the forenoon. The market this morning was In a good healthy condition and entirely In sellers' favor. Packers were again anxious for supplies and anything in the way of de alt able killers was fully steady with yes terday. In some cases stuff that Just hap- Sened to suit the requltements of buyers rought prices that looked a little higher. nanise ewes soid as nign ss o.w, wmcn Is the top price paid so far this season for that kind of stock. Yearlings brought $5.75 and other stuff In proportion. The fact Is desirable kinds of fat sheep nave been tending upward this week and are now bringing quite a Ilttlo more money than at the clone of last week. The supply of feeders In the yards yes- terdsy was practically cleaned up before the close of the market last night, so hat with only a moderate run this morn ing the market was In a good, healthy condition. There was a fair demand both rom the country and from local buyers, so that the market remained Just about teady with yesterday. Quotations on rat sncep ana lamos: uooa to choice lambs, $6.Sf17.26; good to choice yearling wethers. $6.5ofc5.i5; good to choice old wetners. J4.7Mii.26; good to choice ewes, $4.65&6.00. Quotations on feeder sneep ana nmo; Good t4edlng lambs. $6.00r6 60; good feed ing yearlings, $5 006.26; good reeding wetn ers, $4. 404.65: feeder ewes, $3.60(14.-4, oreeu- ing ewes, 34.40194.16. ttepresentative sales: No. Wt. 87 ldsho cull ewes 76 500 Wyoming yearlings 87 212 Nebraska ewe feeders 66 903 Idaho ewe feeder.' 83 150 Nebraska ewe feeders 66 634 Nebraska ewes and wethers.. 87 128 Idaho wethers 96 146 Utah wethers and ewes 1H 102 Idaho yearlings and wethers. 100 2M Idaho lamb feeders 63 253 Idaho lamb feedera 68 161 Utah lamb feeders u 333 Utah lamb feeders 67 163 Idaho lamb feedera on 354 Idaho cull lamb feeders 66 2164 Idaho cull lamb feeders 63 330 Nebraska lambs 64 114 Utah lambs 00 809 Idaho lambs iO 6 Montana - cull ewes v 500 Montana feeder ewes 00 86 Montana feeder ewes oi 431 Montana feeder ewes 96 151 Montana feeder ewes tu Pr. $2 SS 6 75 4 00 4 25 4 30 6 26 6 26 6 60 6 76 t 90 6 10 6 10 16 6 20 6 60 60 6 76 6 85 7 00 . 2 26 4 30 4 76 5 00 t (10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle FIto to Ten Cents Higher Hogs Active Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Oct. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 24.000 head; market for best firm to 10c higher; others slow and weak; beeves, $3.65 ffi4i.40: stockers and feeders, $2.25t( !!; cows and heifers. $1.50444.15; bulls, 12.006.50; heif ers, $.UUii.76: calves, i.'.iajiu f.ou. HOG8 Receipts, 25,OuO head; market active and unchanged; shipping and se lected. $5.40fTa.67; ml.-.-d and neavy pars ing, $4.85'(Cj.3;j light, $4.6006.40; pigs and rough, $2.owS'6.l5. BHEEF AND LAMBS-Rocelpts, 32 000 head; market steady and firm; sheep. $3.00 jj5.S6; yearlings, $6.006.25; lambs, Jt.ooy OMAHA V, IIOLKsAI.B MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Faaer rrodace. EGGS Candled stock, 180. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 94J)e: roosters, 6c; turkeys, l.Hfl&c; ducks, SfJc; spring chlckns. 9-u9c. BUTTER Pucklng stock. Ho; choice to fancy dalrv, 1819c; creamery, $l3ilc; prints. tlc. SUGAR Standard granulated. In bbls. $5.56 per cwt.; cubes. $t;.40 per wt. ; cut loaf. 6 86 per rwt.i No. 6 extra C. $6 40 pr cwt.; No. 10 extra C. $6.25 per cwt.; No. )i yellow, $5 20 per "Wt. ; XXaX powdered, :n per cw'.. FRESH FISH-TrouL 10llo: halllbut, lie; buffalo, drefned. 9c; pickerel, dressed, 8c; white bass, dressed. 12c; sunhsh. 6c; perch, Scaled and dressed. 8c; pike, 11c: catfish, 15c; red snapper, lOo; salmon, 11c: crspples, 12c; eels, 18c; bullheads. 11c; black bass, Jocj whlteflsh, lOtSUc; frog legs, per dos., So; lobsters, green. 27u: boiled lobsters, 3uc; Blind roe, 5c; bHiorlah. 80. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: No. 1 upland, $6.60; medium, $6.50f 6.00; coarse, $5.00. BRAN Per ton, $12.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Vs lends, all sites, $5.006.50; Florida, all sites. $., 7TJJ4.0(i. LEMONS Lemonlsra, extra fancy, 14$ site. $5 00; $14) and 860 sites. $4.00. DATES Per box of 30 1-lb. pkgs., $2; Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; walnut stuffed. 1-lb. pkgs., $2.00 per dot. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, )i7 85c; imported Smyrna,. 4-crowa, 12c I e crown, 12c. BANANAS Per medium-Kited bunch, $1.71 ljl.36; Jumbos, $2.5o3.00. .. . fr l 1 rs. PEARfe Utah. Kieleis and Vicars, $3.00; De Ango, $2.76. PLUMS Utah and Colorado, per 4-basket crate, $1.00; Italian prunes. $1.10. APPlS Ben Davis and inesaps, lit 3-bu. bbls.. il.iimon; In bu. baskets, 41. Ou; California Bellflowers, SI .50) Colorado Jona than and Grimes Golden, $2.(Wi4J0. GRAPES New York concords, per s-10. basket. 22c: Muscats, per 4-bnsket crate. $1.75; Toknys, per 4-basket crate,. $1.76. QUINCES California, per bos, $1.76. cranberries &ariy jBiacas, s.zo per bbl.; Jerseys, $ 60. VEUiflAbU.a. POTATOES New. per ou., 60c. DN'liiNS Knme-arown. yellow, red and white, per bu., 60c; Spanish, per crate. $1.40. WAX BEANS Per -r,-uu. basket, uj.bc; String bcar.4, per H-bu box. 25Q35c. HEANH Navy, pwr PU.. li'.uu. CUCUMBERS l'er dos., 25c. TOMATOES Home grown, -bu. baskets, ioXTMIC. CAKHAGI5 Home-grown, in crates, pet lb., 1c. BELTS New. per bu., TOO. CELERY Knlumasoo, per dot., J6c. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per t-bu. bbl., $2 50. BEET C'TS. Wholesale prices ror oeef outs: Ribs No. 1, 11c; No. 2. 8c; No. $, 6c. Loins No. 1, lie; No. 2, 11c; No. $. 7o. Chucks No. 1, 4Vfjo; No. 2. 4c; No. 3, 3o. Rounds No. 1, 7c; No. !, 6c; No. 8. 6c. Plates No. t SVic; No. 2. 3c; No. 3, 2c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New, per 24 lbs., $3.26. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wleconln llinberger, l$c; twins, 12c, young Americas, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft .shells, new crop, per lb , 15c; hard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 3 soft shells. pr lb., 12c; No. 3 hard shells, per lb , 12c Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. sOc. Peanuts, per lb., Tc; roasted, per lb., 80. Chili Mralnuts, per lb., 12618o. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17o; hard shells, per lb., 16c. Shnllbark hickory nuts, per bu., $176; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. Chestnuts, 90c per lb. Cocoanuts, $4 (0 per sacg of 100. HIDES No. 1 green, 9c; No. 3 green. 8c: No. 1 salted, loc; No. 2 salted. e; No. 1 veal calf, lie; Fo. I veal calf. 9c: dry salted. 7f14c: sheep pelts, 26c4i41.00; home hides, $1.50413.00. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 18 METALS The Lon don tin market was about 6s higher, with spot closing at A 148 17s 6d and futures at 148 6s. IyoraJly the market continued very quiet but bid prices were advanced In sym pathy with the firmer tone abroad and spot closed at $32.50tj32.7o. Copper was some what irregular abroad, closing at i'2 10a for spot and 71 for futures. Locally Urn. market shows little change and business Is very quiet with some dealers said to he its, firm in their views. Ixke is quoted at $16.87U16.76; electrolytic at $16.26S14.62 and casting at $lb.()rio.8. Lead was un changed In the English market, cloning at 14 18s 9d. Locally 4h situation Is about as recently reported. Spot supplies are scarce and held all tbe way from $o.0o(ao.5". the quotation being largely nominal In the absence of business. Supplies for shipment In thirty days are quoted at $4.85 In lots Of fifty tons. Spelter was again higher in London, closing at 28 12s Ad. The local market was also firm and higher, being In fluenced by export talk. Spot was quoted at $ii.lO06.2O. Iron was Irregular, closing st 62s nd for standard foundry and at Ms for Cleveland warrants. Ixically Iron was Arm and higher. No. 1 foundry northern la Quoted at $18.0Ota'l8.5O: No. x foundry north ern at $17.6oifj 18.00; No. 1 foundry southern Kansas City Live Stoek Market, KANSAS CITY, Oct. 18. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 18,500 head, Including 100 head south erns; market steady to strong; choice ex- xirts and dressed beef steers, .a,Ut.00; fair :o aood. $4.0r6.00: western fed steers. $2.80 64.60; stockers and feeders. $2,501i4.2o; south ern steers, I2.40in w: soutnern cows, si.fow 2.85: native cows, $1.75(3.25; native heifers. $2.6t(5 j; bulls, $2.00613.00; calves, $2.50:u8.25. HOUB Receipts, ij.uou nean: maraei steady to shade lower; top, $5.30; bulk of Ui tA f,fh F. yy.KL: hvavv. 1! lfATlS 30: Dackers. $5.16116.25; pigs and lights, $5.0iya6.22. SHEEP AND LA11HB neceipta, x,lw head; market strong; native lambs. $5.Vj 7.50; western lambs. $6.5oi7.60; fed ewes and yearling. $4.0Crfi5.15; western clipped year Irur 14 XOfrifi weatern dinned sheen. $4.00 Q6.00; Blockers and feeders, $3.6ot4.75. St. Louis Uto Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Oct. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.0U0 head, including l,3u0 head iexans; maraei wean; native snipping nu export steers, $4 Softo.sO; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.(Ai5.10; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.00r'g4.bO; stockers and feeders, $2,254)3 40; cows and heifers, $2.25574.50; fan ners, $1.50iJi.00; bulls, $3.3&Ji3.0o; calves. $3 25 i34.60; Texas and Indian steers, $2.0o4j4.6G; cows and heifers. $2.iai43.0o. HOGS Receipts. 6.50U head; market 6C higher; pigs and lights, $4.76QS.86; packers, $5.(10446.35; butchers and best heavy, $6 2"tf 6.45. SHEEP AND lAMns Receipts, l.mai head; market steady; native muttons, $3.00 426.00: iambs. I5.Ooii7.26: culls and burks. $3.(Ka6.00; stockers, $2.75fj4.0l; Texans, $3.(10 (04.UO. St Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 4,613 head; market steady; na tives, $3.66i6.O0; cows and helfrrs, $1.6y 4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.75t)4.U0. HOG8 Receipts, 4,294 head; market strong to 6c higher; liKht, $5.1offi5.28; me dium and heavy. $5.66ti5 20; pls, $3.$5iV4.60. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 4,(95 head; market stondy; native lambs, $7.40; western lambs, $7.25. nt $17.50'u,18.2S; No. 1 foundry' southern soft at tl7.7.V918.28 and No. 2 foundry southern at 17.0OM17 75. ST. IjOUIS. Oct. 18 M ETAL8 Lead, higher, $5.00; spelter, strong, $(1.00. Is(jr and Molasses, NEW YORK, Oct. 18. tSUOA R Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3c; crntrlfugitl, 96 lest, 3c; molasses sugar, 22 13-lfic. Refined, quiet; No. 6, 4.20c; No. 7, 4.15c; No. 8, 4.05c; No. 9. 4.00c; No. 10. 3.85c; No. 11, S.85e; No. 12, 8.80c; No. 13, 3.70c; No. 14, J. 65c; confec tioners' A, 4.65c; cut loaf, 6.60c; crushed, 6.50c; powdered, 4.90c; granulated, 4.80c; cubes, 8 05c. MOLASSES Steady; New , Orleans op-n kettle, good to choice. 20ji33c. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. lo-SUGAR-Qult t; open kettle centrifugal, nominal; centri fugal whites, 4(fj4c; prime yellow clari fied, new. 4c; seconds, 2tj3e. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, old, IZ'U'JJc; centrifugal, old, 6414c. SYRUP New cane. i9c. Slons City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. la., Oct. 18.-( Special Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, U.OoO head; market, steady; Blockers, slow; beeves, U tivij5.75: cows, bulls and mixed. t2.U"( 125: stockers and f coders, $2."54H.0ij; calveg and yearlings, $2 5uf(li.30. HOGS Rrceipis. 3,10) head; market, strong: selling at $4,954(6.20; bulk of sales, $5,054)6.10. Stork la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six western maraets yesiernay: Cattle. South Omaha 5) Sioux City ll.OuO Kansas City 1!.6"0 St. Joseph 4.613 Hogs. Sheep. St. Louis Chicago . Totals .... 6.0oo ....24,0OU 3,6oO 13.4(10 t.2H 4.V 25.0UO 2.0"0 4.0!i5 l.(0 82.0UU 11.813 69.2U8 61.I4J5 71 calves... $91 160 13 steers... .1196 16 feeders.. 1171 3 rO SOl'TH DAKOTA. 4$ feeders.. 1D1 12" 23 cows, t cows..... 913 t 46 NEW MEXICO. 2 oows..... 8S4 $ 60 HOGS Owing to the late trains, tbe hog market was a out affair morning, thrra being not over kalX oX tu retelou lu wbeu it ejreuud. 4 40 860 75 arrival of long-drawn- Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 18 -COTTON-Spot cloerd 4uet. fifteen points higher, middling unlands. lOOOc; nildilling gulf, 1025c; sales, 700 balt-s. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 18.-COTTON-Swt. good business done; prices one point higher; American middling, fair, 6 67d; good mid dling, 5.43d; middling, 5 27d; low middling. $ lld; good ordinary. 4.93d; ordinary, 4 77J. The sals of the day were 10,(j0 bales of which 1,000 bales were for speculation and export and Included 9,100 American. Re ceipts, none. BT. LUL1S, rtct. IS. COTTON Quiet; middling, 10c; receipts, 7:18 bales; shipments, 94 bal-s; stork. 6 ?') bales. NEW ORLEANS. Oot. 18 COTTON Spot, firm; sales. $.714 hales; good ordinary, 8K,c: low middling. 6r; middling. 9a; good middling. 10c; middling fair. llc; re ceipts. 6,048 bales; stock, 99.932 bales. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 18 DRY GOODS Tbe dry goods market today was generally qulat although the action of the Fall River manufacturers in advancing wages, to gather with the restoration of wugis by Mr. ordo, influinctd a good many sllrs Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK, Oct. I8.-OIL8 Cottonsesfl, easy; prime crude, nominal; prime crude yellow, 254j254c. Petroleum steady; re fined New York, $7.69; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.70; In bulk, $4.66. Turpentine, dull and easy, 70ij71c. ROSIN Steudy; strained, common to good, $4.0i&4.10. OIL CITY, Pa.. Oct. 18 OILS-Credlt balances, $1.56; shipments. 9K.098 bbls.; aver age V9.440 bbls.; runs, 82,632 bbls.; average. 61.023 bbls. Shipments Lima. 79.270 bhla.; average, .!! bbls. ; runs Lima, 60.126 bbls.; average, 4S.83i I. Ma. SAVANNAH, Ga., Oct. 18.-OIL Turpen Urw. firm, (c. RmSIN Firm: A. B. C. $4.10: TO. $4.86: F. $4 70; G. $1.75; H. $4 fir; I, $4.85; M, $5.15; N, $5.26; VG, $5.50; WW, $6.65. Bolldlng Permits. The city has Issued permits to Annn Stromberg for a $2.0n0 frame dwelling at 8I112 South Thirty-third street nd to f. H. Vancura for a $2,000 frame dwelling at 1124 North Twentieth street. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following real estate transfers wero filed October 18: . WARRANTY DEEDS. Atlantic Realty association to Fred Buach, lot 3, block 263, Omaha.... . .$2,1M Eugenie M Iirlo to Elizabt th Allan, lots 28. 29 and 20. block L Avon dale Park 2,250 Frank Binnall and wife to M. 8. Win gate, lots 4 and 6, block 2, Armour's Place Ho Mary Canflt-ld and husband to O. B. Rose, lot ID. block , bhrlver Place.. 250 George Baxter to Mamie C. Baxter, undivided lot 11, block 3, Plain view addition X Conservative Havings and Loan asso elation to Jennie Murray, north 60 feet and south 60 feet lots I and 2, block 13, Jetter's addition. 1 S60 J. P. Muench and wife to M. P. Wall burg and wife. e lot 13. block 4. Improvement Asaociation addition.... l.fxil J. F. Murphy and wife to Paul Kuta, lot 9. block 66, South Omaha 600 W. G. Mugan and wife tn Edith Olson, subdivision 2 of tax lot 15, 9-16-13 1 Omaha Ixian and Building associstloif to peter Chrlstensen, lot 6, block 11, Myers R. A T. addition l.OuO Julius Saguniky and wife to D. S. Cundit, lot $. block 9. Omaha View.. 7o DEEDS. J. If Mithen et el., referees, to Mary Ketterer, part lot 3, block 5, and part lots 1 and 2. block 4, Kounue 4th addition Total .$8,633 EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (laoorooratadl Main omeei Finn aad Huberts Streets, 1 ST. PAt7L, MIS.V Dealers In Stocks, drain. Prvlioii. aula Year Grain to Is. raacli UMaa. llo-il$ Board nt Trade Mar.. Omaha. Meat. Tolosihone ASIA. 117-214 Exchanf4) Bdf., South Omtua. SeU 'Paoue lis. toyaijlaA6 'fiUakS h 1