Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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01 mil i wm
M M M M Ui
New shipments from New York
bring us (he very Utsst ideas in
Ladies' Fall
Tailored Suits
Combines elegance and rfrace of
design vith sensible economy.
n o
3 USi-
m- p a ar & a a. m
mm i
- v.
- :' V ' 11
The Long Black Broadcloth Coa The new coat style
that has captured New York This handsome model is
the rage throughout the east and is without doubt destined
to be (he rtigning favorite in Omaha. The new empire cut loose pleated
effects, heavy linings-th i i QC 17 CA CIO 11 CI. nA 14 5A
right coat of the season at
Two Extra. Specials in Long Loose Novelty Cloth Coeds R
For Saturday wg offer two extra special harenins In Todies' Btvlish Winter Coats very
newest pleated Idea full sweep to skirts the new mannish effects that ara so popular this fall
newest fabrics handsomely tailored.
A model that is right up-to-date, in QO I A very special bargain offer, latest
the leading shades, at U.tO style features
LADIES' CRAVENETTK COATS Styli8B coata with shirred, belted or
fitted backs perfect rain protection and dressy for all wear, at
f " "IIJ"J"IJJ-
Ladies Tailored Suits
: More real style and metropolitan appear
ance to these suits than any we ever
sold at the price. Look and wear just
like a $20 tailor made all
new styles, at
The Long Chesterfields, Hussars, blouses
and Etons are shown In this lot a very
fine assortment, splendidly tailored we
tan flt you perfectly in this
assortment at.
New Fall WaJkinfj Skirts
The new styles In walking skirts are more stun
ning than ever this fall Just the right length
and the proper weights for smart street wear
this fall pleated skirts and the new circular
effects three. 1QQ IQfi .Oft
FUR SCARF AT H2.08 Newest styles In
Scarfs the small ' neck pieces prevail
lected fur1 popular 'shapes
Tan Covert Top Coals
For Saturday a new line of loig coverts with
a man's garment and very dressy for street
wear a big assortment of O CIO
' BEepi Men esauj O
Fur 'iruw,-J"1J1-Jir-
4.98 v
high cuff effects, worth up to $4.
FUR SCARF AT S4.08 Isabella and Sable fox,
stone marten, near seal, beaver, etc., etc.
new small and medium shapes
extra specials, at '.
Eiderdown, fleece lined and French flannel Dress ing Sacques fancies and
plain colors at, each
Long blanket robes and double faced fleece lined Wrappers
Big Basement Specials
Ladles' New Fall Cravenette Coats pleated and
shirred backs, fancy collars and A Oft
cuffs worth up to $8 at T0
Ladies' Walking Skirts, smartly tailored and
made of new novelty mixtures, flQ
Ladles' Sateen Petticoats, all sizes,
cut full, at
Ladles' Cluster Fur Scarfs new shapes
for winter at
Ladies' Fo.ll Waists
The new prettily pleated waists for fall, in
mohair, flannoU. albatross, etc. QAp
a genuine bargain "v
Very stylish new white mohair waiBts, made
with wntlte silk embroidered panelB, 1 til
Sale of Children's Cloaks
Children's full length winter coats, heavy ma
terials, with big loose box backs, no
belted and cape collars, special ,JO
Children's heavy frieze full length coats, plain
collar and cuff trimming, new full pleated
backs, all colors a good $5 t rn
garment at
Children's pretty Wool Dresses', neat and ser
viceable little suits for every day school wear
all on sale in our special children's depart-
aT?t.floor. 98c-l.50-l.98
Brandeis Stylish Millinery at $5 No hat that ever sold at
such' a moderate price can compare with this in beauty or
variety of desig?is all the newest colors and Jp
the very latest and most becoming shapes adapt
ed for dressy street wear or evening, handsomely trimmed with
feather breasts, ornaments, flowers, etc, Brandeis great offer at...
M .V
Brsndeis Exclusive Millinery at $10 Many of tbeee bats are the work of New
Yoik'p inowt talenled desiffners and others are exquisite adaptation of
Irencb models by our own artiste the air of metropolitan style
that always characterize Brandeis highest class conceptions the
t rln mirpi trd tl c niHeilals are vt lbs richest character, hundreds of bewitching designs, at
trt- I Up-to-date little hats In this fall shapes for ever)
I dav street wear Hundreds of eood niodnla en
f tailored suit. "
Iteady-to-trim Hats at 25c and 50c A splendid
chance for the home milliner these shapes are
all this fall's best styles, all ready to trim
worth as high as $2.00 CO
a big lot in basement, at. . . JC tUC
TV . 1 A .V. U.n.n .n lln.. tt r A
cornes, effectively trimmed in the most approved Ift '
style for fall every hat a finished, stilish X for wear with thef tailored suit,
effect, and a SDlendld value, at I at ... :
TRIMMED AND STREET HATS AT $3.08. In this assortment are both street hats and trimmed hats
a high grade of up-to-date trimmings, the shapes are all new this fall
special, at
Street Hats at 98c In Basement The best
value BraDdeis ever offered in an inexpen
sive hat all this fall's models, prettily
mado by experienced milliners-
big variety basement
The American Qlrl Shoe The best, most durable, dreuUHt and most per
fect fitting tthoe evr sol 1 at two dollars and fifty cents a com- J50
''plete asoi tmsnt In all izes and all lasts a J?
jrreav favorite, at
The Famous Red Cross Shoes for Ladles' Highlit grade of dull leath
ers and patent lea hers, includinsr the new gun meUl shude nuw '750
so popular every oorreet last. VVe are ?ent for m
tbene kplendld sboeay at
Dr. Retd'a Cushion Sola 5ho The easiest shoe on earth relief for
tired and tender feea- made to fit the foot uroperly and fitted rt
with cushion soles tha shoe for absolute style and
perfec cmfort, at '
Th new sun metal shade Is very popular this season. The college last
Is the correct shape for street wear. .
$1 AH Wool Cashmere and Fleecy Lined Gloves at 25c
A fine offer for coll weather wear ladies ', misses' and children's all wool
cashmere and fleecy lined gloves and Saxony wool mittens, golf gloves and
Scotch gloves, some are silk lined, plain and fancy, all sizes, actually
worth as high as $1 a pair, at, per pair
Great Special Sale of Hosiery
All kinds of ladies', men's, boys' and girls', fall and winter hosiery go on sale tomorrow on big
bargain square, fine and heavy ribbed, fleecy lined ladles' plain and fancy lisle hlslery, also
allover lace and gauze lisle many with spliced heel and double sole 1fn 1 1QA
new hosiery department, main building, at IUC'1 A.C1C
Ladies $1.25 Kid Gloves at 69c Pair
all slaea every pair new and
All new fall shades high grade of kid leather
perfect at pair
Ladies' Fall Neckwear New styles for this fall
linen embroidered turn overs and stocks,
Special values for Saturday,
- at, each ,
10c i
Ladies' Kid Gloves All shades for street and
evening, including the fashionable long aven-
nff (loves leading special
Dranaa, anaaea to match cos
tumes. very highest gradea.
Harlan, Iowa, Man ( hief of Vsteriitry
Aisocia'ion for Year.
Dr. Paters of I.lnoola t'hosea (or
EIaDith Conaeeotlve Tim Secra-tary-Trraanrrr
Beat Ever Held.
Tha lowa-Nebraaka Veterinary Medical
association cloned the beat attended annual
meeting In its history Friday. The mem
bers were delighted with the treatment ac
corded by the Horae Show management
and adopted a resolution expreaslng their
gratitude. In many reapecta they declared
the aecslons the most Interesting and profit
able ever held. They formally expreaaed
thanks to the Water board for the ua of
Ita rooms at the city hall and to Dr. H. L.
rtamacclottl for the uae of hla Infirmary
and the material he had collected for tha
cllnlca held there. '
The election of offlcera Friday morning
produced the following reaulta: '
President. D. H. Miller of Harlan,' la.
Vice president. O. R. Young of Omaha.
Secretary-treasurer, A. T. Peters of Lin
coln. This Is the eighth sucoeaalve term for
Dr. Peters. Tha aeaaion waa marked by the
a co as Ion of thirty-two new membera to
tha interstate.' association and fourteen to
tha Nebraaka section. Dr. Peters expreaaed
himself aa delighted with the attendance,
which ran close to 160, the progress of the
association In various ways and tha hos
pitality shown by the local veterinarians
and the Horse Bliow people.
1 Males Good aa atioaal.
"Thro'ugh the efforts of Dr. lUmaecloUl
and others," aald the secretary treasurer,
"the clinics were aa good aa 'hoje li.-ld at
the national meeting In CUvulaid this year.
All were performed with the animula under
the Influence-of anesthetics .mi ere of .
chuiftLtoi that lllustrau d , .hj most rd
vancefl thought In surgery of tha kind.
Tha clinics began 'e.t 3 o'clock and lasted
until T and not a doctor moved out of tha
room until after the laat operation h4
been performed."
After tha clinic the association and Ita
accompaniment of wives attended the Horse
show in a body.
Besides the business session Friday morn
ing was given over to the reading and dis
cussion of the papers on the routine pro
gram. Tha meeting ended In the afternoon with
a demonstration in Judging horse flesh by
one of the Judges at the show. In the even
ing the doctors again attended the show.
Most of them will go home Saturday.
Resolutions were adopted expreaslng
thanks' to Dr. L. A. Merlllat of Chicago and
Dr. 8. Stewart of Kansas City for demon
strations and operations performed at the
id. at the home of PresMont Chambers,
coiner Twenty fourth and Spauldlnn jtreeti.
This makts tne sixth club of this kind now
In the Twelfth ward.
Palis Pin Oat of Washtab aaa Is
Delated with Bolllaa;
William A. KUumen, an Infant of on
year and Ave months, whose parents live
on a farm three miles or more from Flor
ence, was scalded so severely this morning
that he died within a few hours. His
mother waa waahlng, and had filled a tub
with scalding water and the little fellow
reached up and pulled a plug out of the
tub. The full force of the boiling stream
fell on his head and shoulders, and before
he could be rescued was scalded fatally.
The interment will take place today at
10 o'clock at tha Forest Lawn cemetery.
Paper Declared Soaad Plaaaclallr
aad Application for Receiver
la Dealed.
After a hearing which continued through
several days. Judge Button denied the appli
cation of H. E. and A. B. Heath for an In
junction and a receivership In their suit
against the present managers of the Ne
braska Farmer. Judge Button, In hla order,
says the defendants are solvent and have
not misappropriated any money, nor les
sened the value of the property.
Drala Hill ImproTcmeat Clab.
The Druid Hill Improvement club is tha
latest addition to the improvemenjt club or
ganisations of tha city. The Initial meeting
waa held Monday night wth twenty-four
charter members. The next meeting of the
club will be held Monday evening, October
Improvement Clab Members Act as
Hosta to Crowd of Iavlted
There was a big attendance at the meet
ing of tha Omaha View Improvement club
Friday evening at Thirty-second and Corby
streets, which was held to especially com
memorate the probable laying out of th
central boulevard route through that sec
tion. The meeting was In the nature of a
congratulatory gathering, with invited
guests from all the adjoining clubs. The
Prospect Hill club was largely represented
at the meeting, and a smoker added interest
to the occasion, as well as sociability.
Addresses were delivered by a number
of the visitors. Including J. A. Van Glider,
Q. M. Hitchcock. President Wallace of the
North Omaha club, John Daly, John H.
Butler, Charles Unltt, A. N. Tost, James
Talbot and others. All of the addresses
were eulogistic of the efforts of the Omaha
View club In so thoroughly working up tha
central boulevard - extension, and each
treated of the necessity for a greater in
terest In municipal affairs by the people as
a mass, the necessity of municipal owner
ship of public utilities and of the work
yet to be accomplished by Improvement
clubs and counselling the unity of action
among th various Improvement clubs In
material as well as the political improve
ment of city affairs. .
Tha attendance of members of tha club
or committees therefrom were neceaaary at
the meetings of the city council in order
that the nede of tha varliua aectlons of
the city might be mors comprehensively
brought to the attention of that body.
V J v- J U IJ I 1
and diphtheria are twin evil. Prom a email befrinnlno; they PtealthllT Invade
the system, and reult In death or serious lilxioaa. Dr. Uull'a Cough Byrup
. MJ v i j -v- m i
V. a t. v vn&ra luMin rMvumizml aa thn aur.
est cure of sore throat and a preventive of
diphtheria. Doctors prescribe 1U Mothers
wear by it .. . .v . . .
"My little boy. f year old. bad a uajru. ary aooga
l a cold and 1 UwH.hxl to try
IT waa soon relieved after a few dnees only and
fi.tireiy cred f I1 c.r,,un and thniat tnrtlbAa,
iiervaiwi I will Vw keep it in tha house."
to ail readers. Wwaat
Ihkt end, alii send yua a sample frea. if you
t too to tiava absolute
s ixiun brrup ana, k
Xddraa A. C. MKYmta 1 CO, ItaAiuiore. Kd.
NO SUBxTIVVTI. Is as sorxl aa ur. mu i imwn prmp. "r uw. nuu
Couah Bynip. that u cat it ; it U aiadVof the beat druse thai tha .tiarmacy ,ff.,Td'
adiLkis al euiva. bsM if a4 druaiu. i'lWa, , feu. 14 lus a fcvtUa.
Little Cherab Will Not least Lovera
to License Clerk oa Fatal
Not a single marriage license was Issued
by License Clerk Morrill Friday. Mr. Mor
rill, after several years of close observa
tion, says he did not expect to isuue any
"I hava noticed," he said, "that cvn th
moat enthusiastic would-b Benedick can
not persuade his selected bride to go up
against the combination of Friday and the
13th day of th month. And why should
they, forsooth, when there ar certain to
be so many more nice and brlgnt and
balmy daya in our glorious Nebraska
Indian summerf -
"As a rule I can tell by tha way I feel
In the morning Just about how many peo
ple I can make happy during tha day with
these Uttls blue sheets on th corner of
which w place th great seal of Douglas
county. It la really quite a prlvlUge for
a man of my. sympathetic temperament to
be able to spread so much happlnesa
abroad In the world, even U only for a lit
tle while. Of course, ia have nothing
to do her with th cutting of the knot.
If they would all live up to our rule aa
w hand them out, they would stay tied.
As a matter of practical philosophy, how
ever, I have observed that most of these
divorce cases aria from a - forgotfulneas
of that old saw, 'You cannot saw wood
with a hammer." People should lov on
another with big gloves, if trouble irisea.
Angry words ar simply hammers, and they
never will saw the wood."
Maxlaaaai Hate War.
OMAHA, Oct. 11 To tne Editor of The
Bee: I hava carefully perused your ed
itorial on my article "Tonnage for Sale"
You say, If tonnage is used to extort spe
cial favors from railroads then a atrlct anti
rebate law should be welcomed by the
railroads. The owners of alt transporta
tion lines would welcome a strict an'l-
ebate law aa auch a law would insure
tablllty of rats and a to the owner
n their Investment, but' the trafflo man
agers would not welcome any antl-rebat
law as It takes from them authority to
make rates. The government has no right
to stop legitimate competition and this has
been accomplished under th present anil
rebate law. The people demand the lowest
possible rates, leaving a fair margin of
profits for transportation. How are we to
arrlv at this solution? My article simply
paves the way for more definite action in
the future.
I suggested a maximum freight law, pr
mlssable for transportation lines to lower
their rates, but not to raise them, the ap
pointment of a commission to change the
rates when deemed necessary, and when
transportation lines reduce the rates by
paying rebates, the commission should
make such rate public and permanent ss
soon aa found and moat all secret rates are
made known in a few days after they are
given. The transportation lines would have
recourse to the courts If they believed the
commission made the rates too low ami
would not permit of a print.
A law covering the abov points would
soon bring about the object sought as the
common carrier would treat all alike and
maintain the rates established by the com
mission, and If any common carrier should
reduce rates by giving rebates the com
mission would make such rates public and
permanent. The common carrier would not
continue ruinous rates when such rates
YOUNG man to Warn trade. Wire Works.
iil 8a. loth gt. B MHI tl
rfT The authors of "My
V"14F. lend the Chauffeur,"
"Hid Lightning Conductor"
and "Tha Princess Passes"
arean English husband and
an Amarioan wife. He is
tha editor of ''Bl tele and
Whl a," London, and she is
a beautirut Nivv Yorer.
Many of the rem aricaoie ad -
venture In "My Friend the
Chauffeur" really happened
to thaauthsrs, and they had
many other adventures
which are not described,
among them the remark
able way In which they first
met. Thslr boots are full of
touohes of both English and
American lire and charac
ter, which are aoooutued for
by their respective nation
alit a i.
M U East Sd Btraat
would be mad permanent and such safe
guards would compel stability of rates and
at the same time permit of honest and law
ful competition and place honesty on the
highest of pedestals, and It would be easier
and more noble to be honest than dis
honest and at the same time to obey the
Laws should be so worded the peopi
could fully understand and obey with pleas
ure and not wholly through compulsion. A
law such as I have described would perm't
all transportation lines to discontinue their
paid retinue (lobby) at all state capitals
and at Washington, as It would not be nec
essary to employ the most brilliant and
capable men to protect their Interests before
the legislatures of the various states and
before congress, as the government fixed
th rates which quieted all sections and
stopped adverse legislation.
The tampering with rates led to the em
ployment of thousands of capable men sent
to the various state capltols and at Wabh
Ington. These men constituted what Is
known aa a "lobby" and their duty was to
do all they could to place a ban on adverse
legislation towards those that employed
them. The duty of a lobbyist Is such that
It dwarfs the minds of the brainiest of men,
and the transportation lines and large cor
porations purchase these brilliant minds to
Upset and disturb legislation they think
Injurious to them. Place the maximum rate
law in effect and this army of lobbyists
will be returned to the people to assist In
framing and passing laws for the benefit
of all and not simply their employers, thus
restoring a better and more healthful con
dition, compelling honeety to be the guiding
star and assist In building up a class of
manhood and womanhood stronger In mind
and body aa good wholesome legislation
will do more to make people honest than
all the prisons and penal Institutions.
The day has almost passed, and will soon
, fade entirely away, when eminent domain
, is a factor, and about all that Is left is
the charter. If you hsve abundant capital
' you can get a charter, as an Individual
company or corporation, but you receive no
land grants and very few privileges you
i do not purchase, aa tho right-of-way la
contended and fought In the courta. But
in the end you must pay the verdict and
so you build a railroad and pay for It the
same aa buying real estate or building a
house. A railroad can be built by a single
Individual th same as a big corporation,
each having the same rights, and, In fact,
today the same as a private corporation
conducting its business for Its own profit,
but on account of a franchise or the right
for a railroad to paa over the public do
main the government has reserved the
right to regulate and establish rates and
the time has come when the government
should take hold and establish permanent.
Just and equitable rates for the people and
all transportation lines.
If a maximum rate law, as outlined, is
made effective by th government the rail
roads and all transportation lines can
abolish tha lobby, reduce their high salaried
officials one-half or more In salary and
also In number and finally reduce ratea
from to to 100 per cent through th abolish
ment of the lobby and other expenses that
can be reduced and after this reduction In
rates the transportation lines will still be
in better position to pay their owners mora
profit than at present, as permanent rates
have been established and expenses reduced
one-half, which will permit of a large re.
ductlon in rates with a good profit for th
This maximum rata law will do away
with pooling, compel transportation lines
to maintain rates granting the same lights
and privileges to all. and these Just and
equitable right to all will be maintained
by the government through th commis
sion. Our present law has brought about
th present suit agalnat the packer and
If th government Is honest It must
commence action against all violations,
van aX all minister who bav accepted
transportation for less than rull tariff, all
lawmakers and officials who have accepted
transportation at leas than full tariff.
Will the government rise to the emerg
ency even if It bringa to the bar of Justice
hundreds of past and present officials who
have accepted transportation and favors
for which nothing was paid? As th law
makers and officeholders ar looked upon
as teachers they must be treated the same
as the packera If they have violated any
law In accepting transportation or favora
for which they did not pay full published
tariff ratea. The present laws must be for
the present arid future, and not for th
past, when eminent domain held full sway.
Apropos of the Horse Show.
OMAHA, Oot. H.-To the Editor of Th
Bee: Charles R. Knight, th foremost
American animal painter, says that "a
horse with smooth hair, docked tall and
cropped mane, always Immaculate, has no
more character than a piano."
It Is a singular fact that there ar some
people so utterly devoid of taste as to
prefer such woodeny caricatures of the
horse. Look at him graceful and beautiful
In the highest degree when left as nature
made him! Then look,agaln when man
interfere his arched neck la drawn back
with the overhead check until his nose
Is nearly on a Una with his ear, his large,
soft eyes bulging from their sockets and
often covered with blinders. Instead of
a full sweeping tall, a stiff, almost hairless
stump is all that man In his cruelty has
left him.
It Is a matter of general comment that
since the Inauguration of th horse show
here In Omaha the number of people driv
ing docked and overchecked horses has
deplorably increased. Not only are the
fine carriage tiorses with their beautifully
arched necks, that need no check at all,
subjected to this torture, but the poor,
overworked delivery horses frequently have
thik added to their other burdens. And
what would be laughable, wer It not piti
ful, tha plain, unassuming family horae
must have his poor neck turned up Ilka s
horse shoe because it "gives styl," you
Veterinarians are united in the belief thai
the overhead check is a source of disease
In the horae aa well as an Instrument ol
torture. In England, that land of flnt
horses and horse lovers, from the king
down, the check is tabooed. There Is also
the strongest kind of sentiment growing
there and In this country against the dock
ing of horses. Let us hope that the da;
will soon dnwn when our progressive cltl
sens win add their quota of strength to th
great tidal wave of humanity and universal
altruism that is "weeping th earth.
E. O. 8.
Doildisi Permits.
The city haa Issued permits to P. E. Ilei
for a 12,500 brick addition to a building l
Second and Hickory streets and to K.
Miller fur an tl.Wm frame dwelling al
Thirty-eighth and Hamilton streets.
Judge Troup has granted Hnrvey C
Moses a divorce from his wife, Nellie W
on the ground of abandonment.
The regular meeting of the Omaha Bat
association called for Saturday evening,
has been postponed until Monday evening
Charles Prlns, president, and D. A. Wood,
secretary, have executed and placed on
file In the county clerk's office a bill of sal
of the business and property of the Ureal
Western Bottling. Ice, Cream and Supply
company. Minnie R. Wood la the pur
chaser. John Rohn, a minor, by Conrad Rohn, his
father and next friend, has brought suit In
the I'mled States rlroiult court against
the Union Pacific Railroad company for
damages in the sum of tfi.lOO, with Inter
est and costs of suit for personal Injuries.
Young Rohn, who is but 4 yeara of age, waa
struck by an engine of the defendant road
at the F atreel crossing. In the citv of
j Lincoln, on September 14. 1905, and perma
nently in.iurea. i ne case is transrerrea
from the district court of Lancaster county.
Autumn Exposition of Artistic Goats and Suits
For Misses' and Young Ladles'
Coats of all mixtures,
Coverts and KerBeys, valued at
$8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and
$18.00, to cost you
4.99,7.96, 59.98 aodM1.9B
respectively. .
Ladies' Specials
worth $50.00, to
cost you
$27.93 to $35
Call and convinc: Yourself
S. Fredrick Berger & Co.
1517 Farnam Street