Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1905, Page 6, Image 6
TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1903. ADB.URN HAIR DIED BLACK faith Omaha Man 8tfTr. from Bad Cms f IhatUred IfarTea. IMAGINES GAMBLERS ARE PURSUING KIM Barber ( h(t tolar of HI Hair aatf rU- nanl Him In on plelon While II Telia HI Troubles. The police department unrurth-d one of the most ludlcrou cso of "nerves'' yes terday, that ever rsme under us scrvcll lancc. The thought of Icing pursued, led Harry Dorsey. who arrived Sunday from Bonesteel, 8. D., to sacrifice the glory of his auburn locks for a runty, greenish black of the barber's art. The foundation of bis alarm he told to Captain Mostyn, aa follows: ""ow. Captain," said he, looking aquare ly Into Mostyn's eyes. "If I tell you the tralght of this, will you treat me right?" "Sure." replied the Captain. "Go ahead." "Well. I sold my place a few days ago, ' my homestead In South Dakota, and came lown to Bonesteel to see what I could see. I puf most of my money In the bank but kept out about 175 to have a good time on. Vou know they are a trifle lively up In Bonesteel, and after , I had hern out a ft-hlle, I met a gang of fellows who wanted ne to play poker. I was fool enough to do t, and drew the old hand of aces against flush. I wouldn't throw down the aces until I had bet all my pile and a check for $188 beside. Well I lost, and when I sot out and cooled off I made up my mind i hat the gang had played me a skin game. I went to the bank next morning and drew ill my money out before banking hours, for I was lucky enough to have a friend n the brk. "There's where It all started. Mv friend told m I hnd better make t '-ticks, and I ild I (rot n farmer to haul me to the next 'tntlon below where I ) 1 1 1 up at the hotel. Next day .1 fellow I knew en me down from Tnnesteel and to'd rue tlmt the gang were rut looklrifj for my trait. Me snys. 'You're fool to stay here. Those fellows 'II kill oil If thty see yon here." Well I hiked ain, a;nl t une hi Omni a. Today, while ! was waiting with a friend to go to the i Mines. T saw one of the gang from l!nestoe!. nnd I believe they are after me 't. lc' ou reckon they'll know me now?" RnrhT la Sneplelous. When Horsey sighted the member of the gang from Bonesteel he was taken with ueh a fright that he hunted the nearest barber shop, called the head barber Into a rack room and asked him In a frightened whisper what he would charge to dye the btish of verlmlllon hue to a fast black. The barber said II. The barber pmt sus ri"lous and when he went out after the lye he put a policeman next to the game. When Dorsey got out of the chair the blue--oat grabbed him and hustled him to the nolice station. Captain Mostyn asured the man that he would not be recognized, and he went out ?( the office with his nerves on the w"ay to repair. The Captain laughed until he was ilred and then told the atory to the rest of the officers. "Of course there Is nothing to his being followed but It got on his nerves," said he captain. SPORTS OF A OAY. Cfll.LEC.K t.'OLr' t HAJIPIOHir Yale and Trlneeton Will Play In the Finals Today. GARDES CITY. U. 1., Oct. Is That In golf, as well as other athletic games, up sets are neither Infrequent nor unexpected was demonstrated today when In the first series for the Intercollegiate golf cham pionship the preliminary team matches re sulted in a defeat for Harvard, the pres ent title holder. Yale's team beat Colum bia's representatives In the morning round by a score of Z to o. Harvard and Prince ton having drawn a bye in the morning round, plaved over the course In the after noon. Princeton winning by a score of 7 to 1 points, while Yale defeated the Uni versity of Pennsylvania by 7 to 1VJ. These points were scored on a basis of one for a win and half a point for each hole up, counted on each Individual match. Har vard in the past three years has been very prominent In the annual golf cham pionship struggle between the big eastern universities, but the absence of the two Kagans and last year's winner. White, weakened the team, hence the defeat. The team championship prise this year Is a silver cuo presented by the I'nlted States (Jolf association for the first time. To dav's team match play rounds consisted of eighteen holes each, but tomorrow the final between Yale and Princeton will be at thirty-six holes. INJUNCTION IS DISSOLVED Order Issued by Troop Regarding Party Wall Knocked Out by Same Jad.N Judge Troup nag dissolved the Injunction heretofore granted against the Omaha Reed and Rattan works. Tills was done, the court says, for the reason that It has bean shown the injunction was Issued two daya before the petition in the case was fled. Judge Troup has also transferred the tearing of the case of the Webster com pany and James A. Sunderland and the rise of W. M. Bushman against the Reed rnd Rattan works to Judge Button's court. where the whole matter will be heard on its merit Thursday. Until a decision is riven the building of a party wall for the new Webster-Sunderland mercantile build' ng will be held in abeyance. SS-K wedding rings. Edholm, jeweler. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage license have been 'sued: Name and Residence. Age. vichola J. power, omana rtsssle Jendra, Omaha 21 Trancl E. Fltxgerald. Omaha S3 Hose J. Hynes. Omaha 26 William lo Nolan, Omaha 23 Minnie Van Berg, Aurora. Neb 22 rdward M. Warner. Omaha 21 Annette Klenk. Omaha 18 WITH TUB BOWLERS. The Krug Parks finally got away from their hoodoo last night and won three games from the Black Kats. The Kats had a good avearge for the evening Dut the brewers were out for blood, and set another mark for the league by making only seven errors during the match. Shel don raptured tht honors of the night for the Kats by rolling K!V, with French high on a single game of Zl. KRUG PARKS. nav 1!M 17 1!H RSS French 1W 21S 11 ROT Hull 200 17 172 WH Johnson 19 2rt 155 5BS P.engole 1 2"3 ISO . - 67 Totals 971 071 S1 2.823 BLACK KATS. Chatelaine 1: 1S1 141 484 Svnder 191 17H ins 035 iMolyneaux 141 19 14 44 Sheldon 1M 22 505 Anderson 14 1H2 17 615 Totals RM 910 SU 2,675 On lentz & William's alleys last night the .letter's Gold Tops defeated the lamp's, Fnlstaffs bowling team two out of thiee games. FALSTAFFS. Rush 161 134 IRS 47s Hart man 144 212 1. 7 5a Carman 170 1)9 1M o Merger im 1 SH ,67 546 Hcselln 12 1W 173 &06 Totals S38 8f9 & 2,613 GOLD TOPS. Mahoney 1R5 W 143 61 Cirotte 1M 192 343 491 White 16S 19 173 530 Bremcau 155 166 ISO 51 Foley 145 16 190 bZl Totals 89 921 S 2,569 HnirtffM Steadily Improving. IOWA CITY. Ia.. Oct. 17. (Special Tele gramsThe practice of the Hawkeye sriuad tonight was as enthusiastic as last night In spite of the drizzling rain that fell dur ing the entire afternoon. Coach Chalmera and Assistant Coaches Eby and Warner worked with the squad for two hours. There was no scrimmage work, tho team first spending all of Its time in running signals. The hospital list was closed last night and there were no additions tonight. Iowa will have as strong a team aa it can possibly get together when it meets the Gophers In Minneapolis and from the spirit with which the men have entered the work this week there is every prospect that the score will be a close one. The entire squad has shown a phenomenal In crease in speed, both In lining up and In running off the plays. If the present speed can be maintained or Increased it is be lieved here that Minnesota will have a hard time in stopping the weight of the Hawk-eyes. BRITISH OFFICERS TAKEN Morocon Tribeiman Captnra Two Officer of thi Royal Marine. "RISONERS HELD HOSTAGES FOR CHIEF Escort of the Europeans Knna from Attacking Party of Lea -bers and Men Are Otf rponfrrd. TANGIER, Morocco, Oct. 17. The Brit ish marine officers have been captured and carried off by the Anjera tribe while re turning to Ceuta from the British repair ship Assistance, recently wrecked In Tetuan bay. The officers captured are Captain John fi. Crowther and Lieutenant Edward A. S. Hatton of the Royal marines. They had an escort of twenty-one Rift tribesmen and were attacked by half a dozen Anjeras, under a brother of Vallente, tlie brigand chief who was recently srrested at Tan gier. The Riffs fled and the two officer were overpowered. The mint bund lately assassinated the governor of Ceuta and hi on. The minister of foreign affairs. Mo hammed El Torres, has dispatched courier to ascertain the whereabouts of the cap tured officers and open negotiations with their captors, whose object, supposedly, is to secure a ransom and the release of Vallente, who is now imprisoned at Fes. Later in the day communication was effected with the captives. The brigand chief demands as the terms for their re lease the freedom of Vallente. The con sent of the 8panish government Is neces sary before any further steps can be taken. British Foreign OfnVe Acta. LONDON, Oct. 17. -The British Foreign office has sent instructions to its minister to Morocco to take the most energetic measures in regard to the capture of the two officers of the Royal marines by An jera tribesmen. Several British warships are already oft the Moorish coast In con nection with the wreck of the rrpalr ship Assistance in Tetuan bay, so, it is pointed out. there is plenty of force available to impress the Moorish authorities with the necessity of prompt redress. Moors Fire on Torpedo Boat. GIBRALTAR. Oct. 17.-The British tor pedo boat destroyer Chewell reports that yesterday evening, while anchored between Ceuta and Cere it waa fired at by Moors, whose bullets pierced its funnel. The Cher well threw its searchlight on the assailants. There were no casualties. An Associated Press dispatch from Gib raltar, under date of October 12, reported the Assistance ashore In Tetuan bay, Mo rocco, and that warships, steamers and lighters had gone to the aid of the vessel, which, owing to a heavy gale, was in danger of going to pieces. The scene of the wreck is about fifty miles south of Gib raltar. Ceuta, to which place the British officers were returning when captured, is a seaport on a small peninsula In the north of Mo rocco, jutting east into the Mediterranean sea at the entrance to the Sttait of Gib raltar. The Anjera, an Arab tribe, inhabit the extreme north of Morocco. erlck Reuckert. He Intends. It is said, to live the simple life of a country gentleman. JAPANESE FETES FOR BRYAN Dinner til Tea by Japan-American Society at Toklo m Pro. nonnced 'access. TOKIO. Oct. 17.-9:30 p. m. The dinner given by the Japan-American society at the Maple club last evening in honor of W. J. Bryan wag an eminent success. Baron Kaneko presided. Mr. Bryan evidently en Joyed the pure Japanese style of entertain ment. He said that the historic cordiality of both nations had been fully demon strated by word and action. Mr. Bryan will be entertained at luncheon tomorrow by Count Okuma. leader of the progressive party, and also will address the student of the Waseda university. WILL LIE BESIDE GARRICK Plot In Westminster Abbey "elected for Body of Sir Henry IrTlng. CANAL EXPERTS RE1URN Canmiiiionari and Conailting Iiiginisri Arm at Raw Tark from Fanaaa. NO DEFINITE PLAN HAS BEEN PERFECTED Senator Millard Among Those Who Come Home After Inspecting the Zone and Condition of Present Work, NEW YORK. Oct. 17. Members of tiie Isthmian Canal commission and the board of consulting engineers, returning from a tour of inspection of the rannmu canal, arrived hero today on the stealer Havana from Colon. General George W. Davis, chairman of the consulting engineers, said that, al though the party had made a careful in spection of the proposed route for the canal, no decision had been reached as to the sea level plan. He Eald that tho board might report Its opinion on the best IjONDON, Oct. 17. A spot alongside Gar- kind of canal In two or three weeks. The rick's grave in Poet's corner. Westmln- members of the canal commission on board Eter Abbey, has been selected for the burial of Sir Henry Irving, whose body will there fore lie directly beneath the statue of Shakespeare. The bodies of Dr. Johnson and Charles Klskens are near by King Ed ward will be represented at the funeral. Twelve hundred card of admission to the abbey will be Issued. The honorary secretaries have already received appli cations exceeding this number. The body will be cremated. Funeral of Prince Tronbetakoy. MOSCOW, Oct. 18. The funeral of Prince Troubetskoy, the liberal leader and rector of the Moscow university who died sud denly In St. Petersburg October 12. took place here today and passed oft in perfect order. Enormous crowds witnessed the ceremony. The police were conspicuously absent and the students took control of the proceedings. President of Field Club. A nominating committee of the Omaha Field club has reported the following names for the varioua olficlai positions In the club: For president, J. B. Blanchard; vice president, K. V. Lewis, treasurer. Philip Potter; secretary. James Allen. For di rectors. H. B. Morrill. J. H. Robertson, F. M. Bllsh, G. B. Prlnz. The constitution of the club provides that the nominations by committee shall be made seven week before election. It is expected there will be a members' ticket in the field within a few days and a warm contest is likely to be developed. Soldiers Win at Schnyler. SCHUYLER, Neb., Oct. 17. (Special Tele gramsThe Thirtieth Infantry base ball team of Fort Crook defeated the local nine here thia afternoon in an interesting game, 13 to 12. Batteries: Soldiers, Sta.-k find W. Smith; Schuyler. Freeman and W. Fulmer. In better than foreiim damairnes, but costs only half the price as it Is American ' made and there is no duty or ship freiffht to par. Grand Prize, SU Louis Worlds Fair. SERVED EVERYWHERE AMERICAN WINE CO ST. LOUIS Yankton Pi;. Is Big Score, YANKTON, S. D., Oct. 17. (Special Tele gram.) In a foot ball game today Yank ton college defeated Springfield Normal. Score, 37 to 0. Sporting Brevities. Crelghton and Bellevue will meet at Vin ton Street park Saturday and the game promises to be one of the hardest fought on the local gridiron this year. The team will be about evenly matched for site and the winner will be the team that 1 tne more thoroughly trained. The cold and stormy weather ha brought the ducks from the north in droves, espe cially the smaller birds, the blue wings and a few red heads and mallards. This has sent many ot tne omana mmroaa 10 the fields, among whom- are Charles and Fred Met, who have established their fall shooting camp near Cody. et.. tor a month's shoot. Many ether parties were out over Sunday ana nrougni naca tne limit. Rhody Kennedy, James Alien, rres Davison and Guy Thomas were at Jules burg and reported good ahootlng. Many other are planning to go this week. Judge Vlnsonhaler, October 30. will give a heating to William J. Robinson, who is accused of having been caught with more game in hla possession than the law al lows. The information filed alleged that Robinson had eighty-seven ducks and sixty nine prairie chickens when a game warden got to him. Fifty is the maximum number of game birds that a hunter may take at any one lime. The state law provides a fine of 5 per bird for all over the legal limit and the game wardens assert they are going to enforce the law in every Instance where they can get evidence. Several con victions already have been had for illegal fishing and the state officers having the enforcement of the law In charge express confidence that the sections relating to game birds will also be upheld by the courts. KENNEDY'S COURT IS EMPTY STRIKE RIOT IN RUSSIA Forty Persona Injured When Police Break I p Meeting of the Printers. ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 17.-8:20 p. m -In an encounter between the police and striking printers today at the government bureau of printing and engraving tbis afternoon, forty persons were injured, but none seriously. The printers attempted to hold a meeting against the command of Minister of Finance KokovsofT, who re quisitioned police and the strikers were driven from the building. Shooting has Just been reported from the Pehl cotton mill in tho eastern suburb of this city, where the strike broke out this morning. A telephone message says the disturbance Is not serious. Work waa suspended in the whole in dustrial quarter along the Neva above the city today because of the strike. Tho Neva quarter is where the Putlloff Iron Works, the Russo-Amerlcan Rubb?r Works and other large establishments are situ ated. They were not affected by today's strike, but meetings will be held tonight to determine whether the men will go out. If the Putlloff workmen Join, the strike probably will become general. The printers' strike is very thorough, resulting in suspending every newspaper except the Sviet and Official Messenger. The latter was unable to print the text of the peace treaty, though it was published in the cities in the interior. The workmen in the Neysky works on the Scluesselburg road, dissatisfied with the exclusion of the working classes from the douma, struck today and forced the men In the Pahl cotton mill and other concerns to Join them. The striker attacked a street car and Injured one woman. A reg iment of Cossacks and sappers and infantry were called and fired on by the strikers and stoned. The troops had been ordered not to fire on the strikers and they retired after firing in the air. A Cossack officer and two Cossacks were wounded, and a horse was killed. Two wagon load of vodka were taken possession of by the strikers. May Abandon Southampton. PLYMOUTH, England. Oct. 17.-The North German Lloyd Steamship company. It is said, Is contemplating abandoning Southampton as an outward port of call, calling at Dover instead. If the plan is carried out it probably will go into effect In January. Plymouth will remain a home, ward port of call. Americana Ro to Rnaala. LONDON, Oct. 17. George W. Perkins of New York and J. Plerpont Morgan. Jr., leave here tomorrow for St. Petersburg. They say they are unable at present to dis cuss the financial projects in connection with which they are visiting Russia. Tobacco Trade Profitable. TOKIO, Oct. 17. It is estimated that the profits on th tobaccp monopoly this year will be llfi.fltm.onn, but it is expected they will be $500,000 more than the actual calculation. Economy In Philippines. MANILA, Oct. 17. The reorganization bill now before the Philippine commission providing for reducing the departments of the government will save $1,250,000 (gold) annually. BARS ARMS FROM REPUBLIC Prealdent Prohibits Shipment of Monition of War to San Domingo. All were: Theodore P. Shonts. chairman; Rear Admiral M. V. Endicott, Brigadier General O. H. Ernst. Major Benjamin M. Itarrod. Members of the board of consulting en gineers: General George W. Davis, chair man; William Barclay Tarsons, Prof. W. H. Burr of Columbia university, General Henry L. Abbot, Eugene Tincauzer, Ger man delegate; Edouard M. Quellennao of the Suex canal staff, Isham Randolph, F. P. Stearns, Joseph Ripley, W. H. Hunter of the Manchester canal, Adolph Guerard, French delegate; J. W. Welcker, Dutch delegate, and Captain John C. Oakes, sec retary Among the other passengers were: J. II. Millard, United States senator from Ne braska; Irving P. Wanger, member of con gress from Pennsylvania; Assistant Sec retary Charles II. Darling of the United States navy and R. L. Walker, traffic manager of the Panama railroad. Aa to Markel Contract. Theodore P. Shonts, chairman of the com mission, said that the reason for 'the revo cation of the contract which had been awarded to J. E. Markel for the feeding of the canal employes was that the commis sion had decided to feed the men with its own equipment. "The Markel contract was dissolved by mutual consent." he said. "It was largely tentative. It was entered into under great pressure and before we were really in con dition to act Intelligently In the matter. I was personally against the letting of a con tract at all. My Idea was that so long as the government was to Install the plant for this purpose that it should be run by the commission. After the contract was finally entered Into 1 received word from the Isth mus that things were working more satis factorily, supplies coming in better and altogether thy were getting matters Into shape so that they could handle It for the present. Mr. Stevens advised to hold off about the contrart. I took Mr. Markel down with me and after looking the ground over with him I proposed to him that we call the entire contract off. as the only rea son It was made was the apparent urgency, and inasmuch as it was based on guess work, neither he nor I could tell whether he would lose money or make it under the terms agreed upon. Mr. Markel was very nice and agreed to waive the thirty days' notice under which I. could terminate the contract at any time." Jadge Made of the tmeet selected Barley and Imported Bohemian hops. SELECT TIIE BEER YOU LIKE. It unexcelk-d aa a touic, it Is un--rualled for invalids and convalescents. Young mothers will Bad it suixrlor to any other beer for its inllk-protluclng iialltles. Sold 00 Dining and Iluffet Cars. FRED KRUO BREWING CO. Omaha's Model Brewery. XairfboM 0LULi. Inable to Get Any Karnes a List for Trial Urmia Case la On. Despite his most earnest efforts Judge Kennedy is unable to get any of the many cases on his docket to trial. W. J. Con- nell and City Attorney Breen, Interested in a number of Judge Kennedy cases. are tied up for at least two weeks, possibly three, by the Bemls case, now on trial be fore Judge Estelle. Other attorneys who have case on the docket are at Lincoln in attendance on the supreme court, and hence Judge Kennedy shows up every morn ing and goes over the call without result. Much of the litigation on the docket seem to be of no particular importance to the litigant or their counsel. Judging from the lack of attention the calls get. AKQUEFHA1L Another M imported amoke 1 half aa good cost the aame, and on aa good coata twice aa much. At your tobacconist -CIGARS PARIS COUNCILMAN IN LONDON Sixty Members Are Received by King and Will Discuss Municipal Problems. LONDON, Oct. 17. Some sixty member of the Paris Municipal council who are now guests of the London municipal coun cillors were received in audience by King Edward in the throne room, Buckingham palace, today. Foreign Secretary Lans- downe and Ambassador Cambon were pres ent. The king shook hands with each vis itor and exchanged a few words of greet ing. An extended program, combining the dls cussion of municipal problems and amuse ment, haa been prepared for the French visitors. They will return to France Octo ber a. WASHINGTON 'pet. 17.-Exportatlon of arms, ammunition and munitions of war of every kind from any port of the United States and Porto Rico to any part of the Dominican republic is prohibited by a presidential proclamation Issued from the State department today. The proclamation Is a memorandum to the effect that this action Is taken after consultation with the Dominican govern ment, with their . concurrence and Is in tended to assist them in the enforcement of their regulations designed to prevent the perennial revolutionists of the island from getting warlike supplies. "Whereas by a Joint resolution approved April 22, 1WS, entitled 'Joint Resolution to Prohibit the Export of Coal and Other Material Used In War from Any Seaport of the United States.' the president was authorized in his discretion and with such limitations and exceptions ss snail eem to him expedient, to prohibit the export of coal or other material used in war from any seaport of the United States until otherwise ordered by the president or by congress. "Now, therefore. I, Theodore Roosevelt, president of the United States of America, for good and sufficient reasons unto me appearing and by virtue of the authority conferred unto me by the said Joint reso lution do hereby declare and proclaim that the export of arms, ammunition and muni tions of war of every kind from any port in the United States or in Porto Rico to any port in the Dominican republic is prohibited without limitation or excep tion from and after the day of this my proclamation until otherwlae ordered by the president or by congress, and I do hereby enjoin all good citizens of the United States and of Porto Rico and of all persons residing or being within the ter ritory or Jurisdiction of thereof to be gov erned accordingly. t8igned) THEODORE ROOSEVELT. By the president. YTT TUT 1 1 . . . . T. n . - . r, . . ,, STREET CAR TIME CHANGES Manawa, Service Practically Discon tinued for the season Revisions of Other Schedules, Several changes In time card schedule have been announced by the street railway company effective at once. The west side car on the Park line will leave the south end at 5:50 a. m., or fifteen nrinutes earlier than formerly. The east side car will leave at the same time as formerly, or 6 o'clock. Manawa cars have been discontinued for the season, except for two or three dally. No change will be made In the time card on the Harney line, an extra train stmnly being added to make up for the additional distance to be traveled. ' MAYOR BOUND ON REAL TEST Determined to Go to the Bottom of Charges Against Employment Agent Sweeney. Mayor Moores Is Interesting himself in the case of receiving money under false pretenses now pending against M. A. Sweeney, employment agent, in the police court. "I am going to give this case a thorough investigation, and If what I hear be true this man's license will be revoked. In this connection I wish to state that any questionable dealings on the part of the labor employment agents are going to be dealt with as severely as the law will per mit," said the mayor. In the present case against Sweeney there are nine complaining witnesses, mree were placed on the stand In police court Tuesday morning and testified they each paid the agent $2 for work at a certain place at a certain time and they further testified Sweeney failed to fulfill his agree ment. The employment agent asked for a con tinuance of the case until Friday morning, when he will take the stand. He is out of Jail on a cash bond of (100. When Sergeant Cook and Detectives lit- loney and Drummy arrested Sweeney at his office. 309 Soutii Twelfth street, Monday afternoon there were nine laborers around the labor agent so he would not get away before the police arrived, so it is reported. organizations of the city be provided with quarters. A committee of three was ap pointed to confer with the Auditorium management to learn the policy with re gard to public meetings In general, and to see If the use ot the building could be obtained for the military companies. The convention committee reported that on account of the inadequate hotel facil ities In the city it was not wise to sttempt to get the national meeting of the Union Veterans' union for 19"6. The report was adopted. The problem of congestion and delay In the Omahu freight houses was brought up, and It was decided to arrange for a special discussion of this subject at the meeting on October 24. Robert F. Smith's resignation of member ship In the club was accepted. Panic Averted. In case of constipation, peritonitis, etc, panic Is averted by curing yourself with Dr. King's New Life Pills 26c. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. WESLEY CARTER STAR ACTOR Sagacious Colored Man stands I nder the I.lmellaht In Judge Kennedy's Conrt. Wesley J. Carter, whom the county at torney's office designates as "the wisest and cleverest negro who ever faced a Jury In Douglas county," is to be the star fea ture of Judge Day's court for the next several days. Last spring Carter held the boards in the criminal court for a week or more on a charge of burglary. He underwent examination and cross-ex-amlnatlon in a really masterly manner and was acquitted. This time he will face a similar charge, the complainant in the case being the City Steam laundry. He Is alleged to have been found In possession of a quantity of towels and other linen which waa stolen from the laundry. Firth Ward rtepnbllcan Clnb. Republicans of the Fifth ward are all re quested to attend the meeting to be held at Young's hall, lfith and Corby streets, on Wednesday evening, October 18. Everybody Invited to attend. W. B. CHRISTIE. President BENJAMIN STONE. Secretary. Creditors Ask Bankrnptey. A number of creditors of Fred A. and Bert R. Gould of Alma have filed a pe tition in the United States district court asking that the Goulds be declared bank rupt The petitioning creditors are the Swofford Dry Goods companv of Kansas City, which has a claim of (34.110; Miller, Stewart & Benton of Omaha, with a claim BEN BLAIR INSURGENTS TO GREET BRYAN Philippine American Admirers of Kebraskaa Will Not Join la Native Demonstration. MANILA, Oct. 17. Preparations are be ing made here for an elaborate reception and banquet t be tendered to William J Bryan on his arrival in Manila by native Filipinos, principal among whom are the former Insurgents, Gomez and Luc-bans and the famous Lopez family. The American admirers of Mr. Bryan are holding aloof from the Filipinos and will give him a separate banquet. The Elk will also give a banquet In Mr. Bryan's honor Cyril In Private Life. COBl'RG, Duchy of Saxe-Coburg of Got ha. Oct. 17. The marriag of the Grand Duke Cyril of Russia and 1'rliicess Victoria Melita Tietoher t at Tegerna-e. upper havj ria. according to the Russian rltr.s. wus formally announced today. The grand duke is arranging to buy the etiaie neur here of Hcrr Reuckert, giandson of tha poet, Jr rsJ- PLAINSMAN READY OCTOBER 21 of $.147 S7. and the Fremont Snddlerv com pany, which has a elaiili of pvn. The pe tition suites ths thi tlotilds, who conduct a general merchandise company at Alma, committed an act of bankruptcy In August by making rii assignment of their business to the sheriff of Marian county. .Northern Pacific Report. NEW TOR K . Oct. 17 -The report of th Northern Pacific Railway company for th year ended June M shows gross earnlngi of IXL'S". an increase of tt.liM.,111, an net earnings of I;2..m.l27, an Increase ol S1.4S6.S71. After payment of Interest, rent als, dividends and (!o for addltlonl and betterments there was a surplus fm tii" year of H.276.241, an Increase of it.. S,91!. --- - mntmmm Q5 i 1! Xaar A" Delicious Baer. OmaliA IJrewecl E ,At all firjfc-clajj cluls or ca.ej. (fVilR . U 4aV v ' i 1TV to.' 1 1 ler it ow 1 TTT) 1 .i5tqrz;v Brewing Co. m DOCTORS for MEN 1 CHEAP GAS AND POLICE FORCE Two Matters I'rgrd by Executive Com mittee of the Omaha Com mercial Club. Cheaper gas for Omaha came under dis cussion at the meeting of the executive committee of the Omaha Commercial club Tuesday. The matter was called to the attention of the committee by a communi cation of F. M. Oregg of the Cleveland ! Street Lighting company, offering gas for ! 11 per 1,000 cubic feet. It was the sense I of the committee that this price ought . to furnish sufficient profit, and a resolu- I tlan waa passed to suggest to the city j council that such action ought to be taken i aa would give the city $1 gas. I Another resolution was passed that the . city council ought to find some legal way whereby the city police force might be put on the same basis as formerly, T. W. McCullough talked on the subject of armories and urged that the military THE TEUR0R OF WINTER Rheumatism is usually worse ia Winter because of the cold and damp-, ness and other changed conditions ol tne climate, ine occasional twinges of the disease that are felt during the warmer weather are changed inir oains 'the muscles become inflamed and swollen, the nerves get excited, the bones ache, and Rheumatism, the terror of winter, takes sion of the system. Then the sufferer turns to the liniment bottle, woolen clothes, the favorite plaster or some home remedy, in an effort t relief. But Rheumatism is not a trouble that can be rubbed away or drawn out with a plaster; these things relieve the pain and reduce the inflammation, but do not reach the real cause of the trouble, and at the next exposure an- i other attack comes on. Rheumatism is caused by a sour, acid condition ol the blood. The refuse matter and bodily impurities which should be carried off through the channels of nature have been left in the system because of indigestion, wealc Kidneys, torpid Liver and a general sluggish condition of the system. These impurities sour and form uric acid, which is absorbed by the blood and distributed to the different muscles, joints, nerves and bones, causing the painful symptoms of Rheumatism. S. S. fc. goes to the root of tne trouDie ana cures Kneumausm oy cleansing the blood. It neutralizes the acids and filters tii.-ra out of the circulation and sends a stream of pure, rich blood to all parts of the body. Then the pains cease, the inflammation subsides, the nerves are quieted, every symptom of the disease casses awav. ana the cure is permanent. S. S. S. is purely vegetable and does not injure the system as do those medicines con taining Potash and other minerals. Book on Rheumatism and medical advice without charge jjJ SWIFT SPCCtflC CO., A TLANTA. CAs We make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike proposl tlons to the afflicted! neither do wi promise to core them in a few days, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment In order to secure their patronage, but we guarantee a perfect safe and lasting cure in tha quickest possible time, without leaving injurious after-effects la the system, and at the lowest possible cost for honest, skillful and successful treatment. We have been the means ef restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers to complete and perfect health. Will you place your confidence -In the care of honest, skillful and successful specialists? Years of practical experience, thousands of dollars spent In researches and an Immense practice have en abled us to evolve a special system of treatment that Is a safe, certain and speedy cure for all private diseases and weaknesses of men. The change In thousMnds of cases is simply marvelous. Blighted lives, blasted hopes, weak ened systems, debilitated and shrunken organs and nervous wrecks have been quickly and safely cured by our method. We have evolved a system of treat ment that Is a powerful, permanent apd determined medicinal corrective where man's characteristic energies have become weakened or debilitated either through sexual excesses. Indiscretions, abusive habits, or live results of neglected or Improperly treated prl vate diseases. We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all disease and weaknesses of men due to inheritance, evil habits, ex cesses, self-abuse or the result of specific or private diseases. ' rnVQIII T1TIRM FBTF Ir yu cannot call write for sytwora blank. bUildULI AliUn rP.Lt. Ofllc Hours 4 a. m. to I p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 only. ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 1th etc., Omaha, 9VI Neb. I'nion Motion. V V City TUM Otknt ISiJPurntu St. PURELY VEGETABLE. 3 TO tiie Right Road ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS J THE Day EXPRESS leaving Omaha at 7:45 a. m., arriving St. Paul 7:38, Minneapolis 8:10 the same evening, affords a comfortable and picturesque trip to the Twin Cities. The Observation End Parlor Car is of equal service to men or women and the personal service is the best. Well cooked meals served at all hours in the Dining Room. I M H M WWW I MIMMMM H MH V