Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Big Ball IiUr.stt Btill Control tkt
Trr Few Transaction Take Place
Evidence of Arraoar's Bayla
la Cora aad Price Are
Ip Oata Firmer.
OMAHA. Oct t. It.
'Wheat ruled higher and ateady, with very
light transaction". Armour seemed to be
In absolute control and bought whenever
necessary to keep price up. Very little
wai offered for safe. Local traders aay
they tee nothing bullish In the situation
ecept the Armour position. Receipts were
about as estimated. The Mien of wheat to
Oermany from Duluth surprises and elate
the bulla and tend to strengthen the mar
ket. December closed at MS4io and
May at rc.
Considerable strength waa shown In corn.
There were evidences of Armour buying,
though It was not necessary for hlra to
purchase so frequently as In the case of
wheat. December was up about He De
cember closed at 44c, old December at 4do
and May at 4314c. 1
Oata were higher In all months. There
waa a transaction In July at Sc over yes
terday. December closed at 2SV-lic. May
at &c and July at 2V,c.
Clearances were 200,000 bushels of corn and
a.OOO barrels of flour. Primary wheat re
ceipts were 1,431. WO bushels and shipments
415.0O0 bushels. aaalnHt rccelntn lujtt vesr nf
1.193,000 buHhels and shipments of 624,000
bushels. Corn receipts were fciS onn hnhi.
and shipments a26,(jo bushels, against re-,
.ao. rrnr ui i,mp uuaneis ana snip
ments of 686,uuo bushels.
Liverpool closed 4,d higher to unchanged
on wheat and Hd higher to unchanged on
Duluth worked No. 1 northern and No. 2
"""i n in rmjr yesterday. More was
so d today at an advance over yesterday's
prices, and the Duluth people say the out
look la good for still more sales. If Ger
many really slarts buying wheat. It may
mean that the RusslHn shortage Is going
to be felt. Russia's big shipments the last
rew weeks have all gone to Oermany.
Minneapolis wired; "Stocks of wheat
here Increased 726.H.O bushels for Ave days.
Duluth Is now paying more for cash wheat
than here, which will Increase their re
ceipts at the expene of this market. There
Is a good demand for cash wheat."
Export sales of 25.000,000 bushels of oata
have been made In the northwest and at
the seaboard to clear between now and Jan
ua!T t, If all this Is sent abroad It prob
ably will make the largest clearances of
any three months In recent years.
OxaaJaa Cash Bales.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1 car at 79c. 1
car at TKc, 1 car at 77Hc; No. 3 hard. 1
ear at 77c, 1 car at 76'4jc. 1 car at 76c; No.
Jhard, 1 car at 74c; No. 4 spring. 1 car at
CORN-No. S yellow. 1 car at 46c; No. 4,
1 car at ibo.
. Omaha, Cash Prices.
WHEAT-No. 1 hard, 77Ua79V: No. S
hard. 7bfiT7c ; No. 4 hnrd. 73kfiW4c: No 1
SflK: 7$-3cNo- "pr,n,r- 73OTc:
COfiN-No. 3, 4tV846Hc; No. 4, 4fii4c; No. 3
yellow, 46647o; No. S white. 47HSo.
OATS No. 3 mixed. 25326.0: No. 1
white, 2HH!H360.
RYE 3?4c
Carlot Receipts.
, Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago H4 17 271
Kansas City is a S
Minneapolis 721
Omaha 27 25 26
Duiuth ..........SH
St. Louis 87
78 67
Minneapolis Grata Market.
cember, UV; May. 841x0; No. 1 hard, 82o;
No. 1 northern, MSc; No. 2 northern, "SNc.
FLOUR First patents, S4 8o&4.90; second
patents, t4.6fl'4.70; first clears, t3.70S3 90:
second clears. t2.40tfi2.60.
MRAN-In bulk, 31160.
(Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery). The range of prices, a reported
by th Edwards-Wood Grain company.
310-111 Board of Trade building, waa:
Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yesy
Wheat ( - . f , 1 .
Dec.... SOtyfTH 0Ti ' .. 80 0
May... 84frS4H 84 83 'J 341 3
Fair ana Slightly Cooler for Next
Day or So.
OMAHA. Oct. B. 1905.
The area of low pressure, noted over
Lake Superior and the extreme upper val
leys In the last report, has continued east
ward and la moving off the extreme upper
AtlanUo coast, with warmer weather In
the, Ohio valley, lower lake region and
New England states. A decidedly higher
pressure has replaced the low over the
upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys,
causing cooler weather in the extreme
upper portions, but little or no Important
change In the central portions.
Omaha record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the correspond
ing day ot the past three years:
... , . 1. 1904. 1903. 1901
Minimum temperature.... el 46 44 ltt
Precipitation 00 T .00 .00
Normal temperature for today, 66 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation since March L
6.47 degrees.
Deficiency corresponding period in 1904,
8.24 inches.
Excess corresponding period In 1903, 3.89
I A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Quotation of the : Day' on . Varloa
NEW YORK. Oct. B.-FLOt'R-Reoelpts.
IS.&B bbls.; exports. 916 bbls.; market
dull but steady; Minnesota patents, $4 60
66.10: Minnesota bakers, 33.S0fa4.O0; winter
patents, 34.15'u4.60; winter straights, $4.0u9
4.10; winter extras. 62W3.36; winter low
grades, t2.7Sjq3.Bv. Rye flour, ateady; fair to
good. 3.136414.16; choice to fancy, 14.154) 4,
spot and to arrive. Buckwheat flour, quiet,
82.26, spot and to arrlva.
CORN MEAL Steady; fine white and yel
low $126; coarse. SI 1261.14; kiln dried.
83 06.
RYB Dull; northwestern, 72o, c. L f.,
Kew York.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 38V4C, o. 1. f..
WHEAT Receipts. 53,000 bu.: spot market
ateady; No. 3 r-d, Klc, elevator, and fo
f. o. b., afloat, No. 1 northern Duluth, 90,e.
f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba,
He f. o. b., ailoat. After a brief weakness
at the start wheat advanced moderately
on renewed bull support, large Minneapolis
flour halts, prospects for small Argentina
receipts and covering. The late market
was very steaiiy. nosing net higher.
December. HX 9-lbfd!iitio, closed at 89c; Muy.
88 13-lwoS9 B-lsc. closed at KSic.
CORN Receipts. K2.775 bu.; exports, 4!.(7S
on.; spot market mm: No. 2, 5Hc. elevator
and iSi- f. o. b.. afloat: No. 2 white and yel-
low, wc. uptions quin dui stronger on
light spot supplies snd closed ii(Vc net
higher. December closed at 62V4c; January
closed at 50c; May closed at 49c.
OAT8 Receipts. 215,i bu. ; spot market
steady; mixed oats, 2t to 33 pounds.
tic; natural white. 30 to 33 pounds, S2Vi.
Hi'tc; clipped wl lle, 36 to 40 pounds, 3L&
HAY Steady; shipping. BOfiSOc; good to
Choice. 75ti9i4c.
HOPS Finn; state, common to choice
19i. l'i.'2c: 1MH. 16t21c; olds, allo. Pa
clno coast, 1906. liSnloc; 1904. 149c; olds. 84
HIDES Firm; Galveston. 20 to 28 I ha
Joe; California. 21 to 24 lbs., tfVkc: Texas,
dry. 24 to ) lbs . 18io.
LEATHER-FIrm; acid. 24tj2Sc.
I'KOVISIONS Heef, slead ; family, 11 60
012 00; mess. tV 5"gl0 00; beef hams, $.1 OwJ
25.00, packet. 3Hi 00. Out meals
quiet: pickled bellies,; pickled
shoulders. $7.tH)ra7.6o phkled hams, 310.00
Lard, steady; continent, 37 85: South Amer
ica. 38 50; compound, 35 .'Htj& S7; wetrrn
steamed, 37 66 Pork, steady: family, 315.00''
18 t. short clear, 314-6oJ 16.60; mess, tU.OUfi
16 50.
TALLOW Firm; city, 4Vi country, 414
RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, ii
4J6c; Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Firm and unchanged; receipts,
. rkgs.
CHEKSE I'nchangad.
EOtiS Cnchanged.
POL'LTRY Alive, steady: western chick,
ens. fowls and turkeys. 13Hc. Dressed,
steady: western chickens, 11015c; fowls.
IK'; turkeys. 14418c.
Mllwaakeo Grata Market.
No 1 northern. taSiic; No. 3 northern,
81i84c: 1'ecember. MHtlMV.
RYE Higher; No. 1, -,vJtc
HA RLE Y Steady ; No. S, B4c; samples,
CORN Higher; May. 43,c.
Ualath Grata Market.
DVLITH. Oct B WH EAT To arrive.
No. I ooruljcic, slc. No. I northern. 7914c;
..-' ' : ... ' :
on track No. 1 northern, Kf, No. 2 north
ern, 7!Vc; December, c; May, 64c.
Featares of the Traalag aa Closlag
Prices em Boar ef Traae.
CH1CAOO. Oct. B. Confirmation of Ger
man tiurrhuse eif n. ha. I Tinlufh hid m
strengthening effect today on the wheat
marsei nere. At the close wneat lor le
cember dllvery was up c. Corn and oats
are up StfSc Provisions ara practically
The wheat market opened firm, December
being up Hfc'ac to tt,e at MVyMir.
From the start commlsnlon houses wera
active bidders, but offerings were rela
tively small. The principal factor in the
situation waa news from Duluth confirm
ing reported sales of wheat there for ex
port to Germany. In addition It was an
nounced that another lot had been pur
chased today for German account. The
market here waa further strengthened by
moderate demand from a leading bull.
Weather In the northwest today was ex
ceedingly favorable for the movement of
the new crop. This fact, however, was ap
parently Ignored. After touching 84c soon
after the opening December quickly ad
vanced to 84e. Small recessions occurred
at various times during the remainder of
the session, but the leading long, who was
a conspicuous buyer esrly In the day. con
tinued to glva the market support when
ever necessary to prevent any decided de
cline. The close was firm, with December
at 84fi4Hc. Clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 38.000 bushels. Primary re
ceipts were 1.431.000 bushels, compared with
1,193,004 bushels a year ago.
Sentiment in the com pit waa bullish,
notwithstanding continued clear weather
throughout the corn belt. Commission
houses were acute buyers the entire day.
Buying of May by a prominent bull was
one of the features of the trading. Felling
was mainly by a leader of the bears. Com
paratively small receipts were a bullish In
fluence. The market closed strong, with
prices at the highest point of the day. De
cember opened a shade higher at 43'v
sold up to 44c and closed at the top. Local
receipts were 167 cars, with 48 of contract
Trading In the oats pit was more active
today than for some time past. Commis
sion houses and shorts were persistent
buyers. Receipts were less than estimated
This had considerable effect. December
opened "c higher at ZTTfcc, sold up to 2814a
and closed at 286&2Rac. Local recelota
were 271 cars.
Provisions were steadv as a result nf nn
advance In the price of live hogs. At the
close January pork was off 2Hc at 31!27H.
Lard was a shade lower at 36.756.774.
iiir wem aown a snaae at ss.izh-
Estimated recelnts tnr Inmnrr.. a. - VLt.A
JlT1 corn 193 car. . 299 car's; hogs'
16,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Article. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tas y.
May '
844 f 84H84,ffH
86 8BHS
14 80
12 80
7 12
7 15
8 60
6 45
43 N,
30 Vi
29 I 30
14 80
12 36
12 36
12 27H
7 12H
12 37H
7 151
7 17
8 77
7 M
6 80
8 56
6 45
7 HJ
8 0
6 47H
7 17
6 75
8 621
8 52
6 4!
No. L fOld. INew.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Irregular; winter patents, 33.90
4.20: str-lsrhts. H 60?? 4 in- inrini notent.
33.75'4.40; straights, $3.8084.XI; bakers, i2.40
WHEAT No. i unrinr 84c: Nn 1 T?UB
84c; No. 8 red, 83H3S4.
CORN No. i. BlUi&filUe: No. 1 vellow
OATS No. 2, c: No. 3 white, 281T29c;
No. 8 white, 27iij29c.
HTE No. 2, 68c.
BARLEY Good feeding. 3336c; fair to
choice malting. 46948c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, 90c; No. 1 northwest
ern, 31.02. Prime timothy. 83.20. Clover.
contract grade, 312 76.
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl.. 314.90
14 SB. Lard, per 100 lbs., 37.17. Short ribs
sides, (loose), js &Wj 8.56. short clear sides,
(boxed), 37.87!g.00.
The following were the receipts and
shipments of flour and grain:
, - Receipts. Bhlpments.
Flour, bblg 47.500 24,400
Wheat, bu 69,000 21,100
Corn, bu 178,000 179,100
Oats, bu 198.0OV 266,000
Rye, bu 8.000
Barley, bu - 149,900 35,100
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was firm; creameries, 172oc;
dairies, lKftl9c. Eggs, steady at mark,
cases Included, 17c; firsts, 18c; prime
firsts, 2oc; extras, 22c. Cheese, steady
at llffllc
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
ceipts, 76?76c; May, TF'7g; cash. No.
2 hard. 7'o3c; No. 3 77rg?9c; No. 4. li
77c; rejected. 72t)73c; No. 2 red, 88c; No. 3,
8M1S6C. Receipts. 171 cars.
CORN September. 38S39c; May. 38i
S8c: cash, No. 2 mixed, 45c; No. 2 white,
49(o-l9c; No. 3, 49c.
OATS No. 3 white, 28i830c.
HAY Higher; choice timothy, $9.60610.00.
Choice patrle, 37.75-q 8.00.
EXK1S Higher; Missouri and Kansas
new No. 2 whitewood cases included, 16o
per dozen; case count 14c per doseiv,
cases returned c per doxen leas.
BUTTER Firm; creamery. lc; dairy,
RYE Steady. 63c.
Rerpts. Ship.
Wheat, bushels 171,000 62.000
Corn, bushels 61,000 42,000
Oats, bushels 6,000 8,000
Th rang of price paid In Kansas City
aa reported by the Edwards-Wood com
pany, 110-111 Board ot Trade building, waa:
Articles. I Open. High.) Low. Close. Tes'y
Wheat I I I
Dec.... 76 76 76 78 75
May... 77 77 T7 77 77
Dec... 8 88 W 38
May... 38 8k 38 38 38
Dec... 26 26 28 25 25
May... 26 26 26 26 36
Oct.... 14 70 14 TO 14 70
Jan.... 12 30 12 30 13 17 13 17 12 20
Oct.... 7 10 7 12 106 7 OS 7 07
Jan.... 8 76 ( 75 6,0 . 73
Oct.... 8 46 8 66 8 46 8 47 8 46
Jan.... 6 40 ( 40 6 87 ( 37 ( 37
St. Lonls tGeneral Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. S. WHEAT Higher;
No. 2 red cash, elevator, MVniCUc; track,
88HKIci December, 82c; May, 45c; No.
2 hard. 8L,l&tc.
CORN Higher; No. 3 cash, 49c; track, fjoa
S0c: December, 41fl41c; May, 414t41c.
OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 2Tc; track, 28
I52HW'- May, 29e; No. 2 white, Soc.
FI.OUR Steady; red winter patents, (4 20
4.36; extra fancy and straight,' 33.05fi4.16:
Clear. 3 Viil.l0.
SEED Steady: timothy, 32.75(g3.25.
CORNMF.AL Steady: 32.60.
BRAN Steady ; sacked east track, 64r7e.
HAY Steady; timothy, 3t.00ii 12.50; pairle,
PROVISrONS-Pork, steady: Jobbing.
815.00. Lard, ateady: prime steam, (6.90.
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts.
H 26; clear ribs, 38 32; short clears, 37.
Bacon, steady; bused extra shorts, (VS7;
clear ribs. (9.50: short clears, 39 2.
POl'LTRY Firm: chickens. 8c; springs.
11c; turkeys, 13gl&c; ducks. 10c; geese.
HI'TTER Firm; creamery, lfcg22c; dairy,
lfrn isic.
LOGS Steady at 16c, case count
RecelDts. Shinn-.ents
Flour, bbls. ll.oxo 15. 000
neat, du. i.i 64.000
Corn, bu 78.0u0 4.ni0
Oats, bu. v .....fl.m 38.000
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. 111., Oct. B.-CORN-Market
higher; No. 3 yellow, 62c; No. 3, 62c; No. 4,
Bio; no grade, 50c.
OATS-Market Arm; No. white, Hc
No. 4 white. 3kr)7u.
WHISK Y On the bails ot $130 for fin
ished goods.
Liverpool Grata Market.
steady; No. 3 red. western, winter, 6a d.
Futures. Arm; December, (aid; March, is
CORN Spot, steady) American mixed, is
M. Futures, firm: December. is9d; Janu
ary, 4s8d; March, 4s 3d.
Philadelphia Presses Market.
Steady; extra western creamery, 2,'c.
LOGS Firm; weatern fresh, 21rc at
OlkESE-DuJl; N.w Turk full Crm.
Bat for Call Loidb Betclits Higbttt Fslnt
General' Belief that Firmness la
Money Market Will Last geveral
Weeks leases Caatloa Among
NEW YORK, Oct. B The call loan rata
touched the high level ot the year at 8
per cent today and the stock market as a
wnole resumed the appearance of last week.
That Is to say trading became dull and
constrained, but the undertone held firm.
Last eek the flrmnesa of the market mas
generally attributed to tns expectation of
an early easing of money alter the re
qulrementa for the turn of the quarter and
large syndicate transactions had been met.
In today s market, however, there waa a
perceptible growth of opinion that money
rates are likely to be firmly held for some
tune to corns.
In speculative circles, where the talk of
the return of ease In money has dealt with
days heretofore, the allowance for firmness
of money was extended to weeks. In this
the speculative discussion came more Into
line with the prevalent bank opening, none
of which looas for relaxation In money
except with the passage of weeks and In
some cases bankers look for months as
the period of duration for his money rates.
In behalf ot this opinion bankers assert
tnat a firmer tone on Monday in New York
until the last quarter of the year of a per
fectly normal condition. The situation,
this year, is calculated to emphasise this
condition rather than to relieve It. Efforts
were made In speculative quarters, how
ever, to mitigate the influence of yester
day's flurry by attributing It to s-wcial
causes. The rise today to above the rate
quoted yesterday rather dissipated the
effect of this explanation. The high rate
had the effect, however, of attracting loans
from outside sources and there were large
offerings on account ot banking Institutions
at other points. These funds, however,
were drawn for the most part from de
posits In New York banks. . The effect was
the same as the process of transfer of
loans from the New York hanks to the
trust companies which has been going on
for several weeks, the new loans necessi
tating to some extent the calling of old
loans by the New York banka. Some of
the recent lenders amongst the trust com
panies were reported also to be amongst
these calling loans today.
A rise in New York exchange at Chicago
was a reflection of the attraction of the
higher money here. The decline In foreign
exchange was another result. Large ad
ditional arrivala of gold are expected in
London tomorrow and the day's decline In
sterling rates here leaves open the question
of New York's ability to secure a portion
of this. Discounts moved upward today In
London and in Paris, and the extraordinary
low proportion of the reserves reported by
the Bank of England gave occasion for
surprise that the expected advance In the
bank rate was not made. The tact that
continental exchange had continued to
move against London In spite of the week's
rise In the open market discount rates
there, adds to the puxzle of the retention
of the present rate. .The continued pres
sure for funds at Paris is believed to be
due to heavy losses Involved in the col
lapse of the sugar speculation In France.
The day's movements In the money mar
kets and In the International exchanges
of the world offered no explanation for the
reported shipment of 34,400,0110 of gold from
the Bank of France to London and tho
operation was the subject of Interested
surmise in banking circles.
The movement of private stocks under
the restraint of the money market was not
Important, but the upward tendency was
quite distinct during the latter part of
the day. The tone of the market continued
undecided up to the close, which was Irreg
ular. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par
value, 3-'.4A5,000. United States 2s coupon
advanced per cent on call.
The following were the quotations on the
New York Stock exchange:
Adams Ex f4
A mat. Copper ...
Am. Car & F
do pfd
Am. Cotton OH .
. 36.500 85 85 85
.. 2,O0 38 37 37
200 100 100 100
. 300 32 32 32
do pfd 1....
Am. Ex v.....
Am. II. & L. pfd...,. 100
Am. Ice Securities... - 300
Am. Unseed Oil....;,
do pfd " 200
Am. Locomotive ..... 3,700
do pfd 200
'3 -83
27 j. 27
64 ' 63
1131 113
Smelt, ft Refng. lso 12374
do pfd
1.000 122 122
Am. Sugar Refng...
Am. -Ton. pfd ctf....
Anaconda M. Co....
do pfd
Atlantic Coast Line.
Bait. A Ohio
do pfd
Brooklyn R. T
Canadian Pacific ...
Central of N. J
9.1O0 142 141 14'i
2.100 102 101ft 101'.',
8,400 125 123 124
10,200 89 89 80
300 104 104 104
1 tuvi (Ru. iKi7
7.900 113 1131
17.700 72
19,200 173
Ches. & Ohio
Chi. Alton
do pfd
Chi. Gt. Western ....
Chi. tt N. W
C M. St. P
Chi. Term. & T
do pfd
C. C.f C. A St. L....
Colo. Fuel A- Iron...
Colo. & Southern ....
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Consolidated Gas ...
Corn Products
do pfd
Del. A Hudson
D. , L. & W
Den. A Rio Grande..
do pfd
Distillers' Securities.
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
General Electric
Hocking Valley
Illinois Central
Inter. Paper
do pfd
Inter. Pump
do pfd
Iowa Central
do pfd
K. C. Southern
do pfd
Louis. & Nashville...
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
Met. St. Ry
Mex. Central
Minn. & St. L
M . St. P. & 8. B. M.
do pfd
Missouri Pacific
M . K. ft T
do pfd
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. pfd...
N. Y. Central
N. Y., O. ft W
Norfolk & Western..
do pfd
North American ....
Paclflo Mall
People's Gas
P.. C. C. ft St. L....
Pressed Steel Car....
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car.
do 1st pfd
do 2d Dfd
6.600 67 67
79 7R
21 21
21 215
21 S
14,200 182 180 1S1
200 181 181 181
1,500 11
BOO 22
100 28 2S
ee eee 51
1L7O0 164 153 154
700 15 165 16K
1,010 (II "4
800 tSH 88
39,800 144 143 141
800 45 45 45
-JOO 265' m" 263
30.1O0 123'.i 122 123
1.K0 93 92 ?
I.40O 9B 98 99
Republic Steel .......
do pfd
Rnck island Co
do pfd
Rubber Goods
do pfd
fit. L. ft S. F- 3d pfd
St. Louis 8. W. ......
do pfd :
Southern Pacific ...
do pfd ,
Southern Railway .
do pfd
Tenn. Coal A Iron....
Texas A Pacific
TV. St. L. ft W
do pfd
Union Pacific
do pfd
U. S. Ex
U. B. Realty
Z 24S
3u0 121 122 10
U. 8. Rubber
do pfd
U. S. fflcel
do pfd
Vs. -Carolina Chem..
do pfd
do pfd
Wella-Farao Ex
Western Union
W. ft I- E
Wis. Central
do pfd
Northern Psclffo ...
Central Leather ....
do pfd
16. 4O0
64 544
111 111
s as
104 in
109 30 30
.0 14 104. 104U
1.60 72 71 72
Total sales for the day, (6L80O shsrea.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Oet. 6 -Bank clearings for to
day were 11.527 014 15 and for the corre
sponding date last veer U.4M.C1.69.
100 99 99 99
17.600 47 45 47
3,400 29 28 W
"'SrtO "ii" ' 1
"'BOO 'l3 12 12
800 64 63 63
700 217 216 215
300 40 467 457
100 35 35 35
100 89 89 88
1.000 44 44 44
26.500 80 49 49
2.100 81 81 81
800 73 72 78
Treaaarjr ttatenteat.
WASHINGTON. Oct. B -Today's state
ment of the treasury balances ia the gen
eral fund exclusive ot tt, tl&v,0u0,uud gold
-,:-. un
reserve shows available cash balancs, I13S..
131.426; gnld coin and million, S8,047.694;
gold certificates. 14.2K.8XO. .
New York Money Market.
NEW TORK. Oct. 5 MONEY On rail:
Market strong at MJ8 per cent: closing
bid, 6 per cent, offered at 6 pr cent.
Time loans: Market strong: sixty days,
6 per cent; ninety days, B per cent; six
onths. 4 per cent.
with actual bualnex In bankers' bills st
84 8626& 4.8530 for demand snd st 34 K(t
4 ?225 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, 4 83J
4 83H and 34.86&4.g6; commercial bills,
14 81.
SILVER Bar, 61c; Mexican dollars, 47c
BONDS Government and Railroad, firm.
Closing quotations on bonds nert a fol
lows: V. 6. rf. W. reg....lnn Ju ss. 14 serin. H
So octupen lne4 4 4S. eet 9
V g. la. rf 4rt id series 1
4a eoupon IH L A N am. 4 14
V. 8. m 4s. rt lt MnhtMan e told 4.1U
se coupon ,...1X4H kexicsn Ontrmi 4.. 91
V. 8. oU 4. ne...KM4 do 1st lni 14
4r emipnn PMS Minn ft 81. L. 4.. Mv
Amr. Tod. 4. cert.. 7t M , K. A T. 4 lw
do . eort lit 1 do Indi II
At-hlaon son. 4s I"t N. It. R. of M. c. U 24
do tdj. 4 M N T. Central 9Ha in
Atlantic roan L. 4a. 1U N. J. Central (. 6a..l34H
Bl. A Ohio 4a No. Pacific 4a InR
do ISa M4a do Si T74
Central ot 0. is.. ..114 Norte' ft W. e. 4a..llS
do ltt Inc M 'or. g. I. rfrta 4a....
do td Inc It Penn. eon. !i Ins
Chea. A Ohio 44a..l0i4( Pesdtng ten 4a 1OS14
Chlcaco A A. ma... !s, St. U A I. M e. ta 11SH
C.. B A Q. nw 4a. 101 Rt. L. A I. T. fa. Uiiu,
C, R. 1. A r. 4s.. 114 St. L. ft 8. W. c 4a. HI'
do col. (a 14 Seaboard A L. 4a... kt
Ccc a !1. L . 4a M So. PaclHc 4a
Colo. Ind 6a, set A 71 ) do lat 4a. cart 17
do set B 71 SO. Rallwar ta Ill
Colo. Midland 4a 711 Texaa A facile la. .164
Colo. A 8o. 4s M'-4) tnl., St. L. A W. 4a l'4
Cabs fa. cert 106 Union PacISc 4a lfH
D A R. CI. 4a 101H do ennv. 4 1S4
Platlliera' Sec. ia. ... t4 f. S. steel Ind Sa... tauj
Erie prior llan 4a "4 Wahanh la 1184
do sn. 4a ti do 6rb. B "fit
f. W. A D. C. la . 1I3H Weatern Md. 4 M
Hock:nt Vallr 4Ha.iU iW. A Laka Rrls 4a. II ta, cert H.WIa Central 4a 164,
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON, Oct. 5 Call loans, 45 per
cent; t'me loans, 45 per cent. Official
? notations on stocks ana bonus were as
Atchlaoa adj. 4a.... Advantura
do 4a IMS Atlouea 40H
Meilcan Central 4a.. mi Amalsamated 6
Atchlaon MH Amar. Zinc I
do pfd.... 1044 Atlantic 4
Bnelna A Albany tot .bliisham I1U
Beaton Elevated IKS
Calumet A Hecla...70
Fltchburs pfd 141
.. MH
.. ll
.. 14H
.. 1H
.. l
.. 1014
.. US
.. lH
.. s
.. Ms
.. 26
.. 14
.. 7
.. 10
.. 47
.. 444
.. VIS
Meilcan Central U
Copper Rang ,
I (air Waat ,
Dominion Coal
N. I., N. H. a H ill
Per Marquetto 101
fnlon Pacific 131
Amar. Arse. Cham... 21
do pM
Amor. Pna. Tubs...
Ann. Sugar 141 14
do pfd 140
Isle Royftle
Maaa. Mining ,
Mlchlsan ,..
Montana C. A C.
old Itomlnlon......
t'nlted Copper ,
J. I. Mining
I'. 8. Oil
Amur. Tel. Tel... 130
Amar. Woolen...
dd pia
Dominion I. A 8
Bdlenn Elec. III.:
General Electric 1I04
Maaa. Rlaotrlc U
ao pis
Maaa. Oaa ,
t'nltad Prult
United Shoe Mach
do pfd
I'. 8. Htael
do pfd
.. US!,.
.. II
.. I8H
. .H6
weatlnsh. commos.. U,
Wolverine ,
Bid. "Asked.
London Closing Storks.
LONDON, Oct. 6. Closing quotations on
the btoca exenange were as follows:
Consols, money. ..M 11-14; N. w. Central 155
do account M 16-14 Norfolk A W T,
Anaconda 4141 do pfd 16
Atchlaon M Ontarlo A W 41
do pfd 10i4 Pennaylranla 73'4
B- A 0 1174, Rand Mln.a.. I
Can. Paolflc f!H Reading 1314
Caae. A Ohio Kt do lat pfd 41
Chicago Ot. Waatarn. ! do 2d pfd II
C, M. A St. P IMS go. Railway S7i
t Baara 171 do pfd 101
! A R. O M Bo. Pacific 71,
o pfd It t'nlon Pacific... 13v
Brla II do pfd
do lat pfd H W. 8. Steel nu
io 24 pM 7wl do pfd 104
111. Central IMS Wabaah 14
A 14 im do pfd 44
. a. A T U Spanlah 4a uvi
SILVER Bar. steady. 2Sd per ounce.
MONEY 2ig8 per Cent.
'me late w uisiount in the open market
for short bills Is 3ft.3 per cent; for three
months' bills, . 3&3 per cent.
New York Mining; Stoeka.
NEW' TORK. Oct.' 4,-Closlng quotations
on mining siocks .were as follows;
Adama Con "ts
Uttla Chief t
Otitarto 40
Ophlr eoo
Phoenix I
Potoal n
Savage 60
sierra Nevada t
Small Hopaa k
Standard 17&
AAlica 54
Breece 4s
Brunawlok Con 17
Cematock Tunnel.... ltt
Coo. Cal. A V m
Horn SIItot 17a
Iron 81lTar 400
LaadTllla Cos
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. Oct. 6. Rates for money were
firmer In the market today despite the ease
of government dividends. Discounts hard
ened with averse foreign exchanges and
dearer money In New York. Trading on
the Stock exchange was generally dull
owing to the prospect of dearer money
hi the future. The talk of the Bank or
England raising Its discount rate today to
w , . ,,t ao uV luuiuea, inougn It IS
feared the rate will be raised soon. Con
sols weakened and home rails did not ben-
.11. iiiairoauv irom excellent iramo re
nrns iniArlcfln. i. r.. c .1 n . . .. 1 . 1
.... ... , , 1 1 l uiiuer ine
influence of the general disposition, and
selling from New York declined moat to
below narirv r.invArl 1 i . 1 .. tn. . ,
closed steady. Foreigners were dull. Jap-
" 1 ' iiuo mnter. rvamr were
lower. j.nneee imperial 08 of ltHJB were
quoted at 102 ex dividend.
Vi tr R T ivT ri... a 1 .... 1
- - -1 m. . lunniR vii too xjourse
opened ouiet and later prices rmd a tend
ency to be weak.
PARIS. Oct. 6. Stocks on the Bourse to
day were hnavv hut ml V. - 1
were steady. RusBlan Imperial 4s .were
M. vi, , . u" ""u "ussian Donas or 104
at 630.00. The private rale of discount was
quoted at 2.
Wool Market.
ROSTOV rv-t a U'HAt . i.i l ...
tone nf the mevlr I -. - wT.,
has fullen off noticeably. The sales have
- oin iiolii li i n-B, runging Irom yi,-
000 to BO.OOO-pound lots and have occasion
ally reached 100.000 pounds. Territory wool
continues to attract general Interest and
Is in good demand. The grades on call
!" I""" blood and three-elgbths
. " wiioiiia anu nan oiooa combing. In
wu.s .ii ueiiiHuq nas oeen ror nne
, - - j ' ' rs .-. f VIC1KH WOOIS
are active. Quotations: Kentucky. In-three-eighths
and quarter
blood. 8g87c. Idaho fine, 22H4o; heavy
y-i.4i'aT-'c; nn." '"ediuiii, J3ii4c; medium,
fiS0: 'v?w mel,um. 2'8o. Wyoming fine.
I",.. "1 "v "Boc; nne medium. L'3
fee; medium, 27Sc; low medium. 28ig29c.
"evaoa nne, a-giAc; heavy fine.
1 8 70c ; fine medium. 23U4c; medium 2;'J
fii-4 lfw l.. ; on. n i . ' Y
23o; fine medium, 2ita Sic; medium. rfiSfeu:
!SmedJum' itntana fine, etioice.
i V: g a , IIIIC lllrJIJIlllTl.
choice. VoPc; average, 2726c; staple, si
di ujiia, uct. 5. WOOL Steady
medlUm VraHee cnmhln. 1. v. i n.SiT..
u"hth SV'?2""1 heavy flne "c; tub
Metal Market.
Txtndon tin .. o - - i j
spot which closed at 148 6s while futures
were unchanged at 147 10s. Locally there
5ai!1,fe wlth the mr" QUlet at
"itci w uncnanged to
about 2a to higher In London, the gain be-
...o -k" i hi aviifsbd with
futures .ciuoted at 71. Locally the market
nV Rsl flllll Kilt flap m In Iaha ..leL. I . .
at-misB " ;,ec7;oly7,clna?"V..K3
IH tV'L. anrl .ngtrlnsr a. t- Hi! Mi,
.... e . . i
, , uin..iTO an it.iwai.w in the
local market, the luHide price being for
flf I V fain Inta nk I r..,.1 .a. , .
ri - i wunm iniTlV Oavi.
: ' . ' n.i"gt.i. iron was
. . - . - a i aa tor stan
dard foundry and BJslOHd for Cleveland.
I trtl II v thtt rnarltat nam A .a .
w , " - - - in iii i wit reoeni
t?Vfi'0-?:2; 1 fo1und7 northern Is quoted
iTi,7ftfn40Ui.r No,- foundry northern.
K?77; vKoi.' foundry southern
vt'k ' 1 oundry outhem. Bit
h sher at X4ft2U4aK fli... .
Ij-g-- ' , .l Ull U4
Cattaa Market.
closed ouiet; middling uplands. 10.40c; mid
dling gulf. 10 65c; sales. t.5tj bales
steady; sales, B.100 bales; ordinary 7-Hk-good
ordinary. 6c; low middling. c;
? fiddling. Kic; good middling, loc; middling
TTBhales"15' rec't"' blr,i -lock. 91."
'SZii. UI8' 5 COTTON-Oulet;
middling. 10c; receipts, 46 baled; ship
ments. 45 bales; stock. 4.21 bales
fair demand; prices I points higher: Amer
ican middling fair. 6-tud; good middling.
B66d; middling, B.4M) low middling, 6SM;
g'od ordinary. B.15d; ordinary, 4. nod. The
sales of the Cay were lo.fajo bales, of which
Em) were for specula! lv account and In
rludea B flno bales American; recernta t7.oo0
bait. Including 24,4) Auericao.
Betf Ctttl Etrocg, Other Kindt Jui
Aboil Stead;,
Sbeea ana Lambs Arrive Very I.ate,
bat Market ia strong and Aellve
and for the Week a Big
Tea tents Higher,
SOVTH OMAHA, Oct. 6, 106,
Receipts wore: l-attln Mnn. Sheen.
Offlcisl Monday 8 413 1,718 27,N
Official Tuesday 10.0o 4 sxw So,lo7
Official Wcdnvsday 10,(Mi .4.U o.31
Otticlal Thursday 6,uuu b.buii ln.auO
Pour days this week..S4.4t 1S.1M 75.018
Four days last week. ...2 A l,4oJ 73,i
Same week before 2.',43f ls.ou4
Same three weeks ago.. ..& 61,091
fame four weeks nso.....4"4 2o.!".l 44..J
Same dsye Isst yesr 2.1, 4il ' 1:4.066 W,6.H
The lollowlng table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, comparing with last year:
lojka Inn
'"e 7S1.H69 672.6H3 5.2n
HRS l.xaj.MB 1.78M,!1 34.6.4
bh"P 1.360.5M l.nao.060 lll,4r8
ine foilowlnr table snows tn average
Price or hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
I 106. 11904. 19OI.l02.lOl.tlO0.lWt.
8Pt. 16.
Sept. 1..
gept. 17.,
beot. is. ,
Sept. 1.
Sept. 10.
Sept 21.,
Sept. 22..
Sept. JS.
Bept. 24.
Sept. 25.
Sept, 26.
Sept. 27.,
Sept, -a.
Sept. 29.,
Sept. 80.,
Oct, 1...,
Oct. 2...
B 65 B 63J
1 7
I 11
B 13
i 19
4 M
4 84
4 31
4 kl
4 31
4 81
4 36
4 41
B 71
4 HQ
4 44
4 37
4 r. )
4 29
B 66
B 63:
T e
7 i
1 u
t 2
6 lo
B 76
B 86
B 0
B (4
B t3
fi 73
B 81
B 75
6 73
B 76
6 S7
s y
6 SO
6 23
E 81
7 3s
7 49
B 22
B 23
B 21
& so
6 77
5 74
T 61
7 07
6 14
5 7li
6 67
6 16
4 41
B It
5 23
B 68
7 ii
; issi
6 i,
6 74
6 64!
6 ,
5 7l
e 741
6 761
6 79
6 81
B 15
6 IS
6 13
6 78
6 69
6 16
B 17
6 13
B 71
5 ;i
e i;.
6 61
6 651
7 31
; ii
i E.
7 20
6 D9!
7 S2I
6 68j
5 19!
6 D7!
B 62
B 18
Oct. S....
Oct. 4....
B 09
4 421 4 36
B 20 4 37
6 lb 4 31
Oct. 6...,
6 66
Indicates Sunday.
The nuinher rt t r rm rt tmV Kpmicrtif ltt
today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs.Bh'p.H'sea.
t ., ki. s DC. t. ny s
10 26
2 15 ..
23 .. 1
1 .. 1
3 ..
71 49 "5
Missouri Pacific Ry 7
L'nlon t'acltic svarem . .It
C. N. W. Ry 1
K. M. v. R. R 65
,i a . it a . . . A
v ., n l. r.f ni. oz KJ. ny... 4
B. A M. Ry 79
C, B. 6V g. Ry 1
C.. R. I. &. P. Ry., east.. ..
C, R. 1. & p. Ry., west. 1
Illinois central
Chi. Ot. Western
Total receipts
irr umiiOBiiion oi me uay s receipis was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Ruvarl f-u 1 1 In tlnn Rhun
Omaha Packinsr Co Sod MS . ...
Swltt and Company 1,764 " 1.32 851
Cudahy Packing Co 1,3,9 1,753 611
Armour & Co 1,619 1,60$ 60
Vansunt aV Co 32$
Carey & Benton -68
LODman & Lo 202
Mc-Creary Sl Carey 210
W. X. Stephen 81
Hill & Huntzinger 154
Huston & Co 64
Hamilton & Rothschild... 77
L F. Husz 17o
Wolf & Murnan 267
Mike liuggerty 61
Sol Degun 78
Lelirhton A Co 121
J. B. Root & Co 118
Bulla & Kline 142
Clark 20
Other buyers 820 .... 6.166
Totals 8,344 6.416 8,311
CATTLE Receipts looked small this
morning in comparison to the large runs of
the last three days. All told there were
about. 164 fresh cars on sale this morning,
making the total receipts for the week to
date over 1,200 cara. The receipts this
morning consisted very largely of trash.
cows, heifers, odda and ends of everything.
uooa came ot an Kinds were far irom
The supply of beef steers of good qual
ity has been rather small all the week, In
spite of the fact that receipts of other
kinds of cattle have been large. This
morning the supply was especially small
and there were not enough of either corn
feds or rangers to make a real test or the
market. There seemed to be some Inquiry
for good kinds and In some cases sellers
thought they were able to do a little better
than yesterday, but on the other hand
cattle that did not Just happen to strike a
buyer's fancy were no more than steady
at the best.
Cows and heifers, as noted yesterday,
have been coming in very freely and they
sold off yesterday. This morning buyers
were all pretty well loaded up with stuff,
so that although the receipts were lighter
the market did not show any Improvement.
At the same time good stock was Just
about steady at yesterday's decline. Com
mon kinds were extremely hard to move,
It being with them not so much a matter of
price as finding a buyer for them.
Good kinds of stockers and feeders were
In very fair request at steady prices. Me
dium and common kinds were a little slow
to move, but the market upon the whole
was In very fair condition considering the
large receipts this week.
Representative sales:
Av. Pr. No. Av.
6 60
4 60
... 830
S 00 41 1398
4 80 11 1059
B 40
9 feeders.. 720 2 90 30 leedcrs. .10R9
S 20
2 85
2 So
1 86
2 60
2 40
2 50
2 46
2 60
2 00
1 10
2 26
2 35
2 40
1 75
2 26
2 CO '
2 60
2 00 .
1 20
B 60
3 00
! "5
2 95
2 15
1 90
1 80
19 heifers... 558 2 30 1 bull 1300
24 cs & hfs. 892 2 60 20 cows 963
1 feeder... 860 BOO 14 cows 919
B cows 1100 2 00 18 cows 894
14 cows 927 2 35 18 cows 883
2 cows 90S 1 80 2 cows 966
t cows 1045 2 60 4 cows 1087
1 cow 60 2 20 1 cow 1110
10 cows l.8 2 40 1 cow 830
(3 steers.... 996 2 66 24 feeders.. 988
12 cows 1016 2 65 3 cows 1073
1 heifer.. ..KM) 2 60 t cowg 866
22 cows 872 2 40 1 cow J000
21 cows 981 2 40 2 cows 920
1 calf 2o0 2 25 1 bull 13oo
2 bulls 960 2 60 1 bull 1300
1 bull 1190 1 86 1 calf 280
7 heifers... 601 2 IB 1 bull 13O0
6 feeders.. M 3 26 1 feeder... 1100
6 heifers... 656 2 10 1 calf..!.... 280
17 feeders. .123H 3 65 3 feeders. .1238
13 feeders.. 1065 2 ti6 58 cows.. ... 901
10 feeders.. 710 2 90 42 feeders.. 844
14 heifers.. 601 2 10 10 cows 954
6 cows 73 2 50 6 cows 910
19 feeders.. 645 2 50
6 heifers.. 656 2 10
17 feeders . 1119 8 30
10 steers.. ..1060
14 cows 1071
2 60
MIHdale Cattle
96 cows 933 2 55
Elkhorn Cattle Co.-Neb.
41 cows.... 980 2 76 Scows 1024 2 25
HOGS The hog trade Is In a decidedly
unsatisfactory condition at all points. It Is
generally understood that hogs are selling
too high as compared to the market on the
product. This means that packers are
bound to put forth every effort to get the
market down. At the same time the re
ceipts are not very heavy, so that It Is a
difficult matter to get the market down to
the point where they want It. This being
the caae, the trade is dull and weak every
day, with packers acting on the bear aide
all the time. Every day la about like every
other day. but gradually prices are Im-Iub;
forced downward and from present Indica
tions It Is only a matter of a little time
when everything will be selling under the
S3 mark.
This morning, owing to an extremely
light run at all points, there was a slight
reaction on light weights of good quality,
which brought steady to a little stronger
prices. The moH of these hogs, together
with the medium weights, sold In good sea
son In the morning, with tops touching
15.32. Heavy and mixed loads, on the con
trary, did not show any Improvement and
were uneven sellers and dull. No two
salesmen appearsa 10 nave me same ex
perience and hence no two could agree aa
to Just what the market really waa. To
call It slow, with tha general tendency of
values lower, would come about as near
the truth aa possmie.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Sh. Pt. No. at. Sh. Pr.
48 320 ... 4 85 43 249 ... B 06
60 341 80 4 H6 68 2(6 80 6 07
61 2! ... 4 90 7? i40 fal 07U
66 V. 90 4 90 70 23 40 t 07'.
20 247 ... 4 90 4 b 40 HO
67 i"S 40 4 90 67 217 80 6 W
60 3M . 40 4 90 1 2.5 80 B 10
47 2w) 1!0 4 5 70 tJ 40 6 10
66 2-3 240 4 95 67. 25 140 B 10
70 272 ... 4 W M 24 iiO B 1JU
53 Wl ... 4 96 B1 1441 130 B 12
778 60 6 00 74. ......233 W 6 15
6S 243 2 B 00 64 2T7 120 6 15
70...... 21 SO BOO 74 240 120 BIS
63 2M 40 6 lo 67 270 . . 6 16
33 176 ... BO 71 Ztt BIB
60 2 40 B 00 6 2.J 40 I IS
M 2w ZM I 00 BS 235 ... I It
! 2"8 1J0 B 00 M M 4" B 20
47 248 120 B 00 2o IM 40 B 20
243 ... B 00 6 r.1 ... t 20
44 in iw I 20
93 2' SO ( 25
tf 24fi 1M m
7o 2.14 120 6 0
6 251 W) 6 ! 81 2.H 1 B 25
60 22 mi B tr.'H 94 "t 12 2&
4; iw e ' i" iri 4" o j
To .239 ... B 06 84 1M ISO 6 Do
76 .264 2HO B 06 64 40 B So
to ft) ... BOB 69 316 ... B JI
61 2U W I Hi "
S H K E I There were forty-nine csrs re
ported lor today and they were due st the
yards at o'clock this morning Most of
them were Irtaded last night at nesrhy feed
lots, thst is, not over fortv miles from
Omaha, bat the rallrimds did not deliver
them at the yards until about l' o'clock.
In other words. It takes the railroads ail
night and hall the day to haul a few
sheep forty miles.
The big bsrn was full of buyers and sell
ers, who had to put In the morning waiting
for the sheep to arrive. When finally they
put In an appearance everyone tok hold
with a will and the supply was soon ex
hsusted. Both fat sheep and lambs, as
well aa feeders, continue In active demand,
and everything today brought strong price
It was the kind of a market that sellers
The market all this week has been in
very attlefactory condition. During the
first three dsvs the receipts amounted lo
63.618 head, which was a large run. but not
large enough to supply the requirements of
the trade, as proven by the fact that the
market strengthened up In the fsce of the
big receipts. For the flret half of the week
It Is safe to quote the market aa a big 10c
higher than It was at the close of la.t
week. In addition to being higher, the
trade has been active everv day. snd each
day s arrivals have met with ready sale fat
current prices.
Quotations on fst sheep and Ismbs: Good
to choice lambs, B6.B0trH.75; good to choice
yearling wethers. 34. 9.5.76: good to choice
old wethers, t4.40ff4.70: good to choice ewes,
34 15.4.40.
Quotations on feedr sheen and lambs:
Good fedlng lambs. 35.80$.3f); good feed-
ins; yesrnngs, 4.wgri. it; gooa leeaing wcin
ers, 34.26&4.40: feeder ewes, S3.403.i5;
breeding ewes, B4.26.4.60.
Cattle Raster Hons Active and
Higher Sheep Steady.
CHICAno. net K r- a txi .rn.r-inti
10,000 head; market lower; steers. S3.4iV(i6.95;
stockers and feeders. 32.254.00; cows and
canners 11.60H 4 00: bulla 1" 1ftr4 Oil' heifers
t2.t4ti4.50; calves. 32.5t"tIon.
HOGS Receipts, lo.oOo head; market
active, 5inoc higher; shipping and selected.
S 6f'86.77; mixed and heavy packing,
34.85n6.5:i- light, to.15.5.60; pigs and
rough. 31. 0036. 35.
Brits UP AMD LAMBS Receipts. 26.000
head: mnrlret! shewn i- StuiiU ?&
lambs, t4.6Otir7.40.
Kansas City Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, 9.000 head, Including 800 southerns;
market steady to strong. Choice export
and dressed leef steers, t6.flOM6.90: fair to
good. X4.O04i6.OO: western steers. I2.26W3.75:
southern cows, tl.752.66; native cows,
ei.itxrj'3.2&; native neirers, z.iooo.a; Dulls,
S2.0iKm2.76; calves, USUI'S. 26.
nutjt Keceipts 7.500 head: market
opened 6c higher. Top, J6.30; bulk of sales,
o.iiwi2t.a: heavy, packers. fc.l&SJi
6.26; pigs and lights ti.WVii6.26.
BHfciKP Art D LAMBS Receipts 6.000
head: market strnna: native lambs. S5.5tVif
7.00; western lambs, t6.60t38.00; sheep and
yearungs.; western cnppea yearl
ings, t4.60; western clipped sheep, tt.OOfu)
4.75; stockers and feeders, t3 7634.60.
St. Louis Live Stork Market.
ST. LOCIS. Mo.. Oct. 6. CATTLE fte-
celpts, 3,500 head. Including 1,700 Texan;
market higher: native snlpn na and export
steers, 34. 266.80; dressed beef and butcher
steers, 13.254.60; steers under 1,000 pounds,
33.25frt.10; stockers and feeders, 32.00. 4 00;
cows and heifers, S2.00ig6 0o; canners, $1.50
$1.90; bulls, $2,1042.76; calves, $3.25.0O;
Texas and Indian steers. $2.ooii50: cows
and heifers, 32.2533.00.
MOUS Receipts. 6.000 hesd: msrket fxfflOn
higher; pigs and lights, t5.0O4t6.40; packers,
35.ooiu6.50: butcher and best heavv. 35.40
C 60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS RecelDts. 600 head:
market strong; natl-e mutton, t2 606.00;
lambs, t4.75'a,7.35: culls and bucks. 32.004i3.75:
Stockers, t3.oo4j4.26; Texans, t3.004.25.
Kew York Lira Stoek Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. S. BEEVES Reeelnts.
403 head; nothing doing; nominally steady;
Biuuiijeinw, tov came.
CALVES Receipts, 88 head; veals, lower;
grasaers and westerns, nominally lower;
veals, t4.0Oa.50: fed calves. $3.00: Indiana
calves. 36 06: yearlings, 32.37H. Dressed
calves, weak; city dressed veiils, 8120
er pouna; jew extra, lao; country dressed,
Ing steady; no sales reported.
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 4,452
head; good sheen, steady; others nthnr
dull; lambs, steady; slow for medium and
common; sheep, 33 JrVfr5.25; Iambs, t6.25tlr7.6o;
one car choice. $7.80; Canada lambs, ti.CWt
i.wv, i.uiia,
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
- - - -J - i ww., v . . w. 1 i t , . j y 1 -
..Int. 0 9 Fj hAa.4- l. . . - .. I . . .
...w , niai m-L eienuy, naiives,
t3.60t5.OO; cows and heifers, $1.5Va'4.65; bulls
and stags, $20047 4.50; stockers and feeders,
j-iuus rtecerpts, 4.S96 head. Market
steady; light. t6.204i6.32H; medium and
heavy. $5.15if6.25; pigs, $3.5n4i4.50.
Dnnur Anu l.AM n Receipts, 8,020
head. Active- mtlvA Inmht t?oc- ,1 1
B6:ox 7
loux City Live Stock Market.
SIOITX CITY, Ia., Oct. B.-(8peclal Tele
ram.) CATTLE Receipts. 500 head: mar
et steady; beeves. $3.d'&5.70: cows mil
heifers. $2 25ir,3.40: stockers and feeHer.
$3,004(4.00; calves and yearlings, $2.Sl.Kfi3 40.
. HOGS Receipts, 1,8C0 head; market Bo
higher, selling at 34.904,6.15; bulk of sales.
14.95. 6.06.
Stock la Sight
n.M.lnta f.f ii... i. . i i . . .
....-v.c.pi. me ei principal
western market yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha B.OuO 6.600 12 600
Sioux City 600 1,800
Kansas City 9.000 7,600 6.000
St. Joseph 2.350 4,895 3,020
St. Louis 3,6o0 5.000 500
Chicago 10,000 16,000 26,000
Total 30.360 89.693 47,020
Evaporated Apples ana Dried Frnlts.
APPLES Market shows no Important
change as to futures or spot supplies.
Offerings are light and prices firmly held
with common to good quoted at bta and
prime 1 at 7c. the higher grades being
practically out of the market.
are said to be somewhat irregular on tha
eoasi, out mis appears due to scarcity or
tome sixes and the liberal supplies of
others. Locally the market Is unchanged
with quotations ranging from 4Wc to 7ie.
according to grade. Apricots show no
fresh feature. Choice are quoted at SWtt
9c; extra choice, 'ftrf.'ic and fancy at
n'lruc. reacnes are quoted nominal.
Raisins continue quiet but firm with loosa
muscatel quoted at 6V4"i7Ac: seeded raisins
at 6VUH7C and London layers ' at tl-154Jl
Oils and Koala.
NEW YORK. Oct. 8. OILS-Cottonseed.
barely ateady; prime yellow, 24625'4e.
Petroleum, steady 'refined New York, B7.Ho;
Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.66: In bulk.
$1 So. Turpentine, quiet, 694,i70c.
ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good,
SAVANNAH. Oct. B.-OIL TurDentlne.
Arm. 67'o:
urkflTHJ aeirftt- A n rt rt v ai an. v
94 66; G, $4.66; Ii' $4.70; K, $4.76;' M, $4.85; WO!
$6.40; WW. 96.65.
OIL CITY. Oct. 6. OJL Credit balances.
tl.56; certificates, no bid; shipments, W &o
bbls.; average. t4.394 bbls.; runs, 87.1S8 bbls ;
average, 65,978 bbls. Shipments Lima, 62.T71; average. 67.63 iMT: run Lima. 56.-
B78 bbls.; average, B7.6C2 bbls.
Sugar aad Molasses.
NEW YORK. Oct. B.-Sl'GAR-Raw.
nominal; fair refining. Be; centrifugal, 91
test, 3c; molasses sugar, 2c; refined un
settled; No. 6. 4 20e; No. 7, 4 15c; No. 8.
4 (6c; No. 9, 4c: No 10. 3 95c; No. 11, 3 65c;
No. It 3b0c: No 13. S7oc; No. 14 , 3 65c; con
fectioners' A. 466c: mould A. 615c: cut loaf.
6 Sue; crushed, 6 60c; powdered, 4.90c; gran-
uiatea. 4 soc: cuoes, 6 00c.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. t.-Bl.'OAR-Qulet :
open kettle centrifugal nominal; centrifugal
whites, 4V4Vc; ytlluw. S'v'u4 1-ltk-; sec
onds, 2!ic.
MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 12
27c; centrifugal. 6til4c.
SYRUP Nominal; 25w9oc.
rofle Ifttrket.
for futures opened steady at unchanged
prices to a decline of five point under
scattered liquidation, but quickly rallied
on steady European cables, talk of lighter
reoelpta ami moderate bull support. There
was some switching from December to
later months, but without influence on the
tone of the market, which closed steady',
net unrhsnged to B points higher. Sale
wsre rejorted - of .( bags, Including
October at f7 : November at f7.06W7 10;
Iecember at $7 10ra7.20; March at t7.3
7.40; May at $7 60. and September at t7,70
t7 76. Spot, steady; N. I Rio. 1 11-ltc.
Toledo Bred Market.'
TOLEDO. O., Oct. S -SEED Clover .-cash.
$8.00, October, Bj.05, Leiaiuoer, $7 0, Jrj-
uarv, $7 tt4,; prime alsike, t7 SO; prime tim
othy. tl.So. j '
StaHe and faarr Pt4a.''
FHrGS ('andled stock. KVic.
LIVE rt'l I.TRV-Hens, c; roosters,' Be;
turkeys. IStjlBc; ducks, ttjvc; Spring chick
ens, yc
bl'TTER Packing tock, 16c; choice ta
fancy dairy, 18.1
creamery, jltfxlHc;
prints. 2IVc.
annan.-Htandard ernnulaled. In bbls..
35 5 per ts l.; cubes. K 40 per cw.! cut lost,
$6 8S per 11.: No. antra C. K 40 per cwl.;
No 10 extr C, $5 X )er ewt ( ro. yellow,
$5.20 per cwt.; XXXX powdered. t6.J0 per
KRESH FISH Trout. lOIMIc; halibut, lie;
buffalo (dressedt. c; plohei-al (dreweedt,
white bass (dressed). Kc; sunflt'h. 6c; pefen
(scaled and dressed). Be; ruk. lie: catfish.
Ii.c; red snapper, 10c; alrrn, Uc; croppies,
12c; eels, l!c; V.ullheals, lie; black bass, 2c;
whltefish, loiullc; frog legs, per do., Sftc;
lobsters, green. 27c; boiled iobstem, ..;
hnd roe, 46c; hlueflsh, tc.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whnleesle
Hsv Dealers' aaaocl.nion: No. I uplaDd. medium, tB pvf.: coarsa, ft.
BRAN Per ton. rt.
ORANGE Valencua. all sue. 13 004J6 Bfi
LEMONS Lemonera, extea tansf Sal
Ise, to 00; 300 and S60 sixes, f6 504jt7.00. .
l'ATES Per box of SO 1-lb. pkga., tt:
Hallowe'en, In 70-n. boxes, per n Bo.
FIGS t'sllfornla, per ltv-lb. carton, 7B3
16c; Imported Smyrna, t-crown, Uo; B
crown, lie. '
RAN A NAS Per medlum-led
Ct t6: Jumbo. tJ.50SS.00
PEARS L tali, Kielei and Vicar. 32.00;
Ie Ango, $2 60.
PLCMS Uian and Colorado, per -baakt
crate, fl.on; Italian prunes, fl.00.
PEACHES California rre-stones, per bog,
90c; Klbertns, 11.00.
CAN i AlAJLiPS-pe crat. $2.00;
Texas. Rocky Fora need, t-U .
APPLKS Ben Ivavls and Wlnesap. In
t-bu, bbls., 2.7tfi3to; In bu. baskets, tl-00;
California Bellertowers, 11 5C.
BLl'EKKHn I KS Slxream ata., tilt,
HUCKLKUERRlEtj Sixteen 11., 31-600
tl RATES Home-grown Michigan and
Ohio Concords, per 8-Ib. TiasKet, 180; Mala
gas and Muscats, per 4-basket crat, fl.tiu;
Tokay, per 4-basket crate, $1.60.
QUINCES California, per box, $1.71
WAX BEANS Per h-du. oasket, Sff0t
ttiin. beans, per "rs-DU. box, swbSsO.
POTATOES New. per bu.. 6uo.
KKANS Navy, per bu., t2 W.
Cl'CL M BERft Per do., 26o-
TOMATOES Home grown, -bit. baskets,
CABBAGE Homo-grown, ia eraiea, per
lb., lac.
ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and
white, per bu., 60c; Spanish, per crate, $1.25.
BEETS Ne, per bu., iii
CELERY Kalamasoo, per do., 25o.
SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per t-bu.
bbl., f2.25.
TOMATOES Per basket. tOffBOc
Wholesale prloe of beef curs: No. 1 ribs,
llc; No. 2 ribs, 8Hc; No. I ribs, sc; No. I
loins, 14ic; No. I loins, 10c; No. 1 loins. 7c;
No. 1 chucks. 4o: No. 2 chucks,- 4c; No. I
chucks, 3c; No. 1 rounds, 7c; No. 2 founds,
6c; No. t round, BHo; No. 1 plat, 4o; No.
2 plates, 3c; No. 3 plates, 24jC
HONEY New, per 24 lo., $3.00.
CHEESE Swiss, nw, lBc; Wisconsin
brick, 13c; Wisconsin limberger, ltlc; twins,
12Hc; young Americas, 13140.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, new
crop, per lb., 15c; hard sheila, per lb., Itv;
No. 2 soft shells, per lb., llo: No. t hard
shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans large, per lb.,
12c; small, per lb., 10c. l.anuts, per lb., 7c;
rossted, per lb.. 8c. Chili wslnuts, per lb.
12lSHc. Almonds, soft shell, per lb, 17c;
hard shells, per lb., ISo. Bhrllbark hickory
nut, per bu., fl.iB; large hickory puts, itir
bu., fl.50.
HIDES No. 1 green, to; No 1 green, Be;
No. 1 salted, 10c: No. 2 salted. 9Hc; No. 1
veal calf. Ik; No. 1 veal calf. c; dry salted,
1614c; sheep pe.ts. 26c6ll 00: horse hwtea,
L'nlon Men la Job Offices . Expect
Partial Walk Ont When
Contract Expire.
Both ldes In the Job printer controversy
were reticent Thursday. They admitted
that, more , or leas of a strike will take
'place Friday morning, but declined to ssy
that the strike would In vol v all the union
Job printers of the city, '
"We do not expect the men tn all tha
big shops to go out Friday morning," said
Secretary V. B. Kinney of the union. ''It
Is believed some of the employer will sign
up agreements today. We may have a
statement to give out today or tomorrow.
Otherwise we have nothing to say."
"Can't soy a thing new on the situation."
said A. T. Klopp, official spokesman for
the Typothetae. "We ara printing and
expert to continue right along. Friday
morning will show how both Bide stand.
Then everyone will know how much of
the talk has been bluff and how much pure
The Interview that officer' of the Print
er' union had with the management of the
Western Newspaper L'nlon yeaterday after
noon did not produce definite result. In
response to a request for, its (attllude the
management told the committee that It
proposed to stand with the, other employ
ing printer and run an open-shop with an
eight-hour day. - After some discussion th
committee ' left with the Understanding
that the printer at this plant . would not
be called out until after the close of the
present week. ' According to the plan of
yesterday all union printer will go to
work In the shops where open shop card
have been posted this piornlng. Th com
mittee will try to make th term It de
sire with employers and falling will call
strike In the respective office. .'
World-Herald Protege Na Loager
Turnkey fader Power at
Coantjr Jail.
W. C. Eaton, until 4 day or twd ago the
turnkey at the county Jail, has shaken off
his official robes, turned In Ills appoint
ment papers and Is no longer connected
with the county ' bastlle. And thereby
hangs a tale, which cannot be aired until
Sheriff Power return from Lincoln, where
he went Thursday morning with a couple
of patients for the Insane hospital.
Whether Eaton resigned by request or
not the attache of the office will not a.v,
though they do say that Eaton worked
against Sheriff Power for his nomination
and that this should subject him to dis
missal. Eaton was turnkey at th Jail
when five prisoner reoently made their
escape, and this has been; under sever In
vestigation by tha sheriff, but whether thl
had anything to do with him quitting can
not be ascertained tor ur Vntnil the Uaa-1
reaches the city. ..
Eaton was appointed at the Instance of
the World-Herald, he being that' paper
shar of the patronage of th sheriff a
office. Inasmuch as that paper also helped
In the defeat of Sheriff Power for renom
nation, Eaton probably was slated to get
out, whether the Jail delivery had any.
thing to do with It ot not.
Vellovr Fria Panama.
WASHINOTON. Oct. B.-A summary of
the yellow fever situation on the Isthmus
of Panama shows In the last two waeka,
or since September 16, there have been but
two cases reported-on an Italian, not
employed at Panama and the other an
American employe. In whose caae the dis
ease was fatal. No case of fsver has been
reported since September 20. During' the
entire month of September but nine case
of yellow fever occurred on th Isthmus,
even of which were among foreign non
mployes. ,
Mala Ofln Kiftb aad Robert Street a
Dealers la ' y:
Stock. Grain, Provision.
kip Yoar Grain ta .'
rnk Otltse. Jlvtll BaasA nf Trad
Bid.. Osaka, Men. Ttlaskass !.
112-214 Exchanaa laKig Houta Omaha,
IWU Phone 21a, Jadetwdeul Ptn(4 fc