Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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i irv np
Ladlor' hy wcol or fleoc lined hoRa fn plain
Diacic it mora grays, worth irom ste y m
to BOo. t pair V DC
Ladles henry fleeced or plain cotton fl
hose, worth 19c palr special, at laaiC
Misses' and Boys' heavy ribbed hose, regular
19o and 25c qualities, at li
pair l&lC
Infants' Half Wool Hone in plain black
or white, 15c qualities, at
Ladles' Kid Gloves in black, white and
colors, worth up to $1.00, at, pair. . .
78e Satin Pad Hose Supporters at 2rtc
50o Patent Leather Belts at 2Rc
EOo Patent Leather Bats at ...25c
A big line of very fine Fancy Ribbon, regu
lar price 25c and 35c yard special sale
price Saturday yard 12 He
50c Embroidered Neckwear at . ....irtc
JOc All Bilk Elastic per yard 7Mc
15c Tooth Brushes "He
Our apodal discount sale on Heal traces
ends Saturday, October 14th. Don't fall to Im
prove this opportunity.
ii in 1
From 10 till 11 A. M. Ladles' and Misses golf
or fine cashmere gloves, some with two pearl
clasps, worth up to 75c pair, great
snap for one hour at, pair
nr a
Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' $1.50 Satin Calf Laco Shoes 98o
.Women's, Misses' and Childs' $1.50 Vici Kid Laco Shoes.. 08o
Childs $1.00 Vici Kid hand-turned Shoes 69o
Childs' 85c and 75c hand-turned Patent and Kid Shoes 48c
All he new fall shoes shown by and carried by the best shoe
stores can be found here at a saving of from 50 cents to $1.00.
26 styles of the celebrated Grover shoes carried in stock.
These shoes are made for TENDER FEET.
Are they easy?, Ask the Womanl I !
We are Jlradqnarters fop Head Tleces and Sat
urday will be the greatest bargain giving hat
golf or
The most complete stock in the west all the
best mokes in all the best models. Our expert
oorsetier will fit you perfectly.
Globe Cornets Made from flne coutil, in drab
or white, with hose supporters attached in
front, regular $1.00 garment;
Warner Cornets In all styles and
, like cut, In drab or white,
The Nemo Self reducing corset
stout figures, at
We carry an immense line of bust forms, ruf
fled blouses and bust supporters. See them.
Hard Task of Kanj an Offloer Ifaking
Bsth Esdi Hset,
"Ltv Within Yoww laeomi o Quit the
Arsnr" Is Oeaeral Corbla's Ad
vise, bat It la KaeUe
Id Thn Dose,
Taking aa a text that paragraph in Gen
eral Corbln'a annual report, "Live within
your income or quit the army," the New
Tork Bun analyses tht dictum of the
major general, who is pretty well fixed
himself, and with the aid of army officers
stationed at Governor's Island, presents
some flsures on the cost of army life whtoh
will Interest the general public In part
the Sun says:
Before inquiring aa to whether there arc
"officers in the service not mindful of
their financial obligations," and whether
or not "it la a growing evil," look for a
moment at the pay table of an American
army offloer:
1st Af tar After After After
(. i. 10. 16. JO.
Lieut-Den $11,000
MftJor-Uen 7,600
Brig-. Geu (.600
Colonel J.&00 $3.tt0 $4,200 $4,600 $4,600
Lleu.-Col ,0"0 8,500 i,m 4,000
Major 2.6-10 2,760 $.000 $.260 J.6tO
Capt., mounted. Z.U0O 2.2UO 2.400 l.tiOO l.sno
Capt., unm'nt'd 1.800 1.880 lltW ,H0 2.6J0
lrt lieuten
ant, mounted.
1 800 1,760 1,920
First Lieut., un
mounted 1,600 1.664 1.800
' Beoond Lieut,
mounted 1,600 1,660 t00
Beoond Lieut.,
unmounted .. 1.400 1,640 1.680
It will be observed that there Is a 10 per
cent Increase In pay every Ave years. There
la also a 10 per cent increase In pay during
the time of aotual service in Porto Rico,
the Philippines. Havull and Alaska.
Retired officers get three-quarters pay,
and the president haa the right to retire
officers who served In the civil war at one
rank higher than that which they occupied
at the time of retirement, which practically
gives them the same pay they had when
they were in the service.
, For laataace.
Now, take the oaaa of a young second lieu
tenant. He gta about $11$ a month. lie
haa to purchase from $460 to $600 worth of
uniforms to begin on. He has also to have
a complete outfit of civilian's clothes, which
probably ooat him about $160 more. .
He has to provide for his own living ex
penses, that Is, food. This costs him at a
reasonable estimate $360 a year.
Here ia $1,100 of hie luuuiua iuuu, leaviua
him only $300 for Incidentals. He has to
keep k's box of dears and a fair supply of
liquid rtrreViment In his quarters for his
trienoU when they drop In.
He belongs to the post club. If he Is
ciear s hi city, and all the blj clUea of the
nwtistry have army posts near them, he
Closing oul all of Ihe
$3.50 and ROD Regenl
shoes in all leathers and
ff!" 1.96
This lot Includes gun metal calf, horse
hide enamels, Corona colt lace and bluch
ers, vlcl kid and box calf In both bals and
bluchers. At this extremely low price every
pair should be sold by 10 o'clock Satur
day night.
sale of the soason, A complete line or tne
newest styles, good 1 2.00 and 12.50 1 flfl
values, at I.UU
Men's Soft Felt Hata, In brown, gray, tan, maple
or black. Fedora, Tourist or Grace Cfl
shapes, $1.00 and $1.60 values, at.. JUt
Men's Caps, In newest shapes, plain and fancy
great bargain Saturday, CI.
Boys' Cans. In serges, cashmeres, etc
tam shapes, regular price BOo
and $1.00, choice Saturday, 50c and.
Htetaon Hats Greatest assortment, In all shapes
and colors, at $5.00, $4.60, $4.00 JJQ
The Gcmbel Hat Absolutely guaranteed.
Come la Knox or Dunlap blocks, 3 QQ
The Easiest, the Best. Ask to See Them.
i. model
prices, model
but it Is responsible for more headaches.
nervousness and general discomfort than
you give it credit lor. 11 your eyee give
you the slightest trouble see our graduate
. and expert optician. Very low prices.
a-oes out in social life a (rood deal. He has
street car fares to pay. He foes to clubs
In town.
He meets old friends and they visit res
taurants and sometimes line up aralnst
bars, and the young- army officers must do
his share. He has $300 on which to hold his
end up.
After the first year the young officer
doesn't have to get a full new outfit, but
he has to renew it constantly. This outfit
consists of full drees, dress and service
Of the last he has to have from four
to six, for It must be remembered that in
the summer army officers dress in khaki.
He can do away with the full army dress
uniform by buying- himself a civilian's
full dress suit and using; that for evening
wear. He will use the army dress uniform
for official gatherings In the daytime.
It Is getting to be quite common for of
ficers to make civilian full dress do for
evening occasions. Economy makes that
It isn't long before Cupid begins to play
pranks with the young officers, notwith
standing General Corbln'a Ideas. The sec
ond lieutenant's career at West Point has
trained htm in the usages of a certain social
sphere. He chooses a mate In life from
that same sphere. Bhe has to be well
equipped socially and to be a person of
some education and refinement.
Eater Wife.
Well, they marry. It's the way of the
world. The young officer from his second
year on has a leeway of probably $600 to
care for a wife and run his household.
A woman In the social statton referred to
can't dress well on less than $260 a year.
Bhe must have at least two evening dresses.
for she has to accept dinner Invitations.
Bhe must have two afternoon smart gowns
for receptions and teas and the like. Bhe
must also have the other gowns that a
woman requires, to say nothing of the rest
of her outfit.
Bhe must go to town occasionally. Be
sides, she must keep at least one servant,
and you can't get servants for much less
than $20 a month. There's $240 a year for
servant hire taken away from that $500
In one clip.
Then there are two more persons to feed,
the wife and the servant, and one can see
how much there is likely to be left of that
extra $600 when the year Is finished. It
takes a level-beaded woman to help a
young officer make those ends meet.
AH goes well, however, with economy
until a baby comes. Then trouble begins.
What Is the annual cost of a babyT If
the mother cares for the child exclusively
perhaps $150 will do. The young army of
ficer haa no physician's bills to pay. Uncle
Bam pays them for him unless he has to
have a specialist. But he has a coal bill
and It will probably coat him on an average
$10 a niunib, or $130 a year.
He now begins to pay life Insurance, and
that costs him for a moderate policy about
$160 a year. He gets his rent free If he
lives In quarters provided for him, but his
$600 for the maintenance of a wife, servant
and child has already gone glimmering.
It ho has to maintain a nurse tor the
Every Ham her listed a bargain that will prove our underselling supremacy. Our Underwear Department Is bv
far the largest in the west. Our enormous output and our great purchasing power places us In a position to offer you
high grade underwear at prtoes much lower than you can find elsewhere. To demonstrate our supremacy as bargain
givers we offer you these unequalled bargains. Compare these prices, examine the goods; your Judgment will satisfy
you of their unequalled bargain worth. ,
Ladles' Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants
In all slses and winter weights, great
bargains at too, 89o, 26o 1QC
Lsdles' Fins Woolen Vests and Pants,
In flat wove or Swiss ribbed, or hard
finish, a great bargain, 7Sc
Ladles' extra heavy scarlet Vests and
Pants, msds from finest lambs ff
wool, $1.60 quality, at I.UU
PANTS In natural color, made from
finest Australian wool, are very soft,
regular IS 10 values, sals gjQ
Ladles' Silk and Wool Vests and Pants,
Tights and Combination Suits, Swiss
ribbed, oome In pinks, blues or grays,
perfect fitting and the best garment
ever shown at $1.98, 11.80 Q80
China Dept.
denulne Cut Olass Salt and Pepper Shakers
with sterling silver tops, greatest lOin
bargain ever shown, at, eaoh "v
Decorated Cups and Bauoers, In fin CQC
china, pair for
Decorated Cream Jugs, Rn
Decorated Blu Band Bowls, BG
Decorated Cuspidors, iln
each ,
Thin Blown Tumblers, r
Decorated Platters, Salads, Chop Trays,
Fruit Dishes, Cake Plates, worth up to
$1.60, Saturday, Ofic
choloe aOV
Read Hayden's Grocery Ad tor Money
21 pounds Pure Cane Granulated
8ugar for ........ .'. . . $1.00
48-pound sacks Fancy High Patent
Minnesota Flour $1.35
10 bars best brands Laundry Soap. 25c
6 pounds best hand picked Navy
Beans 26c
6 pounds best Pearl Tapioca, Sago,
Barley or Farina ..19c
5 pounds best Rolled Breakfast
Oatmeal .19c
2-pound cans Sweet Sugar Corn... 5c
2-pound cans Fancy Wax or String
Beans t ......... 6c
8-pound cans Golden Table Syrup 8c
1-pound package Condensed Mince
Met ...... v . . .-: r, . .... 7 He
1-pound cans fancy Alaska Salmon. 9c
OH or Mustard Sardines, per can 3 He
Jello, Jellycon and Advo Jell, per
' package '. . ... . . . ........ ...7e
16-ounce can Condensed Cream. .7 He
1-pound cans assorted Soups.... 7 He
New California Prunes, per lb.. 7 He
New California Apricots, per lb. 12 He
child he's over his ears financially and In
the parlance of the day he's up against it
hard. If a second baby comes along In a
year or two the specter of debt hovers over
the officer and his family.
Proiaotloa Blow,
It will probably be five years before that
officer gets anywhere near $2,000 a year,
and he's lucky It he reaches that stage In
ten years. A captain at 36 Is rather the
exception than the rule, although the Span
ish war advanced many men rapidly, and
captains at 86 are not uncommon.
But this $2,000 rank is crowded, and
what is to become of the young fellows who
have entered the service since that timet
Think how numerous they are.
Below the rank of captain In the army,
according to the last Army Register, there
are 197 first lieutenants of artillery, 228 first
lieutenants of cavalry and 40 first lieu
tenants of Infantry. There are also 177
second lieutenants of artillery, 220 second
lieutenants of cavalry and 424 second lieu
tenants of Infantry.
What chance have these of becoming cap
tains and getting $2,000 a year before they
are graybeardsT
Meantime the children keep coming on.
An army officer with three children has his
nose to the grindstone all the time. Under
the rank of captain it Is simply impossible
to keep two servants under such conditions
and live within ono's pay. That means
drudgery for the wife.
Now all this time the offloer must keep
up his uniforms and once In a while there
comes an order like General Order 122,
Issued on July 1, 180$, which required all
officers from colonel down to get a oomplete
new uniform and there's $600 more gone
In one lump.
Boon the children have to go to school.
There's always a so-called post school,
but It's for little ones, and as a rule It
doesn't amount to anything. The publlo
schools are not available generally for these
children, and there Is no recourse left but
private schools.
Life insurance doesn't grow any smaller
In Its demands on one's Income. As a rule
It Increases, for the officer takes out a
larger policy as his family grows, so as to
leave a better nest egg In case he dies or Is
killed In war.
Family Meeds.
If his family is too large or If the govern
ment doesn't provide suitable quarters
he has to hire a house In town, perhaps,
and then his rent mounts up. The govern
ment's allowance for rent Is based on the
number of rooms an officer Is supposed to
occupy, at $12 a room. A lieutenant gets
an allowance for two rooms pretty small
for a growing family or $24 a month; a
captain, three rooms, or $16; a lieutenant
colonel and a major, four rooms, or $46;
a brigadier-general and colonel, five
rooms, or $60; a major-general, six rooms,
or $72; a lieutenant-general. a year
for house ent.
Social requirements multip' aa a man's
rank Increases. Even the youngest offi
cer's wife' has to give two or three enter
tainments a year, to keep up appearances
and return social favors.
They must be dinners or teas er reoajr-
silk and wool or flne wool, Swiss rib
bed or flat wool, best value lit umaha
at Bsc, 11.(0, la.oo, $2.60, $2.t n fill
up to
lined, In all slsna, great snap
at sale price, garment
heavy fleeced, very special
narg&in at, per garment,
1 1. inr airmaui.. ........
Children's Woolen Vests and Pants In
all slsea, good values at 75o, rtQ
sale prloe, per garment uVW
neavy riDoea, ail aises, grays or IR.-,
white, special bargain St OC
MI88BB' UNION BUITB In all alses,
hand finished and perfect fitting, 7Cn
great value at $1.(5, Wo and... aOC
Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers,
greatest bargain ever shown iJB
whll they lastat, garment
to wait on you. Mall Orders will be
An Aristocratic Table A Table of Style -One that will Please
we offer this handsome Extension Table
during the coming week feeling anyone need
ing a thoroughly good article at a reasonable
price will at least investigate this offer. The
material la selected oak, quartered top and
rim. Top Is 45x46 and the table Is highly
polished. Such a table has sold heretofore
for 117.00 for a 6-foot and $18. B0 for a 8
foot. The price now Is $12.85 tor a 6-foot
and 118.86 for an 8-foot. We are showing
over 76 styles of tables, square and round,
pedestal base, and ask you to call.
Just in. Another lot of these weathered
oak Jardiniere Stands at 26c each. White
c-n&mel stools 26c. White enamel Paper
Holders 16c and 26c.
FRAMES AND PICTURES We are making very low prices on frames
and are now showing a very large line of new pictures ranging in price from
26c np to $6.00.
Saving Prices on Highest Quality Goods
New California Peaches, per lb.. 10c
New cleaned Currants, per lb. . . . 8c
New California Cooking Figs, per
lb 7 He
New Brlttmore Dried Apples, per
lb 9c
Choice Dairy Butter, per lb 18c
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, per lb. .20c
Choice Creamery Butter, per lb.. 21c
Fancy separator creamery Butter
per lb. 23c
Choice Wisconsin Brick Cheese,
per lb 15c
Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese,
per lb 16c
Fancy Domestic Swiss Cheese, per
lb 17Hc
Roquefort Cheese, per Jar, 23c
Fancy Tokay Grapes, per lb &c
Large, Juicy Lemons, per doz. ... 15c
New Honey, per rack 10c
tlons, and refreshments must be served,
with punch and cigars usually. The cost
of clothing for the wife and children Is In
creasing constantly. Army officers visit
ing the post must be entertained from
time to time. The officer has to contribute
one's day's pay for entertaining towns
people at hops and the like and one day's
pay for several other things In a social
way at the post.
Then there's the element of entertaining
one's private friends. Relatives come to
visit the officer and his wife occasionally,
or their life is a forlorn one, separated from
their folks.
Then comes the desire of the wife to go
home occasionally and take the children
with her. That means a long railroad
journey, as a rule, and railroad fares eat
up a big part of on'e salary. A wife must
go back home sometimes, and to find the
money to pay for It and for new gowns
and shoes and hats is no easy task.
Service Aboard.
Then comes, perhaps, tne greatest finan
cial trial that an army officer has. He Is
ordered to the Philippines.
B'r.ce the United States acquired pos
session of those Islands every officer In
three or four years gets ordered across the
seas. What shall he do with his family T
If he leaves it behind, he has to send
moet of his salary home. If he takes It
with him it Is an enormous expense.
If the army transport sails from Ban
Francisco there are the many railroad fares
to be paid to that port. After the family
la on the transport the charge Is $1 a day
for the members of the family.
Once in the Philippines the domestic
probelms Increase. An officer on Oovernor's
Island the other day said he had received
a letter from a friend in the service oom
plalning that his wife could not get a good
cook under $60 a month. In some of tho
remote posts the wives have to do their
own cooking.
Hardships await the army officers' wives
In the. Philippines. The climate alone Is
sufficient to undermine their health and
the children have no adequate schooling.
Bachelors In the service have an easier
time of It, but as a rule they do not save
any money.
Club dues are moderate at army posts,
all the officers belonging to them. It is a
sort of unwritten law. The dues are usually
about $2 a month, but so closely do some of
the officers have to figure on their personal
expendltuies that frequently a married
man's bill at the club will not run more
than from 60 cents to $1 a month. The
bachelor has no wife to help him to save
and his money goes as quickly as that of
the married men.
Getting aa Easy Street.
As a rule an army officer gets on Kaay
street when he passes (6. His pay by that
time is i,Mio or more, iis children are
grown, and the boys are paying their own
way and family expenses decrease.
Te younger captains, owing to the pro
motions from the Spanish war, are also
doing very well and have little to complain
of. Take the ranking captain of cavalry,
lie probably gets $2,400 a year. He entered
Men's All-Wool Bhlrts and Drawers
sample garments worth up to $1.60
greatest bargain ever offered, in.
Ht, garment ......... "wVW
Men's Shirts and Drawers, extra heavy
iipei-B iineo, come in pinxs, Diuee ana
uver gray, snap at, gar.
ment, ,
Men's Bhlrts and Drawers,
extra quality fleece, at
Men's Bhlrts and Drswers, made from
fin Auatrallan wool, thoroughly
steam shrunk shirts have double
fronts and baoks 11.50 values, QQ
Men's Camel's Hair Shirts and Drawers,
In medium or heavy weight, 1CLr
great values, at 11.60 11.00 and.... Ok
Men's Union Suits, In medium or heavy
weight, fine worsted In gray or blue,
very releasing values, up from g QQ
Men's Cotton- Union Suits, medium or
neavy weignt, special values,
at $1.60, $1.26 and
promptly filled.
The Big Meat Section
1,000 Fancy Spring Chickens
will be killed and dressed Fri
day night specially for our
Saturday trade; they 11,
go at, per pound. ... C
Boiling Beef, lb 2V4c
Shoulder Roast, lb 5V4c
Shoulder Steak, lb. 5y2c
Veal Roast, lb... .....6c
Veal Stew, lb 4c
All kinds of Sausage,
strictly home made 6V2C
Nebraska's famous Coupon
Bacon, Premium, Sunflower,
Iowa Pride, "Wapello and Coin
special brands of Bacon.
he service In 1897. The junior captain,
who gets $2,000, entered the service as a
volunteer in 1879. The 120th captain, half
way down the list, entered the service In
1891. He is nearly 40.
The same condition obtains In the other
branches of the service. The captains
are doing very well, but the younger fliers,
who are not likely to reach captain's rank
for many years must feel the pinch of
actual want many times. If they raise
Frcm 90 to 96 per cent of the officers
manage In some way to keep out of debt
and struggle along and keep up appear
ances. It is the rule, and has been for a
long time, that court-martials for getting
Into debt are never undertaken unless there
Is a deliberate disposition on the part of
an officer to evade payment. There must
be some indication of deliberate fraud.
The men who run Into hopeless debt are
usually the extravagant ones who would
get In debt no matter now high their
salaries were, or the unfortunate ones. The
latter are almost never court-martialed
for It.
They struggle along year after year
borrowing money until, with higher rank
and pay and diminishing expenses, they
get cut of the hole. They are always mar
ried. The bachelor on Governor's Island, to
whom reference has already been made,
had this Ao say of these men:
"The strength of the army lies with Its
rled officers. Tou can say that,
and also say that an old bachelor said it.
These men are frugal. Industrious, honest
and of a higher degree of moralty than the
clergy Itself."
Then with considerable heat this officer
"Show me a worthless officer and Invaria
bly I will show you an officer with an
Income la addition to his salary. The more
worthless he Is, the larger his private In
come. "In other countries offioers go Into the
army largely for the distinction It gives.
Most of them have Incomes. In our coun
try It Isn't so. Men who enter our service
do so for the calling, and the only living
they get Is from the government.
"There Is no more devoted and self-sacrificing
person In the world than the man
who serves his country In the army at an
Inadequate salary."
It was the opiijon of this man that at
least $300 a year more should be added to
the pay of second lieutenants entering the
army and an increasing addition on a
similar basis should be given to all the
other 'officers.
The new Webster's International Diction
ary contains 26,000 words which have not
been printed In any previous dictionary.
But one word n-hlrh deserves a place In
any EngllHh dtnnary was omitted. That
wcrd Is buttlii-:.- . It Is slang, but it Is a
word which hat eai iitd a respected place In
the language. It has no synonym of half
Its force. No other word can take Its
A buttlnsky Is a man whose own business
Is of such small Importance that he amuses
A Day of Bargains in Our Busy
Cloak Department
Extra sales people to watt upon you. Extra special bargains await your
Inspection and approval. Ladles' Coats, Suits, Furs, Skirts, Waists and an
Immense lot of Children's Sample Coats at unmatchable bargain prices.
Children's Roar Skin Coats In white,
cardinal, gray, browns, greens, etc.;
pretty velvet coats, in all colors;
children's cloth coats, in best fab
rics, styles and colors, garments
worth up to $6.60, In ages 2 y QQ
to 14 years, at a0
240 Sample' Coats In ages 6 to 14
yaars, very best materials, colors
aud newest styles, garments worth
up to $12.00; choice, r f(
7.60 and J.UU
Women's Stylish Coats In loose and
half-fitted backs, very best fabrics, In
plain or fancy mixed colors, gar
ments well worth $12.60; n
great bargain, at I JJ
Women's Sample Coats No two alike,
an Immense line of high class gar
ments purchased by our New York
'buyer at a great bargain; great va
riety or colors in Dest raorics, worm
t of vv v I 1 aa
up to $30.00; special,
A Big Millinery Purchase!
We have purchased from one of the largest Jobbers in the United States
their entire stock of street and untrimmed hats and wljl place the entire pur
chase on sale Saturday morn-tug on Second floor.
In this purchase were fifty-four domen
two-toned felt hats, made of extra
good quality of mohair felt and Inmnd
on edge with stitched felt. They
come In black and white, red and
black, green and black, green and
white, Alice and white, gray and
white. Not a hat in the lot worth
less than $2.60 Saturday, M Q
your choice C
HATS. 08C We will sell in this lot
three hundred trimmed silk and velvet
hats, made on wire frames, trimmed
himself by assisting In the affairs of others.
He Is full of suggestions, wise counsel,
advice. ,He Is full of self-confidence. He
knows how to build the Panama canal and
would do It It given half a chance.
But he is harmless It properly watched.
At the worst he Is merely annoying. His
suggestions are Impertinent and the at
tention he attracts Is of the same sort as
that attracted by a meddlesome mosquito.
Columbus Dispatch.
Maaralflcent Slgbt Was the Oathrealc
of a New VeJcaao oa Savall
. . Inland.
Tho eruption of a new votcano on the
Island of Savall, in the Samoan group, and
the terror that It caused among the people
In that part of the South seas, were wit
nessed by I. F. Brim, an ejder of the Mor
mon church, who arrived recently on the
steamer Sierra from Pago-Pago. The vol
cano broke out August 21, not two months
ago, ths confined forces from the bowels
of the earth using the little mountain
standing back of Matautu as their means
of escape. This comparatively small hill
had stood for centuries with no sign of
having such giant forces hidden beneath
Its eon.
It was at $ o'clock on the morning of
August 21 that Matautu opened up. The
shock of the eruption was felt for a dis
tance of thirty miles and the force of the
earthquake shock that followed shattered
church buildings of the London Missionary
society, ten miles away. But only one per
son lost his life. This was a high chief,
who attempted to Investigate the source of
the explosion and tremor, and who mounted
a cooled -off stream of lava on bis way to
ths source of the trouble. The lava was
flooded with a fresh outpouring while he
walked along and he sank beneath Its re
sistless body, literally burled alive and
Mr. Brim, with others who were residing
on the Island of Savall at the time, set out
to explore the disturbed section as soon as
they though traveling was safe. They had
already seen from afar the eruption of
Matautu, which is described as particularly
magnificent, lava and huge boulders being
hurled to a great Vielght and resulting in a
great shower that at a distance of ten
miles appeared like a fall of stars on a
gigantic scale. The whole sky was lighted
by the display.
A feature that will be remembered by
Brim and his companions was the tremen
dous thundering and roaring that accom
panied the eruptions and which continued
for many hours. But It was noted as re
markable that the roaring occurred only
when the tide was at the ebb, ten mile
away from the voleano. When the tide
lapped the upper reaches of the beach on
Bavaii the belching of Matauiu could not
be heard. It seemed thst some mysterious
connection must have existed between the
sea and the Interior mountain.
The lava flow from Matautu was half a
miles wide at last accounts and was slowly
creeping toward the sea coast at the rate
f a mile a day. On August 25, when Brim
Women's Swagjrcr Coats In finest
kerseys, plain and fancy mixed col
ors, man tailored throughout, would
cost you elsewhere $18.60; special
bargain Saturday,
Nobby Tailor Snlts Made of flne
broadcloths, 48-lnch coat. Skinner
satin lined throughout, made to re
tail at $25.00; a rous- 9 4 r
ing special, at k.JO
Ladles' Tailor Snlts Made of Lynler's
wool cheviot, 2 7 or 48-lnch coats,
satin lined throughout, made to re
tall at $18.00; a splen- ft f(
did bargain, at 1.UU
Many other special Values in Ladies'
Salts. . '
Cmvenette Coats In almost endless
variety; as a special for Saturday,
we are selling the Queenstone Crave
nettes, in all colors, sizes Q Oft
32 to 46, at O.JKJ
Fur Specials 52-inch Scarfs, made of
Russian coney, very pretty and a
good $7.00 quality, no
special at JtJQ
$8.00 Fox, Opossum, Squirrel and
Marten Scarfs, sample garments;
great bargain. 4 98
SUk Erentng Waists Consigned to us
for horse show display; most be
witching creations. In all the dainty
evening shades arid black, $8.00 to
$16.00 values; marvelous f AA
bargains Saturday, at S.UU
Those left over will be returned to the
manufacturers. Don't miss this oppor
FROM :S0 TILT, :30 A. M.-T-W Crsve
nettes. In newest styles, 98
FROM 10 TIM. tl A. M -Women' Flan--nelette
Long- Kimonos, $2.00 QQr
values OW
FROM 9 TILL 1 A. M. $4.00 Silk Under
skirts, In all culors, 2.QS
FROM TILL 10:30 A. M. Women's
Flanm-lette Dressing Bacques, 5c
with ribbons, velvets. Jet and steel
ornaments. The best bargain ever
offered, worth three fifty, ( Q
Saturday a,t JOC
Fifty dozen ladies' hand mnde felt
draped turbans and wtllors, worth
up to $2.00, on sale Satur- JC
day. for iSJC
Ladles' Trimmed Hats at $2.08, $3.08,
$4.08 worth double the prlee.
Misses' and children's tourist
school caps, at 2.V, 3!o and 50p.
and his companions Inst ssw It, the lava
was deep and damaging. It was predicted
that all the rich soil and the beautiful
beach that Intervened between the valcano
and the sea would be turned Into an Iron
bound coast cold rock and desolation
where had existed the palm and roooanut
and tropical vegetation for centuries be
fore. It was feared, too, that some of the
best German plantations would be over
whelmed by the flood of lava and that the
German settlement might be wiped out. It
appeared certain that Safotu, a village
with 400 Inhabitants, would be utterly de
stroyed, though, of course, the Inhabitants
would be able to save themselves.
Brim and his companions were unable to
get closer than half a mile frdra the cone
of Matautu on account of the flowing lava.
But this was close enough to enable, them
to witness the eruption and appreciate the
awful thundering and roaring that .shook
the earth. Twenty miles away an old vol
cano that has for decads been smoldering
broke out afresh when Matautu came Into
life, but has caused no damage when Brim
left the Island. Savall Is ninety miles from
the American Island of Tutulla and has a
length of 100 miles and breadth of about
fifteen miles. Cocoa nut plantations cover a
good portion of the Island and the prepara
tion of copra forms Its chief industry. The
natives of Savall, says Brim, are not par
ticularly terrified, only the first roar of the
outburst sca.rlnr,' them Into some activity.-.
Ban Francisco Chronicle.
Pointed Paragraphs.
Beware of the willing worker; he may try
to work you.
Tou may lead a fool to talk, but yon can
not make him think.
It's Inipoeslhle to convince a spinster that
marriage Is a failure.
If a man owes anything to himself be Is
apt to settle promptly.
Give a pretty girl a chance to show off
and she'll not get lonesome.
If some men were to put their consciences
on Ire they would spoil the lee.
It Isn't right to judge a man by the com
pany his wife's folks Inflict upon him.
Now Is the season fast approaching when
the can-opener will be mightier than the
Any young man who deliberately Jilts sn
Innocent girl deserves to be henpecked by
her successor.
No, Alphonso, we have no data at hsnd
relative to any Ice dealer having been
driven to suicide by remorse.
After reaching a certain age a man begins
to make up his mind and a woman begins
to make up her face.
Nothing makei a woman so angry as to
prepare for company that falls to come
unless It is to have company come when she
isn't prepared Chicago News.
A Great Cesitry,
Visitor (in boom town) You have a flne
country here, haven't you?
Citizen That's what they say.
Visitor Is It a good country for a poor
Cltisen Wa-al, I recklr. It Is. I corns
here twenty years ago with nuthln', an'
I'm still boldln' my own. Dallas Nea