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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, lf03. S LINCOLN EXPECTS k CROWD Indications Are Hurt Will Be Largt Atteidanct at Pristi Oonfmi. BANKERS UNION TO IE GIVEN LICENSE One Mere Death, tram Fever at the Hospital for the Insane, bat Other Patients Are All Dolaar Well. (From a 8ta(T Correspondent.) MNCOLN, Oct. 17 (8peclal Letters are et i 1 1 pouring In on the local committee which In In charge of the arrangement fur the rare of visitors and delegates to the National Prison congress, which be gins Its session Saturday night and the hotels will be taxed to the uttermost to take csre of the crowds. A reception wilt be tendered the visitors Immediately after the first session 8a turd ay evening and everyone Is cordially Invited to attend this as well a the sessions of the conference. Judge M. B, Reese, chairman of the local committee, wlU call the congress to order and the meeting will be opened with prayer by Rev. J. E. Tuttle, D. D. Gov ernor John II. Mickey will deliver an ad dress of welcome on the part of the staie end he will be followed by an address of welcome by Mayor Francis W. Brown. Oneral R. Brlnkerhoft of Mansfield, O., will deliver the response to the addresses of welcome. He. will be followed by Al bert Garvin, warden of the etate prison, WetherHeld, Conn., president of the na tional association. Others will be invited to make short talks. Xo Decision In Primary rase. It was expected the supreme court would hand down an opinion today on the pri mary election law case from Douglas county, but It failed to do so. Rnnkers I nlon to Ret License. President Spinney of fhe Banker's Union of the World will get his license to do business In Nebraska providing he deposits In the mortuary fund, which Auditor Bearle claims Is short that amount. The proposition was sent to President Spinney today by Auditor Soarle with the further demand that he promise to keep the varl ous funds of the order separated In the future. One More Death from KeTer. Miss Emogene Schumacher Is the second victim of typhoid fover at the Insane hospital here, she having died last night. Miss Schumacher was one of the first to be attacked by the disease and was a nurse employed in the' institution at the time She was 21 years of age and came here from Omaha where her mother lives. The latter came to Lincoln this morning and took the Body to Minneapolis for burial. Superintendent Greene has been conduct Ing an Investigation to discover the origin of the fever and It Is now about estab lished that It came from one of the reser voirs. This accounted for the general spread of the fever, patients In various portions of the building, being effected. Of course, when the first case was discovered the reservoir, the sewer and the entire water system was thoroughly cleaned, but the damage had already been done. The other patients are reported doing as well as could be expected. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society The Women's Foreign Missionary society for the states of Nebraska. Kansas, Colo rado, Texas, Wyoming, South Dakota and the territories of Oklahoma and Arizona, concluded a four days' session here this evening. The following officers were elected: President. Mrs. H. Imboden. Wichita. Kan.; corresponding secretary): Miss Ella Watson; .;LlnooWr'retrrecordlng secretary, Mrs. J, . P..' Madlsqn.. .Manhattan, Kan.; treasurer, Mrs. A. M. Davis, Lincoln, Neb.; secretary of young people's works. Mrs. C. K. Rlneker, Llnroln, Neb.; secretary of children's works. Miss Susie B. Sweet. To- peku; secretary of literature, Mrs. Alma Piatt, Wichita. Mrs. Imboden was named as a delegate to the executive council, which meets In New York City. Xormal Students Complain. The students attending the Kearney Nor mal school and who live In the dormitory are up in arms against the quality of food served In the dormitory and have made complaint to the State Normal board. Such Is the report that has reached Lincoln today, but It cannot be confirmed by the minority merrbers of the board because they know nothing of It. Consequently the complaints are supposed to have reached the executive committee or the majority faction of the board. It Is known, however, that Chairman Ludden and Mem ber Delxell of the board have both visited the dormitory to look Into the complaints, but what kind of a report they have made Doctored for Four Months and Tried Nearly Everything, but Could Get Only Temporary Relief Better from First and SPEEDILY CURED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES " My left hand was almost covered with a large red sore which would itch terribly. I doctored with it four montlis, also tried everything I could think of, but I would only have tem porary relief. A competent physician of Kansas City ghook his head and eaid,"It looks bad." Then a friend told me of Cuticura, and as 1 had tried o much, I thought I might as well try that too, and 1 bought a set of Cuti rura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent. Just three days and nights after 1 had taken the first dose, the inflammation had all gone from the sore; and when 1 had taken three bottles and a half of Resolvent, my hand was all well. "It gives me pleasure to tell you of this, and if any one wishea to write to me personally, I shall be glad to answer. I am never tired of speaking; well of the Cuticura Remedies, (signed) Mrs. Wm. I'ockel, 11H34 State St., Chicago, 111., May 26, li5." STILL ANOTHER CURE Face Covered with Pimples and Sores. 5kln Now Clear. " My face was all broken out with Eimplea and sorea. I used Cuticura oap and Cuticura Ointment for two months and was completely cured. My face is in splendid shape now. Cuti cura Soap and Ointment are splendid for healing all kinds of face pimples and scree. I am glad to recommend them, for they were a great boon to me. I know hundreds that it has cured in Scotland, where I came from it is world wide, (signed) David Macau ley, R. K. D. No. 6, Sullivan, lad., May 20. 1905. " OmrUtt 1 aas lataraal TntktMt n tmry laur, mom rurm m Strafe, fraa lataacj U An, iiiiit-Iti Caucu Su. UUumM, , M- ml Mi. mt k. h4 W ll r..W , aM M ... .m, liru Cham 1 ,! rro.. Sni live I aaa!." III,' Wl w vn. MBit TC1G SHE OH HMDS to the executive committee Is not obtain able. It Is said on good authority, however. that Mr. Delzell agreed with the students that they were not getting their money's worth and that things would have to change or a new superintendent of the dormitory would be Installed. He is re ported to have said the case Is one of bad management Instead of an effort on the part of the superintendent to make money off of the students. The board has placed a manager In charge of the dormitory and the latter furnishes the board and charged the students so much a week. Woodman Case Postponed. The case wherein the state Is trying to compel the county clerk of Douglas county to spread the assessment of the reserve fund of the Woodmen of the World over the records and Include It In the assessment of that order's property has been continued to November S. The case was to have come up today, but went over. strode Argrnes Traction Cases. City Attorney Strode had to argue two cases Involving the collection of the taxes due from the traction company. In one of which cases he argued for the legality of the proposition of the city council to com promise the taxes for IW.OOO, while In the other he argued on the opinion of Judge Cornish regarding the receivership of the company. Mr. Strode has contended that the traction company should have to pay something like $102,000 in back taxes, but his argument for the IW.000 compromise today is not Inconsistent with his other arguments. The time for the compromise has passed, but he wants the legality of the proposition passed upon. When the council agreed to settle for the lesser amount Dr. Farnam secured an Injunction to prevent the compromise. Wants Old Fort Preserved. Adjutant General Culver tomorrow will go to Falrbury and address the state meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion and he will give to the members of the organization some Interesting bits of his tory of old Fort Kearney, which he has been gathering for some time. This Is a pet theme of General Culver and he Is now making nn effort to get the people Inter ested In the old fort to preserve It as It Is, either by popular subscription or by legisla tive enactment. The grounds are stilt welt marked and the trees are still there, as In the old days, as are the walks and marks of the buildings. The land upon which the fort Is located Is owned by an old soldier, who Is keeping It Intact, but General Cul ver Is of the opinion that the state should own the property or that It should be bought and made Into a park. Women Work Too Lonar. 1 Deputy Labor Commissioner Bush has re turned from North Platte, where he went several days ago to Inspect some fire-escapes, and at once started an Investigation of the violations of the female labor laws In Lincoln. While no formal complaints have been filed with the department It has been reported that in several millinery stories In town the young women employes were compelled to work more than ten hours a day and Mr. Bush will take action. Today he posted notices in a number of places calling attention to the law, and if any violations are discovered he will start prosecutions against the offenders. Governor Lays Cornerstone. Governor Mickey is at Exeter today lay ing the cornerstone of the Methodist church to be erected there and delivering the ad dress. The day is a holiday for the town and many visitors from other places were expected to be in attendance. GRAND ISLAND MAS 19 MISSING Wife Offers Reward for Information of Roy Baker, a Hotel Cook. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Oct. 17. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Blanche. Baker of this city is nearly frantic over tha mysterious disap pearance of her husband on October 8, since which time she has not heard a word from him. Baker was cook at the Jamleson hotel. He left on Sunday afternoon about 2 o'clock, taking with him 1150 In money He had not given his wife the least Inti mation of Intending to go away, was secure In his position and had never, Mrs. Baker states, had an unpleasant word at home. He was not a drinking man and had always spent his evenings and other spare hours with her and their 1-year-old baby. Before leaving he asked his wife if she wanted to take care of the money, she replying that she did not. If he was not to be gone long. He said he would not be and took it with him. Mrs. Baker Is left penniless. Baker's first name Is Roy. He weighs 200, is above five feet ten in height, is fair, with dark hair and largo brown eyes. His hair was short, having had his head shaved during the last summer. He has a slight scar un der one ear. He Is a cook or waiter by trade. Mrs. Baker has made one useless trip to Lincoln In quest of him. The fam lly has lived here but eight months, com ing here from Lincoln and to Lincoln from McCook. A reward of $25 Is offered for In formation leading to absolute knowledge on the part of Mrs. Baker as to where her husband Is. Mrs. Baker attempted suicide this morn ing by taking morphine, but doctors re vived her. Her relatives In Salt Lake have been advised. JIHY in the: chamberlain cask Jadae Overrules Several Motions Made by the Defendant.- AUBURN, Neb., Oct. 17. (Special.) The case Of the State against Charles M. Cham berlain was culled this morning, Judge Good of Wahoo presiding. The defendant, by counsel, asked leave to withdraw the plea of not guilty and file a plea In abatement, which motion was denied. The defendant then asked leave to withdraw plea of nut guilty and file a demurrer to the lnforma tlon, which was also denied. The defend ant then filed a plea In bar claiming that the former conviction of embeszlement only was an acquittal of the charges In the in formation of abstracting the funds of the bank and misappropriating the same. The court overruled the plea. Defendunt then moved the court to conipell the state to elect upon which charge It would put the defendant on trial. This motion the court has under consideration. The court is now engaged in empaneling a jury. Bellevue Hopes for Street Cars. BKLLEVl'E. Neb., Oct. 17. (Speclal.) The special committee appointed by the Commercial club to confer with the Omaha Street Railway company have had several meetings with the company ands as a result they succeeded In getting It to send out its engineer to look over the route of entrance Into Bellevue. The engineer spent most of the day yesterday In surveying and looking over the route. The committee Is very much encouraged over its work and is hopeful of the results. Bis Price for Farm Land. WEST POINT, Neb., Oct. 17. (Special.) The record price, up to date, for Cuming county farm land was reached In the sale last week of the Anton Psota farm, lying just west of this city, for the sum of U'O per acre. Schlnstock Bros., the noted stock men of West Point, were the purchasers. The tract consists of JOO acres of bottom land. The improvements are of the ordi nary character, but the land is exception ally fertile. Barllaa-ton Brakaaaas, Killed. P LA TT8 MOUTH, Neb.. Oct. !7.-(Speclal Telegram.) While James . Kirkendall, a Burlington switchman at Pacific Junction, was attempting to make a coupling about J 10 u' clock lat evening, h llpped and fell THE ROOT OF THE MATTER He Cared Himself of Merlons stomach Troahles by Gettlnsr Down to First Principles. A man of large affairs In one of our prominent eastern cities, by too close atten tion to business, too little exercise and too many club dinners, finally began to pay nature's tax, levied In the form of chronic stomach trouble; the failure of his diges tion brought about a nervous Irritability, making It Impossible to apply himself to his dally business and finally deranging his kidneys and heart. In his own words, he says: "I consulted one physician after another and each one seemed to understand my case, but, all the same, they each failed to bring about the return of my former digestion, appe tite and vigor. For two years I went from pillar to post, from one sanitarium to an other. I gave up smoking, I quit coffee nd even renounced my dally glass or two of beer, without any marked Improvement. 'Friends had often advised me to try a well known proprietary medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and I had often pe rused the newspaper advertisements of the remedy, but never took any stock in ad vertised medicines nor could believe a fifty-cent patent medicine would touch my case. 'To make a long story short. I finally bought a couple of packages at the nearest drug store and took two or three tablets after each meal and occasionally a tablet between meals, when I felt any feeling of nausea or discomfort. "I was surprised at the end of the first week to note a marked improvement in my ppetlte and general health, and before tho two packages were gone I was certain that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets was going to cure completely, and they did not disap point me. I can eat and sleep and enjoy my coffee and cigar, and no one would suppose I had ever known the horrors of dyspepsia. "Out of friendly curiosity I wrote to the proprietors of the remedy asking for In formation as to what the tablets contained, and they replied that the principal In gredients were aseptic pepsin (government test), malt diastase and other natural di gestives, which digest food regardless of the condition of the stomach." The root of the matter Is this, the diges tive elements contained In Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets will digest the food, give the overworked stomach a chance to re cuperate and the nerves and whole sys tem to receive the nourishment which can only come from food. Stimulants and nerve tonics never give real strength; they give fictitious strength. Invariably followed by reaction. Every drop of blood, every nerve and tissue is manufactured from our dally food, and if you can Insure its prompt action and complete digestion by the reg- ular use of so good and wholesome a rem edy as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, you will have no need for nerve tonics and sani tariums. Although Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been In the market only a few years, prob ably every druggist In the United Slates, Canada and Great Britain now sells them and considers them the most popular and successful of any preparation for stomach trouble. under a car and was so badly crushed that he died two hours later. 'Leaves a wife and one son. JIRT HAS PARKER Ml'RDER CASE Jodie Instructs Asralnst First and Second Degree Murder. FENDER, Neb., Oct. 17. (Special Tele gram.) The case of Sam Parker, charged with the killing of Andrew Johnson, both Omaha Indians, has been In court the last three days. At the conclusion of this trial the Jury was instructed by Judge Graves to eliminate the first and second degrees of murder, and, if the evidence was sufficient, to find the accused guilty of manslaughter. The head, which was decapitated at the coroner's Inquest, was not brought Into court as such evidence would be revolting to the community. The testimony of the two physicians In the case was deemed suf ficient. There were numerous witnesses in this case. Injuries Prove Fatal. SEWARD, Neb., Oct. 17. (Special.) Lee Allen, the young man who was Injured by jumping from a stack onto a pitchfork a week ago at Pleasant Dale, died from his Injuries. The funeral took place yester day from his late home. News of Nebraska. BEATRICE Marie Cox, daughter of the lato Henry Cox, who wns burled yesterday, died today of typhoid fever. WEST POINT The new Roman Catholic church in St. Charles will be dedicated next Sunday morning with elaborate and appro priate ceremonies. BEATRICE J. C. Emery has purchased the residence of J. M. Miller at 1321 Ella street. Mr. Miller, who Is a traveling man, will locate In Hastings. BEATRICE Mrs. 8. J. Weaverllng has sold her farm of WO acres near tiarneston to Peter Weir for tiA per acre. This land was purchased twenty years ago for Jtt an acre PLATTSMOUTH William J. Doty has commenced suit to secure a divorce from his wife on the grounds of desertion. They were married in Wayne county, Ohio, April 22. 1896. HUMBOLDT The condition of Mrs. O. A. Cooper, who was so Beverely burned about six weeks ago, has within the lust few days become somewhat alarming to family and inenus. WEST POINT Very Rev. Joseph Rue sing, rector of the Cathollu church in West Point, has been very seriously ill with a nervous disorder, but is now slowly re covering. WEST POINT J. L. Baker of Omaha has purchased a half lntereHt In the lumber ami grain business of Edward Albright of iteemer. the firm name being Baker & Albright. Hl.'MHOLDT The September mortgage record for Richardson county Is as follows; Farm, filed, 14, Hd.XH3.7if; released, 18, 3U,!)75. City, filed, 7, i.6oii.75; released, 9, il.i'.a. Chattel, tiled, to, tib.tXi.M; released, t6, fci,u3o.:;3. BEATRICE Diphtheria has made Its ap pearance in the city again, a case being leponeu in uie lamny or unaries J. Btory, local manager for tiie Singer Sewing Ma chine company. There has been one case of typhoid lever the past week. BEATRICE The Matinee Music club held its first meeting of the Beason In the Horary building this afternoon. Some of the leading musicians of the city appeared on the program, the subject for the after noon being "Women Composers." FAIRUl'RY Henry liansmere of Buckley precinct was yesterday appointed county commissioner to fill Uie office left vacant by the death of Joseph D. Mcl.'ord. Mr. Hans lime Is a prosperous farmer and has been a resident of the county for over thirty yea is. WEST POINT-Albert Radler, whose left foot was cut off by a passenger train about ten days ago, is recovering from the shock of the uccldent und the consequent opera tion. Irs. Thompson and Summers have amputated the leg a short distance below the knee. BEATRICE The prohibitionists of Gage county held their convention here this aft ernoon and nominated the following ticket: Treasurer, J. 11. Von Steen; clerk, J. C. XicetXe OLIVE OIL For the tables of those who discriminate. - AT ALL GBOOER3 jT Itrlnkworth; register of deeds, George Drake; sheriff, George Harrum; coroner, C J. Sylvester. BEATRICE Tim gathering of the sec ond crop of strawberries and graies In this vicinity wns equalled, If not surpassed, yesterday when B. H. Oden, a resident of this city, ricked 1S rle pumpkins from one vine. For productive soil Gage county has few If any equals. HUMHOIJJT A few morning" since when Mrs. diaries 1-arrabee, wlfp of a farmer living south of the city, went to move her 6 months' old Infant Into Its crib she found the little one dead, It having died some time in the night without a struggle. Tho child had not been very strong. BEATRICE Manager Edwards of the Beatrice Electric company yesterday put a force of men to work constructing the lines for the new city lights. Before the lights are turned on a new dynamo will be Installed, which will add one-third to the cspaclty of the electric, plant. TEKAM AH The Burt county republican central committee met at Decatur yester day and filled the , following vacancies: John F. Shults, supervisor of the Fifth dis trict; Frank Hansen, supervisor of the the Seventh district. No man was nominated for the First and Third districts. BEATRICE There Is a movement on foot here to give a general complimentary reception and musical at the Paddock Opera house In the very near future In honor of Dr. G. W. Crofts, the poet preacher, and Mrs. Crofts before their de parture for their new home at West Point, Nab. PLATTSMOUTH Alexander Hunter and Alexander Black were arrested last even ing on the chronic Inebriate net and ex amined last evening by tne Board of In sanity. They will be taken to the asylum for Insane In Lincoln tomorrow for treat ment. These make four cases from Cass county. AUBURN District court convened this morning, being the regular fall term of court, with Judge B. F. Good, of Wahoo, Neb., presiding. Some Important cases will come up this term, among which Is the Charles W. Chambers' defaulting case of Tecumseh, Neb., which was brought to Au burn on a change of venue. HUMBOLDT Charles A. Gore, the mer chant who Is shipping his stock to Colo rado, met with quite a loss a few days since when ho laid down his pocketbook containing nearly $Jfl0 and has since been unable to find It. Mr. Gore remembers us ing his purse once or twice, but can not re call the last place and has given up find ing It. HUMBOLDT A special train over the Burlington from the northwest yesterday morning brought In nearly ,(K) head of sheep for Power Bros., local buyers and feeders. The shipment came from Wyom ing and will bo added to their invoice of lo,m recently purchased In New Mexico. Prospects are that many of the farmers hereabouts will handle sheep this winter. TECUMSEH John L. Sherman of 433 South Eleventh street, Lincoln, yesterday bought the grocery business of C. S. Fergu son In this city, together with Mr Fergu son's residence. Mr. Sherman will move his family to this city this week. The storo Mr. Sherman bought was formerly his prop erty, he having sold out to Mr. Ferguson several months ago and moved his family to Lincoln. He was not satisfied with the capital city. AUBURN Miss Bertha Cicle was found unconscious at her home in this city Sat urday evening and died in a short while. Miss Cicle, who was a sister of Mrs. J. S. Stull of this city, has lived alone for a long time. Friday she visited her sis ter and left in apparently good health. The cause of her death is not positively known, but Is supposed to have been liver trouble. Miss Cicle was 6H years old at the time of her death. The funeral will take place Wednesday. DAKOTA CITY John N. Peysen, the erstwhile mayor of old Covington, today had a warrant Issued for Pete Paul alias "Shot Gun Pete," charging him with as sault and battery. The assault occurred lust Saturday evening in the saloon of Bill Holllngsworth, In South Sioux City, and was a drunken brawl in which about half a dozen participated. During the melee "Shot Guns Pete" hit Peysen over the head with a revolver, knocking him down, and afterwards kicking him. TEKAMAH The populists of this county held their convention yesterday with a very small attendance. The following are the nominees: J. B. Healea, treasurer; Frank Roth, county clerk; Burn Swanson, sheriff; Edith C. Nelson, superintendent; Roy Thomas, surveyor; J. W. Patterson, Judge; Dr. N. P. Hansen, coroner; W. J. lsgrlg, supervisor of the First district; A. H. Gil bert, supervisor of the Third district; F. 8. Brokaw, supervisor of the Seventh dis trict; Henry Mpwrer, supervisor of the Fifth district. ALBION The case or, F. M. Sackett against J. E. Green la-jiow on trial lt the district court. This Is lui action wherein the plaintiff sues the defendant for ma licious prosecution, growing out of the case where the defendant in this action was prosecuting witness in a liquor chb where the plaintiff was arrested for having In his possession liquor for Illegal sale. Sackett was acquitted In the original action "arid other parties were arrested and convicted of tho offense. Sackett now brings this ac tion, asking for a5,UX) dE mages, and yes terday was consumed In securing a Jury. LAND FENCING INVESTIGATION Federal Grand Jury at Sioux Falls Starts Probe in Many Directions. 8IOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct. 17.-(Speclal.) The regular term of United States court convened here today with Judge John E. Carland presiding. The term will be the most Important held In South Dakota since last spring, for the reason that not since the April term In this city has a grand Jury been summoned. The grand Jury reported today and, after being charged by Judge Carland, retired to commence work on the large amount of business which will come before it. There are between seventy-five and eighty cases to be disposed of during the term, which promises to last for several weeks. About 200 witnesses have been summoned to testify in the various cases. Among the Important cases to come be fore the grand Jury are those against the following cattlemen and ranchers of Stan ley county, who are charged with the il legal fencing of government land: John H. White, Cyrus H. Molyneaux, Richard W. Matthieson, Fred H. Sears, F. Edward Ol ney, Charles Smith, John Meeker, H. A. Scovel, Albert Scovet, George Porch, Mrs. Esther J. Currle, Oscar F. Lawrence, Floyd D. Headlee, William Caton, Henry Schacht. A similar case Is pending against George H. McPherson, a well known stock man of Pennington county. Another Interesting case is that agalnBt Joseph Doody, who Is charged with per Jury. The defendant made homestead en try No. 6002 at the United States land of' flee at Rapid City. He submitted final proof on the entry, the proof showing that Doody had resided on and cultivated eighty acres of the land. An Investigation was made by Special Agent W. C. Hlntze of the general land office, who made a report to the effect that Doody had never resided on the land and that he had made no cul tivation. As the result of this report Doody was arrested by the United States authori ties on the charge of perjury. He is a resident of Butte county. A similar case is pending against George Coy of Fall River county. Coy has been In trouble before, having served a terra in the Sioux Falls penitentiary for con ducting an Illicit still in Fall River county. The present case against Coy is in connec tion with the homesteadlng of government land. Some time ago he made a home stead entry at the United States land office at Alliance, Neb., making final proof and receiving a final receipt from the government officials. He attempted to again use his homestead rights In the Rapid City district. In western South Da kota, and swore to a statement that he had never before used his homestead rights. The information against Coy was sworn out by P. R. Wadsworth, a special agent of the general land office. Hoot to Cure Corns and Bunions. First, soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften It; then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain s Ialn Balm twice dally, rubbing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn a few days to protect It from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism. Pain Balm Is unequaled. Hanglao- at Ulsmarek. BISMARCK, N. IX, Oct. 17.-Protesting his innocense to the last Juhn R'inmy wu hanged today for the murdui- vt Harold sweet iu August 3, mi. House suffer from flammation and ulceration of the womb and ovaries cause fearful bearing down pains which are aggravated by much standing on tho feet, and lifting necessary in house work. But let no woman despair of relief from this torture. That famous tonic reconstructor of diseased or disordered female organism, LydiaLKnlihanfs Vegetable Compound has cured more than one million American Women, and It will cure you. When monthly periods are painful or Irregular, when back aches and headaches drive out all ambition, Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound will bring back health, strength, and happiness. It Me New Life a.rvd Vigor Dear Mm. Pinkmam: Last spring, while we were moving. I did considerable more work than my strength permitted, and, having mental trouble at the same time, my health broke down completely and I found myself unable to rest or eat. My nerv ous system became shattered and 1 was pale and emaciated and had to take to my bed. My sister advised me to try Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, and, although 1 had no faith in patent medicines, I was so miserable that I would take any thing for relief, I found that it made a complete change for the better. Inducing appe tite and restful sleep and Imparting new life and vigor to my entire system. I gained nearly fourteen pounds, my complexion looked fresh and clear, and my best friends were surprised and pleased at the change and could hardly credit the fact that Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound had accomplished it. Honora Lillian Henry. 1118 31st Ave., South, Seattle, Wash. Director Seattle Dramatic Club. Do not let disease make headway. Write at once to Mrs. Pink ham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and will contain Information of . great value to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail LABEL ON CHI PRINTING TJilon Mark Called for in Coitrsot witk Zlopp & Bartlett. FIGHT THREATENED ON THIS SCORE Firm llavlntr Surrendered Lbel I'nlon Men Declare Titer Will Test Matters Klupp Sore of Victory, ( Whether or not the Klopp & Bartlett company can continue to do the city prim ing under a valuable contract that does not expire until next year. Inasmuch as that shop Is now "open" and has surrendered the union label, is a question that the Typographical union announces It will raise as part of the fight against the present lockout by the Typothetae. Attorneys for the union have been going over the matter carefully, but it Is likely a demand will be made on the mayor and council to declare the contract forfeited before any measures are taken in court. Tom Klopp of the printing company, which for years has done all the city print ing and furnished stationery and supplies of this kind, says he has no fear but the contract can be maintained and enforced despite the lack of the union label. He points out neither his contract nor the ad vertisement from the old Advisory board calling for bids early in 1906 says anything about the union label. In January, 1899, the council adopted a resolution which reads: That from and after this date all printing and lithographing done for the city of Omaha shall bear the label or imprint of the Allied Printing Trades council, and that all advertisements for bids for such work shall specify such requirement. "Contentions like this have been litigated In the courts of other states and won in variably by the employer," said Mr. Klopp. "I shall do nothing about It until the union starts something. This morning City Clerk Elbourn gave me an order for 350 election proclamations and other matter." Forty Work Instead of Seventy-Five. Employers declared Tuesday morning mat anout tony nonunion printers are working In the place of seventy-five union printers locked out of eight of the largest Job printing offices. CHICAGO PH1.VTEKS AHK KJOIF.D Supreme Court I p holds Order Issued by Lower Court Last Week. CHICAGO, Oct. 17. The Injunction Issued last week restraining Typographical union No. 16 from interfering with members of the Chicago Typothetae during the present strike, by picketing or otherwise, was sus tained today by Judge Holdout in the su perior court in a decision which classes the attempts of the Typographical union to enforce a contract lor an eight-hour day and for a closed shop upon the em ployers as unlawful In speaking of the demand for a contract for a closed shop and an eight-hour day, which brought about the present trouble between the union and the printing concerns, Judge Huldom said: "The foundation of the strike in this case is the union contract demanding a the closed shop and an eight-hour day the closed shop and an egiht-hour day s re unlawful when it Is attempted to force the employer to enter into it against his will." The injunction as It stands restrains the union and Its members from Interfering with the business or employes of the com plainant firms, cither by attempting to dis suade the employes from working or from sending out circulars to the customers of the firms asking them to boycott the strike-bound bouses. dueer catlous In stomach, back or bowels are signs of certain dangers which Electric Bitters are guaranteed to cure &0c. For sale by 8Ur mau Ik M'.Cuuuell Drug Co. Work Need Not Wear Her Out The drudgery of house work seems never ending to tlred-out, dispirited women who female complaints or Irregularities. In FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Partly Clondy In Nebraska Today and Tomorrow) Colder Today Fair and Colder In Iowa Today. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Forecast of the Weather for Wednesday and Thursday: For Nebraska Partly cloudy and colder Wednesday; Thursday, partly cloudy. For Iowa Fair and colder Wednesday; Thursday, fair, colder In east portion. For South Dakota Rain or snow Wednes day, colder In the west portion; Thursday, partly cloudy. For Wyoming Fair In the east, snow and colder In the west portion Wednesday; Thursday, fair In the west, snow and colder In the east portion. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER Bl'REAlT, OMAHA, Oct. 17. Ofticiul record of tem perature and precipitation compared with me i-ui rujtponaing any oi tne last three years. 1!6. V.H. 19. r2. Maximum temperature.... 48 "0 51 74 64 3S 62 W 44 64 Minimum temperature.... 4 Mean temperature 47' Precipitation 1.94 .Oti .00 .00 Temperature and nreelnitation denm-turna from the normal at Omaha since March 1 and comparisons with the last two years: Normal temperature C2 Deficiency for the day 6 Total excess since March 1, 1905 474 Normal precipitation 08 Inch Excess for the day 1. Winches Precipitation since March 1 24.21 inches Detlclency since March 1 2.99 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 19r4.... 3.67 Inches Excess for cor. period. 1903 S.28 Inches Reports from Statlous at 7 P. M. Station and State Tern. Max. Raln- or Weather. 7 p. m. Bismarck, clear 36 Cheyenne, clear 36 Chicago, partly cloudy 60 Davenport, cloudy 68 Denver, cloudy 42 Havre, snowing 'SI Helena, cloudy 14 Tern. fall. 38 .00 4-' .02 68 T 68 .24 42 T 32 .02 32 .26 40 T 72 T 48 T 48 .01 40 .0 72 .02 60 .06 62 .110 41 .) 46 .00 Huron, cloudy 36 Kaunas City, cloudy.. 56 44 47 4i 68 48 50 40 North Platte, cloudy... Omaha, cloudy Rapid City, cloudy St. I,ouls, ruining St. I'ajl. cloudy Knit Iake City, cloudy. aiontme, clear Willistnn, clear .v 34 T indicutes truce of nreelnitation. L,. A. WKI.AII, Local Forecaster. a . - . if Lownoys A J Chocolate Bonbons ff I Km a leputatioa behind kanditlt I money refunded. A guarantee (lip io 1 J I I each package ol hall-pound or more. 1 J I Bf jina punty oi materia it, actennnc j I rJyX 1 1 euctneat and tern pul out csre in prepai- C I '5 U ing make tKti guarantee pouible. I ! M X jk 77i i.vy rWasM sr full tttDU il I y B I V Tke Walter M. Uss.r Ce. M I Ts B , siaas. m I 7, VF77T7irVl rn '.ft ' : v. A I;. 1 i A Merit Is the Baala of the fiucoens of the "ONIMOD SHOES" Better materials, better workman ship and better stylos are the reasons for the great success of the "ONIMOD SHOES " Price's of the celebrated "ONIMOD SHOES" never vary always the same. $3.50 mid $2.50 SPECIAL We are the Omaha Agents for tho comfort-giving "DR. REED'8 Cl'SHION SOLE SHOES." Price, $5. Write for catalogue. Regent Shoe Co. 205 South 15th St. Weather Prophets and Medals You never hear of a weather prognosticates being spoiled ' With SUCCfHS. With the weather bo uncer tain, you can be certain that the uncertainty of the, weather won't worry you If you will be certain to got a MacCarthy Wilson Kaln Coat. Moreover when the weather la oertulu, the Haln Coat will look like a Fall Top Coat. Mude-for-you MacCarthy-VVll-aon Kaln Coats, $22.50 to $45. Overiouig and Sulla to meas ure, $20 to $45. Trousers and Vests to meas ure, $5 to $12. Open eveulugs until 9 o'clock. MacCarthyWiUoA Tailorinff Co., 3O4-30 8. 16th Bt. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phona 1WI PEmiYpOYAL PILLS P;-VT(r v' ""' U u tfHr4 inanr.Mr.un r.MULdats l at.l UI4 HMIl kuN mtf Siiwm SS4JiUm aa ImIi. I. Sb af ),u, iru,M. m r4 4. (. ' FarttoMLr, ul -RMf r l.Us '' ! r tmrw MalL. II.IH ImUmum. tWU ttf Drajiuu tkUkMtor I ImImI t- i aooara, raii.a ra i.a If; blrjS8aT) HFLP TO ADVERTISE OMAHA. end l ite XI e tit a war ft'rlcuds. .4