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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, ino."i. An Unrivaled Display of Beautiful ? Apparel Horse Show Prize Windows FIRST PRIZE AGAIN WON BY THE BENNETT COMPANY Which of the Three on Sixteenth Street Sile Is It? SEE THEM! SEE THEM! for the wQ Horse Show norse dioiv nnery. vs4 1 y "SHyji' ! ,M i I TUESDAY GREAT SALE of I3LUNDERWEAR I rojta Misses', Children's and Boys' Vests, Pants and Drawers Medium and heavy weight, fleecy Sweeping Prict Reductions on Imp'd. Gowns and Opera Capes 25 Per Cent Discount on All Real Laces During This Week. 'William Jri-renis' Sons, Ho. 15th Street. 0LHA WEATHEIt FORECAST Tncsday Fair. THK UKMA1U.K KTOKK. mini, in cci u uuu biiui J fT - worth up to ?, at .". IZC-i-JC Ladies' Underwear Big lot of ladies' medium and heavy weight underwear on bargain r square, plain and fine ribbed cotton, also wool and fleecy lined, in white, ecru and natural wool, worth up to $1,7 Cp f q at, a garment - mJJm3J' Ladies All Linen New heavy, all linen turn over ered in new designs, button new and dainty, regular 25c BIG SPECIAL BARGAINS in SAMPLE WOOL BLANKETS Some Slightly Soiled 500 pair all wool blankets, bought from a great' eastern jobber at one-half cost to manufacture. They are slightly soiled on the edges, otherwise entirely perfect. Gray, tan, white and plaids, in 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 size well worth more than double Jfjg 498 M H N NEW COTTON Our new fall stock of Cotton Blankets has never before been so complete and so low in price. All sizes in gray, white at, pair. , 39c, 49c, 75c ;?. 1.59 n H Ladies' CraLvenette Coats M New shower-proof coats, new style features, Bhlrred backs and shoulders, tans, olives and Oxfords protection against the hardest rains big variety at Very latest and most stunning new fall styles in Cravenette Coats, Including new fitted backs per fectly made all correct colors at Gloves for Horse Show T 1 v rv r U k U m .M In W manufacture our own trunks, traveling bags and suit rases. Ws make them of the best material. Our workman ship is unexcelled. We sell them for less than Inferior grades would coBt you elsewhere. If you buy of us oa will get the best you will save money you will be better BRtlBfled. Leather Bound Matting Suit Cases, 13.60, $3.75 and J4.00. We do repairing. , KUGEL UP AGAINST PUZZLE Plumbing Inspector Finds No Way to ' . Inforcs New Law. TOO MANY WAYS OF EVADING IT Ordinance Enacted Last Jane May lie Pat Ip to the Courts for Some Sort of Disposition. City numbing Inspector Kugel Is puzzled s to how to enforce tui ordinance paused In June which has this section in It: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm pr corporation to engage In the plumbing business as a master or contracting plumber In th city of Omaha' without having an Nl .'ihllHhed place of business In said city ml without having first secured from the building Inspector a master plumber's gen rat penult. The law was passed at the request of local plumbing firms, which alleged they were barred out of South Omaha by a simi lar ordinance there. This was disputed by South Omaha plumbers and overtures made lo si-cure a dituble repeal of the clause in the .ordinances of both cities. This arrange ment has not been carried out. Two ways were discovered by South Oniuha and other foreign plumbers to get around the law. The first was to do Omaha Jobs under the general permit issued to some local plumbing firm, paying the firm a commission on the Job for the privilege. This deal pleased the Omaha concerns and they made no objection to letting all the outside plumbers that wished come In here, provided they got a percentage on Jobs. What latest Method Is. The latest method, however, is for the outsider to procure desk room, real or Imaginary, some phice In Omaha, call It his "established place of business," and proceed to rake In as many Jobs as possi ble under It. The plumbing Inspector was fully aware of this kind of evasion, but was unable to see how he could stop It. Later on the outside plumbers declared their place of business wherever they hap pened to be working, gave It as their busi ness address, and in the case of one big downtown building, claimed to have an office In the basement. Considerable doubt exists at the city hall as to the legality or Hie embargo motion and this has delerred the inspector from attempting a radical enforcement. Resi dent plumbers ure coinplulning on tho ready made "established place of busi ness," however, and it Is likely that tha law will be submitted to the courts for a deeison before long. POINTERS 0N AUDITORIUM SI. I'aal Men 4'onie to Omaha to Urn Ilia Hulldlaa as a (aide. Eighteen men of Si. I'aul. appointed as an auditorium general committee, will be the guests of the Omaha Commercial club Tuesday while in the city to look at the Omaha Auditorium and make Investigations as to its cost and management 1'ouulur subscription in St. Paul has raised -m.' for an auditorium and the committee is making a study which will be for the pur pose of guidance in ths erection and main- ', tenance of the building. The party will be met al the t.itioa In the morning by F. W Jtidson, Will I Vetter. II. K. McCune and H J McVunn and taken to breakfast at the OuiaX club, lu lue toitiiwo ILo vi' Neckwear at 10c collars, embroid- fl X hole effects, all Hp value at, each. . . . BLANKETS 9.98 12.50 is.. Horse Show Jewelry tl OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam Straat. itors will look at the Auditorium and In the afternoon will ride over the city In a special car tendered by the street railway company. They will be met at luncheon at the Commercial club by a party of Omaha business men. Including the execu tive commlttie of the Auditorium board. They will take dinner at the Commercial club and leave over the Northwestern at 8:28. George M. Tlbbs. who for several years was connected with the dry goods house of M. E. Smith & Co., la a member of the party. ROOMS FOR THE COMMITTEE Temporary Headquarters for Repub lican County Campaign Are In Secretary Greery'a Office. Officers of the republican county com mittee are looking for suitable rooms for campaign headquarters. Active work will not be retarded, however, by any delay In getting proper quarters. Chairman Gibson and Secretary Greevy have announced that they will be accessible to persons having business with the committee at room 414 Bee building. For the present the cam paign will be directed from there. A Wonder. Everybody who has tried Bucklen's Ar nlca Salve, for cuts, burns and wounds. says ii a a wonaer. 15c; guaranteed. Sold by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Mortality Statistics. The following births . and deaths have been In thn ljna..i a m ':he.forty-Kht hours ending at noon Hi.ths Sherman Richardson, 2911 Decatur c r': c. A. Hell, sms curiu. v..... ot,Iur' I eat lis HJalmnr Krickson. Thirty-fifth a net I a ft nuvu a n a . . r esiey flumps Wane, Neb., 18; Agnes Stutzner, 1814 St Mary s avenue, 23; Mrs. A. B. Browder Albion. Neb 61; Henry Herring. Rive bioux. Ia.; Jens Irsen, in Nortli Twen "V V '"ranl enerpan, 1414 Soutl Hfteenth, 7 days. Chamberlain's Colic, Choiera ana Dlar rhoea Remedy cures diarrhoea anH A.u. tery In all forms and In all stages. It never falls. 22-K rr5. tdholin. Jeweler. Marriage Licenses. The following have been licenses to marry: granted Name and Address. H.trzillai H. Anslej. San Francisco Age Nellie H. 1'eterson, Red Oak, la 1 t luirlea o. Marshall. Wood River, Neb Antrim Cox, Nebraska t'fty. Neb John Norey, Souih Rutiaia lrska. South Omaha j-eter r-ouiyna. South On aha :1 Aiesia Mydawinls, .South Omalia ia Kay H. Mjnger. South Omaha LI Ida K. Harris, South Omaha I'l N' 11 1 it ill E Terry. Greeley, Neb "3 Verily O. ShliK. Omaha I, A 8kln of Deauty is a Joy Forevor. DR. T. Falls Oourtud's Orlontal Oream or Msgloel Beautlfler. lUnoras Tan. PlnplM, IracUM, Mult 1 itl,f. on braui r. and il. Im dfectlob. It haa atood u Uat 0 7 Tara, aud la ao baroikeaa wa taatall Is properly maja. A cccpl ao eouutc Celt oi aia-ilar aaait. Ir. L. A. S.i ra aaid ia a la if of llia haot lon 01 pailiiii A yow Udias vUl um tl?m. i-aaraif t'reaaa' aa tba Vast kam.rul or all laa f'"y""oa' " Fi aala t r all 4ruiMa ao4 Faacf Ovuda Orauus lu tha VaUrd Suiaa, Cuu4 aod Eufupa. ij.T.HaLiPf 37 Goat lu Stixi. lewTtrk K HAVE the fabric the variety and the prices to boast that N1COLL leads for fine tniK oring at moderate prices. We shall not be sat isfied with less than the lead ing tailor ing busi ness in town. We com prehend niake good our every branch of this busi ness, from weaver to wearer. We have ideas that are helpful to those who come to us. We supply a knowledge which the public cannot pos sess. Trousers, $5 to $12. Suits, 4120 to $50. We buy shrewdly for cash taking cases often where others buy yards; this means low prices. Rut the price alone has no meaning. You'll have to compare the fabrics the tailoring and fitting with the offerings of others to appreciate the superiority of Kit-oil's garments. FRED PAFFENRATH, Mgr. ft 880 Oar 1 nnnnUM Men's "Special" $3.50 Shoes. We're at no expense In selling our men's 13.60 "Ppeclal" they are only one line of a hundred that we sell. If we didn't have a men's "Special" at tJ W e would have to pay Just as much rent hire as much help pay as much for light and heat advertise as much as we do now. That's the reason why we can put extra good leather and do belter work ma im hip on our men's "Special" than any other shoe house in Omaha. We give you the profits ou this shoe what more cau you ask. DrexelShoeCo. 1419 Farnam St. Bend for catalogue. SCHOOLS AXD COLLEGES. YOUR BOY'S PROGRESS dMpf tvisi nark NpoB kif esimfort tad hnr fmn. W fin in uftk our bos hLi. briaiUt th&tm BV P.idI. icrmnn&l reinMioatUiip wiia IxiMrut-Wn. al U.tiu mti oi'Miriuaitir to iWra alf-airil imtTLer ihttu it cuDtrullnti, svud wttik trotln a tKMr hosnur aaiiWaiB itiatrucliua aa4 tJiarlrla of tk kUbJl oniet Tko butld tb astf-rtitiujal. sniaaly tLavfas tr. 01iatt ntiulld for kassithtSi !.( ioaMlufl xmIIv BtxMi (!. Hb fix- bnnkrtt "A" to ftUft(Y MIUTANY ACAOfeMK HUIMY. HEE vv ' ' 1 1 in in 1 iii r S "si 1 w m 1 til l m 1 Tim :prl! I M 1 x x 11 Green Trading Stamps Main Floor. Visitors io Horse Show Are Heartily Invited to Make Bennett's Their Headquarters When In The City It's the Largest, Roomiest, Airiest, Most Open and Best Equipped in the West. For convenience to visitors it is peerless whatever tends to make shopping a pleasure is carried to the highest and finest plane at Bennett's. YOU ARE WELCOME. Horse Show Perfumery Delicacies in Toilet Soaps Cl'RAPLKX "The name tells" Its an exquisitely fialanrerl medlrsted soap each box rontnlns f" 8 cakes and has patent rub- A j her complexion brush box.. VIOLET (VER-O-LAY) delirious S--, almond soap, three In a box.. '" Latest Dainty Charms Imported Austrian Ware In a charm ing recherche of styles all delicately hand painted. Austrian Ware Cold Cream boxes each 60c and aSJV 0pBoxe.Id.':".a?: 98a;-58c Porcelain Puff 7r Boxes A tJ Opal Glass Puff f OQ Boxes IaU Opalescent Puff f QQ Boxes IttfO PERFUMERY AISLE. MAIN FLOOR BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Ten Green Trading Stamps with large fancy box Vanilla Flavored Marsh Mallows ' loc Five Gref n Trading Stamps with Bon Bon box filled with Candles 60 LOW ONE - WAY RATES VIA UNION PACIFIC PROM OMAHA EVERY DAY TO OCT. 31, 1905. $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25 aa to Ashland, Roseburg, s U U Eugene, Albany and Salem, lines In $22.50 mediate points. Ofl ftflt0 Dutte' Anaconda, QfVUaUU Helena, and all Inter- mediate $20.00 main For full Information CITY TICKET OFFICE, 'Phone Move Before It Is Cold! It is easy to forget how uncomfortable you were last winter. If yon happen to have an office in a poorly built building, or where there is a poor heating system now is the time to move to the one building in Omaha that is always warm in winter. THE BEE BUILDING There ars a few very choice ... al small rooms ana tnres targe with a vault and a small room . . vault on ins nun a souin un Prices rang iram ttu w v y,r IU C Peters a Co., Rental Agents. HORSE SHOW VISITORS TVIU be very welcome to spend a few minutes in our store. Visit our Cut Glasn r.xm. look over our stock of Sterling 8llver. We wou hi he glad to show the goods whether you wltth to purchase or not. LOOK FOR THE NAME S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, li'-t Douglaa s V J Bennett's Big Grocery Headquarters for fresh roasted, high grade, superior rnffees. Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps with pound CSnldtn Santos Coffee 2o Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound B. F. Japan Tea 4So Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking Towdcr 24c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound finest Whole Mixed Pickling Spice 25o Table Syrup, 2-pound can 9c Oil Sardines, can 8c Totted Turkey, can 60 Evaporated Cream, can 4c Ten Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond 8 Cove Oysters ISe Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with three pkga. Jell-O, assorted flavors 25c Thirty Green Trading Stamps with Thirty Green Trading Stamps with quart can Libhy's assorted soups. .20o pint bottle Blood of the Grape 25c. Ten Green Trading Stamps with two cans Omar Baked Beans 1Sc Ten Green Trading Stamps with bottle Bennett's Capitol Flavoring Ex tracts ISo Ten Green Trading Btamps with pint bottle Plamond S Salad Dressing. 25c AGENTS FOR TETLEYS INDIA AND CEYION TEAS. Fl.'e Green Trading Stamps with ran Red Cross Evaporated Cream 10c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond S Chill Sauce.... 2fto I to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and many other California points. to Everett, Falrhaven, Whatcom, Vancouver and Victoria. to Portland, Astoria, Tacoma and Seattle. Including branch Oregon. to Spokane and Inter mediate O.R.& N. points; to and Inter main line points. to Ogden and Salt Lake City, and Intermediate line points. call at or address 1324 FARNAM ST, 111, rooms from which to chooss. Just now, . - I fn- k u mnla m.n.r room rvuow- " --. adjoining on the sscond floor;, a room with a v t . K mnA a.v.r.1 Ana amall rooms. uu muui. Ground Floor, Bee Building. Street, 1- SW S Housing tuesaay specials uoui he Meyer, IVoof & Dillen Slock. I Four Extra Specials in Wool Dress Goods 260 pieces of Jamestown novelties, all wool etamlnes, tailor suitings In all the hew effects regular price from 2Sc to 75e 20c a yard at - 25c, and 39c worsted novelties 800 pieces to to select from 1QC on saie an nay St 58-lnch rain proof, regular $1.60 goods, 5 different shades 08C all will go on sale-at Arnold's flannelettes, the real super fine grnde lOc worth 18c a yard-all day at Special Underwear Bargains Ladles' vests and pants, heavy .19c neecea, worth up to foc at... Ladies' comhinatlon suits, extra heavy, In , all sizes worth 1Qr 76c special at J!W FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M - Ladles' night rohes, in extra heavy outing nannei, very long snfi run, 'lllr. well worth 75c peclal at FROM in A. M. Boys' shirt waists and blouses In light and dark colors, neat patterns. Just tha Qcj ng for school wear, worth up to 60o, at, choice . thl Plums Plums We have received bv express Sno cases of fancy Utah RIu Plums. They ar the finest that grow for preserving. Rich flavor, sweet and Juicy. Tomorrow we will sell these 4-basket crates, at, per rf -. I Single baskets, crate Vu I each " Specials at Grocery Department 21 pounds Pure Cane Granulated Sugar. $1.00 48-pound sack High Patent Minnesota Flour $1-35 10 bars best brands Laundry 8oap 25c Gold Dust Washing Powder, package 19c Washing Powder, package 2c HAYDEW BIROS. "J.'l1 '! l tit r- FOLLOW Just One Chance Nov. 30th is the day the Wabash will sell round trip tickets to many points in Illinois, Indiana. Ohio. Ken tucky. West Virginia, Western New York and Pennsylvania, at Greatly Reduced Rates The line with free reclining chair cars, rock ballast, solid road-bed. All information call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam St., or address HARRY E. MOORES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Heb. l The Lowest Rates of the Year . Round'Trip IIomesekert Tickets tvt Three-Fourths f the One Way Rates (MINinUM $10.00) To Points la OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TERRITORY. ARKANSAS. MISSOURI, TEXAS And Other SUU October 3d and 17th November 7th and 21st December 5th and 19th . HILTON, AGeneral passenger Agent. ST. LOUIS. MO. PEACE and COMPORT ar aura to eoma to thoaa who amoka A FIRST-CLASS CIGAR MADE OF TUT f. A. IUCI MIRCANTILC CIOAH CO. f Cmm, Ladies' Cravenette Coats ITS ladles' rsln costs, In medium dark rot ors, pretty stvles A.OO well worth $7.6o-at - -aW tlfion cravenette costs. In all ths newest stvles. made from strictly waterproof cravenette- H.QO great bargalns-at 1W TAILOR Bt'ITS. with 48-Inch costs In great vsrlety of plain and fam-y mixed fahrlcs, unexcep- 0 Q( tional values at v JS'ew winter coats from ths M., W. A D. stock, all the.hest styles and 0 fill fabrics, (IS to Jld.fin values at.. laSiaJ .00 RtSSlA CONET SCARFB. 2 Inches long and hsve six tails greatest 1 QkJ nap ever shown at Misses',' and children s underwear, heavy fleece lined worth 266 1f)C great bargain at , Mixses' heavy rlhhed union suits regular 3!c. values, special, lQC f Rom io t'uaV if a" m'. Mens extra heavy fleece lined drawers. In all sizes, 'worth 69c, at, 25c gnrment "- TILL 12 M. Plums On Time Yeast, - package ,.2 Scouring Soap, bar 4o 5 pounds bulk Laundry Starch 19c 5 pounds choice Japan Rice ,'.l!o 5 pounds best Sago. Barley or Farina. ... 18c Xcelo Htvnkfast Food, package 7Hfl The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb...CV4 THE FLAG 2K J. C. LOVRIIN, Ass t. Un I. Passenger Agsnt. Kansas ciry, MO. A FINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO THKM ,., T. UOyifc 4 to 1 j, 71