Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1905, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1905. Telephone 694. MTh want Ofknowl df I like a leak -a a constant ourca of loss." 1 But selling new goods at our (.ur moving will Be announced in Children's Hosiery We have a complete line of Ribbed Slck4figs for bo and girl, with triple nrf8, heels and toes, which are es pecially adapted (or the rough usage to ahlch children' hosiery la expoaed. They are soft, durable, elastic and fast lor." ' Light, medium or, heavy weight, 25c per pair. ' Children'! Bhawknlt Hose, fine ribbed black cotton, double soles, heels and toes, Xc a' pair or three pairs for $1.00. Mimes' , Black Lisle Hose, extra fine quality, spliced knees, heels and toes, 50c per pair. Infanta' Cashmere Hose, In black, whlto, pink ' and Iky, silk heel and toe, txtra good value at 35c per pair. New' Autumn Dress Gods More ; Beautiful Tfnn Ever. If we. could show lde by side the Dress Goods sold here at the same price sold elsewhere, we know which you would choose. . A passing' glance will tell you that the wool Is finer, the weave Is closer and the finish more lustrous than most goods sold elsewhere. Of great Importance to the shopper who want reliable Dress Ooods,, we wish to say we never sell cheap, trashy Dress Ooods simply be cauae they can be sold cheap. Dress Ooods V IHONPONPFI DFNcf,Q Y. M. G. A. Building, Cor. 16th and Douglas. Intended when It was appointed by the legislature and that the Investigation had assumed the proportions of an Inquisition. He waa asked by Senator Armstrong how he would conduct the Investigation and told that If he had better methods the commit tee would be glad to know of It. Mr. Mc Curdy thought that putting a witness under oath made him feel he was on the rack. He said his answers were published in a dis torted form, that appeared like an attempt to ruin him. Redaction of Dividends. After taking up the question of the reduc tion of dividends Mr. Hughes read a long list of, policy numbers, with the amounts of the face of the policy, what had been paid in and the dividends received by the policyholders. Asked What he had to say to these Mr. McCurdy said:, "Figures don't He, but liars can figure." He then hastily explained that he meant that facetiously and that he would be glad to verify the figures. The only explanation for a specific Instance of a reduction of dividends Mr. McCurdy gave was that he supposed the policyholder had a reduced rate policy. The legal expense', were, again referred to and a number of vouchers for the payment of various sums were read. It waa brought out that William Barnes, sr., of Albany had appeared before the committee In Al bany, last winter and had received $1,000 from the New York Life Insurance com pany. Later I) was brought out In a letter to Mr. MoCurdy from 'William Barnes,' Jr., that, Mr, Barnes, r.- was. under art annual retainer to the' Mutual Life Insurance com pany. ' - .' , LnneheS fot Clerks.' ' 1 Mr, Hughes aald that ft question had been raised concerning the money paid by the Mutual Life Insurance company for lunch- eons for Its. clerks. ' Yes," ' said , Mr, McCurdy, "the clerks were fed, Iwit the scrub women, elevator men mm pQnumrn m m, iru uy mo cum- puny. About M0 clerks are fed dally at a cost of 40 ent eacli." "Thera I a stock of" "wines kept In the building." asked Mr. Hughes. 'I don't believe that" '" Mr, Beck, "counsel for' the Mutual Life Insurance : company. Interrupted the ex. amlnatlpn ta state that When the French A . M'QBiln ' of Entertainment r f-iY9 adm'rera of Mo. VI, i LURE'S have culled Ufa 'lypbal man's maga $ ns," but no woman can fall to care fop such stories as "Tha Hlnje," by Mary Stewart C.uttlnj, and "A Dfaiid from tha Burning," by Guy Wetmora Carry! in tha Ootober number. . a B, McCLURE COMPANY. 44-60 East Ud Street NBW YORK Artistic Shocmaking. Comfort-Giving SIKl TRY AT THB WALK-OVER 1521 Farnam Street. CD. S. THOMPSON, "Tha Walk-Ovsr Man." Bee, October 17, 1905. Not Yet Moved old location, a few days. The exact date of bought here are al reliable kinds, from the very best manufactured. Note the pretty new fabrics below. You are In vited to look- over, for the asking. NEW "PKINCE89" AND- "OPERA" BROADCLOTH at the prices vou would not expect to find such beautiful fabrics. The new long coat suit for fall made from "Princess" or "Opera" Broadcloth will carry with It the stamp of e)'e and newness. . Bold exclusively In Omha by us. All colors and black, 11.00, fl o0' a yard. FINE IMPORTED GERMAN PRUNEL LAS Beautiful aoft texture, Hatlny In luster. Crush It In your hand not a wrinkle. That tells a quality. A full range of colors, Including , the season's newest shades, all colors and black, 7oc, $1.00. 11.26, 11.50 a yard. HANDSOME NEW ALL WOOL PEAU DE BOIE Fine, beautiful texture from one of the best makers In Germany. The new soft chiffon finish now so much de sired, rich, brilliant luster a fabric that will give unlimited wear. At a short dia tance you would think It an all silk fab ric; colors and black, $2.50 a yard. BLACK TAFFETA MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER From one of the most ex perienced manufacturers In the world. This Is one of the silks that has made our Silk Department famous. The name of Thompson, Belden & Co. woven In the selvedge as a guarantee of good quality. 27-Inch, $1.00; 3$-lnch. $1.K a yard. delegation to the St. Louis exposition was entertained by the Mutual wine was served. Former Agent Bribed. A voucher for $10,000, under date of May 22, 1902, for a first payment on a contract of that date to Thomas 11. Bowles, was brought up. Witness said Bowles was an agent at one time. The money was In part settlement of a suit Bowles brought against the company for claims after his removal to Milwaukee. Bowles organised a cam paign of policyholders against the company and the company settled the suit for $30,00). The witness said Bowles was removed for "insubordination," which consisted of op posing the changing of his general agency to a salaried agency and transferring his agency business to the books of the com pany. Mr. Bowles had addressed a letter to the trustees denouncing the president. Mr. McCurdy could not say whether he had a ccpy of that letter. He did not think it was now on Hie In his office' and he would not know where to find a copy, Mr. Hughes handed to the witness a voluminous package and asked If ho recog nized it as a copy of Mr. Bowles' com munication, which he did. Tbe Bowles letter, extracu from which were read, charged extravagance In the management of the company, neglect of all Sound princi ples In Inviting business, that It was con sumed with the ambition to write new busi ness, wrote fictitious business and employed incompetent men because they were rela tives of high officials. HcCardy Defends HI Son. "The trustees referred the matter to the president with power," witness testified. He added that the board had not read the let tor. Witness read only sufficient of it to see what it was and then removed Bowlos. He testified that Mr. Bowles had been a general agent In the south and west and he was removed for "throwing mud" when his time came to have his business changed j according to the policy of the company irom a general agency to a company agency. To the charge in the Bowles let ter that President McCurdy provided fat offices for his family, witness replied In a lengthy statement as to how his son, Rob ert II. McCurdy, became the general man ager. Witness detailed the education Ms son had received to adapt him to take up the foreign business, and said above all he was loyal to the company. "I know of no other man's sou In this city or anywhere else," he continued, "who could have filled that position aa the man I appointed to It," Witness "assumed all the Bowles charges were a lie," and especially the charge that a great deal of the company's business had been given away. Settles with Bowles. On the charge that rebates were made, witness said he was aware of a constant at tempt on the part' of Individuals that are solicited for big policies to get the agent to divide his premium, and there la a tempta tion for the agent to "take half a loaf rather than none." He said the Bowles let ter was Insurrectionary and that It was cause enough for any general agent to be removed. He said the tables and figures that Mr. Bowles has been at great trouble to compile from company records were "part of his scheme to make trouble." Wit ness' memory could not be. refreshed as to any policyholder's movement, and Mr. Hughes abruptly asked: "Well, how did you settle his eultT" Bowles Denies Statement. "Well," replied the witness, "not to be disrespectful to the committee, I think a farmer Is Justified In buying a rifle to THEi Gentleman's Shoe, k-over Mia vi i-ys THEM SHOE STORE, shoot a skunk, without shooting It at close quarters." "You thought In either case there were unpleasant results, you'd rather treat at long rarge?" asked Mr. Hughes. Witness said that the suit was settled to the credit of the policyholders' agita tion, at.d, at Mr. Hughes' suggestion, the witness said that the agitation went with Bowles. The compensation of the foreign agency was then taken up. Mr. McCurdy would only say that he did the best he could tinder the circumstances in fixing his son's Salary. Beyond that he would say noth ing. . The committee adjourned until to hrorrow morning with Mr. McCurdy stilly a witness. ' Thoma II Bowles has not been In busi ness since he severed Ills connection with the Mutual Life in Milwaukee. Mr. Bowles Is visiting In this city at the present time and tonight he gave out a statement, lu which he said: The aspersions .cast en me by the specu lations and deductions drawn out by the testimony offered in the Insurance Invesll gation are faiee, and I stand ready at the pleasure of the committee to go be fore that honorable body and to give the facta. The fact that James II . Hyde of the Equitable Life Assurance society had re turned to the city and that William H. Mclntyre, also of the Equitable, would voluntarily return to appear before the committee was an announcement of much moment today. It was stated that neither will be called this week. At a meeting of the executive commit tee It was determined to hold sessions three days this week. EVIDENCE IN SCHANDEIN CASE Testimony, to Show that 'Woman Was In Normal Condition When Con tract W as Made with Heyl. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 17. Testimony bear ing upon the agreement by which Mrs. Lttette Schandeln gave Jacob Heyl, her son-in-law, one-half of the Increment of the vast rfchandeln estate was Introduced in the Schandeln will contest before Judge Carpenter today. The evidence Is of Im portance because of the contetentlons made by the contestants and the special adminis trators In the circuit court to compel resti tution of $1,4GO,000 paid and claimed by Heyl by virtue of the alleged agreement. The agreement was made about January 1, 1896, according to Heyl, who prior to that time had worked for Mrs. Schandeln as manager of her estate. It was put Into writing In 1903, a firm of attorneys In Buf falo taking part in the drawing up of the agreement. On the suit to recover money on the alleged agreement stress Is placed upon the contention that Mrs. Schandeln was not a business woman, that she en trusted her affairs to Heyl and that she de cided upon the figures given by him when the basis of the division was fixed. This was answered by Heyl and his attorneys, who alleged that a disinterested person, Charles W. Suetterle, was called to ex amine the booUs about the time the agree ment was made In writing. Mr. Suetterle testified today admitting that he Is not an expert bookkeeper. Mr. Suetterle testified that he gathered from the books that the credit from Emll Schan deln, sr., was $1,800,000 and that the trial balance In 103 was $6,000,000.' On cross-examination Mr, Suetterle admitted that he obtained but little more Information from the books. Mt, Suetterle testified also that Mrs. Schandeln retained her physical and mental vigor and ruled her own home. Tea ttmony to this same effect was given by William T. Durand. Miss Johnson, a trained nurse, who was In the employ of Mrs. Schandeln at one time, was on the stand this afternoon. She stated the only disagreement between Mrs. Schandeln and her daughter, Mrs. Frank, was when tha latter moved Into her mother's home without her mother's per mission. She said that Dr, Frank had used the Schandeln wine cellar withoutpermls slon. She also testified that Mrs. Schandeln had had trouble with Mrs. Stella Schandeln, the wife of her son Emll, as the result of which she had ordered her excluded from the home. The witness was asked many questions concerning Mrs. Schandain's phy sical condition and testified that she had witnessed no change In her appearance. In her mental power or her will power during the latter years of her acquaintance with er. READY TO CLOSE HOSPITAL Fight Aaalnat the Yellow Fever at New Orleans Practically Ended. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 17.-Report of yel low fever situation to (p. m.: New cases Total to date 3.3S5 ueum .... , Total to date New foci Cases under treatment 435 12 Cases discharged 77s Further evidence that the marine hospital authorities believe the extinction of yeUow fever in New Orleans to tin a matter nf nnlv a short time was given today when it was announced that no further patients would be received for treatment In the emergency hospital. There were in the hospital today only twenty-three under treatment, and when these have been discharged as cured It will be finally closed. The services of eleven acting assistant surgeons recruited from the ranks of prominent were dispensed with today. Forty-one offi cers are still engaged in the fight, sixteen of them members of the marine hospital service and the other twenty-five local phy sicians. JACKSON, Miss., Oct. 17. The Mississippi official yellow fever summary for the last twenty-four hours is aa follows: Natches, 5 new cases; Port Gibson, 1 new case; Roxie, 1 death; Vicksburg, 2 new cases. - No new Infection reported from points on the gulf coast. PENSACOLA, Fla., Oct. 17.-The official yellow fever summary for the day Is as fol lows: New cases 13 Total 4So Deaths 7 Total 62 Discharged 1 Under treatment 13 NEW YORK CAMPAIGN OPENS Speeches, Interviews and Campaign Documents Maeh In Evident tn the Metropolis. NEW YORK, Oct 17.-The New York City three-cornered political campaign was In full swing tonight, with speeches. Inter views and campaign documents from the mayorallty candidates and their commit tees. William M. Ivlns, republican nomi nee, gave out an interview in which he said he had not seen Governor Odell In twelve years, that he would not call on him in this campaign, for, he said, "I have no more to say to him now than I have bad any time In these twelve years.'V The republican will formally open their speaking campaign Friday night at a ratifi cation meeting ln Carnegie hall. Mayor McClslIaa visited his headquarter tonight and will make hi opening speech of the democratic campaign at the ratifies tlon meeting in Tammany hall Wednesday evening. The first gun la th Municipal league cam paign waa fired tonight at a mas meeting In Amsterdam hall, on Forty-fourth street, whan th league' candidate for mayor, W. R. Hearst, mad an addrtsa. tMMlk IS I HEIR TUP1C iiisonri Valley Homeopath Ppend ths ETininj Di8ooii:3f Diieaie. VARIOUS PHASES CRITICALLY CONSIDERED Not Dreaded as It Oic Was, tha Disease "till laterests the Prac titioner and Challeagcea Ills Skill. Belated trains brought about a small at tendance at the opening session of the eleventh annual meeting of the Missouri Valley Homoepathlc ' Medical association at the Paxton hotel Tuesday afternoon and necessitated a material aobreviatlon of the program. At the everting session, held un der the auspices of the bureau of medi cine and clinical medicine, a most Interest ing program was given, which amply com pensated for any dlsaDDolntments of the afternoon. The session was held In parlor B, and was greeted by a large attendance. Dr. Freeda M. Lankton, president of the as- .,,, ' ,, . , ' , ,.., .ni announced an invocation, the absence of i the usual address of the president and the turning over of the meeting to the bureau of medicine and clinical medicine, with Chairman H. V. Balbert, M. D., of Chicago presiding. Outline ef Pneumonia. Dr. Halbert aald that he had been booked for an address or paper on "Pneu monia," but he must be excused from even pretending to give a paper on that theme, as tha best he could essay to do would be to give merely an informal talk on the subject as a prelude to the papers of Dr. Cobb and Dr. Kahlke. He aald: In considering pneumonia It is to be re garded as an acute Infection. Alcoholio patients yield less to treatment than those nnl nrettiKmiKiul In elcnhnllc Stimulants. It is liable to be complicated with pleurisy j a k..hin. ..f tha Inn iru. tierl- i carditis, endocarditis or meningitis, and In Its other phases of typhoid, malarial or migratory pneumonia, and may extend to one or the other of the lungs. All cases require the most cautious treatment. Three Conditions are manliest in piif:uiiiuii. feeling the practitioner. They are the fear of Impossibility of cure; waiting for the specific cure that has not yet been founo. not executing prompt and energetic treat ment. Pneumonia, in Children. The essential features of treatment of the infection is the bath, met on, m rr cumbent position in dcq, a won "!':" not too cool room, diuretics, needed ca- thartlcs and artificial sweats by heat, pre- digested foods inhalation Ol UAyu, u- testlnal antiseptics, etc, i nese '"'"' "J treatment in eaaenttal In a majority Of cases, but not In all. ocal i ne use vi i applications Is still a mooted question. However, these are but tne line joeniai ie- .f: inVTrhomoeoaffita remedies, which treat the patient and not the name ol tne disease. The "ervous phases of the disease require special treatment, w e nave large measure mitigated our fears regard- Inwr ntutlimi.nla' .nri tllA httIVIOeOt)athlC laW they wo'rth" i W. P. Cobb, M. tt, of Chicago, read an elaborate and extrcmVly technical paper upon the subject of pneumonia in children. He said in part: Pneumonia in children develops very mucn like it doeB In adults. Its severity depends much upon the age of the patient and ap i., a tnrm In children. It may appear at any age, but Is rarely to be may appear at any age, dui ib rureijr i found before the age of S months, and may t be found at any time after the age of 3 ; vears It la likely to occur at any season of the year. The symptoms are inaieatea the y spells dry short painful cough moderate degree , of pleurisy; which ln ohlldren of about of vomiting, rise In temperature, 7 years or over is Indicated by pain in r:n.d0abootmenn.5, "1 Is Immediate, running as nign mi iv 107H and then drop in a few hours to tne , normal, it is uiiucuu m ui - tween the lobar and pleurisy pains In chll dren. The accompanying bronenms weak ens the vocal .chorus. ina pneumouiu symptoms are sometimes mistaken for In testinal gastritis. ' . . The cerebral type of pneumonia some times assumes the convulsive form in In fants under i years or age. Diuyur iimt ! iiahla to continue for several days, with paralysis of the facial muscles. Only rnchnd?n "?e "VecessarTl" tl" bronchial and catarrhal forms of pneu- monia are most common in cniraren. tVrrThpUuyroVn delicate type gives rise to tuberculosis and assumes an Infectuous or croupous form. The resDlratlon wiy go to go or even as high as 100 in children and the pulae to 2no or 240, with Incidental vomiting, appear- lng after the first week, after which follows !?. .nn.niA and irritability. The mor tallty rate at this stage will run to 10 per cent, though there are hospital records of it olnir as high as JO per cent. The easentlal treatment in such cases Is abso lu" rest, oxygen, plenty of fresh air. not polluted or heated air. for l nave learnea that It Is not wise to be afraid pf cold air In such cases. Avoid the use of anything on the body that wll interfere with respira tion. Surgical Phases of the Disease. "The Surgical Phases of Pneumonia" was tha theme of the address of C. E. Kahlke. M. D., of Chicago. His address treated nrinclDally of surgical cases that oama I under his personal observation and expert- ; mce, and the materials used. He said in cart: I The needles to be used for exploration fiSTwatW -v,ata r. tn h nrefnrred Over gen- ! eral anaesthetics, such as ether and ehlonv form. Nitrous oxide Is not desirable. After .... the vreat essential Is careful watching and dressing. Lung expansions are also to be very carefully watched. Following the addresses th evening was given over to a general discussion, partic ularly as relating to the Inhalation of oxy- and tha use of cardiac stimulants. It was generally agreed that the great harm resulting from the use of stimulants Is that they are used before they were needed. Dr. Halbert was of the opinion that ther Is no safer average remedy than strychnine. He said further that the chief thing to con sider is the careful diagnosis of cases. He also advised that temperatures should be reduced In the rooms of pneumonic patient. The use of cold water drinking and saline solutions would bring help to such patients. Alcoholic stimulants should only be used as a last resort. The general consensus of opinion was that pneumonia is not the hopeless disease It was once thought to be, and that homeopathic remedies . were gradually conquering th disease. Sessions for Tnday. The regular business sessions will be re sumed this morning at parlor B In the Pax- ton hotel, with th following program for th forenoon: :30 a. m. Bureau of Gynecology, F. J. Becker, M. D chairman, lowa 1 ity, 1a. "Tuhcrculosls of Uterine Adnexa," Dr. D. A Foote. Omaha; "The Commonplaces of Gynecology," Dr. J. L. Hanchett, B'nux City; "BurKlcal Gynecology." Dr. William n Welsh, Denver: "Uterine Flbro-Myoma, Dr. F. J. Becker. Iowa City .,w,. U a. m nursery, jam -, v1"" ,'.?' rt .k.lrinan Inwa. Pltv. la. " A PDendlci tls it. Relation to Diseases of the Ovaries and Tubes," G. F. fihears. M. D.. Chicago; nil .ot. la an,- Ml KflillCai I. Ur., vviiimM, '. c... m r Kansas Cltv: "The Genesis of Carcinoma and Conditions of Recurrence," James U. uncnri-i, u. Iowa City - IF COFFEE Acts at POISON to you POSTUM SHOULD BE YOUR DAILY BEVERAGE. "piarVa a Raaaon." AT THE PLAY HOUSES "Seraeant Brne" at the lloyd. Frank Daniels and company In "Sergeant Btue," a musical farce in three acts; bonk by Owen Hull; muwlo by Lisa IjPhmann; under direction of Charles B. Dillingham. The principals; Sergeant Brue, of the C division Frank Daniels Michael, his son Oeorge Lestocq Aurora, his daughter Clara Belle Jerome Daisy, a servant Charlotte Lesay Mabel Widgett Annabelle Whltfnrd Lady Blrkenholl Bailie Tlsher Gerald Treheine Charlesworth Meaklns Matthew Hablshom. a lawyer Henry Goodman Inspector Qorringe, of the C Division.... Nell Walton Rev. John Lamb, Charity Jim.. Nnce Itonvllle H.do2 BW.uS".?!..f?:K.. Fit." Mr. Crank, a magistrate. ...Gilbert Clayton 1 Clerk of the Court Frank Mitchell j Crookie Bcrubbs, a criminal. Charles H. Drew Pippins, a newsboy. iru; dully Atiijr i BUI Nokes, a coaler Harold Riiaaoll Bridget, his wife Leslie Mayo . Frank Daniels has so thoroughly Identl- fled himself with sublimated nonsense that he would not feel at home with anything that called for a serious effort. He was 'born to be funny, and funny he Is. He tes the most trivial and unimportant stuff, matter so absurd that one less gifted than himself would simply appear ridicu- lous In the effort, and makes It ludicrous i and laughable. Only one thing he has ever done is more absurd that his Sergeant Brue, and that Is the speech he makes at the call he Invariably gets at' the end of the second act. This Is in many ways the . most laughable feature of the perform- ance, and is so received. All the way through the three acts he Is Frank Daniels at his best. His good nature, his apparent stupidity, his pusillanimity, and the occa- slonal gleam of common sense that pene- trates the ml.t of hi almost Irtlnlle. failure to understand anything, combine to make his policeman one of the best of a long line of characters he has made his own dur- lna nlB career. jCharles H. Drew assisted Mr. Deniels, his Crooky Bcrubbs being quite ns amusing in - me i-i. oui, vllle, David Bennett and Gilbert Clayton also have much to do with the fun-making. The song. "Put Me In My Little Cell," by Drew, Bonvllle and Bennett, was one of the hits of the performance last night. Dan iels scored with his song, "I Waa Born on a Friday." The real music of the evening Is con tnnutea Dy miss risher and Miss Jerome M1 . tri.hp- iPnriB . -hom with "nearle" M'B '"her leads a chorus with Deai le m uiun, unugiuiui Hicililicri . nci vuice 10 strong and clear and with more than the ordinary measure of melody In Its notes. She hai the further attraction of good ook. Mgg Jeromfl Blnga w(tn Mr Meaklns In the first act a duo that won them much ap- piause, and In the last act she sings the famIlar ,.jrBh MoIIle.. Bong ln a way ,hat wins for her call after call. The chorus n vr-n n A n- ,hlB I. V. M Probftb"r' ff"eJ' Speaking of choruses, Mr. Daniels' good eye is getting better, for he has never presented a lineup so attrac tive from the point of pulchritude aa the one he Is now heading. The girls are hand some, are well dressed and are not too dig nified to romp a bit on the stage. All In a properly sedate sort of way, but quite fetching. ieici R was a horse show' audience at the Boyd last night to greet this popular com- edlan and his company, and from first to i last the piece was thoroughly appreciated. ' People laughed at Daniels until their sides ached, and then they clapped their hands until their palms were sore, applauding Ihe singers. Ann ine performance tnorougniy merltea the enthusiasm It evoked. 'Ser geant Brue" Is all that was promised, and then some.. The engagement ends tonight. "Deadwood nick" at the Kraf. "Deodwood Dick," a dramatised yellow back, opened a short engagement at the Krug theater last night. It is a play that ' aefles criticism, for It belongs to a cluss 1 that deserves only condemnation. The company having It In charge goes through the bombastic flapdoodle provided as ""nes and works out the unreal situations with much vigor and to the delight of those wno ,fc tn ..arammer.. M rare a8 the ,w manager of the house will permit. The en- gagement Includes two more performances, .ft.rnoon .nd tn, DEATH RECORD. Charle W. MaeXalr. Charles Whiting MacNair, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. M. Knox and his step-daughter, Mrs. W. C. Heaton, Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, death result ing from a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Mac Nair came to Omaha frem Indiana with his family about twenty years ago. The past ten years he has been a resident of Wyoming, being engage in the life Insur ance business, and has held several politi cal positions In Cody and Meeteetse. In both of these towns he was well known and highly esteemed. Few men In the Big Horn Basin were better liked than Colonel NacNalr. He suffered from an apoplectlo stroke some months ago and since then he has mode his home in Omaha. Mr. MacNair was born In Dansvllle, N. T., In 1846. He served ln the capacity of . a drum mer boy ln the Civil war. He leaves a widow, Mrs. Ellxabeth M. MacNair, and three children, Mrs. H. M Knox, Mrs. Frank Crawford and Ralph W. MacNair of Cody, Wyo. Henry Bears. SAN JOSE, Cal.. Oct. 17. Henry Sears, re tired head of the firm of H. Sears & Co. of Chicago, died today at his home In this city, aged 90 years. Mr. Sear retired from ac tive connection with his firm in 183, set tling near San Jose. James Hasnberger. SCHUYLER, Neb., Oct. 17.-(Speclal Tel egramsJames Hashberger. one of the earliest settlers of Colfax county, died this morning at his home, after a long Illness. Mr. Hashberger leaves a large family. FIRE RECORD. Fatnl Fire In Mlaaonrl. BT. LOUIS, Oct. 17. Mrs. Alice Hartman and her five children were burned to death and their home was destroyed by fire at Port Royal, a village In Franklin county. The fire occurred yesterday and the news of it wa first received at Clayton this afternoon through a messenger. William Hartmann, the husband, escaped from th burning dwelling, but was unable to save any members ef his family. The dwelling wa a two-story frame - building and burned like tinder. It Is said a defec tlve flue caused the fire. The family' was aroused from sleep by dense smoke. Hart mann and his wife and baby were sleeping on the flrBt floor, while the other four children slept upstair. Mrs. Hartmann, carrying her baby, rushed up stairs to arouse the children, and before Hartmann could follow the building suddenly burst Into names throughout and he waa forced to leave his entire family to perish. The charred bodie of th six victims were ; found la the ruin today. Th oldest child wa tt year old. Operative' Wage iSTsasti, FALL RIVER, Mass., Oot. 17. Th Man niirtunri' association today announced a l ner cent Increase in th wage ef cotton mul operatives and a nroflt-abaxlng phin to tak effect October a. Chtenaa Man t'amaalt Saleldc. BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 17 Daniel Dan iels, a young man representing a Chicago structaral Iron firm, committed suicide last night by Inhaling gaa. Jo cauae for his act KAISER PASSING JOHN BULL Germany Making Greater 8tridei Commer cially Taan England, Sayi Andraeiea. LATTER RETURNS iR.M TRIP ABROAD Comes an Same Vessel that Brings Horace G. Burt to America After Two Years' Absence, E. M. Andreesen has returned from Eti- ; rope, where he spent the last two months. For several weeks he was In his native land of Gerfnanv and he traveled in Bel- f'T ""'nJ: En"'a"d' 8-tland and Ire- j lnnd- Wr- Andreesen was Impressed by the I American tourist Invasion of Earope. He i said: "It is estimated that W,0n0 Americans. i lne largest number on record, nnve visnea Europe this season. Thousands are there how who cannot get away because they ( did not engage return berths and are not now able to obtain them. From the office : ot every steamship company on the contl- i nent they are turned away dally. One office I In Paris hai 'refused pickets to more than people. They will have to stay until travel Is lighter and return when they can." Germany, according to Mr. Andreesen. Is developing about as rapidly as America, and 'a8t setting ahead of England. The German merchants are going after the trade f the world and are getting a large share pf lt They speak three or four languages and en1 Uiclr clerks over the world to ,earn foreign tongues. They are able to converse with the South American, African nd sltlc peoples In their own tongues, end have rcat advantage In this respect over the British merchants, who In their tift-necked pride In the English language have refused to learn other languages. Yet an awakening Is taking place among the English, said Mr. Andreesen. Marconi Meaanae on Birthday. The first day out on the return voyage was Mr. Andrecsen's birthday. He did not think of It, but was reminded of the occa sion at the breakfast table by the receipt of a Marconigraph from his daughter, Mrs. Luther Kountsee, In Omaha. He replied with a message which Mrs. Kountze re ceived as she was eating breakfast. On the same boat with Mr. Andreesen was Horaco O. Burt, former president of the Union Pacific, who la returning to America after a two years' trip around the world. Mr. Burt said he was anxious to get to work and would begin to look around for something to do Immediately on reach ing America. If he had anything In mind he did not divulge It. Mr. Andreesen re ceived the impression that Mr. Burt In tended to make his home In Chicago. HILL GETS CHICAG0 ROAD Bnrllnnrton System May Hereafter Have Kntrance to Grand Central Passenger Station, CHICAGO, Oct. 17 James J. Hill, it was definitely stated today, has secured con trol of the Chicago Terminal Transfer Railway company and will shortly use the Orand Central passenger station as a tor minus for the Burlington system. Official anouncetnent to that effect Is expected tomorrow at a poatponed meeting of the board of directors of the Terminal Trans fer company, which holds and operates the Orand Central station. A meeting set for today was suddenly postponed. The Hill people are said to have made a purchase of practically all the terminal bonds and a large amount of stock from J. Fierpont Morgan A Co. . The change of terminus of the Burlington from the Union station to the Grand Central sta tion will add ninety-two daily trains at the Grand Central station, This Includes suburban service and means about 10,000 passengers a day. At the Grand Central station only forty trains In ahd out are . at present handled for the four railway companies using the terminal. STRIKE OF B0YSJS SPREADING Miners Stop Work Ueoanae Official Will Not Treat with the Striker. HAZLETON. Pa, Oct. 17.-The strike of the driver boys at the Jeddo collieries of G. B. Markle & Co., which occurred a few days ago, has resulted ln the strike of S.000 employes of the Markle company. The boys quit work because they claimed that the wages they were receiving were under the standard. A committee waited upon the officials of the company and asked to have the matter adjusted. The superintendent of the company declined to consider the grievance of the drivers on the ground that they had quit work before properly lodging their complaint, thereby violating on of the awards of the strike committee. A mass; meeting was held lust night and it was decided by the miner to suspend all work today... TO CI RE A t OI.D IX IHE DAT Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablet Drugltt refund money if It falls to cure E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box.t&o. Yankton Prepares for t'onrt, YANKTON. Oct. 17-(8peclal.) The petit Jury was drawn here yesterday for the November term of court, which will be held In the new court house now rapidly nearlng completion, and which building will be dedicated November 1 next. More than the usual Interest attaches to the makeup of the Jury as the calendar Is a lengthy one. Including several criminal cases of some Importance, amongst them the trial of Sam Carr, colored, for the murder of Granville Thornton one Sunday afternoon. Another case Is that of Walter Wilson, charged with using a knife on a telephone lineman with Intent to kill. Dlsttatareu. If disfigured by pimples, ulcers, sore. Bucklen' Arnica Balve will heal you up without a scar tic: guaranteed. For sal by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Former Kcumsknna Divorced. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Oct 17-(Bpeclal.) Judge Bcott today granted a divorce to Mrs. Winnie M. C. Dougherty from Joseph W. Dougherty on the grounds of desertion and non-support. The couple was married In Crawford, Neb., ln 1900. ortheBaby Many of your neighbors hav used Mellin's Food for their children. Ask them what they think of i.; look at their children and set th result of using" a proper food. Mellin's Food will rtv the sam food results If you will us it with your baby. Send for a sample, ws will snd It be of charge. M.UIa's fa t ta OILY Jafats feed, wklca received tke Craaa frt, the klikast award ef tn UaUiaaa Jmt saase EasesUlea. St. LeaK t4. Bis'. taaa a Said aWai. aOXLIM'S FOOD CO. BOSTON, MAM. erUiLfl7T?ra fp(q)(o)jD) I r.Tifl 1 ' f',J ""M' The Best Investment Pays a lilwral rate of Interest Pays money back on drntaod Gives complete security. llelleves you of worry or trouble In collecting Is entirely satisfactory. Our facilities will Interest you. OLDKST AXI 8TKOXGKST SAVINGS I1AXK IX XK JiKASKA. City Savings Bank H h and Douglas Sfs. Watches Diamonds Cut-Glass Silverware ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY CASH OR CREDIT 1 V A. MANDELBERQ ffl 1S12 rAa-AM. YOUNG. MIDDLE-AGED, ELDERLY If ynn srs weak, no niatier rroqi hat cautei unrtTclopcdi hovi trltnnB. vsrlcocol. etc y Perfect Vacuum Applli will curt Tin. No drugs or rlclty. 7S.0"fl norod A oeTelin , lOdaystrlal. Bend for FKKB hoohlMt. & ntialrri. tinsrsnt d. IS Kawaa Black, 1 enter, edit. HOTELS. When in Chicago' Stop at The Stratford Hotel Oon.enimt. sleannt, quleti a block to earn a hlork to bent tueatrM n.i smuMimentii Trjr heart of chopping ditrintj convnllit to jn. tlr bailniws onter yet who ly pri from din ! bith, Iniurioui writ Ins ad rx-ption roomjt woodwork luhogny throohout brafls own and all modern oomfonvn telephone In every roomi beautiful dlnins rornne tht beat of verjthlns at moderate price. a Hlchlcsn and JackioB Birds., Chicago a MU8EMENT. O Y D Woodward & Burgess, Managers. TONIGHT Charle B, Dillingham Present FRANK DANIELS In the Musical Farce Hit of Two Continents. SERGEANT BRUE.. No Free List. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. MATINEE SATURDAY B. C. Whitney Musical Cocktail PIIF PAFF POUr ALL STAR CAST- COMPANY OF T5 BURW000 Woodward & Burgess Managers. 4th Big Week Tonight and all Week SPECIAL THURSDAY MATINEE AND DOUBLE ORCHESTRA. '. ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME NEXT WEEK Lost Paradise. " , Mr. and Mrs. Chambers' School of Dancing How Open Adult Deglnaers, Mondays and Thurs days. 8 P. M. Assembly dates furnished on appli cation. Children, Tuesdays and Saturday. Misses and masters advanced Satur days 4 P. M. High School class opens Friday. Oo tober 20th. 8 P. M. Telephone F-1K71. Phone 4n. Every night Matinees Thur., Sat., Sua. MODERN VAUDEVILLE The Mlllinan Trio; Melville tt Stetson; Francis Gerard; K111II liuch. Jane kilton & Co; Mr. A Mrs. John Alilaon: Jacob's Ijow, Paul Lacrolx and the Kim drome. Pric-s 1W, 26o. 5uc. KRUG THEATER i'l ici a-luc. li,c. 60c, TSc MATIKFK TIA Y-TOMfillT, Grtatcst of All Weatern Melodramas II K A I) W O II DICK A True Btury of Life on tht! Plains. Thurs. - YOUNO l'l 'FFALO K1NU OF THE WILD WEST, x 6un -1 Ihvi rly's .Mastodon Minstrel.. Children's Classes Kr. and Mrs, M.nsj'i S:ti33l for Dancing Mt-tt at Crclghton School nf Law LulIJ fng, lth street near Farnam. i'.eglnoers, Wedorsday. iJi p. m., and Satunlay, 10 a. m.; season, six months. llAGfi. Advance, Saturday. J p. m.; season, fc-U 'for Vk vat U anuria Ultjihun UrU. J '4 m w LA AT : 1 1 a Alii lil I: kitSEl TT I ff (1 CnllOHTON J ( la knew