r 4 " Tllfi OMAHA DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6. 190o. Tiie Omaha Daily Hee E. ROflEWATER. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. taly Bee (without Sunday), on year. ..$4.w) Jally Hm and Sunday, on year JOT Illustrated Flee, on year J Sunder Bee, one year J " Saturday w, on year 1-W DELIVERED BT CARRIER, pally Ree (without Bundav), per week....12'? pally He (Including Hundy, T"" week. .170 Evening Be (without Sunday), per week. Bo Evening Hee (with Sunday), per week....lo Sunday Bee, per copy c i Address complaint of Irregularities In de livery to Clyy Circulation Department. orriCEB. . Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Mall Building. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 1640 Unity BulMlng. New fork 16n Home Life In. Building. Washington Ml Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and ed itorial matter ahould he addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal ordcrr yams to me ee ruDiisning company Ml Only l-cent stamp received In payment of mall accounts, Personal checks, except On Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accented. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Stats of Nebraska, Douglas County, as: C. C. Rosewater, secretary of The Bee Publishing Company, being duty sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the monin or September, 1BU6, was as follows: 1 B0.4OO t ftl.ftAA f sn.ftno 4 t ao,a.v t 80.TTO 0O,M2O T BO THO .. 81,000 I t,WUO 10 20,(IB0 11 80,800 It ftO.TSO 13 BO.TIO 14 BO.MRO U 81,000 Total V20,n20 Iess unsold eoples lo.to lit 81, TOO 17 sn.oto 18 80,700 19 3O.T00 20 82.410 21 80,820 82 80,000 23 81.924) 24 8O.OB0 25 81,130 28 81,0,10 27 80,1X10 28 80.770 29 30,970 30 81,0 Net total sales 010.H2S Dally average 8o,314 C. C. ROSEWATER. Bec'y. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 30 day of Bcptember, 1(. (Seal) . M.- 1J. HUNGATK, Notary Public. WHEJ OCT OF TOWS. Sahserlbrra Ieavlas; the city temporal-! y ahonld have The Bee mallew to them. It Is better than dally letter from home. Ad drees will be the. aged as often as requested. All hall Ak-Sar-Ben XI! Great Is the royal Hue of Ak-Sar-Ben! . But the last of tbe line Is always great est. President Haiusey seems to Lave neg lected to enjoin, the board of directors of tbe Wabash. Local politics seem to be iu abeyance. They will break loose, however, in full force before another week Is ended. Invitations to attend the negro burn- ing issued recently by a Texas mob hare been recalled, but only because the negro escaped. THE rBKSlPEKT IS VOIfStSTKST. The members of congress who have cnllod npon President Hooserelt since his return to Washington, with a Tlew to lenrning how he stood upon the ques tion of railway rate regulation, have earned what they should have ex pected, that the president Is absolutely consistent respecting his position on that Important question. It Is Incom prehensible how any one could have for a moment Imagined that the presi dent had In the least respect modified changed the views which he ex pressed unqualifiedly in his last annual message and which he has since given the country to clearly understand he adhered to. It Is not the habit of Theodore Roose velt to abandon policies and principles to which he has explicitly committed himself. His whole public career shows that once having taken a stand regard ing a question of commanding public Interest be does not relinquish it Mr. Roosevelt forms his judgment carefully and Judiciously. He doeg not reach opinions and conclusions In a haphasard way. No question that Is presented to him falls to receive the consideration which Its Importance requires. This Is universally recognlced and by no class of the people more than by the railway Interest That ' Interest is perfectly aware of the fact that the president has given his very best thought to the question of remedying those faults and abuses which are of common complaint nd that being convinced of the neces sity of reform he will persist in the effort to bring It alraut. We have repeatedly expressed our absolute confidence that President Roosevelt would be found entirely faith ful to the position he announced in his last annual message regarding the regu lation of railway rates. While others have expressed doubt and distrust, sug gesting that the president would modify his attitude on this most Important sub ject as a concession to the railroad In fluence, we have always felt that he would be found Just where it is now shown he stands, firmly and consist ently In the position he announced a year ago. For this view of what the president believes to be essential he will continue to battle, assured of an overwhelming popular support. The persistent efforts of the railroads to reate public sentiment in opposition to the president's position has had very little effect. The campaign of the rail ways has been conducted with marked energy, every device which they could use In playing upon the public mind has been employed, yet the sentiment In favor of rate regulation is as strong today, there is every reason to believe, as ever before, and even the United States senate will be forced to recognise it. Under the strong leadership of President Roosevelt the people may confidently count upon getting the rail way legislation which they have been so long seeking. . Young Mr. McCurdy's commission on commissions will afford a most Inter estlng chapter to the policyholder who pays the freight. iTiees quoted for stocks on Wall atreet indicate that the news from the grain fields of the west Is accepted as genuine In the east Throwing dirt on a uew Pacific rail way west of Salt Lake aoes not disturb Omaha's position as the gateway for transcontinental traffic. With the Hon. P. Crowe behind the bars, the reduction in the police force to prevent the threatened overlap in the police fund ought !to bo made with rea sonable safety. It is safe to predict tbat Grover Cleve land's Impending visit to Nebraska will not.te made the occasion of a special conclave or the state Federation of Women's Clubs. Toorla serves notice that distilling Is not the only local industry in which its citizens excel. Superintendent Dough erty's peculiar record will likely stand at the head of Its class for some time, oovernor Mickey's comments on Oie Omaha street fair are echoed by many thousands of visitors who have been delighted with the show. And the gov ernor did not visit the midway attrac tions either. If a Judicial writ can be invoked to suppress the early morning rooster chorus In neighbors back yards, as pro- posed by au eminent Nebraska lawyer. the full possibilities of government by injunction are still to be realized on, Tbe local Pat Crowe organ has dls covered that the famous kidnaper has been telling some "preposterous tales, nut, men. tue local v, c. organ clrcu la ted some preposterous tales of Its own at the time of the famous kidnaping ex plolt ' District Attorney Jerome's definite an nonncemeut toat be will take a hand iu tho ln8urau.ee investigation assure farther and still more interesting dls closures man any yet made. There la a inedibility now that the bottom will be reached. me reeora i.reamug crowds of via Itora to the Ak-8ar-Ben carnival pre sage well for the coming horse show It only our neighbors can be inoculated with the habit Of coming to Omaha on festive occasions we may expect to see them often. M. Wltte finds his popularity waning somewhat as he gets farther from the throne and nearer to the Russian people. lie la being asked to bear his share of responsibility for the war In addition to whatever of distinction be achieved la aiding in bringing to a close the active uoattllue. foreign positions far in excess of the supply perhaps accounts for the indif ference1 of congress in regard to re muneration and other conditions ss to which our government is behind those of even the small Kurort n nations, but It Is well to bear in mind that from a commercial point of view we are doubtless losers from keeping our for eign service In an Inferior position, par ticularly In countries where there Is an active rivalry for trade. The matter Is one that should be brought to the attention of congress and this the presi dent will probably do. We can cer t a Inly afford to properly compensate our diplomatic and consular representatives. rBAXCniSK CLAUSE Of THE CHARTEH The squabble over the gas lighting contract has called attention to the peculiar wording of the charter provi sion covering the granting, extension and modification of franchises of which few people had previously leen aware. The section of the charter relating to franchises seems to distinguish sharply between new franchises and old ones. New franchises can be anthorlsced only by a majority vote of the peoplo on a proposition submitted by the city coun cil, and the proposition must Include an annual royalty to the city, either in a fixed sum or a percentage of the gross earnings under it. ' While tbe extension of a franchise be yond the time when it expires Is placed In the same category as the granting of a new franchise, the modification of an old franchise in any of its terms or conditions, aside from an extension of its life period, requires no popular rati fication, but rests only upon the assent of the mayor and council. The addi tional safeguard Is' provided, however, that before any ordinance upon this subject may be lawfully passed It shall be published dally for two weeks In two established newspapers of the city so that the public and all concerned may know exactly whnt is proposed to be done and no snap Judgment or keep, it-dark scheme may be worked. Whether this is the best solution of the puzzling franchise problem is a question which present experience may help us to answer. This section of the charter dates from the enactment of 1897, and It has been reincorporated into the law passed by the last legislature without change. The strange thing is that it should have been part of the governing code of our city for more than eight years without being called Into requisition in any way or at any time. COST OF THE ARMY. Thirty-two millions of dollars was the cost of maintaining the army of tbe United States during tbe fiscal year which ended last June, according to tie report of the paymaster general. Nearly all of tbat amount went for the pay of the officers and soldiers and in reference to this the paymaster general 6ugests that it is Inadequate and ro.ommends that the pay for enlisted men be lucrcased. He says that while the American soldier is better paid, ted and clothed than are soldiers of other countries, yet any such comparison is faUncloub when applied to men who enlist in the service of the United States. It is necessary here to con sider the conditions which surround the man who goes into our army and which are far superior to , those which are known to the foreigner. In tbe opinion of the paymaster general tbe true basis of comparison should be with the con dition of his compeers in civil life. He points out that "the complicated ma chinery of the modern armament re quires thinking, educated men a class to whom the present rate of pay offers but slight Inducement to enter the ser vice in times of prosperity." It Is probable that army men generally wlli concur in this recommendation, but so far as tbe people are concerned it is doubtful if It will be approved, un less there should be a very considerable reduction in the numerical strength of the military establishment. Tbe cost of our army is not at present extrava gant, yet there would be a pretty strong opposition to increasing it in time of peace. It is quite safe to say, therefore, thnt the recommendation of the pay- mnt-tce general Is not likely to be heeded by congress. The Bee will offer no uiologles for not sending out a special commission to meet Pat Crowe to ascertain whut he wishes to have published about him- self. It leaves that sort of enterprise to its sensational contemporaries which make a specialty of Follee Gazette journalism and try to keep in touch with outlaws and criminals. The Bee has no disposition to exaggerate the importance of notoriety seeking kid napers. It will print me iacis as tuey develope as a matter of current Informa tion, but it draws the line at making a hero out of a dangerous desperado. Reports from other western cities that are holding fall festivals are to the effect that they, too, are crowded with strangers in unprecedented numbers bent upon entertainment and recreation. The success of these carnivals must be viewed as a reflection of the general prosperity prevailing throughout the en tire west and the feeling among the rural inhabitants that they can well af ford to indulge in a city excursion. The bountiful crops are already making themselves felt. In his answer In the case brought be fore the supreme, court County Clerk Drexel stands up for the new direct primary law In its strictest Interpreta tion as excluding all other methods of nomination. What Is the democratic county clerk going to do with the cer tificates of nomination by which the democratic committee is trying to get names on tbe ticket for places for which no filings were made at the recent pri mary? The futility of state regulation of marriage and divorce receives illustra tion day by day in the evasion of tho new Nebraska law prohibiting marriage between first cousins. The peoplo barred from wedlock In this state find no difficulty in crossing tho river into Iowa, where first cousin marriages are Just as legal as any other kind. The new law Is absolutely impotent to pre vent the marriage of any persons com ing within its scope if they are really bent on Joining fortunes. dvrgnne no change during his vacation. And the railroads are almost annoyed. The situation Involves so much additional woik. Related Iteeompease. Chicago Tribune. The compulsory return of Oavnor and Oreene from their Canadian vacation will be accepted by the newspapers of the United States as a partial recompense for what the travels and adventurers of those gentlemen have cost In telegraph tolls. Square Deal for All. Baltimore American. The president's determination to secure equal rights for the navy with the army In the matter cj pay and honors will meet with general popular approval aa being In line with his recent declaration of the principal of giving every man a square deal. Cheek to Ulcber Edacatlea. v Chicago Record-Herald. The' faculty of the University of Penn sylvania has decided not to permit a star foot ball player to take a post-graduate course simply for the purpose of being able to continue as a member of the team. This undoubtsdly Is the severest blow that has yet been dealt to higher education. Haadred Thousand Dollar Meat. Saturday Evening Post. What duties, what proper duties, can be put upon the head of a life Insurance society that call for a salary of tlOO.OCO a year? The head of such an Institution, run purely as a life Insurance society and not run as a gambling house or a private bank for gamblers, need only be honest. The law should tell him what kinds of Invest ments he must make or permit to be made; the rest of his business Is simply taking In premiums and paying out death claims. And the way for him to get new business Is by avoiding high finance, by avoiding great Intellectual feats In Wall street, by reducing the cost of insurance as low as possible and by making payments on death claims as big as they would be but for high salaries, high finance and high rolling generally. POORLY PAID FOREIGN SERVICE. It has frequently been remarked in regard to the foreign service of the United States that It is inadequately paid and that this fact accounts In a measure for its inefficiency. On his return from the orient Secretary Taft. while speaking well of tho personnel of tbe consular service, said that our con suls are poorly paid, Inadequately equipped with clerical help and occupy buildings not In keeping with the dignity of the country they represent. He thought it a wonder that this couu try Is able to secure such capable men as It has in the consular service In tbe orient in view of the small remunera tion, and said that provision should be made for better pay for officers In the consular service and also in the diplo matic service. Whenever a prominent official goes abroad and looks Into the diplomatic and consular service he gives out the recommendation that conditions as to pay and equipment Bhould be improved. It would clearly seem that something should be done in this respect, but such recommendations bave hitherto bad no effect upon cougreas. The fact that I mere u at ways a aemaua lor 'Cfe Attorney Thummel of the Mutual Life la not especially complimentary to the Nebraska legislator. He hints that the reason the revenue bill of two years ago was passed over his objections was because the railroad combine was stronger than the insurance cohorts. Mavbe a little lid lifting down around Lincoln would determine Just how much the one lobby outweighed the other. The naivete of the Wisconsin cattle ehljiper's confession in the Chicago rate lutiuiry might be matched many times t ver If commlaslon men everywhere would tell all they know. And the rail roads knew It all the time. County Judge YiuHoubuler's resigna tion is still forthcoming. Judge In sonhaler la not half as anxious to re sign as be Is to select a successor who would ask no questions about the trust funds to be turned over. Ogtealnca for C'aa Rushers. Philadelphia Press. All the big life insurance companies ap pear to have a pretty large side door bust ness. Ne Ckssft Apparent. Indianapolis News. It seems that tbe president's views con ctrukig raUruad rate KgUlatloa have ua SAFETY OF LIFE rOMCIKS. Solvency of Companies I'naffected by Wasteful Management. Chicago Chronicle. During all of the agitation concerning life insurance nothing has developed Justi fying the policy holder in falling to keep his contract In force. The policy is his property, Increasing in value steadily as It nears maturity, and for him to be mhiled Into letting it go by default is merely to incur a. needless loss. ' There has been no assertion In any quar ter that the standard companies are not solvent and that ail policies are not cer tain to be met whenever due, and they have all been so met and paid without question right through the present up heaval. The much-belabored Equitable has dis bursed an average of over 1700,000 a week, or some $28,000,000 altogether, In death, en dowment and other payments to benefi ciaries In the nine months since the out break occurred at the beginning of the current year, and the other companies have been doing the same In their right ful proportion. There Is no call for a man to sacrifice his policy to sell It at any established cash surrender rate or other figure at a loss to himself. He has only to keep It alive and he or his family must receive Ha face value when it falls due. All the scandals and revelations' In the case of individual companies need not make him fear he is to lose what is ' made certain by his con tract, the payment of the same at ma turity. No matter what duties the press may have in turning the sunlight of publicity upon every phase of the Insurance situa tion. It has the equally Important one of allaying unnecessary anxiety on the part of policy holders regarding the safety of their agreements,' and this It has not wa vered In doing. There has been no challenge from any reputable source as to the solvency of the standard organizations. A man Insured In any of them is sure of the money for himself or his family If he continues to maintain his share of the agreement. He is entitled to a full agreed return for what he has already paid In and should not In validate It. partly or In whole, by letting it prematurely die. A live policy Is good when due for what ever It calls for. A lapsed policy repre sents only a needless loss to the Insured. t DIRECT PRIMARY NOMINATING. Bancroft Blade: Victor Rose water's move for a direct primary to nominate the state ticket next year knocked the breath out of tbe railroad members of the state central committee. You have got to come to It, gentlemen, and It would be mora manly to yield of your own accord than to be forced. Norfolk Press: The direct primary method of nominating candidates for office is a short and direct route, away from the control of political bosses and schemers, and a law giving the individual voters the right to govern themselves should meet the hearty approval of all who hope and be lieve in better government. Lincoln Journal: If commercial Interests such as the public service corporations wiBh to run the political affairs of their tribu tary territory, we cannot blame them for fighting the direct primary as some of them are doing In Nebraska. It has been discov ered since the recent primaries In Massa chusetts, where a form of direct primary prevails, that nearly every legislative can didate whom the railroads had special rea son and made special effort to defeat were renominated by their constituents. This was especially riot let able, according to the Boston Transcript, In the cases of Sena tors Cummlngs, Hardy and Clark, who were opposed by the street railway com bination for refusing to favor a certain street railway bill last winter, but all of them were renominated none the less. Fremont Tribune: It Is generally thought Mr. Rosewater, flla, Introduced a resolu tion before the state central committee In favor of the Immediate adoption of the primary plan of nominating candidates. with the idea that It would redound to the advantage of Mr. Rosewater, pere, In his ambition to become United States sen ator next year. It is possible that this Is true, for Mr. Rosewater, pere, once re' celved a respectable popular vote for sen ator and may think It can be easily done again. However that may be, it Is alto gether doubtful whether any rules gen erally acceptable could be devised by the committee for governing the primaries. And they would not be binding upon any county that did not feel like adopting them. Thus there would be only partial action In conformity with them and there would be confusion and lack of uniformity. The object aimed at, namely, to get a full and free expression of sentiment In the choice of candidates for state and congressional candidates next year would thus be thwarted. Between now and the conven Ing of the next session of the legislature there will be experiments in other states with the primary system that will shed some needed light on the plan. When the session convenes the lawmakers will have the benefit of these and they will have the time to devise and consider a practical primary plan. Tbe people will expect them to do It, and whether that session Is re publican or democratic It will be Incum bent upon it to pass such a law, for both parties have declared for It. 7 .Absolutely Pure A GRAPE CREAn OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER It makes the most delicious and healthful hot breads, biscuit and cake FREE FROn ALU!!, LINE, OR PHOSPHATIC ACID Alum baking powders are unhealthful. Do not use them for raising food under any circumstances. So detrimental are alum baking powders considered, that in most foreign countries their sale is prohibited. In many States in this country the law compels alum powders to be branded to show that they contain this dangerous acid, while in the District of Columbia, Congress has prohibited the sale of all food that contains alum. Alum baking powders are sold to consumers at from I o cents a pound to 25 ounces for 25 cents, or 25 cents a pound, and when not branded may generally be distinguished by their price. HOT TIMES ON THE WABASH. Tralta of President Ramsey, Who Is Flghllnar for Control. Joseph Ramsey, Jr.. president of the Wa bash Railroad company, who Is striving to hold his Job and oust the Goulds from control of the property, is of Scotch de scent, 65 years past and a fighter with many of the characteristics of President Roosevelt. The directors of the Wabash have given President Ramsey an Indefinite vacation, which is another way of suggesting that his resignation would be welcome. But Mr. Ramsey declined to take the hint and Is still on the payroll though relieved of responsibility His action in going Into court for an injunction against other Gould roads voting stock controlled by these com panies at the annual election scheduled for next Tuesday is considered a strategical move to diminish the Gould strength at the Wabash ballot box. The main point in the Judicial proceeding la that a portion of the Missouri Pacific road parallels the Wabash and control of parallel lines Is prohibited In Missouri. If the . Missouri Paclflo stock holdings can bs eliminated from the election it would mean a serious reduction of Gould's strength and possibly give those supporting President Ramsey control of the property. Close observers of the struggle expect the contest in the courts will develop revelations In railroad financiering as startling as the life Insur ance scandals. 1th It has been frequently Ramsey was never so happy as when he had a fight on his hands, and It must oe conceded that he has won practically all of them. Several years ago the Wabash had trouble with the engineers, and Chief Arthur, who was alive then, sent word to Mr. Ramsey that he would like to talk the matter over with him. In response, Mr. Ramsey said: "Tell Mr. Arthur that I shall be very glad td see htm personally, but not as a representative of our engineers." This was a cut from which Arthur never really recovered, and it served to embitter the feeling between the engineers and the president to a marked degree, yet with all of this Mr. Ramsey managed to tide over the Issue and emerged without a strike and a settlement that was satisfactory to all concerned. The doctrine of temperance la one of the most forcibly Impressed In Wabash af fairs and management. Mr. Ramsey, while not a teetotaler, rarely touches anything savoring of alcohol, though at times he takes a glass of wine when with congenial friends. But because his mother did not approve of wine or liquor, Mr. Ramsey never allows either in his house. Because of certain stringent regulations on the Wabash, Mr. Ramsey was by no means popular with a large proportion of the employes, though all of them knew that at any time they could come to him with their grievance and receive his per sonal attention. Vpon one occasion Mr. Ramsey was go ing over the line In his car, the car was on a siding and It became necessary to shift It to another track. One of the switchmen In the yards called out In a voice distinct to all In the car: "Move that car out and Jostle the life out of that Ramsey In It." But the car was moved easily with the slightest Jolt. One of the officials In ths car Jumped up to fire the switchman, but Ramsey called him back, saying: "I do not care what he says about me so long as he does his work well, and the car was not bumped." The story of the Wabash getting into Pittsburg may never be written. It Is too complex, too full of wheels within wheels and contains too many elements Insignifi cant In themselves, but which, combined, made Irresistible force. But Ramsey had It all at his finger's ends, and against the greatest possible ob stacles he pushed over the river and Into the city, out of which comes the greatest tonnage of any city In the world. The enterprise cost millions, but In answer to criticism he made contracts with tbe great steel plants. Insuring ton nage sufficient for the Wabash to repair the expenditure In a remarkably short time. The Pennsylvania railroad had Its abid ing place In Pittsburg, for years, and fought with all Its vast power the ad vance of the Wabash. There is no dis guising the fact that he Is the only man that could accomplish this task. Perhaps the happiest day In the life of Joseph Ramsey, was when his car crossed over the bridge to tbe "forbidden city" In July, 1J04. At this time Mr. Gould said, looking ovee the work which had been accomplished by Mr. Ramsey. "Ramsey, this is miraculous." The St. Louis Republic sums up Mr. Ram sey's faults: "They are stubborness, lack of tact and' Jealousness of authority, but to sum up his good traits would require far more space. "Among his associates he Is popular, and none of them but wish him success In his fight, but many of them are now of the opinion that the victor of ao many hard fights Is now going down to Ignominious defeat. "The many who have called upon him at his office will always remember the keen gray eyes lifted like a flash from some document, and It Is on record that he Is always reading something, but more than all else they will recall the man to man attitude which he assumed, and the frank and absolutely fair manner In which he heard them. "Anyone and everyone catling upon Mr. Ramsey can get a hearing. There Is not the usual red-tape procedure to gain ad mission in his office. AU that is neces sary la to state your name, and if you desired your business, and then wait your turn." royalty, forwarded It to him, saying In a letter that she was sending him "a sort of trousers button" which had Just come from Europe. In Pennsylvania a number of boys de scribed as the sons of prominent resi dents of Monessen, lately joined together to produce that stirring melodrama. "Tracy the Outlaw." The performance was real istic. The youth who played Tracy shot and probably killed the youth who was giving a spirited Impersonation of the sheriff. In the famous scene in which the outlaw Is driven to bay in a cornfield. POINTED REMARKS. tainted "Do you believe In accepting money ror foreign missions?" "Not I. I don't believe In spreading in fection when It can be confined to tho In fected district." Baltimore American. Comedian I don't see how you have the nerve to go back to that town. Are you not afraid they will throw your past at you? Tragedian Past? Good heaven! I am sat Islied If they don't throw eggs and flat irons at me. Columbus Dispatch. Farren Doesn't It cost a great deal to send a boy to college T Kooler No. That's hardly worth men. tlonlng. But It cost like smoke to keef) him there. Philadelphia Ledger. She I hear Rockefeller has been giving away some good advice. He I wonder If oil will go up a cent for that? Detroit Free Press. The Doctor Did you see the story that young Hyde personally engineered all those outside duals of the Equitable? The Professor Yes; that's the tale that goes with the Hyde Chicago Tribune. Weary Willie I see de Japs had to take a bath before going Into battle. Dusty Rhodes What Was It dat Sherman said about war? New York Bun. Mrs. McSosh Do you mean to tell me, sir, that you were sober when you came insi ingulf Mr. McSosh Absolutely, my dear. MrS. Ml'Sosh Then Will Vnil enlaln mh v you filled the refrlKerator with coal anil PERSONAL NOTES. There were 80.S43 Infants born In New York City during the first half of 1905. But the poor little things did not know any better. 1 President Roosevelt has given to the Washington Zoo , two doien of Its most Interesting specimens. Including a Hon, lioness, bear, sebra and a number of smaller animals. The mother of the . late General Walter Q. Gresham Is still living, hale and hearty at the age of 8, five miles from Louisville. Ky., in the same house where General Gres ham was born. First Lieutenant Henry L. Harris and Second Lieutenant Morton Russell, form erly of the Twenty-second United States Infantry. wUl receive 17.000 and 15,000 re spectively aa colonel and major in tbe Chinese army. King Edward, It has been ascertained, was crowned at the second second of the second minute of the second hour of the second day of the second week of the sec ond month of the second half of the second year of the twentieth century. Dr. Maurice Francis Egen, professor of comparative philology In the Catholic uni versity at Washington, has been decorated by King Leopold of Belgium "for dis tinguished literary merit." When the deco ration arrived Dr. Egan was away. Mra. LUn, who has small veneration fur nit six shpvelsful of Ice In the furnace? levelunH I..,.. t..r t'nele John was talking of the south and lllrned in Ua..h i.t .... . ,,,"""": uiipoo you never utw an alligator." he said. "Of course I " ve'v., 2e tKv. rP'lel- "!' what hatches ,ii i .. . a'i jhm oeiier man an old hen. Judge. UKHATSHSS. Chicago Record-Herald. THE SAGE. wJiat Is greatness? I will tell you; lis performing well your part, ,,nal I"rt ret or little. Though It call for strength or art. He that sets the soup before you. If od fashioned him to wait, And his work is well done always And with gladness, he Is great. THE CYNIC. If to merely labor gladly And do well what one must do Is Indeed the only greatness People may aspire to. Is the deft and cheerful barber Greater than the gloomy king Who would step down If his people Had the wit to run the thing? fT No American can read A-K'.ha Autobiography of Cr. Sihurz (beginning In November McClure'a) with out becoming a good Ameri can and a better man. 8. 8. McCLURE COMPANT 'I W East 23d Btreet MiW YORK.