Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    '1 J
Dally Bee- (without Sunday), on year
Dally Bee and 8unday, on year ,
Illustratrd Ilee. one year
Sunday Bee. on year 1
Saturday , one year
. 00
. tM
. W
. 1.60
rally Bee (without Sunday), per week... .12-1
ally H (Including Sunday), per week..l7o
F.venlng Bee (without Sunday), per week. So
Evening Bee imith Sunday), per wek....lOo
Sunday Bee, per copy - eo
Address complaint fit Irrerularltle In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago lb Unity Building.
New fork 1!M H"m Life Ins. Building.
Washington-ol Koirteenth Street.
Cormnanlrstlons relating to new and ed
itorial matter should b addressed: Omaha
Me, Editorial Depr rtment,
Remit by draft, express or potal order,
payable to Th Be Publishing Company.
Only -cnt stamp received In payment of
mail aceounta. Tentonal check, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accented
Stat of Nebraska, Douflaa County, :
C C, Roacwater, secretary of The Be
Publishing Company, belnir duly aworn,
ay that the actual pumper of full and
oomplM eople of The Dally, Momtng,
Evening and Sunday R printed during th
montn of September, 1S, wu a follows:
1 80,400
a v..; Bi.aao
, KO.ftSO
1 81, TOO
17 Jf,8l0
It 8O.700
tl SO.S20
M... 80.000
tt 81.B30
14 8O.05O
28 81.1SO
0 81.880
4 RO,J?!W)
B 80.7TO
....,.... 8M20 ,
T ; SO T80
to so.ono
XI 80,800
12 80.T80
II 8O.T10
1 1,WH
Total 926320
Lea unsold copies , 1IM
Net total sales 910.R3S
. Daily average 80,34
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before in this 89 day of September, 1908.
(Beal) M. B. HUNGATE,
Notary Publio.
Sabaerlfcer leavlaa- th city teza
warily ahoald) hav Th Be
mailed to them, it la hatter thaa
dally letter froaa home. 'Ad
dreea vrlH ha ehaaged aa aftca a
Less than four weeks of the political
campaign remains. It is surely "an off
When we tmd ourselves at a loss for
other excitement perhaps we can tare
the fight on the alleged "grain trust"
Captain Taggart says be has no
charges to make against brother officers,
but the War department may not bo so
In comparison with . Omaha's 90 per
cent reimbursement to exposition stock
holders, the Portland dividend looks like
80 cents or maybe 40. ' - -
Governor Folk is to speak in Phlladel
poia, but It is hardly probable be can
(Ire Mayor Weaver many points on how
to "turn the rascals out.
If Senator Drydeh should decide to
start an Insurance investigation on his
own account be would have the ad'
vantage ef other investigators in know
lug when he was nearlner thin ice.
Newfoundland may surprise Great
Britain by being the first colony to make
a break for nnlon with America. Its
present administration is already de
manding free trade between the states
and the island. :
Grand Duke Cyril seems to be the
real hero of the Russo-Japanese war,
having survived an explosion, married
the woman of his choice and quarreled
with the autocracy before the bomb
throwers got bim. .
It would be interesting to discover
upon what grounds of justice aside
from the possible letter of the law In
diahs who enjoy every right and privl
lege of citizenship 'should be exempt
from paying taxes. '
Aa a corn market Omaha baa touched
the second notch ftom the top. With
the best part of the corn belt to draw
on, it Is only a question of time when
Omaha will get second place and keep
it against all comers.
Frank Lambert, "who is resisting ex
tradition to Nebraska, Is doing aa much
as Beavers did to bring about a change
in the federal laws, to that a federal
warrant will be effective in Itself In all
parts of the United States.
Since Commissioner. Uurueld says be
bsa taken up the "transportation end"
of the oil question the public can under
stand the length of time required to
complete the work even if Ida Tarbell
did "find out air about it" in such a
short time.
The aeeretary of the Iowa State
Board of Health complains that the
Hawkey state has more suckers taken
in by quack doctors than any aute In
the union.". Conditions must be pretty
tad over In Iowa, or rather, pretty good
for the quacks.
The burning of the MUaouti building
at thq Fortlsnd exposition la further en
dorsement of the policy pursued by Ne
braska at both Bt Louis and Fortland
In refusing to plant any of the state ap
propriation in buildings and confining
the Nebraska exhibit to a display of the
atate'a resource and products.
The typhoid fever outbreak at the
Lincoln insane asylum suggests a thor
ough Sanitary Inspection of all the state
Institutions without waiting for disease
germs to make themselves felt Let the
members of the State Board of IlealtU
contribute their servlcee for a few daya
without extra compensation In recogni
tion of the honor their positions carry.
Tha 14th Any of October, lism, will
bo 8 memorable occasion not only in
the beginning of the twentieth century,
but in modern history. On that day the
treaty of psaee between Russia and
Jnpnn was signed and thus was ended
ono of the greatest conflicts In all the
world'i blstory. It may seem super
fluous to dwell .upon the importance of
this event and yet all who bare an In
telligent conception of Its significance
must regard It as an occurrence of the
very greatest significance not only for
th countries Immediately concerned,
but for the entire civilized world.
Of course since the agreement was
reached at Tortsmouth peace In the
far east bas been assured, yet (there
was needed the final act of imperial ap
proval to absolutely confirm what was
done by the peace envoys, and this has
now been given. At St., Petersburg and
at Toklo the conclusion and final act
has been done and the world now knows
that beyond peradventure Russia and
Japan are at pence.
It la a signal event, in which the whole
civilized world bas a profound and vital
Interest It means a great deal for
humanity and for civilization. It Is a
triumph in the interest of international
peace of the greatest significance. And
the greatest glory in connection with it
belongs not to any of the monarchs of
the old world, but to the chief executive
of the tJnited States, who at the oppor
tune moment stepped In between the
warring nations and brought about the
conference that ended the conflict. That
illustrious achievement will forever re
dound to the honor of Theodore Roose
Another compact is noted in which
the TJnited States is involved In a way
that may make trouble between our
selves and Great Britain. It is simply
that the British government has In a
quirt sort of way, quite characteristic,
succeeded in negotiating a commercial
trenty with Cuba, the effect of which
will be, if ratified, to give Great Britain
certain benefits or advantages which it
is said the British government ought
not to have.
Consequently our government is said
to be making strenuous efforts to stop
the ratification of the Anglo-Cuban
treaty and there seems to be a promise
that a really serious controversy may
grow out of it It is not purely a
question between Britain and Cuba.
There are certain obligations of the
latter country, especially those growing
out of and dependent upon the Tlatt
amendment that need to be considered.
jCuba can make no treaty without the
consent of the government of the United
States, nor can she enter into any com
mercial agreement without the assent
of this country. In these respects she
Is absolutely restricted by what is
known as the Flatt amendment and the
binding force of that will remain as
long as the United States deems it .to
be etpedient No hostility to It on the
part of Cuba will ever have any effect,
nor will any foreign antagonism be per
mitted to exert any influence.
What the government of the United
States will insist upon, and with every
propriety and consistency, is that Cuba
shall not enter Into any agreement with
a European power the effect of which
would be to any extent detrimental to
American interests. This country has
a right to ask, on every ground, that
Cuba shall treat us with the most lib
eral consideration and treat us more
generously than any other country. The
Cuban people are Independent because
we bave made them so a,nd they will
remain Independent under American
guardianship. This nation exercises only
such influence there as Is essential to
the peace and prosperity of the Island
republic, and for this all Its people should
be glad and happy. It is for their good
and not for the benefit of the United
States, which under any circumstances
could bave only an incidental gain from
any progress which Cuba might make.
Meanwhile our government is perfectly
warranted in making objection to a
treaty betweenCuba and Great Britain
the undoubted effect of which would be
to the commercial detriment of this
If an apathetic campaign reflects con
teUtment with existing conditions of
government, then the campaign in Ne
braska means that the people of this
state are reasonably well satisfied with
the administration of their -affairs oy
the republicans now in charge.
So far as is visible on the surface
there Is no over-reacblng desire to
change, the complexion of the supreme
court or to overturn the management
of the University of Nebraska by refus
ing to continue republican control of
these bodies. Quite the contrary, the
disposition seems to be to recogulze
the Improvement that has been accom
plished since the fusloulsts were driven
ont of power, and, while admitting that
still further improvement is deslreablo,
yet to look to the republicans to respond
to all reasonable demands.
It goes without saylug "that "Nebraska
will be counted again in the republican
column this year. . It should be counted
republican by an emphatic majority and
It will be so couute4..unless republicans
ennlt themselves to be lulled into in
activity and lutllffereuce by the very
apathy of their opponent.
The annual car famine is already be
ginning to make itself felt and with
more crops to move this your than usual
the car famine promises to be particu
larly severe. The milleulum will surely
be here wheu the railroads keep enough
rolling stock on hand to meet all de-
mauds of the crop movement.
A cog uiUkt liuve slipiHttl Aiuiewhere
since the local oocrtitlc organ has
brought ltseie to say that the attitude of
the republican administration of Cu
Nebraska insurance department appeals
to it as more sensible and much safer
than that of the democratic administra
tion of the Missouri Insurance department
The Increased popularity of the horse
show and the liberal support extended
to It by the people of Omaha and sur
rounding towns suggest the question,
Why not a flower show? Kansas City
Is preparing for Its annual flower show
to be held In Convention hall the third
week in November. With the suierb
facilities afforded by our Auditorium
there is no good reason why a flower
show here should not be made a success
and become eventually an established
The modern flower show seems to
have blossomed from a seed that first
germinated In the east The annual
flower shows In Madison Square Gar
den, New York, are most picturesque
and instructive exhibitions participated
In by all the most famous florists and
patronized by the best people of the
metropolis, There are florists in Omaha
and vicinity who produce plants and
flowers both rare and common that
would compare- well In any competition
and few people hereabouts even faintly
realize the extent of our export floral
trade, flowers grown in Iowa and Ne
braska finding a market outlet as far
east as New York and aa far west as
The people to take Initial bold of a
flower show for Omaha are the florists.
it they would get together and go at it
energetically they could count confi
dently upon the necessary backing from
the other busluess Interests of the com
munity. The month of November is the
time for flower shows, so a etart would
have to be made immediately if any
thing is to come out of the suggestion
tliis year.
Some of the patriots, who were most
noisily opposed to the proposition for a
municipal lighting plant when it was
submitted to tlie popular vote last year,
are now maktng spectacular speeches
to Improvement clubs advocating mu
nicipal ownership of all public utilities.
If some inquisitive club member should
propound a few pertinent questions to
them, these weather-vane statesmen
would find themselves in a very embar
rassing predicament.
. . . - , , . . , . r.
On his return from Washington Sena-
tor Burkett declared in a public inter- companies are now shown to have been
view that he had not heard of Judge i making for commissions and salaries. The
Tucker's resignation from the supreme 1 policy has even been carried so far that the
bench of Arizona and knew nothing mo"t competing companies are ac
mum ui " tually earning less Interest on their Invest-
about it On the same day announce- nU than Br Bome of theMeBS puin,ng
ment came from Washington that Judge I companies, which avoid such expenditures
Jessen has teen appointed to succeed and devote more attention to profitable in
t,,. TiiPlpr Wonder if Senator vestment and leas to the acquisition of new
Burkett will also disclaim all credit for
the appointment tendered Judge Jessen.
Governor Cummins wants to make
tariff revision the paramount issue. The
railroads also would like very much to
have the president's program for rate
regulation sidetracked to give tlie tariff
agitators right of way.
Bit I'P and Look I'leaaaat.
' Minneapolis Journal.
Three women have been admitted to the
Hall of Fame. This ought to prevent the
gentlemen now In the hall from sitting
around with hats on and feet on the wln
dowsllls. Gneaa Acaln. ,
St, Louis Globe-Democrat.
tn President Btlckney. rate
,., i,riv m. matter of auesswork. !
mho. hin the case, the government might
as well do the guessing as the railroad
Kame'a Close Call.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
It appears that some of ' our lat eminent
Americans have escaped real fame by only
one vote, and some by a fraction of on
vote. But they will have another chance,
and In the meantime their friends should
rally around their memory.
Higher Ideal Inchanaed.
Baltimore American.
The smashing of the statues of angels
over which the controversy rose by their
sculptor bas completely broken up the
thuory of angelic femininity In marble, at
least. In tlie flesh, of course, women will
cease to be angels only when men cease
to be lovers.
Great Mot for Peace.
Baltimore American.
If President Roosevelt Is as successful In
his compalgn in the Interest of clear, manly
sport, with the eradication or nruuuuy,
, i . i .
professionalism ana money ihubiu umu
the college games, aa he has been In every
thing else he has undertaken, th long-hoped-for
new era In college athletics will
become a reality Instead of a dream, as
It Is at present.
Statement Fall to Hitch.
' Chicago Chronicle.
Somebody who does not quite understand
modern business has found out, from the
bureau of statistics probably, that the Im
ports of this country during alx years of
Mocha and Java coffee' were Just 137,000
pounds and that within the same lime the
coffee dealer of the nation Have sold
1.500,000 pounds of pure Mocha and Java.
Having discovered the two farts, ha Is try
ing to reconcile them.
Hand Off la Cuba.
St. Louis Republic.
Great Britain will get herself very much
dUUked In the United States If she persists
In trying to put through a treaty that
would give her a naval base In Cuba. That
Island controls the main gate of th Gulf
of Mexico, and Great Britain ought to
know that It has long been our settled,
though silent, policy to permit no European
power stronger than Spain to control It.
It was. In fact, from the British Foreign
office, through It chief, George Canning,
that our declaration of the Monroe doctrine
was first suggested. Any treaty giving to
the warships of any European power a
base In Cuba would be a flagrant violation
of the spirit of that doctrine.
Evil Ecrt Kaotlam.
New Orleans Picayune.
One of the greatest evils of th American
character la Its Intense egotism. We take It
for granted that w ar better people than
everybody else, always do the right thing
and cannot learn anything from any an. A
natural result of this national trait la that
we make some very serious mistakes, not
merely in our dealing with other people,
but In our effort to develop our foreign
trade, lit our efforts to dominate th trade
of South America we hav endeavored to
oak out susuxnar lake such goods as w
considered they should take and we have
neglected to offer them Just such good aa
they desired, with the result that w hav
had the mortification to see th bulk of the
Bouth American trad go elsewher.
American girls might do worse, than study
the Jiu-jitsu that enabled a little Japanese
woman to toss a big loafer Into th air and
sit on him when he cam down.
The distinctly feature of th Cincinnati
man who kidnaped 1 00.000 Is a cigarette
cough. People similarly afflicted might
make money by hitting th trail.
Two European cltle,'Nlnove, in Belgium,
and Chrlatlania, In Norway, have, sine th
Portsmouth peace, established Roosevelt
streets, and In two other European cities,
Geneva and Paris, the establishment of a
Roosevelt street Is proposed.
A recent accident at an animal show In
Milwaukee reveals the saddening fact that
the bewitching woman who tames the Hons
Is sometimes a man In disguise. Nothing
Is now left to us but our clinging faith In
the gentle femininity of th chorus girl.
Admiral of th Fleet Sir E. II. Beymour,
the youngest man of that rank In the Brit
ish navy. Is to be entertained in Boston
next week. He comes to this country to
represent Great Britain at the celebration
of the centenary of the battle of Trafalgar
at Tremont Temple, October 2S. Ho Is due
to arrive on th 18th.
J. H. Seger, agent of tho Cheyenne In
dians at Colony, has adopted a plan of hav
ing the young Indians of th settlement
earn their livelihood by: doing farm work
In that section. He has Issued orders that
all of them prepare to pick cotton this fall,
telling them that their provisions and
clothes depend upon this work.
Mr. Charles M. Schwab, It Is rumored, Is
about to put Into practice In a new Meld of
endeavor the lesson of economy which he
learned In tlie service of the canny Iron
master. Incidentally he will teach other
millionaires th folly of attempting to break
Into the senate from New Tork, Pennsyl
vania or Illinois when Nevada is so much
from aa Expert Who
1 Xot
ea the Salary Roll.
Chicago New.
In a timely analysis of the life insur
ance situation David Parks Fackler. for
mer president of th Actuarial society, has
put forth some suggestions which policy
holders will find It profitable to consider.
Mr. Fackler, Ilk many other experienced
observers, believes that the present cost
of life Insurance Is greater than It should
be. The reason, he thinks, Is to be found
In the methods the greater companies pur
sue In getting business. Practically all
these concerns obtain their new business
through solicitors or agents. The compe
tition among them has become largely a
rivalry to get the best agents obtainable
and In this rivalry they have kept on In
creasing agents' commissions.
frhA . - ,1.1. , , . . .
, cucvv, v, hub ivuueuuy are reveaiea
k . lavlhnMll , th. ..' ... . "
business. The situation leads Mr. Fackler
to the conclusion that while life insurance
as at present conducted Is safe and sound
as Insurance, It Is not good aa an Invest
ment. "Unless you are an Incorrigible
spendthrift," he says to the prospective pol-
i i... i. i tiAM.i Li . . ... .
compulg)oni ,j0' jiot tak, an endowment
pMjCy, but Insnr either on the ordinary
life or the twenty annual premium plan and
then either do .your own Investing with
your surplus or put It tn a savings bank.
Years hence, If you do not speculate, you
will probably find yourself better off than
If you had taken an endowment policy."
No one need be surprised If one result of
the New Tork scandals Is to encourage the
adoption of this view. The Investment fea
ture of life Insurance has been emphasized
In recent years, while Its prime purpose
Insurance against the hazard of death has
been correspondingly minimised. The re
sult of the tendency has not been whole-
some. The way the, big companies have
used the "Invested" funds, taking large
premiums from "preferred risks" and mak
ing prodigal expenditures without regard to
the policy holder' Interests, suggests that
It would be well to make the Investment
feature of Insurance purely Incidental.
Stroag Defense of th Maaenllae Idea
Found la the Bible.
Philadelphia Press.
The sculptor who has been carving
angels for the New York Eplaoopal Ca
thedral of St. John the Divine, in the form
of deep-bosomed women. Is doubtless a
better artist than a theologian. Our mod
ern Idea of angela is quite different from
Biblical. The term angello ha come to
be ascribed to smiling, sweet-tempered
babes and to women of a particular amia
ble, disinterested type of character. Th
little girl who sings "I want to be an
angel" does not aspire to a change of sex.
So far as those words mean anything tq
the children and. others who sing them
they express a desire to become ultimately
a being who shall be possessed of all the
softer virtues, and whose duties in th next
world shall b nothing sterner than th
nonmllltant office of a singer In the heav
enly choir.
The angels of the Bible and of Milton
are men. They carried the message of
th Ruler of th universe, and very stern
messages they often were. Sometimes they
brought plague, pestilence and famine aa
expressions of the Divine wrath. At other
times they appeared to give direct assis
tance to His people, and when King Sen
nacherib, with his Assyrian hosts encamped
against Jerusalem, bent on th destruction
of God's chosen people,
The angel of death spread his wings on
the blast
And breathed in the face of th foe as he
The angels Of the Bible wr decidedly
masculine In spirit and the tasks allotted
to them are clearly men's work. The
Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabrlnl and
Uriel are all men. Satan Is an angel,
though a fallen one, and It has never oc
curred, we suppose, to any on to is pre
sent Satan and hla associates, Moloch and
Belial, as women. W read in Kevela
tlons: "There was war tn Heaven: Michael
and hla angel fought against th dragon;
and th dragon fought and his angels.
And th great dragon was cast out, that
old aerpent, called th Devil, and Butan,
which decelveth th whole world: he was
cast out into th earth, and hla angels
were cast out with him."
Modern art and legend hav feminised
th angels very sweet and adorable crea
tures they are represented to be anl their
Image ar mors agreeable to look upon
than the grave, strong, masculine visages
of Michael and Gabriel. These feminine
angels may be forgiven and admired in
an art gallery, and it would be unneces
sarily sever to banish them from th
cemeteries, where their soothing associa
tion is their excuse. Th carving In th
Cathedral of St. John th Divine should,
however, not dlsses th angeU, whoa
militant tabor and sever responsibilities
ar so graphically pictured la th rvla-
I tlont of BU John himself.
Ripple th Carrent t Life 1st
th Metropolis.
Bummer pilgrims to New Tork from these
parts recall with varied degrees of pleasure
th rubberneck expedition which filled th
daya with exhilaration and the - nights
with picturesque Information and observa
tion. Remember It? "Well, 1 guess yes."
Rubberneck wagons ar great Institutions
In Gotham. Pilgrims naturally view them
with awe, and often hesitate to tak th
trip. But hesitation, whatever the cause,
doesn't last long. The crew tumbles, nods
to a confederate and presently two or mor
tidily dressed young WAmen mount th
deck. That settles th hesitant male. He
longs for company In a strange city. This
Is Just what he la looking for, and Jumps
at the chance for a seat beside the fetch
ing girls. Other lonesomes do likewise.
Fares ar collected, th bugle blows and
the rubbers sre oft for a two-hour round
Of flirtation and sight-seeing. Not quite.
Just at the starting moment th girls dis
mount and retire to the next coach, where
they perform the same trick catching th
flirtatious pilgrims. This Is their regular
business, and is quite profitable for th
The great trip for rubbering pilgrims Is
the tour of Chinatown at 12 per. It Is a
three-hour run and Is esteemed by the
victims th greatest "fake In all New
Tork." They see things, It is tru, but
never enough for the money. One's feel
ings next morning cannot b reduced to th
normal without a short vigorous session
with a self-acting kicking machine.
Miss Mlsao Soga, k Japanese sword
dancer, gave an exhibition of Jiu-jitsu In
front of a dry goods stor in West One
Hundred and Twenty-fifth street. J. F.
McCullom, 22 years old, an electrician, at
tempted to speak to her, she alleges. Tho
young man no sooner had the words out of
his mouth than Miss Bnga grabbed him by
the coat collar and threw him over her
head as If he were a toy.
McCullom picked himself up. and when he
tried to explain to her that he mistook her
for somebody else she caught him by the
arm and threw him again, and he landed
on the sidewalk harder than he did tho first
In court, through an Interpreter, Miss
Soga told how McCullom tried to flirt with
her and what she did to him. "What did
she do?" asked Magistrate Barlow. The
little doll woman's eye sparkled as she an
swered the question, but the Interpreter
said: "I cannot explain In English." "Well,
.let her show what she did," th magistrate
ordered. The Interpreter, who weighed ICO
pounds, grabbed the little doll woman by
the shoulder, masher fashion. Miss Soga
seised his wrist with one hand and tho
lapel of his coat with the other. ' The next
moment the man's heels twinkled In the air
as he went flying over her shoulder. Then
he crashed down on th floor. "Great!"
cried Magistrate Barlow. "I wish our Amer
ican girls knew Jiu-jitsu like that. They
would not be bothered much by mashers.
The defendant, McCullom. is found guilty
of disorderly conduct and fined 15."
Som time this week there wllf arrive In
this port the latest marvel of marine archi
tecture. It Is the Hamburg-American liner
Amerlka, which sailed from Hamburg on
its Inaugural trip on October 11. The
steamer Is one of the largest ever built for
passenger service, the displacement being
w,vw tons.
The Amerfka Is not of the flier class, but
the vessel has engines
and Is built on a new principle to reduce
vibration. There are several striking Inno
vations jn tne Amerlka. one belnr in a i.
carte restaurant, which will accommodate
120 persons. Other features Include an elec
tric passenger elevator, a nursery, trained
nurses, for -sick persons, a hairdresser, a
florist's shop, a candy store, a gymnasium
and electric baths with expert masseurs.
Th Amerlka Is a nine-day boat, 887 feet
long, with 23.000 tons capacity. There are
accommodations for ,057 passengers, and
the crew numbers 620 officers and men.
As a general rule th leading hotels of
New Tork rather discourage lone woman
guests. No matter how well reeommenrte
they come or bow certain the manage
ment is or their -respectability they always
tack about 20 per cent on tha nrl
apartments when they are let to women.
women do not patronize the bar; they do
not spend much money In the dining room;
they are Inclined to make their own coffee
for the morning in their own rooms; they
tack plcturea on expensive wall paper;
they demand more service than the men;
they do not entertain In the way that helps
the hotel to make money; they are apt
to keep a pet dog without telling the pro
prietor about It In advance. When they
wear waists that button down the back
they want the housekeeper of the floor
to come In and button them down or up for
them. They are always demanding extra
service of a kind which eosts the hotel
money, but they are not inclined to pay
for it.
A little old woman was watching the
New Tork skyscrapers from the deck of a
Pennsylvania ferryboat. From time to
tim she turned to the stranger sitting at
her side and confided that she was on her
way for her first visit to New Tork. Pres
ently she said:
'Those are very high houses over there."
"Yes." smiled the stranger, "they are the
tallest in the world."
Th little old woman looked at them now
a long time In silence. "I suppose," she
sighed at last, "that the four hundred live
In them."
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stetnway celebrated
the twentieth anniversary tf their wed
ding by giving a Louis XIV dinner In the
marble room of th St. Regis.
It wu a cene of regal splendor that
greeted the guests after they had been
received by the host and hostess in th
adjoining reception room, trimmed with
American Beauty roses, and had made
their way to the white and gold banquet
room, done in marble and gilt, and hung
with white and gold brocade.
Lackeys In court livery of the time of
Louis XIV carried out the Idea of the
feaat and seated the guests. The table
waa shaped somewhat like a horseshoe,
the guests being placed around the outer
edge, while they were served from th
Inner side. The Uble wa beautifully dec
orated with quantities of white rose. Th
ntlr gold service was used, even th
crystal glasses being overlaid with gold.
A young lieutenant stationed near New
Tork was Jilted by his sweetheart re
cently and his despondent air and mel
ancholy sighs attracted the attention of
hla commanding officer. One day the com
manding officer called the young man
aside, and after a fatherly talk, wound up
his homily by saying: "My dear boy, ther
ar as good fish in th ea as. aver wer
caught," and as an afterthought added:
"Don't catch 'em! Don't catch 'em!"
Charity Racket at Home.
Boston Transcript.
After It had been ahown that all his
relative held princely positions, and that
ven th annual bill for clerks' luncheons
amounted to IT?. OK), it wasn't really neces
sary for the president of the latest life In
surance company to be investigated to de
clare that the true purpose of such com
panies Is elemosynary. The purpose I not
to make money, but to spend it to giv it
way oa a magnificent scale.
akifligf Powder
Tho only high gradd
Balling Powder sold at a
moderate price. Com
plies with the puro food
laws of all states.
Rushvlll Recorder: Governor Mickey is
about one of the best governors ws have
had for fooling his critics. They simply
can't understand our jnan Mickey.
Kearney Hub: Congressman Kennedy of
the first district, la doing valiant work for
the retail merchants of Nebraska as
against the - department stores and caia
olgue houses, several of whom ar his
close constituents.
Friend Tribune: The people of Nebraska
are' generous to Omaha In the matter of
patronizing Its Ak-Sar-Ben festivals, and It
must be said for the people of Omaha they
have always provided lavishly for the pleas
ure of their guests.
Tekamah Journal: The notoriety that Is
being given to Pat Crowe Is conducive to
the breeding of depravity. To read of the
attempts on the part of men and women
to get a look at Crowe and the explo
sions of sympathy for him ts enough To
give one who believe In morality. If noth
ing more, a feeling of disgust and pity that
he Is of a race so deficient In horse sense.
The Omaha Boe Is to be admired for Its
stand In refusing to launch forth columns
of Pat Crowe stuff.
Grand Island Independent: The Tork Re
publican has a roll of honor at the head
of Its editorial column in which It carries
the .names of all republican officials or
candidates who have turned in their free
passes or have pledged themselves not to
put themselves under the obligations of the
railroads by accepting such favors. It
carries all the state officers except Secre
tary of State Galusha, who Just simply
couldn't part with the dear little thing,
and carries Judge Letton and the two can
didates for regents as the present candi
dates of the party.
Lincoln Herald: Omaha entertained an
Immense crowd of people all during Ak-Sar-Ben
week, the crowds were Jolly and
happy and the city reaped a great benefit
from It. But one thing was noticeable In
the way of entertainment and that was
the lack of proper hotel facilities. Omaha
can always get a crowd when she advertises
for It, but she always falls to take care
of the people comfortably after getting
them. The fact is. Omaha has not a first
class hotel for a city of its slxe. Otherwise.
Omaha did herself proud In entertaining
the vast crowds of festival visitors and
everybody came away pleas'd and satisfied
with their trip to the metropolis.
Columbus Journal: Victor Rosewater
"started something" In the republican cen
tral committee when he Introduced a reso
lution asking the committee to take steps
toward nominating the candidates for the
state offices In 1908 by the "direct primary"-
hiethod. As a matter of fact, no
harm would result from the committee's
taking the coursq recommended by Mr.
Rosewater. If It should hit upon a good
plan, our state legislature would have noth
ing tor do In carrying out the convention's
Instructions but to incorporate Into law
the committee's plana. If the plan devised
should not work well, the legislature could
amend It. Whatever the committee may
decide with reference to these resolutions. It
should not lose sight of the fact that
the republican party has spoken In favor
of a direct primary law, and that In con
sidering these resolutions It has no au
thority whatever to take into account the
merits or demerits of the system. The only
question . for the committee to decide is
that of the propriety of "butting In."
Grand Island Independent: The city coun
cil of Omaha rather unceremoniously dis
patched 'an ordinance this week 'the pur
pose of which was to secure a franchise
for the Independent Telephone company
Into th city of Omaha. Omaha's busi
ness men It would appear, have so far
been opposed to two systems on the theory
that they would be compelled to keep
both and that their telephone expense
would be Increased rather than diminished.
It la argued on the other hand, that even
when this is the case, the Improved ser
vice brought about by competitors rust
ling diligently for business, Is worth mor
than the Increased price for two phones.
The ordinance referred to provided that
the question of granting the franchise be
submitted to all the citizens and voters, at
an election, and this In brief, Is the propo
sition that was shelved. Regardless of
what one's individual experience may be, it
is generally a mighty doubtful procedure
when a whole community la refused a
There is a reason, and the best Kind of a
reason, why Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair
grow long and heavy.
It is a hair-food. It feeds the hair and makes
It healthy and strong.
Healthy hair grows, keeps soft and smooth,
does not split at the ends, and never falls out. .
Give Ayer's Hair Vigor to your grsy hair and
restore to it all the deep, rich color of early life.
r u. . e. Ar e. , tweti.
aiM BftAaulMturers ef
1TY'S ClTVBnV KCToL oreoufli.
Aiaa a aaaaraKiiXA-var tu kiooa.
Trust Halting Powders sell for or
SO cents por pound and may be klea
tided by this exorbitant price.
Tbey ar a menace to publio health,
as food prepared from them con
taint largo quantities of Racbell
alts, a oangerous catharuo drug.
voice in a matter which concerns every
member of It more or les.
Soath Dakota Vocalises th
Nebraska Composed.
Washington Post
On the brown and golden face of th
United States I a smile that reaches from
Maine to California the smile of fatness
and contentment. The east Is full of busi
ness, the west has turned out corn and
wheat and hogs enough to feed the world,
and the south I rejoicing In th short crop
and long price of cotton. Th wood are
turning brown, the stubble fields are yel
low and possums are getting fat. Th
newspapers everywhere are bursting Into
autumnal choruses of pure Joy. Here, for
example, is the paean of an esteemed South,
Dakota contemporary, th Hudson Hudson
lte: "You can talk about your California ell
mate and all that, but we will take South
Dakota for ours every time. Here it is th
6th of October and J. A. Pierce Is picking
big, luscious strawberries out of his patch
every day; we found a fine mess of string
beans the second growth this year In our
garden; the pastures are green and th
grass Is knee deep In lots of them; flowers
are In bloom everywhere; the bees hum
merrily as they gather golden stores of
honey, and you can't for the life of you tell
the difference between October and June,
lovely June."
How can the country feel blue when such
a chirp comes from the banana belt of tho
Dakotaa? Wa recall a rrtnln Kth r rn.
tober, of an Immemorial year, when a bliz
zard swept over Dakota and stalled tho
railroad trains for three weeks. How dif
ferent ts the picture In 1906! Even the cli
mate ts growing balmy. If not tropical. Ka
ture shares with mi: the Joy of eternal
summer and bountlfulne?.
There Is a throb of envy tlie southern
breast In reading of the big. luscious South
Dakota strawberries and the editor's sec
ond mess of string beans. California may
be all right, but South Dakota Is evidently
the place for riotous living.' From no other
state has come such a glowing report of
summer lingering In the lap of fail. Pos
sibly Alaska may be reveling In greener
fields and fairer fruits, but the returns ar
not yet In. South Dakota must look to
Alaska for rivalry In tropical fruits. Th
Department of Agriculture has often told
us of the luxuriant growth of tender plants
In that country, but somehow the story
never 'seemed real until now. When th
report comes In from Nome of unprece
dented harvests of oranges, pineapples and
guavas, our satisfaction will be complete.
Until then South Dakota will bear the palm,
as the loveliest, warmest spot in a glorious
Baltimore American,
There are tx-nufactora
Of man and mankind
Men strong and protecting.
Men gentle and kind;
There are heroes wjio battle,
And heroes of peace,
And speakers, whose wise words
In minds never cease;
There are rich men ot millions
Whose hospitals great
Help thousanda In Buttering,
Or light... hard fate
Who build Immense libraries
Free from all needs.
Or In the big colleges
Sow learning's seeds.
But when the list's ended
And benefits grow.
Of all who have helped us
Through life's days to go.
Let each take his choosing
As seemeth his while;
But for Jieui t-cheer, oh, giv tn
The lrl with a smile.
A happy heart brimming
With life and with love.
Its olive branch holding
Like some joyous dove.
To trouble and worry.
As each one she meets,
Scattering sunshine
Along busy streets.
Whose cheery wurmth lightens
The clouds of the day.
And loath aa it lingers
To pass quite away
This, her childish mission
To help in the press
And scatter like sunbeams
Her own happlnnss
On the fret and the flurry
Of life's busy day,
Till a hint of fresh breezes
Comes straying our way.
She may be Just passing
Just seen for awhile.
But she leaves cheer God bless her I
The girl with a smile.
arsfa mia-For eesattpsrlM.
Aisi't aoub ctikJ-i-uf ntitni sal agi.