Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telrnhon CM.
"Onr rurppfoewa In thin
world (Vpcttrl on the,
affection we aye able-
to in pi re.
' Make yourself at home.
ready to be shown you for the
dependable goods at prices that
the rtw Hfd, thoroughness of making
nd waterproofing.. All these point are
looked after o a to make ur of giving
beat- value pooinlet at fair prices 75c,
$1.15, II. BO, I2.2S yard.
DRESS GOODS AT SOC You can tell they
ant new the moment you nee them. Pretty,
dark, rich autumn shades, in tiny checks;
here and there a suggestion of aome pretty
bright color peeping- through' the aurfaca;
new plain effect, etc it 60c a yard.
' We moye about October
Exclusive Models In Suits, Coats,
Separate Skirts and Waists
Oooda purchased from Thompson, Belden
A Co. are always reliable, new and stylish,
and -are usually, leaa In coat than those
sold hy moat stores.
Special for Friday We have about 11
short ilghtwelght Covert Coats slses 40 and
41 only-worth $4.(0, $10.50 on Friday, 13.96
Kid Gloves
Twd Special Values In Woitwn'i Fine
Olovea Perfect In At: soft, pliable stock
and will give the best of satisfaction.
p.. ft L. Gloves with Two-Clasp In black,
white, brown, beaver and gray a splendid
value at 11.00 per pair:
Valllef Verlalne with Three-Clasp-In
black, white, brown, beaver, 'gray and
navys 1 W per pair.
Knitted Underwear for Tall and
Women'i fleeced cotton VMti, hlh neck.
Y- M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth
an entrancing effect. This large rosette
was a most artfstio piece of work. In the
center It bore the mystical -letters, "V. M.
C," and the number, 110. Dr. A. S. Pinto,
Dr. W. L. Shearer and Fred Eckstrom
were on the float, while Ed Johnson, Bryon
Clow, John Grey and Jphn. Beckstad were
the mounted knights In armor guarding
this float,
. The Elks. '
The spirit of good cheer and fellowship
was carried out in a striking manner In
th. Elks' float, which was a fine piece of
work. An heroic representation of an elk
occupied the front of the float, a clock with
the hands pointed to the emblematic hour
of li p. m. rested against an Imposing back
ground. Beneath the clock were the typi
cal words "Cervus Alces," Indicating "deer
elk." and of particular significance to mem
bera;of the Elks., The cheering old tune
of Auld Lang Syne was.played on chlmos
inside the float. John Lund, H. O. Benford,
C W. Goodall, H. Marshall, W. T. Sams,
O D. Harris, H. Becker and T. W. Turner
occupied positions on the float. Riding
horse were William Elbourh. E. F. Bral
!ey, J. Lund and H. O. Benedict.
Woodmen of the World.
"Peace on Earth and Good Will to All
Men" was "the massage conveyed by the
Woodmen or the World float. The white
winged dove of peace appeared with an
olive branch over clouds. A miniature
world was shown as indicative of the scope
of the order, while a large stump and an
axe and . mallet further carried out the
suggestion that the float represented the
Woodmen of the World. William 'Vates,
F. H. Shetwell. C. 8. Sawtell and L. Hen
derson represented characters on the float
wblls H. Fltchett, jr., 8. H. Tlmme, Frank
Yates and D. Troup were the horsemen for
this float.'.
V The Eagles.
A patriotic air surrounded the Eagle float
from the. time. It left the don until the
return trip was made. The chief figure
ort thl float was A1 large eagle In the at
titude of flying. The emblem of the Fra
ternal Order of Eagles was prominently
shown surrounded by American flags. The
foliage ;'aiid': light helped to make this
float one of the richest designs In the
parade. The letters, "L. T. J. E.," rep
resenting love, truth. Justice and equality,
were In evidence on the float. On the float
were R. H. Manlcy, Charles Armstrong,
J. R. Well and E. H. McClure. Horse-
A Remedy Which Has Revolutionised
the Treatment of Stomach Trouble,
The remedy Is not heralded a a wonder
ful discovery, nor yet a secret patent medi
cine, neither la It claimed to cure anything
except dyspepsia. Indigestion and stomach
trouble 'with which nine out of ten suffer.
The remedy is In theforra of pleasant
testing tabletk or losonges, containing vege
table and fruit essences, pure aseptic pep.
sin (government test), golden seal and
diastase. The tablets are ,sold by druggist
under the name of StuartSs Dyspepsia Tab
lets. Many Interesting experiments to test
the digestive power of Stuart's Tablets
show that one grain of the active principle
contained in them Is sufficient to thor
oughly digest $.000 grains of raw meat, eggs
and other wholesome food.
Stuart's Tablets do not act upon the
bowels like after dinner pills and cheap
cathartic, which simply irritate and In
flame the Intestines without having any
' effect whatever In digesting food or curing
indigestion. - . '
1$ the stomach can be rested and assisted
ia the work of digestion It will very soon
recover Its normal vigor, as no organ is so
much abused and overworked a th
stomach, .
This is th secret,, If there 1 any score t,
of th remarkable success of 8tuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets, a remedy practically un
known a few year ago and now the most
wldly known q( any treatment for stom
ach 'weakness.
This success ho been secured entirely
upon 1U merits a a digestive pur and
simple, because there can be no stomach
trouble If the food is promptly digested.
Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets act entirely on
the food eaten, digesting It completely, so
that It can be assimilated into blood, nerve
an4 , tissue. They - cure dyspepsia, water
brash, sour stomach, gas and bleating after
metis, becaus they famish the digestive
power which Weak stomach lack.- and un
less that lack Is supplied It I useless to at
tempt to-Cur by the use of "tonic'
"pill" aud cathartics which bar abse
lutely no digestive power.
Stuart Dyapepacta Tablet can be found
at all drug stores and th regular use of
one or two of them after meala will dem
onstrate their merit better loan any other
Special Dress
for Our Out-of-Town Customers
Our magnificent line of New Autumn Dress Goods and Silks are
asking. Feel free to look them
will please you.
CLOTH Both colored and black. The ele
linc and aupeiinr quality of these hand
some fabric ha been proven by thousand
of delighted eyea. "Princess" and "Opera"
sold exclusively by ua tl.OO, a yard.
Yon are Invited to look over the
handsome new autumn silks
These pretty silk are holding' fashion's
favor and the Styles and colors are many
and beautiful new Chiffon Taffetas, new
15 to the new retail center, Howard and Sixteenth streets.
long sleeves, winter weights, cream color;
drawers to match, ankle length, made with
French band; 25c each.
Women's fleeced cotton Union Suits,
medium weight, high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length, cream color, all sties, BDo.
Women's fine ribbed back wool Tights,
medium weight, open or closed, (1.00 each.
Children's fine ribbed fleeced wool Shirts,
Pants and Drawers, extra fine quality, ail
sites, 60c.
Special Linen Sale
All our $1.60 bleached Table Damask In
this sale, 11.00.
All our oc silver bleached Table Damask
In this sale, 49c per yard.
All our 10c Huck Towels In
6c each.
All our 160 Huck Towels In
IDo each. ,
All our 15c Huck Towels in this sale,
190 each.
All our 46o Huck Towels In thi sale,
26c each.
sen. I
few m
men:" Roy Young, VT. E. Rice,-CM7
Bachmann and D. Rlsley.
Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen.
In general design this float suggested the
form of a Greek galley. A pretty anchor
design with the order's shield loomed up
brilliantly In the lights. At the back of
the float wa shown a picture of J. J.
Upchurch, the founder of the order. The
letters "C. H. P.," were inscribed on the
side of the float and shown out with much
luster. Fred Sohamel, Jesse Eruce, C. S.
Sutton. Max Gelsler, Gus Olman, I. C.
Kellogg and R. L. Carter were on the
float. Riding horses with this float were:
Jack Swartte, W. F. StoeUel, Charles Ixard
and T. D Daktn.
.Knights of Pythias.
The tori' of Damon and Pythias was sug
gested In a brilliant setting seen on the
Knight of Pythi' float. Th picture, rep
resented showed Damon offering himself
Into the hands of Dlonyaiu a a substi
tute for Pythla. Between two pillars at
the front o'f the float appeared th em
blem of the order with the letters, "F. B.
C." A forest wa shown at the end of the
float. Two bunches of twigs, tied together
and denoting strength, were shown. The
color echeme of thl float wa plendld.
The character on the float were repre-.
ented by R. C. Streulow, Dr. C. B. Atten,
F. Hlnxe, O. A. Heath. H. M. Johnson,
Erneet James, F. C. Reimer and Otto
Wagner. On hone were: 3. A. Dalxell,
Mike Lee. William Berg and Rudolph
The Royal Achate.
The massing of ereral large designs em
blematic of th Royal Achates comprised
the ninth float. These figures Were very
brilliant and taken together made a pretty
float. A Maltese cross shed It radlanc
over the float, .while a number of little
ornamental design completed the moving
picture presented. Irving O. Borlght, E.
L. Potter, C. C. Clark and W. W. Weace
rode on the float, while H. Pritchett, Dr.
W. N. Dorward, E. O. Bothwell and R.
F. Gamon were the mounted knights.
Modern Woodmen of America,
Float No. ' 10 had a refreshing atmos
phere In that It presented scene close to
nature.. A little clump of cedars with a
woodman holding his axe, an eagle perched
on a log and about to soar away, oak
leaves and acorn were presented on this
float In a pleasing manner. High up in the
center of the float a woman oat holding
a torch that all might see the way. The
emblem of the Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica were worked together to good effect.
C, II. T. Rlepen, K. C. Bishop, William
Urbaoh, W. H. Dorranoe, A. Karbaoh and
8. L. Bonorltx were assigned to thl float
C. M. Rickards. H. E. Stafford. W. E.
Davis and H. J. Rlepen were th knight
in armor who rod horse with thl float.
Knights of Colambu.
The theme presented In the float repre
senting the Knights of Columbus was one
that appealed to all in a forcible manner.
The front figure of this float wa a repre
sentation of the Santa Maria, th flag ship
of Columbus when he made his little trip
to this country many year ago. The
hip rested on two mermaid figures having
the head and shoulder of Venu and
Adonis. A bust of Columbus, several
Spanish knights and other suggestions of
the story of Columbus were shown. The
float was one of the most pretentious of
the twenty In the parade. F. E. Donahue,
Dan Hurley, C. B. Dugdale and 8. J.
Donlky were on the float, while P. J. Me
Namara, N H. Nelson, A. J. Petrle and
W. H. Jones wer the horsemen in, armor.
Knight of th Maccabees.
Bee hive, bees, flowers and a huge sun
flower were chief object that made th
Maccabees' float something to please th
eye with. It - wa like a glimpse into a
corner of fairy land. Leading the way, at
the top of the front of the float, was the
figure of a woman holding by rein six
bees, giving Abe suggestion thst the bee
were drawing the float through the air.
On the float were A. Karbach, Ernest
Lehman, C. A. Damon, Charles Karbach,
Ed Palmer and R. M. Sutton. The horse-
.IHI., .Uk Ihl. a uru.V
" - " ".".
W. J. Cattln, H. Petrle and C. L. Porter.
Independent Order of Odd Fellow.
Something of a novelty was presented in
the "all-seeing-eye.'' shown in the Odd
Fellows' float. The eye wa of large di
mensions and took within It rang of
visloa every one along the route of the
parade. Th ey wa In th center of a
triangle with the three words, "Friend
ship, Love and Truth" linked. Various
figure emblematlo of the order were
worked out. At the front of the float wa
iwn th uplifted hand with a heart In
the palm. A. Reicbenback. W. L. Mardls,
C. and A. Peter. R. Howard and 9. W.
Re. Oct, I, 106.
Goods News
over and, best of all, thoroughly
new Black
new Jacquard, new Taffetas,
Silks 75c, II 00, . 11.25, 11.50 a
yard. . . "
Handsome, new Plaid Silks for Waists.
Sueclal value. All colors. At 73c a yard.
Other qualities at $1.00, 11.25, 11 50 a yard
Snoerb showlna of new black
dress goods
Beautiful fabrics for handsome, home
dresses, evening or calling gown, or the
practical hard-wear or knock-about &Aj to
13.00 a yard.
All our 12.28 bleached Linen Napkin In
this sale, 11.69 a dozen.
All our 14 00 bleached Linen Napkins In
this sale, 12.75 a dosen.
All our 14.50 bleached Linen Napkins In
this sale, 12.89 a doien.
All our 11.60 silver bleached Linen Nap
kins In this aale, Mc a doxen.
All our 12.26 bleached Table Cloths
this sale, II 69 each.
All our 13.00 bleached Table Cloths
this sale, $1.98 each.
AH our $3.76 bleached Table Cloths
this aale, 2.60 each.'
All our $4 60 bleached Table Cloths In this
sale, $2.98 each.
All our 60c Hemstitched Scarfs in this
sale, 29c each.
All our 750 Hemstitched Scarfs In this
sale, 49c each. . .
All our 75c Hemstitched Lunch Cloth In
this sale, 49c each.
All our $2.25 Embroidered Lunch Cloths
In this sale, $1.75 each.
and Douglas Sts.
Doty were on the float. The men on horses
were Fred Busch, K. W. Bart as, 8. Me
Gough and George Perrine.
German and Bohemian Turner.
Sign and symbols were presented In pro
fusion in the float representing the German
and Bohemian turner of the city. The
varlou part were assembled with much
dexterity, so that an artistic piece of work
was offered. At the front of the float was
a figure of Jahn,' the founder of the turner
Societies. Bohemian and German Inscrip
tions were noticed all over the float. At
the rear were two turners, one with dumb
bells and the other on a horse. A group
Of turners were around the figure of Jahn,
paying tribute to hl. memory. On this
float were Phil Miller. Joe Kasper, M.
Krage, Fred Wallway F. 8. Beudla and
Emll Cermik. The horsemen were -Fred
Waller, Q. Ewold, E. O. Dworack and V.
The Order of Scottish Clans.
The float representing the Order of Scot
tish Clans was resplendent with light and
color and thoroughly representative of the
hardy race of Scots. In a blase of light
wa shown the Bt. Andrew' cross, the na
tional letter "B" was shown In a heart, the
letter referring to Bruce, the hero king of
Scotland. The Scottish coat-of-arms were
worked out with a fine light effect. Those
on this float were William Kennedy,
i nomas Meiarum, Thomas Falconer, sr., J.
O. Buchanan, G. W. McDoogal, W. W.
Home, J. C. Lindsay, Miss Jean Kennedy,
Howard McDougal and Andrew Hislop. The
horsemen were Thomas Falconer, Jr.,
Thomas White. Jaok McDougal and John
Independent Order of Forester.
Thl order wa represented by a float the
central figure of which wa the head of a
moose, urrounded by American and Ca
nadian flags, evergreens, typical hunters of
the north, bows and arrows. The letters
"I. O. F." and "I B. C." were Inscribed
over and below the head of the moos.
Those who rode on this float wer T. L.
Combs. C. H. Trimble, C. B. Helmer and O.
H. Fink, while the knights on horses riding
beside the float were C. E. Phelps, J. Or
man, D. Gillespie and C. A. Haw ley.
The Danish Brotherhood.
The Danlah floata harked back to the day
when the Danish kings roved the raging
main In vessels after which part of this
float was designed. Danish Brotherhood
emblems were generously distributed on the
float. Personage of the Norse times wer
represented on the float by local members
of the Danish Brotherhood. This float made
a pretty appearance. The ornamentation
were lavish and the ubject matter ar
ranged well. On the float were 8. A. Cor
neer. Fred Brodcgard. J. Jensen, J. Jacob
on, J. Michaelson. A. Anderson and A.
Thompson. The horsemen were J. Morten
on, W. Thompson, Chris Nelson and A.
Red Men.
The Red Men float was a typical western
one. At one end of the float was a large
Indian head between the head of two
buffalo. On the other end of the float wa
a western scene, with a clump of trees,
tepee, the squaw cooking her meal over
the lire, a group of Indians having a pow
wow. The scene presented on thl float
made quite a hit with the crowds. Those
riding on this float and representing the
character were Julius Althouse. F. T
Sams, John Dennis, W. O. Welsh and C
A Younc ldr from New Jersey p.t
Her Wit to Work.
"Coffee gave me terrible spell, of tndl
geatlon which, coming on every week or
ao, made my life wretched until some on
told me that the coffee I drank wa to
blame. That aeemed nonaense, but I
noticed theae attacka uaed to come on
shortly after eating and were accompanied
by uch excruciating pain In the pit of
the stomach that I could only And relief
py loosening my ciotmng and lying down.
"If circumstances made It imn.,.iKi.
. . ... . - .-..k. ui. ,or
- cole iv us uown i spent Hours In
"I refused to really believe it was the
ooffse until Anally I thought a trial would
at least do no harm, so I quit coffee In
1901 and began on Post urn. My trouble
left entirely and convinced me of the
"Postum brought no discomfort, nor did
Indigestion follow Its use. I have had no
return of the trouble sine I began to
drink Poetum. It ha bult me up, re
stored 'my health and given me a ' new
well again." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek. Mich.
Read the little book; "Th Road to Wall
vUle," in each pkg.
C: Keunne. Horsemen: H. Althouse. J.
W. Woodrough. D. -Rlsley. Jr., and Gus
Keunne. ,
Grand Army of the Republic.
A thrill of patriotism alway goes ever
n American crowd when the old ndlers
how themselves or when any particular
occasion arises to lefer to the achievements
of those who hare- fought the country'
battles. The appearance of the Omni
Army of the Republic float In the parade
last evening was the signal for a burst of
applause all along the way. In Itself the
float was something pleasing to look on.
On scrolls were the names of Richmond.
Bull Run. Antletam, Gettysburg, Shlloh,
Vlcksburg, Chattanooga and Appomattox.
A number of old soldiers wore shown alt
ting around talking over, old times. A shaft
and wreath were shown as an honor to
the memory of the nation's dead soldiers.
On this float were Major R. 8. Wilcox
John Drexel. Dr. Spalding. H. R. Burkett.
i. A. Allen, R. E. Wilcox and Dr. W. H.
Christie. The horsemen- were John Hehm
and 8. M. Knudsnn.
His Keren Majesty Ak.gar-ncn XI.
The king's float was a masterpiece In the
art of float building. Securely guarded
within his throne room by a gauxy fabric
held together by two forms of mythical
female characters, the king rode In state
In a float that glittered with regal splendor.
wu rnrge aragons, rrothlng fire every
block, guarded the rear. With the king on
tn float were Frank Simpson and P. Peter
sen. The mounted knights who rode be
side the king's float were O. Westphalen,
r. Wheeler, W. Anderson and G. Klein
Foor Thousand More People Thnn On
Yen Ago.
Ak-lsr-Bes Program.
Gates open from f a. m. until midnight.
Band concert, 1 and 7 p. m.
Free Attractlons-Mme. Ami, serial artist.
n1 P- rn.; Phil D. Greene, spiral tower,
4:10 and 10:30 b. Ill trlnr VnnliiKli., hlirh
cts, 1:10 and p. m.; slide for life, 3:11
tuu w .ue p. m.
All shows open at 1:30 snd 7:10 p. m.
Couity Agricultural society ex
hibition. Nebraska moving picture show, 7:30 to
.30 p. m.
Ak-Sar-Ben ball tonight at den.
Attendance at King' Hlnhwny.
F'rut $.257
Second day 14x3
Third day' ItSt
fourth day , j),4Si
Fifth day 12,231
Sixth dav tt no?
Seventh day .'.'.J0.082
r.ignm aay v 27.2W)
"On with the' fun; let Joy be unconfined,"
eang six high school girl a they tripped
to the King Highway last night after
watching the grand pageant of King Ak-Sar-Ben
as he passed among his people.
Their ong wo the unsaid thought of
thousands of others, some of them from
the utmost confines of the klnedom of
Qulvera, who came to behold the glory
of their ruler. Like the girls, when the
king had passed, they hurried to the high
way prepared by hi majesty especially for
their amusement.
Throughout the hour when the sun wa
shaping his western course, the keeper
of the big shows on the Highway were
pleased,, for people were plenty, and Into
their coffer poured the shekels which were
the mean by which they might wax fat
and live in ease. The ping pong girls
danced their sauciest dances, the Hon
growled their fiercest growls, Roberta
posed In tights and the topsy-turvy hotel
turned topsy-turvy all the afternoon.
But when the shades of evening fell and
clarion horns In the distance announced
the approach -of the king with his retinue.
Joy was no more in the heart of the keeper
of th show. Thi people of Qulvera fled
to greet their 'noble king. The Highway
wa a bare-of 'people a a new bbrn
chicken of feather., -Roberta arrayed her
elf In modest skrt and hurried to see
the ruler, and the lions stopped their growl
ing for a while,. . For an hour and a half
all was quiet along the King' Highway.
When the king, with his army of foot
men and horsemen, had passed among
them, the people returned to make merry
in honor of Samson, their ruler. Roberta
got In tight again and th lion began to
growl. Mme. Ami walked on the celling
like a fly and the handsome Japanese.
prince danced on the high wire.
Two swains from - Hastings approached
two maid from Blair. "We know not your
names, fair ones," they said, "but of a ver
ity we know you are beautiful, and you
being children of Ak-Sar-Ben and this the
time of hi autumn Jubilee, you will not
allow us to suffer from lack of your com
pany only , for lack of an Introduction."
Said the girls then In- return: "For an
introduction It need only that you are
modest seeming young men and are sub
jects of hi majesty." Thert one of the
maids threw a handful of confetti into the
mouth of her admirer and the four danced
away together. It wa thu also with
others, for merriment reigned supreme and
there was not time. for conventionality.
Samson was pleased to note that hi
people took kindly to hi Idea of the sort
of amusement which wa good for them.
There were present on the Highway last
night 27,200 of hi subjects, and thl was
4,080 more than', took part In like pleas
ure a year ago. Samson hopes to see the
people on the Highway today as many a
the sands of the sea.
Police Make Only Three Arrest
During the KTenlnar.
'i'm afraid we'll -get hurt." said a timid
girl on Sixteenth' m the clock was ticking
along toward S.
"I guess w won't If we behave o.ur
selves and be good;" said the taller of the
trio. . 1
"But I won't be" good. I'm going to be
bad; as bad s I ran." 1
They went laughing Into the whirl of the
hundreds of merry jostlers that swung and
hung persistently along the line of the
parade. Ther was- never a better natured
crowd than last night, and perhaps never
one so eager. In places it was almost Im
possible to restrain them. The mounted
police pushed them back, only to have them
close In behind..
' The most severe congestion was at Doug
la street and Seventeenth, before the gates
of the carnival grounds. There the street
waa filled to the street car tracks on Six
teenth and the efforts at driving the crowd
back were unavailing. At other point
there wa little trouble and the onlooker
were very orderly. There were only three
arrest made in connection with the parade.
G. D. Ablon and Arthur Bloomfleld for
obstructing the walk with chair and H. B.
Thomas for resisting an officer were placed
In custody, being so charged at the Jail.
A Are caused a .momentary ripple of
alarm and the parade waa halted while
the Companies made the run. One truck
came down Sixteenth atreet through the
thickest or the crowd and a few anxious
shouts and cries were heard. There was
no panic, however, and the Are teams were
kept in perfect control. Most people had
the idea that the run was a fake, but
there was a genuine call. The Are was at
109 South Seventeenth street in th Keller
flat. It broke out In a lumber closet on
th upper floor and wa developing Into
a lively blax when th department arrived.
It 1 believed to have been started by a
carelessly thrown match. Little damage
wa done. The possibility of an accident
was so great that the pollc were much
relieved when the time passed and none
were reported. If there were any mishaps
they were o slight that nothing wa heard
of them.
It U blived that vry on went home
satisfied at th sfforts made to entertain
them. No comrlalnt wer heard In the
crowds that hurried from the streets .to
he carnival grounds or to their homes.
I .
City Utter More Handsomely Attired
for the Klnar.
Truly a city of light worthy the august
presence of his ImperlaT majesty, King
Ak-Sar-Ben XI wa the capital .f the
Kingdom of Qulvera last night. Light on
the buildings, high and low, l.ghts In count
lees thousands, strung in rows above the
curbs and lights In arches In a multitude
of places nomas the Imany streets all this
made a bias of glory which the loyal
subjects of the king delighted to hoe.
The spectacle was most Impressive from
lower Farnam street. Looking toward the
west, one saw arch after arch of lights
across the street, hung one above the other
by the Incline of the hill. The visitor rid
ing on the cars went past brilliantly llnhted
windows, gaily decorated with bunting of
green and yellow and red. the favorite
colors of his majesty, the king.. Along the
sine streets the lines of lights stretched
away as far as the eye could see. Fairy
streets In dreams never looked more grand
than those which pleased the eye of proud
viuiveran nocie or haughty dame.
From Blxteenth to Eighteenth streets
many thousands of Incandescent bulbs had
been placed, beautifying like enchanted
palaces the court house, the city hall. Bee
building and other large structures along
me street, a huge star on the east side
nu a smeia on the north side were two
or the court house' molt consplcun
decoration. High up above the d.,m
circle of lights was resplendent against th
background of the sky, while down along
the side of the structure the lights were
hung In strings. Across the strtet the
city hall was one mass of illumination
wver me door and window, on arch and
parapet and tower, on every place where
ngnts could be hung, they rested and lit
up the night with their radlanc. Just
easi ine tiee building was ablaso. Over
the entrance a large star, with the letter
B In red lights, attracted the attention of
the king a he passed by In the triumphal
procession. The office of the Omaha Elec
tric Light and Power company In the New
York Life building, shone In splendor. At
the Brandel store the illumination was
such that people who had heard of It
walked many blocks to see it. Two poles
were erectea rrom the top of the building
and lights had been hung between them
and rrom them to the corner of the truc
ture. Up and down th side of the build
ing at interval were regular row of
Another beautiful thing wa the ' en
trance to the King Highway, which many
01a not notice as they entered, but the
run beneflt of the beauty of which they re
ceived when they paused at Sixteenth
street and looked back on Douglas. A very
pretty effect was made by the circle of
light on the tower.
Eleven Special Trains
Handle Crowd.
The railroads had their hands full last
night after the parade handling the people
who desired to go home at once. Out of
the Union station there wa seven special
trains, and out of the Burlington station
there were four specials. These were la
addition to the regular night trains on the
Various roads. All of these trains were
loaded to the limit. The station masters
at both depot state the number handled
was the greatest In the history of the
Ak-Sar-Ben celebrations.
The special trains out of the Union sta
tion were a follow: Union Pacific, one
of twelve cars to Stromsburg and one of
twelve cars to Columbus; Missouri Pacific,
one of 'twelve cars to Fall City; North
western; - west bound, two trains, on of
thirteen and one of eleven cars, and east
bound, one of nine cars; Illinois Central,
one train.
The Burlington trains wer all of from
nine to ten car each.
Many Hovel Effects Introduced on the
One of the chief feature of the elec
trical parade was the many mechanical
contrivances, such a th eagle' wings,
elk's head, th revolving rosette, James
Alnscow feeding the tiger on the Bhrlners'
float, the revolving crown on the Royal
Achates' float and other little surprises.
An alarm of Are at 9.-06 caused the fire
department to cut through the crowd.
but no untoward Incident occurred on that
Tom Fry, one of the board of governors,
saw an Ak-Sar-Ben electrical parade last
evening for the first time, although Mr.
Fry ha been closely Identified with Ak-Sar-Ben
(Ince It Inception. In previous
year Mr. Fry was In the lead with th
Just before the king's float was taken
out of the den last evening the king broke
a suspender button off while sitting down
on hi throne. Gus Rente hurriedly sewed
on the button and the world began to
move again.
Every year, when the outriders and
trumpeter of King Ak-Sar-Ben proclaim
the monarch' advent and the streets of
the city begin to All up so that a resting
place Is not to be had within the radius
of the city limits, a great number of clti
sen congratulates upon their acquaintance
with Gustav F. Epeneter, the cornice
maker. During the entire eleven year of
Ak-Sar-Ben' reign Gu Epeneter has
erected along the line of march of the
parades reviewing stands for the sole and
exclusive use of his friends and patrons.
He started in eleven years ago and set
the planks on boxes along the sidewalk
sufficient to seat twenty people, and year
by year he has Increased the slse of his
stand until this year he seated nearly
2,000 friends on the stand on Farnam
street In front of the court bouse.
Stranger' Body Found.
ST. LOl'IS. Oct. 6 The headless body of
an unidentified boy apparently about 19
years waa found beside the Iron Mountain
railroad track at Lesperance street today.
The head lay three feet away. The trade
mark of a Arm In Erie, Pa., marked the
hat. In the clothing waa found 11.60 and an
old pistol. It is presumed he fell between
the cars. There were no bruslses on the
body and the fac wa not scratched to any
extent. 1
In Chronlo aod Nervous Diseases of
Rot Dollar Reed Be Paid I'ntll Cured.
W cure all Durable diseases of tbe Nose,
Throat, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels. Liver,
Kidney. Bladder, Rheumatism, Paralysis,
Mies, Skin 1Ik-um, Dyspepsia and Blood
PoUon of all kinds.
Call or write for booklet.
W make no charge for examination.
Oflre hours. 1 to i; Sundays, 19 to U.,
night T to 1 ' ....
Roes ?oa Karbach Blab, Omaha, Ren.
(Continued from First Psge.)
craxy I mean crasy on the subject of the
Cudahy kidnapping. Ilia desperation over
being constantly hunted about and th
notoriety he has had have turned hi head
He talks nt every opportunity about th
kidnaping but never tell the same tory
twice. I would not be surprised at any
thing he might give out In the shape of a
lurid tale, or any attempt he might make
now to bring others In as partner In hi
1 understand that what you call th
two yellow papers have each sent a re
porter out to Butte to interview him.
They will have no difficulty In getting him
to talk, but the trouble will be to separate
the fact from Action. Crowe I eager for
newspaper advertising, snd he will All alt
the space any newspaper will give him."
Chief Donohue has forwarded to Captain
Dunn at Butte a check for $210 with In
structinns to turn it over to the officers
who made the arrest of Crowe. Thl I th
amount of the reward ordered by th chief
personally for Crows' arrest.
, m oraos s sin sr. sn, m
THE great fur seal
- fisheries off the
Alaska coast fur
nish the choicest skins.
Between the curing of
the skin and the making
of a jacket similar to the
one shown in the picture,
must come the process of
In all the large cities of
the world there are men
with varying degrees of
skill who dye seal skins.
'All. the most skillful
dyers of, seal skins live in
They possess secrets un
known elsewhere.
So it is that the choice
skins must be London
They cost some more
and are worth much more.
A twenty-four inch
Gordon jacket of best
London-dyed Alaska Seal
will cost this year $400.
Lower grades at lower
Ask your dealer jor
A friend of th hom
A to of th Tryt
Comaiiau with tti ur Food Law)
I ail glte.
Columbian Optical Co.
- 211 South Uth Street
Oldest and Largest Optical Haus In Omaha
,'. . Thon 494. .
Tonight, Saturday Matin and flight
Col. Gaston Borderverry, Dlda, Edmund
Day A Co., Violet Dale. The Csibulas. Ut
ile Wilson, Lea Parisieiints and the Kino
drome. Prices 10, 20c, DOo.
Removed to Crcigliton rk'hool of Law,
18th Strret lar Faruam.
Note) the line location, also Uie term
Reopen for children Saturday, Oct. 7.
Beginner 8a turd jr 10 . m.; Wed
nesday :15 p. in. He son 6 month, $10.
Adrance and Children Matinee with
program and three parties. He son U
month, $5.00. ,
High School Class Friday 8 b. m. Be,
on. 8.00,
The-cheap term quitted above ore given
to Introduce our new location- and bell.
IT Ait
Earning Money
does not give success its
benefit is but temporary.
Success is only attained by
la)-ing aside a portion of
your earnings. This portion
opens up new opportunities,
broadens . your scope and
lends n feeling of satisfac
tion not found by any-other
method. Deposits of any
amount may be mftdo t any
time. 4 per cent compound
interest paid.
Oldest and' Strongest Sav
ings Bank in Nebraska".
City Savings Bank
16th and Douglas Sts,
v a ; ' -
$1 a Week
I all Jt takes to wear a diamond
or a watch. I will open a confi
dential charge account with any
honest man or woman and deliver
the article you elect on th flrt
payment. Call and have a talk
with me. I will gladly tall you all
about It. I sell Jewelry for .
Cash or Credit
1322 Farnam Street
Th Loading: Jeweler
Price He, SSe, 60c, 76c.
Eun. Mat. 10c, 2c, 60c.
Wednesday A Saturday
matinees, ail Beats, ibo.
Special Engagement of
(The Honey Boy)
In the Fantastic Musical
Th Entire New TorkVasIno Produc
tion and the Famou
Starting Sunday Matinee
Th Picturesque Melodrama
A Herolo. Pathetic Drama of Real Life.
Society Event tithe Setsen
Week of October 9
Matinees Wednesdays and Saturday
Popular Prices
First row in th balcony 11.60 each
Next three row Il.oo each
Next three row 75c each
Next three row 60j each
Reserved seat down stal rs.. $2.00 eaoo
Season tickets (for two) down stairs
at $25.00 each
(No reduction for season ticket In
the balcony.
.Occupants of boxes and seats down
stairs will have the privilege of th
Price of Boxes
One bo holding four seats SSOOO
On bo holding six seats n og
One box holding eight seats luo 00
Seats and boxes now on sale at the
Auditorium building.
& Burgess
Tonight at I p. M.. Tomorrow 1P.M.
Saturday Evening at 8 P. M.
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday Night
Tuesday Night. Wednesday Matin
Eves., Sun. Mats. 10 A- too
Tonight. Saturday Mat. and Night
Mr.-tnd Mrs. Chambers'
School of Dancing How Open
Adult beginners. Mondays and Thurs
day. 8 P. M.
Assembly dates furnished on appll
cation. Children. Tuesdays and Saturdays,
Misses and masters advanced. Satur
day 4 P. M.
. High School cUbs opens Friday, Oo
tober 20th, I P, II,
' Telethons F-1OT1,
A. Man e