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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 190 4 ' NATURE'S ESSENCE (board removes rami Extracted from the Roots of Native, Forest Plants Go Straight Back to Nature for Your Health. There is Your Strength. Consider jour body as an engine which supplies yoa with all activity of mind sua body. Keep the machinery well oiled ana It runs smoothly. It does not groan In doing its work. , But let the stomach, which is the fire-box to the human engine, get "out of kil ter" and we toon meet with disaster. Th prod acts of undigested and de composing food is poxton to the system. We do not lire on what we eat bat on what we digest, assimilate, and take op In the blood. The blood In tarn feeds the nerves, the heart, and the whole system, and all goes well with us if the blood be kept pure and rich. If not, then the liver, which is the human filter within us, gete clogged up and poisons 'accumulate in the body from over-eating, over-drinking, or hurriedly doing both. The rmath-vp occurs when the blood is poisoned by the stomach and liver being nnable to take care of the over-load I : The red fag of danger is thrown ont in the shape of eruptions on the skin, or in nervous ness and sleeplessness, the sufferer be coming blue. desDondent and irritable, because the nerves lack nourishment and are itarved. Nature's laws are perfect If only we obey them, but disease follows dis obedience. Go straight to Nature for the cure, to the forest, there are mys teries there, some of which we can fathom for you. Take the bark of the Wild-cherrr tree, with Mandrake root, 8tone root, Queen's root. Bloodroot and Golden Seal root, make a scien tific, Glyceric extract of them, with Just the fight proportions, and you have Dr. PxercJl Golden -Medical Di$oovtry. It took Dr. Pierce, with the assist ance of two learned chemists and phar macists, many months of hard work experimenting to perfect this vegetable alterative and tonic extract of the great est efficiency. To make rich, red blood,-to properly nourish the nerves and the whole body, and cure that lajiaitude and feeline of weakness and nerve exhaustion, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It bears THE BADGE OF HONK8TT upon every DOttlS ID VUtS lUU UBIi Uf iw iujibuichwi printed In plain English, and it has sold more largely in the past forty years than any other blood purifier and stomach tonic, The refreshing influence of this extract is like Nature"! Influence the blood is bathed in the invigorating tonic which gives life to it and the vital fires of the body burn brighter and their increased activity consumes the tissue rubbish which has accumulated in the system. The "Discovery" cures all skin affec tions, blotches, pimples, eruptions and boils ; heals old sores, or ulcers, "white swellings," scrofulous ejections and kindred aumenu. The "Golden Medical Discovery " Is jnst the tisue builder and tonic yon require when recovering from a hard eold, grip, pneumonia or a long siege of fever or other prostrating disease. No matter how strong the constitution. our stomach and liver are apt to be "oot of kilter" occasionally. la con sequence our blood is disordered, lor the stomach is the laboratory for the constant manufacture of blood. It is a trite sarins that no man is ' stronger than his stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach puts it in shape to make pure, rich blood helps the liver and kidneys to expel the poisons from the body and uius curee doiq liver ana kidney troubles. If yon take this natural blood purifier and tonic, you will assist your system in manufactur ing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that is invigorating to the brain and nerves. The weak, nervous, run-aown, debilitated condition which so many people suffer from, is usually the effect of poisons in the blood ; it Is often in dicated by pimples or boils appearing on the skin, the face becomes thin and the feelings "blue." Dr. Pierce's "Dis covery " cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigor ous, strong and forceful. It is the only medicine put up for sale through drug gists for like purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful drugs, and the only one, every ingredient of which has the professional endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country, bome of these endorsements are published in t little book of ex tracts from standard medical works and will be sent to any address free, on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card, addressed to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. It tells just what Dr. Pierfe's medicines are made of. The "Words of Praise" for the sev eral ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medicines are composed, by leaders in all the several schools of medical prac tice, and recommending them for the cure of the diseases for which the "Golden Medical Discovery" is advised, should have far more weight with the sick and afflicted than any amount of the so-called "testimonials" so con spicuously flaunted before the public by those who are afraid to let the in gredients of which their medicines are composed be known. Bear in mind that the "Golden Medical Discovery" has the badge of HONESTY on every bottle wrapper, in a full list of its in gredients. Dr. Pierce's" Pleasant Pellets cure constipation, invigorate the liver and regulate stomach and bowels. WOMAN II CLUB AND CHARITY There was an attendance at the prelim inary meeting of the art department of the Woman's .club. Thursday morning that In dicated that' all" of the old-time Interest ' In thla once most popular department has been revived. Forty-two members were registered. Mrs. H. W. Fennock presided, explaining; the plan of study for the year and distributing outlines. Mrs. M. A. Low lie gave an able paper on "The Phllosphy of Art" and Mrs. A. W. JefTerls gave an Introductory talk on Greek and Roman painting and the beginning of Christian art. ' The first regular meeting of the depart ment will be held next Thursday af 10 instead of 10:30 o'clock. "Mosaics" will be the subject and It will be Illustrated with a stereoptlcon. Mrs. A. W. JefTerls will preside. The social science department of the Woman's club wtr begin Its work next Monday afternoon and the meeting will be followed by a tea party. Mrs. Draper Snow Flake Oread la thoroughly mixed and knead ed by the most modern improved mixing machine and then rolled between two rollers, which leaves It in a perfect condition for the pans. It itt well to remember that Snow Flake Bread. IS NOT KNEADED BY HUMAN HANDS or rolled with a common hand "roll ing pin," but with tezt modern machines which' makes it Impossi ble for the dough to become con taminated with Impurities such as perspiration, etc. Our bakery is couducted on the most modern plan and scrupulous cleanliness cloitly observed In each and every department. Bmlth will bo at the head of the depart ment this year and especial attention will be given to Industrial features. The year book of the club will not be out for another week and the secretary has requested that all members who expect to be Included In It will send In their cor rect addresses at once. . Mrs. Eva A. Wagner will represent the local chapter of the P. E. O. Sisterhood at the supreme meeting In session at Thorn- town. Ind. The local chapter is gaining steadily In Its membership and will hold its first meeting of the fall next Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wagner, 3S63 Charles street. The meetings will be held semi-monthly at the homes of the members. The year's program has been issued. It is a neat little folder outlining meetings that combine business with the social. The executive committee of the Nebraska Woman Suffrage association has Issued the call for the twenty-eighth annual cenven tlon of that organisation which will be held at Broken Bow October 10 to 12, inclusive, An Invitation to attend Is extended to all who believe In the suffrage cause and all who do not. The program for the oonven tlon will be Issued next week. Directors of Wabsth lailwty Declare the Office of Presideat Yacaak OUSTED OmCIAl FILES STRONG TR0TEST He (sstnli that Meetla Was Not Properly railed, bat la Overrated ad F. A. Delano Elected ta Sacreee Him. NEW TORK. Oct. I.-Joheph Ramsey, Jr., was today removed from the presidency of the Wabash Railroad company at a nesting of the board of directors held In this city. F. A. Delano was elected as his successor. Eight directors, including Mr. Ramsey, were present at the meeting. Mr. Ramsey has been engaged In a contest with Mr. Oould for the control of the road. Ramsey, after the meeting, said his re moval was entirely illegal, for the reason that the meeting had not been properly called He mad a protest before the board, saying that the by-laws reaulred ve days' notice for a special meeting of the board and that the notices for this meeting were mailed only Wednesday night. His protest was over-ruled, however. President Delano took charge of his of fice at once. "Mr. Ramsey and I have al ways been friends hitherto. In the railroad business," said he, "and I do not want to come Into this controversy In any way. "To Mr. Ramsey's chargo about the Il legality of the meeting. I can sav nothtnr. am not a lawyer. But there were several good lawyers on the board at the meeting and I presume that they would not at tempt anything Illegal. It was the general understanding that this was an adjourned meeting. The action of the board Is regarded as a severe blow to Mr. Ramsey, since he and Mr. Delano have not been on any better terms than Ramsey and George Oould. Ramsey recently sent a most severe and acrimonious letter to Delano on the subject of the latter's statements to ' the press about what he had done as vice president of the Wabash. The Interviews credited to Delano did not come to the attention of Ramsey until he had reached the northern part of Europe on his recent tour abroad. The tone of the letter, however, might have indicated that he had struck the ex treme southern part of the continent, for It dealt with Mr. Delano without gloves. taking him to task severely for laying claim to improvements and changes of policy which Ramsey said were his own and not Delano's. Ramsey expressed sur prise and disgust that a man In Delano's official position should be so undiplomatic and undignified as to seek to claim credit for something he had not done or trespass t'pon the sacred functions of the president of a vast railroad corporation. It Is not a matter of record, the circumstances under which Mr. Delsno and Mr. Ramsey em braced each other on the latter's return from Europe. The estrangement oi relations between Oould and Ramsey 1 traced back to the latter's aggressive and successful policy In the matter of the Pittsburg terminals establishment. Mr. Gould failed to endorse certain things which Mr. Ramsey did and the two, steadily grew apart until the meet ing of the board of directors last spring brought the climax. It came in the form of an emphatic request or demand from George J. Gould thai the board peremp torily call for the immediate resignation of President Ramsey. This the board failed tsnoio'uiiiEB , This label la bit very loaf and is a f uaruntaee that it Is the best and I'UIIKST -that money, skill and cleaulluesa ran vroduce. . It's 5 ceuta a loaf. ' TJVEU FOUR HUN DRED GROCERS SELL IT. Our bakery Is always open for lnspeo Uou and visitor always made wel I). P. STEAM BAKING CO. KBsTCT AT THE PLAY HC'JSEJ Wlllu Wheeler1 Little Wilson "The Riiamri" pi the Kraar. George (Honeyboy) Evans and company In 'The Runaway." a musical comedy In two acts; book by Addison Hurkharrtt; music by Raymond Hubhll; staged hy Gerald Coventry; under direction of F. Ray Con-stock. The principals: Blutch, a horrible example. .George Evans Dlugnosius Fleecem, a skin doctor Charles Dox General Armour Hardtack, t. 8. A ..W. T. Bum-man Lieutenant Robert Gray. l 8. N Francklyn Wallace Dave liudd, a bookmaker i. M. Bowman Lord high chancellor of the Isle of Table d'Hote Harry Smith Thomas Tittle, Josey May's Jockey Veva IV Ford Pumpernickel, a waiter Charles Wlmsatt Henry Pullet, a pet rooster. Thomas Brooks Policeman Takem G. Francis Denton Swell Sporte Charles Herner Josey May Darling, a comic opera queen Mona Carrlngton Princess Angelcake, heiress to the throne Margaret Sutherland Dorothy Hardtack, an army nurse Carolvn Walker Joscy May 1 Darling's I Florence Wilson Press J Francis Cole Agents, J Blip, a program boy Millie Baker Snip, a messenger boy Alice Williams With Georgle Evans leading the bunch It's a runaway sure enough. This clever little chap made Omaha people forget all about Artie Dunn In the part In about two minutes after he came on the stage, last night at the Krug, and five minutes later he had everybody laughing so that 1 the leader of the orchestra couldn't hear the bass drum. That about tells the story. Evans Is as clever as he is cute, and well bears the reputation of being a comedian of the first class. He has another ad vantage, and that Is a fine singing voice. In the part he Is equipped with a lot of new songs, which are so arranged as to be most effectively delivered. His recep tion last night was such as ought to make him feel good all the rest of the week. But "Honey Boy" Isn't the whole show. Chsrlle Dox Is a good comedian, as much longer in Inches over the common man as Evans Is shorter. Both the Bowman's average up well, and Harry Smith isn't Slow. Mr. Wallace has a fine tenor voice, and looks good In his uniform. Mona Carrlngton has been seen here be fore, and Is always a welcome visitor. Margaret Sutherland looks as well as acts the part of Princess Angelcake, and the efforts of all are backed up by a sprightly and pretty bunch of chorus girls ranging all the way from the midget to the tall and statuesque. Everyone Is expected to do something to help the show along, and each seems to be trying to make good. Bo, then, the "Runaways" Is all that has been promised for It, and Is worth a visit to the Krug during the Stay of the com pany at the theater. Last night the opening of the piece was delayed until almost 10 o'clock, waiting for the passage of the parade. When the show did start It was to a packed house, and the enjoyment was surely a tribute to the efforts of the company. It Is not likely that a better pleased audience ever sat through a performance at a theater. "The Runaways will be the bill for the rest of the week, with a matinee Saturday. 1 festers A Telephone Expert Abroad. Dally Telephone News, New York, Oct. 3. OMAHA In The Omaha Bee of Septem ber 15 Mr. H. J. Gondon makes answer to Mr. Hunt's statements In a long letter un der the following headings: "Facts About Two 'Phones. H. J. Gon don Offers Some More Light on the Local Situation. Answers Statements of Inde pendents. Declaration Is Made That the Bell Service Is Best and Most Satisfactory Everywhere." It is foreign' to the orlnclnlea of "unhl. to dc and from Its refusal originated the ( ased reports" which have, governed Dally report that Ramsey had more friends on .Telephone News since Its start to pass on the board than Gould and would ultimately triumph In the final Issue. Somewhat as a compromise measure, however, the board did ask President Ramsey to take a temporary leave of ab sence, absenting himself until October 1. Ramsey took his vacation In Europe, re turning to New York about the middle of September. He and Gould had offices ad Joining each other. The day after Ram sey's return both men were In their offices. but "they never spoke as they passed by." Mr. Ramsey expressed the belief after his return that he would be able to secure himself by controlling a majority of the votes of the security holders. It had been thought that in the event of Ramsey's failure to land, Gould himself would be made president. It Is a matter of question, therefore, wheter Delano's selection Is to be considered the "unklndest cut of all" or a compromise In deference to Ramsey. Chamberlain's Colic, Choiera ana Diar rhoea Remedy cures diarrhoea and dysen tery in all forms and In all stages. It never falls. OMAHA TO HAVE THE MEETING Coaveatloa. of Consariereial Clabs Will Be Held Hera ta Fearaary. Omaha was decided upon yesterday by the executive committee of the State As sociation of Commercial clubs as the place for the next annual meeting of the asso ciation, whleh will be held In February", the day to be chosen later. It Is expected that the Commercial club of Omaha will follow the lead taken by Fremont last yea and give a banquet to the association. The committee condemned the numbering of letter boxes on rural free delivery routes as a scheme to benefit the catalogue houses and as a detriment to the retail trade. Resolutions were passed to this effect, and the secretary was Instructed to send copies of them to the Postofflee department at Washington and to the senators and con gressmen of Nebraska. Many of the clubs In the association have already protested against the order which permits the num bering of the boxes. That part of the order which allows he postmaster to deliver mall to boxes by number has been temporarily suspended. The object of the association Is to see that it Is Anally abolished. The committer on the manual for com merclal clubs, appointed at Fremont last winter, reported tnat ft would have the manual ready by the time of the February meeting. Thla la designed to educate com mercial cluba along the lines of effective work. ' The members of the executive committee were guests Thursday of E. J. Mc- vann, vice president of the asso ciation for the Second Congressional dis trict. They were: M. A. . Hosteller of Shelton, president; W. G. Hlrons of Pierce, secretary; W. A. Green wald of Falls City J. T. Hanson of Fremont. II. A. Graff ot Bsward and Dr. M. E. House of Lexington, vie presidents. The entertainment of the visitors Included lunch at the Commercial club, dinner at the Omaha club and an automobile tide about the city in the after noon. OXF FARB Kansas City, Mo., and Retara Via the Missouri Pacific railway, tlcketh on sale October 1 to 7. Full Information from any agent of the company or Thomas F. Godfrey, passenger and ticket agent, 8. E. corner Fifteenth and Farnara streets, Omaha. Neb. the relative weight of conflicting opinions, but In the case of this Gonden we recol lect him as a very lightweight more or less connected with the League of Ameri can Municipalities In New York as far back as 1900. In July of that year "he folded his tent and silently stole away." owing our press clipping department over three months personal services. AaBoaaeeraents hi .eaters. ' ' This evening at the Boyd theater Mr. Mantell will be seen In "Hamlet," the greatest or all Shakespeare's nlava. and one In which he was hailed as a genius by the New York critics last spring. He nas lavnsnea on this part his best thought. i . . . . . . " iu iu nave acnieven a result on wnicn he may rest his fame as an actor. His company is well calculated to produce me piece, ua Russell playing ODhella. The scenic equipment Is In keeping with mat aireaay snown by Mr. Mantell. "Ham letf will also be the bill at the matinee baturaay. The engagement closes, on Sat urday evening, when Mr. Mantell will re peat "Richard III." Visitors to Omaha this week have ex pressed muclj, satisfaction that the city nouia nave another such an attractive tneater as the Burwood. Its beauties have Impressed no leas than the excellence of the company which Is now presenting "Be cause She Loved Him So," This will be tne Din until arter Saturday night. The "Kilties- are coming. Terrible Disaster Averted. The terrible disaster of nervous break down, caused by dyspeslo, ta averted by fcJsctrto timers. Mc; guaranteed. For sale by 81-craven MeConnell Drug Co. Correct quality goods, law eat prices at Huberniaun's, Jeweler. Cor. Uth Douglas. LOCAL BREVITIES. Sinda B. .Mitchell has brought suit for dlvoico from Arthur, who she claims Is a drunkard In her petition Mrs. Mitchell aye Arthur owns iue acres of Una a V isconsln aad ! has restrained hltn from soiling It Tht tuupls married la Wisconsin la lU-; OMAIIA MEN AND THEIR HOBBIES $ GUS WEISE MaixDg Footprints.' VMmm to twmn OUR LATCH STRING ALWAYS HANGS OUT TO YOU. Welcome to Omabn and Omaha's Greatest Clothes Store. We gTeet you most cordially and invite you to make yourselves perfectly at home with us. To use this big, modern, comfortable store and its checking, telephone and other facil ities, as suits your convenience. At the sam time we respectfully call attention to our handsome and complete stocks of ready-to-wear apparel for men, women and children.' We shall be most happy to serve you and contribute to your pleasure. Two Great Groups of Men's Suits and Overcoats Specially Priced Today for the Visitors to Ak-Sar-Ben. The values are away out of the ordinary so do not miss a word of the interesting details which follow it tells of artistically made and faultlessly fashioned suits and overcoats for men. GROUP No. 1 $15 Suits and Overcoats at $10 These suits and over coats are made of the new fall materials and every garment is tailored right up to the top notch of perfection made as your tailor would make them provided you wanted to pay $25 handsome new fall pat ternsall sizes every style. We can fit men of every build as good as, your tailor. than $15.00- cheap at $15j GROUP No. 2 $18 and $20 Suits and Overcoats at $15 These are are the very finest suits and overcoats fabrics are the most exclusive ever. All the newest effects that smart dressers will wear this fall. Suits and overcoats you cannot buy elsewhere for less than $18 they're a real bargain, at H ,.,V-'l .'-- sizes every style. We can fit men of every build as good as . Not a suit or overcoat worth less iH-! ) many you'll consider (1 Ll) L5.00 today Three Great Special Suits for Boys Tomorrow 3.00 2.25 Boys' Suits at $2.23 Made of all wool mate rials. Strong HdIors and trimmings, seams taped and guaranteed not to rip. The styles are single breasted Norfolk's, size 4 to 12, and double breasted Jack et, sizes 7 to 15 years, well worth $3.00 Saturday Boys' Suits at $3.00 Made of high grade, strictly all wool materials, the newest col orings, large variety to select from, the strongest of linings and trimmings, every seam reinforced with tape and double sewed throughout, guaranteed to keep shape permanently. The styles are Buster Brown, Blze 3 to 8; single breasted Nor folk, size 4 to 12; double breasted Norfolk (Knickerbocker pants), size 6 to 16; dou ble breasted jacket (plain pants) sizes 7 to 16 well worth $4.00 Saturday Boys' Suits at $4 Made of highest grade ot domestic: and imported cheviots, homespuns, cassimere and blue serge, up to the minute in colorings, style and workmanship. Beautiful fitting garments In Buster Crown, sizes 3 to 8; single breasted Norfolk, sizes 4 to 12; double breasted Norfolk (Knicker bocker pants), 7 to 16, and double breasted' Jacket style, sizes 7 to lb years. Well worth $5.00 to $6.00 Saturday 4.00 NEPOTISM IN MUTUAL LIFE (Continued from First Paae.) missions, on premiums and renewals the urn of 1930.113. All these amounts were In addition to salaries paid Mr. MCurajr and Mr. Thebaud. Charles R. Raymond, who was called to the stand to supply the figures of profits hat Mr. McCurdy was unable to produce occupied the stand for the remainaer of the session. Ha was eiamined as to the scope and territory of his business and the amount of commissions he received from the Mutual Life company as well as the amount his firm paid agents was closely Inquired Into. Mr. Raymond's examination was not finished when the committee adjourned for the day. Investments la Real Estate. Edward I. Devlin, the real estate mana ger for the New York Life Insurance com pany was the first witness today, having been called to conclude his testimony In terrupted by the adjournment yesterday. Mr. Delvin's statements as to the real es tate holdings of his company In several western cities, showed that but from 1 to about 1 per cent was realised last year on the company's Investments In buildings. but he added that it was expected that 4 pee cent would be realized this year. . Mr. Devlin testified that an apartment house at Park avenuo and Sixty-second street cost the New York Life Insurance company 1.0uS,fW6 and Is carried on the company's books at S4SO.C0O. The loss, he said, waa due to the administration preced ing Mr. McCall's. The office building In Kansas City cost ll.tul.T81. It Is carried on tli books at fl.20O.0u0 ana its net In come Is Hi 002, or 3.0 per cent return on the investment. The company charges it self with S1.992 rental for six offices. The Omaha building cost ll.246.Stl and is carried on the books at St50,0u0 and pays a return of a little under 3 per cent. The oompany's rental is $1,300. The net Income is $34,803. All these figures are for the year 1904. The building at Minneapolis cost $1.CC.- 2 and pays a return of -H per cent. The net Income is $2S.KO. In St. Paul the building cost $922,440 and has a net Income of $,122, or a little leas than 1 per cent. The Montreal building cost $818,53 and Is carried at $360,000 and has a net Income of $9,212, or about 1 per cent on the actual cost. Eighteenth street, girl: Frank Plerson, 102 South Thirty-fifth avenue, boy: C. Jacob berger, 6214 North Fortieth street, eirl. Deaths Willie Moxey, 715 South Thirty third, aged 19 years; James L. WilJer, 170J Webster street, aged 4 months. BUILDING -CONTRACTS LET Job for Erertlnsj Wel-ster-Saader. land Blraetare at Sixteenth ' and Howard 'streets. Contracts for the erection of the Webster-Sunderland building at Sixteenth and Howard streets were let Thursday. D. L. Shane secured the contract for the mason work. Including the basement and all brick work. A. hosenberry was awarded the carpenter work. The Paxton-Vlerllng Iron works will furnish the Iron and steel. Work is to be commenced at once. The building is to be six stories In height and will cost about .$200,000. ' Work was begun Thursday on the new Krug bottling house. It will be 80x104 feet and two stories In height. The contract was let to B. J. Jobst. Xonawestera Officials see Parade. A party of Northwestern' officials, on a tour of Inspection Of the road, stopped In Omaha Thursday. They were R. H. Alsh ton, assistant general manager of the road. F, Whelan, superintendent of the Iowa division: Frank Walters, superintendent of the Sioux City division; C. A. Calms, gen eral passenger agent, and J. L. Ferguson, assistant general freight agent. They were met at the station by John A. Kuhn, as sistant general freight and passenger agent. and E. C. Griffin, genera agent at Omaha, Frank Colpetxer and Nels Vpdlke took the party for an automobile ride In the afternoon and they were the guests of the Commercial club at dinner. In the evening they viewed the parade In company with George F. B'.dwell. v. STOCKS AND BONDS BASIS Elements that Galded Mickey aad Morteaaea la An $ ; at Valars of Darllacton. Another whirl was taken at trie Turling ton tax suit Thursday afternoon before Referee Pearsall. Attorney General Norrls Drown summoned as witnesses -governor Mickey, Treasurer Mortensen and R. D. Pollard, tax commissioner ot the Burling ton. About the same evidence was bi ought out as has already been shown up In the Union Pacific case. Both Governor Mickey and Treasurer Morlefiaen testified that ther had considered in reaching a final con elusion as members of the Board of Assess ment, as to the value of the railroad, tha stocks and bonds of the Burlington an the physical property as designated In the statutes. Mr. Pollard furnished some figures for the embellishment of th records, but when asked to say whether freight rates were higher In Nebraska or In Iowa lie said be did not know. Another session will be held Saturday, at which time Attorney General Brown will put some ex perts on the stand to testify to the value of the railroads. The hearing was held In the office of Charles Greene, who appeared for tha railroad. MAN FALLS TWENTY FEET. Joe Joachlnachatt Planses Thronsjh Elevator shaft and la , Badly Hart. Joe Joachlnschutt, an employe at Wag goner's buggy shop at 121S Howard street, met with a serious accident Tliuisday morning by falling down an elevator shaft a distance of twenty feet. The man waa wheeling a crated buggy and walked Into the shaft, thinking the elevator was in position forUhe crate. Joachlnsohutt sus tained a scalp wound eight Inches long, his wrists and one shoulder were sprained and his chest was bruised, besides internal injuries of an uncertain nature. The man was removed to his home at 1418 Howard street and attended by Dr. Pinto. E. D. Keck, voice teacher, Davidgs Bldg. Harry B Davis, unaeriaaar. tat. Batldlna- Permits, The city has iFSued permits to M. N. T-lPi.s for a $2,500 frame dwelling at 110 Arbor street; William R. Paul, $l.ft0 frame dwell ing at Thlrty-nrtn and Leonard, and J. W. Fead. $300 frame dwelling at Foi ly-tlahth and Martha streets. Vnloa Veterans' Inlon. Vlcksburg Regiment No. t will meet Fri day, October S. In Red Men's hall, as usual. JONANTHAN EDWARDS. Colonel. Age. ... a Marriage Licenses. The following have been granted licenses to marry: Name and Addreas. Henning W. Peters. Lincoln Katie Abel, Lincoln , John McCormlck. Tekamah Elsie Henklet, Blair Charles Coons, Carson, la Viola Dement, Carson, la James C. Johnson, Omaha Bell Cox, Omaha . Samuel A. Netsell, Stromsberg Mrs. Lillie M. Merltt. Stromsberg German Adsit. Sarpy county Henrietta Armstrong. Sarpy county.. James H. Ward. Omaha Emma M. Sorenson. Omaha Thomas W. Mitchell, Omaha Llillan Nelson. Omaha Clifford W. Russell, Omaha Kaihryn M. alaior, Omaha TUMORSJjONQUERED SERIOUS OPERATIONS AYCISED Unqualified Suooaaa of Lydla X. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound ta tha Out of airs. Fannla JX Fox. - One of the greatest triumphs of Lydla E. Pinkhaia'a Vegetable Compound is the conquering of woman's dread en emy, Tumor. The growth of a tumor is so siy that frequently its presence is not suspected until it is fax advanced. QyMrj. fannie D. fox x 2S-K wedding ring. Edt.olm. Jeweler. Mortality ktaUsitea. The following births arS deaths have beQ reported to tha Board of H. -4.1th dur ing the t weal) -four hours endnt at nuon Thursday: tosntft street, bwy; Fratk Wiley, M bwuto PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS A. W. Nickel! of Beatrice is a pilgrim to the shrine of Samsnn. Captain Hector W. MacBean. auditor of tha National Food company. Niagara Falls. N. Y.. and George C. Kirk. Syracuse, N. Y., New York state agent of the sam company, are In Omaha to see mechanical exhibit at 1414 Douglas street, enroute home from Portland, Ore. Mrs. B. R Ball is visiting for the sum mer and fall with her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Huntington. New York t'lty. Mr. Hunl- Ingtun Is the European agent -of the Wells, Furgo fc Co, express company. In the meanwhile Captain Ball Is doing his best at keeping bachelors hall. Dr. 8. S. Dutcher, pastor of lh First Christian church of Omaha, has gnnu to Cincinnati to engage as one of the evange lists in the simultaneous campaign In that city. Dr. Dutcher wes at on time min ister for the Walnut Hill Church of Christ In Cincinnati. He left for there last even ing and will be absent from the city (or two or three k. s thief Engineer Baxter of the federal building la back from his fishing excur sion of two weeks at Lake Okmulgee He is very modest In sneaking of the result of his piscatorial cl.levtttiiits, and asserts tl.t.1 Lis Liggett catch aaa a three-pound pika e"d several two and a half-pound bass. Ha brought some ot them turn as au tv.dcuce of gool faith. I So-called "wandering' pains" may come from it early stages, or tha presence of danger may be made mani fest bv profubo menstruation, accom panied by unusual pain, from the orariea down the groin and thighs. If you have mysterious pains, if there are indications of inflammation or dis placement, tton't wait for time to con firm your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital operations secure Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound right away and begin its use. Mrs. Pink ham. of Lynn. Mass., will give you her advice free of all charge if you will write her about yourself. Your letter will be seen by women eoly. Dear Mrs, Pink ham: ' " I take the liberty to congratulate you on the suoceas I have had with your wonderful medicine. Eighteen mout'us aco my mutilb liesstopped. Shortly afw 1 fell so badly that I submitted t$ a t boron ..'b eismtuation bv a physician and was told that 1 had a tumor on the uterus aud would have to undergo an operation. " Soon after I road one of your advertise ments and derided to kit Lydia E. Pink ham's Vetabl Compniinl a trial. A fur trying five bottle as directed tlie tueiar is entirely gone, I have been exa-nlned bv a phyacuut and ha savs I bar no signs of a tumor now. It has also trouyhveny iboiiib. lies aroand oooe niore, and 1 am entirely well- Fannie IX JTox, t Chestnut svwt, feadXurd, Pa. -. iss'SJnH 4