Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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beat' rim Eirly, but Ball Bipport
U Withdraws.
Forrlsa Markets Lower oa
Rralas Trade la Cora Meat
Tread la Tovrara
Lower Level.
OMAHA. Oct 14. 1906.
wh"1 market wii nrm early on
mailer northwestern recoipts and on buy
brtt, bull Interests. This took the
on looul bearlshness. The last hour,
however, support tu apparently wlth
!Iwn market turned weak. Liver
pool was lower, affected in part by fre.r
ofTorlng nf Manitoba wheat. A cable from
Argentina says the locust pent la extend
ing, but there la no damage yet. Pros
pects for the 1906 wheat crcp are encourag
"' lcember cloned at iuc. and May
at ivSiC
The trade In corn waa light and the
trend of the market waa toward a lower
level. Tha current month waa weak, re
flecting; the prospect of an early move
mcnt and. a falling off In cash demand.
December closed at 44ic, old December at
Sc. May at 4.TV,e, and July at 43c.
Oata . worked off about during the
session. The export demand continue
good December finished at 28c, May at
Si(.)i4C and July at !W4c
Liverpool closed (d lower on wheat and
Hfd lower on corn.
Primary wheat receipt! were 1.173.0"
bushel and shipments 43n.nno bushels,
against receipt of 1,244.000 bushels last year
and shipment of 418.000 bushels. Corn re
ceipts were 35,OnO bushels and shipments
on bushels, against receipts last year of
9,000 bushels and shipments of 640,000 bush
els. Clearances were 2,000 bushels of corn.
231,00 bushels of oats. lS6,0f) bushela of
wheat and so.ono barrets of flour.
Estimated world's- wheat shipment for
-Monday, are 1800,000 bushels. Broomhall's
estimate of arrivals of breadstuff's Into tho
t'nlted Klng'iom during the last week is
4.400.000 bushels. Australian wheat ship
ments for the week were 12S.O0O bushels.
Against 144.O00 bushels for the previous
week and MS. 00 bushels last year.
Liverpool wheat nricea have advanced
equal to 4c In three days, while Chicago J
i i'ii. aii roreign marnets nave sirenani
ened the last week, while prices in Chicago
have shown a tendency to weaknesa, al
though December is c higher than a week
From the Record-Herald': "Receivers at
tribute tha Increased sales of oats by the
country to the desire of farmers to Kt
ready for corn husking next month. While
they count on ft big run of oats during the
first two weeks, they are figuring on small
receipts thereafter. This they admit is
phenomenal, but they claim also it is a
phenomenal Crop and phenomenal year
for getting It In shape tor market."
New York wired: "Ocean freights are at
a standstill for the presnt, as shipper will
not make fresh engagements until sure
they can get their grain to the seaboard.
Rates hold firm, however, and probably will
remain so until there Is more ocean room.
New Tork exporters are not trying to work
new business nntll the rail situation clears
VP. nd they will be careful In the future
not to be caught again in their present de-
filorable position, which may mean heavy
oases, due to their inability to nil ocean
freights." ,
' Omaha Cask Males.
JVHEAT No. t hard I cars. 77c; 1 car,
76e.' -CORN-No.
8. 1 car. 47Hc
OAT3-NO. 1 white, 1 cars, '260.
Omaha Cash Prices.
. WHEAT N. i hard. 79ffSHer No. hard,
WtnSc: No. 2 spring; Svc; No. S spring,
, CORN No. I. 47iff47Hc: No. I yellow, 484J
48Vic; No, 3 white. 4Ha Vc.
OAT8-N0. I mixed, 2T.Va26cr No. I white.
l6H'327c; No. 4 white, J6H26c.
RYE NO. 1, 6365C No. 8. 60(962c
Carlot Receipts.
Knrmns City
Minneapolis ....
St. Louis
. . Jtiiaaeapolls ttralo Market
MIN.N t'JAl'OUia, Minn., Oct. 14. WHEAT
Detemtier, K'Hjc; My. 84MJ4-l4Ci No. 1
hard, 83c; No. 1 northern, Mc; No. 2
noiinern, wV4c.
FM.ii-i (iat patents, $4 804.90; second
palenis, 4.00w4.;b; first olearar t3.7utiIJi;
econd clears, 1.402.60.
BkaN In bulk, 111.60.
(Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery). Tlae 4-ange of prices, - as reported
by tha tdaards-Wood Grain company.
U0-1U Board of Trade building, ' was:
Articles! Open. Hlgh. Low. CIos. Yf'r.
Wheat I '
Sl 0sj 804
taaotatloaa of tha Day oa Varlaas
, NEW TORK.- O. L-14 -F LOUR Receipts,
13,.") bbls.. xpi.ils, 16,090 bbls.; market
steady, qultt; Mlnntiota rattnts, $4uno.l0, )ta oakei'S, IS.tKrii4.U(; winter patents,
4.Ct)4.6i; witter stialghta, UiMii.So: win
ter Tow grades, 3.7o&380. Rye (lour, firm;
fair to good. !3.i.'ii tJ. to fav
1t.IfeT4.50. - Buckwheat flour, tfull; $1.75io6
PUCKVVHEAT -Quiet; 6OS6I0 nominal, c
L f. New Tork.
t'ORNMEAI-rinn- fine white mnA 01
low x?6; coarse, eLi4l.U; kiln dried, fe.00
BARLEY Steady; feeding, 4c, o. L f.
Buffalo! malting, 636:, c. f. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 85,000 bu.: spot mar
ket, steady: No. i red, 8Hic elevator: No.
I red, lc r. o. b., afloat; No. t northern
Duluth, We f. 0. b., afloat; No. 1 northern
- Manitoba, H1q t. o. b., afloat. - There waa
a moderate rlne in wheat due to supporting
orders, a fair cash demand and light north
west receipts, tha close showlna a nartiai
4o advance. May, 900 ; closed, 90c; July
closed at 90o 1
CORN Receipts, 66.165 bu.; export. K.OC)
du.; wo, 3, nominal elevator, and oit f o.
d.. anoat; ivo. 1 yeuow, nomn.ui. Wo.
white,-nomlnaL Option market uulct
and somewhat easier; clotting . net
lower. January. 61o; May, v,,n48-c,
closed, et4kc; Dacember, i4it64Vtc; closed,
S4c. .
OATS Receipts. 82.000 bu.; exports, 230,067
bu.; spot market, steady; mixed oats, 26
to 31 iMuada, 33-u34o; naturil white, 30 to
U pounds. 84-3 J60; clipped whl'f, 34 to 38
pounds, 3waX7c. .
HAY Steady; shipping, 45550c; good to
choice. TPAytac.
HOI'S 1 inn; state common to choice 1906,
164:2c: 1904, 18'ic; olds, 8c all; Pacific
Const i!M6. liaise; 1904, 14(tfl7o; olds. 4j10c.
HIDES Firm; Galveston. 30 to 26 pounds,
20c; California, 31 to 26 pounds, 19Vc; Texas
urr, i to .iu pnunas, isvc.
ITHER Firm: acid. 244T26c.
PHOV1BION9 Beef. steady: family.
IH.6Oifl2.v0; mess. 89 5ffl0.00: beef hams,
hi. . , -n r-1 1 1 a i 1 1 s,
racket. 310.6WSJ 11.00; city extra
I3.0iu19 00. Cut meats, steadv-
l.'1.0U(i 22.50;
inula meaa. ih.i'ji:to v.m meats, steady;
pickled bellies.; Pickled shoulders,
le&o.OO; pickled hams, 19 76(M0Oii. Lard,
steady; western steamed, 7.66(fi7.76; re flood,
quiet; continent, 88.00; South America. 88 50;
Compound, 86.624. Pork, steady; family,
ImV'S.OO; short dar, $14. ttrfj 16.60; meas,
TALLOW-Steady; city, 44c; country, 44
RICE Firm: domestic fair to extra, 34
&': Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Steady: street price, extra
jreamery. 2149 c Official prices: Cream
ery, common to extra, Ie4fi2l4c; stats
ialry. common to extra, l4'ii21c.
CHEESE Firm; state full creams, small
aud larne. white and colored, fancy, 114c;
fair to choice, 104 114c.
JOG8 Dull; weatern firsts, 22923c; west
ern firsts. 21o. .
POULTRY Live, unchanged; western
chickens, 14c; fowls. 15c; turkeys, 14a
fr,r?H.T?.T";.tV "".T ien"' liM"c:i
fowls. 124ai3c; turkeys, ltfllSc T
Philadelphia Prodaeo Market.
Steady 1 extia western creamery, 22c; extra
nearby prints. 23c,
EGGS Firm! nearby, fresh, loss off, 24o;
nearby, fresh, 23o, at mark; western, resh,
23c, at mark.
CHEESE New Tork full cream, fancy.
,ltc; New York full cream, choice, 1143
llc lull cream, fair to good. llffUc
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. 111.. Oct 14. - CORN Lower;
No. 3 yellow. 63c; new No. 3. yellow, 494c;
No. 3. 53c; No. 4. 62c; new No. 4. 474c
OATS Unchanged; No. I white. S4c; No.
4 white. t:274c.
WHISKY-On the baaia of 81-.
Toledo feed Market. . . .
TOLEDO. Oct. 14-SEEDS-Clover. cash,
October and December, 37 86; January,
17.174- Alsike, prime. 87.66. Timothy,
prune. 81.6a . .
Llverpoo8 Grata Market.
LIVERPOOL, ' Oct. 14.-WHKAT-8)Hlt.
Srmi ha I 4 waatara wlaur, so tl.
futures quiet; December, t 10d; March,
s 9Sd.
CORN Ppot, firm: American mixed, ts
Hd; futures quiet: December, 6s; January,
4s Nd; March, 4s S.
reatares af the Traaias? Claalaa;
Prices oa Hoard af Trade.
CHICAGO. Oct. 14. Influenced by specu
lative operations on a large sculp, the
wheat market was a 'skyrocket" affair
today, going rapidly up and then dropping
back. The close showed a loss of ViUc
for December. Corn la down c. Oats
closed off. Provisions are off a'ytToc to
Heaviness In wheat at the start vanished
before brisk buying, led by brokers for a
prominent grain operator, who for a time
absorbr-d all offerings. December opened
a shade lower to a ahade higher, at to
and was bid up to Wc. The buying
was on a. very liberal basis, and estimated i
in the aggregate at l.Ono.000 bushels. The
market assumed every appearance of ,
Duiusnness, aunougn tne news was not or
an Influential character. While the bullish
ness was In full swing the leader n the
buying movement withdrew his support
and simultaneously came reports from the
northwest that llauldatlon waa In nrna-
ress for the same operator. The early
i uenn unioaaing ana a nreag in
prices resulted. The December option de
clined' to 8oHtRo,4c under the pressure.
Sufficient buying orders at the decline
were flUcd to advance December a shade
from the bottom, the close being easv, at
R5Hc. Primary receipts were 1.750.00
bushels, compared with 1.244.000 bushela
a year ago. Clearances of wheat nd flour
were equal to 320,000 bushels. Minneapolis,
Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of
63 cars, against 134 cars last week and 997
cars a year ago.
Trading In corn was lifeless, but the
market had a firm undertone, due to a
break in the weather west, entailing a
possibility of Interference with movement
of the new crop. December started un
changed to a shade higher, at 44 to
44'344Hc, became firm at 44V4o with the
upturn In wheat, but declined later and
closed at the bottom "rice for the dav,
44V,o. Local receipts were 141 car, with
S3 of contract grade.
Oats were firm at a slightly lower range.
There were moderate realiilnar snlea and
some In the way of hedges by cash Interests
aS-alnSt lnra HAA mn.lra r.ttar'r.mA m -a
heavier rerefnta A mM.A 4a...uuj
on the declines and saved tha market from
conaequent losses. December closed at
28c. after ranging between Hc and 284c
Local receipts were 444 cars.
Holders of deferred options In provisions
Showed a disposition to sell at the t.rt
but offerings were readily taken bv prom-!rct
Inent speculators and the market held
closed 7Hc down, at I12.&5. lArd Is 5c off.
. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat,
52r": corn' 209 c: at, 406 cars; hogs,
87.0) head.
The leading futures' ranged as follows:
Articles.) Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
864 !V!4i
604 614
46 454i
444 444.
34 434
24 r4
284 284
30464 304TA
' 2RS'
303 H
16 86
15 W
16 76
12 65
15 76
12 65
15 76
U 624
7 r74
7 SO
6 96
8 SS
12 67;
It 62H
f 124!
7 80
7 30
6 93
7 26
6 90
1 a
6 80
( 9
8 87H
8 rrn
8 874
6 6241 6 674!
6 CO
No. 1 tOld. JNew. .
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOlR-Steady; winter patents. 83.90
34.104.20; straights, 83.6O4J8.90; bakers, 82.80
?yiiSATNo- 3 "Png. 7685c; No. 2 red,
CORN-,NO. 2, 61H62c: No. t yellow. 534
OATS-No. 8. 28 284c; No. 2 white, 284c;
No. 3 white, 271 e.
RYE No. 2, 69o.
BARLEY Oood feeding-, 36c; fair to
Choice malting, 40(ff45e.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, 94c; No. 1 northwest
ern. 3100. Timothy, prime, 83.2a Clover,
contract grade, 89.504712.00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, nef bbl., 315.7ti
15.75. Lard, per loo lbs.. 37.25. Short clear
sides (loose).- 38.758S.874; short clear sides
(boxed). 38.WKJ8.25.
Following were the receipts And ship
ments of flour and grain:
... Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls.. 82,100 6,800
wneat, ou 49,(1)0
Corn, bu 156.700
Oats, bu 57.800
Rye, bu 23.000
Barley, bu 163,600
1st; too
177 000
On the Produce exchanae today the hm.
ter market was steady; creameries, 17
21c; dairies, 164919c.' Eggs, firm; at mark,
cases Included, 15V9174C Cheese, steady.
Kansas City Grata aad Provlsloaa,
KANSAS City, Oct. 14. WHEAT Decem
ber. 784jc; May, 784c; cash. No. 2 hard.
TfteSOc; No. 3, 77784c; No. 4, 74c: rejected.
2 white. 61fi61VkC,
OATS Strong to higher: No. 2 white. 28
2840' No. 2 mixed. 2K4-(f274c.
HAY Strong; choice timothy, 89.5010.00:
choice prairie, 88 00(86.25. '
RYK 8t?Bdy, 63c.
EOGS-Hlgher; Missouri and Kansas new.
No. 2, whltewood cases included, lS4c;
cases returned, 4c less.
BUTTER Creamery, 194c: packing, 14c.
Recelnts. Rhlnmnnl.
KWheat, btt. 235.000 36.000
Corn, bu 36.000 39.000
OaU, bu, 10,000 17,000
u.sic; no. x rea, se; iso. s, 86c: No. 4,
74Sic; rejected, CMii'Sc. Receipts. 235 cars
CORN-December. 3ig3(t4c; May, 39c;
cash. No. 2 mixed. 47c: No. 3.-4Sii47c! K
nanv 1 o ill Ro. o'S.Vi'V,; 2?" COm" I anything, were a little lower than ee.r
pany, 110-U1 Board of Trade building, was: nay, but later good hogs sold at Just abont
Articles I Dnen I Hlirh I I,, i r-i . .
Articles. I open. I Hign. Low. Close. I Tes'y.
Wheat I
74 764 74! 7641 7M4,
784 784 784 784 784
S"S 94 84 8 894
294 3941 39 39 394
264 24 tf 24
274 274 274 274 274
78 IS 65 15 65 65
18 47 12 63 12 42 12 45 12 52
7? 7 T17 T 17 723
6 87 C87 55 885 6 90
IKS (65 8 60 6 60 ( 8 67
85 I 8 86 67 8 67
Dec... May..
Dec.. May..
Oct ...
I.owla Greta and Provisions.
No. 3 red. cash, elevator. 54tf7le; track'
n,aflrd,.C:8,4c:b'r Ma'- BCS N-
COPN-txwer; No. cash. 61c; ttack. 5c
OATS Lower: -No 3 cish, 274c; track
four- - white. JDHifflOc.
FT-Ot'R Sfadv; red winter patents 34 !ft
4T4 35: itm fancy and straight. 83.70ft 15;
Cler rf810. '
ps-sriTiothv. steadv; 32.65(fi3 10
CR-VMFAI Steady. 82.60.
fRAN-Steady ; sacked, east track. t5Q
6G4e- .
HY Steady; timothy. K0014fi0; prairie.
H KA- 9 00
IP-V rofrrvx TTE8 99c.
PROVIHTONS Pork. steady; lobbing
815 00. lard, lower: prime steam. 87 00. Dry
IT'-iim, niritfv; ntixea extra BOte
3 ?S: clear ribs. 8 6U: abort clears. liTU
Racon. steadv; box'd extra shorts, 88.874;
Clr ribs 89 50: short clear. 39 5ft.
POUT TPT-Faster; springs. S'c: tur-ae-
iSf-WlSc; l"cks, 10c; geese. 5r9e.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 17224o;
EGGSHUher, 17c. case count,
e"'our. bbls
13 (W 14 0)
W.AO0 - 4600
Wheat, bu
Com, bu
Oats, bu,
37.noo 67.0OO
.... 99 000 42.C0O
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 14.-COFFEE Market
fir futures opened steady st unchanged
prices to a.-t advance of 10 points In re-lo-ie
to buying oy. trade Interests and
better European cables than expected, but
met with further Wall street liquidation
and lost the gain. The close was slradv.
net unchanged to S points lower. Sales
were reported of 19,760 bags. Including De
cember at 7.(rtj7 10c; January at 7 107 16c;
May at 7.4ue7.50o, and September, 7.6t'J
7.7nc. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 1 Invoice,
8 U-16C - j
Wool Market.
LONDON. Oct. 14. WOOL The market
was generally arm during the week. Ar
rivals for next week, 15 SuO bales. Includinc
i.f0 forwarded dlivct. The Impcrta for the
week were as follow: New South Walt a
2.178 bales: New Zealand. 2.63 bales; Cape
of Good Hope and Natal. 41 bales; River
Plata. 8S8 bWs; New York. 2U bales, -4
varloua, iM baiea.
rat Ctttlt Higher for tha Week, with
Feeder 8wj.
Sot Eaonah Sheep or Lambs to Test
Market Today, bat Prices oa All
Klads for Week Safely Flfteea to
Tweaty-Flve Teat Higher.
SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 14. 1905.
Receipts were:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
n rial Mondav
9.9 1
Official Tueadav
4 844
Official Wednesday
.. 7.2-M)
.. 3.244
.. 1.31
.. 325
Official Thursday
wmciat Friday ....
Official Saturday ..
Total this week
17.620 65.50
J4.294 103243
26.94 79 507
I.s78 .774
W.5M 69.SM
31.6 66.569
I otal last week
Total week before.
Total three weeks mm. 24
Total four weeks ago. ...17.963
Same week last year 2S.499
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
tha year to date, comparing with last year:
, . 1906. 1904. Inc.
Cattle 762.607 706,165 66.342
Hogs 1.866,589 l.Ko.l3 11.436
Sheep , 1,433,249 1,335,263 7.98
The following table snows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for tha last
several daya, with comparisons:
Date. 1H6. ;i904.1903.;i)2. 1901. ;iX.!lS99.
Sept. IB.,
8Pt it..
ept., n..
Fept IS.
Sept. 19 .
Sept. 20..
SPt. 21..
I 214J I 66 ffij 7 f7l
4 84
i tn T Ml
I 17
1 eoi
5 73!
I 80!
6 81
I 75
6 641 7 43
I It
8 13
5 19
6 22
i 23!
6 21
8 31 41
6 er
7 87
4 31
4 S3
4 31
6 324
539 i
6 30
6 tn J
,6 284
5 701
7 88
7 38
6 76
5 81
4 31
Sept 72.
6 80
7 49
4 35 j
4 4t .
3 77
p.: r!'
"pi. Z4.
6 75J I 77
6 781 5 74
7 611 ( 89
7 67i 6 14
7 55' 6 16
Hept, 26
5 274
S 234
6 67
I 41
Sept. 26..
S 87 6 69
7 37
5 16
5 15
opt 71..
Sept. 28.,
( 184
6 86!
7 34
6 81!
6 19
6 13
6 18
f 74' S 691
6 161 4 44
Sept. H..
8 64! I 71
7 31
7 r;
6 17
4 87
4 M
4 29
pt. JO,
Oct. 1...
5 691 6 :
6 ?4' s -'
1 rt
: 731 5 131
Ocil t'
Oct. I.
J 6 61
7 ?n! 8 RSI 5 18
6 09U(
6 711 8 65
m 6 191 4 42
4 88
6 06
6 03
5 05
6 06
5 74
7 82
67! (
4 87
a i
a j.
i or
oci 5
6 71 I
6 52 5 16
5 691 5 54
7 42
I 8 11
Oct. T.
5 68 6 41
7 39
Oct. I....
Oct. 9 ...
Oct. 10...
Oct. 11...
Oct. U...
t 64' 8 19
7 28
33! t 08
5 19 7 14
6 0441
8 62 6 21,
7 04
4 Si 4
5 07
t 06
6 '61
6 9d
( 811 ( 30
Oct. 13...
5 161 5 87
7 07
7 16
Oct. 14...
6 111 t 43
Indicates Sunday.
The number if cars of stock brought tn
today by each road' was:
C Xf a e. t..i I
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Missouri Pacific
Union Piclftc System
C. & N. W
F., E. & M. V
C. St. P., M. A O
B. ft M
C, B. & Q
C, R. I. ft P., east
C, R. I. & P., west
Illinois Central
Chicago Gt. Western
Total receipts 18
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle, Hogjs. Sheep,
Omaha Packing Co..
Swift and Company.
Cudahy Packing Co.
49 k
. 80
Omaha Packing Co K. C
Cudahy Pkg. Co.. 800 City.
Cudahy Pkg. Co., country.
Other buyers
. .
Totals 80 4.681
(UTTI pi Tha ehloe f...,,,. L"
zs - 1 1 i'l I
tride this week ha been Tught relpt. and , ViVatn' M756 W; )01 t0 cnolce We"
ue. hateenieIr9."-.'. val" I Quotations on feeder ' sheep and lambs: SvS ?en;i?J?.l5r5-n7it0ti!'"i .r Gd feeding lambs. S0frfl6.60: good feed-Eh-flEire"
1? ti! lng yearlings. 85 00 255 good feeding weth-
bWn iTVery heavy decrea' in th. number
oi catue receivea as compared with. last
weeg, dui on tne otner hand no great
change has' taken place as compared ' with
a year -ago. ...
Liberal runs had been anticipated for
this week, but as the beef steers, both
corn-feds and rangers, failed to show up
the market gradually took on more strength
' dav after day until at the close of tha week
i "re an oi iou.c nigner. man thev
rr at th cl0Be of lat week. The trade
was active every day at the advancing
prices, as there was a good healthy demand
for all desirable killers. Most days the
market opened In good season in the morn-
lng and a reasonably early clearance was
effected. All In all the market has been In
must BniiBinciury cunaiuon mis week
from start to finish,
Nearly everything that has been said re
garding the steer trade would apply equally
well to the market on cows and heifers
that Is, prices for tha week are l4J25c
higher and the trade has been in a good
healthy condition. The advance was due
to the disappointingly small receipts and
the very good local demand. There appears
kL? n.JiT. rJV- m.V;.a. ana ?r .cow
this point to supply tha requirements of the
Blockers and feeders have not shown very
:.'.'-.".?-"'- ".''-,""- ("i -u hi
The demean" supp. "have "bVen'so' neaTly
equal that there hai been no occasion fo
any decided change In values In either dl-
mucn cnanKe reijarus prices mis week
thi trade" on moat days" has .'biiH reasonably
?."ow and"; .aViV" Somehe" V sa cS'
l . - , ,., i . .
sieaay prices, unu ine average marget was
not far from steady with yesterday. When
steady prices, ana tne average market was
I once unaer way tne traae was rairly active
! so that the most of the hogs changed
' active, but the cattle have sold In about I ' ourrS ItnTA nCn...(n(. sisa h..
the same notches as Inst week. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 hea
HOGS-It was the same old story tn the ' m)Vnomln?lly ,''a'J.y: .!,?,,Jv,e lamt
h. v.rH. tki i. . ' T 85 n0ff7.2n: western lambs, 8j.oO7.25; ew
nanns in reasnnaoie season. Heavy hogs shlpning and export steers, 84 905.60;
sold largely at 85 and under, with good rmw dressed beef and butcher steers. 31.75'ii5.40;
dlum weights largely at 86 Ofi?j0.10 and good steers under 1.000 pounds. 32.0CKa4.0'; stuck
llghtweights on up to 35-25. . ers ann feeders 32.263 60: cows and hclf-
As has been pointed out In these columns ers. 32. 154.00; canners, 81 SE.rO; bulls, 32.15
several times of late the hog market at 32.6S; calves, 83 007 80; Texas and Ind an
this and al other selling points ts In a steers. $2.&0& 3 60; cows and heifars. 82 00
rather peculiar condition that Is, not to s 00
the liking of anyone. The feeling Is gen-. HOOS Receipts. 2 500 bead; marVet a
ral among packers at all points that hogs 1 shade lower; nigs and lights. 35Ooa40;
r'? 'n.t"2?ar7l,1t",i? Povislon packers. 86 0rvS5.40; butchers and best
market and they are reluctant to store i h7nVv. t5 SOfiS 50.
HZ! oin1 Ta'a'wJul't th ll if'i.fH SHEEP AND LAMR3 Receipts, 1000
Ph'I! TeilJ llm,,ln I bead; market strong; native muttons. 84.75
their oteratlons largely to taklnr rAre ..f i . . - , . mr ..n . . . . .
.i.. . . , . . x . . . , , . -"
V. a . u m a ((, . mmliirn f a aonr.1.. . 1
Hence, while packers are operating on
the bear side and sparing no opportunity
to pound the market they are accomplish
ing very little. Every day the market
.i,v . ja 1 . 1 .! '"'
tlrable loads and at fair prices. After this
demand is satisfied the packers pound down
what is left, causing the market to close
dull and lower most every dav. But tho
next morning It will spring up again on
the good kinds, only to repeat the dull
close. That Is about the way It has gone
all this week. At the close of last week
nogs were seuing on an average at 35 ci
After working hard packers succeeded In
getting the average a fraction under 85 on
Wednesday. On Thursday, however, all
their efforts were unavailing, as the market
sprang back again, recovering all the de
cline and a little mora. While some of the
gain has disappeared since then the week
closes today with the market practically
where It was a week ago.
It will be readily understood that with
the market In this condition such a thing
as a good active trad is an ImposslbllUy.
Representative sales:
A. 8h. In
No. av. 8h. Pr.
. .IM M 4 M
..171 M 4 M
..M4 IN 4 M
.till 14 IN
..t 4 m
..111 I IS
.tM m in
,.JW it t so
..Ml 1M I li
,.M 4 I MVt
.141 ... IK
..Jt4 Hla
..111 ... ill
..r4 w in
..1st is 1 m
.14 44 I 04
. 551 H IK
..m 14 114
. ti lit IK
..IT M l
.171 t la
. t.i t 1 w
. M 4 1 t:L
..IM) ... IC7
. !7 IN I mi otw
It 144 ltd 6 14
171 M lit
144 N 111
K. ...
.144 IM I II
141 It I II
.141 ... It
.141 149 I 1
.JM 41 I II
.167 ... I 14
.161 IN I II
1 M
U .
U ..
U .
M .
40 I W
41 I 12
... I !,
4 I II i.
W I u
44 I U
44 I II .
UU I lTVfc
... 1 nt,
M i N
... IX
.l-.l 44 I M
.111 M I M
HI ... I r4
tit IM STH
m ... ik 1 nero were not enough sheep
or lambs here this morning to really make
a market and of the few loads here over
half were direct to packer and not of
fered f ir sale. The feeling on the market
was steady with yesterday.
Light receipts and a very excellent de
mand hsve tn the chief factors of the
txads this week. The demand ror bath
For the Information of parties who may rotten out of the market and are waiting
be Interested In speculative securities we 'or "" h" Prtcos will brak and
h.t-. . when the bargain (lay elans will appear
hae made arrangements with Mr. F. O. attain on Wall street. Thev believe that
Druldlng of Chicago, an expert writer on a bull market cannot start from the present
financial topics and delineator of stock ex- high prices and 1 bcllove they are rigM.
..,.. . . . , In the Chicago market the Chicago sub
change proiiabllltles. to furnish a weekly w,v shares have occupied the center of the
review of the salient features of current Chicago exchange. Yesterday the stock
financial topic, gleaned from th. various InVew Yr,he'tprrce1,wLVYn Cl'!
exchanges. cago 4!'4. Although subsequent recovery of
We desire, however, on the part of The from 3 to 34 points took place, the market
Ree to illclaim ell reanonibilt foe the essentially was wesk. From the close on
nee to aisclalm all responsibility ror the ac- XVednesdav night of 544 the shsres opened
curateness of any forecast Mr. Druldlng down to 1H and si'ld down rapidly to 49.
may make concerning future prospects of Then veiy sloalv worked up to 624- Presl-
anv in...!.,..! , .,ar,r.. dent Wheeler pft for New iork and during
any Investment or enterprise. ... n,,v rilmnrs were rife as to
All special Inquiries about the present or
prospectlve value of any particular se
curity should be addressed direct to Mr. F.
O. Druldlng, No. 624 First National bank
building. Chicago, III.
CHICAGO. Oct. 14 (Special.) One of the
jr',,en,.p'7"or- "
S.i r,B.lIt "i1 . of t,he. mrkpt contlnu-
ously for the Inst year has just returned
from an extensive trti In the east, where
he made a very minute and cautious ex-
been extensive, and the volume of bus ness
no' l ,a" disappointing, orders are all on
a very large scale. One hundred share lots
are not to be found on the books of the
W. .rk b.rokr8A Inotj,e.r wJ?''a8- tn
public la not in the market. The most
strenuous efforts have beer, made by east-
rrn"nMn'PrB. to. S?x or '"'.Tr1 tt'.u,bl 0
w treK at ' pr'",Trnt tlme' buf thelr
efforts have been unavailing.
Although the general prosperity of the
country is an uncontrovertible fact, and
even though our crops have b-en reallxed,,
and the demand for them Is unprecedented.
ana tnougn 11 must re apparent to every
one that the Iron and steel industry, and
Industrles in general, are In a healthy
condition financially, yet the public will not
come into the market, although our export
prices for the farming and agricultural
pronucis continue on me present satistac
tory nasis. There are out few cllsturbin
factors to offset such rosy conditions, chlrf
among which is the labor agitation and
the moderate excitement of the markets.
dui neiiner 01 invan cunniiiona are sum
amlratlon of the conditions affecting the ,n(t around 90 no broker would buy It on a
?1 l I'.miir"'"' m Pin on margin, nor would sny New York bank
"f. 'he .P'"'"" WKjltlon concura w-lth oan money on it. When the stnek worked
mine. He sava that although trad ni has ... ,,0 u- - tn 01 in
J 89 1 clent. under normal conditions, to act as and steel trade were very favorable. Sep
M , a check upon a market which has such tember Iron production was 1.8f9.fi73 tons,
. mn nlm.l. nm lu.l.l-4 I. TV. . , , k.1 1 t . . . . . . . . -. , Al
is wary, ana me reason lor It IS not aiin
cult to find. ,
The shrewdest traders are of the opinion
that the present high levels In the market
prices have more than discounted the great
Prosperity of the country. With the pro-
fessional speculator thje opinion Is reached
through experience and a long line of care-
ful deduction. The small trader on the
n,UA. 1. I - --I ..... . t k. - . ...... I
w v ,1.-1 1 . 1 , . n 1 1 1 1 o a . nit- oaiiia inuii
killers and feeders has been If anything
more urgent than last week, which Is say
ing - good deal, as the demand laat week
was as good as any one could ask for. To
meet this demand there Was a largely de
creased supply, the total receipts for the
week being little more than half what they
were last week and considerably smaller
than a year ago. A combination of light
receipts and large demand could hardly
fall to result In anything else than a strong
and active market and that is Just what
has been experienced here every day this
week. Commencing with Monday prices
have gradually tended upward until at the
close of the week they are safely loig-5c
higher than 'a week ago. In spots the
market has shown more advance even than
that, while In other cases not so much,
but that would be as near the average
as It would be possible to get.
During the week western lambs good
enough for killers have sold largely at
i. 761) 7.00, with top natives at 37.26 and
quite a string of feeder lambs at 36.55,
the highest price of the season so far.
Fat yearlings have sold as high as 85.50
and old wethers at 85.00, with top western
ewes at 84.75. In conclusion it may be
emu iiv, nruci wuiu a--n i . v-" . - - .
I market than has existed here all the week.
I Quotations in fat sheep and lambs: Oood
I to choice lnmbs, l8.7Mi7.00; good to choice
: .... i i . t . nr i - a . . . k. . i . .
yctining wonicrs, uwi i
?S "JLTiJZT ewe8l
lng ewes, 34.404j4.75,
! "BTjOCl
Cattle Steady Hoars F1t Cents Lower
Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO, Oct H.-ATTLE Receipts.
400 head; market steady; beeves, 83.609. W;
poor to medium. 83.50iS6.23; good to prime,
15. Miflti. SO: cowa. 11 304i4.: hnifers. tl.tetft
4.90: calves, 86. 00(7. 75;. stockers and feeders,
i 82 . 204 . 20.
I HOGS Receipts, 15,000 head; market weak
to 5o lower; mixed and butchers, 85.05tr5.60;
good heavy. 35.2535,60; rough heavy, tiff
! 5 05; light, 85.OOt5.60; plga. 34.75'S6.25; bulk
i or sales,
head; market steady; natives. 83.30(35.25;
yearlings, 85.106.80; lambs, 36. 00(58.00; west
erns, W-'Juca f.yu.
Kansas City Lire Stock Market.
Receipts. 200 head. Including 58 southerns;
market unchanged; choice export and
I dressed beef steers. 8o.26a.10; fair to good.
i I4.25ui5.00: weatern fed steers. 12.754i4.90:
stockers and feeders. S2 60&4.26: southern
steers, S2.50g3.T5; southern cows, 31 65(&il.76;
native cows. 31.9fifi3.26: native heifers, 32.50
W.lWWW.X. R-
c !n..1W,. i 3Siii. i.eire
,"GhRrC.e'tPon' bu?k of sales xl",?
! 5 27Vi ptK, ilSV"- -5- IUcelpt.
n n vAAPllnff-a A f.fti-, , " m- am t .-. 1,11 rl i
148 M.?i.7B? Rocker.
and feeders 8;t-5084.6; receipts for the
week, 44,uo head.
tt. tonts Live Stock Mnrket. .
ST. LOUI3. Mo.. Oct 14. CATTLE Re
eeinta. 600 head: market steady! native
! T ' u i ".. . i hi, i. ir i i . uuiib ana ducks, ,
-ck.r 82.76S4.U); Texan,. 375
1 KZl.U. I
nt. Joaeah Live Stock Market.
. JOSEPH. Mo.. Oct. 14r:ATTLE
a ill a Si! a 5s dangerous, and therefore he holds aloof, tlons. My advice at the present time Is to
! J 1 r, 1 S In truth, the small speculator would fare refrain from doing any speculating In the
5 Ly j 2, 1 Si badly were he to pit hla strength against markets. There will be a bargain day alon
.1 '5 Si 1 13 . tnl" professional market as it exists1 today, pretty soon, and whpn it comes vou should
4 93 4 20 Most of the shrewd outside traders have be prepared to take advantage of It.
. through tntuitlvelv feellnff thai th mnrknl m-IU not he ITnmwIIBt tinner TiresenT COnni-
1 nil.-, riun If.X-.T.'.n- Dn.lln ..r- II, I"..,- h.l .t.r. .
Wpfi nt i z4i nena: marxer ateRfiv tot
brlfers. 81 75.60; stockers and feeders, 32.45
4 30. .,
HOGS Receipts, . 3,008 head; rdarket
steady to 24c lower; top, 85 274: medium
and heavy. 15.on4frS.274: bulk, 85 106.174
1 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2i0
' bead; market 154?"So higher; native lambs.
87.40; western lambs. 37.00; wethers, 86 26;
ewes, 14.86.
ftloex City Live stock Market.
Biorx CITY. Oct 14.-(Ppeclal Telegram.)
CATTLE Receipts. 3U) head: market
steady; beeves. 84.60 6.76; cows and heifers.
33 2C473.I0: stockers and feeders. 32-75433 80;
calves and yearlings, 32. 254)3. 40.
HOGS Receipts. 1.600 head; market
steadv. selling at; bulk of sales,
Stock la Bight.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
western markets yesterday:
Hogs. Sheep. f.tuO
South Omaha
Sioux City ....
Kansas City .
St. Joseph
St. Louis
- - - -
2.1M 30.100
Oils aad Rous.
NFW YORK. Oct 14 OILS Cottonseed
steady; prime rruda. nominal; prime crude
v.llnw. KWiiTIc. Pct-i-'-iim .t.dHr
600 1.600
0 8.f0
! 3
5'rt 2 6(0
400 15.000
fin d. New York. t7 6.1; Phllalelphl .nd Bal. LIVERPOOL.. Oct. 14,-COTTON-Bpot,
timore. 7."0; in hulk. Turpenilne, fluiet; prices I points lower; American mld-
dull and easy, TlHTJc dllng. fair. .70d. good middling, .44d; mid-
OIL. CITY, Oct. 14. OILS-Credlt bal- ! dllng. .id; low middling. i l4d; good or
ances. 1156. Shipments, 126.638 bbls., aver- dlnary, i.fM; ordinary, 4 frid. The sales -of
age B6 i30 bbls.; runs, &3.8&j, aver- ! the day were 7,0i0 bales, of which l.uuo were
aae. 64 1 bttls. Btiipments. Lima, uo 044
bhis., average t.M) bbls; runs. Lima, 4b. i
bbls average 61,lf0 bbls.
SAVANNAH, Oct. lt OIL Turpentine,
steadv. c.
ROSIN-FIrm; A. R. C, 14.00; t, $4 10; E.
t4J5; F. K70; O, M 75; H, 4 So: I. H Ii; K.
ISOfi; M. ti-10; K, &.); W .Q., SU; w. W..
Dalath Grata Market.
Dt.'Ll'TH, Minn.. Oct. 14,-WHEAT-To
arrivs. Ho. I northern, H3hic; No. j north-
the probable results of his visit to New
lorn, ai tne omce 01 me comimnT uin
were made as to any change In the man
agement. C. D. Simpson of Scrantm. Pa.,
who Is one of the heaviest stockholders of
the Chicago subway. In a statement says:
velop a propertv like this "to please a
speculative clement. The New Tork-pss-
,fn(t(,r B,,bway has thousands of columns
of raluable newspaper articles and It has
mHne Known t0 the whole newspaper world
,h 11 v.t when the stork waa sell-
very few moments, yet It did not afTect
tne pfop(.rry Rri(1 lt jB tnAAy celling at 221.
As we 'pay the city a percentage of our
gross receipts, we are in perfect harmony
with our peop e. We are in perfect accord
-.... .... .,n,i.v.o. h. fumla
We ,re hnn1llng 7.000 tons dally now and
Increasing every month. We receive from
c to 7oc per ton for handling freight per
Although Elgin Poutbem continued to
gain during the month of September, and
is still gaining In October. It la thought
that there will be no dividends declared
until the next ann'ial meeting, which takes
place In June. The directors of the Chl-
caao Edison comranv are to hold a meet
lng In a few days for the devout purpose
of declaring dividends. Fetter than the
usual rate Is expected. Rusiness for this
vcar has been record breaking. The earn
ings of the Title Trust for September
were 349. which Is nearly 1 per cent on the
entire capital stork. The year'a earnings
will exceed those of 1904. which were 8M,
flfis. or nenrlv . Renorts as to the Iron
In July. The overwhelming victory of the
Goulds over Ramsey In the fight of the
Wabash terminated as was expected. Al
most the entire est to a man Is figuring
on the long side of Pensy, but the patience
of the average Phlladelphlan Is greater than
that of the New Yorker or Chlcagoan, and
it will take the Philadelphia patience to
win out In Pennsylvania stock, because If
there is any advance In Price It certainly
(Incorrjo rated)
Mala Offleet Fifth aad Roberts treat
Dealers la
Stocks. Grain. Previsions.
bhlp Voir Grata to Vm.
raaeh omea. HO-ill lloard of Trad
Bid.. Omaha. 3, Teleoboae H14.
Z12-H4 Exchang Bdg South Omaha
Ball 'Phone 21. Independent 'Phun 1
ern, Sle; on track, No. 1 northern, S34c;
No. 3 northern, 814J814e; May, 844c.
OATS To arrive and on track, 274c. '
Condition of Trade aad Quotations on
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EGGS Candled stock, 18c
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 99Hc; roosters,
6c; turkeys, 1316c; ducks, 89c; spring
chickens, 9?94c.
BUTTER Packing stock. 15c; choice to
fancy dairy, 1819c; creamery, 21214c;
prints. 214c.
SUGAR Standard granulated. In bbls.,
86.66 per cwt.; cubes. 86.40 per cwt. ; cut
loaf, 86.86 per cwt; No. 6 extra C, 85 40 per
cwt.; No. 10 extra C, 86.25 per cwt.; No. 15
yellow. 85.20 per -wL; XXXX powdered,
86 20 per cwt.
FRiiSH HBH-Trout. 10611c; halllbut. n;
buffalo, dressed, 9c; pickerel, dressed, 8c;
white bass, dressed., 12c; sunflsh, 6c; perch,
scaled and dressed, 8c; pike 11c; catfish,
15c; red snapper, lOo; salmon, 11c; crapptes.
12c; eels. 18c, bullheads. He; black baas, 2!c,
whiteflsh, 10 lie; frog legs, per dos., 86e;
lobsters, green, 27c: boiled lobsters. Juo;
shad roe, 45c; blueftah. 8e.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: No. 1 upland.
86.50; medium, 85.5Oi7i6.00: coarse, 85.00.
BRAN Per ton. 812.00.
ORANGES Valencia, all sizes, S5.006.60;
Florida, all slses, 83 75(34.00.
LEMONS Lemonlera, extra fancy, 348
sise, 85 00 ; 300 and 860 sites, 36.00.
DATES Per box of 30 1-lb. pkgg., 32;
Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 64c;
walnut stuTed. 1-lb. pkgs., 82.00 per dos.
FIGS California, pvr 10-lb. carton, 168
85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; t
crown. Lie.
BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, 31.71
f2.2o; Jumbos, 32.503.00.
PEARS Utah, Kiefeis and Vicars, 82.001
De Ango. 82.75.
PLUMS Luih and Colorado, per 4-baskst
crate. 81.00; Italian prunes, $1.10.
APPLES Ben DavU and Wlneeaps, In
8-tiu.. bbis.. :.iii3.0v; In bu. baakeis. 11 uu;
California Bellflowers, 31.50; Colorado Jona
than and Grimes' Golden. 82.CKxU2.10.
; basket.
UKArn-rsew york concords, per 8-lb.
isc; aiusiaiH, per 4-basket crate.
31. 5; Tokays, per 4-basket crate, 31.76.
QUINCES California, per box, 3'.. 75.
CRANBERRl3-,-Early Blacks, 33.25 per
bbl.; Jerseys, it.bO.
WAX BEANS Fer --bu. basket. 25350;
string beai.a, per 4-bu box, gcttSSo.
POTATOES New. per bu.. 6uc
BEANS Navy, per bu., 82.00.
CUCUMBERS Per dos., 26c.
TOMATOES Home grown. 4-bu. basket,
tfU U VVV.
CABBAGE Homt -grown, In crates, per
lb;, )4C
ONloNS Home-grown, yellow, red and
wnite, per ot., wc; 'iiiauiHti. per crate, 31.40.
litliTS New. pr bu., 70c.
CELERY Kalainncoo, per dot., 25c.
SWEET POTATOES-Virginia, per J-btt.
Wholesale prices for beef cuts: Ribs No.
1. 11c; No. 2. 8e; No. 3. 6c. Loins No. 1, 11c;
No. 2. 11c; No. 3, 74c. Chucks No. 1, 44c;
No. 2, 4c; No. 3. 3ViC. Rounds No. 1, fo;
No. 2, 84c; No. 3, 6c. Plates No. I, 84c;
rwo. i, c, no. a, xvtc.
HONEY New, per 24 lbs., 83 25.
ciuit-tJE Buns, new, 15c; Wisconsin
Drlck, 14c; w isconoin llmberger, 13c; twins,
1 !i a w Ainu a No 1 . f f ahull m.
j No. 2 .oft shells, per lb., Uc: No. 2 hard, per lb, 12c pecans, large, per lb.
' 12c; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts, per lb.. 7i
roasted, per lb.. 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb.,
I 12iU134o. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c;
hard shells, per lb., 15c Shelibark hickory
nuts, per bu., 31.75; large hickory nuta. Der
i'u., 11. jo inesmuis, uc per id loooanuls,
84 11) oer sack of luO.
HIDES No. 1 gr-en. c; No. t green, So;
No. 1 salted, 104c; No. 3 salted, 94c; No. 1
veal calf. 11c; Ns. 2 veal nUf. Si ; dry salted,
7514c; sheep pelts, 2icwJl.u); kore hide a.
agar and alolasacs,
NEW YORK, Oct. 14. SUGAR Raw,
quiet; lair running, mt't -itc; cenrrirugai,
9i test, 3 13-16C; molasses sugar, 2tf2 13-14c
Refined, quiet; No. I, 420o; No. 7, 4.1&c;
io. a. .uoc; no. ,; no. iq, SBoc; iso.
11, l.c: MO. 12. I.suc: No. IS. 3 70c: No. 14
3.c; confectioners' A. 4 66c; cut loaf, I 60c;
rrusneo. s ave, uowaerea, s.vuc; granulated.
4 80c; cubes,
j lauuABSKB-Mrm; rvew Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 2tsi33c.
Q"1'1: Pn kettle centrifugal, nominal;
centrifugal whites, 44"a44c; prime yellow
clarifted, neV, 4Vic; seconds, 2iU3c.
Cottoa Market.
closed quiet; middling uplands. 10.10c: mid.
-..idling gulf. IOHTjc; sales. 737 bales.
, for speculation and export and Included
&4'i0 American. Receipts, 11,100 bales, all
ST. LOL'IS. Oct. 14.-OOTTON-O.ulet. un
changed; middling. to'e. Receipts, 44
bales; shipments, af bales; stock. t.KA
Spot. steady; sales, 1,) bales; ordinary,
7 HSc; good ordinary, Sc; low middling,
ac; middling. te; good middling. lic;
middling fair. 10 7-16c; rsceicts, bales;
stock, VZltf-H Ules.
An Up-to-Dato
.1 A t
Full of Interesting Reading for
Every Member of the Family
Partial List of Feature Articles Already
Printed This Year
"Vancourer Country of the Northwest," Fire Article
Prof. Charles E. Bensey, University if Nebraska.
"Fruit Raising in the Sunflower
E. F. Stephens, Horticulturalist.
"Hessian Fly and Growing Wheat,"
Prof. Lawrence Bruner, Nebraska Statu EntomlogL
"Gosling's Demonstration of Beef, Mutton and PorV -
E. R. Darenport, Market;. Editor. ;
"Management of Incubators and
G. C. Watson, U. S.
"How to Raise Turkeya on the
C. E. Matterson, Kewaukee, Wis.
"Lire Stock Breeding in Great
Prof. w. j. Kennedy,
"Tuberculosis in Live Stock,"
Dr. A. T. Peters, University of Nebraska,
"Story of Twentieth Century Irrigation,"
H. A. Crafts, Fort Collins, Colo.
"Hotr to Get Good Seed and Maintain It,"
Prof. T. L. Lyon, University of Nebraska.
"Soils and Methods of Seeding Alfalfa,"
E. F. Stephens, Horticulturalist.
"Regulation of Railways by Public Authority," t
William R. Larrabee, Ex-Governor of Iowa. .'
"Traveling Libraries in. Rural Conimunities," -
Edna D. Bullock, Nebraska State Library Ctomntatdf
"Champion Steers in Feed Lot
Prof. n. R. Smith, University of Nebraska ,
"Readjusting Wyoming Ranching System."
A. S. Mercer, Western Ranchman.
The Railroads and the People," Eight Articles,
Edward Roscwater, Editor The Omaha Bet
'Fall Sown Alfalfa in the Humid Region,"
Prvf. F. 0. llrlden, Iowa Agricultural College '
"Durum Wheat for Semi-Arid Land,"
M. A. CaH.ou. Cerealist U. S. Dept of Agriculture,
'Practical Drainage of Foim Lands,"
J. C. HoJuH-H, Diaiuage Engineer.
"Forestry Problems Yet tr B Bolved," ' '
Frank G. Miller, U. 8. Department of Agriculture,
"GrasH and I Vrage Cropu an Fertilizers,"
Prof. T. L. Lyon, University of Nebraska,
"Beef Production Methods of Feeder."
Prof. H. W. Mumford, Illinois Agricultural StaUfoa.
'Effect of Cold Weather on Fruit Blossoms,"
TLodre Williamk, Horticulturalist.
"Calendar of A'ork In th Apiary,"
Auft.iu A. Clarke. Plymouth Creek Apiary.
"Liva Stock in tho Middle West,"
V. I. Coburn, Secretary EUnvsas Stats Board.
The Governnf nt Reclamation Service,"
Frederick LI. Newell, Chief Engineer.
Career of the liti- Robert W. Furnas,"
Pi of. Charles E. Bessey, University of Nebraata
Impri'Ver.ient in Hard Winter Wheat,"
Prof. T. L. Ltob; University of Nebraska,
Problems Confronting Went era Stock Growers," j
Mar do Mackentie, Pres. Am. Stock Growers' Amb
Cora Crcp in Pork Prt dnUcn," -
Hon. Jaincs Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture.
The Past is the Best Guaranty of
the Future.
Tho Tyontiotii Century Farmor
y.M ,,a ... I.--
Department of AgTieultrrtL
lowa state uonege.
and Cooler,"
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