Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1905, Page 6, Image 6
TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1905. The Omaha Daily Bee. E. ROSEWATER. EDITOR. 14.00 00 ISO l , 1W ' PUBLISHED KVERT MORNINO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. rslly P (without Sunday), one year Pslly Be and Sunday, one year Illustrated llee, on year Punday Bee. on year Saturday Bee, one year DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Bee (without Sunday), per week....1! Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week..l7o 1-Tvenlng Bo (without Sunday), per week. Jc Kvenlng Wee (with Sunday), per week....ljw Sunday Be, per copy Address complaints of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Be Bulldlrtg. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluffs 19 Pearl Street. Chicago 1W0 Unity Building. New fork 1600 Home Life Ins. Building. Washington 6n Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication! relating to news and ed itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. n . ( . kw a vtnaf.l order. mvahla to The hoe Publishing Company. Llnly 2-cent stamns received In payment cf mall accounts. Personal cheeks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. o' STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss: C. C. Rosewater, secretary of The Bee Publishing Company, . being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the momn 01 Beptemoer, iwo, waa as louow 1 8O,0O I BIJUtO' I.... . SS,(UH 4 8O.8S0 6. 80,TTO l........ 80,fl20 7 so. t:w Sl.ftOO I 10.. 11 11 13 14 IS RO,H0 80.750 SO.TIO 3MSO 81,OBO 18 St.TOO 17 ao.oio lg ao.roo 19 80.T00 20...... 83,410 1 80,820 12. 80,000 23 8l,2 J4 . 80,080 28 81,130 26 81,030 27 80,000 28 SO.TTO 29 . 8MTO (0 8100 Total ...SlHMiS Less unsold oopies.... . 10,183 Net total sales..., . .. 1S,2S Dally average 80,844 C. C. ROSEWATER, Sec'y. Subscribed rn my presence and sworn to before ma this to day of September, 1906. (Seal) ' M. B. HUNQATK. Notary Public WHEW OCT OF TOWM. afceerlbers leaving: the city trra porarlly . shoal have The) Bee mailed e them. It la better thaa dally letter from kosae. A4 dresa will be ekaaseel aa attest aa reejaeate. . After Ak-Sar-Ben the horse show. The vatue of genealogical tree Is apparent when It Happens to root In the bead of aa Insurance company. The lion. I". Crowe Is now talking. As long as he can command an audience the difficulty will Ve to get him to stop. Resumption of sessions by the cabinet finds seveial members better than ever prepared to proceed with the president's program cf reform. The New York police are not lifting their eyebrows at the Omaha force at present, for a kidnaping case at home Is occupying all their attention. Whether or not the railroad lobby bad anything to do with the passage of the Nebraska revenue law, it ts plain enough that the Insurance lobby had little to do with it St Joseph jobbers are getting ready for another trade excursion into terri tory that rightfully belongs to Omaha. Omaha jobbers will take notice and pro tect their defenses. When England and. Russia shall hare agreed tfpon the , division . of .western Asia, and Ehirope baa been united into one happy family, what .will become of the big gun factories T Latest reports from the bedside of Jerry Simpson are to the effect that he Is steadily improving. The "Bookless Sage" may take part In political cam paigns yet fo be opened. Nepotism that extends to the husband of the niece of the wife of the rice president Is doubtless a refinement that results from the modern necessity of great business operations. For some unaccountable reason the Nebraska Federation of Woman's Clnha failed to appoint a reception committee to help entertain Grover Cleveland when he comes as chief orator at the unveiling of the Morton monument. It hardly needed young Mr. Mc Curdy's assurance to convince the pub lic that "greafr results bring great re wards." Ills statement of the commis sions paid certain agents ' by his com pany is convincing enough. Council Bluffs will entertain the next annual reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee.1 If oar friends across the river want to draw on Omaha nospttallty for assistance all they will have to do is to say the word- TKDtRAL LICENSE UF ISSVRASCB. Sir. James R, Garfield, head of the bureau of corporations, continues to maintain that under existing conditions Insurance U commerce and therefore may be subjected to federal regulation through affirmative action by congress. Mr. Garfield suggests the enactment of law providing for the granting of a federal franchise or license, with the Imposition of all necessary requirements as to corporate organization and man agement as a condition precedent to the grant of such franchise or license. He would also require such reports and re turns as may be desired as a condition of the retention of the franchise or li cense. He will doubtless urge these views in his annual report, but whether or not with the endorsement of the ad ministration cannot be said, president Roosevelt believes that there should be some federal regulation of Insurance, but be may not make any suggestion as to the course to be taken. It will be interesting to note as a con tribution to the discussion of the subject that former United k States Senator Chandler Is among those who assert that there is no constitutional ground upon which congress can regulate insurance companies created by the states. Mr. Chandler says: "The reason for federal supervision and regulation of nearly all the corporations of the country are many and plausible. But has the general gov ernment the right to take control and give such supervision' and regulation? We control and regulate the railroads under the commerce clause.. But under what clause shall we take charge of all the fire and life insurance companies and follow up our mission by Including all other corporations which do business with the citizens of Wore than one state?" There are some very able law yers who do hot concur ri Mr. Chand ler's view, but no one can Bay what opinion will prevail in congress, when the stfbject shall be presented to that body. Meanwhile it is receiving the public attention and discussion which Its manifest importance merits. It is intimated that the long promised electric trolley connecting Omaha, Lin coln and Beatrice may be operated by steal or gasoline. No one will be dis posed to quarrel about the motive power If the promoters will only get the cars a-runnlng. The bank clerk, who exposed Dough erty's crooked methods and was dis charged from bis employment for doing so suffers for his persistence, for the cashier had already told him it was none of bis business. We have no doubt however, that he will eventually realise dividends from the copybook motto, "Honesty is the best poller." . Parents of Omaha boys should organ lie at once to enter remonstrance to the purpose of the Young Men's Christian association to send a class out Into the country with the deliberate design of teaching them bow to play Indian. The average scion of Young America has all the Indian In him that Is needed to de velop his aboriginal savagery without sued! instruction. FOR A SEW COMMERCIAL TREATY. It la stated that on the return of the German ambassador to the United States, about the middle of this month, he will be prepared to take up with the Department of State the negotiation of a new commercial treaty. He will then reveal the attitude of the German em peror on this Important subject and it is said to be the hope of the administra tion that the German government will adopt a reasonable policy in connection with trade matters. It is apprehended that unless a satisfactory agreement can be reached during the coming winter a disastrous trade war will be precipitated which will lead to serious consequences for both countries. The new German tariff which, goes Into effect a few months hence is hostile to American In terests, barring out of Germany prac tically all American meats and grains. .It is understood to be the desire of the Washington administration to nego tiate a treaty that will be acceptable to the senate. It Is realized, however, that this will be no easy matter. The senate has not only shown a determined hos tility to reciprocity treaties generally, but so far as Germany is concerned there will doubtless be opposition on the ground that the course taken by that country has the character of an attempt to force a new trade agreement Prob ably there are senators who feel that it would be better to run the risk of a trade war, if Germany Is prepared to go as far as that, than to yield in this mat ter. It Is argued that in the event of a trade war this country would lose no more than Germany and is in a much better condition to stand the loss. Al ready there Is great popular complaint In Germany because of the scarcity and high price of meats and the situation will bebome much more serious after the new tariff goes Into effect Our trade with Germany has attained to large proportions and a number of American interests are profoundly anx ious that It be maintained. These in terests have- strongly expressed them selves on the subject and will bring all their Influence to bear in favor of a reci procity treaty, if an agreement satisfac tory to the administration should be ne negotiated. Strong as this influence is, however, it Is very doubtful if It will be able to overcome the- antagonism of the senate to reciprocity. OMAHA INVESTMENTS STAND II WH. One feature of the evidence adduced in the New York legislative insurance investigation, which has a local bearing upon Omaha, shows decidedly to the ad vantage of investments in Omaha realty. During the '80s the New York Life Insurance company erected a chain of palatial office buildings in the then booming cities of the central west While varying In size and cost, these structures were projected along the same general plan as fireproof office buildings of the first rank, located In the heart of the business center. A tabu lation of the financial exhibit of these buildings makes up as follows: p. Ct. Present In- of Cost. value, come. cost. City.. $1,901,781 $1,200,000 $GJ,0C8 i.24.m 660.000 u,m 1,029,752 500,000 25.980 8.122 850,000 ,Z12 City. Kansas Omaha .... Minneapolis St. Paul 922,440 Montreal 1,329 POLITICAL CVhVITlOXS J2f CVBA. If General Gomez, . leader of the lib eral party in Cuba and recently its can dldate for president of the republic, cor rectly represents political conditions there they are about as bad as tbey well could be. Gomes arrived In New York a few days ago, it has been assumed to report to this government en the Cuban situation, and in an Interview declared that liberty in the island republic is a faree. He charged the party in power, called the moderates, with numerous po litical outrages, such aa Imprisoning lib eral leaders and adopting unfair means to gain the elections. He stated that today judges In Cuba do not decide in accordance with law, but according to their political views. Teachers are ap pointed ouly on political preferment and all are compelled to give a percentage of their salaries to tlif campaign fund of the controlling political element Gomes expressed the opinion that the government of the United States has an Indirect responsibility In the matter. "According to the Piatt amendment the American government will intervene in the event of the disturbance of public order and the Cuban government takes advantage of this. It Is with the Piatt amendment In view thai the Cuban gov ernment commits all its Improprieties, assured that the people of Cuba will not protest by force or violence." It Is to be Inferred from this Jhat but for the amendment which Is a part of the Cuban constitution, the party of which Gomes is the leader, might now in open insurrection against the govern ment As to the charge that the amend ment encourages political wrongdoing on the part of the government some more trustworthy testimony win be required. specially in view of the fact that Gomeg has always vigorously antagonized this provision for American intervention in Cubim affairs. However, there can be no doubt that political conditions in Cuba could be very greatly Improved and perhaps will be under a .second term for President Palma, who unquestionably has a pa triotic desire to make the republic wbrthy of the world's respect and also to promote Its Industrial and commer cial welftrre. That there is still an In surrectionary spirit in Cuba is not to be doubted. Indeed It was virtually ad mitted by Gomez. This may openly manifest Itself at any time in a way to call for American Intervention. 1.08 199 2.50 XX 1.28 In explanation It should be said that the policy of the insurance company has been to carry these investments as nearly as possible on their books at a 5 per cent basis, and that so much of the cost has been charged off as to bring the book value down to a capitalization of net Income at 5 per cent In this way the building at Kansas City has been reduced by fiOO.OOQ; the building at Omaha by $000,000; the building at Minneapolis by $525,000. The relative comparison of Invest ments as found In the column giving the per cent of present Income to the orig inal cost shows the Kansas City build ing as yielding a trifle over 3 per cent and the Omaha building a trifle less than 2 per cent while the buildings tn Min neapolis, St Paul and Montreal are re turning considerably less. Taking into consideration the fact that these build ings were erected at a time when build ing was quite costly, and upon real es tate bought at boom prices, which have not yet been regained, to say nothing of the constant dividends from them as an advertisement these real estate in vestments, especially In Omaha and Kansas City, stand high beside the aver age run of insurance company investments. It should bo distinctly understood by the reading public that the Impending printers' strike will In no way affect the publication of The Bee. The object of the strike is to enforce an eight-hour day upon job printing establishments. The Bee's mechanical department has for years been upon an eight-hour basis and The Bee is working under agree ment with the local Typographical union regulating the services of the composi tors and machine operators in Its em ploy. Further than this, as a member of the American Newspaper Publishers' association, Tfae Bee is a party to an arbitration treaty between that associa tion and the International" Typographical union, under which' all matters of disa greement are to be submitted to the de cision of an arbitration board. soldier boys Is continually Improving. With the best paid, the best fed and the best clothed army in the world, it Is only reasonable that we should have also the healthiest. Call In the Patriots. - Washington Post. Iowa 'should call Us officeholders home before It-takes another census end save showing a decrease In population, ss It did the last time. Pat Dow a the Lid. Indianapolis News. Really, It is time to give the Country a rest on the Bowen-Loomls controversy. Bowen put himself In the wrong and Le-omls was not In the right, and there you are. The country has had the facts and Its opinion has been pretty well made up. Roosevelt's Staylna- Qaalltlea. Springfield Republican. Reports coming from Washington agree In representing the ' president as immov able on the rate control question. He is even said to have already written that part of his message to congress and put it under a time lock, aa It were, so that he himself cannot get at it until the hour comes of sending In the document. Mr. Roosevelt seems to feel that his staying qualities as a tighter are under public scrutiny In this matter, and he is right ' Aa Eanl vocal Dlstlaetloa. Chicago Chronicle. Being a man of discrimination, Bergins Witte is hardly likely to refard with much elevation of spirit the imperial announce ment creating him a count. The title con fers no distinction upon the victor of the Portsmouth conference, especially in a .country-. Where nearly every other man is a "prince" and the biggest blackguards are grand 'dukes. In Russia 'as In most other monarchal countries a title of no hHlty"'is nowadays a very equivocal dis tinction, . - POIJTICAI. DRIFT. . The radical spirit of Chicago's mayor is shown In his refusal to put a member of his family on' the public 'payroll. Since the Philadelphia ring was boosted out of office, the cost of asphalt paving fell from 12.59 to 11.52 a square yard. Mayor McCleltan is playing in great luck these days. Opposition to his re-election is confined at present to the candidacy of W. R. Hearst A politician id Philadelphia was indicted last week on, 130 counts, the sums involved In the forgeries and robberies amounting to over S2.000.000. Owing to the activity of the government in prosecuting timber land thieves, the Vote of Oregon in congress is reduced to one, that of Senator Fulton.. Senator Gorman promises not to hunt office any more if the Marylanders will only carry his constitutional amendments. The Marylanders are strongly tempted. In San Francisco the democrats and re publicans have nominated the same man fof mayor. It Only remains now for the Hon and the lamb to lie down together. General Charles II. Taylor, publisher of the Boston Globe, is considered one of the few available candidates for . the demo cratic nomination, for governor of Mas sachusetts. District Attorney Jerome of New York City, has the necessary number of names on his nomination papers, and Is now a regular candidate' for re-election, with a party endorsement. , 'Colonel Ed Butler, of St. Louis, political boss, has been ' asked' to explain how he can schedule tfiOOOQ-p worth of prosperty when going on the bonds of grafters, while his return for taxation is only 21,000. Curtis Guild, Jr., who has been nominated as the republican candidate for governor of Massachusetts, has been lieutenant gov ernor of his state and has been a promi nent officer In its military companies. He was an officer in the war with Spain and rendered efficient service under Major Gen eral Fltxhugh Lee. The minute Senator Piatt reached New York he called the reporters around him and said the meanest things he could about Governor Higglns and Mr. Odell. He Is against the governor with all the vigor of his venerable fingernails, because that official vetoed a special liquor license for the new hotel where he' lives. Omaha shippers will feel a more than kindly Interest in the fight the St Louis shippers are opening on the bridge monopoly at that city. Omaha suffered so long from an embargo of that kind, and still feels the effects of it that Its sympathy goes freely out to any other city laboring under similar disadvan tages. The course of the attorney gen eral of Missouri in the case will be closely watched everywhere, for It will surely be a great part of the coming of the "square deal." ; I It is said that the Ashland cut-off which Jim H Ul Is building for his Great Northern railroad will cost at the rate of about $10 a foot to construct and equip, or more than $rO,000 a mile. This announcement Is doubtless for public Consumption only, but It will be inter esting to watch how the value of that road will have shrunk by the time It Is up before the state board for assessment and taxation. Secretary Wilson has devised a plan to extend the meat inspection service, and td make the packers pay for the ex tension. It may be assumed as deter mined that the first rise In the price of meats after the promulgation of the order will be charged to the purchase of official tags. It Is given out by wireless grapevine that the democrats will conduct a "gum shoe" campaign In this state this year. Elastic shoes will come in bandy to break the force of the fall when the democratic candidates get the returns on the morning after.. Omaha seems to be left out entirely iu the distribution of state delegates to the General Federation of .Woman's Clubs. This experience of Omaha club women, however, Is only a repetition of Omaha's experience In a great many of the state organizations In which men are the moving factors. According to the rrimrl cf . the sur- "? "-"era! the bealtli uf Uuda 8am'a SHEAR KOXSE3SB. Cltlman How old Is Uncle St. Peters? Josh Medders Waal, he's old enough to know better. He was took in by a bunoo man last wees.. ...... ritiman Ah. then he has reached what you may properly call a "green old age." Philadelphia Ledger. "Ive bought an absolutely noiseless auto," said Mr. Newrlch. . , . 'But. Hiram!' exeiaimea nis wire, "it It doesn't make any noise how are we ever going to attract attention V Detroit Free Press. "T there much lealousv and back-biting among the members of your Chorus?" "I should say so. Never saw such a set of knockers In my life. Why, they can't sing a note witnout slurring it: v.ieveiana Leader. "Tou creatures." complained the king of beasts, who had been boasting a little. "don t seem to be greatly impressed when I tell of my exploits." "Oh, yes. your majesty,' 'protested the laughing hyena, with a side-long leer, "we're duly Impressed, but then, you see, we know you're a lion." Philadelphia Press. "When I started m life," said the Iniqui table Insurance director, "I didn't have a dollar I eould call my own." "And now?" ..... "I have managed to call a lot of money my own. although there Is a greax deai of dispute about It." Washington Star. Sharpson You seem disappointed with that new novel.'! Plats Disappointed! I'm disgusted. It's a fraud. It isn't even objectionable!" Chl caso Tribune. . "Excuse me, miss, but will you accept my arm and share the shelter of my um brella?" . The fair girl looked at him haughtily . "I will accept the shelter of your um brella, sir, but I have all the arms I can make any use of." ' And, seising the costly rain shield, she gjdwl rapidly away. Cleveland Plain THff WORKMAN. Robert Bridges In Collier's Weekly. This ts the work of my hands: To be but a cog in the wheel A strand In the cable that hauls To do and to do not to feel, To toll till the last curtain falls. Tet ever the toller Is blest Who sees the fair vision unroll Interprets the dream hal f -ex pressed I.' 1 - 1 . . . i i I , . . 7 . . in. wui vi uis uinw wnn ms soul: This to the Work of my hands: These monsters that furrow the deep And baffle the power of the sea Were given the sinews to leap, Were bolted and forged by me. Thene webs of miraculous steel. Outspun from the shore to the shore. My nerve and endurance reyeal I rolled them, and wove tbem, and bore. This Is the work of my hands: To drudge, but li spirit be free Eat bread by the sweat of my brow In accord with the ancient decree Tet labor, with courage, endow; Toknow that, though meager the gain While juntlce shows many a flaw In spile of distrust and disdain We are rising, and under the Law. Jrhts Is the work of my hands: To cherish the law of the land. The shield that we've wrung from our foe; Ennoble the rights we demand By the honor and the faHb we bestow. For brother am 1 to all. The helpless ones and the great; Together we rise or we fall. fee workers within a tree state, . iTTD mm TifT Cream 1 o sunt Fwi Qj7 A PURE, WHOLESOME, RELIABLE CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER Its superiority is unquestioned Its fame wo Id-wide Its tise a protection and a guarantee against alum food Cream of tartar is derived from grapes. It is used in Dr. Price's Baking Powder in the 'exact form and composition in w&ch it occurs in that luscious, healthful fruit A pound of rich, ripe grapes contains a quantity of Cream of tartar equiva lent to that required td make baking powder sufficient to raise a dozen ordinary-sized hot tea biscuit. The healthfulness of Dr. Price's Cream Baking-powder is beyond question Alum Baking Powders arc Condemned by Physicians Fifty-two different brands of alum and alum-phosphate baking powders were recently analyzed by an official chemist. In every one of these fifty-two different brands sulphuric add was reported in large quantities, frequently greater than twenhr five per cent of the whole weight of the baking powder 1 Chemical tests show that a portion of the alum from alum baking powder remains as such and unaltered in the bread. A1"01 baking powders are extravagant. They cost but two cents a pound to make, yet they are sold at twenty-five cents a pound, or twenty-five ounces for twenty-five cents. But, can the housewife afford, no matter at what price, to use a baking powder which puts alum and sulphuric acid in her food? . OTHEp. LANDS THAS OVRS. The report of the London commissioner "police for 1904, though presenting figures which in the aggregate seem to show that life and .property are Very unsafe in the world's metropolis, in reality proves that the great capital is one of the safest ur ban communities In the world. The auth orised strength of the London metropolitan police force is nearly 17,000 men, who are expected to protect a population of about 7,000,000, all of them as the London Express puts It, "more or less tainted with original sin." Tet of this huge population only i2S,530 were arrested during .the year. In addition to (those arrested? 112,721 defend ants were "summoned" before magistrates for trlval offenses. One Londoner In twenty-eight appeared before a magistrate In obedience to some form of compulsory process. In thousands of Instances the offenses charged, were of such venial types as riding on the step of omnibuses, cleaning carts In the road way and neglecting to sweep chimneys, an Important requirement In London, affecting the fire risk. The many arrests for petty breaches) of the law show that the London police ktfep very close watch on the streets. From the birth of the Mexican republic to date the government and the Taquls have been almost continuously at war. The tribe claims to be Independent and has steadily refused to accept Mexican rule. Every effort- of the Mexican government to enforce Its authority has met with armed resistance. Every attempt at the alienation of their lands has Invited massacre. It has been represented at various times that the tribe was subjected but subsequent events Invariably proved the assertion to be false. General Torres, who conducted the last Taqul campaign", adopted the cruel policy of extermination, sparing neither men. women or children, in the hope of establishing Mexican sovereignty over the tribe's territory. The contract entered In to with the Imperial Japanese Colonisation company Is virtually an open confession of the failure of Torres' policy and the cam paign and an admission that the Taquls are as far as ever from being subjugated. Recently negotiations for peace were made by the government, but they failed because the Taquls dictated terms which could not be accepted. Now the government admits Its Inability to eope with the problem with its own military organization and la about to try the doubtful experiment of enlisting an alien race to attempt Its solution. The scheme Is, at best, a risky one, as the alien element Introduced may become as much of a source of trouble to the government as the Taquls now are, for the Japanese colonists may ultimately And the task of policing the Taquls more difficult and less profitable to them than that of co-operating with the tribe against Mexican aggressions. ... The poverty of India Is directly due to the fact that the economic policy of the government has ruined Industries and re duced the county to depending for its sup port entirely on agriculture. Originally India, was a manufacturing country, and had a large export trade. This baa been suppressed by high duties, and importation has been encouraged. For exsmple, cot ton goods manufactured in India are so heavily taxed tor home consumption that they have no advantage of prices over the cotton goods of Lancaster. Agriculturists are reduced to poverty on account of the high land tax and the vigorous land policy. The lend tax Is uncertain, liable to re vision now and then, and the government professes a light to M per cent of the economic rent, and sometimes to more In the shape of land cesses. The poverty of the country msy be Judged by the official estimate that the average Income of a man in India is SIS a year, and that ono of the population go to bed every night without a second meaL Thus, there ex ists throughout InUia a Bonsai condition of , famine. Lately a representative body of Anglo-Indians asked . a . spnolal Inquiry into these conditions. The government re fused to grant it. . The French faith In the present and fu ture powers of the submarine Is plainly In nowise abated. On the contrary, it is en couraging them to proceed with the devel opment of these machines upon a larger scale than has been attempted before. The first of a new type of these vessels Is to be constructed at Cherbourg and will be called a "submarine cruiser," on account of its exceptional sMe, 182 feet long and fifteen feet beam. This formidable craft Will have eight horlxontal rudders and two propel lers, the whole 'worked by two electrical motors, supplied with current by two sets of accumulators and two four-cylinder petrol engines. Water tight compartments are to be fitted along the sides of the vessel, over two-thirds of its length. The petrol tanks will be placed In the center, one on each side. At this rate rfre may look out for submarine llne-of-battle ships before long. The Magyars have been established In the land which Is now their home for 1,000 years. St. Stephen waa crowned king In the year 1000. Many things in the Hunga rian, kingdom: are old. i lt 14 a landioT' rich history.- Tet in vital points Hungary Is young in the extreme. The country Is In a transition stage. It Is tingling with youthful vigor and tts anVbitlons strain its resources to the limit of safety-possibly beyond after the fashion of voung com munities of our newest sest. Por cen-turlce-thn Turks were master of the best parts of Hungary. Other centuries passed In civil war and political Chaos. The country was a battleground for Christian and Moslem. German and Slav, Magyar and Pole. ' Virtual Independence, with Internal order and external peace. Is now In Hun gary. It began less than half a century ag-. Under such "conditions the vigor of Hungarian growth and the peace of Hun garian progress have been astonishing. Hungary's trade and industries have de veloped wonderfully. Outclassed. New Tork Tribune. ' Pat Crowe has been oaught at last. In Butte, Mont., and will be haled back to Omaha for trial. He gave leaden-footed Justice a long run, but hardly long enough to put him In the class -with Greene and Gaynor. Browning, Ming & Co ' CLOT! INC rUKNISBINGS. AND BATS Yes 6ir, it is an absolute fact that hundreds of the best dressed men in town are willing to hold up their right hands and swear ,that. they never experienced full satisfaction with their clothed un til they commenced buying here. ' ' ;'; A man can buy his clothes here and get, the, best that's to be had without any injury to hi pocket book. y ' . " .', $12.50, $15, $18 and $20 will buy good looking, well-tailored suits that any man would '. be-proud to wear. ' "We fit the b6dy, please the eye and suit the purse. The freedom of our store is extended out-of-town patrons, and incidentally there may be some thing you want to take home with you. "A good appear ,'sncfl." said Heau tirammel, "assures a good reception.1' Fifteenth and Douglas Sis. treUwsy at IXad Street newYyobk OMAHA NED. fas '.'Csseer Seji