Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha : Daily Bee.
For News Qaalltj and QuanUtf
The Bee Creatly Excels,
Omaha's Preferred Advertising
Medium Is The Bee.
J i that i
w- night
for a
J If . ontlr
I ures c
Tint Big Demonstrations in St. Petersburg
Siooe Trepoff Took Cnarge.
n j t .i . i . .
j i wrewa jjioerung oeay 10 etauen usergea
by Folic and Gendarmes.
Arreit of Members of i oalition Committee
1 Games Much 111 Feeling.
rlutere Vote to Suspend Work for
.Three Dare Because of Political
( and City Will
Be Without Paper.
ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. l.-For the first
time since the advent of M. Trepoff as head
of the government of BL Petersburg, dun
onatnitlona on a large scale took place here
today, the occasion bolng the occasion of
the removal of the body of Prince Troubet
ky to Moscow. - Students, workmen and
spectators gathered by thousands In the
streets, and demonstrators with red flags
paraded boldly through the Nevsky pros
pect, the cl'y's main avenue. The crowds
and the processions were several times
charged and dispersed by mounted police,
but fortunately with no grave consequences.
The most grave Injuries are those sustained
by two men who were slashed with sabrs.
Firearm were not employed by the gend
armes or military and though the first
collision was provoked by a shot from the
crowd and a few cases of stoning occurred,
the crowds manifested no inclination to
resist the police and troops.
Students Are Exasperated.
The students are'exasperated over the
attacks by the police and the arrest of
several members tf a coalition commit Ue
chosen by a student meeting September X
and a renewal of the disorders Is hot im
probable. ' '
The serious feature of the situation is
that a Strike of printers was declared lo
on political grounds,, which Is to last
period of three days, but it may be
ontinUed tonger in case of repressive meas-
or arrests. A few of the leading dally
newspapers hope to be able to Issue a single
sheet giving telegraphic news, but the
others will suspend publication entirely.
The employes of several factories are ready
to follow the lead of the printers and :he
authorities are fully alive to the danger
that the strike nmy become general.
Industrial Cluurter Mulct.
There were no disturbances in the In
dustrial quarters of trie city. Large forces
of trooya weio i.eld In readiness In the
court yards of the burrac-as and in the
quanta in various parts of the city to
deal with any disuraer.r From the Nevsky
prospect, a-band of students and workmen
.l. carrying red Mags and cliantjng revolu-
,uunar.v-rTOii-iTnnrcTeuf .'ueroes tne rtver
and began uh Open 'air meeting in the
; square in front of the university. While
the speeches were In progress the police
' again charged and dispersed the crowds.
In the melee a workman and a student
received sabre cuts. The crowd took refuge
' in the university buildings, and the meet
ing was continued thare without being dis
turbed by the police.
During the annual fall festival of the
Fifth Uymnaslum today, members of the
audience begun to hiss the national hymn.
A panic enued and 'the excitoment was
augmented by the explosion of giant fire-
Many persons were bruised in the rush.
but, oo one wag seriously Injured.
Pear Treaty Aaaonaced.
Tne ratification of the treaty of peace
is formally announced this morning In the
Official Messenger, which says that its
operation began yesterday. The text of
the treaty is not given.
As a graceful mark of appreciation of
the part he took in bringing about the
conference at Portsmouth and the re
sultant peace. President Roosevelt was
the first person to be notified by the Rus
sian government that Emperor Nicholas
had' ratified the treaty. As soon as the
emperor's signature bad been affixed to
the instrument and before the treaty had
been brought back from Peterhof for the
counter, signature of Foreign Minister Lams
dorf, the r.ews was sent directly to the
president. Official notification by the French
government, according to the Foreign office.
followed several hours later, when Count
Lamsdorf had completed the ratification by
his signature-
The government took no steps to make
known to the people of Russia the fact
that the emperor had signed the treaty,
before the receipt of the official notifica
tion that the Instrument had been ratified
by the signature of the emperor of Japan
and the first news therefore was communi
cated through the Associated Press dis
patch from Washington. As soon as the
treaty had been fully ratified the Foreign
office communicated the fart to the war,
navy gnd Other ministries and thence or
ders were lrsued to bring home some of
the shire Interned In neutral hnrbors. The
date for the exchange of prisoners of war
has n6t Yet been fixed. Thomas tfmtth,
Amcrlsn vice consul at Moscow, sent to
Medvid today several thousand roubles
which had been received from Japan for
the Japanese prisoners there.
Treaty Published la Japan.
TOKIO, Oct. 14 The peace treaty with
Russia went Into effect today. The text of
the treaty was published this afternoon.
It Is believed that the government has
sent an order to Manchurlan headquarters
to. commence the evacuation of Japanese
troops October 11 It is expected that Japan
will effect a complete withdrawal of its
uVoops In six months.
The news that Vice Admiral Togo wor
shipped at lis temple. Is creating a pro
frimd Irrpresflon. It is believed thst his
si t will furnish a lasting example In na-
tlnnal religious education and that an-
c.stml worship will be given fresh stlmu-
lati-in, especially In the army and navy.
Admlrsl Togo has shown Is'- Implicit faith
In lie said la hi Tf - -?ths great
naval lattle when he attributed the Japa-
hese victory to the protection of the spirits
of Imperial ancestors.
. . ,
American tHeamer Seised.
TOKIQ. Oct. li 10 a. in. The Navy de.
partment has announced the selsure of the
American Steamer Centennial on October
10 in Soya strait.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. lS.-The Centen
nial Is an Iron schooner-rigged steamer of
I.0TJ tone. It Is owned by the Charles
Nelson company ef San Francisco. It
sailed from San Franclsoo September 13
for Vladivostok.
Interest Tenters la What Lord Strath
more Has Leurued of Giamls'
Castle. .
LONDON, Oct. 15 (Special Cablegram to
The Ree.)-The arrival at the age of a of
Lord Strathmore, the heir to filamle castle,
and the theory that he -was Informed re
garding the skeleton In the family closet,
the tradition handed down from father to
son regarding " secret of Giamls castle,
has started s ! t deal of discussion rt-
gardlng what
elusion ha ;
cent Burnt t
vlous reason
used in an I
"I do not
thin famous1
on from fat
If Mrs. Fit;
tpr were
tragedies "
histories fe
iecret really Is. No con
en arrived at, but a re
mis castle, who for ob-
lot care to-trave his name
:w, said:
there is much more in
t, supposed to be handed
son, than there would be
rfs celebrated box of let
d at Coutfs bank. The
generation often become
next. The wise precaution
of a century or so soon degenerates into a
traditional survival that Is Invested try out
siders only with far more Importance than
It really deserves.
Still uhere Is certainly more at Giamls
castle than can be explained by the ordi
nary channels of our dally knowledge. Tou
might, for Instance, tie a handkerchief to
the window of every room from the inside
and count the apartments , thus adorned.
When you checked the total from the out
side you would invariably find that one
window escaped your attention. Again,
there has been some mention of playing
cards. Let me give a Concrete instance of
what happened to a friend of mine at din
ner there. I could make public his name,
but, of course, I do not like to do It. He
told us all about it when we met at a
shooting party, to which he came down
from Scotland. The guests had gathered
Just before dinner at the end of the great
dining hall at Glands. Just before they all
moved In a playing card fluttered down
from the ceiling. Before his host put his
foot upon it my friend hsd time to see that
It was the nine of diamonds. "The Curse
of Scotland,'.' 1 think he called It. It was
apparently accepted by those present as an
occurrence usual to the place, but on which
It was good form to make no remark. How
ever, there was naturally some talk over
the matter In the smoking room that night
after Lord Strathmore had gone to bed and
no explanation was forthcoming. Nobody
dreamed of laughing at it, however."
Pay Leather from America Is Not as
Good na the British
. Product.
LONDON, Oct. 15. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The British public intent on
buying boots and shoes is confronted with
two alternatives. Purchasers must either
pay a bigger price for their boots and
shoes or they must be content with Inferior
articles in, which glucose and other materi
als predominate over the real leather. This
Is said to be due to tbe fact that for many
yfears past the Americans have been buying
up .English hides, adulterating them, and
"dumping" them back Into this country
artificially tanned and weighted.
The "dumping" went so far as to reduce
tho English tanners to the ranks of -mere
Importers, and Brmondsey,,'tnstead of be
ing the center ot the English tanning In
dustry is now a "district of Importers.
Interviewed on the subject Mr. Alfred
Randall, the editor of the Boot and Shoe
Journal, said: . .
"The English tanning industry has been
so reduced by foreign competition that we
are largely dependent upon America (or
leather. So great Is this dependence- that
our market is always influenced by the
operations of American tanners.
"Boots and shoes are costing from 15
per cent to 2Q per cent more to produce than
they did two years ago. The demand is
for material 'at a price' and even today
there are few people who have real'v
learned that In boots and shoes the best is
the cheapest. Many tan yards have been
closed in England during the past twenty
years for capitalists find that they can
make more money and make it more easily
by buying and selling than by manufactur-
Local Committee Prepares an Elabor
ate Proarrom for Entertainment
" of the Convention.
MEXICO CITY. Oct. 15.-Tne committee
having in charge the entertainment of the
General Passenger Agents' Association of
America has completed all arrangements
for the care of the party from the time of
their arrival at the border until they reach
this city, where they will hold their con
vention from October 17 to 21, Inclusive.
The passenger men will leave Laredo,
Tex., on the morning of October 16 on a
sumptuously fitted out special train of
Pullmans. After the convention adjourns
many side trips will be taken. Including
trips to Esperansa, Cordoba, Or liana.
Pueblo, Cuernavaca, then back 10 Mexico
City. Then come trips to Guadalajara,
Slloa, Marfll. Guanajato. Aguas Callentas,
San Luis, Potosl and back to the United
States. '
The customs inspection of the baggage at
the border will be made as lenient as pos
sible. Tli" Mexican government will participate
In the entertainment of the visitors. They
will be granted an audience by President
Dial and Vice President Corral. When en
tertalned by the Vera Crus railway they
will be allowed the Use of Emperor Maxl
nillllan'a special car, which waa built for
him in England. This car Is In an excellent
state of preservation.
Miss Kdlth Lee Baker Makes Good
Climbing; Record In tho
GENEVA. Oct. 15. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.)-Mlss Edith Lee Baker of Chi
cago has made a brilliant series of rllmha
and has created a novel record for the sea-
i on- From Grindelwald she ascended the
Wetterhorn. Jungfrau and Tschlngelhorn,
end from Zermatt the Matterhorn, Dome,
; Welsshorn. Castor and Pollux, and the
' Urelthorn twice in successive days, under
' conditions.
J Accompanied by the guide, Emlle Perren.
i M' Baker left the Theodule hut at I p.m.
In the bright moonlight and reached the
I suirnilt of the Brelthorn at 11:30 p. m., en-
'Joying a magnificent though weird view of
'ho snow-clad peaks bathed In moonlight.
Returning for a short rest to the hut the
Intrepid young Alpinist again ascended the
mountain, arriving on tbe top at 10 a. m.
and returned to Zermatt the same night.
Miss Bilker wished to view the mountains
and compare them by sun and moonlight.
Ttils Is the first time on record that a peak
above 15.0UO feet has been climbed under
these circumstances,
Double-Header Freight on Iewt Central
Derailed Beer Beaton, 111.
Body of Animal Geta t nder Pilot and
Both Eaglses aad Eleven
Cars Go lata tho
08AL00SA, la., Oct. IS. Five trainmen
were killed today at Beaton, III., when a
heavy double-header freight train, east
bound, on the Iowa Central railroad ran
Into cattle on the track at a speed of
twenty miles an hour. Both locomotives
and eleven freight ears loaded with grain
and lumber were plied In a heap beside
the track.
The dead:
GEORGE A. CAFFAL. engineer.
HARRY SUMMERS, engineer.
HARRY BARR, fireman.
L. H. BRILLEY, fireman.
P. T. MORGAN, brakeman.
All the men killed resided In Oskaloosa.
except Brllley, whose home was In Mon
mouth, III.
The-engineers lived several hours after
the wreck occurred, but the other three
men were killed instantly.
Cow Lying- on the Track.
A cow was lying on the ties between
the rails. She was hidden from view by
the other cattle standing about It. At
the sound of the whistle of the approach
ing train, the standing cattle scampered
away, but the forward locomotive struck
the lying cow.
The animal was crushed under the wheels
of the pilot truck and rolled along the ties
for 100 feet. The animal's blood made the
rails slippery and pieces of bone threw
the front locomotive from the track. The
derailed locomotive pitched down an em
bankment, -drawing the second locomotive
Into the ditch, where the two machines
piled up, crushing the engineers and fire
men, v
Wreckage Takes Fire.
Car after car crushed Itself onto the hot
mass of metal and the wreckage caught
fire from the live coals of the locomotive
fire boxes. The conductor and rear brake
men, with persons who lived near the
wreck, hastily took the mangled bodies
of the trainmen from the burning debris
and saved the rest of the train from the
The body of Brakeman Morgan was
driven Into the earth beneath the end of
a box car.' Fireman Brllley was found
dead, but apparently unwounded, beside the
tangled -steel of the locomotives. Engineer
Summers was caught in the cab of his lo
comotive and cooked by steam and water
from the boiler. He lived several hours,
although large pieces of cooked flesh fell
from the bones.
Julius KruUschnttt Discusses a Num.
' ber of Improvements Planned for
tho Harrlman System.
BAN FRANCISCO.. Cat,- actJ5.-JullU
Krutschnltt. director of maintenance anc
operation. of the Harrlman system is here
for the purpose - of holding a conference
with F. H. Harrlman, president of the
Union Pacific, who is expected to arrive
from the orient about October 21.
Exactly what will bo discussed during the
conference Is not disclosed. Mr. Kruttsch
nitt made the announcemtAt . that a large
amount of rolling stock had been ordered
for the improvement of the Southern Pa
cific service throughout the country. In
cluded In the order are 140 locomotives of
the newest type. 6,000 steel flat cars, 120
coaches and baggage cars and eight ob-
i servatlon cars.
j Three steamers of 10.000 tons also have
' been ordered for the Atlantic coast and
! Bteamshlp service.
Another Important announcement made
' by Mr. Kruttschnltt was that within the
! next three years it is planned to have
j perfect block system in operation between
this city and Omaha. In the future all
rails laid by the .Southern Pacltic will be
of the ninety-pound Instead of the sixty
pound variety. '
i -
Repubicnn Candidate for Mayor ot
Hrw,Vork Declares for Many
Needed Hetorms.
NEW TORK. Oct. 16 In an open letter
to George B. McClellan and Will Ran
dolph Hearst, given off at republican head
quarters tonight, William M. Ivens, candi
date for mayor, outlines his policy, if
elected, which includes:
Independence of all organizations and
Individuals; disregard of merely national
party considerations' in nuking appoint,
ments: retirement from all private busi
neas during his term; the acquirement by
the city of all lapsed or forfeited fran
chises; the condemning by the legislature
of all existing gas plants, under the right
of eminent domain, the city to take Imme
diate possession; the construction of a
municipal light ana power plant, ana a
revision ot the system of public account
ing. Mr. Ivens' letter closed with a request to
other candidates to meet him on a com
mon platform to discuss, these and other
issues ot the campaign.
Rear Admiral Goods President of tho
Body that Will Stady Problems
of Offense nnd Defense.
ANNAPOLIS, Oct. 15.-The naval Instl
tute composed of officers of the United
States navy all over the world and organ
Ised for Investlgstlon along lines of pro
fessional Interest have organised sa fol
lows: President, Rear Admiral Goode
vice president. Rear Admiral Sandes; sec
retary-treasurer. Prof. P. R. Anger; board
of control. Commander George P. Colvo
coresses. Commander W. F. Worthington,
Commander W. A. Grant. Lieutenant Com
mander H. J. Ziegenler, Lieutenant Ray.
mnnd Stone and Prof. N. M. Terry.
Five-Story Bnlldlna; on Lake Street,
Containing Paints and Oils,
Totally Destroyed.
CHICAGO, Oct. 15 Five firemen were
slightly Injured and property valued at
$130,0-0 was destroyed today by a fire that
demolished the five-story brick building at
75 and 77 Lake street, occupied by Podra
slnk. Kapprlch A Co., wholesale dealers in
paints and wallpaper. The fire is supposed
to have started from spontaneous combus
tion, and several explosions of oil and var
nish occurred. The Ave firemen were in
jured by falling glass and flying splinters
caused by the explosion.
O'Dono-ron Roesn Will Be Given Cash
by Admirers on Return
DUBLIN, Oct. 15. (Feclal Cablegram to
The Bee.) At a meetirt of the Old Guard
Union testimonial furu Just held In this
city the subject of the future of O'Donovan
Rossa came up for dhsnisslrrn. Communica
tions from Borrts-ln-Vssory, Sklbbereen,
etc., were read. The honorable secretaries
of the Sklbbereen O'Donovan Rossa testi
monial wrote that In deference to the
wishes of some of Rossa'i friends their
committee had decided upon keeping tho
fund open for soma time longer. The ex
pected return of Mr. O'Donovan and his
wife at an early date to Ireland had ma
terially strengthened the decision come to.
The Sklbbereen committee, like the Old
Guard Union committee, had to complain
of the tardiness of certain gentlemen and '
sssocialions In remitting the money col
lected by them for tha testimonial. The
chairman said he waa very proud of Cork
for having unanimous.1 alerted Rossa to
the position on the staff of the county
council. The salary would not be very
much, but supplemented by a little an
nuity purchased from the proceeds of the
testimonial fund It would be sufficient to
render the old patriot a comfortable sub
sistence for the rest of his days.
With the view of augmenting the funds
already in the hands of the Old Guard
union, Mr. O'Brien suggested that a concert
of Irish music should be held in the ro
tunda or some other suitable building. Mr.
O'Brien said that he hid already received
numerous offers of aserritance from gifted
artistes. At the next sheeting of the Old
Guard union committer a program would
be submitted and the members would then
set to work to make the concert a thorough
success. The suggestions made were unani
mously agreed to and when Mr. Rossa re
turns to Ireland he will be given a rousing
French Womnn fnys She Conflned
Her Operations Entirely to Na
tives of Germany.
' !. '
PARIS, Oct. 15. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) In Paris the police have dis
covered a woman whose peculiar sort of
patriotism has been compared to' Boule de
Sulf in Guy de Maupassant's story. " She
was arrested recently for having robbed a
German merchant of J350. To the magis
trate she made a strange declaration. 8 ho
said that her main object In life was to
decoy Germans and rob them. She went
about with them to cafes and music halls
and while affecting to be very Interested
in them she picked their pockets. . In this
way she had annexed for several years
past over (3,500. She had. picked the pockets
of exactly sixty-seven - Germans and she
was proud of It. As her reasdn for thus
acting tho woman said that in 1870 her
family in Normandy had been completely
ruined by the German invaders, who stole
her father's cattle, pigs, fowls and even
plate. She was then obliged to go out as
a dairymaid, but not belntt accustomed- to
servitude she came to f arls and began
waylaying and robbings Germans. . The
magistrate listened to thid tale oalmly. It
evidently made no Inutrelrion on him for
he sent the new Boule K Suif to the depot,
there to await trial.
Fifteen Blc Gas Bags Lea to Paris for.
an Endnrnnce Con- . -test.
PARIS, Oct. 16. Aeronautic representa
tives of France; Belgium. Spain, Russia,
Italy and England ascended this after
noon from the Tullerles garden in the
presence of an enormous crowd- The con
test Is to be an endurance one and waa or
ganized for the benefit of the sufferers
by the recent earthquake In the province
of Calabria, Italy. Fifteen balloons
safely effected a start towards the Ger
man frontier during the prevalence of an
extremely high wind. The aeronauts will
endeavor to beat the distance record of
C14 miles, nnd prizes will also be given
for the balloons remaining In the air forty
hours without replenishing their gas bags.
The Americans, Frank Latins and four
other entrants, abandoned the contest.
Kebraskan Will Spend Two Weeks In
the Flowery Kingdom and Be
Guest nt Several Functions.
TOKIO, Oct. 16. William J. Bryan and
his family, who arrived at Yokohama Sat
urday, will spend two weeks in Japan.
They will maM a visit of five days to Tokio
snd Marquis Ito, president of the privy
council, and Count Okuma, leader of the
progressive party, will invite Mr. Bryan to
a dinner. The Japan-American society will
Invite Mr.' Bryan to .address its members
st . the Young Men's hall on October 17.
Count Okuma will preside at the function.
Ex-Governor Will Die Unless Opera
tion is Performed and He De.
cllnes to Submit to It.
FORT WORTH. Tex.. Oct li. Ex-Governor
James Hogg Is lying 111 at a hotel
here of dropsy. He was en route to a
health resort when he had to stop. The
big ex-governor,, who weighs over 300
pounds, has dropsy and his physicians say
unless he is tapped at once he cannot sur
vive. He declines to submit to the overa
tion. saying if his time has come he
will go
Attendnneo for Last Day Nearly Sixty
Thonsand, Making Grand Total
of Two aad Half Millions.
PORTLAND, Ore , Oct. 15.-When the
gates of the Lewis end Clark exposition
closed at 1 o'clock this morning, a total
attendance of 6,960 for the day had been
registered, making the grand total for .he
entire fair period i.545,519. ,The attendance
for' the last day ranks third in point of
numbers, Portland day and Fourth of July
being the only greater days.
James Btaadeld Killed While Re
taralaar from Hunting: aad Two
Companions Are Arrested.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 15.-Vhlle return
ing from a hunting trip today James Stan
Held was shot and killed. Stanfleld, with
three companions, upon nearlng home were
discharging their weapons and in the fusil
lode Stanfleld was shot In the forehead.
Elsa Hodge and Frank Bartlett have been
arrested and the police are searching for
Andy McWilllams.
Demand That Bod ef Famoni Actor Flid
Besting Fl&ce la Historic File.
Klnar Edward Sends General Hoblyn
with a Personal Message from
Illssself and Queen Alexandra.
LONDON, Oct. 1G. That the body of Sir
Henry Irving should And a resting place In
Westminster Abbey appears to be a very
general desire. An editorial In this morn
ing's Daily Telegraph says:
The nation will, we are persuaded, ask
this honor for him with no uncertain voice,
and we know we interpret the wish and
feeling of the countrv when we plead for a
public interment in the Abbey.
The flood of tribute ot admiration and af
fection is increasing. From King Edward
downward men of all classes. Including the
great church men, are giving publlo ex
pression to their feelings on the sad oc
casion, nearly all dwelling as much on Sir
Henry Irvlng's personal character as on bis
histrionic talents.
Death Dne to Hard Work,
It seems to be beyond doubt that Irving
sacrificed himself by hard work. He had
been advised a long time ago to give up
arduous roles like that of Matthias In "The
Bells," owing to the strain thrown on his
weak heart, and only last week he had been
persuaded to omit "The Bells" In future.
It appears for several years past the
weakness of the lungs had thrown an undue
strain on the heart. Sir Charles Wyndham
says that In- February last he begged Sir
Henry to take warning and not to burn the
candle at both ends with receptions In the
morning and exacting performances In the
Trlbate from All Classes.
Many Interesting touches are revealed In
the tributes of Sir Henry's friends. For In
stance, Forbes Robertson say that Sir
Henry told him it was his financial suc
cesses' in the United States that enabled
him to create his success at the Lyceum
theater In London. General Booth of the
Salvation Army, Toole, the actor, and Sir
Theodore Martin were among the veterans
who hastened to express the sense of loss
the world has sustained In the death of the
distinguished actor.
Nothing has yet been 'decided as to the
funeral arrangements, pending the meeting
of theatrical managers which Sir Charles
Wyndham has called for toduy, and which
probably will decide to ask the dean of
Westminster Abbey to permit Interment in
the Abbey.
Condolence from King Edward,
King" Edward and Queen Alexandra,
through General Dlghton McNuugliton
Probyn, keeper of the privy purse and extra
equerry to the king, today sent a message
of sympathy to the family of Sir Henry Irv
ing, in which their majesties say:
"He will, Indee'd, be a great loss to the
profession 'of which he was such a dis
tinguished member."
Messages of sympathy have also been re
ceived from President Roosevelt and Dr.
Jules Caretle, on behalf of tbe Comedie
Kontbev of Mew t'atses nt Kew Orlenns
Below Ten for the First ,
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 16. Yellow . fever
leport to 6 p. m. Sunday: ..
New cases 9
Total cases 3,314
Deaths 3
Total deaths yj
New foci , 2
Under treatment : Jta
Discharged 2,740
For the first time since the fever started
In this city the number of new cases re
ported Is below ten, with the number of
deaths extremely small for this stage of
the epidemic. During the last live days
and 2 deaths were, the yellow fever record
there have been only 84 cases reported as
against 108 for . the previous Ave - days and
122 for the five dayp before that.
t The reports from the country were very
light, most of them consisting in the state
ment that there were no new cases. Those
reporting cases were:
. New Iberia, 1 case, 1 death; Tallulah, 21
PENSACOLA, Fla., Oct. 15 -Today's yel
low fever situation showed no improve
ment. . Two deaths occurred and 16 new
cases were reported. Fifteen cases were
discharged; total deaths, 66; totals cases,
401. ' .-
NATCHEZ, Miss., Oct. 15-8even new
cases of yellow fever were reported today.
One death occurred.
VK'KSBURG Miss., Oct. 15.-Sixnew cases
for today.
Wages of Textile Operatives Will
Probably Be Advanced la a
Few Weeks.
FALL RIVER, Mass., Oct. 16.-It is un
derstood In manufacturing circles : here
that within short time the Fall River
Cotton Manufacturers' association will
grant an advance to the operatives, of
whom there are now upward of 26.000 em
ployed in association mills. No action fix
ing the amount of advance has been
taken. .
During the day the textile council voted
to request the restoration on October 23
of the scale which prevailed prior to the
reduced scale which took effect In July.
Many manufacturers reduced on that date
or a week later, and many of them are
of the opinion that the mills are not able
to pay n Increase of 12 cents, the
amount of the July reduction, and advocate
deferring until spring any change.
Thirteen Persons Inlnred la nn Arcl.
Ident on Detroit Street nail
way Line.
DETROIT, Oct. 15. Thirteen people were
Injured this evening, none of them fatally,
however, when a Trumbull avenue car.
running west on Fort street, atruclf a brick
that had been placed on the rails and
Jumped the tack. The car when it left
the rails ran 100 feet on the pavement, and
then crashed into a tree. The car was flllud
with passengers and they were thrown Into
a heap by the collision, while those on the
rear platform were hurled to the pavement.
It Is thought that ths brick was placed on
the track by mischievous boys. Patrolman
L. W. Plies and James McNamsra, passen
gers, were the most seriously injured. Plies
was Injured about the spine and McNamara
was badly cut by broken glass. Motorman
William Baumgartner was severely bruised.
The Injuries of the other ten people were
Fair Monday and Tneaday.
Temperalare at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar.. Dear. Hour. Dca.
ft a. ot - l p. m t
a. an 40 a p. m A3
T a. m ...... 41 a p. m ft
a. m 40 4 p. ra K4
n. m 41 ft p. an "4
10 a. m 44 p. m v. R.1
11 n. m 4T T p. m ftl
18 m 40 n p. m V
9 p. m 4H
Gloncester Vesselovrnera Will Ask
Secretnry Root for Interpretation
ot Treaty of 1818.
GLOUCESTER, Mass., Oct. 16. -As a re
suit of the policy recently adopted by
the Newfoundland government to restrict
American Ashing rights on the coast of
Newfoundland, Congressamn Augustus P.
Oardnor and Benjamin A. Smith, one of
the largest vessel owners of this city, left
for Washington to discuss the situation
with Secretary Root.
Originally It was decided that the col
lector of port, William H. Jordan, and a
committee from the Board of Trade should
accompany Congressman Gardner and Mr.
Smith, but this plan was abandoned. Inas
much as it was felt that Messrs. Gardner
and Smith weer fully qualified to deal with
the situation. The object of the trip to
Washington Is to obtain from the head
of the State department an Interpretation
of the treaty of 1W8, by which American
fishermen mere guaranteed fishing rights
on the Newfoundland coast. A similar trip
to Washington was made last spring, but
thus far no Interpretation of the treaty
has been made by the Department of
At the conference which will be hold
tomorrow Congressman Gardner and Mr.
Smith will ask Secretary Root for an Im
mediate Interpretation.
The vessel owners of this port say they
are prepared to make a test case of the
matter if any Gloucesterf vessels are In
terfered with by the cruiser Fiona. The
Newfoundland government claims New
foundland fishermen are shipped at Glou
cester, and In order that this cause of
complaint may be eliminated the schooner
Dauntless, Captain Charles T. Young, will
sail from this port tomorrow with a crew
of twenty-four men, all of whom were
shipped 'here and none of whom belong
to Newfoundland. Captain Young believes
that he cannot' be Interfered with by the
Newfoundland authorities and he is plan
ning to sell his catch of herring to other
Gloucester fishermen, who will bring It to
this port.
Gasoline In Tank Catches Fire While
Machine Is Being; Prepared for
Shipment to Frnnce.
NEW YORK, Oct. 15. The Frencii auto
mobile driven to victory In Saturday's Van-
derbilt cup race on Long Island by Hemery
was badly damaged today by fire and one
workman waa burned about the head us
he attempted to save the car. It Is be
lieved the noc-denl was due to the care
lessness of a spectator while the machine
was being prepared tor shipment to France
at the French headquarters at Mineola,
L.' I. . Drivers and workmen on the racing
cars had warned people to keep away from
them with matches or cigars, but It is
thought that while the gasoline was being
drawn from the winning machine today
somebody approached with a lighted
match. At any rate the flames suddenly
flashed from - the gasoline can, spread to
the automobile and before they were ex
tinguished damaged It so that extensive
repair will be necessary. The workman
who was caught in attempting to remove
the can was not severely burned.
Hundreds of people called at the French
headquarters today to congratulate the
winner of yesterday's race.
Nephew ' and Namesake of General
Charged with Causing: Death of '
Youna White Womnn.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 16. Winfield Bcott
Hancock, 43 years old, a nephew of the
late General Winfield Scott Hancock, was
arrested at Hyattavllle, Mil., near here.
late last night charged with the murder
of Emma Sniallwood, a young white woman
employed as a domestic in the Hancock
houeehold, who died as the result of a
criminal operation. Hancock disclaims any
guilt and declare that the woman left
his home on Monday, but returned on
Thursday and died, that night.
. Hancock was formerly In charge of the
malls at the census bureau here, but had
been unemployed for two years.
Upon the finding of additional evidence
In the case, establishing a criminal opera
tion, a warrant has been Issued for the
arrest ot ' Mrs. Amanda Mackall, a sister
of Hancock's, for complicity In the crime.
Baltimore Lutheran Congregation Re.
eelvea Letter from Emperor Wil
liam on This Anniversary.
BALTIMORE. Md., Oct. 15. There was
celebrated today the one hundred end
fiftieth anniversary of Zlnn church, the
mother of all the German Lutheran
churches In Baltimore. Dr. Ira Remsen,
president of Johns Hopkins university, was
on? of the speakers.
Following the addresses there was read
a letter from the emperor of Germany,
which accompanied a letter conferring In
his position as king of Prussia, the order
of the crown upon Dr. Julius Haffmannv
pastor of Zlon church; a letter from the
king of Wurtemburg, which accompanied
an altar Bible sent by his royal hlghnexs
to the congregation, and a letter from the
prince of Hesse regretting that a pulpit
Bible, which he Is to present, could not
be completed In time for the anniversary,
but promising that it will be forwarded.
Hyde Agrees to Testify.
NEW YORK. Oct. 15. James Hazen Hyde
has finally decided to face the insurance
Investigation. Through his personal attot
nev. Samuel I'ntermeyer, It was announced
tonight that Mr. Hydo would be here In ths
next day or two prepared to accept a
subpoena from the legislative committee.
He Is expected in the city not later than
Wednesday. Mr. Hyde has been visiting
friends in and neur Boston recently.
Movements of Oreaa Vessels Oct. 1ft.
At New York Arrived. Neapolitan Prince
from Naples: Caledonia from Glasgow.
At Yokohama Arrived, Manchuria from
Ban Francisco.
At IJverpool Arrived, Bavarian from
At Naples Arrived, Cretlc from Genoa
At Movllle Sailed. Astoria for New York
At Dover Sailed. Pretoria for New York.
At Quesnstown Sailed, Umbria for New
General Beorganiiation of Preibjterian
V istieci Bod ii Decided On.
Differencei in Kanepa.nt of Affaire Sug
gest Wisdom of Realignment.
Former Christian Endeavor Secretary Be
comes President of Oooidental College.
Latter to Be Inaugurated Today a
President of Bellevue, Which Is
Just Tweuty-Flvo Years
of Ago.
The Bee has been reliably advlsea
that a general realignment in the Board
of Home Missions of the Presbyterian
church is pending. Certain differences In
the management and work have convinced
the authorities ot the church that lis in
terests and those of the work under the
board demand a general change.
In connection with this Information The
Bee lenrns that John Willis Baer will, If
he has not already, resign his position with
the home board to accept the presidency
of Occidental college at Los Angeles, be
coming thereby, the successor of Dr. Guy
W. Wadsworth, who left Occidental and
came to the presidency of Bellevue, as
suming the latter position the first ot the
present scholastic year.
The differences which have lead to the
determination to reorganise tho home
board, are understood to Involve Mr. Baer,
though not In any way discreditably. The
home board is one of the most vital de
partments of the Presbyterian church. It
is under the direction and Influence of this
board that all the great mission work In
the United States, Involving that among
the Mormons ot the west, so distinctively
strengthened in recent years, is conducted.
The highest state of usefulness possible
ot attainment Is the goal set by the church
for this board, and because of obstacles In
the way of this purpose the governing
powers of the church have decided the
sooner a general realignment ot the board
is effected tho better for all Interests con
cerned. John Willis Baer Famous.
The name of John Willis Baer is known
wherever that of the Young People's Soci
ety of Christian Endeavor has been her
alded and that is In every Christian laud
of the earth. With the organisation of
this now vast army ot Christian workers
by Francis E. Clark. Mr. Baer became
general secretary, and he held that position
until two or three years ago, when he re
signed to accept the place with the home
board of the Presbyterian church. It had .
not been generally known that his early
training had especially fitted him for the
work of an educator and when lila Im
mediate friends K'Rinod Vt -his call to Oc
cidental they were surprised. o The Bee
is informed. But the same elementsa
burning zeal in his work and his mugnctlo
personality, coupled with unusual execu
tive ability which made him a world-widu
factor In the Christian Endeavor work are
being relied on to give him distinction as
a college president.
Celebration at Bellevue.
Dr. Wadsworth had been with Occidental
college for twelve years and more, first
as vice-president and then as president.
Under his regime as president the Institu
tion made great progress and development.
He came directly from thero to liollovue.
His Inauguration at Bellevue will be cele
brated today Jointly with the twenty-fifth
anniversary of tho founding of the college.
It is an event of great interest to Omaha
and the state and will attract large num
bers. A train will leave the Burlington station
at Omaha at 4 o'clock and lea'vs Bellevue
on the return at 10:37.
Rev. Thomas C. Clark, D. D., of Grand
Island, will preside at tho services. The
program is as follows:
Invocation. ...Rev. Stephens Phelps, D. D.
Mazurka Musln
Miss Allen.
Scripture '..Rev. Joseph J. Lamps, D. D.
Inaugural Prayer. .Rev. B. II. Jenks, D. D.
Historical Address
President David R. Kerr, D. D.
"Day Is Ended" Uartlet
Miss Fawcett.
Address of Introduction and Presenta
tion of Keys Mr. Charles M. Wllhelm
Inaugural Address President Wadsworth
Greeting from Hastings College
I'resKient K. van Dyke Wright
Reading from "Herod" Phillips
Miss Fitch.
Greeting from th Churches
Rev. Thomas V. Moore, D. D.
"As Torrents in Summer" Elgar
Double Quartet.
Greetings from Friends
Benedictkm President Wadsworth
Judae Maajoon President of Now Or
ganlsntlon, Which Has Oae
Hundred Members.
PANAMA, Oct. 15. A meeting of Amer
Iranunlverslty men employed by the Pan
ama canal commission was held this after
noon in the administration building for the
purpose of organizing In the city of Panama
a club for the preservation' of the college
spirit of frati-inlty. A constitution and
by-laws were adopted. Charles F. Mugnon,
governor of the canal zone and American
minister, was elected president; R. n.
Hihbard vice; president, and J. Sarment
secretary. Colonel William C Gorgax,
chief sanitary officer of the zone, F. H.
lSultey, division engineer,' Judge Little
and R. M. Arrango were among those se
lected for the board of managers. A build
ing formerly occupied by the American le.
gation will be rented by tho new club,
which will start off with about 100 mem
Sew Scale Signed In 340 t itles. While
Strikes Are On In Only
j INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Oct. 15. A bul
letin issued by the officers of the Interna
tional Typographical union yeaterduy even
ing says that agreements have been
reached between 240 unions and employers
whereby an eight-hour day has been, or
Is to be, established January 1. At the.
j close of the fifth week of the strike men
are still out in fifty-three cities, all hough
it Is stated that only a few men are out
In a number of them. In more than 9)
cities and towns printers are working
I on contracts which will expire om January
I I or later.