Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1905, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4, Image 29

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As-ertlsiie Ats rer theee eoleaaas
will be take, vbiiI IX as. far tae
! ! M aatll p. m. far
rly a Baa4ay edition.
Rates t 1 11 m war flret laaertlaa,
la war aereaf ter. takea
far leas rfaa 2n (or aa flrat laser
thJmt, aaWertlaeaaeats aaaat aa
raa eea'Aatlvely.
Advert Imrr; hr rrMitli a a a sa
bered rfi,rift rmm bare aaewers a4
"""' iiaWttl letter la rare
f Tb'J Rrt, Aaswere a a4aaae4
will tf delivered aa areaentatlea at
SVrnVFR'Pla,d- Omaha Plating Co,
TI J V -i50!l Harney St, TeL 263S.
:iTY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent.
II R 7X9
R 790
A N1V-Monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. lth.
"1 II iv. K781
m s. nth st.
Telephone $64.
tR 130
CUT RATH railway ticket! -rverywhore.
P. H. Plillbln. 150 Farnam. 'Phone 7M.
a- R ?33
OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make a spe
cialty of tire escapes, shutters dnora and
. safes. O. Andreeu, Prop., 102 8. loth St.
. U 794
Iron and bras castings. 802 Jackson. TeL
2432. Ili4
SIGN PAINTING, B. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas.
K iSs
SAD IRONS replated, 20c; throe for 600.
umant fluting Co., 1608 Harney, 'i i. 2aJt.
R 797
1 nrkfQNAITH Keya and locks, C. R.
Hefiin. aj Bouth 14th.
k 93 1
quality. Cheapest price. Wentworth, Cll
Paxun block. 'Phone 1671 R (SI
MORGAN'S hall. 16th and Corby Sta. Rea
sonable for private or strictly Invitation
affaira. Tel. 6124. R 827
TOR Women Only Dr. Raymond's Pilla, for
delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per
fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter
ference with work: relief brought to thou
sands after everything else failed; highly
recommended by all that have used them.
By mail, $3. Dr. G. O. Raymond Remedy
Co., room 85, St Adams Bt., Chicago, III.
DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases
and lrregularlltes of women from any
cause; experienced and reliable. Address
with stamp. Ir. Pries, lbU. Dodge St.,
Omaha 867
PENpTAN-GOT Prompt regulator for la
dies; never falls; $2 postpaid. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, 868
RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec
tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick
Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. BIdg.,
Omaha. -869
LADIES with poor health will find It much
for their benefit with trifle expense, to
correspond with Mrs. M. P. McCulloch, 410
W. 6th St., Atlantic, la. I have made
such cases a specialty for many years
with the best success. Write your symp
toms and address plainly. Confidential.
M379 016x
MRS. CARRIE SMITH, a marvelous
magnetic healer; all kinds of weakness
and disease treated; cure guaranteed;
business confidential. o07 N. 18th. Tel.
Red-6736. 394 6x
tR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women and children: SO years' practice
Ofllce, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone,
8666; office 3667.
MEN, If you are smalt, weak or undevel
. oped, have lost strength, our Acme Vac
uum Developer will restore you without
drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc
tion and varicocele permanently cured In
cne to four weeks; 75,000 In use; not one
failure; write for free book, sent sealed
in plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co., 728
Barclay Blk., Denver, Cola
LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no
other. Send 4c stamps for particulars,
"Relief for Ladles," in letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. ,
LADIES! Dr. Darwin's Compound Cotton
Root Tablets will relieve obstinate irregu
larities; $1. Guranteed powerful and harm
less. Address, Dr. Darwin Co., Beckley
BIdg., Rochester. N. Y.
stant relief; trial salve, plain wrapper,
for two 2o stamps. Box 8304, Philadel
phia, Pa. 641 8x
MRS. CARRIE SMITH, a marvelous mag
netic healer; all kinds of weakness and
disease treated: cure guaranteed; business
confidential. 807 N. 18th. . Tel. Red-5738.
. 0i SX
everything told, past, present and future;
satisfaction or no pay; all buainess strictly
confidential. 807 N. 18th St. 'Phone. Red
6736 B-606 8x
Call at No. 113 8. liitrK St., upstairs.
Resultful prediction absolutely given.
MRS. O'NEAL (colored), palmist and ad
viser. Tel. Red 6161. 2214 N. 21st.
8-35S 10X
LADY CELESTA, Palmist and Clairvoyant.
Tells about business, speculation, lawsuits,
marriage, love affairs, sickness and abJ
sent friends. 212 N. 17th St. B-361 7x
' everything told, past, present and future;
. satisfaction or no pay; all business
strictly confidential. 807 N. ISth St.
'Phone Red-6736. 8393 6x
LADY CE1JC8TA, palmist and clairvoyant,
tells about business, speculation, law suits,
marriage, love affairs, sickness and ab
sent friends. 212 N. 17th St. S M675 lOx
In French. Spanish or Herman; learn to
speak In 25 lessons, business correspond
ence BO, to read literature 65 GUARAN
TEED. F. Peltier, 111 South 2uth.
832 12X
PfVPr!PHQ,rrnan' Spanish, Fencing.
rrtnV-llLvUlge BIdg., Uth aro-:,
ACCOMPANIST wanted In exchange for
voice or elocution lessons. Address C 5
Bee. 665 8
BEE entertaining; study Impersonation
with Goodwal Bickerman; voice culture
for the speaking; voice a specialty. 2u
Boyd Th-eater bldg. 604 8
LOST A leather belt, with gold watch and
chain, on SMh street between Farnam and
Dewey. Finder return to Miss O. Kemp,
Sth and Dewey Ave. Reward.
Lost-3 7
LOST Gold watch and pin between Doug
li afreet it and Twentieth atreet. or on
Harney car going west. Friday; reward
If returned to Room ti. United States
National banc bldg. Lost M443 Sx
LOST Pasa book containing railroad an
nual paasea of 8. C. AVer. Reward will
be given for return of same to Land
Department. Union Pacific railroad,
Omaha. Neb. Lo"t Mt43 fx
fOHNSON Institute. 616 N. Y. Life. TeL
loai. 875
RS JOHN R. MU8ICK. Osteopathy Phy
sidaa. OAca, NavUle ttl. Xel afcO.
Bus-lnt iren are willing to pay women as good salaries as they pay thlr
men i in . lores.
The private escretary to H. It. Ropers of the Standard Oil Co. la a woman.
Sb.9 gets too Imposing salary of 1 10,000 a year.
The aalprlos paid to women clerks In dry goods houses and other mer
cantll establishments are not much more than living wages. But the younf
lady who Is Just beginning her career as a bookkeeper or stenographer makes
110 to I2D a woek.
The young women of the world should ponder well the words of the lato
Harriet Heechcr Stowe, who said: "No young lady could have a better safe
guard against adversities of fortuno or a better resource In time of need than
a good knowldge of business affnlrs. A time may come In any woman's life
when a knowledge of business matters would be beyond all price. Thousands
of women, through Ignorance of the laws of accounts, have lost property that
they Inherited from a husband or father, who worked hard that, they might
feel "enure una live In comfort when left without a protector. A thorough,
knowledge of bookkeeping Is an insurance policy against a loss of this kind."
Every young lady should attend
Here she will find her surroundings pleasant and congenial her com
panions uplifting. Here, In the Uolet Building, she will find everything that
could pospibly help to mako study a pleasure and not a task.
Why not send for Our new free catalogue today, or better yet, come In
and talk this matter over with us. We believe that we can make a conference
mutually beneficial.
Traveling Salesman; hats and caps; good
line; il,2oo and commission; expenses
Bookkeeper, $1,500.
Experienced Car Checker, $720.
lloukkeener. S6U0.
Grocery Clerk, 110 per month.
Traveling Salesman, cigars.
General Merchandise Clerk, (600.
Stenographer, 6U0.
Call or write for booklet and complete list
of vacancies.
If you already have a position and want
to better yoursen. leu us wnai you
want and we will find it for you.
Dept. li. 8U-3 N. X. Lite Biug., umaiia.
B 618 8
DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks
wanted. . V. tt-nlesl, HJi It. 1. lv.
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing
trade; great demand for graduates, 4-Ki
day; many complete course two months;
fiatiuates admitted to union and .Uaaisr
'lumbers' association. Coyne Bros. Co.
Plumbing Schools, New Vork, Cincinnati
and St. Louis. (Day and night class.)
For frte catalogue address 23y luth Ave.
New Kork. B-MO
A POSITION guaranteed or no pay. - U
you are in need ol a position, cull ana
have a "heart-to-heart" talk witU HART
THE EXPERT, 4vl N. Y. Life. B-8U
WANTED Telegraph operators and sta
tion acents. ttularv. loo to StiO. according
to location and ability. Apply In person
or uy letter to J. inline, bupi. leign.,
G. N. Ity., St. Paul, stating aoillty und
record. B Mill O10
WANTED City Salesmen at once. C. F.
Adams Co., 1619 Howard Bt. B W9
WANTED Watchmaker, good engraver
ana salesman. Imi J. Nlewutmer, Colum
bus, Neb. B M784
WANTED at once a neat and polite boy
about li years old lor stock work in cloak
department. Apply People's Store.
steady work in large, independent shop.
Steady men who can make good In a
termanent way only wanted. Greeley
Tlntery of St. Louis. Greeley Building,
St. Louis, Mo. B M372 7x
WANTED Two boys. Omaha Box Co.,
.a8t jVmana. B 391 s
WANTED Reliable boys; good wages. A.
l. i. jo., 2u a. jjtn. u anus jno
ers, stonemen ana blank book heading
men; steady work. 819.50 for 64 hours.
Only reliable men wanted. Write at once.
St. Louis, Mo.
B-M406 12
WANTED 26 harness makers. Apply at
on m. iso trouble. Des JUolnes suauiery
Co., Des Moines, la. B M400 8
WANTED Ten plasterers; twenty-five
ouuuing laoorers. u at u lustuuie, coun
cil Bluffs. i B MHO 12
WANTED Engineer, good repair man, by
small pacKing nuuse; good, steady posi
' tion. Address C 43, Bee. B 413 8
WANTED Sausage m alter; must be good:
nuerai wages to right party. Address J
44, Bee. B-414 8
WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay, to
aistriDuie circulars, aav. mutter, tacK
signs, etc,; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Distributing Bureau, luo Oakland
Bank Building, Chicago. 111.
PAPER RULERS Wanted, a first-class
paper ruler; steady position. State ex
perience and wages. Address I. H. Watts,
Superintendent, Atchison, Has.
WANTED Twenty neat appearing young
coiorea men. Apply norse enow, Audi
torium, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock
Sharp. B M428 7
AT ONCE Assistant manager for branch
Buppiy omce and headquarters for sales
men; no Investment required; permanent;
salary IIS weekly; commission extra. Ad
dress Manufacturer, Como Block. Chi
cago. B -M123 Sx
FIREMEN and brakemejl on Nebraska and
otner railroads; experience unnecessary.
Firemen, $78; become engineers and earn
$1M. Brakemen, $60, become conductors
and earn $140. Name position preferred.
I'nequaled opportunity for strong, ambi
tious young men. Address C 20, care
Omaha Bee. B M422 7x
ANY person to distribute our samples; $18
wtteaiy, iieaajr. aigr. r.mpire wens
St., Chicago, 111. B M446 7x
WANTED Gordon press feeders, A. I,
Root, Inc. 1210 Howard St. B 448
SOMETHING new in health and accident
insurance; you can write it; district man
agers wanted. Address Greut Western
Accident Association, Des Moines, Iowa.
WANTED Trustworthy man to manage
. branch omce ana distributing depot for
large manufacturer; salary to start with.
$1,S00 first year, and extra commissions
and expenses. Applicant must have good
reference and $1.0UU cash, capital Secured;
experience unnecessary. Address "Manu
facturer," 21 Wtst At water 8fc, Detroit,
Mich. B
The Sugar Plantations In Ijouisiana need
zu.uu quicK ana wining taoorers to cut ami
gather cane; good pay. good board and
light and easy work; splendid mild climate
and no snow and Ice. Come south and
avoid the cold weather. No others but
laborers need apply to Reginald Dykers,
Secretary and Treasurer, 339 CaronoVIet
St.. New Orleans. ii
MAN WANTED Outside work In own citri
u a weea ana expenses; expenses ad
vanced. Honesty and sobriety more neces
sary than business experience. State age
and past employment. International
Shear Company, 44 N. 4th St., Phila
delphia, Pa. B
WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at
brick yard. Avery, Neb., two miles south
of Albright street car line, on Union Pa
cific railroad. B-M4
CALL and see If you are competent and
desire a position. It coals you nothing If
I fail to place you.
Good driver for dairy.
Window trimmer, beat of salary.
Clothing solicitor, city.
Hart, the Expert, 401 N. Y. Life.
B M612 10
WANTED Energetic real estate salesman;
new proposition. Apply Room 23J. Neville
block B Mt34 10
WANTED Men to learn barber trade Fall
is the time. Position waiting graduates.
Little expense, more experience 'in one
month than elsewhere In years. Few
wevks completes. Call or write, Mok-r
barber Colics, lili Furaam St.
WANTED An experienced tn Insurance
ugent; snap for good man. 32 Bee Bldg.
B 476 8
MACHINISTS wanted In every factory as
agent; no Interference with regular work;
tood, steady profits. Write immediately,
tility Co., 231 Greenwich St., New York.
B-662 ex
YOUNG MEN Learn lettering and design
ing, It's a money maker; terms and sam
ples free. Thompson School, Pontlao,
Mich. B 646 Sx
WANTED Two men in each county to
represent wholesale hardware "depart
ment; established house; salary $21
weekly; expense money advanced. Ad
dress Hardware Dept., THE COLUMBIA
HOUSE, Chicago. B-644 8x
WANTED Immediately, two bright rmn
of good address and habits for road posi
tion; Btaple line; $20 per week to start:
expenses advanced. G. L. Sexton, S56
Dearborn, Chicago. B 640 8x
DETECTIVE WORK-Oood men wanted
everywhere; criminal paper with big cash
rewards and photos free; founded 1H89.
State age. Write American Detective
Ass'n, Indianapolis, Ind. B 537 8x
WANTED In California, honest, energetic
men. With a few dollars we will estab
lish you on a good paying farm In a
thriving community, near stores, schools,
churches, etc. Write for our booklet.
California Home Co., 202 Frost building,
Los Angeles, Cal. ' B-635 8x
WANTED, at once, young men for firemen
and brakemen; high wages, promotion.
Firemen get $100, become engineers at
$176: brakemen get $, become conductors
at $2')0 per month. Instructions by mall.
Send for particulars. Positions secured as
soon as competent. Best opening in the
United States. State age. National Rail
way Training School, 223 Boston Block,
Minneapolis, Minn. B 619 8x
WANTED State malingers for accident
and health insurance. Liberal contracts
given good men. STANDARD REG
ISTRY COMPANY, Bank of Commerce
Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. B 629 8x
WE SELL, make you a present of $100,
give you a Rplrndld suit of clothes every
ninety days, enlarge your picture free
and pay you a salary of $85 per month,
and all traveling expenses to take orders
for" the greatest and most reliable por
trait house in the world. Alt this will
be guaranteed. Address, R. D. MarteL
Dept. 638. Chicago, III. B-627 Sx
WANTED Energetic man each county to
post signs, advertise and distribute sam
ples; salary $18 weekly, $3 per clay for ex
penses; honesty and sobriety more essen
tial than experience. National Co., 720
unestnut St., Philadelphia. B 61$ Sx
WANTED Four men to travel in each
state, distribute samples and advertise
our goods; salary $21 per week and ex
penses, guaranteed; expenses advanced;
experience unnecessary. Address, with
stamp, stating age and occupation, Reeve
Co., 427 Dearborn St., Chicago. B 611 Sx
MANAGER WANTED Every section, to
appoint agents; new Scientific Game, re
placing forbidden slot machines; evades
law everywhere; played with nickels;
made In three styles two stvles resemble
cash registers; sold on credit or rented;
samples loaned managers free. We have
a lightly constructed game weighing
twelve pounds to operate on percentage.
United States orders are shipped from
nearest United States factory or ware
house without custom duty. International
Skilllard Game Co., Correspondent 7
Toronto, Canada. B 610 8x
WANTED 2.000 laborers for woods, saw
mills, railroad work, and turners for
woodemvare factory In the state of Wash
ington; wnires from $2,215 up to $4 00 per
day; fare $22 from St. Paul; 160 acres gov
ernment homesteads free. Immigrants'
Information Bureau, 6G6 Milwaukee Ave..
Chicago. 111. r . b-60 8x
$.5 PER MONTH; expenses advanced; dis
trict managers to travel and leave sam
ples at stores. National Soap Works. Chi-Ctt"-
B 508 8x
WANTED At once, assistant bookkeeper;
must be accurate and good penman. Address-
C 63. Bee. B-M408 10
W ANTED-60 men to work on farm; wages,
lRc per hour. Apply Standard Beet
Sugar Co.. Leavltt. Neb. B M672 14
WANTED-A No. 1 mandolin, violin and
guitar teacher of good address and sober;
salary, $20 per week. Transportation
furnished; steady employment. Write
Berlin Conservatory of Music. Oreeley,
Col- B M870 U)x
EXCELLENT opportunity for reliable
men In outside towna; permanent posi
tion; offlc3 furnished; propertlea sold:
loans secured. E. N. Cook & Co., Sioux
City. Ia. B-87 8x
AN ENGINEER to take run latter part of
night; $ per month to right man. Lee
Electrlo Light Co., Clarlnda, la.
B 684
SUPERINTENDENT or foreman on con
structlon by competent, sober. Industrious
man; 15 years in grading and on public
works. Address C 46. Bee. A M424 8x
WANTED Position by experienced collec
tor; can give best' at references. Ad
dress C 49. Bee. j A M137 9x
AT LIBERTY after October 15 Hotel
manager, 17 years' practical experience,
or will take steward s position at satls-
factory salary. Address C 67. Bee office.
A-MS08 Sx
WANTED Position as manager or day
clerk In first-class hotel bv competent ex
perienced hotel man; good-references C
68, care Bee. A MS40 10
80 WORKING girls. Canadian Office, 15th
and Dodge. C 8lJ
LADY agents and traveling men to sell
new patented articles without competi
tion; good money made by right party
Call or address room $u$. Brown block
Omaha, Neb. C $34
WANTED Competent girl . for general
.housework; good wages; no waahing. 2418
Farnam. . C M348
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
must iiave references. Only two In
family.' Call, morning, 3U North DOth 8u
Stenographer, $150.
Orhce Clerk. $Ju.
Stenographer and Telegrapher, $60.
Call or write for particulars.
iJept, B. 841-$ N. Y. Life Bid.. Omaha.
. C
WANTED Cook and second girl: sisters
preferred; also a coachuan. 16"J So. s2i
Ave, G-ALUi li
Omaha Commercial College
19th and Farnam Streets.
No better time can be found., to begin a preparation for a mercantile position.
All of our courses offer splendid advantages. A Business Course or a Course In
Shorthand. Typewriting. Telegraphy or Civil Service will place you In a goot position.
Why postpone your preparation when such splendid facilities as we. can offer are at
your command T
We hare more High School graduate enrolled this year than ever before, and,
that means much for our courses of study, teachers and equipments.
A visitor recently remarked: "A masnlflcent collee hutldlnr snlendldlv innnlninit
departments, unsurpassed equipments and
nvuuui m me ironi. Anoiner one says: iou nave tne nnest miainess college room
In America and the best equipped I have ever seen. " We cannot tell you of our
facilities. They must be seen to be fully appreciated. We have endeavored to pro
vide the best. Come and see what we have.
Both are open to you. Both provide excellent facilities. Night school Monday,
Wednesday and Friday nights.
It was opened last Monday night. Over-five hundred people witnessed the pro-
fram. It was a great event. We have the largest gymnasium now in the state,
t Is well equipped with modern apparatus. CLASSES FOR BOTH LADIES AND
GENTLEMEN. The gymnasium Is open to everybody. We employ two first-class
physical instructors. One a gentleman, the other a lady. Classes are now forming.
Lockers and baths provided. Day and night classes, (jail any time. Rates very
reasonable. Pupils from other schools admitted.
Mftn ri4t Thnndnv nltrht In thm fmrtt
uooa program. Ex-Btimenti cordially invite
- - - " 1 " - r
- x A&rw w cj Dtf hi, i iw tu mi jr una.
WANTED Extra salesladies at once, for
our cloak and suit dept. Apply, H. Swan
son, Nebraska Clothing Co. C 358 12x
WA NT ED Young girl 16 or 17 years oTd
to assist In general house work. No
cook; no washing; small family. 3402
Harney Bt C 358 12x
LOST At Ak-Sar-Ben Fair grounds a gold
.. I Oil. ...... V. T. ' I 1 ,,, .
lliuunivnA jciiv muuii r uiuor win DO
liberally rewarded by returning same to
H Swanson. Nebraska Clothing Co.
C-3G0 12x
WANTED An experienced laundress. Ap
ply to Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, 1303 Park
Ave. C M368
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
washing; small family; good wages. 231$
Harney. C 387 7
WANTED A girl for general housework;
no wanning. so.i iirnara Dl. j M3WI s
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. 1711 Douglas. C M4U
WANTED A competent girl for general
Iiuusewoia. juris, r. u. xiocnstetler. 416
S 38th St. c-417
WOMAN to do family washing; call morn
ings, iwi uoinrop ai. i&ounize Place.) -
C 116 8
TACKERS and sewers on A-M-P nets.
Apply 7 a. m. Bemls Omaha Bag Factory.
" C 120 8
GIRL for' general housework. 2122 Burt
Bl. tj M425 11X
WANTED A good, reliable girl for general
nouseworx; good wages. Mrs. T. H. Mc
Cague, 114 N. 24th St. Tel. A-3242.
C 162 $x
GIRL for general housework. 3126 Chicago.
C 468 9
WANTED First-class cook to go to
Kansas . ity references, f none Black
1434, for Information. C 447
WANTED Girl for housework In small
family, who can live at home. No wash
ing. 4132 Izard St. C-452 8x
COMPETENT girl, In family of three,
must be good cook. Wages, $5. lit! N.
38th Ave. C 451 I
AGENTS making $10 per day demonstrat
ing the popular Delsarte goods. Write
for terms and territory. Delsarte Mfg.
and Supply Co., 68 N. J. R. R. Ave., New
ark, im. J. u Ma sx
LADIES To do piece work at home; we
furnish all materials and pay from $7 to
$12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal uo., 4 m. Monroe, cnicago.
C 679 8x
LADY to travel; reference required; salary
$21 per week; expenses advanced. J. 8.
ziegier at to., ii Dearborn Bt.. cnicago.
C 638 fcx
REPUTABLE person wanted in every town
to solicit subscriptions for the decorative
monthly inagaElne, "Intvlor Decora
tions." 19 Union square. New York.
C 693 8x
GIRL for general housework; no washing;
good wages. Inquire 5o4 S. 36th St.
C M468 10x
LADY with office experience, stenographer
preferred, for confidential position; out of
Crockery saleslady; must know her busi
Hart, the Expert, 401 N. Y. Life.
C M61S 10
WANTED Woman to clean house one
day each week. Call 641 So. 26th Ave.
C M642 10
WANTED Girl for second cooking, wages
lal.m. room and board. Also chamber'
maid; will teach good girl, one from
country preferred; transportation fur-
nlsned. Perkins hotel, David I'tty, Neb.
C 616 8x
WANTED Girl 15 or 16 years old to help
take care of child and assist with light
house work. Call Monday, 636 South 24th
St. C 66 X
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family or three. Mrs. F. D. Wead, s.
40th St. C-429 8
GIRL for general housework: $5i plain
cooking and washing. Mrs. Carter. 814
iieavenwortn. i t'-tn tx
WANTED A traveling salesman who Is
not afraid of hard work; must be experi
enced, and If you never earned $40 per
week as a salesman please do not taka
up my time: must be ready to go to work
at once. Address C 46, Bue. M430 8x
WANTED Traveling man who visits retail
ers to take as supplementary line our
spring production of dress goods and
shirtings, on commission. South Phlla,
Woolen Co., Box 1341. Phlla., Pa. .
M 426 Tx
SALESMAN of known ability who wants
permanent position worth $3,800 or more
annually. Holiday season just opening.
Box 674, Chicago.
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and
Iowa; staple line; entirely new Induce
ments to trade; high commissions; $28
weekly advance; permanent to right man,
K. C. Farley Co., Detroit, Mich.
SALESMAN to sell our "Kentucky PrUe"
whisky in barrels and bottles to the
trade; good chance for live men. Licking
Valley Co., Covington, Ky.
SALESMEN WANTED Hot side line; pay
hotel bills; easy seller; pocket sample;
prompt commission. American Chewing
Gum Co.. St. Louis.
WANTED Experienced traveling sales
men; Salary and expenses paid; state ex
perience and furnish ' references. Eclipse
Stock Food Co., Box 494, Des Moines, Ia.
CIGAR SALESMEN wanted In pour local
ity; city and country trade; $60 monthly
and expenses; experience unnecessary;
enclose stamp fur particulars. Puritan
Cigar Co., Dept. 74. Chicago. 639 fcx
WANTED Experienced road salesman for
strong line, pants and working clothing
in Nebraska. Established' trade. Write
with full details, experience and refer
CO., Lincoln, Neb. 656 kx
8ALESMEN wanted, for the best accident
and health insurance in the world: stork
company; cash capital and insurance de
posit of $2o0,um: $i,0u0 policy coata $2 a
year; $100 emergency benefit, accldenta of
any and all kinds; handsome black aeal
graln pocket case given free with eucfi
Elicy. Good aaleainen are making $!"
r week. If you want to get on write
lay for exclusive renewal contract
with liberal commission. GERMAN
REGISTRY CO., 211 N. Seventh St., L
Louis. Uu, . U
comprehensive courses of study place your
v finlT
y hall. Tou are Invited to be present
a. Do not ml it.
Bend for it today.
19th and Farnam Sts.
WANTED For the year 1906, experienced
calendar salesman to sell the United
States Calendar Co. line of Foreign and
domestic x'alendars, Novelties and Leather
goods In the estate of Iowa; only experi
enced salesman with unexceptionable ref
erence need apply. Address United States
iaiennar co., Cincinnati, o. tw sx
WANTED agents to sell wrapping paper
and bags. Salesmen who make a fixed
territory every sixty or ninety days pre
ferred, (samples light; commission liberal.
Dept. A. The Kemper-Thomas Company,
Cincinnati, u. 654 x
SALESMAN wanted, visiting dry goods
trade, small towns by European l.ace
Manufacturers, carrying Stock now here.
Sample light, liberal commission: state
visiting towns. Reference, Feldhelm
Company, 470 Broadway, New York.
652 8x
WHY carry sample trunks when you can
with pocket sample make $2o0 to $4o0 per
ween commissions. Details of Hi. Lt.
Brown, 4o Equitable Bldg., St. Louis. Mo.
' -643 8
SALESMAN for attractive, well advertised
line of patent medicine to dealers; prefer
one now maiung money in similar line;
srood rjronosition to rlirnt man: rive foil
. particulars confidentaliy. Box 656. Chi
cago. HO SX
SALESMEN send for full particulars show
ing $1,400 in commissions earned in six
weeks: good men wanted. Sales Man
ager, Box 97, Uodar Rapids, lowa.
681 8X
SALESMAN Good man to fill Nebraska
vacancy; contract balance this year and
next if sales satisfactory: commissions
and $.16 weekly for expenses. W. S. Finley
(jo., iksb-ms feucua Ave., Cleveland, onto.
518 fcx
SALESMEN To sell as side line the best
and largest line of souvenir rxist cards
published. Our men are making $7 to $10
Ser day with pocket line of samples. The
emand for souvenir cards Is phenomenal,
so get our line Quick and make big com
mission easy. J. J. Austen Company, 212
a. van tiuren hi., cnicago, in. 07 x
SALESMEN, can easily make $10 a day
selling our Gold Wndow Letters. Noveltv
Signs, and Changeable Signs; catalogue
Tree. BULbiVAN CO., 405 W. Van
Buren St.. Chicago, 111. 623 8x
TRAVELING salesman wanted : to sell
grocers; permanent position; state present
occupation and salary expected. Los
Angeies ciaer to., St. Louis, Mo.
-621 8x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line; high commissions with
$100 monthly advnnce; .permahent position
to r1oht man T.u, T-t amiii, , . T A... i
Mich. . -52 8x
WANTED-alesman to sell the "Sheuer
man" skirts and dry goods In Iowa; Des
Moines to Council Bluffs and north; well
established trade, a strong line and good
position to the right man; none but ex
perienced men need apply, stating salary,
references, age and experience. Sheuer
man Bros., Des Molns, Ia. 433 8
SALESMEN To traveling clothing sales
men: We have the best side line on earth
for you. It will not Interfere with your
regular work. Pinkerton Folding Box
Co., 113-145 S. Clinton St., Chicago.
5X7 8x
LESM EN Tobacco. Excellent oppor
tunity for the right man: salary or com
mission. Belle Meade Tobacco' Works
Louisville. Ky. , 677 gx
LIVE agents wanted in small towns to
handle new patent article. Call or ad
dress 1322 S. -bill Ave. J M436 9x
BIG money in squabs; oheaply raised InJ
.1 7 "l 11 iic vnoes; won
derful market; write for free book and
learn this rich Industry. Plymouth
Rock Squab Co., 200 Howard St., Melrose.
Mass. j
AGENTS wanted to take orders from pri
vate consumera for our well known
whisky. Big Inducements to purchasers
Write today. Box 273, Covington. Ken-
' J
LOCAL agents wanted everywhere to solicit
orders from consumer for Woodland
Whisky, adopted by the U. S. government
and leading hospitals; no llcenae required:
SAMPLES FREE. Write for territory
Woodland Dletlllng Co., 83 Cooper St.
Covington, Ky. j
NEW sleeve protector for office and house
work; write today; get territory; quick
sales; other new goods. Ladles Suupjy
Co.. Forest Ave., Chicago. J
WE PAY $36 A WEEK and expenses to
men with rigs to Introduce our poultry
compqjind. Year's contrant. Imperial
Mfg. Co., Dept. 64. Parsons. Kan.
$6S8 FIRST MONTH'S PROFIT, one agent
fuin uur epeciauy carries lour patents'
needed in every building: exclusive terri
ory.L fre "1Pls to hustlers. Ewart.
193 Front St., New York. J-665 8x
EARLY AGENTS get the big hoUday or
ders; cut price Christmas books; 60c book
124c; $1 book 26c; $1.60 book 6uc; tl.uO book
76c; credit given; outfit free. Ferguson
Co. 8908 Fifth, Cincinnati. Ohio.
' J 650 8x
AGENTS Canvassers, we've got the best
household article ever sold; every woman
buys; easy to carry- big profit; sample,
15c. C. W. Lasher Co., Davenport. Ia.
J-48 8X
MEN. WOMEN-8ell best thing out; big
profits, permanent business; gross or
goods easily carried In pocket, G. ft O
Mfg. Co.. 36 Elk St.. Racine, Wis.
J 417 8x
LEARN to fit glasses by sending for our
free book on the eye. It will tell you
all about It. Get a profession that pays
you from $75 to $150 per month. The op
tical profession will do It for you. No
field so pleasant, profitable or so little
worked. No longer necessary to work for
someone else at a meager salary. For a
short time only we are sending our book
free. It will teach you to be an optician
and costa you nothing. A postal card will
bring It by return mall, all chargea paid.
Javksonlan Optical College, Dept. 11 30,
Jackaon, Mich. J-6l$ 8x
TEN CENTS for our Big Seven-Cake Dol-
lar Box Boar; sa to 113 daily easily earned
anywhere. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago.
J-636 x
UANAUtK wanted every city and county!
nanaie beat paying Dusiness Known; legliF-l
mate, new, excluelve control; no Insur
ance or book canvassing. Addreaa ( has.
tialataad, H Wast JaMA Mew York.
AGENTS make big money handling "Aga
tlte;" every householder buys on sight
over 160 per cent profit. Write J. Long
hurst, Jr., Ljnbrook. L. I., New York.
J 649 8x
WE can make a most attractive offer to
energetic men and women to become our representatives in their own
localities. Prefer those who can devote
their whole time, with a view to manag
ing branches for lis after January 1. No
capital rcuulrvd. We manufacture a 'a-
fle line of merchandise, for which there
s universal demand. Raymond Hill at
Co., 1K5 Klnilo St., Chicago. J
SALARY or commission paid good men
selllngto farmers, dairymen or owner of
a cow, the King Separator and Aerator.
Produces granular butter from creajn or
milk (sweet or sour) In leas than five
minutes. Write for Free Sample and sal
ary proposition. De King MfgSCo., Chi
cago. III. J-612 8x
AGENTS Everywhere; big monev-maker;
everybody that has a kodak buys this
novelty. Address for particulars. The
American Art Reproduction Co., Register
Bldg., Red Bank, N. J. J 604 fx
AGENTS Men and women: living spring
filter; patented 1!H5 pure water from any
faucet; quick seller: big terms: free book
let. Wlllard Mfg. Co., Dept. li, Iwlston,
Me. J-606 Sx
100 PER CENT profit and premiums to
agents taking orders for our Christmas
specialtiea Easy sellers. Samples light
and free. Illff Co., Chicago. J 631 kx
WM START you selling diamonds. Don't
fall getting our liberal offer; $5 dally sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper. J 630 8x
AGENTS WANTED Must be acquainted
with hospital and drug store trade, to sell
a first cluss line of asceptlo enamelware
on commission; restricted territory; refer
ences required. Opportunity, P. O. Box
181. New York. J 52$ 8x
AGENTS WANTED Poll our $1 bottle Sar
saparllla for 35c; best seller; $50 per cent
profit. Write today for terms and terri
tory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake St., Chicago.
AOENT8 to sell liquors at wholesale
prices to consumers, on liberal commis
sion; exclusive territory given. E. A.
Rothschild A Co., $8-44 Michigan Ave.,
Chicago. J 675 8x
writes one agent new: demand; quick
sales. Economy Farm Record Co., New
ton, Ia. J 674 Sx
WANTED Men and women to advertise
and distribute samples of new patented
household necessity; salary $1$ weekly;
expenses advanced. Reliable lfg- Co.,
j.ept. 24, cnicago, ill. , J bio tx
AGENTS $10 dally easily made selling our
pteei lutcrung 1'osts; artlstlo In design;
will not rust or wear shabby; retails for
$2; everybody buys; liberal terms to
agents. Address Bond Steel Post Co.,
'Adrian, Mich. J 669 8x
AGENTS WANTED-To sell advertising
signs to merchants and manufacturers:
salary and commission. Only those with
ability and meaning business need an
swer, western sign Mfg. Co., Chicago.
J-591 Sx
WANTF.D Local -rind traveling agents for
uneer-tjut-Bnears: salary and commission;
credit given; orders filled same dav re
ceived. Novelty Shear Co., 184 Lasalle St.,
lineages j bsa gx
METAL Doorbottom Wather Strip, house
hold necessity, unequaled In efficiency
and durability, handsome, nonrustable
finsh; wonderful seller: big profits; sea
son Just beginning. Address Introstlle
Co., Marietta, O. J 667 8x
to jimi per week POSITIVE; men and
women wanted everywhere to operate
sales parlors for the BEST ladles' and
gents' dress shoe known; 10 original,
sight-selling health and comfort features;
factory to consumer; previous experience
unnecessary; profit possibilities unlim
ited; NO RISK: reply quick. KUSHION
KOMFORT SHOE CO., Boston, Mass.
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago.
tu ax.
DEWEY European hotel, Uth A Farnam.
E 814
VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe.
Id 815
RENT A ROOM and let us furnish It. We
do this cheaper and better than anyone in
Omaha. Terms, $25 worth, $1 a week.
Between Uth & Uth on Farnam St.
E 493 8
ROOMS and good board. $5 per week and
up. Call 1517 Chicago St. E 816
Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul 1 runks
K 817
NEWLY furnished room, modern. In pri
vate family, m N. 26th St. E 413
ROOMS-1906 Capitol Ave.
E 416 lOx
TWO single well furnished steam heated
rooms for gentlemen; also three house
keeping rooms; modern. 2234 Farnam
Flat 6. E M448x
DESIRABLE rooms. 1817 Capltoi Ave.
Jfi 4U3 9
FRONT room with alcove, 634 B. 2Cth Ave.
U UiO 9X
FINE room, new brick, modern, close In;
pnone m, in. mm hi. a ti7 is
LARGE sunny front room, modern, fine
it'inuuii. ivvijft mi rt. r-none nwi
AULA ... mc a
E 166 10
COZY furnished or unfurnished rooms; heat
ana iignt. tos a. in u , k 449 sx
NICE room, strictly private family, elec
tric ugnis, rurnace neat, reference re
quired. 1921 St. Mary's Ave. E MStJOlOx
NICE 'furnished rooms, all modern, with
pnone. ot a. -anti Bt. m M499 lOx
NICELY furnished room, all modern,' 56$
uoage oi. . M61 jox
TWO or three geslrable nicely furnished
rooms, mouern, parlor floor. Phone
Black-1078. . E 37 8-
NICELY furnished front room, hot water
heat, rnoaern; prerer two young men;
meals if desired; near Bemls Park;
strictly private family. 'Phone 667.
B 63 8x
THHEE or four nicely furniBhed rooms for
ugiu nouaeaeeping. zuia uavenpnrt.
E M502 10x
PARLOR for rent, also sleeping and light
noiiaeaeeping rooma; rnoaern. r7 Bouth
Twenty-fourth ittmt. , E M668 lux-
DESIRABLE furnished rooms;Mrs. Mary
r:astman nas taken nats '2411-2413 capltoi
avenue: newly furnished throughout;
everything modem-; rented single or en
suite; nreals if desired. E 641 8
FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences.
with use or phone. Phone Douglas bun.
2224 Chicago. E-M046 lOx
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; also
3 unfurnished rooms; moderate rent. 1,12
'Jackson St. E-T-M677 lOx
PLEASANT east room for man and wife.
or two gentlemen; family table, c ti, care
Bee. E 680 llx
BEAUTIFUL south front; meals If desired;
can accommodate two or four gentlemen;
private home. C 60, care Ii e. E 679 llx
PLEASANT room, private family: refer
ences. (09 8. 25th Ave. E7-&I llx
CAPITOL HOT EX ISth and Capitol Ave.;
board, verandaa, ample lawna, stately
trees, rustic seats; borne cooking; hot sna
cold water; reasonable rates. F 818
Tel. 61L O. M. E. Haul Trunks
THE ROSE, SfK Harney; nice rooms; good
board; also day board or tickets; rates
reasonable. F 4i0 Octi5x
THE BE8T of board and large aouth room
for two .refined young men. 627 Park
Ave. F-8S7
BOARD and rooms, 614 N. Uth.
F-M131 12x
A BMAI.L family having a well appointed
residence offer a pleasant home to re
fined gentleman and wife; double room;
excellent table; references exchanged Ad
drets B 61, Boe. F 63 Kx
ROOM and board. In private family.
fl. 2ilh Ave. t F-M594 10
A LARGE southeast room, with board.
It Faruaju. Tvl. RJ (261.
F-M73 lftg
FIVE unfurnlfhed rooms, first floor; gas
and bath. 2i4 Davenport. G M408 8
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping. 112 8. 26th. Ave. G M436 9x
TWO rooms for light housekeeping, on
ground, fliH.rl I20 .N. I7t hPt.tV-il''?..?
That Have Been Traded
in on Wheeler & Wil
son Sewing Machines
These machines have all been thoroughly
overhauled and are the latest thing that the
different manufactories produce. They are
complete with attachments and are guaran
teed to be In first class condition,
The following Is a list of machines wa
have on hand:
Singer, 6-drawer, drop head. .$2000
Singer, 7-drawer, drop head.. 22.00
Davis, 5-1rawer, drop head. 17.00
Davis, 7-drawer, drop head.. 15.00
Standard, Automatlo Grand. .2500 1
White, 6-drawer, drop head.. 15 00
Domestic, 6-drawer, d'p h'd. 20.00
Second-hand machines, box top of every
make, from $.".00 to $10.00. These are com
plete with attachments and wilt give you
good service.
We rent machines 75o per week,
"Phone 166J
Corner ISth and Harney
626 North 24th St., South Omaha.
834 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth
ing; in fact, anything you do not need;
we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th
St., for cost of collecting to the worthy
poor. Call 'phone 4136 and wagon will call.
" U-511
Pianos delivered at once, $1.00 weekly. All
muslo lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld
Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U 806
Send for price list and samples.
'PHONE 3630,
U w
PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune
your piano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co., ltUi
Farnam. U 861
M A ("1 N P Tl P treatment & baths. Mn
uu-lUMb l li smith, 118 N. ia, 2U 11. .r.
TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 720 S. 13th.
PRIVATE hospital before and during con
finement; up to date and rellabiu. -Jitl S.
131U St., Omaha, Neb. U 293 OctJOx
FACTORY tuners and action regulators at
lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 162o.
Uchmoller & Aluuller, piano makers. ,
U 863
LARSON & JOHNSON Cut rates to all
points. 14U6 Farnam. Tul. 1935. Member
American Ticket Brokers' association.
... U-664
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uardull,
2216 Charles. Tel. 5311. i U 864
WE RENT sewing machines. 75o week. We
repair all makes of machines; Second
hand machines, 85 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co.,
Tel. 1663, Cor. 16th and Harney. U 866
PRIVATE home during confinement; babies
auoptea. lue uoud Samaritan Sanitarium,
723 irst Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774.
OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ranige Blk,
U u
MALLETTS Cereal Coffee, healthful,
nourishing; beHl thing for indigestion
.lie per pkg. all grocers. U Maui
DR ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1506 Farnam.
U koa
C. L. SMITH, city manager of the National
iniutuai fire insurance company, is in the
old Union National bank rooms, on the
northwest corner of Dodga and 15th
streets. U M351 10
DR. JACKSON, Room '4, Frenser Block.
U 90
OMAHA Steam Paste Co, manufactures
pura Hour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel.4621.
WEALTHY young lady, attractive, affec
tionate, wortn over and 180-acre
farm, desires immediately loving hus
band. Adlress Mrs. W., 697 Fulton St.,
Chicago. U
FACE and scalp massage and manlcur4ng
treatment, uoy ci, uui Bi. airs. Harrison.
Yellow Front 1014 Cap. Ave Yellow Front.
Shirts 6a
Collars , 2o
Cuffs 4o
Bring your laundry to us.
And save yourself a fuis.
TJ 48 I
MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine
habit myself cured; will inrorm you or
harmless, permanent home cure. Mary
Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. U
address, with z-cent stamp ana date of
birth, and I will send a pen picture of
rour life from the cradle to tne grave,
'rof. Leo Amxl, Dept. A 63, Bridgeport,
Conn. U 61T tx
EIJ3ERLY widow, large means, alone and
lonely, would marry a good companion
able man. Address Marie Schulti, Chi
cago, 111. U-a2 5x
WOULD you marry rich If othwlse Bulted
and nav when marrKd? For particulars:
plain, sealed, send stamp. Home Club,
Harvey, HI. U-546 kx
A VERY busy doctor, age 35, wealthy,
handsome, generous, wants a good suit
able wife. Address, Box 107, Oak Park,
111. U-654 8x
MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage
directory free; pay when married; en
tirely new plan; send no money. Address
11. A. HuJ lou, Dept. 297, Tskousha, Mich.
- U-678 8x
LADIES having fancy work to sell em
' broideries, Hut ten burg, drawn work also
to do order work. Stamped envelope.
Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago.
-T1 kx
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moleg
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
guaranteed . Miss AUcpder, 422 N. Y. Life.
U-598 8X
MASSAGE French face massage and
Swedish movements given at patient s
home by Miss Htetiberg, a graduate from
Sweden; latest practice. Excelsior Springs.
Tel., Harney $705. Residence, 1V42 So. 2tu.
U-8 ax
LIST real estate for quick sale with F. D.
Wead, 1524 Douglas SL N-M271 7
MEMBERSHIP In Omaha Grain exchange,
if cheap. Telephone 17U3. N 418 Tx
WII-L PAY $45 for a cloth-bound set .of
the New International Enry.; more fur
better binding. Address C 23, care Bee
N-514 I
WANTED A good second-band bllllanj
table with balls and, $u, ikx T. New