Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Twenty-rnrtb Btret Bonds Pass th
Bijri' Attorney! in East.
Jtew Ordinance to Be latradnred Pro.
Tiding for Payment of Sine Mnn
drrd Dollars a Year Interest
oa Boada.
Late Saturdsy afternoon City Clerk GUltn
received a telegram from W. J. Hayes
Hons of Cleveland o the efTect that th
Twenty-fourth iflreet paving bonds would
lass the bond buyers' attorneys. The tele-
Hi-urn Ik In response to an Inquiry wireo
early In the day asking for Information a
to the probability of the paving: bonds
tiring accepted. Hayes ft Rons' telegram
reads: "Oenersl bond blanks will be for
warded next week. Wire us number and
ilate of passage of Intersection bond ordi
nance." The statement that the blank bonds for
$tf),nnr for the payment of the paving of
Twenty-fourth street Is evidence that the
bond buyers' attorneys have passed upon
the legality of the Issue and that the bonds
are now being lithographed. Tn the Inter
rctlon bond ordinance, which calls for
IW.flOO for paving the Intersections on
Twenty-fourth street from A to Q streets,
there waa an omission which will have to
be corrected at once. Tn a letter to the city
clerk received Saturday afternoon atten
tion was called to the fact that In the Inter,
section ordinance provision had not been
made for a sinking fund to fay the Inter
est and principal on these bonds. Hayes
: Sons took the liberty of enclosing an ordi
nance with the request that It be passed
rt once. The amended ordinance calls
for the le-ylng of a tax to pay $rno a year
Interest on the Intersection bonds, the said
tix to be collected annually the same as
general taxes and the amountNo be placed
In an Intersection fund and applied solely
to the payment of the principal and Inter
est. It was found Impossible to get the co incll
together Saturday to listen to the reading
of this new ordinance so It will go over
until Monday night. Adjourned meetings
r ill be held the fore part of the week to
pass this ordinance bo as to cause as little
d"tay as possible.
Hayes & Sons further write that the In
tersection bonds are now In the hands of
the lithographer and tne number of the
ordinance and the date of passage Is all
that Is holding back the Issue. With the
receipt of the general bonds next week
the mayor and clerk will attach their sig
natures and deposit the securities with
the Packers National bank until the Inter
sctlon bonds arrive and are signed. Then
the entire Issue of IHO.OOO will be sent east
to the buyers and the transfer completed.
The statement that the bonds have been
approved will permit the contractors, Parks.
Johnson A Parks, to start work on the
pnvement at once as there will be but
llrtle delay in the receipt of the money
after the bonds have been signed and de
posited with the Packers bank.
Some work has already been done on this
pnvement, the contractors slaving taken up
'.he half block of stone pavement at A
rtreet and reset the same. The securing
f material and the tearing up of the old
Hincrete pavement will start during the
jreek. It Is the Intention of the contractors
:o lay the pavement on the east side of
Twenty-fourth .street first.
Condition of City Fnndi.
City Clerk Glllln issued Saturday a state
ment showing the condition of the various
'unds on October 1. Tho amount of the
19(5 levy available Is $147,367. To this Is
tdded the balance of, $62,046 from the 1904
evy. making a total available for warrants
)f $199,414. Of this total amount there hod
' been drawn up to October 1 the sum of
'.,131.102. leaving a balance in the funds of
HfiS.Hl. No money has been drawn from
he water fund so far this fiscal year and
, .here remains In this fund the sum of
111,981. The curbing and paving fund,
' amounting to $3,S82, has not been touched,
jut money has been drawn from all of
he other funds. 'Two months of the fiscal
year are gone and the expenditures have
not been large.
Eagles Play Ball Today.
This afternoon South Omaha aerie No.
154, Fraternal Order of Eagles, will be
entertained by Council Bluffs aerie at the
local lodge who desire to make the trlj
wlh And six special cars at Twenty-fourth
and N streets at I p. m. A game of base
ball bete- -n team from the Council Fluffs
and ."ViiV Omaha aeries will be played.
The South Omaha team Is made up as
follows: O. 8. Kennedy, third: A. C. Ter
rell, first: Scott llolbrook, pitcher: Thomas
Duckworth, center field; Oeorge Clements,
right field: Frank Camp, catcher; E. J.
Blessing, left field: Boh wartzlander, short
stop: Fred Heffllnger, second base; Harry
Miller, manager. In addition to the ball
game there Is to be a fish bake and a long
program of sports.
I.odate Kntertatna Visitors.
Magic City council No. 376, Knights and
Ijidles of Security, met one evening last
week and Installed officers. A large number
of visitors were present, officers of Council
Fluffs council bad charge of the Installation
ceremonies. William Clements, the presi
dent of the local council, was presented
with a fine large oak rocking chair. The
presentation speech was made by John
Kennedy. Refreshments were served and
a pleasant social hour spent afterwards.
Real Maklna- Votes.
Herman Heal, the present city engineer
and republican candidate for county sur
veyor. Is putting In nil of the time he can
spare from his official duties calling on
voters all over the county. Those who have
traveled with Mr. Real assert that every
where he Is met with the assurance that be
will be elected. Mr. Beal Is thoroughly
competent to fill the position of county
engineer, as his long service with various
railroad companies In laying out lines and
building bridges testifies to. Not only Is
Mr. Real a competent engineer, but he Is
exceedingly popular and Is honest and
straightforward In his dealings.
Maale City Goasla.
Storage and hauling. Brewer. Tel. No. 30.
Mrs. Vawter haa gone to Rochester, Ind ,
for a visit.
Miss Barbara Andrews haa returned from
Iowa, where she visited friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bennett of Milwau
kee are here visiting their son, W. A. Ben
nett. Wesley,, the young son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Adklns, Is seriously 111 with scarlet
City Treasurer Howe reports a net bal
ance in all of the funds on October I of
A daughter was born Friday to Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Stuart, Twenty-first and W
A meeting of the directors of the Com
mercial club has been called for Tuesday
Rev. R. L. Wheeler will preach at the
Presbyterian church at 7:30 o'clock this
The Improved Order of Red Men will hold
a convention In South Omaha, commencing
Mrs. James D. Kerr of Hannibal, Mo.,
was the guest last week of Mrs. W. 1).
Mrs. Angellne Hells has returned from
Onawa, la., where she visited her son for
a few nays.
Mrs. Julius Ooldsteln of Nebraska City Is
here visiting her parents. Judge and Mrs.
Jacob Levy.
Last week twenty-one men were employed
on the street force and the payroll
amounted to $345.
Mrs. John Kennedy, Fifteenth and Mon
roe streets, entertained Mrs. J. M. Tucker
of York last week.
Mrs. L. H. Wilcox of Buffalo Wyo., Is
the guest of Mrs. C. E. Campbell, Twenty
seventh and E streets.
J. E. Kryder and wife. Eighteenth and
Missouri avenue, have gone to Kansas City
for a two weeks' visit.
Superintendent J. A. McLean will address
the Sunday school rally at Lefler Methodist
Episcopal church this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jetter left Saturday
afternoon to spend a couple of weeks with
friends at South Haven, Mich. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ens Corv. Twentv-fourth
and I streets, hive returned from Colorado,
wnere tney spent several weeks.
On Tuesday evening the Ladles auxiliary
of the Ancient Order 'of Hibernians will
hold a meeting at Masonic hall.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Presby
terian church will meet with Mrs. Ames on
Wednesday afternoon, October 18.
Rev. E. H. Jenks of Omaha will speak at
me men s meeting at ine xoung Men s
Christian association this afternoon.
Oeorge H. Brewer and daughter, Edith.
left last evening for a two weeks' visit
with friends In New York and Connecticut
The congregation of the First Methodist
Episcopal church- will glfe a reception to
i ucsaay evening..
Rev. R. W. Livers, pastor of the English
Lutheran church, will preach at Masonic
hall at 11 a. m. today. The theme of the
sermon is ' Hands Full or Honey.
Rev. Andrew Renwlck will preach this
morning at tne in ilea rresDyierian cnurcn
on the topic, "Well Dressed People." The
evening tneme win be ine Man Moses.
The night school at the Young Men's
Christian association win onen on Monday
evening. Special preparation is being made
to handle the English class lor foreigners.
Mrs. William Berry will entertain the
Woman's auxiliary of the Young Men's
driving Dark across the river Thou nf th. i nrisiian association at -ner nome, mi
anting para across me river. Those of the North TwenU--Bixth street, on Tuesday att-
The congregation and members of the
First Presbyterian church will meet at the
cnurcn on Wednesday evening. October 18.
for the election of elders, deacons and dea
Good to look at, to feel or to wear are
those Staley all-wool undergarments at
Flynn's. They stand more wash or any
other kind of grief than any other under
wear we ever saw. John Flynn Co.
Ask every man you meet with a soft.
baggy front in his coat, and not one coat
came Irom nvirn i. we don t nave them.
but we have to match prices with the fel
low that has, and we do It. Our fall line
surpasses, anything we ever had, and that
means a tut. jor.n riynn at to.
Soa of St. Lonl. Millionaire Aroused
f Killing Girl la
CHICAGO, Oct 7-Dr. Oliver B. Hart,
millionaire's son, would-be suicide, and
husband of a 16-year-old wife, was for
mally charged today with the murder of
10-year-old Irene Klokow, whose father Is
a patient in an Insane asylum and whose
mother cannot be found. The doctor, who
la said to be addicted to morphine and
cocaine, gazed stupidly at the walls of the
court room when arraigned today an did
not speak a word. He was represented by
an eminent lawyer who agreed to a con
tinuance of ten days asked for by the police.
Before going Into the court room Dr.
Hart was questioned by police officials, but
he adhered to his original story that the
Klokow girl had swallowed morphine pills
by mistake andthat he had not attacked
ner. , The prisoner s rather and father-in-law,
residents of St. Louis, have both ar
rived in Chicago and are Interesting them
selves In developments.
Continuance of the case was set by the
court for October 17. The prisoner was
takon to the county Jail hospital.
Dr. Hart admitted today that he gave the
child bromide chloral. He said he gave the
girl at least forty-five drops In his futile
effort to resuscitate her after she had
wallowed a large number of morphine tab
lets, thinking, according to the doctor, that
they were saccharins pills. He followed up
the bromide with at least eight hypo
dermic Injections of strychnine sulphate.
According to a physician the bromide given
the child by Hart was a substance, known
as "knockout drops."
l-adles of the Maccabees.
Holllster hive No. 21 will celebrate Its
eighth anniversary Tuesday evening. An
Interesting program has been arranged
which will Include addresses by prominent
members, and all members are requested
to be present. A cordial Invitation Is also
extended to sister hives to Join with us.
Royal Xelahhora of America.
Ivy camp No. 2 has moved Into Its new
quarters In the Rohrbough building. Nine
teenth and Farnam streets. On Wednes
day evening, October, H, It will have a
social gathering In honor of the event. A
number of especially Interesting features
will add to the attractiveness of the meet
ing. Sons and Danahtera of Protection.
This Is the seeond oldest fraternal organ
ization of Nebraska origin with Its home
office at Lincoln. A new lodge Just organ
ized by Head Deputy E. C. Gay on the
North Side has been christened Omaha
lodge No. 121. It meets at Morgan's hall.
241K Sherman avenue, and will hold Its
next meeting Monday evening. October 16.
Fraternal t'nlon of America.
Mondamln lodge No. Ill will meet Monday
night In Patterson hall. Seventeenth and
Farnam streets. Much business of Import
ance will be brought before the lodge and
all members are requested to he present.
Banner lodge No. 11 will hold a, special
session on Thursday evening, October 12,
at Myrtle hall, Continental Mock. The
purpose of the meeting Is to stimulate an
Increase In membership and Interest. It
will be an open meeting for all members
and their friends. ,
What Sulphur Does
For. the Human Body in Health and
- . ' Disease.
. ' The mention -of sulphur will recall to
many of us the early days, when our
mothers and grandmothers gave us our
'dally done of sulphur and molasses every
spring and fall.,.
- it was the universal spring and fall
, "blood purifier," tonlo and cure-Ail, and,
jnlnd . you this old-fashioned remedy was
' not without merit.
.' The Idea -was good, but the remedy waa
' crude, and unpalatable, and a large quaa
, tlty had to be taken to get any effect.
Nowadays we get all the beneficial ef
fects of sulphur In a palatable, conci
liated form, so that a single grain Is. far
more effective than a tablespoonf ul of the
d ude-sulphur.
In recent years research and experiment
have proven that the best sulphur fo
medicinal use Is that obtained from Cal
cium (Calcium Sulphide), and sold -In drug
stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium
'Waters. , They are small, chocolate-coated
pellets and contain the active medicinal
principle of sulphur In a highly concen
trated, effective form.
' Few people are aware of the value of this
form of sulphur In restoring and main
taining bodily vigor and health; sulphur
iu.ts directly, on the liver and excretory
oigans and purities and enriches the oloqd
by . the prompt elimination of waste ma
terial. Our grandmothers knew this when they
dosed us with sulphur and molasses every
jring and fall, Dut the crudity and tin
purity of ordinary flowers of sulphur were
often worse than the disease and cannot
compare with the modern concentrated
preparations of sulphur, of which Stuart's
Calcium Wafer la undoubtedly the best
and most widely used,.
They are the natural antidote for liver
and kidney troubles and cure constipation
and purify the blood in a way that often
surprises patient and physician alike.
Dr. R. M. Wllklns, while experimenting
with sulphur remedies, soon found that the
sulphur from Calcium was superior to any
other form. He says: "For liver, kidney
and blood troubles, especially when re
sulting from constipation or malaria, I
have been surprised at the results ob
tained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers. In
patients suffering from boil and pimples
acd even deep-seated carbuncles 1 have
repeatedly seen them dry up and disappear
la four or Ave days, leaving the skin clear
aad smooth. Although Stuart s Calcium
Wafers Is a proprietary article, and aold
by druggists, -and for that reason tabooed
by many physicians, yet I know of nothing
so safe and reliable for constipation, liver
and kidney troubles, and esfeclally In all
forms of skin disease, as this remedy."
At any rate, people who are tired of
i.l Is, cathartics and so-called blood "puri
fiers ' will And In Stuart's Calcium Wafers
a far safer, more palatable and effective
giafaraUon, .
Brotherhood of Railway Carmen.
Omaha lodge No. 103 -will hold a Joint
open meeting Wednesday evening, October
11, at I.abnr Temple, corner Fifteenth and
Dodge streets. The. program Is In charge
of a committee from Bluff City lodge No.
93. South Omaha lodge No. 349 and Omaha
lodge No. 103. The grand lodge officers are
expected to be present. All members of the
three lodges and their friends are Invited.
As this meeting will Interest all who are
Interested In car work a large attendance
Is expected.
I'nlon Veterans' I nlon.
The campftre which was to have been
given Friday evening was postponed to a
later date on account of the Ak-Rar-Ben
festivities. Due announcement will be
given of the next campflre, which It Is In
tended to be made a hummer.
Royal Achates.
Omaha Lodge No. 1 met Tuesday evening
for the first time In Its new home, "Ba-
rlght's Society hall," Nineteenth and Far
nam streets. Next Tuesday evening Is the
date of the Initial entertainment In the
new hall. A literary and musical program
will be rendered, followed by refreshments
and dancing.
Tribe of Ben Hnr.
Mecca Court No. 13 will hereafter hold
all regular business meetings Thursday
evening of each week. Initiations will take
place every second meeting night. Prepar
ations are being made for the reception of
D. W. GIrard, supreme chief, of Crawfords
vllle, Ind., the latter part of this month.
Raama lthdki
Modern Woodmen of America.
Omaha Camp No. 120 held Its first meet
ing In Its new quarters Wednesday night
in the Rohrbough building at Nineteenth
and Farnam streets. The regular meetings
of the camp will be held there hereafter.
Beech Camp No. 1464 has installed Itself
In Its new quarters In the Rohrbough build
ing at Nineteenth and Farnam.
The drill team of Lincoln Camp No. 2266,
commanded by Captain C. Perry Walters,
won the second prize In the Ak-Sar-Ben
parade Wednesday. The Lincoln ' visitors
were hospitably entertained by their Omaha
brethren during the evening.
Ladles of the G. A. R.
Garfield Circle No. 11 will hold Its regu
lar meetings hereafter In Baright's hall, In
the Rohrbough building at Nineteenth and
Farnam streets, the first and third Friday
afternoons of each month. The first meet
ing was held there Friday afternoon and
was largely attended.
Only sale of its kind ever held in Omaha commences Monday
morning. Goods marked lower than regular cash prices. All
furniture, carpets and stoves delivered same day as purchased.
Satisfaction guaranteed. All goods sold for
Here Are a Few of The Many Good Bargains For Sale:
Combination do. 1
Tin's Iron Bed in all col
ors, one cotton top mattress,
one steel spring all for
Combination do. 2
One pair Pillows, 2 "Win
dow Shades, one 30x00 Kug,
one Ewer and Basin, all for
Combination Ho. 3
' extension table
All for
SI 2.75
On Payments.
Combination No. 4
Combination No. 5
One 0x12 All Wool Art SqiM:e,
1 Kitchen Safe.
1 Sideboard, solid oak,
All for
Combination Ho. 6
Saddle Seat.
A11 for "
On, Payments.
: i'Jl.H-MW W-JWJf? - 1
a is
SI 7.95
board chosen was R. Cornelius ot San
The next convention will be held in New
Orleans In 1907.
Kearo r.avlrted ot Attarkla Walt.
Wornaa at C llaloa. Ky., aad
Glvea "T.a Yrara.
PADl'CAH. Ky.. Oct. 7-On board the
same train on whlch h was returned to
he scene of his alleged crime, James, colored, charged with assault on
a whit, woman at Clinton, Hickman county,
was tried, convicted and sentenced to
s-rve seven years In the penitentiary. Court
was held In a baggage car on the Illinois
Central train because the authorities were
afraid Fowlkes would be lynched If be
was allowed tu b. taken off at Clinton.
New York Man and Woman Fight
Fatal Dnel tn Hall of
'NEW YORK, Oct. 7Denton H. Hop
kins, a die-cutter In Brooklyn, shot and
instantly killed his wife in a duel with
her in the hallway of her flat in Johnson
street, Brooklyn today. Although married
thirty years, the two were living apart,
having quarreled over money matters.
Today Hopkins called at his wife's flat
knocked for admission and when the door
opened, they began to Are at each other
with revolvers. Hopkin s sister who wit
nessed the duel was unable to say who
shot first. Hopkins was wounded in the
hand by a bullet from his wife's weapon
and finally shot her in the eye. She died
instantly. Hopkins was arrested and
charged with murder.
The wife's name was Jessie S. Hopkins
Miss Jennie Pruyn, Hopkins' sister, . who
witnessed the duel, said thai the conduct
of. the two indicated that they had agreed
to shoot each other on sight. ' Hopkins
afterward declared that his wife fired the
first shot. He said she was always nHggiog
him about money and that he had refused
to give her as much as she demanded.
Miss Pruyn said Mrs. Hopkins had ap
peared frantic about her husband's conduct
over money affairs.
Associate of Repablleaa for
Mayor of ew York Talks
on Subject.
NEW YORK, Oct. 7. The nomination- of
Charles E. Hughes, counsel for the legisla
tive committee to Investigate the life in
surance companies in this state, for mayor
of New York was today declared by James
McKeen. the committee's associate counsel,
to be Inimical to th. Interests ot th. In
surance investigation. Mr. Hughes has not
yet accepted the nomination. Mr. McKeen
I do not hesltat. to say that it seems
clear to me that It will be difficult. If not
liiipoSHlble. for the Investigation to tecum'
pllh the best results If it be made to ap
pear that the credit for the work of the
committee la to be claimed for one of the
partlfn In the municipal contest.
If'he accepts the nomination, whether he
continues as counsel or retire, from the
position, the claim will certainly be made
that the republican organisation haa soUKht
to turn to its own special advantage the
results thus far accomplished.
street aad Electrla Railway Ea
loy Will Meet la New
Orleans la 1MT.
CHICAGO. Oct. 7.-At the convention of
the Amalgamated Association of Street and
Electric Railway Employes of America,
held her. today. President W. D. Malum of
Detroit was re-elected.
Among th rn.mb.ra of la. new cx.cuUve
fjook Seriously Wound. Woman and
End. Life After Having:
i salt Rejected.
ST. JOSEPH, Mich., Oct. 7. Driven mad
over the refusal of a Kentucky young
woman to marry him, Fred Freerer, chef
of a local restaurant, probably fatally
wounded Mrs. Violet J. Lonsdale here
today and then killed himself tn the
presence of his victim. Pretending to b.
on an Important mission, Freerer had
been directed to a room occupied by Mrs.
Lonsdale. Without a word of warning
Freerer began shooting .at the young
woman as she lay In bed. One bullet hit
her in the chest, while another lodged in
her back.
Freerer then stepped to the bedside of
his victim, placed the revolver to his
breast, discharged it and sank to the floor.
Following the tragedy Mrs. Lonsdale said
she had known Freer for a month. "He
asked me to marry him," she said, "which
1 refused to do, as I did not love him.
He made the threat, I will give you until
Saturday morning to consider my proposi
tion. If you then refuse I wilj kill my
self." "
slons from his employers. The arrest was
made at the Murray hotel and on advice
received by the Omaha police from the
Kansas City office of the Scientific American.
Standing of teams In Omaha ' Bowling
league at the end of the third week:
, Total
Played. Won. Lost
7 z
6 3
6 3
4 5
4 5
3 6
3 6
defense was so strong that the visitors
did not succeed In making a first down.
Armours t
Metz Bros 9
Store Blues... 9
Cudahys 9
Black Kats.... 9
Ontmods 9
Krug Parks... 9
Benos 9
P. C.
70S 9
Detailed work of the teams:
Strikes. Spares. Splits. Errors. P.C.
Metx Bros....1fi7 192 4 42
Krug Parks. .150 34 M 42
Armours 177 185 44 44
Stori Blues.'.147 2H8 62 48
Onimods 1S6 177 58 49
Cudahys 165 183 62 60
Black Kats...lM 190 45 65
Benos 128 184 71 67
Naval Review Will Mark Visit of
, British Ship, to Island
TOKIO, Oct. 7. Tne coming visit to Jap
anese waiters of the British squadron, com
manded ky Vice Admiral Sir Gerard No..l,
comander-ln-chlcf at the China station,
will, it is expected, be made the occasion
soon after the ratification of peace of a
grand naval review with which . Admiral
Togo's triumphal entry into tne city will
offer a splendid occasion for diverting th.
peoples' attention from the unsatisfactory
terms of the treaty.
It is believed the authorities will do
everything possible to utilize these events,
as demonstrations of the fact that the
peace of Asia Is guarded by the two power
ful powers. American warships are ex
pected to be present at the naval review.
Many of those who allowed themselves to
be carried away by the tide of dissatis
faction, which set In when the peace terms
became known here are gradually becoming
reconceled to th. situation.
Governors Dene.n and final? aad
Senator Foraker Speak at
8prlafleld, 111.
6PRINQFIELD. 111.. Oct. 7. An oil por
trait of Salmon P. -Chase of Ohio, for
many years a member of the supreme
court of the United States, was presented
by a member of th. bar of southern Il
linois to the United States circuit and
district court for the southern district of
Illinois this afternoon, the ceremony taking
place In the court room. Governor Deneen
made th. presentation speech, and was
followed by Senator Foraker of Ohio, who
delivered an address on "Salmon Portland
Governor Hanly of Indiana made an ad
dress on "Statesmanship and Politics."
Former United States Circuit Judge Jen
kins of Wisconsin mad. an address. Judge
Humphrey of th. United States court of
th. southern district of Illinois mad. a
C. J. Francisco .
W. G. Johnson .
G. O. Francisco
Brunke i
f.lmmerman ....
Reed ..
W a tier
Played. Average.
3 208
9 201 -9
3 an 2-3
9 197 5-9
6 . 193 2-3
9 JSS 7-9
9 187 1-9
6 JMi 1-6
..7.. 9 185 4-9
9 14 8-9
9 184 4-9
9 1S4 2-9
9 183 7-9
9 182 8-9
3 1X2
6 181 3-
9 179 8-9
179 5-
6 178 5-0
, 9 178 6-9
9 178 5-9
6 178 3-6
...... 9 178 1-9
9 178
9 17(i 3-9
9 176 4-9
...... 6 17 1-6
6 175 5-6
7 175 5-7
6 175
S 174 6-9
6 174 1-6
9 1 73 5-9
9 ' 173 4-9
9 173
.9 171 8-9
...... 9 171 1-9
I lio 2-3
...... 6 1683-6
9 167 4-9
3 167 1-3
8 167 2-9
6 v 167
9 1K5 4-9
9 l2 7-9
9 ltir6-9
2 162
6 157 W
6 153
Hart In Foot Ball Gam..
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 7. F. Fugeue of
Pendleton, Ind., a student at Swarthmore
college, is In the University hospital ee
rio.'mly Injured as the result of font ball
practice. The physicians have " hope
of his recovery. He Is suC.' . from
hemorrhage of the brain.
Offers $lSO,XK) for Dan fatten.
LEXINGTON. Ky., Oct. 7. W. M. Savage
toniRlit confirmed the report that a New
York syndicate had offered him $180,(100 for
Dan Patch, who today paced a mile In the
record-breaking time of l1.
Two Postmasters.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. The following
postmasters have been appointed by the
president: ' '
Iowa Valley Junction, Albert S. Burnett.
Missouri Clinton, Frank P. Kltchln.
0. M. E. TEL. 611
1013 FAUX AM 8T.
Solicitor Is Arrested.
J. F. Faulbaler was arrested Baturdsv
afternoon tv Detectives Drummy, Msloney
and Tonohoe on the charge of forgery.
It is stated that Fsulhaler has been in the
employ of the Scientific American and sent
In eight fli'tliious Omaha addresses where
he was supposed to have received subscrip
tion, and then falsely obtained couunis-
Yonna: Churchmen's Field Day.
The Young Churchman's club will hold a
Field day at Creighton university campus
Saturday afternoon, October 14. All mem
bers of the Young Churchman's club will
be admitted free and of othr an admis
sion fee of ten cents will be charged, the
proceeds to go for a dinner for the boys.
Choir boys of all of the Episcopal churches
of Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha
will participate.
The Judges wl'l be: Messrs. Chandler
Roshs, Marsh, Maxwell, Dunn, Turner,
Smith. Powell, Durkee, Parker. McGill,
Howell, Clarkson, Isitt and Bertrand.
The twenty-on. .vents will be: Twenty
five yard dash, boys 7 to 9 years; fifty yard
dash, boys 10 years and under: fifty yard
dash, boys 15 years and under; 100-yard
dash, boys, 15 years and under; three-legged
raoe, boys 13 years and under; shoe race,
hoys. 9 tn 11 years; on-e mile race, open;
100-yard dash, open; one mile bicycle race,
boys 15 and under; tug-of-war. boys 10
and under, eleven In a team; sack race,
boys 10 and under; tug-of-war, open, five
In a team; sack race, boys 15 and under:
putting the shot, open, two entries each
parish: two mile bicycle race, open; night
shirt race, open, two entries each parish;
hurdle race, boys 15 and under: hurdle race,
open; clergy race, potato race, relay race,
one mile, open, four entries each parish.
Hollas (ontnti la Chicago.
CHICAGO. Oct. 7. Boxing contests wer.
resumed In Chicago tonight after being un
der the ban of the police for many months.
Five contests of six rounds each were
carded at the Cnlcago Athletic club. Th
main event was between "Honey" Mellody
of Boston and Dli k Fltspatiick of Chicago,
which was declared a draw. Fltspatrlck
was hog-fat, outweighing Mellody by at
least twenty pounds. Both men were con
siderably punished.
Ple.dld .how... ay Prl.e.t.-.
PRINCETON, N. J . Oct. 7. Princeton
fut up a splendid exhibition of loot ball
his afternoon and defeated the heavy
Georgetown eleven by a score of 34 to fl.
The Princeton men played like a machine
and r. never beld lor downs, well, tbcir
TION. Sealed proposals are Invited and will b.
received at the office of the City Engineer,
Room 4ol, City Hall, Omaha, Nebraska,
until 2 o'clock p. 411. Tuesday, October 17.
llmo. for the construction of sewers, as fol
lows: -
In Sewer District No. 314, commencing at
the main sewer in 27th street at the Inter
section of the center line of Taylor street.
thence east along the center of Taylor street
with a 15-lnch pipe to a manhole In th.
center of 26th street, thence east along the
center of Taylor street with a 12-inch pip.
to a munhoie In the center of 26th avenue,
thence east along the center of Taylor
street with an 8-inch pipe to a flush tank
10 feet west of the alley In block 1, Isabel
addition, as authorized by Ordinance No.
6610. I
In Sewer District No. 315, commencing at
the manhole In main sewer in 27th street
at a point 12 feet north of the south line of
Fowler avenue, thence west In Fowler ave
nue along a line parallel to and 22 feet
north of the south line of said avenue with
a 12-Inch pipe to a manhtile In the center
of 28th avenue, thence wot In Fowler ave
nue along said line with a 10-lnch pipe to a
manhole in the oenter of 29th street, thence
west In Fowler avenue along said line with
an 8-Inch Dine to a. Mush tank, lu foet east
of 3oth street, as authorized by Ordinance)!
no. 01,11.
Proposals bust be submitted for each
district separately and must be made upon
printed blanks to be furnished by the City
Engineer, and all work must be done in
accordance with plans, profiles and specifi
cations on file in his office; and as evidence
of good fait It and guaranty that contract
will be entered into and good and sufficient
bond furnished, should award be made
thereon, each proposal must be accompanied
by a certified check payable to the City of
Omaha in an amount not less than 2 per
cent of the total of each bid, but In no case
to be leas than 3100.
Proposals must be addressed to Andrew
Rosewater, City Engineer, Boom 401, City
Hall, and marked "Proposal for Sewer Con
struction, District No. ." giivng the num
ber of the district bid upon.
The City Council of the City of Omaha
reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Omaha, Nebraska, October 3, 19lo.
03d7teAs City Clerk.
Union Pacific.
. . . . . . Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 8:4i am a 8:18 pm
California Express a 4:10 rm a 9:30 am
California & Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pm a K:in ptu
North Plntt. Local a 7:50 am a 6:20 pm
Fast Mall a 8:65 am a 3:30 pm
Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am
Beatrice Local b 3:15 sis b 1:30 pm
Clilc.KO, Rock Island A Pacific.
Chicago Limited a 3:35 am
Chicago Express a 7:36 am
Chicago Ex., Local. ...,.bll: am
pes Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pro
Ies Molne. Local
Chicago Fast Express... 6:40 pnt
Rocky Mountain Llm u..a f :20 am
Colorado Express ..a 1:30 pm
Oklahoma A Texas Ex. a 4:80 pm
Colorado Night Ex .a S.66 cm
Chicago A Northwestern.
Daylight St Paul .... a T vo
Daylight Chicago a
Limited Chicago ....a 8:38 pin
Local Ca-roll a 4 m wn
Fast St. Paul a
Local Sioux C. & St. V. o 3:66 pm
Fast man
Chicago Express ......
Norfolk A Bonesteel .
Lincoln & L""-4 'in.
Casper A Wyoming .
Dead wood A Llnoclo .
Des M & Okobojl .
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express
Chicago Limited
Minn A St. Paul Ex..
Minn. A Et. Paul Ltd. ..a 7:60 pm
Missouri Pacific.
St. Louis Express a 1:00 am
K, C. A 8t. L. Ex ail: 16 pm
C hicago, Milwaukee A St. Pa
Chicago DaylUht Ex... a 7-W am
California-Oregon Ex. ..a 1:46 pm
Overland Limited a 1:35 pm
fit. Louis Express 6:30 pm
St. iuls Local (from
Council Bluffs) t:U am
Shenandoah Local (from
Council Bluffs); 1:46 pm
C'ttlvaao Great Western.
BU Paul A Minn a :30 pm
SU Paul A Minn a 7:46 am
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm
Chicago Express a 6:u am
..a 6 :M pm
,.. am
...o 7:10 am
.... 3:60 pa.
,..a 3:50 pm
...o 2:60 pm
..a 7:56 am
..a T:S am
..a 7:60 pm
..b 7:26 am
Under authority and direcliun of th.
Mayor and City Council sealed proposals
are Invited and will bo received at the of
fice of the City Engineer, room 4ol City
Hall, Omaha. Nebraska, until 2 o'clock p. i
m. Tuesday, October 10, 19u6, fur the grading I
of Howard street from a point 2o feet I
west of 2oth street to zja street in th.
City of Omaha, the City of Omaha to pay
one-half of the cost and expene thereof,
as provided by ordinance No. 6iSH).
Also for the grading of th. alley be
tween Vinton struet and Elm street from
16th street to 17th struet, in the City of
Omaha, the City of Omaha to pay one
half of the cost and expense thereof, as
provided by ordinance No. 6088.
Also for the. grading of the alley between
Grant street and Burdette street from 42d
street to 43d street. In the City of Omaha,
the City of Omaha to pay one-hulf of th.
cost and expense thereof, as provided by
ordinance No. 5597. At which time said
proixisuls will be publicly opened and th.
bids read and tabulated by the City Engi
neer and transmitted to the City Council
for its action.
All work to be don. In accordance with
plan and specifications on tile In th. office
of the City Engineer. Proposals to b
made upon primed blanka, which will be
fui nlalied upon application by the City En
gineer. And as an evidence of good faith
and guaranty that contract, will be en
tered Into and good and sufficient bond
furnished should award be made thereon,
must to c-'ompanled by a certified check,
payable fo ll.r C'liy of Omaha. In the sum
of fifty (4V' dollars for each proposal.
The riaht U reserved to reject any or
all bids.
Cltv Engineer.
Omaha, Nebraska, September 80. i6
a 7:10 am
a 1.50 pm
a 4.30 pm
bi:du am
;66 pm
a 1:16 pm
a f:W am
a 4:6a pm
all :40 ana
a 7:26 am
10:00 pm
11.60 pm
9:14 ant
to am
7:06 am
a 9:86 am
1:60 pm
a 7:30 am
10 So am
10:86 pm
1:16 pm
6:14 pm
t:li pm
a 3.20 pm
alO.W pra
:os am
bl0:35 pm
a pm
a 6:30 am
a pm
aU:06 pm
a 3:10 pra
a 7:36 am
1:30 am
10 JO pm
a JO pm
7:11 am
a 7:56 pm
alO.M am
a 3. jo pm
I M pm
1 6 08 pm
? W pm
U: pm
al warn
a'ris 'p'm
a 7:26 pm
S10:6J pm
all Jo ao
6:i am
a I.U pm
Missouri VaclaV.
Nehraaka Local, via leaTe. Arrlva,
Weeping Water b 3:60 pm pm
Chicago, St. -nal Minneapolis at
Omaha. ,
Twin City Passeng.r...b 6 30 am b 9:10 pm
Bloux City Passenger.... 1:00 pin all:3uam
Oakland Local D e:6 pm b a 10 aiq
Emrrsun Local o 8:46 am 0 6 00 pin
a dally, b dairy except bunoijr 1 daily
except Baturday. o tiunday only. . dally
execot Mn ;ay.
Denver California a 4:10 pm
Northweat Express .....U:10pi
Nebraska polits a e:ou am
Lincoln Fast Mall b 2 67 pin
Ft. Crook 4k PlattsnVth.b 3 tt pm
believu. at Plallsui tn..a 7.W pm
IeJvu. & Pao. Juno....aJ3:16 pm
beilevu. a rat. juuu
Denver LlmKed .....
Chicago Special ,
Chicago Express
Chicago Flyer
Iowa Local
...,1m ITvnreaa
Kansas t-uy at ot. jo...aiu:w pm
Kansas City St. Joe.. a 9:15 am
Kansas City 4s St. Joe..a 4:46 pm
..a 3 jo am
..a 7:26 am
..a 4:ov pm
..a 8:06 pin
..a 9.16 am
.a 4:46 pin
Try tha Want Ad
Oolumna of Th.