Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1905, Page 9, Image 9
HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1005. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Ctt; Officials Bant oi Ltjing All Trm- ' flint VTsls PnMlhV EWER CUIMS FILED FOR INJURY ImproTfmfil of rarrmnli flcaaea Liafcllltr of Aertdeat aa Cttr . Realises Mil la Dol lar aaa Oats. tl 1 Every possible effort la being made bjr the city offlrlala to bare aa many blocka of rmanent sidewalks laid this year as pos- ible. Bines thla matter of putting down t mrwl lal m b rk tabA lha ninoA of the old wooden Walks there haa been a noticeable deorenae In the number of per eonai injury clalma nled. Ana In a ma jority of the claim filed recently the claimant have not been able to collect any damage owing to the thorough Investiga tion made of each caae by' the city claim agent. In order that more walk may be laid this fall City Clerk Olllin I advertis ing for bid for brick walks. These pro posals are to be seated and filed not later than t p. m. October 9 with the clerk. Pld der must agree to furnish all materials necessary and to perform the labor needed for the putting down of brick Walks as may be ordered by the mayor and council for the term ending July 1, 190. Flan and specif! cation concerning this work may be had upon application at the office of the city engineer. All bid must be accompanied by a certified check for fino a an evidence of good faith. Bid for brick walk are being asked for at this time on account of the de Ire of many-property owner to lay brick where cinder walk have been ordered. There 1 rery little difference In the price between cinder and brick and the latter Is considered more durable. When the season for the laying of permanent walks closes lha city engineer' department will measure the number of block laid thl year and make a report The total number of block laid will be a surprise to a great many. A a general thing the property owner take kindly to Improvement of this kind and go ahead without remonstrating.. It 1 with the out-of-town property owner where the trouble come. In such case the walk are laid and the cost assessed up against the property on the city tax books. Jadare KlaaT goes Mrs. Hurler Police Judge King started suit In Justice Caldwell'' court Thursday against Bridget A. L. Clarke of Hastlnrs, 8. It. Humhsm and i. B. Wright of Lincoln. H. D. Wilson of Nebraska, intjr,. i. iarr ni Lexing ton, K. Williams of David City, K. K. Ourney of Fremont and O. B. Bell of Oiand Island. BIG SEARCH FOR LOST HAT Rotables Jola la Still Itaat Re cover the Headgear of At. toraey Edsoa Rich. Hill Canada and hi force of Union Pa cific detectives, Sheriff Power and hi deputies. Judge Eetelle and hi bailiff. Edson Rich and his assistants are all earchlng the city of Omaha today, par ticularly the court house, for a light oolored soft hat which Mr. Rich haa lost or mis placed, or had stolen. The only clue they have to the whereabouts of the headgear la that Mr. Rich dimly remembers he wore the hat Just before the parade Wednesday afternoon. Before anything definite can be done, however, this recollection will be Investigated because Mr. Rich also remem bers he waa on the carnival ground Wednesday night. Already one man has been brought be fore the bar of Justice by a committee ap pointed from among the member of the bar for that particular purpose and accused of the appropriation. This man I M. O. Cunningham, but so far he ha managed to keep without the Ja.ll because the only evidence against him was that Rich thought Cunningham' head wa about the slse of his, both having Veen on the carni val ground during the evening. Mr. Rich had a case In Judge Estelle'a court and after concluding his business started to leave. He couldn't find his hat. Then began the search and the organisa tion of an Investigating committee. Just when It looked as though some one .would get smashed Judge Scott appeared as a friend of the court and loaned his hat to Rich for twenty minutes, during which time the Union Pacific attorney found an other hat whose owner was not in sight and tagged himself to that. The last seen of him he was trailing down Farnam street wearing the Scott hat and carrying the other hat. ceremony both couples headed for the King Highway to see the sights. WOMAN DIES ON ThFsTREET Mrs. Gray Perm, ladtaaa. Mother of Mm. R. A. Kmlth, Fall Dead of Heart Illseaao. Mr. Oray of Peru, Ind., visiting her daughter, Mra. R. A. Smith, of Omaha, dropped dead of heart disease at Harney and Eighteenth atrects at 2:30 Thursday afternon. Mrs. Gray was walking with her daughter and a party of friends and suddenly sank to the sidewalk, and was dead before medlcalald could arrive. Mrs. Oray la a woman apparently 63 or 66 years of age. She was taken to the home of her daughter In a carriage at -619 Farnam street. The scene was a most heartrending and pathetic one, aa the daughter realised that her mother was dead and her pathetic walling brought tears to the eyes of many who were at tracted to the sad scene, awaiting the ar rival of the physician and other friends of the family. ' BIG FORCE AT AUDITORIUM Carpenters Pattlaa; Big Bulldli Shape for the Horse Shaw Next Week. la Manager Glllan of the Auditorium put a large force of carpenters at work at the Auditorium as soon a the people had dis persed after the Bnnda Rosea concert Hurley to collect I2S. Along In the sum- Wednesday night, with the result that by mr Mn wkn I. . bnnwn "a " ige removed ana me character on Indian- hill, started to clean out the neighborhood and did fairly well. She was arrested and, after a hearing, wa fined on three complaint for disturbing the peace. Mrs. Hurley promised to send In the money, but she neyer did. Judge King finally sent rthe woman to the county Jail, ut she .only remained a couple of days. A son of Mrs. Hurley appealed to Judge I." 1 . iv kid 'A.Ait..- .u. pri.1- secured upon the promise to pay the fine. Judge King advanced the money for the fine, but. once out of Jail, Mrs. Hurley sent word to Judge King that he could whistle for hi money. The woman owns consider able property ' and 1 able to pay, hence the filing of a suit In Justice court to se cure payment' of the fine. . Mike Segnent la Jail, Detective J. J. Flynn of the Chicago po lice force arrived In South Omaha Thurs day with Mike Segnent, who 1 wanted here fer assaulting Sophia Mattues. A complaint charging assault with Intent to kill baa been filed and Chief Brlgg stated last evening that an additional complaint charging robbery would most likely be filed. Segnent 1 not loquacious about the case. He denies moat positively that he assaulted the woman. He also denies that he robbed here declaring that the money the woman bad belonged to Mm. The chief of police aald that Influence wa being brought to bear on the woman to let the matter drop and refuse to prosecute. Thla 1 not at all to the liking of the police, who went to considerable trouble and expense to cap ture Segnent after the assault. Bridget Hurley Files Claim. Thursday afternoon Bridget Hurley filed a claim for $600 against the city. She al lege that on September 18 storm water damaged her property at Nineteenth and N streets to that amount. This damage. It Is alleged, wa caused by the grading being done on Nineteenth street. No action ha been taken on the claim, but when it come before the council next Monday night If will be referred to the legal de. partment of the city for Investigation. This WiTTE IS NOT POPULAR 8troo; Stntiaent Against lira Dtnlopi in Bu' Fetenbirg Meeting. REFUSE TO GRANT HIM CIVIC HONORS Declares Work at Portsmoath Is Only Redeeming gaerlflee for Pollt leal Mistakes la Which He Acquiesced, TWO MEN HOLD UP SALOON Force Twenty Dollars Away from Porter, Bark Oat aad Disap pear with the Booty. Wednesday morning shortly after S o'clock, three strangers went Into Qulnn's saloon at Sixteenth and Cuming streets and asked to be permitted to wash. They went back Into the toilet room and, finish ing their ablutions, went to the bar and asked for three beers. The only one In the saloon at the time was J. P. Kruger, the porter, and while making the change from a shot bag containing 120 that had been left over for the following day's change, the men covered him with re volver and compelled him to urrender the bag of coin and then backed out of the saloon and disappeared. The police were notified, but no trace of the thieves ha yet been discovered. boxes all in place for the horse show, which Is to open out In all It glory next Monday night. Director of Arena Austin haa a force at work hauling In the clay and spreading the tan bark, so that the local owners may practice Friday morning. The balloons have arrived which Manager Haller will send up from various sections of the city, bearing the glad tidings that the horse show 1 on and also bearing some free tickets, for which there will undoubtedly be a large scramble, for the balloons are so arranged that they -will burn at a cer tain height and let the tickets drop, Fifteen horses recently bought by Rule ft Ashbrooke of Kansas City, are booked to arrive by the American Express from New York Thursday. These horses were bought by these enterprising Kansas City gentlemen In the east and are all winners In the eastern horse show. They wanted some horses that could compete at Kansas City against the crack that Crow A Mur ray and Pepper St Co. were bringing from Canada, and so havs scoured the country in search of them. Omaha Is to derive the benefit of this pride In their home city, for they are all to be shown at the Omaha show. The demand for ticket for the horse show Is unprecedented and the director are correspondingly happy, for there ha beenvno doubt as to the attendance at the horse show since the announcement of the magnificent list of entries which ha been secured. TEMPERANCE WOMEN MEET Illlaols Women'a Christian Temper ance I'nlon Is Now In Session at BloonilnKtoa. BLOOMINQTON. 111., Oct. 6. Over 400 delegates were present today when the an nual convention of the Illinois Women' Chrlstiann Temperance union wa called to order by the president. Miss Carrie C. Brehm. The day' program consisted of religious services led by local pastors and greetings from the representatives of the Business Men's association and churches. Rev. Mary E. Kuehl. one of the state leader and a department officer, delivered the opening address to the delegates. The business sessions of the convention will commence tomorrow. BURGLARS MAKE GOOD HAUL Bank of Springfield, Month Dakota, Entered by Men Who Take All Funds. SPRINGFIELD, S. D Oct. 6. Between and S o'clock this morning burglars en tered the Bank of Springfield and blew open the door of the vault. The marau ders took all the cash there was, $5,300. RIG STOLEN TWICE IN DAY Horse aad Stanhope Are Taken from OS Farnam Street First, Then Dinner. W. B. Cheek, a well known railroad man of South Omaha and a prominent Elk, en Joy the distinction of having had hi horse and buggy stolen from him twice Inside of twelve hours. M. Cheek drove up from South Omaha Wednesday night with Mrs. Cheek and Jla the first claim of any Importance that tne Eik3. ciub on Farnam street, while he -"' " u i went up damages on account oi storm water. MORMXGS1DE 9TIDKNTS REBEL Expulsion of Four Student Stir I'p Trouble. SIOUX CITT, la., Oct. 5. (Special Tele gram.) Because George MUlner, captain of the foot ball team, and Ralph Hellman, manager of athletics, and two other stu dents were expelled from Morning-side col lege .today for haxing a freshman the entire foot ball team Is on a strike and 500 stu dents are In a state of mutiny. Upper- class men took a freshman on a water melon hunt, having other students hide In the weeds, who shot blank cartridges. One of the upper-class men pretended to fall dead, and the freshman was hauled to the police taton and charged by the upper class men with murder. He wa almost crated with fright. Foresters Meet Satarday, On Saturday- of this srsek te Independent Order of Fortcr8 will-, hold the annual state oonventlon at Odd Fellows' hall, Twenty-fourth and- M streets. After the I usual routine business Is transacted officer win oe elected. About eighty delegate from all part of the state are expected to attend the convention. Hon. A. L. Sutton of South Omaha Is the chief ranger for the state. . The' delegates will be entertained at the new Commercial hotel and on Saturday evening will attend the carnival In Omaha. , Maalc City Gossip. It Is expected that Mayor Koutsky will ign the sewer bond ordinance today. Dana Morrill has returned from Hyannla with a game bag full of ducka and chick- -. ens. 'P Thff ' Ronth Omnhft Yntlr nf V.naru r. oenlly donated x to the St. James orphan age, Benson. Nls Peterson of Bradbury, Neb., Is spending a week with his daughter, Mrs. a. i. uusiaisun. Artificial stone for the construction of the Christian church at Twenty-third and l streets is arriving. Elvln II. Howe of Boston Is here for few days, the, guest of his. uncle, City treasurer m. Howe. Residents on MlMsourl avenue are pleased at tne prospect or work commencing -n the curbing and paving next week. Superintendent Mi I.esn has called a gen eral teachers' meeting for Saturday fore noon at the nign school Duiiaing. On Saturday the King's Daughters cf the Presbyterian church will hold a home-made pastry sale at Hrartlry s store, Twenty- lourtn ana Ad sirens. Coroner Brailt-y concluded the Frank Miller Inquest Thursday afternoon. The Jury decided that the Rock Inland train was nui to Diame. went up to a tailoring establishment to try on a new coat. When they returned for their horse and vehicle, the latter, a Stanhope, tney naa disappeared .com pletely, and after considerable search and inquiry Mr. and Mrs. Cheek had to 'go home without them. Early Thursday morning a telephone message was received at the police .sta tlon that an unknown horse and buggy had been hitched in front of 1501 Binney street all night and the parties were ad vised to put the horse and vehicle In their barn. The description of the horse and vehicle tallied with the Cheek rig, and the police at South Omaha were notified and asked to notify Mr. Cheek. Mr. Cheek at once dispatched a man to 1508 Blnney street to identify and claim the property, Arriving there he was informed that only a few momenta before man had com to the house, described the horse and buggy accurately and stated that he had been sent for it, and drove away with It Mr. Cheek Is of the opinion that thl break the record In a horse stealing case and In the meanwhile Is out a valuable driving horse and a costly Stanhope buggy, DIVORCE .CASES DISMISSED Elevea Salts Throwa Cat by Judge Satton for Want of Prosecatloa. Judge Sutton got busy Thursday morning and dismissed eleven divorce caws for want of prosecution. All of them have been on er the docket for a - long time. The cases V were: Martha Stewart ' against Thomas Stewart; Catharine Foley against James Foley; Lillian C. B. Clark against Fred M. Clark; Gertrude Broomneld against Johp W.. BioomHUd; Nellie Williams aaalnst Archibald L. Williams: Charles Mrnrr.Tobin affalnat Lucretia Tohin: Uin Gates against Fred A. Gates; Oilman A. Wttley kgalnst Mae. Etta .Wit ley; Myrtle Wilson against William Wilson; Anna Linda Crew against John Edward Crew; Arthur E. Gosh against Clara B. Ooah. ' f r MOTHER LOOKS FOR INFANT Usrola Womaa Searches la Omaha for Her Three Moatha Old Baby. , Mrs. Grace Miller of Lincoln Is roaming the streets of Omaha and haunting the of ficers of the court house seeking a clue to the whereabouts of her $-months-old in fant which has been taken in charge by the Nebraska Children's Home society which had It adopted. Mrs. Miller said after the birth of the child at Plattsmouth she ' employed woman to care for it and removed to Lin coln, where her husband had secured em ployment In a meat market. Then she went to Plattsmouth after the child few day ago and discovered the agent of the home society had taken the child. She followed to Onaha and was Informed, so she said, that the little one had been adopted and waa now a 100 miles from Omaha. Manager Qulvey of the home 'said tha child had been taken from the mother for good and sufficient reasons and had been legally adopted Into a good home. Mehsaska Hsslu-n Oelegatea. The Nebraska dlegatea to (hs annual oonventlon of the jo'suonal. Itaukera' asao riatlon. lo be hi-lf )n aaliiuion, Octo ber 10 te 1$. have Wu innuuncvd by J. T. Trenery cf Pawnee lly. president of the Mebrassa Mansers assonatlon. rher are; LuUaer lrae aad C. F. Mctirsw f Omaha. aarraw Baeaoo from poisoning, caused by constipation, had mn. oung, Clay city, N. T. Dr. King New Lire Pills cured her. Be. For sale by a Herman jt uccunnell Drug Co. Bridal Tear of Kla's Highway, Two couplea from out of town took ad vantage of a good opportunity and bad inrmneives marnea oy I ounty Juug Vln sonhaler Thursday morning. John McCor, mirk of Tekamah and Elsie Hrnkiey of niair win sian one uome and bamuel A. Netaell and Mrs. Ullle M. Muritt hih ot gixomsburg, will atari the other. After lu BRIDE OF TWO WEEKS KILLS SELF Despoadent Because Stepchildren Teased Her. SIOUX CITT, la., Oct. 5.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Because the children of her widower husband teased her Mrs. William Lawrence, who was married two weeks ago, swallowed an ounce of carbolic acid today and died within a few minutes. She was but 18 years old and was formerly em ployed aa a domestic in the home of Law rence when hi first wife was living. Law rence Is a wealthy ranch owner near Tank ton. Lawrence brought the woman to Sioux City to marry her because hi chil dren objected. . ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. B.-A strong sentiment against Count Wltte developed at a caucus of the St. Petersburg munici pality yesterday evening, called to discuss clvlo action In recognition of his services at Portsmouth. Suggestions that a banquet be given In his honor and that he be pre sented with the freedom of the city or an address were rejected and a resolution was adopted declaring that he Is not worthy of any special honor, because hi service at Portsmouth "were only a redeeming sacrifice for the political mistakes In which he has acquiesced and which were responsi ble for the war." The first act of themlnlsterial commit-. tee, the sessions of which have been re sumed with Count Wltte's return, hss been an important concession on the language question, permitting the commercial schools of Warsaw, Riga and Reval to use Polish or German, the language of Instruction in all studies except Russian grammar, his tory and geography. Educational Prospect Dark. Despite the grant of autonomy, placing the policy of the universities In the hands of elected rectors and councils of pro fessors, who are thoroughly in sympathy with the reform work, the educational situation is darkening and there isa. prospect that the hot headed seal of student reformers and the activity of non student agitators at student meetings may lead to another suspension of work at the universities. Prince Troubotskoy, former president of the xemstvo congress and rector of the Moscow university, and who la the foremost liberal In Russia, has, with the approval of the council of professors. already been forced to close that university temporarily, owing to the packing of stu dent assembles by outside agitators and the council of the St. Petersburg university has warned the students that the participation of outsiders In their meetings cannot be permitted. The same state of affair i reported at Odessa and other universities. The majority of the student apparently are desirous of continuing their studies, but they are not organised and cannot make headway against . the carefully organized campaign ot the revolutionary parties, who oppose the reopening of the universities for the furtherance of their propaganda and whose members in the universities, though comparatively small to the proportion of the students, are enabled, through the activity of their organisation and the national dislike of the less radical students to be accused of reactlonarylsm, to dictate resolutions and away all meetings. The St. Petersburg student have In tituled a boycott on several professors. who are disliked on account of their-politi cal opinions and have broken up 'their classes by disorder. Among those boycotted is the former rector. Prof. Zhdanoff and Prof. Fosnltsky, who 1 a. senator of the empire and one of the foremost authorities on Russian penal procedure. Feeling la Japan. TOKIO, Oct. $. 11 a. m. In passing the peace treaty yesterday the privy council has clearly Impressed upon the anti-peace agitators the Impossibility of a refusal to ratify It. The energies ,kAh latter will now likely be concentrated on an attack upon the cabinet. Public demonstration expressing the national indignation against the peace treaty will, it is' believed, cease, but outward suppression of feeling will only create a strong undercurrent of disaf fection, which, If allowed to grow, will swell the popular rage. Unwise resistance and any attempt to suppress popular opinion may. It 1 feared, give rise to act of violence. Well Informed people, while appreciating the wisdom of putting a stop to the war, are Indignant at the half measure policy of lh government, a exhibited, for instance. In the partition ef the Island of B.ikhalln. The public la keenly Interested, awaiting an explanation from the government, but the promise to convene a special session ot the Diet Immediately after the conclusion of peace not having been fulfilled. It growing Impatient, . M. Yamasn, director of political affair of the Japanese Foreign office, and H. W. Denlson, the adviser of the Japanese For eign office, arrived at Yokohama today on board the steamer Dakota, from Seattle September JO. bringing the peace treaty signed at Portsmouth September t. and l ft Immediately for Toklo. They arrived here this evening, but found few people te meet them at the railroad station, owing to the strict examination made of all persona by the military and police who guarded the station. SHAKE.UP IN RUSSIAN NAVY Inefficient Oflleera (a Be Retired la Fsvor of Better Equipped Mea. ; - ST. PETERSBURG, Oct $. Inefficient officers are to be gradually Weeded out of the Russian navy during the next five year and pensioned officers are to make way for better trained men to command the recon tructed navy. In a rescript addressed to the minister of marine Emperor Nicholas directs him to compulsorlly retire all naval officers who are unable to fulfill the higher requirement which the reform In the service will demand. Officers so retired before reaching the age limit are to be penslond on favorable condition to be determined on later. HARRIMAN LEAVES SEOUL American Magnate Start oa Special Train to Fusan Corea. SEOUL, Corea, Wednesday, Oct. 4. E. H. Harrlman and his party left .Seoul today on a apeclal train for Fusan. Memorial for Hirrtrd, LONDON. Oct. The Idea of restoring St. Saviour's church, Southware, as a me morial to John Harvard will probably be carried out within a few months. Of the $10,0(0 required, $9,000 hfta already been se. cured by subscriptions from Americana res. Ident in London and visiting Americans. Moscow t niverslty Closed. MOSCOW, Oct. 5. The rector of the Mos cow university ha closed that Institution because of a recent mass meeting held In Its precincts, at which a number of the participants were outside agitator and not connected with the university. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Rural Carriers and Postmasters Are Named for Nebraska and . Ions. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Oct. f. (Special Tele gram.) Rural carrier appointed for Ne braska route: Auburn, route 2, Nel C. Sorenson, carrier; Cscll Hale, substitute. Elk Creek, route 1, John .W. Hall, carrier; Robert A. Jennings, substitute. Smithfleld, route 1, Charles W. Bower, carrier; Founcy Beverhelmer, substitute. Iowa postmaster appointed: Almoral tatlon, Delaware county, A. F. Barron, vice A. W. Dickinson, resigned: Arnold's Park, Dickinson county, Arthur O. Ste vens, vice Wesley B. Arnold, resigned; Hayward, Dickinson county, William Hay ward, vice L. B. Plllsbury, resigned. Testimony In Brown Cnae. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. B. (Special Tele gram.) W. E. Brown, formerly president of the First National bank of Storm Lake, was charged In the trial today by the gov ernment with making out worthless cer tificates of deposit on his insolvent private bank at Lynn Grove and Sioux Rapid to meet an overdraft with the Storm Lake bank, thus making the condition of the Storm Lake bank appear all right In the report to the comptroller of the currency. It wa also shown that a certificate of de posit made out on the Security Savings and Trust company of Des Moines, which was never honored by that bank, but returned, waa Included In the report to the comptrol ler. Cashier Zwart of Des Moines National bank and Cashier Zelhofer of Des Moines Becurtty Savings and Trust company testi fied of refusing to honor certificates from Brown's bank. MUSTAIN LOSES TO WILLIAMS Colorado Man Get the Decision la Twenty-Round Bout at Casper. CASPER, Wyo., Oct. $. In a twenty round battle here tonight Morgan William of Victor, Colo., defeated Terry Mustaln of Omaha. The latter was outfought In nearly every stage of the game. William ap peared In the pink of condition, while Mus- tainn was In poor color. The decision of H. P. Hynds of Cheyenne, the referee, was well received by the friends of Mustaln, who had only hoped for a draw. AND UNDERMINE Veteran Miller Retires. WATERLOO. Ia., Oct. (Speclal.)-The directors of the Waterloo and Cedar Fall Mill Company held a meeting in this city. and among other business transactions was the presentation of a chest of silver to the retiring secretary. W. L. Illlngsworth. For fifty year Mr. Illlngsworth ha been act ively and successfully interested In the milling Interests In this city and Cedar Falls, and his retirement from the busi ness force Is deeply regretted by all the director. The testimonial drawn up by John Leavitt, W. W. Miller and Julian W. Richard gave expression of the regard In which Mr. Illlngsworth i held. The gift wa received with manifest feeling. Tur urnTTU Old Sores that refuse to heal are a constant llXwsvl It menace to health. They sap the vitality and undermine the constitution by draining? the system of its very life fluids, and those afflicted with one of these ulcers grow despondent and almost desperate as one treatment after another fails. They patiently apply salves, washes, plasters, etc., but Itt spite of all these the sore refuses to heal and eats deeper into the surround ing flesh, destroying; the tissues and prowinjr to be a festering:, inflamed and angry mass. The source of the trouble is in the blood. This vital fluid is filled with impurities and poisons which are constantly being discharged into the sore or ulcer, making it impossible for the place to heal. It will not do to depend on external applications for a cure, because they do not reach the real cause, and valuable time is lost experimenting with such treatment; the most thev can do is keep the ulcer clean. Any sore that will not heal is dangerous, for the reason that it msy nave tne deadly germs oi t.ancer behind it. A cure can be brought about only through a remedy that can change the quality of the blood, and this is what S. S. S. does. It goes to the very bottom of the trouble, drives out the poisons and germs with which it is filled, and purines and builds up tne entire cir culation. By the use of S. S. S. the sore is supplied with new, rich blood which corrects the trouble, soon stops the discharge, and allows the place to heal naturally and permanently. S. S. S. also reinvigorates the entire system, and where the constitution has been depleted or broken down it quickly builds it up and restores perfect health, write for our special book on sores and ulcers, and any medical advice you are in need of; no charge lor either. JH SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm PURELY VEGETABLE. Iowa Teachers to Meet. WATERLOO, la., Oct. 6.-(Speclal.)-The program for the twelfth annual meeting of the Northeastern Iowa Teachers' Asso ciation la announced. The gathering will be In thl city October 19-21, Inclusive, and some of the most prominent educators of the state will appear on the program. HYMENEAL. Daalell-McFarlaad. DODGE. Neb.. Oct. f-(Speclal.)-A. R. Danlell, a prosperous young farmer of Stanton county, and Miss Lillie McFarland, enly daughter of J. J. McFarland and wife of the Dodge Criterion, were married at the home of the bride parent In thla elty this" morning. Rev. J. J, Klopp of Stanton officiating. They ft-ft on the altor noon train for a visit to the Omaha carnival. Xecro Marderer Escape. HOUSTON. Tex. Oct. .-Reports from Edna Tex., today Indicate that Monk Gib son has made his escape and no uce of the nrgro has ben repoilvd since Sun. dajr. XUe town la quiet. - site : 1 :rf' : lh)Das NIGHT CHICAGO TRAIN Number 12. i It leaves Omaha ........8:05 p. m. P. arrives Chicago .9:03 a, m. DAY CHICAGO TRAIN Number 6. It leaves Omaha '. 725 a. m. It arrives Chicago 8:45 p. m. AFTERNOON CHICAGO TRAIN Number 2. It leaves Omaha '. 4:00 p. m. It arrives Chicago. . . .7:20 a. m. Tickets, berths, folders, rates and Information at City Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam St. " A TOP COAT to your liking need not cost a great deal. Try1 - on some or fvirscnDaum , Make and you'll find you can save enough to help pay for your Kirschbaum Suit. Tan, olive, brown Coverts; richly lined and tailored. Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes (W arranted). Good stores every where, $1 2 to $25. (.Look or labtl) ' Wear the Eastern Styles. For Sale in Omaha by Bcrg-Swanson Company i n "FOLLOW THE FLAG" Just One Chance Nov. 30th is the day the Wabash will t sell round trip tickets to many points in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Ken tucky, West Virginia, Western New York and Pennsylvania, at Greatly Reduced Rates The line with free reclining chair cars, rock ballast, solid road-bed. All information call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam St., or address HARRY E. MOQRES, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. B)VVtteisBBaaajaBBaBaBgCBBjasBaaa fp aBVftJHMaVI i Irtf W..ini.. i.iiii . I mini .ill fn am 3C Southwest The Rock Island has put into effect greatly reduced rates for homeseekers' tickets to the Southwest, on October 17; Nov. 7 and 21 ; Dec. 5 and 19 The rate apply to many points In Oklahoma. Indian Terri tory, Kansas, Arkansas, Texaa, New Mexico and Colorado. About seventy-five per cent of the one-way rate for the round trip with m minimum rate of 910. Go down Into Rock Island country and look at' the BIO CROPS ind the present opportunities for making money. Send today for descriptive booklets and full Information con cerning the locality that Interests you. r. I. RUTHERFORD. Dir. Passenger Agent, Rock Island System, Omaha. Neb.. Pleas, send me illustrated booklet about (name section) with full Information and particulars of the special rates Name ........,,.., P. O. address. BUt. , ft