Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Contractor McGowan Tells Connoil Hs ii
R?idj to EUrt Wojlu
I arkla nm til
Tart of Job Moadar aad Mash
V Marshy la Riprrlfd to
Follow On.
At last night's mpctlng of ths city council
AdKJns reported that John McOon-an, tho
contractor who Is to nut down the rurmns
n, Missouri avenuo. would start work on
Monday. Mr. McQowan called at th
commenced and stated that on Baturday
he would move hla material down here ind
bfl ready to . start to work on Monday
morning. Thla waa satisfactory to the
mayor and council. The curbing will atart
at Thirteenth street and the contractor
will work weet on Missouri avenue. Mc
own expacta to complete the work In
two weka. Councilman Adklns will rail
on Hugh Murphy today and endeavor to
have him get ready to start the paving
Just- aa soon an a block or two of curbing
has been set.
The judiciary eommltiee reported favor
ably on a petition to establish curb lines
onr Twentieth street, from Q street to
Missouri aventK-. permission was given
the property owners to park or otherwise
improve thta nection of Twentieth street.
A petition to grade the alley from I to J
streets, between Twenty-second and
Twenty-third streets, waa read and re
ferred to the city attorney and city en
gineer.' ' ' '
An ordinance was passed providing for
the grading ot Eighteenth street from I
street to Missouri avenue. These appraisers
were appointed t the mayor: B. R. Leigh,
J. J. Ryan and John McMillan.
The sewer bond ordinance calling for an
Issue of bonds In the sum of tM.OH) for the
construction of sewers was pnssed.
t'pon motion of Council Klewlt Architect
L. A. Davis was appointed superintendent
of the construction of the fire department
headquarter building now being erected
at Twenty-fifth And It streets.
City- Engineer Beal was Instructed to es
tablish the grade on Twelfth street from
J 'Street to Missouri avenue
' Herman To in brink Fnnrral.
The funeral of Herman Tombrlnk was
held Wehdeday at the late residence of
the deceased, 1318 North Twenty-fourth
street. Rev. R. L. Wheeler, paator of the
First Presbyterian church and Rev. Oeoige
VanWJnklo, pastor of the Baptist church,
crtnducted" the services. A large number of
friends of the deceased attended the ser
vices and followed the remains to the grave
at.JLaurel Hill cemetery. The floral offer
ings .were numerous. One set piece was
t.nt by tho Woodinen of the World, and
another, by,, employes of Cudahy's oftlce,
where, a. son of the deoeased Is employed.
The pall .bearers were: F. A. Cressey, E.
L. Howe. O. W. Masson, N. D. Mann.
Thomaa- Ueary and C. M. Rich.
' ' Inquest Aaraln Postponed.
Only a portion of the testimony In regards
to the death of Frank Miller was taken
yesterday by Coroner Brailey. A postpone
ment' Was ordered until 4 o'clock this after
noon -In order to permit the attendance of
witnesses not yet arrived from Fairbury.
The coroner expects that the ' Jury will
reach a verdict this afternoon.
Mike Kearnent Arrested.
Mike Begnent, the saloon keeper who Is
wanted her for throwing Sophia Mattues
out of window at Twenty-fourth and U
streets Tuesday,- ha been arrested In Chl
cagirWhn Ohte -fiiiggs became satis
fled' that Begnent had Seen successful tn
evading arrest In Omaha he wired the Chi
cago police to- watch the Omaha trains.
The result was Begnent's arrest as he
stepped from a train In Chicago Wednesday
afternoon. Segnent has announced his
willingness to returri to Nebraska without
requisition papers. A Chicago officer Is
coming this way In a day or two and will
bring Segnent. with him. The woman is
reported tQ be doing as well oa could be
expected., ,
'- Many Witness Parade.
Hundreds of South Omaha people went
to Omaha Wednesday to witness the Ak-Sar-Ken
daylight parade. The public school
children were dismissed at noon In order
to permit those who desired to attend. The
city offices were closed at noon and quite
a number of business houses closed. Street
car travel waa heavy, Many extra cars were
put on but, fruiu uoon until after o'clock
BBBBBaaV. J Of a )
STUm oharV P"Ptl,
Recommended by
the leading phyel
' siane and used In
II prominent hos
The Red Cross
Whlakey anjoya to-
'day the beat of rep
utations and stands
above all In quality
and purity,
71 So. Ith Street
Sola Owner.
Order from at r tea
'west of Nebraska
will be shipped by
W uao our ewa aaot
la oar huslDoaai m
J know who you are aeloj
1 business with.
Ceasaltattea Pros.
ui4. ' Method new. without pah or loo
f Una. CHAROm LOW.
"tv"- viun migm, oymplon (sut oa
ayobrow faiUa out! diaappaar omplatoly !
Wuk. Iinoui. Utt VJJU 'rtSa
nervoua debllty, early doello. kaeh of vigor
aod atrength.
URINART, Kidney and Blaader Troubtoav
Wak B-ck, burning Urine. Frequency ol
irtaatlng. urina iuh Colarod or with
uiiky 6ilmnt on standing.
Treatment by mall. U vra m arr.-v.
hat U iMh 4 Uajagj feu
t '''n.i r s r nv.
all northbound cars were crowded. A
great many who went to Omaha remained
to attend the carnival in the evening.
Ordinance t Enforced.
Pome weeks ago Chief Rrlgga called the
attention of patrolmen to the riding of
bicycles on sldewslks. Arrests were threat
ened, but none made. Now the practice Is
as bad m ever and boys and men can be
seen at all hours of the day and night
riding bicycles on the sidewalks. The
Police board 'Is to be requested to again
call the attention of patrolmen to this
violation of a city ordinance. A few ar
rests and a fine would assist materially In
putting a stop to this practice.
Made City Goaslp.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smiley returned
last evening from a trip to Colorado.
river ,0W head of horses were shipped
from this market to various states last
Mrs. C. J. McDonald and children. Twenty-fourth
and ( streets, have returned from
Colorado, wdere they spent a month.
Miss Margaret McMahnn has returned
from Dixon, 111., where she visited friends
and relatives fur a portion of the aummer.
Fraternal Ufe association circle No. 49
will meet Friday evening at the home of
Mrs. Anna Meyers, Railroad avenue and
Washington street.
Sunday the South Omaha aerie. Fraternal
Ord-r of Eagles, mill visit Council Bluffs
as the guests of aerie No. lot. A picnic
and fish bake Is on the program.
In mentioning the construction of a store
building in Albright hy Pivonka Bros, an
error was made In saying that Katsky &
Harding would open a general store In the
building. The Arm name Is Katsky A
Heldlng. This firm expects to move Into
the new store on November ..
The women of the Christian church are
preparing to hold a rummage sale for three
onyn, commencing October 19. Those having
articles for this sale are requested to leave
the same with Mrs. F. E. Jones, 60S North
Nineteenth street: Mrs. A. U Oonaway.
ln North Twentieth street, or Mrs. O. W.
Burch, 919 North Twenty-second street.
Police Jortae Lenient with Those
Who Have Kot , Read
tho Ilnlea.
Police court Wednesday morning had a
distinct holiday appearance. Many of the
prisoners arraigned were strangers who
had traveled many miles to the chief city
of Cibola to witness the festivities and
bend a knee to King Ak-Sar-Ben XI.
Andrew Anderson, arrested by Detectives
Mitchell and Davis on a charge of carry
ing concealed weapons, was discharged by
the police Judge." Anderson came from
Stanton county, looked as if he had been
a good boy and haa nice folks, so the
Judge told him to go. Anderson waa drink
ing out of a large bottle of a certain pa
tent remedy on the public highway Tues
day evening and ran when he saw Emer
gency Officer Devereese coming along.
Devereese thought Anderson had a guilty
conscience, so he told the detectives men
tioned to Chase the filnntnn mn, mun
When caught Anderson had a revolver and
mo Dome or remedy. Anderson thought
Devereese was going to rob him.
irln Klzler. the Oklahoma Imv with th
cute fringe under his chin, was In police
court Wednesday morning for the first
lie in ms nre. Kizier deposed that he Is
i years of aire, but vmim am kitten i
spirits.- The terrlMe charge filed against
Klzler waa that of getting drunk. He was
discharged and told to be more careful the
oi me weeK or he would twt rtnain.,1
after school.
T. J. Farley waa arrested at th n.
seemly hour of 1 a. m. bv Offlenr nii.nh..
Farley maintained he could not find lodg
ings i a notei mat suited him. The man
waa discharged and told to 1
ingg At an earlier hour hereafter.
Great Ctaartrt Entertains Fine
Audience with Splendid
Bohemians from all carta nt h .v
heard the Conccjrt a-1vn mt n.KAml-. m
ntr hall last night by the Bohemian quartet,
unuer me auspices of Tel Jed Bokol. A
tnousand people were present and a large
percentage of them were i.i
tors. '
The Bohemian auartet. m-hleh h. i.
ternatlonal reputation. Is making Its second
tour of the Vnited States. It has such
fame among the Bohemians that the an
nouncement that It would appear in Omaha
last night brought several hundred people
lu lne city wno otherwise might not have
The quartet sang i number of Bohemian
folk songs, very slmDle. some nt th.m k.
songs to which the audience listened breath
less, thinking of their native land. Among
the numbers were the Slavic hvmn Wri.
kovsky a Utonula," Raff s "Fisherman's
Dong, Koslcosny's "O Sweetest Da HI no-
Balnt-Saens' "Serenade" and Malafs "Bongs
or tne Bohemian PeoDle." Karel Rf hi no-
tenor, sang "1 Love Tou"; Antonln Svojslk,
bass, sang one of Dvorak songs and Jan
Novak, barytone, aang Novotny'a "Folk
Bong." A duet, "The Bartered Bride," by
SmeUna, was given by Sefrllng and Bvojalk.
Georare Cralat and Charlie Dafflo Lot
Their Feet Drag; aad Mlaa
a Bararaia.
Had Assistant City Engineer George W.
Craig and Charles E. Duffle been a fw
minute quicker Tueaday night they might
nave Dougni a automobile for $175.
Nel Vpdlke. who ha owned a four
cylinder Franklin car for two seasona, was
haviner trouble with the wagon (n front of
the Merchants hotel. He could not get It
started. He fussed and fumed lor ten
minute to no good purpose. At last he
got angry and used strong language, "If
I could get 1175 for It I'd aell this blankety
blank-blank machine right now." he roared.
Hla word were carried to Craig and
Duffle, who were coming up the street.
Both have wanted a motor car. Craig
felt in hi pocket for his check book and
started for the Merchants hotel. Before
the two arrived, however. smutty-faced
young man In an automobile cap had wan
dered along, noticed the trouble, asked for
a small wrench, crawled under the car,
emptied the carbuter of a lot of dirt and
started the car on tta way.
Craig and Duffle were one-half of one
seoond too lata, t'pdlke loved hla rnviin
again and wouldn't sell for lea than $1,000.
Hot tho Place for Coaalaa of Ftr.t
Degree to Jola la
Wedlock. ,
Two young people from Kansas, showing
upon their faces the effects of a long Jour
ney, wended a weary way to the county
judge' office Wednesday morning and
asked for a marriage license. Before the
clerk could even get their namea the young
man aald they were first cousins. They
merely groaned when Informed that this
kind of marriage didn't go In Nebraska
and after a consultation they asked where
the next state was located. They were
beaded In the direction of CounoU Bluff,
and by thla tlm It 1 supposed they are
Mr. and Mrs. Somebody. They cam to
attend Ak-Sar-Ben. and the wedding
thought waa merely an Incident of the trip.
Frlaatfnl Looa of Life
results from throat and lung disease. Dr.
King Xw Discovery for Consumption 1
a sure eure. too and tl.oa. For ..i.
Sherman MoConnall Drug Co
Othello" at the Boyd.
Robert Msntell and Company In "Othello."
a tragedy In five arts and nine scenes,
by Wllllnm Bhakenpeare; under llrecllon
of William A. Brady. The cast:
Othello, a noble Moor In the service of
Vtnlce Robert Mantell
lago, his ancient Harry liClghton
Casslo, his lieutenant
Alfred Holllngsworth
Brabantlo, a senator Giles Sli'ne
Duke of Venice Walter Campbell
Montano, Othello's predecessor iq the
government of Cyprus (iordon Burby
Roderlgo, a Venetian gentleman
Arthur H. Ebbcta
Lodovlco, kinsman to Brabantlo ....
Franklin Bendts-n
Oratlano, brother to Brabantlo
lievore Parmer
Paulo Hamilton B. Molt
Desdemona, daughter to Brabantlo and
wife to Othello Marie Booth Russell
Emilia, wife to lago Emily Dodd
Whatever Shakespeare Intended, beyond
writing an extremely clever play, mfty be
left to Conjecture for the present. In i
writing "Othello" he descanted with much
wisdom and penetrating shrewdness on a
theme that ha ever been popular with the
dramatist. It play on the elemental pas
sions of primal man, and a civilization
He scarcely skin deep above those mas
tering passion even yet, the portrayal of
them on the a'.age finds ready hearing. It
ha nothing of subtlety in It composition,
but comes directly to the point, and thus
It touches home to even the dullest of wits
and the lamest of understandings. So,
then, "Othello" will be a. play until man's
nature Is finally swallowed up In the god
like. And then It may still be read. If not
Mr. Mantell glvea a very faithful pre
sentation of the play and the character,
making a Moor In whose honest heart there
waa no room for two thoughts. His por
trayal of the character as a whole Is very
good; It haa its faults, and at points It al
most touches greatness. It Is chiefly to
be commended for the fidelity with which
he holds to the written text and to the
best that tradition affords concerning the
right method of expression for those gales
of passion that blew his soul In doubt from
love to hate, from affection to detestation,
from the heaven of a wlfe'a true love to
the hell of a cuckold's realization. His
strong scene wtth lago In the third act
ha been more effectively rendered by
greater actor, his fault here being a re
pression of the rage that was later vented
on his wife rather than on her accuser.
Again, he ha adopted a method for the
final scene that la effective from the stand
point of the merely theatric, but which
lacks warrant both In fact and art. It la
not at all likely that even as strong a man
a Othello lived to deliver any farewell
whispers with eight or nlno tnche of te?I
In his heart.
Mr. Lelghton's lago I a carefully studied
production. It lacks In spontaneity and
eurrer much through the failure of the
young man to Invest It with that essen
tial venom and rancor that was so great
a part of the character. He delivers his
lines with much effect and acts the part
with a quiet Insistence that does much to
lift It above the ordinary. Mr. Holllngs
worth' Cassia Is hardly as commendable
as his other effort of the week, his one
great scene being marred by a robustious
utterance hardly compatible with the re
morse and shame he felt.
Mis Booth' Desdemona Is a finely con
ceived and splendidly portrayed character.
She misses none of her opportunities, but
csrrles herself with excellent effect through
all. Mis Dodd 1 also deserving of praise
for her portrayal of Emilia.
The play Is staged perfectly, and was
witnessed last night by the largest audi
ence of the week. Mr. Mantell was called
again and again to bow to the applause
bestowed on his effort. "Othello" will bo
given again this evening, tho curtain to
rise at such hcur aa the big parade may
determine by Its passage. This afternoon
at a matinee "Richelieu" will be repeated.
The curtain at the matinee will go up at
t o'clock sharp.
Banda Rosso at Auditorium.
The fifth performance of the Banda Rossa
at the Auditorium last night Was attended
by about 1,000 attentive listeners. The first
number, the wedding march by Men
delssohn, was well received; but thu second
number, the overture,-" "William Tell,"
called forth the moat spontaneous applause
of any. Leading off with a single plaintive
note from the clarinet, and an answering
Dream rrom the aaxaphone, the melody
rose to first climax, where the full power
of the- pieces blended In strenuous har
mony. There was a tinkle of flute and
harp, like water on the pebbles of the
Rhine. There was the swift gallop of
horses, the patrlot'a escape from hie ene
mies; gathering clans, and a great triumph.
The final notes were followed by prolonged
Eugene Sorrentlno, the director, being
under the doctor s care, did not appear,
The program waa carried out by his as
Many of tho Nlmble-Fingrered Gentry
Call on Omaha
Petty thieve and burglar had a little
session In Omaha Tuesday night.
B. N. Howard of lfiOJ Cass street went to
leep In a wagon, which wa against the
rule, and ome one took a watch, knife
and other articles from Mr. Howard'
A sneak thief stole a small quantity of
articles from Hardy M-cent store Tuea
day evening before closing time.
Burglars broke Into the Parker-Shaw
grocery store, 1333 Park avenue and secured
A sack of money amounting to 128 was
taken from the home of C. W. Parsons.
Mil Plnkney street, by sneak thieve. The
money waa last Sunday's collections at a
church of which Mr. Parsons Is treasurer.
Will Vassar lost ra and a return ticket
to Verdon from hi room at 104 South
Eleventh street, which Is direoiv r,
site the police station.
Washington Johnson of 41U Fort street
woke up Wednesday mornlna- with thirty
chickens less than he had Tuesday even
ing wnen tapa were sounded.
Venerable Conple of Ak-8ar-Bn
Visitors Myatlded at Horao
how Kit Banner.
A venerable looking couple of Ak-Sar-Ben
vlaltora was observed, standing h.
corner of Seventeenth and Douglas streets,
watching with Interest the horse show
banner floating high up In the air. attached
to a kite string. The visitors could not
see tn git and were Intensely Interested
In the spectacle of tha banner n.tin.
109 or 400 feet up lu the air, without any
visible mean of support.
'How do you reckon It dona!" a.k
the woman.
'I don't know Mary, but I reck nn It miial
be don by electricity, far th vin ...
do anything with electricity theae day,"
wiu nr companion.
rollee Pick t Lost Children.
0.1 1, t nl,IMM. t . .
.. ....u..u uruiini to the
police station last evening. Of these two
imunui ana
- t - ii 1 1 IV ooy. tiennle
Selders wss found at Hfteenth and Web-
..... .... v.u., uiiir mn living tn south
Omaha, at Twenty-third and Cuming
r-f-.i VlrT wr ru"-"y from
CeuaoU blutta. Thj wr Bamuel itodd.
Leslie Inpersol, and a boy of 8, who called,
hlmoelf Bin. These were from the Chrls
tlnn Home. The sixth was a eon f Mrs.
Clemmnn. Twenty-fifth and He
had run away from home Tuesday morning.
Cornish Relieve ( oanrll Will F.aatt
Maaare to Condemn ftnmoat
Tract for Park Pnrposea.
Fark Commissioner Cornish Is confident
thst the council will pas" the ordinance
making arrangements for the condemna
tion of the Dumont tract lying between
Rlvervlew park and the river and adding
It to the park. He says:
"A petition signed by about 200 south
end residents wss filed, saying that they
did not want the extension, but I have
talked with a number of the signer and
find that they are not really opposed. Aa
soon as the Idea Is explained to them they
fully agree with me that we should have
this addition to the park in order to pro
tect the $126, PX) we have invested there
now. I believe the new ordinance will
have smooth sailing In the council. One
or two members may object, but I think
the majority will favor it. We simply
cannot afford to let the tract become filled
up with smoke-producing and noisy Indus
Minister Who Hold Belt for
Hymeneal Fonetlon Get
Fonr In One Day.
Rev. Charles W. Bavldge broke his mari
tal record Tuesday, when he married four
couples, the largest number married by
any one man In one day In Omaha for
twenty-flve.yearj. At 1 p. m., at the resi
dence of Mrs. Grace Jeter, 1317 Leaven
worth street, Oeorge E. Causler and Mis
Olive E. Fredenburg .were made man and
wife. At the home of the bride's mother,
1101 South Sixteenth street, 1:30 p. m..
Theodore F. Bedesem and Miss Minnie J.
Stroble were united at Hymen' court.
Ous Bun of Bennington and Mlse Kate
Schneede of Calhoun stood before God and
man at 6 p. m. and declared they took
each other for better or worse. At the
residence of the bride, 2928 North Twenty
fifth street, Charles G. Hunt and Sarah A.
Rowles held each other by the right hand
and were married by Rev. Mr. Savldge.
Telephone Lineman Drops Olaaa In.
anlntor oa Head of Mrs.
, Charlea Goaachalk.
Mrs. Charles Gosschalk of Hebron, who
with her daughter, Anna Gosschalk, came
to Omaha to participate In the Ak-Sar-Ben
festivities. Is lying at the home of M. O.
Headley, 251 Ames avenue, with a frac
tured skull. Mr, and Miss Gosschalk were
the guests of Mr. Headley. They started
downtown Tuesday morning with a party
of friends. Before they had gon far a
telephone lineman at work on the cross
arm of a pole dropped a heavy glass In
sulator. It struck Mrs. Gosschalk
squarely on top of the head. She dropped
to the ground unconscious and waa picked
up and carried Into the Headley home.
Dr. Ellis, who was summoned, said the
skull waa fractured, but was unable to tell
whether the Injury would result fatally or
Man Accused of Trying; to Assault
Seventh Day Advontlst Vonngr
Woninn Faces Conrt.
The trial of J. L. Mon,: 'Charged with
attempted criminal t&'sTuJt,' ,vya begun lri
Judge Day' court Wednesday morning.
Mason is charged by Lillian Youngqulst with
having entered the tent, in. which she and
her sister were sleeping during a meeting
of Seventh Day Adventists, on the night of
August 4, and attempting to assault her.
The woman screamed and the man wa
arrested. A spnngo saturated with chloro
form waa found In the tent and It Is al
leged Mason attempted to chloroform the
Aaka Twenty-Seven Thonaand Dollars
from Omaha dt Connrll Blnffa
Street Rallyray Company.
For the fifth time -the rase wherein
Emma Haskobee wants $27,000 damages
from the Omaha 4 Council Bluffs Street
Railway company 1 on trial. This time
the hearing Is before Judge Kennedy. The
plaintiff was Injured while alighting from
a car at Thirteenth and Dodge street.
On one occasion she received a verdict for
11,000, which wa set aside, and on one
other occasion the defendant received a
verdict, which was also set aside because
ot art error in the court' Instruction.
Man Who Lost Llfo la Chicago Laid
nt Rest la Forest
Walter E. Thompson of 3001 South Twen
tieth street, the Omaha bridge worker who
fey laat Saturday afternoon from the top
or the new Harrison bridge In Chicago
and waa drowned in the Chicago river, wa
buried In Omaha Tuesday afternoon at
Forest Lawn cemetery. Thompson wa a
member of local lodge No. 21, Interna
tional Association of Bridge and Structural
Iron Workers, and left a wife and child.
Th ervlce was held at Dodder' under
taking rooms.
C. G. Ruenker, Charged with Arson,
Relensed on. ft,000 Bond
Signed by Father.
Firm In the belief that his son I Inno
cent of the crime of arson that ha been
charged against him, E. Ruenker, father
of C. O. Ruenker, proprietor of a grocery
store at 2806 Leavenworth street, ha of
fered a forty-acre farm a security for
rhe bond of 83.000, under which Ruenker
ha been released to appear In police court
October 12 to answer to the charge of at-
of the suffering an danger in store for her, roba the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women
hare found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robe
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at tho
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
jently prepares the system for the ceraing event, prevents ''morning
ickness," and other dis-
aft? pjJdJ) FA7T?P?
fi.oo per bottle. Book fc mt
containing valuable information free.
Th Brcdfield ReaitUtof Co., Atlanta, Cau
tempting to burn the building and contents
at the number given. Ruenker pleaded not
Dr. D. K. Penraona Pay Compliment
to Mneh Dlaenased Head ot
Oil Company.
CHICAGO. Oct. 4 "I would rather be
John D. Rockefeller today, divested of hi
wenlth and with hi lovable personality,
than any of the crew, saint or sinners,
who are attacking him."
The foregoing lsa quotation from an in
terview published today from Dr. D. K.
Pearsons, a Chicago millionaire, nationally
known as a philanthropist.
"Tainted money T" continued Mr. Pear
sons. "To the popular mind, excited Just
now by socialistic outcries, there I no
wealth that Is untainted. This cry of
'tainted money1 I no Jest. It Is unfair
and not American. It has become th
rallying cry of the socialist, the drone and
the discontented member of society, who
hates those whose taint of wealth -ceed
his own." x
Mr. Pearson, after talking In thla strain
with vigor for ome time, showed a recent
letter which he had received from Mr.
Rockefeller. Divested ot personal Item,
It concluded:
Thank you for your kind work. Good
rrlend. I appreciate them. Life Is short
and. J"i nd I ve too much In the world
to be diverted from our purpose to try
and make things better. Let us keep
right on and do our best In our day and
generation, rejoicing In the beautiful sent!
IT?.lLexpr.p,d y our lamented Llnooln,
"11ee toward none and charity for
all." Sincerely your friend.
Only alight Inereaae Over Preceding
Week Noted In the Marketlna
of Hogs.
CINCINNATI, Oct. 4 -(SpecIat Telegram.l
-The Price Current say: The marketing
of hog Is not showing much tendency to
enlargement on numbers as yet, the plentl-
ruiness or reeding material manifestly serv
ing to prevent any special hurrying of stock
forward. Total western packing was 3T,0M
compared with 140,000 the precedlnweek
and 850,000 last year. Since Maroh 1 the
total Is 13,100,000, ag-alnst 11,800,000 a year
ago. Prominent places compare as follows:
, 1WH1. 1004.
C18-0; t.09fi.000 I(M0,0f
Kunsas City l.tio.On
South Omaha l,2R5,ono l.Tlli.ono
St. Loula W5.ono 97j.0H0
8t. Joseph I7.0ft0 795,000
Indianapolis 71S.0n0 B7O.0O0
Milwaukee 3?M.v0 430.0fO
Cincinnati 8.12.000 321.000
Ottumwa 312.000 KM.nno
Cedar Rapids 2R8.000 234.0IX)
Sioux City , BOO.Oiy) 224.0'
St. Paul 443,000 417.0PO
Cleveland 835,000 840.000
Snatalns Injnry by Belnar Thrown Ont
of Tandem t'pset Near
Hanaeom Pnrk.
As F. S. Cowglll and Ward Burgess were
taking an early morning spin on the boule
vard west of Hanscom park Wednesday
morning, with Mr. Burgess' tandem team,
a stump on the roadside, concealed by
grass, was struck and the cart upset, with
the result that Mr. Cowglll suffered a frao
ture of the left arm. While the Injury I
very painful, the physicians say that Mr.
Cowglll will be at his office In a day or
two and can attend to all business a
Governor ot Wisconsin May Be I'nable
to Fill Hla Lecture Dntea.
MARSHALLTOWN, la., Oct. 4.-(Speelal
Telegram.) From a source believed au
thentic, it is learned that Governor La.
Follette' health la falling, due to nervoua
strain brought on by strenuous official
duties and numerous lecture. The man
agement of th Slayton Lyceum bureau,
which has charge of his bookings, refuse
to make extra dates for him this fall and
its management 1 anxious and worried lest
the governor' health will not allow th
fullflUment of all engagement at present
To Break T'p Lawlessness Iown Jndge
Impoaea Penalty oa Footpnd
DEB MOINES, la.. Oct. 4.-In an effort
to put a stop to the epidemic of crime,
which ha been a Source of terror to De
Moines all summer. Judge McVey today
cntenced Alonso Watson to prison for
twelve years for highway robbery.
Watson, a negro, robbed Charles Peter
son, at the point of a revolver In broad
daylight, a few day ago near Altoona,
Strong- Testimony Aaalost Brown
SIOUX CITT, la., Oct. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) The government presented anma
damaging testimony In the case against
W. Is. Brown, tha Storm Laka hanker
John H. Blair, vie president of the Dea
Moines National bank, testified that
certificate of deposit for 110,000 which
Brown claimed wa good waa nvr hnn
ored by th Des Moines bank. PVanir
Bryant, clerk In the office of the comp
troller ot tne currency in Washington, testi
fied aa to false entries made tn th report
of Brown bank.
' Blnck Sheen In Fnmllv Km.
SIOVX .CITT. Ia., Oct. 4.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) John Conway, suspected to be the
murderer of John Robaon. a prominent
Sioux City contractor, several year ago
and implicated In several bank inhh.H..
wa shot and killed while robbing a bank
at ueraeiey, cai. He wa th black aheep
or tne family or John Conwav of China m
who held a high position with the Ar-m,,.
Packing company, and 1 a brother of
Stephen Conway, general aupertntendent
lor the same firm.
Odebolt Doctor tn Trouble.
SIOUX CITT, la., Oct. 4. (Special Tele.
gram.) J. R. Baker, a elf-tyled doctor
of Odebolt, la., haa been Indicted by th
federal grand jury for aending obscene
matter through the malls. He advertised
a medicine to cur women In trouble.
Railroad Ticket Agent Short.
SIOUX CITT, la.. Oct. . (Special Tele
gram.) Clement Scollard, ticket agent fur
Hie Milwaukee railroad here, haa skipped
out leaving a note to Ma superior officer
admitting he wa a defaulter. The amount
la an ordeal which all
women approach with
indescribable fear, for
ot the loss It not yet ascertained. He laid
hla ruin to gambling. Scr-llard was well
known, belonging to a good family.
Arrangement Practically Completed
for Considering Affairs of De
pcadcat People of Nation.
LAKE MOHONK. N. T., Oct. 4 Ar
rangements are practically complete for
th twenty-third annual meeting of the
Lake Mohonk conference of friend of the
Indians and other dependant peoples, which
will be held here, October 18 to 20. John
D. Long, former secretary of the navy,
will preside.
In addition to Indian matters, affair In
the Philippines, Porto Rico and Hawaii
will be discussed.
Osteopaths to Meet.
Tha Osteopathic Association of Nebraska
will hold Its annual session at the Young
Men's Christian association building Fri
day. The officers ai-e: Dr. W. I.. Davis
of Lincoln, president: Dr. C. H. Johnson of
Schuyler, vice president; Dr. C. W. Far
well. Omaha, secretary, and Dr. William H.
Cobble, Fremont, treasurer. Dr. C. E. Still
Of Kirkville. Mo., and Dr. C. E. Thompson,
president of Still rolleare, Des Moines, will
be present. A verv interesting program
haa been arranged tor the esslptr.
Tete.a-Ete Prove Costly.
Charle Oleson. living at Twenty-fourth
and Q streets. South Omaha, reported the
loss of $61 In cash and a certificate of de
posit In the First National bank of South
Omaha for 1400. At the police station he
said that he had been walking on Thir
teenth and CasS. where he wu met by a
negro woman who decoyed him into an
alley, took his money from him and then
ran away. The police made an arrest or
two but Oleson was unable to Identify the
party who robbed him.
Th most severe head
aches will yield in lew
minutes to Brorao-Las
(contains no Ouinine).
Don't anffer anv lnnrer.
Get a box today atk your druggist lor
the Orsnjre Ce!o-d Pox
All dnuriists. 25c, ur by ma.l.
It efisurei an enjoyable, invlgor.
ating bath; tn&kes every port
respond, remove dead skin,
start the circulation, and leaves a
(low equal to a Turkish bath.
la Chrenlo and Nervou Disease ot
Not n Dollar Need Be Paid I'ntll Cnred.
W cur all curable diseases of the Nose.
Threat, Lungs, fitomach, Bowels, I.lvcr,
Kidneys, Bladder, Rheumatism, Paralysis,
Plies, Skin Diseases, Dyspepsia and Blood
foison or ail Rinns.
Call or writ for booklet.
Ave make no charge for examination.
OT!ce hour. 10 to i, Sundaya, 10 to 12..
night 1 to t '
Room 203 Karbach nils.. Omaha, Neb.
BV f naVe W
You Can Make Money
on Western Lands!
The heavy and successful crops this year on Western lands havo
stimulated a wonderful Increase in Inquiries from Eastern buyera
regarding them. Each homeseekers' excursion brines hundreds, of
buyers and land seeker Into the west, those seeking lands all the
way from $10.00 to $50.00 an acre In Nebraska and Northern Kan
aaa; then too the lands In the North Platte Valley and the Big Horn
Basin, which are to be Irrigated within a year or two, offer chances
of great profit. . . ; ' ,
The Burlington publishes a list of reliable land agents along Its
lines west of the Missouri river, also pamphlets on "Nebraska," "The
North Platte Valley," "Fort Morgan Irrigated Section" "The Big
Horn, Basin." "The Billings District," "The Klnkald Free Lands"
and "Irrigation ProjecU," any of which are free, upon application,
to those meaning business.
The Lowest Rates of the Year
Round-Trip Ilomeaetkers Ticket rxt
Three-Fourths f the One Way Rates
(MlNirtUM $10.00)
To Points la
And Other 5Uts
October 3d and 17th
November 7th and 21st
December Sth and 19th
General I'aasenRas Agent.
"I hti tnt yesrs tf from wli m.Hrl .f
lletl l'Jlc ! 1 frrh of Stonisca.l
fpnrrhi-d t" or Pfteil rnr
rt.l to Su(t thM I - hn m" t a 11'.
1 i n . ...... i -f , n, -1 I,!., eur doctor nr-
Jrlt. whn I thowrd him lhlry feet, aril la yaethor
t the reaisimler o b ir ! "t
riaatant, reUlaWe, rotant, Tatta flva f. OoM,
5Jar Sloaan. Woaaan or OrlM. le, tta, Mj. Jtaa
ld In bulk. Tha f annln tahlet atamnaa 6ii0
Mar td to ear or roaf aionay back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 94
Makes Warm Floors
1 became it warm by Circulation (take
1 lit cooler a'.r i.em nVo', passes it around
'he hcitcd parts of stove, and disi hatg--.
:t at top of Blovo ) Keeps tho air
'''ig constantly. Warm floors means
Uy, huymy children.
' rore's 1 905 Base Burner
i -t th-.' noit jifrltrt Ir rirr.iltl-n mum nt
U-.1..U. Mnvr aim win wartn all tbe living
rooms (oniitfthtr.
Hoore's Ihree-Story System lor lUa
Bnmarj. tmirnly new patantrd and used on
Moore Stove only, l.i W.rma umcrut
mom, mj Heata )nlair, Sid Drop tl
Sihcad-.wn cellar Into doted i, ran II dcnitad.
(reat Mvtpgnfsnnnvnncf. Abaolulelyno dual.
Hoore sis the most improved of all Bate
Moore Revolving Plrejxrt prevent bwm.
i?i.ouJ "d "'frea It's hie five-lnld. Air (sruund to MOW of aa
Imh) spcd fire and aave fuel.
Appearance. MoSie'a It,,.. Purser Is aa.
muudtjf all the handsotneat and must ele
gantly proportion :i. A't'vlc dn'nr.uo,, and
mirror-, ike rvnVctor. th tuneilnr
wuriunjiialiip tliroihont. ITou get everything
good when you buy Moore's. " .
MOOre'S ,V M planning to buy
ffmra Hner nraiii:g tn coding
O I JVC 3 stover Biiaiciiki Mkiki'i
AtwKvn compete iuie the laie-st the
suwcgrs ,,, lmri,vi lha brat for
rK&SO H Purpose. i
Nebraska Furniture anl Carpst Co.
413-415 North 24th Street,
MUttarcsiea ann anonia ynr- .
MARVEL Vi Mining Sumy -
Th new iiiai inter.
Hi IIMt-Wt
V Tear truth! far M.
If ha fannot udi)t I
MAKt'fct. aooent no
ntmr. hut tend amnio far
lllualralMl boot aia. it give
'till nartloular. and itlrwtim.a In
valuable t ladle. MISVt l. CO.,
44 at. ST., kw VOIIU..
For Bale by
Cor. 16th and Dooge ets., Omaha.
Popular and Timely Artlclea.
7rai ltit h,l rro pn'ns ml thi't """""
hmxm onjoyr4 IP tlof kMllb t ilnre. I rH
this testimonial will apr'alto aibor nf-ir.
(.baa. Blacattock. Hit jl'iniH pJ""k
TFoat l'sllatUlnaia, f
Y? Btt for
L Ar Tha Dowel -
VHNaN.! QlV'JS. turn ana turtivi
k VVTrtfii l1 l-Moei t'orvenisiit.
til, ".wr"
Cheap Colonist Rate to the far West and
Northwest, Autumn of 1005. Write me.-
Aas I. (lui 'l. rasaanirvr A cant. '