October 16, 1908. i O O Mil v:2 fci-.-sa n m r - s. i i . a st K 1 d THE OMAITA ILLUSTRATED BEE. IS w x t e b ojn can gw , Mink 7 JZ mi . OMliiilk"- WW I' mm. mm LAI ; II A nd one i mm If You Want a Plumber You Want a Good One and Want Him Quickly Call Phone No. 1051 BELLAMY & HORNUNG SANITARY PLUMBING. STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATlNQ. OAS FITTINd AND HOUSE DRAIN AOE. 1614 Capitol Avenue. JPhona We make a specialty of all kinds of Glazing Repairing Art Glass, IVJlrrors, Figured Glass, Book Cases, Cabinets, Storm Doors and Windows OUR GIAZ1KR8 do thkib work QUICKLY AND NEATLY. Myers-Dillon Paint Department 1416-18 Harney. pn By Using 540 Your Orders With as much satisfaction to you as if carefully selected by yourself. Only first class MEATS and POULTRY handled A. Thomson Market 2303 Leavenworth St. Phone 540 j. M. JOHNSON S 702 "Perfectioiv" Flour Beats all the other northern flours In QUALITY and PRICK. Two bakings for nothing and your money returned if it don't please you. Try a sack. 'Phone 702. If you wish to trade at a GOOD. RELIABLE STORE, where ererythlng is guaranteed, 'phone 702 or ask for a solicitor. Deliver everywhere. Not open on Sunday. J. N. Johnson, 2404 Cuming Si. COMPLETE STOCK EFFICIENT SERVICE Electrical Supplies Construction NEBRASKA ELECTRIC CO. 13th and Harney St. Phone 1403. Exploits of Sherlock Holmes The Mystery of the Yellow Face It docs not turn out to be correct. ThI wonin' drat husband 1 at that cottage." "Why do you think io?" ' "How else can we explain her freniied anxiety that her aecond one ihould not enter It? The (arte, aa I read them, are omethlne like' thli: Thta woman was married tn America. Her huaband devel oped aome hateful qualities; or shall we say that he contracted some loathsome disease, and became a leper or an Imbecile? Bhe tiles from him at last, returns to Enc lfMtd. chances her name, and starts ber life, as she thinks, afresh. Bhe has been married three yeais, and believes that her position is quite secure, having shown her husband the death certificate of some man whose name she has assumed, when sud denly her whereabouts Is discovered by Iter first husband; or, we may suppose, by some unscrupulous woman who has at tached herself to the invalid. They write to the wife, and threaten to come and ex pose her. Bhe asks for 100, and en deavors to buy them off. They come in plte of It, and when the husband men tions casually to the wife that there are newcomers in the cottsge, she knows In soma way that they are her pursuers. Bhe waits until her husband la asleep, and then she rushes down to endeavor to per suade them to leave her tn peace. Havinir no success, she goes again next morning, and her husband meets her, as he has told us, as she comes out. Bhe promises him then not to go there agsln, but two days afterwards the hope of getting rid of those dreadful neighbors was too strong for her, and she made another attempt, taking down with ber the photograph which had probably been demanded from her. In the midst of this Interview the maid rushed In to say that the master had come home, on which the wife, knowing that t.e would come straight down to the cot tage, hurried the Inmates out at the back door. Into the grove of fir trees, probably, which was nientioned as atanding near. In this-way he found the place deserted. I shall be very much surprised, however. If It Is still so when he reoonnolters hi this evening. What do you think of my theory I" "It Is all surmise." ''But at least It covers all the facts. Vben new facts come to our knowledge wbkh cannot be covered by It, It will be SjS5, If You Vant a Telephone Ask to speak to our CONTRACT AGENT our representattres will call and arrange details. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. FOR- Our Telephone Will be filled Promptly 801 time enough to reconsider It. We can do nothing more until we have a message from our friend at Norbury." But we had not a very long time to wait for that. It came Just as we hsd finished our tea. "The cottage Is still tenanted," it said. "Have seen the face again at the window. Will meet the T o'clock train, and will take no steps until you arrive." "He was waiting on the platform wben we stepped out, and we could see In the light of the station lamps that he was very pale, and quivering with agitation. "They are stilt there, Mr. Holmes," said he, laying his hand hard upon my friend's sleeve. "I saw lights In the cottage as t came down. We shall settle it now once and for all." "What Is your plan, then?" asked Holmes, as we walked down the dark Iroe llned road. "I am going to force my way in and see for myself who Is In the house. I wish you both to be there as witnesses." "You are quite determined to do this. In spite of your wife's warning that it Is bet ter that you should not solve the mys tery?" "Yes, I am determined." "Well, I think that you are In the right. Any truth la better than Indefinite doubt. We had better go up at once. Of courso. legally, we are putting ourselves hope lessly In the wrong; but I think It Is worth It." It was a very dark night, and a thin rain began to fall as we turned from the high-road Into a narrow lane, deeply rut ted, with hedges on either side. Mr. Giant Munro pushed Impatiently forward, how ever, and we stumbled after him as best we could. "There are the lights of nsy house," he murmured, pointing to a glimmer among the trees. "And here Is the cottsge which I am going to enter." We turned a corner tn the lane as he spoke, and there was the building close beside us. A yellow bar falling across the blsrk foreground showed thst the door was not quite clcaed, and one window In the upper story was brightly Illuminated. As we looked, we saw a dark blur moving across the blind. "There Is that creature!" cried Orant Munro. "You can see for yourselves that 11 PnHT DREIBUS CANDY CO. fcrsj 4272 Manufacturers and Jobbers of FINE CONFECTIONS CHOCOLATES AND BON-BONS 508-10-12 S. Ilinth. Street, Hear Howard. Temporary Location 1303 Farnam St. w J, R, Kennedy Elevator Co, No 2S37 ....MANUFACTURING.. Electric, Hydraulic, Power and Hand ELEVATORS ...DUMB WAITERS... Elevator Supplies and Repairs. 319 South Thirteenth Street. W. T. Daly 2341 J- PLUMBING AND HEATING SANITARY EXPERTS South 16th Street. OMAHA, NEB. phone "Brand" New Brick 1195 Warehouse ...For Storage of Household Goods,.. Expressmen's Delivery Co. 21k North 16th Street. cfr Phone 1288 Murray A Good Hotel In the Center of Omaha Good Rooms. Good Meals. Near All The Theaters Cor. 14th & Harney C. BROWN, Proprietor some one Is there. Now follow me, and we shall soon know all." We approached the door; but suddenly a woman appeared out of the shadow and stood In the golden track of the lamp light. I could not see her face In the dark ness, but her arms were thrown out in an attitude of entreaty. "For Ood's sake, don't. Jack!" she cried. "I had a presentiment that you would come this evening. Think better of it, dear I Trust me sgaln, and you will never have cause to regret It." "I have trusted you too long, KfTle," he cried, sternly. "Leave go of me. I must pass you. My friends and I ars going to settle this matter once and forever!" He pushed her to one side and we followed closely after him. As he threw the door open an old woman ran out In front of him and tried to bar his passage, but he thrust her back, and an Instant afterwards we were all upon the stairs. Orant Munro Tombstone Placed HERE died the other day at Evansvllle, Tenn., a hen that was known to be S years old. This unprecedentedly long-lived hen belonged to George Bradley. Betsy was one of a fine brood of chicks hatched on the day that Bradley's eldest son was born, nearly twenty-three years ago. By the date of the young man's birth the family established her age. Betsy was occasionally permitted to in dulge her motherly Instincts, upon which auspicious occasions she Invariably brought Into the world from a dosen to fifteen of the , finest chicks that ever scratched gravel. When not engaged In motherly duties Betsy sometimes worked overtime and laid two eggs a day. As year after year paased without any appreciable difference in Betsy's strenuoa ity she became the wonder of the country and the barnyard Jewel of the Bradley family. For nineteen years Betsy kept up her good work. It is estimated that during that time this Industrious hen laid t.M eggs and batched 170 chickens "mostly girls," as No. 3429 2404-06-08 Phone No, 4ii & Co. 8S8' llote rushed Into the lighted room at the top and we entered at his heels. It was a cosy, well furnished apartment, with two candles burning upon the table and two upon the mantelpiece. In the cor ner, stooping over a desk, there sat what appeared to be a little girl. Her face was turned away as we entered, but we could see that she was dressed In a red frock and that she had long white gloves on. As she whisked round to us, I gave a cry of sur prise and horror. The face which she turned toward us was of the strangest livid tint and the features were absolutely de void of any expression. An Instant later the mystery was explained. Holmes, with a laugh, passed his hand behind the child's ear, a mask peeled off from her countenance and there was a little coal-black negreas, with all her white teeth flashing In amuse ment at our amased faces. I burst out laughing, out of sympathy with her merri ment; but Orant Munro stood staring, with Over Famous Hen the musical comedy advertisements would say. At the age of t years Betsy suddenly changed her habits and aeemed seised with a distinct aversion for roosters. The finest cocks of the walk In Farmer Bradley's barnyard had no charms for Betsy. Bhe spurned them all. During the last three years of her life Betsy did not lay id egg or hatch a chick. Betsy was burled with honors befitting her and over her grave Mr. Bradley will erect a tombstone appropriately Inscribed as follows: HERE 1,1 E8 LAYING : BKTSY. : : Born In 1imJ: Died In lu6. : :She did many a fowl deed for those: : she loved. ; : Peace to her bones let them lay. : :May shs lay again some other day.: If the 4.7oU Flu that Ratav' Vaiit'riurlfiv her nineteen yeara of faithful service were sold In the market at their present price they would realise rxw.M. If her S70 chick ens brought an average price of SO cents they would represent a market value of 1171. On this basis Betsy earned II.079.M for her owner before she retired from active duty and commenced to take life easy. j(P Phone W No. 6 SAVE CAR FARE SAVE TIME CENTS A DAY Will Piy for i Telephone In Your House SAVE WORRY SAVE SHOE LEATHER jpRead All the News of the Day Lifi 897 The Bee keeps you posted about all current events, both at home and abroad. Best and Therefore Cheapest Only 10 Cents a Week delivered every evening and Sunday at your house. You can not afford to be without it. R. KULAKOFSKY & , a Cv 1 Groceries, Meats, Bakery Telephone your order for a three-layer white cake, best ever ....25c Our best flour, sack $1.25 Ames Ave. Omaha, How'd You Like to Have Cream Before Breakfast Ctll 411. We Mi(ht Arr.nt it f.r You. ALAMITO FINEST OFFICE BUILDING HI OMAHA A telephone message will elicit information about the few vacant roome still to be had in THE BEE BUILDING R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents Fire Proof Best Location A Business Man's Delight 1187 A business man clad in one of our $25 suits, made to order, will always feel delighted and contented. "We do electric steam cleaning and repairing. MILLARD DRESS CLUB Telephone 1187 1218 Douglas Gt. M. REISER, Prop. hand clutching his throat. "My God!" he cried. "What can be the meaning of this?" "I will tell you the meaning of It," cried the woman, sweeping Into the room with a proud, set face. "You have forced me, against my own Judgment, to tell you, and now we must both make the best of It. My husband died at Atlanta. My child sur vived." "Your child?" She drew a large silver locket from her bosom. "You have never seen this open." "I understood that It did not open." Bhe touched a spring, and the front hinged back. There was a portrait within of a man strikingly handsome and Intelligent looking, but bearing unmistakable signs upon his features of his African descent. "That Is John Hebron of Atlanta." said the lady, "and a nobler man never walked the earth. I cut myself off from my race In order to wed him, but never once while he lived did I for an Instant regret It. It was our misfortune that our only child took after his people rather than mine. It Is often so In such matches, and little Lucy Is darker far than ever her father was. But dark or fair, she is my own dear little girlie, and her mother'a pet" The little creature ran across at the words and nestled up against the lady's dress. "When I left her In America," she continued, "It was only because her health was weak, and the change might have done her harm. Bhe was given to the care of a faithful Scotch woman who had once been our ser vant. Never for an Inatant did I dream of disowning her as my child. But when chance threw you In my way. Jack, I learned to love you, I feared to tell you about my child. Ood forgive me, I feared that I should lose you, and I had not the courage to tell you. I had to choose be tween you, and in my weakness I turned away from my own little girl. For three years I have kept hrr existence a secret from you, but I heard from the nurse, and I knew that all was well with her. At last, however, there came an over whelming desire to see the child once more. I struggled against It. but In vain. Though I knew the danger, I determined to hive the child over. If It were but for a few weeks. I sent 100 to ths nurse, and I gave her Instructions about this cot tage, so that she might come as a neigh rfp Phone For "it ms Moving Piano Polishing S Piano Reoairintr. LOWEST RATES SCHMOLLER 6t MUELLER, PIANO MANUFACTURERS. 1407 Harney Street, Omaha Neb. CO. GROCERIES BY ftona TELEPHONE Ho. fllarket Neb. Your Make Pftona No. 238 Just want ad in THE BEE. SMALL PRICE-BIG VALUE Bee Want Ads do the busines. xx The iJ! Kind BEST ROCK SPRINGS, HANNA, CRESCENT, GENUINE SORANTON ANTHRACITE. South Omaha Ice & Coal Co. p;ne When You Have a Sick Horse No- , 539 Call the Gcrvlces of An or $30 Experienced Veterinarian !!. L. RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. Office and Infirmary 28th and Mason Sts., Omaha bor, without my appearing to be In any way connected with her. I pushed my precau tions so far as to order her to keep the child In the house during the daytime, and to cover up her little face and hands so that even those who might see her at the window should not gossip about there be ing a black child In the neighborhood. If I had been less cautious I might have been more wise, but I was half crazy with fear that you should learn the truth. "It was you who told me first that the cottage was occupied. I should have waited for the morning, but I could not sleep for excitement, and so at last I slipped out, knowing how difficult It Is to awaken you. But you saw me go, and that was the beginning of my troubles. Next day you had my secret at your mercy, but you nobly refrained from pur suing your advantage. Three days later, however, the nurse and child only Just es caped from the back door as you rushed in at the front one. And now tonight you at last know all, and I ask you what Is to become of us, my child and me?" Bhe clasped ber hands and waited for an an swer. Woman's f 1 -k frnn rv atk pectant mother must pass usually is I Vlffl III I Pir 80 ful1 of suffering, danger and fear 1 MhIIUUIIIJ W that she looks forward to the critical Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties, allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and so l TV rep ares the system for the or deal that she passes through the event safely and, with but little suflennjy. as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. BBADf lU KIGUUTOff CO AtUaU, C. Piano Tunin cr Piano . o FOR RELIABLE SERVICE. 515 Grocery 647 Your Wants Known ring us up and put a Place to Buy Any of Coal You Want QUALITY, HAND SCREENED Auditorium Corner 'Phone 455 It waa a long- ten minutes before Grant Munro broke the silence, and when his answer came It was one of which I love to think. He lifted the lltUe child, kissed her, and then, still carrying her, he held his other hand out to his wife and turned towsrds the door. "We csn tslk It over more comfortably at home," said he. "I am not a very good man, Ems, but I think that I am a better one than you have given me credit for being." Holmes and I followed them down the lane, and my friend plucked at my sleeve as we came out. "I think," aald he, "that we shall be of more use in London than in Norbury." Not another word did he say of the case until late that night, when he was turn ing away, with his lighted candle, for his bedroom. "Watson," r-d he, "If It should sver strike you that I am getting a little over confident In my powers, or giving lesa pains to a ease than It deserves, kindly whisper 'Norbury' In my ear, and I shall be Infinitely obliged to you." (THE END.) e Is to lovti children, and ome can be completely appy -without them, yet tht ordeal through which the ex nn Men vet-