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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1905)
TTTR OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1905. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Armour Continue! to 8opport Prion TaUvugh Ertkerii WHEAT CONTINUES UPWAfO TREND Coraa and Oafs Ala HIhrDwmi Grain Passage Trad ere Tell By They Hare- Friendly Pffllig for Cora. OMAHA, Oct. . 1906. Armonr brokers bought wheat today and the market waa strong. It opened high and made further gains, closing Vfcc below the high point. There waa considerable scalp ing trade. Harrl-8cotten were the lead ing Kellers of May, Cables were higher. V Innlpeg received 6ol rara. December closed at SWio, May at 86, c and July at July waa Ho, higher than Satur day. Corn waa alao strong. Receipts will be light this week. It la predicted. The ex port demand continues good. December closed at 44a4T44,c. old December at 46 SI d,c. May at 43'4,44c and July at 4c. Oats were steady at slightly higher r rices. Heavier receipts are expected for wo weeka. December closed at 2ic, May at 0c and July at 291o. Liverpool closed Hd higher on wheat and Nfckd higher on corn. Clearances were lffi.000 bushels of corn, (12.000 buaheis of oata 441 nm huahela of wheat and 6X.0O0 barrels of flour. Primary wheat receipts were 1.2S,.of bushels and shipments W4.0C0 buaheis. against receipts last year Of 2.ft.A.(l bUfdiela and ahlnmenta of 999.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 623.000 uuBiiem ana snipments 3s.(i Dtisneis. against receipts Inst year of 679,000 bushels and shipments of 4:7,000 httHhels. The quantity of hraadHlurfs on passage to the United Kingdom as Increased 200.000 bushels and the continental quantity has decreased l,604.ono bushols. Corn for the X'nlted Kingdom, has Increased 82,000 bushels, and the continental quantity has decreased 1.267.000 bushels. MtnneaDolls wheat stocks Increased 8U3.000 bushels for tne week and ptiluth loo.inio bushels, a total of 1,8-18,000 bushels, against 1,17,(XX) bushels the week before. Some of the trade say they are friendly to com because of the discrepancy In the prices now ruling for new December and May corn and the old cash corn. They be lieve the crop has been overestimated and they know that three bis crops have (one Into consumption at 60o or over. They al so think the foreign demand will be large Usiska 4 ash Sales. WHEAT No. t hard. 1 car. Mo! 1 car. TOMc: No. 3 hard, nan. 7Hn! 1 oar. T7Uc: 1 oar, 77of No. 4 hard, 1 car, 73Ho No. S nam, i car, yboj rte. nam. l car, fvftc OORN-No, I, 1 car, 47o. OATB Mo. t white. I cars, tWHc Omaha, Cash Prices. WHBAT-Ns. t hard, 7ftWc; No. I. 77 Wni No. 4, 7WfBc; No. a spring, tOcj No. I spring. 74fiT7o. CO UN-No. 1 4flHJ-47o; No. yellow, 47o mn. wnite, aeo, OA T8 No. mlsed, Hc Tfo. wtilte, m'ne.x JNO. 4 white, XbWtfnc it? 10 No. 1, 633i4c No. a, t08lo. Carlot Heoelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 83 334 687 Kansaa City ...... 270 49 10 Minneapolis ..10"0 ... ... Omaha , 7 39 48 Duluth m Bt. Leula 7 131 137 Mlaaeapolls tirala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, toot. J. WHEAT De rember, 814ic; May.l fiU'&iSc: No. 1 hard, c; No. 1 northern, 8Hc; No. a northern, KLOUrl First patents, $4.80gi4.JO- second iwienLs, st.Mxtpt.iu; nrat clears, td.wao.ju; second Clears, 1z.4wz.50. H KAN In. bulk. $11.50. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The -range of prloea. as reported ny tne Bawaro.i-wooa urain company, Jto-iu uoara 01 Trade building, was: .ArU;loa. Open. I Hlgh.j Low. ( Close. I Bafy 1 Wheat- I I i Deo ..mum 81 US 80i May 86 I 4 I 84 844 WEATHER IN THIS ORAIlf BELT Fair an J Llttlt Cooler la oa the 7 Way. - . OMAHA, October . 1905. A strip of low pressure accompanied by rainy and unsettled weather, extemta from Manitoba south over the central valleys to ' the west gulf states. An area of decidedly ' high pressure accompanied by a rapidly falling temperature, has spread over the . west, and Is moving eastward, and will be , ' accompanied by much coolttr and clearing wnatner in tnis vicinity tonignt and Tues day. Heavy to killing frosts were general in tne west and northwest last night. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared wiid tne correspond' lng day of the past three years: 1S0S. 1904. 1903. 1903. Minimum temperature.... 62 M 40 49 Precipitation 06 .44 .00 .00 Normal temperature lor today, 67 de rees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. (.83 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904, ' 3.54 Inches. Excess corresponding period In 1903, 3.84 incites. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, NEW YORK. ' GENERAL MARKET aetalons of the Day oa Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct. ..-FLOUR-Recelpts, ft Ol 1. K 1 lj . u v n. r t m G T'A hKIa . . u -L , steady and'unchanged; winter patents, $4.23 i4.6t; winter; winter ex tras. $2.twiia.a6: winter low grades. JA7fwi3.Su, Minnesota patents. 14 Wtiro.lO; Minnesota bakers, H.6O(g4.O0. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. J.8o'u4.i; ciioica to lancy, n.ifai.oo. iiuckwneat nour, auit; spot ana to arrive. t'ORNMEAL Firm: fine white and yel low, $1 S6; ; ouarso, Lli!ol.l4; kiln, dried. sj.(.iu. Rt-Dull; No. 2 western, 72c; c. L t New York. BARLEY Quiet ; feeding, SRc; c. I. f. Buf lalo: maltlnsr. 42i62c c I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT- Receipts, 61,8uO bu.; Bales, 36,000 bu. futures. Spot market, firm; No, 3! red, 9c, elevator; soc, 1. o. d., anoat No. 1 northern Duluth. 92"c. f. o. b afloat No. 1 northern Manitoba. &2c. f. O. b.. afloat There was a steady advance In wheat all ' il iy. final prices snowing o net rise, Stronar Knelish cables, a Kood cash demand, nervous shorts and smaller world's ship ments than expected were the leading bull factors. May, Niiiausme; ciosea i ovc Iiecember, SuSftMuVsc: closed at 80Hc. CORN Reielnts. I11O.7&O bu.l exports, 110, 66s bu.; spot market, firm; No. t, Mic, elevator, and 61u f. o. b afloat; No. vellow. S2e: No. 2 white. SlViC: Option market was quiet but firmer, closing So to a net higher. January closed at wic May closed at auc; uctcinuer ai KHHy closed at o3c. OATS Recelnls. 375.000 bu.! exports, S01 450 bu.; Sot market, firm; mixed oats, 2 to 33 pounds. 3J1iS4c; natural white, 80 to 3J pounds. S.(Vu;l4e; clipped white, 34 to 40 HAY uu let; shipping, &0)c; good to HOPS-KIrm; Pacific coast. 1805, llSc 1"4, la-nHc; ulds, swllc. HIUKiJ Quiet; California. II to 28 lbs. ltM'c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. lHo i r 4TH F k Firm! acid. t4ti2c. PROVISIONS Peef. steady; family. $11 60 uli' UM: mesa, W8u ""; oeei nama, .j wi 2lM. Cut meals, quiet; pickled bellies, lu enti'lu 50; pickled shoulders. $7.0iv7.50 pickled hams, $10). Lard, barely steady ' western steamed. $760; refined, quiet; com ti K W.i 5 874 : continent. $7 5: Houtl merira is IM. Pork, steady; family 117 6"! IK 00; short Clear. $14.60(8 16.60; mess. Hit "f. .1 lii vi TALLOW-Steady; city. 4c; country, 4J4 RICB-Flrm; domestic, fair to extra, $H 4j c: jnimn. nomlual. Hi"rTKR-Hrm; street price, extra r.Ur..rv Oltlolal prices : Crea erv , inmin to extra. liUklc; state dairy common to extra. 16Vu&"ic; western Imlta Hon creamery, extras, ISc; firsts 176 18c renovated, common to extra. ItxolSHc: west r ,..., u ,inmtii to extra. l"ftlc. fliKEiL-Steady: state full creams, small nd Isrge, colored and wiiiie. taricv, ,,y ...t r,,1i erma fair to choice, loVSllH KOG3 Dull; western firsts. 22y2Sc; west em ttrsts. 21c . , . IHJL'LTRY IJve. nominal: dressel weak; westorn chickens. 1031o. fowls, lie; tur keys, 14f)llic. Peoria Market. PKORIA. Oct l-OORN-Hlgher; No. a jelluw. M. ; No. 3. 53c. . OAT8-Kirin; No. 3 white. 28Wc; No. 4 whiic. ::ac . , RYK-BtKJy; No. J, - . , WHISKY On tne 'basis of $1.30 for fin ished glAKlik ' UitrsHl Grata Market. 1.1VKRPOOU Oct. . WHKAT-8pot, quiet; No. 3 rvi weartern winter. ( W1 Kuiurea arm; Usoauber, s XVA: Maruo, CuiiLN- 8icC irm; XateruMa i&Ued, is lnid. Futiirif firm; December. 4s lid; Jan uary. 4a M, Marco, 4a ISd. CHICAGO OR All AM) rROVIM05S Feat ares eif the Trad I a a; and (loalaar Prices na Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. t. Wet weather In the northwest Imparled strength today to the wnrai marset nere metier prices for wheat at Liverpool Increased bullish senti ment. At the close wheat for December eHverr was ud 4kC. Cora hnwi a, nin of Sc. Osts are up He. Provisions are practically unchanged. witn sn active demand from shorts and commission houses the wheat rnsrkit was strong tne entire nay. At the opening the December option was ud Ufitac to kru. at Hc to Kr. Apparently the factor of greatest Importance was the chanre In weather conditions northwest. According in me government purest! rsln had fallen In various localities while at one nnlni In Canada snow was reported. Likelihood of consequent decreased movement made Shorts uneasy, and caused enersetlc efforts o cover, scarcely less Important a fnctor ending to auirmrnt demand here waa the advance In the price of wheat at Liverpool notwithstanding weakness her Saturrtnv. Reiterated reports of shortage In the Rus sian crop were said to largely acootit.t for the strength of the Engllah msrket. The fact that a lending hull here til a moder ate buyer created additional sentiment favorable to an advance. Furthermore caah wheat was In good demand at all the prin cipal grain centers or ths United Ptates. For the December delivery the hiehest point of ths day was reached during the last half hour, the price touching 8oT4e. The msrket closed strong with December i "OTrU"MiiC. Clearances or wheat and flour were eanal to L82000 bushels. The amount of passare decreased 1.304.0110 bush els and the visible supply Increased 0o9 buaheis. Primary receipts were l.sjfi. 000 bushels, compared with t.fTM.OKO bush els a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and tnicago reported receipts or l.ZJw cars. gainst 1.470 cars last week and 1,307 cars a year ago. nam In Iowa. Missouri and Kansas caused a bullish corn market. Another strengthen ing Influence was the continued heavy movement. A report from Odessa stated that ths Russian crop of corn was expected to be a total failure. Shorts and commis sion houses were the chief buyers. The market closed strong with prices practice ally at the highest point during the day December opened a shade to 'afic higher at 44n to 44lc, sold up to 44-c and closed at 44Nifl44c. Local receipts were 344 cars with 110 cars of contract grade. The oats market was firm In sympathy witn tne strengtn rr other grain, uasn houses were the principal sellers. The ex port and shipping" demand was again a feature. December opened a shade higher at 2NH328Sc. sold up to 28c and closed at 2Rc. Local receipts were KM cars. The trading In provisions were exceed ingly dull, but the market had a steady undertone following a decline of 5c In the price of live hogs. At the close Janu ary pork was off 2HC at $12.40. Lard and ribs were each a shade lower at t&Mfp 6.874c and 5.474c, respectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, (9 cars; corn, 828 cars; oats, 398 cars; hogs. iy,n heaa. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Tas'r. Wheat 1 Deo. US'. 85T, 863s I 85HI861?I4'84,'41JR5 86HI H&J,l88JiS6'4 61 61 H 6-4 Mav IS6aW Oct. tDeo. 61 61 4 45? 44V 4f.H!4K5,(&' 4f.H 44 446I 44'4qt JDeo. May Ua".k 44 43H1 48i'(if4, -V. 1 fi i a I Dee. May I2SM-' 2SS 2i4 15 20 12 42H 7 15 7 20 6 87H 8 52H 6 60 JSOS, 301 80 15 25 12 40 Pork- I Oct. Jan. I 16 25 15 25 I 12 40 12 46 15 22! Yi 40 Lard Oct. Nov. Jan. 7 15 T 15 7 12HI 7 17W 7 12H 7 17HI 7 2014 6 871 6 87V4 1 17Vi! B 8a 87H Ribs I Oct. Jan. 8 62HI I 47Vs! 6 60 (60 I 47Vsl No. 3. tOld. $New. Cash nuotat'ons were at follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents, $3,703 $4.10; straights, $3.604.00; spring patents, $.1.7n4.20; straights, $3.t)04j-4.00; bakers, $2.30 6'8 20. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 85S6c; No. 8. 78 86c; No. 2 red, Sl'.MHo. CORN No. 2, 62V&3c; No. 2 yellow, 65 4566ViC. OAT8-N0. 2, 2SHe; No. t white, 2930c; No. 8 white, 27529Jc. RYE No. 2. 68V4C. BARLKY Good feeding. Sfio; '. fair to BEEDhH-No. X Jflax. B4c; -No. I- north western, ' 31.00. Clover, contract grade, $12.60. . . . ... FKOVlHlUNt Mess porK, per nm iis.? 4?16.25. Lard, per 100 lbs., $7 17H. Bhort ribs sides (loosel. $85018.61. Short clear sides (boxed), 7.87Hti$.00. The following were tne receipts ana shipments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, hbls 26.300 64,400 Wheat, bu 82.200 15,800 Corn, bu 190,6 216.B00 tJ,300 oats, nu wu Rve, bu 13.0110 2,100 Barley, bu !l7,600 80,600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries. 17W'tf 20Hc; dairies, 164iffl9c. Eggs, steady at marK, cases ineiuaea, iic: nrsts, ino; prime firsts, 20V4jc:' extras, 22V40. Clieese, steady to firm at llfiUHo. .Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 9. WHEAT De cember, 77c; May, 78?,379c: cash. No. S hard, rattle; No. 8, 774j 80Hc ; No. 4. 74-3 78c; No. 3 red, 9lc: No. I. 8SS9c; No. 4, Wc; receipts, 238 cars. CORN December, 89c; May, tOHc; cash, No. i mixed, 47fe47ttc; No. 3, 46347c; No. 2 white, 604i60c; No. i, 60c. OATS No. 3 White. 2S(230c; No. t mixed. 26tf27c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, SfcSO 10.00; choice prairie, t7.7EQ8.00. nth. tsteaay at w4jo. EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 17c per doxen; case count, ltic per dosen; cases returned, per aosen less. BUTTER Creamery, HHe; packing, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 2tS,0iiO 112,000 Corn, bu ,.102,000 63.1 Uats, DU ... 30,000 8,000 Ths range of price paid fh Kansaa City as reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close. I Sat'y Wheat I I I ' Deo.... 77 7 78 7 May... 78 79 78 78 78 Corn . Dec... 39 89 3 39 39 May... 39 39 39 Sir 89 Oats Dec... 2 20 2 28 May... 27 37 27 27 ' 27 Pork- I I ' Oct.... 16 12 16 16 16 10 15 10 15 10 Jan.... 1330 1332 12 ST 1130 12 36 Lrd- Jan.... 4 81 IU 80 6 80 4 82 Oct.... 7W 7 10 706 706 7 13 Ribs ' 1 I Jan.... 1 46 4 47 t 43 6 43 6 42 Oct.... t 46 t 47 8 46 8 47 St. Lonla General Market. 8T. LOUIS. Oct. . WHEAT Futures, quiet; No. 3 red. cash, elevator, 846eio; track. 89trtc; December, 82o; May, (na; No. 2 hard. 82(i)SfcC. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 60c; track, 60!&61c; December, 41S'42e; May. 41c. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, Hc; track. 28-9 2So; December. 26c; May. 29c; No. 3 white. ic. FlOVR Quiet; red winter patents, 84 20 fi-t.36; extra fancy and straight,; Clear, t2-3.10. SEED Steady; llmrrthy, tl.76C3.18. CORN MEAL Steady; l? 0. BRAN Steady; sacked esst track, t7tj!8o. HAY Steady; timothy. Is.OC'U.uO; prairie, $7.0i ci8 60. IRON COTTON TIES 99c. , HAOOINO-Hy. HEMP TWINE-c. PROVI8ION3 Pork, higher; Jctblna-. lit 26 Lard, lower; prime steam, W.20. Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, 886; clear ribs, t.62: short clears, tS I7'4 Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts. s7; clear ribs, tSto; short clears, t9 63 POL'LTRY Firm and steady; chickens, tc; springs llc; turksys, 13ffl6c; ducks, 10c: geese. tc. -,, . . m!TTJ-Juieti creamery, im-iu, uairy. WilSc C S Steady at caae count. EGG Keeeima. enipments. 11 0i 13 O 79 aO M Hl.tjnO 69.000 13S.0U0 48,000 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu . Oats, bu , Mllwaakee Grain Market. - MILWAUKEE. Oct. I-WHEAT-No. 1 northern, 87c; No. t northern, sltfltic. RYK-FInn; No. 1, Shj4o. BA RLET Strong; No. 3. He; sample, SbfnWc, . . 1 COHN tltsady; May, 44o asked. rklladelnkLa Pradaea Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 9, BUTTER Finn ; extra western, 26c WS-Firm, fresn westorn, B323c at "cifhEaEr-Quiai, fJtw Jrk full ersam. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Firmneii in Voosy Htrstt Cnii rurlhtr Modsrata Liquidation. SLIGHT RELAXATION IN CALL LOAN BATE General Belief that Prices Will Advance Wbea Money Flarry Is Over PreTeats General HelllasT. I NEW TORK. Oct. 9 -The market went through a course of moderate liquidation today. Induced by the growing belief that money will hold firm for a considerable period of time. The liquidation waa not urgent at any time and was not continuous. The tone ot the market was resilient In the Intervals of the selling and there were good recoveries, but there was a marked decline In activity when prices were mov ing upward and the prlnclial trading of the day waa done on a descending scaie of prices idltlons disclosed by the Saturday tement were the Immediate mo- 1 he con bank sta tives for the aelllnr. the low level of the surplus and the continuance of factors of depletion of cash reserves serving as an admonition to contract Outstanding obliga tions. Loans were called on a moderate scale and there was some voluntary pay ing off of borrowings made at last week's high money rates. Some voluntary liquida tion of stocks accompanied this process, apparently induced by the conviction that the speculative activity In the Immediate future Is likely to decline, leaving less favorable opportunities for conducting liquidation. It is this sentiment which grows almost inevitably in a dull market that makes doubtful the ability ot pro tective measures In the market to hold prices. Up to this time, however, the pro tection of the market has been facilitated by the widespread conviction that an ad vance In prices ultimately Is to come. The policy of opposing reaction through the period of monetary stringency has come Into question, however. Criticism of the attempts to maintain an artillclal ease in the money market are having an influence. Financial authorities In London are re ported as representing fears of a raid on the London money market on behalf of the maintenance of the speculative situation In New York. Opinion In London leads toward the probability of an advance In the bank rate this week on account of the feeling prevalent there. There was no appreciable change In the exchange rates In this mar ket. The call money market showed some relaxation from the tension of the latter part of last week, partly due, no doubt, to the liquidation of stocks. Out-of-town In stitutions also continued to offer funds here quite freely. Preparations are ex pected, however, before the iid of the week for next Monday's payment on Japanese loans subscriptions, which will call for up ward of $:t0, (1)0,000. The time money mar ket was called firm, with an advancing ten dency. . , Great activity was further reported in all kinds of business throughout the coun try, the reports from railroad traffio of ficials serving as the special feature for Monday. This evidence of the profitable use for money In all kinds of business at a rate rising above that returned at the current average level of prices of securi ties Is an Inducement for the liquidation of securities and the use of funds In other fields. Prl6cs recovered a good part of their losses when the money rate ran oft late in the day and the market then bo came torpid. , Bonds were easy. Total sales, par value, $2,t45,000. United States 2s declined H Pr cent on call. The following was the range of prices on the New York Block exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. k Aama IT-snreHS J Amal. Copper 33.700 84 H3 84 38' Am. Car fc Foundry. 6,100 38! Si do rfd 300 !( 100 99 "4 31s 92 Amer. Cotton Oil 800 32 81Vi do pfd American Express Am. H. A L. pfd 100 Amer. Ice Securities 300 Amer. Linseed OH.... 2u0 do pfd Amer locomotive 86.500 2J0 83H 3.1N, 33H4 f! 27V, 2.Vi 594 67V4 61, dO Pfd .-. 300 116 116 Amer. Smelt. Ref. 83,200 1294 127 1-V do pfd 500 121i I2114 12H, Amer Sugar Ref.... 6.700 141 1H 1V Am. Tob. pfd certlf. 8.000 103 102H 102 Anaconda Mln. Co.. 2,000 117V4 USW 1U Atchison 1S.1U0 Mi . 88Vk MVi do pfd 104H Atlantio Coast 1.200 164S 12 1B3 Baltimore ot Ohio...': 6,200 113 112 U23! do pfd .' 100 974 974 W4 Brooklyn Rapid T.... 17.300 73 71 . .14 Canadian Paclno .... 17,900 170 ' UH lt14j Central of N. J 600 2124 2117, 12 Ches. & Ohio 4,700 567, 66T41 60H Chlcaxo & Alton Sw do Dfd 200 7914 79 784 Chlcaao O. W 2.300 21V 21 2U Chicago & N. W C. M. & St. Paul.... 2,100 219",! 2164 t!8 Chicago T. & T do pfd C, C, C. 4 St. Louis Colo, Fuel and Iron.. Colo. & Southern.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Oaa . ... Corn Products do pfd Delaware Ac Hudson. Del., L. & W Denver & R. G do pfd Distillers' Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd 16 37 200 99 99 99 6.000 47 464, H 200 284 28Vtj 2V 6MI 63 (Hi li2Vi 200 43 43 4JH 1,400 1W Wi ItfiVs 200 12 12 12 52 100 214 214 214 4ti2 34 X) 88 88 67 600 44 43 43 44,5H) 49 4K 48 300 80H 80 60 200 T2 72 72 400 lbO 180 liD M 2.300 180 179 179 1,000 22 22 ' 22 iOO '. V 79 26 82 100 28 28 28 56 1O0 26 26 i6 1 4 64 62 63 Louisville Nash.... 20,900 153 1M4 15.1V; Manhattan L 1.200 165 1K5 ltS Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mexican Central Minn. A Bt. Louis.... M . Bt. P. A S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific .... Mo., Kan. & Texas.. do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of M., pfd. N. Y. Central N. Y., Out. & W.... Norfolk A Western.. do pfd North American .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas Pitts.. C, C. A Bt. L. Pressed Steel Car.. do pfd Pullman Pal. Car... Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd , Rock Island Co do pfd , Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. & ft F. 2d pfd St. I.. Southwestern 6,200 82 81 81 18.100 127 126 127 19,600 25 24 26 73 900 140 140 140 14 9,900 104 103 104 9"0 2 JU 82 800 68 UTS, 7 40 t(i 149 U 86 91 971, 44 148 103 60 41 : 1,600 , 47 . 46 8.500 149 148 l.SuO 64 63 S.OuO 86 84 8O0 97 97 600 46 44 22.9UO 14: 143 2,100 1W 103 100 81 81 1,100 4o 46 l'O 97 97 S3 250 260 S4J 69,100 121 119 12.1 92 98 8,100 1.600 8.100 . 900 25 94 83 ?4 9:1 S2 79 36 105 24 93 S3 3i0 3.; 102 to- 2:1 60 68 119 36 9-.- 8 If 37 67 131 9 118 86 62 100 406 4) 69 tvt 23 2i4J 2 to 6! do pfd ' 400 .. 28.800 60 68 Southern 1'acltio do pfd '. So. Railway 11.300 Sh 35 do pfd lij 9ii 9 Term. Coal and Iron 1i0 87 80 Texas A Pacific 7') 36 34 Tol., St. L. A West.. l' 37 37 1J0 67 67 64.100 132 131 Vnlon Pacific .. do pfd V. 8. Express . V. S. Realty ... TJ. S. Rubber .. do pfd U. S. Steel 100 1:0 120 4.300 63 700 111 U 104i 110 110 80,600 37 do pfd Va.-Caro. Chemical. do pfd Wabash do "d Wslls-Fargo Exp.... Westlnghouse Elec. Western I'nlon Wheeling A U E.... Wis. Central do pfd Northern Paclno .... Central Leather .... do pfd Sloss-Sheffleld Offered. 103 tl 300 32 33 2.706 23' ii" 1.100 41 41 '206 168' lfii" tuO 93 93 1.800 90s'" 207 r.0 44 44 ) 1H 104 500 71 71 10 sit Z30 1S7 3 17 2K 6s 44 104 71 Total sales for the day, 724,000 shares. Ksw York Mlnlnal Stocks. NEW YORK. Oct. t.-ClosIng quotations nn mining siot:a.s were as follows: Adaaas C0 A'lce Pi ana bruoaartck Cos I'oamalock Tunnel ... roo Cel. A Vs Hies Sllear lrua Si War LaadatUs Can Utile Ckief ... Ortarte Ophu- v. Fhoaats Potoa4 laaeasa e lerta Nevada Sauli HVaa ., Standard . 4 .. 4 .. I II .. 4 .. II .. K4 .411 . 14 , at . t I it IT 114 . 4 Trsaaary Statement. WASHINGTON. Oct. i. Today's state ui out ul Ui lraurj kaiaaoos ta U - era! fond, errlualre of the $lV,00O,mS gnld reerv!. how-: Available cash balance, lUT.aM.fal; gnld coin and bullion, 87.l21. Oli gold certificates, $U.G3,410. Hew Torlx Money Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 9 MONEY On call, flnn at VfiH Pr cent; closing bid, 4 per oent; offered at 44 per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty and ninety days, 64H per cent;' six months, 4W ii4 per cent. PRI J 13 M KKCAN TILE PAPER 4S par cent. STF.RLTNt? KXCHANaE-Steady. with actual bualneaa In bankers' bills at 14 86-i 4 8MB for demand and at $4 nfttfl I1R3 for Ixty-day bills; posted rates, 4 (CW j-4 83 and $4 srtiiH.HhH; commercial bills, $4.8lMi. SILVER Bar, lHc; Mexican dollars, 47c BONDS Government and railroad easy. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: V 8. ref. ta, r. as coupon V . tm. rf lo aouroo V. S. nav 4a. tg.. do eoupoa 11. I. eld 4a. rag. do coupon ..l"Sj Jijms . H Uriel... P4 ..103 do tta. cfi fc'H ..111H Sn 14 aarlea S ..1M L A ft. snl. 4a 1M4 .. 114 'i Manhattan e. (. 4s..l!H ..lMt Vfx rantral 4a M . .1041, so 1M Ine S 1"IS Minn. A St. L 4a.... Mv, Am Tobacco 4s, ctfa. 17 M , K. T. 4a imt i 21 M do ta. cifa Hi Atrhlaon ta. 4 ...liU'4 N. R. R. ot M. C. 4a. 4i do adj. 4a Atlantio C. 1 4a....l"r Ral. Ohio 41 JOS N. T. C. (. 141. N J. c. a. ti... 14 lo.-- 1H No. Pu lflc 4l.. I cnlrii! "oV'si"! ' ' lrt in, m o. B. U rMi. to. I. L rMa 41.... 1 do Id Inc.. il4 Pcaa. con. IMa 104V Che. Ohio 4Hl Chlcaco A. C , B. a Q. n. 4a C, R. I. A P. 4a 10i4Radln (an. 4a tSt St. L 4 I. II. c. Il .lli'4 101 H Bt U A 8 r. t 4a. S IM Bt. L. S. W. c. 4a... 4.1 S 44 Sostnard A. b. 4a.... knk do COl. M CO' 4 It. U 4 4a .1044 So PcclllR 4s VS Chicago Tar. 4a M 1 do lit 4a ctta T Colorado Mid. 4a 74 So. Rallsir 6a Ul Colo. So. 4a, t! Taxai A P. la 126 Colo. Ind. Ha, set A.. 71(4 T St b. 4V W. 4a . M4 da aat B T! , t'nlon pacific 4i In54 Cubs (a, ctta Ii4 do cost. 4a M.1 D. A K O 4a 101 V. g. Staal Id ta.... at Illatlllan' Sac. C4 Wahaah la Uiik Brla prior lien 4a....ini 1 do dob. B 74 do (an. 4a MH Waatarn Mil. 4i a P. W. A D. C. la. ...IIS ,W. A L. E. a ) Hnrklns Val. 4ia....lW IWie. Cmtril 4a ?5 Japan 4a. ctta al ' Boston Storks and Bonds. BOSTON. Oct. 9 Call loans, 6-ff! per cent; time loans, 6Qtj per cent. Official ?uotatlona on stocks ana boncts wers as illows: Atchlaon sdj. 4a M Adrantors do 4a Hl Allooal Max. (antral 4a IKit Airalgimatad ... Atrhlaon t' American Clno '4 lH o 44 441 y! ii us n 71 V, 14 1 it 4 It H '4 B714 " t 107 H 102 :. . . si . 10 . . 't . 1014 .114 do pfd iniVi AtUrtlc Beaton A Albany 167 iRIntham Bcmnn A Malna 174 ral. A Mecla... Bfton Elaratcd 1M rntinnlal .... ritrhburg pfd 141 Icoppar Hans .. Mailcan Central Z4 Dalr Weat N. T. N. H. A H..44 Domlnlnr Coal . Para Martpistta ....101 "'itnklln t'nlon Paclno 1114 Oranby Amir. Arga. Cham... J3 tale Ron la .... do pfd H iMaaa Mining .. Amar. Pneu. Tuba 4 Mlchlgac Amer. Sugar 141 IMolnwk do pfd 1SH Mont. C. C. Amer. T. A T 1J4 Old Dominion Amar. Woolen 9744 Cartola do pld 101 Parrot Dominion I. A 8 It jWutner Edlaoa Elec. Illu. Oenaral Elactrlo .. Maaa Klectrlc .... do ptd Maaa. Oaa 1'alted Trult Vnltad Shoe Macta. do pfd V. 8. tel 244 jfhannon 179 (Tamarack 14 Trinity 47 limited Copper tO V. B. Mining.. i'-64 u, g. on 74 ll'lah aiH'victnila 1714,1 wincna do r-fd 104 'Wolrerlne V.' eating, common ... 14 Bid. Asked. London Closing; Stocks. LONDON, Oct. 9. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: Conacla, money SRH'r-. T. Central... do account SDH Norfolk A VI.... Anaconda a4 do pfd Atrhlaon tl Ontario A W.... do l id 10:44 peri avWanla Balllmora A Ohlo....l1!l4 Rand Mines . . . 1M ... 714 ... Wl ... &rS ... 73 ... 4S4 ... 4! ... 44j ... 40 H ... J7 ...10244 ... 704, ...lWVa ... ... SK, ...107V, ... 23 ... 43'i. Canadian Pacific ...17414 Reading Ches. A Ohio.. M4; uo let pfd Ii44 do 2d pfd 1444 80. Railway .... re ice 10 ot. w. .. C , M. A St. P. DeBeera Denver A R. O. do ptd Erie do let ptd do Id pfd. ... W41 do plcl- So. Pacific 11 404. 13 7114 Union Pacific do pfd V. 8. Steal.... do pfd Illinois Central . 1W Waoaih Loulavllle A Nh,...15"4, do pfd . at., k. at 1 33 spariah 4a SILVER Bar, steady, 28d per ounce. snue e, i i(o-3h per cent. The rate ol discount In tne open market for short bills Is 388 per cent; for throe months' bills, 3tj4 per cent. Foreign Financial, LONDON, Oct. .-t-Money was In active demand In the market today. Discounts were firm. Trading on the Stock Exchange was quiet. Operations ; were disinclined to enter Into fresh engagements and many were absent, owing to the Jewish holiday. Later prices recovered somewhat from the opening dullness. Consols were weak, but rallied well at the close on prospects of easier money. It IS reported that gold went Into the Bank of England today, but 11 ooea not appear on tooava return. Americans opened dull, relapsed to below parity on New York selling, improved later in Roots and rlr.nii Hull Pannri. sharply. Kaffirs were Weak on renewed liquidation. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were quoted at 101. it n. KLIN, Oct. 8. The tone on the Bourse today was hesitating. There was no uni form tendency but mices were rather weak. ' PARIS. Oct. 9. Trading on the Bourse today was Inactive. Prices at th clone were firm. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at sj ; ana rtussisn Donas of 1904 at 629. The private rate ot discount was per cent. Bank Clearlugs. OMAHA, Oct. 9.-13nk clearings for today were 11.767.119.76 and for the corre sponding date last year 11.610,726.96. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 9 M ETAL8 There was a very severe break In the London tin market, said to reflect aneculatlva liquidation, snd spot closed at 145 10s, and rutures at 144 10s, or about 3 6s below the closing fls-ures of last Frldav. I -o.ll v the market was dull and lower In sympathy "mi utwi, tjuuieu hi a.ji.ifrfjtfz.w. copper also was lower in London, with spot clos lng at 71 12s 6d. but futures remained un changed, at 70 15s. and locally the market was oulet but firm In tone. Lake Is quoted at tl6.37gi8.75: electrolvllc, at 116 37fl lrt.62. and casting at !16.12'g'1.37. Lead was higher, st 14 12s 6d In London, but remained unchanged, at 14 684.06 locally Snelter was also unchsnged. closing at toOnfiB.lO In the local market, but was easier abroad. Iron was lower In the foreign market; standard foundry closed at 60a. and Cleveland warrants at Ks 4d Locally the market Is firm: No. 1 foundry northern Is otioted at t1.75'ff18 00; No 2 southern. 12.26ei2.60; No. 1 'oundry southern, t1.7Rrl7.75;, and No. 2 foundry southern. 50ri7 25. . ST. LOI'lS Oct. 9 METALS Lead. a at. 14.90. Spelter, firm, at 15fc 5 81. , Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. ?. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, lO.lOci mid dling gulf. 10.36c; sales, 4. Ml bales. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 8-COTTON-flteadv; middling quiet; receipts, 216 bales; stock. 6,4X5 bales. LIVERPOOL, Oct. t.-COTTON-Spot In fair demand: prices unchanged; American middling, 6.31d. The sales of the day were lO.Oou bales, of which 500 were for specula, tlon and export and Included 9,900 American. Receipts. ll.OuO bales. Including 7,800 bales of American. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. .-COTTON-Mar-ket opened higher, closed steady; sales, 1.160 bales: ordinary, 7c; good ordinary, t&-1o; low middling. 9 8-16e: middling. 913-16c; good middling. 1011-l6e; receipts, 7,386 bales; stock. 107.137 bales. agar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. 9 SUGAR Raw. steady: fair refining, 1c; centrifugal. 94 test, j-nc; moiasaes sugar, 2c. Refined. J . ..w w, . 'v , .n, ,, iw;, Fill. 4.06c; No. 9. 4.00c; No. 10, 8 95c; No. 11, 1.85c: No. 13. 180c: No. IS. 1.70c; No. 14, 165c: confectioners A, 4.66c: mould A. 1 15o; cut loaf, 6.50c; crushed. 6.50c; powdered, 4.9oc: granulated. 4 80c; cubes. 6.06c MOLASSES Quiet; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice. 2f"fJ35c. NEW ORLEANS Oct. 9 -SUOAR-Mar-ket quiet; open kettle, centrifugal, nominal' centrifugal whites. 434e; yellow. 1W 4 l-lc; seconds, !jc. MOLAS9E3 Nominal; open kettle. 12 centrifugal, tV4c. Syrup, nominal, 25 Oils anal Rosin. NEW TORK. Oct. t -OILS Cottonseed, sasy; prime yellow. Ut&c. petroleum, Arm; refined New York. 17 56; In bulk. Kit. Turpentine, quiet; SaHiSfTOo. ROSIN dtriained, common to good, UK AVANNAH. Oa.. Oct. i.-OILS-Turpen-tlne, firm; 8c. ROSIN Firm; A. B. C. 13 85: D. 13 96: E 14 to; F, t4 70; G. 14 70: H. 14 72: I. 14.78: K M 86. M. 14.10; N. 16.00; W G, t?i5; W W. to. Visible S apply axt Grain. Npw YORK. Oct. t Tha visible supply of grain Saturday, Octolat-r 7. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange Is as follows: Wheat. 30.7R1 0iJ bu.; Increase. 2. 857.fta) bu. Corn. 4,62ui0 bu.; decrease, l.t48. ) bu. Oats. 20.721.ik4) bu. : Increase. 1.846,mO bu. Rye, 1.4J5 Ou) bu.; Increase. 1 2MO0 bu. Barley, e,lM,wv bu.; tncrvats, l.Hii.wv bu. irflHV IV A a A . XJn t A II., VT. a OMAHA LIVE STOCfL MARKET Cattls BMsipta Hstry, lu Friosa Salt HOGS MOVE AT SATURDAY'S QUOTATIONS Large Receipts ot .beep and l.asaba, Tkongh Total rails sbort of Week. Ago Trad Active and Prices Itrosg to Ten Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. . 1906. Receipts were: Cattle, linn Sheen Offlea! Monday 8.(" 1.00 m.O"J Pame day laat week 9.413 Pame two weeks ako 8.S28 fame three weeks aaT... 3 Pame four weeks aaii ... 6.973 Same days last year 6.5JB 1.718 1.7M I.M7 3.7ivl IMA 17.) 17 1S 23. tt 2S. W 23.491 RECE1FT8 FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The following; table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: 1906. 1304. In" Cattle 741 878.04J 63 Va Hps" 1.841.M 1,818.179 JR.l 8heep 1.397.763 1.Z71.H 12h.G37 The followlnr table shows ths average price of hogs at South Omaha for ths last several days, with comparisons: I 1906. I1904.I1903.I1901.I1W1. 119O0.I1899. Sept. 16.. S 21V I 66 S tJ 7 87! fept. It BPU 17. fcpt. 18. Sent. 11. s zs a t l( 7 6tl t 671 t t4l t 431 t 62 t 63! 7 371 t 76 6 SOI 6 6 81H 6 S2Vt f 73! 70 I ; 6 19! 4 SI I 22' 4 31 I 231 4 81 6 211 4 36 I 4 41 3 77 6pt. 30.. ,1 6 30 6 23 6 801 7 881 t 7 Bept n 6 81 t 811 t 86 Bept. 3.. 6 75 I 75 6 78 6 80' 7 49 6 771 T tl 6 741 7 67l eept, 6ept. Sept. Sept. Bept. Sept. 33. I 28H t 89 6 14 14. K. 26. 27. t 27U t 871 7 Bnl 6 1l 4 41 6 234, 6 47 16 69 7 17 7 84 t 761 I 161 4 39 6 79 6 161 4 3 I 81 I 18 4 44 6 171 4 37 r-71 I 4 1-1 lhS 6 Kit 28 0 IS t 19 6 13 a K "O 6 74 6 f Sept. 29. 6 61! 6 71 6 !, I : 7 81 7 '.'2 Sept. 80.. Oct. 1.... Oct. I.... Oct. .... 6 ;4! e 7 U 5 131 I 6 l"( 7 20 681 6 18! 4 29 6 09H 6 711 6 66 Ki 6 19 4 42' 4 88 4 37 4 81 4 34 4 35 a 4 So Oct. 4.... 6 OS 6 Ot 6 03 6 06 5 741 7 321 6 671 6 20 Oct. i. Oct. t. 6 7i 5 tt. 6 60! 6 64 6 16 7 42 6 11 Oct. 7.... 6 68 6 411 7 39j 6 49 Oct. 8... 6 64 6 191 7 28 6 31 6 08 Oct, 9.... I 6 191 7 14 t 13 6 02 Indicates Sunday. The number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wsa: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. C. M A. St. P. Ry 1 .. Mo. Pac. Ry 8 .. 1 T'nlon Pac. sys 64 4 C &. N. W. Ry 1 F., E. St M. V. R. R. ...104 25 C, St. P., M. A. O. Ry.. 6 I B. A M. Ry 146 8 C, B. A Q. Ry 4 1 C, R. I. & P. Ry. oast,.... 1 C, R, I. & P. Ry. west . 1 1 IS 38 Total receipts 827 24 76 81 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 350 2S I.005 Salft and company .. Armour A Co Cudahy Packing Co, Carey A Benton Tobman A Co McCreary W. I. Stephen Hill Huston & Co Hamilton L. F. Huss Wolf J. B. Root J. H. Bulla Clark IJaggcrty 6ol Degm Other Buyers .14 . 7f3 . 816 . M . 835 . 200 . 3S3 . 95 . 62 . 243 . 241 . 298 . 497 . 201 . 14 . 110 3 . 761 486 704 1,057 947 2,62 12.C83 Total .6.915 1,870 17,674 CATTLE Receipts this morning num bercd a few over 300 cars which was not far from the same number on sale a week ago, but heavier tl an a year ago by over 100 oars. Most everything was from the western range, the'e being only a sprink ling of natives or fed stock. It was one of those dark, rainy and disagreeable days which make cattle look their worst and make men feel the least like doing business. At the same time reports from other sell ing points were discouraging. In fact con ditions generally seemed to be rather against the selling Interests and still the market as a whole was not In bad condi tion. There wss a very fair Inquiry for good corn-fed beeves but the supply was light. Desirable kinds sold freely at prices fully steady with last week. There was noth ing choice to make a top. Good western I ran eeI ,V"r"rt 7' C S. Z.ri easier. The trade was slow to open owing In part to the unfavorable weather con ditions which made buyers backward about retting out. but when once under way the market was reasonably active, so that the most of th-e cattle sold in decent season. Although there were quite a good many In sight cows ana heifers were steady with the close of last week. The trade, while not exactly active, showed considerable life and the most of the receipts changed hands In fair season. The demand for stockers and feeders this morning was very good on the part of regu lar yard operators and speculators and they were the first to sell. Even the lighter cattle, which were inclined to drag a llt'le the latter part of last week, were In de mand. All desirable kinds were active and steady. Representative BEEF BTEERS. No. 11 to.... to.... ts 3 Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. tm 1 18 ti nut 1 ..1211 4 10 IS. . .. im 1 o 1469 I 40 1IU I 40 1141 4M 11.. Ul 4 40 .. 1144 I 09 COWB. 1044 1 40 It tit I X 400 1 74 1 1075 I 44 1064 I 00 It 1(7 I 10 440 I 00 1 1810 t tO 160 III 3 lib! 4 00 BULLS. 1440 3 75 CALVES. 1W IN STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 700 t it t 435 1 it 141 t 15 UT 3 li WESTERNS. It..'.' 1... 17. Zlmmershed Bros. Wyo. 4 cows 732 2 20 7 cows 1097 1 00 12 steers. ...1181 1 80 George Carr Wyo. 24 steers... .1222 3 60 Estate of W. Landers S. D. 26 cows T53 2 65 21 feeders. .1163 160 G. L. Hollonbuck-8. D. 6 cows 10K5 2 K6 22 feeders.. 1163 186 C. Pedro 8. D. t cows 1170 2 85 19 feeders . 1129 165 St. George Cattle Co. Neb. 89 feeders.. 104 8 50 70 feeders.. 1024 1 40 M. Kelllher, 8. D. 13 cows 10i)0 2 05 93 steers., ..1186' 3 20 H. D. McKay, S. D. 1 bull 1310 2 10 20 steers.. ..1164 120 21 cows 1033 1 60 C. B. West, Nebraska. 24 steers.. ..1037 4 10 24 cows 980 2 86 Carpenter A C Neb. 1 feeder... 80O 3 00 61 feeders.. 919 3 65 J. F. Stradton Neb. 23 cows 800 2 40 NEBRASKA. 1 cow.. 9 rows. ..1160 2 64 t bulls... ..1370 i 06 . 86t 1 80 M 3 06 12 calves 18 cows 988 2 55 12 calves. W) 3 66 141 4 7 17 feeders.. 961 1 30 1 ciilf ... 1 heifers... 370 I 00 1 feeder... 770 1 85 I talf 2?0 2 75 10 feeders.. tt 1 15 28 feeders.. 672 1 25 15 feeders.. 836 1 (6 20 feeders.. 978 1 46 10 cows 9S8 1 40 w heifers... U IDS 1 bull 1080 t 9S 1 bulls 1340 2 75 4 feeders.. 900 2 60 21 heifers... 62 f 10 21 feeders.. 1117 1 60 59 feeders.. 11H 11 14 heifers... 8t9 2 40 It t4lves... 366 I 90 4VAN BAB, 80 COWS 118 1 46 South Dakota. t feeders. .1071 116 17 oows 1004 180 1 bull 1160 1 60 HOOB Receipts ot hogs were extremely light this morning, though no more so than they have been on some other days of late. Only twenty-seven cars were reported in the yards when the market opened. This was hardly enough to make a market. On account of the very light receipts ths hogs sold at prices not quotably different from tha close of last week. Most of the hogs brought 14 9596.10, with good light weights selling up as high as 35. While the market, as noted above, was just about steady the feeling was very weak and mar kets at other points were quoted as lower. Had there been ai.ythlng like a slseahlo run hare there Is no question but what the market would have been lower. In other words, the situation-In tha hog market re mains the same as detailed sevsral times recently In these columns It la a bear mar ket and no one expects to see any perma nent change except on the side of lower prices. Representative sales: NO. AV. on. ri. no. at. on, FT. 44 eO M IM 44 .444 M I Of 14 .14 .rt 10 4 M ... 4 44 so 4 rt ...III 11 " 44 .. rt... 114 . 44... 41... 41... 44 ,. 4... Mi., -aa aa m -til UO IU lit H I 10 - 144 4 11 ... t 14 Ul ... t It .Ml 444 I 14 ... t 14 .44 R IU f as m no- 1 o ...Ml K IN I-7T ... 4 40 ... nt its 1 do to . . I 04 .,..rn im is ... 44.... t 091 4 83 4 34 I 13 4 11 ,....! is IS 14 M4 st I 11 at t 04 it 4 as 6 Kt 41 let ... 44 HI ... I 8HKn.P Pachera were hungry thle morn ing and when they saw only slxly-slt cars In the yards as against 106 on Monday of last week tber did not lose any time in going after both ths fat sheep and the lamba. As there were comparatlrely tew loads that would do for killers It did not take buyers very long to clean up every thing In sight. Under the Influence of the very good demand the trade on all de sirable killers waa not oniy active, but prices were generally 10c higher thsn the close of last week. As high as to to waa paid for yearlings, 14 SR for old wethers and 14 80 for ewes. Thero were no good fst lamba on sale, but as high as 166 was paid for lambs of very fair quality nut larklnar Somewhat In flesh, the kind that on some days would have been allowed to go to the feeders. The big end of the receipts consisted of feeders, as was the esse all laat week. While the number of country ouyers on hand Is never very large. Monday morning there wis a fair renreaentation. LtK'al buyers also had a goodly hutnber of orders In hand, so that there was 110 lack of a demand. The resu't was a fairly active trade, with good strong prices generally prevailing. Quotations on fat sheen ad Inmbs: Good to choice lamba. M "."flfi 7T ; good to choice yearling wethers. 15.00jti26; good to choice old wet here, 14 bt(i4.86; good to choice ewa. 14 S.M)4 60. Quotations on feeder sheep and ismos: Good feedlnar lambs. 15.75fi 40: Kood feed ing yearlings. I6.00'B6.15; good feeding weth ers, 14 25ij4.40; feeder ewes, 18.50ig4.iO; breed ing ewes. I4.E.T". 4 60. Representative sales: No. Aver. Price. 177 Wyoming ewes and feeders. 91 14 00 156 Wyoming ewes and feedera. 93 4 00 619 Wyoming ewea and feedera. 92 4 00 4T8 Wyoming ewes and feeders. 95 4 00 lot Wyoming ewes and feeders. lf4 4 50 237 Wyoming ewes and feeders.. 1o 4 o 2 Colorado cull ewes 85 3 00 129 Colorado Cull ewes 80 1 90 108 Colorado ewes 109 4 60 2 Colorado owes 85 4 54 97 Colorado ewes W 4 68 S7 Nebraska ewes and feeders.. 78 4 05 2S2 Nebraska wethers 5.1 4 90 8 Colorado lambs and cull 60 6 CO 249 Colorado lambs and feeders.. t9 S 30 5 Colorado lambs and feeders.. i8 30 tot; Colorado lambs 68 C 65 8 Wyoming cull ewes S3 2 50 787 Nebraska ewes, feeders 79 4 ft." 2X2 Nebraska wethers S3 4 DO ?R Idaho ewes 10i 4 !u 44". 1'tah sheep and yearlings.... 88 5H 54 Idaho feeder lambs 55 6 90 5m Idaho feeder lambs 67 6 00 154 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 6 40 CHICAGO I.I VIC STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Lower Hogs Five to Ten Cents Lower Sheep Strong. CHICAGO, Oct. 9 CATTLE Receipts, 82.000 head; market on best, steadv. others weak to 10(ffl5e lower: steers, ttfrwess; stockers snd feeders. 12.2Rfr4 10: cows and canners. 11.60j4.36: bulls. Il.90fi5.30; heifers, 12.257 00; calves. 12.25fr7.65. HOGS Receipts, 33.000 head; msrket 6 10o lower: shipping and selected. r 45S.V70; mixed and heavy packing, $4 601 5. 1?: light, 15.OOfffi.S2; piss and roughs 11 50fi5.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 38.000 head: market strong to 10c higher; sheep, !2.00e.5O; lambs, 14.25f7.50. New Tork Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Oct. . BEEVES Receipts. 3.677 head; verv little tradlna: on account of Jewish holiday; steers, 10c higher on very limited supply; bulls slow to a frac tion lower; rows, steady; native steers, H.Orvgti.nO; no prime beeves here; western, 13.50; bulls. !2.35fi2.75; cows, 11 4i42.50. Liverpool and London markets stejidy, nt 91i12c dressed weight for live cattle and 1112c dress0"! welirht for sheep. Exports tomorrow, 935 cattle, 1.0SO sheep and 3.500 quarters of beef. CALVES Recelnts, 1.233 hend; venls steady to 60- hlarher; grnssers, 50c higher: no demand for state westerns. Veals. $4 50 ft 9. 00; graseers. 12.7Tvg)3.00: feeders, t3.2r 8.35: Indiana calves. 14 0Otfii.7S: dresd calves, slow but firm for choice stock. Cltv dressed veals. 8oJil3e per pound; country dressed. 7f1?c. SHEEP ANT) LAMTtB Receipts. H.3S9 head; sheen market steady: fair to prime lambs. ISdWRtr hle-her: medium snd r"""i steady: sheen. .2fvefi.00; few choice, to.FeJi M: euTla. rt.SMn.nn; lamb" v4rT.S); culls, 14 snwK.W: Canada lambs. H5.7W7 80. HOGS Receipts. 13JR head; market et"r; state and Pennsylvania hogs, 15.85 tit-00. Kanaaa City Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Oct. 9. CATTLE Receipts, 28.000 head. Including 1,000' head southerns: market steady to strong; ton. 16.00: choice export ' and dressed beef steers, S.orffs 00; fair to good, l4.OVflG.00: western fed steers, t2.75'fN.60; stockers and feeders. !2.50(f4.2S: southern steers. 12.60 3 75: southern cows. ltl.B6CK.75: native cows, l.s5rS.2g; native heifers !!.50a4.75; bulls, 12007276; calves. l2.60fTe.25. HOGS Receipts. 8. 500. head: market R V-r higher; ton, 15 20: bulk of sales, 15 05f 5.15; heavy, 15.IW5 20: packers, t5.055.15; ple-a snd light 14.90ti6.16. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 7 000 head: market strong to 10c higher: native lambs, I5.5(KJr7.15: western Inmbs. 15.5Ckfi7.15; ewes and vearllngs, 14 004(5 00; western clipped yearllns-s. 14.75?iY2S: western clipped sheen, 14.00(84.85; stockers and feed ers. !3.75S4.e0. t St. I.onla Live Stock Market. ST. LOl'IS, Mo., Oct. 9 CATTLE Re ceipts. 8,000 head, including 3.900 head Texans; market steady: native shipping and exnort steers. !4.1055.90; dressed beef and butcher steers. X3. 2Mi 5. 00; steers under 1.000 notinds 13.25ifi4.50; stockers and feed ers, 12.O0Cfi3.7O: cows and heifers. 12.001.90; canners. 11 502.00 ; hulls, t2.36iff3.00; cslven. !2O0$7.00: Texas and Indian steers, IS.OOiJJ 8.70: cows and heifers. 12.00ff3.00. HOGS-Recelpts, 6 500 head: market weak: rdgs and light, 15.00tfi.45: packers. MWtfli.46; butchers and bet heavy, 16.851 'SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 9 ono head; market steady: nattve muttons. 14 00 lamba, tf.OOffrt.SR: culls and bucks. II 75i3.00; stockers, !S.003.60; Texans, 13.23 tyi.iO. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 9 CATTLE Receipts, 4,892 head: market for steers steady to atrons: cowg steadv to 10c lowef natives, 13 65(f?6.90: cows and heifers. 11 40 Cr4 50' stockers and feeders. 12.754ifl.90. HOGS Receipts. 2,133 head; market weak to 6c lower: llrht, 15.10455 20: medium and heavy. 6.0&?K.7; bulk !5.12rv17. PHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2 523 bd; market ateadv to 10c higher: lambs, 180; yearlings, 15.23; wethers, 34.76; ewes. ei.uu. Stonx CUy Live Stock Market. SlOrX CITY, Oct. 9.-f8peclal Telegram.) CATTLE Recelnts. 4,i0 head: market steady, feeders lower; beeves. 13 405 70 cows, bulls snd mixed, I2.20-&3.6A; svockers snd feeders, 12.75iS4.00; calves and yearlings, 12 5O7?8 .40. HOGS Receipts, 1 500 head: market weak, selling at 14.85ji6.15; bulk of sales, 14.96S4.03. lock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal til, Hogs. Sheep. 1.8'rt 20,000 l.MO .5i0 7.0(10 2.133 2.52.1 fi.5l I 000 83.000 88,000 51,433 70,623 South Omaha .... Sioux Otv Kansaa City .... St. Joseph St. Ixuls Chicago Totals .. 8O11O .. 4.200 ..28.000 .. 4.S92 .. 8.0i0 ..32.000 84.392 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Oct. 9 EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is quiet and gen erally unchanged; buyers are not operating freely, but holders remain firm In their views and full prices are generally secured. Common to good are quoted at o7c; prime, 7c- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are steady in tone, although the demand is light. Quotations range from 4o to 7c, according to grade. Apricots are un changed with choice quoted at 8g9c: extra choice at 89c; fancy at Ic5114c. Peaches remain nominal so far as the spot situation Is concerned. Futures are spar ingly offered at prices high enough to check demand. Raisins are unchanged in spot, but said to be unsettled on the coast with outside seeders said to be offering better quotations of the combination. Ixoae Mus catels are quoted at 5j7c: seeded rul sins, 6le; London layers, ll.Util.20. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 9 -COFFEE The mar ket for futures opened barely steady at a decline of 6i10 points under scattering liquidation following dlsspnolntlng Euro pean cables and reports of rain In droughty sections of Hraxll. The pressure wss rot aggressive, but there was very little de mand and the market closed steady at a net decline of 610 polnta. Sales were re ported of 17,260 bags, including Deem her at 7.16r7 20e; March. 7 40i7 46c; May, 7.56c; July. 7 7hs; September, 7.80c. Spot, quiet; No. T Rio. U-lttc. ' Dalnth Grain Market. DULt'TH, Oct t.-WHEAT-To arrive. No. 1 northern, 82C No 2 northern. tr on track, No. 1 northern, 82e: No 1 north ern. December, 8cc; May. 84V OATS To arrive and on track, 17c. Pig Iron Market Kxelted. GLASGOW, Out. . The Cleveland pig Iron market was excited today, a l rife amount ot business bsing; transacted. Tiie market closed IrreguW st R? 114 cash Shi 62s 3d future delivery 1)414114. WIIOI.KAst.K MARKET. Condition of Trade ad tsootatlon oa Staple and Kn n.Vr rrodnro. FOGS -Candled stock. c. LIVE POI'I.TRT HepsX Sc; roosters. 6C turkeys, l.lfi ltc ; ducks. ic; spring chick 4I1.4, lie. , IM'TTEn -Packing stock. 15c; cholcetc fancy dairy, I8'i(l:c; ere. Very, Jlfi-'lo prima, ?lc. Sl'GAR Standard grsntilaiVd. 1h bhls. 16 66 per cwt.; cubes. K40 W est.; cul loaf. 1 S6 per cwt.; No. rxtr. '--, ' pet cwt.; No. 10 extra C, 15.25 per .'rwt.; No. 1! ine KM ner cwt xl nowdered. JO "11 y'r-r CWt. (KKSII P IH Trout. Iotiiic: hn'.iiinut, no buftalo. dresard. 1'c; pickerel, di -eased. 8c white bnsa, dreaed. 12c; auntish, '.'c; perch scaled and dresed, ec; pike. Uc cattish lr.c; red snapper, loc: salmon. He; iirapplea L'c; eels. ISo; l.uilliends. 11c; black b kn. '-.V;; whltefiah. ltXiillc: fns leas. ir di 15c: lobsters, green, 77c; boiled lobsterA. kll ahn,1 roe. liV: hltleflah. Rc. HAY-Prlces quoted by Omaha WhoVsals Hnv Dealers'- association: No. 1 upnd. medium, to. 18 on; coarse, 5."0. BRAN Per ton. 112.00. TROPICA!. FRCIT. ORANGES -Valencia, nil alxes. 15.005.! LEMONS- lmonler.a, extra fancy, . t Site. 15 00; 300 snd 30 sliea. 16.00. HATER Per lx of 80 Mb. pkgs., Hallowe'en. In 7o-lh. boxes, per lb., 6c. FK1S California, per 10-lb. carton. R5c: imrwrted Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; crown, 124. HANANAS rrr medium-sised bunch, IL7I 62.25; Jumbos, 12.5ofi3.il0. FRCITS. PEARS T'tah, Kicfcrs snd Vicars, 12.00; De An go, 2.76. Pl.l'MS Utah and Colorado, per 4-basket crate, !).i; Italian prunes. 1 00. AI'PI.ES-Pen Davis and Wlnesaps, In 8-lm. bliis., 1.'.; In bu. baskets, ll.Ou; California Rellflowers. 11.50. GRAPES Home-grown New Tork Con cords, per 8-lb. basket, 22C; Vtiseat. n-r basket crate, 11.60; Tokys, per 4-basket crate. 11 00 QUINCES-Callfornla. per box, 11. 76. VEGETABLES. WAX BEANS Per -bu. baaket, 25fl36o string beans, per -bu box, 2fi(i 36c- . POTATOES New. per bu.. 5oc. HEANH Navy, per bu.. 12 00. Cl'Cl'M REUS Per doa.. 25c. TOMATOES Home grown, -bu. baskets, S&'iMc. CABBAGE Home-grown, In crates, per lb.. lc. ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and white, per bu., 61V; Spanish, per crate, 11.2i. HKET8 New, per bu., 70c. CELERY Kalamaaoo, per dog., 25c. BWKKT POTATOES Virginia, per 1-bu. bbl.. 12.50. CUT REEF.. Wholesale prices of beef cuts: No. 1 rlba, llc; No. 2 rlba, 8c; Nu. 8 ribs, 6c; No. 1 loins 14c; No. 2 loins, 10c; No. 3 joins. 7c; No. 1 chucks, 4c; No. 2 chucks, 4c; No. 3 chucks, 3c; No. 1 rounds, 7o; No. 3 rounds, 6s; No. 3 round, 6c: No. 1 plates, 4c; No. 2 plates, 3c; No. 3 plates. 2c MISCELLANEOUS. ' HONE Y New, per 24 lbs.. 13 00. CHEESE Swiss, new, 15o: Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wisconsin llmberger, 16c; twins, 12c, young Americas, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb. 16c; hard shells,-per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 5c; roasted, per lb., -8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12(&lSc. Almonds, soft shells, per In., 17c; hard shells, p r lb., 15c. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., 11.76; large hickory nuts, per bu.. 1J. 60. Cheatnuts, ifc per lb.. HIDES No. 1 green, 9c; No. 2 green. 1c; No. 1 salted, 10c; No. 2 salted, 9e; No. 1 veal calf, 11c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted. 7(al4c; sheep pelts, 2uc(Utl.0O; horse hides, tl.fXKol.OO. Tole-do Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., Oct. . SEEDfi Clover. I cash, 17 90; October, 17.9?: lecember. li.TT; January, 17.80; Februsry, 17. 8i. Prime timothy, tl.HB. Cash alsike, 17.60. Wool Market. ' ST. LOTTO. Mo., Oct. 9. WOOL-Btesdy; mellum grades, combing and clothing, 26(j t': light fine. 21()'2dc; heavy fine, 18322c; tub-washed, 32 j 42c. Elgin Hotter Market. ELGIN. 111.. Oct. t. BITTER Firm at lie. Sales tor the week. 67.800 lbs. RAIN STOPS STREET WORK Pnblle , I'tlUty. Corporations- Show - Wllllngneas to Fay for ' . Their Repairs. Rain prevented the resumption of wortt by the municipal asphalt repair plant Mon day morning.' In accordance with ' provi sions made by the mayor and council It had been arranged to begin repairs again on cuts In pavement made by public utility corporations and plumbers, with the under standing that the fees for the service would absorb the cost. As soon as the weather clears up the patching will be started again. The corporations have shown a willing ness to pay the bills already due the ctfy. The Omaha Electric Light and Power com pany promptly sent a check for a bill of 194 and the gas, street railway and bther concerns, owing each almost as much, are expected to cash in during the week. The amount incoming will be about IVZO, which will Just about square the outstand ing material and machinery bill ot tha plant. Damage to the Alamedn. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 9-A mlnutt examination of the hull of the steamer Alameda by the marine surveyors showed the real extant of the damage to the ves sel. The Inspectors found that the greatest damage sustained by the steamer was on the port side, where there Is the largest puncture. It Is seven feet In length by two In width, directly under the port fuel tank. In the Interior of the steamer It will be necessary to renew and repair forty frames. According to the Inspectors, It will be necessary to renew twenty-two plates and repair sixty-four others before tha. steamer will be in a seagoing condition., It node Island Fsujrttlvra "nnahl. BAN FRANCISCO, Oct- t.-Two detectives from Iruvideoce. R. L. have arrived here to take back D. U Rico and W. O. Oilman, held here en charges of obtaining MV from the president of the United States National bank of Providence on alleged fraudulent railroad stack. Trrey expect lo lea re with their prisoners today. Registration In New York. NEW YORK, Oct. -Registration for city snd county fall elections began in New York today with manv precautions to cure an honest registration. WHEAT A srisrp break, ouch si we saticipsted ia eta Wet review, hal baca esperitneed ia ths Wheat mat tat. Declines have bean sharp and I tufneitat aiie la clear ths sltuatloa of such of hi weight. The mast powerful snd sggrcnivs interim are bow purchaiinf oa each material decline, snd thli in (pits of the b'g erupt The demand is wide and iniiotent. Ihs undertone in ths market is distinctly strong and healthy. The true character of the market may be udgcd by the fact that while ttocr is as apparent difference in favor of Canadian Wheat lor export into aeverat F.dropean states, liberal amounll ol high grade American Wheat have baca sold to thoat countries. This proves while 1 he public markata abroad may show pritea below an Import level, they need eur Sne Wheat so badly that private prices are higher thaa the market. li thus early lo the leeion Europe (a willing to pay a liberal premium lur the beat milling gradea, ahat will be the situation when the treaent source oi supply, the Canadian ftelde, aa become cxhauetedr We believe Wheat will advenes materially aa soon aa the situation ia a little andentooeV For s lung pull, we 4aor pur easaco ol May Wheat. EDYVARDS.WOOD CO. (Incorpoeeleei) DE ALEIS IN ITOCB9. GRAIN. rtOVlSllW Shin Your Grain to la. Breach (tltlco, 1141-111 Uoatd of Trndo Bldat.. 11 ma b a. aeb. Telephone JVS14. 112-214 Exchange PKIg., South Omaha. Bell 'phone fit. Ind pi noi nl Triune 6. WANTED : North American Investment Com paay of lolled Mates tenllne bonds and Colonial Seetnrlty t'oaapaajr bondai will pay cask. Add rajas. CRIGI.KK A MrDERMOTE it Dtldcuil Wc., EU Uiuia, Ma.