TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1903. ' r GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Cpeoi Strong and Cloiat with Good Gain. BETTER PRICES THROUGH WHOIE IIST Cara Balls flat Frightened ay Bearlek tkowlif af GoTnnti Res-art Oata Higher and Eaje. . Ins; mm De-taand. . OMAHA. October U. 105. Wheat opened strong, cased off toward noon, regained the loss and cloned around the high point. There wa mora nctlvtty In botn December and My. Tha market waa helped by tha cash situation at Min neapolis, where there la a strong demand at 4c advance over yesterday. Bradstreat a Increase for the week waa 9.i4o, Ousels. Reeelpta of wheat were amaller than n pected, both 1n tha northwest and south went. -December rloed at 864c. May at Ii4 and July at Mc. The bulla are rwit frightened by the bearish showing of the government re rort on corn, and are preparing to Increase thlr holdings. Export and domestic de mand are good. t'ricea were up 4a,c. Frost In Nebraska last night will make the harvest earlier. December cloned at 46c, old December at 46c, May at 444 and July at 444c. Oata were up about He. Ther waa a ,rd'. the demand being such that yesterday s bearish government report could not keep prlcea down. December " ,8'c ay at y4&31e and July Liverpool cloned Hc higher on wheat and unchanged on corn. Bmomhall aunt word that the Rotiman J'"!' wheat crop la officially estimated at 00,000.000 bushels, agalnat 62.0t"i,000 buahela Inst year: the oata crop at IM'iO.uOO buahela agalnat ll.onM.oiO buahela liist year. . Proe pecia for wheat are generally good In the I nlted Provlncea of India, but rain la badly needed in tha western dlirtrlcta. laa,u'', f '25i,j0 bushel of com, lftO.ono buahela of oata. 240.0(10 fcUHhels of wheat and 49.000 barrels of (lour. Primary wheat receipt wer 1.084,(100 mrshele and thlnmenta 47.1 ivn hmh.i. .i-.t 'Lj"r f 1-293.000 buahela and shipment rr i'.00 buahela. Corn reeelpta were 4) 000 buahela and ahlpmenta 3M.000 buahela, agalnat reeelpta last yer of 374,000 buahela anipmenis or SiJ.ni bjs:i:. , Caah niiHtnAaa , f I , I ....... . .-.,.....-.... i eluded 225,000 bushels of corn and 4(0.000 buahela of cats. J10 i0 buahela of the latter "ma uir export. The grain trade waa up- jr tna government report. It waa a mmwing on corn about aa expected and waa a aurprlsa In oata, be)ng the second largest rop on repnHt ft precipitated a break In ha grain market, but wheat waa rallied by "i. hum iror. inq advance at Winnipeg WJ takanaa a bullish help and there waa ' '.."'""'l"" aeiung wneat for export. It la thOllffht that Armni... kn. V- - -! I !wfI!c,mibr wh Chicago and buying unuuing a airaaaie mat snows about 3o profit. Oaeaaev Caah Bales. '-SlEAT-No. 1 hard, I car! 7Mic; 2 para, 74C. No. t hard, 1 car, 79c: 1 car. 78c: 1 i..i"C! ' 1 car. 77c; No. 1 ' VvTi'M Vci 4 nara- rr. 73c S;95S'No-' far, 401o. . OATS No. t white, 2. car. 264o. Oaiaka Caah Prlees. -.iT-Va. 1 bard, WMrffSlc: No. 1 hard, LW: hBrd- &744ei No. 1 aprlng, i 2rN?' 7H47f; No. 4. 4!e: No. "hlte KfrVa: No. 4 white726"rfV- RYtr-No. 2, 63Q84c; No. JVWallC. t Carlot Rcaalata. ' Wheat. Com. Oata. Chicago ...V Kanaaa Clry 60 184 Ml ..183 ..m .. it ..14 .. 79 aa 'ii 'm 27 Omaha Duluth ..... Bt. Loula .. 24 Mlaaeapolle Orala Market . MINNEAPOLIS, Oct,' 11. WHEAT Da. ""'"fi may, ato; wo. 1 hard, 83Tc: n0rUlTn. WV; No. 1 northern. FLOUp-Flrat patenU, 4.I6M.90; eeoond patenta, $4.mtp47u; flrat cieara, S.70&a.lW; second cieara, li.40'Sj.W. . . BRAN la bulk. $11.60. . (Superior quotatlona for Mlnneapolle de livery). The range of prlcea. aa reported ?.?Ltih,' -warda-Wood Grain company. ilO-m Board of Trade building. .waaiV' ArUcla. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae.1 Tea'y. .Wheat 1 - Deo. May MHMi 13 rim 6V! 44. WWTBER IJf -THE GRAM BELT Vmiw t mm Warmer ' ' Store. Kow la Th. , P,MHA October 11, 190S. i. of high preaaure over the weat, Whloh waa the dominating feature In the preceding report, haa conUnued to apread aatward. and Ita effect la now felt aa far ?itlM th 'ow' la region and Ohio valley, and aouth over the aouthern atatea, where It hoa cauaed a decided drop In temperature, with cooler weather tbrough fui eantral portion of the coun try. Killing froata occurred laat night In the upper Mississippi and Missouri valieya and light to heavy froata In tha lower val ieya. A low preaaure, central over Lake Ontario, precedea the area of high, and la aualng ruina and unsettled weather throughout tha eastern atatea The prea aure la decreasing over the extreme west and northwest. The temperature will rise in thla vicinity Thursday Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with, the correspond ing day at tha past three year; . . . I. lu4. 1101 1W1 Minimum temperature.. .. 37 w 48 Precipitation 00 .00 T Of Normal temperature for today. 65 de gree. ' Deficiency In precipitation alnca March t 5.49 Inches. . .D,.n1,nor corresponding period In 1904. I U luohea. Kxcaaa corresponding period In laws, LM Inonaa. X A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. DEW YORK. GENERAL. MARKET )aataUaaa of the Hay ea VarUaa Coaaatedttlea. ..KlWTORK, Oct. 11 -FLOrR-Reoelnt. l DDJB-; exports, 1.221 bbla.; market Jfi; nominally higher: winter patenta, $4.25454.65: winter atralghla. I4.0utj4.10; winter extraa. t2.SiJjJ.26; winter low gradea, ttjaa law; Minneaota patent. H)&.10; Minne sota baker. n4.u. Rya flour, firm: fair to good, U W.a4.lt; rholoa to fancy, U UJ 460. Buckwheat flour, easy; spot and to COKNMKAL-rirm: fine white and yet. &o!rj u?! cor u'l "; k'ln dried. K IBteady; No. S wetaern. 74Vc. c u't. UARLJtV-Dull; feeding, I8V4JJ39C, c t f . Buflulo; malting, 4&tibmo c. I. f. Buffalo. WIIEAT-Reoelpta, 11,900 bu.: ttxporta, Sl.luS bu.; spot market firmer; No. i red va, elevator; jio. m red. c, f. o. b. aQoat; No, 1 northern, Duluth, 93'aa, f o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, WHO, f. o. b.. afloat. Wheat waa under bull con- iroi an nay ana suivanoed more ttian lc per bushel. Shorts bought freely on amaller im;win, aironar uverpooi cablea, liberal virarancee, uumjoe support and eaiMtrt talk, the cloae beinar lWtulV.a not hiiri..r vi HftlVo. vlowtd at 9tt,e; Deceiabcr, vJ U 7-ltw. cloaed at UVu. CORN Reeelpta, 44,0 bu : export Xia. 460 bu.; spot nuu'ket Arm; No. a, slWo el, vator and alViO f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 yellow iniiiiu!, wiuie nuimnai. tjptton mar ket waa atronaer with wheat nrf nn 1,. fluantlat buying at tha weet It cloaed Srt 40 net hlaher. January, SlViifidSo. clo-td at tc; May cloaed at 0Vc; Deceinbr, oaib-Keoeipis. ku.mio bu.; exports, 60 03 bu.; apet market steady; mlxrd oata at to n DOund. 9.11194c: natural whit xi U pound. titiM'to; clipped white. M to 40 HAY Irregular; gnlpping. 64j50o; good to HOPS Uriu: Perlfle coast, 1905, 14Vo; HIDES Firm; California. 21 to 3 lb lc; Texaa dry, 24 to lta.. I8U0. I.KATHER Firm: acid. i'44rjM . PROVISIONS-Reef. steady; family. Ill 50 riiw, nieaa, avqiw.vit; Dee l nama, tu:i OuiJ . w. vm uiaiia, 4uiii pH-aiaa oeuira, liaouqiO.lo; pickled shoulders, 7 0uy7.fx; picaMa nama, iu.uv. iara, quiet; weatvrn ataamed. 170; refined, eteady; com pound. 16-UVOo 7V: continent. I7.&6; South jimirirs, e oo. rorx, ateaay: family, (7 t--cj ia 00j short dear, tltsuvjff.sO; mesa. IHifc.-UlS.til1. TALLOV-teady; city, yc; country. 4V1 KlCE Steady; domaatlc. fair to exrra lu 44e; Japan, nominal.". T bl.'TTLR Quiet; street prlca. extra cra m e . H tj 2 1 He. CiltJ-SE Siady; atate full cream, small tad large, colored amwkma. iuicv. II V ; ite i-ju irvauia. lair 10 rooii-e. Htgne. bOOS Dull; wealera ttrata, Zaa'aa; weat ern grata, flo. rui,X.Tav-AUl atoadyi western culck- . ,t-;v., f. .,. en. 1lc: fnwla. 15c: ttirkeya, 14c. Dree4, aeak; wentern chlrkena. 114216c: fowla. lie; turkeya, HflUc. CHIfAbO GRAIX ADD rilOVIIIOS Prleea mm Board af Trade. rmCAOO. Oct. ll Hlaher nrlcea for wheat at IJverponl today atlmulated thade- rrrnnn nere ano ma maraei waa airong. i the cloae December wheat waa uo 4to. Corn and oat 'how galna of He each. Trovlaiona are up !ii'c. The wheat market waa atrona from tha atirt, opening quotation on December being up Wtc at SWH4(. The market waa in fluenced largely bv an advance In the nrlne of wheat at Liverpool Higher Priced Rut lan and Danublan offetinga and extraordi nary demand rrom Italy, oermany and Ppaln for wheat were aome of the reartrna alven for the atrength In the Rngllah mar ket. An official report from Bombay atated that rain waa greatly needed In aeveral provlncea of India. In addition to the bul lish foreign newa domeatlo conditiona favored the bulla. Reeelpta In the north weat were ronalderably amailer than for the correapondlng day laat week and a year ago, and caah wheat at Mlnneapolli waa quoted at 1c over the December delivery. Commlaalon houaes and ehorta ware active buyer throughout tha entire aeaalon and the market at no time ehowed algna of weakening. There waa considerable Bell ing by pit trader on the large Increaae In the world'e vlolbl aupply, but it had little apparent affect on Value. Tor December the hlgheat point of tha day waa reached at WHO. The market cloaed strong, with prlcea almoat at the hlgheat point of the day. Final quotation on December wera at IK,e. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 468.000 buahela The world vlalble aup ply, aa ahown by Bradatreet'e, Increaaed U.KO.Ono buahela. Primary reeelpta were 1.0M.0O0 buahela. compared with l.SM.ono ouaneia a year ago. Mlnneapolla, Duluth and Chicago reported reeelpta of 466 rare, agalnat Ml laat week and 791 a year ago. An excellent export and ahlpptng demand for corn oauaed decided atrength In the market for that cereal. New Tork reported twenty boatload taken for export and, In addition, twelve loada were worked here for foreign aocnunt. Iocal reeelpta were amall. Thla had aome bulllah effect. Short were the principal buyera. The market cloaed trong. with prlcea practically mt the high est point. December opened He higher at 4414c. aold up to 46Wr and cloaed at 4!to. Dnoal rer elpta were 134 cara, with, 39 of con tract grade. Activity prevailed In tha oata market for a general demand for all dellvertea. De cember waa atrong from the start, the In creaaed demand for export being the chief cauae of the flrmneaa. December opened 4 He higher at 2&33iVtc, aold up to lTc and closed at '4jc Local reeelpta were 141 car, Provlaloaa were atrong on active demand from packera, who bought nearby dellverlea agatnut cash Bale. The market for live hoga waa firm and thla helped to eupport Jrovlalona. The market cloaed strong, with anuary pork up 10c at til 47V4- 1-ard waa up 5c at 6.t7H- Klba wera aleo to higher at 6o. Estimated reeelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, 27 far; com. 111 cara; oata, HI cars; hoga, 19.000 head. The leading- future ranged aa follows: Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Cloaa. Tea'y. 'Wheat I - Deo. f4 e H 85T4 1H H May 17 &W 7H 7 r, 86H Corn- Oct. 614 82V, Bl 53 B1H a Dec - 45W 4 46i 4 4Wi bDeo. 444 4oS 44Mi 48 44H May 434f 44 43V 44 i Oata Oct ,. S&i, Dee. . WNH 28 2SH 28 24 May 0.(S II aMiViOfil SOH Pork Oct IS 90 II W IS 10 15 00 IS 25 Jan. U 42V U 47H U 41Vi U 47H U 15 clT 7 15 7 20 7 15 V IS I 61xb Nov. ri7 7 25 7 17 7 22V4 7 17-2 Jan. - -1 S2V4 S7V4 S H S7vS 83H Riba Oct. 155 I 90 tm IM ISOVi Jan. 41 I 2Vt 4 ita 1 46 No. . a Old. bNew. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 11703) 54.10; straight, t3.50ft-4.00; spring patent. t3.7684.20; atralghts, I5.t94.00; bakers, I2.J0 413 20. WHEAT No. I aprlng. 84HWSc; No. I spring, I24JVC! No. I red, S6V4a8o. CORN-No. 2, e3HO40; No. t yellow, 65V Cfic, OATS No. 1. WV; No. 1 white, 2SVs30o; No. I white, 2aUc. BARLET Oood feeding. Mc: fair to choice malting, 42ft 45c B,&LariQ. i nax, ko: no. 1 nortnwesi- ern, 11.01. Prime timothy, 5325. Clovar, contract grade, 112.50. PROVISIONS Mess pofk. nr bbl.. 115.50 jl5 60. Lard, per 100 lb., r7.22V. Short rlba sides (loose), ..70.80. Short clear aides (boxed), Ii.87Vi8.i. Following were the reoeloU and shlb- tncnta of dour and grain: I .LI . - xwwipia. oiupmrniB, Flour, bbls 76.9tO 45, WO Wheat, bu 1.0OO 1S.TO0 Corn, bu 8. 4O0 297, no Oata, bu 834,100 S47,2tO Rya. bu 29,000 12.9(0 Barley, bu 171,100 6,600 On tha Produce excharme today the but ter market waa firm; creamene. 17Vx&20Ho; dairies. 16Vi$lc Egga, steady; at mark, caaea Included, 17Vc; firsts, 14Vio; prime firsts, 20Hc; extras, KW- Cheese, firm, lloimo. Kaaaa'a City Grata aad Provlaloaa. KANSAS CITT., Oct, 11. WHEAT Vn- Chinged; December. 77c: May, ly(p7$,c: cash, No. 1 hard. 8oiT2c; No. I, 75&uc; No. 4, 74to78c; rejected fil(7IVte; No. I red. (1(3 92c ; No. S, ahwjc; rejected, red, Mc. K culnts. 196 cars. CORN Higher; Deoember, 19V May. 89fitc: cash. No. I mix., 4wc; No. I, 48c; No. 1 white, WVkWHo; eouh Higher; Miaaourt ana xansaa. new No. S whltewooa caaea Included, liVsCi case count. 16c; oaaes returned, Vc leas. HA Y Steady : choice timothy. ta.Su810.o0: Choice prairie, 17.768.00. R i E steady at tua'MHo. BUTTBiK Firm; creamery, 19Vc; pack ing, 140. neoeipia. nnipments. 196.U00 141,000 ao.Ouo 11,000 Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oata. bu. . 1,000 7,u0 Tha ran re of Prices paid In Kanaaa Cltv aa reported by tha Edwards-Wood com pany, llu-ui ttoara 01 iraoe putiding, waa: Artlcl. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tea'y. Wheat-I Deo... May. Corn Deo.. May. Oata Deo.. May. Oct.. Lard- Oct.. Jan.. Rlba Jan.. Oct.. St ts f tH 1W, , ti 19 3M4. W ' 26H KH 26S 26V4 41 r. 27Va -27Vi ZlZ 15 11 15 56 15 15 11 55 16 IS 12 26 12 37 12 26 1217 U 24 7 57 7 15 7 07 7 15 7 07 177 IU (77 1 52 I 76 140 145 140 146 140 IN J i I 50 I 70 I 47 Available lappllee ( Grata. NEW TORK, Oct 11. Special cable and telegraphia communclation received by Bradstreat'a shows the following changei in available supplies aa compared with the la! account: Wheat United State and Canada, east Rock lea, Increaaed 6.549,000 bushels .a float for and In Europe Increaevd 2,700,000 bushels; total supply Increaaed I.249.6u0 buahela. Corn United States and Canada, east Rockies, decreasvd 1004.0UU bushela Oats United States and Canada,, east Rockies. Increaaed 661.000 bushela. The leading increaaea reported this week are 1979.UU0 buahela In Manitoba. lOl.ouO bushels at the Chicago private elevators, M.uuO bushela at Cleveland. SO.OuO bushels at Watertown. S. D.: T9.0U0 bushela at tha Mil. waukee private elevatura and 76 uO bushels at tha Minneapolis private elevatora. Philadelphia Fredaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 11. BUTTER Firm: extra western creamery, 22c; extra nearby prlnta. He EGGS Firm, choice fresh stock wanted; nearby fresh, loss eff. x nearby fresh, 22c. at mark; western fresh, 2l6l2c, at mark. CHEESE Dull, but firmly held; New York full creams, fancy, lie; choice. UVkd UVc; fair to good. UwllVjc. Urtrnel Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Occ 11. WHEAT Spot, quiet; No. I red. Western winter, e 6Hd. Futures, ateady; December, 6a loV; March, 6a 9Sd. COhN Spot, Arm; American mixed. 4a 114d. Futures, quiet; December, 6a; Jan uary, 4s feed; Mar oh. 4a HL . -, ,. s ' . Peerta Market. PEORIA. 111.. Oct. U-CORN-Hiaher; iw, w; iu. a, oi do. a, fc.'wc; as grade. 61 4c. OATS Strong; No. I white. 54c; No. 4 write, riujixo. WHlswV-On tha basis of ijo Cor fla- isoea goooa. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Mtrkit Opani Finn, but Suddenly Tnxni Weak aid Valuti Drop Qiicily. lANKER'S ADDRESS CAUSES SENSATION speech la Wasklagtaa that Prleea Are Ta High la View f Deaaaaa' for Meaey Starta Stamp. NEW TORK. Oct. ll.-One of the seem ingly abrupt reversals of sentiment which rusxle the observer of Wall street occurred In the stock market today. From an ap pearance of atrength and confident buying the market suddenly turned weak and a flood of offerings came upon It from all directions, carrying prices rapidly down ward. The abruptneaa of the transition from extreme confidence to something like fright was more apparent than real, owing to the fact of the artlflolal character which has been taken on by tha speculation of late, due to the prominence of professional operations. The necessities In the money market have restricted the active speculation and with a period of dullness to be faced, tha large In tereat In storks determined to hold prices and await the return of ease In money for a renewal of the campaign to lift prices to a higher level. Speculative markets, how ever, will not remain stationary and If an advancing tendency halts there la almost Inevitably a disposition to react. The In fluence which waa accorded largest Import ance during the day a audden selling waa the address before th bankers' convention In Washington by an official of a New Tork bank most closely affiliated with one of the groups of capitalists Room traders pro fessed great alarm when It waa reported that this official asserted. In connection with the country's prospect, that "a tree never quite grows to heaven." and that he expressed the opinion that a stock market speculation starting from the present high level of prices, In the face of the extraordi nary demand for caah and money, might easily result In temporary disaster. V 1th the decline once In force the market proved Increasingly vulnerable and gave way with more appearance of weakness than at any time during the recent money flurry. The money market Itself stiffened up In the afternoon after the easier tone of the morning and may have been Influenced by the preparatlona beginning for payments of the Japanese loan subscriptions. The feel ing abroad over the money outlook waa dis tinctly more cheerful and a decline In tbe discount rate In London was taken aa a promise of the probable retention of the Bank of England rate tomorrow. Con tinental exchangee continued to move In favor of London In spite of a further ad vance In discounts at Parla and Berlin. London waa a buyer of stocks here on a large scale In consequence and added the early strength In no amall degree. The Great Northern melon cutting had a sym pathetic Influence on a number of high priced railroad stocks. Union Pacific had the benefit of its holding of Great Northern, although the latter stock waa under pres sure throughout, said to be on liquidation of Union Pac.lflo holdings. Published re ports of new Interests In Wisconsin Central were made the basis of rumors of an Erie extension In that property. But these and other factors of strength were totally tin availing to hold the market In face of the liquidation. Last prices were about the lowest and the closing waa weak. Bonds were easy. Total sales, par value, i2.Ki5.0iO. United States bonds were ail un changed on call. The following were the quotatlona on tha New York Stock eiohange: Balea. Hign.Low.ciose. Adams E Amal. Copper , Am. Car & F do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ex Am. H. 4 L. pfd... Am. Ice Securities. Am. Linseed Oil ... do pfd Am. Looomotlve ... 240 29.500 6.400 400 100 SH WTe 100 12 834 99 XI 2 100 22 1,000 100 600 84 27 Vfc IS SS 27V4 IS 40 61.600 60V 69V4 111 127H m 180V4 do pfd 1.010 ii Am. Smelt, Refng. 31.100 129H do pfd mo 1214 Am. Sugar Refng.... 5,000 1414 Am. Tob. pfd ctL.... 800 I024 Anaconda M. Co tt0 1174 Atchison 7.600 S4 101 101 Vs 11 116' 81 - 88 "104 do pfd Atlantlo Coast IJne.. Bait, ft Ohio ......... do pfd .(.''-Wf" Brooklyn w. T Canadian PaclflO .... Central of N. J Chea. & Ohio Chi. Alton do pfd Chi. Ot. Western .... 1400 164 162 161 7.100 118 113V4 U2H 6.4 72V4 8,200 173Vk 9X10 H7H 2164 200 18,200 1 21 Chi. N. W C. M- St. P.. Chi. Term. 4b T do nfd 4.800 til Sl . 16,300 1814 17S C, C. C. St. L Colo. Tuel A Iron.... Colo. A Southern do 1st prd An iA nfd Consolidated Oaa .... Corn Producte do pfd Del. Hudson D.. U W.u ........ . Den. A UQ urmnae.. do rra Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do id pfd General fclectrio Hocking Valley 100 180 Illinois central Inter. Paper do Bid Inter. Pump .......... An nfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Ixmls. A Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securitlea Met. Bt. Ry Meg. Central Minn. St. Louis.... M . St P. 4k S. 8. M.. no pro Missouri Paolflo M.. K. A T do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of Me. pfd N. T. Central N. T.. O. W Norfolk b Western.. do pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas P., C., C. A St. L.... Pressed Steel Car,... 11 ti 674 674 474 46 17 17 I504 1484 544 534 St4 a5V4 400 1.2O0 9 46 1444 o eo v4 lo m 1.VO KO An Did Pullman Palace Car 1.400 2624 10S.100 K Reading do 1st pfd Aa tit Tlfd Bepubllo Steel do pia Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. A B, F. Sd pfd. St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Pacific .... do pfd Southern Railway ... do pfd Tenn. C. A I . axdlv. Teas A Pacific T., St. L. A W do pfd Union Paolflo do pfd V. 8. B IT. 8. Realty U. S. Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steel do Pfd Va. -Carolina Chem... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Parao Ex 69 frioo 100 ll?4 1314 W4 W4 1,700 584 frO 111 M.A 8S4 10 V M 124 'i'.ino '224 1.4U0 4"4 Westlnghouse Elec... W 1 1 Western Union M K V W A L. E Wis" Central M H S do pfd J Northern PaclfiO .... f 0 Central Leather l. 444 4J4 do pf '2 Bloas-Sheffleld 1 71 Tl Total sales for the day, 581,100 shares. Farelga rtaaaelal. 9 LONDON, Oct 11. Suppllee of money ware more nlntiful in the market today and ratea were easier on the condition of continental exchangee. Discount were fairly ateady. Operations oa the Stock Ex change were occupied with the carrying ever. The trade was Inactive, but prlcea maintained yesierday'a Improvement. The monetary position waa considered leas menacing. Conaola hardened but cloaed be low the beat auotatkma of tbe day. Ameri cana opened Irregular and moved to ullghtly over parity, reneriing ine improyea loin in other sections. They were stuadlly sup ported. I'nlon PaclMo waa prominent and t'nlted States Steel waa firm. Prloea eloatsd generally steady. Canadian Pacine t.ouvanl and Urand Trunk waa syroptw thetlcally ttno, beliif tl4 ty Ua Uam Increase. Japanese Imperial 6a of If1 Were quoted at 1014. PARIS. Oct. 11 Prlres on the Bourse to day opened firm and became hesitating anil heavv. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at M M, and Russian bonds Of 104 at BE.RLIN, Oct. It Prices on the Bourse today were decidedly firm upon yesterday's close and London's advances and the Im provement In the Iron market. few Tarlt Meaey Market. NEW TORK. Oct. ll.-MONET-On call, firm, per ceht; closing bid, 64 per cent; offered at 64 per cent; time loan. esy for hort, firm for longs; sixty and ninety days, 6 per cent; six months. 4SU6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4t5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with se tual business In bankers' bills at 4 8ft 4 XM6 for demand and at U.RlTOrt.K?- for aixty-day bills; posted rates. 14 81414 J and 14.86-84.W4; commercial blllk, 14 814'i 4.61V. SILVER Bar. 614c; Mexican dollars. 40. BONDS Government, ateady; railroad, easv. Cioalng quotatlona on bonds were as fol lows: V. 8. Mf la, tet....l Je . M err!.. 4 eauyoa .........1"H do 4S rtl i V I. la. ri IN do 14 win XS eoupen 1044 I, A N ant. 4 1H"4 V. new 4. teg lv Manhattan a a. 4a...icw ouen 114 mi. (Mtral 4 r. I. am 4a. rg....lM do lat Inc tt 4m fopo Minn. A 81. L. 4.... 97 Arm. Tonarr 4e etla. rt M., K. A T. 4 11 6a a. eif I1IS4 do 1 I7U, Atcblao sea. 4 101 (t. It. R. of M. . 4a. DH do adj. 4a M H. T. C. g. Its Atlantic C. L 4. ...101 N. 1. C. t. ta l.MIt Bal. Okie 4 101 ,No. Pacific 4a 106 do ll M I da la Tt Central ef Oa. I. ...Ill N. A W. a. 4s loltt do 1st Ine MHO a. L rfd. 4a.... r7 do Id lot II Pen. conv. IHa....l0i fhea. A Ohio 4....I0 Raadlnt (en, 4 H"4 Chtoato A A. Is-... U A I. M. e. ta..litti C, B. A 4. a. 4. ...101HPI. L. A s T. tg 4a. IKe C. R. 1. A P. 4.... IJH St. U 6..W. c 4.... Ill) o eel. I S.i Ba board A. U 4a.... WW OTC A 8t. L. . 4..10i4tRo. Pclflo 4a -W Cklrato Ter. 4a M I do lat 4 etf 7Vt Colorado Mid. 4a.... 7t 80. Railway 6a Ill Colo. A 80. 4 UHTnii A P. la 1 '(. Colo. lad. la. Mi A.. 7IHT., Bt. U A W. 4a.. I4V4 do Mi B 71 I n Ion Pacific 4a 1 Cuba fts, rtfa,........10jH do con-. 4a lotn D. A R. O. 4 101 V 8. SIMl Id U ... MVt lilatlllara' 8o. la.... 10 Wahanh 1 1181 En prior lien 4a lot 1 do deb. B 71 do gn. 4a 14 Waatarn Md. 4a ITU, F. W. A D. C. la 1I3U V. A U B. 4a 0S4 ttorktnf Val. IMa....lll4 Wla. Central 4 H japan ta. etra r4 urrered. Doetoa Stocfca and Bonds. BOSTON. Oct. ll.Carl loana. 666 per cent; time km us. kti per cent. Ottlciul Quotation on stocks ami Donas were a ollows: Atcblaoa adl. 4 M lAdrantnr )H do 4a 10. Alloun 4ti Max.' Cantral 4a to Amalramateii 4.H Atrbiaon 'i4 An arlcan Zinc 4 do Btd 104 Atlantic t6V 'Ronton A Albanf W BlDfbam M Poaton A Main....17IH Cal. A Hacla Poaton Rleatn4 ,.,,.1M iCantrnalaf (.;. V.i r"ltrhburg pfd ....141 Cnvpar Rang 7044 r....H i" .1711-1.17 Ttvm ..m N. Y., N. H. A H..I07 franklin 174 Pan Marauatt lot Cjaoby i4 union PaclDc 13114 lale Horale U Amer. Arg. Cham... iivi Maaa Mining t do pfd M Micblgaa 14 Amar. Pnau. Tuba I Mohawk 17 Amar. tugar In Mont. C. A C ?S So pfd a. ..II iOld Dominion 174 Amar. T. A T .'..lllVt Oaceola 106 Amar. Woolen It Pa not M do Df .-...102 i Outncr 104 Dominion 1. A ll Shannon 71, Kdlaon Klac. Illu 141 Tamarack 121 (lenaral glaetrte 10 iTnnltr I '4 Maaa. Riactrl 14 ll'nlted Coppar It aa pia M- u. a. Mining Maaa Oa fcttu f a. oil 10 t sited Prult 107 ,1'tah 4IV4 V. 8. Steal J74IVIctorla 1 do pfd 10 Winona li 4 Weatlng. common ... 14 IWolvarln Ill V 'Bid. "Aked. London Cioalng Stocks. LONDON. Oct. 11. Closing Quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: Conaola, mosey ... II 1-14 N. T. Cantral Ill Su aeooaat MT Norfolk A W SlVt Anaconda 444 do pfd ia Atchiaon list Ontario A W 14 do pfd lot J'aur.aylanla 741, Baltimore A Ohio. ...11444 Rand Mlcea Canadian Pad no 17IV4 Httdlng 4144 Cbaa A Oble IS- I do lat pfd 4 Chicago Ot. W u I do d pfd 404 C . M. A 6L 1 lllHaevtheni Rallwar ... 17 S4 DaBaor 17 . do pfd 10144 D. A r. O il Boutharn Pacllo 72 do Did tl Ualon Paella U1H Krl 614 do pfd M do lat pfd Ul', 8. steal aavj do Id pfd....,,.... 7vl' do sfd Ionia lllloola Central 14 .Wabaab ; ii Loulartll A Naatl... .1611 do pfd 44Vt II., K. A T 44 IBpeaUb 4 M4 SILVER Bar. ateafl v.- 7-16d per ounce. . MONEY I41SI per-sent. The rate oi .uisv.ount in the open market for short bills Is 3S1i3"4 per cent; for three months' bills, l4ft84 per cent. ' Haw Yark MlnJag f tocks. NEW TORK. Oct. 1L Closing quotations an mining stocks were as follows: Adam Coa M Little Chlat Alio II Ontarie SO Braac 41 (Ipblr '. IM Bruaawlck Con U Phoanlx I CootMock Tunnel .... 7V4 Potoal 11 Co. Cal. A Va 114 Scrag tl Horn Sllrar 17 Siorra Narad IS Iran Bllrar 100 Bmall Hop M LMdvill Cob 6 lataadard 174 Treaenry (tatement. WASHINQTON. Oct. 11. Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the ?en- eral fund, exclusive of the 1150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available caah balance, tl32.714.610; gold coin and bullion, t70.44S.594; gold Certificates, 149,809,060. Bask Clearlag. OMAHA. Oct. 11. Bank clearings for today were 11,122,754.11 and for the corre apondlng date laat year tl,8$7,621.l. Bt. Loale General Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. ll.-WHEAT-Hia-her: No. I red, oaeh, elevator, 664e4c; track. tutjt14c; Deoember, tUtytmc; May, s64o; No. 1 naro, aiWHoc. CORN Higher; no. i caan, soc; track. 514i862c. - OATS Migner; ixo. 1 caan. zac; tracK. 284'a'244c; December, 184c; May, tO&)4c; No. 1 whits, t04c. FLOUR Quiet; red winter patents, I4.J0 (fi4.36; ex'ra fancy and straight, 53 694.15; clear, 12.rOrS.10. 8EBl I imomy, sieaoy at iz.boibj.io. CORNMEAL Steady at 52.60. BRAN Lower; aacked, east track, t&SWo. HAT Steady : timothy. 5S.0O4jl3.O0; prairie. I7.0CKS8.50. BAGOINO 54c HEMP TWINE-454C. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; lobbing. 115. Lard, higher; prima steam, 16.974. Dry salt msats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 18 : olear rib. 58,624; short cieara, 58174. bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 58.574; cleat riba, 19.50; short clear, I9 60. POULTRY Kasy; cnicaens, 10c; springs. 84 IS 4c; turkeys, 34UJ-loc; ducks, lOu; geese, BUTTER Firmer; oreamery, 17(jf224o; dairy, 16Wl8c. - EGO 8rt early, isc, case count. WH1BKV-41-M. , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 7 7,000 15.000 Wheat, bu t.tjo Corn, bu 64. "HO 62.0tifl Oata, pu ...ao.uuu ai.uuo flagar an Bfotasaea. NEW TORK, Oct. U.-81'OAR-Raw. steady; fair refining, lo; centrifugal, (4 teat. 84c: molaaaea sugar. 24o. Refined, ateady: No. 1 4.c; Na. 7. 4 15c; No. t, 4.05c; No. . 4.0Oe; No. 10. 5.95c: No. 11, 1.85c; No. 11. 180c; No. 18. t70o; No. 14. 1.66c; confectioners' A. 4.65c; mould A. l.loc; cut loaf, 6.50C1 cruiihed, 6.50c; powdered. 4.90c; grnnulated. 4 50c: cubes. 6.05a MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, ttfrtfo. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 11 SUOAR-Quiet; open kettle centrifugal, nominal; centrif ugal whites. 44'4o; yellows, 844 l-16c; aeoonds, 3i.14c. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 129 17c; centrifugal. 614c. SYRUP Nominal. ttfitOo. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Oct. lt-COFFEE-Futures opened steady at unchanged prlcea and later advanced a partial i point on bullish crop report and a little covering. Cables were without special feature and buslneaa here waa very light. The close was dull, net unchanged to 6 points higher. Bales were reported of 1 6fl0 bKK, Including De cember at T15c: March, T.4uc; May. 7.56c; September. 7.7564-7. tue. Spot Rio, - steady; No. T Invulca, t U-ltu. Mllwaakee Urala Mark!. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 11-WHEAT-Strong; No. 1 northern, 874c; No. 1 northern, tja 55c; December, assfcoc bid. RYE Steady; No. 1. 684c. nominal. BARLEY Dull; No. t, 54c; sample, 1M CORN-Firm; 444o bid. Dalath Grain Market. Dl'LtTH. C;t, 1L WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern, 534c; No. 1 northern, tie; on track. No. 1 northern, 834c; No. 1 north ern, 81c; December, 514c; October, &4c; May, Me. OATS TO arrive and on track, S7e. Telede ee Market. TOLEDO. O.. Oct. ll.-SEEDS-Clover. oaah and October. 17.st4: December, 17.524; January, $7 . Prima alatka, 7.tt, t'ruue tlinolhy, fLUtX OMAHA UYE STOCK MARKET aBBfaVasBgasBB V Oattla Sill Ltrply ,ii lam Hotcsti M Iiitirda;. HOGS GENERALLY FIVE CENTS LOWCK Another Day of Light Ibeea aad Laaab Reeelpte with Trad Very Aetlva anal Prloea Twenty-Five Caate Higher aa All Klada. SOITH OMAHA. Oct. II. IV. Reeelpta were: Cttle. Hoga Sneep On.ciai Monday k.410 l.i4 Official Tuesday 5.142 4.144 6,080 Otticial Wednesday 6soO 5, 6.100 Three days this week..2S.2a Three days laat week.....4i4 Same week before 14.816 Same three weeks ago. .11,241 Same four weeks ago.... 20.140 Same days laat year l,0il RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following table shows tha reeelpta of cattle, hogs and aheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with laat yean ... 1905. 104. Ino. battle tm,GT 4N.M! 66.J64 H.a 1.851.84T 1.8S5.SSO 16,87 ""P 1.408,607 The followlna- table shoe 1.114.165 12,351 tha average price of hoga at South Omaha for the laat several days, with comparisons: Data. I 18O5.;lO4.190. 1908. ll01. 1. 18B. Boot U. 6Pt. 16., Pt. IT.. gpt. li. Pt. 11. Sdpt. 10. gept n. Sept 13. Sept. U. Sept 14. Sept. K. Bept. . Sept 17. 8pt. a. Sept. . Sept. 10. Oct, 1... Oct. 1... Oct. I..., Oct. 4... Oct. 6... Oct, 6... Oct. 7... Oct. g... Oct. 9... 5 55 I ni If?) 411 4 54 IS in !1 t u 4 41 177 4 4 M 4 44 4 IT 4 3d 4 4 34 4 tl 4 11 4 14 4 Bt 4 It 4 n 4 11 s a 5 55 4 68 I 4H e"l 7 48 T If 631 11 6 11 6 19 In 6 114 1 76! I 14 I 16 761 4 79, n 124, I 71 I 70l 5 10 5 It 1 H iV 6 11 5 75 I 80 I 77 I 74 5 67' Ttt T61 T 67 I I17 7 84 6 II e 4 41 I .. 5 184 5 751 6 71 ( rr I 13 in SOI 5 1X4 6 XK 6 741 f 64l 6 5 .4 6 16 6 16 s is 6 11 6 It a 8 18 I 69 5 71 5 : T 81 5 17 7 L-J 6 f' e fl-'1 l r. 75i 5 IS1 I 6 61 T 201 68! 6 18 ( 0941 I 711 I fill 5 19! 4 4 o m 6 06 6 03 6 06 5 74 T! 6 67 6 61 a 5 20 6 1 5 76 5 m 6 64 6 7 4! T is! T 5 11 a 6 08 6 68 I 541 5 41 6 49 I 19 6 19: 4 5 06 a I 61 7 14 6 18 6 Vl Oct. 10.., 5 0441 I 11 7 04 6 961 6 14 4 81 6 15 4 90 Oct. 11.. 15 46 'Indicates Sunday. The number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was! r. x, . Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. C. M. ft St. P. Ry.... 16 1.. Missouri Paolflo 6 1 U. P. System It 21 11 6 C. ft N. T., east .... . 4 .. .. C. ft N. W west 117 27 7 1 C, St. P., M. ft O.... 1 8 C. B. A Q., west 114 9 1! C. B. ft y., east 7 .. .? C, R. I. ft P., east 1 C. R. I. ft p., west.. 2 1 Illinois Central S ' .. Chicago Qt. Western. 2 2 Total receipts ....284 84 "5 The disposition of the day'a receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 618 Ta6 728 Bwift and Company 1.7B8 1.144 1,991 Armour ft Co 879 l.sil 90 Cudahy Packing Co 1,882 l,m T43 Van Sant & Co 70 .',. Carey ft Benton 79 ' . Lobman ft R , 257 ' Mccreary ft Crary 7 W. I. Stephen lag Hill A Hon tl Hamlton 188 V- o'f w7 .... ;. J. B. Root 447 j. h. Buiia i7 Haggerty 86 Other buyera 1.155 026 Total 7,605 6. 64 12.606 CATTLE Receipts this morning were only moderate, there being about 218 care, aa against 8X5 a week ago. For the first half of the week the reeelpta amount to 8X1 cara, as against 1.099 for the same days of last week. Under the Influence of a good demand, moderate offerings and fa vorable advices from other selling points the general market waa In very fair condi tion. While the trade waa not nartlcnioriv active, the most of tha cattle changed hand 111 reasonaoin season. There did not appear to he any great sup ply of corn-fed beef steers th the yards, but there waa quit a sprinkling of range steers good enough for killers. Whilo the market on beeves did not develop much activity there was a fair demand and tha nrrarlna-a generally changed handa at lust about steady prlcea In some cases cattle that Just happened to atrlke a buyer's fancy may have sold a little strong, at least aome salesmen thought they got out a little bat ter than yeaterday. Cowa and heifers were again in moderate supply and very fair demand and the mar ket gensrally In a good healthy condition. Salesmen, however, were not agreed In tholr ideas, some calling the market only steady with yesterday and others t10c higher. The fact of the matter waa that the market waa stronger yeaterday and wound op higher, ao that thoae who got the advance yeaterday did not call th market any higher today, while those who did not get It yesterday found prices better today. They would all agree that the mar ket Is right around 10c higher than Mondav. Blockers and feeders were In very fair cupply. but there waa also a good demand for desirable kinds at fully steady prices. The medium and common kinds did not move off quite so freely, In fact, the tnida waa a little alow on that kind. Representa tive sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Jr. urr 4 u II ltu 5 11 114 4 If It 1100 1 10 II 114 4 0 17 U41 I H n 110 4 TO 86 104 I a t0 1141 4 00 cowa 9 1001 I 00 1 1140 I 41 1 10M 17 1 UN IN 1 44 I 16 1 40 I 74 - 4 717 1 U HEIFEKfc. 1 101 I M If Ill g It 441 1 40 BULLS. t in 1 en CALVES. I 40 I Tf . 1 141 8 Tf 1 1V0 I 40 STOCKEna AND FEEDERS. 1 'IT I It 11 147 I 14 U 4)4 I 80 WESTERNS. W. F. Miller. Colorado, t feeders.. 800 1 li 11 feeders.. I05 lie James C. Maxwell, South Dakota 1 cow fciO 1 10 II feedera.,1010 i 00 I COWS 1043 1 40 I feeders.. 1010 1 00 C. J. Bull-Wyo. W 16 steers... .1S t 25 Homes ft B.-Wyo. 48 steers.. ..im I 56 S. S. Howes Wyo. 13 steers... 979 1 85 14 cows tit 1 00 1 bull 14 1 00 w C. T. Coffee Wyo. 15 steers... 1247 1 50 6 steers. ..1240 150 1 steer.,.. 1170 1 75 ' C. Ham-B. D. 7 steers.. ..lint 8 4a 6 steers. ...22t 145 4 steers.. ..127 I 45 14 steers. ...13H6 4 15 6 feeders.. 1130 1 85 5 feeders. .1155 8 85 feeders.. U41 t 86 Johnson Broe. 8. D. 9 feeders. .1107 1 65 a feeders.. 1041 165 W. L. Hrria-8. D. 17 steers... .1211 I 80 COLORADO. I cow 890 I 50 1 steer 70 1 25 cows 171 1 70 1 steer nso 1 at i cows 775 1 50 1 feeders.. 5J0 1 4 scows W 150 1 bull lloo tuO NEBRASKA. 8 feeders.. 662 t 35 19 steera. ...1092 10 24 heifers.. 584 1 20 V cows 7bt 1 30 6 cows...., sf.6 1 80 6 coars 98 126 11 cows 9x7 1 65 17 Cows 6r9 60 17 cows aw 1 u to cows 8SS 1 OS 17 cows 868 1 94 cows I 60 8 cows 5h6 1 20 14 cows tit 1 55 17 feeder.. 976 1 50 M cow tl 71 33 cows 741 100 19 calves... 140 108 1 COW 980 1 10 I feeders.. 770 1 16 1 fetrder... 670 1 84 13 feeders.. 814 I 44 4 feeders.. 767 1 55 1 feeders.. I 44 1 heifer.... W0 1 65 4 feeders. .1147 160 7 cows 176 I 60 1 bull m I 50 cows m 2 50 4 heifers... 77 i 55 1 cow lliu I au is 1 80 60 1 40 14 feeders.. T16 t 25 feeders., rt 1 00 feeder.. 910 t 10 1 cow IOW 1 cow 1170 t cows 1i6 1 a 7 feeders.. 781 1 60 2 cows 1 4a 5 oos 11 J 1 a I cows lt6 I 00 1 sows 1 50 U rows ski I f 5 co 7a 1 76 t tow..... U 1 10 II cows 571 1 14 1 steer liuO I 55 1 ralvea... 2s0 1 40 1 calf ino 1 00 calf 150 6 00 1 bull llnO 1 bull 1?IS0 1 bull 1 11 Stere....ll69 1 50 4 steers. ...Ilia t 54 WYOMING. U6 eows.... 910 110 cows K4 11 2 calves.., 2o2 i W IDAHO. 24 caws 1(M I ao 14 feeder . 45t 4 HOUS There wat another moderate mn of mig at thla point, some snvenly cars being reported In this morning, maktng a tuuu fur the three; days this week of ouly 11,771 .f4 11.6T4 63.518 11,774 0.&4 ll. 41.148 14.IK6 51..V14 17.568 50.174 Hi ears, as arslnst 190 last week. The quality of the he was better than pn good many days of late, there peine com paratively few romptnn or rough loads. Th general market was 6c lower than yesterday, but contrary to the rule ot Int the trade waa active at the decline and practically evervthlng changed hands In good aeason in the piornlng. Light butcher weights sold up aa high a IS .30 and cholco light at !?4, which was the top price of the ear. The general run of the nogs went St 14. , .06. big heavy loads sold mostly from 84 51 down, or at tha low aolnt of the week. Advices from other selling points con tained nothing encouraging and the feeling continues weak, with the expectation gen ral that prlcea w'll gradually work to a lower basis. Representative sales: No. Av. 6h. in. No. av. m. ft. ta It ... 4 tl 48 IM 44 4 M I ... 4 Tl 71 14 144 St 4 Tl fl Ml 10 8 14 IM ... 4(4 IT 4t 0 I II 104 8 4 I BS o o;4 Tl ml M I lt If Kt to I 4J- tl D ... It fi nt ... a. ...... .XM 4 4 SO 14 ....... .14 ... w ft 14 ... 4 I Ill ... ' 1 46 II ) 4 4 N tf Ill ,.. 4 tt 41 14 ... 4 Tl F N I 44 144 IM I M .in aa 1 oa 7 m o it to r 44.. ......H4 M I tf 71 i HI IN 40 f4 IN IN TO 841 ... I t ti. ..... .n in in N.. ...... in in 1 ot .IM 140 4 M 41 lit I 44 tl t4 to I tf N t4 M I M T tl ,. 4 14 47 M ... I f tt ill ... 4 44 4 14 ... I 17 8 r H 4 44 41 Ia4 N I 10 14 fit ... 4 M r, lit ... I 14 4 m ... rri4 tt 141 Nil tt II IM 4 7M M tit ... 110 44 tf ... 8 N 74 lit ... 6 it IT ttt N 6 N tl 141 N t It fl Ul N I N II IM ... 4 It 4 IU M IN ft 4 ... I la fl KT 4 4 N TT IM IN I If 71, .......IM ... I uo 4 11 ... 4 17 ft IU . M I N N 114 W 8 N 1 IN M I 00 44 117 ... 6 K4 fl-. 174 40 6 0 SHEEP Light receipts and a red-hot market wat In brief the situation In the aheep barn this morning. Just how much higher than yesterday tha market really waa would nut be such an easy matter to aay, but It was safely right at 2eo higher than tha close of last week. It waa active at the advance and the reeelpta changed handa about aa fast aa they put In an ap pearance. Yearlings sold to the packers as high a 15 50, with a few native lambs aa high as 17.00 and westerns at 16.90, A few ewea brought 56,00, showing what really good stuff would bring. The moat of the receipts consisted cf feeders, but they were In Just as strong demand as the killers and showed fully as much advance. A feeder buyer paid as high as 16.56 for lambs to be taken back to the country. The market was In every respect to the liking of sell ers and any owner who ships by here at the present time will do ao at a loss to himself. For the three days thla week the re ceipts foot up ohly about 110 cars, aa against 136 for the same days laat wcea. So far aa Is reported up to the present time there is not likely to be any groat run the remainder of tbe week, ao that pfoipects are exceedingly good for a very strong market during the next few day at least. Quotation on fat aheep and lamb 1 Oood to choice lamba, t4.7tvfi7.00; good to choice yearling wethers. 55 .26436.60; good to choice old wethers, 84.7w65.00; good to choice ewes. H8ff4.76. . . Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs: Oood feeding lambs, 86. 00474.60; good feed ing yearlings, 15.0O4f6.10; good feeding Weth ere, 54.1R4 66: feeder ewes, $3.60r4 .26; breed ing ewes, t4.2G4M.50. Representative aalee: No. Aver. Prtca. 167 Idaho ewe feeders 92 4 10 99 Idaho ewes - 104 4 50 69 Idaho ewes 105 4 50 267 Idaho yearlings and wethera. 86 8 40 168 Idaho yearlings and wethera. 5 5?? 119 Idaho yearlings and wethera. 89 5 50 1411 Wyoming lamb feeders.... 67 t 56 927 Idaho lambs 4 5M Idaho lamba 70 7 w 787 Idaho lambs 71 7 f 1 native bucks. ....153 150 27 native awes..... 44 native lambs 148 5 00 10 7 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle aael Hoge Steady gkeeg. ttroast La nabs Higher. CHICAGO, Oct. ll.-CATTLB Receipts. 21,000 head; market steady; steers. $3,450 t.15; Blockers and feeders, 13.254p3.90; ti and cannera, tl.t304.!6; bulls, 13.004JH.60; heifers, 12.15.00; calves, tl.0OtTT.40. HOOS Receipts. 16,000 head; market steady; shipping and selected, tS.404a6.66; mixed and heavy packing, 14 704W.874; light, 15.105.90; pigs and roughs, tl.Oo0t.3o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16,000 head; aheep market strong; lamba 1520c higher, at 11.757.86. Maw Tark Live Btaak Market. NEW TORK. Oct. ll.-BEEVEfl-Re-celpta, ttO head; steers active and generally 10fl5c higher; bulls tteady to 10c higher; medium cows steady; others lOffUo higher! native tteers, 84.00tlC.50; westerns, t3.7n 1.90; bulla, .2f4i.oO- eows, 11.60(84.50. Ex- rort today were 88 cattle, 96 sheep and 100 quartern of beef; tomorrow 150 cattle. CALVEB Receipts, 1.937 head; market firm; graasert 25c higher; no weatems; veals, 4.iM( 25; little calves, t3.5tx34.50; grassera, 13. 0001. 50; two cara of westerns sold late yesterday at It 75; dressed calves firm; city dressed veals, 4jl!40 per lb. country dreased, THiffUc. BllbKr AINU lA M oh rteoeints, t.tmo head; aheep firm: lamba lfxjfi&c higher; all told; sheep, 13.26iS5.60; choice, 16); culls, 12.60; few choice lambs, 18.00; culls. 14.50 6.60; Canada lambs, 15.90. HOOS Receipts, 5,800 head: market weak at t.to$S.16; few light state hogs, 54.00. Kanaaa Ctty LIT Btak Market. KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Oct. 11. CATTLE Reotlpta, (0,000 head, inoludlng l.fliW south erns; market steady to loo higher; top, 56.10; choice export and dressed beef steers, t6.264ira.10: fair to good. 54.lf.li6 II: western steers. 12.75494 60; atockera and feedora, 5150 (P4 m; aoutnem steera, 8B.tuva.7t; southern cowa, ll.4f.Ql.76; native oows. tl.4b8t.2F.: na tive heifers. ll.60ty4.Tn; bulls, t3.00ffi3.00; ealvea, 12 6044. K. HOOS Receipts, 10,000 head; market 549 10c higher; top. 18 124; bulk of aales, 56 ICnJ t.K; heavy. t6.10tJ54; packera, 4U.lOrM.20; Bias and lights. 14.9ofi6.lo. SHEEP AND LAMBS ReoelptS, 1,000 neaa; maraei strong ana active; native lamba, t.a0ty7.B: western lambs, 16 507.25; ewes and yearlings, t4,KiJ.15; western cllpted yearlings. t.754W 24: western sheep. 14.1044 ; atockera and feedera, ts.75fl4.66. t. Laale Live Btoek Market. . ."Jv L9l'.Ig'. 9T1' I'lTATTLB-Raoelpts. 4.500 head, Including 1, 700 head Texans; mar ket for natives ateady, for Texans strong; native shipping and export steers. 14 4oi6 90; dressed beef and butcher steers. $1 7f47 4 90; steers under l.ftftO lb., 13.75454.10; Blockers A H 1AM VI. - - 1 , . it., 1 Twv-w. m. f..w.. iu. . o w m ainn iieiier, lt.Ofof4.60; oanners. n.tOALoo: bulla, tl 2F.A 1.00; calves, t3.O0rjit.5O; Texans and Indian steers, 12.7665. 60; cowa and heifers, li0us 190. HOOS Receipts. 10.500 head: market weak; pigs and light. 18 0&86.40; packers. 16 003j.40; butchers and bast heavy, 16, 3u 5.60. SHEEP AND LAMB8 Receipts, l.tVO head: market ateady; native muttons, 13,0043) 4 80; lambs, to.0Wr7.2f.: cull and bucks. 11.00 44.IO; stockers, 53-0U3.T; Texans. U 00(jQ 86. Bt. Josek Live Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH, Oct. 11. CATTLE Receipts. 4.700 bead; market active: natlvea, t3.75fjfi.90: cows and helf.-rs, tl.604.75; stockers and 1...,. ao l(.rft A OA HOUi Reoelpts, t,80 head; market 64j10c higher: light, K06435.174; medium and heavy. 84.UuUt.lB. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8 413 read; market lornsc hlrner; native lamba. 7.to; yearling, ; wetnere, 44 to. a4n rtlv I.le Btoeac Martial SIOUX C1W, la.. Oct. ll.-(8peelal Tele- rn111.1-4.aj 1 L.if-ifiiii., ivv neaa VlarUet eteadv: beeve. il.454T4i.70! noava bulls ana mtxea, fittuioatui stocsera and feeders 12.7bitr4.00: calves and yearlings, u -41-1 4ft. H04.14I Receipts, . 1.800 head. Market strong, selling at 4-tNJ.ll; bulk of aalea, 4e.OOv6.Ot. . Block la Blgkt. Receipts of live stock at tha six princi pal western marketa yesterday: Cattle nogs -nee South Omaha Hioux Cliy ... Kansaa City . Bt. Joseph ... Bt Tnla .... t.wm ... 1.600 ....20,'IHO .... 4.T0O .... 4.500 ....ti.m 6 ai 6.1 1.800 10.A"K 5,i)0 I,) 1,443 111 faO T 6111 Chicago M.OOO K.CM) Total 54.100 M.loO 56,031 Metal Market. NEW TORK. Oct 11 METALS The London tin market had a further advance, following the recent decline, with snot cioalng at 147 2a6d and future at 144 6. locally th market continued nnlet. but priuw were held higher at fcrt.OOvrSj.H for put. Copper waa unchanged at 71 lOa for spot and a to as ror futures in tn ixndon market Local quotations were unchanged In a a-neral way. but tha market Beamed hardly so Arm In ton. Lake Is euoted at 114 8744V14.TI, electrolvtln st tlt.lTVaerlt 624 and caatlng at 114 12414 174- Lead waa unchanged at a.l4 12a4d In Ixindon. Locally the market waa firm at 84.85-744 M. Bi)eltr waa firm at Alt for apot In the London mar ket. Locally tt waa unchanged at 64 net) 14. Iron oloeed at 11a for aJ.ar.dard foundry and Lf 9d for Cleveland warrants In the for eign market. Ix-lly the situation Is re- purled firm oa a good aewana. xo. 1 toua drv northern I auoterl at llT.Tifll It. No. 1 foimilry northern at HT Jf4i-17.7t, No. I foun dry routhem at tl6.764jl7.75 ami No. 1 foun dry southern at llti fcu 17 6. ST. lflfl Oct. Il.-MFTAL8-Leei1. firm, 14 9:t4 Bpelttjr. higher. I5.9A , OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Blesl and Faaer Prodaee,. . EOC.a Candled stock. lc. LIVE FOI'LTRY Hens. 9c; rooetera. 5c; turkev, 13100; ducks, 49o; spring chick ens. Jc. RVTTF.R Packing stock. 18c; choice to fancy dairy, 184lc; creamery, H42140; prlnta. HL40. Sl'tlAR Standard granulated. In bhle . . 15 54 per cwl.; cubes. K.40 per cwt.: cut loaf, t per cwt.: No. 6 extra C t3 40 per cwt.: No. 10 extra C. 15.15 per cwt.; No. It yellow. 15 20 per "-wt.; XXXX powdered. It 20 per c'.. FRKSH riHH-Trout. l11c: halllhut. lie; buffalo, dressed. He; pickerel, dressed, 8c; white bass, dressed, l?c; sunflsh, 6c; parch, scaled and dressed, 8c; pike. 11c: catfish. 16c; red snapper. lOo; salmon, 11c; rrapplea, 12c; eels, lSc; hullheeda, 11c: black baa, JN-i wlilteflsh, lotfllc; frog legs, per do., tnc; lobsters, green. 17c; boiled lobsters, luc; thixd roe. 4&c; blueflah. 8c. HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hav Dealers' association: No. 1 upland. 14 60; medium. tS.5ufi.00: coar, tf. BRAN Per ton. 112 00. TROPICAL FRUIT. OP AND E9-Valencia, all elxes, tVOoflf fA iniMt rioLemoniera, extra fancy, X4t Site, 8800; 100 and M6 Sites. 86.00. DATES Per Ikk of ' 1-lb. pkgs tl; Hallowe en. In 70-lh. boxes, per r lb., 5c. FIUB laiirornla, per 10-111. carton. TBS ttc; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 11c; 0 crown. lie. BAN ANAS Per medlum-alied bunch. $1.71 41126; jumbos, I2.5O4J3 0O. FRUITS. PEARS Utah, Kleters and Vicars, 2.90; De A nan. 13 T&. rLUMS -l'tah and Colorado, per 4-batket crate, 11.00; Italian prunes, 11 00, APPLES Ben DaviB and Wlneaans. In t-bu. bbla., I! ;ct3.u; In hu. baakeia, lieti; California Bellflowers, 11.50. ORAPES Hone-grown New Tork Con cord, per t-lb. basket, 22c; Muscetr. per 4 basket crate, 11,40; Toknya, per 4-basket orate, 11 AO. QUINCES California, per cx, T..75. VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS Per H-bu. basket. SfffSio; String hear., per 4-bu box. 8f.()35o. POTATOES New. per bu.. doc. . BEANS Navy, per bu., 12 00. CUCUMBERS Per dox.. 23c. TOMATOES Home grown, 4-bu. baskets. 16'uT,0c. CABBAGE Home-grown. In cratea. per lb;, 14c ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and white, per bu., 60c; Spanish, per orate, 11.25. BKETS-New. per Lu.. 70c. CELERY Kalatnasoo, per dot., 25c. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per t-bu. bbl., 2 .60. CUT BEEF. Wholeaale prlcea of beef cut: No. 1 rllws 114c; No. 8 rlba. 84c; No, 1 riba, ect Ne ' 1 loins. 144c; No. 1 loins, luc: No. S loins, 7c; No. i chucks, 44c; No. 1 chucks, 4c: No. I chucks, lc; No. 1 rounds, 7c; No. S rounds. 4a; No. I round, 54c; No. 1 plates, 4c; No. 1 platee, to; No. 8 plate. S4c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONET New. per 24 lbs.. 18.00. CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin Umbergnr, 11c; twins, 12Uc. vouna Americas. 13'4,c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 aoft sheila, new crop, per lb.. 15c; hard sheila, per lb., 13c; No. 1 soft sholls, per lb.. 12c: No.' 1 hard shells, per lb , 12c. : Pecans, large, per lb., 12o; Bmall, per lb., 10c. Peanuta, per lb., 7a; roasted, per lb., to. Chill walnuta, per lb:, 12t134c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb,, lSc. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu.. 11.75; large hickory nuts, per bu.. 11.60. Chestnuts, iie per 16. HIDES No. 1 areen. 9c: No. 2 green, sc: No. 1 salted. 1040: No. 1 salted, 94c; No. 1 . .... I BI 11., KT .. On. H r malt . A 7(fjl4c; aheep' pelts, 26c$tl.w; horse hides li.uotis.w. Wool Market. BOSTON. Mas.. Oct. 11. WOOLr-The wool market la quiet and firm. The bulk of the trade la coming from the woolen goods manufacturers. Slnoe the close of the London sales the market has' stiffened on low grade wools. Ttirrltory wools are notamy atrong witn prices praencauy un changed. The market for pulled wool Is quiet especially for B super. . Foreign frradea are strong. leading quotations fol ow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX, 37c; X, W36c: No. 1. 4041c; No. 2. 41(u4Jo; fine unwashed. 284129c; quarter blood unwashed. MGOta;. three-eighths blood, 85r36c; half blood, 345 35c; unwashed delaine, toilet un merchantable. H4ii3c;. fine washed.. delaine S9i40c. Michigan line unwaahed, 17filc; quarter blood unwashed, 394134c; three-quar- tera Dlooa, saqswc; nair oiuuu, . uu- waahed delaine. 2c. Kentucky. Indiana. etc., three-eighths and one-quarter blood. tefWc. Territory: Idaho fine, 22r24e; heavy fine, 19(8 21c; nna meoium, jiij4o; medium. 27itJ28ci low medium. l8Mc; Wy oming fine, 22r2o heavy fine, W20e; fine medium, romata; meaium, iitjwc; iow medium, 2S29c. t'tah and Nevada fine, ISflMc; heavy fine, 19tff30c; medium, 27e28c; low medium, ls9c; Da kota fine, 22923c; fine medium, 29ft?tc; medium. 27fi28c; low medium, 28if2o. Mon tana fine choice, 26fi27c; fine average, 24 15c: fine medium rholca. 2Hfjjl7c; averare. tfiQKMo; staple, 22 )c; medium choice, 184 ST. TyOUIS, Mo.,' Oct. -It.' WOOL 8tdv; .l,im arariaa. clothing and combing, 2JK9 W4c; light fine. 21&26C; heavy fine, 1843i22c; tub waanea, rno-c. Evaporated Apples anal Dried Fralts. NEW TORK. Oct. ll.-EVAPORATED APPLES Market la without change. Ar luoia rmm the new crnn are small and generally below prime. Common to good are quoted at 6y7g. and prime at 74c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are quiet but steady ort spot, with quota- tlona ranging rrom S4jO 10 t'ta, nocoraing to grade. Aprlcota are without freeh fea ture, with demand comparatively light, but the market waa firm on amall offerings. Choice Is quoted at 8443801 extra -choice, 94094c I fancy, 10tjni4o. Peaches remain nominal. Raisins ahow still flrmar tone on reports that Interests outside the coast Combination have ralsud their quotations 40. Looee muaoatel are quoted at rAtriW: seeded raisins, tfio; London layers, ti.i6ri.. Oils mm Roatn. OIL CITT. . Pa.. . Oct. 14. OILS-?rd1t balanoea. 11.54: ahlpmenta, 116,601 bbla.; aver age, 84,ibr bids.; runs, 73.8V8 Dtis.; aver age, 57.349 bbla) ahlpmenta. Lima, 81,707 , bbls.; average, 48,120 bbls.; runs, Lima. 62,fri8 bbls.: average, 62.028 bhla. NEW tork. Oct. 11. 4JIL.B cottonseea. Irregular; nrlma yellow, 114c. Petroleum, steady; refined, New York. 17.56; , In bulk. 14 65. Turpentine, dull. and easy at 7144 72c. ROBIN Steady; .. atralned, common to good, M on. SAVANNAH. Oa., Oct. 11. OIL Turpen tine, firm at 49o. ROBIN Firm; A. B ana 4T, xx..6; D, 84,oo; E. 14 40; F. M.70; ( 14.76; II. M 80; I. 54.86; K. 14 95; M, 15.00; WO. 15.50 WW, 15 &. . Cettoa Market. NFW TORK. Oct. ll.-COTTON-pot closed quiet at 5 points higher; middling upland. 10.25o; middling gulf. 10.50c; sales, 153 bales. BT. LOUIS. MO.. Oct. ll.-COTTON-Steady; middling. 104c: salt. 45 balea; shipments. 28 bales: stock, t,440 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. ll.-COTTON-j Spot, firm; sales, 550 bales; qrrilnry 7 6-l6c; good ordinary, 84c; low middling. Hie: middling. 10c: good middling. io4ci mlddlina fHir. 10 4-lSc; receipt, 7,868 balesf stock, 118.695 balea. PI Iraa fcalaa Heavy. OLASOOW. Oct, 11 Cleveland pig Iron waa strong In the market today and cloeetl at seller. 6?a td for cah and 53104-1 fog future delivery. A large amount ot buaV ness waa dona. ' Walks with Brakaa Keek. .' . . CTvetuM a tt rw.1 11 'if... fclnn. t n in fTlig Four gravel pit near Lawrencelujrg.' nd , yesterday and breaking his neck, an Italian laborer, aaslsted by a friend, walked nearly a mile to hia tent, holding hi head In hi hsnds tha 'rhole dlalanoe. Physl- rianB iniina mat ine man a neca nan ren fractured at the fifth vertebrae and decided that tha injurlea will prove fatal. EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (Incorporated) Mala 0eei Fifth aael Rekert Streets BT. FAIL. MIMK. Dealera la Stock. Grain. Prsivltlont. whip Tear Crala 4a t's. - Brnnek OBee. Iltl-lll Baard f Trade ldg, Oaaaka, Haa. Taleakaaa RB14. tU-114 Exchange BMi., South Omaha - -Ball 'Pbooe tl. tadepaodeat 'phoaa L WANTED : Nertk Aaaerleaa lavealnaeat Com-' aay at Inlteel Btatea taatlaa nanda, aad fnlenjal Saaarlty . Caaaoaaf. kaadsi will nay aak. Adore. CRMLSH McDKHMOTf, 44 DeMeull Bldg., ou Lvtua, Ma.