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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1903. It, n Under m'r m i I ) Saturday If' ' 1 Saturday Mn'$l.50 Underwe'r 45c & o9c T8?itoriS Ladies' Fall -- Winter Wear ' The hfnvy clonk for cold weather wr-ar have lot of style this ftcnson. Novell r mixture are very popular the favorite coats are pearly all loose. New Fall Coats-Made In rich plain fall colorings and the smartest, newest novelties kerseys, D98 coverts, etc., cut In latest style, at v Broadcloth Novelty Mixture and Ker sey Coats Season's leading styles for winter; fancy collars, 098 and cuffs, pleated effects, y go at Stnrmlng Winter Coat Made of heavy kerseys, broadcloths and coverts, splendidly tailor- ed and well finished, ' m A. will go at LADIK8' TAILORED SUITS. Suits made In the new long and short coat styles, the latest models for fall and complete assort- fV)8 ment in correct autumn j hades and mixtures, at . . ' The liong Swagger Chesterfield Coat k Knits Made of the snugly woven mixed and plain cloths, the Jaunty Hussar suits, the etons, etc. ' every correct fall style f yf 85 feature It will go at . A FINE FUR SCARF FOR $2.98 Brook Mink, Zaza Victorias and Ties splendid values In 98 good quality furs, will f go- at " Three "Specials in Basement Cloak Dept. feW' and silk lined la-1 Ladles' Waists, made Odds and ends of ladles" "TIC I or sateen arm m m i - Bni wool, go at. 4--C dlum ,nd . dm fmft heavy. 1198 .... dies' Jacket eults well made, at Birandeis' for Millinery The leading wear all shapes for autumn street the best fall colors new turbans, small toques, tarns, sailors, large hats, etc. made of fine materials and Jauntily trimmed. Such sTyllsh hats should regular ' ly bring 1 4 to 1 5 Thurs day, at ......... 2- Brandeis1 Famons $5 -Hat No medium priced hat in the country can compare ' with this for genuine style, high grade of mater and artistic designing all the newer fail models for street and dress positively the beat hat in Omaha at '5 1 1 ?d VfifLM GRAND NEW LOT OF .Winter Underwe'r at Remarkable Bargains. For Thursday we offer the biggest under wear bargains of the season ladles' vests, pants and tights in all kinds of heavy cotton fleecy lined and all wool - to $1.50 a garment. . 25-39-49-69C Ladles' Union Underwear In medium and heavy weight, including the famous Munsing Underwear,' Helvetla'and Olpha brands, fleece lined and all n no wool form fitting, at, suit. yCVOC Children's Underwear Vests, pants and drawers for misses, children and boys medium and heavy weight cotton, rib bed and heavy fleecy lined, many styles SlioiTt1 .a.n.d..... 19-25 -49-75c Fashionable Footwear For Lfc.diei arnd Misses Btyllsn. dressy shoes, correct ly fitted to- the foot, add a fin ishing touch of elegance to the smart fall dress. Our force of experienced salesmen in -our newly enlarged shoe department can fit your foot exactly with the swellest, newest styles in footwear. Courte ous, Intelligent service at all times. The American Girl Shoe the Red Cross Shoe the Phit Easy Shoe and the Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoe are the best and most satisfac tory ladles' shoes on the market all new lasts and every style of heels dull or patent leathers complete lines at a range of prices $2,2.50, $3, 3.50, $4 arvd $5 1 Choice, of Entire Wholesale Stock 9 Tfl i1L j :n-s-vuouunjg FromVLVvy-AVeinslcin, 18 W. 4th St., New York . Retiring From Business. SATURDAY, Z Suits i Overcoats At Less Than Cost to Manufacture f7T ) ft :. am BRIGHTEST LIGHT LEAST CURRENT t" SOLO IN OMAHA BY WESTER!! ELECTRICAL C0MPAI1Y TELEPHONE 456. 1212 FAR NAM STREET DKALKRS IN KLKCTRICAL OUFPUEw WA.LR 209-211 So. 13th Street. T) a man up a tree It looks as though we were tailoring trousers for more than Jialf of this city's dressy men! Why not? NicoU, The Tailor, Is rec ognized as headquarters for the nob biest trou sering In the city. You'll And here all the newest fads In trousers , fabrics not a few ordinary designs, but the productions of the best mills at home and abroad. TROUSERS AT $5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 V It's a rather expensive van ity to imagine that because you've paid $140 $18 for your last trousers that N'icoll's trousers at $6, $7 $8 and $9 would not sat isfy you! There are reasons real live ones at that why you should patronize Nicoll. The Tailor. Ask oue of our salesmen! FR.ED PAFFENRATU, Mr. Gun Metal Calf The popular leathers for women's shoes calfskin with a dull finish, is called gun metal calf, . . The popular fall shoe. Button or Bluchers new drop toe full extension soles extreme or ' me dium military heels. PRICE $3.50. DrexelShoe Co. 1419 Far-warn St. New fall and winter catalogue now ready. 1 J. W. WOODROUGII POR COUNTY JUDGE Ml Number On Voting Machine Is 6 D Really Bargains Find them every day by watching the an nouncements in THH BEE'S Want Ad Coi-nmi. Evory Woman MlUlirHU J HO BDOVifj ow MAJtVEl hirimf Spry turn, imh-mi QitfaaiMl, 'AMIMtlf, mm V. VSM y CV C ' 1 mom mm k mv mM tar M. If kfa rannul supply thm llnltL. uuU no octirr. bul Mud auhUiD fur llliuumiMl kouk It I KWUtlu1t. MIHt tl. CO., m. T., IkH t UHk. To 6i or HERMAN hcCONNELL TJRDQ OMAHA WKATHF.H FORECAST Thnreday Fair GREEN TRADING STAMP BOOTH ON MAIN FLOOR MILLINERY! MILLINERY! ATTRACTIVE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY POPULAR PRICED TRIMMED HATS Misses' Specials Two-toned and solid felts, dress shapes and sailors, neatly trimmed, $6.49 value, Z ACI for JntmJ Beautiful Mirrored Velvet Dress Shapes -Large Marie Antoinette styles, hand made banded and lined, requires but a slight touch of trimming to make it elegant, easily worth $7.00; A CIQ TVinrsrlnv : . . . e0 - " A Special In Ready-to-Trlm Turbans In hand shirred silk velvet, all colors, cheap at $3.49; Thursday, for ...... ; , Children's School Hats In large rolled brim scratch felts, full line of colors, a 69c value, for. Children's Caps Very cute Idea 45c and 25c 1.98 49c 3.95 ..75c 25c 25c 25c 59c 1.00 APRON GIXGHAMS Worth 7&c yard; Thursday, per yard 5c KIMONO FLANNELS 28 Inches wide, pretty Persian and 111 Japanese designs; only, per yard ls& C TURKISH TOWELS In whites and creams, 19x39, worth 18c-Vt for Thursday, each 'IC TAJ?? "XEN SALE Twenty pieces of bleached and half bleached "ucu, o iu i4 mcnes wiae, wortn 7&c yarg; Thurs- CO UJC day, per yard. 500 Dosea Bleached Linen Napkins 20x20, worth t C i $1.95 dozen; Thursday, per dozen I.DU BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY ALWAYS LEADERS IN THE BEST. AND AT MONET SAVING PRICED. Twenty green trading stamps with two-pound call Bennett's Break fast Cottem 4So Thirty green trading stamps with pound Tea (any fclnd) 5Sc Tn green trading stamps with pound, whola mixed Pickling Spices 2 Do Tea green trading stamps with pint bottla Columbia Catsup 20c Ten green trading stamps with bottle Bennett's Captiol flavoring Extract 18c Peas, 2-pound can 7c Pumpkin. 3-pound can Rc String Beans, 2-pound can ic Wax Beans, 2-pound can Tc Corn. 2-pound can 5c Ten green trading stamps with pound ' can Diamond 8 Cove Oysters 18c Blllette'a Washing Crystal, three packages 6o Gillette's Washing Crytal. one dosen packages ..' 18c Twenty green trading stamps with can Diamond 8 Fruits, assorted. .2o Ten green trading stamps with two packages ijenneit's Cupltol )ats...'0c Ten green trading stamps with two package Bennett's , Capitol Pan cake Flour....... ?0c watcb Cm.Vjr Tetley'i India and Ceyloa aJ jueislnr Contest. B unfit f. Candy Section. Five huivlred 4 pounds fresh made, vanilla flavored. Chocolate Creams, pound 12o Hallowe'en Novelties from: 6o A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The Bee Building. St GOLD BEADS t are to be worn very much this year. We have the dif ferent size beads In 14K gold. Also In gold nllej. Go!J toads ranging around IKVOf. I12.W and 115.00. . Gold filled 50 to J4.00 these are handsome up-to-date goods I Spend a few minutes la out store. Look fur the name. S.W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, l< Douglas 8'jrctt . In the Dry Goods Department Spot Cash Purchase of Nearly rive Hundred Sample Skirts LADIES' SKIRTS The complete line of one of the largest New York manufacturers, including cheviots, Panamas, clay worsteds, broadcloths and taffeta silk, in black, brown, navy and fancy, on sale Thursday at less than the ' cost of the cloth. LADIES HOUSE JACKETS Embroidered and silk trimmed eider down, prices were $2.50. $3.00. $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and AQ $4.95: all offered at l.TU CHIIiDREX'S RIPPLE BLANKET COATS With hood and belt, One lining, for tots 2. 3 and 4 years, colors red, light blue and T QC r, valna IS 0(1:' nrlcn MmWM CHILDREN'S BEARXSKIN COATS Blue, cream and brown full lining, very nobby CHILDREN'S WINTER BONNETS Over three hundred samples, worth up to $1.75; all at. DAMAGED GOODS A lot of children's slips, dresses, petticoats, coats and sacks damaged by rain in the window on sale Thurs day at one-half off. LADIES' VESTS AND DRAWERS New fall weights, gray and white, heavy soft fleece, French seams, worth 75c per suit, sold separate, each BOYS' AND GIRLS' STOCKINGS Union foot, full cashmere . leg, fine or heavy rib, worth 35c; Thursday , CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS Sizes 4, 8, 6 and 7, heavy fleece; per suit, only .' . TWO GREAT SILK BARGAINS. 38-inch all silk Taffeta, comes in plain black and worth $1.00 a yard; Thursday, per yard 36-Inch Opera Satin, for linings, in all colors, warranted to wear; per yard, only SPECIAL npWING NEW CLOAKINGS New Bear Skins, in whites, blues 'anjf reds; new Crushed Plushes, pretty Beavers and others; all 60'fncheswide; price, per yard, 1 QC $5.odV..., A, JO NEW'' ENGLISH .MELTONS 54 inches wide, in dark, medium and light gray mixtures, brown, tan, green and bronze mixtures, very new for pretty itallor suits the cloth is the regular $1.50 qual- AA ity; to Introduce it we will sell It Thursday, per yard I.UU FACE VEILING SALE Plain and fancy mesh Veilings, with or with out dots, in a full line of colors, worth 25c to 50c yard; sale 1 C price Thursday, per yard IDC FANCY NECKWEAR SPECIAL Fancy Silk Stocks, lace and bead trimming; All-over Lace Stocks and Fancy Embroidered Turn over Collars, worth to 50c; special, pr each 43C SPECIAL SALE OF DRESS TRIMMINGS French and German im ported Appliques, Medallion and Galloon Trimmings, in cream, white and black; new effects in Persian Braids and Bands, all this season's patterns at reasonable prices at our Lace Section. HARDWARE SPECIALS Thirty green trading stamps e- a with regular size furnace scoop. 04C Thirty green trading stamps with: , large xize furnace scoop OUC Forty green trading stamps im with 60-ib flour can OC Ten green trading stumps with 4e can Yellow Label Stove PollnhlOC Ten green trading stamp with 4 n can Black Kagle Stove Polish. IUC Ten green trading stamps Willi n Boldering outfit lC Twenty green trading stamps je. wlth open galvanised coal hod 3C Twenty green trading stamps f'yr, with open Japanned Coal Hodt-C Ten green trailing stamps with n- good Scrub Brush, your choice. 1VJW Fifty green trading stamps with best OH Hester made, 1 7e $4.68 and ...O.O Ftase Burners, up from IS 50 Soft Coal Heaters, up from $.50 Kanges, prices up from 25 WE SEIX THE PENINSULAR TH E BEST. FISH AND OYSTERS Holland Herring, Norway Mack erel, Bloaters, Smoked Fifth and Salmon. Fresh Baltimore Oysters, in hi'tk or in cans, received fresh dUlj. Thurrday Special Fresh No. 1 Trout at lens than whole- tale price, per lb Meat and Fifth Section. Great Sale of Sample Underwear Conttnuts Thursday' Don't Miss This Creal Money Saving Opportunity. Greatest Dress Goods Stock to be Found in the West. liiiM UkM THE RKl.l.MU.K STOKE. Soie Selling L Aaents for Hart J ? Schatfner 0 Marx Hand tailored Clothing i Snecial Thursdav Barnains r m zj t in Our Busv Cloak Denartm'Lll vv ' Our cloak btuer Is now in New York f ,ml In order to make room for the new U good which will soon begin to arrive we I are tnsking the most radical price reduo J tionft on ereat lots of hlah irrarie women's garments. See these offerlnns Thursday. LAOIf.eJ CHAVENETTK COATS In the newest styles An Immense lot of gar ments, good 17.50 values, spe- A (JU clnl Thursday, at VJ QIEENSTONK CKAVENETTES In all colors, slies 32 to 4i ureat bar- U fjs gains, at D'" WOMEN'S STYLISH COATS-ln loose or half fitted backs, very best fabrics, li plain or fancy mixed colors, garments well worth $12.50 great bar- 7 Al gain, at d.JM WOMEN'S SWAGGER COATS In finest kerseys, plain and fancy mixed colors, man tailored throughout, would cost you elsewhere $l.f special f y CLi bargain Thursday, at lm,JM WOMEN'S SAMPLE COATS No two like, an Immense line of high-class gar ments, purchased by our New York buver at a great bargain, great nrietjr of colors, In best fabrics, worth U Kit up to $.10-speclal, at IO,ou NOBBY TAILOR SUITS Mndo t.f fin brondcloth, 48-Inch coat, Skinner satin lined throughout, made to re- A QC tall at $25 a rousing specU' at. LADIES' TAILOR BtUTS-Made of Ly mer's wool cheviot, 27 or 48-Inch costs, satin lined throughout, made to SO ff retail at $1S a. splendid bsrgalr",v,v' SILK EVENING WAISTS Consigned to us for Horse Show display, most be witching creations, In all the ilalnty evening shades and black. $1.00 to $15,001 FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M.-$o Silk 2.98 values, marvelous bargains (S Itfl l'nder"kl.r.tsVr? t""iC2 m "wTmen'a Thursday, at O.UU FROM 9.3ft TILL 10:Si A. M. W omen FROM 10 TIM " M. Women's Flan nelette Long Kimonos. , . jl'QUp 12 vnhieH nt fOk Fla'nelette Dressing Sacques, at SPECIAL 'BARGAINS IN HIGH UHAUU runs. Furnishing Goods Bargains LADIES GOLF GLOVES In all woo! and cashmeres, fleece and "Ilk lined. In IQq all sixes and colors, some with two pearl clasps, worth to ioc, Thursday, pair BOYS' WORK SHIRTS Made from heavy blue chambray of Old Hickory 25C Shirting regular 50c quality great bargain, at MENS AND BOYS' SWEATERS In extra heavy cotton, In all siioa and 25C worth up to "5c great snap Thursday , at. choice ; SPECIAL SALE ON SHEETING From 8 to 10 A. M. Soft Finish Bleached Sheeting, seam less, 2 yds. wide, 2.1o qual- f Qkl Ity great snap at 10 yds for Special Sale on TABLE DAMASK From tO A. M. to 12 M. Oil Boiled Turkey Red Table Da mask, the regular 5c yard qual ity, for two hours, at, 2QC per yard Ladies' Headwear, Lowly Priced for Thurs- Udy J ci mi y 111 ifjiiiini ww,..w.. moo HAND MKVK TRIMMED STREET HATS. 9SC-Another lot of trlmmsd street Whti niade of wire frames, trimmed with chenille, xelvets ribbons, ornaments and fancy wings, worth up io VJ JO-on "ale Thuraday-(See then. Qgc TRTMMEd'hATS FOR ' LADIES'' ' AND mYbSES. '$2.'8.' ' $3.98 ' AKD " M.9Wtyllshly lmn"ed 8a"orJ turban, ad ilress haU made of extra fitie materials, such as velvetsT ostrich feathers. Heckle and Coque plumbs. The best 4.98 values offered-Tliursday, at $2.98, $3.98 and $3.00 HAND MADE TUCKED SILK HATS, $1.69-Ladles- hand made tucked silk . . i. u ...nlr..a.1k frnnioa nf flni" OUftlitV SILK. tUCKed 1 M bH.n."and Srow'nsreVuV.V wm-::"' 4e II 00 ANGORA CAPS. 75C-A very special offer for Thursday In children s 75c J. Angora caps, the real shaggy Kind-Thursday at . ai! $1.00 POM-POMS. 49C-Twenty-flve dozen of Heckle P"m-Pomt'?" "1??..:?,? will not break With the wind-black, white, brown, navy and red-Thursday Mf BUNCHES SILK AND VEL- lOn I Wf 59- 2 odds and ends street VET ROSES, alt ....... 7l 7T. . . . Ws to close quickly Grocery Prices for the Peopie 49c 25c ' i .k.' r,Hntitv nf riayuen s give luc d.v highest quality goods for the least nioney. 21 lbs Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap ....2oo 48-pound sacks fancy high patent Minnesota Flour 5-pound palls Pure Fruit Jelly ........KHo Jello, Jeflycon, or Advo Jell, per pkg..7'4c OH or Mustared Sardines, per can.... ..3c 1-pound cans assorted Soups MsC 1- pound cans Fancy Alaska Salmon.... 9c 2- pound can Sweet Sugar Corn 5c 2-pound cans Wax. or String Beans......; 16-ounce can condensed Cream 7'4c 1-pound Pure Fruit Preserves c Xcelo Breakfast Food, per pkg 'iC Vanilla and Lemon Wafers, per nound..l0c Raspberry Bar Cookies, per pound 10c The best Soda or Oyster crackers, per pound ., ri'ttrh. RTTTTER. CHEESE. CHEESE Choice Dairy Butter, per pound 18c Fancy Dairy Table Butter, per pound. SOo Choice Separator Creaming Butter, per pound 31 Fancy Separator Creaming Butter, P" pound 12W Cholrce Wisconsin Brick, per pound. ...loo Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per pound 'A!""- Fancy New1 York White Cheese, per pound ba Sap Sago Cheese, each. .............. 'Via OMAHA'S GREATEST FRESH FRUIT lU'DiBTMRXT. Fancv Belflower' Apples, per floien Fancy Tokay Grayes, per pound Fancy New Figs, per package Large Juicy Iemons, per dozen 3 measures Fresh Roasted Peanuts. Fancy Cooking Apples, per iwv.. i . bushel basket Duchess Pears fancy New York .15o 8VS" ..40 .16'.'. .100 . . .30 ,tUc HAYDEW BROS. SOLACE Received highest premium at Omaha Expo sition for long lasting and fine working qualities. Every Omaha family that uses them knows them as the best stoves made. We sell this Iron range at $4.00 down and $4.00 per month, and this oak at $3.00 down and $3.00 per month, or a cut price for cash. STOVES ( 'mi :IHi mi- a This Solar Iron Range will heat as much room as a base burner, twice a jnue.h any steel range will, because steel ranges are asbestoa lined. This range will last This Solar . k Is the cleanest and longest fire keeping soft coal stove made It I. clean because It has a front feed door and ash pan. A ...ft coal stove out nf which The hashes have to be shoveled and the coal p-it In the top Is the dirtiest thing SuEHon'i: iWTS S'wHeverg W " The Stoctzel Stove Company 714 South loth Street. On!y Exclusive Stove Store West ol Chicago. We manufacture our own trunks, traveling bags and suit ruses. We make thorn of the beet material. Our workman ship la unexcelled. We sell then for less than Interior grades would cost you Slsewhere. If you buy of uspon will get the best you will save ,noney uu will be better rstlstied. leather Bound Malting Suit Cases. $3.60. $$.71 and t (X). We do repairing. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam Street. "f PEACE and COMFORT are sure to oomo to those who amok Wefc""a)pfc A FIRST-CUSS CISAR MADE OF A FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO try TMeat r. R. RJCB MJERCANTIkl CiOAIt CO. f T, UVIV i jj Cr. Uta aad LKm lii. i