Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Oo Tronbltiomi Problem Conceninj
Election Diipmd 01
Part Can Be Locked and Voting
Continue on Bond Proposition
After Ren-ular Election
la Closed.
Ever since It wan decided by the city offl
rlals to hold a special election on Novem
ber 7 for the purpose of submitting the
sewer bond proposition there has been some
uneasiness In official circle about the
counting of the ballot on the voting ma
chines. The general election laws provide
for the cloning of the polla at ft p. m.,
while at city or special election the polla,
under the charter, muat remain open until
7 p. m.
Yesterday A. 8. Powers; a representative
of the United States Standard Voting Ma
chine company, called on City Clerk Glllln
and explained to him how the machine
could be worked for the bond proposition
only, after the polls close on the regular
election. There la a restricted voter s knob
on the machine and by moving this knob
at ( p. m. the balance of the machine ts
locked. This will permit voters to enter
the machine and vote only for or against
the sewer bond proposition. When 7 o'clock
arrives the machine can be opened and the
total vote for the regular nominees and the
sewer bond proposition counted.
After the explanation by Mr. Powers the
city officials felt much relieved. There will
now be no hitch in the election as far as
the machines go. Special tally books will
be provided for the sewer bond vote and If
Instructions are carried out by the election
omcers the total vote, bonds Included, can
be made public by 8 p. m. Each member
of the election board mill be paid 13 extra
for tabulating the sewer bond vote.
Storm Damage Heavy.
Not nearlv all of the damn Inn (n tv
streets by the storm of Monday night has
been reported. Mayor Koutsky tried to get
about some yesterday, but found It difficult
to get through many of the unpaved streets,
After returning to the city hall from the
trip the mayor said that the storm was the
worst of the year and that a great deal of
damage had been done. At Twentieth and
N streets storm water carried a big block
of the pavement over the bluff, and It will
take a good deal of filling to repair this
washout and considerable expense to relay
the stone pavement Many of the streets
are practically Impassable. On unpaved
streets where telephone conduits are being
laid washouts have occurred. Grading op
erations on Sixteenth street had to be
miRMnilMl a will ka a4ll Ka .
up. The basement of the new fire depart
ment building has over a foot of water in It
and work on. the Union Pacific freight
depot has stopped until the mud in the
excavation dries up.
As a general thing the sewers carried off
the storm water fairly well, but some of
the main sewers were clogged. Men will
be put to work today cleaning the man
holes in order to be prepared in case of
another heavy rain. The cost of putting
the streets In a passable condition will
consume considerable time and cost quite
a sum of money.
Drafting Curbing; Ordinance.
City Attorney Lambert has been directed
by the council to draft an ordinance for
the curbing and guttering of Twenty-third
street from the city limits on the north
to Missouri avenue. The petition for this
work Tiaa- been, published according to law
and now there remains only the passage
of the ordinance and the letting of the
contract. It Is hardly probable that any
haste will be displayed In this matter, as
the season is getting so late. Those who
have taken an Interest In this Improvement
think that It would be just as well to let
the matter drag along through the winter.
The contract can be let any time during the
cold months and everything will be ready
to start this curbing and guttering as soon
as frost Is out of the ground in the spring.
Miu t'hsaw for Paving.
Kven though the money is In sight for the
paving of Twenty-fourth street there seems
to be no likelihood of getting even one aide
of the street paved this year. It seems
that material Is not only high but scarce.
Contractor George Parks stated at the
city hull yesterday that it was almost
impossible to get coment Just now and there
is no use of tearing up the old pav.nent
until plenty ot material ts at hand to work
with. Contractor McGowan is doing what
he can on Missouri avenue, but the weather
has been bad since he made a start and
very little has been accomplished. Resi
dents on Missouri avenue hardly hope now
that the street will be paved this year.
Registration Booths Named.
Thursday of this week is the first day of
registration. Registrars for conducting the
mayor and council Monday night. - The fol
lowing registration booths bave been lo
cated :
First Ward First precinct. F. T. Fltislm-
mons. Twentieth and Missouri avenue; Sec
ond precinct, Sanford Wright, 619 North
Second Ward First precinct, John Franek,
Twentieth and S streets; Second precinct,
J. F. Murphy. 106 North Twenty-fourth.
i i nira ward f irst precinct, A. East,
Twenty-first and Railroad avenue; Second
precinct. Joe Kernellus, Thirty-fourth and
U streets.
Fourth Ward First precinct, P. A. Burke,
121 North Twenty-sixth street; Second pre
cinct. Kllkarr building, 8021 Q street.
Fifth Ward First precinct. Edward
Stone, Bradford Kennedy Liumber com-
Never have we shown such a choice selection of HIGH
GRADE BUGS at these greatly reduced prices.
Domestic KASHMIR RUGS, made expressly for hard
wear, reversible and in ORIENTAL DESIGNS and
$ 7.50 Kashmir Rug, 6x9
$11.00 Kashmir Rug, 7 - 6x10 -
$12.00 Kashmir Rug, 9x9
$15.00 Kashmir Rug, 9x12
$10.00 Brussels Rug, 6x9
$16.00 Brussels Rug, 8-3x10-6 $12.00
$18.00 Brussels Rug, 9x12 $14.95
$18.00 Wilton Velvet Rug, 9x11-3 $1150
$27.50 Wilton Velvet Rug, 9x12 $18.75
$22.50 Axminster Rug, 8-3x10-6 $16.50
Larger Size Rugs Reduced in the Same Proportion.
JW carpet Furniture company- j
J. M. LARSEN-Propelling
rsny's office; Second precinct, P. Lenaugh,
Thirtv-nlnth and L. streets.
Sixth Ward First precinct, J. J. Markey,
li-8 North Twenty-fourth; F. Thompsen,
418 North Twenty-fifth street.
Magic City Gossip.
Coal dealers are having trouble in secur
ing teams to deliver coal.
John Lang. Thirty-eighth and T streets,
reports the birth of a daughter.
Thursday Is the first dsy of registration.
All voters must register this fall.
W. C. WyTlck Is building a neat cottage
at Twenty-fifth and Jefferson streets.
John McKale. a fireman of No. 1 house.
has been called to Chicago by the illness of
a relative.
Mrs. R. S. Berlin, Twenty-fourth and C
streets, Is spending a few days with friends
at Kansas City.
Five tax schedule books, neatly bound, for
the year 1906, are ready for delivery to the
city treasurer.
After working all summer with the Gen
try show, Harry Kelly has returned to
South Omaha for the winter.
The women of the Christian church will
hold a rummage sale Thursday. Friday and .
Saturday of this week at 2ol0 N street. ,
Superior lodge No. 193. Degree of Honor. 1
5?!LS&c,n.3 Sll We.?nf ven" I
... vt i3-..iln I
club will hold a meeting this evening at I
Evans' hall. Twenty-third and N streets. !
The IXO.OOO paving bonds sent forward for
collection by the Packers National bank '
were Insured for their full value before .
shlDDlng. i
Joseph Koutsky Is more than holding his
own. Dr. John Koutsky said last evening
that he was well satisfied with the progress
his brother Is making.
Cash Donation Made by Woman to
Promote the Orphans' Show
at Auditorium.
The last vestiges of the Horse Show dis
appeared from the Auditorium yesterday.
Over twenty-five carpenters, gas fitters and
electric workers were at work yesterday
preparing for the opening ot the orphans'
fair, and at 8 o'clock last night most of
the parish and commercial booths were
completed. The following firms have their
booths already erected and today will begin
Installing their goods for exhibition and
demonstration: McCord-Brady company.
Paxton A Gallagher, Miller, Stewart &
Beaton, Cudahy Packing company, Mal
lett's Cereal Food company. Perfleld Piano
company and the H. J. Helns company.
Manager O'Hearn expects the arrival today
of the manager of the original Fan Tanas
and the company will arrive tomorrow
morning. His assistant, Dave O'Brien, an
nounced yesterday the addition of two new
illusions to his collection of shows, as well
as the employment of Dtmmlck's orchestra
for the entire fair and Undeland's Juvenile
orchestra for five appearances. Taking all
In all the affair will be conducted upon far
the largest scale of any fair ever yet seen
In the city. Father McNamara was greatly
encouraged by a cash donation of 11.000
from a woman Interested in the welfare of
the orphanage, who took this means of
manifesting her appreciation ot the manner
in which the affair is being conducted.
Some Seasonable Advice.
It may be a piece of superfluous advice
to urge people at this season ot the year to
lay In a supply of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, It Is almost sure to be needed
before winter Is over, and much more
prompt and satisfactory results are ob
tained when taken as soon as a cold Is con
tracted and before It has become settled in
the system, which can only be done by
keeping the remedy at hand. This remedy
la so widely known and so altogether good
that na one should hesitate about hi.vinj-
It In preference to any other.
"The Kilties" are comtn'. Auditorium,
Tuesday evening, October SI, and November
1 matinee and evenlnr
.$ 6.00
.$ 8.00
.$ 8.50
.$ 7.00
r r" - -i- -i rmirmYWMa
Himself with Cold Air.
County Attorney Decides to Class Lower
Crime by Negroes,
For This Reason Slabuugh Will Re
dace Gravity of Offense Where
Defendants Are Will
Ins to Confess.
Apparently owing to the fact that juries
will not convict of the higher grades of
crime colored persons who are brought
Into court charged with cutting other per-
Bona OI colr' lno county attorney s omce
has adopted the plan of accepting pleas of
simple assault in such cases, where .the
defendant Is willing to enter such a plea.
This is done for the purpose of saving ex-
pense to the county. Juries repeatedly have
returned verdicts of assault where colored
folks have been Involved in cutting scrapes,
apparently on the theory that to use cold
steel to settle their differences is a racial
cnaracterUUo wnlcn must taken notlce
. , . . .
oi oy me wnue Droiner wno passes on tne
facts In the Jury room.
Monday afternoon a colored man named
Spencer was allowed to put In a plea of
guilty. In a case wherein he was charged
with using a knife with a free hand. He
was sent to the county Jail for ninety days,
and accepted the assignment to obey the
orders of the sheriff for three months in
most excellent humor.
Tuesday morning County Attorney Sla
baugh Informed Judge Day he was ready
to accept a plea of guilty of assault In the
case against James Barnett, a colored man.
Barnett, who was out on ball, was charged
with carving bis wife with Intent to
damage the smoothness of her cuticle, be
cause of some slight argument wherein
they could not get together. The county
attorney said he understood the gentleman
was willing to take whatever the court
might give him. If he did not have to go
any farther away from home than the
county Jail.
Barnett appeared in court in the after
noon and was sentenced to serve ninety
days In the county Jail. He was plainly
disappointed with the outcome, but Mr.
Fleharty, his attorney, evidently thought
his client had received fair consideration.
At Meeting; Where Trnsteea
Elected Expenditures Are
Ordered Made.
At the meeting of the Forest Lawn
Cemetery association held Tuesday after
noon in the company's offices, 622 New Tork
Life building, Herman Kountze, O. C.
Campbell and M. H. Gllss were elected
trustees for a term of three years. Super
intendent Craig was authorized to con
struct a drainage system for the avenues
cost of $4,000. This will greatly im-
at a
prove the roadways and assist In keeping
them In good condition after heavy rains.
Flans were ordered for the construction
of an entrance to the park which will be
In the nature ot a lodge for the superin
tendent as well. The public vault Is re
ported as being a great success and has
been useful on numerous occasions. Eighty
I bodies have been placed in this vault while
amaltlng a place for permanent Interment.
From the time the cemetery was laid out
there have been 8.844 Interments. The
original plot was 330 acres and rf this
twenty-two acres have been sold, leaving
298 for future use.
Ball Delayed, Though Prisoner's
Attorney In Hopeful Matter
Can Be Arranged.
Former County Attorney James P. Eng
lish. Pat Crowe's attorney, said yesterday
afternoon there was nothing certain to be
said In the matter of bond Just now.
"The question of giving bond Is under
consideration," said Mr. English. We are
hopeful we can arrange a good and suf.i
clent bond to secure Crowe's release, but
until we are sure of our ground we prefer
to say nothing for publication."
Rumor, seemingly from informed sources,
I Is to the effect that friends of Crowe or.
more correctly, friends of his friends will
put up collateral that will be satisfactory
to a bonding company, and the latter will
then qualify. The matter of combining
the two amounts In one bond 15,000 im
posed by the municipal court and I7.0f0
by the county court can, It is said, be
easily arranged. If Judges Berka and Vln-
. sonhaler assent. -
The next meeting of the Omaha Philo
sophical society will be held In Patterson
block at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, October 22.
Mr. W. A. Hixenbaugh will address the
meeting In lieu of Judge Slabaugh, whose
date has been deferred. The subject will
be, "The Bun," a toplo the speaker la
thoroughly conversant with and which
; proinines to be highly entertaining and in
I structtve.
' I will sell a complete file of the Illustrated
Bee very cheap on account of leaving the
city. Mrs. W. N. Boyer, 717 South list St.,
Republican Vaotgert Working to Oet Oat
Bitj hegittTttion.
If County Clerk Persists In Refuslng
Acceptance of Committee Somlo
nt-ee Mandamus Will Be
Resorted To.
Men In charge of the republican organlta
tlon are devoting much time to preparations
for getting out the registration Thursday.
While the registration was fairly heavy the
first day because It was the day of the first
primary under the Dodge law the vote was
light and many citlsens have not yet ar
ranged so they can participate in the elec
tion. Secretary Greevy of the republican county
committee has filed a list of over 800 names
of men suitable for appointment as election
board officers with Clerk Broadwell of the
district court. The lists were sufficient to
provide a republican majority of the offi
cers on every board. At the last minute
the secretary found himself about thirty
names short, so he proceeded to "conscript"
citlsens to fill the bill. Incidentally he ap
propriated a number of prominent citizens,
who may either have to serve, pay a fine of
860 or furnish a substitute and get excused
by the district clerk.
As this Is the last day permitted by law
for filing party nominations with the county
clerk the officers of the republican county
committee will make a last demand on
County Clerk Drexel for the acceptance of
the nominees for minor offices made by the
committee, after vacancies had been left
from the primary election. If Mr. Drexel
persists In his attitude a mandamus suit Is
likely to follow and to follow soon.
State Representative 8. C. Barnes and
Committeeman Thomas Wiley, have been
placed In charge of the republican county
headquarters at 1712 Farnam street, by the
As to the apparent apathy among the
democratis County Chairman Cosgrove has
this to say: "We have abandoned the old
shouting, roaring, windy style of campaign.
The work Is being done quietly and re
sults will prove effective. We have quit
spending money with cheap shouters and
grafters, and we are reaching the genuine
voters direct In various ways. It won't
pay republican candidates to get the Idea
that the democrats are not putting In good,
hard licks this fall. There will be few
meetings or public demonstrations."
City Treasurer Hennlngs does not propose
to let Billy Kierstead get any the better
of him with the candidates on the republi
can county ticket. He says: "I consider
the republican ticket the best ever put In
Douglas county. It Is certainly a pleasure
to work for such a tlcket I have my coat off
and until the votes are counted, will be
doing everything I can for the success of
the whole list."
The Eleventh Ward Republican club will
meet Wednesday night at 4008 Hamilton
Decide to Co-operate vrlth Connty
Committee on Legislation.
At the meeting of the board of governors
of the Fontenelle club, held Tuesday night
In tfce club rooms on Farriim street, a large
representation of the board was present.
Reports were made from the members from
each precinct, and everything was reported
as being harmonious for the whole ticket.
A conference was held on the condition of
the campaign and reports showed all look
ing bright for the whole ticket.
It was decided that every member of the
board co-operate with the county central
committee and the executive committee of
the county central committee to secure a
large registration Thursday, the first day
of registration. A vote was taken by which
It was agreed to supplement the work of
the county central committee by the pre
cinct organlxatlon of the Fontanelle club.
Wife Who Asks Divorce Now Wants
to Secnre Husband's
When Amelia Ltllja became Mrs. Alvlrus
Ranney a year and a half ago, here In
Omaha, she held a mortgage for SI, 500,
given by Mr. Ranney on lot 13, block 1,
Millard Place. Recently Mrs. Ranney has
sued her husband for divorce and that suit
ts now pending. To accentuate the differ
ences between them she has Just entered
suit to foreclose the mortgage, alleging that
the payments have not been made as
agreed and that a clause In the mortgage
gives her the right to declare the whole
, ,um ue "l any ,,m" that ths m"-tgagor
lauru iw i-uuiiijf wtui in, ivima, ui tne
Enclosures Put Ip by Cattlemen on
Government Ranges Art
Being; Removed.
The office of the United Btates district
attorney is in receipt of advices from a
number of special agents of the land de
partment now in the cattle country that
many of the cattlemen are taking down
their fences surrounding public lands.
Among those who have removed fences or
are now removing them are: Adam, Clar
ence. Charles and William Miller; W. C
and C. C. Cobor. David Holloway, Charles
P. Nevens, A. B. Stuckey, James Wright.
E. M. Searle and F. G. Hoxie, all In
Orant and McPherson counties.
Is a reform in man's dress. $1 50
and op. in white or exclusive color
fast fabrics. At leading, stores.
CLUITT. PIsKOOY a C0..Trov. H.V.
I h4 un Is is tjarta,
Coat! 1
THE (i I
The strongest argument in favor of our men's $15 overcoats is the invitation we ex
tend to every dressy man to compare them with any twenty dollar coat offered elsewhere.
There are no finer tailored garments to bo had for $20.00. You will not appreciate what
beautiful overcoats we offer until you actually see the garments and try them on. So
great is the variety that we couldn't describe them all even if we so desired. "We tell
you every garment is of superior style of best quality we tell you they're worth $20.00.
Now is the time to select your overcoat selection is easier because stocks are larger.
On Farnam
at 15th St.
Unioi Paoifio at Work oa Latter and
running fer Former.
Architects nnd Officials Are Still Per.
feet I no- Details of Outline Two
Locations Are I'nder
Construction of the new buildings of the
Union Pacific shops Is In progress and plans
for the erection of the new general ofllce
building a dream of years are under way,
being brought to completion as rapidly as
possible. The rumor gained currency that
these plans had been completed and all
lacking for the construction ot the building
to begin was the seloctlon of the site on
which to start - work. General Manager
Mohler was asked about this and replied:
"No, that Is not correct. We have not
yet finished the plans for the new head
quarters, but are working on them."
So It is certain a new general headquar
ters building Is coming In the near future.
Where it will stand Is not known as yet,
but two sites are said to be In view, tho
southwest corner of Thirteenth and Far
nam streets and the vacant lots at the
northeast corner of Seventeenth and Har
ney owned by J. F. Coad.
Rnlldlna- of the Shops.
The first shop building to be constructed
will be the office building and laboratory.
This will be a two-story brick structure,
with offices for Superintendent of Motive
Power and Machinery McKeen, offices for
the superintendent of shops, offices for the
superintendent of tests, Mr. Harriman,
offices for the master mechanics, chief
clerks and others. Part of the second floor
will be utilized for a drafting room, rooms
for the mechanical engineer, electrical en
gineers and inspectors. Here also will bo
a lunch and an assembly room. On the
first floor also Is to be a committee room
and a foremen's reading room. The build
ing will have a tiled roof with blue print
rooms in the ctriler. It will be built near
the Cass street gate of the yards. The
building will be 60x170 feet.
The blacksmith shop will be the finest In
the world, according to experts who have
seen the plans. A two-foot gauge railroad
will run to all parts of the shop, which will
be equipped with all of the best and mnrt
modern machinery. It will be 90x37t feet
and will be en expensive building. In con
nection will be a lavatory with shower
baths and locker rooms, a pet scheme of
,Mr. McKeen's. The building will be of
brick with pile foundation and the Immenxe
structure will be constructed without a col
umn. A lantern will be set in the roef for
light and ventilation and the whole shop
will be equipped with the latest system of
Engine Stripping; Shed.
The stripping shed Is the third building
and will be 42x176 feet. An engine Is taken
right Into the stripping shed and all brass
and fixtures stored in separate compart- , "w features added this year will undoubt
mcnts provided. Heretofore the engines ; d'y t"l to Increase the popularity of the
have had to be stripped wherever a place j how to a greater degree than ever. Fred
could be found. The engines then will be
run Into the machine shops which were
built new three years ago.
An iron house also will be built at this
time 1)0x162 feet and will be used to store all
Iron and supplies for the blacksmith shop.
It will have the same system of trackage
as the blacksmith shops.
Other buildings are being planned for
the near future which will give the Union
Pacific the finest sljops In the world.
Northwestern Steals n March.
Word comes from Fremont that a survey
ing party Is In the field working on a new
line from Fremont west to tap the Alliance
branch of the Burlington, presumably
about Broken Bow, While the Information
Is not definite as to the road which Is mak
ing the survey, it Is generally understood
to be the Northwestern. One official said
when broached on the subject that the
Northwestern was Jumping liyo that terri
tory heretofore exclusively Burlington, as
a sort of retaliation for the Burlington,
through the Great Northern, invading
Stoux City and Its surrounding country.
Burlington's Neve Basin Line,
Official announcement was made Tuesday
by the Burlington of the letting of the con
tract for the construction of fifteen miles
of road from Frannle south into the Big
Horn Basin country. Considerable specula
tion has been made concerning the con
struction of this line, but nothing definite
has heretofore been given out. This la the
first of contracts to be let of 160 miles of
road which the Burlington will build Into
the Big Horn Basin from Frannle to Wor
land. This road will run through a country Irri
gated by private enterprises and will pass
through the Mormon towns of Lovell,
Bryon and Crowley. It will run through
Basin, the county seat of Big Horn Basin
county, to Worland. The proposed termi
nus Is situated ln the enter of 65.000 acres
of Irrigated land, and as sixty acres of Irri
gated land Is equal to I'iO acres of ordinary
soil, there will soon be a dense population
In this district, which Is naturally tributary
to Omaha.
The Burlington Is offering reduced rates
for homeseekers to visit this country.
Railway Notes and Personals.
Trslns from the east were delayed con
siderably by the heavy rain which fell
during Monday night. All were from one
to two hours late.
Superintendent Park, Superintendent
of the Nebraska Division Ware, Huntley
of the chief engineer's office and neveral
rcadmastcrs of the L'nion Pacific lift for
the west Tuesday on an annual trip of in
spection of the road, yards and buildings
of the L'nion Pacific.
The Missouri Pacific train for the south
had several extra cars when it pulled out
from the station Tuesday morning. A
large delegation from the north was taken
to Nebraska City to the Odd Fellows con
vention and two cars were used to take
the Holty Tolty company to Plattstnouth
where it plays in Parmele'a theater Tues
day night.
The monthly statement of (he Union,
Faclrto s) stem for lh month of August
shows a great gain In the earning of the
road over the same month last year. The
earnings over expenses and taxes fur
Augunt, 1906, were :'.677,li0.92. sn Increase
of H67.477.44 over August, 1904. The earn
ings of July and August were $5,331.140
an increase of f91S.M.0 over the corres
ponding months of 1904.
Man Who Entered Girl's Apartments
t Mght Goes to the
J. L. Mason, convicted by a jury of an
attempted criminal assault on Miss Lillian
Toungqulst while she was sleeping In a
tent at the Seventh Day Adventlnt camp
meeting on the night of August 14. was
called up for sentence Tuesday afternoon In
the criminal court. Before sentence was
passed Judge Day listened to an argument
for a new trial by Mason's attorney, Nelson
Pratt. The motion was overruled and an
exception granted. Mason was then sen
tenced to serve three years In the state
Announcements of the Theaters.
The bill on at the Orpheum this week ts
drawing well and scoring big. Melville
and Stetson, as Is their want, are taking
to themselves a goodly share of the favor
In turn for their merry contribution. The
Mlllman trio are also making a 'hit" On
Thursday the regular popular price mid
week matinee, which is elected by so many
women for their weekly visit to the popu
lar playhouse, will be given.
"Piff, Faff. Pout" will be at the Boyd
on Thursday night to open an engagement
of three nights and a matinee. This an
nouncement ought to be enough to flit
the theater without any further argument,
for everybody has heard of the clever
arrangement of fun, music, mirth, non
sense and jollity that kept New Yorkers
laughing for weeks when all other things
had failed. It is to be offered here Just as
it was on Broadway, with a big all star
cast headed by Kathryn Osterman, ' the
well known and always liked comedienne.
The company has seventy-five members,
the book has twenty-two song hits and
the muRio is all ot the kind that goes to
the heart and sets the blood tingling.
It surely Is to laugh at the Burwood
this week, the company more than making
good with the Gillette comedy, "All the
Comforts of Home." The next shopper's
matinee at the Burwood will be given on
Thursday afternoon. This arrangement
Is proving most popular with the ladles,
who can make thlr visits to the stores,
and still have time to see a fine perform
ance In Omaha's cosiest theater.
Haverly's Mastodon Minstrels with Fred
Russell as the chief feature will be the
offering at the Krug theater for two nights
and two matinees starting next Sunday
matinee, October 22. Owing to the In
creased demand for seats. Manager Breed
has decided to hold a special matinee on
Monday. October 23.
It Is claimed that the Itaverly show Is
the best of the minstrel shows, and the
Russell, the premier comedian, is without
a doubt the greatest of all burnt cork
artists. He Imitates no one, but ptvsents
a type of black face comedy which Is ex
tremely funny and he Is well named "tho
assassin of sorrow." Seats are now on
sale for the entire engagement.
Not only watches and diamonds, but all
other Jewelry sold below prices at Hubt-r-mann's
store, a. e. cor. 13th and Douglas.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1226.
Letter and Cheek Disappear.
A letter containing a large remittance to
W A. Badger mysteriously disappeared
from the mail of the Her Grnnd hotel yes
terday afternoon. Mr. Badger had tele
phoned from Lincoln to have the letter held
If It came In his absence. Clerk Anderson
says he received the letter early in the
morning, but when Badger called It could
not be found. Anderson sent at once for
detectives and a search was begun. Though
tne cneca was for a considerable amount,
In a
quality fixes price.
Insures the best of
each piece a unique
new effects.
WSBl TO m 8S8 ftS
mm ml no
On Farnam
at 15l!i St.
Eoonomy. Mr. Badger will not suffer, as he at ones
ordered the payment stopped.
Proceeds, Amounts Beeelred and
Where They Went, Explained
by Treasurer Hennlngs.
To set himself right before the public in
the matter of the revenues derived by the
city from the scavenger tax sale City
Treasurer Hennlngs has Issued a state
ment showing the amounts received. He
explains he had nothing to do with the
appropriation or use of the funds, but sim
ply took care of the cash and paid It out
on proper authority. The figures are the
first general accounting of the sums re
ceived by the city from the operations of
the new law. The statement Is as follows:
With reference to the statement pub
lished regarding scavenger moneys turned
over to the olty treasurer by County Treas
urer R. O Fink and the question which is
blng asked by some of our taxpayers,
"What has become of this money?" I wish
to make the following statement:
County treasurer's checks depos
ited In banks amounting to 1415,107.35
Checks or. har.d a:'.d awaiting dls-"f-llmtlnn
Cssh on hand awaiting distribu
tion 59.29
Total $436,129.83
This grand total waa credited to the fol
lowing fund:
The road fui.d received... 53 570.13
Special taxes 83.257.85
Regular taxes 278,279.88
Total 1415.107.35
To be apportioned 20,022.48
Grand total 1436.129.82
The cltv treasurer has nothing whatever
to do with the expenditure of any of these
moneys and only the city comptroller can
show how these moneys have been appro
printed by the honorable mayor and city
Course of River Near Oakdnle School
Will Be Worked Over
by Connty.
vAt a meeting held Tuesday the Board of
County Commissioners decldad to straighten
the course of the Papplo river in the-vicinity
ot the Oakdale school house. A steel
bridge 120 feet In length also Is to be
erected to replace a worn out wooden bridge
now crossing the stream at that point.
The point where this work Is to be done
Is within a short distance of the spol
where Patrick Crowe Is alleged td have
found tho end of the rainbow and consid
erable gold, on the continuation of Can tat
The board awarded to Robert Houghton
the contract for constructing a brick cul
vert six miles north of Irvlngton, the con
tract price being 1411.30.
Home from Bankers' Meeting.
Luther Drake, president of the Merchants
National bank, returned Tuesday morning
from Washington, where he attended the
annual n eetlng of the National Bankers' as
sociation. '1 ne meeting was the largest
and most succesHful In the association's
history, 3,500 bankers being present. Ths
two most notable addresses were by .Sec
retary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw and
Frank A. Vanderlip, vice president of the
City National bank of New fork. Twelve
or fifteen bankets were present from Ne
braska. C. E. Walte. eaM"r of the Omaha
J ational bank, and Jnhn F Flack, president
of the City Bavin bank, were others who
attended from Omaha. They have not re
turned. Work of Art
In pottery. Rookwood's t mils-mark
n'luhty. No two pieces alike, and
work of art. Vou should se the