Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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i "Nexi to knowing a
I , thing Is knowing
. L. where to look
I for ."
TM-rbfln-i 194.
i Great as our reputation has been for reliable dress goods at
umall cost, this season's fabrics will eclipse everything we have
done in the past. "We have more than doubled the variety to
show you. Aote each item below carefully.
All .Wool Panama beautiful quality, all the new autumn shades for
general wear, there Is nothing that quite equals them. All colors ancT black,
60c a yard.
All Wool Sprites both French and storm serges f6r morning, market
ing, children's school dresses all colors and black. 60c a yard.
All Wool Albatross the light, soft, clinging fabric for plaiting and tuck
ing, 60c a yard. "
'ew Checked Novell leu new mlied effects, tiny checks, In two and three
lone colors, will stand U kinds of hard wear, 60c a yard.
New Antunin I'lalds for an Inexpensive ' and serviceable material for
children's waists, school dresses, In fact all kinds of wear. Make It a point
to see these pretty plaids at 60c a yard.
-' Thursday's Selling In Snlt, Fura, Cwats and Waists.
We believe we show more really new styles in ready-to-wear garments
than any house In Omaha. A close Inspection will convince you that our
jirites are very low for fine goods. Come and see.
We move in a few days to onr new store, Howard and 16th.
Y. M. C. A. Building, Cor. 16th and Douglas.
group of Americans, of necessity reflect
credit upon all Americans. Only a heroic
iopie uould have battled successfully
against the conditions Willi which the peo of the south found themselves lace
10 face at the end of the. civil war. There
had been utter destruction and disaster,
ami wholly new business and auclal prob
lems hud (o be faced; with the scantiest
means. ' Th economio and political fabric
had to' bo readjusted In the midst of (lira
want, of Kiiii'-lu.g poverty. The future of
the broken, war-swept, south seemed be
yond hope-, and If her sons and daughters
liad been . of weaker Sber there -would In
very truth, Dave been o hope. But the
men and the sons of the men who had
faced with unfaltering; front every alterna
tion of good and- evil fortune, from Manas
wti to Appomattox, and the women, their
wives and .mothers, whose courage and
ndurnnoe had . reached an even higher
heroic level thee" rrnefi atiit these women
set themselves, undauntedly to the great
task' before them, For twenty years the
striiKRle Was hard and at times doubtful.
Then the. splendid quajltfea.. of your man
hood and womanhood t61d. as they were
Uund to tell, and the wealth of your ex
traordinary natural resources began to tie
shown. Now the teeming riches of mine
rind field and factory attest the prosperity
el' thoao who are all the stronger because
of the trial and struggles through which
this prosperity, ha. com: You stand loy
ally to your traditions and memories; you
also stand loyally for our great common
Country of today and for our common flag,
which symbolises aU that- Is brightest and
most houeful for the future of mankind;
you face the new age tn the spirit of the
age. Alike in your material and In your
uplrltual and Intellectual development you
stand abreast of the foremost in the
world's progress.
Work that Lies Ahead.
And now, fellow citizens, my fellow
Americans, exactly as all of us, whether
we live lit the east or the west, in the
north or the south, nave the right merely
as Americans to feel pride In every great
aeed done by an American in the past,
and exactly as we are knit together by
this common heritage of memories, so we
are knit togetner Dy the. bo. id of our com
mon duties in the present, our common
Interests In the future. Many and great
problems -lie before us. If we treat the
mighty, memories of the . past merely as
excuses for tutting laslly down in the pres
ent, or for standing aside-from the rough
work of the world, then these memories
will prove a curse instead of a blessing.
But if we treat them as 1 believe we shall
treat them, not as excuses for inaction,
but as Incentives to- make us snow that
?i-e are woUxy of -eur fathVrs and of pur
ftthe- hrtHeW ihefe is Wrutn the deeds
of the past rwtlKviol httsa been wasted,
for tney whs. IT brtng forth fult.a hundred
- told in the present generation. Ve of this
nation, we the citizens of this mlgthy and
wonderful republic, stretching across a con
tinent between tha two gTeatset oceans,
enjoy extraardlnaj-ytprlvilegas, .and as our
opportunity is great,, therefore . our re
sponsibility if ir(t , w have duties to
perform both abroad and at home, and we
cannot shirk either set of duties and fully
retain oue -aelf-resDeet.
In foreign affairs we must make up our
rhtnds that' whether we wish it or not, we
are a greuf people and must play a great
part in the woild. It is not open to us
t choose whether we will play that great
part or. not. We have to-play It; all we
can decide. . Is whether we shall play It
well or Hl. And I have too much confidence
ih my countrymen to doubt what the deci
sion will be. our- mission In the world
should be one of peace, but not the peace
df cravens, . the peace granted contempt
uously to those who purchase it by sur
rendering the right. No! Our voice must
be effective for peace because It is raised
fbr righteousness flut and for peace only
us the handmaiden of righteousness. We
must be scrupulous In respecting the rights
uf the weak, and no less careful to make
It evident that we do not act through fear
of the strong. We must be scrupulous
In doing Justice to others and scrupulous
in exacting Justice for ourselves. We must
beware equolly of that sinister and cynical
teaching which would persuade us to dis
regard ethical standards In international
relations, and of the- po less hurtful folly
which would stop the whole work of civil
isation by a well meant but silly persis
tency in trying to Apply to people unfitted
for them those theories of government and
"t national action which are only suited
for the most advanced races. In particular
wo must remember that In undertaking to
Iwlld the Panama canal we have neces
surlly undertaken to police the seas at
cither end of It; and this means that we
Itave a peculiar interest in the preservation
of order in the coasts and Islands of the
Caribbean. - I firmly believe that by a little
wise and generous aid we can help even
the most backward of peoples In these
coasts and Islands forward along the path
of orderly liberty so that they can stand
tilone. If we decline to give them such
help the result will be bad both for them
and for us; and will In the end In all prob
ability cause us to face humiliation or
I looduhed.
', Problems at Home.
The problems that face us abroad are Im
portant, but the problems that face us at
Lome are even more Important. The extra
ordinary growth of industrialism during the
i last half century brings every civilized
' people face to face with the gravest so
cial and economic questions. This is an
age of combination among capitalists and
combination among wage workers. It Is
Idle to try to pruvent such combinations.
Our efforts should be i to see that they
work for the good and not for the harm
of the body politic. New devices of law
ure neceeeary from time to time In order
to meet the changed and changing condi
tion. But after all we will do well to
i .member that although the problems to
tie solved chaugn from generation to gen
ration, the spirit in which the solution
,-ist be attempted, remains forever the
ne." It Is in peace as It la In war. Tac
03 change and weapons change. The
onUnoniul troo la. their blue and buff,
h fought under Washington and Greene
ind Wayne,' differed entirely In arms and
in training from those who In blue or gray
Savings Associations
Results show that it is impossible to
measure the great good done by Havings
Associations in the formation of the good
habit of saving, which enubles a man to
accumulate a competence for old age, or to
secure hi own home, freed of encumbrance.
In dollars and cents the good thus done is
Immeasurable; In moral good It Is as broad
aa this movement extends, and as a factor
for the new era in the existence of thou
sands of lives in happy homes will be
looked up to as the shining star leading
to success.
The time to begin is when times are
The place to lay away these savings Is
with this Association, which Is the largest
In the State and which has a Reserve of
Tie Coasenratlii Savins & Loaa Ajj'a,
29$ So. Iftta St Oauho,
Dee. Oct. 18, 1905.
Handsome Dress
faced one another In the armies of Grant
and of Lee, of Sherman and of Johnston.
And now the sons of these same union and
confederate veterans who serve in our
gallant little army of today wear a differ
ent uniform, cairy a different weapon, and
rjractice different tactics. But the soul
of the . soldier has remained the same
throughout, and the qualities which drove
forward to vlrry or to death the men of
76 and the men of 81 are the very quali
ties whirh the men of todav must keep un
changed if in- the hour of need the honor
of the nation is to be Kept untarnisneu.
Square Deal fof All.
Bo it Is In civil life. The government
was formed with as Its basic idea the
nrlnrlnli nf treating each man on his worth
as aman, paying no heed as to whether he
was-- rich or poor, no heed to his creed
or his social standing, but only to the way
in' which he performed his duty to hlmseit,
to his neighoor, to the state. From this
principle we cannot alTord to vary by so
much as a hand s breadth. Many repub
have risen in the past, and some of them
flourished long, but sooner or later they
fell: snd the cause most potent in bringing
about their fall was in almost all cases
the fact that they grew to be governments
In the Interest of a class instead of gov
ernments In the Interest of all. It made
no difference as to which class it was that
thus wrested to Its own advantage the
governmental machinery, it was as fatal
to the cause of freedom whether it was the
rich who oppressed the poor or the poor
whe plundered the rich.- The crime of
brutal disregard of the rights of others
Is as much a crime when It manifests
Itself in the shape of greed and brutal
arrogance on the one side as when It mani
fests Itself In the shape of envy and law
less violence on tho other. Our aim must
be to deal Justice to each man; no more
and no less. This purpose must find its
expression and support not merely in our
collective action through the agencies of
the government, but In our social atti
tude. Rich man and poor man must feel
alike that on the one hand they are pro
tected by law and that on the other hand
they are responsible to the law; for each
is entitled to he fairly dealt with by his
neighbor and by the state; anil if we as
citizens of this nation are true to our
selves and to the traditions of cmr fore
fathers such fn'.r measure of Justice shall
be dealt to -each man; so that as far as we
can bring It about each shall receive his
Hues, each shall be riven the chance to
I show tho stuff there is In him, shall be
secured against wrong . ana in turn pre
vented from wronging others. More than
this no man Is entitled to, and less than
this no man shall have.
Visited by School Children.
, A feature of the return of the party from
the west side to the Capitol square was
the public school children banked for aey
eral blocks along Broad street, white on
one side ' and colored on the other. The
president finished speaking at 1:20 o'clock,
when the line was re-formed and the march
taken up to the Masonic temple, where an
elaborate banquet, with covers for 400 per
sons, was spread.
President's Train at nalelah.
RALEIGH, N. C. Oct. 18. The president's
train reached Mill Brook, four miles from
Raleigh, on the Seaboard Air Line at
12.55 this morning. It will remain there
during the early morning hours and pull
Into Raleigh at 8:60 a. m.
Miss Maude V. Kramer of this city snd
F. II. Sldcner of Council Bluffs were mar
ried at high noon Tuesday by Rev. Edwin
Hart Jenks, pastor of the First Presbyte
rian church. The ceremony was performed
at the home of the groom, 927 Fourth ave
nue, In the presence of a party of friends
and relatives. For many years the groom
has been connected with the Paddock-
Handschy Hardware company at Council
Bluffs. Mrs. W. H . Platner, sister of the
' bride, acted as matron of honor, while
I Clarence Virtue of Council Bluffs was best
man The following were present at the
j wedding: Mr. and Mrs. J. C Hobbs. W. 8.
j Shoemaker, Mrs. H. M. Danlger, Roy
i Hobbs. Mrs. Lillian Kramer. R. R. Kramer,
j Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Platner, Omaha; Mr.
and Mrs. E. L. Sidener, Mrs. R. C. and
Vivian Cllpson, J B. Taylor, Silver City,
la.; Catherine Holloway, Kansas City; Q.
H. Virtue, Council Bluffs.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. Oct. 18 (Special Tele
gram.) Howard L. Howe of Galena. Kan.,
and Miss Elsie Watklns, were married at
the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Ai
med Watklns, In this city at t o'clock to
night. A small company witnessed the
ceremony, which was performed by Rev. J.
W. Embree of the Methodist Episcopal
church. Mr. Howe Is deputy postmaster at
Galena and the young couple will depart
for that city tomorrow.
Mo Tray-Bayer.
PENDER, Neb., Oct. 18.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) W. C. Murray and Miss Bayer were
united in marriage this evening. Rev. Dr.
George Williams officiating.
Albert F. Schueler and Miss Edith Miller,
both of Calhoun, were married Wednesday
morning by Justice of the Peace Alstadt.
Take laxative Brnmo Quinine Tablets.
Dmtrrfpts refund money If U fails to eure.
E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box.Jbc
Hsw Phut of Mutual Life's Solum for
Watching LeiiUlin.
Boy Mho Signed Voucher tor 1H)1
lor Legal Kx-venses Says He
Sever Heeelved the
NEW TORK, Oct. 18.-The district at
torney's office was called upon today by the
legislative insurance Investigating company
because of the testimony of one witness and
the question ot an arrest for perjury Is now
being considered by Assistant District At
torney 'Rand. The witness In question is
Geotge J. Plunkett, an 18-year-old telephone
operator In the .employ of the stationery
firm of L. W. Lawrence & Co., from whom
the Mutual Life Insurance t-ompany pur
chased a great deal of Its supplies of this
nature. It was brought out in yesterday's
testimony thst among ' the vouchers for
money charged to legal expenses was one
for IVOl signed by George J. Plunkltt. His
identity was not disclosed until today,
when Plunkitt was called to the stand. He
testified as to his employment and when
shown the voucher denied that he had ever
signed it. He further denied that he had
ever received that amount of rnonear from
the Mutual Life Insurance company or that
he had rendered the company any service.
Mr. Hughes asked Plunkltt tn write his
name In Ink on a piece of paper, which he
did. This and the voucher .was then of
fered In evidence and the similarity of the
signatures was called to the attention of
the committee.
Shortly after this incident the sergeant-at-arms
was sent to communicate with the
district attorney's office and soon Mr. Rand
appeared. He was escorted to a seat beside
Chairman Armstrong, and for a tirne he
critically examined the signatures. All that
Mr. Rand would say was that he had been
summoned by Chairman Armstrong, and
when the chairman Was questioned he said
the matter was now out of the hands, of the
committee and "was up to the district at
torney's office." . . , .
Tilt Between Hnahea and Seek.
Another feature of the day's hearing
was the passage at arms between Chair
man Armstrong, Counsel Hughes and
James M. Beck, counsel for President R.
A. McCurdy. Mr. Beck accused Mr.
Hughes of misleading the public by not
following out his lines of Interrogation to
the end, and asserted that he dropped a
subject before the witness was allowed to
explain. Chairman Armstrong then said
that the work of the committee niuat not
be obstructed. The committee, he said,
wanted all the Information it could get
that would be helpful and the witness had
placed himself In the position he followed
himself by his continual evasive answers.
Mr. Armstrong said further that every
witness will be treated with all possible
courtesy. Mr. Hughes then said if he had
erred it was by showing courtesies when
circumstances justified an entirely differ
ent course, adding that evasion would be
held up to the contempt It has always
received. There was a spontaneous out
burst of applause when Mr. Hughes had
concluded, which was stopped only by a
threat to clear the room.
House for Lobbyists.
William M. Carpenter, a clerk In the sup
ply department of the Mutual Life Insur
ance company, made an excellent witness
for the commission by his frank manner
and apparent desire to give whatever in
formation ha o--ivld upon fiie matter before
the committee. Mr. Ctrenter was- under
the direction of A. C. Fields, the 'iipeTin
tenfleut of this department and was very
close to Mr. Fields In his "legislative .su
pervision" at Albany. Mr. Carpenter told
of hov a house had been maintained In
Albany for several years at the expense of
the Mutual Life. Mr. Fields occupied , It
only during the legislative session and on
several occasions two members of the leg
islature lived at the house with Mr. Fields.
Mr. Carpenter leased the houses and paid
for the servants and supplies With money
furnished him by the Mutual Life. He did
not know whether these members of the
Insurance company ever shared fn the ex
pense; he never received any money from
them; but he said they might have paid
Mr. Fields. No account wns kept of these
expenditures, and the money was all r
cel'ed on vouchers calling for disburse
ments for legal expenses. A house has been
maintained for a period of nhotit ten years
In Albany under these conditions, but riot
always In the same street.
Later In the dsv, when McCurdy was re
called, the president said he did not know
that the Mutual Life's funds had been
maintaining this house, although he did
know that Mr, Fields had rented a house
to escape the risk of Illness In hotels. He
was assured Mr. Fields pild P) rent. Mr.
Carpenter said the entire exnense of run
ning the house had been about t?.5no.
. Thomas It. Jordan Mlsslnar.
An attempt was made by Mr. Htirhes
today to get trace of Thomas P. Jordan,
former controller of the E'juitahle Life As
sura nee society. Frank B. Jordan was
called under a subpoena and he said he
saw his father last Labor day. He did not
know then that he was srlng awav and
did not know where he ws now. Tndr per
sistent questioning by Mr. Husrhes ynttns;
Jordan said no mail was forwarded to his
father and that e dirt not know whether
his father or hla mother were living or
Edgar W. Rogers, a clerk for L. W. Law
rence A Co., was called and was repre
sented by John B. Stancbfleld. Rogers Is
also the president of the Globe Printing
company. He was shown the Plunkltt
voucher and said he was of the opinion
that the signature on the voucher and that
written by Plunkltt on the stand were
Identical. He could rot recogiilie either of
them definitely aa the signature of Plunkltt.
A voucher drawn. In TVeemher, 19o, for
I1.Rff7.50 and signed by Rogers was chareed
to les-al services of the Mutual Life, but
Rogers could not remember the circum
stances of a transaction so far hack. He
scknowledged that It bore his signature
and that he must have received the moner.
hut for what It was disbursed he could not
remember. The checks for which both
IHunkltt's and Rogers' vouchers were signed
were ordered to le produced, and they will
be presented at a later session of the com
mittee. Toward the close of the day's session Mr.
McCurdy was being- Interrogated on the
trust companies with which tho Mutual
Life Insurance company Is connected, and
the subsidiary companies of the Mutual
Life and was stIH on the stand when ad
journment was taken.
oath Omaha' Man Who t'sed Reyolrer
at Uaneo Captared After
Three Years.
CHICAGO. Oct. 18 -Wllllam Conners. who
was arrested here charged with having at
tempted to murder two persons la Omaha
In 1902, was today taken to Omaha on req
uisition papers. The crime with which Con
ners Is charged is the outcome of a riot at
a dance.
Conners Is wanted at South Omaha on a
charge of shooting with Intent to kill
former Officer George Johnson and a young
woman duritg a dance at Old Settlers' hall
in. South Omaha en the. evening of August
13, 1902. It is stated formers was creating
a disturbance -at the dance and when the
officer tried Jo arrest him he took two shots,
one of which struck the officer on the groin
and the second striking the knee rf a
young woman. Johnson Is now employed In
the Douglas county surveyor's office.
Detective EJlsfelder will reach South
Omaha this evening with the prisoner.
Conners Is said to ..have a bad record at
South Omaha. - ., . ,
Wealthy New York Woman Who
Smntraled f&l.OOO Worth of Gems
Forced to Settle.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18-The special
agents of the Treasury department recently
succeeded In locating-a Valuable diamond
necklace which . wsa Smuggled into the
country and -securing a-large amount of
customs duties, which the owner sought to
evade. Bem -weeks ago the treasury offi
cials secured information that a woman of
means, living In News fork, had purchased
abroad a necklace, for which she paid $21,
000, and had succeeded In getting It through
the line cf baggage Inspectors st New
York. Her name and residence were given
to the customs .officials, wjio went promptly
to work on the case. On calling at her
house It was learned that she had gone to
Philadelphia, where , they followed her.
From Philadelphia she, went to Chicago and
from there to Boston, thence to New York
again, the customs officers In close pursuit.
She was finally found In a New York
theater. When approached the woman said
that the diamonds tn the necklace she then
wore were not genuine- and pleaded with
the officers-not to publicly disgrace her by
making the arrest In the theater, promising
to them to surrender the necklace she had
procured in Europe If they called at her
home the next morning-, but on the officers
going, to the residence 'the next morning
the woman was not to"be found. ' Her at
torney culled on the officials that afternoon
and In her name paid to them about I13.000,
which represented 1 the duties properly
chargeable on the Jewels and the added
penalty. "
Barn and Lire Stock.
FOREST CITY, la,. Oct. lS.-(Spedal.)-Durlng
an electric storm the big barn on
Burt Hanna's farm, east of this city, was
struck by lightning and burned to the
ground, together with 100 tons of hay, two
horses, a cow, Ave sets of harness and
some machinery. The barn was a large one
and burned quickly. Insurance, $500.
Child of Eight is in City Hos
pital Slowly, Regaining
.... ,u
Muscle MWai; Wearing'- Itself
Outprajak- a ' Dozen
Excessive ,coffi jyklng;, City Hospital
Dhyelcifins sav.' is raiiM nf lima i,,hnni.
K", V V1 cW 'ltM Johnnla
Murphy , heart, dlsoaaa. .Aithough Only 8
years old, he has ont of th worst cases
,L " ' nM 'V'r COm l lM
When ha -entered the hosnltal the chilli's
heart was beating J60 to the minute, Just ! P:,r1tun',: and summon them to enter upon
,,, ' , . , their duty. The Indians need the interna-
twlce the .normal, rte for a child of his tlonal church, the Christian school, the so
age. For one niontb .be has had no cofleo ! clal settlement, the boys' cluh. the girls
and his heart act,Ko has been reduced to
.... v , '
For two year, the child baS been drinking
from nine to twelva -run. of strong cov.
., j , , . . " ',
every day. He began to complain -of pains
as If needles were.. sticking In his heart,
and for a year has slept scarcely three
. . 1. ... '
nours a nignt, anq: tnen only when sitting
propped up in i chair beside an open
window, ; .
Johnnie did not care, for things to eat:
coffee was all the food he craved, and ex
cept when cake , or candy was given him
he took no other nourishment. As he ws
sick and not expected to recover, he was
given all the coffee he desired until a phy
sician saw him and advised that he be sent
to City HoboIUL '
Every beat of the child's heart could-be
plainly seen. To one Inexperienced In medi
cine. It would seen! that the heart ex
tended over two-thirds of the chest region,
and the pulsation' IS of a heavy prolonged
character, quite different from the sharp,
quick beat of the normal heart.
The boy is small for his age, and efforts
of physicians have been to build up his
His treatment has been largely
tonics and heart mgubitton.-medlclnei, such
as strophantus or digitalis.
As the heart, like- other- muscles, can
stand only a given amount of work, hospital
internes estimate that the 0 beats a minute
he Is now., being saved by his abstinence
from coffee will prolong his life 10 or U years.
The heart of a man who dies at 79
years has beaten 20o -million timqs, and If
the normal beat is 72, little Johnnie Murphy
was living twice as 'fast as any normal
person. W hen he first entered the hospital,
physicians freely, prophesied that he could
live only a few week L'nder the treat
ment and total abstinence from corTes he
has so improved that his chances for a long
life are considered good If the heart lelaon
and degeneration already set up can bo
healed. .
lie Is a son of John Murphy of 116 South
Fourteenth street. Mrs.' Murphy told the
physicians that none of her other chil
dren had shown signs of heart disease nor
had they a marked fondmsss for coffee.
Bt. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Literally thousands i : af .people suffer
more or Its from, ..heart weakness caused
by coffee. ,nd . with even out) cup a
day wilt bring on, hvart trouble..
The heart that has been only slightly at
tacked by. cuftce will protest and make us
weak condition. -known1 under exer
tion, and il is plainly a dangerous condi
tion to get Into. It Is a curious Uct that
coffee, does not always attack the heart,
but goes after the stomach, liver and
bowels of some and leaves the heart alone
It is plainly classed as an active toxlo
and its work shows somswhere 01, most
users. It Is easy to rid one's sWf of the
habit by using well brewed Postum Cof
fee. The change In symptoms is shuwn
in a day or two, as a rule, and that
change shows the user to a certainty that
coffee was the destroyer.
... . . ,
It Is useless to warn some peoole, even
when it Is easy to quit and be well again.
So they peg along, stck and miserable,
charging their alls to "food,"' "east wind."
"heredity" and what not, until sum day
the stroke comes when abused natura
reaches the limit. It's easy to be well If
one cares for the Joy of health. One of
the -sain, sure, well built and well kept
highways' with signboards on each aide.
Is the Postum route.
There's a reason.
Bed Il'sq Not Bstaj to Stand Along Among
Civiliisd Peoplsa.
Lyman Abbott Addresses Mohonk
Conference on Topic, Cltlns;
Case of Wlnnehaaoea
In Nebraska.
LAKE MOHONK :. 7., Oct. 18,-The I
Lake Mohonk conference of Friends of the
Indian and Other Department Peoples was I
opened today by Alfred K. Smiley. It was
on Mr. Smiley's Invitation that persons
particularly Interested In the Filipinos, the
Ha walla ns and the Forto means Joined
with those especially Interested In the
Indians, in the-yearly meetings at Lake
Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, editor of 'The
Outlook" presided. He dellverd an address,
saying In part:
It Is the American conscience that creates
the Indian problem. Tne American con
science asks not "What shall we do?" but
"What ought we to do? How shall 6H.0O0.0U)
of peopl. themselves partly civilised,
civilise 300.000 men and women In language,
in customs and In religions?
Civilisation Includes three processes.
First Is the establishment of a Just govern
ment, so that fundamental rights shall be
adequately protected I'nder the reser
vation system, the Indian was denied all
these rights. Thanks Isrgely to the In
fluence of this conference, treaties with
tribes are no longer mad; the tribal
relation Is no longer recongnlzed.
The second step In the development of ft
people Is adequate provision for their edu
cation. But these two processes are not
sufficient to solve the Indian problem, be
cause Just government and secular educa
tion are not sufficient to clvlliie a people.
I received last wcrk from Miss Annie
Beecher Scovllle a letter describing certain
conditions as she found them af the Winne
bago agency In Nebraska. It said:
"This trib" flf'pen or twentv years ago
rfas considered t-ie of the thriftiest,, hard
est working tribes In the country, so we
got thei- land allotted and the Dawes bill
gave tl cm rltuienshlp. At once a system
of leasiiiir and buying their votes began to
grow and the people were weakened by a
w'orse system than rations. Three years
ago an order went Into effect that heirship
land could be sold and since that all work
lias ceased, drink and gambling are run-hlng-
KITeet of Conrt tleelslnn.-
Tlie evils here described are aggravated
as a result of the decision ot the I'nlted
States supreme court that the Indian who
has received his allotment of land and be
come a citizen can no longer be prevented
from purchasing liquor under reservation
regulations. Civilization carries with It
evils as well as benpfils. The remedy Is
not l"s?ned development, but lar-er,
broi.5;t. better development. The Indian
mj't Jeveloped Into a full grown man,
tint ;, ripvwlnnment of the man's moral
nr.. ure, giving him the power of self-con-
v. I
Is a third, but equally essential eie
merit In civilisation. We must furnish him
wit'u the inspiration which the ten com
toi ldn.ents cull for.
This triple process, essential to clvlllza-
, l . i . . r i...iu..,i....b an
null iu 1 1 ets main u iivjim. ,tv....u ....
It .. - - t ..... Hiiallns-s with the !
r mra raoe. The country Is beginning to see
' that to make the negro safe to his neighbor
and to himself, to mike him a civinsea nu
man being, moral development must keep
pace with the Intellectual culture and with
the political emancipation. This, then,
seems to be the problem which in the fu
ture will press most heavily upon the
friends of the Indian.
How to Help the Indians.
First We must do for the Indian what
we are beginning to do for our public
schools In the states: Insist upon some
thing more than merely academic qualifica
tions In the teacher. We can do something
to create a public opinion which shall keep
the Indian schools out of reach of political
Influence and which shall give to them
teachers Imbued with the spirit of a Gen
eral Armstrong and a Booker T. Washing
ton and thus make the government scbf.ola
morally and lnsplratlonally aa woll tis Intel
lectually educative.
Second We can do for the Iridinn what
untier- ine inspiration or nmii-r vthmiuhb-
ton wo are beginning to do for the colored
raeA and whnf under u-ts' le.ldershin wn
are 'bepmnlnK to do In the north for thei
children-In our towns and cities, we can ;
mk., th schools Instruments of industrial
T.- ;rd-We can look for- some Indian who
hM twthnoTi:
Fourth We can, here at Lake Mohonk.
I lav before the Christian churches their op
' clnb' th mothers' club, the Tonne Mens.
I Christian association, the loung Women s i
tlan Endeavor." pure IteYsturVTnd above j
! all. the living men and women !
carrying to them that life which always
! muBt be personally carried, never can be
' Impersonally sent. I venture to suggest to
! !hl" 0DfrnTi thRi. 11 CT,pfl.n1.t a rommi,t1p
to set bafore the churches the opportunity
; and the necessity for enlargement of this
work. Such a statement Issuinir from this
"' nforenee must be used by the officers
of all churches. Human Catholic and Prot
estant, orthodox and liberal, to dissemi
nate knowledge and nrnuse enthusiasm
among- their crncr"a.tlons. The greatest
work In the Immediate future for the In
dian Is to be done not bv the government,
but by the church of Christ.
Work of Indian Buretio.
Dr. Abbott was followed by Miss Emily
S. Cooke of the Indian office, who spoke on
the "Resume of the Tear's Work of the
Indian Bureau." Miss Cooke said In part:
The total appropriation made by congress ! board of directors re-elected are George J.
for the Indian service for the fiscal year Gould, Wlnslow S. Pierce. F. 8. Lsnstreet,
1905 was f918.M2; for the current year It . . r,-,..,. Jnhn w nates James H
Is 18.129 812. The expenditures from all Edwln Gould. John w. uates, James M.
sources for 116 amounted to 114.230.073, of Hyde, Lawrence Greer and S. Davles War
which one-fourth was for support of ! h.m
The enrollment of Indian pupils in
schools during the year ended June 30, 19u5
lAvliisK-A nf thf New York Tnrll.ins and
1 , m aoout goo more ,nan aurlnK lao4- The
average attendance has been 28 455.
Of the 2.400 persons ehinloyed In Indian
schools, one-third are Indians. More and
more Indians are seeking employment and
railroads, ranches. het fields, etc., are
coming to depend on this Intelligent though
somewhat fitful labor.
Unfortunately they handle much more
money than they earn. From the sales of
Inherited lands the Indians continue to
gain large revenues of which their white
neighbors stand ready to despoil them
The lensing of Indian lands, alloted and
unalloted. assumes larger proportions each
year. This gives money to the Indians and
work to the ants. hut has little tendency
to forward Indian, civilization.
The decision of the supreme court f the
lnltd Stites in the "Heff case" that It Is
not Illegal to sell liquor to an Indian allot
tee when he la ofT the reservation has added
vastly to the difficulty of keeping Indians
awsy - from liquor or liquor away from
Indians, and a fund to be uw In obtaining
evidence and prosecuting those who sell
luor to Indians la more sjrely needed than
Perceptible Increase Noted In Market
las of Hobs Darin tho
Past Week. ,
CINCINNATI. Oct. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) The Price Current says: There Is
shown some tendency to Increase in the
marketing of hogs and a fairly good supply
for the time of year Is reflected In current
offerings. Total western packing was 130.
000, compared with 3SO.0OO the preceding
! "'h" and W lal ,?r- Since March 1
tho total
year ago.
is u.aiii.uuo, against 12.W16.000 a
Prominent places compare as
Kansas City
j South Omaha
I Bt. Joseph
1 Indianapolis .
Cincinnati ....
Ouumwa Rapids
Sioux City ....
Ft. Paul
Cleveland ....
Joseph Holcomb.
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Oct. 18 (Special
Tek-gram.-A telegram received here today
14llR ioni
..!815.0no 2,9i5.nil0 "!! ' .S2'V
..1.770.00 1.570.0(10 1
..l,04;.too K' .', . iSdV uaJI
.. 774.0") 71SIK) J3 ft -Jr llk'J
.. 4K.UD 44.1 ') '"-t J W
.. .Wi.'M) 34.".Oirt J -T
.. 375. i0 I V- Yl'J
.. 2i,7.uiO 247.iiii I r a Tj HI
.. 4'.5 0"O 44S. () rpfrTl
.. 300.IA) iflO.Urf Api7j) I
Stiove Weather
We have marie special priors on
many of our hard and soft roal
up from $5.50
Radiant Home
up from $29.00
Don't forget that are sole
agents for the genuine IVound
Oak and Vulk Meal Steel
Kan grs.
Stoves and Ranges Sold on
14th and Farnam Streets.
stated that Joseph Holcomb, member of
the well-known Holcomb family of CusUr
county, and brother to ths supreme court
Judge of Nebraska, was killed by the cars
last night at Seattle. Details so far are
meager. The body will be brought to
Broken Bow for burial, starting tomorrow.
Mr. Holcomb has lived In Indian Territory
for two years past and was visiting his
mother and sister at Seattle.
Storejr Cotton Company Man
' rioted of I slngr the Malls
to Defraud.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 18. - Stanley
Francis, who has been on trial . in the
Ll'nlted States district court since October
9. charged with using the malls to defraud
In c-uiiiK'ctlon with the defunct Storey
Cotton company was today found guilty
on every count In the Indictment.
Francis, who was known under several
aliases, was charged by the government
with being a principal in the Storey
Cotton company, which was closed by the
postal authorities And owed t5,9:ii,D78 to
"customers" throughout the country.
During the trial two arreBts were made
In the court room by 'the United States
authorities. W. C. Byram, a lawyer of
Bradley Beach, N. J., was taken into
custody, charged with attempting to in
fluence witnesses in Francis' behalf, and
James E. Demar, manager of the National
Automobile company of New York was
arrested, charged with conspiring to Inter
fere and corrupt witnesses of the goven
ment. Both were released on ball.
Application was made for a new trial.
New Method of Rednelnar Magnetite,
Vast Deposits of Which Are
Found In West.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 18. David T. Day,
chief of the mining division of the United
States geological survey, has announced as
a result of experiments which have been
proceeding during the last few months a
! method has been discovered for econom-
...... fc,.rtt th mnknuma n. hiaob
'"ally reducing ths magnetite, .or black
.ktanif ITA fit -denOBltS Of Which SrSfOUnd at
thB mouths of numerous rivers along the
Pacific coast.
The black said long has been known to
bg r,cn lR ron but no mean, previously
have been devised for reducing It econom
i ically and for that reason It has been com-
mercially valueless. Mr. Day, states that
the magnetite Is richer than that found on
Lake Superior and Is equal In every way to
the world-renowned Norwegian ores. In
one experiment Mr. Day obtained 6S3
V,, " ' . a. man, a. BOO
are. according to Mr. Day, as many as 600
places along the coast where the sand is
Deposed President of Wabash
Dropped from 1. 1st of Directors of
Western Blaryland Railroad.
BALTIMORE, Oct. 18. The annual .meet
ing of the stockholders of the Western
Maryland Railroad company was held In
the offices of the company today. There
were five new directors chosen to take the
place of Ave retired. ' The members of the
Prominent among those who retired from
the board of directors was Joseph Ramsay,
Jr., who was succeeded by Frederick De
lano. Order to Shoot I nnmssled Docs.
Hl'RON, 8. D., Oct. 18. (Special.) Some
uneasiness was occasioned yesterday by
owners of dogs when the city council Issued
! an order directing the police to shoot all
unmuzsled dogs on sight. The order was
the result of the biting of a son of Conduc.
tor Markey on Saturday by a dos that later
showed Indications of rabies. The dog was
a pet In the family and had showed no signs
of disorder till he attacked the boy. The
dog was killed and the boy has been taken
to Chicago for treatment. While his parents
and friends are much exercised over the
matter It is thought that no serious results
will follow. v
Farmer Haras Throws M. J. Dwyer.
DF.S MOINES. Ia., Oct. 18 "Farmer"
Burns defeated M. J. Dwyer In a wrestling
match, mixed style, here this evening.
Dwyer won the first fall at Cornish wrest
ling In nineteen minutes and Burns the sec
ond at catch-as-catch-can In nine minutes.
By virtue of winning his fall in the short
est time Burns won the right to choose the
style for the third fall, which he won in
fifteen minutes at catch-as-catch-can.
Dr. James Installed.
CHAMPAIGN. HI.. Oct.'lS. Dr. Edmund
Junes James whs today- formally Installed
fits president of the t'liiveralty of Illinois.
The exetcises were elaborate and were con
ducted In the presence of a large crowd.
Jerry Simpson Still Lire.
WICHITA. Kan., Oct. 18 Ex-Congressman
Jerry Simpson slept several hours last
night, ills physician.- holds out absolutely
A Skin ef Beauty la a Joy forevor.
DR. T. Folia Oouraud'a Oriental
Oroam or Magical Beeotlflor.
ReTTM Tut, FlmptM,
raklM, Molt ramies
bats, and bt.o V utrtt.
ana tvtry raila
d btAuif. ana d.
In It
ku lli ItS
Of OT Tttra. Dd
n to tarwlcM w
Ui'tll lokn..u
IS pr.Mrlt ttitri.
A ccf.l ao eouairr.
felt f uuii.&r
ramc. !, U A.
r m d io ft
lavdy ot il fcut.
I I ft (.JjlltUtlt
1 ritunuiiii
I ftftlo ra.rj,ltoiil " F -f Mi bf ftlt dniU-rt ftr4 t mf
Good DesUMft im Um VftiiW 5iu, L4Wajt u; fturi.
. IQlLKSfLsS, ffOJ, 17 Blttt fOOt Sil3ftltTai
t W 4r
. ml-rrrsri--W;X
no hope and believes the next hemorrhage
will cause death.
"Split a Bottle" Makes Best Record
in Second nnd Third Rounds.
CHAPMAN, Kan., Oct. 18.-The seoond
and third rounds of the futurity stake
were run In the coursing meet today. ..The
interest In the second round was ' partic
ularly centered In "Spilt a Bottle. owned
by Wilson & Allen of Victor, la., and Fiery
Badem, an Imported hound entered by 1.
K. Carter of Cottonwood Falls, Kan. The
pair were well mated, the Jrck a good one,
the run lengthy and hard made.
"Split a Bottle" won out by a score of
to 4. In the third round he was paired with
The Harvest Hand, owned by A. O.' Home
of golden. Kan., and Won by a score of 8
to 0. The third round was run by eighteen
braces and finished late this evening
These will enter the ' fourth -round tomor
row. In the second round 66 per cent of
the Jacks were killed and 50 per cent In the
tlneer St-iiaailoa.
In stomach, back or bowels are signs of
certain dangers which Electric Bitters are
guaranteed to cure 60c. For sale by Sher
man & McConuell Drug Co. , ,
Dr. Borglum has been confined to his
room for the Inst two weeks with Inflam
matory rheumatism and is now a bio to be
out again.
In a suit for divorce brought by Charles
Olson against Minnie, his wife. pUintlff
accuses defendant of being unfaithful tf
her marriage vows for some time. He
wants the custody of two children as well
as a divorce.
Charles Roberta, who is otherwise known
as George Gordon. Is being held as a fugi
tive, until he con be turned over'to Sheriff
Morgan of Glenwood. Ia. He broke out tf
the countv .inll while serving a senleneo
there. Ofllcers Morrison and Boyle located
him at the State hotel and his arrest fol
lowed. Omer Weeden, alias Fred Rattle, teas ar
rest"d by Officer Savage as the man sus
pected of taking an overcoat from one of
the local pawn shops. When taken to the
police station he was identified as the man
wanted at Hutchinson. Kan., where It In
said he committed grand larceny. There Is
a reward of 150, for his capture, in that
city. SIcDdachcG
The most severe head
sches will yield in a few .
minutes to Bromo-Lnx
(contains no Oulnine).
Don't suffer any longer.
Get a box today ask your druggist for
the Orange Colored Pox
.in h,...-. "' byrouil.
9 YD
Wcodward & Burgess,
Tonlaht, Friday and Snturdnj.
Matinee nnd Ma-lit
B. C. Whitney's Mnsleal CocktaU
Famous for Beauty, Fun and Music.
All Slat Cast Company of T6.
Three Marhts Com. Hunday
Tons of Equipment Scores of People.
C. T. Daley's American Play '-
With Edwin Arden, Archie Boyd,
and an Kxeellent Company.
Nights & Sun. Mats. J0c, 25c
Tues.Thurs,, Sat. Mats. lO-l'Oc
Mr. and Mrs. Chambers'
School of Dancing How Open
Adult beginners, Mondays arid Thurs
days, 8 P. M. ;v
Assembly dates furnished on appli
cation. Children, Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Misses and masters advanced Eatur
days 4 P. M. . -" ' , '
High School class opena Friday, Oo
tober 20th. 8 P. M. 1 "
Telephone K-1871. , . ,
'Phone 4M.
Tnn ax of
a waa, a 110USI
Children loc. "
Tonlaht 81IA Price. Hx. 2o, t4ks.
1'iicta lie, ac. SOo. 76
TOMIiHT Silo 1 - . 1
('has. E. Blaney l'resen.s . '
Sunday HAVE KLY '8 M1N8TRKL11
Thursday Dinner
-Ar- ,