; TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1903. Telephone RH. i "Riitrtr will 4a Bar thing; that ran be done la this world." Fashion approves these pretty soft fabrics. The decision will be gratefully accepted by fashion's devotees when the beauty of these pretty soft clinging fabrics are fully revealed. They stand today alone a fabric of superior quality and the height of dress elegance. Make it a point to see them, look thera over. They are yours to see for the simple asking. Pretty New White Silks for All Occasions Fashion approves white and white la richest In allk texture. Extraordinary Isn't too large a word to describe our great dis play of whits silks for brides, for brides maids, for debutantes, for evening wear they add beauty to beauty everywhere. Not each Item below carefully, PRETTY ALL SILK PRINCESS CREPE Very superior fabric In every way. Will not muss or crush, soft chiffon finish, li.oo NEW "SAPPHO" BILK From Zurich, Swltserland-a silk of exceptional beauty, a hint of newness' and beauty In every yard, just tha required weight for the soft We move in a few days to the oixieentn streets. Ladles Coats, Misses' Coats, Children's Coats, Rain Coats All. new nothing here to make you think of seasons gone by. Variety, novelty and exclualvenesa. . Every garment made ex pressly for Thompson, Belden 4 Co. Separate Skirts ' Good and perfect truing skirts, made by New York's best tailors. Choice garments In alt the fashionable cloths. Neck rors Ladies are protected When they buy furs here there are no misstatements used In Y. M. C. A. Building, SUPREME COURT AT WURii Becaloitfmnt Witnesses in Trait Cum to Hurt Early Eetrinj-. DATES JET FOR IMPORTANT MATTERS fhloaga Traotloa Case, Montana Land Hearing; and Kansas-Colorado Litigation Are lo Bt Hoard Boon. WASHINGTON,. Oct 16.-The supreme court ot tha. United ptate touay advanced on the suck, the cases, of McAllister & Haie, . tike-. American, Tobacco company ofneers who related to Answer the que tlons of. a federal, grand Jury silting In New lout, liMiufn4 4anUaiy.ll hexXas the data for their heurl(ig . ; The carte tuiaihsi JttUsein the Western Paper Trust cits was set lor tn same date. ' ' r;. .... ;.( -. .. ; The court named Tuesday, ' October I VM. as tne. date for the argument of the irrigation suit of Kansas against Colorado. The Kansas autnorities are to have tnree monina trom aate to file their brief, tnose of Colorado three montns more, and mo or the linked Htates still three months more. Argument In tf timber cutting case ot Senator Clark of Montana was today set for January i next by tne supreme court. The Chicago traction cases, involving the francmaes of the Chicago Street car com panies, were today advanced on the docket of tlie supreme court, and the hearing set for January next Overrate Georgia Jadge. In the. caas ot K, M. Wlroblsn against Henry Jamison, the supreme court or tne United Stales today reversed the decision of the district court of tne (Southern dis trict of Georgia. This Is the case In wnich United btates Judge Spear interfered wltn tne sentence of a prisoner, Jamison, by a recorder court of Maoon, Oa., to work on tne streets. The reversal of tne case has ths enec; of sustaining the lower court. . . 1 The case of Mrs, Mary Rogers, under sentence of death of the Vermont court on the charge of murdering her husband, today was advanced and set for November I next.' '' ' The motion to advance the hearing In the ease of the State' of Kentucky against k tames Howard, convicted of complicity In iliere Is to-day a crying need of a re formation in the treatment of tha body. The basis ef this reformation Is to be found la the thesis of Dr. B. V. Pierce: Diseases which originate In tha stomach must be cured through the stomach." In the forty odd year of Dr. Ploree'r experience as chiet , consulting chvsl- clsn to the Inva lids' Hotel and Surgical Institute 6 a Buffalo, N. it.,- e has treated more . than half a million' peoole. with ft re cord of ninety -eight cures In every hun-j Cred , 1 he theory huld hr Dr. Fierce ; thai the stomach Is tne cliler branding place of disease. Is abundantly borne oat by the succeed o( his treatment, which is addressed, primarily to the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, No other medi cine acts so Dower- fulir and as perfectly i on the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. t pt. rieroe's Uolden Medical Discovery. Men and women a dieted with shortness of breath, heart disease, suffocation, du llness, spots before the eye j, "liver pains, and similar ailments have been promptly and perfectly cured by ths use of "Golden Medical Discovery." Miss LsTtils Bontna Curator Natural His tory Society, of 4us Lcwse 8 1 reel. West, Lansing, MVh.. writes I "I sugared wlia cbruulc dyiemla fur nearly seven yean, and lUls csummI nut to im very ihln sud pale, at lbs same time my blood Ux-ane pour ud I was uerruus and unstrung tbst I was unsi teatteud to nyr daily duties. Heart nuilu atfertad and Butt red at the least eicllemeiit. I spent a lot of money doctor Ins and found do relief, until I took Ir. I'.erro t Gulden Medical Discovery. It cer tainly is a wonderful medicine, ll toned up my stomach sod I bectn to have a splendid appetite; had no trouoia with my dtcaation. and 1 begin to pick up and got strong I soon new. rt h blooJ flowed la my veins, end I dim more felt lbs beauty ana joy of Ufa I bars now n Hired perfect health for s year, tiianks to J)x. pierces Uuluaa Medical iia awBiy. IWH IsJSU Bee, Oct. IS, 1906. New Dress Silks of Daintiness and Beauty. clinging gown. Tou can pass yard of It through the ring on your finger without mussing It. Sold exclusively by us 11.00 yard. NEW CREPE DE CHINES-In fine shim mering quality, plaits, tucks and shirrs equal to chiffon. 75c 11.00 and SI S a yard. Cream and White Taffeta They possess not only beauty of texture, but what Is of mora Importance, splendid wearing qualities 60c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. SKINNER'S CREAM AND WHITE LIN ING SATINS We specially recommend them for durability, richness and luster. These goods have no equal. They will give absolute satisfaction. M-lnch, $1.60 a yard. NOTE Samples of the above silks wilt be mailed to our out-of-town customers on application. new retail center Howard and V selling a fur garment or neck piece. Our assortment Is most complete. . Cotton Blankets The fact that we are headquarters for honestly made woolen blankets Is an Indi cation that our COTTON BLANKETS are made equally as honest. Ws keep away from the dirty, oily, shoddy kind and give you clean, soft and fleecy cotton blankets the best that are produced. White, mostly without borders on account of washing; gray and tan with handsomely colored borders. Prices 60o, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1 15, $1.85. $1.50. $1.75 and $2.00 a pair. Fancy striped cotton blankets used for gowns, etc., at 75c a pair. Cor. 16th and Douglas. the murder of Governor Goebel, made In the supreme court of the United States last Tuesday, was today denied. by the court. The case already has an advanced place In I the docket and will probably be heard In j December in the regular order of business. ; In the supreme court of the United States today the hearing In the case ot the State Of Missouri against the State of Illinois, Involving the status of the Chicago drain age canal, was set for January 2. Attorney Hemphill today entered a mo tion In the supreme court of the United States to advance the hearing of the cases Involving the tribal rights of outsiders who have Intermarried with the Cherokee In dians. The court took the motion under advisement. FOLR TALKS IN PHILADELPHIA (Continued from First Page.) , he hoped for the success, of the. reform movement in this clt. The remainder bf ths afternoon wa spent In a visit to In dependence hall, and prior to ths academy meeting he was the guest of the City club at dinner at the Bellevue-Stratford hotol. After his speech tonight the governor was tendered a reception at the Hotel Walton which was attended by hundreds ot promi nent citizens. Oovernor Folk will leave tor St Louis tomorrow morning. HEARING IN HANCOCK CASE Determination of foroitr to Talc Evldenee Behind Closed Doors Evokes Protest front Defense. WASHINGTON, Oct 1.-The decision of Coroner Carr of Hyattsvllle, Md., to con duct behind closed doors the Investigation Into the death of Emma Smallwood, for which Wlnfleld Scott Hancock, a nephew of General Wlnfleld Boott Hancock, was arrested on a charge of murder, a lively tilt between Btates Attorney Magruder and Robert T. Wells, defendant's counsel, and a fistic encounter between Attorney Wells and a spectator. In which his father, Mayor Charles A. Wells, participated, today, added Interest to the case. The ordering of secret sessions by the coroner gave rise to rumors that sensa tional evidence would be adduced at the hearing. This decision was the outcome of a contention by the state's attorney that newspaper men and the public gen erally should be excluded from hearing any ot the testimony. Attorney Wells bitterly opposed the proposition and declared that unless tne Investigation was an open one he would apply for a writ of habeas corpus and bring his client before the court for a preliminary hearing. ' The session of the Jury was adjourned until tomorrow. Some excitement waa created When the Jury assembled by a man attempting to prevent Attorney Wells from entering ths room. The attorney dealt him a blow In the face which brought blood. The man was. obdurate, however, and applied an epithet to the- attorney which was over heard by Mayor Wells, the attorney's father, who entered Into the fight, Inflict ing further punishment on the man, who finally was led away. A warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Amanda Mackall, the defendant's slstar, was pre pared, but was not served, as the constable refused to swear to It. taking the ground that he did not hear the evidence upon which It waa ordered. SENATOR MILLARD ROBBED Porch Climber Makes a Call, teenres Nothlasr of Vain. set The residence of Senator J. H. Millard, tM Harney street, was entered by a porch climber while the family was at dinner last night. The Intruder climbed up the post of the porch on the west side or th. hn.. ! Prid up the window and rummaged ! throuah several raoma. It i ihn.,ki .u ' the family left the table, the burglar took aiarro ana silently slipped out as he had come In, The drawers wero found In dis order, but nothing of great value waa taken. Luckily many things as usually fall Into the housebreaker's sack had been kept on the lower floor of the residence, where the man dared not venture. The distance climbed was fifteen feet, and In order to get on top of the porch the man bad to get over the projection of tha body of It. as well as a difficult railing. Ths detectives were Inclined to be Incredulous when told that the man had entered that way; but the wlndowslll showed the marks of the Jimmy by which the window was raised. COAL TAR IN TIIE BUTTER Large Quantity 8npplie to Hstj lard Fonnd ts Ea ArtiGoiallj Cslored. PROSECUTIONS WILL PROBABLY TOLLOW Dr. Wiley days that While Coal Tar Dyes Are t'owholesome, They Are Not Pnrllcnlarly Harmfnl. WASHINGTON, Oct. lS.-The samples of butter submitted as portions of a large quantity supplied to the League Island navy yard at Philadelphia prove to bo col ored with coal tar dye. Is the substance of a report which Chief Chemist Wiley of the Department of Agriculture will submit to morrow to Secretary Wilson. Specimens were recently taken for analysis from the League Island yards' hospitals, kitchens and barracks, from the United Stales re ceiving ship Lancaster and other navy craft by representatives ot the Pennsyl vania Dairy and Food commission, who are said to have obtained similar samples from the men who sold the product. Secretary Wilson will refer the report to President Roosevelt, who will, in all probability, call the attention of the Department of Justice to the matter. The samples have been submitted tcTthe state dairy and food commissioner of Penn sylvania, whose findings which caused a widespread controversy are corroborated by Dr. Wiley. Dr. Wiley tonight declined to discuss his report pending its submission to the secretsry. He said that coal tar dyes, though unwholesome, are not particu larly harmful. "Dairymen," he said, "are permitted un der the law to use such coloring matter to make their butter a rich yellow color. To remedy this the Department of Agriculture is trying to educate the publlo taste for un colored butter and we are making some headway. Dairymen are beginning to real ise that the buttle of coal tar dye Is no longer a necessary adjunct to a successful dairy. The amount of oleomargarine sold In this country, whether fraudulently as butter, or marked as oleomargarine, is after all very small. The government has ren dered the making and sale of the stuff un popular by levying 10 cents a pound on all that Is artificially colored and h cent If un colored." Barry FaTors Canteen. Reports by Generals J. F. Wade and Thomas H. Barry, each of whom for a part of the year commanded the Department of the Gulf, have been made to the War de partment General Wade's report treats of details, while General Barry discusses various features of army life. He speaks of the efficiency of the sea coast batteries, saying that in many Instances 100 per cent has been made in practice by eight and ten Inch batteries at targets moving from five to ten miles an hour, at ranges between 8,000 and 7.000 yards. General Barry be lieves mat it would be less difficult to rely efficient men in the artillery service if there could be more frequent changes In stations. General Barry, like other com manding officers, says the present anti canteen law Is not to the advantage of the troops. General Barry also recommends the re-estabtlshment of the adjutant gen eral's department. Echo of Beaver Case. Argument was heard today in the su preme court of the United States In the case of George E. Green, a New York stato senator, Indicted In the criminal court of the District of Columbia with George W. Beavers and others on the charge of con spiracy to defraud the government In con nection with the recenf Postoffice depart ment Irregularities. Green has steadily re sisted extradition to this Jurisdiction. Grievances of Fishermen.' ' Through Representative Gardner of Mas sachusetts the Gloucester fishermen today officially laid before the State department their grievances against the Newfoundland government which they charge with for- Diaaing an vessels of American register to fish on the treaty coast This right, the fishermen claim, Is granted them by the treaty of 1818 between the United Slates and Great Britain. Through the British ambassador. Sir Mortimer Durand, Secre tary Root has been Informed that the New foundland government disclaims all knowl edge of any action In violation of "this treaty. The Newfoundland government ad mits the arrival at the Bay of Islands on the cruiser Fiona onThursday of the minis ter of marine and fisheries, but Insists he is there on duties not connected with , this matter. General Chaffee Returns. Lieutenant General Adna It. Chaffee, chief of staff of the United States army, resumed his duties In the War department today after an absence of several weeks In Europe, where he went to attend the ma neuvers of the French army. In speaking of the maneuvers today Gen eral Chaffee said that there were 80,000 French troops at the maneuvers and spoke In the highest terms of the evolutions. President's Trip Sonth. President Roosevelt Is busily engaged In preparing for his trip through the south, on which he will start next Wednesday morn ing at 1:80. For a considerable time today he was at work with Secretary Loeb, clear ing bis desk of an accumulation of busi ness. Among the callers with whom the president chatted briefly were postmaster General Cortelyou and Senator Carter of Montana. FIGURES OF THER0CK ISLAND Groaa Earnings Show Decrease as Well as Decrease la Expenses. CHICAGO, Oct. 1.-Annual figures of the Chicago, Rock Island Pacific Railway company for the year ending June jo, were given out today. Their most important de tails follow: Mileage operated. 7.B1; aross transportation receipts, Kt.051.5td; operating expenses, $31,068,108; net earnings. 112.993.299; other Income. tl.E29.S71' tnml S19.471; taxes, Interest and rentals. f9.7&e!- 36Z; available for dividends, $4,733,109. The decrease In surplus available for divi dends over J9M Is $1,296,000. Net earnings show a decrease of $301,299 for the year. Dividends paid during the year aggregated $4.76.fc1 Gross earnings decreased $917,982, or I per cent While there Is a decrease of $1.3ot,620, or 1.1 per cent in freight earnings, this was partially off Bet by Increase In passenger and express earnings. Passenger earnings Increased $363,748, or $ per cent; express earnings Increased $280,107. or 85 5 per cent; miscellaneous earnings decreased $55,711 Operating expenses show a decrease of $718,. BABIES appreciate th$ de licious fUvjr of Grape-Nuts They know a good thing and trow lusty tsi, or I t per cent. The capital stock of the company oulntnndltig st ths close at ths last fiscal yar was $74.81.ino, which was Incressed during the year $24.5rt. The funded debt lf the company fn June SO was $173,W.ni . TEXT OF THE TREATY (Continued from First Page.) of commercs and navigation the basis of the treaty which was In force previous to the present war, the system of reciprocal treatment on the footing of the most fa vored nation. In -which are included Im port and export duties, customs formalities, transit and tonnage dues and the admis sion and treatment of agents, subjects and vessels of one country in the territories of the other. Article XIII As soon as possible after the present treaty comes In force all pris oners of war shall be restored. The Im perial governments of Japan and Russia shall each appoint a special commissioner to take charge of ,the prisoners. All pris oners In the hands of one government shall be delivered to arid be received by the commissioner of the other government, or by hts duly authorised representative, in Such convenient numbers and at such con venient ports of ths delivery stats as shall notify In advance to the commissioner of the receiving stste. The governments of Japan and Russia shall present each other as soon ss possible after the delivery of ths prisoners Is com pleted with a statement ot the direct ex penditures respectively Incurred by them for the care and maintenance of the pris oners from the date of capture or surrender and up to the time of death or delivery. Russia engages to repay to Japan as soon as possible after the exchank of state ments as above provided the difference be tween the art us I amount so expended by Japan and the actual amount similarly dis bursed by Russia. . Arrangements for Ratification. Article XIV The present treaty shall be ratified by their majesties, the emperor of Japan and tile emperor of all the Husslas. Kuch ratification shall foe made with aa little delay as possible, and in any case no later than fifty days from the date of the signature .of the treaty, to be an nounced to tha. Imperial governments of Japan and Russia, re speci.vely, through the French minister at Toklo and the am bassador of the United States at Ht. Peters burg, and from the date of the latter , of such announcements this treaty shall In of all parts come into full force. The formal exchange of ratifications shall take place at Washington as soon as possible. Article XV The present treaty shall be signed In duplicate In both iie fenrllsn and French languages. The texts are In absolute conformity, but in case of a dis crepancy In the Interpretation, the French text shall prevail. In Minfnrmllv u-l.h K. r.m.l Inn n fartlcles III and xly of the treaty of peace unworn -aiiun ana nussia ot mis aate, tne undersigned plenipotentiaries have con cluded the following additional articles: Sub-article to article ill: The Imperial governments of Japan and Riis.la mutually engage to commence the withdrawal of their military rorces from the territory of Manchuria simultaneously and Immediately after the treaty of peace comes into operation and within a period Of eighteen months after that date ths armies of the two countries shall be com pletely withdrawn from Manchuria except from the leased territory of the Llao Tung renlnsula The forces of the two coun ries occupying the front positions shall first be withdrawn. The high contracting parties reserve to themselves the right to maintain guards to protect their teepectlve railway lines In Manchuria. The number of such guards shall not exeeed fifteen per kilo meter, and within that maximum number the commanders of the Japanese and Rus sian armies shall by common accord fix the number of such guards to be employed while having In view the actual require ments. The commanders of the Japanese and Russian forces fn Manchuria shall agree Upon the details of tho evacuation in con formity with the above principles and shall take by - common accord the measures necessary to carry out the evacuation as soon as possible, and in any case no later than the period of eighteen months. To Define Boundaries. Subftrtlcle to article lx: As soon as fMbesfble after the present treaty comes Into force a commission of delimitation composed of an equal number of members to be appointed respectively by the two high contracting parties, which shall on the wot mark the exact boundary between the Japaiiesa Snd Russian posses sions orr- the' Island of Sakhalin. Tha com mission shall be hound so far-s typograph ical cOnsWerSkflrWtr permit to follow the fiftieth parallel icf .north latitude as ths boundary line and. In case any deflections from that line at fcny points are found to be necessary compensation will be made by co-relative deflecUons at other points. It shall sIho bo the duty of the said com mission tt prepare' a list and a descrip tion of the adjacent islands Included In the cession and finally the commission shall prepare and sign- maps showing the boun daries of the ceded -territory. The work of the commission enall be subject to ths ap proval of the high contracting parties. The foregoing additional articles are to be considered ratified with the ratification of the treaty of peace to which they are annexed. , . Portsmouth, tho fifth day of the ninth month of the thirty-eighth year of Meljel, corresponding to the 23d of August, 190S. September B, 190i In witness whereof the respective plenipo tentiaries have signed and affixed seals to the present treaty of peace. Done at Portsmouth, N. H., this fifth day Of the ninth month of ths thirty-eighth year of the Meljel, corresponding to the twenty-third day of August, one thousand, nine hundred and five. ' Komara Reaches Japan. TOKIO, Oct. 184:30 p. m.-Baron Ko mura, the foreign minister who acted as chiet peace plenipotentiary for Japan, ar rived here today from Vancouver, B. C, October 8. His reception at the railroad station was not enthusiastic, those present being principally government dignitaries. The streets were strongly guarded . by troops, polios and gendarmes. The baron drove to the palace In an imperial carriage. M. Teraoutchl, minister of war, has Is sued an order Instructing the Japanese army In the field to abstain from criticising the terms Of peace on the grounds that the declaration ot peace and of war are en tirely the outcome of sovereign powers. His order forbids the criticism of each sub ject, especially by those engaged In mili tary service He advises the soldiers to utilise the opportunities of peace after the disbandment of their regiments by engag ing In their respective occupations, always holding themselves. In readiness to Join the colors at ihe emperor's command. ' Emperor Honors Komara. The emperor showed exceptional honor to Baron Komura, by dispatching to Yoko hama, where he landed from the empress of India, Colonel Inouye his majesty's aide. de-camp, who went alongside the steamer In a dispatch boat and brought Komura shore. Baron Komura landed at the Im perial enclosure. While the baron was on bts way to Toklo by train Colonel Inouye con. stantly kept at Koroura's side and on ar rival here they drove together to the place In an Imperial carriage sent from ths house hold stable a The emperor cordially received the baron made a full verbal report to the emperor of the course of the peace negotiations emphasising President Roose velt's efforts In behalf of peace. At the close of the audience the emperor honored the baren with a written personal message, highly prised by Japanese states men. The message expressed satisfaction with the fact that peace was concluded and commended Komura's able services, as shown during ths negotiations. Imperial Rescript. I p. m. The official translation of the imperial rescript announcing the conclusion of peace Is as follows: Ws have always deemed It a fundamental principle of our International puiii) 10 maintain pace in the east and thus assure the security of our empire and the promo tion of this high object has, therefor, lx en our constant aim; but last year, for reasons dictated by the necessity of self preserva tion, we, unfortunately, were forced into hostilities with Russia. Since the war begun our army and navy have mads ad-quata provision for home tie. fsnse, and military preparations within t.'e empire liaelf have mithstood hardships of all kinds during their campaign abroad and thus have achieved a glorious success. Our civil officials, in concord with our Diet, have dilllgeutly performed their duties in furtherance of our will. All measures tor the prosecutUiri of the war and for the ad minuilratlon of domestic and foreign affairs have been properly taken, aa Ihe exigencies of the situation demanded. Our people, frugal and prudent, have cheerfully borne the heavy burden of national expenditure and have generously contributed to the war fund, thus assisting, as aim one Will, In advancing the premise and maintaining the dignity of the state. Praise to Anoeatora. The result la due In a large measure to the benign spirits of our ancestors, as well as to the devotion to duty of our civil and military officials and the self-denying patriotism of all our people. After twenty months of war the position of the empire has been strengthened and the Interests of the country-advanced, and In so muoh ss we have never wavered In our desire for the maintenance of peace. It Is contrary to our will that hostMll s should be protracted and that our people should unneccssurlly be subjected to tne horrors of war. When the president of the I'nlted Btetvs, In the interests of peace and humanity, suggested that the governments of Japan and Russia should arrange terms of peace and fully appreciating his kindness and good will, we acrepted the suggestion and at the proper moment appointed plenipotentiaries to confer with those of Russia. The plenipotentiaries of the two countries having met frequently, the Russian pleni potentiaries have agreed to the proposals of our plenipotentiaries which wen? essen tial, having In view the objects of the war and the maintenance of peace In the east, thus manifesting the sincerity of their de sire for peace. We have examined the terms agreed unon bv the nlen notentlnrl.s a id, having found them In ntlre conformity nun our win, we nave accepted, ana ratinca them. Pleased with Peace. Peace and glory have thus been secured, we are happy to Invoke, the blessing of the benign spirits of our ancestors and to be able to bequeath the fruits of these great deeds to our posterity. It Is our earnest desire to share the glory with our peop.e and long enjoy the blessings of peace with all nations. Russia again Is the friend of Japan, and we sincerely desire that the relations of good neighborhood, now re-established, shall become both cordial and Intimate. In this age. when there Is no delay In the world's progress, there should be.no cessa. tlon of the effort to Improve the administra tion ot the nation's affair, both Internal and external. While military efficiency should be maintained In full vigor, even in time of peace, an earnest endeavor should ue made to attain success In peaceful pur suits, that. In equal measure with Its power the prosperity of the country may be main tained and Its permanent progress Insured. We strongly admonish our subjects against manifestations of vainglorious prlila and command them to attend to lawful avocations and to do all that lies In their power to strengthen the empire. BELLEVUt'S MW PRESIDENT (Continued from First Page.) made. President Roosevelt has lifted his big stick and will strike foot ball a blow from which It will never recover, unless It Is made more open. I speak for clean athletics. The man ought to be punished who will plan to injure an adversary In a game, and I call on the foot ball men and the coach of Bellevue to stand by me In this sentiment. I want to outline my posi tion. I believe In athletics and I love them. I believe in foot ball, but I believe In a more open game. Dr. Wadsworth said he had great hopes for the future. With the entrance of the proposed electric line Into Bellevue, he pre dicted an unprecedented development of the college. He saw no reason, he said, why In five years Bellevue college should not have an enrollment of GOO students. After the Inaugural address President E. VanDyke Wright spoke a greeting from his Institution, and Rev. T. V. Moore of Omaha brought a greeting from the churches. Other addresses and more music had been provided for, but the deep rolling of thun der warned that those who wanted to es cape a storm had better start for the sta tion. HORSE SHOW AT KANSAS CITY List of Entries Is Larger Than Any Previous Year and Every Beat Is Taken Opening; Night. KANSAS CITT. Oct 1.-Every seat In the great Convention hall was occupied to night at the opening of the eleventh annual Kansas-City Horse Show. -The list of- en tries' was- larger' than at any previous show held here. It Included the string of Regi nald C. Vanderbllt, part of which came direct from his Long Island breeding farm and the others from the Louisville, Ky., show. A carload of horses belonging to Walter J. Hill of St. Paul and prize win ners from the strings ot A. A. Busch and J. C. Woods, St. Louis; Thomas W. Law son, Boston; R. P. McQrann, Lancaster, Pa., and B. H. Weatherbee, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbllt will not arrive till to morrow. Among the judges are R. P. Ste nlcker. West Orange, N. J.; E. C. Leeds, Philadelphia; Clarence E. Qutnten, Tren ton, N. J.; Carl S. Burr, Jr., Commack, Long Island; Miss Belle Beach, New York City, and D. R. Hanna, Cleveland, O. Reginald Vanderbllt's Tiger Lily won the $500 cup In the breeders' class for stallions In a field of nine entries. Vanderbllt's team. Astonishment and Amasement, won the blue ribbon for horses to be shown before a brougham. Jack of Diamonds, owned by Thomas Dunn of St. Louis, won the Stlllwell purso, $500, for the best saddle horse. A A. Busch's entry, of St. Louis, won the blue ribbon In the four-ln-hand con test. GANG OF HORSETHIEVES FOUND Letters Fonnd on Mna Killed by OMoers Throws Light on Namber ot Crimes. ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct U. A special to the Pioneer Press from Helena, Mont., says that as a result of Incriminating let ters found upon a notorious horse thief, recently killed In Valley county by deputy sheriffs and Stock Inspectors Hall and Teal, Oeorge Cass, for many years em ployed by northern Montana cattlemen. Is under arrest at Glasgow. He Is alleged to have been the ringleader of a gang of horse thieves that have stolen at least 1,000 horses. Letters found on the dead horse thief also led to a recent arrest of parties for robbing Mayor Denlson of WUUston, N. D., 'and Arthur McQahey of the same place. Peace officers have written to President Roosevelt demanding the removal ot certain federal officials of North Dakota, alleged to have admitted acting as agents for the sale of stolen horses. A man named Ryan, also alleged to be Implicated In horse stealing, ts being searched for. BRYAN REACHES JAP CAPITAL Kebrasfcaa Is Gnest of Amerleaa Society nnd Will Be Granted aa Andlenee by tho MlkndO. TOKIO. Oct. 17.-11:30 . m.-William J. Bryan arrived today and was warmly wel comed by the members ot ths Japanese American society. He was given a dinner at the Maple club by the same society. Mr. Bryan will speak tomorrow morning at the Waseda club. It la expected he will be granted an audience by the mikado within the next few days. Swift Bnters Slona City. SIOUX CITY. Ia. Oct. 14.-Speclal Tele gram.) Swift and Company will open the largest poultry house In Iowa hers next month. The firm has contracted, to use a part of the old starch works. It will handls butter and eggs snd the report Is a dairy will be established. Many think this move presages the eslabllsment of a third packing house In Sioux City. Peacemaker Is Stabbed. MONTEZUMA. Ia, Oct. It (Specials While trying to separate two fighting men, James Hope, county bridge builder, was stabbed near the heart and may die. Tom Hock ridge and John Caldwell were the combatants and the knife was wielded by Caldwell. It Is said Caldwell was ar rested, but Hockrldge cannot bs found. JOB PRINTERS LOCKED 0U1 Union Men ia Fsut Mors Tjpothetas Chops Ars Dismissed. EMPLOYERS TAKE THE AGGRESSIVE Fight for Eight-Hoar Day and Closed Shop Practically I nder Fall Hendway with These Developments. tnlnn IK kHhUm -r n-1 rl ,sr nnA rit. missed in four more shops belonging to i the local Typothetae laat night. The men anected number about thirty. These were added to the thirty-three locked out by four other shops October 6, when the old contract between the union and the em ployers expired. To date, therefore, sixty three men have been locked out ot Omaha Job printing offices In ths fight for an open shop and a nine-hour day by employers, the battle In Omaha being part of a national struggle. The four plants that locked out the men last night are the Omaha Printing com pany, the largest In the city, employing twenty-three printers; Kramer Chandler, with three men; the Douglaa Printing com pany, with two men, and the McCoy Print ing company, with two men. Payment in full was given the men with the Information they were discharged and could return only as Individuals and not as members of the union, though the withdrawal from the union Is not Insisted upon. Dnrkley Delays Action. At the shop of the Burkley Printing com pany the lockout will not take place until Wednesday. Four men will be affected there. In the Eggerss-O'Flyng shop, where five men will be Involved, nothing waa done because of serious sickness In the family of one of the proprietors. No Immediate action of any kind Is In prospect at the plant of the Western News paper Union, where a force ot about ten men Is employed. The shops where the men have been locked out for nearly two weeks and where nonunion men are working are those of Samuel Reese, the National Printing com pany, the Festner Printing company and A. I. Root. Since October the Klopp a Bartlett company hag been ruhnlng an open shop, with a force of about ten nonunion men. Preliminary preparations in this shop oblv ated either a lockout or a walk out Nonnnlon Conntry Men. Employers declared last night at all of the shops where lockouts took place last night reduced forces of nonunion men would be at work today. It Is asserted there are more applications from printers In the country than the open shops can care for, ss the men have to be broken In and accus tomed to the work slowly. The officers of th union are pleased that the employers have made the aggressive moves and forced the fight, since a fight seemed Inevitable. They say It Is what they desired and they have had hard work necpm me men rrom going out In the shops not heretofore affected. The develop ments, of yesterday practically put union printers out of all the Typothetae shops employing men and means the fight In Omaha Is under full headway. Statement from Printers. Tha following Is -a statement given out by the Typographical union executive com mittee: The lockout of 'union printers Monday evening was the result ot the continued coercion by members of the executive oom m'ite.et. of..he. Bu'ness Men s association and the "Owl club," which finally forced tne Omaha Printing company. Kramer & Chandler and others to pay off their men and lock tnem out. The lockout of union Pinters in Omaha Is a clear case of the other fellow running your business." Mem- mi.2 .1 ,ua.in';M Men executive com mlttee and the ."square men" of tho Tvdo i!10.."!? reePonIOIe for the condition In Job printing offices In Omaha today and "aultaiit effects of the struggle! which, by this last move of the crnvloyeVs! has readied the fighting stage. We are s til of the opinion that If It had not been for the outslda Influence of business men who want to annihilate the unions and "run other people s business ' the Typographical union and employing printers would have been able to settle their differences without a costly struggle which may demoralise the Job printing business in this city ""V There is a peculiar phase of this con troversy which should not be overlooked. The employing printers who have done the loudest talking In private and through the dally press are those who will be the small est losers in a fight with the Typographical union. Rrima nf th. k. i. ' , 1 . 1 months bringing Influences to bear on the ' t ..v. na.o miHe nnanciai interests and consequently would be heavy losers If they ; locked their printers out. It Is easy to urge another man to Join you In a fight when you have little to lose and the other fellow ! because of his ability and brains, has built I l"hi,. busln"- The latter has some-I thing to lose, while the former may have i a secret hone In hi !.. ik.. . 1 eventually profit by getting some of the other fellows business If he can get him Into the nght. A statement was published In an after noon paper that "the leaders In ths Typo graphical union say that the A. I. Root Printing company will sign the eight-hour agreement within twenty-four hours, being forced to do so by the plant's connection with the Woodmen of the World, which has thousands of union men In Its ranks." This statement was not made by a member of the executive committee of the Typograph ical union or Its officers. Since Ihs day the printers were locked out of the Root office no conference has been held with Mr Root by the executive committee. TO CURB A COLD IX OKE DAY Take I-axatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. OrugIst refund money If It falls to rure. E. W. Orove's signature Is on each box.tbc Coroner's Jnry Reports. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Oct 16. (Special Tele gram.) The Inquest over the bodies of E. II. Darrow, who oommltted suicide, and Mrs. W. E. Darrow, the victim of a bullet from his revolver, was held at 4 o'clock this afternoon. It Is reported that Darrow lost $1,000 at gambling In Omaha recently, and this helped bring on the tragedy. One theory is that Darrow and his daughter-in-law fought over a letter which the woman had received from "C. C. L." at Lead, 8. D. Another theory is that they de cided to die together because of poverty. OVAHtHTERU CURB FOIt PILR9. rtchlng, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Your drusglst will refund money If Paso Ointment falls to curs you In S to 14 days. tOe Blee Oollty at Manslaughter. KNOXVILLE. Ia.. Oct. l.-(8peclal.) James Blee was found . guilty of man slaughter in tne murder of his half-brother, Isaac Fsllor; after an all night session of the Jury. A new trial will be asked at MeCLURE'S A Txt- Book. f In certain classes In Aa vlodern Politics at Hrvard University Mo CLURE'S MAGAZINE is u-ed as a text-nooW. No where can the facts regard ing the use c f money in pot -tics be found so ao-.-urately put as In the papers of Steffens and Baker. B. S. McCLURE COMPANY 44-S0 East 23d Street NEW YORK once. Blee .shot Fsllor st the Utter s home) near Swan In a dispute brought about because Fallor closed up the entrance to Wee's farm. Wee claimed that Failor was reaching for a revolver When he fired tho fatal shot In self defense s tineer Sensations sf In stomach, back or bowels are signs of y certain dangers which Electric nitters are guaranteed to cure snc. For ml. hv Rhr.'v man At McConnell Drue Cn ! LOO AN, Ia Oct. 18. (Special.) Rev. William Shoesmlth, who for a yenr past has been pastor or the Lgxn Christian church, has resigned and will soon go to the Chris tian church at Esthervllle. Free Pile Cure C Instant Relief, and a Qalck rainless tare By the Marvelous Pyra mid Pile Remedy. A Trial Trentinent, Jaat to Prove It, le seat free to ICvery One Who Sende Their Name nnd Address. We are sending out thousands of treat ments of Pyramid Pile Cure, absolutely free and at our own expense, to sufferers of plies, because we have such absolute con fidence In It, snd Its past success has proven Its wonderful virtues Pyramid Pile Cure gives Instant relief, ns a sample will show. It, stops conges tion, restores normal circulation, heals sores, ulcers and Irritated spots with great rapidity, and cures the CAUSE of piles without fall. In every case. No surgical operation Is , necessary for the cure of piles, because , Pyramid Pile Cure will cure without cutting. An opera tion makes matters worse, hacking to pieces the delicate muscles which are re lied upon for a satisfactory and perma nent cure. Pyramid Pile Cure Is put up In the form of suppositories, eaey to use, and applied directly to the affected parts. It requires but a small smount of treat ment, as a rule, to produce a cure If direc tions are carefully followed. - After you have tried the trial treatment and found It satisfactory, as you will, you can get a regular slse package of Pyramid Pile Cure at your druggists for' $0 cents. If your druggist hasn't It, send us the money and we will forward you the treat ment. ' Send your name and address for the treatment at once and We will send you same by return mall. In sealed plain wrap per, on receipt Of your name and address. Pyramid Drug Co., 434$ Pyramid Building. Marshall, Mich. NEW PUBLICATIONS. BAREFOOT BOY, TELEGRAPH OPERATOR, JOURNALIST A powerful article on Edward Rose water of the Omaha Bee In the Octo ber number of Human Life tells of his early struggles, business troubles, do mestic life and final succeed, vibrat ing with human Interest iFully illus trated. ' Alfred Henry Lewis, our editor, has a leading article on Oovernor Herrlck of Ohio and his recent veto ot Horse Race Gambling. ' Fully Illustrated. Roy Knabenatiue, the man , who rides among the clouds and who re cently made his memorable flight .over New York City, is made an interest ing article by R. J. Meade. Very fully illustrated. Among other leading articles: ' The Plundering of the Policy Holder. Christian Science. Impartially In vestigated. . Twenty Years. In Btates. Prison, by an Ex-C0nvlct. vn.-,; Me;.-. nii -i.Hi.i. Strenuous Life at tha .NatJau.'a n Capital, by the author of .Letters of a Congressman's Wife, All finely lllus A MAGAZINE ORifCRAY Filled P"e On all with S3) ' Newa Pictures a&A Stands SPECIAL OFFER Send HUMAN I LIFE PUB. CO.. Boston. 3$ 1-cent stamps and receive HUMAN LIFE for one year, beginning with the October number. We will also mail you the April, May. June. July. August and I September numbers, while they last making is months tor only 60 cents. Bend the 2s 2-cent stamps today. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers' School of Dancing How Open Adult beginners, Mondays and Thurs days, 8 P.M. - Assembly dates furnished on appli cation. Children, Tuesdays and Saturdays.' Misses and masters advanced Satur days 4 P. M. High School class opens Friday, Oc tober 20th, IP. M. Telephone F-1871. , JHtHE.UENTS. O Y D S Woodward Sk Burgess, Managers. TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY Charles B. Dillingham Presents FRANK OANIELQ In ths Musical Farce Hit of Two Continents. SEIIOEAN'C BRUE. No Free List. . THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY, MATINEE SATURDAY B. C. Whitney's Musical Cocktail PIFF FAFF POUF ALL STAR CAST- COMPANY OF 71 BURWOO'P Manifers"'"1' 4th Big Week-Tonight and all Week PROFESSIONAL MATINEE TODAY WITH DOUBLE ORCHESTRA. ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME Matinee Thursday Double Orchestra. NEXT WEEK-Lost Paradise. ' Q CRBIdHtOM mem, 'Phone 44. Every night Matinees Thur., Sat., Suo. MODERN VAUDEVILLE The Mlllman Trio: Mnlvllle A Stetson! Francis Oerard: Kmll Hoch. Jane Elton ik Co; Mr. A Mrs. John Allison; Jacob's Dogs! Paul Lacrolx and the Klnodrome. Prices loc, 16c, buc. KfJUC 7 H 1 A T R " " u r-nc-lio. ic, toe, 76c TOMdHT NilS-. Greatest of All Western Melodramas DBADWOOD DICK A True Story or Life on the Plains. Thurs. YOUNfl BUFFALO KINO OF THE WILD WEST. Sun. Haverly's Mastodon Minstrels. J n