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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1905. ft COUNCIL BLUFFS Captain J. A. Traver of Dunlap as the de fendant's attorney. STREETS GIVEN A MUD BATH1 Indian Creek Torni Its Usual Trick After the HetTj Earn. SOUTH MAIN STREET ALSO FLOODED City Mad Just roifiplflrA Wkil Wm Intended Flaal Fall Mraalaer, , y r"b.. tyrk . Slast Be Da Over Aarala. The heavy rainstorm Monday night sent Indian creek out of Ita banks about mid rlteht, with the usual result that Broadway from Tenth street to the Illinois Central tracks Is covered with a deposit of slimy mud several Inches deep. The creek first left its banks as usual at the bridges of the Northwestern railroad, and for a while the water was two feet deep between curb and -curb In the vicinity of the railroad tracks. Despite the water and mud the street railway company succeeded in main taining a good car service between this city and Omaha, although for about halt an hour Uie cars were tied up on either side of the railroad tracks. The flood was not of long duration and after about an hour the water In the creek subsided. At one timed uring the height of the flood the water was within an inch or so of going over the North Eighth street Bridge." West ht eighth street the creek overflowed on the south side wherever the banks were low. but the damage reported Is not nearly as great as on the previous overflow. The heavy rain and hail was accompanied by a severs electrical storm which, beyond putting the electric light wires out of coin mission for the time being, did no serious damage. A small motor standing at the corner of Pearl street and Broadway was burned out by the lightning and presented quite a pyrotechnics.! display. When the first bolt struck the car It appeared to be entirely enveloped In flames and the con fluctnr and motorman made a precipitate retreat. They nad barely reached a shel tering doorway when the car was struck a second time and Its wiring completely burned out.. , Ort South Main street there was the usual torrent of water and the lower end of the Itreet -was covered yesterday with mud cashed down from the hill streets, a num ber of which were badly damaged. Exca rations made for the lateral conduits of the Independent Telephone company were badly washed. The streets and alleys committee had ust I heavily. riven what it supposed was the final clean ing of Broadway and Main streets for the year and now It will be called upon to ex pend several hundred dollars in cleaning up sgaln, ; OMAHA POLICY HOLDERS ACTIVE Jola laxae with Inrraas la laaaraaea Case. (From a Btaff Correspondent.) PKS MOINES, Oct. 17. -(Special 1!- gram.J Judge Jacob Fawcett of Omaha is In the city today in consultation with At torney J. A. Dyer concerning the North western Life and Paving, against which Attorney Dyer recently began action to have a receiver appointed. Judire Fawcett represents Nebraska policyholders and had a petition prepared to go Into court wh- n the action was begun here a day ahead of his plans. The interests will likely be consolidated. The trouble In the Toeman order that has split It into factions came te a head tod iy when Dr. C. B. raiil, one of the deposed officials of the order, struck Attorney Harry Evans and knocked him down. It happened at the Wellington hotel. Paul accused Ev ans of selling out the Anti-Saloon league to the saloon keepers, and Evans called him a liar. CHILDREN ALLEC.K FOIL PLAY Body of Iowa Woanaa Hot Barfed and Hasband Is fader Arrest. SIOUX CITT, la., Oct. 17. (Special Tele gram.) Although Matthew Baldes reported heart failure, as the cause of his wife's death, children on the farm declared ha had struck her a blow, which killed her and her relatives insisted upon the post ponement of funeral, and the arrest of Baldes, who now Is In jail at Orange City. The woman's body was badly bruised. Bars shop Oroaads. SIOUX CITY. la.. Oct. 17 (Special Tele gramsWright & Call, attorneys for the Great Northern road, received orders to day to pay the condemnation money on property on which the new $250,000 shops are to be built in Sioux City so that the company may come into Immediate pos session. Work Is to be started without de lay and rushed to completion. CARNEGIE ASKS FOR PEACE Amsrioaa Kec'.or af Scotch Unirsrsitj Da- liter Addreii at Iaauguratioa. HONORS TOR DYE AMERICAN STATESMEN Degree of Doctor of Laws Conferred hy St. Andrew's I Diversity I poi Mea . Proatlaeat la tatted States. 8T. ANDREWS. Scotland, Oct. 17. Never before have so many distinguished Ameri cans directly participated In ceremonies connected with the Inauguration of the rector of a British university as partook In today's functions at St. Andrews, when Andrew Carnegie was Installed as lord rec tor for a second term. Whltelaw Held, the American ambassador at London; Charle mange Tower, America ambassador at Berlin; Bishop Henry C. Potter of New York and Dr. William J. Holland, director of the Carnegie museum at Pittsburg, occu pied seats on the platform and had con ferred on them the honorary degree of doc tor of laws, which also was bestowed on Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia university. New York, in absentia. The hall was crowded with scarlet gowned undergraduates of both sexes and the male students enlivened the proceed ings with the usual amount of chaff and songs. The entrance of Mr. Carnegie was the signal for an outburst of enthusiasm. Five nations, or even three, banded to gether In a league of peace and Inviting all other nations to join them, could banish all war in the future. .This opinion was ex pressed today by Andrew Carnegie in his rectorial address to the students In the Diversity of St. Andrews. In outlining the plan for the league of peace, Mr. Car negie said: If the principal European nations were not free through conscription from the whether or not the local electric railways will In the future purchase their rolling stock equipment In the east or coostmct It all In Ivos Angeles. These new cars will be thirty-nine feet long, seating forty-four passengers and equipped with two fifty horsepower motors each. problem which now disturbs the military I washed away and carried down to the base umui intra in oni&in, ine ibck oi sumcieni m.,u tu km ..,.... ii numbers wlllln tn vni.r th m.n.3ivini ( hm atreets. The hill streets generally Remedy for Dyspepsia. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.t Oct. 17. It devel oped today that the mysterious psckago addressed to John D. Rockefeller and left In an express office at Vinton two weeks ago contained an alleged remedy for dys pepsia and was left there by a driver of a Standard Oil company wagon who had faith in the cure and wanted Rockefeller to try It. Commits Suicide on Street. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 17-(8peclal Tele gram.) In plain view of pedestrians on Fourth street, the main business thorough fare, Peter Brooks, aged 24, this afternoon placed a revolver to his head and shot himself, dying a few minutes later at the police station. He had been drinking neposrroRa get all the cash Nothings Left for General Creditors of - Sheldon Bank. ' PRIMGHAR, " la., Oct. 17-Judge Oaynor decided, today that the , funds left in the anciannt estate nana raiiure must do ats IHbuld fcmong the depositors. The claims of the Vio-called creditors. Including the Security National bank of Sioux City, Ths Peoples' Saving bank of Sioux City and the National Bank of the Republlo of Chicago, aggregating , 339,000, are relegated to the class of general' creditors, which means that Ihey will get nothing, as there !i not enough even to pay depositors. The Security bank la protected bj the National Bank of the Republlo and wilt lose nothing, but the Peoples' Savings bank loses nearly 113,000. Man Killed by Train. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Oct. 17. (Special Tele gram.) Albert Ambers, a carpenter, fell from a freight train on his way to Omaha this afternoon and was Instantly killed. A brother is a shoemaker in Omaha. DENVER & RIO GRANDE MEETING Edwin Ooald Succeeds 'William II. Taylor na Member of Board of Directors, DENVER, Oct. 17. At the annual meet ing of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad stockholders today these directors were elected: ' George J. Gould. Edwin Gould. Edward T. Jefferey, Wlnslow 8. Pierce, Arthur Coppelle, Mortimer T. Bchlff, A. H. Calef, Charles H. Schlacks, Joel K. Valle. There was only one change, Edwin Gould succeeding William H. Taylor, The annual report was submitted. It was made public some weeks ago by Mr. tjid; National Bank of the Republic has jefferey. The directors will meet In New J been . claiming . to hold collateral security for $20,000, which gave It preference to this amount of the funds found by the receiver of (he Sheldon bank. The court allows the claim as. to $15,000. ' Odd Fellows' Grand Lodge, CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Oct. 17.-(Speclal Telegram.) The Iowa grand lodge of Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and Patriarchs Militant opened today with reports of grand officers. The lodges are prospering. Grand Master TulTord addressed 100 Odd Fellows and 200 Rebekahs present. There will be a business session,. Wednesday ' The location of the orphans' home is the chief contest. Creston is the' leading city In ths fight, with Mar- slialllown, Oskalooaa, Mount Ayr and oth ers. Probably no action will be taken this year.' The Patriarchs Militant postponed action on' the order changing representa tion, leaving it the same as at present Fnneral Instead of Wedding:. SfOUX CITY, la.,' Oct. 17.-(Special.)-Clad in a mourning gown instead of the wedding trousseau upon which she had been working for nuptial ceremonies which were to occur In two weeks. Miss Ora O'Neill of Denver, ' formerly of Sioux City, passe 1 through Sioux City with the remains of her sweetheart, Francis Glennon, on the way to 8f. Paul,; former home of the deceased young man. The yonng people met In Den ver, where Miss O'Neill had gone to care for two sick brothers, and where young Glennon was employed In a wholesale house, Tho funeral will be held In St Paul. York, probably next week, and elect offi cers. One change was made In the board of the Rio Grande Southern, an adjunct of the Denver & Rio Grande, Jesse White being elected in place of Otto Mears, who had been a director of the company ever since it was organized and was for years Its president. CANNON AND DRAPER SPEAK Edmund James Installed as President of Illinois - t'nlverslty with Impressive) Ceremonies. CHAMPAIGN. ' 111., Oct. 17,-Today wus state national day at the exercises attend tng the installation of President Edmund Janes James of the University of Illinois. The university military - regiment assem bled this afternoon and fired a salute in honor of Major General John F.' Weston representing the United States War depart ment. General Weston afterward reviewed the regiment. ' After a parade exercises were held at the armory. Joseph G. Cannon, speaker of the national house of representatlv, s, presided. Major General Weston gave an address on the military training of a citizen soldier, There were other short addresses. Many persons went to the university chapel to attend the first session of the national con ference of college and university trustees. The address. of Dr. Andrew Sloan Draper, commissioner of education of New York state, was a feature of the conference. Iowa Presbyterian Synod. CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. OcU 17.-(Special Telegram.) Five hundred Presbyterian workers are in the city for ths state synod, syoodlcal Sabbath school institute and for eign synodlcal society. The Sabbath school institute opened last- night with addresses by Mrs. Lameraux, Dr. John Pal com Shaw of Chicago. The synod opens, today, fol lowed by a mission synod to last over Sun day. The Iowa synod of Presbyterian churches elected Dr. George Schaller of the Sioux City presbytery ststed president Tempo rary clerks and officers for the meeting were named. ' Priest's Silver Jnhllee. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. Oct. 17 Telegram ) The ' Catholic congregation, with a number of visiting clergymen, cele brated the twenty-ftfth anniversary of Right Rev. Father Dunn's pastorate of the Immaculate Conception parish. The ser num was by Father Fitsiatrlck of Mar snautown. ,At the reception there was a presentation, of a purse of $1,100 to Father Gunn. On hundred outside visitors were present. Father Gunn ia the oldest Cath olic priest in Iowa. He was the first priest of the Sioux City see. RAIN FALLS IN TORRENTS Terrlae Dowapoar, Aeeompanled by Electrical Display, Damaging; New Cenerete Work. One of the heaviest rains of the season fsll throughout this section Monday night, the precipitation at Omaha being 1 11 Inches. The storm was accompanied by some hall. The storm began about 10 :16 Monday night with a startling display of lightning and thunder. It was most severe between ths Missouri and Mississippi rivers, there being a rainfall of 1 inches at Davenport la., and 1 60 inches at Des Moines. There was very little rain In the central and western parts of Nebraska, the storm confining Itself to the Missouri and Mississippi val leys through eastern Nebraska and over much of Iowa. Snow Is reported at Denver Tuesday morning and a freeslng temperature at Cheyenne. Ths boiler and engine room of the Crelgh ton college of Law was flooded with three feet of water. Hence there was no heat In the building Tuesday, as no arrangement could be made with the city engineer to pump out the water until late In the after noon. It is not yet definitely known how the water came Into the boiler room, but It Is thought to have resulted from some con duits that were being placed for electric lighting purposes. The causes cannot be accurately located until the water Is pumped out Ths damage by the heavy rains Monday night Included the spoiling of a lot of new concrete work just put in by the Barber Asphalt company on Twentieth street north of Dodge. Superintendent McLaughlin es timates the damage at from $300 to $1,000. Other paving firms had material and tools profession, we should soon hear the de mand formulated for a league of oeace among the nations. rive nations co-onerated In auelllner the recent Chinese disorders and rescuing their representatives in Pekin. It is Derfect V clear that these five nations could banish war. Suppose even three of them formed a league of peace Inviting ell other nations to Join and agreed that since war in any part of the civilised world affects all na- lona, and often seriously, that no nation hall go to war. but shall refer International disputes to The Hague conference or other arbitral body for peaceful settlement, the league agreeing to declare nonlntercourse with any nation refusing comnllnnce. Im agine a nation cut off tola from the world. ine league also might reserve to Itself the right, where nonlntercourse Is likely to fail or has failed to prevent war. to use tne necessary lorce tn maintain neann. each member of the league agreeing to pro- viub ine neeaea forces, or money in Iteu threof, in proportion to Its population or wealth. Hope of Small Nations. The emperor of Russia called The Tin mi conference, which gave us an International trinunai. were King Edward or the em peror of Germany or the president of France, acting for their governments, to Invite the nations to send their representa tives to consider tne wisdom of forming such a league, the invitation would no doubt be responded to and probably prove UCl'tlSBl Ul. The number that would siadlv loin sneh a league would be great, for the small na tions would welcome the opportunity. The relations between Britain. KVsnre and the United States today are so close. tneir aims so similar, the territories and fields of operation so clearly deflnxd and so different, that these powers might prop erly unite In inviting other nations to con sider the question of such a league aa has neen SKetcnea. it is a subject well worthy the attention of their rulers, for of all the modes of hastening the end of war this appears the easiest and the best. We have no reason to doubt that arbitration In Its present optional form will continue Its rapid progress and that it In Itself con tains the elementa required Anally to lead us to peace, for it conquers wherever it is tried, but It Is none the less gratifying to know that there is In reserve the drastlo mode of enforcement It needed which would promptly banish war. Mr. Carnegie's address was devoted en tirely to the desirability, necessity and even the possibility of putting an end to war. He said In part: Much has man accomplished In this un- ward march from savagery, but the in delible mark of war still remains to stain the earth and discredit our claim to clvll izat'on. One deplorable exception exists to the march of Improvement. A new stain has recently crept Into the rules of war as foul as any that war has been forced by publlo sentiment to discard. Today It Is held that a formal declaration of war is not Indispensable and that war can exist without It. Here is the only step back ward tn be met with In ths stead v progress of modifying the rules of war. It Is to be hoped that the coming conference will stamp this treachery as contrary to the rules of war and thus return to the ancient and more chivalrous idea of attack only after notice. Dishonorable "Honor." The speaker here referred to The Hague tribunal and pointed to some of the re sults already attained by it, saying that the success of President Roosevelt In se curing peace between, Japan and Russia was made possible by The Hague treaty. He continued: Honor or vital Interests have hitherto been excepted from submission by arbitra tion treaties. We exclaim: "Oh, liberty, what crimes are committed In thy name!" but these are trifling compared with those committed in the name of "honor," the most dishonored word In our language. All suffered where unpaved. Those that were paved had thick layers of mud and debris deposited at the foot. On Fourteenth street near Izard about a block of atone paving was undermined and put In bad and almost Impassable shape. Th yards of the Cady Lumber company were flooded, but no considerable damage done. The criminal court room was agnln de luged with water In one spot by reason of the hard rain of Monday night. This leak has existed so long and has become so chronic that Judge Day Is fervently hoping the committee on court house and jail will be able to ret early action under the reso lution authorising repairs to the court house roof. A new carpet is to be laid in the criminal court room this week, but the Judge Is inclined to postpone the laying of the needed floor covering until the leak In the celling is stopped. W1TB CAT AWAY MICE PLAY Bonis Breakers Laoneh Bmj Campaign Wails Folios Fsrct ii Rsdnosi PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PLACES ENTERED Home of L. W. Wakeley nad Several Stores Are Visited by Soma Members of Rogses' Fraternity. The reduction of the police force 1s be ginning to have effect In the number of bur glaries and thefts reported to police head quarters. Knowing of the manner In which the city la being patrolled at nights just now the lawless element evidently Is be ginning a strong fall campaign. Cltisens generally are awakening to a full realiza tion of the situation and are protecting their homes with strong locks and shooting irons. During the absence of ths members of the family of L. W. Wakeley, JOB South Twenty-sixth street Monday night, thieves gained entrance to the home and stole a valuable gold watch and other articles of value. Mr. Wakeley, who Is general pas senger agent of the Burlington railroad, is at present out of ths city. Detective Sav age Is working on ths case and Is endeavor ing to determine the full extent of ths loss. Entrance was gained bT forcing a window. At the store of Sperry A Hutchinson com pany, $10 North Sixteenth street, which Is a trading stamp premium store, burglars en tered Monday night through a rear window and stole several gold watches and other articles. The total value of the plunder taken will not be known until Manager Kcmoer checks over the stock. It Is be lieved goods to ths value of several hun dred dollars were taken. The news and book store of E. H. Gates, 1516 Farnam street, whs broken Into by thieves, who forced a rear door. Several fountain pen have been missed. A heavy padlock that secured a door at the shooting gallery of Lower Bros., Tenth and Douglas streets, was forced and three Winchester rifles stolen Monday night. A large sample case of tea and coffee was stolen from a buggy owned by E. H. Ricketts, 607 South Thirteenth street at ( p. m. Monday evening. Many petty thefts have also been re ported to the police during ths last twsnty four hours. O'PJBjeCfcD li,0 ATE. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Monday: Births A. E. Whlchet, 823 Georgia ave nue, girl; Swan M. Johnson, l&ot William, hoy; Frederick George Spauldlng, 102 South Twenty-seventh, boy; N. C. Anderson, 1811 North Twenty-sixth, girl; Conrad Thomas, 2711 South Twenty-third, girl. Deaths Alfred M. Harrison, Lincoln, 68; John Bruhn, Mil Van Camp avenue, 68. NEWS FOR THE ARMY. Leaves of absence have been granted the following officers of the armyi First Lieutenant K. A. Myer,, Eleventh infaiau-y; Second Lieutenant Jarps H, Van Horn, Eleventh Infantry; First Lieutenant R. B. Pike, Eleventh lpfantr?. all of Fort Rus RECEPTION TO NOTED WOMEN W. C. T. V. and Woman's Clnb Members- Will Meet the White Ribbon Special. At a meeting held Tuesday morning ar rangements were completed for the recep tion by the Omaha women of the "White Ribbon Special" bearing the Officers and delegates to the National Women's Chris tian Temperance union convention at 1st Angeles. The first section, which will carry the officers, will stop at the Burlington station tor only a few minutes Thursday afternoon, leaving at 2:35. The members of the local Women's Christian Temperance union and Omaha Woman's club will go to the station and, as time will admit of noth ing more, present a large bunch of flowers tied with the white ribbon and lettered with the names of both organisations. There also will be a letter of greeting and a rep etition of the invitation extended at the national meeting last year to hold the next national convention in Omaha in 1908. Ths Commercial club havlrg Joined In this In vitation last year will be asked to Inclose a note repeating Its invitation. A package of souvenirs from Omaha will be given for jell, 'Wyoming, Ave ajVj and First I distribution among tho delegates. Besides Lieutenant A. P. VYittr. Eighteenth In fantry, Fort Leavenworth, sevsnteen days. Bids were opened Tuesday morning at the office of Captain T. B. Hacker, ohlef and purchasing commissary Officer for .this de partment, for the winter supplies of pota toes and onions for the military posts In the Department of the Missouri. The proposals call for 2,600,000 pounds of these esculent and savory vegetables. Bidders wsre pres ent from Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Mis souri. Like bids will be simultaneously opened at the various posts tn the depart ment and these bids will be sent to Omaha for compilation and the awards made on the basis of quality, transportation, etc. The announcements of the awards will not be made for several days. The following general court-martial sen fences have Just been promulgated from headquarters, Department of the Missouri: Private August Zoepping, Company C, Eleventh Infantry, Fort Russell, desertion, dishonorable discharge and two years' im prisonment; Charles A. McMlchael, Com pany D, Infantry, Fort Riley, conduct prejudicial to good order and mili tary discipline, dishonorable discharge and one year's Imprisonment; Thomas Arm strong, United States Military academy de tachment of cavalry, Fort Leavenworth, dessrtlon, dishonorable discharge and one year's imprisonment; Hugh B. Wilson. Troop B, Fifth cavalry, Fort Leavenworth, desertion, dishonorable discharge and two years' imprisonment; Carl S. Harwell, Troop F, Sixth cavalry. Fort Meade, deser tion, dishonorable discharge and two years' Imprisonment . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. about ISO other women Mrs. L. M. Steven son, national president; Rev. Anna Shaw, president of tho American Woman Suffrage association; Anna Gordon and Mrs. Clara Hoffman, also national officers of the union, are expected to be on the train. Pete Watson of Marsland .the most famous wolf hunter of the state, who has furnished material for many a tale In past vnn tn the snortlns editors of Omaha. Is stains upon honor come from within, never ' a guest at ths Murray. He said: "I want It from without, rne man or our race who aisiinouy unaermuon uii i m mt ngui holds that his country would be dishon ored by agreeing to unrestricted arbitration forgets that, according to this standard, he la personally dishonored by doing that very thing. Individually he has become civilised; nationally he remains barbaric refusing peaceful settlement and Insisting I burg. Oakland Watson, not a presidential candidate, The evening's guests at the hotels last night were as follows: At the Merchants: , C. Lorenson, Wlsner; H. G. Wlegard, Chap- I pell; A. Pratt, Pullman; C. O. Lowry, Chad- 1 ron; B. T. Myers, Benedict; C. J. West- BURLINGTONCROP REPORT The Burlington crop report for the last week shows Nebraska to be In splendid condition. On the Lincoln division the plowing and seeding la Dractlcallv com pieted. The acreage of winter wheat is about the same or a little more than last year. Wheat that la out of the ground is looking exceedingly well. On the Wymore division: The crop la ruuy matured and husking will begin soon The crop is large and quality most excel lent. On the Wymore division the plowing and seeding also Is completed and the greater part of the winter wheat Is out of the ground and looking well. Acreage ia prob ably about the same aa last year. On the Lincoln division: No husking of corn to sneak of has yet been done. Esti mates of yield are running from thirty-rive to seventy-five bushels per acre. On the MeCook division the plowing and seeding Is completed, with an acreage per haps a little less than for the fall of lIsH. Winter grain Is growing and Is every where In excellent condition. Corn on the McConk division is fully ma tured and some husking done, although not very much. There seems to be no doubt that between Oxford and McConk espe cially, there is a better crop of corn on the ground today than has ever been rained In that territory. It is estimated that ths rleld will average where corn Is raiaed un his division forty-flve bushels per acre. It Is rather early to make such an esti mate, and this may not be entirely reliable. Hay has been practically all put up on all divisions and there Is a most abundant supply. Pastures are still green and yield ing feed. LOCAL BREVITIES. EXAMINES DOUGHERTY'S BOOKS Peoria School Board Will Make In estivation of Aeeonnts of Indicted Official. PEORIA, III., Oct. 17.-The first steps looking to an Investigation Into the ac counts of Newton C. Dougherty, since he first became city .superintendent of schools twenty-five years ago will be taken today. A committee representing the school board and consisting of Messrs. J. 8. Stevens and Inspectors Trelbel and Luxer. will let the contract to an auditing company to go over the books of the school board for a quarter of a century. The committee Is tn receipt of tenders from auditing companies and Indlvlduils from nsarly every city of any importance, one of them being from the company now engaged In auditing the books of the Equitable Life Insurance company of New York. Dougherty still contlnuss to exhibit not the slightest concern as to the outcome, and Is even said to have expressed to a friend the hope that "everything would come out all right." James Coffev aaralnst the Oountv nf William tuepnen, Beau-ice; Harlan Is the title of an action In ejectment Ralph Edwards. Lincoln. At the Paxton: that was argued in the l.'nited States circuit M. J. Hill, Nemaha; Milton Donlittle, North court Tuesday morning. Suit Is brought fiatte: c n. James, urmrion; n. a. nance, to recover on monsage. ine case nas Deen Columbus: 8. P. Madsu, Greeley; W. T. taken under advisement by Judge Munger. Auld. Red Cloud; J. A. Cattle and wife, Ths Church Muslo and Study club will Urand Island: C. T. McNeal, Lincoln. At hold Its first rehearsal in the court room the Arcade: W. W. Johnson, Boone; J. 8. on the too floor of The Bee building to- Hlnkle, Springfield. At the Millard: J. C. night at o'clock. The club will number upon national revenge an lor injured honor. As society within our race already relies upon courts of Justice to protect Its members from all wrongs, so shall the na tions finally rely upon International courts. Signs of action In favor of universal peace abound Should the proposed periodic con mm H atahllahed we shall hnvt th germ of the council of nations which Is ! Newcomb. Friend; O. Samson, Oakland; C. forty selected voices and Its object Is the coming to keep the peace of the world. Robertson, Hastings; W. J. Horiigan study of the higher classics In church, mu ludglng between nations aa the supreme wife. Lexington. : At the Murray: W. etc. The club has a board of directors with ... ' ..u hi... n.... n , win. jti i , man hi a iviiuuviui. a.uu l uillllur in Curran, Canton; M. J. Fox. Lincoln; II. M. that it calls for no dues from its members Thieves Work Dnrlnar Fire. WATERLOO, Ia.. Oct. 17.-(Speclal )-The loss by the fire early Sunday mining rut s up several thousand dollars more than was at first, estimated. The origin is still In mystery. At least tliouo worth of pro pur ty was destroyed. The tnsurancs only parti- LYNCH KENTUCKY MURDERER After Kea-ro Is Sentenced to Prison for I4fe a Mob Haaga Him. LONDON. Ky.. Oct 17 -Vlrgil Bowers, a negro, was taken out of the county Jail ally covers the loss. . During the fire thieves ' here last night and hung to an apple tree Kroxe into, tne omos vi tne Naunian coin- t on the road eadlng(to Barbourvllle. pstfiy Cedar street and secured over $13 in cash and checks. Conrt at Logan. ' LOGAN. Ia.. Oct. 17.-(Speclal.)-In the Harrison county district court this morn ing the criminal docket ass resumed by the trial of the matter of the State of Iowa On August Ji Bowers shot and killed George F arris, a prominent and wealthy Knox county lumber dealer. He was tried by the Laurel county jury early last week. The Jury disagreed, being ten for the death penalty and two for a life sentence. A second trial by a Jury brought from court of the United States Judges today be tween states embracing an area larger than Europe. It will be no novelty, but merely an extension of sn agency already proved upon smaller scale. Notwithstanding all the cheering signs of the growth of arbitration, we should delude ourselves If we assumed that war Is Imme diately to Increase, for It Is scarcely to be hoped that the future has not to witness more than one great holocaust of men to be offered up before the reign of peace blesses the earth. Rut that, peace Is to come at last, and that sooner, much sooner, than the ma'orlty of my hearers csn possi bly credit. I for one entertain not one par tic' of doubt. At the close of Mr. Carnegie's address degrees were conferred on ths fivs Ameri cans and one on a Scotchman. Degrees for Held and Potter. The dean In presenting Bishop Potter and Ambassador Whltelaw Reld for the hon orary degrees of Doctor of Laws soil they were both distinguished citizens of the Lord Rectors adopted country. In the course of his speech the dean made a happy allusion to President Roosevelt, which was loudly cheered. Mr. Reld In re plying thanked the dean for the hearty and kindly reception In the name of "our gallant and aplrtted colonel of Rough Riders," who had also earned ths rector's praise for his practical diplomacy In til direction of peace between two great nationa of the world. oney, Papllllon; Charles Sparks. tine; O. C. Zinn, Hastings. Freasled with Fear are many who develop lung trouble. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will cure them -50c nd $1. For sale by Sher man McConnell Drug Co. Rock Castle county rendered a verdict for. ,".sV. ,k. "..1' -".""' ' wr-ltiar ll.rrv Diianr, r,f tl.,,l '.n i nr. . . . . , l...... - . P""nger . - - - . ..iw t..,io, biki .en juiuii naa voiea cocnr iu umu on ine racinc coast will who is charged with stealing $S from a tel- . for hanging. The mob ia thought to bavs be turnd., from the local shops of the low workman s pocket The court appointed I corns from Knox county. I f?c.,'VL. E1c,ric . railway. It is probable ...... i j thAt the cars, ten In number, will decide Valen- and will sing In public for charity only. If at an You cannot catch old Chaff." You cannot ant. re a wttx -ar of Cms. sett shoes with fairy It's the downright etxsj. the free fun of walking, that makes "once a Crossett txlwexys tv Croisett" with men ever where. CROSSETT '3-so SHOE "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY" iTStDS SUBS.) If yew dealer decs aet IMS these, el will seas sst stle ea receipt el aricc wsih lit- .ssiiientl Is le w rsiog chart's. LEWIS A. CtOJSETT. loe.. NORTH ABIftGTON. MASS, What is Mot Beattlfml (baa t Mather's Lars ' Who rsa to help me when I fell And noul J some pretty Morr tell. Or kiss ths pleoe to mifce It well. My aiother." A mother's worries arn rnsnv. Phs sometimes forgeta her own boJUv die comforts because of bar overpowering lova for the child. 6 ha becomes broke rj down, sleepleM, nervous, in table and fnalt tired from morning until night. Many mothers of emparlance can tell you lhat at such a time they have been re lieved, benefited and etrenirthpned and put into proper health by taking a pre scrlption which their mothers had told them was the best woman's tonic and nervine to be taken at such times. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preeorlptiott has en oyed an enviable reputation for over a third of a century. In all that time it haa sold more largely in the United States than any other tonio for woman's oeeda, aud to-dav Ita sales are greater than ever. Dr. 'Pierce made up this prescription from native medicinal root without the use of a particle of alcohol and for the single purpois of curing .'those diseases peculiar to women and 'when there is lark of womanly strength to bear the hardens of maternal duty. How few women come to this I critical time with adequate strength. The reason why so many women sink under the strain of motherhood la be- . cause they are unprepared. Ia pre paration then required for mother- . hood? asks the young woman. And every experienced mother answers "Yes." "I unhesitatingly advise , pedant mothers to use Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription," writes Mrs. J. ' W. Q. Stephens, of Mils, Va. The rea son for this advice is that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best pre paratirs for the maternal function. Ho matter how healthy and strong a woman may be, she cannot use "Favorite Pre scription " as a preparative for ma ternity without gain of health and comfort. But it is the women who are not strong who best appreciate the great benefits reoeived from the use of " Fa vorite Prescription." For one thing it use makes the baby's advent practically Sainless. It has in many cases reduced ays of suffering to a brief few hours. It nas changed the period of anxiety and struggle Into a time of ease and comfort. I A DUTY WOMEN OWI THEMSELVES. "Good actions speak louder than words," so, too does the testimony of many thousands of women daring a third of a century speak louder than ' mere claims not backed by any such record of cures. Miss Emma Petty, 1128 8. Olive Street, Indianapolis, Ind.,Paet Vice-Presidrnt, Daughters of Pocahontas, Minneola Council, also Organist, South Baptist Church, Indianapolis, writes: "For sev eral years I suffered with leucorrhrea, which was a serious drain on my vitality. sapping my strength and causing severe heaaaones, Deanng-aown pains ana a general worn-out feeling, nntil I really had no desire to live. I had many medicines recommended to me and tried many, bat did not get permanent relief until I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scriDtion. Inr two months I was much bettor and stronger, and in four months I was well. Have bad no more disacree able discharge, no more pain; so I have every reason to praise 'Favorite Pre scription.' 1 consider it without aa eq'ial for ills of women." All the ingredient entering Irtto Dr. Pierre's Favt.rite rreerrirtion are -prtntU in plain English on sach bonis wrapper. Pr. Tierce Uif reby shows that1 he is not afraid to tell his tatienU just what this medicine is msoe of. This, is not true of any otJwr medicine espe-j cially designed for the cire of woman's, peculiar ailments. This " Preeeriptfon " f is also the only woman's mediem sold through dmggirts that does eot fOn-J tain a large percentage of alcohol; H contains not a drop. I As an indication of the high estecmi in which the medical profession -are coming to retard the several ingredi-' eutg of which Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pra-' scription, for weak and ailing women1 is composed, we have room her t ia-'. sert only the following: , Dr. John Fyfe, of Sanpatuck, Conn., Editor of the Department of Tberapso tics in Thk Ei.tmaro Kbvixw aaya of Unicorn root (Htlmii Dimca) one af the chief ingredient of Dr. Pisree's Fa vorite Prescription: "A remedy which! invariably acts as a uterine invigorstor and alwavs favors a condition which makes for normal activity of ths entire reproductive svstem, cannot fail sa be of great usefulness and of the utmost importance to ths general practitioner, of medicine." ! "In llelonias we bars a medicament which more fully, answers ths above purposes than any other druf tritk. which J am acquainted. In ths treaH ment of diseases peculiar to women it is seldom that a case is seen whloh does, not present some indication lor this, remedial agent." . , 7, . "The following are among the led- ing indications for llelonias: Pain or aching in the back, with lrucorrbora;' atonic (weak) conditions of the repro-1 ductive organs of women, mental ds-, pression and irritability, assoeisted with chronic diseases of the reproduc tive organs of women, constant sensa tion of heat in the region of the kldaeys: menorrhaaia. ("flooding") due to a weakened condition of the reproductive system"; amenorrhea, arising from or accompanying an abnormal condition of the digestive organs and an anuemie (thin blood) habit; dragging sensations in the extreme lower part of the abdo men." If more or less of ths above symp toms are present, no invalid woman ran do better than take Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription, on of the leading ingredients of which is Unicorn root, or llelonias. , . Mlir AND WOMB should have a medical book bandy, for knowledge is power. They should know about anatomv and physiology. They should have a book that treats of the sexological relations of both sexes out of and in wedlock, as well aa bow and when to advise aon and daughter Has unequaled endorsement of the press, ministry, legal and .medical pro fessions. The main cause of nnhappi ners, ill-health, sickly children, and divorce is admitted by physicians and shown by court, record to be ths vio lation of the laws tW self and sex. . A standard work is the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, by R. V. Pierce. M. D. Send SI one-cent stamps forth cloth-bound book, or 21 stamps lor the aper-eovered volume. Address Dr. v. nerce, Bunaio, rt. i. dT k r7 1 TO MOTHERS The salt for your boy tost Is nearest to being t""01 Ms, that has ths best style, best fit and looks most beoomiaf is our special ouDDie-Bresstea . L TC-i.. - ,. iKatat an tt.vtna fhM. JL.K jUUl bi.i i " ----- . ' : Ovsr 60 styles to select from. They are rain-proof, mota proof; have indestructible llnlns; stronf taped aevy--rl seams', donble seat and doubls knees; sewed with silk SQ reuln thelf skspe. The be-t suits tn Amerioa lor the -noney. Ages" to 1ft. Ask for rt Kver ' Bys Bolts sna Atm't be per. soaded to buy any not bsaring the above trade mark. ingry. iiuim, SPITZ-SCHOCNBCRQ Bsys' CTetbe Maaera-ealeaaa j - TODAt AND EVERY DAY Until Saturday, October Slat, 1106: TO AND RETURN VIA UNION PACIFIC Sixteen hours quicker than any other Una to San Francisco Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. 'Phone 316. THE Purchasing Power bthind tho unsurpassed home ciculatipn of The Omaha. Bee is what makes advertisers know that it pays to us Bee advertising columns liberall .