TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1905. SPECIAL NOTICES advertisements for these cola ns ! b takn nnMI IS m . for th evening- eelAaa and 11 8 . m. to the morale and Banda edition. tea i vTo wi rt Insertion, i,m ward thereafter. Nothing; take (or less tyfaa XOa for h rst Inser tion. Ths 4trtlitati ka roaserntlvelr. Advertisers, fcr rennestlngf a nn hered ark, ran km iwm a aaaibcrr4 letter la vara f Tli Bra. Answers ao addressed win t, deliver aa presentation af eheelx. T MISCELLANEOUS f THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE nnw nnen rtv and nlsht. Yet it Is hot too late to enter. Bruin now and set that mental (Trill and discipline that will double four earning capacity. Business, shorthand, rewriting, telegraphy, normal and Eng raft. Catalogue free. Address H. M. Unylee, Pres., Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. M-.w -787 CTrVBCR'Pl'1'1'- Omaha Plating Co., xwi - "1508 Ha irnev BL Tel. 26. CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per rent. R 789 TRT KELLY'S TOWEL SLTPLT. Tel. SMO. R 790 ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. 18th. Tel. 177. R-791 LAUNDRY CITT STB AM m 8. inn st. Telephone 254. R CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1500 Farnam. 'Phone 74. H 793 OMAHA Safe and Iron Work", make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters doors and mife. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth St. R 794 THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and braaa castings. Sua Jackson. Tel. 232. R-934 SIGN PAINTING, B. H. Cola, 1302 Douglas. R 7S6 SAP IRONS replated. 2Pc; three for boc. Omaha Plating Co., 1608 Harne. Tel. 2S.JS. R 797 LOCKSMITH Hen?n."ll 'southSuh. R-937 HOLLOW BUILDING Se quality. Cheapest price. Wentworth, 61 Paxon block. 'Phone 1672. B 651 MORGAN'S hall, 16th and Corby Sts. Rea eonablo for private or strictly Invitation affairs. Tel. 6124. R 327 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q-800 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone poles. 901 Douglas. Q 801 MILCH COWS on easy terms. Center. 43d and Q-633 SECOND-HAND. STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain in steam filings call and look over the following supplies: 1.8-Inch Austin horizontal separator. 1.8-Inch Austin's horizontal separator. i.4-incn Austin's vertical separator. i nese have been taken out on account of chnagea in our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Q 532 FOR SALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwlght Williams, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Q.-W8 x OR SALE, about fifty feet ornamental Kalvanized Iron cornice and ornamental iron posts, suitable tor show window. Ap ply superintendent ties uiag. w M&ie FOR SALE New and second-band bUlard easy foa.faientB. Send for catalogue. livunrfwlck-Balke-Collender, 407. S. loth St., umana. y uz 1-DHAND safe cheap. Deright, 1U Far nam. Q u4 J OR SALE Cheap, a lot of good second hand glazed sash. Apply at 848 8. 18th St. i Q-M221 Lo STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodge btreet. y 803 1 OR SALE at a bargain, two bed springs full size, good -condition. 3027 Chicago St Q M321 l OR SALE 2 Fuller ft Warren Heaters; good as new; inquire at 633 South Twenty-second street. Q M377 llx REMOVAL SALE BUCG1ES - STOVES - HARNESS Two top buggies, two road wagons, one surrey, at less than cost. Also full line of h li nens, snd carload of heaters and ranges, L.UING TO MOVE AND MUST DISPOSE Of TlAEM. Ibl4 Chicago St. O M 190 14 FOR private reasons party wishes to sell his overcoat; full length. Imported Scotch tweed: cost $40; wlil sell for $20. Address C 2. Bee. Q 189 llx l'OR SALE IVi miles street car track rails; also feed cam equipped with good trucks to run on truck; Just the tiling for feed yards. Will sell cheap. Standard Beet Sugar Co., Ieavltt, Neb. . 0-M87114 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS FOR SALE A fine team of high-bred car nage horses, chestnut sorrels. Inquire by telephone 669. P M476 FOR SALE Gray- mare, 1.400 lbs., very uiocay; una wuner; buiis neavy nauung. Yurjitr, 36l!i and Center. P-757 FOR SALE 100 head of fresh, well broke native horses and mules, including busi ness horses, wagon horses, drivers and draft horses, matched and weighing l.tfuo lbs. and up, at our barns at Pacific Junction,-la., 20 miles out of Omaha. Call at 'loom 628 Bee Bldg. Tel. 17u3. Anderson - Record Co. p 761 FOR SALE Very cheap Two carriages, one phaeton; well adapted for country use. Inquire at 807 N. 19ih St. P-M104 10 OOLF or park wagon, little used; rubber tires, etc., for flu). Address C 48, Rue. P MU8 13 ELEGANT Stanhope, with rubber tires, at half price; also extension top carriage from tha Battiey Mfg. Co.'a stork, at a i'ig bargain. Johnson A Danforlh, 8. W. Cor. I"th and Jones Bta. Pr BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE-Bakery. 6t., Council Bluffs. Address R., 10 Pearl Y-687 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant see Hart Co., 401 W. Y. Ufa Y-8S7 I iTAVK a good location, for a good Imnle n.ent ' slora in a town of six hundred 4U population. Address C 21, Bee ort're. Oman. Y 947 13 FOR BALE Dry goods and clothing store lit Aiimworth. Neb.; stock in good shape; i cash, rest easy terms; owner wishes to 1 en re. Address Purdy Real Estate Co., liox 1C. Alnaworth. Neb. Y M297 PHYSICIAN Experienced, aged . wanta Jooil location or partnership. Address C 7. Bee. . Y M9 9x GOOD weekly newspaper and Job office at a bargain; best location in city. Write Die today. Wm. Madgelt, Hastings. Neb. , Y M433 II FOR SALE No. 1 etock, general mer chandise. Addre&a, Box 14, Hastings, Neb. Y 4j 13 DRESSMAKING (CLPMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. . 873 IN FAMI-Uta, llUa filurd. 'Phons A-TTW. WANTED MALE HELP FALL TERM of the Omaha Commercial College NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. Catalogue free to any address. Address; H.OHRBOLGH BROS , 19th and Farnam Sts. U 413 DIU'O stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest. 6.'4 N. Y. L. u we MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing trade; great demand for graduates, H-ta day; many complete course two months; graduates admitted to union and Master Plumbers' association. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York. Cincinnati and St. Louis. Day and night class.) For frte catalogue address 23 10th Ave. New York. B-810 A POSITION guaranteed or no pay. If you are In need cf a position, call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life. B 811 WANTED Telegraph operators and sta tion agents. Salary, too to $60, according to location and ability. Apply in person or by letter to E. J. Little, Bupt. Telgli., U. N. Ry.. St. Paul, stating anility and record. B M741 OI0 WANTED City salesmen at once. C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard St. B 949 WANTED Watchmaker, good engraver and salesman. Ed J. Nlcwohner, Colum bus, Neb. B M784 WANTED at once a neat and polite boy about 17 years old for stock work in cloak department. Apply People's Store. - B M318 WANTED Reliable boys; good wages. A. T T. . a I 1 . Y- n M A. VK COMPOSITORS WANTED Good Job print ers, stonemen ana blank Dook neaaing men; steady work. $19.60 for 64 hours. Only reliable men wanted. Write at once. GEORGE D. BARNARD at CO., St. Louis, Mo. B-M405 12 WANTED Ten plasterers; twenty-five building laborers. D A D institute, Coun cil Bluffs. B-M410 12 PAPER Rt'LERS-Wanted. a first-class paper ruler; steady position. State ex perience and wages. Address I. H. Watts, Superintendent, Atchison, Kas. ' B-M432 AT ONCE Assistant manager for branch supply omce and headquarters for sales men; no investment required; permanent; salary 18 weekly; commission extra. Ad dross Manufacturer, Coino Block, Chi cago. B M123 9x WANTED Gordon press feeders, A. I, Root. Inc. 1210 Howard St. B 448 WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at brick yard, Avery, Neb., two miles south of Albright street car line, on Union Pa cific railroad. B M498 CALL and see If you are competent and desire a position. It costs you nothing if I fail to place you. Good driver for dairy. Window trimmer, best of salary. Clothing solicitor, city. Hart, the Expert, 401 N. Y. Life. B-M612 10 WANTED Energetic real estate salesman; new proposition. Apply Room 232, Neville block B MS34 10 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Fall is the time. Position waiting graduates. Little expense more experience In one month than elsewhere In years. Few weeks completes. Call or write, -Motor Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. B-M526 13x WANTED At once, assistant bookkeeper; must be accurate and good penman. Ad dress C S3, Bee. B M406 10 WANTED 60 men to work on farm; wages, 16c per hour. Apply Standard Beet Sugar Co., Leavltt. Neb. B M672 14 WANTED A No. 1 mandolin, violin and guitar teacher of good address and sober; salary, 220 per week. Transportation furnished; steady employment. Writs Berlin Conservatory of Music. Oreeley, Colo. B-M870 10X WANTED for Neb a few experienced salesmen for old line life Insurance com pany; must give good reference; liberal . contract to right man. 8. H. Labbe, District Manager. Illinois Life Insurance Co., Bancroft. Kan. B M685 9x BOOKKEEPER wanted. , stenographer preferred, enworth St. one who Is a Call 2569 Leav B M6S8 WANTED A good barber; 212 per week guaranteed; steady Job. Address. C. L. Arthurs, Cozad, Neb. B M687 lOx WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 WORKING girls. Canadian Office, 15th and Dodge. C 812 LADY agents and traveling men to sell new patented articles without competi tion; good money made by right party. i an or panress room hjo, crown Dlock, Omaha, Neb. C 334 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 2416 Farnam. C M346 COMPETENT girl for general housework. must have references. Only two In family. Call, morning, 313 North 20th SL C-M242 WANTED Cook and second girl; sisters preferred; also a coach. nan. lu02 So. a.'d Ave. C M335 10 WANTED Extra salesladies at once, for our cloak and suit dept. Apply, H. Swan- son, Nebraska eioining to. u 368 I2x WANTED Young girl 16 or 17 years old to assist in general house work. No cook; no washing; small family. 3402 Harney St. C 358 12x LOST At Ak-8ar-Ber. Fair grounds a gold a t i i . ...... v. n i in v.. niuumru i.in uiviii. r uiuci will UQ liberally rewarded by returning same to X 1 DHttl 3UU, l-,nUIABK V,1UI!11B t O. C-360 12x WANTED An experienced laundress. Ap ply to Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park Ave. j UJDS LADIES To sell preventative to ladles; send 26 cents for sample, mailed In plain wrapper, jn. 1. L.O., ui SKI Ave.. Hrook iyn. N. x. C M6S6 vx WANTED Good girl for general' house work. 1711 Dou&Tas. C M411 . WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Mrs. F. D. Hochstetler, 416 8 38th St. C417 GIRL for general housework. 2122 Burt St. C M426 llx WANTED A good, reliable girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. T. H. Mc Cague. 114 N. 24th Su Tel. A-3242. C 462 9x GIRL for general housework. 3126 Chicago. C 458 9 WANTED First-class cook to go to Kansas City refi-rences. 'Phone Black 14S4. for Information. C 447 COMPETENT girl, In must be good cook. 38th Are. family of three. Wages. $5. 116 N. C--461 I GIRI, for general housework; no washing; good wagrs. Inquire 604 8. 36th St. C M468 10g LADY with office experience, stenographer preferred, for confidential position; out of city. Crockery saleslady; must know her busi ness. Hart, the Expert, 401 N. Y. Life. - C-M.US 10 WANTED Woman to clean house one day each week. Call 641 So. 36th Ave. C M642 10 WANTED-SITUATIONS WANTED Position by experienced collec tor; can give best of references. Ad dress C 49. Bee. A M437 9x AT LIBERTY after October 15 Hotel manager. 17 years' practical experience, or will take stewards position at satis factory salary. Addreaa C 67, Bee oftloe. A M6ot x WANTED Position as manager or day clerk In first-class hotel by competent ex- Krlenced hotel man; good references. C care Bee. A M640 lOx - AGENTS WANTED LIVE agents wanted In small towns to handle new patent article. Call or ad U!3 8. 26ta Ave. . - J-Mli 5 The wise advertiser uses the newspaper that will reach the people he is after. Bee Want Ads have more readers than any other newspaper. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, lth ft Chlcag K UJ DEWEY European hotel, 13th & Farnan. E-8H VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. E 615 ROOMS and good board, 25 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago St. E 818 Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul 1 runks E-S17 NEWLY furnished room, modern, In pri vate family. 309 N. 26th St. E 412 ROOMS 1906 Capitol Ave. E 415 10X TWO single well furnished steam heated rooms for gentlemen: also three house keeping rooms; modern. 2234 Farnam Flat . E M446 9x DESIRABLE rooms. 1817 Capitol Ave. E 4fi3 FRONT room with alcove, 634 S. 26th Ave. E 460 9x FINE room, new brick, modern, close in; 'phone 421. N. lSth St. E 457 1 T.A t?rsin mnnv fmnt room mnrlprn fltlA location. Apply. 614 N. 23d. 'Fhone Red 4864. E 456 10 NICE room, strictly private family, elec tric lights, furnace heat, reference re quired. 1921 St. Mary's Ave. E M500 10x NICE furnished rooms, all modern, with phone. 624 8. 20th St. E M499 lOx NICELY furnished room, all modern. 2563 Dodge St. E M615 lflx THREE or four nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2018 Davennnrt. E-M502 lOx PARLOR for rent, also sleeping and light housekeeping rooms; modern. 207 South Twenty-fourth stre-et. E M562 lOx FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences, with use of phone. Phone Douglas b.Jb. 2224 Chicago. E-M646 10x HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; also B unfurnished rooms; moderate rent, i.ii Jackson St. E M677 lOx PLEASANT east room for man and wife. or two gentlemen; family table. C i, care Bee. E 680 llx BEAUTIFUL south front; meals If desired; can accommodate two or four gentlemen; private home. C 60, care Bfe. E 678 llx PLEASANT room, private family; refer ences. 509 8. 25th Ave. K 681 llx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.; board, verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F 818 Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F 819 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; nice rooms; good board; also day board or tickets; rates reasonable. F 490 Octl5x THE BEST of board and largo south room for two refined young men. 627 Park Ave. F-367 9 BOARD and rooms, 614 N. 19th. F-M431 12x ROOM and board. In private family. 108 . z&tn Ave. fliam in A LARGE southeast room, with board. 2669 Farnam. Tel. Red 6261. F M673 lOx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. 1322 B. Z&th Ave. U M5 X TWO rooms for light housekeeping, on ground floor. 1J20 N. 17th St. G 466 9x FOR RENT HOUSES 6-ROOM flat for rent, all modern except heat. Inquire at Crlsman & O'Briens, II 16 euru IJ ft 1 aim 10 4623 DOUGLAS ST., 7 rooms, brick resi dence, porcelain bath, furnace 330; va cant about Oct. 15. U D. SPALDING, Tel. 230. Omaha Nat'l Bank. . D M595 17 MODERN house, close In, 209 8. 25th Ave.; newly painted and repaired; rent 233. 2021 Locust, 7-room house; bath, gas; $23; newly painted and papered. 614 S. 30th St., vacant October 15; bath, gas; $22.60. 3116 Franklin, 6-room cottage; city water, cistern; J 10. J. H. HOWARD, Phone 38$, 937 N. Y. Life. D M678 9 DESIRABLE 6-room cottage, 212. 1515 8. 25th St. D M676 9x 7-ROOM modern house, nearly new; laun dry, good -sized yard. 112 8. 35th St. Rental 140 per month. 2624 Caldwell St., 8-room, modern house $26 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. D M501 10 A STRICTLY modern new house of 7 rooms, $28.60. 4027 Hamilton St. D M479 llx NINE-ROOM modern house; rent. $30; 130$ rv. ;(,m tri. v. corner :tiin ana Caldwell); two large lots with property; references required. 1909 California St., 7 rooms, $20: good re pair. WALTER BREEN. 416 KARBACH BT.TC D M352 PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1628, Schmoller & Mueller. D 825 FOR RENT Modern 14-1 00m tirick dwell lug. 19th and Leavenworth; In good order. Just papered and painted throughout; steam heat. Milton Rogers 6 Sons Co., 14th and Farnam Sts. D 951 FOR RENT Ne,w modern 7-room cottage, 33d and Marcy; ready Oct. 15. 'Phone 6786. D-M864 UnlTCF'0 all parts of the city. R llUUJUJc, peters J Co., Bee Bldg. D 981 THE Omaha Van A Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Oftlcc, 1511 Farnam. Tel. 1538. D 821 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age CO. Tel. 1416. Offlce. 171$ Webster St. D 822 14 ICC C in all parts of the city. The O. nUUOCJ y, Davis Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. 1-I4 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 824 FOR RENT 3-room modern house, except furnace. 806 N. 30' h XI., ."). 4 nice large rooms, Lu21 N. ImIi St., $12. C. M. BACH. MANN. 438 Paxtou Blk. . D-304 7-ROOM. all modern houae, N. E. corner 22d and Ohio; hot water heat, $2.kJ0. Turklngton. 602 Bee Bldg. D 419 NEW FURNACE For Rent 3-room atrlctly modern house; well built and warm. 1340 8. 27th. Open afternoons. J. C Selden, 407-409 8. li'lh St. D M442 FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3-room house. Address, C 61. Bee. ' D 454 TWO new, S-rooin. modern fists, oak fin ish: now ready for occupancy; close to Crelghton college and school. 2216 Burt. Apply H. Byrnes, 2213 Burt. D 388 9 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main floor, N. Y. L. Tel. 133. 8u7 J. U. Idacfarlanu. $04 N. Y. I Bid. Tel. 1553 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE JLOSE IN BARGAIN 66R St. Mary's Are. This - Is a good -room house, has gss, city water, bath, closet, etc., nice mantel; beautiful corner lot. with nice shade trees. This house cost over 14,250 to build. We will sell the house and lot for 33,750. You don't want to let a chance like this go by. The Byron Reed Co. RE M474 10 212 SOUTH 14TH. GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. BURGESS -GRANDEN CO, Formerly F. M. RUSSELL FLXTURE CO. 213 South 15th St.- Telephone 681. RE 828 WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE FARMS, RANCHES AND CITY REAL ESTATE. WEBSTER A MILLER, OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDO. RE 695 Oli Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE 830 CHAS-Williamson Co.0, Vi-ti?- RB 980 WE OFFER TO DEALER8 60,000 acres of choice wheat lands In south eastern Asslnlbola In blocks of from 6,000 to 30.000 acres at prices which will allow a large margin of profit to the retailer. These lands aie splendidly located. In well settled districts, and are the finest wheat lands In the world. There is no quloker selling proposition on tha market today. NORTHWEST LAND & TRUST CO., Peoria. 111. RE M503 lOx FOR 8ALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on North 18th St., only 14,500. This Is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE M168 FOR SALE Beautiful 12-room home near West 40th St. Address 120, care Bee. RE M891 OMAHA REAL ESTATE AUCTION CO. 232 Neville block, will sell your real es tate, or any kind of property at public auction. We also transact a general real estate, rental and Insurance business. Our central location brings us many Inquiries dally from those desiring to buy or rent. 'I'hone 6878. . R&-M633 16 WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet describ ing two ranches In the corn and alfalfa belt. Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow. Neb. RE 829 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS SALARY LOANS, EASY TO GET, CHATTEL LOANS, WHEN YOU. .WANT MONEY why not go where you can get It cheapest and from an old-established firm who handles their own money. Establish a credit with them that will be of value to you In the future. We loan on furni ture, pianos, live stock and salaries; small WEEKLY or MONTHELY. PAYMENTS, which are suspended Incase of sick ness or out of employment. T"acts are, we want your business. Established 1889. Duff Green Ldah'Ca ' 8 and 9 Barker Block. TEL. I -t T X-S32 Our Money Is loaned on furniture, pi-nos, live stork and to salaried - people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rates ate as low as any; our service Is quick and quiet and we never charge for making papers or notary fees. We want your business If you ever borrow money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 8u6 South 16th Street. Tel. 22?5. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (Established 1892.J X833 SALARY LOANS Every man In Omaha getting a salary, call at our office and get all the money you want on your plain note. A written guar antee will be given you not to entorce payment through your firm. COME AND SEE US FIRST, whether you borrow or not. Our rates axe the lowest in the city. You can pay ua back in easy weekly or monthly pay ments, to suit yourself. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., . Rooms Su7-3u6, Paxton Block. X-M776 LOANS1 LOANSl! LOANS!!! ON FimNITURE. PI A NO 8 AND SAL ARIES AT THE LOWEST RATES. WESTERN LOAN CO., THE 331 Neville Blk., Third Floor, Cor. loth and Harney Sts., Tel. 8519. X 834 CHATTEL LOANS. We have money tu loan at a reasonable rate on diamonds, pianos, liousenold furniture or other good chattel securities to parties whose position in life require that sucn transactions be made and held In strict confidence. Union Loan and Invest Co., 212 Bee. Telephone 2904. X HJa BOWEN'S MONEY Easy t6 get on furni ture, planus, horses, oows. plain note if steadily employed. 703 N, Y. Life. X-838 MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In 63 principal cites. Tolman, Room 714, New York Life Bldg. X.-637 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 S IX X-838 CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Tel. 745. 632-3 Paxton Block. X-839 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St, X 40 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all bublness confidential. 1301 Douglas. X 841 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.: half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbe now, room 214, at 208 8. 16th St. Tel. B-2964. X-842 PRIVATE PARTY will loan on furniture, pianos, horses and salaries. Address C lL care Bee. X-M773 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. In French. Spanish or German; learn to speak In 25 lessons, business correspond ence 60, to read literature 65 GUARAN TEED. F. Peltier. 116 South 20th. 832 12x CHATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES rnc M f IJ German, Spantsn, Kenclng. r r.CmVriDvluge Bldg., lsin arnA -871 PATENTS H. A. 8TURGE8. registered attorney: pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un lets successful, 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. -806 SHARPE MACHINE WORKS. 10th and Jackson; patents procured; Inventions de veloed; di awing, palUraa, casting", ma iUue work, -HUU PERSONAL THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U-U PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 00 weekly. All music Irssons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. IT 865 ACCORDION an SUNBURST PLhATING, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLhATINGCO 100 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1936. L' 869 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 8530. U-S60 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune our piano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co., lU Farnam. U-61 MA fi N P Tl H treatment A baths. Mtr UltUMCIi Smith, 118 N.ifi, 2d fl .r. me. 2. U 360 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 720 8. 1.1th. U-862 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement: up to date and reliable. 2319 8. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. U 293 OclSOx FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rstes for reliable service. Tel. 16&. Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-863 LARSON JOHNSON Cut rates to all points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1935. Member American Ticket Brokers' association. U-864 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. . U 854 WE RENT sewing machines, 75c week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines. $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. U 855 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanltxrlum, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U 822 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 856 MALLETTS Cereal Coffee, healthful, nourishing; best thing for Indigestion 15c per pkg. all grocers. U MS57 DR ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 8, 1506 Farnam. U 858 C. L SMITH, city manager of the Natlonxl Mutual Fire Insurance company, is In the old Union National bank rooms, on the northwest corner of Dodge and 15th , streets. U M331 10 DR. JACKSON. Room 4, Frenser Block. . U-90 MEDICAL FOR Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pills, for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter ference with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mail, $2. Dr. G. G. Raymond Remedy Co., room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago, III. 866 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp, Dr. Pries, 15114 Dodge St., Omaha 867 PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for .la dles; never falls; $2 postpaid. . Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 368 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. 869 LADIES with poor health will find It much for their benefit with trifle expense, to correspond with Mrs. M. P. McCulloch, 410 W. 6th St., Atlantic, la. I have made such cases a specialty for many years with the best success. Write your symp toms and address plainly. Confident!!. M379 r16x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-8TORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 814 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1-827 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office which rents for $10.00 per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It Is located on the fourth floor of the Ben building and Is Just the thing for anyone wanting a nice little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1771 FOUR-STOKY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building Is 22x185 feet, four stories and basement. The basement is 22x133 feet, Is cemented. The celling over the basement has a brick vault and iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor In front and granolithlo floor In rear. There Is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper iloors have windows on three sides. Address, The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewater, Secretary, Room W0, Bee Bldg. I 5 up STORE FOR RENT $30 per month for store room. 20x60 feet. 2127 Farnam St. Newly papered and painted. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. I M247 10 DENTIST can rent a line office with north light. In the Bee building, dividing wait ing room and expense of office boy and telephone with doctor of established prac tice. Kant, $20 per month. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agent-, Ground Floor Bee Bldg. I M346 A SNAP Drug, grocery, meat market; built as a department store; separate If necessary. Also bakery and laundry rooms, with par lor. Ttiard. 220 No. 23d. I M367 N4 FOR SALE FARMS 640 acres near St. Edwards. In Boone county. Neb.; 400 acres under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture; good Im provements: 2 wells, windmills, etc. Price, $46.00 per acre, $13,800 In cash, balance 10 years at 5 per cent. Several good Improved quarter sections In Boone county and Nance county on very favorable terms. For further Information call or write to GEORGE ft CO.. 1601 Farnam St., Omaha. M408 20 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 60.000 homes of farmers snd stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement is small 3 cents per word In small type or $2.80 per Inch If set In large type. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 8. 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 8-047 MRS. O'NEAL (colored), palmist snd ad viser. Tel. Red 6161. 2214 N. 21st 8-356 10x LADY CELESTA", palmist and clairvoyant, tells about business, speculation, law suits, marriage, love affairs, alrknesa and ab- vWsy Jktit&si MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4 Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 843 MONEY TO LOAN Payne lnvestmnt Co. W 844 GARVIN BROS.. 104 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W 845 BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Rik. W-846 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-847 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douglas W 848 $l.nno.nro TO LOAN on business snd resi dence property In Omsha; lowest rates : no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. I.lfe. W-49 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. W 850 FARM and cltv loans: lowest rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tel. lfi. W-SM IXDANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with: csn psy It back In monthly payments. Hastings ft Hevdcn. IfionVj Farnam St. W 52 .WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent, farm of 10 to 15 acres, with 4 or 6-room house, near car line. Address C 40, Bee. K M366 9x WANTED Elcht or nine-room house with modem Improvements. In Hanscom park or West Farnam district. Excellent refer ences. Address K, care Bee office. K-M440 WANTED BOARD Gentleman snd wife desire room and board In private family within walking distance of city hall. Ad dress, stating terms, C 64, Bee. K-M4S1 9x OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. Life. Tel. lhhl. tfiS MRS. JOHN R. MVPICK. Osteopathy Phy sician. Office, Neville Blk. Tel. 2823. -878 FLORISTS HERS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 877 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. 1258. -878 PRINTING PRINTIMC. MEMORIAL CARDS; ar r nll'l I ItNt-J tlBllc deanna. S. E. Cor. LYNGSTADl6th st- and cp"'Ave. FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. In and you will soon get it. Z 983 r AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS SHARPE MACHINE WORKS. 604-612 South Tenth St.. 'phone 1845. Heavy repairs and rebuilding. -312 17 WANTED TO BUY MEMBERSHIP In Omaha Grain exchange, if cheap. Telephone 1703. N 118 12x GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR FRESH VEGETA BLES. Office Purchasing Commissary, U. 8. army, Omaha, Neb,, October 2, 1906. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 o'clock a. m. central standard time, October 17, 1905, and then opened publicly for furnishing and delivery of such quantities of potatoes and onions as may be required by the Subsistence Department at Oninha, Neb., Forts Crook. Niobrara, and Robinson. Nebraska; Fort Meade, South Dakota; Forts D. A. Russell, Mackenzie and Washakie. Wyoming. Pro posals will also be received and opened by the commissaries at Forts Robinson and Niobrara, Nebraska; Fort Meade, South Dakota; Forts D. A. Russell, Mackenzie, and Washakie, Wyoming, until 10 o'clock a. m., mountain standard time, each Com missary receiving proposals for Ills own post only. The right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals In whole or In part. Blank proposals and specifications, showing In detail the articles and quantities re quired, and giving full Information as to conditions of contract, will be furnished on application to any of the above mentioned officers. Envelopes should be marked "Pro posals for Fresh Vegetables, to be opened October 17, 9(i5," and addressed to the un dersigned or commissary at post authorized to receive proposals. T. B. HACKER, Captain, Commissary, U. 8. Army. O 3-6-7-9. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER 8 Office. Fort Des Moines, la., October 7, 1905. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m., standard time. November 6, 1Si5. for furnishing and installing electric light fixtures, watt meters, and transformers, and wiring for electric lighting, In public buildings at Fort Des Moines, la. Information furnished on application. United States reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be Indorsed. "Proposals for Electric Light Fixtures, etc.," addressed L. Hardeman, Q. M. Oct7-9-10-ll-Nov2-3 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Omaha, Nebraska, October 3, 1906. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received hero until 10 a. m., central standard time, November 2, 1905, for the construction of a Bakery at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. Full Information furnished on application to this offlce, where plans and specifications may be seen, or to the Q. M.. Fort Robinson, Ne braska. Envelopes containing proposals to be marked "Proposals for Bakery," and addressed to M. GRAY ZALINSKI. Major and Quartermaster, U. 8. A. O 6-6-7-9 N 1-3 FORT MEADE. S. D.. SEPTEMBER 23. 1905. Sealed proposals in triplicate, for window screens, storm sash and storm vestibules, for six public buildings at Fort Meade, S. D., will be received here until 2 p. m., October 13, 1906. Information fur nished upon application. U. S. reserves right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Specifications may be seen by application to the Quarter masters at Saint Paul, Omaha, Saint Louis, and by application to this office. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for screens and storm sash for public buildings, Fort Meade. S. D .," ad dressed MAJOR GEO. K. HUNTER. Con structing Quartermaster. 826-6-7-8 O9&10 0. M. E. TEL 611 MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE OPEN DAY AA1 NIGHT. OMAHA MESSENGER & EXPRESS CO. 1013 FARNAM 6T. RAILWAY TIMt CARD UNION STATION TKTII AND MARCY I'nloa Paclfle. Leave. Overlsnd Limited a 8:44, am California Express a 4:10 rra California ft Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pm North Piatt Local a 7:60 am Fast Mall a 8:66 am Colorado Special a 7:46 am Beatrice Local 1:15 c Chicago, Rock Island A Pacli EAST. Chicago limited a 3:36 am Chicago Express a 7:86 am Chicago Ex.. Local bll:iam Des Moines Express.. ..a 4.10 pm Des Moines Local Chicago Fast Uxpresa..a 6:40 pot WEST Rocky Mountain Lira u. a 7:20 am Colorado Express ...... .a 1:30 pm Oklahoma at Texas Es.a 4:30 pm Colorado Nlsht Ex.. a t.U sin Cblcaao A. tiorta eatrra. Daylight St, Paul .... a 7:ie n Daylight Chtcag a i 't.un Limited Chicago ....a 8:38 pm Local Carroll a 4:g nni Fast 81. Paul a :.. pro Local Sioux C. ft St. P. ilMpa Fast Mall ... ... Chicago Express a:"" Dm Norfolk ft Bonesleel ....a :40 in Lincoln ft Lo". r'lne ...o 7:10 am Casper ft Wyoming ,.,.2 U Dead wood ft Linc.-io ....a 3 56 ism Hastiriga-Albion 2.50 pm ( Ht s G)Hflf?U Arrive. 1 I:1R pm 1 :M am 1 6:10 pm . 6:30 pm 1 8:20 pm i 7:44 am 1 1:30 rm a 7:1 am a I 60 pm 4:30 pin bii u am 6 pm a 1:16 pis 3 M am a 4 fc pm all. 40 iu a 7.36 aia 19 00 II 60 Hi I 60 lot S 9:85 I 60 a 7.30 10 35 10:15 6:15 1. 14 1.16 ft pm pm am an am air. pnr arr. air. pm pm pm pm RAILWAY TIME CARD intaola Central. Chicago Fixpress a 7:26 Chicago I.tmMed a 7:M Minn ft Si. 1'aul Fl ...b 7:26 Minn. A St. Paul Ltd. ..a 7 60 Mlssoarl Parlne. t. Louis Express a 3 00 K. C. ft 8t. L. Kx all 16 Chicago, MllwaeVee ft St. Chicago Dayi'.ght Ex. ..a 7: Callforifla-tirrgon Kx...al 46 Overland Limited a 8:35 Wabash. St. Louis Express at .amis I .rw-al ( from Cour.cvl Bluffs) :ll Shenandoah !.-cal (from Council Bluffs).. ( htcaao lireat PL Paul ft Minn. 8t. Paul ft Minn Chicago Limited Chicago Exprsss BtfRlJlJinTOS STATION-IOTH Itorllngioa. Lesve. a 8:10 pm aU:)0 pia .a s:mi in .b 2-67 pm b 3 63 pm a 7:60 pm ,al3:16 pm .a 3-je am !a 7:36 am a 4:0 pm a 1:05 pm .a 9:16 am a 4:46 pm ,al0:46 pm a 1:15 am Arrive. 3. SO pns 6:06 pm 7:40 pm ftli ot pm 10 36 an b 8:3a 700 aol " pm 7:38 pm 10:53 pm 11:30 a- : am pm Denver ft California.... North weet Express ... Nebraska poitts Lincoln Fast Mall Ft. Crook A Plattstr.'th Bellevue ft Plattsm'th, Hellevue ft Pac Juno... Bellevue ft Pac, Juno... Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local Bt. Louis Express t.- ...... . ,-Mtv JL Rt In Kansas City ft St Joe.. Kansas City t tt- Joe, a 4 44. pm WEBSTER DEPOT 15Tn Jt WEBSTER Missouri Paclfle. Nehraaka Local. TVa Utn. Arrtra Weeping Water b 8:6ft pm M3:30 p Cblcaao, St. Paal Mlaaeapolla ft Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..b t t am b f :1 n Sioux City Passenger. ..a :00 pm all:20a Oakland Local o 6:46 Dm b 9:10 am Emerson Local o 8:45 am 0 6:00 pm a daily, b dally except Sunday, 1 dallf except Saturday, o Sunday only, dallj except Monday. A REMARKABLE EXPERIMENT Can One Instantly "Project Hint self Into the Presence of st Distant Friend In an article on "Mysteries of the Human Mind." In PuMlo Opinion. H. Addlngtnn Bruce describes the attempt of an English clergyman named Clarence Godfrey to "project himself" Into the presence of a friend at a distance. The attempt wns made on the night of November IB, isse. and Is thus described by Mr. Bruce: The result of his attempt, as described In the account written out at his request by the "preclplept," who, It should perhaps be added, had had no Intimation of tha experi ment, was as follows: "Yesterday viz., the morning of November 16, 1886 about 8:30 o'clock, I woke up with a start and an Idea that some one had come Into the room. I heard a curious sov.nd, but I fancied It might be the birds In the Ivy outside. Next I experienced a strange, restless longing to leave the room and go downstairs. This feeling became so overpowering that at last I arose and lit a candle and went down. thinking that If I could get some soda water It might have a quieting effect. On re turning to my room I saw Mr. Godfrey standing under the large window on the staircase. Ho was dressed In his usual style, and with an expresslosi on his facn that I have noticed w-hen he has been look ing very earnestly at anything. He stood there, and I held up the candle and gased. at him for three or four seconds In utter amazement, and then, as I passed up the staircase, he disappeared. The Impression left on my mind was so vivid that I fully Intended waking a friend who occupied the same room as myself, but remembering that I should only be laughed at as roman tic and Imaginative, I refrained from doing so." Arguing from analogy, it was held by those advancing the telepathlo hypothesis that the mind of a dying person In revert ing to a distant friend conveyed to the friend's mind a distinct Impression which took the form of a vivid visual hallucina tion. To the reply that the apparitions wero by no means uniformly coincident with the moment of death, and not infrequently oc curred only after a lapse of several hours. It was deemed sufficient to point to StsSd cases as that of Rev. Mr. Godfrey as Illus trative of similar deferment of experi mental hallucinations. In the Godfrey cass the "willing" begun at 10:45 p. m. cn tht night of November 15. and lasted only elghl minutes, after which Mr. Godfrey fell asleep; whereas. It was not until 8:30 a. m. of the following morning that the halluci natory vision appeared to the "percipient." THE SENATE OF BUSINESS Roll Call of Members of Onr Finan cial Oligarchy and the Power They Wield. In the World's Work for October Sereno 8. Pratt draws a startling comparison be tween the controlling oligarchy of financiers and the senate of the United States. He writes: The members of the senate of business are the following: John Jacob Astor, George F. Baker, A. N. Brady, E. J. Ber wind, W. A. Clark, W. M. Crane, John It. Convrrse, J. F. Drj d"n, Chsrles G. Dawes, James II. Eckels, Marshall Field, Henry C. Frlck, James B. Forgan, George J. Gould, James J. Hill, E. H. Harrimaii, Ed win Hawley, Adrian Iselln, James K. Jarvle, J. O. Armour, Oliver Ames, August Belmont, Cornelius N. Bliss, A. J, Cassatt, John Clafflln. T. Jefferson Ooolldge, Dumont Clarke, Thomas Dolan, Chauncey M. De pew, James B. Duke, Henry M. Flagler, James C. Fargo, E. H. Gray, C. A. Grlscom, John R. Hageman, H. O. Havemeyer, A. D. Jullllard. John 8. Kennedy. Morris K. Jesup, J. Plerpont Morgan, R. A. McCurdy, Levi P Morton, C. H. Mackay, C. W. Morse, A. E. Orr. Oliver H. Payne. John D. Rockefeller, H. H. Rogers, Norman B. Ream, Jacob H. Schlff. James Speyer, Rus sell Sage, Charlea M. Schwab, Nathaniel Thayer, W. K. Vanderbllt. P. A. Valentine, Henry Walters, Charles Lanier, W. II. Moore. John A. McCall, J. J. Mitchell. Paul Morton, D. O. Mills, Daniel O'Day, George W. Perkins. William Rockefeller, Thomas F. Ryan. Daniel G. Reld, James Stillman, 8. R. Shipley, Samuel Sloan, E. C. Sim mons, H. McK. Twombly, F. W. Vander bllt, P. A. B. Wldener, E. F. C. Young. These are our business rulers, the men whom we have by our proxies, as stock holders, elected as the trustees of our prop, ertles. They have acquired practically an oligarchical power. The stventy-slx hold an aggregate of about 1,600 directorships In stock companies whose capitalization stands for the most Important the domi nantpart of our national wealth. Mr. John Moody estimates that the trust power of the United States Is $20.379.0O,OuO. These men control that power and more. They are also the dominant Influence In the banks and trust companies having deposits of $10.')O0.O00,OiO and a capital Investment of $2,7&O.OuO,0'jO. An analysis of their power will show that fully lu) of the greatest railroad, Industrial and banking corpora tions, with a capitalization equal to more than one-fifth of the nation's wealth, are controlled by thrrn. Many Children Itescned. Many children have been rescued by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds 60c and $1. Sold by Bherman ft McConnell Drug Co. Most value for yuur inony at Hu ner mann 1 Jewelry store, 13th and Douglas. Be Waal ftdj Product BMultfi am alfl pm pm a os ,m I am ol A pm I pm a 8:06 pia ' I am a 6 am pm.aHieA r aU .-06 pra "IS. pn ai m p,n 1 pm a 24 a- 1 30 pm :J0 in I am 10 m . 1 3:4 pm 2 JO nm I Uttlirs. I a.30pm a7:18an ': m a 7:56 pm I J 00 Pm al0:10 am? I e:au t.s Dm. - - ft MAso.t rT I! 1