Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Nee.
Dally Ree (without Sunday), nm year...$4)0
Dully Ree anil Bunrlny. ono veer S 00
Illustrated lire, one year 2. SO
Sunday Ber, one year i 50
Saturday Hee. yenr l.&u
Tally Bee (without Sunday), per week....12i
Dally Bee (Including H inday), per week. .lie.
Evening R-c (without Sunday). per week, fic
Evening Hee iwlth Sunday), per week. ...10c
Sunday Hen, per copy 5c
Address complalnta of Irregularities In de
llveiy to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago i,m Unity Building.
New Vork-lftO Home Life Ins. Rulldlng.
Washington 0tl Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to news and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by drtft express or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-eent stamps received In payment of
rnall accounts, personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges. not accepted,
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as:
C. C. Rosewnter, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being dulv aworn,
says that the actual number of full and
complets copies of Tne Daily, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Pen printed during the
momn or pepteinoer. 18I5, was as follows
1 80.4OO lg 31,700
2 xi.nno 17 2i,oio
sot, boo ig ao.Too
no.arto 19 so.roo
6 .T70 20 JW.tlO
80,H20 21 SO.RZO
7 SO 730 12 '.. SO.WM)
t si.otto 23 a i.i) 20
81.NOO 24., 8O.0S0
10 Stl.UOO 28 81,130
11 80.8OO 26 ai.oso
I! - 80.7IW 27 30.IM)0
U 80,710 2S 30.770
14. ........,' SOJttia 29 3(,70
IE........... 31.WSO 20... Sl.HftW
Iss unsold copies
. 10.102
Net total sales ...Dlfl.IfJS
Dally averago ;io,&44
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to
before ma this 30 day of September, 1906.
(Seal) M. B. II UNGATE,
Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving, tha city Ifm
porarlly should have Tha Bee
mailed to them. It la better than
a dally letter (rout home. Ad
dress will be changed as often as
The New York Hull of Fame has the
merit of huvlug saved some names from
Registration uay uexi luursday. If
you have not already registered put a
chalk mark ou the wall.
French warsum ou me coast of Ven
ezuela would indicate a belief in Paris
that the big stick is busy elsewhere.
Andrew Curucgie taiks as strongly in
favor of peace as though ho had never
reaped a cent of profit from armor plate
contractu. .
After his uscapauo at 1101I0 Lieuten
ant Burbank was more fortunate than
Major ynggert lu. that his divorce ault
escaped trial in Ohio.
Kansas city bus the uuvantage of
pulling off its horse show immediately
after Omaha's with the styles that
make a hit already set for It
The canUiuucy of. Prince Charles of
Denmark for the throne of Norway
hows that the Banish royal employ
ment agency has not gone out of bus!
Morocco will probably imd that the
International conference comes too late
to do any 'good unless those captive
British officers are returned in short
The proUt to lie realized ly Japan
from tho tobucco monopoly is figured at
$18,000,000 for the year. An anti-cigar
ette crusade in Japan would doubtless
bo considered treason.
By, his answers to tho Investigation
committee iTesldeut McCurdy seems to
make out that part of his $150,000 sal
ury Is paid for not knowing certain
facts at the proper time.
A $7,UN Loud ha bc-cu prescribed
for an outlaw charged with stealing
$20,000. It Is needless to say that this
distorted perspective of crime comes
from County Judge Ylusonhaler's court.
With cabinet officers empowered to re-
move civil service employes for person
ally known cause, several voluntary res
ignations may bo expected from under
lings who see the handwriting ou the
Now that the engineers nave returned
from the caual toue ambitious corre
DlHUidcnts can legiu to tell of the dif
ferences between the members without
wuttlnff to learu what plan any member
What ha iKH-oiue of Cuuicrs, the ever
wakeful watchdog, while all this jug
gling of municipal funds is being
plunned to piece out an exhaust ed po
lice fund lu direct violation of the char
ter provisions? Has the watchdog been
put -to sleep?
Vs new syndicate i trying to reor
ganise iuul regenerate the stock yards a
Milwaukee, so as to put the Cream
City on the map strain as a live stock
market. Milwaukee Is 111 tlie wrong
corner -of the corn belt ever to catch up
with the live stock business at Umuha
Trust thf (Ii'iihhtum tor uudlng a way
to crawl under the tent without an ad
mission fee. t'ouuty Clerk Prexcl shut
the oclalItU out on the officUtl ballot
because they reused to pay up, but he
now -let a democratic nominee for
county commissioner come lu without
putting up a cent
The local twyainte organ has discov
ered that thore Is a lively municipal
campaign on In New York City, and
though it U not sure whether democrats
should Hue up behind Hearst or behind
McClellan. it is ready to throw up Its
hat ever a great democratic victory, no
matter which wins.
the rnEswKnrs trip sovtu-
T(Hlny President Itoosevolt will start
on hi southern trip, wMcb will occupy
the remainder of the present month. He
Is assured of n most cordial welcome by
the southern people, who have as great
an admiration of Mr. Roosevelt's char
actor And as high su appreciation of
what he linn accomplished In statesman
ship and diplomacy as the people of any
oiher section. The president Is recog
iilzod In Die south, an elsewhere, as a
man of national sentiment and sympa
thies, desiring to promote the Interests
and welfare of the entire country, proud
of the position of the United States
among the world powers and seeking In
all just and proper ways to maintain
that standing. The southern people, In
common with a great majority of their
countrymen, like the courage and firm
ness with which Mr. Koosevelt adheres
to the principles and policies which he
believes to" be right and essential to the
public welfare. It is true there are
some In that section who have shown
displeasure with his attitude toward the
colored citizens, so far as concerns their
political rights, but there Is reason to
think that this feeling Is by no means
The president should find much enjoy
ment from his southern trip. All the
cities he Is to visit have made prepara
tions to properly receive and entertain
him. As the chief executive of the na
tion he will be shown every courtesy
and consideration by state and munici
pal official and the great service he has
performed In the cause of International
peace will undoubtedly receive due rec-
OKnltlon. It Is a good thing for the pres
ident to go among the people and talk
o them to learn their sentiment and
feeling and to tell them of the aims and
purposes of those In authority. The ef
fect Is enlightening to both, the people
are drawn closer to the government and
the tendency Is to keep active the spirit
of loyalty and patriotism. Everybody
will earnestly wish that President
Roosevelt may find unalloyed pleasure
in his trip and return to the national
capital with renewed vigor for the ar
duous work which the meeting of con
gress will impose on him.
French warships, are on the way to
the West Indies and although a Paris
dispatch says it is not desired there to
have the assembling of the vessels,
which will be at the Island of Martin
ique, taken as a menace, there can be
no doubt that it Is a threat to Venezuela.
It announces plainly to the southern re
public that unless France receives the
satisfaction demanded for the offense
against her diplomatic representative co
ercive measures will be taken, probably
a blockade of the ports of Venezuela.
The French government doubtless feels
that it has been sufficiently patient in
this matter and that the time has come
to show Castro that further trifling will
not be tolerated. The Venezuelan presi
dent has little regard for international
obligations. He seems to court trouble
and he has kept the country in contro
versy with foreign nations ever since he
violently seized executive authority.
There is no question that he has given
France gore offense, but he has obsti
nately refused to make any amend. He
may not do so even when France shall
have assembled her warships near Ven
ezuelan waters.
Will this prove to be another case for
the application of the Monroe doctrine?
Venezuela is not feeling altogether
friendly toward this country and per
haps would not ask it to intervene in
the trouble with France, but if such a
request should be made our government
would very likely decline to interfere,
There can be no doubt that France, if
compelled to employ her warships to
bring Castro to terms, will respect the
spirit of the Monroe doctrine. She will
not attempt to take any Venezuelan ter
ritory. A peaceful blockade would not
be In violation of the doctrine and doubt
less that is as far as France would go.
Certainly she will avoid anything that
might bring on an issue with the United
States and disturb the extremely cordial
relations between the two countries.
Venezuela needs a lesson in interna
tional decency. Castro, whose will ap
pears to be law in the republic, needs to
be taught that he cannot ruthlessly dis
regard obligations universally recognized
and escape merited consequences. If he
forces France into administering such a
lesson no obstruction should- be placed
In the way of her dolns so.
The zeal with which the federal au
thorities are carrying on the land fraud
prosecutions cannot l e too warmly com
mended. A few days ago the United
States court at Portland sentenced three
persons, one of them Congressman Wil
liamson, to fine and Imprisonment and
there Is every reason to expect that an
other Oregon congressman, Hermann,
will be convicted and perha'ps subjected
to a heavier punishment, as his case is
in some respects the most aggravated of
them all. Not ouly Is be charged with
making Improper use of the office of
federal commissioner of the general land
office, but when the secretury of the In
terior allowed him to remain for a time
it Is charged that he destroyed letter
press copybooks, alleged to have con
tained proof of his land transactions.
He is under indictment in Washington
ou the charge of destroying government
records, as well as in Oregon for com
plicity with the land fraud there. It is
stated that Interior and Department Of
Justice officials have from the beginning
In-eu more confident of the conviction of
Hermann, in the lund fraud prosecution,
than of either Senator Mitchell or Rep
resentatlve Williamson.
The course pursued . in Oregon has
Ix-en followed In the state of Washing
ton, where six cases have Just been filed
in the federal court at Taconia to re
cover to the government title to lands In
Washington, Oregon and California, out
of which the government U aliefciJ
baTe been defrauded. Bribery, perjury.
forgery, etc., are charged and a numlor
of prominent persons, among them Sen
ator C. W. Clark, are Implicated. The
federal authorities believe that the evi
dence In these cases Is quite as strong
as that upon which the convictions in
Oregon were obtained and It Is not
doubted that Indictments will be seenred
In all the cases. It Is needless to say
that the Interior department and de
partment of Justice are working In com
plete harmony. That whoever Is found
to have had any connection with the
land frauds, whatever bis position, will
be prosecuted and if convicted will be
punished, the record in Oregon glve.s
ample assurance. The position of the
president in regard to this Is well known
and the attorney general and the secre
tary of the interior are in full accord
with it The persons who have obtained
lands from the government by fraud de
serve an even severer punishment than
the law provides. The sentences of the
men convicted do not quite fit the crime.
When the charter bill was still under
discussion last winter, The Bee took
exception to the proposed section mak
ing the sinking fund the residuary lega
tee of all the odds and ends of municipal
revenue and all the surpluses of other
funds formerly carried over from year
to year. It called attention to two se
rious defects of the plan: First, that it
would make the charter too rigid a
strait-Jacket for emergencies, such
as we have Just been compelled to meet
in the exhaustion of the police and fire
funds, and second, that it would incite
every branch of the municipal govern
ment to spend every cent at Its disposal
rather than show a surplus at the end
of the year to be forfeited to the sink
ing fund.
Examination of the balance sheet dis
closes that this is precisely what has
happened and that when the books are
closed with the expiration of the fiscal
year not only will there be no balance
In any of the current funds, but nearly
every one of them will have obligations
outstanding that will become a charge
upon the proceeds of the next year's
With such a system In operation It Is
difficult to see how expenses can be
materially cut down or tax levies ap
preciably reduced. Add to this a per
sistent policy of evadlug the charter
limitations by drawing on other funds
whenever the city authorities find them
selves in a tight place and the safe
guards of the new charter against ex
travagance and overlaps fall down al
most completely.
When the new charter comes to be
revised, as has been the invariable his
tory of all our charters, the unsatisfac
tory experience with these strait
Jacket clauses should not bo overlooked
and such modifications adopted as will
insure a reasonable measure of elastic
ity for the future
Taxpaylng citizens of l'ouglas county
will note that nearly $7,500 has been
placed to their credit in twenty-one
mouths by County Treasurer Fink as
interest earned on current deposits of
county funds, while 'under his demo
cratic predecessor the interest collec
tions for four years amounted to less
than $1,750. As a matter of fact the
taxpayers of Douglas county have yet
to discover Just who pocketed the in
terest money earned by the county de
posits while they were bandied by
County Treasurer Fink's democratic
President McCurdy 01 the Mutual
Life says that he believes the testimony
of officials before the investigating com
mittee should be taken in private and
held confidential by the committee.
Under these circumstances members of
the committee might find more profit if
less fame than they are now receiving.
Star chamlr transactions are the par
ents of graft.
Colleges can be built m a day, but
it takes time to create traditions, and
drive the roots of the tree deep into the
ground. Bellevue college's twenty-five
years testify not to rapidly accumulated
endowments, but to a quarter of a cen
tury of usefulness In a limited sphere
with steadily widening influence for
The register of deeds' law passed by
the last legislature as part of the bien
nial elections legislation has finally
gone up to the supreme court, it is
only a question of time when every bill
of that series will have to have to have
the Judicial stamp on It to tell whether
it Is good or no good.
Can't ASord to Lose Him.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Pat Crowe has stolen and blackmailed
enough to hire the best legal talent, but we
have an Idea that they are so fond of him la
Nebraska that they will keep htm there for
many years and will not charge hlin a cent
fur his keep, either.
Rabbin OS HaKwed Kdgem.
Boston Transcript.
A visitor returned from the Philippines
observes that most of the mlstakea which
have been made are due to the Anglo-Saxon
falling of thinking our way the only way.
Wo are really lucky, then, to have got be
yond that other racial failing of not think
ing at all.
Where Iteform Shies.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Congressman Landla of Indiana, proposes
an Investigation of the government printing
office, with a view to stopping the printing
and distribution of "worthless publi
cations;" but as next year will be devoted
to congressional campaigns, when many
tons of "parts of congressional record" will
be sent out, the odds are against the suc
cess of the scheme.
Yoaasr Men for Battle.
Chicago Tribune.
Admiral Dewey says that to have a navy
which shall be efficient In tha stress of war,
there must be younger men to direct the
fighting aboard the ships than those now in
command. It is his opinion that the officers
above the rank of lieutenant are too old for
the grades they occupy. The admiral U
getting to be an old man and can make re
marks of this kind with a better grace than
out vf the Juuiuis.
Wore ArtlTe Men, Fewer Uaaimles,
. Seeded on Boards.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The address of the comptroller of the
currency before the American Bankers' a
aorlatlon fives his authoritative support of
the aacertlon thr.t the national banks are
exposed to the greatest danger from the
Inside, and that no system of governmental
Inspection or examination can prevent the
occasional looting of a bank by Its trusted
officers. In the course of his remarks Mr.
Rldgelry vindicated the efficiency of his
corps of examiners, who, he says, can do
little until after the discovery has been
made that the banking laws have been
violated and some harm has been done to
stockholders or depositors, or both. "A
good bank examiner does his whole duty
In the discovery of such a case. It Is not
reasonable to ask him to prevent It."
The safety of our financial Institutions
and tho proper execution of all fiduciary
trusts lies. In the last analysis, in the In
tegrity and financial skill of those who
have oversight "on the Inside." Business
is conducted upon the theory that men
are honest, and, compared with tho trusts
which are honestly and sbly executed, the
lapses are few, and the sums lost Infinitesi
mal when measured by the enormous sums
which are falthfuly administered by per
sons who would remain Inflexlb'v faithful
and honest If there were no statutes pun
ishing those who criminally betray trusts.
No law can hold all trustees to their duty.
There Is no substitute for plain, old-fashioned
honesty on the part of those who
have charge of the funds In the banks or
otherwise. This la a truism, and Its truth
Is illustrated by many examples drawn
from the experience of the comptroller, the
official who watches and guards to the ex
tent of his powers the vast national bank
ing system.
Mr. Rldgely says that there has been a
determined effort to secure a more thor
ough co-operation between bank directors
and the official supervising authority. He
sugogsts certain Improvements In the sys
tem of supervision. He has Imposed greater
responsibility on the directors by placing
them in direct communication with the
comptroller's office. Until recently criti
cism from that office of the conduct of a
bank was addressed to the president, and
was, as a rule, answered by the president
or the cashier. This was a fatal course In
some Instances. Directors remained igno
rant of irregularities, for a delinquent bank
president or cashier would not scruple to
withhold from the directorate knowledge
of Irregularities for which he was respon
sible. "It was a common complaint of di
rectors that they had not been notified
of things going on In the bank about which
the officers had been written repeatedly."
Now the directors are communicated with
personally by the comptroller. The new
plan has been In operation a short time,
but Its good results are apparent In the
greater attention of directors to the details
of bank management
Thrives Beat In Corporations Where
the Rakeoff Is Rich.
Wall Street Journal.
The microbe of graft thrives especially
in corporations, public and business. A few
are, Indeed, Immune against it, but these
are rare exceptions. Nearly all are ex
ceedingly susceptible to the growth of the
microbe, and once let It obtain a secure
lodgment In the body of the corporation, a
loathsome and often deadly disease surely
follows. The best cure la exposure to the
light. There is no certain way, however,
of preventing the disease, though various
methods of quarantine have been estab
lished against It, .
The microbe r thrives In any kind of a
corporation, butyls' most prolific in those
which represent' a vast financial power
lodged in the hands of a few Individuals
who feel no duo sense of obligation to
anyDociy. The corporation that is con
trolled by a man who regards it as "my"
corporation, and Its business as "privity"
business, affords most fertile ground for
the spread of graft. When a financier
handling Immense sums of other people's
money gets to the point of regarding his
trusteeship as a "private" business it is
not long before he begins to think that
their money is "my" money and then uses
It In all sorts of scandalous ways for his
personal profit.
When "a captain of industry" gets to
the point of regarding the great railroad
or public utility as a "private business" it
does not take long for him to persuade
himself that anything he may do is right,
and that the public, or the government
representing the public, has no right to
"Interfere in his affairs." Thus Is devel
oped a condition of egotism that approaches
the vanity of czars and kings, and of ir
responsible power that leads naturally to
control of corporate property and business
for personal profit regardless of the inter
ests and the rights of others. Great busi
ness carried on by corporations whose
powers are derived from the public cannot
be private In any strict sense, nor can it
be "my" business. It represents the In
vestments of hundreds, and perhaps tens
of thousands; Its operations affects the
interests. It may be, of millions, and Its
profits, especially If it be a public service
corporation, are derived from franchises
bestowed by legislatures and municipalities,
or If a bank or Insurance company, by
virtue of certain privileges bestowed by
law. Such a business is essentially public
and rightly subject to public supervision
and publicity, and when so conducted the
microbe of graft can make slow progress.
It thrives best and most rapidly develops
the cancer of corruption in those corpora
tions which are subject to one-man rule
and controlled on the principle that they
are private enterprises carried on for pri
vate gain and in which the public has no
concern or rights.
Some Basis for Secretary
Hope of Relief.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
Good old Secretary Wilson of the De
partment of Agriculture steps blithely to
the front to cheer us all up with a predic
tion of a murked decrease in the cost of liv
ing In the near future. That Is Important,
If true, and here is about the way the sec
retary figures It out. Grain, especially
corn, la the elementary form of nearly all
our staple food commodities meat, dairy
products, poultry, breadstuffs, of course.
and dosens of other articles of household
consumption. In the great granary of the
country, the middle west, there is a splen
did all-round yield of grain, which means
an abundance, and hence a reduced cost of
the multiform articles of food into which
grain is directly or indirectly transmitted
Especially the enormous crop of corn, used
to feed and fatten cattle and poultry, and
the basic principle not only of meat but of
eggs and dairy products, should exercise a
cheapening effect on food necessaries of
life all along the line,
Corn is king in this direction and scarce
and dear corn means scarcity and dearnesa
of about everything else. Bo with a bumper
corn crop we are fairly Justified in expect
ing that agreeable decrease In the cost
of living which Secretary Wilson confi
dently predicts. The secretary's deductions
are fair and philosophical; he la presumably
mighty careful this time about the correct
ness of tils crop statistics, and It is hoped
the pesky trusts will not manage through
some hocus pocus to get between the people
and the bounty of nature Indicated by the
figures of the Department of Agriculture.
With an abundance of the natural elements
of all the food staples why shuuid, scarcity
prUes prevail!
Ripples on the Current of 1,1 fe In the
Eastern people are steadily coming to a
realization of the Immense development
of the west and the greatly Increased
value of western land and products. Of
alt localities New York should be thor
oughly acquainted with this fact, for tho
west gives the greatest momentum to the
surging currents of Its life. Yet there
seems to be In some quarters, regarded as
Intelligent and progressive, a total lack of
Information on this point, judging by the
surprise and favorable comment provoked
by the circulation of a pamphlet dealing
with western progress. The author Is II.
W. Jones, an expert on crops. Mr. Jones
shows that land values In seven repre
sentative western states has Increased
since 1830 nearly 5,000,000,000. He also says
the corn crop will exceed 2.621, fKT.OnO
bushels, and that the Pnlted States never
enjoyed crop conditions as favorable as
those of this year.
This Is not news to the west, but It Is
worth repeating as an Illustration of the
impressive figures the west sends down
the line to arouse the somnolent east.
"All sections of the country," says Mr.
Jones, "have been favored with a har
vest. No crop Is a failure over any large
area. Wheat, corn, oats, cotton, hay po
tatoes, dairy products all are good on
the whole and well distributed over the
states. The fodder crops are heavy, and
the farmer will have a supply ample to
Insure full cattle feeding.
"The western railroads are already
taxed to their capacity. The roads are
not able to move promptly the tonnage
offering. Fully one-fifth of the northwest
grain elevator capacity is already filled
by early marketings, and wheat deliveries
by farmers as such points are being re
fused for the present."
Mr. Jones also declares that twenty years
ago It coat about 2 cents to move a ton
of freight one mile. Now It costs about
of a mill.
"It Is an area of prosperity for the
farmer, and. In turn, for the country.
Money la abundant throughout the west.
Western Jobbers report good fall demand
for all lines, with a tendency to purchase
other than staples, which is Indicative of
an ability among the people to buy the
smaller luxuries that contribute to farm
'The telephone and the dally paper are
going Into the homes of the people in the
far west, and the producer is posting him
self on markets as never before."
These facts will hold the east for awhile.
Two of the big hotels In New York per
mit their patrons to breathe filtered air.
and It Is surprising to note how many peo
ple go In for this sort of thing. They want
to feel that they are getting a superior
quality of air. Theaters are talking about
Installing filtering plants. "Aside from the
general Interest attaching to the mere fact
that a barrel of dust la filtered out of the
air supply of one public house every day,"
said the health commissioner, "the example
Is an admirable one for the theaters and
other places of congregation. There Is no
question that the dust of cities is very
largely responsible for the spread of dis
ease. My experiments here, coupled with
my Investigations elsewhere, are such as
might astonish laymen. Comparatively
few persons realise that the lungs of a city
dweller, of one who has lived In New York,
as an Instance, for three years or more,
are Indelibly spotted, whereas the lungs
of a countryman are nomally pink and
That part of Manhattan Island below
Fourteenth, street ha a week-day riopula
tlon of at least 1.003,000 in the rush .?urs,"
says a correspondoiit of the Pittsburg Dis
patch. "Between 8 o'clock In the morning
tntl 6 at night It Is crowded so uncom
fortably that there Is no living In the
quarter. One thousand bar rooms are do
ing a business that would scandalise be
lievers In temperate drinking and create a
condition of despair among advocates of
teetotalism and prohibition. The restau
rants thrive; the hat stores, the shoe shops,
the shirt infirmaries, the cigar deadfalls
and all the retail places of whatever de
scription are simply little mints for the
receivers of small change. At night after
7 all is changed. A million of the popula
tion quit the quarter and go home to Har
lem, to Jersey, upstate, uptown, and the
Lord knows where. All Is still where
teeming multitudes waged their wars an
hour before. The watchman and the po
licemen are the only ones left. One might
take oft his clothes under the statue of
George Washington at the subtreasury
building In Broad street and walk through
the great financial district without scandal.
He would encounter only a few dago
sweepers and an occasional somnolent po
liceman. The streets of the financial dis
trict are so still and the acoustics from
the high buildings so perfect that an or
dinary voice carries a block. That is at
night. At noon one must shout into tho
ear of his fellow pedestrian to make him
self understood. There are not over two
good restaurants open on Manhattan Island
below Fourteenth street after I p. m. Even
the famous old Aator House is deserted
after that time. A lot of cheap beaneries
hold the watch for wayfarers and turn
up messes of beans and ham or fried eggs
In sufficient quantities to murder appe
tites to satisfy Is out of the question. To
be below Fourteenth street at night is
worse than isolation. Better far to be in
Newark. N. J., or Painted Post, Kan. There
is nothing doing except along Park Row.
where 600 or so reporters and newspaper
workers make things a little lively on their
way uptown."
The voters of New York are to have an
opportunity at the November election to
record their wishes as to an Immense
scheme for better public highways. The
question Is whether or not the state of
New York shall issue good roads bonds
to the amount of tiO.OOO.OOO. which la tha
largest amount of money that is proposed
anywhere for an improvement of this
Btated brifly. the plan Is to glvs New
York with its 74.000 miles of roads a sys
tem which at the end of ten years will
embrace 7,400 miles of good trunk line
roads, at an outlay of $5,000,000 a year.
As the law now stands the state pays
one-half the cost of road improvements
and the county or towns the other half.
The proposed bonds are to run through a
period of" fifty years. An expert on the
matter says: "Reports from the different
parts of the state indicate that the people
in the rural districts are almost unani
mous in their approval of the bond issue.
The granges have taken the matter up
with earnestness, and many have passed
resolutions in favor of It. The greatest
danger is in the fact that voters In ths
larger cities will either not understand or
annreclate the value of the measure to
The first thing that catches the eye of
the visitor to the office of William Travers
Jerome, in the criminal courts building,
Is a plain cardboard sign, says an ex
change. It says: "Open game." The slga
Is a souvenir of one of the district attor
ney's raids on gambling houses. The little
piece of cardboard was posted for a num-
! btr of years over a poker table In a well
' known gambling house and it informed
I the patrons of the house that he who had
the price to buy a "stack" could sit In if
there was a vacant staU
Secretary Shaw Is said to have been of
fered the presidency of a trust company.
There's Something tangible In that.
If ths author of ''Everybody Works Put
Father" makes $10,000 out of his sons, as
predicted. It Is certainly the haul of fame.
Thomas Lowry, the Twin City traction
king, has purchased and presented to
Minneapolis fhe fnmnus old Lincoln car.
which was an Omaha relic until two years
Vnder the will of the late Frank Harvey
Cellley of Boston a bequest of $70,000 Is left
to the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology for the equipment and maintenance
of the proposed Walker memorial building
of the Institute.
William M. Ivlns, who has been nomi
nated by the republicans for mayor of Now
Tork, Is a lawyer, author and publicist. Ho
Is about 65 years of age. When William R.
Grace was mayor of New York Mr. Iv!n
was his official secretory.
One of the New York banks has adopted a
most stringent rule against the use of In
toxicants by Its employes. Every man In
the service of the bank has been required
tn sign an agreement that he will not even
enter any place where Intoxicants are sold.
William Klngaley, who was born In Ire
land In 1783 and fought with Nelson at Tra
falgar, Is now living at the age of 122 near
Bloomflehl. Mo. He fought In the Crlnvm
war, assisted In the taking of Sebnstopol
and In this country fought In the Mexican
and civil wars.
William Keating Is saving his board and
$10 a day for ten days in the New York
county Jail. He was fined $100 In the court
of special sessions for running an auto
mobile at the rate of fifty miles an hour In
Riverside avenue. He had the option of a
fine of $100 or ten days in jail. He chose the
rrartlce Common with Railroads De
nounced by Spokesman.
Baltimore American.
The most Inveterate opponent of rail
way rate legislation must admit that the
address of President Samuel Spencer, of
the Southern railway, to the Newark
Board of Trade, Is more impassioned than
convincing. Whatever may be said of the
advocacy of rate legislation by President
Roosevelt, no one can fairly assert that
It Is not sincere or that it in any sense
savors of demagoglsm. Those organiza
tions which practically represent the en
tire shipping class of the country are pro
nouncing In favor of this legislation, un
less they happen to belong to the favored
To denounce rate legislation as "com
mercial lynch law" must keenly concen
trate attention upon the causes which
have led to all this discussion. If the
railroads themselves had never engaged In
commercial lynching the Interstate Com
merce commission would never have been
conceived, and there would now be no dis
cussion of extension of the powers of
that body. Railway managers have ad
mitted discrimination In favor of certain
shippers. They have admitted charges
for short hauls out of all proportion to
those for long hauls, and other discrepan
cies in rates of a varied character have
been confessed by railway officials which
are absolutely antagonistic to the prin
ciple of fair play. If not to the "funda
mental principles of Anglo-Saxon Jurispru
dence," which are so dear to .the heart of
President Spencer.
But let railway managers take heart of
grace. There Is not a desire In the mind
of anyone to Injure the railroads. Those
v ho Vslieve In such legislation would re
lieve the railroads from that bondage to
other corporations to which the managers
have confessed. In any event, there can
be no harm in submitting the matter to
congress at a time when it may be calmly
discussed In the new light which has been
recently thrown upon the question. The
house of the last congress passed a bill,
which was not satisfactory to Itself, with
out discussion, and merely for the pur
pose of shunting the problem over to the
senate. The proposition will be temper
ately considered In all Its phases, and
President Spencer will have full oppor
tunity to elaborate upon his theory of
lynch law. It may be predicted in ad
vance that President Roosevelt will be
satisfied with what he looks upon as a
square deal for all sides to the contro
Antl-Amerlean In Porto Rico.
Harper's Weekly.
If we wefit no farther into details than
the broad general fact of the present at
titude toward us of the people of Porto
Rico, as compared with their attitude when
we first came among them, a strong pre
sumption would be established, not only
that things had been going radically wrong
In some way, but that responsibility for
the wrong rested. In some degree at least,
upon our own shoulders. There Is now
sweeping over this Island a wave of anti-
Americanism too Intense and too wide
spread to be accounted for by any of the
standard explanations of Porto Rlcan dis
content. If discontent alone, in however Intense
a form, fully covered. In broad character
isation, tha state of mind of the people
here, then those standard explanations
might suffice. But, unfortunately, an
analysis of Porto Rlcan sentiment toward
American administration of the Island
yields elements less agreeable than even
the most aggravated forms of discontent.
Disintegrated into its component parts, we
find liberated from Forto Rlcan antl-Amer-Icanism
a very considerable quantity of
disgust and just about an equal amount
of contempt.
You walk with
her, you rock her,
you give her sugar,
you try aM kinds
of things!
But she coughs
all through the long
night, just the same !
No need spending another
night this way. Just a dose
or two of Ayers Cherry
Pectoral will soothe the
throat, quiet the cough, insure a good night's rest.
Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your
keeping this remedy in the house, ready for these
night coughs of the children. Doctors have the
formula. They know all about this medicine.
jtsde by tfc. I O. At Oe . Lev
Aim sbuiftutarrs or
ATYI'8 Vint TIOOB-Por te Uir.
AIKa't sUAaAPaklttA-rM tse klood.
nail the Remedy.
Diliiiffrt News.
There is, unfortunately, only tno much
reason to credit the statements of James
M. Reck, special counsel for the Mutus'
Life Insurance company, when he cotn
nlnins that the Insnrnnre rnrnnraelons are
blackmailed and sandbagged by state legis
latures. The publlo is prepared to sdmlt
that corruption Is rife In many of these
bodies and to take Its own share of the
blame for this condition. It may be
readily believed, also, that the companies
In their dealings with the legislatures have
fi.r their chief object not the purchase of
favorable legislation, but the prevention
of legislation adverse to their Interests,
Mr. Beck continues:
"Censure If you will the hapless passen
ger In a stagecoach who puts a premium
upon robbery by surrendering some part
of his valuables rather than be killed, but
let our stern moralists visit their greatest
condemnation upon the legislative high
waymen who hold up these great business
Interests and, above all. upon an Indifferent
people who clothe these highwaymen with
the power to hold up their victims."
Mr. Beck's metaphor Implies that the
life-insurance companies have been meet
ing the legislative plunderers upon their
own terms. They have yielded to tho
demands made upon them. Accepting his
view that tlfey were forced to this ex
tremity in self-defense, what have they
been doing toward remedying bad condi
tions? Their proper course, plainly, lay
In taking active measures to bring about
the detection and exposure of the high
waymen and to stimulate a popular move
ment for legislative reform.
It doos not appear that the life Insurance
companies have taken this course. Subject
to the predatory attacks of lawbreakers,
they not only have submitted to be robbed,
hut have fulled to exert ' themselves for
the apprehension of the robbers. They
have fought corruption with the weapons
of corruption, Instead of aiding and guid
ing the public In efforts to extirpate It.
That corporations should be subjected to
blackmailing operations Is Infamous, of
course. But the way for them to protect
themselves Is by moving against the black
mailers, not by silently submitting to the
extortion and thus encouraging It. Busi
ness considerations apart, these companies
are under lcgul and moral obligation to
lend their Influence toward destroying the
corruption of the legislatures. When they
have taken this stand the apology Mr.
Beck offers on their behalf will carry much
more force and conviction than It does
at present.
First Broker-Dropping a million vester
day didn't seem to disturb Smallfunds a
Second Broker No; he tells me his wife
Ms had a pretty good week at bridge.
j-juusiuu nromcie.
"Do preacher wuzn't feelln nn1 In.
meet in' day, an' he made de stove preach de
"Made de stove preach?"
"Yes made It redhot fum top ter bottom
an' den tol' do sinners ter take a good look
at It an' go tnr thlnkin'!" Atlanta Consti
tution. New Englander fvlsltlng In Kansas) Why
don't you raise punklns out here?
Kansan We tried It, but the soil Is too
rich for 'em. The vines grew so- fast thnt
the punklns got all skinned up draggln'
over the ground. Judge.
Columbus was arguing that tha world
was round.
"Otherwise," he declared, "some woman
would certainly have made the four corners
cosey ones."
Clearly convinced Ferdinand withdrew his
opposition, New York Tribune.
"Some grocers." remarked the customer,
"have an- offhand way of weighing sugar,
but I notice you're not one ot them-" : '
"Offhand wayT Kow do you mean?"
asked the grooer.
"I noticed yon kept your hand on the
scales Just now while you measured nut
that five pounds for Bae." Detroit Fres
Old Hunks was paying; his gas bill, which
amounted to $?.Co.
"It's only about half what I thought It
would be," he said. "I guess your Inspector
must have made a mistake."
"Well. If that's so," the cashier answered,
"we'll even It up with you next month."
"Not much!" chuckled old Hunks. "Not
with me. I've sold the place." Chlcugo
New York Sun.
Blithely the candidate
Puffs his cigar.
Making each iiandy date;
Bright Is his star!
Fame why the fist of hel
Points at him straight.
Jlmlny Christopher,
isn't It great!
Mark with what fluency
Rolls his address.
Wise constituency
I. ikes It, I gtn.'FS.
After strong passages
Comes the glad newst
Acres of sausages,
Oceans of booze.
Fame, with a toss of her
Head, leads the way;
Barroom philosopher
Simply gets gay
Drinking the health of him
Gladly 'mid cheers
Swiftly the wealth of hint
Melts into beers.
Tickling his vanity
Innocent soul!
And with urbanity
"Touching" his "roll."
Graft for the cityful,
Signing the check,
Every committee full
Up to the neck.
Henchmen say breezily
That he will win;
Then, oh, so easily,
"Touch" him' again.
Still though he's cheerily
Moving about.
Oft he asks wearily:
Will it pan out?
ArSR'S PIM 8 For aesstiMMca.
AIkk'8 A0U CUKa-Vw ualaru SJ V-