Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. Registration Day ' V . from at. m. Today 9p.m. TJtghtratlon Day s III. from o a. m. JV Today u9p.m. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1903-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. TORN UP BY TORNADO Bomto, Sliioia, Biewi Away by Wild Wind Tuesday Hight EIGHT. PERSONS ARE KILLED OUTRIGHT Four TaUllf Injired and Aontrifty Are Leu larienil? Hart. FORTY MOUSES COMPLETELY DESTROYED Property Parnate 11 Estimated at Qitt light Thousand Dolkra. SEVERE STORM IN INDIAN TERRITORY Two Children Are H-llled and Ten Peraona Badly Injured TerrUe Blow Nea' Man ' tow. 8T. LOL'18, Oct. IS X tornado struck the village of Sorento, 111., thirty-two mllea northeast of St. Louie, last night, killing four peraona, Injuring thirty-five othere, of whom three will probably die, and doing treat amount of damage to property. Forty houses were blown to atoma or carried far from their foundatlona. A complete awath waa cut through the town. Everything In the track of the tor nado waa reduced to debrla or blown away. The dead: MRS. THOMAS FILE. 88 years old. MRS. WILLIAM STEWART, n yeara old. WILLIAM MANN. 80 yeara old. HARRISON MANN, II yeara old. Partial llat of injured: Mr. William Mann. Frank Shields and two daughters. Mrs. I. J. May. Charlea Miller nd wife. Henry Hayea, and wife. Henry Barlow and wife. William Kirkland and wife; ahe will prob ably die. William Stewart: will probably dl. ' Thomaa File, fatally. Mrs. Phoebe Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Root. Mra. John Griffith. Joaepb Mar.n. K. F. Jeatea and Mra. Llla Have of Litchfield. Thomaa P. Moss and wife. LUsie File. Oeorge Root and wife. John L. West. T. J. Barker. Internally. Mra. T. J. Barker, limba broken; Inter Dully, will die. Grace Barker. Ethel Barker, internally. Uree Barker. Mra. Orifly. Internally. Ueorge Shaw and wife. During the day the dead bodiea of four unidentified persona were taken from the debrla, making a total of eight dead. The total property loas Is estimated be tween $80,000 and 1100,000. Details by Telephone. Telegraph communication with Sorento 1S cut off and detalle were obtained over the lung dlatanca telephone. The four killed were In their homea in different parte of Sorento. All wera badly crushed. The storm approached from the weat and swept through the main realdence portion of the town. The work of the wind waa quickly done and then followed a heavy dowivoo.urof. rVrw. accompanied by' vivid lightning' and dl thunder. Those who es raped injury were , for the time , punie st rlckcn. but finally rallied and set to work to rescue Out Injured. So violent waa the tornado that some resi dence were awept away completely and the debris effectually scattered. Houses that remained standing were constructed Into temporary hospitals and refuges and' the lieople by lantern light In the pouring rain searched through debris and dragged out the Injured, who wera immediately taken In charge by all the doctors In the vicinity. The population of Sorento numbered 1,100 IKTsona. Death la Indian Territory. FORT WORTH. Tex.. Oct. 18. A dispatch to the Telegram from Tulsa, I. T.. says: "In a tornado which passed over the country one mile west, at Mantord, I. T., late last night two children of E. R. Ander son ware killed and Mrs. Anderson and Miss Maude Root were aerlously injured. ' Several other person are reported hurt. The path of the storm was a quarter of a mil wtte and eeveral mllea in length." The Injured are: A. Maggan and wife, aerloualy. Kd Root, seriously. Two children of Kd Root, seriously. J. R. Edwards and wife, perhaps fatally. Searching parties are out In the path of the storm today and every relief possible is being given. Mannford la a town of 150 persons. Alton Suffers from Deluge. ST. LOt'lS. Oct. IS. The storm that wrecked Borentc drlugrd Alton, III., a few miles south of Sorento, In the nature of a cloudburst and St. Louis suffered the fury f a terrific thunderstorm. Near Alton no loss of life occurred, hut the streets were turned Into temporary riv ers. Fourteen miles distant the village of Orifton was deluged and the main street tins three feet under water. Ten miles north of Alton, a Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis freight train struck a washout Jn the storm and plunged down an embank ment Into Branch creek containing six feet of water. Two cars contained cattle and horse and only a few animals In the cars escaped death. Several tramps seen to swing onto the train previously are be lieved to have perished. Engineer Frank Pie', Fireman II. Ballard and Brakeman Albert Pntton were In the engine when It plunged into the creek and all had to swim for their lives. Patton was so badly rat tled that he would have drowned hsd not his comrades rescued him. Flood at St. l.oala. At St. I.ouls the lowlands of the river Ies Teres were flood-d and police were ousy carrying people irom tne nouselors. The plant of the Iclede Fire Brick com pany la flooded and Vice Frrsldi nt J. L, Greene estimates the daningq at from $lo.tno trt $iS,oto. MIoarl Paeiao Brldae Out. SEDALIA. Mo.. Oct. IS. The temporary "J - "un t aciiie Hallway Company over the limine river .V. rain. All traffic from the east Is at a standstill as a result. WAGES WILL BE RESTORED ray la Iron Workers Bo Sam aa Before the Reeent Labor Troubles. FALL RIVER, Mass.. Oct. W.-M. C. D. Vrden today notified the 2.600 operatives ot the Iron works mills owned by him that the MS per cent cut in their wageo made In 1 would be restored. Mr. Borden did not eat wage in July. 1904, with the other manufacturers and hie operatives did not strike with tha other. Whan tha great strike waa eettled in April, 1M6, and the cut waa accepted Mr. Borden announced a re Auction of wage In his mills. He la Inde pendent el th VlaauXacturora' associativa. SCOTTISH RITEJIASONS MEET Committee on laminations Reports List of Candidates for Thirty ' Third Desree. 'From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Oft. IS. (Special Tele granr) The supreme council for the south ern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Masons today, after four hours' executive session considering the report of the committee on nominations, Announced the following elec tion: Arkansas John Wllmer Beldleman and John Herd Fra.-wr. both of Little Rock: Scbnstian Oelsroter. Pine Bluff; Charles Edwin Haydon, Texarkana; Frederick W. Kind, atjjiurcn. C a Joseph David Abrams, Robert Kn. Dunn. William Parker Fillmore, all .. Francisco; John Mnrtln. William Pen Z Moses. Morris Blmonoff, Frank Che s inHchalck. Perrv Wlnslow Weid- ner i 'Uliam Rhodes Herney, Ix An gele Co -William Theophllus Brldwell, Cant' y; Oeorge Washington Roe, Puel omas Edward Sparks, Denver. Ha oshua Daniel Tucker, Honolulu. Io rrv Clark Alverson and Palton Edga tins, Pes Moines; Charles Ed Ward ard, Davenport; Louis Charles Moes Clinton; J. Willard Russell. Adel. Kai obbie J. Punning. James F. Oettv am O. Holt. William L. Wood. Kansl .,.!; William F. Fortney. Fort Scott: Simon Orarit and Inland T. New- comb. Wichita: Thorp H. Jennings. Topeka; James A. Kimball, Sallna. Missouri Franklin D. Crabbes. Albert I. Marlev. Jesse L. Porter, Frank W. Thaxter, Kansas City; Adam Fuhrmann. l.ouls Moel ler, Alfred H. White. St. I,ouls; Campbell Wells, Platte City; E. F. Westheimer, St. Joseph. ... Oregon C. A. Adolph. Portland; C. W. Lowe, Euegene. South Dakota L. V. Schneider, Salem: A. C. Witte. Aberdeen. Texas K. 8. Charles Hammond, Trinity; E. A. Hartrlck. Galveston: W. H. McCul lough, Houston; E. W. S. Neff. El Paso. UtahI. A. Rhoades and F. G. Ach ramm. Salt lake City. Wyoming C. H. Townsend, Casper; R. S. Crook, Cheyenne. Montana John T. Bachns and W. R. F. Tonkin, Butte. Nebraska Samuel P. Davidson. Tecum seh; L. E. Wettllng, Lincoln. North Dakota E. T. 8arles. Hlllsboro; B. F. Spalding, Fargo. Oklahoma G. W. Clark and J. C. Hughes, Oklahoma City; C. A. Cunning ham, O. A. Farquharson, Guthrie; W. L. Eagleton, Pawnee; W. P. Griffin, Hennes sey; W. H. Mathews. Mulhall; Charles Osger, Ripley; Richnrd Tutcher. Edmond. Washington E. S. Beebe and E. B. Bur well. Seattle; C. M. Lee, Tacoma; H. A. Tyler, Olympla. The following knights commander were also elected: Nebraska Stephen Leonard Gelsthardt, Lincoln: Wllllum Flnley Buchanan. Hast ings: William Esten Khoades, Frank Ed ward White, Charles Lincoln Shook. Frank Willct Slabaugh, Omaha. South Dakota Robert Henry McCaughey, Mellett; Marshall Foster Montgomery, Aberdeen: Alhe Holmes, 1 lead wood: George Nelson Pollard. Francis Wilbur Warring, Edwin Oliver Walgren. Yankton. Iowa Clarence Y. Kllborne, Hloux City. Wvoming Francis S. King, Larumle; Martin R. Johnston, Wlieutland; Charles W. Burdlck, John w. Lacey, Cheyenne. At the meeting of the supreme council today Ira Osborne Rhode, now general purchasing agent of the Southern Pacific at San Francisco, but for many years a resl- dent of Omaha, where he waa connected with the Union Pacific, was elected an honorary thirty-third degree Toga Mason. ILLINOIS CENTRAL EARNINGS Net Income of the Railway System for the Year a Little Over Ten Million Dollars. ' CHICAGO, Oct. 11 President Stuyvesant Fish of the Illinois Railroad company ad- mile, and that his road was compelled to dressing the stockholders at the annual ; pay for the service the rate paid by Its meeting of the company, held here today, 1 competitors, though no contract existed, read a comparative statement which ! Mr. Relchnian for the Armour lines In showed for 176 and 1905, respectively, the I terrupted; gross receipts and the disposal mude of I "The Illinois Central gets paid the same them. Among the Interesting items of Mr. I when Its cars are used on other lines." Fish's statement were figures showing I "It does," replied Mr. Bowles. "We re that, for the fiscal year ending June 30, j celve a per diem charge of 20 cents a car, 1905. the gross earnings were more than : the same as we receive for stock or box seven times those of the year 187$. At today's meeting of stockholders three directors whose terms expired this year were re-elected, ea follows: Walter Lutt gen, John W. Auchlnloss and Robert Wal ton Goelet. The annual report of the Illlnola Central Railway company for the year ending June SO, 1905. was given out today. The total number of miles operated was 4.374. The gross receipts from traffic wera $49,508,649; expenses of ' operation, J33.uS4.267; taxes. 12,027.448 ($35,111,706); making the In come from traffic, $14,306,943. To tills Is to be added net receipts from sale of Unds, $2,407; Income from Investments and mis- cellaneous profits, $3,769,019; making the ex- cess or income over expenses ot operation and taxes, $17,1DS,451. The fixed chargea tinieresi. rem 01 .uosmiary muroausi were . beI1eved these figures would furnish a basis $7,023,109: leaving the net Income, $10,135.- , or flgurng the cost of Icing. 841. Adding surplus dividend fund brought Mr Bowlea conceded further that re forward June 30. 1904. made the amount frtKerator cars are used frequently for available, $ This was disposed of j ordnary freight, that If the Illinois Cen as follows: Dividends. $S,662.800; discount ' rn..i,i Use Its refrigerator pars onlv on bonds sold. $1,250,30.1; added to insur ance fund. $.'i"K),otifl; set apart for oetter nient. Jl.Ktsl.SKfi; carried forward tor surplus dividend fund. $1.29.0:'e. The Increases were: Gross receipts from traffic, $i.77.614; operation, $2!1.0ii6; taxes, $S5.017; Income from traffic. $2,301,490; excess of Income over expanses of operation and taxes. $2,346,448; fixed charges. $1.077. "13; net Income. $1.2K9.414; amount available after deducting fixed charges, $1.31fi.994. In the betterment of the property $4,400, 822 was spent. There are now 710 miles of double track. SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Oct. IK In response to a request from Auditor of Public Ac counts McCullough, Attorney General Stead today rendered a written opinion In which the attorney general holds that un der the provisions of the charter Slanted the Illinois Central Railroad company the company must pay 5 per cent of tt gross earnings Into the state treasury iind also a certsln amount on ail property listed with the auditor of public accounts for I taxHtion If the total amount does not equal 7 per cent of the company's gross earnings the company must pay ;,uo the state treasury enough to make the amount 7 per cent. But "if the amount . xceeds 7 per cent the coaipany must pay the & per cent on the gross earnings and all add!- , nilnimu, amount net maximum. i VETERANS' UNION MEETS Commander-in-Chief Reports a lrge Growth la Membership of the Order. SPR1NGFIEIOJ. 111.. Oct. 18. -The na tional encampment of the Union Veterans' union convened here today with 150 dele gates present. General. A. M. Legg of Washington, commander-in-chief of the or der. In his annual address said there has been a large growth in membership. Major General W. H. Hooper of Omaha, Department of Nebraska, and Brigadier General J. It. Ellis, Maquoketa, Depart ment of Iowa, were present at the encamp ment. Simultaneously the natlonsl convention of Woman's Veteran Relief Corps convened here today wiUt fifty-seven delegates present. PRIVATE CAR LINES ON RACK Intentata Commerce Oammiuion Investi gating Refrigerator Service, RATES OF RAILROADS MUCH LOWER Pennsylvania and Illlnola Central Charge Much Less for Icing Than the Private Llnea Do, WASHINGTON. Oct. IS. What promisee to extend Into a legal and legislative battle against private car lines was precipitated by the Interstate Commerce commission by the course taken today at the beginning of the hearing Instituted to show the con nection between refrigerator car lines and railroads. Counsel for the commission directed every effort to bring out the fact that great railroad systems operating their own refrigerator car llnea give to their shipper tC much lower rate for refrigeration than la obtained on roads that are com pelled to operate In connection with private car lines. In this effort two railroads, not ably the Illinois Central and the Pennsyl vania, through their traffic freight man agers, who were on the stand the greater part of the day, apparently aided the com mission. As a result there were many sharp tllta between the counsel for the commission and the attorneya for the Ar mour car lines and other private com panies. The action of the commission In Initiating and prosecution the complaints has the double purpose of establishing it Jurisdiction over the private llnea and correcting the evils complained of. The chief contest is expected to develop on the point of jurisdiction. Objection from Armour Line. Chairman Knapp opened the hearing by reviewing the proceedings instituted and calling up the first case, which waa di rected practically against all of the roads of the southeastern United States and the Armour car lines. Frank Barry, who repre sented the Interstate Commerce commis sion, in bringing out the evidence and ex amining witnesses, stated that several road had not filed contracts existing with private car lines and these were called for by Chairman Knapp. Mr. Urlon, for the Armour car lines, objected to proceeding until the commission has announced the general scope and purposes of the In quiry and indicated whether there Is to be a concrete finding on which aome subse quent proceedings could be had. The commission after consultation an nounced that formal complaints had been filed against specific companies to ascer tain whether thetr charges are reasonable or. if discriminations are made against any persons and that it was not prepared to gay what Us subsequent course would j be. Illlnola Central Owns Cara. - F. B. Bowles, freight traffic manager of the Illinois Central road testified .hat his railroad operates 2,458 refrigerator car and had ho agreement with private car llnea for additional cara. He said, however, there la a difference in the amount paid, according to the territory In which the cure are operated. He eald the rato north of Cairo, 111., is 1' cent a mile and from Chicago to the aoutheast of a cent a cars. Mr. Bowles filed a statement to show that the Illinois Central railroad refriger ator cars average about forty-four miles a day, and If paid for on the mileage basis the receipts per car would be about 33 ' cents. In other words, he said the private car lines received a much higher rate for service than do the railroads themselves. Cost of Irion- Cars. At the afternoon session Mr. Bowles I gave testimony regarding the cost of Icing . .uf from Tiulslana nolnts to Chicaen 1 Rnerlfvln cr. of berries shinned from j independence. La., to Chicago he said they were ,re,i three times enroute and the total iA r hem was u or th. ir . mB, the company from $3 to $4.90 a ton. Mr. Barry, for the commission, said he short period of each year the road could not afford to own them. O. D. Dixon, freight traffic manager of the Pennsylvania railroad explained the use of refrigerator car on his line. He said that refrigerator cars owned by the 1-ennsyivsnia are icea oy .ne snipper, out clent. Judge Humphrey gave the defend-re-lcing. when necessary. Is charged on the j ttn umil Monday next to enter special bill of lading. nr mm me roan nu The hearing will continue tomorrow morn Ing- MANY HORSES COMING EAST Del Paso Stables Are Bring Broken Ip and Stock Will Be Hold. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 18 The Southern Pacific. Union Pacific, Illinois Central and New York Central roads are preparing to take across the continent the largest ship ment of blooded horses ever made from San Francisco to New York. The horses are to ie shipped on Novem ber 19 next from J. B. Haggins' famous ranch of Del Paso, which Is to be sold in small t.acts for farming purposes. The shipment will require four trains of twelve cars each and they are to be run on pas senger train time. The railroads will get for this shipment $42,600 in freight charges. In addition there will be other expenses policyholder, may take the Initiative in call which will bring the cost of sending this I meeting of the policyholders In the big shipment east up to $50,000. In the shipment there are to be about 600 horses, consittlng of 603 brood mares and about ninety-seven stallion. SPEAKERS AT LAW CONVENTION Edward Rosewater, Former Governor Yansaat and Judge Caldwell Will Make Addresaea. MILWAUKEE. Oct. U. Chairman E. P. Bacon, of the Interstate Commerce Law convention, today announced that Edward Rosewater. editor of The Omaha Bee, Omaha. Neb., former Governor A. K. Van sent of Minnesota, Judge Joseph H. Call of Ltia Angelea, CsJ.. and Senator Jamea H. Frear of Hudson. Wis., will be tha speakers ai CUoo on October K. BE SURE TO REGISTER Thursday, October 19, is regis tration day in Omaha and South Omaha. In order to Tote at the coming election every duly qualified elec tor must appear personally before the registration board and have his name enrolled on the registra tion books. Last year's registration does not hold good for this year. Registrars sit from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. BE SIRE TO REGISTER. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Government Badly In Seed of a Certain Quarter Section 'of Land. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 18.-(6peclal Tele gram.) The secretary of the Interior today temporarily withdrew from entry the southwest quarter northwest quarter and west half of the southwest quarter of sec tion 24, and the southeast quarter southeast quarter section 21, township a north, range 28 west, In Natrona cbunty, Wyoming, and hereby hangs a tale. This land le now covered by the home stead filing of John W. Allen, but a special agent who has inspected the entry finds it faulty and made for improper purpose and has recommended lta cancellation. This land is located on the North Platte river and Is desired by the reclamation service as part of the North Platte project. Fear ing this land would be taken up by other persons for speculative purposes when Allen's homestead is cancelled the reclama tion service aaked for the withdrawal of this 160 acres. Allen's homestead la to be cancelled and the land will then become a part of the North Platte project. Land Commissioner Richards will leave tomorrow for a three weeks' hunting trip In the Big Horn mountains of Wyoming. He will meet Judge Vandevanter and spend his vacation with him. A real Nebraska wedding waa solemnized today at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Spelch, formerly of Tecumseli, when their daughter, Grace Tlerney Spelch. became the bride of Robert John Sabln. a well known young business man of Hast ings and eon of Judge Robert W. Sabln of Beatrice. The bride waa attended by her sister, Miss Anna Sbf-IcIi, the groom being attended by Emanuel Spelch Jr.. of Sutton, Neb. Rev. George F. Dudley of St. Steph en's parUh officiated. The house waa a bower of autumn flowers and at the ter mination of the service a wedding break fast waa served, after which the bride and Broom left for Bloomlngton. 111., where they wui visii me groom a relatives and then to Hastings, their future home. Only the nearest relatives and friends of the family were present. Among them wera Colonel O. C. Sabln, formerly of Beatrice; William Sabln and wife; O. C. Sabln Jr. and wife; Miss Anna Butler, Misa Marie Merrill and Mrs. B. E. Burgess of Baltimore. Mr. and Mra. Spelch came to Wj iWngtfin nnaihor4 or yeara ago and here thetr daughtera were born. Mr. Spelch, however... retains his residence In Nebraska and has .not. missed going home during the campaigns since be coming a division chief In the postofllce de partment. Postmasters appointed: Iowa Emma Love:. Martinsburg, Keokuk county, vice Perry Crocker, resigned. South Dakota F. M. Webb. Hitchcock, Beadle county, vice Charles 8. Fassett, resigned; Miller Peter son, Slsseton Agency, Roberts county, vice W. H. Vollmer. resigned. City free delivery will be established February 1 next at Anamosa. Ia., with two carriers, one substitute and fifteen letter boxes. PACKERS MUST STAND TRIAL Indictments Alleging; Conspiracy Will Hold Them In Federal Conrt at Chicago. CHICAGO. Oct. 18 -Federal Judge J. Otis I Humphrey today gave a divided decision on th dmurrPr of tne mat Packers charged ' w,th ,M'al conspiracy. He overruled the i portion of the demurrer in which the pack ' tr allacKPa ,ne oaa-numnerea counts i naming conp.raty ... .wir.mi or rane. 1 The demurrer to the even-numbered counts charging monopoly was sustained. Following the decision counsel for the packers asked leave to extend his de murrer to the third count of the Indict ment, to the first count of which he pre viously announced he would enter a plea of not guilty. The court allowed this and then overruled the demurrer to the first count. This evenly divided the Indict ment, five counts, one. three, five, seven and nine being sustained, and two, four. six, eight and ten being declared lnsufft- niM, in the case. Tha court nn,,,...l to defending counsel that when they finally plead guilty or not guilty for their clinets the defendants need not necessarily appear In person. United States District Attorney Morrison said that the elimination of the monopoly counts from the Indictment will not affect the proserutlon. as the charge of monopoly Is also made in the conspiracy counta. POLICY HOLDERS IN INTEREST Missouri Men Want Something to Hay Aboat the New York , 1.1 fe Exclusion. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 18. -A special to the Post-Dispatch from Jefferson City, Mo., I says that David W. Hill, apeaker of the Missouri house of representatives, has written a long letter tn Slate Superintend ent of Insurance Vandlver asking for action proposed toward revoking the state license of the New York Life Insurance-company in such order that Speaker Hill, who is a state to confer on the situation and make recommendations as to what action those most interested think should be taken Speaker Hill agrees win Superintendent Vandlver In his condemnation of the meth ods of the Insurance company, but ex presses a fear that action by Vandlver at thla time might injure the value of the policyholders' contracts in this state. He auggeata that Superintendent Vandlver de fer hie proposed action for at least thirty days beyond the thirty-day limit Vandlver had set In his recent letter to the insurance company. Attendance at Portland. PORTLAND, Ore. Oct. 18.-Revlsed fig ures on the attendance at the Lewis and Clark exposition, which were made public yesterday by the department of admissions, show that a total of 2.561.70 persons passed Into the grounds during tha exposition period. Of thesa i,Uu.ill are paid ami 971, ltd null tree. BANK CASHIER RILLS HIMSELF Official ef Enterpriie Satienal at Allegfceiy Lndi Hit Life. LOANS MONEY TO POLITICIANS Fnnds Deposited by the State to the Amount of 9700,0410 Bor rowed by Officers and Frlenda. PITTSBURG. Pa.. Oct. lR.-After an In vestigation of the Enterprise National bank of Beaver avenue, Allegheny, which dis closed that the bank waa Insolvent, T. Lee Clark, cashier of the institution for years, went to his home, 645 Lincoln ave nue, Bellevue, last midnight, spent a sleep less, nervous night, and this morning shot himself through the head. He lingered until 2:30 o'clock this afternoon when death came. An hour before the announcement of his death was received at the bank, a telegram came from the comptroller of the currency at Washington to close the doors and ap pointing Bank Examiner John J. Cunning ham as receiver. Following closely on the exciting events In lower Allegheny came the announcement of the president, of the bank, Fred Gwln- ner. sr.. that Clark had loaned thousands of dollars to Pennsylvania politicians; that he himself had endorsed a note for $,000 yesterday for Clark, concluding with the statement, "That if the shortage waa only $100,000 he would gladly pay It himself." The bank has state deposits which will amount to about $S00,000, of which $398,000 Is In the checking or active account and the rest Is state sinking funds. . Money Loaned to Politicians. Mr. Owlnner in his statement ssld: "Nearly $700,000 of the $800,000 state de posits of our bank is out on paper of state politicians. W. H. Andrews has borrowed nearly $400,000; Frank J. Torrance has bor rowed considerable. I do not know how much. But the bank is solvent." When pressed for specific Instances of loans made to Andrews and Torrance, Mr. Gwlnner modified his first statement by saying that the books of the bank do not show that they personally borrowed money from It, but the money was given to the Pennsylvania Development company. Mr. Andrews cannot be located tonight. He is reported to have gone to Phila delphia. Francis J. Torrance Is quite 111 at his home In Allegheny and could not he seen. His personal representative, W. C. Hagan, said that ho far as he knew Mr. Torrance has no paper in the Enterprise National bank. t'annlngham Examines Books. Bank Examiner John B. Cunningham apent most of yesterday and last night working on the books of the bank with the cashier. Shortly before midnight Mr. Clark complained of not feeling well and started for home. But earlier In the afternoon the bank examiner was of the opinion that the bank was Insolvent and so notified the comp troller at Washington. - At the bank thla morning notices were sent out to the directors for a special meet ing at 1 o'clock this afternoon.. An hour twforw - tXat" time '-The- barn sr was -Uloted., The meeting of the directors lasted for about an hour, after which President Fred erick Gwlnner, sr., made the sensational statements quoted. According to the examiner's report the re sources and liabilities of the Enterprise bank in the last report, made August 25. were $2,973,169.56 each. The Enterprise bank cleared through the Bank of Pittsburg. At that bank this afternoon It was stated that sufficient deposits were on hand from the Allegheny Institution to protect the clear ing house and that all checks had been sent back to the original banks. After the meeting one of the dlrectore stated that the books had been gone over hurriedly before the meeting, and as far as they knew they were all right. The direc tor said that Bank Examiner Cunningham would begin immediately an examination of all of the books of the bank. This will rc nulre about five days, he said, before a statement can be made. Poison and Revolver. Mr. Clark took his life while In his bed room in his home In Bellevue by taking poison and then shooting himself In the i right temple. He lingered Until 2:30 this j afternoon, when, without having regained consciousness, he died. ,Mr. Clark was not feeling well this morn ing and his wife advised him to remain in bed and he consented to do so. Mrs. Clark then went downstairs. About 8 o'clock she heard a heavy fall In the room above, Thinking her husband had fainted she hur ried to the bedroom and found him lying on the floor, with the revolver still In his hand. Mrs. Clark's screams brought her two daughters and the servants to the room. Physicians were quickly called, but their servlres were of no avail. Mr. Clark had taken an ounce of lauda num and then shot hjmself. The presence of the empty laudanum bottle beside Mr. Clark seems to Indicate that the attempt at suicide had been contemplated previously, although he had said nothing that led his family to believe that he Intended to kill himself. Mr. Clark had lived in Bellevue for fifteen years and had always held positions of the highest honor and trust In his own com munity. He represented the Second ward In Bellevue councils. ' Clark was a member of the United Presbyterian church of Belle vue, being a member of the official board. He has always taken an active Interest In the work of the church and waa Its largest contributor. BRYAN SPEAKS TO JAPANESE Ten Thousand Listen to Xehruskua at Toklo and I'nder stand Him. TOKIO. Oct. 18. William J. Bryan today addressed an audience of about 10,000 per sons, with Count Okuma, the former for eign minister and leader of the progressive party. In the chair. Hie simple atyle and clear pronunciation made hla speech, which lasted forty minutes. Intelligible even to the younger students and railed forth ap preciative remarks. Later Mr. Bryan lunched with Coual Okuma. The municipality of Toklo has Invited Mr. Bryan to attend a public reception, but hie time here will not permit him to accept the Invitation. HOMESTAKE JrtlNERS KILLED Two Men Matllateal by Premature F.m ploalon of Blast la Big Mine. LEAD, 8. D., Oct. 18. (Bpeclal Telegram.) Toren Hanson and Baldo Pascoe, two miners working on the 200-foot level of the Homratake mine, were Instantly killed tbia morning by the premature explosion of holes loaded with giant powder. Both men were horribly mutilated. Both, were single. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Rain or Snovr Thursday and Colder In F.ast Portion. Friday Fair. Temperatare at Omnha Yrsterdnyi llonr. Den. Honr Den. f n. m 41) 1 p. m a. m 40 2 p. m T a. m...... tit a p. m a. m 41 4 p. m 4 n n. m 42 ft p. m ?t 10 n. m 4.1 A p. m 4 11 a. m 4 7 p. m 4ft IS m 4ft ft p. m 44 l p. m 44 YELLOW FEVER FIGHT ENDS Only Five ew Cases and Deaths Reported at t Orleans Yesterday. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. lS.-Report of yet low fever situation to p. m.: New cases 5 Total 3.310 Deaths None Total 4. New foci 3 Cases under treatment 114 Cases discharged 5.791 The yellow fever Is rapidly ceasing to bo an Issue of Interest now. With only five new cases and no deaths It looks like a question of a few days when no cases will be found, and when that day arrives there will be genuine thanksgiving In the com munity. There are now only 113 cases under treatment. A few of the infected points reported cases as follows: Kenner, 2 new cases, 1 death: near Plat tenvllle, 1 death; Fatterson. 2 new cases; near Lafayette. 3 new cases; Chenlere Ca mlnada, several oases, 2 deaths; Grand Isle, several new cases; Lake Providence, 2 new cases; Baton Rouge. 1 suspicious case. Mississippi Vlcksburg, 1 new case outside city; Natchez, no new Cases; Port Gibson, 1 new case; Hosetta, 1 new case. CRANK GETS AFTER JEROME Sew York's District Attorney Threat ened by a Dope Fiend, bat o Harm Done. NEW YORK. Oct. 18. An attempt to bat ter down the doors of the office of District Attorney Jerome was made today by Jacob Meyer, who said he wanted to kill Mr. Jerome. Meyer waa found by the police trying to get through the panels and shout ing that Mr. Jerome had failed to pay him sufficient fees for hia services as a witness In the "red light" Investigations a few years ago. When arrested Meyer had a bottle of morphine and a hypodermic syringe In his possession. The police recognized him as a man who testified for the prosecution against Inspector Cross, Captain Herllksy and Wardman Reagan In the "red light dis trict" disclosures by Mr. Jerome. He was arraigned in police court on a charge of In toxication and disorderly conduct and was sentenced 'to six months' Imprisonment on Blackwell's Island. VANDERBILT WINS PRIZES Horses of Xew York Millionaire Take Fonr Bine Ribbons at Kansas .4. CJty,, Show. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. 18 -Reginald C. Vanderbilt's horses took the first prize In four events, or all In which they were en tered, at the horse show tonight, and In one event Vanderbllt also took third prize. Dr. Selswonk, driven by Vanderbllt. took the first prize In the class for horses In harness. Vanderbilt's Amazement took the third prize. Herald, owned and driven by Vanderbllt, took the blue ribbon for the best gig horse. Miss Phip, owned and ridden by Vander bllt, wae first In the, class for lightweight polo ponies. Fad and Folly, owned by Vanderbllt and driven by Miss Loula Long of Kansas City, took first prize for best pair of horses driven by a woman. DEMAND OF IOWA CATHOLICS State Congress Aska Recall of James T. Smith. Member of Philippine Commission. BURLINGTON, la.. Oct. 18. A sensation developed at the Iowa Catholic congress In session here today. In a speech before the congress, Celestlne J. Sullivan late of the Philippines, de nounced James T. Smith, a Catholic mem ber of the Philippine commission, accusing Mr. Smith of working against Catholic edu- cational Institutions In the Islands. The congress adopted resolutions asking Presi dent Roosevelt to Mr. Smith. More than 2,000 Catholics were present. Officers were elected as follows: President, Chris Veleker. Duhuqu; vice president, Joseph l". Ixtse. Burlington; Secretary, J. H. Stovener. Fort Madison; treasurer. James Forkenburg, Newhamp ton. The next meeting will be held In Dubuque. In 1907. FOUR WOMEN FATALLY HURT Rapidly Running Auto Strikes Party Returning from a Theater at Pittsburg. PITTSBURG, Oct. 18.-Tonlght when seven women were returning home from a theater party given by Mrs. Cole-J. Guffey, an automobile, going at a rapid rate, crashed Into the party, probably fatally In juring Mrs. Eugene Lappe, Mrs. Minnie Castle Davis. Miss Lillian Delamater and Miss Gertrude Krlsslnger. The accident occurred St the corner of Highland and Wellsley avenues, East End. The women had Just alighted from a street car during a heavy rain, and while picking j their way slowly across the rar tracks the automobile, owned by P. J. Rltter of the Rltter-Connley company and driven by T. B. Murphy at high speed, ran them down. ECHO OF LEITER WHEAT DEAL William J. Seller Is Given Judgment Against Mnrket Manipulator for f1.TT. NEW YORK. Oct. 18-Joseph Letter of Chicago was ordered today by Justice Oreenbaum of the supreme court to pay William J. Zeller $fiB 767 us a result of a sutt brought by the latter to recover a promissory note plus Interest which Inciter gave during his attempt to corner the wheat market several years ago Movements of Oeeaa Vessels Ot-t. IN. At New York Sailed: Baltic, for Liver pool; Hicllla. for Genoa and Naples. At Hong Kong hailed: Eniprwi of China, for Vancouver. At Bremen Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm II, from New York. At Naples hailed: Cretle. for New York. At Liverpool Sailed: Haverford, for Philadelphia; Oceanic, for New York. At Quenstown Arrived: Frlesland, from Philadelphia; Saxonla, from Boston. . At Boo! hampton Sailed : Caiber Wil hoiux doc Ciruose, lor New Yt.j. ROOSEVELT IN DIXIE Fresiaent Given a Mapn.ficentBeoeption at Capital ef the Old Dominion, OVATION SEVEN HOURS IN LENGTH Chief Eiecntive Congratnlatei Booth in Frogreia Along All Line. FOUR SPEECHES DURING THE AFTERNOON Large-it Crowd Ever Aitembled in Rich mond Heart Capitol Square Addreu. RECEPTION IN H0N0K UF MRS. ROOSEVELT Wife of Governor Montagne Receive In Kseentlve Mansion Presi dent Speaks tn Raleigh Today. RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 18 Richmond to day threw open her gatea to President Roosevelt and during the seven houre of his stay state officials and cttlzena accorded him a welcome cordial and alncere. The presidential train arrived a few minutes after noon and from that moment until 7 o'clock tonight, when he departed for Raleigh, N. C, over the Seaboard Air Line he was given an ovation. Hla entry Into the city waa the signal for a wild demon stration from a multitude and the welcom ing enthusiasm only ceased when hla train continued on Its journey through the aouth. Mra. Roosevelt shared in the honors and Mrs. Montague, the wife of the governor, gave a reception at the executive mansion In her honor. The president made several addresses, ore at the capital square before one of the largest crowds ever assembled in Virginia's capital, another at a banquet In Masonio temple where 400 of the representative peo. pie of the Old Dominion were gathered about the boards, again at the Lee monu ment, where he spoke to a large number of confederate veterans and once more at a gathering of negroes. , His speeches paid tribute to the confeder ate veterans, voiced appreciation of the economic and political progress of the south since the civil war, pointed to hie ancestry in which southern and northern blood are mingled and to his birth In the east and his life In the west, derlaring he believed himself a middling good American; epoke cf the preponderance of southern blood In his regiment In Cuba: referred to the bid through advice that this government can give peoples in the coasts and the Islands of the Caribbean, reiterated the principle of equal justice to all and In hie talk to . negroes congratulated them on their pro gress as a nation. The president will speak tomorrow at Raleigh. N. C. Party rrlves In Richmond. At 11 o'clock sharp the presidential, train pulled Into Main atreet depot and a ape- clat committee formally welcomed the president to Richmond. Then the president was escorted to the speaker's stand In Capitol square. - v . . i ""-- The line ormarclt vat through the pfln cipal streets to the western part of the city and return to the Capitol square. Along the route the . president wae en thusiastically cheered. When . the proces sion arrived at the Capitol square the president and party called at the executive mansion and puid their respects and then repaired to the speaker's stand, which w.ia faced by one of the greatest multitudes ever assembled in Richmond. President Roosevelt's Speech. Mayor McCarthy presented the governor, who in a brief speech Introduced the presi dent, who spoke aa follows: I trust I need hardly say how great la my pleasure at speaking In this historic capital of your historic state; the statu than which no otiicr lias contributed a larger proportion to the leadership of the nation; (or on the honor roll of thoso American worthies whose greatness is not only tor the age but (or all time, not only for one nation but for all the world, on this honor roll Virginia's name stands above all others. And in greeting all of you. 1 know that no ono will grudge my saying a special word of acknowledgement to the veteruiiH of the civil war. A man would Indeed be but a poor American who could without a thrill witness the way In whloh, In city after city In the north aa Ul the south, on every public occasion, tha men who wore tiie blue and the men who wore the grny now murch and etand shoulder to shoulder, giving tangible proof tiial we are all now in fact as well a In name a reunited people, a people infinitely richer all Americana by you men who fought in ! the great war. Last Memorial day 1 spoke Hi HionKlyn, at the unveiling or llie staluo of a northern general, under tiie auspioes of the Grand Army of the Republic, and that great audience, cheered every allusion to tiie vslor and self-devotion of tlio men who followed Lee as heartily as they cheered every allusion to the valor and self-devotion of the men who followed Crant. The wounds left by tho great civil war have long healed, but its memories te main. Grateful Legacy of War. ' Think of it, oh, my countrymen, think of the good fortune that is ours! That whereas every other war of modern times has leit feelings of rancor and bitterness to keep asunder the combatants, our great war has lett to tiie sons and daughters of the men who fought, on whichever side they fought, the, suinn right to feel the keenest pride in the groat deeds alike 'of tho men who fought on one side and of the men who fought on tho other. The proud Helf-KucrilR'f. the resuluto and dar ing courage, the high and steadfast de votion to the rixht as each man saw It, whether northerner or southerner, these 'liinlitles render all Americans, forever the debtors of those who in the dark days from '61 to 'lii proved their truth by their endeavor. Here around Richmond, here in your own state, there lies battlefield after battlefield, rendered forever memorable by tho men who counted death us but a little thing when weighed in the balance against doing t.ieir duty hs It was given them to see it 'these men have left us of the younger generation not merely the memory of what they did In war, but of whst they ditl In peace. Foreign observers predicted that when such a great war closed it would be impossible for the hundreds of thou sands of combatants to return to the paths of peace. They predicted ceaseless disor der, wild turbulence, the alternation of snarchy and despotism. But the good sense and self-restraint of tho average American citizen falsified these prophecies. The great armies disbanded and the pri vate In the ranks, like the officer who had commanded Mm, went back to take up (he threads of his life where he had dropped them when the call to arma came. It waa a wonderful, a marvelous thing. In a country consecrated to peace with hut an Infinitesimal pegular army, to develop rinicklv t! e tunc hosts which fronted I one another tietwwn the James and the Potomac and along the Mississippi and lta tributaries. But it was an even more won derful, an evf n more marvelous thing, how these, great hosts, once their work done, resolved themselves Into tha general fttbilu of the nutlon ( Forty Iran of K.ffert. Great though the need of praise ia which I due the south for tne soldierly valor of her sons displayed during the four yeara of war, 1 think that even urea tor praise m due to her for what her people have accomplished in the forty yeara of peace which followed. For forty yeara the south has made not merely a courageous, but at times a aesperaie struggle, us site nsa striven for inoul and material well-being Her success has been extraordinary, and : all citizens of our common country should , feel joy and pride in It; for any great deed iduuc, or auy Uuo quail Uea abvwu, by one