Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1905, Page 10, Image 10
10 TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1P03. 1 6Tb md Douglas Streets JOfo J..1 .V i t vn II I I muni?? 16th and Douglas Streets Wonderful Bargain Sales Every Day of the Carnival -Do Your Fall and Winter Buying Now and You Will Fully One-Third. See Our New Subway MOST INTERESTING SIGHT IN OMAHA Runs Directly Under Deuglas St. Joining Main Bldg. with OUR NEW ANNEX Firai Section of Brandeis' New $1,000,030 Building. - Visitors to Ak-Sar-Ben Wo want yu to feel ; perfectly at home in our store. Check your baggage and parcels free use our free telephones, free waiting rooms and free wash rooms use our store as a meeting place with your friends. We extend you a cordial welcome. FRIDAY'S EXTRA SPECIALS Ladies' Neckwear at 10c and 25c Ladies' new fall neck wear novelties in stocks, tabs, turnovers, etc. silk embroidered, lace trimmed, etc. all new effects for this fall dainty colors tl g TZ?.?. IlUC and Z JC Ladies' Kid Gloves All the very latest fall styles in street and dress kid gloves fall's newest shades finest kid in two-clasp styles, all jTfc fttl Kl!'Tl.Bq"l.. o!yc and cpil GREATEST RUG BARGAIN s EVER OFFERED IN OMAHA. OUR $29 AXMINSTER RUGS AT $19 As an extra special inducement to Ak-Sar-Ben sight seers to visit our Carpet Department, we offer a full, new line oi Axmxnster liugs, size 9x12 feet all new floral and Oriental patterns; ip none are reserved we usually sell these rugs at ,$29 special for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors. 9 Special Bargain in Silk 3,750 yards of . new fall silks, plain and changeable taf fetas, latest fancy silk's also the new plaids all on sale at, per yard S(Q)c BRANDEIS MILLINERY Stunning Street and Dress Hata The latest autumn models all the new shapes and color combinations would sell anywhere else at double the figure, at Horse Show Millinery. Imported Hats Most artistic and elabora'te Parisian style a splen did display, will go at 2.98 .im a.uKi tiiiuuriiie $5-$10 Jewelry Dept. In the Annex We are having a special sale of W. A. Rogers famous silverware. Prices lower than anywhere else. Horse Show finery fflSBAMD Horse Show Jewelry Ms You Would Be Pleased To look over the beautiful new pieces In sterling silver we hava Just received. It Is a handsome line and Is a gooa sizea siock xo select irom. we always carry a nice line of these goods, but this Is larger than ever. Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1 1516 Douglas Street. Hardys 1513 DODGE 8TREKT. Remember the Dear Ones a.t Home Take away with you some memento of your visit here. Our stock is full to overflowing with new and beautiful goods Toys, Dolls, Novelties, of every description at our low and popular prices. OPEN EVENINGS THIS WEEK. II.IUMMIwasMian1n Sweaters! We manufacture our own trunks, traveling- bags and suit cases. We make them of the bett material. Our workman ship Is unexcelled. We aell thtm for less than Inferior grades would cost you elsewhere. If you buy of us you Wl! fei thr b.1"t3i?u money-you will be better 5?!i"fle,?,- father Bound Matting- Suit Cases, SS.50, $3.75 and 34-00. We do repairing;. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1209 Farnam 8trat. The Lowest Rates of the Year Round-Trip Homeeken Tickets eJ Three-Fourths of the One Way Rales (MINiriUM $10.00) To Points In OKLAHOMA. INDIAN TERRITORY. ARKANSAS. MISSOURI, TEXAS And Other &Ut October 3d and 17th November 7th and 21st December 5th and I9th A. HILTON. General r winter Agent. : ST. LAJVI&, MIX . J. C LOVRIIN, aas'l (ien L Passenger Agent. KANSAd CITY. MO. We are now ready to take all kinds of Sweater orders and are showing the latest styles of Men's and Ladies' Jackets and Norfolks. Boys' Buster Brown sweaters made in any color you desire. Men's Sweaters In all styles and colors and for all purposes hunting, fishing, golf sweaters and Jackets. Football hose In all colors. All orders filled the same day. Give us a call. Our goods are all made in Omaha. Best quality at lowest prices. Jos. F. Bilz 322 So. 16th St.. Omaha. IHAMOSDS e name A 111 Vlir isllli , - weight, of the same degree of fj periecuon. are posed to be of equal value, but they are not. One might be too thick or shallow, have a thick girdle, facets not properly laid all or any of which decreases the value. Are you competent to Judge? If not, see us and we will give you the result of tm.,. i timi ilfcii ssfarn ff 38,000 Acres of Capitol Building Lands In McPherson. Edmunds, Faulk, Potter and Hyde counties. In South Dakota, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. For particulars. If Interested, rela tive to descriptions, appraisement, terms, date and placo of sale, apply to this de partment. G . BACH, Commissioner of School and Public Lands, PIERRE, SO. DAKOTA. Readty Bargains Find them erery day by watching th an nouncements tn TUB BEE'S Want Ad Col Write for sample copy. Indexed guide to train times for Neb., Ia., 8. D.. etc. 26o a copy. TRAVELERS ftllDB COMPACT. 61 Bee Bulldiig. Ohama. MR. & MRS. MORAND Classes for children In the Hanacom Park and west Farnam district begin Friday, Oct 6th at 1 p. m. Main school, new location, 18th and Farnam In the Crelghton Law School begin Oct 7th; beginners 10 a. m, advance 3 p. m. H. L RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S CIT1T VUTKfUMAalAJI. Office and Infirmary, ttla aod It aaoa Jit. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAiT Friday Fair. 0 CM J is a . Green Trading Stamps Main Floor. i ' f! 1 v J S Wt. S J Hi Friday aivd Saturday Bargains Our in Ready-to-Wea.r Dept. LADIES' 8ATKKN TETTICOATS Soft and silky, the $1.25 quality, 9c L.1IS SATEEN PETTICOATS Knee length, accordion pleats, black or gray fancy, value $1.75, at $1.2.1 LADIES' SILK COATS Our entire stock, 24 inch. 27 inch, 36 inch, and the long Redingote styles, All at half the regular prices. 0.90 SILK COATS AT 4.05 $8.03 SILK COATS AT 4.4 i 9I2.SO SILK COATS AT $6.25 $20.00 SILK COATS AT $10.00 LADIES' SEAL COATS Friday morning: we offer ten real seal coats at less than the cost of the skins. ALEXTIOX ISLAND 4X SEAL COATS worth $175.00, at $119 ALASKAN 8X SEAL COATS worth $225.00, at $175 ALASKAN 4X SEAL COATS worth $250.00, at $195 ALASKAN IMPKltlAL SEAL COATS worth $300.00, at $225 LADIES' COATS AND SIMTS We show the largest assortment, the best styles, and our Ak-Sar-Ben cut prices are the very lowest. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WINTER. UNDERWEAR. AT SPECIAL PRICES. LADIES' AMAZON .1EKSEV KIDDED UNION SCITS Fleece lined, perfect fitting, in gray aud ecru, 75c value Special Friday, suit 50c CHILDREN'S COTTON JERSEY RIDDED I NION SI ITS IN gray only, French seams, 39c value Special Friday, a suit. . . : ,25c HOSIERY SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY. LADIES' PLAIN RIDDED FAST DLACK MACO HOSE Children's fine and heavy ribbed fast black hose, all seamless feet, spliced heel and toe regular 25c value Friday, at pair . 15c BELTS, GLOVES, NECKWEAR, ETC. BELT SALE Ladies' silk, satin and mercerized belts in full assort ment of colors in all the desirable styles, worth to $1.00 Fri day, at. each 50c and 25c APRON GINGHAMS worth 8c, Friday, per yard 4Hc BLEACHED MUSLIN Special for Friday, per yard 3c Lengths from 1 to 9 Vi yards. 12 yards to a customer. 500 MAUNFACTVRERS' SAMPLES OF NAPKINS They come ' six in a pack, in two lots, worth $2.00 and $2.25 per dozen Fri day Lot 1, six for :ic. Lot 2, six for 75c 200 PAIRS BLANKETS 10-4 in gray, tan and white, special for Friday, a pair 59c 200 HEMSTITCHED TABLE CLOTHS Silver bleached, all linen, in 2, 2V6 and 3 yards, special for Friday, each. .$1.95. $1.69, $1.45 60-INCH UNBLEACHED TABLE DAMASK All linen, worth 50c yard, Friday, per yard, only 35c SPECIAL GLOVE SAL: The Leila Kid Gloves, made by the Rey nier manufacturer; silk stitched, glace finish, in all the new shades, every pair guaranteed, sale price Friday, pair $1.00 NEW. WORSTED GOLF GLOVES In all colors, misses' and ladies' sizes, special, a pair 25c NECKWEAR SPECIAL Silk and lace stocks, linen stocks, with or without tabs, fancy embroidered turnovers. This entire lot worth to 50c Sale price Friday, each 10c 75c FACE VEILINGS FOR 15c Plain and fancy mesh veilings, with or without dots, in full assortment of colors, worth up to 75c yard, sale price Friday, yard 15o GREAT MAXDKERCHIEF SALE Ladies' plain hemstitched, fancy embroidered and lace trimmed handkerchiefs, made of pure Irish linen, worth to 15c, special Friday, each 5c BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY DAILY SPECIAL OFFERS, BEST QUALITIES, PROMPT DELIVERIES. Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound delicious , Golden Bantos Coffee ;..:..:- ", 28c Twenty Green. Trading Stamps with pound Tea, splendid quality 48c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound whoh) Mixed Pictillng Spice 25 Ten Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can Burnharn Clam Chowder .. 20c Ten Green Trading Stamp3 with bottle Capitol Flavoring Extract.. 18o Ten Green Trading Stamps with three packages Jell-O, assorted flavors 25c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond "S" Chili Sauce 25o Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint Dottle Diamond "S" Salad Dressing 25c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with pound can Batavla Salmon, fancy quality 23o Ten Green Trading Stamps with glass tumbler Cranberry Sauce We Fortv Grefn Trading Stamps with sack Bennett's Excelsior Flour.. $f.65 Ten Green Trading Stamps with package Vigor Breakfast Food lOo Specials in Our Crockery Section VISITORS MUST SEE OUR BEAU TIFUL CHINA SECTION GLAD TO HAVE YOU LOOK AT . IT, WHETHER VOU PURCHASE Oil NOT. JAPANESE CHINA IN PROFUSION Hundreds of new novelties from 10c to $l( See the beautiful cupt and saucers, regular 50c 2C values, at cv Peppers and salts, red deco rations, each w FRIDAY SPECIAL IN TABLE TUMBLERS Beautifully decorated 6 for "uw (No delivery on this Item.) ENGLISH RORKINOHAM TEA POTS Good shape and deco- ."Iftc ration, any size; each -jw A GIGANTIC SALE OF CLOTHING LION BRAND 50c On the Dollar The Greatest Genuine Clothing Opportunity of the Season Lion Brand Suits, Overcoats a.nd Top Coats Suits in Cheviots, Cashmeres, Thibets, Worsteds, stylish gray effects, new green mixtures, plain blue and plain black Cheviots and Thibets, extra long and conserva tive cuts, button side or center vents, three or four but ton coats, styles eminently correct. Top and Overcoats in coverts, whipped cords, tan and brown shades, con servative Oxford grays and black cheviots, genteel and correct, worth $22.50, J Lion Bra.nd Suits, Overcoats a.nd Top Coats Finest Imported Woolenii, hand tailored throughout, the close fol lower of fashion will find these garments perfect in every detail. Heavy Overcoats, top coats and suits, not one of the lot II nn worth less than $25.00, and a great many $35.00 lT'.O Lion Brand Label is Your Guarantee. BOYS' SUITS Double-Breasted, Three-Piece Suits. Norfolks, Knickerbockers In the Late Styles and Goods A DOLLAR WATCH With every Suit up from t a1 Carnival Sale A DAY OF GREAT BARGAINS It THK ItKMAItl.K, KTOKK. A DAY OF. GREATfr BARGAINS REMNANT DAY FRIDAY A DAY IN WHICH ALL REMNANT ACCUMULATIONS AND ODD LOTS ARE SOLD AT SACRIFICE PRICES Remnants in Wool Dress Goods Not mnll rleres for patch work, but 10.000 yard of new fnll 1M8 Wool Press Goods tn REMNANTS of 34 to 10 yards, Broadcloths. Venetians, tinsdownes. Cheviots, Seizes, Muhnlrs, l'rlestlev's Black Difss Goods, Lupin's, Black and Colors runs from $l.f) a yard to H.OT per yard, '1 r Tf 4 t P l al8vardi:rav.ene.u.":.:!r: 25c, yjc, 4lc, 59c Another Press Goods and Wash Goods sale from 2 to 4 p. m. Coma early and set first choice. Remnants of High Grade Wash Goods :.39c to 69c All Linen Suitings, French Organdies, Silk Tissues and Pongees, worth e per yard; 36-Inch. Fen-ales, Scotch Ginghams and other Wash ! 1 IA Goods that sold from 12Hc to 5c per yard IP i I IIP wj. m 4 v, a W all will go In this sale, at, yard Remnants of High Grade Linens Yama Mia, pure Silk. Gloria Cloth. Lustral, Manhattan and other fine Lln . Ings, worth from 2Kc to 59c per yard, long lengths, all will go to close, nt, yard , Rememher, another Wash Goods and Dress Goods sale from Z to 4 10c p. m. In the Great Domestic Room 6Hc Standard Dress Prints, 01r 15c English Ixmgcloth, from tha f special, at, yard "8" bolt, at, yard VC 18c Arnold's Flannelettes, In long a 76c Fringed Table Cloth, I yards nrtn mill ends, at, yard JW long, color green, each ....V"' 10fZer ol""- Kreat nP' 64C ' 00 Pattern Table Cloths, Ri. fz at. yard W3W yards long, special at......?. OOC 10c Doublo Fold Percales, fast C- . . colors, at, yard OC 75c Seamless Sheets, ready to use, AQn White Goods of all kinds on bargain 8U9U ",e' Bt square, worth double the price, e,, 12Hc Pillow Slips, ri al, yard, 15c. 8c and OO at VC 7Vsc Bleached Muslin, splendid Er 6hic. Twilled Toweling, ' bargain, at .yard iJ . at, yard. 15c Heavy Twill Shirtings, great 71 r Table Linen Remnants at lesa han half bargain, at, yard 3 price. Interesting Furnishing Specials 49c I Ladles' Heavy Ribbed Combination Suits, worth tl.00, at Ladles' Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants, worth 50c, at Lndles' Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants, worth 39c, at Children's Fleece Lined Vesta and Pants, in an sizes, great snap, ie- 25c 19c at. .A. Misses' Ribbed Union Suits, boc values, at. 25c Children's extra heavy Vests and Pants, fleece lined, worth 39c 25C Ladles' Heavy Outing Flannel Gowns, worth 75c, at Children's Dresses, worth up to ll.OO. at 49c 39c GREAT SALE OF GLOBE J1.00 CORSBTS-An Immense lot of the Celebrated Globe $1.00 Corsets, secured by us at a great bargain, are now on sale. Coma f In drab or white, with hose supporters attached, all sizes, regular 11.00 I'p values, at , , Sugar Sugar Sugar HATDEN BROS. BUT TWENTY-FIVE CARS OF PURE CANE GRANULATED SUGAR FROM THE TRUST. The trust Is fighting on sugar end are losing thousands of dollars. We took advantage of this and bought twenty-flve cars. The freight rate on sugar will advance October 7. Then the old price will be es- xaDiisnea. we always give our customers tne nenent or tnese Trust - Fights and tomorrow we will sell TWENTY-ONE POUNDS OF PURS CANE GRANULATED SUGAR FOR ill U1 l"" 1.00 Omaha's Greatest Fresh Fruit Department Bushel boxes of Fancy California Bell flower Apples $1.49 Fancy California Tokay Grapes, per " pound Ttoe Fancy new California Figs, per pack age 4o New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per pound. 2Hc 8 measures Fresh, Roasted Peanuts lOe Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen Mc Large Ripe Bananas, per dozen ...HHo Fancy Ripe Pears, per dozen 12V&Q mam The janitor service in The Bee Building is as near perfect as it can be, remembering that janitors are human. Offices from $10 to $4? per month several desirable ones from whteh to choose. aaasawssiBasaHBaBBasBaaMsasaaaMSSaasssBsaaBaBaw 9 i From Nebraska Points Direct to Chicago. In addition to three daily trains, Omaha to Chicago, through service is also offered from other points on the main line of the Union Pacifio railroad to Chicago by, tha Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Through sleeping cars, both standard and tourist, and through chair cars are operated by this line. All ticket agents sell tickets east by this line. Ask them to do so. Leave Omaha, 7:55 a. m., 5:45 p. m. or 8:35 pi. m. f. a: nagh; : 0nrl Watrn Agnt, 1524 Farnam Street, OMAHA XtslepbWMi ML r. V!