Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Filling C' Bf rtguhrli or
promptly itiouH nporl to 'Phon S97.
Get H jr luftrffirfl a IWI Wtnt Hi to
Tta Im'i dttttHoi tdfrtislwf tolomnt.
Bever&l Thrown Among tba Ooatacki of
the Tiflli Garrison.
Ireopa Fir at Bomb Throwera and Gen
rl Fulo Ensaei.
Tkree Hundred Thonaand Tretpa ta 8tay
n OhSneit lorder,
Real Reason Believed P'
henslon They Will Join the
Malcontents If Takca .
TIFLIS. Oct. i.Beveral bmk were
thrown at the Cossacks this evening. Tha
troops fired and a general panic ensued
Many persons were killed or wounded.
Big Armr on Frontier.
TOKIO, Oct. . 7 p. m. It Is reported
here that Russia will station 100,000 troops
on tha Chinese frontier after peace has
been declared, partly because It Is appre
benslTe of the ioldlera joining the malcon
tents at home and partly for Intimidation
of tha Chinese.
It Is expected that the railway obtained
by the Japanese from Kwangehengtce
southward, although It will require an In.
Itlal Investment of about $11,600,000, will ul
tlmately be a paying property, chiefly be
cause of the revenues derived from tha
Yentl and Fushun collieries.
Police Fir a Mobs.
MOSCOW, Oct. s. During an affray be
tween crowds of strikers and tha police the
mob stoned the police and troops. The
latter fired and dispersed the demonstrators.
Two hundred arrests were made.
LONDON, Oot. 9. Special dispatches to
the London newspapera describe the desper
ate state of affairs at Moscow Saturday and
Sunday. Many persons were killed or
wounded In tha rioting on tha Tverskoy
boulevard at the site of the momument to
ths poet Alexander Pushkin and in the
great square fronting the monastery, where
tha troops used sabres and rifles, firing
point blank Into the rioters. The authori
ties have Issued a proclamation giving ths
police absolute power to prevent assem
blages. The correspondent of tha Standard de
scribes how many of those arrested were
made to run tha gauntlet of a double line
of Cossacks, la a long, narrow courtyard,
the soldiers brutally striking them with
knouts and tha butts of rifles until they
dropped fainting or dead at the and of the
St. Petershnrar Honors One Itasslnn
Heroic Flnare of tha 'Late
ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. -The srrlval
of the body of Major General Kondratenko.
commander of the Seventh East Plberlan
rifles, t -rort
erahle i
were n Z
tsry ai JL
the ea
den a
and ,
the I
"as killed last December at
ind Its Interment In the ven
der Nevsky monastery today,
by the most Impressive mill
spectacle witnessed here since
ys of th war. For once all
he population of the capital
m that apathy wiilch was un-
he news of the battles of Muk
Sea of Japan or the announce
p conclusion of peace.
of spectators, standing silent
red In a drizzling rain, -walled
evsky Prospect from the Mos
cow station to the gates of the monastery.
while grand dukes, ministers of state, cour
tiers and the highest officers of the army
and navy, many of whom had won distinc
tion at Tort Arthur snd In Manchuria, fol.
lowed the coffin on foot through the muddy
streets as common mourners with tha
widow and son of the desd general.
In the procession could be seen the uni
forms of every organization of Russian mil
itary. Each regiment of the St. Petersburg
garrison sent a detachment of veterans,
many bearing the thirty-year service med
als, to form the military escort.
Conspicuous among the clergy were two
militant priests from Port Arthur, wearing
the broad yellow and black ribbons of tha
Order of St. George awarded them for gal
lantry during the siege. Many cities were
represented by deputations. The emperor
had been expected to attend, but as he was
unable to do so he was represented by
Grand Duke Vladimir.
Metropolitan Antonlus, assisted by the
Imperial choristers, celebrated the "panl
cheda" for requiem, and eulogized General
Kondratenko as the "soul of the siege, for
when ha died the fortress fell."
President Baid to Hare Era on Vacant
Preliminary Maneuvering for Posi
tions In straggle Over Railroad
Rate Rearnlatlon and
Other Mensnres.
So Hope af Relief IrSm Yellow
Sconrge I'ntll
Mberals Cat mall Figaro Vt 1 Date
"" UbtlM-aaaa Jlw
. tlene. .
HAVANA. Oct. a-All tha local boards
of registration for September XS met to
day and aeleoted ona .-delegate each to
meet In tha provincial capitals October
1 for the purpose of choosing provincial
electoral boards, which are to certify to
the nominations of senators and repre
sentattves as well as provincial councillors
and canvas all tha results of tha presi
dential election.
Returns received by the government to
night Indicate that all tha provincial boards
will be composed of moderates nd fol
lowers of General Nunes, with the ex
ception of the provinces of Santiago and
Plnar del Rio, In which It Is probable the
liberals will be represented on tha boards
by minorities. Each board will be com
posed of seven members. The province
of Havana elected ten moderates and eight
Nunei delegates.
General Freye Andrea, secretary of tha
Interior, tonight ' Informed the Associated
Press of his Intention to resign from the
Cabinet and become a candidate for Con
gress from tha province of Matansas. Ha
predicted aafa majorities In both branches
of Congress, namely 15 to in the Senate
and 40 to 20 In the House, counting sev
eral Nunes men In the latter majority.
Ha asserted that none of tha retiring lib
erals would be succeeded by a liberal.
Carload of Race Horses Also Killed
or Injared go Badly They
Were Shot.
MILLERSBURG, Pa., Oct. . Three men
siiiea, one man was injured und a
carload of Tace hvrses were cither killed
or so badly hurt that they had to be shot
the result of the collision at the Junc
tion of tha Lykens Valley branch of the
Pennsylvania railroad a mile south ot this
city today.
The dead are:
THEODORE SCOTT. Northumberland,
RALPH HEVnEnSHflT K'nrtl.K..
land, freight brakeman.
CHARLES E. BERRY, Sunbury, freight
The Injured man is Julius Lesh of Sun
bury,' engineer, whose leg was crushed and
body bruised. All the victims were mar
ried. The collision was between the fast No.
t Erie mall train, west bound, and a
caboose and box car containing a load of
race horses. The mail train was bound
from Harrlaburg to Erie. It was preceded
out of HarrlsbuTg by a fast freight train,
which, owing to a heavy fog lost some time.
Tha caboose and box car accidentally un
coupled at taa Junction and the malt tram
overtook them. Berry and' Henderahot
were In the caboose when the crash came
and were killed instantly. Tha horses were
bound for the Bloomsburg. (Pa.), fair and
belonged to several eastern horsemen.
Crase for Money, Ho Matter How
Obtained, Menac to the
Aatl-Mllltary Demonstrations Which
Ware Planned for Parla Fal
PAR18, Oct. . The 'threatened antl-nill-Itary
demonstration on ths occasion of the
dsparture of the conscripts today failed ut
terly owing to the strict precautions taken
by tha police. Fifteen arrests were made
outside the eastern terminus from which
1.000 recruits took trains for tha garrisons
along the Oerman frontier. The crowds re
plied to the seditious cries of the anarch
sis with patriotic songs.
At Chalons-mer-Mal recruits were placed
inder arrest for singing revolutionary songs
.nd Insulting their officers.
CHICAGO. Oct. 8,-"Thls nation has gone
money mad. For ten years this land has
enjoyed material wealth and prosperity
such as the world has never before seen,
and during that time this madness has
come upon us in full force. We have
forgotten the commandment, Thou ahalt
not steal,' and we are taking the position
that It does not matter how money Is ob
tained so long as It Is got. We cannot
continue In this road Indefinitely and secure
the continuance of free Institutions. The
dangers of peace will destroy this country
at the present rate just as certainly as a
disastrous war."
Such was the keynote of a speech oir
"The Patriotism of Peace" delivered by
Governor J. Frank Hanly of Indiana to
night at the Young Men's Christian associ
ation auditorium. In which the Hooster
chief executive sounded a vehement note
of warning to America against allowing
continuance of graft, official corruption
and disregard for law In the scramble for
Governor Hanly painted a dark picture
conditions In the United 8tates and In
sisted that the very life of tha nation was
dependent on a speedy return to saner
Ideas and more honeat methods.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) I
WASHINGTON, Oct. S.-tSpectel.)-Chalr-
manshlps of at least thirty senate commit
tees, regular and select, will be changed
when the Fifty-ninth congress meets In
December. Already many of the members
of the upper brlnch of congress have been
casting about to ascertain what other
members deslrn In the way of committee
chairmanships, so that they may take ad
vantage of the Tinowledge thus gained for
their own personal use. These Inquiries,
so far In advance of the meeting of con
gress, have had a tendency to focus the
spotlight on the reorganization of the
senate committee, for It is generally con
ceded that In the upper body will come
the supreme fight for many of the prin
ciples for which the president Irrevocably
As to these inquiries regarding chair
manships, and chief committee places, the
president. It Is understood, has had full
knowledge and appreciating that there Is
a strong minority In the senate against
many of the questions he will discuss In
his forthcoming message, he has. as quietly
as the senators, been looking after chair
manships with a view to helping his side
when the battle royal la on. One thing
seems certain when the curtain rolls up
on the Fifty-ninth congress, that President
Roosevelt will know where his friends are,
and by the same reasoning will know where
to put his finger on his opponents.
Chairmanships to Be Filled.
The fact that the president has already
commenced to Inquire from his senatorial
visitors as to the makeup of committees
In the upper body has directed the atten
tion to the large number of chairmanships
to be filled, larger than In any previous
congress since the last Cleveland adminis
tration. The committees that will have a new
head, from the most conservative estimate,
are: Agricultural, audit and control of the
contingent expenses of the senate, Canadian
relations, census, clulms, coast and Insular
survey, education a: id labor, engrossed bills,
examine the several branches of the orvtl
service, fisheries, geological survey, Indian
affairs, Indian depredations, interoceanlo
canals. Irrigation and reclamation of arid
lands. Judiciary, military affairs, mines and
mining. Pacific railroads, patents, public
buildings and grounds, railroads, transport
tatlon routes to the seaboard. University
of the United Statea. These are the stand
ing committees of the senate. Changes In
the select committee, which were created
to give every member of the majority a
chairmanship and to take cars of the lead.
era of the minority, will occur la the fol
lowing committees: Examination and dis
position of documents, industrial exposi
tions, the Potomac fiver front at Washing
Ion, investigate 'trespasses Upon Indian
lands and national banks.
In these changes the president recognizes
hero and there a chanoe to help a friend
and strengthen himself when help is need
ful to carry out the principles for which
he stands.
Roosevelt Feara Senate.
No man appreciates the divisional line
between the executive and legislative
branchea of the government better than
does President Roosevelt. Ha has made
politics the study of his life. He realizes
that to start out boldly to capture chair
manships In the conservative senate would
end In failure, and so he is represented
by those who have discussed tne matter
with him as being only anxious to have
workers at the head of committees and
not men who will take delight In nover
holding committee meetings.
The president. It has been represented,
has no fear of the house. He believes
that on rate legislation the lower body
will stand to his views as expressed In
his meueage. As to the upper body, how
aver, there is a problem, and In order,
therefore, to help the cause along It Is
quietly Intimated the president is doing
what he can to strengthen tha hands of
his friends, realising that while the coun
try is behind him In his views, particu
larly on railroad rate matters there is a
decided minority in the senate who do not
agree with his position. To strengthen his
hands the president Is represented as tak
ing this active Interest in the reorganiza
tion of the senate committees possibly
upon the theory that the "man who waits
Is lost."
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. ' i.-Report of the
yellow fever situation to I p. m. :
New case ,
Total to date .1!5
Deaths None
Total to date '. 410
New foci 4
Under treatment S"0
Dlscharaed .
This Is the second time during the visita
tion that a day has passed without a death
from yellow fever, the previous day being
September 11.
Among the new esse Is a reporter on a
newspaper whose brother wsji stricken two
days ago. Only six of the cases are above
Canal street, which is a larger proportion
thsn has been noted In a month.
Following are the conntry reports: Alex
andria. 1 death: Gretna, one new case
(brought from Grand Island): Union plan
tation In Jefferson parish, seven esses.
Mississippi: Vlcksburg, five new rases;
Natchez, five new rases; Port Gibson, one
new esse, one death. No new eases on gulf
coast or at Rosetta.
The fever reported from Homo Chltto,
near Rosetta, as yellow fever has been pro
nounced malaria.
PEN8ACOLA, Fla. Oct. H.-Elghteen new
cases of yellow fever developed In Pensa
cola today, a large Increase ever yester
day. This Is partly due to rigid Inspec
tion by the citizens volunteer committee
which was appointed yesterday. All of
these cases were among the poorer resi
dents. The prevailing opinion Is that the
fever is beyond control and. that It will
remain In Pensacola until frost comes. The
efforts of the doctors are now centered
principally In preventing a spread.
NATCHEZ, Miss., Oct. . Reports of
yellow fever cases to date:
New cases
Cases under treatment
Total foci
Total cases to date
Total deaths '.
Only Snrvlror of the Tragedy Regains
Consciousness, hot Is Inshle to
Talk and sheds little
Light on Affair.
.. 6
.. S
.. 83
.. 4
... 1
to Install n Mas
System In New York
ROCHESTER. N. Y., Oct. ".-Announce
ment Is made that the United Statea Inde
pendent Telephone company- yesterday
completed its permanent organisation at
a meeting held in this city. Thomas W,
Finucane, the new president of tha com
pany, says that the company authorised
Its collateral trust mortgage of t2S.00O.000
and underlying securities will comprise a
control of the Stromberg-Carlson Tele
phone Manufacturing company, which
manufactures 1.000 telephones a day, and
the New York Independent company, which
owns franchise rights similar, it Is claimed
in scope and character to those of the Bell
Telephone company.
The Independent telephone fines repie-
sented directly or Indirectly by or through
one or another of the director of the com
pany comprise systems which extend sub
stantially from Kansas City, MO to New
York. It Is proposed to Install a plant
with an Initial capacity of 2,00 tele
phones and an ultimate capacity of 750.000
telephones for New. York CUy vnd - the
tributary, districts which environ It.'
The director Include Adolphu Busch of
Bt. Louis. George Eastman of Rochester,
August Gohner of St Louts, Robert C.
Hall of Pittsburg. Joseph J. Helm of Kan-
sas City. Hendrick S. Holden of Syracuse,
Breckinridge Jones of St. Louis, Eugene
Satterlee of Rochester and O. C. Snider
of Kansas City.
Satire Toagne Allowed to Be I sed
In Higher Administrative
. Departments. .
One Gang; Twrne Over Fonr Hnndred
Tricks In Past Two
NEW YORK, Oct. I.-Wlth the holding
for trial In the police court today of three
men aald to be expert flat burglars and
two jewelers, through whom the plunder
Is said to have been sold, the police be
lieve they hsve broken up a gang which I
Was Distributing; Circulars at
Entrance of Washington
WASHINGTON. Oct. . A young woman
claiming to be Nadage Dorea, a Russian
Jewess, who says she has spent tha
greater part of her life In New York City
was arrested here today while distributing
circulars at the entrance of St. John'
church at the comer of Sixteenth and H
streets. She has been In Washington since
Thursday and on several occasions had
visited the White House in an effort to
during the last two years haa robbed many ! ? the P"1810'"1- !he police say has
hundred flats In Harlem. Three of the i b"n ot a,"ynce. The police
gang were arrested on Friday after they
n en vers Commander Howe
the Pest in the sham
LAWTON. Okl.. Oct. 8.-At :1B o'clock
this morning General Frank Baldwin of
Oklahoma City, in command of battery of
field artillery, two troops of cavalry and a
battalion of infantry, took Fort Bill In
sham battle against five batteries of artil
lery and two troops of cavalry In command
of Colonel William Howe of Key West bar
racks, Florida. The attacking troops began
tneir advance from Anadarko Friday
morning and advanced to within two miles
of the north gate of Fort Sill reservation
yesieraay. colonel Howe assembled his
men to the northwest and south of the
fort thinking the enemy would enter from
that direction by the position they had
General Baldwin was successful by mak
lng his attack from the east where It was
least expected and most poorly defended.
One flank of Baldwin's troops went entirely
around the outposts and crossed the rail
road, showing that they could destroy the
railroad and telegraph communication In
time of war.
What Looked Like Solution of Affair flat
ten! Ont on Folic.
MIDDLETOWN. N. Y.. Oct. .-Alt at
empts of the county and locsl police offi
cials to clear up the mystery of the murder
or Willis and Fred Olney and tittle Alice
Ingerlck at the Olney farm near here, and
the murderous assault on Mrs. Ingerlck on
Friday night, have ro fsr been fruitless. It
waa believed this morning that some clue
to the murder hsd been found when Alan
son Orahsm, an old man living near the
Olney place, was arrested on Information
furnished by Mrs. Ingerlck. the only mem
ber of the Olney household who escaped
death, but who was found terribly Injured
snd unconscious la the barn. After N-lng
kept In custody all day and closely exam
ined. Graham tonight conclusively proved
his Innocence and was discharged from
Mrs. Ingerlck was employed by him as
a housekeeper until a few weeks ago, when
she returned to Mlddletown and soon went
to live with the Olney brothers. This was
said to have been resented by Graham, who
Is reported to have made efforts to Induce
her to return to him, and this, with stories
told by Lulu Ingerlck of alleged threats by
Graham against her mother, appear to have
been the basis on which the authorities de
cided to arrest Graham.
Other Soapecte Released.
Daniel Davis and his wife, who live near
New Vernon, were taken to police head
quarters tonight and closely Interrogated,
and later It was announced that there ap
parently wa no e"ijdence that would jus.
tify holding them a'd that they would be
honorably discharged.
Mrs. Ingerlck regained consciousness for
the first time since the assault thla morn
lng. and although not able to speak, suc
ceeded In replying to the lnterrogatorlea of
District Attorney Rogers by nodding and
shaking her head. What Information '
thus elicited was not made public, but
County Detective Ward and Chief of Police
Brinkerhoff at once hastened to Graham's
home and conducted him to this place
Where he was lodged in Jail. Graham took
his arrest coolly and said that he would
have no difficulty In establishing his lnno
Mrs. Ingerlck' husband, Martin, from
whom she was separated several years
ago, was cleared from all suspicion of con
nection with the crime when he came In
today from his home In Wuertsboro and
reported to the authorities. Ha was unable
to throw any light on the affair.
Mrs. Ingerlck's condition tonight shows
continued . Improvement and strong hopes
for . her recovery are entertained. She
was placed In a private room In the hos
pital. . , .
County and city officials scoured the
country In . automobiles . today, running
down clues. Thousands ,. Of , persons on
Toot and In Wagons BoetteA .to-the aaene
of the tragedy, but were denied admit
tance to the premises, which were guarded
by armed watchmen. Large crowds also
collected in front of the jail in which Qra
ham Is conflnsd. He will probably be re
moved to the Jail at Goschen.
Daniel Davis and his wife, who live near
New Vernon,, were called to police head
quarters tonight and subjected to a rigldj
examination in regard to the triple murder.
The arrest of the Davlses Increased the ex
citement and agitated the crowd about the
jail where Graham Is confined. Davis de
clared he knew nothing of the tragedy
Freshmen Carry . Their Prnnks
Fnr nnd the Lnw Will
Fair and
Cooler Monday. Tnesday
Temperatnre nt Omaha Yeafrrdnyi
Honr. Dear. Henr. nest.
a. m H3 1 p. m TO
n. m...... as n. m o
T n. m no X p. nt
ft a. m...... A3 4 p. m TO
O a. an AS) n p. m T
ID i, n TH A p. m ..... . TT
II a. m TA T n. m t I
IS m T p. m T4
f p. m T
John Bodnek 8hostt Sister, BrotW and
Brothor-in-Lsw at Eatinga
Two of Hia Viatirai Are Not EipaatedVto
8unite Their Injuries,
ays Flnnl Word to Sender School
Class Before Going to New
CLEVELAND. O.. Oct. .-In his closing
talk to the Sunday school class of the
Euclid Avenue Baptist church, of which he
Is superintendent. John D. Rockefeller to
day made a comparison of the crops thst
grow In fhe field and the .crops that may
be cultivated by each person that will be of
more benefit than those which grow In the
ground. Mr. Rockefeller referred to per
sonal virtues, and In part he said:
I don't know how manr of you children
hsve been In the country this year, but
many of you have come to see me at my
home snd have made me happy.
I wsnt to ask you what crops you have
harvested this year. I won t find fault If
you have not done very well, nor If you
nave forgotten, for we older ones do the
same thing, but struggle along sgaln snd
resolve to do better. I want to suggest
to you children that you foster the spirit
that rromDts us to spesk a kindly word
and that extends the hand heartily. Some
of us have not had much education, some
of us were never graduated from college,
but we can raise crops Just the same. Let
us cultivate the spirit of patience, let Is
cultivate that cron riant here In our own
city. In New York, or wherever we may be.
Anotner crop that we can cultivate is
charity. Still another crop that we can
raise Is that of good will. Patience, charity
and good will toward others are ever so
much better for ourselves and for others
than are the material crops that a row out
or me ground.
I feel like a soonse. because I have an
sorbed so many blesslnas during my stay
in the city, but I remind you that we should
re iiKe tne pump wntcn not only sucks up
but also gives out. If you will cultivate the
virtues that I have mentioned you can
mnke a heaven on earth for yourselves
and for all those with whom you asso
Today was Mr. Rockefellers last as
superintendent of the Sundsy school class
of which he hss charge during the summer.
He will return to New York City during
this week.
Refneee to Declare Himself at Present
Regarding Rnnnlng for
NEW YORK, Oct. Rumors have been
current Saturday and today that Charles
E. Hughes, chief counsel of the legislative
Insurance Investigating committee, would
decline the republican nomination for mayor
of New York, made at the city convention
last Friday. In reply to these stories Mr,
Hughes said tonight that no one should
Infer from anytiilng he had said that he
either accepted or declined.
"In accordance with my agreement with
the notification committee," said ' he,
shall . not make' known my. decision until
I meet the committee. " For the past two
day t have received a large number of
telegrams and letters from friends and
prominent men; some of 'these urge me
to accept, others urge me to decline."
William Halpln, chairman of the republi
can county committee, said tonight rela
tive to the nomination of Mr. Hughes: "If
Mr. Hughes accepts the nomination for
mayor, the only work the republican party
will ask ' him to do will be to write his
letter of acceptance. We do not wish him
to take one minute from the work of the
legislative Investigating committee that he
Is now engaged on other than to write his
had robbed the apartment of Mrs. Horance
Hoodln In Lenox avenue and the others
were arrested yesterday.
William Hall, alias Mulcalre. aald to be
the leader of the gang, admitted In court
that he had been concerned In 400 bur-
HEL81NGFOR8. Finland. Oct. I. At a
MMfMnrA a? Vlnnlsh officials mith the em-
eror at Peterhof Saturday an Important -rl" ' h lt two years. He and his
nodlflcstlon of the Imperlsl manifesto of I companions made It a practice to enter
is ... snonied. r.ern.ltrln. th. m. I naU during the day. In the absence of
iloyment of Finnish, snd Swedish In the
lgher sdmlnlstratlve departments In Fin
ind. Instead of the exclusive use of the
tusslan language.
The emperor declines to entertain the
equest made by the Finnish senate for
he holding of an extraordinary session of
he Laudtag this year.
tenants, and usually mads use of a cab to
carry off their plunder.
Optosa Revenne Pledged .to Part fnr
Hankow-Canton Line la
LONDON. Oct. I. Correspondents of the
Morning Post at Shanghai and Hong Kong
ay the Chinese government haa loaned
Viceroy Chang Chi Tung at 4
er rent fnr the final return to China of
he Hankow-Canton railway concessions,
the amount to be secured By the opium
revenues of the provinces of Hupe and
Hunan and of ' Canton. ' Of thla amount
the correspondents say tl.0O8.O0O was paid
to the viceroy Saturday and the remain
at. H, 1U J fetal to itow. Iwk,
Police Find
Man's Story te
Give Him HI
Be Trne
ST. I-Ol"I8, Oct. S. Harrassed by hun
ger, too proud to beg and unable to find
employment. Oliver Hamilton, son of an
Episcopalian minister and g graduate of
Eton collrge, was arrested on the charge
say the woman had visited President
Roosevelt at Oyster Bay and had given
him a book dealing with the religious and
political conditions in Russia.
She will be given a hearing In the police
court .tomorrow. To the police matron
Miss Doree said she was simply earnest
In her efforts to get the president's sld
In helping the oppressed Jsws of her na
tive land.
Society of Army of the Philippines
Having; a Rennton At
CHICAGO. Oct. a Several hundred mem
bers of the Society of the Army of the
Philippines arrived in Chicago today under
the leadership of General Wilder Metcalf,
ex-commander of the Twentieth Kansas
regiment, to attend the sixth annual con
vention of the organisation, which will
Wonnded Onee Expected to Recover
Vnless Complications
Bet In.
MILWAUKEE. Oct. I.-A Sentinel special
from Wautoma. Wis., ssys: The three rob
bers who escaped death, of the four who
robbed the postofflce and attempted to loot
the bank at Wild Rose, are In the county
Jail here, and the dead bandit will be
burled at Wild Rose tomorrow unless It
is found expedient tq delay the funeral to
allow further attempts to be made at Iden
tification. None of the men In Jail will talk, but one
of the two who were wounded has been
Identified by a detective as "Rambler."
wanted for a crime committed ten years
ago. He Is said to have been In custody,
but to have made his escape with the help
vi comearraies. it develops that the
wounds of neither of the two robbers who
were shot will prove fatal unless blood
poisoning sets in. and great care will be
iarn 10 prevent complications, as It Is
hoped to give the trio long terms In the
NEW HAVEN.. Conn., Oct. S.-Several
freshmen of Yale university will be ar
rested tomorrow, it Is said, on the charge
or breach or peace and disorderly con
duct as the result of wild pranks which
they carried out tonight In the vicinity
of Plerson hall, the Freshman stronghold
of the college settlement. They jumped
on and ran trolley cars, drove policemen
from the beat and frightened several
women almost Into hysterics. Blank cart
ridges were shot off and buckets of water
and .bundles of paper on fire were thrown
from rooms on the third and fourth floors
of Plerson hall on the heads of pedestrians.
For nearly two hours they blocked York
street and allowed nothing but trolley cars
to go through It, and these on an Irregular
Complaint was made tonight and war
rants have been drawn for the arrest of
several of the alleged leaders of the dis
turbance. A squad of fifteen policemen
finally quelled the outbreak, but made no
arrests tonight. Four policemen smashed
the doors of Plerson hall and were com
pelled to grope through the dormitory In
darkness and failed to lay hands on a
It-was declared by friends of Mr. Hughes
tonight that he would decline the nomina
The city convention of the Municipal
Ownership league will be held on Wednes
day of this week.
of snatching a purse from a woman while ' U,t tnr Uy- Amon those who will
walking along the street and spent last
night and part of today in jallv '
He told the police that he waa driven
to steal the purse because of the pangs
of hunger suffered by his wife and him
self. Ills wife waa Miss Etta Menacy, a
nurse in a hospital near Detroit, and they
were married sixteen months ago. The
police investigated and found Mrs. Hamil
ton almost starved. Convinced of the
truthfulness of Hamilton's story, the po
ll ere offloera contributed a sum ei luoney
to him aud get bim ima.
attend the convention and who are ached
uled to speak at the banquet Tuesdsy night
are General Metcalf, president of the
society; National Secretary F. W. Karllng,
Colonel James Pope of the United States
army, General Jacob Smith. General Irving
Hale of Colorado and General Charles King
of Milwaukee.
During the convention a number of ques
tions of vital Interest to the former Philip
pine soldiers and many new Ideas In regard
to the United Statea psaslua system will be
Thirty Raarhes Destroyed and Fine
mmer Homes Are Threat.
' ened.
BAISTA BARBARA. Cal.. Oct. l-Dia-astrous
forest fires which stsrted above
nanta Harbara last night are still raging.
n nre swept over a SDace five mil..
long and three miles wide, extending along
the foothills above Monteclto. Summer
land and Carpentaria. Fires era now burn
ing Tne aensely covered vslleys and the
mountain aides of Toro. Romeo. Wsrd
and rvtnian canons are veritable fur
ine names nave burned over thirty
ranches and destroyed houses, hams and
other buildings on twelve farms. Ths tnmm
to ranchers on buildings alone Is IM.tttt. If
wi.ia. spring up tonight the many mag.
nlflcent honies in upper JdoalecUo valley
wUl be Uueatooed, - x
Mother of Bndoek Wis in faebla Health
and Lived with Daughter.
Open Shop Clanse to Be Eliminated
from Indian Territory
MUSKOGEE. I. T.. Oct. .-A call was
Issued today for the reconvening of the
constitutional convention at South Me-
Alester. October 18. by the chairman. Chief
Pleasant Porter. The call simply says the
corrected draft of the constitution Is to
be signed, but It Is understood that the
meeting Is primarily for the purpose of
eliminating the clause In the constitution
providing for the "open shop." to which
labor unions have so seriously objected.
The leaders of separate statehood admit
now that the clause is a mistake, which,
unless eliminated, will result In combined
opposition of organised labor and the de
feat of statehood. Labor leaders are jubi
lant over the turn affairs have taken, and
say that with the objectionable feature
out organised labor will heartily support
separata stats movement and proposed
Society Formed to Promote t'nlon of
Episcopalian nnd Rnssian
CONCORD, N. H.. Oct. $ -A number of
the Episcopal clergy of the diocese of New
Hampshire have made preliminary arrange
ments for the formation of an association
which will have for its ultimate object the
union of the Anglican church with the orth
odox church of Russia and other ancient
churches of the east. The organization Is
the outgrowth of the thanksgiving service
at Christ church. Portsmouth, which fol
lowed the signing of the treaty of peace
between Russia and Japan and at which
priests of the Episcopal and Russian
churches officiated.
The new organisation will follow the
linea of. the "Eastern Church association"
of the Church of England, and will have
branches In all dioceses of the Episcopal
church In this country If tha plans of the
promoters are successful. It la said that
within the last half dosen years the rela
tions between ths Russian and Episcopal
churches have been growing closer, but un
til the thanksgiving evensong held at Ports
mouth there had been no general participa
tion In service by both Russian and Episco
pal priests.
i Ofllcer
Loss of
Gets the
His Post.
General Weston Sneeeeds Him la
Command of Northern
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 8-Havlng reached the
age limit of U years todsy, Msjor Gen
eral George Morton Randall, commander
of the northern division of the United
States army, with headquartera In St.
Louis, retired from command. He will be
succeeded by Brigadier General John F.
Weston, who has been commissary gen
eral of subsistence of the army.. .
Major General Randall's army service
emUxacts forty-four years.
NEWARK. O.. Oct. I.-Lylng on a bed
at his home today Captain Carlos B.
Allen, formerly Inspector of rifle practice
in the Fourth regiment and who recently
I accepted a position aa purchasing agent
for the American Hide A Leather company
of Cincinnati, committed suicide. Allen
removed his left shoe snd stocking and
with his toe pulled the trigger of a rl1e,
which sent a bullet through his heart.
Captain Allen was K years of age and
leaves a widow and one son. He hsd re
cently been despondent due. It Is said, to
the loss of his position with a Detroit
leather Arm. He was widely known among
Ohio marksmen.
Movements of Oeenn Vessels Oct. ft.
At New York Arrived: Numldlan. from
Glasgow snd Movllle; Slavonla, from Trl
este, Flume and Palermo; Mlnnetonka,
from Ixindon.
At Queenstown Arrived: Ultonlan. from
New York for Liverpool and proceed"d.
Bulled: Campania, from Liverpool for New
At Flume Arrived: Pannnnla. from New
York via Naples and Trieste.
At Liverpool Arrived: Parisian, from
Montreal and Qurbec; Utnbrla, from New
York via Queenstown.
At Southampton Arrived: St. Paul, from
New York via Plymouth and Cherbourg.
At Movllle Sailed: Caledonia, from Glas
gow for New York.
At Dover if lied: Patricia, from Ham
burg tvr How York via Boulogne, .
daarrel Grew Ont of Thla, Which
Culminated In Tragedy Over
the Bier When Mother
HA8TINGS, Neb.. Oct. t.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Over the dead body of his mother, ,
John Budnrk shot his sister, his brother
and his brother-in-law at an early hour
this morning. Miss Francis Budnek. aged
22, waa shot In the right hand. Jacob
Budnek, aged 62, shot above the right eye
and may die. Peter Snienll was shot
through the left lung, through the abdo
men. In the left thigh and through the
eft shoulder. He Is not expected to live
throughout the night.
The tragedy occurred In the death cham
ber at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Smeall, 1350 West Second street, where Mrs.
Mary Budnek, aged 62, died at 10:30 last
night. John Budnrk has been placed un
der arrest and Is now In the county Jail.
The tragedy was the culmination of a
family quarrel that had existed for several
years. The Budnek family are Polish
French and they have resided In Hastings
for twenty years. John Budnek, who com
mitted the deed, Is a stonemason by trade.
He Is 60 years old and a bachelor.
The real trouble began about a year ago
when Mrs. Peter Smeall came with her
husband from Beatrice to Hastings. They
took up their residence on South Hastings
avenue close to the home of Mrs. Smeall's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Budnek. At that
time Mrs. Smeall's mother was In poor
health, so she was taken to the Smeall
home where she has remained ever since.
Mr. Budnek, who Is 85 years of age, was
left alone In his home. A family fight soon
followed which resulted In the arrest of
Joseph Budnek, a night policeman In Hast
ings, on a warrant sworn out by his sister,
Frances, charging him with assault to do
bodily Injury. The case was heard before
Police Judge Reynolds and the defendant
was cleared.
About two months ago another family
row occurred and Policeman Joseph Bud
nek was again put under arrest on com
plaint of his sister, Francis, who was stay
ing with her wot her at Mrs. Smeall's.
This case was heard before Justice of the
Police Morledge and the jury promptly
acquitted the defendant.
. Denies Knowledge ot Shooting. -x
"Apparently this" seemed to have quieted
the family trouble, aa they alt left the
court -room in good humor. A few dayi
later Mrs. Smeall took her father with
all his household goods up to her new
home on Second street, but he soon loft
there and went to the home of his other
daughter, Mrs. Dr. F. Naulteus, where he
has since remained. His sonv John, also
roomed at the Naulteus home.
John Budnek was Interviewed In his cell
this morning by a Bee representative. He
denied all knowledge of the tragedy. He
stated that he had taken but two drinks
Saturday night and had gone to his room
to retire about 11 o'clock when his slstpr,
Mrs. Naulteus, told him his mother was '
dead. He went up town and notified his
brother, Joseph, and then went alone to the
Smeall home. Gaining entrance through
the kitchen door he went to the death
chamber where the family was congre
gated about the corpse on a cooling board.
Going up to tho remains he placed his
hands un the corps said, "This Is my
mother," and began to cry. What followed,
he said, he did not know. He only knew
that he awakened In Jail this morning and
somehow realized that he had seen the
face of his dead mother. He said he could
not believo the story told hint of the
Story of I ndertnker.
Edward Livingston, the undertaker, gave
the following account of the tragedy:
Mrs, M. Budnek died about 10:30 o'clock
last night and I was called to the Smeall
home to take charge of the remains. About
midnight the entire family came into Hie
bedroom to view the body, which was OB
the cooling board. YVhllo my brother and
I were still engaged in preparing the re
mains John Iiudnek came into the death
chamber from the parlor. He walked up
to the body and placing his hands on tha
lifeless limbs, said:
' 'This Is my mother.'
"I told him not to handle the corpse and
then he turned to me with a desperate
look in his eye. Francis Budnek waa
standing close by and said something In
a foreign tongue, whereat her brother John
struck her In the face with his fiat. Then,
stepping back, John drew his revolver and
began firing over the body of his dead
mother at his sister Francis,
"Mr. Smeall advanced to Interocede when
John turned the revolver on Smeall snd
shot him In the left breant. The two men
clinched and fell to the floor In the purlor.
Budnek was thrown on his back, but he re
talned the revolver und continued to shoot.
During the fray a lighted lamp was upset
from a stand and the parlor curtains lie.
came ignited. While I threw the lamp out
of the door my brother Walter managed
to take the revolver away from John, but
before I could return Budnek had drawn
another revolver and continued shooting.
We soon disarmed him and I pinioned him
to the floor while my brother ran to notify
the police and telephone for a physician."
Policeman Dycus was the first officer to
appear upon the scene. He found Mr. Liv
ingston holding John Budnek down on tha
psrlor floor. One glance in the death
chamber revealed to lilm a ghastly night.
In one corner of the room sat a man with
a nullet hole In his head snd blood stream
ing down his face; In another corner of the
room lay the body of a man suturamd with
his own life's Mood, und close Itesldl him
was the lifeless figure of a little old woman,
half concealed In a shroud. Hysterical
women wept and moaned, while Irout the
two wounded men un the floor Came
When John Huduek was taken in charge
by the officer he appeared to be In a d.ixed
condition and was perfectly subdued lie
was placed In the city J.ill until 9 o'clock
this morning when County Attorney Oliu
stead hsd til... removed to the county Jail.
Attorney John Stevens has been retained
ss legal adviser for the defendant.
Drs. Arts Sehsufelberger end Steele per
furtuvd aa oytraUun uyun Mr. bnwall at