Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Horrii Brown AdToo&t.g Ocoptulonal
EtU Legiilati.a,
Capld la Pat, lader the Baa at
WMltrti University lt-
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Oct. 7. (Special. Attorney
General N orris Brown today said that he
believed the best method of coping with
the evils which have been exposed In the
New York Investigation is for congress to
enact a maximum rate law, baaed on
reasonable calculations as to the average
expectancy and rates of Interest. He says !
that the Insurance cornoratlons are auasl-
public in their nature and they are sub- I
ect to control to prevent the exaction of
uniiiio r.i.a in.iunHn. i ho nmnoul to re- I
autre the use of a uniform or standard
policy as a precedent for state Interference
with the freedom of contract between the
Insured and the Insurer. He does not be
lieve In th Idea of state Insurance sug
tested by Commissioner Host of Wisconsin
ind Governor Folk of Missouri.
Brown said that he did not see how his
lepartment could be congea to pass on n.
nsurence a.iuauon at wie
umougn ne is luuy mri vi mo l
srhlch have been uncovered ana preaicis
Jiat without governmental control thesel
orporatlons win coniroi me nnances 01
intire country within a few years. I
He favors the adoption of a statute which
111 fix the rates at such figures that the
treat surpluses will not be built up to tempt I
;'What is needed," said the attorney gen
iral. "la ' s statute fixing the maximum
ate. which may be demanded for various
d asses of risks. If given supervision of
nsurance. congress can enact H. There
sill be no difficulty In determining the
ates. The actuaries, having the tables
f expectancy and the rates of Interest, can
.termlne what constitutes a fair rate. The
etlmony of President McCall shows that
:i enormous surpluses have been built ujj
ji :ause the rate of mortality Is less than
lit which had been assumed to be prob-
i e In fixing the rates.
The public Is paying entirely too much
or Insurance and the companies are quasl
mblic In their nature and are subject to
ontrol, I believe, for the purpose of pre
senting the Imposition of excessive rates.
f It is feasible, as Is often suggest-ed. to
orce the -adoption by legislation of a stan-
lard policy. It appears to me that the
icheme to fix maximum rates Is practl-
May Hot Be Able to Re-veke.
The recent decision of the suprem-e court
n the case or tne nanaers i d ui iaa i
orld against Searle, has raised some
loubt as to the power of the auditor to
evoke tire license of an Insurance com- I
any. That would mteriere wim any ac- i
Jon In the case of the three big New Tork I
iompanles which are being Investigated. I
when the work of the eomittere la con- I
tluded. but it Is pointed out that he can
fuse to Issue a new license at tire end
f the year. If dissatisfied with the metb-
d. employed and with tne officials or those
orporatlons. That would mean a. delay I
not more than two months. If he chooses
o act. Tire present licenses expire with
he first of the year and It Is discretionary
rlth the auditor whether he will Issue I
lew ones 'Until the companies comply with I
my conditions which ha may prescribe In I
fhe Interests of the policy holders. I
The decision In the Bankers' union case I
- eaves tire right of revocation In the case I
f fraternal companies rather douljtful, I
rod It la believed that It may extend to I
ld line companies, because of the absence I
f any express statute authorising such I
ictlon. Tire court, seemingly, provides I
tar such a situation In Its holding that the I
auditor had very broad discretion In pass- I
ng on an application for a license. I
3. J. Hill In IJncoln. I
3. 3. Hill stopped off In Lincoln a few I
minutes today while his special train took
' a rest on Its long Journey from Portland I
to Kansas City, where the magnate Is lee. One witness. Catherine MeColl. In her
scheduled to deliver another speech. He affidavit states that Nora Russell, the
said that the Burlington does not propose daughter, had stated that she would "corn
to build sf line to the south, leaving the "lit the story to memory and learn it by
Impression that any extension In that dl- heart, so that she could tell It and that
rectlon will be through purchase. the lawyers could not mix her up In what
He said that Lincoln will be greatly ben-
eflted through the construction of the new I
cutoff, which will give It a new outlet to
the great lakes and add that much to the sometime prior to me trial, been instru
rallway facilities of the city. mental In prosecuting and pnlshlng the
The railway baron expressed his satlsf ac-1
tlon with the fertility and productiveness
of the farming territory along the right-of-1
way of the Burlington in eastern Nebraska.
H did not visit the local offices, but con-
sulted briefly with the officials who met
him on the platform when he left his prt-
vate car. He appeared to experience pleas- t( act unless verbal statements were re
trre In talking of his Portland trip, and duced to the form of affidavit., according
particularly of his addresses before various
commercial bodies. ,
Urn Reosa for Capld at WeaJeyaa.
The authorities of Wesleyan university
have given notice that spooning on th
Few People Know How Taefal it Is la
Preserving; Health and Beanty,
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal l
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purfler In nature, but few reailxe It
value when taken Into the human system
lor me same ckwuiui yuipusa.
Charcoal Is a remedy that the more you
take of U the better; It U not a drug at
all. but simply absorbs the gases and 1m-
Vunu "'7"
Intestines and carries them out of the sys
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clear, and, improve.
th. complexion. It whiten, the teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
Mie cathartic
It absorbs th. Injurious gase. which oc
lect In the stomach and bowels; It disin
fects the mouta and throat from the
uolson of catarrh.
All druggist, sell charcoal In one form or
nother. but probably ths best charcoal and
the most for the money is in Btuart's Char
coal; theyar. composed of the
finest powdered willow charcoal and other
harmless antiseptics in taoiei xorm. or,
rther. In the lorm or targe, pieaeant tast
ing losenges. the charcoal being mixed
with honey.
The dally use of these losenges will sooa
tell In a much Improved condition of the
General health, better complexion, .wester
breath and purer muuu, tui u Doauiy oi
tt t that no possible narm can result from
heir continued use, but on the contrary.
great benefit
7 Buffalo physician, la speaking of th.
a. Me- svt .MlmmUnl. ML V . " I Bilv u
. Charcoal Lo.enge. to all Datlent
ufferlng from ga. In the atomach and
bowels, and to clear th complexion and
purify the breath, mouth and throat; I
also believe the liver 1 greatly benefited
by the dally use of them; they cost but
twenty-five cent, a box at drug- .tores.
and although In some sense a patent prep-
ration, yet I believe 1 get more and bet.
ter charcoal In Stuart'. Charcoal Loxenge.
than la any of th. ordinary charcoal tab-
campus or In It environments will be fol
lowed by suspension, and In pursuance of
that edict have offered up one victim In
the person of Port Johnson, the l-year-old
on of Trustee A. L. Johnson, one of the
leading spirits In the university manage
ment. The student has been suspended for
an Indefinite period.
The particular Infraction of Uie rules
charged up to Johnson was the fact that
he made the state farm irrove In the
neighborhood of the Weeleyan university
a trystlng place, where he met one or tne
eo-eds by the light of the moon. The
cruel Intruder In the dreams of Juvenile
affection wss Marshal Hollenbeck" of Uni
versity riace, who reconnoltered the grove
Thursday night at 10 o'clock and promptly
reported his find to the faculty.
As a result of the report It has been
announced by Chancellor Huntington In
chapel meeting yesterday that Cupid has
no place within the environs of the Metho-
dlst Institution. This new index expurga-
tortus for lovesick collegians and co-eds
bars simple spooning under the pains and
penalties of summary dismissal. Adjourn-
tne college society meetings must
followed by Immediate departure, for
nnm" ,na no mating nencnes on me
rampus may swerve from that end, under
atre P'niUtle.. To stop at the front door
a longer time than suffices for the per
functory adieu makes the young man liable,
and pleasant excursions to picnic spots by
the llgtit of the moon, favorite diversions
of college folk, are to be stricken off the
card. The disgruntled young men of the
Institution are already working on plans
for the BnlllHnn if nmhlani rt
rturaUo1 without CupM and ,n the m(n
UmB goo-goo tyfta are en r,, , tn4!
college halls
Xhe Bpartlln Iaw Ksvfn f the Institution
fa1.d to nflirt any r,ln4.nrn.nt on the
young, woman, whose name is withheld
leading to the Inference that the male
.indents are expected to carry the burden
n the fight against the lnstruslon of af-
fectlon. In violation of the rules.
Wants Foster Daeabter.
Today "Victor Blue, a Kansas farmer.
called on Governor Mickey to return to him
his foster daughter. Bertha Blue, who was
placed In the Home for the Friendless more
than a year ago, and Is now In the custody
of a respectable family, the name of which
Is known only to the superintendent of the
Blue has employed an attorney and there
has been some talk of habeas corpus pro
ceedings against the superintendent of the
Home for the Friendless, Mrs. Johnson.
He contends that the child was placed In
the home as a boarder and that he had
not Intended to surrender his right to her.
He says that she was there about a month
when the superintendent plaeed her with
the family In which she Is now dield. The
state officials are trying to determine
whether or not In placing the girl in the
home he gave her up to be a ward of the
state. He contends that he picked" the
girl up on the streets of Omaha, but the
officials of the Institution say that she was
an inmate of the home when he adopted
uovemor MlcKey informed Blue ana nis
attorney this afternoon that he will look
into the case and secure additional facts
before taking any action. There Is no ob-
jeouon to me man lr ne is legally enuuea
to the child, but the officials are Inclined
to the' belief that bis action In placing her
In the home constituted a surrender which
made it legal to give her Into the custody
of the family which has her at present
xvltm Swore Away His Liberty,
The friends of Elmer J. Russell, a Boone
county man. wh- has served two of a
t.n Tearg- sentence for Incest, have filed
numerous affidavits and statements with
Governor Mickey In support of an appllca-
tlon for a pardon In which they allege
that he was convicted In pursuance of a
conspiracy between the wife and the daugh-
ter, Nora Russell, the complainant, to
get rid of him In order that his property
might be enjoyed by the family and the
wife and mother left free to continue her
liaaon with a man named Pharmelee, with
whom she Is alleged to be living In Okla-
Such persons as Sheriff Loran Clark and
seven members of the Jury which con-
vlcted Russell now assure the governor that
the wife had said that the husband was
not guilty and that It was planned to get
ri of him. The Jurors and Hans Horlock,
botcher, allege mat me chler purpose
WAM tn wife's desire to live with Pharme
na1 This affiant also sets up
another reason for the alleged perfidy of
wife In the fact that her husband had.
woman s brother tor aauitery.'
Among the statements is one by former
District Judge John R. Thompson, who
Russell, certifying to the belief that
th entence had been excessive. The ap-
plication ror the pardon has been on file
toT aom t,me but Governor Mickey refused
I lo ln usual practice.
I Wiit Local Federal Coirt.
I Local attorneys are complaining a g'ood
I deal because this city does not have a
I permanent branch of the federal court like
Omaha. Those who are agitating the mat
ter say that Lincoln lawyers are handi
capped when they take cases In the federal
court because they have to go to Omaha
when motions are argued and attendance
on that tribunal takes them away from
I their offices. Another drawback urged Is
the necessity of going to Omaha to search
I the federal court records' when real estate
I abstracts are made.
I Wanta a Pud,,
An nniir.ion rr . ,..
made by the friends and relatives of John
Baley. a young Omaha bov. serving .
three-year sentence for snatching a worn.
aa's purse. It Is alleged by tils brother,
who resides at Audubon, la., that the boy
was not guilty, but that he sought to save
his . mother from the knowledge of his
trouble by confessing his guilt, supposing
that n, would rlven a a nt 0"f
which she would learn nothing. He did
nut have a lawyer. The court Imposed the
minimum sentence, which was three years
in tin) penitentiary, and the young man
has several months of the sentence left
Judge Lee Estelle ha. filed a statement
that he was trial Judge and that the man
did not have counsel. County Attorney
English believes that there was some ques-
tlon " t0 whetller the ofre" w" robbery.
Lesleys a larverslty Notee.
(BpeciaL) The Senior and Junior Theo
phanlan and the Senior and Junior Oro
phllian Literary societies held meetings
this week.
The Orophlllan is the first society to an
nounce a society outing. The occasion la
a Picnic to Cotner Saturday I
Many of the students attended the lecture
f?' "ZJ"r'
I " v M 1 im
I ""' American city
The first chapel addrrs. upon the subject
of "Conduct" was given by the chancellor
Friday morning.
The opening reception given last even-
I ,n ' th ""rvatory was by ftt one of
IuvrKt events or me season - Instead
of th lon receiving line, so common to
reception., each teacher received In hi.
respective class room assisted by one or
rwo of th. faculty of the College of Lib
1 r- Thar, a are also women usher.
In each hall and room to assist In Intro
ducing the guests. On the fourth floor. In
the harmony recitation room, light refresh
ments were served.
On Monday next the conservatory will
give a complimentary concert In Bt Paul's
church, Lincoln.' Prof. Spencer, the head
of the music department who Just before
the opening of school broke his arm. can
appear at this concert only as accompanist.
The day after the concert he will go to
Omaha to have his arm rebroken and
reset as It Is very crooked at present.
Farsaer Is Killed In Areldeat Whleh
$o One Sees.
FREMONT. Neb. Oct. 7. (Special. V-
John D. Crulckshank of fnlon township
was killed by being thrown from a wagon
while driving to his home from North Bend
last evening. His body was found this
morning under the wagon box at the side
of the road about four miles north of North
Bend. The horses hRd freed themselves
nd were standing nearby. How the acci
dent occurred no one knows. He left North
Rend about T o'clock with a team of work
horses attached to a' farm wagon. They
were a quiet safe team. The road, which
Is a grade across the Platte bottoms, was
In good shape at the place where the ac
cident occurred. The wagon track showed
that he had evidently started to turn out
and that the horses had then turned
sharply to the right, throwing the wagon
bottom-stde-up in the ditch with the un
fortunate man crushed Under It. The team
had evidently become frightened at some
thing, possibly a passing automobile,
though none was known to have been In
that vicinity at the time. Mr. Crulckshank
was jn years old snd a son of J. M. Crulck
shank of this city, and lived on his father's
farm. He leaves a widow and three small
One Candidate for Sheriff f Polk
Conaty Reslarna.
OSCEOLA. Neb.. Oct 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The first grand Jury In twenty
years In Polk county Is now at work and
the result of a matter considered by thst
body yesterday Is the resignation of J. N.
Rlckel of Stromsburg as candidate for
sheriff on the republican ticket.
The matter presented to the grand Jury
dealt -with the action of Mr. Rlckel some
time ago when a set of harness was stolen
from a woman In Stromsburg. Rlckel
played the part of detective and found the
harness In the possession of parties who
had theretofore been considered above sus
picion. Desiring to avoid scandal It was
suggested that the matter be "hushed up."
A Stromsburg attorney advised Rlckel that
the course could be legally followed and
the woman offered to refuse to prosecute
on payment of $100.
Rlckel then went to the parties who had
the harness and told them that the matter
would be dropped on payment of I2y. The
day being Sunday a check was written for
this sum and the next day was cashed by
Rlckel. who Indorsed It in the usual form.
He later paid the woman $100.
Bert L. McCarl of MeCook necnmbs
to Heart Disease In Colorado.
McCOOK. Neb., Oct. 7. (Special Tele
gram). Conductor Bert I McCarl of this
city was found dead In the Burlington
yards at Akron, Colo., at an early hour
this morning.
He was engaged In checking up his
freight when sudden death overtook him
Heart disease Is probably the cause of
death. The body will be brought to Mc
Cook tonight for burial.
Pets 'Trout In False Friend.
DAKOTA C1TT. Neb., Oct 7. (Special.)
Charley Harnett a young man who re
sides with his parents In South Sioux City,
was yesterday lodged In Jail on the charge
of assaulting Ed Johnson and relieving
him of tlS. Johnson, who Is about 40 years
old, came to South Sioux City last Mon
day from Minneapolis on free transporta
tion furnished him to go to work on the
Ashland extension of the Great Northern.
As he arrived with a little over 120 In his
pocket he proceeded to , drink some of It
up before going to work. When It came
time to retire young Harnett told hlra his
mother kept boarders and Johnson em
braced the opportunity" to enjoy a good
night's sleep. Tuesday he still felt too
wealthy to go to work and established
headquarters for the day at Sherman
Ennls" saloon, where he says he drank
beer all day and evening. About 10 o'clock
Tuesday evening ha and Harnett started
for the hotel again, but Johnson says
Harnett took him west of the saloon In
stead of south, and after they had gone
a couple of blocks Harnett stepped be
hind him and dealt him a number of blows
on the head with a billy or club of, some
kind, knocking him down and then kick
ing him In the face, which his 'appear
ance corroborates. Harnett asked him
where his money was, and In a semi-conscious
condition Johnson told him if he
would keep, on looking he would find It In
his -trousers pockets. Johnson, with his
face besmeared wifb blood and cut in sev
eral places, and both eyes swollen shut
and black and blue, lay where he iwai
knocked down until morning, not knowing
where he was. In the morning he went
back to the saloon, washed up and related
his troubles and was sent to this place to
seek consolation by the process of law
Harnett claims to be entirely ignorant of
what he was arrested for and claims to
know noticing about the occurrence, but
Johnson is very positive he Is the fellow
who decorated his countenance and took
his money.
Colfax Democrats Nominate.
SCHUYLER. Neb.. Oct. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The democrat, of Colfax county
held an enthusiastic . convention today.
every precinct being represented. Most of
the delegates from the north end of the
county came down instructed. The follow.
Ing ticket was nominated: For county treas
urer, M. J. Higgins; county clerk. M F
Shonka; probate Judge, Nell Mapes; sheriff.
Thomas Chaplin; superintendent' of public
instruction, John Chleboun; surveyor, Ol
iver Funk; coroner. Dr. E. Jingbluth
county commissioner from Second district
Garrett Folken; county commissioner from
Third district (to fill vacancy). Joseph Dod
brv The fight for the nomination for sher
iff was a warm one.
Democrat. Nominate Pooallata.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Oct. 7.-(Speclal Tele
gram). The democratic county convention
was neid at the city hall this afternoon and
nominated one democrat for an office which
Is not to be filled this fal). For three of
me om-er offices populist, were nominated
and the remaining place, were left blank
there being no patriot, who could be pre
vailed upon to maki the race. There were
aoout thirty or the faithful in attendance.
...... . . ... I, ui . iijrfn Deing rrom
Kearney. T. B. Garrison acted s chair
man and Everett Bhafto a. secretary.
New. of Nebraska.
PLATTSMOlTH The Presbyterian 8-n-day
school enjoyed a picnic today.
BE WARD W. Melnhold has sold out his
iiiiciii noii ana wiu go to Craig
Neb., to engage in the hardware business!
BE WARD John and W. Currv r-,.i
son, la., hgve located la Seward and will
conduct a clothing and gents' fumishlna
store. "
WEST POINT-A marriage license has
been issued to Theodore Kemper snd Mus
Krnina liandke. well known residents of
T inilt-r.
SEWARD The Board of BoMrvImn re
submitted a proposition to the voter, of
the county to change the location of th. tall
nhen the new banding is erected in order
ute pottrt fcuuse aud ju ma UJ
heated from the same plant. The proposi
tion will be voted on at the fall election.
FLATTPMOl'TH Master Mechanic H. J.
Helps Is hiring more men to work In the
local Hurllnston shops, especially In the
coach department.
FLATTSMOlTH L. A Manlove. who
has resided for some months at the Ne
braska Masonic home, returned to Omaha
today for the winter.
BEATRICE Mrs. T. J. Hardy entertained
the l-adtvs' Aid society of the Christian
church fsterdy. A Urge number of guests
was present snd a deligtiUzl afternoon was
WEJBT POINT The democrats of Cuming
county have elected William A. Smith
chairman. J. C. Pinker secretary and Her
man Koch treasurer of the county central
FI.ATTS MOUTH H L Hanford of Lin
coln and Miss 8ule Shopp will be united
In marriage at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shopp, next
BEATRICE The Crabtree Forensic club
last night elected these officers: J. Stew
art Elliott, president: James E. Iawrence,
vice president; Chester Calkins, secretary;
Clifford Butler, treasurer.
SEWARD John Beeler. employed on the
court house, was struck on the head by a
Tlece of tiling dropped by another work
man yesterday aft-rnoon ajid srrlously
Injured. He was unconscious for many
hours, but Is recovering.
BEATRICE The price of grain at this
point has changed but little during the past'
few weeks. Wheat Is selling at 70 cents,
corn at U and 43 cents and oats at 23 and
24 cents per bushel. Some -wheat is being
marketed here, but little oats or corn.
FLA TTSMOUTH Miss Bessie, the 7-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cory,
passed away peacefully last evening. The
funeral services will be In the Methodist
Episcopal cmrrch Sunday afternoon. Rev,
J. E. lloulgate will deliver the sermon.
BEATRICE The Board of Supervisors
yesterday allowed claims and decided to ad
vertise for bids for constructing bridge,
according to plans and specifications fur
nished by County Surveyor Tethoud. An
adjournment was taken to November .
BEATRICE Mrs. Hanna Larklns who.
In company with her three children, was
driven away from home by her husband,
Joe Larklns. while h-e was on a drunken
spree, yesterday instituted suit for divorce
In the district court alleging extreme
cruelty and drunkenness.
TTEST POINT-FIre destroyed the large
barn and contents and several of the out
buildings on the farm of Jacob B. Blrky In
Lognn township. The origin of the fire Is
unknown. The flames spread rapidly and
but little was saved. The loss Is only par
tially covered by insurance.
CENTRAL CITY The Boys' band from
Central City took part In both parades last
week in Omaha's festival. Their beautiful
uniform drew attention and their music
surpassed expectations. The governors
chose them to play for the Knights of Col
umbus, being a Catholic band.
WEST POINT-Ferdlnand flrlch and
Miss Helena Kluthe were united In mar
riage at the church of the Sacred Heart
In Oleyen on Wednesday. The parties are
well known residents of Lincoln township
umr itivy win resme nereaiter on meir
fine farm. Rev. Father End. pastor of the
church, performed the marriage ceremony.
I'LA TTSMOUTH The supreme court de
crees that the owner of lands along the
hanks of a navigable river owns land onlv
to the high water mark on the bank and
not to the center of the bed of the river
channel. This ruling will settle many mis
understandings among the farmers owning
land along the Platte and Missouri rivers.
YORK A little son of George Tracy, a
farmer living near Charleston, while lying
on the floor playing with another child of
about the same age, met with an accident
that soon resulted in death. His playmate
knocked off a cupboard standing near the
child a bottle of carbolic acid, the contents
of which entered his ear and burned his
BEATRICE The case wherein G-eorge
W'hltcomb seeks to recover his little
daughter. Hlldred from Mr. and Mrs.
George Reed, by habeas corpus proceedings,
was called In the county court yesterday
and continued to November 20. Mr. Reed
gave bond in the sum of $200 for his ap
pearance on that date, and In the mean
time win have the custody of the child.
WEST POINT Twentv suits nt clothna
being the major part of the plunder stolen
from the clothing store of Schmltt Broth
ers two months ago, were found hidden In
a clump of bushes near the river on the
rarm or Bchlnstock Brothers. The men
arrested for this crime were arraigned in
county court, but for want of testimony
were aiscnargea. The clothing wss badly
YORK Grandma Wellman. mother of
Walter Wellman the noted Washington
newspaper correspondent and Arctic ex
plorer, lert mis ween for St. Joseph, Mo.,
where she will visit a son. From there
she goes to Madison, Wis., where she
make, her future home with Arthur Well
man, a son and former resident of York.
The Wellmans are pioneer residents of
York county and have a host of friends
DAKOTA CITY Miss Martha E. Adair.
dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. William Adair.
whose marriage to Charles L. Culler, former
principal or tne schools at tnts place ana
now mall clerk on the Minneapolis ft
Omaha railway, residing at Wayne, will
be solemnized next week, was tendered a
reception this evening by the order or tne
Eastern Star. The bride-to-be was pre
sented with a set of tine Havlland china
dishes from her lodge associates.
BEATRICE The Woman', club held Its
Initial meeting of the year yesterday af
ternoon which was marked with a spirit of
more than usual earnestness and interest.
Besides an excellent musical program, Mrs.
G. E. Emery, the president, delivered an
address which contained helpful thoughts
and suggestions on club work In general,
following which. Mrs. E. G. Drake and
Mrs. Emery submitted reports on the fed
eration meeting held In Lincoln. A pleasant
social season followed adjournment.
WEST POINT A notable wedding was
celebrated this week In the union of Charles
C. Malchow to Miss Emma Luedke. The
groom is the popular city clerk of West
Point and the bride Is an assistant In the
office of the county treasurer. The cere
mony was performed by. Rev. A. H. rl
Oelschlaeger, pastor of St Paul's German
Lutheran church. The Driae is tne aaugn
ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Luedke of
Logan township, and both she and her
husband were born and brought up In
Cuming county.
garareoa General of Japanese navy
Visits Johns Hopkins fnlveralty
and KstsI Academy.
T)At TllfrtPV rw-f t rT- a fliivnW nr-
geon general of the Imperial Japanese navy
and who was attached to Admiral Togo's
flagship the Mlkasa as surgeon in the recent
RusHlan-Japanese war, was In Baltimore
today as the guest of Dr. W. S. misted,
surgeon-In-chlef to the John. Hopkln. hos-
oltal. Or. Suxuki was accompanied by Dr.
Stoke, and Dr. Thomas 'of the surgeon
general's department, I'nlted States nayy.
in ine ajiernoon ur. busuki went 10
Annapolis, where he will remain over Sun
day and on .Monday he will inspect the
naval academy and grounds.
Fair Today la Nebraska and Iowa
ghowere and Cooler at Mght
and Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7.-Forecast of t
weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska and Iowa Fair Sunday;
showers and cooler at night or Monday.
For Kansas Fair Sunday: Monday partly
cloudy and cooler; probably showers In
north and west portions.
For Missouri Fair Sunday; Monday
partly cloudy and cooler; probably showers
In northwest portion.
For South Dakota Partly cloudy Sun
day; showers and cooler at night or Mon
day. For Wyoming Showers and cooler Sun
day In west portions and at night In east
portion; Monday fair, cooler In southeast
portion: Monday fair, warmer.
Local Keeord.
OMAHA, Oct. 7. Offlcial record of tem
perature and pecIpl;ation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: lsrto. lfc. IjuS 1801.
Maximum temperature.... M 9 f.3 It
Minimum temperature.... J tJ 4 47
Mean temperature 74 6" W t2
t-'-INtaUoa (JO T T W
. . . . "-clpltatlon departures
from tna i.oruiA. ... . -iturit since March L
Kiiti ruiii.i nun wun me last two years:
Normal temperature
F.xcess for the day
Total excess since March 1
Normal precipitation
feflclency for the day
Total rainfall since March 1.
.09 Inch
. .( Inch
. M Inches
. 74 Inches
, I 61 Inches
I Deficiency for cor. period. ii
I Ei'pm tor cor. Deriod. M .
IH-nclency since March 1.
v Inches
I "T" Indicate, trace of oreolDltatlon
L a, WiUiiL ix;vl Fbrecaatsr.
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Qo.
We Welcome You to
mq.qifc-qiS S. Sixteenth St.
Never so great or new as now. All the host in Wilton and Body Brussels Itngs Bige
low, Lowell and Wittall and all the o'ther best manufacturer's goods in this fresh Ptook
Roxbury Brussels Rugs. Every pattern made by these great rug makers in our new line.
9x12, $20; 7x9, $13.
AXMINSTER RUGS 9x12, $19. AGATE ART SQUARES-2x3, $1.95 each; 3x3,
$2.95 each; 3x4, $3.90 each.
Special showing furniture for the dining room. This large, new, fresh stock comprises
many special values, and we are.sure to have what you want in select finish and price.
. China Cabinet, full swell ends and door, made from select quarter-sawed golden oak,
French legs. Very special, at $18.50.
China Cabinet, full bent ends, half mirror back, carved claw feet, polished quarter-,
sawed white oak, special, $24.
Dining Table, round top, select golden oak, turned legs, highly polished, special, $11.
Dining Table, full pedestal, highly polished in select golden oak, extra value, $17.
Sideboard, an exceptional sideboard value, made of best quarter-sawed white oak, hand '
polished, one drawer lined, $22.
Sideboard, $38 value, made of best select oak, hand polished, full swell front, hand
carved, $27.
Dining Chair of extra quality, golden oak, cane seat, plain, rich design, the $2 kind, now
selling at $1.50.
Dining Chair, wood saddled shaped seat, quarter-sawed golden oak, hand polished, very
good value, $1.85.
Small Smyrna Mats, mottle effects, good all-wool quality, 16x30 inches, fringed. "We
have sold these at 70c; Monday at'SOo.
Same goods, 30x60 inches, that we are selling at $2, reduced for Monday selling to $1.48.
Dekan Brussels, reversible soft wool rugs, 9x12 feet, $10.50. Dining and bedroom colors.
G.neral Oharl.i W. Bartlstt Unmim.uilj
lomin.tet for Gortrnor.
Substitute Platform Written by W. J.
Bryan and ' Embodying Hla
Views Hissed by the
The Ticket.
Governor Charles W. Bartlett, Boston.
Lieutenant Governor Henry M. Whitney,
Secretary of State Henry B. Little, New
bury port
Treasurer and Receiver Oeneral Daniel
J. Doherty, Weetfleld.
Auditor P. J. Ashe, North Adams.
Attorney Oeneral John T. Leahy, Boston.
BOSTON, Oct 7. General Charles W.
Bartlett of Boston was nominated by the
Massachusetts democracy for governor.
There were no contest, for any of the
place, on the ticket
The only ripple of discord during the day
came upon the nomination by the conven
tion of eighteen members at large of the
state committee. Daniel T. Toomey of I
Springfield made an unsuccessful attempt
to have the convention decree that here
after member, of the state committee be
elected directly by the people at the sena
torial and congressional conventions. Mr.
Toomey charged that the democratlo state
committee as at present constituted did not
represent the democratic voters, but was
Instead a close corporation that dictated
the party policy and candidates.
No Contest for Governor.
Up to the time that James E. Cotter of
Hyde Park arose to place before the con
vention the name of General Bartlett as
the gubernatorial candidate tt was believed
that there would be a contest. Former
Mayor John H. H. McNamee of Cambridge
had announced that he would make a
struggle for the honor of leading the party
In the coming campaign. To the nut-prise
of the convention, however, Mr. McNamee
did not make any contest, but seconded
General Bartlett'. nomination.
The platform adopted declare, for a re
vision of the tariff and the free admission
of coal. Iron, lumber, hide., wood pulp
and other raw material.; tt commend, the
"diplomatic courage and sagacity of Pres
ident Roosevelt in aiding to end the war
In the far east; call, for state supervision
of Insurance companies and recommend,
municipal ownership of public, utilities.
ryan Platform Hissed. .
Delegate Watson of Boston offered a
substitute platform, which was overwhelm
ingly voted down. During the reading of
the substitute the convention was in an
uproar, many delegate, endeavoring to
drown Mr. Watson's voice. The convention
was Interrupted with hisses and jeers, but
as he several time, announced that he
would read the substitute if It took all
night, he was finally allowed to proceed.
In response to an Inquiry from the gallery
as to the author of the platform he stated
that William J. Bryan was the author.
The substitute reaffirmed the financial
velws of Mr. Bryan and advocated munici
pal ownership and federal control of rail
road rate, and of great Industrial corpora
tions and Insurance companies.
Just before adjournment General Bart
lett and Mr. Whitney entered the hall and
were given a tremendous ovation. Both
made brief addresses. General Bartlett
closed by saying In referenc. to th. No
vember election:
"When the vote, have been counted
somebody will learn that there has been a
Prof. Bearing; Creates Considerable
Attention by a Statement
Made In Parle.
PARIS. Oct. 7. At the closing session of
the International Tuberculosis congress to,
day Prof, von Behrlng made a. statement
relative to his new curative principle for
tuberculosis. It was decided to hold the
next congress at Washington In 19us.
Prof. Behrlng's statement attracted much
attention. Distinguished medical men from
many countries occupied the platform and
filled the salon of the grand palace. The
professor said.
In the course of the last two years I
recognised with certainty the existence of
a curative principle completely different
from the antl-toxlne principle. This new
curative principle plays an Initial role in
the operation of the Immunity derived from
my bovo-vai-elne, which has proved effec
tive against animal tuberculosis during the
last four yeara. This curative principle re
pose, upon the Impregnation of the living
cell, of the organism with a substance
originating from tubereoee virus, which
suustauce I designate "T. C."
Prof. Behrlng then gave a lengthy, tech
nical description of how "T. C " waa In
troduced Into the cellular orgailsm and
..14 It had already gives marked result
in the treatment of animals. He expressed
the confident belief that his researches
would permit similar curative results in
humans. He added that he was unable to
say how soon positive results would be ob
tainable, but he felt as certain that these
result, would be attained as when he first
announced his discovery of a new method
for treating diphtheria.
(Continued from First Page.)
to them, the absolute inability of the gov
ernment as at present constituted to cope
with the questions that have arisen. Mr.
Brodrlck, as might have been expected. Is
being made the special target of their re
sentment But the feeling Is not by any
mean, confined to hlnX for It Is recognised
that the prime minster, who retains him In
office, and the cabinet, which Indorses his
actions, are equally responsible. But even
Mr. Brodrlck'. blundering might have been
borne with were It not that on top of It
come. thl. further spectacle of the viceroy
and the commander-in-chief at each other',
throats In India. On all' sides one hear, ex
pressions to the effect that unionist disaster
at the polls would be far better, even for
the party, than this muddle and fight
Foreign Office Work. Slowly on Pro
posals for Trade Treaty.
BERLIN, Oct. 7. The making of a new
trade agreement between the United State,
and Germany is beset with so many diffi
culties on both sides that the conviction
exist, at the Foreign office that the ques
tion cannot be disposed of between now
and March 1, when the nevjL German tariff
with Its modified reciprocal treaties with
European states comes Into effect. Con
sequently there Is no particular haste In
the second section of the Foreign office,
which la dealing with trade subjects, to
put Germany's proposals to the United
States Into final form. They probably
will not be presented for several weeks.
The Impression existed here until recently
that President Roosevelt would send a
commission of experts to examine the sub
ject from the German point of view, but
as Washington has not yet sent a com
mission It Is still desired that the pres
ident send a representative of the American
government to whom may be explained
the various part, of the questions by the
German government tn a way scarcely pos
sible through correspondence. It Is be
lieved at the Foreign office that publlo
opinion In the United States Is exaggerated
concerning what Germany will ask of the
United States. It Is added that Germany',
proposals will really be moderate and may
be satisfied without especial changes In
the American tariff system. An agreement
It I. thought may be arranged between
the United States and Germany, and thl.
Is, It Is added, within the president', pow
ers. On thl. aide, however. It is necessary
to submit such an agreement to the Reichs
tag, as changing the customs Is beyond
the power, of the executive. '
Printer, of Wisconsin Town Will
Stand by Contrnct for An
other Yenr."
MILWAUKEE, Oct. 7. The president of
the Typographical union of fhls city ha.
assured the employing printers that there
will be no disturbance or strike of any kind
In the printing line In Milwaukee and that
the printers wll. strictly live up to their
contract with the employers, which does
not expire until 1907.
Beat All.
When your eyes are dim, tongue coated,
appetite poor, bowels constipated. Electric
Bitter, beat all cure.. 60c. Bold by Sher
man ft McConnell Drug Oo.
Gvory Full Dross Requisite for
tho 1 lor so Show.
(Continued from First rage.)
his brother nationalists because of events
a few years ago. the movement would be
wrecked. The present and Immediate ob
ject of the party wai to drive the govern
ment out of office. With regard to redis
tribution, Mr. Redmond said that while In
the first stage, of the struggle he felt
bound to say that he was 'quite convinced
that the government would make a further
attempt, and that the attempt would be
successful beyond all probability of doubt
if the government was confronted In Ire
land by a divided and weakened, Irish
nationalist party. A. for the future they
would in all probability succeed In driving
the government out of office before long.
What then, he might be asked; and h
answered that the future should depend
upon the event, developed In the future.
In his opinion no liberal party, no mat tor
what It. strength, could oe Independent of
Ireland or could hold office for twelve
month. If It attempted to govern Ireland
In deflanoe of th. wishes and sentiments
of the masses. ,
Homo Rnle Campalam.
Commenting upon Sir Henry Campbell
Bannerman'a refusal to Inform the Dublin
Liberal Unionist Association of hi. view,
a. to the relation of tariff. In Ireland nnder
a system of home rule, th. Irish Time,
say. that the correspondence calls atten
tion once more to the fact that no formu.
lated scheme of home rule ha. been pul
forward by either the liberal party or ths
nationalist party since Mr. Gladstone's
last attempt at a plan was kicked dowg
stairs by the House of Lords. It 1. hot
surprising, that newspaper concludes, thai
the liberal leader decline, to say whether
he would give an Irish legislative body
power to Impose preferential, protective,
retaliatory or other tariffs on Imports Into
Ireland. If he took the Gladstone view ha
would alienate his nationalist allies, who
might well .ay that tt would be better for
Ireland to see what she could get out of
Mr. Chamberlain In the way of protection
for her Industrie, than to accept a Parlia
ment having no control er fiscal pol
icy. On the other hand. If he replied that
Ireland could do what she liked on the
subject, he would be likely to frighten the
men of hi. own party, who regard free
trade a. being Just about as .acred as the
ark of the covenant
French Shippers Say Money from
Pari. Did Not Come to
America. I
PARIS, Oct. 7. Leading American .hits,
per. of French gold aay they have not
made any .hlpmenU to ths United State,
out of the 16,000,000 recently withdrawn
from the Bank of France. The report of
the shipment to America grew out of
Thursday's statement of the Bank of
France, showing that the gold balance had
fallen during the week from 5?,tJ4,4 to
&87,9M.3a. This unusual fall of K433.1U
attracted the attention of the Bourn,
where It was attributed to the needs of the
monetary situation In London. When the
London banker, said they had not received
any of the French gold, the deduction wa.
attributed to shipments to the United
State. However, Lazard Frere., who is
the chief shipper, has not shipped the
amount referred to and I. not aware of
any other shipments to New York. He
Incline to the view that the amount ha.
gone to Egypt and other points outside ot
the main market, London and New York.
The manager, of the Bank of France say
they are not aware of the destination of
the shipment..
The European Economist calls attention
to the movement of precious metal, to
the United State, and give, a table show
ing that the French export of gold to New
York since January 1, total., $5,070,515.