Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1905, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1903. I ; .. . 1 YiV - ' Hi - - - fit pjpg '- nu wi The Land o! The Modern Soda CraCker Bounded on the North by the Purity of the Snows ; on the South by the Nutritious Wealth of the Tropics; on the Hast by the Health fulness of Scientific Baking; on the West by the Energizing Power of the Mountains. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY MANDAMUS AGAINST DREXEL Bnit to Comptl County Clerk U Aoctpt Bsptiblicai Filings. eWBBBBRwawaw ASKED TO SHOW CAUSE TO COURT Democratic Official Also Refaeea to Recognise Basis of . Appointing Election Officers Called for by the Republican. On a showing, made by Attorney C. W. Britt, . acting for the republican county committee. Judge Sutton yesterday Issued a writ of mandamus citing; County Clerk Drexel to show cause Saturday morning at 10 o'clock why ha should not place cer tain names of candidates on the county ballot for the coming election. Mr. Drexel refused Wednesday morn ing; to receive the nomination papers, and as this Is the last day on which filings can bo made preparation of the petition In the mandamus suit at once was begun. Following; are the names of the candidates Included In the list submitted and which Mr. Drexel refused: Justices of the peace: J. B. Carter and Theo Galllgher. Benson; O. L. Reed and James Trlbllcock, Dundee; Casper Harwich, South Omaha. Constables: Burt Wyand, William Clark, Benson; Wil liam J. Copenharve, South Omaha. Road overseers: R.( E. Tallon and R. W. Doug las, Chicago precinct; George Specht, Ben son; George Shenpolk, East Omaha; Ed ward Tlmperley, Jefferson. Chairman Gibson and Secretary Greevy also have submitted to Clerk of the District Court Broadwell a full list of names for Judges and clerks of election. The repub lican officials claim they are entitled to name two Judges and one clerk In each pre cinct of Omaha and South Omaha and one Judge and one clerk In the precincts outside the cltJesf'This ontMrtlcm Is based On the terms of the election law, which provide for taking the highest set of officers as the basis for naming the election officers. Fall ing In this, which would make the presi dential electors the basing group, the re publicans say the clerk should average the vote cast for Governor Mickey and Lieu tenant Governor McGlIton In the city, and If this were done the republicans still would be entitled to a majority of the election boards. Accompanying the demand for the ap pointment of Judges and clerks as out lined above was a formal letter signed by Chairman Gibson calling Mr. Broadwell's attention to the provision of the election law which mentions a "sst" of officers. Deputy Clerk Andy Gallagher, acting for Mr. Broadwell, who Is away, practically has Informed the republican committee that It can name a majority of the boards In fifteen precincts, while the democrats will take the majority In sixty-five precincts. Messrs. Gibson and Greevy assert the end Is not yet In this matter of appointing the election boards. The precincts In which the republicans are to have a majority of the election boards are: First, second, third and fourth of the Third ward; first and second of Fourth ward; second of Fifth ward; sec ond, third snd fourth of Sixth ward; first and third of Seventh ward; fourth of Elev enth ward; second of First ward. South Omaha; Dundee. In the other sixty-five precincts the democrats will be given the majority of the boards. In order to make plain and emphatic his protest Chairman Glbstm filed the following letter with Clerk Broadwell Tussday after noon: As chairman of the Douglas county re publican committee, in and for Douglas county, Nebraska, representing the domi nant party in said county. I herewith sub mit names of republican Judges and clerks selected by said committee to serve at the election to be held November 7. 1906, and I hereby request and demand that not less than two republican Judges and one repub lican clerk in each of the precincts In Omaha and South Omaha and that one republican Judge and one republican clerk in earn or me precincts or unugias county outside of Omaha and South Omaha be an- pointea wnere me repuoucun electors wno were the first set of candidates on the said ticket received the highest number of votes. Chairman Cosgrove of the democrats said: "Mr. Broadwell Is merely following out the . precedent set by both democrats and republican district court clerks. The vote for governor has been taken Invariably because it Is the first state -office on the ballot. The presidential electors are not state officers." The Sixth Ward Republican league will hoH a meeting Friday evening at Idlewlld hall. Twenty-fourth and Grant streets. E. F. Morearty and others will speak. ARSON IN HIS OWN STORE Leavenworth Street Merchant Held for Setting; Fire to Insured Building;. MENACE TO MANY MILLIONS Tnberoaloiii Hangs Like Fall Otm Our Great Cities. GREAT WHITE FUGUE MAY BE CURED Homeopaths Listen to Interesting Paper and Generally Take Part In the Diaonaalon that Follows Ita Reading;. "Tuberculosis" was the subject for dis cussion last night at the meeting of the Missouri Valley Homeopathic Medical asso ciation. Two of the men who were la have appeared on the program. Dr. Lewis P. Cruthers of Kansas City and Dr. Charles Shcpard of Ord, Neb., were absent. Dr. B. F. Bailey of Lincoln was present with his paper on "Tuberculosis With Relation to the Publio," end It occasioned such thorough discussion that there scarcely would have been time for other papers. "If the United States 'looked after the health of her cltlsens ' Instead of leaving it with the states, where local political influences are strong, the country would not have so many tuberoulosls patients," said Dr. Bailey. "The great white plague doe not move to publio action, because It does not affect commercial Interests. If It In any way stopped the wheels of commerce and became a question of dollars and cents, the publlo would be up in arms and It would be wiped out. It tan be wiped out of existence by Isolation of patients and observance by the people of proper sanitary conditions. Every state ought to have a hospital for patients suf fering from tuberculosis. This state ought to have such a sanltorlum and I would be the first one of 1.000 persons to give J100 each for such an Institution. gaslight Fatal to Bacilli. "Tuberculosis bacilli cannot live In the sunlight. Sun and air will kill them. Dark C. G. Ruenker, proprietor of a grocery J rooms and hallways, narrow alleys and store at 2S05 Leavenworth street, was tried dirty tenements harbor the germs and keep All You Could Expect, and Much More, in Boys' Clothes How to Car Corns and Bunions. First, soak the corn or bunion In warm water to soften it; then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Fain Balm twice dally, rubbing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn a few days to protect It from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism. Pain Balm Is unequaled. The "Kilties" Are Comln't This world-famous band' will give three concerts In the Auditorium Hallowe'en night, October - 31. Matinee and evening concerts following day. The "Kilties" come under the auspices of Clan Gordon and will play the two royal command programs as given before King Edward VII and I at Balmoral castle. Tickets at office of the Western Scot, 1608 Howard street. PIANO VALUES AT HOSPE'S Are Like Diamonds From Tiffany's Tou buy the Knabe Piano, the Kranlch A Bach, or the Kimball, and you know they, are equal to the blue mine stones you read about. You take no chancea as to the future of, the lnstruments-you know the quality Is there aiid'the price is right. Then again, the easy payment plan appeals to the trade, and, having the pianos marked In plain figures, makes buying easy. This Is known as the I loupe plan. To those "Who cannot quite reach the price of the fancy grades of pi. anos, we recommend such well-known pianos as the Hallet-Davls. Krell, Sterling. Mathushek. Cable-Nelson, Hospe, Burton, Whitney, Hinio and Cramer pianos. This line of Pianos has been so long in use by our good people that further comment would be super fluous, but we again remind them that our ten-year guarantee goes vtitn every piano we sell. Until you can buy good pianos from the oldest eiabliiud house Willi full security and periect cuu tidunce, at prices that are positively a Having of no lea than toO and up lo liOu, you have no excuse fur buy ing etsfwheie. Biund new Planus are selling for H6. Jlbo, fi&, tijt 145, $-o at rvtail and on small pay ments tuiclusive of Btool and scarf). 1'ianita tnat are doubly veneered, tilaniy polished, high grade action, with ivory keys and tiie beat cf mu sic wire, also a foundation built liks a house for strength and durability, what more can we offer? exempt mat we do take small monthly payments from to up. You pay no more money when buy ing on time than fur cash. Pianos are marked In plain figures and no more will be asked. A word' about OKOANS We have the celebrated Kimball organs, as well as our own. We sell the new organs at prices from l:l 50 and up. according to style. We have used organs tor tJb, $10, which ran be bought on 6oc weekly payments. Piano tuning, piano repairing, pi. ano rebuilding, piano packing and moving, as well as the beat slock of stools and scarfs. A. HOSPE CO. I will sell a complete file or the Illustrated Bee very cheap on account of leaving the city. Mrs. W.. N. Boyer, 717 South 81st St., Omaha, Wednesday morning before Police Judge Berka on two complaints filed by Deputy County Attorney Fitcfi, charging Ruenker with setting fire to his own store and con tents at the above number the night of Oc tober 3. The defendant was bound over to the district court In the sum of $700 for each charge. Ruenker's father has fur nished ball for his son, giving as security a forty-acre farm in the west part of the city. 4 One of the most Interest-ne methods of securing publicity that has been seen in Omaha In many days Is the making of shredded whole wheat products by the Natural Food company of Niagara Falls. N. T., at the Orchard ft WUhelm old stand at 1416 Douglas street. In a large show window Is exactly repro duced the whole rfrocess of manufacturing Shredded Wheat Biscuit and Triscult from wholo wheat, Just as it Is conducted in the "Conservatory" at Niagara Falls, that cost the builders $2,000,fm The ultimate object of the whole exhibit Is to demonstrate that shredded whole wheat products contain the whole of the wheat berry, with nothing added to and nothing taken from It. making a perfect food, as all the elements of nutrition for the per feet sustenance of the human body are held within the whole wheat berry. The wheat Is cleaned and cooked so as to ren der It soft and pliable for the shredding process. - The shredding is accomplished by crushing the soft wheat Into fine porous shreds between corrugated steel rollers. The shreds are deposited In layers on a traveling belt, thirty-six layers const! tuting the thickness of a biscuit. They are then cut and shaped into biscuit ready for the oven. The mechanical process of shred ding renders the biscuit light" afld porous and In a condition to be readily acted upon by the gastric Juices of the stomach, The making of a whole wheat cracker or wafer Is also shown In the manufacture of Triscult. a novelty In Industrial bak ing being introduced in the use of an elec trie oven which cuts, presses, shapes and bakes the Triscult. After viewing the manufacture of these products the visitor is shown an Illuminated model of the home factory and a cabinet of Interior views of this, the finest indus trial building in the 'world. The visitor Is then' served with a dainty luncheon from a beautiful white enameled booth. ' In connection with the exhibit this en terprislng company Is conducting a cook ing school with Mrs. Carrie E. Dwells, graduate of Boston School of Cooking and Oread Institute, as Instructor. Lessons are conducted each day at t p. m., to which the women of Omaha are cordially invited. Verdict In Quick Time. Judge Redlck and a Jury broke all court records In the trial of a case Wednesday afternoon. The Jury was empaneled at 2:26, plaintiff's evidence was all in a few min utes later and the Jury retired. In fifteen minutes it returned to court with a verdict against George Kerhoules and In favor of John Polltopolous for J200. Plaintiff hHd sued for I2.0UO for malicious prosecution growing out of a neighborhood row in bouih Omaha. Defendant did not put In an appearance. DIED. ANDERSON Mrs. Matilda, 2773 California street. Burial at Funk, Neb., the town of her birth. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1226. Kames for Jnrora. Judge Day. Deputy Clerk of Courts Gross man and Deputy County Clerk Butler Wednesday afternoon drew tfie names of the 120 citlsens who will be summoned for Jury service for the three weeks beginning on Monday, November 13. The twelve men who will try Pat Crowe will be drawn from this panel, according to the present plans of me county attorney. Panic Averted. In case of constipation, peritonitis, etc., panic Is averted by curing yourself with Dr.' King's New Life PI!ls-25o. For sale by Sherman ft McCoi.nell Drug Co. OMAHA MEN AND THEIR HOBBIES 1&U-1515 DOl'GLAS STREET. Established ISH. the disease alive. There is no excuse for such places except that the owners wish to make money. They, are murderers." Dr. Bailey stated, a thing which all peo ple do not know, that bacilli do not come from the body of the infected person through expiration, but that the sputum is the common means of dissemination Tuberculosis causes the death of LOOO.000 persons a year, imi.uw oi mem in ine uni ted States, according to Dr. naney. ur the 70,000,000 persons In the country, Dr. Rallev riredicts that 10,000,000 will die of the disease. In New York City alone are .000 cases. In the discussion following the paper, it was stated generally that the disease is curable. This was emphasized especially by Dr. Foote or Omaha ana Dr. m. c Allen of Chicago, one of the foremost homeopaths of the country. Care Them at Home, Dr. Allen eald tuberculosis can be cured and the remedy is light and pure air. Re ferring to the advioe of Dr. Foots to send patients to New Mexico and of another physician to send them to Colorado, Dr. Allen said he would keep them at home. "They can be cured Just as well on the hills along the Missouri , river as on the plains around Albuquerque," he said. "Get them in the light and the fresh air." The program for this morning, and the one which ends the session, is as roi lows: Materia Medlca Lewis P. Crutcher. M D., chairman, Kansas City, Mo. "A Few Differentials ueorge Koyai, M. o., lies Moines, la. "The Debt We owe the Nosode H. C. Allen, M. D., Chicago, 111 "The Materia Medlca of Tomorrow" Ben jamlrt F. Bailey, M. D;. ' Lincoln. Neb. rne wnyrores or our Failures Lewis Plnkerton Crutcher, M.-4JU, Kanaas City MO. . i.'-.'t Wednesday morning's, session was de voted to the bureaus of surgery and gyne cology, with several papers followed by elaborate discussions. The first paper was by Dr. G. F. Shears of Chicago on the subject of "Appendicitis and Its Relation to Diseases of the Ovaries and Tubes." The paper treated of the ne cesslty of attacking the disease in its ear Her stages, thus obviating the need of stir gleal operation at its more critical stage. The discussions all favored the medical treatment during the Inflammatory stage. Another Interesting paper was "The Gen esls of Carcinoma and Conditions of Re currence," by Dr. James G. Gilchrist o Iowa City, la. He discussed the causation of cancer and advocated the theory of at tacking it at its period as a benign tumor, and thought it unwise not to do so. The paper was subjected to an elaborate discus. slon, participated In by Drs. H. C. Allen o Chicago, George Royal of Des Moines and J. L. Hanchett of Sioux City. The remainder of the forenoon was given over to the reading of papers on "The Commonplaces of Gynecology," by Dr, L. Hanchett of Sioux City; "Surgical Gyne oology," by Dr. William R- Welsh of Den ver; "Uterine Flbro-Myoma," by Dr. J. F, Becker of Iowa City, and "Tuberculosis of Uterine Adnexa," by Dr. D. A. Foote of Omaha, The afternoon session began promptly at 1:30 with opthalmology, otology, Laryng ology and obstetrics as . the themes for learned and interesting papers. Dr. Joseph M. Patterson of Kansas City, Mo., treated of "Care of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat In Exanthematous Diseases;" Dr. E. L. Mann of St. Paul, Minn., of "Nasal Stenosis Causes and Effects;" Dr. Royal S. Copeland of Ann Arbor, Mich., of "Fundus Occuli in General Diseases;" Dr. William L. By water of Iowa City, "The Effects of Alcohol and Tobacco on the Special Organs;" Dr, David A. Btrickler of Denver, on "Iritis Glaucoma; Differential Diagnosis." Stylish Suits and Overcoats Farents with big families and limited in comes who want the utmost possible value in boys' garments will find their wish more than met here at $3. In suits they can choose from Norfolks and double breasteds, sailors and Buster Browns, made of all wool cheviots, in the new gray and greenish effects. In over coats, there are many fancy novelties for the little fellows and the swagger long cut single and double breasted belted overcoats for the bigger boys. Every garment worth a dollar more On Farnam at 15th St. $3 Swell Suits and Overcoats If you have calculated on spending about $5 or $6 elsewhere for your son's new suit or overcoat, you had better come here first. A few moments will convince you that our $4 garments are the $5 and $6 ones of most stores The newest in, cheviots, worsteds plain double breasted and double breasted Norfolks all the novelties, too. 'Extra long belted overcoats three-quarter, length coats and the cute little coats for young sters, all sizes at , $4 On Farnam at 15th St. WOODMEN UNVEIL MONUMENT Interesting- Ceremony nt Myrtle Hall Attended by n Large Knmber ol the Order. At Myrtle hall last night the Woodmen of the World unveiled a monument, with fit ting and Impressive ceremonies. In honor of deceased members of the fraternity. The master of ceremonies and the officers were in full and solemn regalia, and they, with a drill team, occupied the rostrum on which the monument, veiled In the Stars and Stripes, was placed amid banks of flowers and ferns. About 200 were In attendance and all parts of the program were attended with Interest. The opening song. "America," was fol lowed by a vocal solo by Lee G. Kratz. He sang "The Valiant Knight," by Watson, with great effect. The violin solo by Miss Louise Shadduck, "Legande," by Wienlaw skl, was greeted with such applause that Miss Shadduck responded by giving "Per petual Motion," by Novaech. The presenta tion of "Why Should the Spirit of Mortal Be Proud" by Miss Cora M. Hitchcock was full of grace and merited the expressed ap preciation of the listeners. Sacred music was rendered by the T K quartet. After the rendition of "Nearer, My God, to Thee" the unveiling ceremony was conducted by the Seymour degree team. The deceased members honored In this ceremony were H. H. Beale, J. A. Branigan, Claude G. Brown, Albyn L. Frank, Edward O. Kratx, Cliff C. Rouxer and W, F. Sanders. The speakers of Ihe occasion were Prof. W. C. VanNens of the Iowa State Normal and Rev. G. H. Schleh, lecturer of the fra ternity. ; Soma Seasonable Advioe. . It may be a piece of superfluous advice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost sure to be needed before ' winter Is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are ob tained when taken as soon as a cold Is con tracted and before It has become settled In the system, which can only be done by keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that no one should hesitate about buying it In preference to any other. The Kilties" are comin'. .Auditorium, Tuesday evening, October 31, and November 1 matinee and evening. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been Issued; Name and Residence. Age. Albert F. Sehueler, Calhoun, Neb 30 Edith Miller, Calhoun. Neb IS Thomas L. Wright, Omaha 2 Bertha A. Stuten. Omaha 23 Carl O. Palm. Omaha 21 Maude V. Carmony, Omaha 21 Everett Brown, Omaha 25 Ida Strong, Omaha 17 Fred C. Gould. Kansas City, Mo 24 Elizabeth Cooley, Omaha 28 Roderick D. Cochrane. Omaha 81 Flora Johnstone, Omaha 31 J. C. Blackburn, Arlington 27 Anna M. Miller, Omaha 21 22-K wedding rings. Ed holm, Jeweler. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Hoard of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Wednesday: Births Lee B. Estelle, (!3 Cass, girl; Ed mund H. Davie, J6 South Nineteenth, girl; Joseph Kostal. 1408 South Fifteenth, boy; Charles Krebs. 2435 South Twentieth, girl; E. C. Nisser, 609 South Thirty-third, boy. Deaths Charles W. McNalr, 8S64 Seward, r; John Rotolo, 1304 Cass. 16 months; Louise Laitta, 1111 South Twelfth, 3 months. nd Announcements of the Tbeatera. "Piff. Paff, Pouf ' will be offered at the Boyd theater this evening for the first time in Omaha, It is the Joint production of three of the best known of American writ ers and composers, and has had a wonderful vogue in New York. It run there for 125 consecutive performances, and Is now gut ting Its first turn on the road. The muslo is said to be bright, the songs are breey, and the dialogue smart and witty. The famous pony ballet, with its wonderful radium dance, the original that has been so extensively copied. Kathryn Osternmn heads the company and is supported by Robert Graham and a very capable organisation. This a'ftemoon at the Burwood the man agement has prepared to give a welcome to the shopping ladles. After they have made the . rounds of the stores they can drop In at the theater and find a comfort able seat, and there be entertained by one of the funniest of comedies. "All the Com forts of Home," which Is being presented this week in capital style by the Woodward Stock company. Vaudeville at the Orpheum this afternoon wilt constitute a fascinating allurment for the matinee girl. Bright and pretty little Miss Millman, of the Mlllman trio, will be one of the feminine charmers to enlist admiration. The chic and graceful manner in which she danoes on a bounding wire Is proving one of the strongest cards on the bill. The Misses Melville and Stetson, com ediennes, as usual, have some gorgeous gowns to interest the gentler sex and in fact, throughout the program there is much that .will appeal to the many women who make their regular weekly visit to the cosy playhouse on Thursday afternoons. A. II. RAWITZEJU Sewing 'Km Up Tight. Store Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer, ctl'.i, ior Its purity a ad One flavor. uux- After Clocks comes ScwsHnrt. After Dkbpoudbnov comes Jot. Aftf.r Sickness come Health. After W gag ebb comes Strength. Dr. Pierce's Fsvorlte Prescription it what dtn-t it all. it's a wonder uorker for vvmum. because It is A'afure's remedy, adapted to the needs of twentieth con tr.ry women. NO ALOOHOI., KO KARCOTIC, VO IHJCRI ous DRio. Made of glyceric extracts from roots, therefore their virtues grew In them In Xaturt't UxtmraUtry, vlx: Lady's Slipper root, RIack Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh root, and Golden Seal root; extracted, combined, preserved without alcohol, by Doctor Pierce's ovit peculiar prooes, and In the most exact proportions to secure the beet efTocts. If In need of careful, competent advlca before beginning treatment, jou will re ceive It without cuurge by writing, and stating your cae, to Ur. R. V. Pierce, 663 Main Street, Ruffalo, N. Y. All letters confidentially received and answer sent In securely sealed envelopes. I was a great sufferer for six years." writes Mrs, Cieo. Sogden. of (Ml Bonds Btrest, Btrinaw. Mich. "I commenced to take your 'VsTorlve 1: inscription ' and bin taken tea bottle in all. Am now regular, ifu-r having nilawnd two rear and suffered with pain in the heed and back. I ws so nerrous. could not eat or sleep. Now I eau Ihauk Joe fur py reroTery." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Peltate cure con stipation One little "Pellet" Is gentle laxative, ud two R mild cathartic. C' A4 pTKJtDR HARK 7 Soap , The favorite soap for Toilet or Bath. Transparent because tinued use assures a P clear and beautiful. gfeH . Perfumed with the of pf ural jlKT y ' owers' kS JAMES S. KIRK 1 & COMPANY mn'w0iMiM LOST "I'm a lost dog; please put a want ad in The Bee and find me." N. B. When you lose anything, don't cry; put a want ad In The Bee and get it back. Telephone 338. 90,000 Jitai Circulation. IT IS A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO US THAT EVERY LOAF OP SNOW FLAKE BREAD Shall be absolutely pure, sweet and good. Our reputa tion of a quarter century standing depends upon Its uniform quality depends upon Its giving perfect satisfaction In every respect. Still we are taking no chances, for we know how expert are our bakers. We know that the best northern wheat flour Is used. We know how every detail of Its making is watched with our most zealous care. We do not fear to risk our reputation on SNOW FLAKE HUE A I). Over Four Hundred Grocers Sell It. This label is on every loaf and is a guarantee that It is the best that money, skill and cleanli er WW XfrR n noss can produce. Our bakery is always open for inspection and vltltors are always mada welcome. Look for the Red Label U. P. STEAM BAKINQ CO.