Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Russia Gifti Term i of the Fete Agree
ment to tbi Ptblio. -
Chii Appear to Be Only Ketion Profiting
by tee War.
" ass-sejanUUBSB
Japan, However, to Hold Peninsula Leaied
to Bussia.
Island la to Be Divided aad I'rnpfrlj
Rights of Citlxene of Both Sm
tloaa Are to Re R r
apected. IX1NDON. Oct. lJ.-The R;ut Telegram
company furnish the text of tho treaty
of peace concluded by Russia and Japan at
Portsmouth, N. ., September 6 and signed
by Kmperor Nicholas and the emperor of
Japan, October 14, as follows
The emperor of Japan on one nnrt and
the emperor of all the Rnssias on another
part, animated by a desire to restore the
blessings of pince to their countries, have
resolved to conclude a treaty of peace and
have for this purpose named their plenipo
tentiaries that la to aay, for his majesty.
the emperor of Japan, Baron Komura
Jiitaro, Ju.'ainl, irrand cordon of the Im
perial Order of the Rising Hun, his minis
ter for foreign affairs, and his excellency
Takahlrn, Kumar, Imperial Order of the
Kaored Treasure, his minister to the United
Stales; and his majesty, the emperor of all
the Russias, I. is excellency Serge Wltte, his
Secretary of state uud president of the com
mittee or ministers or the empire of Kus
sla. and tils excellency Baron Roman
Rosen, masttr of the luiiier1.! court of Rus
sia, his majesty's ambassador to the United
Bra tea who, after having exchanged their
full p.lwers, which were found to be tn
good and due form, have concluded the fol
ing articles
Article I There shall henceforth be peace
and amity between their majesties, the
emperor of Japan and the emperor of all
the Russlas, and between their respective
stales and subjects.
Actlele II The Imperial Russian govern
nient, acknowledging that Japan possesses
in . orea paramount political, military and
economical interests, ungages neither to ob
..u.. i iiuerine win. measures lur gum-
anee. It nil ranlrnl whtrh tl-i Im- I
powers that Is to say, they shall be placed
on the aarne footing as Ine aubjecis and
citizens of the mosi favored .nation. It Is
also agreed that in order to avoid causes of
misunderstanding the two high contracting
parties will abstain on the Russian Coreau
frontier from taking uny military measure
which may metutcn the security of Russian
or Coruan territory.
Restore Land to China.
Article III Japan and Russia mutually
Hist, to evacuate completely and simul
taneously Manchuria, except the territory
affected by the lease of the Llao Tung
peninsula, In conformity with the provi
sions of the additional article i annexed to
this treaty, and.
Second, to restore entirely and completely
to the exclusive administration of China
all tae, aoriiona of Manchuria now tn occu
pation or under the control of the Japanese
or Russian trootm. with the exception of
the territory above mentioned.
The Imperial government of Russia de
clares that it has not in Manchuria any
territorial advantages or preferential or
exclusive ooiiosas.outf in the Impairment of
Chinese sovereignty or inconsistent with
the principle ot equal opportunity.
Article IV Japan and Russia reciprocally
engage not to obstruct any general meas
ures common to all countries which China
may take fur the development ot the com
merce or iuousiry of Manchuria.
Article V The Imperial Russiun govern
ment transfers and assigns to the imperial
government ot Japan with the consent of
i ne government of China, the lease of
'fallen, .Port Arthur and the adjacent ter
ritory and territorial waters and all rights.
privileges and concessions connected will!
te (orming part ot such lease and also
transfer and assigns to the Imperial govern
ment 01 jHtmn an public works aor prop
erltcs in the territory anected by tho ubovu
mentioned lease.
The two contracting parlies mutually
engage to obtain the consent of the Chinese
government mentioned in the foregoing
The lniM.-rlal government of Japan on
Its part undertakes ttiat the proprietary
rights of Rumsi.ui subjects in tno territory
above roferreU to shall bu perfectly
Japaa fiats Railroad. .
Article VI The imperial Russian govern
ment engages to transfer ami usslgn to the
imperial government of Japan without
compensation, and with the consent of the.
Chinese government, the railway between
1 nang Chun t u and Kuan Chang Tsu and
Port Arthur and all the brandies together
with all tn iiKhis, privileges and prop
erties appertaining thereto 111 that region,
as well us all the coul mines in said region
ueiongiiiH 10 or worsen lor 1110 benefit of
1 ne
prouiolu and facilitate intercourse and
name will aa soon as possible conclude
a separate convention for tne regulation of
their connecting railway services in Man
churia. Article IX The imperial Russian govern
ment cedes to the linueriul Koveriimein ..f
Japan iu perpetuality and full sovereignty
me kuuuiwn portion 01 ine isiana ot bak
iiaitn and all the Islands adjacent thereto,
and the public works and propcrin-s there
on. The tilth degree of north latitude Is
auoptea as me nortnern boundary of the
ceded territory. ine
exact allKiiment r
aocti territory .hall be determined I.. .7..
7. ... j . i, ...,i.... ... .J .
cordanoe witn the provisions of the ad
ditlonal article eleven annexed to this
Will Not Fortify Sakhalin.
Japan and Russia mutually agree not to
construct In their respective possessions on
the island of Sakhalin, or the adjacent
Islands, any fortircailons or other simllur
military work. They also respectively en
gage not to take any military measures
which may impede the tree navigation of
the strait of L-a Prroub and the sirali of
Article X It Is res-ved to Russian sub
jects inhabitants of the territory ceded lo
Japan to sell their real property and retire
to their country, but if they prefer to re
main in the ced,d territory they will be
maintained and protected in the full exer
mainiaiiieu situ proiecieu in ine iuii exer-
else ot meir industries anu rignts ol proo-
erty on con.1ll.on of submitting to the Japa
nese laws and Jurisdiction. Japan snail
have full liberty lo withdraw the right of
residence in or to deport from such terri
tory any inhabitants who labor under
iwlitical or administrative disability, it
engages, howcvi.-, that th proprietary
rights of such inhabitant shuil be fully
Article XI Russia engages to arrange
with Japan for granting lo Japanese sub
jects rights ot Asm ry along the coasts of
the Russian posseroious in the Japan,
Okhotsk and Retiring seas.
It is agreed that tho foregoing engage
menu shall not affect rights already be
longing lo Russian or foreign subjects lu
1 1 lose regions.
Propose Commercial Treaty.
Article XII Tho treaty of commerce and
l.avigallon netween japan and Russia hav-
'to penal government of Japan may rind necea
.-WrwSJ l taso in i.orea. Al is unuersioou
m that Russian subjects in Curea shall be
1 treated In exactly the same manner as the
I subjects and citizens of other foreiun
ine railway. mo two iiign contracting . , ,iouk,' mu.i r-....i.i r-, r, .. . ' ,.. ... ., , .
parties mutually engage to obtain ine con- ' Kle8b' LJln Goul(1- D- c- Beamau. F. J. tlona were commenced In St. Louis members
iei.1 or me government of China mentioned ee. j of the house of delegates clalni that this
'VXJrXT' Russia engaged A K'K.lS? tuiM-re
to exploit ,nolrT,1uv, rt!, l ' n. C',ttnBtt ln the offlcer or management being prosecuted Some of them argued
Alanciiui la. exclusively tor commercial and of the cmP'V hre was no election of niembera of the house of delegates
'"l' Jf- j4 ' -f-red by th. ! ftd" -credho''rii
i : ir.:arrlcUo.r d,HS not aui Z unl meeting in New Tork ! i was just as proper for them to sell their
way iT, li e terrt ory arfee e'd by ti e wJL XMa ,,,onl,, The rePrt of IToeWent P. J. I votes as for the merchant to sell his wares.
7 1 ot th Liao Tun oenlnaula. Hearne for the vear -ndlna .t..n- a Here was a crime worse than any other.
v f Article VlllT'he ininrrml ,,.., ,.. . . . , , - i for bribery strikes at me ounuation 01 un
, Jr.-.1"' ONe.rn"le".u submitted, and shows the largest ton- i laws. Yet because the law denouncing it
k - J f nueoi" Willi Lilts VICW lO I
:V lug been annulled ry the wai. ihu lnipe
, , T Jfl go ci -iuo-i ui an&ii out; iui engase
17 to adopt aa a basis lor their commercial
11 relation pending ins conclusion of a treaty
I".-' CJouU&Ue4 OU J-MX'Uud 'mK.)
apreme I nanrll of the Prnttlsh Rite
la lloldlna efon In
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1.-The supreme
council of Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rlre Masons itier In biennial srssloit here
-ouncll has Jurisdiction over
Masonry In the siuthcrn
states, i
the let -
e west of the Mississippi, all
s and dependencies of the
I. the army and navy, t'hlna
The council Is composed of
mm each Jiirisdirrlnn, elected
nty-slx In all. Thev were all
United ,
and J)
one d e
for lif
of Cc
of Ot
the exception of Senator Teller
, who was kept away by the
I of his brother. Deputy Trait
who was stricken with paralysis
rrlval here, Is reported better,
le to attend the council,
on was called to order today by
but ;
Grand Commander James I). Richardson of
Tennessee. Adjournment was taken at
once that the members of the council might
pay their respects to President Roosevelt.
In his allocution delivered at the after
noon session, Orand Commander Richard
son recalled thst on March 4 last he had
retired from congress to devote his entire
lime and energies to the Scottish Rile In
bringing up to date many subjects pertain
Inn to the rite that had been left uncom
pleted where their authors had been forced
to lay them down by reason of death.
At the conclusion of the reading of the
allocution reciting the work of the grand
commander and his office for the past two
years, a subcommittee was appointed to
separate the allocution and refer it to ap
propriate committees.
Reports were received from the secretary
general and treasurer general, both of con
gratulatory character, on the growth of
Scottish rite Masonry In tho southern Juris
diction In the past two years. Jt Is shown
that nearly $150,000 had been received the
last two years, and supreme council of the
southern Jurisdiction owned United Stales
bonds amounting to upwards of $:O0,fl00.
Demorrer of Senator to Indictment
Chararlna- Violation of Federal
I-a w Argnrd at St. I.oula.
ST. T.OUIS. Oct. 16 The hearing of argu
ments by Judge Vandeventer In the United
States circuit court on the demurrer of
United States Senator Burton, of Kansas,
, ,,. in..,,m, ,,, ,,,, ,K k..;..
aim, nun nnvuiH
um-u ma innuence in nenair or ine itiatio
Grain and Securities company of 8t. lxuts
before the postofflce department began to
day. Senator Burton was re-lndlcted last .
spring after his case had been sent back '
by the 'supremo court, and the Indictment '
ho hi., - i.u I,, , , I
charges him with knowingly receiving com-
pensation, while a United States senator, j
ror services rendered In a ase then pending I
In which the TTnitoH ciin. , ' .
n which the I nlted States government was i
Interested. Attorney Haynes of Chicago ;
counsel for Burton, declared today that the
Indictment falls to charge that Burton
Vn.w f ,h . " I
Rlalto company. He contended that the
word "knowingly" In the Indictment only
extenda to the question of his accepted
compensation, and that It cannot be ex
tended to be an allegation that Burton
knew ot the case pending.
Senator Burton was present In cntfrt and
sat quietly beside his attorneys. '
Attorney Haynes argued farther that
while the Indictment alleges that Senator
Burton agreed to receive compensation for
his services. It does not set out with whom
. ml , ,.
he agreed. The Indictment, he argued, does
not specify as to the services rendered or
when services were to be rendered.
It ,1s alleged by the indictment, Haynes
stated, that the question being Investigated
by the postofflce department was whether
the Rlalto company had violated section
5180 of the criminal statutes. The only
power that makes such an Investigation.
he argued, is a court, and if the postofflce
I lpPrtment was making such an Investiga
tlon It was without right.
Anaaal Report' of Colorado Corpora
tloa Shows Earnings Insufficient
to Hay Flsed fhara-ea.
v. ,v. j ne. in, mill
meeting of the stockholders of the Colorado
ruel and Iron company, at which were
represented in person and by proxy 2".i,431
shares of stock out of a total of 321,520, was
held In this city today, and the following
were unanimously elected directors for tho
ensuing year:
Alvln W. Krech, Edwin Hawley, John IS.
McClerment, Benjamin Nlcull,
Ward, Wlnslow S. Pierce, George
r- 1. jenerey, K. H. Harrlman. E. W.
nage of coal ever produced by the com-
The gross earlngs from operations for the
year are shown by the report to be HHS15 -
017. an Increase of .763.t7 as compared
, ou
with the preceding year.
The net earnings, carried to the credit of
of $1.306,8.6 as compared with the preced-
111H y rni . x no luiai ijt-i eurninirs irom nil
i sources amounted to It 18 ex-
nouroea amounted to Il.tti2.047. It
r,l..inH v.v ih r-.r. ti, -
r ' ' ' wni, ncr
tne payment or ail nxed charges and sink
ing funds, "leaves a deficit of fcHl.'. car
ried to the debit of profit and loss."
Seventeen raaseagera Hart, Oaa
seriously When Train Leaves
Track Sear Pueolo.
pi-,.,,. n p . r 1 o
pas -
- ie .i wnc ui w iiuiii may a,e, were injured
today by the wrecking of the westbound
St. ixul Denver flier on the Missouri Pa-
i 1M - -
ii,- r ougar uy, sixty miles
J. I . liickerman. Kansus
City, arm
broken, body brulseil.
All the passtngers were brought to this
city and those whose injuries were severe
were taken to hospitals here for treat
ment. The last three cara, Pullman aleeper,
tourist sleeper and a day coach. Were
puif ,,r i,i..i.i., ai... - i . . iiiHiiiicimii oeinceii inein. ine nnomcr ,! i . I
b7spreadrng Tails " "d pros.lluie- hi. trust Mr bribe BUY MILWAUKEE STOCK YARDS .1 . h0de"' r""n
. ! ... money contrary lo law, but the grafter is of the wisdom of his plan of choosing
Jlist of the most seriously injured fo,- notl waa .e, on g, .a.t. of mm...... Me. ..d for Oxford for tlfvlr bodily .,,
juVed k- iza'&wsza TW:" Pro"
A Parnell. Indianapolis. Injured about crn'tL.t''? 'e. ,?"t ' " E""r"' to! th of th. three
..ean sfxnt"' ,ndi-a""ii'' y-t MrTUKEdE'r,r ,6irA :ynk,c,au of ".-.10...
: Rr.tnerP- Lo. Angeles Cal hip. remedy for corruption, briery gr-rting of Milwaukee and Chicago live .lock deaier. m thi. regard lie ld :
crush, a and internal Injuile..' "' J'7nlk ."working "an iuesal Jan"! ' ,,,.,h? "nd 't0,'k con,ml"lon "Wn "" '., Foot hh prohlen, ,
Miss Ruth Connor. Roadsport. Mo., face " TrXnm to bell ha aai th- EL"..,ni,,,'",, Uke ov" Blul "I'r't n Milwaukee olved by the colleges of the country. His
b'"y I'.1' o ... il to 5p "he game ' " "y 'fx Vds. owned at present and operated reuulrea skill, h, w-
Misa Mary Connor, sister of above, nose 13 "lop " , . ; kv ih ri.leaan Milwaukee A St pu1,i .a t ever, determination, courage. It is an ad-
nd lace Iscei-ated. body bruised. Governor Folk arrived In Philadelphia be- by tha Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul road. mtrablH gi,mei puye)J a, u .hou,
Governor of Missouri Addresses Oreat Mast
Meeting Under Auspices of Gity Clab.
Speaker Says Mnalrlpal (.overameals
Sow Are Administered by the
Few and ot by the
PH1LADELPH I A, Oct. 16 The ,-reat
battle between the republican organisation
and the city party, the municipal refo'-m
organization recently formed here, today
wna enlivened by . the visit of Governor
Folk of Missouri, who came to lend his
volte In the Interest of good government.
The Missouri governor tonight addressed a
large and enthusiastic audience in th
Academy of Music. He spoke under the
auspices of the City club, which claims no
connection with the city party. Oovernor
Folk had an exceedingly busy day and his
reception wherever ht appeared during the
day and evening was a flattering one.
The crowd that attempted to gain en
trance to the academy tonight was so great
that the drs were closed before the meet
ing began. Several thousand persons who
could not get In were addressed by the city
party speaker. While the curbstone mass
meeting was in progress. Governor Folk
arrived and the assemblage would not per
mit him to enter the building until he had
addressed them. He made a short speech.
When he entered the academy the entire
audience stood up to welcome him. With
lilm on the stage were George Burnham,
Jr., president of the City club: former Post
master General Charles Kmory Smith,
former United States Attorney General
Wayne MacVeagh; William H. Potter,
former United States minister to Italy, and
about 100 other citizens of prominence.
Mayor Weaver occupied a proscenium box
and was given a warm welcome when ho
President Burnham, In explaining the ob
jects of the club, said the organization was
allied with no party, that It neither en
dorsed nor named candidates, but stood
ready to help any genuine movement for
good government. He presented Wayne
MacVeaitgh who made a brief speech, in
troducing Governor Folk.
Governor Folk's Speech.
Governor Folk spoke in part as follows:
The most conspicuous fact of municipal
governments in the United States today
is that they are governments by the few
(and not by the people. There is more ag
rressive rottenness and less airirreHMl v n-
trlotism In our large cities than anywhere
elBe- 1 tl,e I'ltrlotlsm can be made as
aggressive as the rottenness, the problem
? l Knvernment wm.M he solved hv the
people taking the government into theirJ
own nanos. it corruption exists in rnn-
adelphla the people are to blame; if cor-
ruption ,8 to b eradicated the people alone
can do it. The fight you are making here
a battle which will be felt by every
.wnl clty ."I"1 8Utte ln the land- The .ben
Pl ,,f a vie ory for good government will
be universal and the evil effects of a de
feat will demoralize those who believe In
good government by the people. The aver
age man does not appreciate the solemn
duty he owes his city, state and his coun
try. The . moral revival now sweeping over
the land means the patriotism that comes
from the heuurt, not from the head.
Many nun would be wllllnBTrf-Tn?erT;
to give" up their lives for their city or
(tale, if they are needed, sometimes, and
this kind of patriotism cannot be too highly
commended, but the man who is willing
to live for his city and state -every day
is the man that la needed just now. There
may oe an mucn patriotism in giving one a
j tiWe to the betterment of civic conditions
: rnd the election of good men to office and
n P"''".? ne.,Pa"i," tn Lr'"K mL!
, uiruni 1 u iiiu i it 1 1 , , ail iiciiir. i uri a
never was a time when the need for pa
triotlc men In public affairs was greater
than now. We need more men actuated
alone by the public good and fewer of
those who are in politics merely for reve
nue. The strength of the lawless element Is
aa nothing when it comes ln contact with
a public conscience thoroughly aroused.
Philadelphia at last seems to be awakened,
and, though the gang has been strong. It
Is being shattered beneath the shafts of
: . . t . 1 . . ..nnl.,n . . 1 , . r I I..,. .1., 1,1 ..
Mayor Weaver. The people can overthrow
civic evil wnenever iiiey want 10 ana Rei
Just as good government as they deserve
or aa had as they permit It to become. The
law-abiding people are In the majority in
Philadelphia and there Is hardly a com
munity in this country of which this can
-J nrtt he stilH Thev are usuallv oufet hnw
, ever, while the lawless are so vociferous
' 11 a tn i1m VP OOIIIV MM in Ilieil' nilniliot
! They may bluff and bulldoze, but they
are cowards and it resolutely fought can
be overcome. They are always active, how
ever, while the average good citizen bt
comes active only occasionally.
Great Moral Revolution.
The moral revolution that Is now sweep
ing over the land Is merely a revival of the
rule of the people. Four years ago the
y. John U. J i,lwB uguinst bribery In all of the statei procession from the apartments which had
Wlllard P. i were considered as practically dead letters. hern ort,unied hv Sir Henrv Th.,. ..,
J c.,..l,t I Not because the offense was uncommon. De" ootuPea Dy Blr Henry. Ihese apart
J. ; . but because it was uncommon for officials j nients are at the other end of Stratton
... I tr I.,, it IV l, ,t lh. a... ........ I
! vaa not enforced bribery became the usual
! and expected thing all over the land; cor-
rupt men feasted and fattened at public
expense; laws became merchandise on the
! market and all tills time the public enn-
1 Bcle,ic u",leep- i'T ,L'Le rifHlai!i0!l
came the people saw that they had been
j piu,iavred. they saw the offense In all of I'a
i enormitv, and from one end of the land to
I Dro"twted nrlvllt'gea are irrafta and should
ne naieiui iu rreiy ian iiniiuru niiu.
I '"r" v .Ti' y .7.. ... ....I i.
a.orol.' ,n.R ' " " " "" . '"'J''
ikelibool or mat, we win pass irom vne
sordid age of commercial into Hie age of
high Ideals.
Functions of Political Parties.
A political party has no right to ask for
support because it is that party, but be
cause It stands fur the right. If a political
party cannot get votes on the ground of
patriotism, it has no right to ask for votes
on the ground of partisanship. Under our
form of government political parties are
necessary, for it is through them .hat the
people can come to agreements on public
questions and announce their principles and
' micniiuil". UUI , fain- piiuiuu lto
i the servants oi ine people, not iimr mas-
! tei s. a n. c ,,.,. m wm uru "i iuri y
i and' grafting, using the terms as 'they are co-operste with Major Taggart In manag
I commonly used, synonymously. While the ing the children she ev ntually will have
rneci on mi puouc may oe as iiijjrious
from graniua mm iioth uoaMiung. inert is a
fore dawn today. From 10 o'clock to 1
o'clock he was engaged in receiving visitors
among them was Mayor Weaver. At 1.30
the Missouri governor was the gutst of
members of the City club at luncheon at
the Union Ieague.
The governor spoke informally and said
4CuuUuud on Second Page.
Kiploslea of Natural Cat Destroys
Hereltlae; Station and fata Oft
Fael Saaply.
Efl IE, Pa., Oct. 1. Two terrific explo
sions at the main supply house of the
Pennsylvania lias company. Just outside the
city, this evening have cut off the supply of
all natural gas used for hnating and light
ing In the city. One man, the gashnus
tender. Benjamin pnnKvnn. aged 36 years.
Is In Ilamofs hospital, not expected to live
and his little son. Nell Donavsn, aged 4. Is
so badly burned that his recovery Is doubt
ful. Mrs. Mary Dona' an, his wife, was
burned In escaping from the residence.
which was wrapped In flames the instant
the gashouse exploded., The accident was
caused through a bonflr that the gastendor
started In his yard to bum a pile of rub
bish. , '
Luckily the accident happened early In
the evening and no other accidents from
the sudden cutting off of the city supply
have been reported. The damage, which
will amount to about $ ft.eoo, falls entirely
upon the Pennsylvania Gas company, but
four times this amount will be lost by
manufacturing establishments and business
houses using the natural gas, and thou
ands of people will suffer from the sudden
stopping of the supply of gas, which Is used
generally for cooking and lighting In the
houses. i
Two firemen were Injured. Jumping from
the roof of the gastemier's house during
their attempt to subdue the flames. The
building is two stories and they leaped
thirty feet to the ground. They are Ed
ward Franz, stoker of Jfo. engine com
pany, and John Weber, hilnutemsn of the
same company. Frans had his arm broken
and Weber sustained Internal Injuries
through striking a projer ng porch.
Dr. White Consolidates a Another of
the I ptnvrn Wards and Hedncra
Number of Inspectors.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct; 1S. Official report
of yellow fever situation to 6 p. m. :
New cases , 15
Total to date i Z,3
Heaths 1 3
Total to dato y
New foci 4
Cases under treatment ..4 T.9
Cases discharged I.7J6
The first practical evidence of the ap
proach of the wlndup of jthe yellow fever
fight here was the issuance of an order by
Dr. White today consolidating several of
the uptown wards and reducing the number
of fever Inspectors. The flowntown wards
will he similarly treated ift a few days.
Dr. Brady has returned from a tour of In
spection In the Barratarl. and Grand Isle
districts, and reports thai' there have been
199 cases and 17 deaths, with 9 cases still
under treatment. , ?
Country reports wero: Amelia and Bayou
IOurse, 3 new cases; New Iberia. 1 new
case: LaFourche Crossing, 1 new case;
Coye Blanche and Belle Ami (for weekl, 8
new cases and 1 death: near Plattsvllle,. 3
cases; Terre Bonne parish (for week). 13
new cases, 1 death; Patterson. 1 new case;
plantations nearby, 7 new cases.
JACKSON, Miss.. Oct. 10. The Mississippi
summary for today:
Vickaburg, 1 new case. , enth) In county,
1 new case; Nfttchrs, I f.v easea,-- new
foci; Hamburg, 1 new case, 3 auspicious
cases; Port Gibson, 1-ncw case; Gulf port,
new case.
PENSACOLA, Fla., Oct. 16. The fever
summary tonight shows a decrease In the
mK e n . . ,. .
""mbr r ce a"l follows:
New cases , 7
i neathi' tUVv "i
1 Total deaths 65
. . . ..,.........,,....
Under treutment , 17S
Cases discharged is
Body of Distinguished Aetor Will Be
ImIiX to Rest In Westminster
LONDON, Oct. 16. The dean of West
minster, Very Rev. Joseph Armltage Robin
son, announced this evening that having
received a request signed by leading mem
bers of the dramatic profession and other
persons of distinction, he had consented to
1 the interment of the body of Sir Henry
Irving in Westminster abbey
Baroness Burdett-Coutts, who far many
years had been a friend of Sir Henry, be
sides signing the request to the dean, has
offered to place her house in Stratton
street, Plcadilly, at the disposal of the Irv
ing family on the day of the funeral, owing
to the inconveniences of starting the funeral
street, where there is no opening.
Condolences continue to come from all
parts of the world. The latest to be re
ceived today were from the prince and
princess of Wales and from the directors of
the Imperial theater at St. Petersburg.
The loading actors and managera at
meeting here this evening decided to follow
the coffin on foot. The nature of the me
morial to Sir Henry will be the subject of
another meeting.
Captala Taggart May Have Difficulty
la Enforcing Decree of
Ohio Court.
CHICAGO, Oct. 16.-A dispatch to the
Tribune from Wooster, O., says that al
though the decree of Judge Eason places'
the Taggart children under the guardian
ship of their father, Major Taggart may
find It difficult to get Culver Into his pos
session without actually going to Mrs.
Taggart's house and tearing the boy away
from hts mother.
Mrs. Taggart will prepare Culver to ac
company his father, but to force him to
leave her is an act she la not equal to.
. Beems determined to resist the
Culver seems ai lerminea 10 resist the
major's authority.
i jnajor lttssll nyirirj,
E. S. Wertz.
aBt nigiit if Mrs,
Taggart chose to
them almost entirely with her.
The new company will enlarge the yards
and increase the capacity ln order to meet
all requirements and under this new lease
of life the yards will become a decided fac
tor in the live stork business of the west
and northwest. It Is believed tha National
Packing company of Chicago la one of the
concerns which will be largely Interested
i i
J ln & itw deal.
Dr. 6b W, Wadsworth Installed at Bead
of Frsibjterisn College.
Kerr Relates Mueh I'nwrltten
History of Inatltatloa and Br,
Wadsworth Ontllnea His
Policy for Direction.
Bellevue college's twenty-fifth ano'ver
sary was celebrated last night with the In
stallation of Guy W. Wadsworth as presi
dent at the Bellevue Presbyterian church.
Dr. Wadsworth came to Omaha In Sep
tember from Los Angeles, where he was
president of Occidental college, to assume
the administration of the Institution at Bel
levue. He Is the successor of Dr. Q. H.
Lnmpen. who resigned last year.
Beside the faculty and students and citi
zens ot Bellevue interested In the Institution
about 300 people went down from Omaha on
the afternoon tialns to attend the services.
After visiting rlaSs rooms, laboratories and
dormitories, they gathered at Fontanelle
hall for supper, which, If It was a fair sam
ple of the meals served at the college,
proved to the satisfaction of the visitors
that the students ought to consider them
selves well fed. The big dining room was
scarcely large enough to accommodate all
the guests, and the students took their
plntes In their hands and made merry In
the halls.
At 7:30 the Inaugural ceremonies began at
the church. Rev. Thomas C. Clark, D. D.,
of Grand Island, presided. Rev. Stephen
Phelps, D. D pronounced the Invocation.
Miss Allen offered a violin solo. Rev.
Joseph J. I-ampc, D. D., read a passage of
Scripture and Rev. E. 11. Jenks made tho
inaugural prnyer.
Hr. Kerr on Its History.
Then came an historical address by David
R. Kerr, D. D., president of Westminister
college, Missouri, and former president of
Bellevue. Realizing that the history of
the last ten or fifteen years has been told
time and time again to the people who wero
assembled, Dr. Kerr devoted perhaps more
than half his time to tho foundation and
earlier history of the college. He said In
The history of Rellevue colleae Includes
the educational history of the synod of
Nebrasiia. which had its beginning in the
mission to the Omaha Indians, established
ai Bellevue in the forties and which Is
traced back to those who In that atmos
phere and the memory of cultured eastern
homes prized education and knew its neces
sity for the preservation of church and
As early as 1S59 the Presbytery of Omaha,
meeiirg ai tiatismoutn, appointed a o.nv
V, hiV. lo co",;'l" v Propriety oi estab- j
llshlng a preshytenJ academy or college, i
with authority to receive proposals. in
1S67 the Missouri River Presbyteryi meeting
in iveoraaKa city, appointed a committee of
which H. T. Clarke was a member, 1 to
report at the next meeting what can be :
done for education within our bounda. ' ln ' late today, are William Thomas and Wll
lxtis this committee reported, recommending iam o. Warner, both about 29 ycara old.
tne esiatiiisnmeni of an educational institu-
tlon at Nebraska C tv. Trustees w.i
elected and visitors appointed. I
ti. i. tiarke Did lo have the institution '
at Bellevue and offered nlnetv-three acres
of land. 100 acres If he could get the owners !
to sell it. and guaranteed twentv scholar- I
hips. .
i?Jl':?.n .1 ,. U. Nebraska Clty,Known. coiored seaman: William Grlzcll.
have" bt-en-too 'maen of a financial burdan
and in .two or three years was so tangled)
that tha property was aold to the Episco
palians. They, in turn, gave it ud after a
short struggle. This was a lesson ln cau
Efforts of Other Schools.
Dr. Kerr went on to tell ln detail of the
efforts of Hastings and Beatrice to get the
support of the synod for a college, and of
tho endeavors of Highland University, Kan
sas, to secure the financial aid of the Ne
braska synod. He stated that tn 1879 a com
mittee was appointed to receive proposi
tions from the various places wishing the
college. The committee consisted of D. 6.
Schaff and Samuel Alexander of Kearney
presbytery. J, T. Baird and John R. Clarke
of Nebraska City presbytery and W. J.
Hawka and H. T. Clarke of Omaha pres
bytery. "The same synod." said Dr. Kerr,
"adopted resolutions declaring that presid
ent and tireless efforts were being made
to wrest our state university at Lincoln
wholly from Christian hands, and to make
the institution not merely secular, bur.
avowedly antl-Chrlatian and godless. Th.)
historian declares that resolution did good
In two directions: It hastened a Presby
terian college and It did good at Lincoln.
"H. T. Clarke made a bid for Bellevue
before the committee appointed in 1879. The
synod of 1K80, on October 16 considered the
committee's report. ' The committee re
ported that they had met several times and
received three propositions (which they
stated in full) that they had 'resolved that
tho Institution be located at Bellevue.'
Thel report taa adopted."
Delay that Auaoyed.
Dr. Kerr told In detail of delays wlflch
postponed the beginning of work ln the
college until 1SS3. He told of the gifts of
H. T. Clarke to the college, of the growth
ln students and buildings, of financial re
verses and struggles tn the hard times of
the '90s. His narrative embraced the ad
ministration of the five presidents, W. W.
Harsha, Rev. Francis 8. Blayney, Dr.
David B. Kerr and Dr. Q. H. Lampen. He
lingered long aver his story of the organi
sation of classes In 13 and the building of
Clarke hall ln 18M. Mr. Clarke he men
tioned as the man who has made the largest
gift to any Nebraska college. Christian or
After Dr. Kerr's address Miss Fawcett
sang a solo entitled, "Day la Ended." Presi
dent Charles M. Wllhelm of the board of
directors then delivered the address of In
junction and performed the ceremony of
delivering the keys, charter and seal to tho
new president.
Presldeat Wadsworth'a Address.
"The Three-fold Purpose of tho College,'1
Implying the cultivation of body, mind and
spirit, was the subject of President Wads
worth's inaugural address. Men who cul
tivate their minds at the expense of their
bodies he characterized as lop-sided; men of
mental superiority who are without re
ligion he spoke of as clever devils. He
quoted Bismarck that "one-third of the
ftiuiirius ui t,uruw uje oi overwork, one
third die of dissipation, and the rest rule
Yet as otten played today It is a brutal
fame. It has been a disappointment to
overs of the sport In scores of colleges
that Walter Camp and other eastern au
thorities have refused to change the rules
to make the game more open and thus les
sen the chances of mortality. Becretary
Taft hss declared that he will take the
game out of West Point If changes are not
-iCeaUaued oo Second Page
Rain and Snow In West. Rain la Fast
Portion Taesdnyi Colder In Soathern
Portion. Wednesday Fair and
Slightly Warmer.
Temperature at Omaha Vesterdayi
Hoar, Den. Hoar. Ilea.
a. m 44 I n, m ""
H a. tn.... 4.1 2 p. m
T a. nt 4.1 ft n, m..... Rl
a. m 4ft 4 p. tn n
ft a. in t fl p. m 4
in a. m n Hp. m 4a
II a. m 4 T p. to 4
III m 4ii a p, m I'
It p. ra
Buffalo Rnslness Man Indaeed to
Enter Roans Opium Smng
allna Knterprlse.
BUFFALO. N. Y., Oct. Id -The police
have discovered a mammoth bunco game,
which they say has been worked ex
tensively on the Niagara frontier by a
gang of swindlers. William Macon, a Buf
falo grocer, the police say, is the latest
victim. He lost il.730.
The game involved operations In tho
United States and Canada, and perhnps
a dozen parties to carry it out. A victim
was selected and the profit of smuggling
opium explained lo him. He was then
taken to a Chinese merchant, who agreed
to buy all the opium the smugglers could
deliver. The swindlers accompanied their
victim to a Canadian city, where confed
erates sold to them a quantity of powder
raid to be opium. On their return to the
United States in a rowboat other confed
erates on shore fired blank cartridges at
the men In the boat and called on them
to surrender In the name of the law. The
conspirators In the boat hastily explained
to their victim that these were govern
ment officers and threw tho supposed opium
overboard on the pretext of evading prose
cution for smuggling. The police say that
two men from Pittsburg recently were
fleeced In a like manner. So far they
have been unable to locute the swindlers.
Two Men Taken Off Wreck of
Schooner After Six Others Hoc.
rnmb to Hanger and Thirst.
B08TON, Oct. 16. A story of a South At
lantic shipwreck, In which eight seamen
suffered so fearfully from exposure, hunger
and thirst that six of them either died out
right, were washed away or, crazed by their
fearful experience, threw themselves Into
the sea, was told today by the two sur
vivors of the coasting schooner Vanname
and King of New Haven, Conn., which was
boalen to pecP, by a galo off the South
,' ' ' "
Carolina coast on October 6.
The two men who lived through the five
na..g Bml were rescued by the schooner
.... . . . .. . .
Btillman F. Kently. which arrived here
- . , ,,,. , ,, h , ..!.
British West Indies. The six who, one by
one. succumbed were Captain William A.
.. , ...... n, . -.i
awe m 1,,w """ey, -
noma unanown; ine engineer, a uvimnu.
name unknown; colored steward, name un-
Afr4 Arthur, both of Janialoaw j. , ,
" "' '
Oorarasaaat Seeks to Hat Aalda Title
Gained Through Bribery,
Forgery and. Perjury.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 16.-In the federal
court today six cases were filed through
Attorney General Moody to recover to the
government title to lands In Oregon, Wash
ington and California out of which the gov
ernment had been defrauded. The com
plaint names Frederick A. Hyde. John A.
Benson. C. W. Clarke, the Wllllamette Pulp
and Paper company. William Q. Gossllne,
Alfred Trexbury, W. H. Sawyer and others,
charging bribery, perjury, forgery, etc.. In
disposing of lands in Vancouver district,
Washington, and ln Oregon and California.
Henry F. Dlmond, a lawyer of Ban Fran
cisco is named as having been employed
by the defendants to assist them In the
alleged defrauding of the government.
Private Car Line days Interstate t'om-
nierce Commission Is Without
CHICAGO, Oct. 16. An attempt to show
that the Interstate Commerce commission
has no Jurisdiction over private car lines
was made in the united states circuit
court today by counsel for F. J. Relch
inann, vice president and general manager
of Street's Western Stable Car line.
A petition was filed tor the government
which compelled Mr. Reichmann, who had
declined, to answer questions concerning re
bates. . The case will probably go to the
federal supreme court for a final defini
tion of private car lines In relation to com
mon carriers.
Ministers Will Be Permitted to Re
marry laaoceat Parties to Sep
aration After One Year.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. IB The general
council of Lutherans, meeting here touay,
settled the marriage and divorce question
by the adoption of a canon as to the prac
tice of thf; church ln the future, as follows:
That Its pastors shall decline to marry
any ierson who has a husband or wife liv
ing, unless such a person shall have buen
dlvorred by due process of law from such
husband or wife for the cause of adultery
or wilful desertion, and ln that case tnat
they const nt to marry only the Innocent
party to such dlverces and then not until
the expiration of a year after the divorce
shall have been granted.
Paris Aeraaaat l.aud la Hansary,
Covering a Distance of Him
PARIS. Oct. 1. Jacques Faure, the ell
known aeronaut, la the winner of the In
ternational talloon contest which started
from the Tullerlea gardens here Sunday.
He landed in Hungary after covering Kl9
fniles. The record is S14 miles
Movesaeata of Ocean Vessels Oct. in.
At New York Arrived. Algeria from
Naples. Gerniaiila from Marseilles; Helllg
Olav from Copenhagen.
At Hremen Arrived. Grosser Kurfurst
from New York.
At Hamburg Arrived, Bluecher from
New York.
At Glasgow-Balled. Mongolian for Mont
real. At .Cherbourg-Hailed: Frederick tier
Grosse for New York.
At Palermo Hailed: Panuonla for New
Al Plymouth Arrived. Kaiser Wllhelm
II. from New York
At Yokohama Arrived; Euuvreae of IndUt
from vauowver, U
Missouri Cffioiali Retime IoTsitigttion f
Operation of the Octopus.
Avenge Dividends of Latter Ocmpany
Three Hundred Per Cent.
He Then Sent Two-Thirds ef it to Few
Yerk Office ef Standard.
Charles M. Adams, Secretary al
Watrrs-Plerce Company Refuse
to Tell Who Owna the
ST. IH'IS. Oct. IS.-lrioulrlea Into th
affairs of the Standard. Republic and
Waters-Pierce Oil companies were resumed
here today. Among the principal witnesses
summoned wero C. A. Plercs. president of
the Waters-Pierce company; C. V. Ackert.
C. I.. Ackert and A. M. Flndlay, officers of
the company, and President lleyer ot the
Republic Oil company.
The hearing Is being conducted by Attor
ney General Hadley on the ground of al
leged violation f the anti-trust statutes
and will probably continue for several days.
Evidence that two-thirds of the profits
of the Waters-Pierce Oil eomjiany are paid
to the Standard Oil Company annually was
brought out In the Investigation today. H.
Clay Pierce, until recently president of
the company. It was stated, received
monthly dividends amounting to from S5
to 60 per cent on 3.D96 shares, or all but
four shares of tho stock of tho Waters
Pierce company, and his secretary sends
two-thirds of this amount to tho Standard
Oil company. '
Charles B. Collins, formerly financial sec
retary to Mr. Pierce, testified regarding the
injunction proceedings brought at Kansas
City by Attorney General Hadley to re
strain the Republic, Waters-Pierce. Stand
ard and Williamson Oil companies from
entering Into an alleged combination.
Three Hundred Per Cent Profit.
He said:
That from 1901 to September, 1S04, when
he severed his connection with tha cor
poration, the Waters-Pierce company paid
dividends to H. Clay Pierce on S.996 shares
of stock, all of the stock of tha company
with the exception of four sharea. and
that these dividends amounted to 25 per
cent, sometimes 60 per cent, a month, and
the average aggregate annual dividends
of the company on a capital of StOO.OOO
never fell below JOO per cent; that a sum
equalling two-thirds of Mr. Pierce's divi
dends was eent by Mr. Pierce through
Collins, who secured a cashltr'a check for
the amount, to "Mr. TUlford at 2
Broadway. New York," the office, of the
Standard Oil company: tt iw "to-'
atancea he (Collins) visited .tha- Standard
OH office atmself , .cArVt1ti(f the divl'tend to t
Mr. Tlllford in person', that" he (Collins) ,
kept two sets of books, one Showing Pres
ident Plerce'e lnoome, the other the large
dividend sent to the Standard Oil company.
In Mr. Pierce's 'hcome account there was
no debit column, and ln the . book con
taining a record of the Standard Oil con
tributions there was no credit column.
William S. Heyer, manager of the St.
Louis branch ef the Republic Oil com
pany, who followed Collins on the stand,
proved an unwilling witness.'
After considerable questioning. Attorney
General Hadley drew from the witness the
admission that the Cleveland Refining com
pany disposed of Its stock to a corporation
known as the RepubllO Oil company, of
which the chief oflBcera were associated
with Standard Oil Interests.
Commissioner Anthony, before whom the
Inquiry is being conducted, will tomorrow
rule on the question as to whether the Waters-Pierce
Oil company shall be required
to produce Its books In court.
Witness luder Arrest.
Immediately after the conclusion Of the
hearing. Charles M. Adims, secretary of the
Watcrs-Plerce Oil company, who had been
on the witness stand during the afternoon,
was constructively plaoed under arrest on
a contempt charge.
Notary Public Charlea E. TOlles, ,who
Issued the order, stated . that Mr, Adams'
would not be placed tn jail tonight, but that
a committment would be issued tomorrow
morning Judge H. I Priest, or counsel
for the company, said that he would apply
for a writ of habeas corpus as eoon as the
committment had been Issued.
After readily answering questions relative
to his official position with the Waters
Pierce company. Attorney Genera! Hanley
asked Mr. Adams to name the stockholders
In the company. He declined to reply.
In defending the witness' course. Judge
Priest stated that the witness might by
his answer subject himself and others to
legal proceedings and that he bad the con
stitutional right not to answer.
"Then I ask that he be committed to
custody," said the attorney general, "and
you can apply for a writ ot habeas corpus
which will give an opportunity for a test
of this question in court."
Chicago Federation Taraa Down Oaa
Proposition, but Members
May Take Part.
CHICAGO, Oct. 16. The Union Labor
bank in Chicago waa sacrificed on . the
altar of frenxied finance at a meeting of
the Chicago Federation of Labor yester
day. By an overwhelming vote the dele
gates laid on the table a report submitted
by a banking committee in favor ot estab
lishing and supporting such an Institution.
Before the proposition was smothered It
was raked fore and afl by a galling fire
from many spectators; financial scheme
were linked with graft and banking was
declarod entirely outside the sphere of or
ganised labor. The banking scheme was
brought to the attention of the delegate
in a rennet from a committee recommend
ng tmU the proposed bank be given the
moral aupport of the federation and that
a committee of three be appointed to ee
the plan through.
The report announced that a corporation
known as the Commonwealth Trust end
Havings bank already had been organised!
with a capital of COOO.Ono, divided Into
shares of tho par value of fi each. Th
chief sim in organising the bank. It was
announced, was to make the trades unions
of Chicago the controlling factor In the
management of the Institution end With
this object In view he link's bylaws pro
vide that oiganlsod labor at all time shell
.lve a majority, on the board ef AUectora, .