Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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HBBTTHUff lifl ii"""""'"
OMAHA. WR.tTnF.n PORErA.1T- ta(rr Fair aaa Cooler.
Greea Trading Stamps Main Floor.
i i w
Out-of-City Visitors to Ak-Sar-Ben:
If You Want a Seal Coat at the
Price of the Seal Skins, Call at
the Big Store on SeJurdixy
Saturday Morning We Offer Ten Real Seal Coats at Less
Than the Cost of the Skins.
Alutian Island 4X Seal Coats, worth $175, at $119
Alaskan 3X Seal Coats, worth $225, at . .$175
Alaskan 4X Seal Coats, worth $250, at $195
Alaskan Imperial Seal Coats, worth $300, at $225
Ladies9 Coats and Suits
. ,. "We show the largest assortment, the best styles and our
Ak-Sar-Ben cut prices are the very lowest.
Ladies Suits at $12.50
This is the Price We Are Making Our Effort on ThisWeek.
We offer a choice of styles and materials, from an immense,
stock, that ofdinarially sell up to $20.00; all J2 5Q
Colored Dress Goods
Twenty-five pieces 56-inch plain and fancy Panamas, Worsted
Novelty Cloths and Invisible Plaid Tweeds suitable for
tailor-made suits, separate skirts and coats, always AA
sold at $1.50 yard; Saturday, per yard IUU
54 inch wide pretty plain and mixed Suitings, in navy blues,
browns, reds, grays and greens ; for Saturday we will PA
sell them, per yard, at. : O UC
Jaunty Street Hats, all colors and combinations, turbans and larger shnpes, Qft f
natty trimmed, up from OvIi
INTERESTING SALE OF TRIMMED HATS-Oreatest value for little money.
Silk faced velvet used exclusively on our hats (no cotton fakes).
Fine chenille braids, high grade chiffons and such like fine materials enter into the making
of these hats.
Come in all modish colorings and in all up-to-date shapes, large and small.
1.98, 2.98. 3.98 and 4,98
Beautiful showing of medium priced Horse Show Hats, each one an "7 A Q O vf Q Q Qf
exclusive hat, no two alike i -0 Ht ZfmJJ(j
Children's Caps-NEAT STYLISH, CORRECT, 9 C
49c and '. '. ; .. m JC
High Grade Pressed Shape Hats Untrimmed these in all popular styles and colorings with
velvet bindings, require only a slight touch of trimming to make each a natty, stylish vf Q
hat, Saturday special, a $2.00 value for ........
An orrW placed with the Candy
Factory for several hundred
pounds of the finest
Chocolate Chips, ')(it
pound AiUC
Remember the date and don't bo
Novelties, up
Worth 6c per roll,
Worth 8c per roll, J"
at JC
Worth 10c per roll, i
at . 6C
Worth 20c per roll,
at I.&2C
We have no tx-hlnd-t he-tlmo
papers or prioea.
Specials in Hardware
anv Wnwh Tub. 7Jc. Mr. (- and
Twenty Green Trn.ilna 8tamP" t'OJOo
Hatchet f..r splitting kindling... .
Ten Green Trading Slumps with lfC
ran Stove Pipe r.tiamel
Ten Ovrrn Trading Stamp i lh , rC
can Yellow I,nt.el Stove Polish
Ton Green Trading Plumpi w lh 1t)C
enn Knsy Prlcht Stove Polish.....
Ten Green Trading Stamps with IRC
Stove Brush ,
Twentv Hrwn Trading fltsmp with ex
tra quality ntckle plated Flour 24C
Sifter ;
Twenty Own Trading; Stamp with JQn
Mrs. Vroomau Sink Strainer....
Now Ip the time to buy your Rati"
and Heaters, for a cold snap la bound
to romp. If you are not ready to Imve
stove set up In your house, coma and
(elect one and make a small deposit ana
have It set aside until you are ready.
T) Ranfti np from $JS
lV.aigeS Hesters pffein.S0
W 5ell the Peninsular The
Beat Mad.
Ait Immense List of Money-Savin; Propositions
Fifty green trading stamps with three pounds finest Java a 4
and Mnchft Coffee HP I
Forty green trading stamps with pound Tea (any kind) 68c
Ten green trading stamps with can' Bennett's' Capitol' ""' (O-
Ground Black Pepper
Thirty green trading stamps with pint bottle Blood of OSi-
Grape , , mOW
Ten green trading' stamps with, pint bottle Diamond "8" SZ:
Salad Dressing aSOC
Ten green trading stamps with pint bottle Diamond "8" OStri'
Chill Sauce -OV.
Ten green trading stamps with glass tumbler Cranberry in.
Sauce IUl
Twenty green trading stamps witlj pound can Batavla Olc
Fancy Salmon W
Twenty green trading stamps with can ABO Imported "lr.
Mushrooms, small and fancy
Ten green trading stamps with two cans Gibson's Soap Of
Polish f 5UC
100 Pharaoh's Horses Pictures . In
circle black and silver, diameter
" about 15 Inches, handsome plc
' tures, a $1.00 value
-and twenty greea trading stamps.
6 Do New Gibson Tie Racks. .... .48c
$1.00 New Photo Boxes... 78c
, New Japanese Panels 05c
'20c Dutch Panels, 6x10, new.... 14c
. Pyrography Outfit, new, a beauty,
- $7.00 value for W.00
Beginner's Outfit $1.69
Chair, Magazine Stands, Sewing
Tables, Cabinets, Tabourets-1 new
arrivals Just la. . ;
5,000 Boxes
50c Box Paper 15c
Great sale high grade Writing
Paper linens, bonds and snper-
fine plate finish, white, azure and
grey colors sill in beautiful col
ored boxes.
We purchased the entire over
stock from Omaha's largest Job
bers, Including papeteiies, made
by Berlin Jones and Whiting
Paper Co., of New York.
These papers are absolutely worth
1 85c and 50c a box .. f JJ
'while they. last. . . . .... . .IDC
Fifty green trading stamps with five pound can Bennett's 4 flfl
Canitol Baking Powder I.VJtf
Corn, J-pound E
can ...0
Wai Beans, 2-pound
can 'V
String Beans, 2-pound sv
can C
Oil Sardines, r
can Ow
Peas, 2-pound I w
can . V
Salmon, pound Cr
can ft
Granulated Sugar, twenty pounds
produced, one pound brick (full weight)
Fresh Country Butter,
the finest 23C
ZZ"Z"'" 18c
Fresh, delicious Buttermilk FREE to all.
Ten green trading stamps with pound full cream New
York Cheese
Ten green trading stamps with pound finest Domestic
' Swiss Cheese
Hand Cheese,
. N'eufchatel Cheese,
Ten green trading stamps with quart medium Sour
Ten green trading stamps with quart small Sweet
Plcklea W5UC
Ten green trading stamps with quart mixed Sweet iyt'
New lot ot Water Jugs, fine shape and the best values we have ever shown,
Saturday, 59c, 49c, S9c and jStJC
and twenty green trading stamps with each Jug sold from 29c up.
That beautiful Ioga Ware Saturday we will sell 50 pieces a Flower Vase, regular O
89c value at OVC
A few Cut Tumblers left to clear out, Saturday, vn
each . ; . OJC
Block Gas- Lights will positively give you mmore light than any burner made. We Cf 1ft
sell them now, complete, at vplUU
and thirty green trading stamps with each light Saturday.
Saturday we will sell 100 dozen German China Salad Bowls, pretty neat decoration XCi
and gold traced, a 75c value, Saturday, each )C
, and twenty green trading stamps with each. Only one to a customer.
One ILavllind China Dinner Set, to close out patterns. A bargain for someone, IT f" i
Saturday Zj.DV
That new pattern In the Edwin M. Knowles China Is a winner, pretty blue scroll 1 1 C f
decoration, a beauty, 100 piece set for I).jU
or can be purchased In separate pieces. .
Cijfaurs. Citfivrs.
EI BOGAIOR A genuine. Torto
Rico Cigar Regalia Chlco shape
8 for 35e
50 for 1.60
100 for 3.20
riTTsnrno regular a good
broad leaf stogie,.
100 for f 1JM)
and thirty green trading stamps.
BLACK BESH A long filled 6c
cigar, '
60 for $1.25
and thirty green trading stamps
8 oz. tin box 24c
and five green trading stamps.
1 pound for 8fl
Meats and Provisions
A few of our many specials for Saturday
No. 1 Fresh Dressed Choice Spring Chicken, lb. .11 He
Leaf Lard, strictly fresh, 12 pounds for 91.00
Pork Shoulder Roast, pound 7V4c
Good Steer Rib Roast, rolled (all bones out) 10c
No. 1 Rib Boiling Beef. 10 pounds for 2ftc
Good Young Mutton Legs 8c
Holstelner Summer Sausage 12 He
The following leading best grades bams for Saturday:
and thirty Green Trading Stamps with each bam.
A fresh lot of Bennett's Capitol Lard, guaranteed
ta be the best and purest open kettle rendered y
Leaf Lard on the market. In 5 lb. pails for. t . . UC
! And Thirty Green Trading Stamps with each pail.
A handsome boot of brilliant patent eoltskln, nut In the swagger
Cher style, with soft dull top and fast colored evelets. ' ' .
i With its low, - launty tip, smurt (.-xtensloti-edKA iWf and' nrfettly ''
.balanced heel U is a striking example of the new. '.Varsity:. Boot . '
Priced at $3.50 the pair.
Msyor ltUobss Hit Signatnrs ta tha
Bewer Bond Ordinanca.
'lty Aathorltles Deem It Inexpedleat
Divide Proposition ud System
In Be Made Complete or
Kothlnf Dome.
. rlday afternoon Mayor Koutsky at
tached his signature to the sewer bond or
dinance. , The next step will be the publl
cation, in tha official paper of the city of
the ordinance, which Is quite lengthy. Then
comes the publication of the notice of elec
tlon. This notice must be printed fifteen
times, while the ordinance Is printed only
one. Tha aotlce will be given the printer
Just as' Boon aa tha places of holding the
election have been decided upon. The last
step before the election will be the publl
ration of the mayor's proclamation. In
this sewer bond ordinance, provision is
made for tfce payment of the judge and
clerk of election for counting the vote
on the proclamation.
The entire sum of 1360,000 Is to be asked
for at once, tor the reason that the prop
osition could not well be divided. One
sewer district Is dependent upon another.
and ' the city authorities, after considera
ble study decided that the only way to
present the proposition to the people in
the proper way would be to make one vote.
for or against count for the entire sewer
system. There could be no division of the
proposition for the reason that sewers In
one portion of the city would not Interest
residents In another. By asking the people
to vote on the general sewer proposition
at a general election the expenses are re
duced to a minimum, about the only ex
pense being the additional compensation
for Judges and clerks.
Sannt Case Settled.
The case against Mike Segnent brought
by Sophia Mattues was settled out of
court Friday. , The woman positively re
fused to testify against Segnent and with
the permission of the county attorney the
case was dropped. Segnent paid all ex
penses for bringing him from Chicago and
all attorneys fees. It is understood that
Segnent and the Mattues woman propose
moving to Chicago at once.
Maale City Visitors.'
During carnival week hundreds of people
from Iowa and Nebraska visited the stock
yards and packing houses. Friday the
number of visitors was fcrger than any
on day during the week. The visitors
seemed to enjoy making tours of the pack-
"We make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propoU
lions, to the afflicted, neither do we promise to cure them in a few days
nor offer cheap, worthless treatment in order to aeeure their patronage,
but we guarantee a perfet, safe and laktingVure In the quickest possi
ble time, without leaving injurious afteiefferts in the system, nnT"!it
the lowest possible post for honest, skillful and sueressful treatment.
To men who are weak, mental'v
morally and physically, whose sys
tems have at some time been pointed
with poisonous private diseasee. those
wbose depleted manhood forbids any
advances toward matrimony, and IKom
who have made the mistake nf marry
ing while there lurked In their system
some frightful weakness or poisonous
taint of private diseases, and who now
nod themxelves on the verge of social
ruin to all such men a conscientious
and experienced dnotor would ad vine
you to consult without delay the best
specialist, one who has msde a life
long study of Just such cases, one
who can oulckly and fullv understand
your troubles, one who will not d.celv
you with falHe promises or utititiMl
nessllke propositions, one who can and
will cure you In the shortest possible
tltne and St the lea!t expense to you.
Any man In need of such medical ad
vice or treatment should come at once
to the
Our success is the result of auiierlor knowledge gained by yeara of
conscientious study and experience. There U nothing doubtful or ex
perimental about our treatment. We know the effect of every meiticine
we use. For many yeara we have been curing Varicocele, Kupture, lly.
drurele, Ktrirture, Blond Tnison (Njpliill,), Hkia llineaaes. Blotches,'
Korea, Loss of Manly Vigor, I nnatural Iluhiis, Drains or Losses, Wasted
nr I'ndeveloped 1'arta and all lrivate aud Genito-l'rinary Diseases of
Men. , i
viu cannot call wrtte
Office Hours 1 a. m. to I p . m.
for syn.tiom blank
tfiindv lu to I oi.iy,
1308' Pirntm It, fiatwraan 13th and 14th St Omaha, Nab. i
lng houses, and the guide who show peo
ple over the plants were kept busy all day.
At the stock yards the big sheep barn
attracted a good deal of attention, but
nearly all visited the hog and cattle pens.
A delegation of ten teachers from Auburn
called at the high school yesterday and
was shown through the building by Super
intendent McLeun. Two of the ward schools
were also Inspected. The visiting teachers
appeared greatly pleased with the high
school building.
t'nion Paclne Depots.
Work was started Friday on the Union
Pacific freight depot to be erected on Rail
road avenue Just south of N street. The
city track, only recently laid, is being
torn up for a distance ot 2U0 feet and ex
cavating Is to commence next week. This
freight depot Is to be of brick. 135 feet In
length and thirty-eight feet In width. A
basemen ten feet deep la to extend under
the entire building. One heating plant Is
to supply heat for both the freight land pas
senger depot. This heating plant will be
located In the north end of the freight
depot, and underground pipes will carry
the steam to the passenger station. A start
has not been made on the passenger sta
tion yet, but excavating for this building
will commence as soon aa the work on
the basement of the freight depot I com
Made City Gossip.
Today the high school foot ball team
plays at Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pollard are up
from Fairbury for a few days.
B. K. Postelthwalte, Fifteenth and M
streets, reports tne nirtn or a son.
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P,
Adkins is seriously ill with a fever.
A son has been horn to Mr. and Mrs
V. H. Murray, 1122 North Twenty-siventh
S. B. Christie and William Tlnnev leave
today for Valentine, Nebi, for two week'
Magic City council No. 376 Knight and
iaoies or Becurlly, installed officers Mon
day night. v
Mrs. J. M. Tucker of York. Neb.. Is the
(ruest of Mrs. John Kennedy, Fifteenth and
Monroe streets.
Public school teachers are being p.ild for
the first month of school. About V4 0U0 is
required to make this payment.
Thomas Mcdrath has returned from New
York City where he visited friends and
looked aiier some nuainess matters.
Sunday school rally services will be held
nunday evening at l.M o clock at Iefler M
K. church. Lr. J. A. McLean will deliver
an aaarees.
Six motor car have been chartered by
the local lodKe of Kagle to to to Council
muffs, Sunday afternoon where the Iodise
win u enieruiinea Dy tne council Bluffs
The Women" auxiliary of the Young
Woman's Chrlsttan association will hold a
nusinesa meeting at I lie Home of Mr. Wil
liam Kerry, MM North Twenty-sixth street.
Chamberlain's I ollr, Cholera aad
Diarrhoea Remedy ftever
Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock dis
covered that Chamberlain's Cbllc, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy wa a quick and
safe cure for bowel complaints. "During
all of these years," he says, "I have used
It and recommended It manjrtlme and th
result hav never yet disappointed me."
Mr. Brock Is publisher of' tha Aberdeen,
Md . Enterprise. This I th universal ex
perience, of all who rely upon this remedy.
It can always be depended upon, even In
the most severe and dangerous case, it
1 equally valuable for th children and
adult. When reduced with water and
sweetened it 1 pleasant to take.
"Hamlet" at the Boyd. ,
Robert Mantell and company in "Hamlet."
a tragedy in five acts, by William Shakes
peare; under direction of William A.
Brady. The cast:
Hamlet, son of the late and nephew to
the present king Hubert B. Mantell
Claudius, king of Denmark
Alfred Ho nnwortn
Polonlus. lord chamberlain Giles Shine
Laertes, son of Polonlus. .. .Harry Lelghton
Horatio, friend to Hamlet uoruon .Buroy
Ghost of Hamlet' father. .Walter Campbell
f irst Actor Walter Campoeit
Kosencrants Arthur H. Ebbets
Oulldenstern Franklin Bendtsen
Marcellu Harry Kern
Bernardo Kdwln Foos
FranclBoo. a soldier Qeorge Anderson
Osrio Devoro Parmer
Second Actor George Gould
First Grave DiRger Giles Shine
Second Grave Digger Hamilton B. Mott
rnest Laurence Gray
Ophelia, daughter, of Polonlus
.Marie uootn ftusseii
Gertrude, queen lot Denmark and mother
or Hamlet Emily Dodd
Player queen Josephine McCullum
Mr. Mantell' Hamlet, of which Omaha
got it first taste last night, varies greatly
from the traditional Hamlet. It Is the di
rect result of study and careful reflection
on part of the star, with much of experi
ence to back it up. In many of It aspects
It is a great Hamlet, and In some it Is al
most a laughable Hamlet. Ills great scene
In the closet with his mother Is done with
an Infinitude of 'tenderness and loving gen
tleness of a son for his mother. This la
by far the best of his endeavor In the role.
He gives to it nearer the human touch
than he attains in any other part of the
play. Tw vital scene that' Intervene be
tween this and the trapping of the king'
conscience were omitted In last night's per
formance, probably for the purpose ot sav
ing the tlrne. .i. . ;l.
Mr. piled Shine come very near-to real
izing all 'there is in Polonlus. and maks
the garrulous old dodderer Just about Ideal.
Next to the star his Is th best work of the
performance. Miss Russell Is a ?weepy,
creepy" Ophelia, and Mis Dodd's queen
mother lacks the element of force, either
for good or bad.
The play wa witnessed by the largest'
audience of the week, and Mr. Mantell was
called again and again at the close of each
act to bow to he applause of the people.
"Hamlet" will be repeated thl- afternoon,
and this evening the engagement will close
with a pertormance of "Richard III."
twenty-four days out from New York, on
his way to 8an Francisco. His effort is to
lower the transcontinental record of forty
eight days for a motorcycle. He Is using
a three-horse power machine. Leaving
New York September 13 he ha covered
1.731 miles up to last night. He laid over
here yesterday, waiting for an express
faukage. As the distance to San Francisco
s considerably greater, and the roads
much rougher than any he has yet en
countered, with much of the way through
the mountains where winter has already
set In, the chances for his breaking the
forty-eight day record depend much on his
ability to ride at a Louis Flescher gait
whenever he can get a clear track.
(Continued from Second Page.)
Toarlna Aaalast '11m.
W. C. Chadeayne. an athletic-looking
young man, arrived In Omaha last night.
SILVERS Mr. Catherine Allen. Octber I
l:e, aned 4t years 10 months 4 days, at
her late residence, 27' 1 Leavenworth
Services at Jhe residence Saturday morn
I lng, October t, at t . Interment at JTur.
;et Lawn, friend invited, "r
Mellin's Food is endorsed by the phy
sician. Hundreds of doctors ars
using Mellin's Food in their own fam
ilies for their own children. If Mel
lin's Food is good for the doctor's baby
it ought to bo good for your baby.
Let us know if you would like to try
Mellin's Food and we will send you a
sample bottle free of charge.
VLT laraats
low fish net over yellow niessaline, with
hand-made lace trimmings; diamonds.
Mrs. C. J. G. Trimble Black vllle; roses
and diamonds.
Mrs. T. A. Thompson White silk mulle,
medallion of lace, embroidered.
Mrs. J. W. Thomas A deep cream voile
with duchess trimmings.
Miss Ethel Tukey White organdie;
American Beauty roses.
Miss Alice Tate of Springfield, Mass.
(guest of Miss Golda Murphy) Brussels
net robe with Valenciennes madalllons.
Mrs. T. M. Talmage Flowered voll. with
trimmings of Irish point; pearls.
Miss Ada Talmage of Spokane White
Swiss and rose.
Mr. A. J. Vierllng Black chiffon and
lace; diamonds.
Mr. Mel I'bl, Des Moines, la. Lavender
silk with duchess lace trimmings.
Mrs. J. D. Wilson. Broken Bow, Neh.
Pink silk Inset wilh lace with overdress
of pink and white Jusa: diamonds.
Mrs. E. T. Walker. Columbus, 'Neb.
Blue taffeta silk with lace trimmings; gar
net necklace.
Miss Ella Wlthrow, Missouri Valley. Ia.
White chiffon over white taffeta with lace
and pearl trimmings; American Beauty
Mrs. W. H. C. Wondhurst. North Platte,
Neb. White moussellne de sole over blue
silk with pearl ornaments; American
Beautv roses.
Miss I .aura Weaver, Council Bluffs, la.
Alice blue eollenne with trimmings of Irish
lace and touches of rink chiffon.
Miss Blanche Waterman Nile green low
neck gown or silk poplin trimmed with
ruchlnss of white chiffon.
Mrs. Percy A. Wells White embroidered
chiffon over white accordion pleated chif
fon and taffeta with trimmings of real
lace; pearls.
Miss Mae Weaver. Council Bluffs. Is
Pink hansal silk trimmed with Valenciennes
lace and panne velvet bretelles.
Mrs. E. 8. West brook Black chiffon.
VIIhs Murium Wood White lace with
AmerlcAn Reautv roses. '
Mrs. J. E. White Embroidered batiste,
trimmed In heliotrope silk, cream lace;
Mrs. Fred Whlttemore of IJneolnl-White
figured taffeta with real lace trimmings.
Mrs. O. W. Wattles White lece robe; dia
monds. Mrs. J. P. Wilson Pink Jusa over taffeta.
Mrs. B. T. White Blue silk and lace.
Mrs. T. Walton Brown crepe du chine,
Mrs. Victor White White shot voile,
clunv lsce trimmings.
Miss Gwendolyn White Whit embroid
ered swlsa: American Beauty rosea.
Miss Washburn of Chadron (guest of Mrs.
Rome Miller White figured silk net, with
lace trimmings; pearls.
Mrs. W. H. Wing Figured organdie, with
bertha of valenclenne lsce.
Mrs. O. M. Weaver of Chicago, guest of
Miss Amy Tste Blue broadcloth,
trimmed wilh white lace and blue velvet.
Mrs. W. L. Yetter Blue silk mousselln,
embroidered with white spans les. lace.
Mix Yates Hand embroidered crepe du
Douglas Countv Aarlcultural socletv exhi
Nebraska moving picture show, 7:30 to 9:30
p. m.
umana day at the carnival.
Attendance at Klnsj' lllahway.
First day S.2S7
Second day i.tKi
Third day ti.5H3
Fourth day 13,4X1
Fifth Any 12.231
Sixth day 16.0M3
eeventn aay 30,iw
Eighth day
Ninth day 12.678
23, K0
Now, It came to pass that on the night
hen the king and queen were crowned,
the mighty Coliseum would not hold all the
people who had assembled to do homage to
their sovereign, and thus many thousands
were not permitted the eight of the corona
tion ceremonle. Yet made they a merry
as the bird of spring. On the King's High
way they congregated by thousands, man
and boy, matron and maid, and walked Its
decorated aisles uader brightest lights.
And of ene accord they shouted, "Long
Live King Ak-8ar-Ben XI! Long Live the
King! May he, wax fat and his days he
long in the land, for each autumn he gives
us these Joyous days."
Thereupon they hopped and skipped upon
the ground like lambs upon the green, and
the boys filled the mouth of the maids
with confetti. Men with gray temples
frisked about as goats, and old women
squeaked the tin can with the rosined
string. For why not? Were not the people
mad with Joy, so that their sportive capers
might be excused? In yonder Coliseum, 'mid
blazing lights and flower and beautiful
ladle and brave knights, did not the scion
of the house of Ak-Sar-Ben receive his
crown and his queen this night?
Some sat them down upon the benches
beside the way and discoursed of past
rulers and present. - They talked about the
plenty which tha soil had poured forth
upon the people and of all the riches of the
kingdom. Qulvera ts the mightiest country
on the face of the earth, said they.
Others enjoyed the amusement which the
king had provided for them. They saw
Youtuckey dance on the wire and pro
nounced it wonderful, worthy the patron
age of their illustrious king when he should
walk on his Hlghwsy on the morrow. In
the tent of the flve-legged horse they stood
with awe and wondered If the animal could
single-foot. They saw Babcock loop the
loop on the bicycle and before they could
recover from their astonishment a reckless
man Jumped from the top of a 100-foot. lad
der and splashed water all. over them
when he struck In the tank beneath. They
paid a visit to the ping pong girls. One
man visiting In Qulvera from the neiKhhor
Ing kingdom of Missouri stroked hiB long
chin whiskers as he watched the -dfirk-
skinned Turkish houri In her mystic dances.
"B'Gosh," said he, "I reckon I'll leave Mis
souri and bring my family to Qulvera." In
other tents they saw the man-eating Hons,
and yet in another place the Wiiman who
turned to stone after she had been killed
and scalped by the Indians. Bhe might
have been a queen of beauty once, but In
the coffin she didn't look It.
All in all it was the most festive corona
tion night since the accession of the Ak-Sar-Ben
dynasty. Not a person was un
happy In the whole city, unless, perhaps,
It wa he who ate too much at the bod tin
along the Highway.
His majesty has given It out that he will
walk on the Highway after sundown to
night, and the announcement ha caused
great Joy. The people threaten to throng
the Highway In such crowd that It li
feared the sacred elephant will not hav
room to move. Th king will put aside hi
crown and ermine and walk among hi peo
ple dressed like one of them.
( Starving;.
When your body I starving robbed b
Indlgestlon-Dr. King's New Life Pill will
relieve and cure. tSc. Sold by Sherman M
McConnell Drug Co.
Miss ValU of Chicago and her nephew,
Mr. Valll Laselle of Beatrice, are at the
Iler Grand.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Fulton of Beatrice
spent the Ak-Sar-Ben with Omaha relative
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mahannah of
Beatrice visited with Omaha friends Thurs
day and Friday.
AMm .1 , r Tl ' . J . , . A-
i who have lieen visiting Omaha friends for
a ween pani, reiurnea 10 tneir nome Friday
Prof. Hermann S. Herlng, C. Si B., mem
ber of the Hoard of lectureship of the
First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bo,
ton. will lecture Monday night at Cham
bers' academy.
Mrs. Lehman C. Peter of Lincoln and
Miss Iaura Hell Cunningham of Indiana,
Pa., who have been visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Peters, ',2 South.
Twenty-eighth street, over the, Ak-Sar-Ben,
departed for Lincoln Friday evening.
Mania's feed I ike
feed, which received th
Feed, which received ta braad frtse,
lb kiahssteward of Ik LeaisUaa Par'
chase kaseslilsa. It. Laeis, !. ti lak
er laaa a aeld saaaai.
and croup are best cured by the tamous Dr. Bull's Cough Bvrup. It'a the
oniy eure prevenuve oi miinoping couga
ana croup. Thousands of mothers nave
their chillren from hours of torture and
threatening death by lis timely use,
"I gave Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup to my children
for whmiping oough and only usnd two lottlefor
three children, and It cured them. After only
two or three they bea&a U got belter. I
Maay Thoaeaad Oct la Hoaor al
Coroaatloa Wight.
Gate open from a. m. until midnight.
Rand concerts. 1 and 7 p. m.
Free Attraction M me. Ami, aerial artist,
t snd p. m. ; Phil D. Greene, spiral tower,
4 30 and 10 M p. m. ; Prince Youtuckey, high
wire acts. J 10 and p. m.; slide for life, I. It
and t:6S p. m.
Ail shows oxien at 130 and 7 .SO p. to.
to my neighbor and they too. like It very much."
klrk.baran buruin.lfti klallury Ave.,i,oruaud.Ore.
to all readers. We want rou to have absolute
confidence in Dr. liuH'a Cough Hyrup and, to
that end, will send you a sum free, II you
ill write fur it and mention this paper.
Addreaa A. 0. at Kl'F.U 4 CO.. Baltimore. Md.
Beware Of the 8ubstltUte.-Do not buy a substitute claimed to be "Jus
aa good" aa Dr. Bull's Cough fcyrup. itlsuotso. Buy lr. bull' Cough Syrup, and yus
iiiftaUdiausKiut4ittkeuia, W4 It aJ tUuaiU, J'iUw, ato fee, awl ii .